HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-12-6, Page 8l'HURsDa V, December bI hI" l• The Full Flavor of the Beef Armour's Solid Extract of Beef (POTTIO 444CA411•41•1 is what you get Su Arist9uPs Solid Extract which meads that you also get the natural 114tiength of the Beef. That's why, it goes four times as far as most other Extractand Fluid Beefs, stoma- factured by adding salt and water. Armour's Solid Extract of Beet ix the true esseuce of Prime heel. condensed. "Cultuary wrinkles" lens what Serf Distract is used for end how to Solid }tame* e...inoniiisti.). free on request. ARMOUi LIMITED - Torooto sae/mime FACTOR.' •T ff.,,EMIT Outdoor Life often has itS disadVantageS. Insect Bites, Braises. Wrenches, Neuralgia, Pneu• monia, Rheumatism, Sciatica. All these kid instantly to Hirst's Pain Exterminator A (=fly remedy that has held its place for over thirty years. 25c. at all dealers. Try Ilrsi's UttIe Liver rub for all forms of humor, -eruption of the skin. P sk your dealer or send ns 25c. direct. A handsome sOuvenir card free. THE 111. F. DALLEY CO. LlartHod Hamilton. Ont. las r Fall and Winter SUITS •• AND OVERCOATS Correct Materials - Latest Styles - Perfect 'Fit Best Satisfaction Lowest Prices DUNLOP THE TAILOR !ZEST ST.. - GODERICH T() THE 1114111.1C 11.. 1. .1,1.4,1.1...i,11.1e1 .1.. 111 41.1' Irr111111.11 4 104111 1,1 , l% 1114 14 1111, •• .11, '" 1,1 1111,%, 1 1 ' 111, •,,1 1,1' 141'1\ •-• N11 -1I el, I I 1, , ,•“ "1, tid 1i' 111111k i/Ig 1,11.1.. 1.., 1111,1 III. . 11,i 1,1• 11111t H111.1,00 Illy satin.. McLEAN HROS, - 110114•1.14 11 11===s0WW1=11=1 orno c.: _. SYNOPSIS OF Canadian Northw st tIornestead legulations. ..,:41.\\ .._ A11 'II ti1111114.1o91 -4.1'114.111 Of 110111011 tttt 1•31141.14, iii.$1$1, +1*-4.ntrhe woo olol .1.11+11... rx,.,.,AjoNs, ..1 .;.+;. tool re.ier4e.1. mu* 1+• lo ttttt ., •fr*I1e01 111 It/I, 104.1 0111 ,11.1 4. 1 lec .sote in..1.1 tg ., tannin'. tit 110 1 114...i ..I 1+ ,, at- of up., lii IIn• extent 0(010.0114 11 .... I iiiii iir ion 311,, 104111. 411. 11,1, '" • En!, .1 1, FHA, W1,1111:111% Id 1111- 10".111 11110 offivo. for lin- •11-1 rl in intili•li the lit,m1 i- nnate. The home -wider I. rug 11-441 10 tovrfortii *4,. enntinlons 1'1 t .111.11 I her W a 11 Invite!' 0111. of 14*" folloniiin 0011, 111 .*l' 14%.1 .411 1114111111.° 1, 11.111.1` 1114111 4110 cultivation of 111e mold In VIM h 'ear 1111' nuts. years. \3 it 31 44*" 1.11ber fom r other, if Ito+ 1 111.1'1•114, 4•1•444rd141111.114. Innin•-leinter tv.I.I... .*(,n* A MM. in 1114. \kiln!) 01110. limo -oleo.* or *43,' rf. 10111411114.411. 044 In re.igt•inis may be ettetha hy pitch periont re.aline with the father ow mother. ow If the +el Ilrr too 1,1+ In`rnilltrn1 re..I.Ients. neon farmit.n hind oo or* Or hito in the %kill' ity of la. limm.teml, the reitoirement. n.. to renhtenie may Is' mthintiol to restrictive upon the MSS land, SIR month.' notify Li oril int 'Arnold he even to the tommis.loner of Dominton liAnds at 44. t awn Of intention to apply for patent. a . a . I 1 Ott. Depnly of the Mini.?,', of the Inteffor. N. R. remotest -bee eekliention of 1h1. orl- eurtinement wIll not be mill for liOTIOE TOA9VERTIsERS Cop, if Change of rut:ming adee,-fice rostras whet be left at this office by 'illi\ooday noon te ensure insertion ism of 11111WeveSak. --0' •01..,0•10. ( .'7'...".•%'.......07•:::::i..-.......i.;'.::I-1,':'..*::.;.•.•..• •.'•••••••.!..\;•1?6;iii:.i'in,,.'..:...;;;14,‘:.::4:4;.J1,i' ' ...So *1;•1:21;;;;;:.: •• 4. 1,:*.:;::;,.341.. BY Til s, 1 • • 1 . i• if ,4S " ' Beverly o Graustark • 6[010 BARR M'CUICIRON 11!:44. Awns. stt-stiasestsd," tu•ulgit, 1401 W S.M. :•11:.