HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-11-15, Page 1110 I'ut a -u .4 No4,•1111N•r ISah IA11;
Small -Sums
-systematically give you the
means to enjoy and own many
things thought only pussible to
the rich.
A vacation abroad ; a Mame s
meter -car ; a college education
•lir Anything else '•1111 Ni.h fur
can be your% if you sacra the
dimes and dollars.
$1.00Opens an accountant!
interest is paid 4 times a year in
The Sovereign
Bank of Canada
Jordan trio,..
i I
a °: ft
Soon we expect to move 'to our Big New Store. The contractors have promised faithfully to let
us have it by the 1st of December. Before moving we want to reduce our stock by several thousand
dollars, for we want to move as little as possible. To do it. we will inaugurate on
Vote on the Bylaws Was Wellangb'
• 'Unanimous.
The 1, Iaty. to lend: MfI,11444 lu Ihr
IiIId.'Iit'II 11•14441 Rig. 1'4.. lin' a 14•1w
of yr:u'. bill '1 111t.44_ -t. .11141 1,,
grant $3,441' f41 (114. .14 1.44..14
Inclining- 1'11. 444 In..{ id.' 14.4 tl is
NIN'1•l' lot' 1444. 131'14.14 1 I11•\ pj''IN".•
PT...1111g herr, 41iI11 t'x.•tllpl i,111 114,444
taxed,' 1' it 11 u y ears i.4 each ease,
were hands, •14' 4.4441/1'11 • ii M.11.11
day Iasi...lily twenty If11,e .ole•. be-
ing recorded against the 1',4rnl4.r and
twenty -fine aga11.1 111.' 11111.1'.
Yoll' 111191.11 .111141141•14n1 44 1' ..1 nearly
alike for both 1141 vv. Ih..l it i. e•41 -
drat tkat,. Wit 11 a 11•1.1. rxrrptions,
the'upponent44 1.f 44444. 1.y13 44. welt- flit•
o,1pollruls of the .,I1110.; 0114 I1.0111
till• 4ww•pi11,1, 11101111 it y' f..,t h I'r1'1•ired
a ler inference would be that. Pith
the exception of a 4'ely .4112111 1„I114.ri-
t5', w'1111 lu'uh:1b1% 11P1N1.r,1 101111•
itch of warding 44-.i•Inert• of .any
sort as indurrlrrnls lu iu4lu.trir. In
locate here, the people 111 1444. 1'X4414
wel4• ulll.l
{ Ila ,rr..wl '
of IoM the propN . i(bos, 'Lille ith:ud
of Trade i. to Is. congratulated on
the .urre•s. 111 it 111•(1 11111441 14.41 t,,
Vie .pN•ning of negotiation. N'i111 the
Lloyd lenplr 441141 the � uei;y tyilh
which it pushed 11.4111 111111 4 als to a
'.•1 rr•.ful 1.44114.. 1'64. 14.14 4.1 r it
did good work k in 11v Mg such a 1'4111:
11111)1111/1/1111.1111,'4,{. u, 1.011111/10/1 iii e'il11
the t'111/1/1 tig. p1411N..i(110/ go 4:. :t.4.
'/rr7h•r.rhniilliilg 1114• III'..p.,.al
t I, the •'114.1•.1 -pN l..i 4444• .rr111int' 211111
tuAing e•ve'y rtf.•rt 141 mike 111,4 1N1
possdele I 4.I I11, 14 11 11 Ihr 1'•Iu r.r11l:r
(4{'4.,.4 r
V til 1.1„yl1 Jlanut:l. taring 1'11.
•1'1441111111,' 1ler Lieges! faveoe, 114'a141.,
111. Ib.' .54,•4.1•.. in (440 115'12111' 44.4-. 1114'
;midi .111 bona eider l 11.
11o•.e • o
1 1.•.
tier. 211161 the arlightl'o144.ud 41;q•
in whirl] lhry presented the piopa.sid,
find to the I eflld •,I 1'r:ole•.111411441%11
441111161. 211141 In '1• to the gent•r41 pub-
lic. at the. nae.• 'ng hell las .w'4.rk.
