HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-11-22, Page 9l• t,,,,44,444,4cciccii479114+4,444-vii,4.44,24i,-4,44**4,444-4,44,44,++44+4,4+444...iict • The News. of the District. •,,,,--. 44, 444,444,4,464645-45.1S-44*.4.4 44 4'446444644 4545 4546+ 4,.,,:ciot". *454'4+4'45 '',."' '4' -**+°"'14;* 44* 45 Tresina'v, Nov. :MIL DUNLOP. NOTICE. THE bOCAL AGENCY : i„ meepommi tor The sigma 1. al Ilse l'us. ' . l'ultstis.% v. Nit.% 2 lilt. 1 • . Traslatv, Nov. 20tle.. mil, hook anti Stitliotterr More, rod mi., ,, . 1•44wort 11 League win le. hem 4,14 . S. S, CoNve'STION. Tilt, fourth 1411- Rev. .M. Turnbull, 'It. A.. re •toi of U:1,4,444 *ill merit r order. for sobserlptions, s'......".11"4"". eVeIlittg ro iiiiii roving . at 'Mal convention of the Nile 10.441.1411(11 i41. lieorgit'm y11111111, (loitered), thrill tl .a,,,ritsios loot 101/ .ork. nod is authorised to i'''' P. 111. Selee.1. AleilleiitliI/11 Will Ile 11e111 at 4 iiiii 111g Illestsher1 nr his .1,1.1411'40th it tifte receipts for smoiiiits pokt for the .. I The Iliti.kell'n elitits.li pellet wee Nile Lalethotlist clittieli 1la 111111111414Y. here 1/11 31 lay of this week. 0 E AUGUSTINE. DUNGAN-I 11vellIlied 011 salibath Ilia by Rev. I i. :'1•1' 5'14. There will he three ....- wm. Nieberg1411, ........tven k , u frej. flues' s'at rim' ''''" stme .'''''l P'.'ll'Y ' settee of our" pastor. Rev. ' W. A. l'' "'' A ii "'II ll"''''' "'I"' will lick'' 1"1." I was attending his sister... wediling• Apiir ; Irtileh Sim, seat Poultry Food. I hop smith. who ponwhi.,1 th,. mi.., __ ... sis the Isisighon An. it,r. M. j. %yd. , plow promptly attended to. senate? at lielgrave. A. NEWTON. DENTIS'T, LUCK• facilillot for going the w4wk• more iiiii - Oaten %Vt. 0111. 11.1,1 lir al (lie lime the WILDNIOWAY, Not'. 21.1. • 'hail forget the concioa. on Ft i Jay evening. riea lain Sunday. home in Gielerieh. Mise Laura Brython.. fioderieh. visiting friends in our. village. 310.4 Edith Anguetine„ of tioderich, was in our village for a few days last Mrs. Snailli and 11.1111. of Holstein, airy rkiting Mrs. Steplwn Deere,' Ibis dr. Mason has left for Blyth alba two need 10' work in Anil art I I tint a few day,. Net week at the home oif Mrs. 11 +pi Pentland left on Mon- day 1.or 11*.trO, Meek. to See her sinter, who is ill. W1. Visitor itt our village. on Fridat ision Court wits Leda 1 /11 or 1,11'.1.4 were dieposed Leonetti Westbrook. of Wingliam, visited his seiner, Mee. Frank Glenn. for a lew Jaye this week. Mrs. Fislwi. of Beniniller. returned lo het home en Sunday after abating word Igor here reeeived that Herb. Ce3rer ir ill Regina honpit al with typhoid fever. '31'.• tome to hear of Miss Annie Stewart and Mims Me. 6011.111. of Myth, Well. ralle41 her.. 4111 lerstand Dr. Biee has bought the store forinerlv lifted Or A grovel y Mew from Mre. Wm. Crawford nen MI. Griffin and family. of Ashflehl. hare moved to Mr. Sanderson farm. Inning rented it fur term of years. Mr. Feagen ie returning to his former near Auburn. eturmal front Golden Valley lie got two 41..er but die- t...sea of them in 'Toronto on loin way hone. and we will n11 mime • usual treat .1 etii.on thiA year. ot sat We Are pleittlet1 1. heel Oro Fred Metilemi ie along tery well After hin 111'4'1- (11m. lie is still at Hugh Stew:ores home. but the doctor stye be may be taken to his 1 . in Ashfleld in a few Andeeson. latektiow, and 144111 liana of Keteuts. are visiting their epic ids id twenty Ve1111$ tenet. Mr. Anderson vieited here and he wee mow demurs in tow village. ST. HELENS. Tt'sonat v. Ni.v. 211th. few days. on Thm allay ef last week. Miss Mat Karig Rut herbed visited friends at Kinhetgla 4 him week. • Mr. 1101 Mrs. John lame Villited at J. R. Rut berford's 1111 Sfundity. Mr. 11.1rray And daughter le•na, .47 lioderieh. are visiting at John ale Quite a few 04 our " ll i lll were 'ant on Monday. bed the game tenon., to he Water. 