HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-11-22, Page 6e 't'HURsnAY, Novnwber
1 , •I'fl1,' -i1:\•'\1. 1 11111•; I: II '1! 1.\'1 -\I• i
Christmas Presents Whkteii
Are Easily Made at Home
THERE are reminders all about o
the near approach pt Ctlristinns.
but 1 wonder how,u4uuy mullion
have their present ih►t ouythihe
like filled out: Of course we till -In
tended this year to Luke "time I,y the
'turelw•k" and failed, perhaps, as usual
♦ hatpin case Is a useful present fur
the wumau who travels, us It keeps the
plus tugetber mud prevents their Mas -
a great cousiderattou In there days of
elaborate and expensive hatpins. The
Ilse may be carried out In, any material
you like. IIs wea41114•iacutt Is that of`
the ordinary batplu. ullowiug au Inch
fur the receptiou of any ,Xtra lung
ones. The deslgu In the cut shows the
1444, open and (1148011, and as it tuay
roatoin as many pins as you like your
own discretion roost be the guide as to
Its width. A. ribbon strip luserted duw'n
the twiddle and divided luta 'rr•rtiuus
serves as a receptacle for the plu4,
which are prevented from slipping out
I'lurn.klou, Bur earf, hawser
*tee sag italr Iteeelrer.
,► set e3us44011g of Unroll_ scurf. pia.
rn,Llui,, hair receiver, work 1114,1 Mint -
dry Muga Ir it might' nice present.
'The scurf, made to lit the bureau. is of
!T.anu G'rIW and finished with a 0440
III' 11 hew or heW4lltcblug, depending
11pU11 the skill of the sl w,•1,. • If
hemmed, cover the slit -tiles with un
Imcb wide ribbon. then Inside of this
raw rum three row. of rlblwy lu gradu-
ated widths. If hemstitched. the sew -
14l should but be ru0,1•14lw1, of emir...,
the wilk'st ribbon bring sew' un 111•
sb1e. I'Lr 'piucushiun is oblong unit
111 be bought ready .for covering.
• This will be 11114114' exactly like 1101 bu-
reau rir1rf and will be• held down at
the bus' corners with small rosettes of
riWwn. The hair re. elver 14 1,441 three
imie diamonds rut from eardloar .
wilt' three sections of scrim tr' •.1
with ribbon t., cuter the outside nod a
c.,hdl41 Wa1411'1141
11,.. same size fur lite
11.1. 14110' dluwuud larger 1141111 the
other Iwo form: the h14I(, the ..wails
04444 L.img sewn together and th.4r to
the• background 'Ila1 11(4x4 i4J,rp all
the corners, 1,11,1 the I'wel4;4it hauls 1.5
thrr,• (dawns. 111.' workbag I:.If the
Ly 11ie flaps o11 the 11a14. The tap,
(•0414414 Juµ'' OVer 111e case w111•u'fulJ.•d
and 14 fu4teued with u stu111 button
mid loop. The edge4 tare botfu1 with
ribbon, silk curd or braid. r.cordlug to'
the. material used for the cJ-e The
initials of the owuer and the word
"Ifutpiu4" etubrulde•r.td on the front
giro n pretty finishing touch 10 a• .
1llarwiug little gift.
Ila i e
• k reale( Ras..
Among the v1(t unw11.•r .:f home-
made. preeeul( there i4 nolle 111.1.15 to
Ise tuur6 114rfl11 11:11 a (11l:,ty Luc to
1tuu, on one'. dr. -.in', 1.0 .re
Ur throw 11audk'14111654 :111.1 4,•414. f1111'11
n we requires u,,lr pabetice and 11...t
linger. to 1.: p r44•d tett 5.4y 011 . LIc
la1he111,1Id tour tr•'.4'f r1,h.r
4011,4t:u,r,n1 i lr,n•uarJ are • 111 to 1110
riO4' rr••Iwrr,I, for 111' front.' I.ac!: and
letNogtr,ln t4.' 4o4,
4111,4 of the box. u• 0•-11 :Asia
for the 114rnun auJ 1:J. 11'••.• :Ihr IL4 1
dnpncutrd, the 44144(445 wet ul 4•i...•. I.,•
lug rut• a ITactluu L,r:ei 11,.0:, 11..' W
4 'over 111e piece. of coeds'. 1,1 'v.11,
1.4.1114 11ru.•a4"1 sill. a 41••.4_0 x4411 a
large figure j.1.,. ".5 111 doe .ruler of 1.:1•
cuter 4s wu"t c4,. 4i4,'. cuter tit' 411
nrr 44444' of ••,4id'.,:,rd with a pr'9l4
plain -111;. '1'146 4144. 4( ,.lu.•.l 114 tl.•
6annN,ar.1. 11'L,a. thuron:I,)v dry 11,'
Iwo ,lets are 4111•,1 50,,16,•4 I'.,rL I14
back :444.1 -1,p-t i l'he. t ' 4, .' :111111111r. . ,
11111 a neatly hued 14,xli tl,.• 4:1-0'4
1'1414,.• the miler -IMI. are a la le
smaller thou the outer mi... they 55.11
not lir Irrop•rJv.
tir.t oh a p.tldit11' of cotton sprinkled
w 4111 ..4, let Powder.
