HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-11-22, Page 8TnUR,uAv, Nov. culler '.L' 1908 talllllllllsmote- .. The Most Important ilousehold Itcm Armours SOftd'Extract ofB eeef (Porno IN CANADA/ not only suppliesculur and flavor to soups, sauces and gravies -- but a quarter teaspuouful in a Clip of but water makt s a brac- ing cup 1 tb the in valid or convalescent. Armour's Extract of Beef is more economical than others be- cause it goes four times as far. \Trite for free Booklet "Culivaly \Yninkles" which tell: how to use Armour's Solid Beef Extract. 1'5 ARMOUR LIMITED . Toronto CANADIAN FACTORY TT root.? etm.rt (A77 rsissammeammuliii eal Comfort ' to know\ yon always have Hirs Exter 's Pain inator in the house. Tried and toted for over th•rty years anti admitted to he the sovereign remedy . ur all TeNYaebe, Bralses,Wr elms red Lase Bach. 2:Ic. a all dealers. Try Iirst's LI! 1e Live Nils. They retnov implies from the face. .Th Cure sallow skin.A.1 .our dealer or send us 2:x'. dict. A handsome souvenir wa color sketch free. THE F F. GALLEY CO., Limited Hamilton. Ont. 170 • { 1'iI sti!NA1.: (a►I)t~I:I('ll AI:Ii► GEORGE BARR **4',7•' M'GUTGHEON. r,li" Aram, 01 "GreasWL' i < "{ R R 1•1111041a.Hat. r sslt. �`�••'' • R,II W Grim til D CHAPTER IV.11 Iliet01'(:III.1' wy,.titflrl Ihy 'itluu of the driver aui length terrified by elle puce t carried Weal rareruiug alo the narrow rued, Beverly crap.] alit her ruler shrill with alarm. Au Pettily Wale crouching uu the emir the can, h lt'twer n. the 'Units. groaul and praying. "Stop: Wiser's,are yon g ager" cri Iii•verly, putting her head eeklesr through the window. If then u Mea her be ;;ave nu cvidaw a of the fu His face was set forward, aud be w gulJlug the Mimes with a tires, u quit cling haled: 1"he eteicii rattl and 1 1,1'1 aluug the duug'ruus w: b.•wn In the side of W. wuuutaln. misstep ur n fall., turn 'night cavi start 11,e clumsy 11'4Xle culling that the glee lttity uu the right. The cuuvict w'a4 taking desperate cbauce•et 11ud. With u cool, culculatiu, hraiu, prepared to Ie;tp to the ground la ease of atrl- deut . and save hiuire•I1', without •a thought fur the v:dims lusldr, "Stop: 'Turn around:" she crier! iu a frenzy. "We shall be killed. Are yon crazy :" - By thi' time they bad atrueL• a de- scent in the road uud were rushing alum: at bre:dim-wk. speed into Omires:- ivc shadows that burr the first Ili - ; sluts of night. Realizing. al I:Ist that hoc .Tien wort• falling upon purpurcly deaf Ears. Beverly t',llhuuu sank back luta the seat, weak uud terror stricken. It was plait' to her that the horses were nut ruuuiug away', fir the wuu Lad I.»eu lashing thew furiously. There was but one eouclusiu: 'he was delib- erately taktug her farther luta the wuuutulu fastuesacs, Ids purpose l:uuwu ouly to Wwself. .1 hundred ter- r,rs Iar,eutcd themselves to bur as she lay huddled ugaiust the side ut the coach, her 0)•044 elused tightly-, her ten - ,ler bur'iy tassel furiously ubuut with the sw:ly of the vehicle. There wrist the fuuaawcutal Tear that elle would be I dashed to (Reath dowu the side of the 1 .Ina u talo but alar 1-o t from this i err gilk•k braiu was evolving :1;1 sorts of 1, iodide eudiugs - dale short of nbmu- 441)' disaster. Eton as she• prayed that suui•ihiug tight lutervl qe to ILevk the lead rush a ,1 to deliver her Prow the horrors of Il, ul •Int the raucous voice of the .!civ r•wa' heart enlllug to 1114 horse's, uud t e Ince became slower. The'w- ful ns )ng and the Jultiug grew hexa J• mat Seine; so law That it toIetl.'d Use the ground. 1 aw Iowerle... 