HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-11-22, Page 7THE SIGNAL : GODERIUH ONTARIO "�l)! 11"AY, Noveml er 22a !, 1906 7 THE TORONTO INVESTIGATION. EVIDENCE OF WEST HURON WIT NESSES IN BRIBERY CHARGE. ContraJlctory Evidence as to Happen ings of Seven Years Ago Gowen Before Magistrate Denlsun Last Week Deputy Returning Officers Refused to Switch Ballots. The following is n report of the 1.4 i- drnei• given before Magistrate Den- ison at Toronto last week in 11,. eke - conspiracy charge, illi'gau11 to the %fest Huron eleetiun (1f NOD : 1Villiaw Craig said he saw P1 i4. L- ett. who Was g g under nom he' naulr, at his ►uotrl in (bookend' during the deet' H. had seem ll'(iorni 1411, he admitted, but hr did not say hr saw hint nt the hotel election time. 11'itllrss had Been Brant, the school teneher, in and out of him hull al 4i.olrrirh during the election. Ile ku.w• 111 no wrong lw'ing dune at the election. ion. Henry \V,Itsmof Ueklrri(•II, was of deputy' r,l a ()Meer :it the 4401 '$-Mel...An elect' . He mini he was Well by a man at ('ntig's hotel previous to the ,ltetion 111 regard l.. switehiug ballots, but he could out say 1'fitChett was the Mali. . U 1 s., na F t 1'g t n. of London, was ethos! in for the purpose of id.'tillca- (' by the witness, but 1\'iIt4111 said Florgus/ar 4.4141 not the man. \\'fitness hall been given bogus ballots to 11s4•, but he had burner' them before the rleeliun •11,111 had et ndueted his hu,i• 111•., properly. • \1':ltts.44 s,4td he would not foe 4.'si- liyr, hu' he leM1(owl that the mall who gay, him the iatllots resided in 1.01111011 and thathe was in the, lum- ber lousiness. ltod.riek Young, a (leaner of l'u1- hale township. ne•:u• G4.alrrich, was n r 3 ' returning officer . 114 r u . 1 1 the 1 1.r•• I K I tion. Ile haul herrn ween by nstratrgrl, who, asked hill) tel do solve work in t h.• election. %'dress refused. An Old Tory Trick. of said, 'Yon 11111x( ie a i8'urv,'" 1Ir- 'I:r.11 the Witm•s., "arid the loan Hplied 'This is the way we rlw•ted lugh John McI)onald in Winnipeg.'" ILulghter.) 'fhr witness had conducted his 4x.11 prnp•rly, and ball heard of ' 1111 wrong- doing. Daniel Glidden, 1)t lilwle•t•ich loco ship, told of working for the 4 %J net. yttili's at .t subdivision where Pi it• chett was scrod ineer. 11'it IIY V said al that the deputy, 1 es when cu were polled. platers' the counterfoil in his ps'ket, instead ;1)f dell raying i1. 11111 44 km,. had objeeted, 'chis was all he hood WWlt 111 111. election Which W,as n11t of the way. Peter %V. ('.tory was seratinw" :11 \ the ...IOW pill as (Hidden. Ile hail ,, ,Yell Pi acting Its scrutineer at the 11"Imrs-.Hetnaul contest, nod had ' objected, but was uverrnleil. ib' also repented lilidden's (olnte'•L.a4 slow. h'ilrhrtl was then pl:acrd in (11e isoi. Ile rorr.114.rates! the stone'. 111111 114' fhr Iwo prr%i mil mes4'. Dr 111 the ...motet iI.'. Hr said his selu•ia• Mr switching ballots .u11141 1101 Is. e•: 41 II V 11 i'1 111 Unless t Ifll N room nl)'rf0' s 1 d ' welt. kept. Pritchet t said that two or three INIII(1is were switched :it the soils olio ision. "111.1 the deputy any interest in the ...switching of the ballots?" asked the solagist11,1e. "N. 0 than the Is' ' g ..f the .-l.'tion,'• replies) the witness Pritchett said he saw he deputy re. turning "nicer 3t ('rnig's hull. 4 '.4. - rich, before the ele•li(111. 11. idt'nli• lied Grant. the school teacher, as the man who Iu01 brought the deputy 1.11 dlllll to IN• instructed. In Uuctel. Ile thought th. D. It. 11. wits at the time deputy 4h.•ri4T of 40klerich. \tr. furry then auhj.'.-t.41 the 5tit- lots. 4.. A searching erlwa-ex:It11i l titbit). 1L.