HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-12-6, Page 6e !gun nal', I t4 cenilicr Stli rrntrtrrtrtmmtmmtrmtnimmirmtrmmittrA BII ' 14; 1°' GOOD CHEER ENothing just as good as those celebrated Good Cheer RANGES AND HEATERS Ois ' For baking, cooking heating, looks and , economy in fuel. Every stove warrant- ed a perfect worker. A full line of those ' splendid Penn Ether Ranges always on hand. Call and see vs. iii: SI : N A • 1.4 il I It 'l I SU P PE RS. PUREWATER. SILAGE FOR SHEEP. • .111.M0.s ID•vlee stag Soma., erase eagalstaie et allallers De Net •.,.S. A PRETTY COLOR SCHEME IN GOLD. teas 4.:4111111 bleed. Mew it 1s llama. lu this day stud age, when sanitary A sheep grower of Iudlana 111111 the conditions are of the drat Iwpurtaute. 1,01100,4 to say la the 'odium gem - when everybody wsuts the eweetept, pleasauteet mud a* nearly pure wuter as It le tamable lo obtalu for douseetic use, It doer *rem to rue strange thut too many III devised tlItere are lu u. write,' euutrIbutur to Farm and Fire side I know that wort method* son GREEN ANO WHITE Entree. That carry tom auastoolleas ael the t'afteluailuif 4a0,,-1 sward s'easerelere stud Two Sew %read- . lelsee-Mlow They 141stoold Aertesf illoW to prut ids lialtiper for a small bridge party Ihat s111,11 be at taw,. aitint ty. appetizing Mill original ha' .lway beeta a problew, and 1 i. for the us- shaance t,f the pia/a:Ica laostesti that the following earefailly chostaa and tualauck• tailed recipes are offered: 4 dwattie saudwiehes are our of theme novelties. 'They are wade of either brow"' or t W. R. PINDER F. Colborne St. Near Bank of Commerce - Phone 155. 44 U41 TI1E OLD STORY Disappointed jtist hei:ittise you J iJ not lea ' OUT Order riv enough to 'ha% c Veal r S • 11' R 4: Yr United OM LW the' tittle VOli %%anted it. Order and g'et the hest gOOds at the Closest priv'es. o • 110%3 FRANK H. MARTIN. h. THE TAILOR. Fanning Mill, Pump and Genfiral Water Supply. Fanning Mill Department Pump an Water Supply 1.141• 11111.1411..1 4 1..:10.01 tirniti leitilitig 11.orilito• **ill 411,11 111111 :1 1111 1'01141,- fa: 6.4 ery k11111 of well- or grail, 1.11.1,1 ri thea lte •• 1100", s‘011- .0 0.4., I.-• ofityllirer- 40553 flaming 111111 . 1 % :11 lel, 01 Ai, 3 1111.• Inns I . flood il11:0,.1.00 .101 II•iIIK 101 .4, MIA or 41 10,; 4%0,- 111141i repel fur' (.r lived or eettct 11-1'. • per 111111111 1. :Ilia 04 Ili.. I i• 144%. making ai.4.1. Tlita m al 44.4101111te 1 1 .... I Ia. .145441 (lam Undid emit, it too, Ile O.. 3..1 .•1..no 14 ‘,1111, cleaning thy grain. mil hoot 1.111A1 11144 11145 0( III° AA.•Il -1/1. git 1.,13p.' 114.44 01. 44,11yr. `"141.1"'"!• It 1"" "11,. bo? inca,sie sist t tte ea, ) for .4,3111 1,, wire,, rlemoing 11.•111. It c14.11 1i111 111144111 lltis • Oa%...Iola tell., ;aired .kliietiemil hine•14- "4.41 I knurl.. Sinks and Sink Pumps. it 1- • of the /1/•-1 111110,1111., 111.11111 1.1,1 1111,1 Th„ (Or 1+,111111K 41111 14 1141 41,11, 111,1.1111 .4441. 44 1111"1.1, (H11.1 flax, ch..-- nod .01,,, 110.1o11- and -1..41- _wow. .11 111011.411) 1.), to. 111. • 1.0•1'1•1".11 1 aril ter! of 1,1•4.1.,,31 1 (111111 10., To `"` 1" 111' 1.41.1"". "r 11' ii14 '5 mini, %%here 11144 I I. whole (genial,/ Mill. IN. 1113111111v 1, 111,1111• 10 1.b., ,„„ 11.111g 111 11,.' 441.4.• .ilisitml nil% miali14111' .11141 Ming mill. ilea mill lit• 11111,1 in milli 1111 1' \ 1 1.:1 Not ,„,4, hi, „, „,,„.„. renew, heel teeming 1 le• „11,.1 h. ow „.",,„, tee it for 1111. Ilse Of 11• 014 11 44.4 1... 