-.7:•:,.. Ow ra trrry .......; t•••?!......:.. .........z.;:...I.: ' dink. 7 - sor' .. . mip....•......41,iiiiii....41iii.„„iiiiiii„. "PhltIlesticks- Is a cave, out a ,,,g son." "In utill'f ol,k, 1 0111 0 14191 111111 not 11 i:ourtier,- lie smiled "V% ell, it boil, 0141,4 J.s,k at a prince..s. • lute no court emmetle titrgills. I ow sorry to "That war very ittikitiii. even though on said II Mont tiecolitingl)." she pro- tested. "You 1,..* e called tins , pail a throne. Let its also imagine that you are a courtier "You punish most gently. your highness. I shall tie* forget leY mate believe me." Ile *evilest thorutighlv subdued'. 'Mien I shall espect you to reinave that horrid 'la'l thing. It 14 positive. b l•uu look ch better withuut It." "14 It an eJlet or a eoutplimetir:" he asked. It ith such thsp gratify that she dashed. , "It Is neither." she auswered. "You don't leite to take 11 ,.l1 unless you want - , "In either eve t it is off. You were right. It 1414n •4111 4 u partial 'soils... I have uniuy 4.11.• itIS .44,3 the blaek patch IS II very...good:friend." "flow perfeetly loVely." eried ev- erly. "Tell we all al•Wit it. 1 ittlOs otories ulsoit feuds and that,". "Yew hush.1 Artierleau. Ile' *Mould be able to keep you vell eater- taluedwith bluuthaii.141autider sturiee," Kahl be. • ' "Sly hits- What .Io :11.111- Oh. yea!" gasped Beverly. -To be Nitre. I didn't bear you. 1 guess. That Wall rat er a severe clap of thunder, wasn't it?" "le that also u command?" "What do you metuu?". "There . ttas thunderelap, .700 "4:a:wasn't there?" helplesslY. "The sturui Is' quite poet. There is still n dash of rah* 10 the sir. and the wind may he dying hatd, but aside trout that 3 think the uuise is quite sub. clued" "1 believe suit are right. How slid-. deli it all 0 ati.." "'There iire severe! hours between this uuJ Moen, your highuess, and you should try 30 KO little Wore sleep. Your eusidous are dry aud" - 'Very 0e11. slaty. you are SO eager to get rid or Legal' Iteterly. uud thou stopped. fur It 4114 not sound 'melte- ulariy regal. "1 should have Keith yon are very 'thoughtful. You will call we If I sleep lute?" "We shall start early, with your per- mission. )t 14 forty tulles to I iaulinik. and we haunt be half way 'there tiy nightfall." "Must we spend soother night like this?' cried Beverly dolefully. "Alas, I fear you must endure ins au. other uight. I aw afraid. however, we shall nut Owl quarters as comfortable 11 those of the Hawk and Itaveu." didu't wean to be ungrateful and - er suititilish," she Haiti, wunderiug knew the weaulug ut the wurd. "No?" he said politely, aud elm knew he did not. whereupou she felt dis- 3111eilY "Yon know you speak smell excellent English." sliesaid irrelevautly, lle bowed low. As he atrulgliteued his figure, to hist siunizenieut, he \ be- Leld egunIzing look of horror on her face, her eye,* riveted en the Mouth uf the ea vent. Then there cattle 11 1.4 an grier sound, unlike uuy that hadguue before lu that ulalit ut tumult. . "Look there! Spilek:" The cry of terror from the girr-s palsied line US she, pointed to some. behind hita *awoke the wouutuin aim' to lustatit aetiuu, histiuctively he snatched his 'wig dagger from Its sheath and turned quickly. Not twen- ty feet frow them a huge catlike beust stood half erumbed ou the edge of tluiegrLv diirkness, w loug tall ritehing a The feeble light ?row the depth of the cave threw the lung. wu• ter *soaked visitor Into hold relief seainstthe black wall beyoutl. rutty be was us much *peptised us the tau who glared at him, as though frozen to the ppot. .S snarling whine. a fierce growl. Indicated his fury at tindiag his Wiener, his lair, occupied. "My eiud! • A mountalu lion13.