1 wily Implore you to tithe what y+,11tables you clay tlud bit, uud let n1' proceed uuhurueJ:" she Uy cried rapidly, eager to have It over. to ••Trus, bow (':ul your hlghuesr pro- ut nerd? You have uu guide, uu driver, of uu escort," sa1J the matt mockingly. DR Beverly looked ut Shu Jlppealingly, ut- terly without w unit to reply. The ed tears were welling is her eyea, nud her b' heart was Wrubblllg 11►e that of a cap - rd Lured bard. In after life she was able et. to picture 1u her mind's -eye 'all the it's details of that tableau lit the "noun- . u- talo pose- tee I:opete.. (•ouch, the eel steaming busses, the rakish bluetit uud lye his plcturesque wuu, the towering A crags and a butte of a girl facing the ly cud of eterytllhlg. w•u `'leas• highness' 14 sold to be brace. lent even your wouderful courage Fall and Winter SUITS A'. 1) OVERCOATS Correct Materials Latest Style Perfect Fit Best Satisfaction Lowest Prices DUNLOP THE TAILOR WEST ST., - GODERICH severe, brokou stepped] W lk :lgghlg ()...rVk•y.rly d:llufitt heroin iut0 til\ NIulJuu deems Iiy11e of 1 ns she dhllso. Pau the box of the c•u:i• first luta the .444411811 upo11 the rocks a the h• cxpre'aiuu of 0 1'u trail lug means of esea ', Mud( ed 111'11111(1 the coa113111w0 against Beverly's hat as he w'i'dow. She opened ler lip 1111n, but even as she did so to hie heels and raced hark or road'tboy bad tr t...Wd eo pre'Ipitu (►y(•rcullle bi' 'urprire and dlsw Roe only 1.0uk1 watch the night lit w leuce, l.er. than n hutyelred feet frow where the (•00111 111. dt11ud1ug he lnrn- iel to the right nud erns lost amonit\the roekr, .1111'8(1, fonr bursem, coveted with 'went, were panting and heaving. n1- if In great distress, after their mail ran. Aunt fanny was etfll lnoaulug and praying by turns, In the bottom of the carriage, Harkness War Nettling down updn the Ire., and ubJe.•t4 s lent ertel e nIJred eiirds away were vw',illowcd by' We gloom. There tt'a. 110 S.1un.1 Nave the bl .44 Mg of the 1ire.l animals aunt e c1:1ltor reee4teI 41w•If Into n allele, tool Ilirn Ihe coat 11 11 a mighty lurch. i•rs'lf ' from the corner, 'alumni, nu longer n ilk. gazed piteously oat . expecting the mnlr- • driver to inert her IT bud swung fruits and was peerhig below 111/11 then Ile sure the Ned aud seek- 'uly he dart - t brushing sled the to call took the oily. v. the 'seeming of the old iegrlse. Bever TO TIifi PUJBL•it: Thr prier of 'wet' eat 1 le 1 blur/:hunt I L, 1:1'II.6 4.t i.1- hA.• .111.1 411•,1 n•nai•h o Inn. i,n,I ern-•gh.nl ly I.w•,d via..., ,,y ,Inn o. it 1 isle 1111.1 .ul.pl) ii,e :.44 , 4: - p ,• I°„1-l''Will,. %'bill• the .1,, .I.,, r r•r.1 if nal Intl et. Ihnn , ,\L r s Lt. t\ls MIt..%l' N1.11.1,P1' h.. .11. II 4.,',.1 or ille.e , 41,81111'. 1-i.• :o•. •, I... Ili.elkieg 41,' ',ohm,. 1,.r 11,.'.) 1,1.. .1 •..,ronngr ler-.,hem a. 0.11 i,.1,,,.., I hr .am'. McLEAN BROS ly realized with a sinking'henrt that 1 hey were al,.lie nud belples4 111 tie ulQnlita1U., with night 1111011 thein. She net ur knew where the stre•ug;11 nd courage val.efront, but she forced pea the ntubburn c.)a•h 111107 and eranibl.d to the ground, looking frau• 111-1111} In :UI dlrlr•tiun9 for 4) elu„le signs,n of hope.' 144 the meet despairing error .Ile had ever experienced she ter ted 1-1 .lies ark the 11'nd burets, 'lisping t u 1 n 0 R ,,,against In ,.1❑ hope 1-1 t: , <I. ,,,. � 1, t ( ha 1 ,,n:n..�,� 41. >+ 1 that nt least one of 1,.r Ira had reu/alued 1'11111[1111. A man stepped 11111411y from the huller I 1,..if the road nud ndv1uflel'l W11Il the Uncertain 11-(11dlufoue who bit I. o%r.•"u,e hr 1111187.4114( ut. ile w't. n ttrauger rind were all odd, mn('uuth garb. 