HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-11-22, Page 1010 '*'nut;;1144, N,Itrn,Lrr I". fo
1'151; �Il:!\•:1I.: (:(1111':1:i( it (Ij\'I',\I:it1
I1U'r11 'I' .loin 1;. 11 t.4.1 v.(•.. 44444•
ill the I4e,t-ku,.w11 • I sl
wen in 11.1. di.114.'1 11.1. passed :mar
in the Prison od. John I?. 4n1t1\:ul, 4.1
he lake .640• I1.ii,l. !11r. Stalr..u,
had 14414.11 ill 4,,,' over 4 1111411111, but al
1„1.1 ,'r'v,•1
1 Ihi• lux' holo' of hi. 1 y
w.4. entertained, 411111 1111' 441w. 111 111.
11'1111, w•hi'h tNY11111.11 •'u 1111•-11'1x,
1:(111 111.1., l%'. ,' :1 1.l.•11 .Ii.,,1. I.. the
rolunlUnity. \I4. sloth( all 45a. .1\ly
years or age .144.i 44.4. "tie of the pi uud.
141,•1d Wen 1, ,b ..t i .hi 1 Ile
1 1 \,Illi 1 1 * 1 1.
w:1. tot' 145.1114 +,:11. 141 114',4• a
1111.4'14 11r 1110 Iing.hl idgr .,'114...1 :did
al 1V,1 . I,141) In 44j44' 111.' :nut
1•ITo1'I 111 1 11.• 1141‘'a11111.111.'111 6.l alit
1111,.'1•• 1 l6. 1• . •.. 6.l t 111• , 6.111
111 11 1111' illi 11 1
1114111114. II.' Was :1 NIIeeessI'I,I 1,44 h ier,
: 1lit 1• •S • , •11 11•, 4 :I. :1
I h leaves n inn/ 11 ► 1
n11rin1111.'nt 11.111i14 thrill 111,1 1111111•1 1.y.
In politico( he was an 14.1154 and in-
fluential Liberal The fnneial look
Ilace 1111 'I'hus'..1,1v, 11111..
n•al,'.1 in 'KI, .(.NII• Ihr$ .11111.11 I.. lt.' .
rather \1.'1 '1'14 ''1. '1'111• i1,111o•:user.
store. Pato i4, Finn, \l i, 11:44.1 how,
Irrrluiah Flynn, .lames 1:1 Olin. \\'nl.
\II•l'lu'Ih) and D.•ni. 11'1.411 'floe
widow and :1 t:uuilt ,4 foul .1,11• .41111
1uur dnngbtel..11,• 11.11 1.. 111.1111 11 * 114'11
great lo... ,1,•t,,1ni.1h and \\illiano
Sullivan :He 111114 her. of the dceeas'11.
and'MI'4•. l'1ru.le4ill4. or rea4,le, i. a
.1411414, Thr ..nl1,111I,y 6.r the wbole
community i, .'\*.1111„1 4.. the is•
leave' ones.,
'Irl' l'l1.n 444. Nov.
,6 ver) pl1,.ing 4.41 441 1,11k place al
the I/' • 1.1 ('.Il l irk 44\':11..h..d, I It,
2211th inst\.11.111 l,i. '6.h' .'i.lei. \li-.
1'11114.1111e. w.l. 1,1011.1 111 Ihr 10.1y
14.11411.'.11' 1101 1'1111./11V 1.. I:.l.s.0 11'IL,)-.
Ill XUI g.6. I, \\ I- '1'•11.. '1'h.• 111.111 ill/"
1.44,4 1•I.1..• .II ". %111.91,1 ill, ,lun,1i
•6.111 11. 4. 1'.1111. I' 1,1111'.14 444,lll .1414'
61',,1.',1 11'.1.-. 11 111 11.6 4 4, .4. 111. ;111,4
w1, 1, Inn• 14.111, .4r.n.•6'44,4'. s.L.•1,•..
.1111,44111"'. .411,11,1 ntl.ulr.l Iln•m.
'114.• I.lbl,' w., d.•r•1.1.414•.I b.•.1111itu11,
1111.1 In•... ilv ladl•u w 4411 . 11oi,,.1
r•n,j,., .\ IH old .4'ymit v a gin•.1-
pal took l dinner. 1,.,Ih,'1 1..,44141111
d,•an l'.,.Ird 11 . bri,l':u..1111.1.1r .1 4,1,
'11.1..1116 .11. 111.6,-. , 151,11 6 4441, '44.1 h
:1pp1''ri.111.1, '1'11.•..,1„11.1.111 .141'- •1"•111
in gime. :44111 11,11:1, .11111 1s loco 111,
young 1011,.:II,i.,'.Ia,l 11,•• ,,.•full; 111.
got6.•I i1.g -441111'1,1,11 ,,11..44* .)Al 111 all.