- On,'! Preto!! To he erled hoarse- ly, nail sprang twfure her shouting heully to the sleepere. A seore of men. half awoke, groan- ed their weapotie aud struggled to their fts.t 111 answer to his call. The lion et gamit body shot through the 11* two buittels he was upon the gout - limiter. Miklos stood squarely and firmly to meet the runli of the mail- &Med 1•1.11st. his long dagger poised for the death deathly, Mow. "thin:" he Moulted to her. • Beverly 3 'idiom hail fighting blood In her vein+. Ptterly 11111.011!0•1111111 of her 'tette,' nt the she quit -1.1y drew the little ,'liver hanolled revolter front, the ieteket of her 11$1% II. As 11111 !Wing and knife eillne In her 14%4111, 110411 she fired reekhesely at the com- batants vi ithout any thought of the Imminent danger of kiiiiiig her proteet• or. There was a wild at•rea111 or ipain 'from the 0 minded beast, more pistol slues, nerve yells from the excited hunters. the roust' of feet, n1111 them the terrine,' end 'tiniest frantic girl It Ing• rl•re$1 met fell against the roeky wall. !ler wide grey ryes were fastened III PRI HIP Writhing 11011, and the einoli• leg pistol was tiettly eintehed in hrr hand. 14 lind all oeeorreil In much an In- • nslibly short Potter of time thnt she would tint yet realize whet had hap- IIPTTP11.4. Her heart rind brain seemed parn- lyzed, her limbs ?tile and Initimplible. 1.1ke the dizzy whirl of a kniefiloseope, the pletnre before her resolved itself into shape. The beard WWI canpftic hie lest afar the i•orky flare.the hilt of the goat lienter'e &lager rrofrudlott from ale %bin Rtildon, supported by two of his men, etood above the garage victim. 'HA lent eovered with blood. The cave 1111111111111111111Merrerme 0.1 11.41 et Lc and the smell of puwiter. thit of the haze site beeput tO are the of titokraamliiig. Italdos ea, 1111.1 Stood In. 11 14./1 a 111i 1.k1411 01 the 1130,1. i11113 bait lit:11t1 her V a (sod tiltr , 1014'1% 1111 11111N 0,01. "lib. 1111: 1414.1;141!" s1114 110:11.44.1Y. -14 11 i 1 1111!, )1.111 !dirt •:•• SI. • was *i( 1114 '1114, the pistol tailing Irunl 11.414 114.1'1•11114 31 "I tont ism.. near me. I'M all right:" .• he cried quickly. "Take' care ;tour dress" - "i th, Eta so OA to hear you speak! Neter mind tits dress! %on are turn 1A0;111..ti.:,:ny!‘:.'101 t b nie here thim minute!" e frMittltilly hurt. 1111, 1..111 11 1141T1ble horrible! l'oriwtting the ineast and throwing otf the terralysis of ft.ar.alm. pushed our of the 1114111 away and grasped the ants of *hi. Mjured 11. witiee4 pereeptibly, and she felt something warm tool sticky un her hands. She knew it was blood. but It was not in her to shrink at a moment like this. "Your arm too!" *she gasped. Ile unified, although his face was .14 • • • • •••••• In her urcitem lit she Aral rrel.lessly, with pain. "Ilo brave you were! You might hate b n -I'll never forget it tool and there, Auld Eanuy.! Quick: 11110140 cushions fur him. Ile'( hurt." -Good La wit:" Iva.. al the old wom- eottlii say, lint elie •ed her mis- tress. "It Wu. easier than It I ed. your hightiess." murmured Itsildoe. "1.11,1( WW1 wItlf me. The knife wen to 1,1'. heart. 1 Itta merely seratehed. Ilin leap +Mort but be eatight above the knee with his elaws. AI 4, your highness. these trousers of hall Were Ini.I.enough is.fore, but now they are 343 'shreds. \Vied patching I shall have to du! And yuu may well 'toughie we are:abort of thread and 'mettles sued thitubles." "Dual jeWt, fur !wavelets sake! Don't talk like Here! Lie *Iowa upon these ctishiutie hue - "Never I lesci.rate the couch .of Cratistark's rider? I. the poor goat limiter? I'll use thelion for a pillow and the rock fur an Mwrating table. 