'lee faillig held t'Id b,•r that be was n ,t one of lacy I.U.• pr."refutes. She shrank back with a faint cry of nlorin, ready to tly to tho prohn44ng arm. of Lapel.•. .tl,t funny It Ger un'crtaim Iva. could carry her. .1t the Raine Instant another ragged straw:. r. then tw'u, three, fear or the, nppeeree ars If by c:arir. cote. neer her, ether. ai•l,rua,I1A (runt the 'llllltl. ,11-. "Wbu who In heaven's zinnia are c \t •• 1 SYNOPSIS O Canadian Northwest lomestcad Itegt.Ilations. I)' 4l,,n • '..,. ,,I ,t 1.., ,,,ion 1.0.1• ,t4.114 I t.,, , 1,1 , 4, 11. ',weight,/ 1 atoll .1,, .,111 1.-, I •, d. 114,1 hr 16 Plow, .Ir.Nke1 bt .Int 11.1 °u 1'1,0 i- the • illy .,.I,1 1 • f moil), 41r 311) 1,1.,1,• .h Cr I•' 1 ,.,r, of ,I'1 1, lb:. eNee1! ul • eel oleo •e111.e1 .4(11)11,1'14 . mole or L•.., • I:nt.vunl•I lie 141.6• In ',on :a 11: • Iu1.1u111,,(.4 ite.•lb Irhl n r1,Mh tree heel e. ,ll ante, rmm• bMnrdead r i rr,l•,ii • 11 1,. 1).a form , 1„' rondillen/• r,mne,9l1 1.414141111 1111,14.1 ,n41'r I hr 1011.44 Ma 1•Lur : , 111 At 1,,1 .i, 4'1,1111. ' re -1'.'e 1111 1118111'4441 rnhitn•10111f 1111 4,,:,) i, 1.1' It toe IoI ,)N.,• %c,4r•. 4onp' else faltered. • T14' 44olmd of her tVii yore In n oo•aslire rest ,red the e1iira1'e that 14:1,1 1:''14 parah'z1.1. 111 I ''1441 044014' 111i4 441in1 sprig elf southern I nt,r threw h; 111 her ehonlderr 011,1 11111.a her elem. 11- they Well. brig:I11d. .honld' net tail her n er(ug)lIg ward. .1ft'r all, elle waft a 1'alhonu. the 114:111 441le 11:141 MN! (41".('rt'.el stop. 1 near tie hors's Nallx nud peertel 'ntly nt her from In'ne:u1, n broad 1 raki.h Int. 11e -writ. 'all and n1)• :4rr,I .to 114• more reep..•Inhly clad nn 1de felloe s. although there Wns t one, 141(4) hmees1 ne though he lee, - tied n (',,i,pl'te outfit of wearing np- rel. Poor wilyfnrer•, cony It p10n.1 your hl h e44r " a gf mlfl f1'I the 1 1:111 cnlrnloud bowing 10w. '1'o her Rntj,rl.e, he 8111)1111 very good Eugenie 111s Voice WAN n1- nod there Wall n flu of a1' polite e 1:7 In the loop.. "hut all i)eolte are k1' In the mountains. 'The king and I, thief, the prIIe44l nod the lade A In talc (Qlllmou fold." £.4 gas l r!, 1411..' (AI lag an 1,.•r, 4f the tofu.' I.d, tel r,•."rdl rel 11n. 611111, ;.lr..drt 41•.1414•• 44)41 11el f:41 at i.1 the 41,10144 orlhl Lena '^olrrel 1,. the n• r., 1•aim/m•nt• a- In n'.i,lrnl,• m.14 Ile• .: t" 111.1 b4. 1111, 1)1'(.'1. Ir 1,1111,E nigh 1 h (Ail. ' ,n her. 1)1. 4:11 It ter •.ltlet 1,.1• hi. 1)"1-1118• ane I,•eiJ11rl•r Ibl n}.m lel lnl...r loud °stied h% 1011, in aha ,icio ie r of hi. hemi• -I.' .d. 161• 11.001,.1.1.1. d, I° I 1(111 r•. ia,1mr 111.ey 1.• .,111.1, 41 by le 1114001. 41444)41 1)I• Ike •aka INlnt. 1'1 11 the' notice f l aril lux •Snap In• i;, 10 Ila 1'°nruli.•Ilnn•r of 14wnml.m (.,old. At 118 '1111111„ of Intuition to Apply Int patent. frit rat tY, n Ir 1 pnty of the ytlni.teldthr Interfere. N. 11. Up...01,rr14nl pn)llenlhn of this n.1 ,CII Ie•(•nu•nl Will u,1' hr paid for NOTICE Ti.) ADVERTISERS ,It1 te Eery of change of running advertise- iso merits must be left of this office by 111, Monday noon to ensure insertion Ille in issue of sameweek. Ill au "1N1, rove uutet kill ug) 144.1411 nothing Iu Bea Installer," sold the leader "pleasantly. "Your escort 144444e tl J n1' though laurelled- by lww0- thiug etrouger thou shadows; your driver bas deserted; your horses are half dead; you are Indeed, as you have au1J: powerless. And yen are, beside•s all these, 1u the ('lut('hes of a baud of Merciless cutthroats." l -Ole" moaned Beverly, enddenly ' leaning agalust the fore wheel, her eye4 almost starting (Rout her head. The Iead.