The.lark.lm prop Ilion 4V:1. rw•ri441
spew:a ler. ;rally fro a the lir.. 011441 the
amount involved wn 114,1 Inrge,
11111. de11111. 4..1 1111, 4'1414 are as 1..1
lows ;
WIIF:EI. I1111. 1.11111.
`.•Inl,.Ini.lon 1'.N
1 ..41.44,.. • lr-t
f'Ro1 0,.1 r11.\
Y1 r again••.:.
r^' 'tonal 101
P total number ,1( vote), ',,li (1,.'
list 'a..!ect. and the Lt.11.11.1, 4oh.
rr114 4114.ca11t- Ih,• lovlaw, 44.1. 111.
As 1': as i, known a sin. ha•, 141,1) 4'l
leen .et 1.1,41 for 111e 11'11141 'nig. 1'41..
1114.1411' 4 .
Thr.fae k .n 1lun farlurillg ('41. Hill
1..1114. 111011 plan( in 1444. fare1,t'y- ,u.
Kingston .0 et whir11 was osr,I for a
short time 4 Mnril4, Hen.. Thr,•
have ,,,41,,4.1 .,,. i .., V and expect
to have their we lin 11.41• in opera'i,111,
M New year'.,
Startles Reporters in a\pew York City
A a..t.del, from New U'y.1.1,44•44ys
The .1 verru11 11,1441 of 4 • Wilding
trembled awl .o 11111 the r, 111.444 111
the city room This morning '. 411.14'
entered a lionise'. 141 the I.ill N,li.u,.
present. 11'06 hi:. bat 1111, he vas s41
tall that he had to IM•n.l'..s h,• ''n eyed
1111• 11011'. ill• I•,INMI•na1111'1.41 lel•.
however. 1l•:I.•Itrwl es ''r 4' II }14.
Pd.11a•jut JIrK••nzi•.1111' 4'1.141 •i:'..
and w'hdor, 1l41van4.e agent 1o1• li:n4u•
•(Mellow. the star of tl1• "it.eiky 44..:1.1
t, Dublin- rolnp'lI, . which ;..1•01114
t 1 appear at Ihr I:r21nd (J1N•ra Ilnn.1,
Mil nngrr Middleton ac.:4.tti iniiied I
looking like a pigmy IN•.ide the gilult.
fining!' as tall a. the average 1111.
Mr. 1liddlet.nt explained that Major
McKenzie wa11 10 ;4lI'l':lI as nn Irish
harpist al 11.. 1Melee (.omelet l,1 IM•
givl•n MI 1111• hand 14,,'I -:I Iloose next
Sunday night.
Major 'McKenzie is se% 4.n feel twit
and a half it,.•11es tall, and .a.4 he is
t le .....41,111 I :1111,1 1111111 014 , ‘11r•1ic21.
114. is large 81111 .y .1 rival 31111
Weighs 2.', i ponn41.,
1111410'i1'k 11.01 :dr Kenzie 4'44:41'
�r{,-urnts 114.14. Neil and Mary Melt:.,'
McKe zee, 44I• Inn ti in 4.irk now,
(.',toads, nn A 1.1 it :4441, Iri'i:1, and I,f1,..
It g1.111 w'hu..hug and the stud'. of
rnmae Ili• w'as enlist 141 i11 flu• /'8oa41i441,
Gordon Highlanders. in which he
.••need ,a dr 1111041'. ile beeline
h•u,II,';.h•r and W.I. the dt•mgl mein,
n` the 11:4411 at Mt. lentis world's fait.
lie served for two year's in the Ila•1
War; and boars the murk.- of funny,
ballets hl 1148 IMMI'•. "1 .r11144414' Ilio
144;444 14'1141 (.4.1111111'1 '401 no• Wil 11 a rifle
w4.uld miss a barn door, he v,lid.f
Major M,Ke%,P is a nebular in the
Gaelic written and spoken language.
ant 11111,Ip N•;d re•11141111/ lag Ed.