34* ten niluutes nay men eon have thew, *wretches dressed 11 1111 bU111111 in (11114, there 14 11 Sl1rgli..1 I student unions them, ;ItoVr fellow. I think I ton Id% pest pa- tient. Ilits vow.. attend we." 11.' threw bitneelf upou the ground "and calmly plated hie head upon the body of tile animal. "I insist 1134011 your taking these eried Beverly. "And 1 decline irrevocably." She *stared at him In poalt I ve auger. "Trust Review to dress tlwee trifling wounds, your highness. He way tiot be as gentle, but he is as firm as aay prlii- 11* all the world." "But your arra?" she cried. "Didn't yon say It was your lege? Your arm is overed with blood too. Oth dear me, Pal afraid you tire frightfully W0I1n11- 111." "A stray Inillet from oue of my num 'Omit Ille 1 Ibillk. 11(111 know there was but little time for aiming" - "Walt! Let me think 41 minute! 110,41 Ilea vesisr she. exclaimed. 5*ith-11 Wart. Iter eyes warm athltletily with teary., and there waft u bre.ik In her yens.. "1 idiot yon! 1k111.1 41..tay It -don't! At Is the right arm, and your men (solid nut have hit It from where they etood. oh. oh, oh:" • Italibet 111i114 1 •411 he bared his firm. "lour 111111 *4414 111. "1 1 1111 Mt my knife already been In the linart your bullet stould have gone there. It le my ailefortune flint my arm waft in the 0 -ay. Beeldel, your highness, it ha% only cut thr.111411 the nnil • little Beton% perhaps. It will be well hi 'ri or two. 1 not n itre you will lind your Millet in the cameo; of our lamented friend, the probable owner of 3(4(9 pinee." It a vow., a hungry lot,ing youth, took clinrge of the olinvided leader, while her 1110/11Ps111 retreated to tht* farthest eertier of the cavern. There she sat e nd trembled while the WOUIRIS Were being dressed. Aunt Fanny hustled hawk and forth, first Unceremoniously pushing her way through the cirele of Hem 1,, take observationa null then re- porting to IIP I 1111111 I 11•111 Wel. The storm Mei paesetl, n1111 the night WW1 ntill except for the rush of the river. Italwirops fell now and then from the tree& glistening like dientonds es they totielird the light froth the cavern'n mouth. It 211 Very dreary, tmenn- ny and oppressive 311 (145(44 Beverly. Now • 111141 then she mould herself Sobbing. More out of shame and humiliation than in satIneem, for had she not phot the men who stepped between her and der,11? Whitt muet he think of her? "Flo 'nye yo' all '11 bettnh go to bald. , Miss Rev- yo' hlghn..s," slid Annt Fanny after one of her trips. "Oh, he doe*, does he?" sniffed Bev- erly. "I'll go to bed when 1 Memo.. Tell Min to. nes.-rtneee rtn It AIMS !lively! T. to 144•41 *vim** I'm anis. he In quite comfortable, not bet,ire" ''But he's jell', a. goat pule:bell et. a"-- "Ile'r If there ever..was one. Don't let we hear you cull a goat puncher again. How are hie leer?" Aunt l'auuy was almost stutined by *hie mussing gueetion from her over disioroue mistress. -Wily don't' you answer? 