HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-11-22, Page 5A FRUIT EXPERIMENT,
Aiden Cored Apples Made toned
Proper Feetll/•silo..
('ertalu facts regarding au exile
'tient which we cvudutted a few ye
ago may luterest mune of the read
of title paper, writes u (orrespuude
of Awericau Cultivator.
Wheu we %•awe lulu pusressl u of t
farm which 1s our present iteedeu
the apple trees were lu bloom, and
were delighted with the beauty of
espeteal one, which was the most e
Teti mase of bloom we had ever Ne
We were told that the upplee at mat
rity were practically worthiesM, t
former owner only allowing the tree
sand because Its (lovely luterwove
bruuehee wade an admirable shell
for blm'piga.
We became much Irltrrested in tit
apple tree and auxlously wutched ►h
growing fruit. '1'be variety w•aM
guldeu russet of flue acid dater, Jur
suited to culinary use. They grew it
■ large size and were slightly streak,
with red at the stew, a beautiful tip
plc, but we had never reeu a close
comparison to the "apples of Sodom
-outwardly a Bret clary fruit, bit
which could be cruehtsl with ease itt
the hand, reveallug a bluckemel, rotted
center, and eutirely worthier*. Such
war the state of fully three fourths of
the crop.
1 beeltated before nrtiug ,upon the
advice to destroy this tree, fur 11..-
liesed there was a remedy. .It was
evideut from the rauk growth that
uitrugeu bad been supplied too gene'-
ousl by the pigpen, and too much
uitrogeu without potash lu proportion
to make the pulp of firm texture bud
worked wlseblef with the apples.
When the tree was maliug gaper
growth the folluwiug year we applied
ten pound's of muriate of potusli, smat-
tering it over the grouud tinder the
tires as far out. ns the branches ex-
teuded. As this potash is soluble, It
was won supplyhlg plait food to the
roots, there being u0 sod to Interfere
with its deecee2.
The result w'ax n de.•ided object Me-
son to our neighbors, ;vet not greater
than we anticipated.
e. large tuaJority of the apples were
at maturity of the haired quality'. xuuu.I
and elevp. Although none had In me-
rlon,' years beeu placed n the eelldr,
several bush•IM were stored that fall.
which kept vary well. We male the
same application since ea.h summer.
atel there Is not a trace of the -opal e en-
ter. nor hare we ■u apple on the farm
which le so salable loris.; Mania .and
ev.n into April as this formerly worth.
Iew ruxwt
iltl` t:':t? 1 ..! 11i11 lt\''1'%1 j(1
Drought ailr•f
ablenightsIn experienced
through p h'st
eat hile
g the recess
'Medlin Arra Iation'srmeeet ng, 1 deter
to say that such discomfort was slue.
eased by the sound of the elty's bell.
The Ines somewhat represent the im-
pression of Ihytlnn made by the sound
by of the bells un my metnory:-
• 1/ orlaee 1n /garb of It
t Mute. Audreef was the wifeof
e broker ou the et. Petersburg 1Nsi•rse
•. Yore lisle I'er W •n With Well
Put 1 p Figure.,
a Sheen 'drives :tree so lunch uficcte•1
this fall, n'tht:e; ,eoul.l he letter for
111144 dainty uo,t ttue eONttalle 14.1,1
' French cuehwere to biscuit coker 11uark•
tel with hair lines of dark bruimn. The
blouse Is hi Id In hicks, the tucks bel ug
Net arranged that the background is
I roust prominent ss Ma the Willett form-
ing a piping. as It were. 1 :w•h tuck Is
trimmed with groups of French kuot44
in dark bruw'll sib'; worked in nn •:
1 t allyl
lines, though set,:lr:tte.1 by three Ruch
spaces. 'Ihe mind Meek Is stitched
with shaped bits of brown taffeta
ri -
u -
A (. lent (nate, j
One of the greet cuutent.•ucel about
a bairn or bons,• is a gale that Nwiugs
110th wavy and always elost53 nod ras-
• - wsebre
■aW CLUSt\U ()AM
Zeus behind the 111111 with two pails of
milk, err. 1t is very eimpl.• and tu,•s•
pensive, writes a .urrrspuud••tt of
Farm 1'nsgre.s. !Slake as any ordinary
gale and put n common hinge at the.
Isdt ,:,t \baiise n slut through the
Inst near the top to Insert a pulley.
Hamel eft two 'short metiers, Ray, nue
foot leant by two and a half lucke4
Ibiel, sad flatten their falces slightly.
Set one on the pros) Mud the other on
Ilse ;ate, Set them In so the gate will
be too far
1 ill.•
Take a short. susnll link chain, se, ter!