'1'11' 1111.1,14 n„Lin; w 4, k..I op 1,1,1.41
the 5,'111111 Llon. ..I 111, morning
nod :111 1',t 14111ed l0 1111';, 101,1,, 11111.11
44114:1.14.1 %%it11 111•• t,1, pl,a•.u,t time.
1'114' LI i.4.'...II' I"k.•,1 4.'1 4 . h.6. mini.'
%%4,, ., •14,1 "I' . 4.1.11 :no.J, 1.011 :11141
while .111• 44:,4.4. I, oil .•n,le..i.1.-,e.1.
and 44'10 a 1'11.1.• \,I..'. 11,11 le
111:11'4,. 441111 4.1111.•. 1110'.-.. , .4 'oil
•-1'.1 4, . -.11.'11,1..1 b,
is. 1111'1., 15145114, 1411. 1.,1 1,0 lie,' Ili
duties' 6.l b1 i4..ru.11,1, lea .h', •. 1..-441:•
.I eel g1,•1 411'1 111.11144,.1 with
all ...,, I n • vnl 141.1..o. 1'11.• In
brother n,trd .I• 6,•.I 111 441. '1'111' Ll id'
wa. 1144. 1.(1441..111 04 4 large jIeralis r of
. Ilrr' '414., in,•ludi44g ..•51.1:.11 L:Ind.,.mr
,11'511,.. '1'1114 gr'ou1'. 181..7441. l,. 111.•
111 ill.' .111.1 111i.l.'.nlni11 %*'.err 144•,11111111
141'.4.x'11. 'I 111• brill(' MA ltd gro m1
.Iroy( 1.' 4:,4.1!11141 1111 \\'411mew1.ly;
1•', 1' it i n V. • 1 41 '' i n 4' '.4 i 1 11 1 11,•
Kt,4.m1- 1u1e11•, Ii,1..11.1 111'.,
1'dtl'iOL. I1r.4. snot 4,11 T11.11,11„
111..111in ; 1....k 11'' 11 1114 1'1 \ i.1;; 11.1.
Wi..''n•i11. ,s1„,,• Ih.' 1141....111 h,. .,
line limn, 11'41..44,.1 I'1 In. 1.1 ide, au.l
4411,•1'.• 16.• ......I ..1'.11. • ..1 11,.•ir o1:u1y
fri01111. 41111.1111 111,'44,. 1 11, cur.'*. 1'1411111
•1 di.'l14n.e micro,N r, 011 31 is. Edna' 41
(lay'.. \li-. Ilor:1and I'r'yin41:11 D.
l.9'tive I'helan. room i. 11 :
JIi,I,.'. 1'..nuor.. ,.f 4' u, ill, and \t1..
l'.. le, ..f ('111•.11'. 11 'nigh) he 111'.11
Ilial Mr. 44\',1.1,, bring a ...nit
had all Ili, 1.•110.4 -member.
• present, and aP1r'44rinl. 11.'.•, h,' -and
songs w'I1• ilia,1.• 6. \I.• -.r.. \Ir\ll.
lino. \Irl't•'a i.', (',u11.•r''11 :111.1 4416,1..
*NW !ling 1111N•'.1111p:u•,, Io 1h,eider-
Liniment 111(.• 'err tat., 11 pl.,,, in
tine, LL,rls, :111,11111Iny thanks:44'1• ex:
t l•I11led to all the Aeali,ils work.•(. and
11.•iglll,n•x wino hellos! .Ir.. \\'nlleit in
t h.• grand pt1•paral ions. 'I'h,' .t wilt i•
• 44'4'14 to 16.1 (org..l 1.•11 LY old n1'
Y••'IIIg. ,
Dairy Talk of Today
4 what are the I.,w1 ..•urt41 that pro-
duct...kat Iwundr of butter per annum/
Here I am gulag to wake a statement
and undertake to prate It eorre't.
When the cow that produces 200 pounds
of butler per annum at a food cost of
ESN and a labor .•41st of $12.:.0 le worth
$3',, the caw thnt produces 4011 pounds
of butter annually it worth $40 and
the owner can make net ill; more from
her after paying the Interest on his
1,14141 thou he can from the rows that
produce 200 pounds of butter. -II. B.
(4radl,g cream.
Boilletfh No. Et, 4111 grading errata,
de4ribes n ay•t.•w that has been In
operation at the experiment .tntlou (1t
the state ngrieulturnl college. Mun4nt•
Inn, Jinn. 111.44141 of paying the enme
pH, edur Lad erenrn as for good a tilt-
terenee Is mode which rewards tho
fernier who handles his cream proper-
ly. Thlr will Improve the general qual-
ity of the cream delivered and enable
good butter to be made. The system
Is one which In print Iple %lould be
n.lopted everywhere.
Wiping the tore. (older.