• magistrate intervened, dw•Iaring r. Curry's questioning st •iql that he 'did n..1 understand the 1, i('4 11, 11 spa 1. "If on hail not Ude' rooted, would 11 ye hnd n runlrndi.liun from the a.tnes " Mr. Torry di -rimed. The lu'Kl1uu tit ruse 414)'5 I'rit,'he•11's remark,' de p . tiveness Am 111 h:IviIIK seen the deputy "itch ballots, whet e. Aa 1111 other !wits in (1(e room could see the crooked wor ' g on. "I knew w'I1a1. 44Y1. slug 4141, said 4tit.hetl. "anti Ihe 0l he psgde were not snspir. " "They nppe•nrd to have lien so: - Orions of yon, when they objected (o you a1 n stranger. - Did Not Engage O'Gorman. Further 14)11.411ioned 1'litehelt said he purl never rllgngel O'Gornl:ul in pronto in Any emus`1ir,t(•y :Meeting \ •sl Huron. He had never been. in An conspiracy regarding any roll - 411111 let" w Oh the other ilefetitlilnl„. I"h Torrance, of 4) Nle•ieI , was then ( nnlineil by Mr. UsiVernel. Hell ad 1 •n AW0111 in As n de•poty hal through 4 less had not net ed. 1I.• had Written .111 him resignation wh.',, he found he enwld nn( net, at the re (ural of 44 rant nnrnel Horton. Wit- ness knew of t , wrongdoing :It the flection. The 1'rown was a 1411.1111y Irving t" show that 'rott•nn(e nil 1.1•rl i-huulg.d to 11nike %%Ny for a de 11 y who 4•11111.1 do "rooked work. butt e w it nes.' "i" ;letup dispn,'1111 this. 11'111. !1I(1'1Mhy, of (1. elicit, 1'1;.i., 10111. 111' 'fell f'lwar,l in II"' 1m% he net a man ?menet lardy. he ,1,i (.,4 for the pr senee ..f Wiled of t13s0g111, 141 4',11g'4 11011••, :1444(4, MI'. Colt•Y hr 4,m1,1 I,:,4,' 4nlnl,h•,l before the election. Thr nm oinked don 11 1114' •:ceps to the thou. him if he did not %rant to du seine• W. 1.. Holton. of 1:11.1•'.4. h. 1,•Ineln- Ihing for his party ,mol shmwel him lo•rrd the Iloln.•N-\1.1,.'.11 'Ie• 1i"n (4 how I" 'Toil ',stints with 41,11 1111 I,br•n:u•y _'1st. lett) Ib. one now under• the nail. \Yitness roiled .1 being investigated. 11,• had 11111 .cern say that Pritchett Was the man 4th Tont Lewis or 011orlil:ln in \fest• insItmotrd hint, Mrt'atthy NW1'e he 11111.111 111111114 Ihr rlrli•an, \fillies, listen much. %+tyinese proverb, hnd done no wrong at the election 11111 act been esalll(IIeI try ,t r 'Iter of 1'0)1 it ht as Ave 4 give the devil his had not used the lesson given 1 ' John 11115 443M 4h'n placed in the Ib,n"e in PAM, in ronni'rtiun with dor. for ell g, I it ,411y way. Now election,fork l're.si. lox• He is n roomy e11nslnhl.• of wiltir444 said hr lief Molloy (lnt14oi41), and ens. a( the rerun ago, lad. Nr. !MN erne! IhNL11P 11'hipple, I"n Ilivh.p of Hmhnr„.Mol e•nn election. lie told of hit his f(nmrr 11 - 1m(n,y Ninon -sofa, (4as:Ilion! to 10(1.1 religions haw 110• Il, It. 11, Oncost the roomier hal. he hail met Molloy,.„'11"444.4 car:1)l ladiyilM0ein one foils in his pocket in his ,mlwlihisi.)1, 11(11 Alex. Smith ill 11'c44( of Ihe esters Slates, s, and 1.• . e go- "Tirr''4 nodking wtong 11.111 that.” el.•efG4.' inn 1.: he place of meeting ns)tet he Mid \(r. Com r. he rn.ld 111 ti'• ';) r •M,r4hofe r 1;4i 1 it.1111) Ilv)%e'(4)4,t01R.,•1I 'Not unl(ss it ens (1114 n�,\the 4.11311 said then. Imp i1 it Kan,lcd 1l, Me hnlg,•. I'IcutT a4h.•inr 111 Pritchett," said Ihe nng!s. K s there. trate, It rd to \I r. Ili \'1•(., of.,' grtudeol the red mean,' "Nie Charles !Lid, Oho 4yas met 111 ine•r witness had n1. white man i, :► imitated milia from the same division. eorrnlwn:Ilei the r had said who 1 I here... , evidence of the rreeion'. witness. 1 r alb11...... F'r)'d 1.. 41:1414...1. of Doss -Wield, WI". 11. (innetr4, of 01.Irrich, ens tldl-lilrg In hal month e•nmpl.•le•tI 4went y -..ns a I. If, o. At. the ele(•tion. He told of tyenrs of service its conoinctor of :he h g ncle ns n In nmin- ,aro a on rain running het wren stater! that he had !Diarist the roamer. foil 1)l the ballots 111 his locket aid burned thew the night of the election. He had only acted ,w d.