111111 ).:11;11,111 ,.„ Isral 10 41 0/k n. 441 01' 1141 ...II, 14.11.44•41 ;111,1 -1•1.1 10 :01 01 11,1- 1/1 14, 1/1,1111,11 11 I'll 11 111• 1.11.1t11 4011 "1 111i11 ,11 :1111 4- 1 11114.11 11114.1 se .010:1% 411,41 4.44 4•41-114 .4- i% inel 1 , 111,14191 iii,„.! ' •ni in' In'al in "."' ae-irca. 1-• eel? .,11•1.11.1 1..,tol 11,, 11111 I mall 0111• 111111 11 1,1,...,1 , 4 :1 11 104• /11 1.14 1....1 14, 10/1,.•?. 11 1N• 44.111,1,1 1.1'11 .11.4 1•• 1, T‘V EINE IA 11•1..114S..le Prier "( 1 111. i11.0 111114. V111111,114, 11 11 111 1141 IiiI,l 4. 1111.1 io ..o.1 iro HYDRAULIC RAMS. MA ti Ant -colloig ASO 0,01..140 . 1.0,0," .• 1.10i Iig ilii• 1,001.0 all.iwt.1 • Ott 111.1.1. of wichille. %%11411 " "'• 1.'" "i' 1"•-"' ''"' loo.• 10.1 kV of ft llll l it! ..„` "i," "...1°11';"*• ".. "1.•' ,4114 ,111.1 fit .11111. ,f• 1.1 1.4. 1111 100 44 101 Mill, DO' f1,1111 11 14111. 1101 ,s1.1111 of ..110.• 111..141, 11 or11,11• 10 ...11••••••.-1.1111 1101.1•314. a lam. Th. 1•111?..i if lot .44 . Sieves and Screens for any Mill 1 lot pl•l•-•4111 VI/11111U illg 11,il III il 11ii• •% 4•111 1•1111 1••• 411•6•1,11 1.11 II% all lel: eac .1115 111.11.1. -.1 1'111 3. 41.41.1. .I,. s1"1•111 iN 1.1•NII.S. iroo oio•, 444111411114191 m Olt .111 kind -1.1 1.11,.• 11,. • . ti,m,,.. A .0.,,, 0 v „1 ..,,,,,,,..I 4...,0 ,,,if in,. op. ..1 c. 11,0 :441114 o.111 %111.1" -•'.t .4,01.. (Or 4).011114 I .,0'. ‘V:11 I .1 1111. • .. A l'Ill• tor 4.14i141.4. :ma 1 'on, rt. I- taken tiit 1•111 1 1111:. 111 1 1111: . , owl laying pip.... .%11 vo.loirli . 11411.144411 111,111 1 .1 111 . .11 11 ,111 10' r.-.11, 11i1,1'.• 1.‘114..111,1111k-• i.roitipti) replica lo. ',fail ord... cot...full) l.0.. -11"" • 1."1 'ft- 0" 11°' 1111'? 10,4.1.1441 to. phi, ARMSTRONG 13ROS. In the old stand, near corner of Nelson and Victoria Streets. GODERICH. trtilmfmmtmtrmtImmtritttmmitfttImm,,,,mittt [Our Offer for 1907. I 1101olic,1'1 1 11 TI •:HiliNAI, it) h olo.y ' i o Papers for the Price of One. 1:5.13'*0111, 4i.13 I it. 311% Mit %% ill 1 1.1.1.i%.. HltiN :mil higlitcsi l'.11.1 mid THE AtuNTHE ‘1. itEtt.u.to ly hich has mole such gtert 4444 111 %%khan the last bur ems,. .1II 011 need to 1111 1 1 1 ,1.1•11 1 1' 1 1 IV %4 1 1 1 1;1 1 11.1 tiuna, 1,113' ptomplly 111:lily:nice. To New Subscribers 1 or will send TIIE SHIN VI, for the balance lerel free of (lenge. earl Yfit am 41 13 i.i,', or THE SIGNAL , doting the e0110111g 3 CM'. Send your imbeeription lit Vanatter & Robertson, The Signal, Goderich, Ont. P. S. -Re sure to read THE [SIGNAL'S new serial story, "BEVERLY OP ORAUSTARK." It is • good one. LLTILY H011Sr-SHUIN. white bread buttered, cut very thin. ta if liked bulb brown and white bread may IN. used in We 111144 43 1111 WWII, /la underlayer of the brut', u and un upper our of white bread. Tile wixture with which they are spread 4i cumpuard.of gritted realties:an cheese IN Lied 111 a paate 144,44.1 U1111441 '.s,111 11 rich 111.47041' 41144,0. dreaaing. 10 11114 mixture %-..ry cl,pped water crest; ur celery taluy added. The saudwlehee are very attractive Syr% t..I with liuy pieces of celery. the smallest uud erispest of the %home with curly brads leaug chuaeu. fagots are tied up w 411 1 111 ribbeu. Ilere 14 u pretty latto valor curried nut in guld, greeu awl white by a swart 5401/11111 at her bridge party re- ceatly. 'flat tea taide waa effretively awl slaliply decorated with trails of smilax 33 reathet1 artmud the varlotaa dishes. ceuterpieee took the form of a large layer cake. It wart 411 week) parlaui.e a "gateau taugerin.