Th, experiments carried on at the
Storrs experiment atntlou In ('ouneetl-
ent on the .Ree't of wiping the 'cow's
odder before milking with n dump
cloth nre vey interesting mod Instruc
live. These experiments .bow that the
bacteria contained In the milk of a
cow with tmwIpe,t odder nutubered
7403 per cubic centimeter. When the
udder and flank had been thoroughly
w Ipei1 the bacteria were reduced t0
1 711. So 'tin ki a thing ns this wiping
I process, It It will do such work; is cer"
teluly worth remembering and practle•
i Ing at every milking.
Loss of ammonia Front MannreJ
Experiments by II. Bjorn -Andersen
demon,trated that by ridding super.
1 phosphate 4 per cent of the weight of
I1Le 44.luhl immure the loss of ammonia
wee entirely prevented. The liquid es -
4 reorient Of a thousand pound enw
antonate to about twenty pound. dally,
Bence If we Mie about ilpound of sib
perplosphate for every nutmal dally
and otherwise manage correctly we
rung save practically n11 the nlnwire.
Ax much nn 70 per cent of the nitrogen
of the IIgnid manure may i. volatilized
nod lost The ratite. of the nitrogen In
?"-only ramie of liquid voiding" le 34,1
cents, and 70 per cent of thin 1s 2%
',owe The cost of the superphosphate
to Aare this wnnl4 be Jost half n rent,
and the net gain on the Investment
1,••11,1 he 225 per cent, pleeing n4' value
whatecet nn the phosphorus in the su-
prrphoepbata. ..
'too 11". 14,.•.i,:
SW, 111 t 441114 1..1114 11.5 \11'11 Yalu
take 4'4, Old 1.411 1' 11114,,111.•,11 1114'14 :111,1
44','l k i111:1NIel 1.11 of Mr. t, II (''ng,,
ban Oster 1.1 1 IIr.Iry. w1,o 1. '. u1',
eog011 iI l,ll.l4 in;; 4.41.lynre 1..6 14,1111."
111,'.'1.'4.,1.11 11.11.1, which h.. 1411.11
.o lel 1:4•11 \\''•• 1 111,1'11 1..1'.11111.• ce.0 •
44011 .144 11111 041' 411 1''411111: 441.'
144'„11.•''1't ••111,' 4 114.11 .1 1 \.f -1'l 1 .11 ..
4%1111 "11411111..1.1...1 1, 1111 hon est Im
room i11 1111• I4.•Jfnr.l 11..4.'1 1( 11o14 i4:
1414,1,'.,,' or The Signal I.. .peak
1...1.1 1. al 111:11141.
)41111' h 11 4111. 1,11'.'..•4 15.•'11 b•1 11
};"6.l Ib.lt1 1 *14111 44114 1 41 i01„1a44 \,111
Inv.' ••:1
I I' .I I 1,11,1 441.. nil 111 . \ 11 . h' 1,.4
11.41 nothing n kite% et 144.1' 551111 hi.
1111.-•11414 11.11 • 11,1.'1'.1. I did li'1
111,• 1.6.•11%'* ,'..11,144 444 11111..'•. '1'11''
,11111'1 ',1 ,'1b1 n Il.I 1
1111.1 Ihi. ❑. a 311411.1/0 law mi.
4. ' .I,•4''.
‘,.it h,'l.'. n, l4.. .,..1.1.111rr
I c44.1,1r.4 144. 111 4'11,•,1 irtg 4'4 141411(••
1111 the cunlra1', I uuhealaliu;;ly •a)'
hr wao( engage.' i1, a LluJublr I:I•k, ut I►, you think of the spelling
:11141 Ih41•r 5th' .r-•1.1.•41 Ilial Rayl• i'' reform:'"
leasoon t' 1..• .t.I.4n1•.1'1 doing *.o. 11 ••\\'1411," answered Farmer ('urntu.sel,
1444'14 Ihr I.." w,1. 4414"44 a l4 iu4'k.1 Inc '•th1' Idea of shortening the w•onix Is a
the punishment ..1 ,14,4411, it is in illi. siert In the right direction. 'tut what
and 14..44„111\ 'ego el 111:0 'I'I.•
�ignul mombi .lit' .'.n,?iuu,• it, those speakers up to Washington trent
111„1. 6.t' ow i44t:u4y .u.•e,..1n114 •I to start fa n movement for shorter sen•
111 1lu0e4 ,old 1411 )' 14 1 ,'11 nal i4 1111 fewer of the111."-\1'asbing-
\\ 1'.1 IIuron by n g:ul;; . 4 INdi4,'.d +011 star.
• 11ee A■nl/l.
"Kelhe•hlr, you ant suit n pronoun("
e/1 %egettrials."
"Yes, deur." •
"Well, the new 1Hnlyder'aruuud the
corner *5111 Just omit you for it 1111N-
hra4.lonx: Why NJT"
he I•:u, 1o11111.111►e' d14�eeks.