II to the gate, pass uvrr the pulley In
the gatepost and suspend n weight to
It. The Ibsiu xen'e+ n5 hinge and
spring. The patch Ix the tame as other
gate', a%'rpt that It its reclined from
110th xi.le.I _.-- _--- -
flow to Kilt Sass aeraa,
' Ah olio eurresponheut of National
ebt ktean writes: i had a field eaverel
with mteetifrut sprouts. I tried to 1111
them by farming eoru, but they gut
Neter. I tried wheat, and they
'Nuth'red the wheat. 1 sowed the
row d in timothy, and that did not do
my iota. They grew so diel• that a
person euuld nut walk through thew.
1 left them until w'iuler, when the
rremil 0:14 Motel Lord. Then 1 took
l Rrht1'htttg hue and t-ut them tiff at the
truem.' wed lu the spring Milled wy
.attic lu um them• mud they ate off
what f.'w started, and that settled
thetil. nod today you eau hardly find
1ltproat in the field.
The Asparagus Pest.
i;lo h' lase•ts help in the destruc-
ttnu 0 Aim asparagus pest. The lady -
mate awake feeders, or dragon
1154 east wasps and the spitted and
bordered whiter bug all these eat the
larvae of •this beetle. Lucks nud
leo' are feud of them. Air 'decked
Mime tholes' on the dew wet leave.' do-
eroc. the pest or the ends of the
beam -bet where they eungregate may
le cm and burned. The'same remedle•a
hull geed for the spdtt d beetle, but
hs farorlta• place Of hiding In In tbo
I"'rry• mo theme should be cut and burit-
ki as feat ns they forth.
Is This So ?
A i'Ity may be Inn neutral that run•
bing water is need in riv,•r ae.wles
the details .'f ep mad 1N' a "lied"a 1" prlfeetiam :
every sit 11 in t tipsyIt" tree
'n whir to life, Inst there ii. r n •place
fxiw ; I P the most realistic pl. y vrlght
of ": he I ntkem the men's Irn;iniaila
in. Evi ry mer-
ries and Man
,k how" ge too fie never cisme right
U rind *ked hie wife to mare hint.
thing ht, t his feelingm, and the first
thing be wan accepted. Rut
ale halm, crime. right nut. and • ty s :
you. Will you marry me .
''seer p"rieweed `'
know ('refile in the ands•
that's '
not true
1 I
( krlwt.
Softly belling, -
U.ntly telling
Hew the hours lily-_
List the ehlntlitg
Stealing. riming,
From the
(UN '
tR' hl
Not with violence
ThruuFh the alienee
Pulse the tunes at birth;
But as reader
Luubtng whether
It should touch the earth.
Voicing freely
Spirit of the sky --
Night and ill„ruing
lift l,„i warning
Message mom on high.
Watchful eri. r -.-
1•'rum the spire
Calling wit„ men:
"Faithful /glut labor, � •
Lie thy neighbor,
Peace be N'Ith'the,•, then!"
Cottnsel stele*:
"Deed thy Ilvlbg•
While the day Is yet -
Tempters linger,.
• Mark Time's eager
On Life's minaret!"
Nightly lulling,
Sew. x.. dulling.
Sounds the belfry clams:
Caro suspending.
\little ending,
MluJster of Tame!
Drachma power '
' of the tower!
I I:vur ring in peace:
May 'men's anger
I And all clangor
I Evermore 4,,reaie. S, •
Anguish, Illness, •
'Soothe to stillness,
I By the sulaee given- - q -
Llfting, dwelling
Tun. x foretelling
Carlllen tit heaven'.
--Zit, Iambi. In The Globe.
' b
She was killed by her husband It :
S'F"Petersburg summer grunters. 'Tb
Notate Vretnya tells this story of a
pearl necklace the wotntun was wear
lug w'heu she Met her death: "It Is a1
old piece of work by nue of the bee
Parisian Jewelers. It bad been sol,
flret to the head of a %cell Ultra
' 1•'reuch court family. In the ex rite•
great }'much revolution
nearly all the members' of this family
were guillotined, and wily it few 4.f
theta iuuuated to escape to litres-.::
and so save their Ikea. Ilut the Ili;,!:%
rust n tut of w'uey, and they orris
obliged to siert web tunny fine Jewels.
ailing theta th:1 u.cklace he question.
From the tittle that they got rid of
this article they „enjoyed good fortune.
"Thi, cherished jewel, after chang-
ing halide lib,ut ten tfineN, was bought
• by the St. Petersburg Jeweler Rutz for
4U,(t10 rubles (1_'h,tltNs for Pieter V--.
Who Wag at that trine a le:Mit ; Theo
at court. The prluee. who was a great
lover of the ballet, gave the meek lace
to the well known ballerina '1'zukki.
For having dune this lie wa4 eCile 1
from St. I'etersbug:. 'I'zukll left the
11ul.erlal ballet, and, finding her health
failing, ahe.tveut to her native cs,untry-
Mltte laud tib:utduutsl the stage forever.
