The Signal, 1906-12-6, Page 44 VIILDAT, ileceoilsvr Bib MG THE VOMMIMIM••••••. • •I'ItK SIGNAL d:( 14'1 I INTA Itw HOSPITAL OPENED. Institution Formally Handed Over to the Board of Trustees --An Interestinl; and Auspicious Event on Saturday. On llwarat airy of Ileeenslin fallo 111 birthday 1 lllll ivermary iif the gencito consort of • Empire's Ling, aid li day waistsiarked itt Disierich 4414 Salm alay by the formal tope ' g of au hist tuition llllllll st after [hat royal persmi age, namely, Illt.. Alexandra tieuters and Nlariete Ilimpital. To the Al • Charter 44 the Dittighti•rs Eiii pits' belong. the credit of Item, firkin tip in a praeticiI way t he idea of tli establisluswitt 4111 11401141111 in 1.4.411 rich /11141 I 11 1 heir 1101/ .et -like efforts i due ill a large the 114Whi1i1Iil • Of inlell #1 flatlet 14411 4444 last Saturtlity'o In their work they were loyally sup purled by the 111114.111•2 Nightingalt and the Maple Leaf l'Iutpters of (hi omit. 11111/el:jai Order ; and the noi1. of these s tiling ladies, wao a s'erii olds wok of 11111' and ill HIV 011111/1 111111- i .1,,'I by 1 114.111411)' many eSidetwes til tender and oympathetic plan' ision file the c fort of 1 how olio may occitio them am patients. During 1h, 4ipening sery I irge het. of I Ile how iispetople vis - i eel 1114' loostektal and were shown over the building by the ladies of the 1). 4) H. Moine t he el .4111114 *11.11•111.1.111%11111 f.ir the 4 westaion/With flags and 1 he ni- t -rine of the whole building pi esentent ft very :pick and SIl'' appeal allee. It laid been intimated that all soils of contributions 111 the hospital would h • neeeptable. and many of 111114e 441)44 e 111191 during 11142 slay hail their 'arm,. I oltai with pores+, of provisilaim ba- the larder of the institut• . and the e Mind 14111s /11441) ille111414m1 ell het articles and a her of 114111k note,. The vishor was met at the door by Who all along has token consider- - able interest in the hospital, and no one' cls' could have Mine the honors 4)1 1114. oreasioll in quite 11)4. 44111114' as Miss Skimings. e ereign Queen Alea411111111. 111141 as this 4,4 1111.141111 hes the 1 of being named nfter 11111' 4114.e11 We late,' 4.110.4,11 111144 • 41.4) as Ilse natal 1111) of this humane institution. %%r regret the pres- 1- Weld of lair (lades. 1 1114441511 illneso, 4.4 unable 1111 I* present on this auspiel. ow44 occasion, lint 1111%0 1•44.411 Ires(llested 1 to 44 444 '.4') 144 )301 1101 444111•1•1'4. congrat 1. 1111411441444. Ik.fore chiming I nowt oity 41 • Jew nol,lin in lest llll 44 the itme• 1114111115 work of Ls he ladies of 41,4. 1,11 Walling co llllll namely. Mesdames flays, Slack, aloha the Night- - iligale 111111 Maple 114':41, Chapters... 3,Ve hale lo thank Ili,' %VI/1111.11s 1 1114itIlle , for their 1114a4 kindly help, the owns- ' bets ni the boasting !•4,1 lllll ittee 1 • their eliairiosui, Naito : alias the meti of -low 11 for their kind. newt 111111 el .441.1e.y whets asked fur • 14411,yieeA wind of 1 Moils is Slaws g. for her lllll Wing effOrtit 411. otir behalf, and at least Iwo tit 1/111' • 114 t5- 4.441 4,14 aide 414441at ions have 4. titt'oloigh tier Leaping in 1,41,1.11 with 44114' HI14011 01,1 Keys 411141 liirls. Our local Preis .1 111 I 1401111 111111 W1/1114 11114•1111411 0 10 ex p444444 111114)1444) its for (heir share of praise for their help 31111 ThistiLing you atoll i lie nitaisliers / lie board and all present fur ploy allendance today, and, trii.ting that this 111111114entionil lwgill ll i ll tility 114114. 