•r laughed quietly- ve4 ue,,l Iaturedly. "lei. you won't yeti w'uu't Lill us':" She 11:1(1 time to 1/11lPT10 that Ile -re were entitles, uu the faces of all • the wen wattle' the clrrle of light. "iiest assured, your hh4u..s," suet the Leader, Miming upon hist rine bar- rel with careless grace, "we lul,•nd uo harm to you. Every wuu )'OU meet iU 1;rntrtark 11- not n brtgnud, I (rust, 1 for your sake. We are simple hunters, r and not what we may seem. It I. t'urtnmlte that you have fallen Into huuest hands. There I. Rowe one in R W0 eoae11Y' he asked, quickly alert. A ' prolonged groan prayed to Beverly that a Atilt Faintly bad screwed up snffieleut ,courage to look out of the wiuduw. I "Sly old Servant," Rho half w'111i- peretI. 'Then, as several of the mon started toward the door: "Rut eke 1, 0111 rind w-uuldtl't harm a fly. ('lease, plea.e don't hurt her." tl "( 'nwpose yourself; she Is Rafe," , w said the leader. Ily 1411' tinge It w•4:s fl trite dark•. At a word from hen two li three wen lighted Iautcru., The w philtre was more weird than ever In n the fitful glow. "May I ask, your high- ' 1i es, bow d,, Vott,Iiiteu(1 to reach I:ol.•I• 11 IRR in your present condition? Yee. R cin tot 11„rage Iho0C horse. and, Ile- 'r Mame. you elo not knot* the way." l "Are*'t yon going to rub tier de• tr m0uded Beverly, hope sprllgine t:, the •0 surface With `n Joy fid Maim]. This tic stranger laze, lied b,•arl!ly nod retook his head. 148 "hu we not look like bo:eeT men?" , ht hr cried, with a ware of his hand to- y0 1::i'd 1i1. comp) ni,n4. Ilererly beets! kl duliluu.. '•\1'e lite til.• goal, elan II'e iM of 1114' w'lllerur.s. eteeln'r life IR nee- ' fu e..ar' for one health\ We ('gn11 not , live 1( the city," h.• weir( on, with grim a humor. For the 111.1 think Beverly no- I • level that he wore n hues.`tda.1( patch n4' over %/ r hl e eye, I ft I held •(•• J , by I� t n' cord. r 11.• n.N•• • .t1-] More I I aur h,>Cundahle ' .!, that ever under the light of erl4leel ItI It, epeetlon. R "1 alru Very mue11 relieved," said I erly, who war not at n11 relieved. "I�lit \t!I1 tabs I,:et'e you *weevil um lit thie lea 114.1'r ''Ntop)N'd yon crl.'t( the roan with 1(a the pat. h. "I implore you t.I met.l,3' li__, that, pier 1,1:haes4. Your coach Wa4 1 1,14 elulte.4* n standstill before we knew of , RIUI It, p,r1•sen('e. You d0 zee n gritty In -ed, Ile "Its Very 'trance," wutterea Bever- cis ly. eontewhat taken.nhack. - , • irate yon observed that It 19 quite gri :? irk :" n•ke,l the km.S•r, putting away he's llit•f thaw of ludlgnnttn0, A "111 11 r t1-; •p It 1'.:" cried tba, now dr1 a1 10 to 1hi1k more clearly. tel covering h!s 1)811-11 cnrefully whit lila slouching hat. "My genital. She's c'olurtd• ." "colonel re he nskwt hl amazement. "What du you mean?" "Why, x1,4'5 u' negresi. 1►out you kuow what u colored person ley" "Yen' loran she le a slave -a black slave:'" "%"e don't own slaves any wu'- •wure." ile (oohed more pltzx1wl 111311 ever -thou at last, to r:lti417 himself, walked over uud peered luta the eullc•h. Aunt funny ret up a dismal howl. Au instant later Sir lluuesly was pushed aside, uud hiss t'ulbuui was anxiously trying to comfort her old friend through the window. The Luau luultr1 me In. silent wuuder fur n minute, uud then rhodv off to where u group of Ids wen stout] tall:lug. "t1- yo' diel ylt, Miss Ber'Iy-l4 de cud came?" moaned .taut faulty. Bev- erly ev erly cuukl not repro.