HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-11-15, Page 9THUn.tAt, Nelemh4r 15111
I'lf i. +11;N,A 1. li' I►i ! j• ' j�}m.'1 t 1 111
"Don't Use Too Much"
Solid Extract
(WTT(n 1. ' I
Ile careful nut to use too
great a proportion of Armour's
Beef Extract w hen making reef
Tea, Soups, or Crav'ie,. Too
uuteh docs utyt ihl;uott your
dishes. Just add oac•y:tarter
the quantity yon would of other
Extracts and Fluid Reck,
because Armour's has lour tines
the strength of most. of them.
Write for Free R-oklet "44:11.:N•
• *Nae,aa r*GTOe1- 1, r.ec.r 4411.,,: e. r
The Friend of
Miner and Pioneer.
For. thirty years tminers
and pioneers have known
the merits of
Hirst's Pain
For Insect Biles. Sprains,
Spellings or rains of an:,
sort, it is uuexcelled. •
Relieve, pain instantly.
Tic. a bottle, at all dealers.
Try Yirst's Little Liver
Pills. They prevent con-
stipation and relieve all
forms of biliousness. Ask
your dealer or send us direct
2.5c. in stamps. A souvenir
water color sketch free,
THE F. F. DALLEY CO., Limited
Hamilton, Ont. ,Ge
Correct Materials
Latest Style
Perfect Fit
Best Satisfaction
Lowest Prices
The o'er of 1.•'• r l I, 1
7 1 , f ,,.I 111.,
ill 1 tee of
ba Ir t 1 11 , 1 ,.•
.1.4r.„,11,,,141141:11,1141,4•41:11,:, 1 ! 1
AI 1111,14 prime., whole It.r 114.
1I`,t14.4,4. if 14,11 .,.stem. lh-•u . 41-
1,1•:.1N� tty:.1'1' %141tk KI'J.,�.!
kind. of 0,'.,,•, i.nein
thn11kIns , h. pn,.4 . 1 ,, 11... i i',.
w,lnlrl.e4, 4.. -„ii.,, ,,,.'),,.,iii
the -aloe.
r41111111 1:1.1 SI. .11111 '.,n:,rr. 1:,., 1, , I. 1
▪ -:
Canadian; Northwest
Homestead Regulations.
A,) 1,e1 II,,11111.•1,11 .r.4 inn 4,1 t.nein1011
i.1e4,1. 4 0 N1.61611,0,0. 1.:11.1011.4.•0.01 am! ,%
4''".'I' II1K. •11144 a,, .. 1,4
111 re-er 44(1, ,1) 1.• bottle.I,1ute41 to 41114 1.i...10 Who 1. 1111../114' 4,..111 .4 ;,
#.111114.141 ;Ito t1:,b'14.•rl•44'411-o1 .r., lot Ih.•
r V.•nl .f me.. 444.1'11.4 nrtuln of IIT ,1 t.., rinm•
Ell, 11 1110.1 b;• 141 el, I.•e.•n1., ll, .4I I lo. 1.4. 41
I4111o1 144' (or 114r di -16 n 1 14, •01111 1, 11,1' bald 1.
I'heh..ne.r.el,r- 4-.•qui1rll In ;.•doral the
ramtilt.u• , 11141 4114 14 441411 1,1141 of
111•• (011.410g pl,.n.:
IU AI how/ .,x 1114141114.' re -Wetter norm 1,14,1
milli 4111111 of the 1.11111 In eerie ce,.r for Ihr...
tb If the lo -t. for mother. lithe Culver -d,
e•..edi of fill• lemiesfeodrr rr.MO. Itg..o it fere,
In the) i'-414:14 of the Wel -104.1'41 mer the re
holrement• too to ,T•Iden,e mot IM coli -neat
by isitett meson n' -')ding will the tether or
4:14 If the ..4411, 4,11. 114+ aerneansie rn-Rimer
444.10 G1,1441.44 100.1 owned 114 lam In the 1 ban
it y of h1. h0110r.1r441, Ihr nap•nrnr'•nt• s, t0
r1.Mrner tiny 1.- .1414.44,44 Ly n••IM'nr.• 114.m
1.A.• MIA laird.
Mx month-. not 4.. 4'' writing •h'uehl he given
to 1114' 1 00111114.I11urr of 41,nnl'm le11.1. re
Ottawa of Intention to 4pp4y 4.4 patent.
tweet) id ih,• \lint w. W, 1'14111',
I rsy 41,' Interior.