- but, In more ordinary dialect. urange eake. thereby supplying the 'wild midVitae tint hi ate Aclivie. Latta of the three tilers was Iced and pliealswitit white glace, 111111 14:101 W414 edged s43 WA quar- ter+ of tangerine oranges. the Mlle beiam outlined '.51111 a wagar pipiug. the whole praint ea a light Wit arra, effist 11 gold and silver. The, orange imartera were go:oo. Took (.341.. 5*114 111011111 4`41 OM :a high old (al,. laws( comp)tler of while wel gold Swatl roar halved nod ge•rieroiedy spread with a wisttire of smoothly pomaded chieken meat tamiateutal with 4444441 whip. same were eervial in a 11,1 hill silt .-reat:4. basket. A silver dish held the cutest litlle 'kicky horseshoe.- :mole of 3431E IN JELL.T. 41141 egg. '1'114lied* of the horse -later were fitly' studs of tru These KO ty trines were arranged 414 a bed of water creel,. oqmosite this did, was a jellied dish or 14111114., 1..1•1" Ilea entree are required little oblong melds which are Gest 4i1i• rtl iisirlo• Jelly. Tiro pip. of the carda•nre tiled on the jelly. before It la aet, the hearte uii.I diuwienis Mg forwed (row scarlet chillier abd the black sults from tr ti_ets vitt old. 'I'll, earth are then !OA with a rids:wit re chatifrolil filled with a fairly sill' puree of game. The tuolda are mit on lee until ready to• servo, ‚.5110.11 1 1/44y /1114 turned out awl 11,4 010 41 11 111 11114 11114 1%1 114.411. AFTER HARVEST. Impresses al - 'n11.. Nliragea 1. lie loll, t clue tiding we feel helloed to talk about every year Is the wIstake ut let - Rug cornfields ur other cultivated ground retnalu bare through. the fall mid winter. A 4:wielder:title how of uitrugen results (run, this practice. After the mower (TA/ la taken uff the proeessee 01 oiltrIticittluu gt) int Ill the soli, medially If stable manure has been need. Nitrification metals the process by which ultrugen Is wade soliade or available. When made over luta tkis form It is quite easily wash- ed out oft.the soil and lust. Wheu moll 14 left burerifter harvest euusivierable loss will merle In this way, but when swam living Ci*ki Is growing ou the gruund this hew ra•up s,tII obtain must of the ultrogen end save it for wt. nitrogen prubleui is the most im- purtaut thing Ull (arum. We wust buy It In (we form or sunnier. and it Is coestantly struggliug to get 'away trawl us. It 14 the part of good refining to • apture save all we cau. Ituth. Mg elite can be dune, stow rye obi ull Mire lauds. If you cauuut pluw, har- row mud seed. There are seine excel, tiuus to this. One Is where the sod is dIicd with white grubs. lu that vale It hi better nut to reed, but to plow and keep the surface well stirred through fell and early In spring. The constant cultivation la the beet method of fighting theme Insects. Hurst New Yorker. Naval Valleys. In the navy death nre ghe only onee fired hi even number.. All othetrmlutee are In odd numbers.' Sea Witter, It Is not no nand' the milt In 14144/1 wa• ter that 444 valuable to halbert an the Iodine and bromine. The Oleander. The oleander hag A deadly polnon In Its HAMM and flowere, nod alionld not be where young children are. It le toe dangerous, beautiful though It M. Cola Abraslau. A gold twin pewees from one to 1541 - other 2,000,Onftenn time. before the obliterated by frit -Hon, while a alleer re)In le passed e,25nesnollint) Ram bet bottom. and write