* a swlle. "I au quite alh'e,'mutle. These men will not hurt us, They are very trice gentlemen." She utterwl the last ub- 541 %1l11uu i1 u 1uu:1 vulee, aud It had its sleet, for We loader came to her side 441111 Iuug strides. "('our into ywtr servant that we menu uo burs. ,four highness," he said eager- ly, u new deference In his Voice and wauuer. "We have ouly the best of motltts, lu mlud. 'Prue, the hills are full of 14w•11.1a fellows. and w'u :zee obliged to fight thew almost dully, but you 1,1(Ve fallen In with honest weu- very uie a gentlemen. I trust. Less than au hour ago we put a Laud of rubber* to Hight" - "1 hoard the shooting," cried Bev ly: "1t was that wlicb put my ese to MOW' "'rh'y' could not have been W1dl Of 1;raustark, tbeu, your highuws quite go/tautly. "They were Coesa('ks, or WIatet you call then. But, pray, why do 7 call we 'your W buetis'i (lemuud Beverly'. The tall leader swept t ground with Ids hat once wore. ".11l the uutalde world knows the Princess Yetl'e-why nut the humble mountain wan? Van will pardon we. but every 1111111 Iu 111 hills kuuw's that you are to pass through uu the wily frust St. Petersburg 10 4latiltok. W..• Ire nut so fur from tbie w•urtd, after all, we raft -a1 11c'uple ul ti. hills. We Low• that your hi;I111)i' left St. 1'0• tersburg by rail last Sunday aud tuck' to the highway day before yesterday leeattse the tluods had wu4411e.1 away the brldg.s 10rtlt of Axphala. Even the hills have eyes puJ cars." Beverly' li•t.'u1-d with inereaslug per- plexity'. It wan trite that ski.• had left' St. Petersburg uu $uu.lay: that the ua pretrdetted floods had stopped all rail- way traffic Ili the hills, cu.upelliu' her to travel 1'I fuP IU:Iar :wiles• ,' s .' • y Ll. t, and that We whole eotiatr5' w: ('o:nfusiug Iver In .softie ntpu,ge way' wit the I'r41- c,'4. 1'rt1VV. Thr Dow'% bad a •IQrally' epee throne', AxilhlItI old t1, hires with the 4wiflues4 o1 lire. It weld. b.' useless to deny the ...wry; these men would net relieve her. 1u a gush she d.r•i,e4 that It would 111• lee( to ruse• . for 111• tis,• leen,: as .the tiller of t:rau.l:u'::. It r,'iiunuwl only fur her to heel •.4 upon Aunt Fanny the hu partite,. of Rile re:'.luliva. "What trio. old h111+ they must be, she said. with eta.lte eathusla.t4 '1'03 eamtut (elect ale to admit, how wee. that 1 ale the prlueess," she. wen "It would 1101 11.' juet to y'ottr esee• eat rlrymtntua fur tact If you did w, •011r highness," .0linly spoke the man. 'it 14 quite a4 e:)4y 10 say that you are lot the prineesn Its fn Say' that you are, u wlclt matters', after all? 11''1' re- rwrve the right, huwet('1', to do 110111 - gr to the gmern who nubs over these• wine 0141 411114. I offer you the huud,l, erviees of n?sl'lt null toy' cowpnn our. We nn' your. to c•oqu13nd." "1 nal very g..itefid to lied That you re not brigands', 1N•!leve lit.•," said k'verly. "Pray toil me who you ar.•, len, and you shalt be lnHiciently re- 'nlled for your gess] Intentions." "1? (►h, y0nr highness,. I nm It:rkler Ie goat hurter, n poor 4h1J1.•t fur re- 'ard'at your 14:4)114. 1 may a. well :W- 111 that 1 nm n poacher and have no •gal right to the prosperity of your Ills. The 01113' reward 1 en 11 risk Is for- it-ell4r4 for 1 espa%sing mem the Prete Iy of others." "Ton shall rmeht'e pardon for all nnsgre..lou4, but you t get me to 1110 1)18(0 of safety " said lieverly'ea- rly. "Aad quickly. tun,• you might well v0 added," •he maid lightly. "The ,r.4"s have rested, 1 think. so will, nr p(•rmisslmn we. may pr.leed. I tow of n place where you may spend e night Comfortably and be refreshed r the rough J(mney'tutIorr,w " ',Tomorrow? 