10e• ape preciossor of a tarlatan's. worthy 11) 114144 wealthy ty. and 4 hat it nal in the future Ming lllll old 'worth,, I. the afflicted and soffering, /mil praying that God'.4 ble.oing lie with its, I beg ur Mr. to declare. in 11 • of 44111. that the Alexandra 141'er:a Description of the Institution. ' l'40 the• right as 01114 (*liters is the of- bit molly deliver (wet. Oil.. in.tittitiisti 31111 furnished with shod, table, elinits., liven lippropriMety eloseetk, being the • sartorial, sae., and the telesd . is in this room. Hack of this minus is the ward in whith Fred Williams, one of the unfortunate vita Otis of the recent *evident in Colborne on the il i inapt & I bluderieh Railway isinstrurtion work, 1 is 11.Mo...ring from hi. oeriiiiis injuries_ t alter ladies of the how it 111111 enmity I 141111 leave co•oneratell in this good 4.11 "Lilil"r "I. 14 We'41"41 '91(l'Ang" 1 .,...k. „.„. 11, 14.• mingrat11111.1441 on the rectmillY began worrying how he ileeess of their efforts, ty, 1..„tined by "timid get his Shirt 1111 liver bis winsys and 31.4rine Ii. • open. Ers:t.s N lint/1:4M MA( I kiNAL.11., lieffellt "I raper•ial leder Daughters of thy Ettepire.." ileceinise•r 1st. 196. -•rv. Judge Doyle's Address. .1114151. 1 /41)-1.• 11111114. the following reply: .to ohown loy (Ii,' midi -mai of 1 he Htispho in order • aim they spry flee reeept 11141141, tastily papered, to the mispital board. ll,,. day has aunt Versa ry 4.1 thc birthday Of 44Ur regent we art. assembled here itt the invitation of the Daughters of 4hi4 'whore' Queen, Alexandra. whistle h r the hospital • ham been named. The Daughters of the 'Empire, the adies of the Fligenee Nightingale 'Ii, pi,',', the 11111.Ie rued '4V s !Rowell,. and all of the ' His Troubles Multiply. Corner Hamilton Street and .5 Ti. tlw left, of the entrance is the gen- , eral wan), ill which there are three 14(91.4, while back of this is llo• chil- siren's ward, the furnishing is he work. of _the Maple 1•4if Chap. w ter, ler the supers is- of 111...44 W. I. Eliot and Ales. 54 111115. 44 111 11111111 111441104 111.' 4.111,', 11 funaittne im a 14491 and a loato)'s cod, fo Cho hitter bearing Ilio lllll St. (ended and SO 1/04111 1111i/411011, 1 1g1W1 01100 1'01, being provided mit of The ;yr 1 anal the Wilding/4, the funds raised hy enterta- ing urs addition. coat 314..i.115i 1, 011 5,11 up by 1.4111110 '4(11,' girl guests 111 receipt of fie gLoist pm 'S191 HS' 21 the SI. I 444Weellet• thwing the summer. (ballot( lll the county IIIe Whole And the soling lasliem who -are au. 11141111.11Y 141111.4' ;Mid for. Thio 410ell 111011111441/4 of the 31aple Leaf Chapter not include furnishing.. '1111')- were took a justifiable ps•ith• 44114,44' in the all donated. S • of Ilia,.,Ohl visitor the result of Illu•ir work. whieli, Boys, and also .44 • who are pleased by the liy", includes eVell a eollph• to 11111 I helliselVes O141 Mr's, dreaming -gowns fot the Ilwifort flu nigh they are not yt.4 1.141, whip are convnlescent paliesits. , the bitek mos lar from the svelte% of their port' of the' loWer Moor are the happy childhood dflys, 111444' testinell dining rsins, 414er:tiling 19141111, kif viten, their '14,111.11 11 1110,1 111111 41144.114 .n'' „gr. The ,,/,••rtitoto.; ronn, Is .41,11y 111 1111 i 4444414 by• genet -4111}1 accessible. '114 011(1440 114 ''1' ipis.1111)1, 111mal 11/11.. 41 lllll • of 1)i.,,, furitivilling 111141 1111 Mlle -1141111 leading 111 it, and Militia, Of these, among the fits( to is splendidly tightest loy a large. aky. furnish ti 11441114 W1444)1111-44. Miner, of light. Chicago. formerly wel,1 known hese ila On the upper floor are three wards al Mks Alice Trainer ; also 311, James ready furnished, the 1:144reneeNightin- Thomason. of Dakota. for ninny years g•ale ward 10.