N. 11. Unite' hit, 4,i'd pnbll'alion '01 fhb ad
volt..nnent will not 4.' pod rot
Copy of change of running advertise-
ments must he left at this office by
Monday noon to ensure insertion
In Iaaw of same week.
441.11 11 4..•.144.,11') -I11.1.1y UI KUUt1e•r.
idioms >•ho .uc.'4„•,•eir.1 iu wuialr; 41411,
n14d,•rstaId that the wider had pruu,-
i:ed to let her 4sit ,rb'ids Ln t:'e le ..i•
tiuu at Nt. Prfrrs'n:i' is April. 14 uluut11
far so after the 4!111111111'0 fat the Lorry'..
-Ile slanted to 1,14uw• where I'd rath-
er spr1111 , the 4epr:ill; %Vashlu'tou or
Le4h.'tou '1(1411 1 told him St. Vetere -
1,111.4. \1'e had a t,rritlm dismission,
and neither of u4 al.•• a '4x•11 at din-
ner.. \lamwa sold It would be all right
for rue to 4;0 til St. 4'"ter.bur:4 Ir Aunt
Josephine was Stir. of n !Mud to go 1.x1.
You rev. 81111 141. o44 Scared. nhlkoet 0111
of her bouts when she heard there was
pru'p,.et of war lu 4 '1411st,4i-k, jest 'us
lfiuugh a ( My. little 41:1 like that 4.0111,4
11)11 1•1. nay' ,litl'sr,uee :144ay np lu Rus-
sia, Jnlllldl•ede of thousands of tuner
:away with a Neoritliii rare of the
Laud ".cud then 1 just mad, auntie
say s14e'.1 :;o to St, l'.•t.•rslurg in April,
a'.vhe.b• 11101.1ll1'0011er thou she exlect-
ed to go in the first I.lure. lor--
"Vobi dear, dear 11.'v,•rly:" erten Ye-
tite, rushing; juyuuay around the tubba
to clasp) her In her arms.
"Anil Sr. Petersburg really Isn't a
hundred thous.' nl miles fruw Edol-
wricsr• riled lteverly gayly.
"It's much I.'''4 Mau that." Bald Lor- '
ry. su:ilio_. -Ilia you surely daft
1.x11...•4 10 ,•.44410 to 1:1101w"etss If we are
th.libi 1. \\'e •uuldu't think of letting'
rot do that, you know:. Your mother
"•\ly u: ,rl,rr wasn't afraid of a much
Lizzie war then y,ur4 can ever hope
to be!" cried I1.'v"ily resentfully. "You
''.lu't st011-1110 It 1 choose to visit (:ran-
"Bove your father I:non• pat you
ru:ltrulphte 4411.'11 11 trip'" asked Lorry,
retire 'c; h.•r Maori clasp and looking
d,ol.:ulllc Oat, the swhuw1ug blue
.•y,..1 Mit wife.
"Nu. he d.x•mu't," admitted Beverly a
trifle .
• -Ile count stop you. you know." be
MI1' t4Fted. ' t'tive was discreetly at-
"11144 {:P te01/ t k11uw anything about
It." cried Beverly triumphantly.
"1 could t.'!I 1411)1, yeti 'snow," gild
"No. yon ro111d11't do anything a0
1101111 144 111441." ,uu:ouurcJ Beverly.
"You're not that ecrt"
' el bas:; 44..,a the night 441111 It 11urror
that Sleep 11:161 !Well L:11.1 •u.u:gl1 to lu-
terrupt uuly at hu.•.'1:tk. '1'hewceteli1,1
bostt•Iry Ii, -.41 lu.g lu her 'wend .-:u:l-
lugne of terrors(, ll.r b.•.1 t !si,,e.1t s
bed.: It Was a torture, The room. the
table; the --but It was all Wu odious fdr
de..••ripUnu. gangue acus ger 4)11ly
frietul In that miserable bole. -fwd
' Fanny had slept 1141 the floes' 44.-ar l.er
ills?'. ss' ,•fat. 111141 It t":Id the g...al oI,4
.colored eomuu's grumbling that awoke
11.' 4 rly. 'fine s1111 41444 climbing up the
lleuutaiI' hl the oust, 111111 there mus
:14I 1111' of general activity 8huut the
place. R.•44'r1 "4 Watch told her that it
was past I4 o'elo.k.
."1:0,..1 grariuis'" mile exela114141.