But before dole; No she sold the neck-
lace. - •
"A subsequent owner, the antique•
Han Unhitch, died suddenly at Monte
Tarlo, mud n whole series of people
afterward who came into possession of
the fated necklace had Most sinister
experlences. nue of these, n gambler
fit Monte Tarlo, lust all his money, and
fitly the sale of the necklace sated
dm from beggary.
"Finally It fell Into the: hands of M.
Andreet. Ise pnld the, low price of
a1,00o rubles ($10,300) for It, and his
ylfe ons weariug It when In a fit of
ager be killed her, to whom he had
tit a short flue age presented the m-
ucky token. The necklace` has now
tnysterluualy dlanppeared."
SomethingAboutLav ll •
a ce, Canadian
Musician Who Wrote "La Verve"-
' Recognized In the Outside World.
}tow few in ail 4•4utada 1, •. 1:• -ant of
the name of calixt; l.as.,il• • Y.•r tea'
Is tt
'[ 011e Nllu ti r•'
In the greet umsir:tt w.rIJ of 'the •.Gt-
wlde, nut only am th.. greatest eomves •r
born In canasta• het ai s••cond 1 , n.r110
,•n the Arnrnean Continent. .A. h,:,•
yens In the r.1.e. or many t I:--li .,l d•.e.:-
adlan,. 1t Nus In th,- Vatted Sta., + :.: t
his genius found completes( r•-.•.,gmi-
Born at Vercheres.
it was at V.•rei'•res, 111 the prov.n
of Quebec, that 1-at•aliee way I*orn,'on
the 2stt1 of December, 1542, tit.• sun of
an ac.•ompliehed mule -toaster, and.1..-
rained by ham to a career beyond tit.•
"rdlnary-. Wleen but t. -n years of n:-.•,
he assisted his farh.r in concert N:,rk,
under the greate-t in,tructor4 of til•,
age. Among his.lna-'"r- were Miran -n
tel, Iior..ddieti. and 1 erh,.
Could Play on Many Instruments.
N..t to
Il la•tlt w'llil Inllx i,•
Int, 1.• •
street ass a Meie r.•
n he pm•r!y<rt.•d him
self- M the Mastery of every dep.lr;
me t. so that as a practical perto:ml-•
of all known Instruments, as well us 1
vac I'
a .zutlon. he utaa an expert.' tie
cited adapt
els eompesitfon t ,
poeMbilitlea of exer•seten..
Even among tit • nlusle Writers b
he Was n rrc•,An;z••d exe•.•Ilrnt, ane
n particular. 011c of his orchestra
suites Was 1.erfunn-,1 as n ea:ode.
Kossuth and Dr.'Msrrar.
The freedom of the burgh of Ilawlek,
Scotland, woo recently conferred on
A. it. Murray, the lexicographer,
Ur. Murray was once a teacher In
Hewitt. It is told that when Kos-
suth, the Ifnngnriatt patriot, visited
Hawlek In 11;St1 and took part In a pro-
cession through the town he quickly
discerned n Hungarian flag on a house
In Itourtree piney with n lfuugarhln
motto upon It. The future lexicogra-
pher was seatej'legi/e Kossuth, w•h.)
remnrkcrl to hint, with amazement,
"(lave you gut Ilungnrluns here?" "A
young teacher hinted James Murray,'
h1' r.pllel,."mad.• the flag and inacrib.
ell the sotto." and aches nskel If he
kuew the meaning of the motto Raid,
"lily kingdom mule." it was the home
of the Murray family on which the flag
wan hoisted.
Ideatlaestlon Saks Teas.
('ertalu 3lnnhaten11 national banks
have lately I...en presenting to deposit•
ors miniature alumllulunt lege adapted
to be strong eel key reap". it Is intend:
el that Mese. 'souvenirs Khali serve a
dual purpose, return of keye In the
event r. fuN1.
1 lu•x
amp and bl.ntltic:itlun :
of owner 1 r 111 Pam` fit aeel.l
- salty the tags tattletale as clever "elver- •
Ilsen'•mts for the financial institutions.
r Stumpei on the obverse Is the follow -
n ing nnnunuct'taru t:
"file --
National bank willidentify
1 )eu
. fy
'miler 1.y No. ithaer"ttor's mtulber beret,
t city of New Veit." '
O u the re•cer5e appears this offer:
I "tine dollar reward for return of
keys or mail in any letter box, at sante
time mere% Ig um yn:tr name and ni1-
- dreem."--Ne•w York 1•rews,
Wrote Famous National "Air.
Ben -wned and deyor,led by earl•.
muecees, he ra ter:l ed t,. ('anaJa. and r-•
sided at Quebec. 111, pat Molise,. stl•::-
ulaled by the thought -that his nutiv,
land hail no natl„aa1 al r, h.' wrote 1144
music for Judge ltouthlrr'M words, ",1.