11040 ran 1 go on? I n alone!" Abe cried 4eepalrIug!y, 'Permit me to retailed yeti that you e nuIuig°r alone. Yon have a rag- e following. of 1 g your 11 lines! g. but it all be n loyal nue. Will you re enter ('.n.1,? It 14 flat fan to the place 1 e:lk of, fled i myself will drive yt•u er- ort era ted Ino 1. 1 stark Iwa'outry, x114 111417 Were to mark au ineffaceable spot in her 1111'11• wry. 'Hwy 44 re dark, slruag J.,rrl mea of ulrlluul height, w1111 tli'rre !duck eyes uud lul:g 14111 11 hair.' a1- uu two were drys+tel ull!i'e It woe Itupaesl611 to rt'•oguize••s•bar:le•teristie sty ler of tit: tire. Soule were lit the rade, baggy eu'tuwei of the peasant un she had Imagine) I,In1; oth.•r., were drenned I the tight nttiug but dIlupl,uted Iwl forum of the soldiery, while severe were 111 0011114 111101y' Et:roww:ul and partly oriental. 'There were huts aud fezzes uud cup'c,.ruwt• WIb heathers In the bands, tethers without. The any nearest the coach sure the dirty gray uulfurul ut an unity oIlicer, full of boles and routs, while nuufhrr atrudt► along ii it pair of baggy yellow true secs (11 111 l 1 u (WAS l.uudt a (1luuer1 +u•ket All In all, It was the 'leanest hand of vagaloudt she bud ever seen. 'There were at least tett or U ileum In the par- ty. While 1 few curried ew•ulds, all luggwl the lung rifles and crooked dag- gers of the 'Tartars, "Aunt ninny." Beverly w•Li4pertrl, suddenly- moving lit the tilde of ILe sub- dued servant, "where 11' Lily revolver'?' It haul ease to her like it flush that a subsequent emergeeucy should not nud ler unprepared. Aunt J"IIUUyet jaw dropped, uud her eyes were like white Zings 111 u black screen, ' "(:uud Lewd. v.hu - what fu;,- !Ilse Sl: l►ou't call the \Iles Rev'ly. Now, Just ,uu pay 'teutiuu to nue, and 1'11 tell y'uu suwetldug queer. (Jet my revolver right away and don't let abuse uu•11 ser what you are doing." WYblto Aunt 1'auuv's trembling augers went 111 search of the Hrear,u, lk•vt•rly Pott Hued the situation briefly, but explicit- ly. The old W0ul:ul W1144 nut 111uit' to uudrrrta1141. Her 404(4* rbareued by hear, she grumINd Beverly's inetrue• tions '41111 natouishitg avidity. "V1') Well, 30' Iciglluosv;" she said, with nue reverence, "Atilt pelt'uult do bottle u' pk1't lei:It fu yu' If yu' Jes' duu'- mine me puffin' file hauhu' 'moues( dose bores. Veber yo' 1111 'drunter bib de glugeb:•" With this wonderful subterfuge 114 a shield she dug slyly hap-oneof the bags mid pulled forth a revolter. Trader ordi- nary ctremestatiees she would hare Leen *1,0 Helly «{raid to touch It, blit nut so Iu this emergea.y. Beverly shared the We:Ipuu lulu the p.s•ket of her grey traveling Jacket. "1 feel 11,111.11 let tar now. Atwt 1'nn- ny," she said, idyl Aunt fanny gave a Vast. chuckle. luae.d foe 41gImen.." she ngreed auuvc)!. The '10acll rolled nloug for half no hour and then stopped with a sodden 11 Instant Lw Jolt. A t latae the 1.111 driver t1- appeared at tin• wluduw, ]lis head um covered. A man hard by I)eld n la111. (0 11: "()ura runes ar dellenef, 704 herr,':it,'. said the Ii•ad.•tt ::14(,w'ing 1,1'. %visite teeth in a triumphant smile. ilia ex• posed eye s''''lued to Ie; glowing with plc:lseire :1'd e•t('i 1"111frylt. \V 1:1 murmured Bet erly hopelea- ly. A puzzled 1•11)1,004011 (':1110 Int,, bis f: o: IIi,'n his sulilr dw'peu•:1 aua 4114 1•\v ,ok uu n knowing gleans. :..'," be mall gayly, "vomr biglou••', l.rrt,•rs Out to speak the lan- guage of r: (;stark. 14 It neees4ary fur 111e to repeat -In F:nglitder "i really welsh you would," said Bev- erly, e:U('hlug her breath.' "Just to see bow It sounds, y'uu know." "four every wish shall 1.e greened. i t1'g to inform you that we have reached Ike illi of the Hawk and lin- tel. This; Is where we dwelt Iast'uight. 