,lou ,kbl colored lour and ;.eirroty
1 1
whiskers. ('l,Icugu No•ws.
1'y s,l
Url1Ing 11 slow*.
Daughter have you found out yet
what It was that paps cut out of the
Mother -Yes. 1 bought another copy.
I've read It ell through, but to sure 111y
Ilio I c'u't are :u1)11,1ng wrung 111 It.
We 1111 urtiel.• 1414 the 4ulgarlly uud NII -
1 l.,'y u.
liness ofbuying furs that are u 1
one's IIIP:111x. New lurk Press,
Moro Returns.
10.V. A. Mi LEAN, D. b.
, The above. portrad, which we are enabled to p:1bl.sh through the
cudrte:y of The Blyth Standard, will assist the people of Goder, 41 .n
becoming (al:lllatrwith the features of the Rev. Dr. McLean, who has
corn' to reside amongst us after a period.of (Duty years m the pasto,ate
of St Audiew's l'r.,hyterian churl h. Blyth.
Ilii .11..1 •l11,1d.1 a11.• 411.1 l6. L,i44114r
'a b.•htll.• thrid pto.ernt i..n :old
1.11111-111110111 145.11 :It 1144• 14114 ,1.41.4.
\\ i' 11 -*N 11 441 A. I i. 14..1. 11.14.• In•.•u ill, -
4.. 11.1 e
li,-4.111.14.' p1.•4.,11.•,I. the .•*4.'l.'4
64, II 111646rrt.lu! 11,'. 111.44'-.,1d,•
11 N..'. 1'1 :11,5' 4''11•.•14..114,• 4' Ilull-
.1 'I 4.' 44 4?. 1 '44,
I. .1I-\I1„i111.1..
\\-4• .14 , , 445 111111'-11 .11111141y 111•. .
\I,I. I,, Ir, Ji.rLliw4 1, 111,1 .6.r 1*1.111 1..
n .,sell it Ow 44111.11,'11. '1 The 4y;n:,1'x
,''Innul•. '1'11. I1•111 , l.•. 'r Hr.
\Ll,h,•11',, 1,11141'. Io,w1•vw'. 1•:111', for
6.l. If Ih \4.nk Ilial
4 dng 'u too, alioi114 Ihr past f.•%4
41.. k, w:ry .116.11 :, "1.,11.1:uL1,1' o,1e.
.4114 .1111 441l'. \11114111411 4411* ls•11'1441'
1111114 elf w 4111 it and aid in the pr.iseen•
I ion t the ,1 14 41 !wean...
111• I.ally k -. nothing ah'nl the
:11,11,', :.11,1 11,+ 11.•lh41444 11.1(•1•
local -ay to hock up Ili.. talk .11,..411
' " ill
\\'..1 f 1,44''u : If 4,.• {tinny. who 111.
1111111 it, are. will he 11111.111.l. 11 himself
,.1' Chen. 1.1 :' 'I'),. .u,.• ,'uongll
-inner in \V.-4 111114'41, ;,• . oordiug In
lei, kiwis .tool., is l'ril.h,ll. :11111 he
• 1. 111 ,•:1
41• to 1144 . 11 taken .111 111
•vn II 1
15011 \Ir. \111.11011'. friend.. If 111x•
1''m.'r4.di41•- 1.,111vw'anl.d to put .4
' 1'4111• 11 Ihi • in !intl.., *shy
Ih.4 not Ino -.',.4411• 0. 11414. the no on
who on his out' . •.411•.- i1.n 114.') t'
.'.Incl. 11,h..•-.1 1111.1, 11,1' 1rr'ngd41iug :
I,,.l,alil, they 11 to a -r this di(,•red•
dos! liar :old 111'114, 1' in1111i,a1e
t..p,01:11.1,' 1111.11. I. it- 111.1 pl:11111V
144 1.l.'111, .•41111 In .\h•. \I i11•h1•II 111:1.'1
11.11411, 111.44 the ,J.j.6.1 of the \\16'11•
1'I4.lelinl:: rl1i4.11 hes\•• attlnai•d
..*1.1111',, 'f late i. ,not 1' initoish
n l.a,gJ'1 Is Lot loo 41141'\14 1111441 114.'4
111'. 1.11.1..1 pall) 7 If Ihi. i. nal the
o.....11y were the \\'est Ilin rnn wit-
into n niatl.l• Willi
w11i,11 1111.11' .yi.h•n.. IM•I m' (•o l -.
HMI? Iltb•• whole thing. so Lu' a.
Ih. ,:lliug 111' the \Vest Moron
III•..1'. was .,nem nod, w:1. not ,, hog.•
Ilam' 14)14111 Ih. publi,•• Will Mr.
Mitchell1'%plain who his partner \Va.
