HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-11-15, Page 8THE SIGNAL : GODERIUH ONTAI:If) NEWS OF DISTRICT. NILE. TerauAY. Nov. 13th. Mr. and Mrs. Chao. (lirvin are visit• ing friends in Parkhill this week. Epworth league topic next Tues. day evening will IM• ..Courage or cowardice --! taken by 114481((: Curry. Miss M,alwl Bailie and Rev. J. C Reid an. attending Ili meeting of the district Epworth League executive in Chola n this week. MAFEKINU. %VKIINNiIn..Y, Nov. i Illi, 'rhe evnpilrator in rnn1)tng full blunt, Mina Lizzie Kiekley returned to Hamilton IIINt week. Stuart Finlay in making ready 11) .move lulu 1 h new house, Miss Minnie Abram. of How irk. is the Kitten )1f her Inuit, Mrs. (iso. 'rwantley. Misses Lur11a Treleaven :and Jennie McClure, of Lin•know, were hem aver Sunday. We regret very :h that Jas. Stewart is suffering from a trey severe Morns. \iia+ Millie \Vebnter. of L(1rknow. Visited her slater. Mrs. Tho... Hlak.•, / fI :1 Sunday lug 1 I on 1 y. Albert atnd Edgar Kurschennk1, of 1;e• -Ilei, were the Imelda of faunal Stother1 Saturday and Sunday. The I:t.t week's fine weather ha. •given the farmers a good chatter with the fall ploughing and some have already finished. ANN' VKR%Al4Y SK1ty14'K14. 011 day, November 11th, very successful services were hold in Hinke's chervil. Het. Mr. Finlay. of Whitechurch. de- livered II11114 powerful ser t1)11nu, •4)• afternoon anti evening, to a crowded 110)1444.. The Music ronsiated of solo. by :11IMM Johnston, of Luck - now, and Mrs. (Rev.) Finlay, of White - chervil, and 1el•ctiuns by Blake's (quoit. t 1'pw:u'lls of $141 wan plaid up- on the collection plate, which t.'igt•ther with the proceeds of Monday night's concert will alinoet clear the e1rh1, lin Monelay evening at concert was given in the church and the pra- gram wit/. vers- Irle renninKK It consisted of aldre•isww by Rev. Messrs. Hobinsm, of Dungannon, and Craw, of St. Helens : durte by Misses Johnston and Itulwrta.m, of L11ck- tloV. ; instrumental u► u N i e 1)y Lueknow ur.•heMtra and Nelec•tionN by 1P.Ntfleld quartette. The receipt*, for the evening aulnunted 11) $17.114. PRESBYTERY OF HURON. Meetings of Presbytery and W. F. M. S. at BruceGeld on Tuesday. Thr Presbytery of Huron met an 1 nen 1114 1)t ' Hrueeftrld. Hey. C. Fletcher. of Thanes H.1td, acted n+ moderator, and Rev. Ila•, 1Ieleun, of ti,Nlrrirh, as clerk. All the mini+- teri:tl members of the Presbytery were present except Rev. Neil Shaw, of Kgmondville, shu wit. absent through illne4M in hi. 1 The rep rese•ntntive elders of Kipper, Myth. Ien.desh or... Auburn. lirauld Rend and Itruwflrld wete,pres.nt. The re- port . ( the titian.... • `Iter awe 61 'tided n rat.' )1t tett 44.1)14 per family- fur the tanning year. }tennis from the• Ansembiy were considered. fho•e .on young wu1l1r s wN•ietiI•44, 11111011 with the itlu•r ,•hurehr+ (Md- 5i.ing that the information forwarded by the Assembly's (0ttlni1ttee• 4.e:(li+' trihuted i1) the congregat' s Its (a1•.an possible) and augmentation were ole ``.roved. The report of the \P61nman, Foreign Missionary Society of Huron Presbytery was read, and 11 resolution commendatory of the work of the Society WAR approved 1)f. Key..1' 1, Small. of Auburn. waas ,4).4'led 1111N1- rrat)r of Blyth during the t:tranry of Ih44lcharge. 'h.' 4441114!)' .4 the clerk of Presbytery w,o4 increased by 821. The next alerting will IM held i1) 4'lin• ton nn the third Tuesday in January. The W. F. M. S. Meeting. The Iwent .