•ing in the soilthete0 cur. our former town lork, brother of 14111 Iler. ,II' Wiled furnished Miner will and favor:41.1s 1.111 Wit citizen, Alr. in the 11' 1141 and the one rural...110d Iv• Tb."1".." 1 Bea I, James TI llllll tom to the west el' hj.. Cirictigo. cot° H1011..01 *WI he hiat , /polling 011 111 110 141 oVeY 1111-4111 1111 1(4(4 44 Ti114111141, 111y, 1111' front entrance is a 11111111 11.111..h IV1 ight. of .%lutitieal, son of our will Is' furnished by 'Mrs. It. II. • It. Impolite host of the k 11.111,442, a and her ann. Bert Mluith, or SI, Louis, roll-top imartertalaiiik ,offiee desk : and which it is propeasl Ile base fitted Alr, thick, glove inaniefacturei, !front- al) as a„ sitting 11111111 I'm the •444, ford, a nappy Thought steel I singe ; and vonvaleseeiii patietils. „„. Mrs. 414111 /%C111.°41/11 tiodcrich. fur. two unfurnished wards 1111 1 110 1.11111 11 11i4111•4 11 W/11 41 : .%1 1 4. J11110141 EMU, 1. 11 41110 of the upper floor, /ow of is Mel, /IN 11 11 • Ir, lire will be furnished by Mrs, dyes., 1111101011. sitting room ; the Maple Leity liott 31111 1111. 1/1 1101. 111 141111•11 1134 1114 .1114111P1' 11.111111411 kr' 1.1111111141.4 11441444 : yet been arminged for, lint which it is the Flirrence Nightingales, ward thought 'might Very appropriately be. the baridelill, the lineley and,. taken in hand by lllll • 01 Ili.' 111111/.% es.1111411441 filrIlisil 1 WO (411 4 ; and silent nrdeis. •Mrs J. 0 SWANSON NOMINAT2D. Godard' Boy Choseu as Liberal Candi- date for Kamloops. B. C. Tho imr•plitis of Windt C.411114,14 Ste einsilig MOILS in e1t44e4:1• I I 44411 44r do eat ly tli 11 1 1 i 111,' Leg• 1,114111w .11141 .1 111441' 01416111 W111111 1114.)- hope o ill moult in ale iiveri Mar hid 44 1 he twe.imt l.wet .111 44,1111 the advent 44 a Liberal adminietra. For 1 he ICaiiiimips dist) ict he Liberal. hose eloweii as their otaii• dard-betwer /4 former tit bileriell laiy. J. Swanson, barrister. who Will epitome the present Attorney abater's' of It, Proviewe. Referring loo the lIl.II,lIlIititbit. T1111 K111.11141oll44 11141111 isas o : 'At a ism Veill 1.41, held „.',sI 4.41111) of reprementittive Litseralm foots all 1101,. i,41114 lit the electoral 111.41 1.111 of Kam- loops, .1. 0. SW1411%4014 larrimter, .1(1141.4 city.. was 11111 lll lllll Indy placed Held as the Liberal easididitte 444 1)1). $141141' H011. F..1. Fulton, Attorney-Mai- er/41. at the Provincial elect imam which are not for MT. Hy the sielection of Mr. Swanson. the Liberals have given their valise into the hands of a matt who haw beet' idetal Hied with the 1.11. 4,4.4)party .411 his life and who, since his 1 esitienee liattiloolo, has persistent iv, visnirimoly, soul with hitt Whole Sold and strength, fought the party's battle.. Mr. SW/111.4111 hi 14114110111 144 4111411fied to sit in the Legis- lature. Ille is thoroughly coo versant with both Don l i ll i l at anti Provincial is di tic. : is till 0111 11144 student, *.'td/,i- ly, a good debater and a 4114(41 ,4) whose 1111 •- W1/11111. h tasty and integrity 1114.11' is 11111411e1411111in him hia tieaI lipponent will 111141 no mean an- taspolist, and with it 111111 ell Liberal party in 11)i' city 44 Kasioloopri, hit her- b, the 44111. weak opot in the snots -Wt, tlirro is every reason to believe that the timHdenee the leileentho ' have of sv- 5 this meat at the next elec. ti,.), is well founded. Ntov that the selection of is eitinlidate 1.. tettled, it is the ditty of every Lilwrol to ewe his hest endeavois, to seeillre the eleetiim of that