;1%4.11 a (111• 11411 111lT111.11nto 111111 U1'-
111'11? \44'11:1t .s 1111'11.'1' 114,1 11 r. Tldbl
.{1'.•4. In help 111 the p1.lw.rnl' of the
Ill.g'd u',iminals?
'That 111.41' w.1'1. il'1'eguhn•ilics .11
nn' '4 Iwo rolls al the 'I,'etion 111
41111•* ion is 11141 111 IMO .11•ni.d, 11111 111
magnify 1111. 11/141 :1 charge ;gains,
115. Liberal pally' .11 ;111•111pl Mg to
41e11111e.,'at I1•11111il1.11evi111•111 1• 1414114.
'Mellott from 4111% than 111.' y'1 leen
1.1'.NIII.eI, 111111 the effort 1/11
i-n'ntly 1,1.111'• I, The Star to (,...en
Ihi'..h:leg. upon the I.ilx•r:il•'- ,.1 \\ora
111114411 i•- 14nplinli.'ally 1''.,111'11. I:6..
w neeheler•. Plneesbles.
fill n brier or ,h,•rry w'. ,,I 1,'pr with
eottun wool or bran clod ,I .'r Ihi: gum
,1 little '4.i'..• of velvet. \4•x1 *1111'
*lord• y:1r,1,1 6.t I.nbv rihlNm 111111 wind
it carefully round the Iii1N'st'ul• lying
.1 %511:111 how' :14 1.:1,11 end. Slick sonic
phis 4,l the ,n461un part and the result
I. n dainty trifle, very novel and easy
to make for the' bael!elor's ('brletwas.
tp en Dote 11M1r7lntr.
In Dennlat'k the dairymen nre grow-
ing to 1%+ esperts ! n'ni' a they employ
n sk111,4(1 nlll,erintendent ' who has
ebnrge of a rertnin district. He visits
the dairies within hie territory once or
twice In tarn week"' and ghee them the
ileneflt of his akI11 and obeervatlon. if
he finds that the nuns In charge of the
dairy le not up to Ante he require.' him
to remedy the defect, whatever It may
be Ile takes samples of milk tram
each cow and reports at his asst visit
Dairy Wisdom In Brief
The secret 1,t growing u
class calf is never to let
tlonse your cows during the cold,
rainy weather. It the feel' you give
your cow roust be used W keep her
Lely wariu. how, 1s s110 to slake milk-?
Pedigreed stuck, ntoileI stables. bal-
anced rations, the .Ito and seperutur
ran avail nothing 111 dairying unless
'there Is a Inas well supplied with ,,w•
hie grey matter under his hat In charge
of It all.
It cost. more to province certified
lull!:, but It brings more, too, says Kim -
10,11'r Dalry Fernier. Running a cow
to and from pasture is Ilk' throwing
money away. Other things being
what, the cow that Is nut afraid of her
owner will do brat. A new cattle barn
c•osthlg $20.t(111 Is to be built for the
n1,TIvlllttn'uI college in Ohio. it Is sur-
prising to ser how mach better care a
herd will get when the farmer begins
to test. 'lad tastes nod foul odors 1b
wllk nre usually- eau'ed by liacterta
whleh enter after the. milk Is drawn.
L4!nue rows w'lll chew Niel' cult dur-
ing the milking prowess; some won't
even rat. It ,14' w,,de 6.11 the milker.
1:.'.cry milker thinks be knows how to
milk. The cows often have a MIT - eat
opinion, and they ere hest able to
The .'.•rub 61111, the bull whose ances-
tors were scrnbr, hex ,w place In any
herd. Dalry rattle are the outgrowth
of long years of select! on and breeding
for milk produetlon. It la not reason-
able to expect a scrub 111511 tut* a sire :
of good dairy cow's, and the man wbu
dues sn Is mien' to be 1ll"appolu1ed,
good, first
It become
Foe 1.1utrrle Moa....
A r1,•y1•r s'1n,•h114 'mentos' corset
ravers with It little extension which
.'I:c.'s.f.'lly r •11'.'11:s Ihr 01l6I414. .\44,1
now another 'I.c'r .'.rou•hn4h• Is taking
the idea further making %lip eor%et
e 1‘.'r-, which tnst,n in the t'al'k and
w'Inch hide the %Idtid.' as serceeefully,
yet In theniwdvee nre several degree.'
more to he preferred to the more n.n:tl
elaborate a reef 'neer for wearing un•
dor cxuulait"ly sheer waists.
