The Signal, 1906-12-6, Page 2• t' 14
T■l'RsR4Y, December lith I' t 1.
THE .t(:,NA1.: /:t 1111:k I'(,I, '4lN'F'A 1:111
iianli11, 111141 Ily 41 ,•1 e•lile
• '1midair tariff leuishltiI"
Orli' they 14111 M 6•4•11/1. a 46604• 'gliriheir
' vlIiu11 by 441.141111 dui ie.. Wil
' I141/R1111'11. 4\'1'.81 4 4. such i•H'W1, on the part 4 r "1'pjltUi'/,111
1 I'BI,IMt Is1) EVERY Tlt1'Ks1).\1• agritailiiire, the pio1444ll inlet 4..1.4
1V.1VATT4iH'k HI HJItT,I11X wilt take advantage of eyed'. 14111111'•
Telephone ,'all No. :C. 1' 40111141/446 !nen. own iW.11ua1
by the nddjli"n of new imposts or the
;Terms or 8ubscr,ption '
ller•ase of IM".,' already in elreel.
111,01 per :mania 10 mi. alive. ”E11.111:111 i14Luu'r i. 1 11 44144.. of
Ria 11,., sr• ; three 1111111111.. :'+'.
)iubs•riber.., hu foil 141 nvri,e Tait. .1.441 14111.11)'...
11uh.rll by uwil will confer a (Ai or by :w••
unstinting u.. of 11,4 4444 W a, early a 41:10 w
\Phe: 4 "6411188. o, wld•rw1 1.41 , ' 1:14 0. h 1 be
old moil the new :..foto•.. should 1.• 04,11.
Advertising Rates : . Agricull 414 ital.: all. especially 1111/•1"
1.••1(.11:.11.1 IIIa•r .41,1141,.4,1, 44:.'41w'111., lay r'el i111111•.1'IwVilltl• 411111. 1RIW 414"11.Iw•r 14111• rot not 111.4'4110 441.4 4,• (.•F lhw, fur w114c1 gives 4 lie 4111116. oil tlgl'44llihllal
each .ub'p.eal lu.•rtium JIwl.und by u •
untion•il...tie. I 44.4., liar, to all inch. 111144h'ItJI•Ilt.. I'll' 1111411).
Huwhle4.,v.nI, of.4s lines and wader, V3 per The \\'lulliN•44 1'1•x4 Pies.. i111111art iele.
.441venl,•u1rn,- of de..:. F,.11u1 MI 1.n. r,1. Ril- "n 111i. .11Ijee1, I 16.1e 1141. 46.1.11 a 1141••
Vara a,11.1.41i •uu. 11'un14•41, II4..w•.4 .1
`440 or In Item, Vann, til +ill•• on to
lel isle• Item, 1si,11111.11 : .1algaitation lu increase these
1"i sole.
4lh•Il' was a 441111' 84'Ilrll
linea, 21• rw•h 01.41 ion :SI for nal month. air
far earl, ,.ub.vp11ee1 month. larger 4,4 11114... the pressure 41 1111. 444114.1.11 111(8'1'4•.1.
n AIlr :ios pnq .114 n.
au 41144411'W1 1'1 hr 11'1••+.1.4 i1,1r. 'I'Im'
.lnnuunc •ill. au wicy e.. h 0%411141 1.111. ten 1 1
x.'111. {.•r 11414', \,, ".41•1.. 1.».. 1 Moll '.•..i'. 1411'1114.1'., 11418e•I•el', 111 place lir sill .441)' .1.4.4•6:41P101.4•••. 1 hr• "bie'•1 41( 884,44'4, 4- Ib,' I g
4.e •':
1 1 u dry IWnrnt of Iuq 0.4104101141 or IIID' 111' IIIII II 1114 damage ►1'41. 41.1111•,
Stipa. lo • .1N,dd1•rwl Nn mit err t.•66rot and
10,1,0 charged : cconlingdy, nest 1111 , .11,.4141• ; ails) lamb.
Itultr. fur ithoolity :mil contract :411 . .•rl l -r
1.r /1'r.ent+tiun.. 1.1 Ihr (:u1.11
11,..1.11 moot
lucidwilt bu Kicon 1111 upplicat4ou,
row. ullroullrlllll{rY41n41•to which left i1 in no 110111.1. /is hi 4.011' lm•
1•I'1•ase.411 these al1ides 0'11111411 Ise r•-
VAN:8rTrllt A m4H1:ItT�:li\,
TUE. MIUNAI. galled by the agrieult a.. Ihi the
ua..eri.b.lhil, ' 144444 4')' they demanded reductions
omit thew Iwgne.l. has elomat mauled.
OOD4Ut1/'11. Tlll'ItND.lY` 111i1'. 101.. 19114 of 1MMt to part.
The new duties 49 Ill With mill in -
OUR OTTAWA LETTER. elements .1,4111 wit11 few exceptions
reduction. un 1111 old rale., while in
In mune 41n:u'cnunt:lld. way 41111 1141 caw• I,,. 111e11. 1041' 1111 1111•x914•,
4)44,18.14 letter has 111is./41 14 1 4I '1'M,• following (able .1 .:4 44 glance
but we hope to 11114'.• it 1.•Itu1:illy het •- the changes 1111141. L4 the new" .1'h441-
after. 111,• :
' New 1)441
• P. 1'. I'. U. P e.