"It's io:irly 11o041, -tent Fauny. blurry
*1 .ag hero ti11d get 1110 up. We 11111411
1':111 this abominable 1'lae0 hi tri 111iu-
1,bw." Sh0 was 11p and raring about
"Iter.' 1•reakflat demanded ..aunt
Vaulty weakly, '
'1;.111t1111.444, Auut fanny, Is that n11
yon 4111111 tlhoutY' -
I -Well, honey., t'o'll be thlnkin'
niouglity serious 'limit breakf,4 'lung
10'4111(144 'Leben o'eloek. Ilat li'l time
my 0' youriell 110 puw'ful wad 'cause
y'u' 4114414' "-
"Very well, .cunt Fanny. you can
run Talon; mud 111144• the woman put up
u breakfast fur us. dull we'll wet It ou
the road. 1 po'It4vel,v refuse to eat
114:nabs mouthful in that :14111th dlulug
room. 111 be duwu hi tett initiates,"
1>ke was down° In I.c•s. Shell, uo
matter how (lard earned, hail revived
her spirits materially. She proulutwd
herself ready fur aayth!h '1'Ilfre 4tai
a wholesome disdain for the rigors of
the culuiu!; ride through the mum:lotus
114 the way 'rite gave orders for the
start. The Russian othcer met her
Out outside the I•utrauee to the tun.
(I ,mus less Iiaglish than ever, but be
eloptually ea 'o her -to understand that
be had secured 4urmisiiuu to comet
Ler ns far us G:uiaok, a town In
Graiisfart- not more than fifteen ,:Ale+
from Edelweiss and at least two duns
from Barak. Two competent A11,111011 -
Ian g;:Ides had 1„•,+14 r. taluwd, •til it the
party was quite ready to start. Ile
had been w'arued of the linewnce of
brigands In Wo wild mountainous
padded north of CJnlewk 'file Rus -
".4414 "114)11111 go uu tardier than (:an -
Lok'; 1A4'ause of n royal edict from
4.1,'4 ,-les forbidding lbw, nearer mar
prime!' of anneal (ones, At that town;
however. 1,e wast > urs She easily eoldd
.',',1414 an es"urt of (. ranstarlaan soh
As t!1" 444.1 caarll crawled up the
Monntat' rout 144)11 farthltr auto the
oppressive solitudes B••v.q'ly Calhoun
drew, from 144, di icult li. lten:init con-
chlerl.{e IufmrnIatiun c ('eruiI4 the
state of affairs in 4:rams ark. She twit
b• , -• . eagerly' _ rbc n4cniY,
t1 the tens W114.11x
Imo ie
1 tbw••• definite,
(veil l t b•
Before Ita41ne St. Petr rsl,nr.; early In
the week elle 4184 misfired that u state
of w'?r did 1,4 exist. The 1'rinees4
T.'tive had been In 1•:dein•eise for els
WeeL' , .1 formal i1,'maud Ives, framed
rani after her retu u from ,meets/ re-
gnirinl. 14aw4le'r n to surrender the
person of Irvine., 4i4•rl,1 to the author -
11144 of 4;rau4t. k. 'ro' th!s demand
th,r' Wild nod Mite response. lime-
Ite ','en Iu4ulea l• requesting time In
w 1 •1 V
Ill '1 nl , ..
1 1 11 b1 1• 444,'pr op , 1u .iItI an'
Axphaln lirineJiatelc sent 1111 en,Ay
o F.delweles to >.ay that all friendly
relatio11s ',etwecn the two govern -
mode would cease toile -oil (:ran4lnrk
oil!: v'Igorone stem; to recapture 1110
°yid 4144x4144111. 1111 014? side of the
nitiappy prllkclpanty n stronrt, over•
sarin41 prlucev' was.',gim; lir:meturk
114 to light. while on the other side an
squally nggresot•e people defied 1'e -
41e to septi and take the fugitive If
.he e•on14. The poor price.•'.. 41:14 110-
4t0011 tart rely alternatives, rind a
rant! gle xre11u•J Inevlfabl4. At Rnlak
t 44.14 learned that Axphaln had re-
entIy cent .n dnnl nppe'aI to the cor-
rument of Grau4tarI, and it was no
Steeret that something like n threat uo•
avi,patiled the message. .
f IL\i'Tlaf 111.
PON! tr. It. i'S coach hu8bpre'd
-1 ,tcly, a:uo-t p4141,iully. along
be 11Jrluw road Ili at skirted
the base 1.1 a mountain. 11 wend
41.1wa by four Lurs4:, and open the
Seat Oat 144., rough. unkempt I(ussian',
Otic Whiling the reigns, the. other lylug
Mack Ya n lazy doze. '1 Le month was
June, 1411(1 all the wield 'es•wr41 soft
and sweet mud Joyutti. '1'14 the right
dowel a tirbul4444 mountain stream,.
boiling savagely with the alien waters
of the 110:x1 4414011. Ahead of the
(Tefi11iag mash 1,sJe four horsemen,
all heavily armed, another quartette
folluwe, 4411)4' distance in the rear.