'I'outorrow we, leo, tib:11114ln the idacr, PO 0111' fortunes may, reit together for some Mews sit least. There 14 but 111 no 10 offer you In the way of nomrilh suint, and there 14 Home of the count foils of n paha('.•. Yet princesses Can no more b,' choosers than leggnrs when the tureen 171 one- pot. (emote your I, 1014 4•.', let- 1110 conduct you to the gue4t chamber of the Inn of the 1,wk and IN V011." Beverly took Ills baud 04141 'tipped to Ile• eremite !raking nbout in wonder ni,1 1•rplexity. "I sere no lung' 'the murmured appro. 1e11r1re•1y. -Link nloft, yntlr highness. That emit black (':tingly 1' the roof; we are tfamineg upon the floor, and the dark riend,wr Just beyond the clrrle of light .,,. thea 111s_r1 the Hawk rind Raven. IT(( Ite c11NT1\1'P.i.1 u • • 're. ('c11er, It 1, g"fticg Imre nnd aur retinue, at I...Ist, is hnugry..' 1„. 1111114 0pru 4.0 , .:orb dour, fwd els t Rtyrpt Rhe'g;.,,u1(1 11111*. 114)/1', 'Ibe t 01 a I.i.te,n played Iilfilly mien ark, gaup lace, with I1. g•Illatt and ,,11n11ou+ p:11(•11. She h' 013t - t('4 (' PIl'rimg her soul 0111•4! Inu1•t•. loofa up spin kly 81141 Rall' the 111111'. lull 111 h •r eyes, the Mute appeal. Trust al year bi_hness," he 44.114 1rely, find lei 1ll,weel hint to baud 1111,E the le,. •11 moment 1'11 hr 11'ar 1111011 the ver'11 110%, reale handl. 4'ailing out bar eulll ,'pour 'In 4i Language ".\n,1 y111 ora Mlles fr 1:11 nu Inn Or str: house of any keel," hr 114IN.011, "i/f1 1 w11 you a xpect to slay here nil nl''I,* her ."I'In 1'31 not nl'rul.l" bravely .elle, ly s Peva Beverly. .IAI "It 14 ItIo4t dal,Trrolls," "1 11:141' 4 revolter." the weak little "It voles, went o1. flee "Ilio: Went 14 It fort' take "ern 1144' 111 4140 of etnergTenc4." mal "emit n• repelling brig:inl+ who time aur 41.111y nppenr memYen " Ute 1l141P?" 0110, Wil loge to II,'.erl', a (rag kid the Ip, rind once more I •y were Inm- IIIR oter the Wrell•lted Oon.I, Beter- ank 1011 1lt,. the seat With 1-1 tleep 1 of reslun:llion, 1VP11, Pin 1,, f'•• It." mho thought. IIB. ' 1 11 f matter w 1' 6 Ihe r they men ter or angel., 1 ver of I'll hate to • what manes. 110 a•44n'f look terJ• •h like nn nngl•k lint h1' lw,klelynt hart now :I. It Ile 1 1101101 1 were Dent 111 111(' I 111!1 htwrrnbarkln 4111il'ton 1•' May i n.k why you did not' ate It flea evening?" ('1 L1tTElt V. "Became It 1. locket up In 0414' of my eng4-1 don't know. J1 t which 011,'- 11n.1 Runt Fanny lins the key," c.,nfee.- 1e1 Beverly. to rlr The chief of the 'honest In041" laugh- ed again, N dear, ringing laugh that be- spoke supreme confklen(•e,In hie right to enjoy blmself, rkf who M dant .Faf+tt1" be asked. D 1\Y) of for tnru w•nIk4'4 elite. 44).10 thee dorm, one of them tear Ing n lantern. They converted 111 10w tones and Inn bingfnugt,' w'hl'h !let crly ,otlld not ttndrraaud. lfler 14151111,' she fnnnd bereelf analyz- ing ter Ranh 1111(1 manner of the mea. She was allying to herI4'lf that here were her Stitt teal aneelmeon nt Gnu- •. 4.• ..ale 01 44 1 .557(, Don't 1:140"iun4('4 by - 1'4lug (heap soap. Ton will nen y,,:rr 1•u:1p1'xluu mei have to buy c.)1.1 ('1,01,1 If tall 11o, 'Sewhlg In the dusk. Gaslight la cheaper than ()Makin' 6111.. Wearing thin clothing. Flannel 1s 1be:lper and better than medicine. Going without Iit:ehl• on. Yon w 1111 n r J Ire quer Iteilth nail digestion If inn ]o. \S'31:4111, when overtired to (trot.] car f.4, 0 Yon onto 1110n0y, 1144) under- miuc pew ewe:M inion. Over,t.lrkleg. Nobody *brinks yon. Y:.11 will he Ira:s end Irritable, mid t' rnr huseand will wed, you were nut 1-.1 1(11$. tlydlrine I'reeanflon44. Never give nu..11. 