11141111 1114 JAN. RA111110114..-AllOther °four early settler/. 1,40401 away ms Wellnealay ening of IAA week. in the person of Jan. Ramage, sr. 31r. 14,u1 not been in the best 14 health for name lime. being 10111111Ni with his stomach, but he had been going around entil A few dep. Pre - V14111. to anti wee nt rhumb the previous Sunday. Ile wan born of the e. numunit y and he funeral to Bethel eemetery on Saturant. After- noon was rarely at tended. Mr. Mani- lla(' karts, wife, mix. daughters and one sou to mourn hi.. Lew. All the daughters tire marrielallexeept. Minnie. Min lives at home. Jame.. 1 he eon. Sat prewnt in the Weet And watt 11/1- herrn% ed family III1VP the deep PV111- ST. AUGUSTINE Charlie Robineon wins in Port Af- loat Lot Friday. Miss Webster is visiting her friend Mts. Wm. Millihs this week. Mr. and Mrs. John Staff° 11 and Wilily spent Sunday at Geo. Brophy's. and Mre. J/1111. Young and Mine Tt'"Ing spent Monday at George Thos. Plowman left Inst stork lo yisit seine of the cities. and PPP it lit Or of !he world. 11r. lint 3104. Henry la•ishonan rind John thattiney, jr., of Arta'n. Sask.. and Mrs. E. Chninney. One ley one the bort fire 1 f-titrnilig froni th.. %Vent after having helped to owe the cow mat there. This week Joe' Iirephy retorned, looking well. „J4nte• Boyle very henry 110* -he,' he has hAd hi. neW been eien- eked. 1. is., c lions structure "A .'ierfisl on a very substantial eminent beireletion. The work Wn. done 1.y toleii Hoyle. a very competent htoines-like manner. John I. a very skillful %%orker. having learned his testis s oh Joseph Flynn. N'slori people climb to the top for the inennse lookitig down on their ho.t.....1 of Irving to heat hits reword, the 411-PrIIRP 111/111 shoold try to 'forget It, -Chicago New.. thin -eh watt Islog erected and the people 'will 1st greatly 1111'3144.1 111 heal' 10111 14/W0111111 1111. 1111111 again. A few of the young peimie Idsnes 1/1144111. n very enjoy.thle evening at the tat, on Friday evelaiiig lento...till of last week. having had a long eiege, hut „he finally drove the bon horse u Intel allarter.. . Smelt F:0Ir, 1111age 111/1444- .110111. 111.1. 4,1111144•14.1 1,1111•111 141/11111.44. W11:1•11 tie More' ,1111. .11141 11111,11 WIrIller tinting the Whiter n1,111111 The sort i -t•4 itt 1 Lope, Zion Hackett'. appointments were t% it le on'S -toying lit Ilta, Blake'. appoild meta Altim. study 1111 T111,4.1.11' I•1 t'rosliv at the I Joint Stonier.. !loth services .4111111114We at 7:34 11. 111. The 114•411.11er 111i• List week has beet. exeeptionally tine. 44'.• hot.. fel-at.- gling hard for the upper baud pos. sibl% the third time will be the chat in. '1'114. beef rim( has .toppe.1 this week for 11111411er sow.4.11, ill be meeting it. the , 11:111 4111 'Friday herr Will Ite eetellIrel feel. (be year. All Mistiest's! 111 the ring are requested to be present. PQRT ALBERT.. The other stOrelkeep..i. bar 1101 yrriteil here yet. Shea 31.11e1 )(ming %vas ieiting• her Ille near ftilme for Cobalt. 111 ism late C. lllll Ingham lien( Sunday lt,r the parilital root here. Miss Victoria Hawkins. ..1 River, 31i.s., it al home al plesent. -1110 ace t ..ef he high peke .4 hay .1 her of 11114. 114111. igon.. from here 141 1114410W11. TIM Mill i. doing a lishis.4 these 11.1vs.. The aptsiculltirisls gel Ittd. Three large 111....ks of wild geese el'1111,„ 11411141 ill 41 'sign of 1...re fair The last Iwo weeks of 111.... tt•eat her have git 1.41 1111' farIller. ill 1.114. ellattre 141 114114tell their S4141 fields and store away their .1111111y 1.1 roots tor winter. 11, allOIller .01111,, 115,14 Et 11 Met '4141114.11, Id I 54.41erich. visiting at her 1 here Mr. and Alia. lien,. 