At the side of the conch en utn,er of
the !hls4 taue
ulnnllr I 1.4ol164• w114 rid-
ing easily. JatrslIlI 144,4. nrrmnerwentc
With 8 vigor that disheartened at least
Due °v.-tip:nd, of the 4•lit'h'. The 44111-
(1u t s of the era• h dnuly were lowered,
permiilitl; the fn•ih mountain Alf (0
•',ir,i+ fondly the fare of the yU1111g
wun.an w l,o tried to find • ,mfurt lu
one of the 1.1,4:e1 seats. ):.,i,, early I
(morn she had st•ug;;1.•41 withi the hard-
ships of that 44,at, mud the late after- t
awn 111101 her eery um0h out of pil-
tb•ne.. '1'he-oplo.4t• seal was the rest- r
hug place of a sidedantbt 4.4,14)11,1 wo- t
Matt and a stupendous pile of 1.:,gs and 4
I,..x1•i, - The b.\.•', w.'re .ontimtally '
10111 111114 010', 441111 44141 1111,4'4 wet'. for-
ever g.•t11u>; mlJer the feet of the Olive t
placid der4:1114,'441od• 1;i,,, ynite lurk-
III, one Inm•II tun black to reflect the
Molter she pas nide otherwi'e, through
ye•irs of prli-tice, to equcenl. ,
'Vow nosh f.lrtl:i•r have 4;e to go,
II t n,'• I ,
, 1 I
ilie nu the rear
•:1 :1
l„ ul! 1•I ••n 11 111,11o11. The '
1, 414 I n deliberate 14 1M hl4[/
1,, :l:.S I I. I ,.I been rerulnu.eude,j
114 her :1s the bed Iingldst In the '�w-
iss at I4,,1., deli.. find he had n rept-
tat{011 In 4n'laiu.
"Il :metier hour Is loot yet," he num-
agell t., Inform her, with a ei ttiiient
.''41h. 141 44','' .he sighed, "a whole hour
e' Il.i-•.. 44
'.\1'e '.salt be dar, Miss ltev'Iy. ,1e4'
y,, : :11.' up y,4• milk' to 1'14' ,•nsy Illi, !
1, 11' a . " 1:11 1 111• (1441VII 1 ' hl colored b
adl ice 0114 lest t• 111,• wrath
1111 , L1'41.,?,,,'n Ibat 11,•'•.14111:IIl44(4 :1116
ether ,li•l.•1.4,e111 of hag+ and Irl\.+,
'I he II ,• 4)f. the '4'14011 hid dr.lplsd
4mi.!.•nIy 44,4.:1 d•4•p'rhf. ,\11111 l'nu- t
Ily''s gr.n4d4 v. ere -,nr..•ly neer.• potent
Ih:Un p'.u• 314:4 I:4•terly'n
"11 IsO
gelling wurae Holl 4444.4 r," ,•T.
' 4.19111, 44 .cunt 1':1 1111y'4 4111'01%1S* pets-
lanlIS. '•1'11, black and 1.1110 1'14.111 head t
to fu.,t, aren't yin, .t1n1t I':uu1>;., ,
friars 1 ubrl1.I was In complete cow
trul nt lt'rros 111111 was disposed to
laugh tit the 4101111411(1', of I144 late cap
tars, Ills nor bro444rr, the detIrouwl
Prim('. Lautnt, wn9 444111 hiding in the
t'u.4111.44e4 of the 1,411+, prutoetd by 1a
company of noble+, null there
was no lope that he ever could nem
bio crown. •4:44.ri.1'x pewee over the
rrny was supreme. 'l'lu• genern1 pub -
le minor"( 11:u,t.i 1, but It was Iodides,
u the rare or .l,r11110.1au,14.
"But telly «114)111,1 Axplioln 44.'k to
grass 1k:installs at this timer de -
1181111011 110v,'rl' 4'441110111 in nl'rnlex-
q' 111141 w'ra'th. "I should think the
rites would try to help her."