eandidate. The elections are 1191 far off. They 11111y 110 )14114t 1'°')4I mail after the next. ses • or 1114.4. inay be sprung upon the electorate at any C With their candidate in the field the Lawrals 11141 .41 now get down to Work itIld lenVe no stone un- turned to win the flght." ThiR sounds like Misinesm, mid his old friends in Mali -rich will wish Mr. Swanosin alleeese in his campaign. It is worthy of note 11)441 anoth4.r thideaeli old Noy, M. I'. Gordon. wat, atitittlattittent figure its the elm vention 54.4, Swanson. Mr, liordon. who ham been prominent the politics 44 the district for some years, W414 44.4) of as a probable candid/0e, but rile tances were 1111411 1.111(1 110 dill not wish 11/ stitnd. Ile will, however, lw a powerful fac- tor 41411 1 he Liberal side at the 41111) 4115 election. GREAT STOCK REDUCING SALE Going on now, and so far is a Grand Success. Low Prices ( n Cle whole stock tells the tale. Deep cuts on so many articles are moving the goods fast. Quick moving of the goods is what is wanted, as we must move out of here into our new place in a few days. Bargains not to be found anywhere else are here, and will be here until we move. Come and get some of them before they are all gone, or the sale closed. It is not n essary to name articles and say they are low-priced, for everythin is cut to bed -rock prices, as we are determined to re- duce th stock to the lowest possible figure before moving. No goods charged at sale prices. J. dim vv.. ..... bet,. 11,011y, 1 ,,,,, ,,,,,-,. is !a)ter rs•aching paradbie. An envious .4444 a great revi•lat inn (40 the many 1 r"ute"IPPI-"11. sarcatitically "bserved sae: aa., 1•11111e0. ::. • 1.. -'.1 ; ;1.. 11. %,.1 • •b„ ;4114.4„) 1 ht,, building fur 1114' nr,,, that Isim-diffltailty would likely be. in tro, :.is, to Mt,: -Vi r11 r rto. 10 ..1,1.. llll • 14.414*)', 1'' 111111 11 411 well adapted finding how he i•mild get his hat On 341 lo :1.1.1' 0.1131.4”1 hills* 10.41.. :T.' 1.. :1,1. wer his biotin,, theyision logia) ) se. oi.ils. Nile 10 32r. U. i !tr4. cleae.11 weat ; a ....4.•11, • '.1 1.•••2.1 11191' to la.: turkeys. 11:... 1. .1...; f..sr1.1 1..•.. 11.' to 11..N., COLBORNE • are, 0 GODERICH. 11. the fiiirliose for which it is in- ' Herald. volltrillifted help Each of the three flu nisheel wards large and beautiful 041 eel engreivings. 111.13irs is provided with lest, Ned. Several others hate 'also con° ilittled 11414.11. ilmsnez, bedside I 01.1444 11.4.1ining Mid goods. Non t he great. ..h.111. 1.401). 1•110i1., 01 1., The flu•i,j. work which the 111111111 11114.4. NO 1,111' 14 all high-el/tom tool Ili,' rwitsia bir ti r1 uteollemo if not m.,...„.10 a very cheery appearance, In ft unlined by 1 he earnest, linked. 111141 Nies, Minet'n Ward is a prelim. or 114,' pet sislellt effliels of 11,,' ('ilizens 11141)' 141111 in !Sir. Tb.411144m4., ward al.* 1115111 111111 14111111). So far we hose ion portrail of the 11,411.41. of iiir. 44411144 idn411.91 91144...ed 41. very mmall lashings. A milver plate ist 1.14. noor '.'int the 41 /I .014.11; /11/ to speak. of the latter ward reads, ••Fornislied which. 3144 44, are told. is the smallest by ,J 111444.44 Thiiimain." The Nightio- of isil .rryl+• 1"11 "hell it 144 1111 gale Chaplet's Wats) is very e [timely if is givater than any 1101'11 11 1111 be- turniolied 1110 111111 /1 surplus 'apply Hr ll 9141' aim !be bird. 441 linen in the drawers, of the otand. test in its bionehes. Iliit we are not Meyer:11 pre43eliti4 f • friends of the mitering for the birds of the air, hot mettilterm of the 1'hopter 11114 for something of "1111101 FP value in tbe furniRhings and a beautiful than they," for the noblest of (id's burnt \ wisid work tray, done by 'Miss 444.111 1)441 wan. and 1111.110 the seed Emily Shephard, 0110 111 111,' 11114111101 X 1141. hose !tete planted is indeed i4111A11, of the $'hsipter, nsids largely lo the 111.4. the stard seed, yet if we nurture 1111 tall IV Well of the room, and mire for it 1%1. shimld. as it is In the )4,t' portion of tile upstairs 411..