314.11.:44 spent Evelyn...4 speed Sunday at their lentil. bele. ar. ff. 11olterir titof Signal, visited here over S I he gticst The in, morial .1'1Viee for the late Sietvait will Le held Christ The les Ian and Etiglish ellurches here have decides! I,. 113% 1. /1 tree. 10 he 111441 in on December I 101 h. bat ti. lids here nisi] her di topitiess 31N. I. bantam.% of laieknow. spent in 11. 4. wedded life : the weeli-end with Mre. •• atel pretty event of the Fred il.s.m. who spent t he summer "eek 1,a" lim• marriage of Miss in the set viee of Steele. has engaged Wat'"n (irPenet "t 110' PDS'. to o ith C. Charged. yet will lie remeireil for the comple- tion of the building. Ihmrato .1. Ibtekay ret in tied fisitti he N.irthwest last , week. Ile int Mill. taking a lllll 'mocha e. Ms.' ill the Stratford business settled tit/M.1401i J. Small. Of searovih, I). E. NItitiro, of, Auburn. addition 10 1 local superinteu- dents and 11111e1... The 1/11141.1.1 of the LAURIER. Miss Jennie Johnston. of Otnieriell• silent S111111Ily at home, Miss dolsts Jamieson, sr.. who Iris. been si, I., is, we tire glad to state, hie It 1 ..1111 was surets1sfol in striking gt and flow of water for %Viol. Kemp- ton al I he dent 11 I:01 feet. AleLesin tn. who is attending ror 11. Mr1:14111:111. lie is' Mat ti ..% er wo hinelred feel wit it no Sign 111 Water, Mill 11. 4111/111 111 I lie rock. This is going, 10 1.. ogle .4 oh. Tersist v. Nov. 211:41. yes y. l'ort Carling. Apple -packing lets iseett finished for this ,taii• in 11111. %tenni y. %VIII believes in .klie old % Sherwood last week. . .1.tulrew M...111istrit visited his Barrie. are Om the 1...lt 's mother, sehool, and. 31k. Hem,. of the Nortintl tittoiyetrary of the op.q.itty( of Ilaekelles.clitirch %%ill he held next 11r. Oaten. cosithict tly• services. LEEBURN. 4 lo Titertlay of Lest week 31 iss Link - later 11 as at Itroactic1.1. as a delegate tanill. of Tot onto. 1111e of the former past ot. ef 114. ehtiralt here, nearly a quarter 4.1 .1 century ago, James Chisholm lets pleseintsed from eight thoroughbred i.iiseidis sheen. I has 1.1 1...a good seleel Ile la eirlit th • alio' els Is mi. Ltst 11e- t'llapinan. TorMil a. is up on 14.14 1104 •41/1.11 011111 since Ise li.fl the hi ttlitrIll Wit 11 her itor1 :Mil hostess rile lin+ visited loony !wilds of in - telt st:all att here 41114 at 1111 leriels and tiattell pleitred With her lirsl Visit to Illtwon county. The follon Mg from The tetkland it ',thrombi T: i butte refers 10 a y1111111: 11111, 11111 k •ii and .1t esteemed in this township, a daughter ot A n• It. MeliP104iC i. re mliingling his drew „r . 1 nesses only. After 1 he ceremmiy he v. 1.4.re :t wedding I weii fast wits ...eyed al the Hotel Jefferson let. friend. of the bride. Ales. 11.ird. 1' Men& liottirfo the in.gatt al who has been coon...101 wit 11 111c0Mrcs meRae's mate in lemian List of the Knights id the 311, . es fel week. Quite umether of his friends the past 1 ilree myth. .1 host Dike this 0!4 1"11111`11ee 11111t 'Toni means of friends, whose 'mat %%isle..., follow iFrom another ..not in holland. I I!. Air. Alionlork eh- St.trrunai , Nev. I it h. samted thei.. the teal estate atoll the loch:ash Isivs are, al piesent, a look pima. I 1..1oher lilt very tender mei Affecti..nale nature. II is to be hoped that as a iestilt the men will be materially increased. Fut V, Nov.1.1, The nelsons have ni.arls• eottiplete.1 Pantos Sinai. The raeilim hermigiog the 1orick work of the nen' to the estate of the late Simnel Apple. (print, chureh here, anti will soon P0111•• by Were sold 41Y' allel ion on Moodily. plasat.ring. 11. considerable of lad 2.'i, 11th roneessiint, It to lei the the lathing altsetily been done. Th.. 31:04m farm. mid ("Mt ing 111 1 aeri.s, mhfh„, will tr. great eredit 1„ the 1.,114. was ?told I,. 