•.1)' y ns 11 prromol f,wut' 41/ thrvrelurniug officer,, who Wits n friend of his. HN d'd nut' remeulber that any objectiull had been haute to the phu'ing of the counterfoils in his pocket. "1t has been swm11 (hat you swihdud at lend three halloo( said Mr. Un 1'ern.•t, "It's a deliberate lie," replied the witness, "Pritchett say's the (.teat 1o1x 431 011 the floor, not on the table Y" the magistrate quest' ed. "It's not true; it was on the lat%Id1•.'. Me. 1)11 Vernet :caked 11 • witless if he had seen n 114'4•er nl,\ 1)t the rase lere•ntly, add (4 1'url'y -The writhe,- dors out Wye to 'air. that question," said 11\, lawyer for the itch -nee. The. witness then said that •e had tnik.'tl In a half d"c1•u•In4y'et'st loot the ease hl a geut'ed way. but 1,'4 ry- fused to wenliun any in talked w \h. The wdotes. then 1e1t Ilse box +a a Toir'atice 4.k, 1.'. ,Ile,). Ile .:cid Ih\ Pritelwlt was 44iOh (tomb 4 a: 4he 1' the latter called lit tic, Oil a4.. house 111 get the ballot. box and 1,.,lIots lN/ ns to net Is deputy i11 Torr ice s stead. "1 believe yyou .t1. right thole." Mr. Curry l4g reel. ILnnghler.) Mr. Horton then $coli• punitively that he loci r,'ceivtvl no money Lulu auyu``1r..nor. gall he paid anyone any ts!t' in the elerllo11. •'I).1 you kllaw that It k statist that 411111 ante ll 411.4.11 tV nwta1111 4a1•n' $.i 4) t0 14144',' Ilii• coot t,'y before this. in- vestigation of Is1 4 Wild 1.0111(11.0 Wet! "Nu.. '1 know nothing of it.'' "•olid has no right to go down on the 111141,' ars ct'ide,1or," said 11,'. Cu 1 y. •'N4 -ike it out then," 4he mage said. Nil.. 1)o Vernet said he 45144 not thlbugh with the witness. Mr. l'ad'y mire again objected to Mr. Doi V.•rnet's manner of asking qu.slbous, and Ila• latter begged Ake ulagistrata (u slop the n1161.11'1.1 ions. '111e 1'.:11, was compelled to L01„h a IilU. hiulself. 1'he 4itiess know Ikln Ferguson. of Clinton. He met him hu limit -rich at the Ito iti.11 holo, lle had also met Alex. Smith )her.. Did Not Pay for Crooked Work, "4)id you get the sunt of 7i:t,IMMb at one time Saw No Ballot Switching. 'wry. the 4'"ns4r4'31i4,• w•rult11eer was then rr•alled. :old hl• swore wsi• Lively that the 1.allot INu i14 t::w'1ry's 111)11(1ivisiou bad been placid on the (lour, 1101 an the 1.114., and that lion• dry haul phtc.•d 11,.- euun11l,4.i4,4 in his (114•ket, Witness had ..bjeeted to t',i • 11'1I'm 1101110p:4i'tof1he111.111114. 1 lorry 4:4'1 thr11 .•1.044,"1'4 1111'11''.1 I. Air.l'urry for the defene.•. 11'• mew Ila',:dlol-swl(•'1u0 ', he -.,i.1. Ile N,1,. Warn liy n man i14 1. .;, 1,1 to 4,, • stool only a few .1,1). :dg's, 4.111 b•• 1. 14.1.1 1111 1.•11 (h.• loan' u:uu.•, "Yl,l4-'1441 I .til\ .1 I''14 11.1 ,I g.. and %4111 1111'1 IY•mem1101, 11111 41111 re. uirull,•r 4II)g, wi111 Ieilial ,Ile ne- e 54)1i.h o.'.-,u'r•.I ,.'41.11 t earn ago," said Al r. 4 'miry. Finally Mn. 1'1(14 in the witness admit that he met 11 l l l» t:11 li(w11.1•ich, N,. A. It. 1:1 tie;;.•. of ('hes)ey, 4hn is :l aiding 1IIc or" -.,'41• tion now•. ' Mr. Todd, editor of Ilie ('ole 11,.1114 hpaper, w'e'n' nit the dile— t,. is otel to lure( 1; mirgQQq4.. The w ith'•,. de,l:u,•.I hr had spoken only 1, 11 .1 Ihi%ell words to ti.r.l•ge :1114014. 1lie 1•le.' 1100. •I). Midden. the other 4'u0wr4.11 i..• scrutineer a1 4iundry's (N11Iing soh divisi11u. :1• recalled. lie swot.. t11.11 nut n ballot Was pia. ed in the 111.4 While it 44.144 un fhr N.N.r, It was o)1 Ihe 1,hh• doriuig,lhe %..ting. (41i,1.1rn swore 1 11 11 4iu11dly 54 *. gslilt4 01 fals010.N1, 4hen hr Nwut,• Ih objection 113,1 1..,•0 raise.' to 11..• p„•i 1'11 of h 3 lion t th • x. "h1.111 1�•is ' 1 41.11.• thereupon 11 ..1•• .•-ted G1al .u�l, ,: ,g , La perjury 4I10nId Is• taken. a� .111-1 ',4:. Outstay. "Iterate• 1111 .,.ulrudb':i "n in the ryideure,” said his 44'...441:11.