• the it ins for the houriekeeper and mimes, Ihe isift1115,111,,, onsets. 'linen C10111.1. jt, the Isioefnent is the laundry, furnace room, \mortuary, vegetable ..'I 1141'. etc. .4, hot writer furtmee heals the boasting with the excepti llll of the opei at Mg \room, which is heated by a jas.ket h4441er. an that him titian can be healed at any time of the )4.n4' for ito operation if 'desired; The operating 1110111 W1111 the 41,01110 on /Saturday of the dimswnaing of tatke, eider and sandwiches, and those in charge of this end of the prOreedings Ilild11 141114y The Opening Ceremony. About half -past 4 o'cloek the fit rant handing over by the Datighters of the Empire id the furnishings of The I**. p11.,)bark place in the reeeptinn Imam the proceeding% 4s/mm*44MR nn 'Imp*. by MIR. :del kurald, the regent \id the Ahmeek ('11411)14',' 4)1 the Order, followed by an addreso in reply by • Ills Honor Josige Doyle, I•hairnanti 44 Oie hospital board. Mr".Ml'l hinalirs address 4111 folh1Ws : Mr. 1 -141cot and Of nt kitten of the Ifostatel4-e- 1 l'ern t, ries in the name of the Ihnighte to you th .Ira Defier We have go and have tim p eamtire in begging your Aceeptanee.sof the fruits of mar kTorts, and to peoffer nor assistance in the future. AR *loyal organization we feel that today h fitted /ow nor opening cerentony, being the b rtbdsy of our Most tireciorts Moy. of the 'lupin. to hand over tuniRhings of the Alexnu. and Marine Hoepital. caw part in good order, mu dots 111 1141. 11 too, lase the ard seed, will grow and sprimd branches, and Intl' shelter 111 11111' :11t111.11.11 111111 41111011fIg 11 lllll TI) at•coniplish this if is necessary thiit 1114' good 144114.11 have Jo, nobly liegim this great w k mintinne their exertions : Without their aid the hospital board acromplish anything. 11111.11/111 1110 lllll 111 give 114 411(91' itelive 111141 Ze;11441144 sums wt. There 44111 lie many ilifIleulties to '41'I'(', '1441'. but what Itritonsi have accomplished elsewlis.re we ran 11.11.. lllll ple.h. and it has bevn my experi- enee that when lioderich shies any. Ming it doe. it well. At 1 lit. conchotion .4 411.' formal part of the proceedings My*. klelhotrild in- troduced the motion of the institu- tion. Miss M. II. Orifffilis, a grmitiate of Victoria Illospitstl, London, to the 1111.114110111 141)41' loan', who then were asked -to sign their names in the visit - 6r9. book and were invited to the operating room. .4 1111111101ln of $.'4) from Mrs. A. M. MIrepharti has been toceived since the opening /11111 gintefully acknowl- edged. A Novel Repo rt. The Superintendent of Streets ill Cleveland reeently s 1 to Ilia presence an Irish 4411144y. III WI he said : 'It is rep 14.use 111.11 there is a dead dog in Horner .1 eoet 1 want 4.4)11 to see to its dials -Wit '3411, 4/11',” snid 4),,' stilosrelinate, who sliately set • out upon his In Mil, an Muir the I rislitioati tele- phoned his chief 114 1111111W4 : have 11111110 inquiries' Minot the dog's din - position. anti I link that 11 *14,44 44444'. .15,' I Weem ber Lippincia The *414' of 444 army officer at * 51 ester,' post recently 11/01 oet lit iSit 11441141111 neighboring town, to do 14 Sb0111/1115 at. What IS