11'. II. Perrin, I lintim, for the sem, of 1111, 't% !Orli ir iamehletini gregal is very good The smith The marring,. ef Dan Meli00Z11.. 1111.troit. formerly of lee•lialsb, and was sold 44 Fait 44c4 vire law, rnfai,iinn. took pinee al the bride's home last mimieipallt• pt...s4.111. and it seem.' to 1Vednemilay. The yinIng 11.41 the next day. trifle the go.s1 wisher, of In. token for Knotted Ihat there will he their friends, for Detroit, where 1 Ifey tittle. if any, change in the compost lion of ow mcil. II se4.1114 to lie will reside. !twiny millet ntood that Mr. Me of Reeve. o rim for this °Mee, it•Itieli 111'.1 ,Par earrir1. With it mein is•reltitt in the eminty Plumes,. N., other names sire mentioned 10 yet. but there ie no telling what. a dny mat bring forth. Mr. Fert•ie, who is me has done his duty faithfully, may want to still retain it seat nt the counts lioArd. There in mid to be bare nos sibility of 31 r. !them's. running Agnin Time may can tell what is doing in this Triesot V, Not . 2111 II. faicknow learning Ihe ern Mg with Mrs. Sheriff., Dan. McLean wild hit hend• wane tenon to A. Ross, Paisley, for A splendid smn. Mrs. 011111011. has had A Vert pent - fel hestlinig on her bond, bin it is now r 'Maly imp, tieing. Geo. MeNemnre, Rod Mel/math! and Nell Mackenzie. bonier, all' 1V1IlkillK in Mr. Morrey't, bush, prepat Mg. loge for the mill. 11 is %vitt% notch sorrow thnt hoon of the sodden dein h Mrs. W. 1VNIne40140 afternoon to to een Hill centetet y. It id ham! 111 bell tvhat We m. t.11 111111, - Syrup. gavels a lot of fer the easygo in your footeteret. here and •itt tioderich. 030ERICel TOWNSHIP. 161 1. .ead..11, are putting in a coal Alis.4 'imp 1435 been re en- gagod for lid. ttelsold for 1017 at a /4 airy of $11541, a considerable advance over this year's stipend. Leo 111101:FN. A most unfortunate aecident liapiwned at the home of. l'ot ter, Illtirep road, 011 Stalin - day, Ilith inst.. whereliy !kis little wo- year•olil data had it. leg broken in tw.0 places. 31r. Poi ter Mot gone to the Stable to I lie child follo%%, Mg. A chicken frightened the cove, which kieke I. st elk iiig the child on the leg and 111 eaking Ito, places. A (1.1, lOr W1114 at 'if 1'3111,1 111111 the 1111111 met. 1Vh111 111111Ill the child's misfortune in the .fai.1 1 hat 311s. Pot- ter is in leaf also. BAYFIELD. Wetiatostat v. Nov. 21.41: 114.11 Speneel. spent Sunday ' • John Ca 110.1101 :11111 %VIII. S.111410114441 T. F.0041 hittr eel' of Ilk hard, trios. business' to .1. 1 1. Worsen. 04 (toilet kit. .1.altier• Fel givitti anti. Mester 'lint ate isiting the -formers parents The evapteator has closed down ror 4 hire months. 1.111. services it; Trite. % chinch will held iti the evettiog 111.11.111 lif the Item y and sister Sara, totem 31i 31am' cosset petit:m.41 with t hem ler :t short t•isit. entei laming a few of 1 heir Hear 11:011.4 II and Alr. and 4;444, Feeding the Milk Maker In feeding the dairy cow liherality 11 lie best policy. 1.'ind out Low =eh ehe eau Use to good ndvantage and Len give tier that.inuch. Excellent Cow Fried. Ou every ferui there are refuse vege- tablets such as pumpkins and small po- tatoes. ?bele make excellent cow feed, not on accotmt Qr the nourishment they contain, but tie a relish. Potatoen are the best food of all vegetables. When such vegetables as turnips are fed they must be fed leatuediately aft- er milking or they will taint the butter. Feeding at • Lose,, The dairy ration should be palatable. It should be nutritious. It should be .110..1.11)1e, abinelant and as In- expetimive as possible after the ether essentials are secured, but we should never lose sight of the fact that no ration Is ever good enough or cheap enough to coax n protit out of ei.wortle lei.. cow, say* Farmers Advocate. "Succulent