Mowers1.24 174 I:tl-a 211
The by,•.electiun in East 11 '44,.,, Harvester... 12, 17' Ia I. 214
for the vacant seat i' the I'rudincinl 1\'indH1411. .. I:1 411 ht _-a Lti
Thresh. multi. In !1 111 2-3 25
IA•gisdat Ore te4.11 44141(1. on Tuesday and .4x1.'4 ...... .. L. __" In 2.3 2;4
. r Nultel 411 a majority 4f !Cpl fir Allan sevll•1•. IJ 22' In Y -a 2.i
• studhil1111•, the La144n• eandillp le, over "hie' IJ 22'. , 111 25
J..1, Scutt, l'un,('-vativ.. There was shovels. d 211 :121 2:4 1.41 35
no Liberal candidate in the He•In. In Ihr 1.111,11of Ino., articles• of
4.0111 4, the prefer :tial rate does not
IA•ss than two years ago hast llxmil" nppl)'. •l':41tailli 1111 J'1 not look to
tun elected the Lae H. t'a15' 414all5 England for mower.. I6m•ve14P1•4,
Cnnserl•ative, by a •11nj4rity of over
wi111.111ills, 411' n11y of ala•I41rR4'rn44ri-
,5141, cultural implrment1 : hat in the 1
- - --- smaller farm 11o11, the a14,411age of
WELL DONE I Ihr prefrlenee is .o great that if only
- -
1.11,4'4111'11441' 1841444)1.1111141188 'f44,44 (14491t
Thr ul4•,1i4444 of the Alexandra Milli- Britain. (hi 11111' 4138844 of i,1gae'1rn1m,
til on the 1st if 1)irrntlier marked including 11.1y•I1nd.1.. f ,41444 414111.,
the crow nin44INlint of apuhlir-spirited hay -teddy's. post hole digger., t,1,•
•einem 4411 1114' part of the ladies 1,f 4141114". 114111//11 u,1)Iwngel :11 2, Per
1:lwlrrirh•• cent. Mann(i'l 'wets :111. ri'l'l
fader dilllrldlies and 41is•n tr:g4.. potions) for a Ines 4f n ills$inn of their
meat, innumrt•able 4114• tend has Is 'et prol.1.(44,, 1 y Ihr• rrnon•ill if 114x4'4 in
Mteidity kept in view. and 1114.4444r40di1 their raw material. There is thus s
institution on South .t ret, III.' dooms low et Mg of 111111' taxation 1114 around.
of 5511401 wile 144111:111) opH'ne1 on The F,11 I'1,•.. (4441111, 1,1,4 411.11 that,
SA111111:1% 4:,.$, 44 1411. 11,1111. in 144th .If At tempt a 11141111• lu deprive
'1 he eluent enlisted he :IL41ili1. homier. of lerlai11 snh,l:0111111 ndcnnt-
and energies mf 44 nuRilN•I' i.f LuIjes ages 88 Melt they hail in the ("taxer
whom (1.114'rieh is fort11n:t4' 411 (meows., tariff, these advent:We. hair Iwrn
Ong 111114111 its r•sitlei,.. Their self- emit' 1 In them. I'hn. Iwtllel
sacrificing labors have given to the w'ir•, bi1141e1 tss'ill.• and rough I41uubee
town and III,. count)' :111 institution still remain 111,011 file (Iv" 1141. ••1'41
w hose I*•nofll'4 and 11,18an1,,44("4 too the. on the 1414441,'. )n11elltdes '1'114. F'n4•
sir". .81141 s1,ffel'i Ug during the year. 411 Pres., • •t lie lip l•1•IIIIIeII is 1'1 be C0111-
(4111. It Ir 4i1111/'sllle to 1•.(411111e. mended for its Nmre•M44fnI rr.i441anr•e
\\'e'in44raLllht. the Daughters 4f to the high tariff demands if the
the Empire, not 4111)• upon the cin- 1)ingleyites."
8n11'41atiwl of their win thy task, but
with equal .ineetit)- twill) the�le•umNl-
Stl'atj,t1 whirl, they have given of
what willll ran 114141l111i.11 in the
Ma" of puldie s•rwiw• and 4f Ihr
larger sphere whirl, ,,'ulna44 1,v the
"nlili•te1'i1,44 angel" is fitted (11 111(.
To those who have shown nn es(4.4'-
iv1l)' generous 411t.r9.l in the pr4jwry The A(11n11fa(111r•r: I Mi4.•Ill' iM
111 lu part bailor -1y 1" the fo111111• r•si- dist i'.fled w it (1 the new• tar'i$T, The
dents who hat i• furnished wards 141• 14"44' x,•11458, find 111111 Ihr. will haver
w•114 11114.. 01111.1'w'iw' emdrilll, 4 to 40 1w4.111 for 111eil• Bring, 1111141, Its
the ,mimes. of 1 he •elll4lll, the "II". 11.411.' do,
thanks of then 'ly are dile in
unstinted measure. The 1'4141111. a it of 1907 Will lie
To WI sch. have helped we say, larger in imesib •r-lint 11.14 n mingle
\\'1•l( 114114', IIIe11dN•1• of 11,. prlw'nl 141411411 whni(s
that (h.(4' will 144• any glea4'r 554.4ght
THE TARIFF. 44 141.1.y Her 1111111/141 Ihr )411111.11
1411dr next year.
The revised tariff which was in- The '4"'44i d., Telegq,un ways I'a11a11,1
trdu4ed to the Mount lot week toy 1w4v.1•smem 114 Orators. The editor
Mr. Fielding has been mite 1)• ,1. never attended a m.rlin44 of flit. (11de-
rriv141, being one 4f 1hose mompr,1Ois•1 rich town Iomicil and hent,) 416• nein
which ,•xeit(• 411'ithe•r rxtrl•nll• pleaslll,, (4•r, 1x111. ,• Ott the subject of
nor • i414n! 11111:10111,11• The 1l.•51 (•Iron drinking water.
- 1. wilt, in41e,41, is m4 111111.1 like I he 4141
one Ihat, were it nil that i1 11415. been
4 -hanged eonNiderabl)• in 441111, it is
handl)' worth being vaned a aril' I: rill.
In a few COW'S the genera( schedule
has been altered. either np"ur d4w'n.
Ind 11nr changes in the pr•fe4'ulial
tariff are supposed t4 Ris.. (4rtn4
Britain a '4 'w -hat greater ads',n11•
Ate t11,111 before over foreign /'11111 (N'•
tit11t's,' Thr int ellal rli:t1. lntill', de-
si ed 1
g1, t n offer especially htrornhlr
te••n1s to 44)0nt1•iesi which will tre11
their Unpin tt f • Canada with equal
consideration." will. if (1114 in opera-
, relieve the ('am111i,m1 taxpayers
of a ports ,n or the hnr•d.l. .r eustmun
t,lxation: but 1his rmitiogenr•)• is marl.
lir less remote.