'VVIII they hate to cut off? Didn't you see them?" "Fte de Lawd's sake. wiesy, 'co'se ,All 0141, but yti all inisprIse me. Dey'a petty buil okuil tip, 'Miley; de hide's peeled ap euusi 1,10. But hit mite daug our. uo; um% at-- Jes'' 'ant /111." "And Ms arm -where l•whot hltur "Puffeely tritlia', wa'utti-yu' high - news. Cobwebs '.1 stop de blevdlit', au' Alt tole 'cm ito, but 'at' eouldu' ttit'state tue. MIsteli What's libs.uame, lie says suwethiu' to (441 40443.41. un' dell dry gore afteh de col/webs. snub 'uougb. "rain' bleedlie uu unsay. wanes watt dulu' ve'y nue. Co'se he caitt. walk to' net'l days wiv dew Wits u' his'u, hut" - "Then. In heaven's 1111WP, how are we to get to Edelwelas':" "He Cu ride, coital be? Wha's to hitideh Wm?" Quite right. Ho shall ride Upside the conch. • Go and see If 1 eau do auy- tlilug tor blw," Aunt Vainly returned itt a few min- ut.eisie sayi 3.0.11 do idol a great (arta* if yo' poi go t� bald. He senile his 'epeete an' hopes yu' siumbeit won' bo thstubbed ag'iu." "He'a perfect brute:" exclaimed Beverly, but she went over and erawl- ed under the blankets and among the cushions the wonuded man had scorn- - CHAPTER VII. . HERE WU 44 1.1 soft, warm, yel- low glow t tin; world wh4•11 Beverly Cal uu' twat looked upou it• TM. 5014 retitle 1114 ihroue lu the wouutaiu tops was 14/1111 - Ing down upon the va ey the night bad ravaged while he wa on the Other Side of the earth. The 14 yes of the trees were a softer grevii, t e white of the rucks uud the yellow 0 the road were of a getitler tint. 'I'I • brown and greeu reeds were proud erect 011.•4t inure. Ttie stirring of the mountain meta had awakened Aunt Fanny, and a lu turn ealled tier mistress from the r. ph...Witty peueeful slutnber into wit 14 Perfecthealth had seat her not s many bourn before. At the eutrauce to the iwprovised bedehanther stoat buckets of water from the spriug. "We have very thoughtful chamber - molds," reworked Bevcrly while .out loony was putting her hair Into pre- seutable shape. -And au euergetie cook." she added 114 the odor of broil- ed went came to her uustrils. "Ali "alit". see tiothin' o' Qat !wastes. Miss Beverly, ate Ab -All got mah sus- picions," said Aunt Fanny, -with seiml- chral deepair 111 ber voice. "I'lley've thrown the awful thing Into the river," eudeltided Beverly. "Dey's cookin' bit:" .‚3d Aunt Fanny solewnly. "Good heaven, no:" erieil Beverly. "Go and see, this uilnute. 1 woubin't eat that catlike thing fur the whole world." Aunt Fanny cave have, a few niintites later with the assurauce that I heY were roasting goat meat. The skin of the 1111411l3:tit visitor was n tretched upon the ground not far way. "And how is he?" aoked Beverly: ming a hatpin through a helpless of violets. 'apoctably 'nun, yo' high- . mean the animal, stupid." in 'at Mistelt float Mau? p chattite as If outline naym to me 'tit We $1141141 111$ Suull as ye,' all eats le boast.* Is hitched jai bum "He De'l'ilLt1"011 ''Yo' ms He's settiu' 1111101/ellell. I un ouali way Jt' yu' b'eakftee. up au' "- "Ilue everybody *lee eaten? Ain I the wily oue that hatial?" erie4 Bever- ly. " 'reptile we, yo' high es. Ahlu as hungry as a meth atian's wg, an' "- 'A he Is being kept fr, the hos- pital because .1 and a 1417,5'. gutal fur nothing little- 1' on, Atm Fano.; We inlven't a minute to spare. If he famkts. very III, we do without .'ak- But w:* the most Mew*. 1 num in the party. Ile was sitting will Iiis bait ugulust a tree. his right arm In a sling of tvoveu reeds, his black, pistil net upon the proper eye. "Yeti will pardon we fur nut riSiLlg," he said cheerily, "tint, your highness, 1 atu too awkward Bea morning to net as befitting a courtier- In the presence of hie Novereign. You have slept well?" "Too well, I Par. So well, In fact, that yuti Wive suffered for it. Can't we *dna nt unee?" She was debating within henget( whether it would quite good torus to shake betide' with the reclining hero. lit the glare of the hroad daylight he and his followers looked more ragged and famished than before, but they also eppeared more picturesquely romantic. • "When you have eaten of our hatable fare, your highness -the hod meal at the Ilawk nod Baum." "But I'm not it bit hungry." "It lo very coneklerate of you, but .'l 11811)' mireamottable. You moat eat befOre WP Shirt." ean't bear the thought of your nut tering when we shoold be hurrying to a liontiltal rind competent surgeons." He laughed gayly.. "Oh, you needn't .langh. I know It hurts. You say we cannot reach Gittilook before tomor- row? Well, WP 1%1 111101 %top here a minute longer than we - Oh, Munk you!" A rayons! 