4uraettve Da111ee,
1.1514.116r's linen or Ilio richer
thinned; 1ual.' the proli,.a plat.•
410111e...if a pretty "...Allen 41, wul•L.il
Ilr0m el 44 011 ur•I. 131e.l or the 411111
Ouia1 wubruidery
l:,•4 the P1,..11 d,lnla't, n4 goal .g
quality a. ) u,4 :11. nod 14.14' sever,4-1 1
stamped, or thole ,•irrler 1,5 draw•iug
a twn.11 44ru,ud a plate Sind apply hr
adi1144 a •sirgle x4:el1op'to it. repeOlit,
1ro1i1 you route out even apt the tray
Padded s4141105r( 4.4,' prettiest. tf yon
punt with the same sort of ridi,.0 111,1l
_,54111 use fur the embroidery your scall
101.4 will slow ,fl Welter after Ianudri'
Ing, even If the thread. separate :1 lit
Ile 111 the rough It molting they motif
mess, riIy receive,
11,418 1.1.4 4 141 IS
01.1 I..4.Liuurd t1.,( hit •'t 4 ar411u0..rd
order. , ncred 044 I,.iI. •LI.•-, Ore
41,4114' Lays 10:.13 0C Un• ..•rim 111111
t11nllned .x1111 1041?• .ru4,. of, ribbon
forwiug .the !i.l... '1'..' e most
mud then kath,•n'•1 Lp 114th draw
striugr,uf ribbon. • They 1 '11.• uux• ready
far-e•w'fyg to air 11(11 oliilx,.u'd 40 1.
The.bag fur -w 111 Ir,l .0 L. l.' 1•:1r
a sivailar -pier r -.,t . and 4.,.11'(1 for It 4
foundation. is 411. 41.r.. ` ..•, ti"n4 of
14161111. 1•.11'11 trimmed with ti.. nbl.•n
11,4411.•t e
tug h r, tli m joined to the • Lot -
lout of the hag, Stood 1 1,a• 1, 1 a
on the inside far rbl,u:l+ 4,.
throe_11fir' tour.' ' uuv,'n4ru? tbah 11:6
draw strings, uud nue 1:uut of ribLJu "n
earl, 4'.8444 J4,•t ;1t the tliollttl of the
km 441,,•I-, 111, nun.. juin will 1..' 1
4.1144 4111i.b. 'f1..' lining Will of ',.114(0
'«'4'1,.'' 4'•'lel %.till 11 .• .'.sur of the rale.
bun .leeeti. s• been, line 1•.•r.a11u0.
Fdkul:: :Ind
'NAL kill all an.w'r.
( lerl.telae Itifl. That Dill Please a•
Elderly t•rr.ou.
.1 new c••r-sou of t11' uld time lett, 1110
10 wear at the tide 14 a mighty nice lit•
11' prevent fur au elderly wwu:ul. two
widths of rIIJ4,n.
al's 1144•11. 113'-
PlgIllll'4 of 74
yard of wide
ribbon 111 a L ..s'•
11.' foundation
•1111d two y:Ird.
Or one sial
hall heti
1-11t 11p Oulu 11.
fringe like t::1
that ban, f1,,'.
it. ,1'141 the not
row rill,.,❑ l,lu
4i U•v1►' pier,•:,.
1414 41:11141 111 :1
411,1 144
1,e 44 sash
Into a pot , .4
one cud Soul toe
s4 the INoiut
With head. or
silk ornaments.
Ileo n 1-1a.p
allcer of you 141''
+to 111,• lop.
• 1..1 "n
enr'tlll1, 131.1,•11
144 111.111 i1 i. 1101)' half '111, w1dth'f i11
ri Ll,n It ,. very nau''rin_ to hatch
the ribbon 11 till 1I pet gown of the pro
speetlrr owner:
A pretty clover leaf ue'dlel,unk Is a
lift le more :nnLiliun4 than n 1',wistarias
card, but -.Minh' 4nungli to pass muster
144 n 4118111 -r1•In'ulhraue'. 1'over two
cardboard.. shaped like clover leaven,
wi11, linen after they have 1044.1. 'nn
I)rpi(I'•r',l l0 delicate shade. of pink 1n
Trio Pretty 4:151..
Thr''leierest way '? w:1rLin,r ha u.1 -
kerchiefs 14 tir441hruid,•r the 411"!e or
the first mime, a► if it we're wI'itt4n
011, ropylng the •nature of the pier -
Fon fur 41 hum 5o are doing it a+
nearly OS 11w4161(, ubroid.r'ue6r a
thread fur padding.