N e always allot, 4,, ealfA , (Who.
the cuw from nue to 14 teo days to get
it well started ti, 11(' :out to Irsseu the
Hkellhotel of n 4.44.111.'41 udder 4444 the
Oat of the cow. Soya a writer in the
Farmers Advol•ute., Niece the a14.11t1011
of this practice we halt a never hail r
rase of .'ukel udder, milk fever 6.r
kindred ntluleut, awl hl 1114' ',tee of
spurt teased triter* with their, first
cele.' the calf generally pulls the teals
outuntil they are Ince uud 1
1 t1' 6.0
t( g
enough 4 I • 'IF N•l \4 It h • 1: 444
u u t l ,r r. I t the
ti b I
11.'re Is our method of t.:whlu, the
calf to drink from a pail: 'fake the calf
from the cow, et,', to the wuruine olid
peudilut securely ywa)• from her. (live
him n comfortable berth' where be can-
ton Injure himself 1u, hlx 'efforts to
get to his deur 1,1141 do 11111 try to feed
him until the follow ul, taunting. The
fast w 111 not Injure him lit the least,
but 1t will Wake hitt tractable uud.
anxious to be tuught. 'Treat him kind-
ly, but firmly, and his. les.ou will euuu
be learned. It Is better to back Iiiw
IMO It couveulent corner and thou put
his nose luta:the milk Iii the pail. Ten
(tuners to one he will at ttrst refuse
tat open his mouth. but n finger l6.' one
1111*.' just back '.f lila fore teeth will
give him a tarty or the m11►, Sud the
battle Is halt won. Bette' let him suck -
your Huger or some Slullbtr u.Ject, fur
lois Instinct tells him la reach up for
Ids austeuauce. l4u' down. mai you w111
tared something to Milner Wul to keep
Ids nose ea the pail. .\ttrt' he gets to
going well gradually withdraw your
finger, and hst m 111 c,:nttuue to take the
milk until ire puu.r. for breath. '1'o
a. old trouble now. better give Ids your
finger again and guide 4114. 1101* to the
milk, where it may again be remove`
.1 few such repetitions 4'111 soon trach
Wm that IIIc food Is to he found In the
pall, and your tusk 14 nt nu eud -he has
learned to drink.
Dutch belted Pottle.'
Dutch Belted cattle are Jet black,
with a baud of pure white entirely
around the body. This unique uniform
wakes them very nttrpctive. A herd
of them at pasture calls forth exclauln-
tious of adwlrutlou from uIl who see
them. They 'sire lurge dairy cattle. A
number of Lulls of this breed have ex-
ceeded n too In weight, and the rows
usually weigh ha•tw.•i•n 1,011 and 1.2:01
'viands. As prud,iee's of gou.1 will
they are unsurpassed. 'rlhse cattle
._'• '414
A 1 t'reH LEL L'U liC1.1..
originated In holland everul centuries
ego. During the grey llulluud w'uro
they were nearly enter* nated. Slue
then they have been turn idled by the
No Dutch Belted rattle eve been
brought to t1,ts country In . ore than
fifty years. Mere than half u the Ma-
ture (little of tblx breed In the Putted
States are to be found within 1 ' miler
of New York city, bat recently they
have been Iutr,Nhl.e1 111 varluus
thous of the coentry, nude a num 'r
bnve been exported to Canada n d
Mexico. They are d4H•Ile, Intelligent.
hardy, strung el.twtlttltlonwl cattle nod
wherever lutrodu.e) thrive and are
profitable, ..litre U. G.-Glbbs In Klan -
ball's ltalry Farmer.
Sterilise Foe Defter (-owe.
(hl tale Important subject A. B.
Find; gate the following eseellent nd-
tl.'e before- the :Missouri Dairy teen's
ussuel at iuo :
'Try to be sure you nre buylug from
a reputable breeder. K'ep,the hull till
Lumber of his heifers have snake,'
I • first year. 1f the heifers show Itu-
pr. •emeut over their dame you can be
('nre -1'u are on the right track. You
will Id your bull has nicked better
with "' ne of your run-% than others.
AIwnyh ''ip the best Beller.'. About
11:' eeconi .rux.a you will 11nil Some of
the helfere giving more milk and snak-
ing more butter with their Ilret calves
than their grandmothers ever made for
you In the prime of their lives."
Otte Man'. Theory.
"Mulley 11114:0:: the marc go," quoted
the %cant*' 11:1imit bachelor.
"litre to her sex, doubtless." rejoined
the 111311 wire :Wed W. freight payer for
a wife and three grown daughters. -
Chicago \1.14.x.
Keep Your Feet
Dry and Warm
At this season of the year yon 811011111 have
wallot hing on your fret to kelp th in dry anti warns.
Noe have a large assortment of good ri'lialilt.
felt 1111 felt -lined Shoes alr.1 can supply tit 1 wants
of eieryonl' ill these lines at the lowest, po4asible.
I11'lt 1`0.
111 It1bI)ers and ( 1verslle('s w1', ale prepared to
give you the hest fitting 811(1 the best wearing goods
that can be pa'ocnrell from the leading manufacturers.