yon A tette' of int stamp or impreselon upon it /women . or 0 ....L. (Mia, Rego 64 fere It becomes entirely oriarseed, says voo .. Wit hilat l'haellr... BINIth.11 Hymnal Front. street, west., ammo,. aealeulator, _._ . . ,...............1 '0., Buffalo, N. Y. Oa ft CLITILAN 11,11/1113. pluyed are failures it. that they permit too much fureign matter to he carried tutu the cistern to decay and become 444(417. Su trite kuowledge Valued frau ac- me' experience 1 decided that the viper thlug would he lb keep the d(lt out of the deters, where it eau reuioved: to have a titter that can be renewed eerily arid without die. turbine the water hi the cleteru. Su I wade au exporitneut which hue proved a succees. 111 digglitat u tern dig deep in the gruwid and or,'!, nen undergrouud, clueing 111 arch to receive it two foot 00550.4' tile to furni heti:, which cau easily be chested against Insects mid testis. By the aide of the big cleteru dig a little diterIng charm, orie thut will bold (row twelve to tifteeu burrale. Well, arch turd ce- ment aame as large ,Isteru, except lu the ceuter of the honour, which should be slightly Walla shaped; dlg laud ce- went u hole large euough awl deep enough to receive A bucket ttuit will bold five or 1111 gallons or wore. !lave the bottom uf the bucket perforated, with Pintail holed. kiiate a strong ball to tint:bucket whIch to Ilft It out., Have a stroug Mange arouud the "W attle elute to the top ma can be to rest tight tau the bottom of tittering casteru around the top of the heir. eau intake water tight by resting dauge on pack- ing. If bu,atet riot Koval and strung It will be well to place rest under the hottuw. as there will 141 a very heavy pressure on It -Alien the eitertnn tern Is full. Ervin the button' of the hule tinder the bucket eonneet filter with cistern by emus of three net sewer tile thoroughly eeuwuted In. Fill the bucket with pounded brick. charcoal or slate packed lu 4.11611 11 wash ed sae& It van be made run through tvery slowly, thoroughly atraluitig the water. After parking bucket and be• fore settiug It lu ruti water through to wash all sediment out. Farms (leaning. The cleaning up of hedgerows of worthless bushes anal (IMO or dying treea. or trees that are worthless ex- cepting as fuel, pays ha improving the looks of the Tartu If not In' Inonellate cash returns, arid when this loot been dune there will he wanly other JOIN about the gates, feueeta uud walls that man be found 1,y may watt ule, is look - lug for thew. ruttiest 405*11 or'alig- glug of weeda around the buildings and the edges of cultivated fields helps much to reruuve the neglected nod "ebaudoned firm" appeurionce of a place and gives it tin top to date look that makes It more pleasant to opupy as well um wure valuabh. If it Is put Oh the market.- American Cultivator. Squashes For Whaler lee. When gathered frout the Held squashes should be placed iu a dry room nod kept there mail freezM,,r weather upprouches. Their rentut e thew to what might be tanned warat awl dry mum. It Is dIMeult to keep them during the entire winter wIthout more or lees trundle trona rot, yet molt varieties as the ilubbard'and Turban may be preserved for quite het_ period after harverting.--C,ountry Gen Hemet). Maids et 11...,. Maids of 1 vonor tally retain their poste in the royal household of England BO long as they remain, unmarried. There is no fixed sage at whleh they are obliged to retire. WHIT IS CATARRH? .