• • 1 thin!, action Should Is• take',... "I8.n'tb:•tll,': y.urli.•a.l... \I r. t'url1- ndvi•,d 115. Dowd, v. '•I'.I iust I,k.• to sere him n.4(4r 41,41) l'ken ;310 .11,10.1y." 4'1.0-11.4' .\. 11 bei, of l said he 414• deputy mainaina ..f f'r'ee in the West 1111ro11 rleeti,.n. Hr said it migW be true• 344 1'.11,• :(1111 (41.441• Ihe• 1 'nleo.r't.n4.'e 4.'1'11)1111•.1 alleged. t h.1) he 101 placed 1 he ream• iri•foil' of isallo(s in his p..,•k.t (t hen he acted ,Is dewily. A 11,.111 in hole( in li•.I.•ri,le before 1I.e elect ion hail attempted to drill him in the 4,11 of ballot -switching. baa 'h1. Wilurs• 111111ihe• 1111111 be 14',1444 :a dang.•rois ty to deal M11 II. 191,1 (.ft hon .at .1,1100. 11e 11:01 well Ihr 111:411 01111' tinter, :11111 had not seri 1 ' "4114.'. II slay 1114( I'.n I'1111'I1.•u, 41111 14.1- in i ollt-t, \1t. Otani had nu) -'rn the witness about Pritchett. • . Didn't See Grant. .1"1,11 II. I-:dw,ud- a 1' 1 41410111 y 1•e- turninl(.11leer at Ihe .•1.rli,al. Ile diel Dot r'uendcranlidnight visit bv4ir.lr t and another m:ut. hot remembered part 114,4 railing 111 his 4,114'-'' at night a one election. One of the 111.1, Was named M n t h., but the other' w':Is 1,411 411-44111. \V :1 dig( 1101 remember haring wet I'rilrh.t l.. lie was mot asked by :n, 4 tine (o 444 1t4 h ballots at the election. The Itit1.••s did not loom, :4. lir. Un\'.In.l 11.1 •4.11.41, 41111 Ih.t.• 4terr ,.Illy 1i.1 ballot, fool the .nl,.dit isio44 of %%bids lit -acted ars deputy'. and that (Juror were 177 bal- lots in the box 'h.1) they were ,anted. • do kn"55 that .'eery ballot W:;s ..nudes( (.. 41,.• mato for whom it 44... no:irke , „:11,1 4141• writ less. Witness hnd le•n' nn 1131Iu1S other that 1 h ,flieial 11:(11,1144. Mr, ('111-1) thin 4,4,int.d out trial it is a .nugoarali4,'1) ..1.4 thing fur ;t 11ep111y' tm 1,:15e luny. 11,11"t. than the nunwloi•t slated n4' gis.'n 111:11 by 'fie ....tanning nfltrrl, I„•,.'ose 1 nnt+ta k1. alight lie made in 111 • number futn- i-lull I ' IT that ,411.i:,I. "1ntd you get any begn.I,albds from mr1y41WN14 :Il any time asked Mr. 1 hi Vernet, "Nn. nest. that I t meirhr.i." '•1lhd'c"n ryrric,• 1,411441s (rent any- - the night 1I..Ilin 1'1411' 111 y.ur braise : "Not that 1 tena,'11144•l - :'ly.,1ld you .,n,1I'.dict nnyb,44ly Ilial 4ou'd 544ar• Ihe•y gave you Is& I,,(s ' .,\•4..44, 1 '.y1llld." Witness Collapses. •. The willies.. 504,. is all 0111'.11.111, fainted Jr Ibis paint. :1),d it ' Tits Iltce44••:114 to Pentity.. hila to the an CANADIANS IN ALABAMA. Humorous Address of the Mayor of I.lo- b:le to Visiting Tickltt Agents. Thr recent convention of the Can - intim '1'b•k'•) Agr,ls' Alsllcjaiion nt M411111,', .\1141.4111.444, 54 !licit was attend4(1 by Joseph Kidd, of (hided:di, C. P. It. l ie',.l ,'gent, was mai ked by a runlinl aide's of welcome ,from 1'at J. I,vo1 r', UI' '11.tyol• of (Il(• city. 11r. I.y.11, was tvarnlly received toy Hie visitors, clan he a,1111.111>Md 1144 fol• law's : lit•Illl '•II1e11 ,0f the' ('anadilul Picket Agenls1 Association : Acting 4111 Iwhalf of the people '.f Mobile, I desire to l.id 41(111 n t•urdi:d welt • t • city'. OIll•i,1e (1f inti' yw•ople there ire n ' that 41. regard Willi the 44: amity Its aur brother t'auadhuls. tin alike are We ill 1a- tiu1131 limits 111111 4 4, irnele1'i•ties (hitt the average Irtv.11er 1. Wily knit.•.. when he dosses IIs• line, 1'xre•Dt when he has eccasi4111 441 p,1rchrlse 11 il:tak';' +11(11 1 nutter regret to. say that surae n( 11111 Ame,ticnn$ 131 i• been k •n to wail until reaching \\'indsur„1)r mane other siulilar point, to lake un 4401)1)' 11( •' `4 . 11,11 Maid by virtue of 4Iiirh :(11 111,- '•1)111 41,,,1 gel 1111y num 4ef 111111441' +t 14.111,1 is 1,11414 kin. lull am ueighL'u y ell 41011 %” lug (':ulndia11s lw eonu• Uv)' v w.