ward the VII. 4'y t•,'."iI r.mmand. nl
ptl.l11atral n(N4 Mat11h•it1ipham, within
two yenta, Ile there played on the
Zty wife:** he .aid tis ''•4. n
Small wIman. reaching jun to nay
44'',11'1. 11111 when .he want. I4. talk she
M '11144 It hundred feet. tall. She's' little
hatbig feeling. Talking of heart.., 1
believe that the reason IPI many ab-
normally large mien are usually not
viggonrous intellectually is leeauee it
difficult for the heart to pump the
blood up to the brain, and they alt
listless as a consequence. i wouldn't
he in a 4e1m sideshow for n king-
dom. I want to be out in the open
and take vigorous physical exerts/480g
with the hammer and plotting spot
rVOA' day 1 can. 1 tine at 3 u'oloek
and take my exetdw before tweak*
arlittnait Iffi
Saturday, ., November I7th
A Gigantic Removal Sale
1 that will be memorable in the annals of Dry Goods Retailing in Goderich. It won't last long, two or three
Iweeks at the outside, but while it lasts we will make it well worth the while of every Dry Goods Buyer
within reach of this store to take advantage of it. E., , ._ G 3r'e
v.:rr._ x
It takes time and costs money to,,move a big Removal Sale prices on heavy goods of all
stock like this. The less we have to'take with us kinds, Dress Goods, Furs, Fur Coats, Mantles,
to -the new store, the better pleased we will be. We Carpets, Linens, Skirts, etc., will be specially
have the stock to make the sale a sucess-there tempting, for we will not take a dollar's worth of
never was as large nor as good in the store before. them with us if we can avoid it.
We have the will to make the prices low enough to
make it very profitable indeed to do your Dry The Sale will be short, but while it lasts it
Goods buying here while the sale is on. will be the liveliest sale ever held in Goderich,lf low
Every sale price will be marked in red ink be- prices on dependable merchandise will make it.
side the old one, so you can see at a glance just Watch the papers for the weekly list of specials.
what your saving will be. It will pay you.
ILace Collars 2 fpr 25c.
Lice Tab ('oils '., regular
2.k• and :r., for lteu44val
N oil 4. y 141u r 2 r,„,25c
4.l ' •,• ,
Cashmere Hose lqc
roki 44.111. 1a44irs' cn.lunrl4.
4,41440, .l.iu rr,ribleed, 'earn'
less fret. g444+�4111:/111 Y. :1 big
surreal tor eluoyal 19C
Sale.youi 4.4441;.
1 "1""j 1 Some Removal Sale Linen Prices. r
Fur. Coats for Removal Sale
Ret. ink prices on Linens that are really money s.tv
• r
It would 't
Id a' , '
1 you ll
•i �• 1. lay I ' ti
r in .t. supply , 1
\\'ere 4.. a going t/ buy a fur coat this ,\Intel. Pay pi) . f mangy
If so, better came here while the sale is on, for w -e these lines for l heist '4.41 presents,for'•the �'alues:are belle
want to sdl our entire stock of bur Jackets before 1'y tar than you can fret anywhere.
we move. %V., h.ti'e 20 oi' ,; good tone, in .foci. in $2 Table Napkins $I.35, Fancy linens,
111 dozen only pure lil.e,,
Astrachan r, to French Seal ' 25c/ 5�1 75c
Y, 1' l j" Table Napkins. good weight. + 14'1• have taken 1114. stink 4
- Near Seal Persian Lamb • new palte•n., r4.gu.11' IIr' n. oe,' rangy burn.. N111 la :1s tea
r dozen, for Itr :el
Palin oi• with Na1:1r;4114:11• and rive.. 'rl4.re 1114• 111.414
Sale, 4.h44p,., 1,3 4.4414 hs. I h 4.41141144. 4.h. 0111
2111,1(41 1. ladies'fur-lined`r div; H,., . e411 111141 three 1141. fol
-' foals in Mack, faint, myrtle, brown of
navy Mu:ul4.l, la with Ohio or Alaska Meldr,M 114.4. 11 ink Or Natural Napkins 1 ;his Hr11oly,1 sale. Price, '1444
h , p oc each. „
IN` just :doom 1-- 11•g111,11',, ,/,1P N'
:\ oar a •' together 11 Iw 1 r
K t ILrr b
f IN 41
yu:u•trrs 411141 '111411 411414,1144 14( 4,, 11144 like 4411 1,., flu•se Al 1111
'1':,441:• Napkins. liar. .hat •,1141 to,,lakeroom for,. lines w
lit *1.75 144 82.:a1 per antro, lit 1\'21111 111-1.110/W W hen ww get int,
11rne • store.-
l N'I'llt•Iw will 1
I t C 11
f the 14
rar11 het iUC 1411111y it •1131g:lin 1111 lh••'Nlbl
whet,. you will find these
All Linen Towelling 8c Fancy tincts."