"T'h'ere Is nu element or 0ppxf44itloti
o the ronrse the guvezeilielt is take•
ug," the utfir'r Informed 18 4' 414 1144
1111 wily, "but It le greatly In the rub
1o•lty. The Axphalihu,s 411410 11:11011
:rl1l411lrk .Incl• the la -t war, and the
n•1u,ems despises 1hie .tln,•rl,iu. 1t lo
u Opeu fact that the Duke of 31l7rox
'ads the opposition to Princes4'Yuhll,
fad she 11 ebre to hat'(' 114111 41•II.'nd\41
f the chance affords. Ile 111 frig11dly
o e:rsusturl; and has Is411 nenitist the
"tier of 1114 princess Crum 1110 start."
"1'11 pike to ling the Nike of \Itzrox,"
rl.sl Beverly w,1l'?UJ(. The officer did
of understand her, but Amit fanny
4444 MIA 114111117.4.11.
"1 iced 1,11 1111.." she muttered to the
104044 4111(1 kirk
As the (on111 rolled deeper 81141 deep.
It1to.'tfee'hock shadowed wilderness
;overly Calhoun felt nn undeniable
eltsntlon of awe creeping over her.
1111 brave, Imp etumlm girl had plunged
ayl• Into the project which now led
Pr 1 11 10 the deadliest of uncertainties
-1111 but little thought of the eoasa-
The first 'Wig,. of the journey by
conch bad (leen Rood fun. They had
pn140d toting pleasant roads. thrmlgh
quaint villages And mmnng Interesting
.014,10. and pregre441 hid been rapid
be second stage bit] Presented Lather
rain' say 444 In de bine. \11'4 I.
kt•4`ly. Ha's n mus' 1n0n411un4 Idol
r4,141, she 'n4)nuh. Stay up dar, will
y1."'" she-runeludr,l,
}nailing a bug t
MI., no upper .urn'rr.
Miss 4 tourist extrannl{unr-, P
again cement,, the Ilrig,ldt lu the )1:111- e
tile. She klo'w al the unt4et that Ida.'
'InP44 would be hopeless, but she mild D
Ih4114, of no better way to pane 1114• next w
lwwr than to exlrnet n mite of inform/•
ton frons thr;pflieer.
"Now for n goo.I aid 1.111411" glee gild,
I .:cuing a smile upon the gridx14,1 lane- ".r
84:111, "11 there n decent 11ottl in the 1
rii:444''1" 411.' naked.
'1'440y were on the eifge of the village
before she mucee44b41 in finding out nil g
that she could. and It one 1101 n great b
dent, either. She learunl that the lows w
of Balnk wn4 in .lxphnln, 4lareely n 4
mite from the 1;ranslnrk line. 'flyers
441.4 nn eating and ele.'pltlg house on
the main *freer, and the population of
the piney did not rare.',i :egl.
Wham Masa Ret.'rly awoke the nest
morning. more sod distressed. she Jnnk-
terrifying pro 1:. e!+. nail Ills third clay'
lavluls}d cat':1 1:1'c.lter „tn'iiii4Ude,.
l.00k!a; frulu the wiuduw+ nut
upuu the ytt4a't, d4iulate grandeur ut
Ler KIII'IV111111j11144. IIJVI' tteterly began.
to uppreate Lew ubjeet$' b.'Iple.ss uid
alone Mho 4449, 11.•1' .Jwl„Illlull8 were
ugly. victims look!I.g 1:116.11,uuy 0140 fat
w'Luw cu1144 luspir, terror Lin, L,uk.
She had lutrustt'd herself to the cure
of these strange creatures lu the mo-
ment of Inspired euut•age, mud faun' she
was t'UU4t'11lu d to regret fl,•r nethos•
True. they buil proved worthy pro-
teeturs us feu' 1114 they buil gone. but
the eery possibilities Mat. lay lu their
lower were uypalllug, now that she
had time to collald,•r the situation.
The udit•er lu Churg,' had been 1444"
omweuil d us 11 trust4l eervaut 01 the
sant'': 1111 Awerle'ul couslll had aeeund
the escort for her direct from the frvu-
tier patrol uuthuraies. \I,•u hull !n
power had t'uuched for the Integrity
of the detuehtueut, but 1411 this was fur-
gotteu lu the mighty solitude ut the
mouutales. She W94 beginning to fear
her e44curt more 1144111 she feared the
brigands of the hills.
'l'reaehel'y seemed printed on their
backs es they, rode ahead of her. The
big officer was .'ter polite and alert,
but she was ready to distrust him uu
the slightest exeuxe. Thee. men ('44111,4
1104 help Luuwlug that she was rleh,
and it was reasonable for them to sus-
peet that she ('amid IIOuey and jewels
will/ her. 111 her mind's eye she could
pletnre these traitor: riding her bag.4
mud boxes in some dark pass, 41 8t1 then
there' were 'other hurlers that almost
petrified her when ,he allowed herself
to think of blew.