Finn the standpoint of those who
dr,' •.u low n I w tariff about t 1,1• Iw•.f :hat
"(n IN• said of the revisal tariff 4s that
the efforts of the protected interests
to swore still higher prv.44rli(1) have
fn41181, and nn the who', the changes
that 1,1.44' 144.0 made sel•nl to (4• to.-
warls loss .'r duties, It ;tiny• indeed,
he found after M • Ihm' ex/leni-
ence of the new nles111'•' 1ha. the
changes iia,. :u'e gneter than ap-
pears lit 1 he surface : but 1h.' 1:441.01•
anent has evidently taken the clew•
that it is %veil to lel 'leeping hogs (1e,
and not amuse either the memorty-
t tiers. on the one hand, or (he eon.
minters, .n 1114' other hand. by giving
the customs schedules a 1141'411141 trend
either downward 01 unwell'. This is
not A very courageous aft itude, but it
is the way of the politician.
The clam; which suffer most from
the nperition, of the tariff is the
f arming community, and it tetnains
with the farmer to decide how long
they will consent to be relieved of a
portion (d their Iegititu*te oarninge in
cider to maintain the sturdy "infant
Industries" of the country, ij' ol'gan-
�" it)'. 1 .44411, •I {line•1 1:L,;• \ria- Ml ill afford ('a,1a441414111,141411'1' ,1 Naffs•
/hlww:u.• 111.141.• 14\,.,1 and 14114,.•%. 44,Ir.' eirllt deglwr i( 4111.u11x1gN111Nl1t is
u UII 11.•41,414) 44 1. 114.1M.'.'.ibh• 4...' Ihr something in which we ran .111 tej/1iee
WOO1ln 14 andel-L11,1 I Ill a 1'4111:111 '1'1'414' March of 441444;1.88.'m11.go on.
current141 (1',•411 air 144 11 u,vvw•41s•' i A Fanners' Tariff.
The result is Ilial ihe. air in Ihe.
churches omit l e 'o'1,'. unlit f"1 1,1'011h.: London advert tier.
r •e "'s
111 ui41' , vl\- .. r ''4 1 u• r•., 1 °'I 11 t 11 i,l 4' t 1• :
K. 11 111 1 1 1 II . � n l h t ui1T is a victory
'Phare area 14,1.4.1 many .h11r•11.'•i,, ' for the farmers. '4'444' duly oil m64.'-
r4n1,. 11141 are 11414 %Veil V1 11 ,ll ; 11,4 ,mO( 1111111011 1411, been 11141414'1-1( rein,,
110• subject is worth)' of 4„n,id• 1 (u 1 it tier Lent.: on 4•i4)11u1i114, (144111
era lila 11y s. of 11ue ninny +nini•14r- 25 (41 211 4411' mom.; 4n 41x4'$,
int a•s.N•i,tlimp. 85 11 which IL1'. , 41) 44 sickles lir reaping !books, •' 40 4." pct.
e•llt., mil am spades and sh"5r17II'
I :1i 141 t2 per cent. Thr duly ill' _,
• '1'14.1 (I•mb)'lI'I'U111 hlkr. a .'nlouw11• 1.1.111. 46.1• Ra11411 "'' 44:1 wn11111• :111.1
..•4111• 1 irw' 44 f he ,Inrwuon of I hr 1141111111141 W304 511'ock off, 'rhe 4 i ,v,•t4-
n"vel. „For 441144 it il�," silent bowed ,141 I lie pw•tilion of 111,11111
story Iww411 islllW1,)'44 with. 41'4 4111,1 b:iN filmier* nittiinvt the 1111(. "Ism ' Ihi
W1.111•11plte,W1.111•11w:w wdirit,•( 111 hr in-
ryi41)•nity 4..1111• 10 slay." and the best !eye., of dl1r1111,41.' 1'11,•.4•)'. Ihi. "lily
(114111 $..444 will, it i. 1" Il lake it Nerve '1111' ill 4'.411:1.111, 111.44.•,•I01 al 1.010%tall.
' • 1. Ives 11.11114111r.11.11114111r.five of .1111 5', a
n 111111011111110111 purpose.
••:til 14 ho :Ile faMili,I. with I...,ks to \%4''1ern "'eller., 441$114441441, hunker'
ulw' 444'4 %corks of 11('1' fur by tar ,urn of the 1'14,44444' )oast endeavored
".1 1 14 ,re111. 1446mw,.j$ loll 44 a lax 111
Ihr• .1 pN,441J,41' form of li(rrnllllv'. Iheir /\ume4ea 1 4, w 44•lilol:. ".".".6MIt ,1 111, 11114111 .111 /'11,1,1 h''' 111 t44 /lace 0011.1•' t\\'1111.411111 11:11'11441 4411'1•
d•adeny.. ill li114airy 141,.11•. 11114 lMe 1
L•4•t 11144:14,4I,1111 11'1)114.,1 wally well -
writ lee 111.11k 411 :1114 11)414,41 111 I4. -
11000g 411' .4rl4.1/111e111 11114.$11411 omlke,
its 111411..11 14 Ike 1 11.0414, Ihr
c1 1.1eI' 114.4 441.1 1111111114414 his Iwnde•M
h. t1,, 4l .111,1114, '1111 ula.ym•s 41' 111.'
pe"p4e 1411.• 1,1 11.141 1 heir filer,. 1' 4b•
11141,11 61'1'1.41 4144 w it11 (111 '4444144 14( 1.411•
1r1t11n•wa14 into•r,'sl, 414 641'6111 life'
th.•r4• is a 'octennial rhalam, 'and- the
141.1:u•)' cat ,•re, have 4.4111/11 Ibis
11...011. Thr 111411 41'1,11 has '1 r•Iigii44
111.•64.:Igr 10 411,144'. tl1111. 111111 he tan
414 i4 '.• 1•ffe•It'.I)' Ihr.1tgh the
'441' of a airy. Tho 14.411'1114')'
who w•i111.. 1'1 ('x(1414. 111111 at lack Siddle•
1.1'11 in the social, political lir e
meni:11 11Y11'bf41111,14 that hr tan etch
Ihi• puhlir Par and mak. 44111,11. 4411111•
on the dutiable list have 411,,, failed.