: Canada, la ter:' des %nes als.ia" a
classic and p'ppropr!ate nir well known
• In Quebec and In the Unit, d Stains.
Let 1
aIc! traveled with Madam- O. r-
ater. as sol., pianist, afterwards set-
tling In 4'I5% -land.. (Thio. Hr after-
, ant'
o n a
nlzd the a
A suelnliu
n .t
American 1a '
n DI .Ir :
f.ns, r
V H wens cl n .•
, m n
by them as their first presl.i••nt, and
Wax sent ax their delegate. to the (`on -
green of prlfexsinmel nlusictan,. held
later at London, England. In lase. he
was president of the Mettle Teachers'
National Association. II- areanlet-a and
led several famuns hands, and orches-
, 'rax. As an orgati:st, he was called to
1 the cathedral, I:t , Boston, and w'as
I)tremor of 3111: !r. ('nail}, the wc11-
I known puha+her el band must., (lee:ar-
rd that
had (uta...
devoted his Inb•n,
to military mixt.., "hr would have been
first In this line 1u tit,• country:' As It
Is, one sees to tai: day the name "ha-
vallen" a' thither of e onposItons
played by much ort;.inizatlunx as no.
H(sxlon Symphony. Sousa. tiermania,
The Only Canadian Opera.
He *rote the lap -ra. "la Verve." in
1 three acts. In tail, ch.. only caladlat
oprr,l), Ind "Tu Petro;+" ioff,•rloria•:,
Fmk, and chorus f r uri•liestra and e -
gun), In 11;53.
I its Bled in Uon•'t, 't,r, Mass., on 11, •
• 22let of February, 1'•'1, and In 1111 .1-a-'1
musie•lane lust a very (listing -Ills), .1
melte, mare The Alen. I. al Standard.
( bleat Cudfery,
111444 Gabriel G,slfri.y, the lastof
• the Miami Indians. hits Jnst tie,• .Jap a
Me aicr of the Horse '1'hicf Detective
:1 MN, M•I:i1 olC Ile Is seventy: -four years
While hs Klk'nn,, Ind.. recently
Itr.lmderl.,'1; 1 1 hs -ale the grave of the
'Miami eht1'f 1"kuwn 1a order that the
residents, of the city might greet a
18,.1 III e
1 11 II
t In fie ,
i 111 ,4444i
chief for whom the town tilt name!
e .ulfrey had a number of relics, in.
ending n dress 1Z years old that wax
worn 1'y "'mime( Slneutm. who tram
stolen 011..11 n child from Stemuelct:Ina,
('n., and was ('nowt' :1s "the White
(lose of the \liamis."
• The, Kind ni Vette to Print. -
%t tit,' tncetith 'f trio lu'tiUur of
Journalists 'f (neat licit:lin and lrc-
land, reeeully held In mitt ln, the re•
tiring president, \lnjur (1ra1w'irlc...111-
etudetl 111M addle,. by Iliseus-nit the
kind of news that Ite.tsp:lpy'rs aught
with propriety pnhli:•lt and .1-,!-thnIn"
r; Win•. T ouenesm and the abounding vitality of
1'rr•sidcnt Roosevelt have been expresm-
el by mu nue wail more aptness than
by bid own wife. A man In Washing -
4 • ton w'ns trying to "'retire a 'Mester cast
of The ptrslilp11l'N fuel.. "flow Iotng
weak! it It take to mage the e•;1417' Mrs.
ilooa.'s e{t naked. "'Twenty- Minute,,,,
ons the reply. "flint mailers It." an-
w'ered 141ri. P.ousevolt. "No human
power "n1,1 Induce any husband to re-
s ulaln ..1111 for (omit• nlht tee "-r ..._
bound with the e,lshutere, and there is
nisei n girdle of the -ilk. l'uffel NTe•ves
paselug the elbow. are gathered Into
Rluytlr puffs of .silk Lound with the
Cress Material nod 1111lshrti with rutile.)
of soft plaited halt=le.
The skirt 1s plaited natal llulshed arab
Nita bombs Plitelir l about the hens :Mid
over the hips In tailor fashion. The
suit is snlplesnuitine•xpelnsite anal rt•p.
resents one of the 211'-'1 pleasing of fa11
nivale•x. Nearly all of the fabrics used •
1 fur syn. 4 dre:.see are lighter thee would
1 usually i, tsms1,1'Ied compatible with
1 the tithe of year fur which they are iu-
leud,sl, pmt it Is the pur•IMwe of the or-
ibiters of fashion to steer clear of sty'lt.e
e•uufonuing 01111 rules and 'images, and
the mauufactnr.•n of Inn fnbrice
114',e lies -11 entirely im at with theta
uu thin point. 1same Fashion intends
to push halo favor some rather radical
/melee tills year, neeordhig to present
1d:ut', but they will lie accepted lir- tit
(mase they will be new and away trout e
regulation 'tee. o
I•Nlhtll•Aa'1 Nosenl1'r 2211 I:h),)
.And 11ts %'as Bark.