A new opera bag May be 10a.1' of
gold or silver 1 1u111. Rath.' 'IA at 111'
tory with ,quer' i'Iuq., cru. 41'11 111
gra, for silver• yellow for g^I' gret•n
gr u ool11rcd, rotv4r u1, gull loth,
nod so un. 1n a rely s11,.rt 1,m, IH
luny 1)e J'4,rated will. it small
Giga of silk and bead embroidery.
New Nanllkerrhlef Dag.
Have soil Teen the hanJL'rchtcf
bag? it is Just shvw'n 111 the .I14p+.
Tu utak.. It for I'bristmaa 414 j*iir.'4 Iwo
11at disk• 'r,1.-het.d of silk 4444,1 beaded,
nbont three 11,'1."4 In dl:11netcr. .luso
three flatly together, leaving tin open
ing at the top. This '44111111? little :1 4 -
fah', wbl.l, looks 11146 ,n '':ltt',•I'at,-,l
beaded watch nml imply lie any color
desired. I; swung frim, the belt, I%Oh
my lady's little la ;e handk,•r, 44'5
tn.k141 therein, And. In truth. luny n4
the kcrrlilef is, It Just fills the Ing.
4411411/14 r" :41 I.
Great Distress in. Her Throat,
Vol an nn,•'n,ln.,n 4444•5il•mrr- 454ug
that'f'4I,- . II, }1, 11'ilnad, of Nh,ier,
N. S. I',.'turs f.4il4d, still s quick rms.
w•av f 1 in ••f'atrlrrhoz,n,. Notice
this rtnlem'ml : ••1 late 11.414 11 1(/4141
dreadful sufferer f ' bronchial
teoubl, and catarrh. On da111p days
1 w'hld hawk and Natter great dis-
tress tMtl in 11 •
14 throat. hr Mt, I ' Iwsl all kind
of medicines es 111 didn't 111114'4 441.4 permanent
relief till 1 used ('4tarr111rartn•. It 144144
Ntraggthe'm41 111y 1111„8t, rimed Inv
eo11gh ant Made 111,' t•otilely well.”
Refire. substitutes for 111' one reliable
ht„nchld and throat cure. All
deaden. Nell ''(44srrh"z'ne" in 2 -ie.
and $1,4441
. rove ' cfa:mit... or,
lot or 1,1....unlit, f from fine Memel
1:11,4• i..• el. Ie4444 o _r.dmat'.1 4.;,•r,
Inttonlol• then. and t4 them 'u;lther
sit the tippet' IoM's near 1,'.'n 'tab
('silk ri111N,ti IMwa.
I die n Thud in the NI, 1.
1,111'•. 14"54/1.."/I
11'41 :111 '54.11 window. 14''1 rt 111' 1
'r sire I.:..1,. Pothole, .'out 'It 1
.111ie1ly aft.( .1,',.•1; 4011 1 t'4nnII1i'n
?Been) "hat von may, hen 11111(1) 5
rat. t Mlv anything hiller than I'ol•
41111'4 4ervilblr, hs (penetrating
pn,wer'bnhl,s it to trach sleep fissile.,
that's ll.4
1 it1,l •
14.14NMOWS hs 114
l if 311
else can't 1'11.1'. For ml1 W:1111 111.1.11•
cairn We gnn1a11t6e Ilse 111.1es mune
strength Ihnn in any other liniment.
Inwardly it'm harmless and 4444 purl• as
the hereafter t' fuse -4.i 11114'r, Ihln't
M s140.pl a 41111.1111144• f'1' P'I14on•s 461
14116, "'1,5611 is the (m' .gent -house•hold
pen14ca of 1141Ny. -_
Things to Itidke ion the
SELECTING SEED CORN. I I—T-T'c UQRKETS N111 l� 11r1►►►►►1It �s►iiMit1,►ttit►��i�►ittiriiMirtttttiiM
'Cae'ehlly I ku(4.e 1:a 1,r "81 .'"41"61 Liverpool Wheat Futures Close UM
.Ay...each Perfrelluu, E
changed, Chicago Higher — (.lire
The Ideal sur ,,'••'•Ira IS Dot the nue GOOD
r-1leuylhu1,dlJlUelrl',LalIr1 444 11.•ilwul leu Imr4/I4,uvr4uul Nlu•a! ♦n'o••s 4'04.11 loiter
1111 grain,' deep awl. \1'141ge Yu.bn1•ard to 401 loner 14ra N•11ur•14;:, ..,.d - �-•._- --.