:114 t•,trds extra tine i. 11 Dark Ginghams loc.
Crash Towelling. imported I.y Dark Gingham,. 'fust ...dors.
ourselves divert. A Tow'1•IIilu': stripes and .phot regular Inc
that Will gist• extra gond w.•:u•, l'ior Ile :d Sale
regular 111.• to 1C4e,for Ile- Q , hoe"• p„•r card ........loci
al Sale at 414.4. ,"all.... C Fancy Linen Towels
+i only .4Ua tine quality
1lrlrkal,:u'4. and ,113111 , .k Toss: -
els. These :u'4. .light 1V 1444441
soiled whale• folded. Itrgul:u'
C ptiees west. I:N• 'hold :Ole, for
Re1111'II Mal•. you 11101,•
take your 1.6oice for 35c
3 Comforters for :2.15
• Good meality '14144 torten...
dean n white• wadding fllle•d.
M:IIr' can boy it pa.r �(kC ,t .•t in' •ilkahrle' ru'.ering.
c,d Jll Regular $2.73 and $3.114, fu,
Fine Ble ched Damask Ile•„11;4'11 Salter' $2,15
C. Bath Towels 2 for 25c.
Thlrr p:dte n 04415', rxtr., t d••7rn rxh'' yu,dity Hath
till quail,v 6 ache) 'I'ah1, row; -Is, go.81 Ni44fh old
44:11 ask. llegull: • $l.1.i and N'elghd. 1-e41' •t ripe, +p N•i'Ial
you lir '1l• 11•''441. 90C 1' o p' iter,+.4 al Z 4414. 25C
your r ,1irr 1N•1 yard `ale
Men's Socks z9c
I's wen's ribbed wor-
ks,blaek or fancy nlix-
witless feet, winter
'eclat for our great
le per pair 19
Two Big Silk Specials.
r Tw4.. big specials in silks for this 'great Removal
Sale. Values that are undoubtedly better than any
' We have ever offered. Silk stock must - down be-
fore we move, and we will make the priceslower it.
'l a11n,11u11e .hulk 1.11111 :old reser.,` All are hew this seaw•11 44,1,1
t'Vt•ry c 111'.144 will I'. sold at nate pt i4•.".. Von \•an saw 114' :• 4111
.41 11 'n4. bus 14" it e• 1 14•• r 'v 1
here N t tale 14 '
t u al 1 4.I.
gal• attll��� �wmlt�l��.1��4.�alt�i11
Furs for Removal Sale
Every article in our big fur stock reduced far this
big removal sale. - Furs of quality at' ,sale prices are un-
usual this time of the season, but you 1:111 buy them at
January prices if you come here while\the sale is on.
There is a good fur stock here to -day, as good if not bet-
ter than ever was in the store.
' HUFFS ill f '` CAPERI S
All correct steles and dependable qualities mar
in red ink at Removal ti;'le prices.
t e
Dress Goods for Removal Sale \
Removal sale prices on Dress Goods means money
saved .
for buyers. • \\ a would like to reduce the stock by
Mie -half before we go to the new store. Hundreds and
hundreds of yards will go on the counters marked at
'prices that will more than save you the cost of linings
ald trimmings. Serviceable stylish materials that are
ect in every w•ay. Here is how we are selling them.
ress Tweeds 39c. browns, greens. 141111... :11111 dark
greys. Regular $1.24 and $1.40,
I'nr Removal stale your 7Sc
choice per y':1ra
Fine Broadcloth 95c.