Vaned the Deneral Store, She wan It 4 liter Mined by the variet y and antiquity of the ;stock of goods, and a. Pile P4•'.1 out her eyes were attracted by a. pile of noes, 1411111/111111Y 11411'11.4 11114 ornately flawed, the upper 11110 being this Scriptoria passage : ••W'alk hive." As do. itatimell, the elei L. a dapper younff 141m4 of mom affability than advantages. Stepped forward with the t (quark. "Them ate the latest things in mottoes. This lop 0110 14 swell to lint it Yer 44 voting lady's door “1,Valk IN, love,- Deeenilier 111 CO. THE MARKETS. Liverpool Wheat Futures Close Low•r Chicago Higher-Li'.a Stock Mar- kets -The Latet.t Quotations. Stoosint l.•4 hong. leer. a. 1.14 erp4sil 44 114';I future. closed to i1111. fuller than 1111r111.1. 11111 1•11111 11111111.A 10 10 1.4I timer. At Chlraso Dee. %best e444o41 11' 1.1S111, that, rho tibias: Ili,or . it 5114C sieser mid 1•1• 011141 10W1.1. WINNIPEG OPTIONS. Al tin" wifolltoe 'n ntlen ;mark. t the fullealu sore the closing quotations: ls.res, I.I, Slay 711.• Idd, • Jolty 774eo 144. TME VISIBLE SUPPLY. x 101 lig,. 2 115. W111 11 . 41.1..."4.41111 741,4443111)) Coale 2.910 sila. h.:741:4mo Oats 12.4551104 29,441,.., II1414*- Perlin; the wool, n bent deerenowst Isto;onto 144 Owls, eorii derr .....41 1101.440 1 ashela fool 1411) ;4„ osis derreamal :116,1 1,1 lo.alkla 11 1111)' In he field off ,t Sherry lane *p. prime ed nerfect specimen of the er,pla, .T.r.22: street 'priers. extra '4411144017, ark, lie, 3 Potter, nicong: to - ',Mutant, alidich•hillted and /1010eked. 31,- to 111.144e; °feet° pricers creamery, 1.' *440 *ea lending by the hand a boy 0! Won 40 •stra, ass ts ate; held, issiimon to aboto, ton, nh,.1,msly town,,nred 11111441, Tle to MN; Mate deny. .-,,mm,, to howl% 2ne to 11114e; renovated, common to youngster. They paused for rs,,mo., taw). 210" to 11344e; reiterated, comma te 'trent. "What's t Mete, grater* sstra. lfee to 24e; Western arm, ermoTION asked the boy, pointing to a cluster of to 5f1011. 117e Itke: wesiers err -forgery, terries In the hedge. "Them he at' t° $0.r• hlacitberrien. mr . boy." "Bisokiwf• rr4447.4:04:1 •.. lar.', "NW, 4u ries ! Why, they're red 1" "Red ! sik.er• 12 Of course they he red ! 1/on't you 4, 1.:ss; jaig-A,', Ric 11:11%,..,•molt. know, boy, that litseklerrles 1e id. " 1 ways red when they -1 e green r ft•e. LEADING WHEAT MARKETS. May. hay. New lurk ...„ ll . ll .14 wog Detroit llll 7741 1'01.• • l'ute.10 702, NW% 7141,• St. Louie l . llll I% 7714 •-• inm•anolloo 7flow 710 Tetai - Duluth . TORONTO GRAIN MARKET. Grata - W10,1, spring, buil 50(44) 10 110 01) Inas, bask nett nye, hetah Pella, 1.111111 Wbsout, red, bush lllll 11 77 Parley. tomb %hest, fall, limili U hea t, go.,,ir, hush 10,1:1114. :: 4.11 8...,.. -..... 11 7$ 11 14) 11 44 71 s.7:11-, P .. LIVERPOOL GRAIN AND PRODUCE Voids Receipts, LAW bead; settee sad 1.1o•rtss4l. lb,. a close When:. Spot 1" KW' /0r1"".. In"' t" Pr.:45' Ple". " 7.! 744,0- .1 Itullosili!thite'lri.eh.111.:IhP. :::•:.:;4?1;2e717' a7.• 51‘m' ins.1,1;mai.eplir.esonn441, trilsulf1.11;,IN;"oi, 7N"N".0114rhieirnMaNlbalin°11;‘,,lon6". il:il‘t; ti'''' 18143.:4111.: Irrui"eugbika;1'11.2.4i.14."ti4$:31.17.:.11". 14 -.' ff 40 ti• 311: N... 2 hind winter, ik. 4..'isi 2t4Intern and Lambs Iteoelpts. 141,4111) hosa: N" ..! 0.4.11`rl. *MI.- 5.4 111%.1 to 41., ;,44,.,,,. erns.; yearlings. 2.-e. Maher: lambs. 11.5 t.. r1.111refe steady lie, Op 3,1 i,. %bird'. ',,,,, $7.5(1; yearlings. ess2.: Is sts.No: setorrs. 4.0 ,. Map 11. ss.,) ,.. cm..., 1..,,,,,,c,.. ff5.75 to Pt; ewe,. 111.511 to 114.115; sheep, milet, inn. 4, 1%4 1• Mao li 4* 1,4 %. • ellv`II, en to 115.75; cannel.' Iambs. 