• t I 1 ''f /•b11 11.'11 1,(•4 ',d
Ghristmrls 1,/f the U4+by Stock — The L test Quotations
of µr••:11
swarms. Jl'4l'I'IINY
41 twig. w
.(RIF., 5.ht ., , rel : 1 :1t. 1.0,e ahlmped, 144 u Iwul) aur lows us
or ,'1•:1r that : , lllIIi:'"•:' of ole straight 1111,1 Illlita'19,1 tl. W1/1114'14 1111 Al Chtrarn lir.•. Nllral Pl, .,•d :>rr III'.4 'r •`a`
Btau, snhlnlr)': 114.1. e1,1,a !re .user 4.,'4 Nothing just aA good as. t hose celebrated
J.'.IN (%:111.11' . t..1, 4 ' , 1 ' .4 parade ulld 1114 Ihi('I, al the tell 1114 .11 1)es•. uu14 Syr 1044,4, tl
girls 10 thea: 1 1..11 ,. the butt." 'rite' .':1,. of 11114 rh,uacler I tl,11NNIPEG,OPTIONS.
Ire' to)'.. flan Ow 111,!11 exlrr'n1r •••.111.- 11.3t are e%1111.11,1 at , 04 u • h 1•,4 are, At Ile w undp•s '4.143.. snorkel to .1.1
111,•)1(1,1. 1111(1 the ow). 11111'1. 14181n4,•111e11t the f; Po..I 14 Were the "el44,4 ,1,nt 11.,, -- ''
1t is rlaluusl, Ihr 1'yrnll of )ra1'4 Vr ker. .J,..• hid, pee. Tay.”, N.I,r n'i •.
that t11ey "0JP) 4s. perhaps, :1 sur`led careful Ireedit,g :1t 1 seie011141' cult:ea- 1 ' THE V - - ISL[ SUPPLY
bull 0(4 a ribbon. .,4 l)4.•) 44.41.11 1.. 1,411•
Ilea: .•'r no,tat Nor. W,'.
tile pretty reins urs reallylik.,l. 11'Wyet h:n'I43y thv;r ,1,.1artrrl4e l
I i tfhent .,,. J,.J7u.4ll :4:111,
the .•xr'ption of garments and little ' Corn S,481,13441 Jail I
11111111, ears up54'.\.0.:.,11.4) I.r:1.•r1 aril Gots 11.21x.1((1 ':744 ;1'
to 1,1• I'unuol fu r l..) 1,,';1 ru1144 ateil l,u11114 the %..•1 5•14.4.::::4,111:1:.131.0.......:17
1.:11 4uerea8ed 4514.::1131.'
In.•hl L, r..re Jc,, 4.•.:I 1,'b{ 144.4 h, k1. I.
x1uoJ.,y t:,.41,1144, N.v. Ie.
Good Ghees
r0r111.a•bk oI,d 1114., •4otld he earrlull 1 mist
y uatn lnare.l.,•d i,e•" hal+Eels.
select...I 11111 sier.d slur seed, from 1...40ING WHEAT PA A 14 KET8.
u hick, )-ear by ).•:o'. the standard of p,'. )I-'' Jury.
quality u,ay be raised 411141 the yield per \6w ,ers'. w. ,...
.4(1','4ll '4ea xl;l. lienelt ...... .. ., :s', $':!y ,,.
T•.:..l . , .r (4%, 7'Ib
l 1041 5a•ry rewplll, Lot tittle alteu- lit. I. 111. i:ll, .4714 7e
r, 11..11 54.1, 11'1.11 40 I1,, •eleelion of ('1411!- )11141a44,1p/ „ 711 FI
K lhdun, 74', Hr', kt'S
sur planting'. It ,4..•- Ilou,:W t':at 4f Ila• ! 'TORONTO GRAIN MARKET.
...VIII Masi vital the plant would pro- 4ea', ' '
dn.•,' a- well 540441 a Mi•shapeu .e.v1 :14 11'L1•rt. r1,rlul, Lu•b....{V W to in 'a'
11,0111 Ube that w.1. *1444.4)- .5u,t:'tri. I Wheat, tall, Lush u iJ U 71
4'.11 :11.(1 11'111/1 its r :4' .II 55Lleh t u,: I'ow'a 11'heat, red, low!, '....47i44 74 , ..
111a•al, gore, tains—14 4{1, 4. 449
were rruulOJ at'.: U.. Ler...'111.1...41..4111.0- barley, Lr,1.4 ' ' 14 S/ ti U M1
II 1.:a •ean01'rd i1' tI .4., tor' l ,1,'u 1'.'t+, 1•nrle now a :r.4. 0 144
straight tool .4., ,' -1,i, 1'..4','1111 'I1t.!)' Iti•a+. 1La.a U aU ....
LINO n'TtLL has usrcrta sued, 144..'4. 11,4? t1..• e NEW YORK DAI ' MARKET.