.!.1.1-. Inc
lirrlin, Dlercluluts, and (.Ina•lian lilllIl11'r's,
Downing & MacVicar
11Nr I,,I for .1( Thr K9g,u.1.
I IiA11 KIR, I,uu very '11 plrn.el
1.1 .4'0 I h1' notice hl \'111' paper of IIIc
r.( 1 he Al,''.. unit is 4ielle1111
:4441 11Hr41114 I1'.11i1v1I nn 1110 1,1 11av or.
4hx•.4u11'e1.. 1 IN•lieve 1 4444 4"king the.
soul' •rlfx of Ihr medical prufl'N'i.1u
ie stating Ihnl it io au instil tliun'that.
wa•.5,y) nee 11 u'edc11 ill 11.0 ,wont•.
411 111114.11. 1. Ili)' al.i. Still' 111:11 11..'
hu•,nil.d is out intended for the Down
of Ilodl•rieh ,Hone loin for eve'' uluoi•
1.11NIti4 )• in the county of 11111'1'44. ,11d
1ha1 '1'y wwliral 144.441 i,, (141,41111a V
1141. 1411 1116• 111icdeg,. nod rights III:11
w1' 1111%,• i11 (114.11.14i,•h, not ollIV i11 Wild-
ing a. many patients IW lie Ch.M,.'s',
Ino al.,, ill ,I..1.1ing, i., iIN.'wainll•n-
8114.'. '1'1,.'1',' 4,.14 toren a 41 1T4.11.1 1'l' 1d
111 ' '
(III• 1111.41t11111
1 11
.1 1
N11 1111 1 111 II nf the hospital. lint
Sino.• the 111'11111144 is liked and the eon-
4.tru11i'n completed. I think that we
hail 1111 better dltip whales''• differ -
esters .I( opinion we wny l'i,v' had and
work ' wits to make it a Sid'e's.' in
Irvrr)• way, which 1 lou .ole is only it
11el'111,1 %'l'IY •11441'* t1111e.
V1,111w trul).,
'\1.1{J. TAN L,n•, NI. 11.
Nor. 2Ix1. IMAs'.
A bye•elei•l4 for Ill.' I'I•oyiucbll
wall I4.• held in F. 1.1 Hamilton
un .1.1'11111 '1' 4th, J..1, Heidi, K. 1'.,
'is (1,' l'.nu'ryalive ri%14didatr and the
Id11NH' men have pkweal Allan $11111
11011111t in 111.• 1101. 'rhe LiIN•r,,1o( wi11
54444141141 1141• I,1 IN 11' ealitIi(I41l e.
The 1:5441..,, Advertiser elate,' that
the Illou. ('bas. 4. Ily111nn,
\11111.1'14 441 Public %Vorks, hoe been
ulrlrlvvl by hi. physicians l0 lake it
4. 1111.11• Ir•.1. \I r. Hyman is sutree
i11g Irmo prol•u,gld ov1•rwnl•k. Ile
has left for the South, and it is hooped
he will 14.• sufticientIr neat:wed in
• ' N o • . duties ,1
:1 fele we k l 1•'. • hit
A Savlap Account iu The
Sovereign sank wakes you
happily independent of the
future, which keeps you 1[01/4
wu,ty in the preseut.
Open a aav Ings account to Jay
Deposits of from $1.00 111111
upwards received. Interest paid
4 times • year.
The Sovereign
Bank of
(.O4 kN CM tlHAHCM
' It isn't ,llways policy to IN'liey.• the
man who bells you what he would 1111
if hr w1•I1 in your 44141'1•.
A 'deeming emiversatiun,di,t i. :IIN.,
..111 who MCN (41 you about %u111'sel,
'Phone No.
Court House
Great Removal Sale
• We swing into the second week of our Great R2tmoval Sale with
money saving attractions in all departments that cannot but appeal t;;
careful stoppers. The succus of the sale is assured. We promised to
makeit a memorable event in the history of (ioderich retailing, and are
keepingiour promise. We ‘want to move the first week in December and
are going to take just as little of our present stock with us as we can.
Here are a few of the big sales attractions. Thre are dozens and dozens
of others at the store that we have no room to list herr.
Dress Goods for Removal Sale
Removal Sale prlte. flu 1►Ik'ss, foods:114. Ilwn('t sal lie:.
Enough can Ill• saved on 111e (1tt,ide of a dress to go a
long way towards paying fur the slaking. Sc'' last 44week's
i4.lper for particulars about
hoc. Dress Tweeds at: 9c.
Wool Tartan Plaids 42c.
5oc Fancy Waisting 35c.
Colored Dress Goods I2''C.
Black Dress Goods at 23C.
Fine Broadcloth at 9;;C.
Tweed Suitings at 75c.
Fancy Black Dress Goods 75c.
is a big special for :hi. week
$1.00 Dress Tweeds for 50c
4l ya1.1' 1',s,',e1 -owing-. a big .t..'t 11410111 of pal
tern•.nleo(llydm'k 114.1411gs, 1111011 navy. grown-.