1104 without first reed4mg the directions c:lrefnlly, u.) neater 1,.,w• well yon think you know 1h,•n1.' Never give n larger dose *hen termite.] 111 the ha;e of more quickly allaying .5111Ptom.. You nuny thereby kill fie p;'lie1*. Never te.•p the mete caw for lidernal n.1' beside any for cx- I'rnal•npptl(':Llan. Ito not ginner lin.- lily nt the label. thinking n11 Is right. ('arbour field might rei411y he ink - taken for earlolie nIl. Never glee or take several kinde of drag. without ('onrultiug n (twine. klnch mltchief might Ilei (hP ro.nit. '1-11 Far Tat. "Tf nature had nettle me nn (I.trl(rl," said old itrnielt, "1 snpp(we 1 c.mk1 eat ynnr rel°king." "'Wouldn't that le Mee?" an.wered Lilts Imperturbable 44)4 m.1-. ''Then 1 could get 4onee feathers for my lent." ' pRoOFGLAii�R wiN. DO S NOIfOW S1[[T PUPAL SASS f•TaAMf METALLIC ROOFING Cc' M 1 7 TOft0NT0, CANAOn. The average family in pounds of tea per year, used entirely, not more bo required. You save use Red Rose Tea. Canada noes about 25 If lted lose 'ilea were than 20 pounds would real money when you es TeC�_ "is good tea" T. H. ESTABROOKS. et. .101444. N B. WINNIP41. TORONTO. t wree144(ro111 a7 , a. /Seam the Patmau on our street. 's & y. (j RANBY RUMS cart't_be beat. In thew I trwnp ani► tramp about T ley're easy to wear; aNnt year out N - A Parr of GRANI3Y RUBBERS will wear as long as two pairs JIu.ry rubb.,,) auu& they look well all the tune . GRANBY RUBBERS WEAR LiKE IRON, Th. m.•Iher 1.rJ • unernaa eek, t• 14s 410,•4,1 m„reel. for 1.•t ),n,,,; The 44 ,.e human mother feeds bar tri.•• ow Parnell's Pur• Nome Made Bread I, 1,,,,:d, mu. lo..1,arl•r,, ;,,,.fact, kyr I..und.,,, •n 1„r ,.r.",u• .na•b,w„I. P. T .D]:AN YOUR POPULAR GROCER, AGENT 1 Cooks and Bakes perfectly at the same time There is not an- other range built in which the heat may be regulated so that you can bake in the oven and cook on the top at the same time without spoiling one or the other. But you can do both equally well at the same time on the Pandora, because its heat is not wasted and is at all times under the simplest, most positive control. if you do the cooking of your household you can appreciate exactly what this means. McCIa!y§ Pandora Range Warehausos said *'.otorlas , London, Toronto. Montreal. Winnipeg, Vancouver, St. John, N.S.. Hamilton E. P. PAULIN. ,SOLE AGENT IIIIIIMIllassmilimingffsinta 1• GODERICH A GREAT COMBINATION THE TW(1 1'A PER'. 1OU 1VANT. THE SIGNALllt)'I 11 l lel: ANI) 1 HAT SPLENDI:) I THE FAMILY HERALD AND i WEEKLY STAR,MONTREAL Anil w11ti'I'h. Fb1,1114' It1•tnhl end Weekly eine twill be included t hr most. 1 ,'11 I � I 1f 1I1'1'' , p 1. ilr ever • 51%1'11 to new, w )4•r rl•.a(11'1-44. It ie R aVIlte yl x al inches, entith.l "A '11":1(►R N% Alt." it is easily worfh „ two dollnt• hill. THE 51UNAL will eupplt'HI) leen( newts, num kr s', Redid hnppem ing., etc., Ile„ noel The Family Bet ed ;nod Weekly Sine will give yeee n 1' 1.111n1 / 1/1111 fl , It 1-'r portion I greatest W • Irl t (r ll• r r covering 1 every IN R k n ww n 1-c rnr IN of the alohr, n greet, tenuity Inngatdile, far sit pomeing any of the Sng Ii44h n4. Ameri(',1n nlalr11aj1.. 411 1ntcrweeeng fetidly rending. and eritheut dnilef, one lel r is t1, brio. fnrnvr'm INtpo-4 on Lhr rnnHnen*. No pePer Print' ...I in Ihe Enal,sll lerigulgo gives itae motels much big value as The lenwily Herold m11I Weekly Star. Saunple copies of the beautiful picture may be n0011 At thin efliee. (all (N' rend you"subset ipt/O11 to THE SIGNAL, Ont • • S0