• 0 n indeed. However. d not sed to be ler such :111 influence to. ('xprrt- curl• °t ferning 01 regard and niche: lion fur and y • (•uuntl io'I. Down -were, corn. I':1)• from hums, 4( 1uaye; quit. a ourtl11••rof ('tan-, adians, 4'1141, while npplcri.,ting their mV1, Innd, h., 4'• .h:n,g)'d l4,eirr 1)l' les:hi -to for greater lilo•rty or larger llp(1at1104(1es 1 sl fr. q,1e1111)' 1 Think 011 1teruun1 111 the In1t••rs.•:uld 1045•. 1w.- 111111' .411111• Of 1).n' b. -1 , it izens. know you to' be a tine people. All you 11rc11 l(4 trrikt' .you pel4,11 is to l4 , • i11 with us. '1'111'414 tiff your I:ur"lae;ul 511 •"tions : Juin 4111 t• .larl'Iauil. '11,11 INI aur ra.ilalisfs cud 11 11 exploit your r11nilry and so111' (•11.1)'. 1'','1 wv:,1d d. it %%intim! 1l00lo1 More t lflronghle *ii 1 r speedily 1114111 you ,Rmid pun selves, 11,11 4'(1411 her to y"nr l.i. llt 4 t' 1401 1 ,hall in -1:11,'.• Ihere lar 44„114 lin.- line.. of railroad 41. 54.1nl,4 ','have . • I u r Ilk 1.r la 1 t I(. Flu P 'r' 1 11 ,111 11 I. -s - n1. I1 1,111)' l.• lw 4I 4',t - that 1 h n.r4.011.., ti' 11' 1.•-1. n. ti s k 1 1': s t n I11'•i- )'n(l • ‘,..,14.,.„.41 foe• n, 4,, han . ,. 411 r ndily. hill probably that di :el anhig.• could I.' l'e•111.'(he1 .11.•,' n, •Iii-iti"u. You Lino.- that town it runty, to a goes• I tion 11f 11ig1 11114411''- ti',• Air'14:111:. nal 411,• only- 111.1,11.1., of 1111' beide. 1 I undl•r44t•tnd yule' brv.thet• ililt'l•lul 1114.11 4• n111rn 1111 11(11F1'.1111 1 1 het a H't 'tor your 1•nlerl:linno•nt here. 11114 I kn,,4' they will ru.l:lin f he 1•egall:Ili11tt mf aur 4''' ''- for Lo:pitulity. If they do not -I wl' will aecep1. 1)u min• (sl44 4'1 1.111 them. If you are not areorolos w' nt 4., l r''11.id.t• Proper treal Meld, 1.. -h"n!d you get into trouble 111 any 4 kind while here. let the k,nt4•, and I shall ! 4.1• .1-1. i's kl .'le ! 11 114 111 t n 1 1. n• 'v f t 4 1111' r '.I'rt e• r•o , r fll i , Iw nl l n ny th put 41,)'rc I 1.y will trouble you 110 1)14111•.. If what 4l• show you and the ins. ducv'we•nts eve have to slier 4.111 not 111- doce you to. hake 1'.11 y.111r prt'nuluvut. al 011e 111.11., 1 trust con 4111 out report to King Edward anythii.g 1 may have mill as instigating revolution in his '•(alms, 111' 11m in'di•atin;; ;1 Itepublican imperialistic •ement towards Can- ada. 111 conclusion 1 trust that yinu slay here w111 Ise 4)114 111 interest and I•'.asmte to each.;(() 4 414'••14 11111. 04 4'1411. and that you 4111 earl y with you to your f:u••IWay (',u111i:(11 homes 'bright and pleas:alt r; roll.•;•! ions of pan- t isit t1. the city of Mobile in the great state of Atab3una. Coming to Coderi:F, Of the tiontiie Brier Jlur', company, which i1 c ' • to I:Ixlet•irh at an 1.ilIY date, the Kingston \\'hiy; mays "TIM( 111,1•1:14 n"al•.1 lir 111141 rnIitIeil 'The 11/31114e (1 i'•r 11ush,' was Dreg. elites! :t 'the (41:nul 111141.1 Hong' hast night. .\ good-sized aulieuee greetl•el the play, which ii other years mewl the hearts of the Iingsten public': The ('01 • is r• (Nome k 1 1.1 '• . 11 I f artists •' 1 r 1 Iu h of whom Ilts into th.• 4ari,ms parts in n gory rr•dit3hle m:lnner. The '.441144 ig 111111 in filo Ili�',I rrnl' of 44 ...Hind, 411111' 1 h o'w'ner til the land is the ruler of the 11,•11.41 •. The chief char. 3rter, that of L0•hbur 1'anipl.•II. forties idly taken 1141 1 h gtrnI St.tii►:11•t. Ons tiles( in a Wert' Creditable 01:un11•r by I favid 1):15.1(44, who (vas ally assisted 114 ('amelia. Reynolds ns Flora. 1'hal•le•s H." Bloomer. the sneers -115 to Reuben Fax, ably filled the dimly. of 'I'nsty',' adding a laugh tothe ofher- 4ise• affecting "r4ut•c by his frequent interruptions end his appli,ntion of stvi yle `f. .Illy '.1 d{'enl l "N41." "1 /id y„ " s,'- uY:uruuun a1u1 111111114• in (;,digs. I tel :.mer the election %" ")lid Parr lobe: ant' 11.,11.1s track to you rifler the los toil you never paid :1)) (.oily for hi,g ballots?" :11.1•. 