Oranges. Ie.....IA and 1111,4.14 have been
made flee 114 a sacrifice ,If t`2{11,144)
a 1'6:4• 111 11.4', Blue. 'ehi.Hy fan' 1Ile
benefit I'4 the N'e.t, where fruit is
$4.1411.1. :11111 111•11,1'. The ,1441111 ion for 11
t►ingleyixed 4'Iulndi:M tariff 88(111•ist 4111
the IOW 1,►r•IIT sentiment in Ih.• amn-
cultoral a t5'. Farmers '45Ito
field these view's a ititag 41 14 eIG4.1
degree of or44,m1Prat ti41, fold
'mike their inHueucl• telt at Ottawa,
11144444(114 the tactics which have been
pur4:e1 by the pn'.1.1e111ni114, .ince
(41e tariff entered polities. 'elle suc-
rrN, of 1 he farmer: nit W1e41rnt i.
pleinly written iu the tariff schedules.
Mr. Fielding as a Window•dre,ser,
Torunlu Mur 1.1 ,1'un-I4'i a i,1. 1
dun bv'a9m1s Of 11 lis,' ail All'. Fielding 1,n. 4.layel the pall 1.T.
.411,14'1a. \11111110110 1111,1 sa.knl.hs•• Ihr 111.4 -class 11in.1).5 who,
W.11.11 10111 by lip. 1113.1 1.1, !4444 444,441••
sc:ul now I1:35'1.:/ 111pu1a1iun •l( 41147,7:44, tee•41.,', to wish -es, 1he .hail window,
('41144)4411-11 with 4)41;.12 111 1!141, 1111 replied : •'44.44 W,•11• 'n new 44,NNI.,"
increase ..f nearly las 114.1. rrnl.►iu lire °I hell u.,• the M:11111. 111141,; in another
way.- so Mr. Fielding Dent (o Murk
)44:I1 N, Albe •t:4 111141 5alk,tel)rw'an in :/11,1 turfed everything if. the Lyi14d055'
11411 had a population of 1111,301 and around. re -arranged the 44,441188 in ail -
now hair 141.4141. Ata'4t1IsI'N growl It ("1''1 4401.4, 411:wtr .u1m• 1' Ii411.. a•
.11111111; Ihr nye-) ea 1. 1.416111 has not potvrr111to1nl4'd ntt,heoldp0L44n1,rlrnise
liven s,, ,4 liking. although 11 has Item, rlawlilih. the 11el WIIIC M11pyk'('h( i(s•
tariff i.
'4u1w4:11111411, the fwlpulalion 1:4411144 til- tout (lir o1(1 tariff put in lintels -41f
creased from 2.'112l4 to :1C.,sss. Thr 4ol14nIIIM, with an additional column,
rapid develot •1,t N( Illi Irl/ 411.85 w'llll•h Iv only introslltl•e1,t4 144. putin
four at w ' • later date, if, 111414941,
Provinces 1. strikingly Must tided 11y rem% .111 • 1• 9N • ;mer - It. 1"
Thr Winnipeg Fro• Puss, which the Brauer,. by. small reductions on
plaints nut that -whom the Lateral f"'..01"1, iwpl•lurnt_. ; .u�:u 1,f111Nt,. 141','
"I""' •1,t. bel". ultlrr 411. 41/11"w3 i' 111In (4145a 11111. Inner 011 rale
141441 there svere four representatives thin
sugar, but :ire 1:11.1 Ire the eo111h
on tat they t nut•rai,1• the prier
in I':arl' 'tit 1'1(1111 Ihr :1.1•41 lvhirh 10 I011)4111111.114 4.11111141.0 441111 4411411'4
now 1.011Nt4t 1,l.". 1111' 1'n/vi4444( of Sas- urr (41.144.1 in 11,,• flee : 1 he 111111
k:Uch.e,u1 1Mi1 Animist. Th.. census 31141 steel ditties, which 1114.110e to run
1.11:141 41,1'4 year of f1,. hru 41ew l
1'104. ant next rear, Int• s4u6•.'VI inert% 1
mod 1•x11.1111181 11.1.10111. v1111'S. 1'be
IIIIY•Y Show•' (11111 they ,me r•ntit led 111 b:1.40.411 851.111 ''4411• 11':,,44." wa. 14e4'4'e
.4.1'1411,441 1nrn11N•c+, :11111 in 11,.• flexr 1111.116,111.11, though \Ir. 'Fielding did
IM gon.ral eh t • Ihr.' will wry "fair Irade" 4.114.e. As In ILr
preference if is icontinued in „ moth -
send that number of r•pus•4ta145es fief form. Nom it 4s t.. be pri•fer•nre
In 1111• House of ('n -u mei for preference as lea weer' fie -vigil
Whirl) 119414 -testi'lnny as impressive rn11mrfr. end 0l4v4l«•, Iml slily n
prefereu4. for English gods wit Inuit
als\il 14 Conti,' to the .IIrr1'644 of the ., let urn preference for l 'all:,1a, 04' n.
1\01U711 (1uyr4 •111',. ' 'grit' II44IW1111 "111.444'144., :11111 Ihr mn111rr
p0111..." 44111(11•)'. '1'M4' 11618' 41. iulrruu41i:4n•.
:and. for the preyed. i'ol1n':4i4e
Asignificant feature 4f the tai.ift 1141.i 1L i. In 144. 1154 :0.:u1, 1, 11
41, 119en1
tevillnisthe refusal of the G"vael- 14 en1•o11ra44l• 4(1e144n a:"won, 1" Kite
uM 541141e kind 44 1.4I441144•11 tra.1.• (Wel•
:WI. n did erenee, bat rum :q;,lin-1 fhr lona her.
Encouraging Good Customers.
'131. o' o
The 91', in lieu' re:01114 4f the IarifT is
Ihr prevision of an intermediate col.
it41:' 111 4f ditties high, than the antics
on 111.111,11 g1111,1,, 411141 yet lower than
that 111111,411 4n general in cnlnln.wli
lir, .400111g Ilan. f.r•ign 11
The purpose 01 1 he intermediate t1,11(1
i. 411 place in the hands of the Uovet-
rent ,I'Hovel-1111 lac 1144 if Irgotint Ong
withfl'.e111(1% 11:11 inn, disposed 14 ac -
Mend p ) in IMpltl.