• Simple Wal, to Overcome the Dangers Of this Disagreeable D seas!. Catarrh oin .iodlunotocori000 of the 11111.1illii 111141114i Mo. 111 115• tot..., 1 111,31 14,1,1 1.111,4*, 554111 111.111% 4111111I 41144ililo• 411111.. 11) cli111.1 11% t111.11. 31, It•M' ii311,1 1145 11-111 4141rer boo, 1114 ill -ago -- able disease, often in a ITir. Iv .1,,.) 411 laj 1.1%111. .411 v. 1.'4,1 I 111131.11. 55-011;11 the 14iiif :Mil I ella He 1 rent Meal fat. eatalTha I 11,111,1es hak loom' .1 coenhiliatiou of healiog and gerawkilling balsams, that. when breathed lit 1111gli 1111' 10.4.,1 IfT 111.11 eviat 1414141), reaches the a i.5•11, ill 1114' evil - 1 lel y 4 01.1f,:l 11,, ryitig its healing and 'k,'.ltIl-gls 1144 In"P"Tin' Part "(1011. ihe eat:mph:al poison is pieaent. ed at, this way, liyainea kills nil c It:oath:II germs. drat es the poison from the system anal heals all 1114111' 1,..,, that\may be pi esent in Ili, flaw - 111e111111.; 11., if yin, havi burnine 15:11111,1 raising of i hieath. Ing. sneeziam. hitskaneas, ilisc11,1 ge (11,111 the 111 1,1% 1 1 ft i 411 Ilse roughing spcsins. etc,. IR:g111 11)0 1141' of II v 11 1 1 1111•1,. 1.11 1. 1' lllll plot Ilv bol exit-, !nooks. if tee, el, :ei t•ents. ‘1.• 11o, 11411 Wari1 any. M Healey 11111,.. 11 01111'i gibes relief :Old cure. and w'i'• absolutely 11 g11.1. Hest money vein be 11.1 111i1f,or the. t.""vilY sat isfaeleet. Ali druggist., should be aide to imp - lily you with ify ti or We Will se11141 It IIV Mail ell receipt of price, anal every packnoze .011I with the distinct underetanding that it comae nothing Indent, it cures. Write tie belay for a !quantum blank, which we will send you free. together with treatise ..n 1',i. i(ocrh IlleW tri 01111. it. %%1%111 ell in and eetuto to ire the symptom blank. our consoltine physician vein give voile poise beet earl. end rit.- Illi• ili1131% ratlit 1 1131 /11,111 11. 1 11.• ••4 411p,'114 er •sgard to the us* of silage: -Soule sheep growers are euthual- astic ni their praiser of corn we a food fur 'Weep. Ou the other baud. It large number do uut thluk ow well of It. All those who have triad It have agreed with reference to the wledues of feeding s wixlernte 'mustily to the duck whim the snarly has beeu prop erly cured. Ou the other baud, quite u number Wive found trouble when feedlug to large tpumUties. Ou the whole, It is 4)04 (0 be coualdered sat- lafactury food fur *beep 11* deld routs, alum, wore eepecially wham there Is much cunt In the silage, It ha*11 tendeucy to produce a limited coudl- titbit of the keystew. which with breed lug ewe.. Is uut ihrelnible. It lo not WWI perhaps to feed cum silage to breeding dock inure than wive a day. and when 110 lea the law should be to give thew clover hay Ur elfalfa at least wive a tidy order to produce a proper balance la the rutluu. lu cold weather It Is probably wiser to feed the Phage at 110011 thau worulug 04 night. When exposed to such weather for only a few wiuutwi the tempera Lure us MU/ as Is frequently found lu sheep *bed* will freeze more ur less, ur If It doe* nut freeze It becomes ver) cold. For this realms It is better to feed it In the middle of the day Ill void weather, for at that time the tetn- perature le usually niauy degrees warmer thou iu the worulug or even lug. It Is Out common to feed wort, thaniwo to four pouuds Cif 'Wage per head per day to sheep, but *owe firm ere who grow whiter limbo feed !it much ad that twice a day, more wipe i.lally utter the