111g.•in'nts t•l•la' le 451111 the 414141/11111 1)f oi0ylt11. 1111. 1. t4urk., directly 1,r in - ••114 didn't Ic11 4.111 hr had switched :ill y"1) gave him, aid asked you for mote % - • - cbis (•ui''hnl.J the wit n•..' tesli- lunnl . PIA. lel1 ea: again .(.li'e'd in 14,.' box. and by stated that Ilollon 41. the 111:111 411 , 4.i''• 1/1,11141..1 1.. 4.1114 110. 111• ,1111.•, 1" 111111 1,. 1 r 1ai0rd. I \\:4• be 1111•.4.1141 hi.- W.01 l,. make 14:,' : 111L;enien1 • I.., the payment til d'1au L•, s l,., -0 it' h,'.) 4 ales 4' • ••(1.• 4:1' Illy 111 11 1 41:141efe1r)'d lo.' '1',. 111'. 4'ur1 c, 1'1 1411.1t 4/34041113/ I0• Lad Laken no lout in any election -iney 1 Le We -4 h:lgin r,,nt•',t of IWtI, r. U.4\ n,•1 .11 Ihi. jinni awe -11,1.'•1 !hat ,1, Mt. 1:•INal�l, w•av nick down.4111, 1,. 44011111 m•1 rill 1' .1;;.1.11. Thi- 4 as the 01.1 trent leortil 44'101 faiul•.( in 111.• box, Hobe/ I %V. 4'(ok. o1' li.sh•rirh. 114:1, a sendMee•r in' 1 West Hnl,m sub di1i-ion in the election of 'Kip. At 1 he elu.e.uf it., 4..11 11:.' book. sh"4'ed Iha 1'= i I.r.plelia.1 voted, but :lot th,' ballots haul disapp::ir•'.1, (here 15ein;; u r' . iIV' 11 m IIIc fs,. C. - story Thi (c:w what not ', 1 Illy'/' ow 1 U was l...kinc for, :crud \Ir. .\minor, who was ••x. . ' the s it 114444, 1,'4an to prompt him :s to 411 41 4441444 ,'amici(: .lir. ('ur1)' objected 4 iy..ron.l.. '1'lu. ,'i;'(i't l ate 11"•11 1101.11,•.1 1.111 that ifth,",•• 44'.',,• I'4i ballot. i,, the hos an.lonto 4!'.. . t..- Ilad luted 9t would shoos tin•:.• t‘ is something 4•r'ivasl) 5411,1 . Hill 1Ile 6% u.• -`lick to his 441st• 11131 five of the 1.111,4-. had peat ed. 111• had ,1 -ked the depot y loo •1'•rouut for the misting I,.tlots, 1.11 he.41ubl m.t. • ' At Faro's Poll. Ths &pul5 ha 1 p'are'd 4 he counter. foil. of the halloos i41 11144 p11t•k«t. spite the objection. "t the tet 11...+m4 the of Por ('o1. -r: 5:11i% I. N rIIti11e1•1•. I'h.•-444 nits ids. staled that he had pi.kwl iir n lu:ll•krd ballot on Ihe+ 1).'.i', end That Parr !tail torn it tip, say mg. "(th. h 1. chore Were 111;. ..f those going amain(' y."l,''d:1v.- \rlhnr 1'n!e•, of 4;ode, irh, Ons then .1(.11. I Ir was 311 nut side 41)1,1111(1'• 141 ('.11'1'. ,411Nlivisi:nt, Hr sero' l"l,'r learn up ., 1.:111,,). :nal h.• and ulh,•rs sicked it lip. It t4 s pieced ere 11 • 1 d l e u•. 11 t 1 i I K .11141 Was f I (11 he mw'kesl Inc Mc- Lean. Th" l'roWn (hen Ariel 1. show That the Liberals Iain toilet to switch Karr for fear lie would give away crooked Wn1 k 55ideli.bad been p1; •.l. ns Farr 5514 • drinking hea4il% .lauu - Vales hail talked with 411. 110,t'o,::Lant Ihe•Witt 1'arr4,1.141int, hog, :mid toe, had 44,14,'• 111. nn 4 1",,,. Ii b.• 14 1.1 '1)l1)l.' ant 11. ,. , 1 t'. ally 1114' 11 41. In Iluti,n. 11'' the ',twilit to ark Fal r to hand in I,is ballot 1.1.x. F.,,,• 44:1* g ' g 10 act ;is depoly l,ii 44;el drinking. The Wit- ness s411re'p11si?i4.ly 111111 be ball not la.d that • F'ai'r 4111tH spoil things for .1 he 1.ibeta1-. The Witness hail not, 1,1 1Ile hest of 11i. Inrt11"ry. seen Jlulloy 1)r 0'110111311 11l the )'11,114)11. 14, i4ne'sg 14,5,1 Ki Sen' Ihe• name of :1)l ;)letelltre Tetter to a stranger :14 ('raiK s hold, but he 1'.1,1,1 not say that 4).ul Ferguson, of London. was the man. Frank Elliott. of (:,Q,•, kilt, knew Grant. th. .rhnul teacher. lot' years. Ihring 1ho election he stroll. 'Ile saw tlrlent 4'1411 n stranger Ito 14,441.1 111,. and they went, 10.3 h,,us+e in a rig. Ire waleind the lionise for Wrt61• tint•, and (41,11,1. acid the 111311 lrmuinrd in- side. 1'11 1Ir. Curry, the witness admitted Hint 4,r might h.n'e been mistaken 4144 111 Gr:,n1, 11111 h. 111.1 not think Inco war. 110 didn't knoiy W1101 1101. 