"t don't a(`e why yon can't be at the
head of your class," said Tonuuy'.
mother. "four teacher Wile me you're
prone far back In school."
"Well. say, mole," exclaimed Tom -
LONDON - nay, "there's no pienehl' you fit au!
MUSIC .HALLS. Didn't you say hist suuuuer }'hued he ,
an rt rue 'beck lu school?
--Catholic Standard and 'Tues.
� Poor Old ('/goon.
I'lctwle Dealer -'1'Idw. wadnm,
a chrome, uu1
el l It Is
not r
I n
Mrs. \ew•rlch-:\h, to be bad
• ! aupslusc! Of course Chrome Is n ver
°been artist and cannot command
high 'flees.- Tit-Itits,
delighted to 1
W. T. Stead Calls tie Performa
0Drt5e1 Fur Ms (trees."
"If 1 had to sum up the whole pe
,formauee In n single phrase I shout
say, 'Drivel for the dregs'- only tht
and nothing Inure."
lu this terse sentence W. T. Sten.
writing 111 the Review' of Reviews
c,nt11'uses his impressions 'after wit
uessiig a full performance at a Lon
dun music hall.
"My first impression," he says, "wa
cue of unutterable borednu1. For threw
Mud n halt .solid hours I sat putieutly
listening to the most iusufferabie bat
utility and Imbecility Blatt ever tell up
ou human ears.
"My second impression, which natu-
rally followed upon the boredom, wen
one of Wrathful Indignation. It secmex
tntolerabto that Ili Anne Domini 1'
the heirs of n thousand years of civlll
settee and the product of thirty -fly
e •ars of the education act should relish
this Inane drivel.
"It was not the lutmuralily of the
thing that roused we so much as the
lwbecility of It all. Unlettered rustles
at country fairs used to mud it amus-
ing to grin at each other through
horses' collars. It would be more ap-
pr(prlate 1f the audience of last utght
had been fitted with the headgear of u
tumbler and leen lutclllge'ut congener
of the horse.
"31y MINI Impression was the :th-
ence, 551111 one or two exceptions. of
nylhing beautiful or nteludtoutt. Ther;
%U44 not a haunting Melody or a mim-
ic air in the whole Jingle-Jut.gle tit
11111 pounds. Ault alw'11ys, with one
rant exception and two email ones,
hero was a positive reveling In phys
al ugliness and ungraecful motlol.
fid pokes. It is out funny. It Is slw-
ly disgusting."
cl Is
I lc
Coln• of Glided Glass.
Forty Member:+ of a large colliers'
s�-ndlcuto have been nrn•sted In Paris. ,
Hotel clerks have I•een their epcclal'
prey. 1ressiel as well to do forelgn-
ern,, they sometimes walked boldly Into
a hotel, tendered spurious gold for ex-
change and not Infrequently to:Wedeln- She 1 have n coeto•es.:n1 to make,
ell,ofthe nates of exchange: It wens , lay deny leer a obeli. year a1>tcr we( ! Poultry
the practice of the ging v offer gees- i were M:trr::sl 1 mearehed your terekc:i' Farmers
utile French gold alas� the mpurluus, dully Lar I4•Iteas• Wo waat all our Po
three or four counterfeits being 'nixie' Ile=.Utd Tial you find any? Y alta- dim
lap In a handful of She- testy Moat. 1 or lacer:., a_1 will pay Ike
genuine The I gave you to malt -
31e rn.b. •: ' BIGISEST r•nrcr.s tor il.
apurtoue pieces are mostly ]fr,l) amt RR 1 er Igniter • .•
Your Poultry may be delivered at. '
.4 B111r111e Estimate.
"\\'o don't want mo Wetter world to
live in than this one, " say's the 1i11kille
Itantcr. "It's true that old trouble
comes round (nighty regular, but we
never want to die n4 long' us there's n
fiddle to make us dodge." -Atlanto ('uta
New Idea For P1.,.-•
.tanager -I've gut a new idea for a
ulelu.iranla that ought to slake a hit.
1'layw•rite -What is it?
Manager The idea is to Introduce a
cyclone in the first act that will kill all
the act'1N.-l'hicag.. News -
A ('unftooilun.
for a
Half Century
FOR over half • century --ever
since 1854 the reputation of
this store has guaranteed the nliabil-
,q of any Watch p•_rchased from it --
Increased marwfxturing and buy -
m1 (aEilities now enable us to give
You the Vest Watch values in Canada
An instance is our 115 (.0 srectal.
h gpnststs of a gwrsnlred 15 -Jewel
Rorie Bros. Mrvemert in 14k. gold -
t, lad case warranted to wear twenty-
tite years.