limbs ILIVe been bum A great advantage of silage as a food fur sheep consists tu Its cheapuess. It fundalwe the cheapest food that may be fed to thew, aud whiter properly fed there .should be uo fear of hurtful re - suite from feedlug allege well wade." S ome Great fassla. The Erle I. the longest caval in the Visited State.. harlug a length of t47 mile.. It wag completed M POI antl coat $:,:!,544rsott, The °hid ea11,0 la 317 mile.' long awl vest leatirs204. WM/Neu foreign ship 1 -anal le the Suez. between the aleallterranean and Red Peas, which Is ninety aullea In leugth and cost $100.0on,0410. Bantam F•14.1.. Bantam fowla were firer Imported from Bantam, in Java, yet they are al moet undoubtedly et Japaneatt origin • PATERSON'S COUGH DROPS ▪ h., .1; 1.11.14 .• re 444144 THEY WILL CURE 'PHONE 15 oR 24 %% 114.11 011 .101 41111.1 Y41.11, ) st ) THE III.> I 11 I, I. k 11 li 14 COAL At L KINDS OF COAL ALWAYS ON 14•ANO te•Ic 3.... ire, .'.•••, 1•, 7.0 - WM. L.EE. i 14 (1 1 1 1.1.1 - 1 ia 41 - -iile :4401 ill 1.,1114.14 III 1.1, POOR MOTHERLESS CIRL THE ELDEST OF A FAMILY OF SIX A TouChigg Story as Told iq s Lotter to The Torolto Clobe. To the E•lit it. of To, Sir, I ask for spite/. in yieir 1,414411ifiv In 111140, /141411 3 klieg. 11.1,1%,t1 at this 1.111.. - FM' 1 11/5 14 111, le;4444. Mel 1111 led gi V44 1111 113111,. T11.• 101 lig' 1'1.111. : " 1 f• vas, 4. joro...t11 111 y1.11. .140.1%•• year, 144' / 41. 111111 114.1. m111311 children, the Orient eight .501114 tild and the yolitigest itsfant. mother t.tok. the eide-4 and kept her mitil ony mothers death. ih.. piling gill went clerking ma stmall wages. Laal year 44144 1.44.111/':11'1 1441 11 (..i1.1 .1.1.• 113. 111.V.ii• leaw free. /11111 .110 litt% born 114131)io• to work mince. laet January. She is just. ' term yea,. old. Kindly tell me how to proeeed to get 11441' 1111 41 1.1114 Aliaakoka Free llospital for Constimptivea.- 511:11:111,:f.sa1.11.1),:,tyrt ,i.ait,411atitapb;it,lear i' only pealing that ere being receitred dm!), by the %triter. Eat y-tive patients are residence in the Nitiskoka Free Hospital to -day. fieven loindreill and thirty-eight have beet' e.11eil for ,inee the 11040 1411 was opened in April. tier!. In place of fifty we eould care for 1011. hundred if 11,.' needed money for maintenance was at t dieposal of the 1.111"eit':11;:iis 9111141' 14 'Nutt. readers have Seell 1 he following earnest etatement in Or. 1,3w:remit P. lolick'm valuable book, "Cotisomption, a Preventable and l'otahle 1 hm.:14.•": "I 'mild the 111114011111e1 iver of any given communit he sees) at • t. ' or leave in mino- r:tow before the maple public consei- amanesa of t he maggot ode tiwaftlie- 1. !night be armee& A phymical diarist er el. the world sail Wm loose the mymprithy oi .A (1.11/ 110114444111 ‚1,'..t 41'. SIM mottling aa e p11 11441 W11 11 the deaths from eons lllll p - The rippled of the to ootteee of the Na. timed Manhole' A,..voeiat• 14 on behnlf of the vonsumptives of the Iht- minion. 6011 of whom die in Toronto annually. 3,0f Al in Dmitri°, 8,009 In the Houtittion. Thie poor, inotherlem girl ix one of the many itiffercrii of to -day. Thanking you in anticipation for in- sertion of letter, believe me. very truly yours 4 Itohortoon, Secretary Na- tional Monitor' lllll A neociat ion. Adolaida xtreet west, Toronto. Contributions niay he sent to Sir Wm. R Meredith Ht., Osgoode Hall, • BOLE'S PREPARATION OF Friar's Cough Balsam One of the good, old-fashioned things that nag never been inopru%ed upon. Infallible fur coughs, colds, bronchial end lung troubles. It is the la)gest and best ',at remedy for cough, and colds. Prepared, recommended and goaranteed toy the largest wholesale drug how* in the worlik If yuer druggist does Wit handle 11.1,1 na kalow, NATIONAL DAN 5 CHEM. CO., Llsoltsd • 30 (050041. 