In•owl,' 1•1e.: wide double width, 11'g..Ial$I.la1 1•, 1.2,
'.qualities. for the (1144..* !femoral Sale, your ,oire C
per y„Oc.1 .. h J
Prices on Costumes
1:, Tailor•nraJ. 4 O.tnlu,.
l6. .ell :11 11141' ll.' ..I •.IL
'chat 1111.;11. 1:1 hldieI 111 e•
:1111:111 11111'11A .'1,11 :It .1 ,:„' •
.1.',.1 I,', s 1111111 If A 1,611 1
All itr• 111.1.1:ill •c, .'I,
11111,11• (1'11111 (41.1111 111:, I r, , .1
1Il(:ii.:,, • i.'1,I11h1•w1.•i1Yi1 YaI 4
'2.l 4.1411.11 is...
Inc I'Cnluvvl Slide
1 X111 c ('h.•, int 4'I -'rt11u
.1% :91 1.',t111n1 41.,,
for Item'val si7
441 L• I
1 Ulw•n Twer•dl•'.tu1''.
1••gular $2'7.114', 1', els
I(rllln.:11 4;111• J+
14:111•,, Tw,•el)
:al, regular Ir.='5.1441, ��
f1 'Reimova1 Sale. `)
1 I4lI,11H(k Itr,ml'I'4), r,1r•1 6
size :111. t•4'g11lur *_
for He11141vaI $17
1 111 sek Ifr. x1414.1,14 h 1'•
.i•1'.,, :411, regu1a1 ,
f u r If 111 0 v 11 1 $22
I drily Tweed 1''%5111111.
:(1, *''glue*• $'i 511 Q 50
fur Iteumval Male (�
1 lira) Twe'll 4'.wt41114''. •i,,.
31, regular 1P-0.4110. el C
for Removal Sate.. J
I ((leen ;1 'loth Costume.
:14, t•1 41st' $1 K. 1111, )
n e
f r It 'nl v(,11 .. � L
I Fine Ilre''n . 11111:11l'1. .4 41
(1141 ', -.'1ze .911, reg.,l't
*4i,i111, for Removal $24
Lce Curtains at Roval Sale Prices
•We have big orders placed with English makers of lace curtains for Januarydelivery. - Not many sell in I I,;eeml►s,', so we would like every pair sold before we
go to o6. newlplartera. Instead of making a special price on each pair, we will
give a htr. 'gilt
the p 'cc of every lace curtain in stock while the, Removal Sale is on. That
$l.(13 Curtains for 75c
$1.50 Curtains for $1.13
$2.00 Curtains for $1.50
$3.00 Curtains for $2.2�
$4.00 Curtains for $3.00
Linen Ends
Dozens of ends of
half- (,leached linen table
damask in lengths of 2
to ti yards, g ► 1►n the
bargain tables this week
at prices that are de-
cidedly money saving.
They aresplendid quali-
ties that will bleach
(Iniel(Iy and give satis-
factory \year. Nothing
the matter with thele
except that they are
Ohclrt length, The price
will be about 1.4 to 1-:1
less than regular.
Mantles and Skirt
1Ve aro planning for a bright and ro my ladies'
ready-to-wear department, and would like to aro only
new goods to put in it. We will too if Remo a1 Sale
prices will help to sell the Fall stock out. Every ansaile
(las been reduced for the sale, not one but you cansave
$2.00 to $4.00 on. 'fere aro two skirt specials: -
AT, $2.65.\
Skirt.; 4414111' (room go NA 441144141 ' '''weeds, half n dozen
patterns, n,wie., greens. gray.', etc., seemed de"'ign.',
ill new gnrnu nls. rrgnl:u g1 4al,for Renmv*l Rale pair 2 65
4111114'' (or .... ........... ..
AT $3.50.
4kir:s 1141.1,' 61'11* good quality Mao cloth With
braid and button trimming. also extra opialil. )• (,1114.*'
tweeds. ,opI enI' ( 111 goun1'
ts, all new Wylie', regi' 4'r
$1:01,1, for It' •,414111' ............ .......... :..... 3.50
:rsl \':Irl% heavy 4.'eelory 4''14t1,11, 1,4,111,1 even
thread, will bleach well. Potton rout ie
worth today 'very cent of lflr. For
Itetnovnl Sale we hove these 8144 )•artle
to sell AL per yarn
Ilr:wy weighty*r•d wide flannelette to s4'11
at He,pink,blur,qray ,111,1 fast 4.1'1111 R. ('011111
74' I.. called a bargain at Me, choice per QC
yarn V
All over the store you will find these special price inducements while the
8:des iA on. Wo are in earnest in oar determination to have as little stock ad pose
sible to take with us when wo mow and aro making prices very tempting.