Here and there the travelerq pained
by rude ('its where dwelt woodmen mud
mountaineers, and at lung lutervals a
century but picturesque horseman stool
uslde and gave Inial the road. As the
(wash penetrated deeper Into the gorge
signs of huwuu life uIJ acuity be-
cauie fewer. The 4411)1 4104414 nut sena
his light into this shadowy tomb of
granite. The rattle of the wheels and
the clutter of the hor..,•s' hoofs sounded
like a cuus1uut crash of thunder lu the
wars of the tender traveler, a daloty
morsel among 11 MI wulvet).
'there was on totuhtakuble tremor
lu Ger, voice whelk elle at hast found
heart to ask the officer where they were
to spend the night. It was fur past
11144111, and Aunt Fanny bad` suggested
'opening the lunch kwhits. One of the
guides was culled 1441, L, the leader he -
lug 149 mu,:b-lu the dark ns his charge.
"There Is u,, tillage within tweuty
mins," he 4444114. "and we uost sleep lu
the pass,"
Beverly's voice fah. red. "Otat here
lu all this awful"- 'then Flit. caught
4erw•If quickly. It c::mc to her sudden-
ly that she must not lot these men so*
that elm was a1.prebeuate. Iter voice
WW1 a trifle shrill and he•1 ices glisten•
tel with a strange sew light us rhe
trent all. ilium:ail; her 4.4 11 completely:
"blow rouillutie: I've often mantel to
do something lite 44.:'.''
The officer looked I"1ihlt•r..T and
maid nothing. Auld 1'a,uuy was '41014411'
hs4. Later 014. 4111,14 the lieut.-Inuit had
gone ahead to moiler with the guld.s
about -the suspleimis uetn.Ils of a small
troop of hursemetI they 4.:411 se1.u.
erly eu11fi,4cd til the old tu•'.r,•.4 Mat she
• was frightened aIfao,st out of her booty.
Lod' that she'd' die before the 1(1011
should see a sigh of cuwardiee In a
Calhoun. Atm Pauny W114 nut 10
proud mud 11111;411.11M. It 44:19 wail (1if-
ficnity that le,r Ili h strung young 11149-
tres. snppr.«:':, d the 141111+ that had
long been under restraint Ili Aunt Fan-
ny's tinge :find turbulent bosom.
"e:0o1 1.1141,1, }lies ltec'ly. dey'11 chop
us 4111 to .l, -res alt take 011:141 Jowl'ry
4441 111011.'y 1114' ('libel nu' ev'ything else
we dune gut about us. Good I.awJ.
Ws tu'n bnl k, \4I ', Ite•v'l•. 'We illi'
' 44 ,
got 110 wu G. w out hcuh In dt•4e:
w.Ri4IIaius 11:114 a" --
"Br still. Auut Fanny!" commanded
Beverly, with n flue show of courage.
"You must be brave, Don't you wee
we eilu't turn bark? It's just 11s dan-
gerous mud 11 fano eight 111014' so. If
we ie4 un were net Dur bit afraid
they'll n.sp,r•t tis, don't you SPY, anti
nl0u lie, .•r harm wuuleu, whom they
"1'ugdl:" grunted Aunt Fanny, with
exargerated irony.
"lt'eU, they lel .•r do!" maintained
Beverly, who way not at all RUM ubunt
It. "-tad they look like real Mee 111.44
- 110114!+1 111011. et "11 though they have
141.4* awful whiskers."
"lley'K de roust Hersh Ah .veli did
See," exploded .111114 Fanny.
. II.elm
I 1 let them bear nn .
hl1-1w' eJ Beverly.
lu p141e of lien terror and p4rplexlty
she was ('ompell.nl to smile, It wall
1111 so like the farm comedies oh.. sews
♦•t the Ibeat,r.'
A. the otlieer rode up his lore was
pal' 111 the sha41uwy light of the after -
mull, and he way plainly very nervi,
"What Is the Infest news from the
front Y' she inquired cheenull•.
The men refuse to ride oil," he et -
claimed, ',peaking rapidly, tanking It
still harder fir her to understand. "Our
advance guard has meta party of hunt-
ers from -txpbnIii. They Insist that you
- 'the One lady 11n the ranch' -n re the
Trines'' Yet4ve. returning from a se-
eret visit to St. l'et.'rsburg, where you
went to plead for umslstax'e fruw the
llet'erl'-s'nlnuun gasped lu astouish-
i1414t. It 44119 t'N, Incredible, to !relieve,
It wag actually Iodieruus. She laugh-
ed heartily. "ilow perfe'tly absurd."