111111ur cliar44lerh1, :114 a: 4.1.0::1) in ''N 1.113, Nor I:.
toilet deludes (hero 1; not 'null lift utr4,r ala,; to
10 Make tar theta that they .•111 use. Merited 4.N the to ,'•• 14„1•4.+4-:.4141 044 r. u(' •'41.11,-,..,,_..;:,s:':..4.,.1.:....:,14;1.•::::.01 1'4..•., sal t4.. r. ea,a.ry,'
the p I145•Ir I I'''!.u11 05 I. 1,4111 tJ rob ...1:s,
" p1e.+ ,cru Wry' .1,5,4
fpr slug rattle• I+ al5car. 54444..41 ., 1 • 2+• 11,4.4 a',.•undr
i4 11 1.1144111 041 5 ru411rr) ILI,.p. 111,1. 1,, '1444(1 0f 4,lutru to .:. t 14 1111(11 Iutetu 544 is .•4114, "I• t.. .L11.•'d(1l I .•..lona •
4\x1111,1 a11(1 w'illl 114.' •.111„• .4.444-.,.': I: ,. the ki•i 44.•1+, t.• ea11a. 11k 10 :,4'_,. , .e.....4.0..1. ro.aw'l1
to rkllu, 1'k. 1.. ^• .•-1414,1 •'•fury, .-..u,
1'ulrurwitr iu *:..• ..i '4.i' aua i,1 •rt �;.•'t., .1,1 %•, 1.414 ludtlr
l,nl .rAlgl 41111(10 Ihr LJup, •., 4.4 to � u44•u . first., Lt
utal441 a oar •'xl',.1141;4 to 11.'• h:np of k",rue114, is w•1,;:tt. 1,11,111 :111.1 .1..104 %L.0 rr'vurc.y, ,,..1.. fie t0 '
(roto a small iu•4d' s.111.104. 1,4111.. 14.544 cher '1 Par iv .!r r, L4.• 11 ,t un') 1 , 1.• • ..• .;m.•t I tt nnu; r...• dr ^re
M., I,. 4.•11 ,11111 I:u4;e 81.1,1:!,..1,11.,,,,'4.V.
their II411'111x 4e• to 1.:r. Lal Lrr.,':' ,• ., :,,•. ,• f:: 1:.'4 1::,.. �
outline the ...wore. 110 ;1 s4Wpl.'l' Cam d. '. C,
warllil -l'y 4. I: -..t Our 1411-::.0_ :44..1 t.L L. _ ..1. 1:.' Io I:'y- , ,;,•.1,,:,
Of I1.' sauu• Ih4ug 164 lu...l.• ribbon I„:. , �'
-144'llin_• the t:lt4rr ,..a 14' w.''t ea•1iy '” 11',, rkn . 10 b.'
starts from :1 4:0;;1.• point am! f14ru,s - )'acs .bad..: r.'rq''• h.•'•:•: ',•.'1!
ray to illi 4.„15,0,„. 't 1110 1) 5). ,11154 i.4..1 4:11145' (4.44144 ..•,1.1..41'• 1 114.0.1 1.1'.1 i t4 5•. 1' .)'1. a1114 •.44.1 as 1,1.)•' t'.1,, • - I ,'1 .1
Ihbt 4+ 1101 ?..o, .4, 1,r -s 444 111044 141114- 11 0111•, Mir.• Iu 4..'I do •b ier, ::n' 4., .
7111.41111 4rraug,vl0•ut 01 1.'114 .an L0 d.,, `
' lel'+. I':11'Iu l'1'u'I1 - h.l. fnm }' :U: 1., •' 114
hard 011 this. H a h•. two, t.1,+t :::4^ (4ftl.lul etre nest+ :r
' Ppoo■ Clothes 11 — - F'.. I:Ja, .71 lu 440' -
Clothes hang, rs tate n,,' place or , HOGS AFTER CATTLE. I ' CATTLE MARKET
clothe. tn1s. 14:441, r0u%'uirb115 lou'
so 114:14 Ihr ,•lube. 44re 4:1:111 _. 4 at Proportion of 4w tar to Pollux' %tree
01111e 1114)ILer or 14111',• 4+ seate.l. S ra.e• American Markets
1111104 they ure 1411441' 'like a 11111,.•10"11,•.- The anon0l 4,4) 1) ,•\p,•.1 ,
from 11(1_.4 h,llue "I. 11 tot0l. n. S r. Ito . nn ldl,ln .4..1 a Ir.
Lore gut 1)I. d44uli,ly and Irrulal h' •41 Itrlrl.h mark •f4 are yaute•l• nt 11'y
it( 4'4111 ‘1‘111.01,;(117.815/;•••111t/011.141.4"11.111
-1.1,• Luw. 441 4414411. 1%1:11111'11
b4t :1 44:1 Ihr' ,•.n 4:1 1. i 11:1;
1, 1'P,•• err IL.. 1. 4,4;,rinlur 4.'..4; 101,,.
.u.• 4 1\':14, 1,. " , ..5:;.'
1 4 1,ll'1.