11.• 111011 mer)' in a roller 01. ,1 boggy, 14r %%twills thew 4•:11 snow ,,n the ,t 1.111111,1. 141111. 1I. 1'11 psotn also swore he sew (4r:lut with n Henn named J. T. 'Carlin .old 41 ser':urger in Donlrr•ich during Clic-election. • 141',Is 11,',.• snow on Il.• gron)1d :'" ,liked 11 r. ('.11 1 4'. •'1 4onldn'I be positive. 1.400hi oohing I,. posit iv)' it Was (I 111111 or M111•lin:" refitted 1 h.• Wil 144444. This ...melodist the e'i,.'nee in rr- tt.rrot to 4\ 1'.1 11ur,,,,. 111 11141?) 111 wine talks 1'1(11.. and tint 1hrre staled showed (('Gorm.n Iluron a 1 The 4111(1' member what was t'i hl if 11 Mr. 1'nrry o . e ,it•1's 411..11x". recollection of 4 41:11 • %amine.' I...fort, 1 le 111 i4 44'11 1101 fair 1. nkl testimony. ): Vernet woo , , After the magistrate 'Mess world not. see. orhad not net Moil Neither eon rf,he tiny alto •Man them. \ ., 1 T rrnner s depot v. r. 1 1 1 1 ti t 1 and of bnt'b,g met ,t stranger, n b.l nii,, I riled 1 (1rnenftehl rind N ringll.'Id, says The WW1 to art As '.'r111inrrt• nl Ihr 44114 in 144 ( Roston Hulra)d. Ile lens the follow• \ subdivision, in ('rnig•. hotel Ow night The • " ^` ^ Mot nt his "•"" \I,efolr the election. There hn.l been he ha } 11 I v in ! few days ago. ns lie passed through tel , conver.ntinn with the stranger Its (irxlerich T hit 'his tonin, n fretful pnesenger ingnirett 1" '(.,plot switching or rrexlked work. he hnd m . h "Use* this train alwega go a1 slowly .ar�� The witness .1/1111-1111. only obleetion Mr. 1)11 prnrt continued his qui as this4' "Yin ought not to kirk,' rsi 1t ! plan 11 •K a day wows Against the tinning. nil r. -arty o ,"You • r 's nee been 11114' nn • MD 11111111111111111111 • O 11111111/1110 .1 r POPI.ILAR PRICED SLOES A Forst` Duty of .!q Good Housewife is to know how to bake good Bread. You can have the very h.1 by :i' iog PEIRMY s't Mace entirety irom the Fines: Western C¢n:,da Hard Wheat by the latest improved meth- ods, in 11,..•most modern mills in the world. T1':•tt's w h y -PURITY FLOUR yields, the greatest amount 'of 'nutriment ntutr Wenth at the 1,I[•:S' 'oS _.t. t. ,- Id Everywhere in tl,e Greve Dominion M:STt ; CANAGA•t.IQ:::I MILLS GO., LlaliTEO Minn at Wieen:poz, ('"deice and Brandon �e,wes1111104:- The Human Barometer is the urine. Where there is a constant desire to urinate—when the urine is but and scalding— it means Bladder Irritation. If the urine is cloudy, highly colored, or offensive—it indicates Kidney Trouble. ]teed the danger signals._ Take u—du THE GENTLE KIDNEY PILL "Bu -Ju" eti!nulates and slreugthet:s the weakened, clogged, overworked Kidneys to healthy action—and heals and soothes the irritated bladder •' P.0-Jn " cures. \we guarantee it and you can get your money back if "Bu -J•,'• disappoints, the bottle. helmet!' 'McKenzie as All druggists have Jtn-Ju " or will Tlirflns Mitchell and Lennard Howe Rt them for y"1). as Lord Hay completer 11 staff of pill• TME CLArLIN CHrMICA, CO LIMITED eiptbs who 4'ill und"nblr('ly Ilud .IIIc- W,NDAO4 0414. lir f,15vu• wherever they go. The :If. fecting stens in the see 1 act, when Flora is turned from the house by her fill her. tronght 1Ile 11',114 to the eyes Of minty of the limier. 41111 554(4• only' r41t44'ed by the• ill 11•1:441"r III the IN•fol (•11)1.11( 1,,1.•41 1'0.4 y. Not ping nerd la• said of 1 h play in itself : lie (nblie 1115•. shown i1 their (a% or in the• past 0411 1.11114' 1111' $(HYy fr be- ginning foetid. least night s iodine• lion was the kind of d(nllnt of wchirl. the pnhlir novel' seems; 111 I ilr: Tactful. • I" IM' art.4.,.'"wnnl ',saloon. too in, 4.,,,, (.mala 6'41' �... Is•r Innen', in n•il,r:n' r, ii'.