47 33 to mon nutlet. American wised. p;Ar rental, $7.43. NEW YORK LIVE STOCK. ,V.. litl'ard.'. 1""airr Pri.'" P" "1 k• 394 3.4 in ' New 'fork. Dor. 3 -Reeves Iteretpte. .0e. 4103: mowers arm to 10, itteher; butts Onion: I • •• • CATTLE MAP K E TS Coble. eoer for 4 sinsidlun I fig t I Starke,. •11,401 /. L01'11011, 111', 3 1.•1113 41/111 1,1111 1'1 111•111011 inarl...1. are quoted 14 is. I. '1' I' 14.: tefrIg. r beef, to 44 4114 .11,44 • TORONTO JUNCTION LIVE ST,OC Toronto Jlittet ion. 14.c. 3 411144,4. 41.4.10t lit the St,..•*: Vilt• weer 74 ...ars, cottin•••••41 60 tle. 172 sheep owl lambs, 9 valve.. 111 3 horses. us pe ted. 1111/11 '1111 th heart 4,r yours 11111 111.111 IMV111•11,11re1111. be always Ones a burnt 11 1 ran't lee sou•e." ik that rover( .)st 1101 or hi° '1(1114141' all' DEANESS CANNOT BE URED 01 sopa, 1111.1' 1'. lllll 01 Mil the disewea t llll lit 1 he ear. Tls•re 4Iy Of11. 44iy 10 arable...11114 that 601) 14,11111 h • tamed rciordie,„ heafiles. 1, coonssi 14 41110 fl inmil • m1,1111110 Of 110 00.1111111g 11111 414. 0,•-taribtaii .0... hen 14,11 '.1* 4. MIL tied )011 14314e r1111.111111/1 d or itiapet .1 hearing, nod when (1 4. entirely "lova), (le f w 111,41. the is.sult. said mile.. tin. Mita llllll *t " van he !when mit ond 11,44 uhr re-tored 10 a 11.„, iv:1,11140m twor,inif sill Ire tle.lroyed • I e 11a.• ( /•:spiirtera. Trad.• MY. 4.111.; 441111 111111 •,.14r, .prino• lois or soitmor '.111 4,' within ..t 1.• per rart. 10,41ier. •1111,ntint rattle s.1.4 .4411 the '4.' V ft, na •-• 114..1.4 to 14.70; 11.. hulk print at 6.1 • 414.3o: esp.° Mitts, of :1,:e1/ 19 1114..1:.1 •r est • Illielellerra Trade In hatcher.: 1,-tio • 40.,:•• per wt.. 1.101 10:1 011.11.r;14*. ontihly syn. miser. 1.1. ...51 at 91 444 s s • 1'AP. lbs. r•11.11, at 11.r. hurl pike 11111. who TWO 11.a •1,• sl04.11111 for Christina. niathet; Fier io s.,!41 al $3.75 to 04: r mot ..o0 • 1 ...Al,. 111 f..! te 7,0i; MI 4, /11 111 7.0 1,. S.: re . 1.1 nom 1:: ...I to $3 I.• r readers. and 4144wkaaa. 1.1:11s to 1•2.7:.; *lockets *223 10 pio ea 4. 1411ele alma Nut many ron•• were 0,, , • 04 !rum $30 lo *No ,:to•b. eol Ahem. Prfrea Ateli,ly, at S4 te 1111. 1.1•1. ewt. Sheep nod 1.wweltee. 1.4.sebe sold from f1:4,75 to Mt rer sheep f..r export at $4 75 her rWt. $114,14s, 11. Kennelly repert• la tors ehaileed at Mal for S4144,111 1111 1.4 to Itelits and fat.: sonS, tit *4 to $1, an. Stow'. $2.54/ to iwr MIL MONTREAL LIVE ETOCK. c,0,14.41 from I.Iserpoo )1 3. 01,0 London 011 renwilsa awl 44a0•11 rani were weaker. 11101 101c1111 show n furthe 41••••Ilue of tur. Soar. of comedians In 1,144 etyma" were nook at 1114,. l's-; rancher at tee; London, l'aittidnoia, 145' 10 1101he Ilizporls front SI. J01111 11,1 *PO. OP cattle, aiel front Portland WW1 cattle, 1314 aherp. Iterelple day 11,10 121.11t 141111. 11114 :Mar abeei, 0101 lainba. 1•.15 canes. La. h. ao. 11111/•11 isms. Nth° udyl.•es from Liverpool, Lon don Bristol on Canadian Itarmi can, weak 11011 24 10 4. lower than * there was 110 .11111110. the ,anullthin the 10,111 market for hoes oils mornin.1. esrept that the demand from parker. wa. not 00 keels 145 a alto. Prbe• remainel steady, sith of selert..0 lots 114 *di.. to $8.4.-, per 1111,1 lbs., weighed off ears. Trade was tioutt and the 1.r1,•es 4,1.1 tiowsrd leaden all round. Primo lllll 1.1 sold at 41..r 41he per pretty good rattle, 31. 4... and the eenonon stork. 24,. to 3... )111,4t vowl.1 11014 111 111/1 *74 emelt, Ilinsa-fed 4.111V,11 414 at 214, 40 3i4,44. •tiel the irs•J. 44, 10 14.1. 11. Sheep were firm •1 34se to V," sail Iambs et fie to rot, Pof II.