•1"`'' y'1, la
I•.=a' our, up,:? r.,y..l.i'Iu of all ,1 h'"1 TORONTO JUNCTION LIVE STOCK
.. . 1 e1, L.. c .u, l 4.., 4, I i 1 •, a: i u u I -
ut 11110.,:: 4144•' 1..,,-:.'l'ol.Jltu Jurcuuu, Noy. 19 1(•e.'ip..
1•,„,144. ' .•1 41, ,., ' live liv•t..rk at the Union SI.,' his 1.
.14. 1 ,,-u' luarill to . ' I .. e 11,1: w're :+7 .11 1uu.lr, 4.0144"4411 of 1146:,
,4,u,t . ,1,L 141x) 4.. „ cattle. 1s 11' g+. 1.5 sheep and lamb.,
I• I• 1' 54..4::1. ,std 124 /elle-
ca. i. 411 rel of , 1.- 4 4 t ei.:lit
1 • o
+ p eters,
Nr:ll l.1, hl. Cables Seemly' 11ua• 1,0,541
h,. r. 1.11..., '
1. 1, i
1 ,1
..ud 0,1 1 ..1,1 i. o..l” !. rl�, 1,,'01 •
1'rp,•a 1,.l' ♦ 1 1- ;0 14 •-- 1", 41 ',, ally
oto ' I 1 1.•11 l •)4,rt.•,1 ,11 Illy .,11••1 1411,,
: ,.0.,,,!, 1.,11.1. 4.. , , 1 -,t .1 114.• I, M. 4.01118 at $i.'3 lo 114,4. per est :
ceulral,•+ awl 1.1„ 1 '-I1.. x l .1, t nl.:b. 1011)1 1.1,11, 4(44.1 at $J'14, 10 441 43yi..•r . wt.
111,6, 114 414 Ilse I,1 1 t • . 11 1,1 ,.4.1• 11 !. Baleaere.
1u, 14
nue uud ,:. a I•f 440 r
1 1, • '
i 1 '14\' 141 4.,44401: neaten (0 I.1 1. 1,
'\lar''''d I.4. 1 1110. ..4x1 1 : a 1 141 1,..".... (ww,.l, •.: S e ,,, s" Io, n, , t'. �.
In'ale1pu,1'1.'.t4•.•.rI1 '1144..,4 '4 4)#J.i,.'''."'a,#1to4444.4,4.„L
each I. of 114 Blit) •Ise:'.rm. the Ic .t \ Yrrdrr. sad Utas►,,,
lilty+4t 14.11. :11.1 1••,' 540.. mer•' 1.1 1'4,' re 4,:,4 n .ably e.1,„I .4,, n 4 !01
e:1e14 1.,t 11'Ir4114 I'. • 41 .1 5:• r:) 4,...;;,, f•rd,•rs 41.1».•1:111)•. "I.,. .d 4e.n v .r..l_Ii.
111c.•.'rnhr••,1 4l•.,, a,',!,4,”,
:144, 1,',',,',11,"•-;
e 1J,�. I"r Nis
11:1y- 4. I lu' 1'4'41 4, 4s were u,t pared. f .. • .r.-414. Iv'•le41rn) t1,, 1.1 lou 1% 1:414 0L4
lout w'ere,t'clivar.. 1.01:1 dirt lat., ''1.4. ..nm• .hurl kr.•p f...,L1. ..1.1 a- 4444'4
11' 110 a.Idlllolial earn 4. 4,•11 :dealt. •' 44' N.•1,thlnr 1s7, n.. ,:1.:, 54111:.
Lru4411.4.46 iurH
4 ..1'1:, 11141'o214 :t . .1.: e
114) L.;.•. , lr+ h r .'.:1.
' 11eh Coma.
«11,111.1 1,1,,,11.,x.'.1 x11.11,' 1 1111 1„ i'I 13 1 .413 •t\*, 1. ••n ,.,i •., an., .Lein; r„
•!lolled ..r sir 1'uOlu fewer , 41 emit 14.4'1 n, 1 4-,; b
is .r0111.41. '1111. prl•ferul'L• plan np.\\\\ %int Calse•
Ni It sal, w.I,l :1: 3:,_4.1 ,..r 1'N!.
pears L, he that 406...',11 LS the 111.1-
J.r115 of .x..''.4(11?
hug per -leer uud recd 44•'1 3.1.141a.1.11
corn 418 -the hogs require 'n ;o tr.•:Ln.1
dour 414 one corner of 'the yard. 'flu4
lu•url•s 1111• gleatiiag of all 1%aste. krr,s
hug( 4ruw'iu•: at u r.lpitl rate' awl fin-
ishes Ihr•', for market sooner that. It
dependent ,•alir•ly on t:lean11c:4,
rINnl 4(11 1114' 14)14' ,tutee hi.': 4 )', a:4,1 fat
they can be muvej -out 145 st.•er 1-1111
and 1f;hter, mo;,' :Inas' Il ,y,, sith.44•
tubs!. -Wayne 1'h,xluore 414 11'4seon.;u
sparse 11.1( to Is. 1•01,4id'r,d: i• a .:art of
rack to 11441_ ,4.1 1116 x.111, ,i,'' 01:1141• of
burnt x11,51 444 1114 pattern of 11 siker
spun I..lug p.irtl'udarly 1pg,rupria11•,
Brass hook. ..r .'ry't:11 hangers finish
11. It bangs from a wide ribbon who b
halon,•. it over u nail or 4s fnrli-Led
with bra+s eyelet. and 1.ra14 hraJ,•.1
Satiety ria Dos.