0.4. The Reason Why. Recently a bashfial young woman 11 lllll at haidswoods roomy 40Viiginia went into a loyal MOW earrying three ehieltellS. She 1114' liriee anal at the au • liaise put them on the counter. "%VIII they ley there r ..k..1 nu. 0.4.k. mi.. 11111 11444 know that. the chicken.' lege were tied. Hhe hit her handkerchief ha madam, easement 41 moment. end maid : -No, eir ; they are Do...tors." December Lim ' mem. he Signal's lubbing List For 1907 The Signal . . . . . SI oo The Signal and Montreal Weekly Herald . i oo The Signal, Weekly I lerald and Toronto Weekly Globe • • The Sig nal, Weekly I I erald and Toronto Daily Globe . . . • . . The Signal and Montreal Family Herald and Weekly Star . . . . . . i 50 ery subscriber to The Family 1 Jerald and Weekly Star will receive the pre - 30 4 So • ., ' mitom picture, ".‘ Tug of War." The Signal, 'Weekly I lerald and Weekly Sun (Toronto) . . . . . . . 1 75 The Weekly Sim is a paper that should be Advocate read 1,v t.'1 LTV Ltriller. The Signal, lVeekl% Herald and Farmer's . . . . . . 2 We recommend our rs.aders to subscribe to The Farnier'sAd‘ocate and I lome Mag- azine, the best :igriculttiral journal in America. The above ' offer include,. a ...opv of The Advocate's Christmas Number for ogot). The Sign tl, Weekly I ierald and Toronto Weekly Mail and Empire . i Subscribers to The Weekly Mail and Em- pire will receive the premium picture offered by that paper. The Signal, ‘Veekly Herald and Toronto Daily World . • • • . 3 25 The Signal, ‘Veekly ile'rald and Toronto Daily Star . • • • • . 2 3o The Signal, Weekly herald and Toronto Daily News . . . • . . 2 35 Thc Signal, Weekly Ilerald and London Daily Advertiser . • • . • . 2 35 The Signal, Week h ' herald and London Weekly Advertiser • . . . 1 6o Thc Signal, Weekly I lerald and London Daily • Free Press, Morning edition . . . 3 50 Evening edition . . ' . 2 90 The Signal, 1,Veek Iv I I erald and London Weekly Free Press . . .. 1 85 The Signal, Weekly lIerald and Presbyterian 2 25 The Signa!, ‘Veekly herald and Westminster 2 25 The Signal, Weekly I I erald, Presbyterian and Westminster . . • . . 3 25 The Signal, 1Veekly Herald andFarming World (T . . . oronto) . . 1 30 The Signal, Weekly Herald and Montreal Daily Witness . . . . . 3 50 The Signal, Weekly Herald and Montreal Weekly Witness . . . . . 1 85 The Signal, Weekly I ferald and World Wide 2.20 The Signal, Weekly 1 lerald and New Idea Woman's Magazine . . . • 1 35 The New Idea Woman's Magazine is a monthly publication devoled to matters of household economy, woman's work, the fashions and home reading. The Signal, Weekly Herald , and . Toronto. 2 65 Saturday Night NoTL.--The Signal will be sent free for the bal- ance of 1906 to all new subscribers. The following papers also are offered free of Charge for the balance of this vear to new subscribers: Toronto Daily Star, Daily News, Daily World, Weekly Globe, Weekly Mail and Empire, Fartn&'s Advocate ,and Farming World. SUBSCRIBE NOW and get full benefit of the above offers. Send all substOptions to VANATTER & ROBERTSON, THE SIGNAL, GODERICH, ONT. •