"I nn' well uwure that yuu are nut
the i'rhn'e1s Yeti1e,'' be eoutllku,d em-
phatically, "but what can 1 do? The,
111011 won't believe me, ' They' swear
they have been tricked ■od urs panic
stricken over the situation. The hunt-
ers tell them that the :txphahl author-
ities, fully aware of the hurried flight
of the prl11res4 through these wilds,
are preparing to 441t4rr('ept her. :t large
d.'tnehuieut of i,oldlers Is already
°enni the (iruustark frontier. It is
only n question of time before the
'red legit w411 he talon thein. -1 have
assured thele that their beautiful
e•harge i4 not the princess, but In'
American girl, and that there k no
mystery shout the coach and escort.
All In vain. The Axplinln guides *O-
ren dy
OTrendy feeI that their he/111 aro oil the
block, while am for the ('o.,neke, not
'ev'en my dire threats of the nw•ful an-
ger of the white mar when he finds
they have disobeyed his commands
will move then,"
"Speak to ;olih 'men om'e more, 441r,
nod proton* them Ng pursr4 of gold
when we teach (4i Itiok. i have no
money or valuables with me. but then
1 eau cattalo 1110ul'." 441444 lreverly,
shrewdly thiukiu: It better that they
rloul4 believe her to be without Nude.
'!'!k' ea%aleat11, had halted during this
colloquy. All the wen were ahead cow
verslu4; s:'Ifeuly„ sad excitedly with
Much ge44tirl`l.to. The driver, a rtul-
id creature. s.ewlugly iudltlereut to all
that wad guiu44 on, /lime retuulu.'d at
big ,post. The ritualism, aplxareutly
daugitrous, was certainly 4440441 uuuuy-
111)4. hot if Beverly ('011111 have read
the tlliuil of that 'Aleut figura on the
box she WollIl have felt slightly re-
lieved, for les\wus Iudultely more aux-
loos 10 prucc.11.1 putt even she. but fruw
fur dilYe•rent reiaou4. Ile 0114 u Mis-
sion cow let who 'bud escaped uu the
way to Siberia. and 44 cu1ch-
1uau, hr taus seeking lite mud safety 414
4:rausturl; or any out 01the Way place.It
It nattered little to Ww4where the es-
cort concluded to go. 1104 walk yulug
ahead. Ile dared nut go 44:431;; he must
u uu.
At the end of half nu hour the otllcer
returned. All hope had guile from his
ra441, "It Is useless:" he cried out.
"The guides refuse to pru,'eed. lbw:
They are going id with their country-
men! \1'11 are lost without thew. 1 do
not know what to do. We ca11u01 get
to I;:Ildlwk. 1 do not kuuw t1r way,
and the danger Is great. Ah. madam,
herr they t•ume! The CossackA are go-
ing back."
As he spoke theeurly nlutlueerm were
riding slowly toward the conch. Every
111:141 had hos 411444,41 on the high waiter!
or the saddle. Their Caws wore an
II. ) ,' 144 thought tris IO yet ulrog. -
ugly buil:. As they passed the officer
4).l.• of thein, 'whiting ahead of Lain
with his sword, 44110111ed savagely,
It wag e,nelnslve and convincing.
They were deserting her.
-oh, oh, oh: The cowards:" sobbed
11»oo;lc rn r84.11. and despalr. "I must
t.•u 011! 14 H possible that even Klub
men would heave:'_- •
1:44e wad It t.• u e
a rr pt 1 by the 4•ulre of
the otHeer, who. raising his cap to her,
cuimmauued 11t the same 11111e the driv-
er to turn Ills horses and follow the
escort -to Ratak.•
-What is that':" dewaud,d Beverly
lis abu'w.
From fit off came the mound of M-
arini. A dozen shute were tired alit
reterlx•rated down through the gloomy
pass ahead of the .011,44.
-They are lighting somewhere In the
bills lu front of 144,' ulswend the not
high plied „ ee
6 tl1 r. 'earning quickly, LI
saw the deserting horsemen halt, Iht.•t.
a minute 1,ud then spur their 110141.4
1L• cried out sharpy to the driver.