► hes) of loose. for safety pia.. wak-
ing a pretty Lill fur :a 11:,115's wardruloe.
ruts quite a 14411.' .tn„ %.leen MIlight lit
4546 aur6., 51-1 1'0 + •1:1111tc 11 fral'• '1:15
be '•omplrleld 4.1 4,•1!14„ :•4 4'r;% 1it11,'
14411e or ,•X41..14.,•, 11 1. Io:Id , .,f e3yd-
b1,ar,l, will..ic
little drawer.,
two In a vow.
■1,05441 P:Ir'14
other, 11111 1,1
stead of taking
Hes trouble 5011
(111 get the kinl
that contain. --
powders put.
444 time -41446+ f1,.,::, pr.• 1 .;.1414114 14114.'1
4ln'd in their 141'11••r 1 ._ •Iher 4hunl•1
:ui•w'•'r 6nally well tor filer. (4t our
end of 1.:14.11 15115' 1.1,144 rings 46x:•.4 011
will 1o1u1 Ii:uullw :1141 each tO'u 1.4,p•1
Will IN' w:U'l'Irl -Small," •'\Iwtiimo,"
-Large." 'Ibis complete, n broad w'hlte
rilrlioti •0541-'Ihe four sfdep 1111,1 ou 1116
tap this 14 tied Into 11 I.,r41.• Hat bow
eutirel5 ('041•ring the 1.)p. the ends tit.•
play int: a spray of for ctmen A., hand
painted. There Is Is) Lack, and, failing
the rung.. In the front 41011.2 their ditty,
1114 dl':(lyers may le• gnf.kly 0411111110 by
gently pn.blm4r with the 'tiger at the
Cora Well Displayed.
lt1 xele'•tin4 ,.ora for '::hi',it :It :1
state 441 I sol fair farmer. .1..::l1 I.ILr
01113' p•rreel - 1111.1 Imifurm sear..
Lineally ,•ort' i. ruin • 1 far ec'li:.lI1o.:1
p'rpme. 115 lef,g haat 'I. •.4 LI 3'.
Ila' of t'1.' 11 •4?,• -t way : 111 • 11 14, imr
a rep rind Lambs,
1li st 4101 ..,LI 441 44'e..l 1.. 111 u) p.•'
1,N 1 . Luul..', n F' 75 t.,, ell ; er • w,
11. '. A.'au,.h .p 4•14.1 •.'1•'. 1' l'.• ,1
R:wI peer rw•t., lm'. 14=61.:o01 fal.:1t 44.•1.1
Iles cwt., 4,I 4.0.1 '. 111 r1 ,1, 4111.11 1•e::a
4,.1.,r e
1 aver last N'. •k'.
141.4. o. •
to 1.
\luntr.'al \5,r. 1:•. 1' bl,•. Ir... 1.1..',
pool .1 .1 i.olldu, 011 cal a trine 4,'.11' :.
Anil pelf+ 5404•. at a 4.10-1 0' ..t ',• 1.. I.
44111,',• rid, any week. 1'411 411.111. ...I.1 441
110. 31401 ruin bet 411 lura'•, I.41 arts fur
the Werk nrr' 41,41 rattle, -1l10I .h.•rp.
WV/1W, n. Joy mer,' I7.. .vet1, 11111,11
('.4444 1:111.11 NI/rep ('1111 Linen, ,'41.,•. 1411:1
7,44 1.14(4. ,a 441.15,11', ,.4 11.4 1141144, e,.. I ,•
ltroa4:rr (.1414 41 1.1 the mark,: r 11%x+
stet prier.. ad.:, WV.) 10' 10 VW per 'x) L•.,
'fol. Nn. Jar to the 411141114 %u,gon•4 r 441r
•1111 11t:4u,10 fa, wore rueunragn,s at 0-•.
ftu0, ,,641:01 on ('a4nllat Isnluu,': .b•.
ori ., 4:unntay ...flag 4,ammo.. or 4. 1+
In 1.1.erpeol, 1.5,144101, and Jtri4101. '1 be ,
w:wJ fur 4.13+ Inns pan ken n,1.."1m•1:t04,
144 ex,•.+• 441 1b.: .,pply, not s,.1.. or se
lentos' lou %ere wade at HI t% #/1.:.. per
1141 10..,, Nrlyh.d oof ears
'4'4'• but. b41r. %ere ons +nol44 anti Ir.1.1.'