Prof' Ns a!euro.' card need ger w,71
1S3 ten franc !Mex.'s, with the effigy
of Xspoleon 111., mrd also the !attest
type` of 11x1) llepnhlican twenty franc
(minx. These are Nduttrably made. lu
tact, never before have spurious coins
been prenlu40,1 to mach perfection. They
are made of crestal, limited to IMM) de-
gre'e., and cast to molds. Then by a
gaisauoplastic process they have beets
covered with n thin condo: of teal
gold. They have the uppearauee, flnixh,
weight and mound of real e01ux if
mw -u on woos' or marble. '1'ht fraud
nil be detected If the coin Is sol dell
11 a braes or metal counter.
Dozing ng Ibe bars,
A n' ,rel
1 ic 4Ie rrt '
not •cu
1actu unknown
to t-i,,s'tel 1 ,
er e
d !leathers '
thl.rs IM the
ready punishment of boxing (hildretee
Warm, all Igni.raut of the dnnu :• .t much
n h:1bi( There aro te'er::1 lots
Mime; fratt In with dau:er b, C., ear,
stela nr.
p i06in;; w•ith'n pini but people
don't think, not having the natter ex-
1 ht
nbl, -
tt on i the
aIle of els
11-11 Is sis-Ii a Intl thlug.
The reason why children's earn should
not be bo5'd 14 that the passage of We
car 14 clo.e.1 by a thin' Metnhraup, f1t-
pedally adapted m' that It IM intlucnce(i
by a sery Impulse of nir, and with none
ing hitt the air to mupps,rt it Internally.
\1'h:tt, then, ran be more likely to lu-
jure this membrane than n smitten and
foreilde• r ullp.remxien of the ;fir in front
of it? If :.nye one designed to over-
stretch or Meek the mettihriine he could
fie: •r• .
u e ly ,d1'vl:ce n more efficient menu'
than briigting the hand suddenly dow-n
upon the passage of the ear, thus ,(rl•-
tle nir cin '
Y before it «•
ith no
pueeibility for 11x escape but Lythe
nleuthrane giving w•ny. Many children
are trade deaf in this way •
• A Simple Lamp Mamie.,
The el:door:atee flounced and trilled
Inmp Rhailes of milk or paper, whieh
were so populate awhile ago, are no
Linger seri In up to date rialtos. Like
Nile hall dr.sses, they were (harming
Ih t h•rshucN•, but }ilk mexm
wore MT nn,l left them crusheel and de-
jected 1.s'king uhject,.
.\ miniple letup shade of .n Meting
type Is the one shown In the sketch.
]Insaelle Needle.
t (01111111111X r
unl us
not,as Is point.
17119 t• v
.11 l xpol the Ip•1 n
first • to note the dec-
lination of the magnetic needle has
recently been graphically demuuxtratisl
by the dlxen'ery of the SIM lhlls, dat-
ing front n time anterior to (''lumbus'
fleet t %•o •a
3 Ro and Nearing on the cone
paroles sec ponying them Ines hull -
eating II
K Teti•
In r
nil, n
n f
One of these, found at lunebrurk, WAR
rnnmtrnctesl fit Nuremberg In 14: 1. Not
only ham it an pm:raved line indicating
the declination at the time of Ism eou-
mtructlot, but other hues showing the
changes of direction undergone by the
needle In subsequent years. Who first
noted the declination of the needle Is
null nn unsettled munition.- Youth's
Chinese ! Y
caper Pans.
The nlmnst nniveareal use of inns In
sunny parts of ('bine gives rise to an
Important Indnsh-y-. in Xntlhlug Nonce
Motet N
lir t
440 MMI
Ie are rC •
' p employed In
lite work of making paper L•tnt. 11nrd-
ly any machinery exeept tint of the
Nimplest kind IN need at present, hat
eeterprlsing foreigners are Investigat-
Iug the p4/seibllity of supplanting hand
work by machinery. Donbtle.m mn-
elem.; would reduce the deulund for
fnumnkerm to less hundreds thnn there
are M;w thousands employed In Nan-
king, but what would happen to the
the burn-
ing question In Chinn.- San -'rnnelsco
Roosetell's Str'trasoss Life.
it the neeomlt Im 'orre•t, the at
I all prudishness, eannelatel the 'helm f:'
that "a titan "/goad out writ,. for Ih'
ee.lnnm4 of n newspaper that n-41,11,114.
would not Ilk' his wife o' 1115 child,
his nm1her or his mste'r 1 , read.:'
Good Tenor.. Aro 'rare'.
il,s',:.t 1's:nuinati o,.4 111 1h' Pori,
I'um.ervnt.,ry nI' IIs. e "daisy that g • •,I
(enor5 err 5taullly g1'11b1t sew,'er and
that hardly' 1111y''f 1111' :11.P11.nils 11,1\0
ht's 71h!,• to reacts the high ' r„' .1 ru
111e It fiat of the scale. I'hcsi.i::n
think the def:'eery of tenors is '1144 t
violent 'ilrrl,ei young in1'4 Anl•il. r
under Ihr• µ11l*.• of sport, 11 11,11
reins the vocal Meade.