5444".' 331,4' had placed rude bowl 'of meat totil mime fruit be- fore her. -Sit down here, your bighorns, n,l prepare yonrself for n ting faet, way go mall nightfall without forst Vie crime IA SPilren, and we dare Lot venture for Into the hills." Beverly ant nt hie feet and daintily began the operanon of Melting n bone with her pretty finger& and teeth. "1 am sorry we III144' In* k nives find tulle," be apologized. "I dou't mind," said 411e. "I wish you would remove thnt Mack pateli,' "Allot, T meet resume the hated die guise. A 01411.-0 enemy might reeog nine me." "Your -your clothes bas.' been mend eil," she remarked, with e furtive glance at Ms long leg. The tremsera had been rudely sewed up and no hand- *IOW mete VisiltilP. ".%411 YOU -)our lega terribly hurl?" "'Hwy tire badly iierathed. but And serivwdy. bandages ure placed." he &Wilts/, swing her look of doubt. "Itavone a, genius." "Well. hurry." ohe said. 'blush. lug deeply. Gout !muter though he was awl site u princess, his 'eyer gleamed with the Juy ut her beauty. titul 1114 heart thuumed with p most unruly atimiratiois. "You •were very, very bra 11.5 hag 111$111I," 41110 111114.1 111 NS I. 11/11d lier rtllieller glutted cuittentedly. She Wan out Iuug la thulahlug the rude but ohulevouie weul and (ben uunouuted her reudiuess to be ou tile way. With tbe authority of agentilite princess slw 1.411U1UU111.1ril 11 LIU to ride inside the coatb, lace lueouprelieusi• ble directions to the 'driver anti to the escort and would listen to none uf hie protentatiouis. When the 'Clumsy vis'' hicle was again iu the highway mid bumping over the ridges or tliut the gout hunter was beside his princess ou the rear aeut, his feet teem -the oppo- site cushions near Anut rawly, a well urrunged bridge of bus.'*, and bugs pro- viding ,stippurt for lila lout legs. "We waut to go to a huepital," tiev- erly bud said to the driver very much as 5111, might have spoken had she beau NVashlugton. She was standlug brat•ely 'Retitle the fore wheel, her face flushed mid eager. Baldue trout 111* Serene I ol01111011 uli the elltilIiii11/1 W11101 - ed her with kindling eves. The grix _ Te "is good tea" Use package and you will not. be satisfied with any other tea. Prices -25, 30, 35, 40, so and 6o cts. per Ib. in lead packets T. 14. EarAIIINOOKEI, ST. JOHN. N. •. , W1111411.114*. TORONTO. • W,$1.1 1. /11)1 rnotber hab the prettiest feet, Of any la2g on our tred 7mt particular about, Her rubber z,h,e5 wheri she goes out. An&GRABY RuBBLio-tro ant neat, Are just the one.) for pretty let W 44 SA., Dere are two special /eature5 attout GRANBY RUBBLE, THEY 19°K WEI AND THEY -WEAR liKE "You tan pare/on 'int for not rising." tied driver grinned and shook his head despairingly. "Oh. pshaw: You dou't uudendaud. du you? 11uspital-li-o-s- -1-t-a-1," she spelt It out fur him, autl 11 he shook his head. Others in the ley retiune were stoning broadly. ak to iu your uwu language, inflates**, uud he will he sure to and," ventured the patient. •Inerking in ins- I uwatt. 