• EAST BUFFALO CATTLE MARKIT. I., catsrtd,, whirh 4 -nothing Mn .11) inflamed eon) el d't9en 4,.."filli"*-iy.• 4-;:::: Witril.'..ln......1 liollse. for ana .4.4, 4.4...e of ;learn.... 1011 el.,' liy catarrh' I hal ••sn nut lie cured hy 11411. tatitrrl. Cure. :send I for oirmilor;,.fret. 5 • St,14 bydrintif1.14, ?ay. v &I'll., Toledo. 11, Take Hall's lama) for coma mat i0111. E wa Buffalo, Pee. 3 cattle Ito, pto nisei besot; slow tont st.•ally: Kline steers. to 114,25; stilbellos, $4.701 to 0.40; hut ..1110or feeder., 112 .10) to $4.144; stock heifers, 142.77 to 83; fresh ross mid springers, rinse, steady: others ..10W •4141 1111 lower. 111 to 174. $ 1 2 Brooches At 812.00 Diamond Hall is show- ing an especially attractive line of Brooches An odd ptice perhaps. bus you will scarcely object to their not bests/ marked 115.00. The one illustrated (Catalogue No. ) 1615) is of solid 144. Gold so with 46 Pearls It has a pendant attach- ment for wearing on necklet. A Sunburst Brooch (No. 3)675) made up's,' 65 lustrous Pearls is an- other at the Wile price. .read of 1,,,f Prprost Inv of r4ativ IMP 11te.4 retied rata/qr., new, 4it 4044 1,4 4.4 44,4, Plato: Imi. let • NEW YORK DAIRY MARKET. roes Ine 10 144. higher; steers. 41.4.341 to 416; 12.75 to rake, *1.44) 40 1114.20. Exports to.morrow, !Mu ,attle and 27111) quarter* of beef. Calyen-Itecetpfa, 1700; market arm ter all sorts: 14.11111. 1g44 10 IP; too ebolee, 1111.25; Illtle raises, P.M; harm sea 41111 fed rawest. 0.30 to $4; culls, It; oesierna, 53,10 to ebaap snit lambs 1::,747; sheep steels: tattoo generally easter end lor to , $3 to $5 WI. enlla, into. Wtan to St al.: mole. 8.1 to $6.60: orate Iamb& $7 AA re *7 78. Tian Iteeelete 12,4.74: ?Pellet offal); ate hoes emoted et 86.110 t• 1141.14). Mak etesa•Pristiormsnor • •••• .• 8101.0611 811111111. ASO , kiatt.ti -o• Selma:title fur The biontal. Farmers' Poultry W. want all your Poultry, alive or dressed, and will pay Me HIGHEST PRICES for 11, Your Poultry may he delivered at. 0111111101 11, 1411 Wit ntrol 1 CLINTON. . Hovel, .1. A. Void .. Myers. McMillan ( FLAVELLES, Limited, LosLPUN, UST. rSegliMage axesessams astermseseesmosehle ami 1A Gift Worth While 1 ily at Christmas time would buy an Edison Phono- I f,... ii• r, 44,,,,, . The money spent for trinklets by the average f,, 1:1. graph. The trinkets last about as long as Christmas does. Thel:dison Phonograph atIonla enjoyment day after day and year after year. The trinkets please only the individual recipients. Tho Edison Plionorapli ers a continuous round of pleasure for the whole fa lily. . . t ii the gip:nest music maker of the age. It Ibring. into the home circle all the world's music, ren - for itsitalkneef dering -kb wonderful faithfulness whatever song, in- strumen I piece, 01. orchestra selection desired. 1 iis Christmas the merriest of an by hav g ature an Ed iso Ph Geo. W. Thom & Son GODE CH 0 Another Great Offer Papers for • , 4110•••••••••••••4010 ; • The Signal ThL The Montreal Weekiy Herald, The Toronto W eekly Globe •P I •••••••••••••••• 4 TILE WEEKLY GLOBE and C,1NAI )2%, FAItMER, with ;Ls illustrated Magazine sec- tion, is ono of the very best weeklies published in Canada. This is an opportunity to get it at an exceptionally low price Subscribe at once. New subscribers will re- ceive The Signal and Tho Weekly Globe for the balance of this year FREE. Tliosq„w114) are alremly subscribers to The Signal can also take advantage of this offer, by • mying strictly in advance for next year. Cash must accompany all subscriptions. Address VANAT FER & ROBERTSON, THE SIGNAL, Grolerich, Ont.