% Yon can ••.ane N g,,.i '.(,•rotor to -is mown - it ' on 'tonic In The ('entrid 1'elegrnphv lt.h.ml. :I ,'roam .4. 1 .1, Tnrslt a. The chest -1harl in 'amab4. 11'rll,, for pmol lrnh4 i'4,. W. N. SHAW,' T J. JOHNSTON, President. . Principal TELEGRAPHY HAVE YOU A BOSS? or are y.o,l Inde- perleat • 11 von a"• Inakena money for 4030.one et 4., 10lil '.11,1 mak. 1.1414441 far ym.rsetf. net 011 31., igen Moly' (Peselleel fr1311 11ro4411- 0f slavery real be free. Write 1:. MAR'.IIALC R ing. 10 her resemot'l lln4 r;u11 I )'4.i' C"., I,ontl,•n. They wt'4 show you the env. They thank ynII, noble v",1ng Inns 1 Aro- have s4.,rte4 thou -4241411 on the road ./ freed full Ilea 1.1 iel{ ! Seven .11111,... a d:, ever 'la "No, 7• Y Y in the year, is rte, Iuec. t'nn 8111 a .Felty 11:nwg11- 1)h and,• hand:ina their grants. Wale naw, Ire:'' 1 Time 4. mnnev. HMM�In ear �..1.�. �� We are holding a Special Sale of two very seasonable lines for the next ten days. Rtihht'r hot fv.ttLr bottles, fountain :incl l'Ill'Nl:l syringes, combination hot water bottles and syringes. These goods we are reducing 1-4 in price, so if soil need 0I)4., come :111d see'our stook, all goods, guar:lntct'1 for one y%'ar. , , . CHAMOIS VESTS. Thisiz the sea- son )o44 need, one. \ i t' will sell you a $3.00 vest for $2.5o, will last 'for years. Any one with weak 1ungs • q i11 find one 111w1111141ble. this train M ylnrlt th h I M (' 1 jNrterl srid Conductor I wvwntnl S h (*lime with hint to net ,u I "i sob,nit Hutt my leaned friend ' hmlf wn Kinn,., Meyers) le asked who Mt ether irregular,' hr ,aid. h or, while I've been hero' twenty-one he wws al the witness p replied that. "f don't go It$ich on what. i. 11111• y1411114.'"'IN tbgt. w/ ? g11N1'IWl th. Ice did not 'OW, but he und4n'tOl1l Ina. or irregular,' `(mild thl magistrate. I man, anxiously. "What Mal ion did ow *Rs An ttwwel .r. Gundry "1 don't understand thein myself," )4'1n got on nil"' t Wa 1 1 THOMSON'S Drug Store. IMMalmagmannal FOR WOMEN WE haste a ',oak 1•41ri re ,of styles and prices in -\%on),1'44 Fall Shoes, The material and workmanship lar into the-,. shoes i. the hest. The College and Blucher ruts are again popu- lar and we have the Newest styles ill the best Can- atiNln makes. Come early and select vont- hall hbot\\'ear. The prices :ire : - $2.1)i), $2.50, $2.75, $3.(1I) 1111d $3.50. WM. HARMAN i dit e rhe 11�in Who Cares 1'141144 finds It Ill•4L'\l:ll'' to to order. .\n\' tailor 4:111 It, WE I :thout his personal appearance have his 4lothes enact:: slake clothes for 4'ou bl give you ;mart, stvlish. well finished meats, 4 , 'hal the others can't even iillitate'• gar - FRANK H. MARTIN. THE 'TAILOR. 1 CANNOT:' rive a ell„r,)u;ll, technical, description of the;_E "Happy Thought” in this sln•tlI space. However, the means by which ohr'range is made pl: rfect are not . so. interesting to the purchaser as the fact that it is so. We are prepared to substantiate bymanner of any test that the "Nappy Thought" will do more aunt better work with less fuel, in shorter tilne, in ,a more satis- factory manner, than any other. - - ANG �z py 'kip 'i11E Radiant Horne Neater Every user tells the *funic story, that is the takes less fuel and gives more pleat than any stove t have ever seen. t it y ,'a 4114.11116 For Shelf and Heavy Hardware we can sup- ply your every .sant. , 'in secotiel 114111,1 Stoves \4't' have several \w' h or without oven. In cook Stoves we have the following: 1 Happy Thought Range 1 Imperial Oxford le 1 Kitchen Witch 1 Cooks friend 2 Wood Cooks '4 *4 These Ju'e all in good repair and (:heap. heaters 11 ill be 80141 Heating by llot Air, Itot Water or Steam. Plumbing, "hinsmithing and Roofing, tri4tn spc'ial attention. :\11 work tittles guaranteed. CHAS. C. LEE 'Phones Store 22 111'11.4' 1 I 3