1, twe- ak in English. Please tell o a hospital," she saki con- dos gave a few jovial la- id thou ' the raggedest tri all handed Beverly your tattlers "1 etaf,sr, fer. to ut him to go fusediy.. /3 structione, courtier cif I Into the earria e with a grace that lionized her. "You art. the 411 t rewarkable goat' huuters I have ever w" she remark- ed in sliwere wonder. "Aud you speak t most perfect Euglish I've ever hear " he replied. "Oh, do yon really Hi k so? NI Crimes used to say 1 w s hopeless. You know 1 bad a -a tato " she bA*. til:V 111U111PILI. "Dun't you think It strange we've met no Axpli In *sol- diers?" she went ,*n, changing *4? sub-. ject abruptly. "We aro not yet mit. of the he saId. "That ivas a purely Amerlean apt) lam" she cried, lookitig at him Intent - 441. "Where did you learu all your ,Euglish?" had a tutor," be &Dowered easily. "Von are a very odd person," 443*. sigt.i.d. "1 dou't believe that you are gout limiter at all." -if I were not 14 goat huuter I should have atarved ioug ago," he said. "Why do you tilitibt me?' "$lwply beeause you treat me oue moment us if I were a primes% uud the next as It I were a child. Humble gout hooters du nut forget their sta• tlutt lu life." "I have much to learn of the defer- ence due to queens," lie said. . '"I'hat's just like "rlie Mikado' or 'Pinafore,'" she exclaimed. "I lie- liete you are a. coolie opera brigand or pirate chieftain, after all." 'I OM 'only outcast," he stalks]. Yell, I've deelded to take you Into *else and"- - 011 we, your highnees," he said 'That cannot he. 1 Audi nut weiss." mond you"- I end of you, but I cannot - not ere!! at Onnlook. unfess that I 111(1 nt the Instructions or' alive." Nest, Involun- Parnell's Broad Knea.1...1 lin- 'v.:, 1,414.1,, no •1$ rat, h.iii..... 1.... h It ol ro.o.d.s. Inf. 1...•, I. I...1.4 in $.. rt., li, VIII:, y •., r ex, u • ur: i os g 1$ That Inf.nng rti.,re elan ITILit peoplo think. It ••••••i• no 1/14.1•0 1/van Om 1, • eirsIs.y1•71:0. Try It. • P. T JAN. \1YOUR • POPULAR (11tOCI:g. MIEN1 Edel "Pa firmly. go to Ede -,,Atut 1 co b.; itra *. 112141 3. 1 may as well imetist man II 1111 are to take-itne ilea "Iiispossible!" she tartly shrinking from 11 "I have wrungt:ii no 4 lfl, yet- 1 nm bottle battled down am th tgli I were benst," le. paid, hie faee 11 ning hag. garb fur the moment. "The hilln flratIntark, the plateaus of , phatin and 11n V8 11114 of Da wslierge nre alive with men who are bent on ii• ing any unhappy but inconvenient Istence. It would be !quiet& fur me t enter any our of j our town% or Otter. Even 3 ou could not protect me, .1 fear." "This ROI11/41.1 like a flream. Oh, dere MP, you don't look. Ilku a hardened criminal," 11110 • "I am tht! I 11i. leader of the faith- ful band who will die with 11111 55'11141 -the time (smite% We are not criminate. your highness. 1111 return fur whit service 1 tnny 1111$4. perfortacil for 3 I Implore you to nuention me no Pit - Bier Let nio be your slave up to the wrills of Oanlook, and then )'(Al may forget Tialdoe, the goat hunter." "I never can forget you," elle cried. touching his Injured anis gently. 'Will you target the one that gave yow this Wound?" 011 114 CONT011.41/. EAS s G MElitCre'll" Toponerii.' AKE E OFING C 'ANADA 473.614., .2 L* oraRan Managed Like an Engine. •One.third of a , lite is '1a-nt in her kitchen. One-half the biller h nwkeeping i, at the cook store. Your range can trouble halve the cooking slavery of housekeeping. A poor r.inge adds worry well as work, and worry multiplies -the housekeeper's i ate. . Cet a t a nge that reduces the work and eliminates the worry. 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