"Come. there! Tnrn round! 1\'e Iuavi
no time to lose:" -
Willi a suv:44e grlu, the hith•eilu
r hurl,• , some s
! 1 Insult
tug remark fat the Wheer, wh) was al-
1ready following his men..now lu f,11'
flight down the ro:id, and. settling 11I141
sell' firmly un 144. seat, lukiegu fresh
grip of the reins, he yelled" to hie
horses, 1t the 411111e time lashing *bent
furiously with his whip, mud 4.1art,11
the mach uhead 111 11 fearful pace. Ilia
only thought was to get away as fur
144 possible from the Russian officer.
then 11.11II.1r:11o1• desert the coach and
Its exrupents unu Ink,- to the bills,
ter: , "S•11 1' Fal, l
Help For 'the IIou evtlfp.
1'or '1einI.' the fringe on fill -Whim
or 41rnin•ri,s there are several forms et
br•tidri, '1'!I, tine illustrated Is shnilnr
111 owe:Irau,e to the dauber of n shoe
"is good tea"
It has that "Rich Fruity Flavor" which
belongs to Red hose Tea alone.
Price. -25, 30, 33, 4o, So and 6o cts. per lb. in lead packets
T. N. ESTASROOKS. ST. JOHN. N. S, Wtarneae.
TORONTO. s WALL/ttttt 04., I.
Iii Tommy Tough . ara a, tough tbey say,
Ab GRANBY RUBBERS in a alfferent way,
Tbey're tough aria g,,oa, , lin tough Ana
But tough 'or mt.!. a GRANBY 14444,.
1$opl)e people look almost club footed because of the
ugly rubbers they Wear. GRANBY RUBBERS a1W4y3 have
neat,clean cut appearance.ana tbey WEAR LIKE IRON,
Too rim 44et a fresh et
your .tor ..cry Jar
te kneaJ.J by oat l„n.
404 4,..m the higher
.."J" alen.t"ba
11w,, and the pecan
blade by the Largest Bakens
In Canada.
P . h.A
J/fu t•' 4 G Jy'-Qrauckt. IV r :'N •
• ." Rane.
r' Ile
•� .4
If yuu buy a range which costs 55 to ST lees than a
" Pandora" arid it burns i ton, or only half s ton of coal more
in a year, what do your gain? Nothing, but yen actually
lose money, besides putting up with all the inconveniences,
troubles and extra work which aro a certainty with a poor range.
The " Pandora" is equipped with many fuel -saving featu res
which are not found on any other range. Dot -air flues are con.
etructcd so that all the heat from the bre-box travels `
dirbctly under every pot -hole and around the oven twioe-
every atom of heat is used, and only the smoke goes up the
Sold by all enterprising dealers Booklet tree.
It is nut the price you pay fur a range which makes it
cheap or expensive, but the fuel it consumes after you get it.
London, Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg,
Yaneou,er, 5t. Jolla, N. 1,
E. ice. PAULIN,
"Grand peninsular"
Is an Ornament to the Home.
Popular taste no longer
clings to deeply carved, highly
ornamental ranges.
People now want rich, yet
simple, elegance.
That is the way I make my
new Grand Peninsular Range.
The "Grand Peninsular"
is casy to keep clean, because
there are no deep carvings to
collect e dd dirt• The
design is simple but very effectiveth. Nu sot o fuss ort frills.
just smooth surfaces which take a beautifulpolish.
'The nickelled castings are detachable, and can be lifted
off without loosening a' bolt, when the range is to be
brushed or cleaned.
Then there is the ALL -STEEL OVEN -the THERMOMETER
on the oven door --extra. Targe GRATE BARS-- and a dozen other rime -
and -labor -savings conveniences -that are exclusive with my GRAND
PENINSULAR. Have your dealer show you all these points. 4s
FITNOF: nl4(4.4,
hl..•klug met and is held in almomt the
4,1 1114. Too:lea r•i11 li,• token nit
mf rr,ne.• In half 411.. time Li' Itl/'11114 of
lhii hen>h that It takes with brushem
not made for the purpose, the bristles
'04ng lone and 414 4.114411,..) 114 114 grngp
the fringe Ifre,h• at each p4)11.
To tlent4,rr n ghtlalee.
Tn rvmuo" a splinter 1111 it bottle
halfway (1441 of boiling wnt.'r, plot the
'like's' part on the Ih of the IIot1Ie
nal ,iumt'pres4 nn It n little. 1111 n ftw
minutes this will extract the 114:Ilnh•r
1414.1 reeluc.l Infl,ntunati-in If there Is
14'•,.41 nor sortie! afterl.isege4(1 And ?.
212. El IN
WRITE Fop Vglcr
M. T/ ()