Mitring lav'el)I,tions Well. m;lde 10
IIle (ln a mal It in advoe1,5• 114 p11r
tent' f0 111 goods, holt hist before
t1'• 1)1w•tin of n•Iinlul•nt 1I 4411111 n-
til1n rwpres4n ing le farmer: 44r444ni
z.11ion4 id this ('flu 1 l "W:liter 1111111
the (iovernttu'n%, and ndesl4l 144481114.4
Ihr i,1y114441iin i the mums'•11 dot y.
The f:mnn.r.1 won. The 'mitten' indi-
cates that the (1111 e►• ' tt'11 111111.11 -
able t0 Ilse iryltnio,1 o the a rieultnn,l
1401 ...u1lily when I at It inion is curl to Canada their mil.' tariff.
\Chat a bit of excitement and 411.11.1)• a1111 forcibly an 494, as it Orn. Thele gill 144• general 44, ;,tib1)',i) 4,,,,
wory 3 fellow misses just 1,)• 11111 ha,'- in this (:1w•. 111111 it nogg ler 1111 ,'tree- flint I1,,' 141411-114.1, 11lel(r4nre 111 1h.•
iug any investments in Northernliveeour'4r of action for t1,. fn lir. tit,. other country hos been taint inuel,
Ontario mining stock. and in wnn4 144,414188 atemucthrnel. It
Let 1114 flnu.o'i1110:1intain 1 •11'i444: 11• i, there that the great bulk of our
z,ti4n. and :w 'pi8a•tnni off. agrieu11,r,1 1r1millet s are 111.1144'(141,
1,1n41' omit. (.:.l' 14.4114. !h,' i11Pe1n. and it iM a well-recognized e4141444144
1111.111 for the removal of tariff i most,. ,st,. art IIu11 there 4s 110 'letter 5511)' t"
oilitaon other article. in whish Ihr', :t4. inrmn'1s. ilitat.1'14,,' lib iI;1I•role., ,11,,i.!' 1,,K
interestrol, I,1 this way the "ph eV- PIA. '11 1111 1.on1111,441i11,'. 44 British
114,11" w'1,1,•11 4414,•, (1141,1 1144 I,•n,•nl r d 41.1441 will make i1 easier Io sell our
of which (1,.y ha 54' 1" In9U'Ihe great, 1•hlww 1,41(6.1', tonr4n, "pain lied
rattle 1 that great British market.
portion of the burden may le. '1t- wilier, 4 11141411:15. .Hell 44 17g11rit4
1114-4491 in il' 114.1 5111"ralllr 1$44.144, or.the a,. •411j1at1"m 1.,f such 'omm4M11
If the (,lrnlr•1., would slick together in It
4,41her featnr, 41' Ihi 1:nilT
1 heir osvn int.rests :Had svonld I.1. it wl'eh srill1 mu'en41 itself is the re -
IN. 4 ,1 that their rotes world rots ,1,d othlm 111 1 er rates alt il.1Hrv'l%^g, 6111
follow their petitions, there *Di111 4)01118' 4., bllyd.• 4484 111.11e 10' P"Asibl•
soon lie an 1.11(1 of unjust tariff laws fhr pri, ary 4ndit ii,•s of Ih1 vomitrv.
the indl tries 111 n which all Our
Mpro -peril, and "kik IMtin are based.
ule espw•1'all)• i, t1, the 1:14• in :1
ruu011)•like 1'14141441, ' hell. so mml.
of 1h. settler. who are 1 Ong the 114411-
ee1 work of nil io11,11 ,leve 1,1 •,,t ;ire
1111.11 111 W110111 111 11.e 1.111)' 111 el it 1.',11
MLa4e of boniest( ding ,•541 • dollar is
of fhr III'.,( import. lire. It 4, Ul 1114.41
M41(e4M$ (11111 1111 8.414 .M 44 hum, 41I.:Ind
the t:u'itf.1.1c4.,•r. 1,n .11.1/11. 54,1 i11 1.1•-
1,O/14n4 p„s-itol• hand 9111. in 11, 4411-
(o41ud1)• significant w • 1.k 41,116 i in
iterm49114111' tariff Thee is at heat 111•110""i0 t.1,. prnirj,s, to NHrthp i
of furl 1,.r .'.dn41 Pettit/ailing. WeI IMat•in, and in it rum Pro •in)es,
1 he h41111in44 the right 8511... Might Have Been W
seo1I 1.1. pride•hm been aunts' 1 by Pleases Neither Free Traders nor MOnnra 1 W11111•••••
the pro1N,snl of 11,. British 54', r 114- Protectlottists. \1'1,11,• on the • hand t1, • he•
pie, menmfl,11•,11,15','1he 11111r1u4SlenwM coromoJ.141,uu1ranpi„•N'"n.•r.alhr\ Irnd.audlllritT•fir-rrcl•nu,•snpir'nnts
Greys from field land. A meeting of The llsa 4n41t4on is in stork 11 IN1.1- have reeived slnnll ennsidrtlti,.n, fhr
protest anM held 411 kdiubur1l11 AIM, lion now 41,: I neither her traders • 1 Irene. proteetioni,t44 1111 not. alit
with l ler lt4it'I I t • I' itil,,, spokes- I, 4)1'111.1.11 .4. 14.11'" i a4y) for tel HIS. fared :111)• better. II 1)4
•1•111)1) 14 4ll:, k 11,. ive.ie1,f regime. frill h' np41m11n14'4! 1•u•i14', indeed.
44hr )•
11141, . ae.ellarh well. warned in All 1 10.1.4011.W•11 he hiss lflel in turn- Firth q • en9,iar'rnt4•,l,s 1113. alts tor-
'.I,ikable terms.. "Nemo me int inR (heir i,ltrn ' to the taxation INortion. hat It would w'1'144 'It Ihin(
p la.rsil,• issue, and in j1 ' g 45114 Ines writing ritmountaining t It th.mountainhail (44l.. r-
-_-._ •1,114.1'11 -.':Uteri 11 the effort (.I save ".414 /rlNhl 'nn41
. in,i1..111he
An agitation for the a1,olit abolition or 11,. people 1)•4111 4 1. h1,n1.',,'. w11i('11 Clef 11111 flu' so 4;1')•;11 41:411 ' 1nn-
Ihe frenzied ftn,• i,'i 1s alit lbrus, inil p' ''44 mer• at 11)14444.1'5. drawn, the (1111„
the ('anhdian sen,t$e wimlil I4• but a 11(1)0 (hen,, The i.'StI • 4•114(1, t1,. (4,1y. 1.1. •114 Ion del rr11alnel, In extend
11 41. o ehw'k lea affair alongside the row el nnu'nr rum Gummi . the front 4s the iron ,,n.1 Mte'.11 11,1nne'4 for 11,, 04•x1
that cern h, 144• riming ,m i. the Old th4at if Mention ,Ind 441 ft ral.her Ihnr room Vent's. .sherd?' f1,. (if al isms.