11 tiuI•i1 Ont.. Nov. 111;11. istpeei::1
,%Ir. \vane 31.11. .1, I'.. el this pbee,
Ifaby Mother s Pasteur. 1
Have you cv.r tib .aced a mother
earryIng a mirk baby :' 14 there not a I,
true sense In %shish the busby Is really
carrying her? It Is the burden. the•;
rare. the Uesk, the r'lunsiblllty of Its'
that alone can' furnish Inspiration f"r1
living. Nothing crushes as su qulekly
am care -freeness. We ran Support the ,
whole weight of the atmosphere, but 1
not the emptiness' of a vacuum.
Almost a Lifetime In Prison.
William Brooks. 74 year, old, seal
Sentenced recently at, the old Halley.
1.4,ndon, to two, year:, hard labor for
that. He has been to jail almost ton. r
tlnu"usly alae* 1812. ;1
Have the Best Always. I i
%Viten It very superior article can 1ti• ; !
rind at the Mnn` prier as an inferior '1
article, the buyer has e • hexi1ntiem
which 10 Inks.. This OONmdd he coin
I,.crfully' rnnlrilclle. his In1.�,lie•iled
testimony to the 'fltea.•v of lipoid.
Kidney ('ills. Ile w•r•itss:
''For mote flint it year I was an in
nose •olt,•t•'t• from 1I1h1.'y' .1 welds
hit althaeigh I tried dil►•'i••nl nine
lie: and Will ututier• the ireabsent n
oral physicians 1 tilt4hat. I wn. get
ing no %"•Iter. I wise it11111eed to ,tis,
h, id's Kidn'v l',Ils:t trial :and I it,
deaeet tit slaate that rifler taking Iw
,r tires. !swots I felt vet y 11111(11 het
ter. rillsenconiaµed no• to r'otinnr
Willi 11141(1'4 Kidner Pills and I ane
Mem \Veekly,
41A1,1; or WATER 4OLUlt 0.51 a:.
It I„•,au life as a plain '41 11111. shade CO I
from, sti11''y%al.t' color paper. The
.cels art. small printe. 'These are hid '
osl the shade need penciled round. hr
Pother srnaller n%•nlm are then cult out
1, of the Mimic and the prluti glued over
the holes s' that the light 'shines
themuh theta. The rest of the device a
s' eonMist, lir f.sbnms of roMex rend rip,- fit
Ion Imw'x rut frons n eI
Rayl} colored cl
chintz nud glued on to the shade,
There is very little work Invoiced m
t In this (Minty Inmp shade, and Bao h1
cost IM n�t•Irnlly stnsJL 1
. to
Trnilot,a are hated even I.y Ih, Me
they lama. Tondos.
Chiltern nl'irl. makes 11s eon 11 to Ni
Ibe gods...- 4'humli/1nus,
The Obstinate Poles,
(iertnnn authorities nae finding the
'ulhh aeh of r•hlldr1'n lu the en4lern
ueeweee to Ise more Mari their nmb'h.
chlldnen who remlxl the efforts of
to %toe term to e•outpcl them to slrenk
erma11 during rellgloum Inatru'tlon
re Milled mu heroes, toed other 4.111111rrn
e firer) to emulate their example.
fie little fellow who wax Inld over n
inlr by two Nowhere nud 'soundly
trnpgsed" for dlsnbs•tllenee cried out,
1'011 may whip me ns n11)01, ns yon
.e, but you will slot force me to pray
UertuaD r
Will She Keep 1t Up :•
Papa - - VV'Itir•h do yon love better,
't tie, your ItMsmitit lir 111x• f"
Little Nettie --"M
1'aptN -"Rut only yesterday ran nNid
you loved me better."
Little Nettie --"Yes : lint I've •d' -
eldest it was Inst for Us wnnl1'n to
stick toltether,"
rule regarding your reading siintltr. ! 1
1n Addition In your bread• paper, you 1 i
"thread rend The Family Herald and 11
Weekly Star of Montreal, by long •f
aide the Inst weekly in Nnnadn. Its K
costs the same as other weeklies not t
in the mune elms -one dollar A year- - I
and includes a pn•ntinat )1Iet111. en-
titled "A Tug of War." which alone is
worth the th'Y• (ire the twee forern 1` 1
view neon Mml Ir l' The I'antfl%' n
) x•.i'ri
Herald nud \Veekly Star and you will
Ret the 1 C 1 tip
tow 1%. W1.11 n5 1.V1•1' 1 wens in my life,
ti the hope that 1111igh1. be the means
It encouraging smile other softest,
rout kidney trouble to try lheld's
idney fills 1 cheerfully rontt•ibute
his testimun)' to their wotulerfel heati-
ng powers."