foods the year around" 1.1 the watchword of the auccessful dairy- man. Their free use results not only In greater profit, but enables those ant.' mats to utilize greater (identities of other fgodit with least danger. luesti- amble nre the values of silage and root.. to the cow and the dairyman, and yet the large majority of cow ownera grow neither ensilage nor roots. A Cow 'Worth reediest. Like thousands of other meu, this COW owner did not appreciate what his cow was doing, what it meant to pro- duce 8,000 pounds of, milk In ninety days, with a fat content of IG.74 pounds or 102 pouPds of butter, says 11o:trite Dairyman. Then for the remainlug six mantle. she gave, we will allow, twelve pound,. n day, or, at the 810110 figuring, 2.1 10 Nun& of milk, product ug 13.1 pounds of butter. or a total of 827 pounds of butter, and the man wouders that she Is poor when he ald not know enough to feed Ruch cow what food elle ought to have. What has Ode cow earned? At least 173 In butter and skim milk. She Is a cow of AO strong she must glve all the and butter fat mho eau eren If she takes It mit of her body. There nre thousands of such cows. Thls Is the kind of eon. Can cure your Cough or Cold, no question about that, but why go to all the trouble and inconvenience of looking him up, and then of having hispretwript kat filled, when you can step into any drug store in Canada and obtain _for a quarter. Why pay two to five dollars when a twenty-five cent bottle of SHILOH will cure you as quickly? • • Why not do as hundreds of thousands of Canadians have done for the past thirty-four years: let SHILOH be your doc- tor whenever a Cough or Cold SHILOH will cure you, and all druggists back pp this statement with a positive guarantee. The next time you have a Cough or Cold cure it with HILOH arerage dairy farmer needy to be well advised upon It 0 to feed. his good cows better. A WIseouslit farmer at Phillipn writes tu Dr. amend of the Tribune Fanner complaining that his Jersey cow, fresh last November and which gave thirty to thirty-five pounds of tuilk a day for three months. testing 5.5, now gives only six pounds day ou good Pasture and that she looks very poor, though she Is healthy. Dr. Simnel tells this 1111111 111 plain, prnctIcal words that he 11414 been neglecting th14 cow; Gant he should have fed such One cow better, so she could keep up; thut there Is little wonder that alie Is poor when we consider the drain upon her itystem to prodeee that iiinouut of milk and milk solids. That 140W, It seems, nev- er entered the man'e head. Ile thought something was the natter with the cow. The •doctor gives lam the Found nclvIce to dry her off mid feed her two qunrte of oats day till mho calves. As he sus, "Keep het up. man; keep her FOLLOWED INSTRUCTIONS. Little Marjory 14 101141 of cake, but lest she appear too greedy' tier temente have earertilly taught We hen a plitte )4 rake 1,4 offered Mu nys to take the imaia•st her. This rule of eti- quette, "Always take the piece nearest von," lets• level repeated to Marjory till she has hall It thoroughly hupress- 5IarJory /111.1 /ler mother were dining at a neighbor's bonne the other day when n plate of delicious cake was nassed around. Despite much urging, she steadily refus'et1 tolnive any cake. Iler mother was surprised, but let the matter pass for the time being. It Wall tifter the return home Whelk her mother isked Marjory why she hail refused to nave nay cake at the,neighbor's house that daY. "Well, mamma," ,she answered, with n plaintive sigh, "you told ine 4111111Y4 to take the piel.e of rake nearest we, dido't yen? Well, there wasn't any piece nearest me. It was all over on the other si.k of tt:e plate." -New York nit -Piing the mansion, we find Its mistrese weeping 44ilently but copiously "May we Inquire the occaslon of your 'sorrow'?" we gently. ••,Itist to think!" she "3Iyeelf and my daughters left nbsolutely elope and improtectinl!" 