Count r)' between the people and 1he f1,.I„rill rem,.p"'I ''. Let 111 eon,. ti., paid mi 111.111,.,l x4,1.1 sine,. thin
Lin,' to lessen the taxes, and to slop 1:04,•' '111 has beim in - power
House of lords. It 11uly 1111.11 0111 14 Ike grafting. just Al 4,1 mervalives/•
1 14 pl,_1(4, ail{, .f which 111,444
I'e the fiercest. flgM shirr the )ora and Liberals recently 1114(4 311 h:ng• i IN'r..111 55'1,, paid Jilting t1,,' pa,t hyo
1:w, ngitnlion : Had the (w•opl,• will land 10 .11.14 le 11.,•11'01 1.r than I )3"111'$, ,Ind 144 (11,41, to the I►4nlim.
nit i.. • off se • 1 11...a.those w'hirh under ordinary eircu - Ion Iron & steel and the :1lit n1na Steel
stances divide Ihrrr. 1'omp3nv. The 11.11ninjm Item At
.4 111141) '.ili,, .11144111 Io 11 • informs A Revenue producing Tariff. Ito IN (11+ last )1.,u'. the Al44nnua
its that through the 4-nllllh•y districts Moffitt -al llrr314• Company, 6..:41,1!1,, the Hamilton l
with which he is familiar f1,. Iwo If Mr•. Foster nm1,1,' Lal n 11 r- steel, 141114,161., :101 Nora. Seed 11 Serpi,
4111,.4 unpopular I'nrl4nnlen1,u'} 'Hart. hearted al tack upon the new tariff, *157,15'4, ,incl 4444011141•., knows how
is pr.iw,hly hwe9111se he knows, as %s•.•) •h the (".ant 1 v 55 ill I1• Idea( for dm.
latents nae the 1e1eh1.r' 5.,11111)' I"gi44ll• as the 114x1th111 '11,. 144 ling, ''g the nOm. IOW 14• m. 95.4.4) 4y,'ry
14,111 1114 1111.011,1W/1 indemnity grab, progressngress of the 1► ' ' the Lapid•mnd of iron and steel will sell at trip
'1.h. ,
,,. 4.4 rat .,est • i„,1„„.,„„, di%- development of all its hllh,rto nn11 '. W. '(r5., tad Ihr 11e111nnd 15'411 1111,f1. Ihnr
fermium bet Well (114' two -fhr I.nrhelA 491/041 n11Vi4, 1n1kc1 hie own pet ,,'111 1 e,1p.ril5' or 400 1111,11011 In dr•
theories lawless. Mr. Fonder has Laid I fail herr ane ,.11114' changes in the
did nit vote themselves the Merest/sell it 410W11 that On. 111411111)44 of things 19111,1ti,' on aWolill. cottons rind Idnnk-
wIL1i4M. this country nllher ,hail in ,►n.4herels, on w11k1, rice, rim sugar and my -
...wintry is the prune .hist, the (lis -I ricull or, I prxtlu•Is, whose import will
The Toronto N.WM has It pointed ing of revenue a minor object. of n rimer
paragraph on a nub j Ihlin ( (loser 1.nmuni a of the
jest that it of in. tariff. Prat•tieAl conditions ere (INbIV' Fi.IdinR x M.1. Is in spite of the 4x1'4
((414444 in Iitplet'irh An well as else. all against hint. IAsrge reve•nlle is (h. t1144t the f.i I.I'S do not want it, and
where. It. says : , nlreNMit4 of the hour, not Io '(N•9.1 maid 11 4441')• plainly. that any change
upon 145i1 %•ry/till.1, but. 1,. aid !levet in the oluti1Non*gri)ultnnllproducts 1.•
"II unlmists from time i 411014al 01,91,111, oat 114 which' devil., ..... v it, 1,way ml' an h1,•r4as'• Thi. is 11i-
11,•• -c• trade jokes shoot the mail who industry and enlnrn4..
erre are melded to dently intended to i• fort the llama
441.4)5 in (:hurrh. Het the ramie of pnlsis•r marl thin) if they were ,hut whom the tariff most set• injures.
the drowsiness is not 4411 manuring. A in behind a 111i9n11in of i1ril!., with 114 Lm A, we can see, while the
NewYork scientist declare. that the no incte,l,ing dem and far the
air 'm iff 'mold easily 1118',' been frnh,441
lackk of ventilation 4n most rhumb.,, Is '11,1, Tariff 4. pIihuo1•ily 1 tariff to toting on brio/Win' And better 'Mee, it (night i
a (Degree.. to an enlightened 4.)m- in revenue, ,'hat It, will do .No and 41.1')• 4001 civitbl ' have 11eeu wlt'Ite.
rile 11,'14'1 if .\lar, i, a new secret
11.1.1. whose membership is Iilllittd
in ('a11a41a and 11,.' 4'n.i4,d sates ,ol('
to 4s•t•.nn4 51:11414.,' .11 11144 ll44'.4 begin with
A4', NI, lir Alae. 11111' IA/ell/11411 friends
IIdg11t 1.n111he-organizer's a(tent• t0
fhr possibilities in theirneighborhood.
In the Right Direction.
Toronto CA r.
()h 1(14 4'11.11', $111• pei gilt. mf 1..110141.1
1111) Ir'ju141. 14 k1111Nv Ih.,, Ihel•• 1111 h4
1•elt. 111,1.41 mem, Ihnt Ihrrr :414.