Enough for Two.
"ti'rimyn,'rimyhnsl4tnd smoke
doe..n•t sa ''
lav r? 1 didn'I ,hypos,' he haul
will enough to µire lap the habit.
"1 know, Inst i had will enough."
rex •uta fir r V,n11' money.
Fide 11,111(11 Worker -- ••f )h. 31 t•.
I':a5vthing, please rimy n ticket far our
a•huirh fah'. Single tickets, Iw•rnLy•
five cents : r'iind•111p tivk et, ten dol-
6e1•x." Mr. F:asvlhing-"1L.1111d-trI p
ticket for a church %nir 1 1 SWAYS•
heard of 'melt a thing 1 What Is it's".
Fair 4'httrh \Vorket• "Why, N
toned -trio ticket ensigns that, the tr'in'e
'f i
the '
i /111
,Int .teem
when you go to the fair. Yon sliow
the 11'•ket Nnd tuo one will petals isle
rot to 11117 Nnything."-Puck.
Feliter'm Son : "1 tt'koi) p lea when
the nlIllrmniutsl 11114 eonlin , an' if
Mars WA% inhabited, en' if it seise go.
legto rain next. Fourth of July
he 'mid he didn't know. 1 don't see
how he ever got to Is en editor."
The 3l0tor ('rare. GUUtaI It'll,
"Don't you s.111114 -I4'11 env thee* yea, J \A. 1 coil
Y l'1.1�7•uv. , Buyer, J. A. 1'•:nsl
'very %vea1(113 1.0..plc- their enJoy n,,5TI1, Ilnycrs. `L•\titian A Co.
"Nn" amiss -ere! Mut Cayenne. "I FLAVFLLES, Limited,
never eared for the emelt of gasoline." 1 u\:,,,\ „\
-Waahluglon Star.
An :111gTV tltaO opens his mouth anal
Mi111t' Ilii, e•s•es.. I';a,i,
I1 is better to die with he►tu1' th::m
live i., infant}'. .\griis,L1.
of Dodd's Kidney !'ills aro
on. The
legion. g box is
the outside coating and shape of tho
pills are imitated and the name-Dodd's
Kidney pills is imitated. Imitations are
dangerous. e
The '
Kidney Pills free a reputation. Imita-
have none or they wouldn't imitate.
So they trade on the reputation of Dodd's
Kidney Pills. Do not be deceived. There
is only one DODD'S. Dodd's Is the
original. Dodd's is the name to be care-
fui about -
D -o -ten "s
Near=by Health I
. Resorts i1
i.11 few d.lvs.at the mineral
springs fit SI. 1'at latrines,
311. 4'h•nt ns :mil -Prestonham .benefited the health of
htendre.Is. Nothing Is 1'1111111 II
'1111 1111' 11, 0111enl. 11 •.1 of
1119(1.1/11•1•111111111/11111 :4111.11 meal -
01;1(.• labs.
.1i1 situated 'n I:.T.it.
For Ilrkcl•. and (1111 iuforntntinu ':ell WI
1 o
wn .
(PIM, home. '0„ar ast. 10 a p.m.
1,.MI TI'kat (n
1. 1- I,,nd-i.district Pass. %
IPILLS �-- Termite.
it1,1►1►► if1;'rrimrttzrrtrs►n/r►m►nn+r►n►tlt1► irtit, r
y r ►,►rtrrif.
r w
r �
l\'e are plrnwsl 1' be able In tenttounr•e• at re -
111' %% 111 of the •petits' Idler t' sult'tribe•rs
of I'HII: til(:\.VL by s- llir 1 they remise.
Two Papers fob• the Price of One.
N,vev'y snI,s, cheer w :u. pays $1.10,1 in :141% /1111
%%111 em'ee-ice V'llE `IIiN\I, Hilton's I:.•a :a11,1
Itriytletest l: .e:d 1'., and 9'111? 11ON'I'III'; i I
\1'F:I•:IC1.1' IILit .5,1.II Ib., reomep'litanl week -
1)' which ha. 11,1- -,a• b Kral ell ides in jm.pni. .
ba.,,i- within 1110 Etat row yp8rs. A11 ylnl 114441 10
elo 141 51.1.1111' .1 h. l w' 11ap''114 for 1hi' 1)idlnt• 111 10
/My 111119114 13' in ntttw•11%
To New Subscribers
w1' s% 111 s1'1111 '1'111: !'If ;NAL f't• 11,1.4.i1111re4f
118Nb free of charge,
We watt fill' tem n trader ilf'TI5l', til(;NAL
x�inrinK Ilse (idling) c+m,
Send your subset ip1 ion to
Vanatter & Robertson,
The Signal,
Goderich, Ont.
1 P.
S. Be sure to read THE SiGNAL'S new motel story, .i
It Is a good one.