w:• (uud. but Ike 4"1'44 of 1'o eh.e1
routlan'•' sery low. Titer, were n 1144141
IN's Of Worth N,,.I,•rr, ratite .,1' 1:.% III,.rton,
and 4wnug (bele ,e4% a lot '.1 I r4.,u .brr+
%-111.6 Nail 1e ea .blenrJ 1,•..o 1..'ar 5.. tai
1 'dll:'I!all 1.01114,•41 ,1101 .0,,, 4,', 4141{
there for .ut,•• tine: %:o.: "tree,. 1 '.1.t r•'1,
slaughter. '('to.,•"ll el ::',,e• to re 4.. -r . 't,
?Ir. i1n"-Id. 10. Isar.. 4.1.1 64. r.' p r Irl
11... for Olio' .1101,-r 'Hers. Int• -r print'
ratty 4,161 111 front 4•• to 4',0. 1'sr 11' : pret-
ty s.....1 ..14141• .old 111 a, to 4 4,.1 111•
rowel"!' stark at 'from 1.1,4 to 1,4 4. wane'.
the Ir;nu'r ..u., .11,1 al 11. 144 4,,,.. 1 4..'r..
were • reel' line.
Nbl.h ...A at Vet t.. #441 .
, trite
ea1': th'e other
.o%' rota At #:144 to #1.. 01,11. '4,ash all
414 : al.••., w„• grasser., wat1h ...Id at
• 1a ',',.• per .. : ,I, .1 11 1441• t. . 4144"p,
•5,111 at 4:',e to .4' ,e per 11, ' Minns ,.1 .t•
For baking, cookrn,, heating, looks alt
economy Fula. L7very stove warrant- 6—•
E E'.1 :1 perfect worker. A full line
1 of those •IIt.•ntiid
E Penn Esther Rang
always on hand, - - Call 'nd see us, 1
----'- --_ .--. _
.moi. RD PINDERr
Colborne :.t. Near Eaak of Coameetc - Phone 155
7011 it1Ul11NUIIi11i1111i11111111111111f�i�il411i1IUilllc,��:(1l;;�,
110.t'rx PREPAR.1vrt,N GF
400 ut 111.` g414 .1, .11,1 t:+-I11ullr,l 1.1141114:: 111.11 1..:•
1161,'. 1i6611 1015405 11 1141011
1,11.411151, )1N 4.'.,11f1'i :, cul is, i:r.,i,'ili.:l 4.:11 1:11g
hou11.s ,
11 4, the 1.0,:est (r..1 best 1'r c'w41414
alld ("11.1'. 1'r;i.I.c41, rceonan.c,4.0,.4 31111 g1.41r41.1ee41
'y' the largest v.n.)l.•.::A• ,its,. bun -r in 111,1 x'411.
your 1114:,. t d•.4 and l .0 Il::; Ic t r : l.nww
16441 (MUG & C4!f%5 CO.,117rated • Do tC4p04, 145.
r+ /
_ :4
edrace Gum
Foe Co ` s and Colds.
back. ''This i. a 'err dainty trate 411.1 s call Iola of corn that we have .sen i' 114%' p' 1, II''
1.114,411'. h. oilier 4'4.11,111(1,''4 :Ind 1146(01- • 1,14111 alone. TM.% W114 n first i::' EAST BUFFALO CATTLE nlinhET
ues4 Ip•s4dl•s holding safety phi.. 1:t et .110 1114 1'' Neo': I.1, rntne
I. 1 growl), r.eleeted and put np by 1. 1'. 7.„, 41.111; It • lijlnl
Snell ruw'Il.-. in delicate''41lored rile - cu.J,-4,ady: .44'.'' 1".
hw•k15 of ma.. 11're i. n hint for 1:. b",•'1: 441411•• .I,.,.1,. #a.ls'• f4, 3•: la:
hon; tire (:1 lis 'made un uud make, farmer. In geetteral, and the sl,_,•Boil -11, 11' _. '•471 51,, 0:1.4 1.111,11P1'...41 :13 1 4�
44,1E !r41ts. They urn to 114' pinned to 11 ay prove h.•Ipfnl. The hnsil.. :1t•'• #' :,: 1. ??., #s 5S ,,' x'.'. ,.,••. x;: Io
144 :. 41.4 + • b. # 1 .:4: •,, ..:.,'1 . '"1
Ili,. little 551141,• 'dress when, baby' t reed back allot ileal 4.v r,•jn4..6,tei a, m.11•1' #:7.1 to 14.1 5-.; .t.,.k h.•; 11.4. x•: ')1
4'4i+411.4 t.i Lr 1.1111•1111.1' d,'eoral641. 11111 picture, say; .1111e1.1r:111 .1T1'icllllnr- • alum#::