41 •1.1••14•., a11,1 t hilt Ihr 114445(ment for
I1, 44114)1,111 has failed. Ihal 4444. Ben ish
p1,• en•ne• is liulinhlin18l, and I Intl in
n 1111
Ca.t Huron's Candidate. Saturday
'I'be n.'w......'ry "f Mitsui 'minty
h:wr IMr•n guw:Ni11g wh11 144 likely 1" he •
1he I.111el,1 1.01111111.111. Ail' h:a4t 11111-,111
1.l ll' 1111• 1111/141 1/' 1',/
1 Illi .. N
11 mid I r
, 11 In
Monday B441•ral " •iui"n 44r.•n4'4 to I ' ��1 44 111.1.\,'. a�n
11. K,•11. 41r 111•Ilrw•Iw Will I
111 M tr�mall.
The Tinos. 4.:111 h1a1141y 1•m141'w• Me,
Ill 8 few days Christmas Shopping r
1.r 1.1'1 IIs IN ;1 01141 %c h„ 1,,a taken an , pP j, will begin in.
,41.14%.: interest in Liberalism for many l':'llltil. l;ll�' necessary things now for yourself or
yr,u.' 4111.1 mi the • phoh....l mkt house furnishings. Great savings in this lot of for
through hi. l'aPet Ira 41.41,.44.41 :1 mal /- possible
11.4. ,1t ..:11141441:4... 14. 44 if. P:4'44: ile11- only our very large stock and purchases make it possible t,1.
w')' h,Ior., and now 111411 the up4x11. IICCLIfl1I.
1114111. *Villa here he . ,1,01.1 la, given
the nomination,. Willa AIl',. Kerr. it •
man home -ed in alt41149Aofthe rifling. Prints
the Liberals 411141141 14• ahlr Ii iiia
easily. Thr 1i: • 4f Ah•. I1. \'n11Nli'r/
Ilam 'Well u11410011w1 as a 1-,•'did'l$4'. andM11441 . 1I1.1w' 11.:14i inches wide, English prints ill light
I1. 85.4141,1 '3.411,' all ekrnll.'I mn11 (or1 hest 12,.. quality, 1t per yard 81'
1h.• 'wis,jlion, lint :st. 111,• present ti441,•
has no desire for Pai•lianient a1.. hon-
ors, The annual "lee '
>, Dress e Goods
u1in1; rnnyrnl' will Is. held in then,•
...els o0 December ber I1th. 54 invites wide Dress Merges and Suitings, all 1,l 1
Thl• Wiugh:., Times mar+ 1lf; 41,1• rlr:un, 1,xown, cardinal, green, black, regular wool iu
IANomlw','t'. ,ill Ilia( 111'144111411-111ww1 : 111 11)1 ....... K 1.1•
Komi 44',1w:11•lsh a large 11111111w•r .4- .................................
the r311•payer4 May. 1444 urging the •
present county councillor, .1Ir. ,luhu Silks
!1'. Currie, to week election aS 1te•y6.
114. 1,:w had Many ye1r4 exp4•rilnd( aS :141 yards 27 inch black Japan taffeta .i
Ilerve..d the township. \\'e hear that I 14, 111x%')' an,l
41r. 'Wm. lo('6kait :old 111', 'Win. beam did finish, m44u11' 311• to talc quality' 391'
Ae•eroft will IJ.o likely he e.wdidab•.
lint 11:41. 141,1 heard !Wet i. Ellis', in" i' Blankets
11.111 11.14.4 in 1 he 4,044141'. 111 \\',•.t 11'41•'1
w,mi, sit !tee%I. 1141114,' Will 49.k re•4•iNr• 1
1440 1061 Mr. ('4,:is. '1:1)1,144i11 1414.4,, (',ntnn Itl:ulk4'ts, 44,) Lt '424', in while lir'
likely Ise a candidate. I'fw 111 w lit I . Rtvy with
likely•r I pink 1 t blur borders: trgularfli-2.ifor••••
illnr, \11.. elect 4,41. ilIl 1 , Purest Nova Scotia all wool white blankets largo.
will not liLdI)' well, 1,•-,'11.4(1441. Dins b4'441
double sirA•, fancy border, (4.,;A0 ant(
Ong his two -yea 11.1.111 111. 1115 44.'4n• ,t M. i.i, at per pair 4.50 and
good official and many oft 1,N r'• $5.00
el•% w4 4141 like to see him in H•'xt
Iuu1y council Ili Alm H. i1 is
that 141e contest will 488. IN•.
le 1,11•.4.111 Itee•1'e, .yl'. life.,,
1d I' 1y1'.uueillol'1'biaep. :I4 only Ladies' Coats. i4 Hite beaver cloths and tweeds.
not heard any r s in ref- farms •t'm wain lined 11 MI
• fur lined. timid .4yle. :Irl
Tiitiib.vey, but the pr.',ent J11•au14f4111)' finished, 114,111 to 74$111►.
Juht4 \i...gr4cr, will likely elaiug $5.00 to $15.00
.IJ 11V, I'll. 111 11004,11 11,. sJ l)l/
'. Mrh,e, will .1..k 1.1' -era - •
• Ibluer 5-Iteer, it is said Cjlu airs
114444, .John I:o,1,Iv and
are 4i 11,. livid..
1 w'l'ell 1
I':11 dor,:i
\V1. 1,:n e
elw1141. 141
Reeve., Al,
Is• in the f
Reeve, \V.
1 hal mire•
%Vm, 'it hl)
4. IIs• flr.l -4.
11".1/94 111 11•141
Yon 4.114 1.•.•011
if31111 .1 tidy 411
:1 ierritn4 .1, F.
iu 1'3413113. writ
W H, SHaw
mud. 4+1.4!4um. 14134041 frac
1111411 111' 4.1141 14.1..
4141 .11111111,.4' in .4x month.
'vitt rnl Telegraphy Ip•INN4.I
111',44 rti '1'411. 1{II/'+1 .4.1x611 C •:
r part eula r..
T J. JOHNSTON. lilt ni as (Iioods
Most of our Christmash.ods Have arrived and more are on the way. In Per-
ttomes and Toilet Waters, we J.ay. a great range of handsome packages, ; 1,d all
British American Il in ices from
fO17 5c up to $5.
191.lir. Nottlltg11,1111 1411',• 4'Ilr tains 111 w 141riet y of beautiful
palter r.: ', yd. Mint x11,1 511 to:fit, inclwa wide.1'an,I'Nt wedges en
and reg lar *1.25 and *1.35 value, at per pair WC
Business College
Y. \I.4. .1. I111,66og, 1ow.. 111
41441141 Si... 1'01,6011
Oldest. Strongest. Best.