Uy •1 :;IMI yank of fades ,Ir,'..
neat. designs in blurs•
even.* and revs. This
ousts and •+l ylr.. Beg -
.1 One, for HI.11nlval
'helve 4.el' 39c
Wool Plaids • c.
:444 y.lnls all wl II Clan 1'll'-
1.11, 411.1'.. (i1NN1., tl•g111:11'
qualities and Alden 1 value at
that. for Itenoval Ma •
1.11.1i1•1' per yard
Fancy Waistings 3
t/oze1. of pattern. in f0
w Men waisting.. are
'.4l,t.:lllll fancy design% 111 mix
,4•d. blank, gr,.•n . atul light.
grounds, regular 'aft'. ,141.1 Me,
for Itl'nn1cal Malt' y41eir 35c
pet. s',,ol
Colored Dress Goods I2',c
2'44 %:ll'de' of f,.,i,'s (adored
I4..•.', medium weighs,
..mild slake ^capital quilt
linings, wul'III two. three .Ula
firm' t' •. the pile,. w,• sink.
For Itemoval Male 121
',rhnt4.4. p••t' 3'.1141
Fine Dress Goods 75c.
''4ry 11111• y11:1111 y, 0.1111 and
f,111,',' 111'1•.1. (I.NNI., . •rot t11,'
I"•., linen we have in .toe,;,
Extra tine quality imported
hro;nl,ln111 suit jogs. rlui4, that
is unequalled in the trade. line
soft finish. all purr Wool, black
and all tailors. for His
all Sale per y'a1.11... •95c
Suitings 75c.
•2441 y,41,1s fnhey tweed .4111.
lags, nearly all eof'. repro--
etiI'dill the la ti tomlitil'M Ih,t
are suitable for skirts, coats or
fall dress 1•n. •s. ROgmlu'
$1.L-4 to $1.75. All grouped
into one IH1l1nd your 75c
chore for Hrnlloynf !fay,
lack Dress Goods 25c.
• Fancy Silks 29C. 4, $1.25 Black Silk 95c.
I .
Franey milks. twat .114.,411
Mark lean -1114.,4\i4. Silk,
t extra Hue weight, Ilnl'YIl-
1sUlerns. suitable for waist. t..•(1 not e41 rat. All . unr
1 dresses.
A good variety,
twilled Silk.
1 Ihr stand,u'd i:1c 1 ualit for• indd 1111. fol Alin.,
r 1 Y /+ ply. .,,. rel ;L'1' r,iyl n�r.,
He •nl *ilk your 29, 4, 414 Be al s e 1 r 9,' c
' rimier per yard s 4111! chuire• per. yard
r These silks are suitable for either waists or full dress-
es and at these prices are genuine bargains.
Lt,_at tt�,s
Table Linen 32c.
1514. yards 4.411'.' quality all
Noe Linen Table Damask.
44114.1• pa1te'rn., g,NNI wrigli1
:Ind width, Regular .�11' 4411.41-
ity. 1414. Hrinov:d 1.,1.' )2
1le14441 31 p4'r,:n.I ..
Table Damask 50c.
Very line gllalil4 hall life•:Ich-
ed 'Palle Dania -Is. this is a
in.' that ,,•ill soon bleach, and
i extra good quality. ;Se is
thelegulu' prier, 1,14 lirtu,.val
ss MI Mlle •__I.
.3I/44 1
l nrd•
4.t le, 111,4.4.. 1ur1'y, 1441.Kl Ia
r, '
1ew'legtuu11d.. new patio., le,
14•gielar 13111 14e•, for 1t1.1,.,1,al
Sale rhoi '.' IN•r v4111
L................... NJ
r•sansmo MINIM 4111111•11111111111111N111 al
Cushion Tops 25c
P:uu'c linen 14.111 14, and
cosi ' tops I'm millet -Maw ing
I'rgot:1r 511r and OW. int• Hr•
14.4x1 Kik)• • (1)04'25I
Cu lion Tops 15C
Pitney Cushion'Pops, rrgn- f
I n• 'Gil•, for Itenoglll 15c I
�a14. y •1'oier
weight and (.1st (swi , white
spots lir stripes on navy Kr14nnd,
reg111a1 I:M•.fol' Re 'alio C
M.11l' (•Mo4,e per t'a141...