1Ve pomp, fearing that we hare lann• prbion for ne.rgitig nettle trusts; my ow eto non 14 1111111tt IllaPtY days for reek - lent; nutumobilIng, rind, now word ham come that my other non leis been Fent to jail fur some Nakao. prank or other!" Sighing because of tlip relentleAs hand of the law. which tualtes without re- gard to the number of gentle lieerts It woman In her grief. -Judge. Ilse Unexpected. "You look And, finites. Anybody tack Ili bonier "No I'm a little dleappointed, thorn nII. My mother iti-law wrote mime time ago that she ,wns going to spent! the rhiter Wills fel." "Hold On. When WP mit lier letter 1 stnrted right In to tlx Iln 'Moir,' to make ft ph.rixant for her." "And now, confound It, she writes that she can't cower -Clevelaud Plain Didn't Look ?kat War. wise Mell tire breeding for. It Is a pity "Archie Is fairly going (allay over his that there in not more breeding of fit new automobile." dairymen to care for imeh cows. "Thant strange. Every • time 0041141 Advice. neen him he line been going crazy um Good sound advice Is always value- der it."-Plek Me Up. Girlhood and Scott's Emulsion are linked together. , The girl who takes Scott's Ernul- sion has plenty of rich, red blood ; she is plump, active and energetic. The reason is that at a period when`a girl's digestion is weak, Scott's Emulsion provides her with powerful nourishment in tasily digested form. It is a food that builds and keeps up a girl's strength. Fall and Winter Underwear A full Stock in this week. Both in combination and separate varments, light and heaY,' weights, Britis'h and Canadian inakt.‘s. Headquarters for the Celebrated Stanfield Un - shrinkable Underwear. Goods the Best Prices ihe Lowest. MCLEAN BROS. Art Tailors, Furnishers, Clothiers, Hatters. Noi th side Court House Square, Goilericli. ifg HEATING 1 IOW attout that heating proposition! It will be economy to let.us figure 4 la it. We do not pretend to be the only itch-. t ing or two about heating. Ifot air, lio water and steam. • We have a large stock of base bur- ners tliat can be lanight for cash at re- Paroid 400fing, International Stock Ware, etc. E. P. Paulin Hardware, Plumbing and Heating. Store 57. House 177. FINE TAILORING. EVERYTH/NG IN MEN'S FALL WEAR. REG. BLACK THE TAILOR UNDERWEAR "Tui Elt IMAM)* 1 Ile best I lull rail OVERCOATS vt••• you tin its a Itire fur -lined isial. 111inle to order at really eninle. Call and Pee 11., Everything in Men's Smart Wear. CA 0 0 56 D. MILLAR CO. 11 'PHONE 56 Splendid Values Household Commodities Sahorday will he a yen -pedal day in our 'staple sec- tion, When we will offer some very exceptional values ni blankets, linens, • owels and cottons. Special purAase of 6-4 unbleached tab • linen, a good heavy quality in a nice selection of' designii,te • special at 3oc per yard, Another line, lid 2 yivds wide, extra un- bleached linen, 4 patterns to seleck from, was 'rade to sell at 50c, special price 40,7. 134:T.er lines in tal)ling at 50c, 75c thiekaiNi.•14 muds,. size. 1,4,011. I 1/4 1 It Timid's ill large Vilriely ill a very low priee. Mpeeial tier pnir at the very beet vAltie nt. EXTRA VALUE IN BEDMATS • spell 5.11 5111.pm 4 •••I bed inalsadae tinxial. This is a /splendid quilt for Indium y A eplemild hoe in %Mite Me...calla grille. hod the thing lot the hest bed- room, 1$2.15 each. , Blankets and Comforters Never behire were we in a !Hater position to ofTee esieh value.. in imth• kets and Condoner.. Extra qualit y Blooket 4. AIM 110‘14al 11'1, Will 11111 on sale $41 anti tipwnrds, Comforter» in a nice tuttowtment of covet hogs And all filled n•itti bei.t. PHr Mi 1 lar's Scotch Store P1132"