Winter Term
rim,. .4.11. " !!11; 1.11141 .041
1 4':xeelle'4 re..,14s guaran-
teed. 1'.11 iI0,ga.. and lessons in
(Nosiness 4. it slag free,
T. M. WATSON. Principal
%inter Term Opens January 2114.
Mem 1rs s..4. 01 lie 11)11'4 111C011a5. Nada In las
11411 4.1 1br 111.1 •°, , 111. h"In 4,,: 111.•--
111111-,r 4,,.,r 1114.•1rfb. py
1,ftru.,l IMP
' w r 1311 1141 nor ,•L• nvulY to
-visa. \err 4.0,• 411.1 1,.,•1 .•! •a1M fur
Ir11.iro•.• college nau•IN•r.. 101 1.4 -1111..
4111. of ,Iter hn.i.u•n. e,d1.•t.• lir .bull
1 0441 •rb.44,1-eel,,-,,,,,II.-,I ber:• 11111114:
I lu• 4,1.1 ix" %1.••r-. We bel.ere we ha.,
IM b.•1 Cornm.r• 1411 Si hoo1+11 Canada.
w4 Iloo uua,b -.411 1 •'1i ., ledrnl •.
N •-,l,• 11441.1) (lir , Mal": "•
W. J. ELLIOTT. Principal.
1 'or. 1',,611 11141 .111. •,.uul.r 11
Winter f.rm Up:n: Jaa. 21,d.
'I In-hr.,l .4• recoirnieist 10 be • of
fhr 1.341 ),1 1 '"111114 ere 4 ., 1 111
.11411•444,,. •. our madam. "re 4n de -
mond N. •... lu•$ne.. 1 ,$I,K, teacher..
The 1.40-1 re 111 a4ry414„111uu14e r4•140.•41
fur a La,'I.. ot1enrl (►I.litg• per a,
1.11111. 11.1. el 1• x1• :r1. 1' ,Inlliug 11111'
,( the 10e4..4 p nyMrr.••m..411,1 1,p-111.4411••
1/11,4111`.1r:un111k .46...1. is 11,,• Pro
r Int,•. •rtlr 411.4.1.1141 114.111 II. for "1,a. 1•
hap f, ..•%oral linos. it!, •nppl). 11'1„4
Inc file enndogni%
steel 4'onglnly al4n,• tereirel $9.17,3f7
-' e".---,-vY •f`1.'Y v'Y -\�
0/ 1111
Business College ,
I�11111ntwl 1%111i W1,1_hvn
_1.11i.i. Ii... 1114.1 rn,.14,11, Ihr,.' ,
ml •u',r..fn1 of 4t. L.,..141
11 4101.0•10.Y.1•
o. , ben .11,11' 4,
of Ir1,, r .
4188 1
X4141111 1111111.1 ,4..I:' I: rge' .,414'.,1
11111• : 11011/11 bti'ln .-111r1II. Irwin, ;
Novr•61'1 We 1,:411 •W4:NTi TI111s
nln • eall• fmn, 1111 hill l,mr•rr s
A far
fwd 91.. 111:ItA1 HI had 114 II:.4A1'liFaty n. w° had
gradual ler n ° ,end.
Euler nu Imre.
Ioil irldun) n.U°alnn.
nor h39,1•0 e ( IlbtlsTMA I'AT,%.
Logi I'1.:.rnt f 'r 111 appllcnllo t0
GEO. SPOT N, - Prink i.
.{,. J`.1,--A-._JA_Als_JI_,_A-,...., /
-i• H F:
Berlin Business College
I'. D. EULER, • Principal.
Splendid values it Hair Brushes, Hat Brushes, Brush Sets,
Haad Mirrors, et:'., 411 Ebony. Cellclo d, Rosewood. etc. Soule
re. -.1 snaps 1n Ladles. Po ket Books ::,d Military Brushes.
Ser our pretty Basket Perfumes at Irc and 30C.
1.11•:1NIIn• 1 1 sl ' 1.111' RINNIN,
Many To: r: „Y
Central Drug Store, Goderich, Ont.
Hurrah for Santa Claus1
What can be more
suitable for a Christ-
mas Gift than a
nice piece of
N'1. 111,,"1 111.• I:010044 Mill 144•.1
.4• u•". 11f goons we have' s11415511
and can give exrepti••nnl ,'44(111•,
in I lak :and Mnhogmins Roe1,4-4 s.
Parlor Chairs in silk and crushed
plush. Parlor Tables and Tabourets,
Parlor Cabinets and Music Cabinets,
Library Chairs ,n early English and
all leather, Morris Chairs and Roll
Seat Rockers.
Ladies' Desks and Dressers 01
Oak and Mahogany.
Children,. Rockers and High Chairs in Wicker and Golden Oak
piece Toy Set in Red.
('3ll early and wake .4111 s.•Iertinn. and 554 55 411 .et th1•u1 .1.44E
1111 you want them (Mivevd,
Ib �Id.rM•e, row.
,lnl,Nelso' '• a'"' Beckett 'P'°"`
1 ,�whrin Moot $9
1'1 •1�4 H• Be
Undertaker and Embalmer
((11144 (IH sl'N l).\ \ 1•A 4,L44 ,1'1' 14I•:s111ENO E.
You have a perfedt right b'
insist upon* a perfect fl1 Anil fMet
fret style when you are pinyin;;
from $12 t4 $•J, for a Hint. 1,t
Overlain!. :Oh ('esti 11r. !travel
U,u'memts will fulfill your high
cm( ..x(1•rlill ions and your w
11:1(141144 aenlands. They are the
me nest approach to perfect that
".'.limn ill the faille Mg world.
N•. r,u1 Amyl• these farts 11,
)-4u if you will but give u5. t1,••
mpp UI'tunity,
Buy your Christ-
mas Neckwear, Gloves,
Neckcarfs, etc., early
and buy them from us --
we always. keep the ver
A special line of Ladies' Fur -lined Mocha
Gloves. See them.
Walter C.Pridham
The proper place to buy Men's Clothing and Furnishings.