Oxford Shirting 9c.
1,1/1 5'a111•, KIugli.h 0x11.1111
ti44:11114t. p(1.1.1 (ot' Itprut1M 410
1114.14.4 • (444.4.., fast 41411)144. fol
Itemc 4.'r u.4a( Mal` 11ni
A „karmic.. of Isla lines _fit per 9 c,
aek dress goods, regular ::N•, j Silkalines 15c..
11 • Sind :�k, for He al Male'
rim -
y14 r rh(4ice per.
I';ul;ynrt Milknlinrs. A
yard '25C .' 4.n ,1I' IIpm4' grad pNIlt14171., 4.r•
Kellar 211e and '241•.. for 1(e -
Fancy : ack Goods 75c. I per yard
al Male your choice 15 C
Neat small Ib•.i,4tns in fatn•y
black dress fHNMk, . iit,hle 4.410. Navy Sateen
W4114114 fir skit• Ie1040 *Lint Shirting toc.
1.'25.4nd M.:Oka I twilit.... 4l111r
ehuieefor IIen14c '1 Sale
Navy Sateen NI:1r'ting, g,4 44
per yard 7
Fancy Draperies toc.
.1a111'y art Draperies, .i dol[•
patterns. regular 1:M•, for
Itr 'al Sale 4.l '•e 1"10C
"'1 ' o C.
Furniture Damasks 5oc.
(lie half dozen pattern.
fnnry Ihlaliu,ks, suitable for
rosy , r ottmt4l, chair cnt•rl•ittgs,
rte., regular 111.(1 50
1 to C
$1.311, thole, perperyard..
A Clearance of Dress TrimmingsA Big Skirt Special.
4.i I.ittle Prices on good 1)ress 'Trimmings for
this Great Removal Sale.
Dress Trimmings loc.
yank Dress Thi hue,
applique., fancy braid., new
p:ltlerns 144f. Kens. m, regular
2448, ',ie, and :t r, fur Removal
Mule yl ' «Mlle. tier loc
Dress Trimmings 25c.
1/1r4.n•, 0,11,1 dozen4 of pat-
inae! in Dress Tai.nnling. I
fancy braids, new designs and
talar r bin:at ion., hegulatr
ale and 71e, for He {�•al
Mille {'1111,' 11104.,' 10't 25c
A great big special in ready-to-wear Skirts for
this Great Removal Sale.' The garment complete
for less than the value of the material that is in
7'. ladies faun t weed .kirt,, th/Pe or fourtleagu., half a dozen
di 'rent patterns til"aa cloth. 44ualifi1. that nl'P worth $2.65
*1J4 o $4,:444, ehuice• foil R r al Male 014'11
Two Big Wrapper Bargains. ,
Ito Big Bargains in 11'.tppets for this Big Sale.
Wrappers 85c. ' $2.00 Wrappers $1. i.
2.. ooh• Wien' wrapper. --
bade 11o114 g1N214 ,111:dilly print
lir 44I',lppelette, dark robotin4,
regular $1.25 and $4.511. fol
Removal Mit le your 85
choice C
244 �eDly' huli4.N' N 14l4pet.,
extra quality. regular 3 'n .411.1
$2.25, for Removal
Yale your ehoice ...3111
a d
o aeries w.
- We would like to dear all Laces and Embroideries
before we move to our new store and have picked out
many pieces which will },4.0 at half price or less. If you
want laces for any purpose don't pass this sale by.
Valenciennes Lace 3c.
:/11 yards good quality 4.'ale•n-'
ciengrr Liter and IWWII ion.
last ends of pal erns that wad
•It.:e, Se and hoe, ,'I '..3c
lot• Removal Nide .
Fine Trimming Laces
at 19c.
:itp yards of (41ney trimming
(.aces ire while or ecru. These
are Inst endn of loamy of (4111•
best qualities and they must is•
sold, for w4. do not want to
take them with us if possible.
Regular a 4•' 411
Me. your choice
for Removal Malt' per 19C
Embroidery zoc.
2111 yards of Embroidery 111141
Insertion, last emir of lines
thatsold at 12.' to t4.+'.•. For
Removal Male you may
take your rhuiee t#•4' OC
Rugs for Removal Sale. elr'-
For our great Removal Sale we give a straight
disccnult of 25 percent. off e't'ery Rug in stock. 1Ve have
a splendid assortment in all qualities. Will take a quart-
er off each while Removal Sale lasts. Anticipate your
carpet wants -and buy now, for it will save you money.
Mending Wool.
rio •doz. real gon.i Mending
Wool put rip on tart''., wild all
o 'r at 1 for lie, wt'lile Remo' al
Male nn you ten 7 fur i oC
hny.s. ••...
Linen Handkerchiefs
2 for 25C.
:Illdoz. extra fine quality real
Irish Linen Handkerchief..
'adieu Mizen, "h,'m'.titthed, mPsl-
ianl and narrow h..m,2)c and Vie
gllahtiP'., for Removal Male,
your choice 2 for 25c
Removal Sale Carpet Prices.
Were you going to put off buying a carpet until
next spring? -1-111.it while the removal sale is on and
save money, you can do it.
English Tapestry 1 Brussels Carpet 8oc
Carpet 48C.
MMI sandi extra quality Eng-
filth Tapestry ('.'i'', bonneted
11y anirrielves, good patterns,
qualities that will strand any
nnulult lof hard wear. Hegt,lnr
nix, for Removal Male A r2C I
your choice per ynn1. st(
(?...Flannelette Under-
nd s�
wear One -Quarter Off.
Par the (treat Removal Nair
Ove 11111 out a table of ladies' anal
''4,illmti s Flannelette fade,--
4'e•ar. 1'oa may take your rl44iee
,,f thin lot for ex.l,th' 1 1 less
1111(1 the wrists rind wholesale •t.
the. factory. If tllete is anything
in the lot you ran 1144,', you will
Ilml it the biggest kind of Iau'
1 gain.
:inti yards English Brussel.
('Rivet, extra gond quality, nice
fsatterne in green'., browns, etc.,
regllllar $1.1:0 and $1.25, for
Hrsnoval Male your QnC
choice per yard......... �7
'rhese area few of the many attractions of our Great Removal Sale. We cannot possibly print a r-
of ail
list the specials you will find at the store. If you have a dollar to spend on Dr Good
all, in justice to yourself you should take advantage, of this offering. When we decided on a sale
we de effort edto it would
make lt such o fault of ours if it were not an unparalleled success, and 'we are masking I
everWatch for the red ink prices. You will find them all from the start decidedly
Terms of sale are strictly cash. We cannot charge anything marked at sale prices. seepleaf e sav d 1
not ask it. Remember we only expect to spend two or three weeks more in this store and are dieter -1
mined that they will be the best weeks in the history of the business.
3 good big bargains in
Fancy Lace Collars
Some Ribbons. 1 at age.
Panty hre4den Rihhnn,extns Lldie: Leer Collars, 104.1width. satin edge. pure silk. .izr and quality, nice new
regular Mk, for Removal dale patterns, 'titular ;104. a n d
your choice per 041r, for Removal
y44d 39c Sale
•1111,111_ -_---`--
Lace Collars 50c.
Choice of abort *4) Lace Ohl.
lana. A dozen nr more differ
ent design, in the- sot, A
gathering toytber of INA miles
and twos of 7Sc, 11.110 hi Ills01
gnallties, choice of them 50c
all for Itemoval Hale W 14.
Shetland Floss 5c.
r4r11 wkeinn extra quality Mhet
1.4401 Floss, each skein guaranteed
full weight, I to not confound t his
with urinary cheap makes that
are put lip with less than an mince
t11 the hank. This in standard
quality. for Removal Male
your el whets per skein . ....5c�1
Yard Wide
Flannelette 8c
11'0 yards extra heavy fan•
ty stripe Aawnelette.31;t4a;38ln.
Wile, a dozen or more pat-
terns to ehooee from, splendid
weeeKnig quality. an extra
.penial for Removal Hale QC
let'7.rd._ V
• 1111111111111111111