--first annual alerting 11( the Huron Presbyterial So.ie'tV war held 1)t Hrue,field on Tuesday of thin week and Ova+ unusually well at• tended, particularly at 1111- 1)111ru illg session. The ••Muvh was decorated with holly, myrtle and (hovering pl:rltn. The grwting Mnal ente•rt/in- ml•rlt WAS lavish thruugboot and too much cannot he Maid by the delegates in pvain a of. the efLrtis .1 the Hr owe field Presbyterians. All the officers were in thew `daces when the meeting opened and the piogrnnl was carried ..el an arranged for almost entirely. %Phen all respond so readily and eft(• rientl•, the work of the presiding officers is greatly lessened. When it came to the elation 0f linkers only one change of any imp.rt4lce was made. Mrs, 1tamilton relir.l and Mrs. Sawed of Ihrnc.lh•Id Iwcame president. The repot -IN (111144111111 NI Were 1f a Most erlr0uragiug nntun'. hi detail they Mhuw : Money contributed by nuxiliarie«, tttttt ffi1.25 By Misnitin Hands $111 Tidings taken 721 ('lothing sent to Northwest $•ails. Att afternoon t r0n 1-x ('chant Bible rending on "Thr (:rasp Ong (1f Opportunities" was given b3) Mts. ((ove,)Iodk, president of Seaford' auxiliary, Thi1 seas folk:wadl by Mis. Henderson. 1'sen formerly of 11 churn 11.e A manse, leading in prayer. Addresses were given by the pres- ident on the Poring*. Indian School, and by Mr4. Fletcher on the Society's having attained its majority. She re- ferred to the efficientofficer. who had given their eerVic•! 440 freely during these twenty-one years. "iv.. hay'. Improved manifestly in business Methods," she said. "Have we grown in grater slid in the power of prayer ? "1' Mort raise 001 Ebenezer, for an - notedly 'hitherto hash 'he 114p•11 114.1ped 1114,' " 1)r. Stewart of 1'14nhel, was then intrlNlueed and M•nnghtgreetings ft•otn the Presbytery and also in a very fntee1111 M eerh pointed on, the neces- sity fur home 4))iMMiun work going hand in hand with foreign work, The +ranker of the afternoon wen. Miss 11.1.01i,., president of Hirai ford Presbytery. IIerthrne wit "\Wit n Patted(, ('hoses and Made Fait Idol in Service,' Miss Rennie in ane of the eloquent platform %(eakets of the W. F. M. S. K'KNINU MKI:TIN11. The evening meeting was a pnhlje one and was addressed by Mr. Piet- a cher am Presbytery representative. He dwelt on the happy nrrangernent. whether premeditated or not, of Fav• Ing Dr. Stewart ; ihr. Turnbull and himarlf address this Presbyterial gathering on the twenty-first an- nivernary of ita organization. Dr. Ht.ewart Is now the senior mem- het of Presbytery, Dr. Turnlmll, Ui.. 11'leteher and he were inducted Into charges in thin Presbytery within a few months of each other. The 'fret preeident, the late Mrs. Fair. mills. f1- 1)r. Stewart's young people of the Gamily have tilled eougregat1)11 ; the ',1.4)194, Mts. •t huge plave i)1 the hearth 0f the Fletcher, hum his own. Hr then pre- Myth people :mol are mold highly verde.' to sketch the progrss+s of 1441• esteethed. They :tee •'AIra. 1 H.% . i -111- 11)141'44 work for w'ot11:I11 during these Vicar. ,11 Atw11N1 ; Mrs. I((1' . twenty-one year's, and clo14' by re- Vicar, 1 t Finch; Miss. Millie. who I. tarring to the rapid yr•ogress`of F:1144t• teaching at Comber, Esse* county ; ern countries. -in adopting Wester,. Miss Kate. at home ; 'faller, 4511.. methods and calling upon every taught in Pankleek 1ii11 l'ollegiale Christian to be fully awake to his and lets lately completed Inn college imlundru duty to tilt the Gospel to course at Knox. prepar't(try to enter - Oleo. heathen nations, ing the Presbyterian ministry ; 01(11 1),. Turnbull was then very felieil• Donald li„ now attending the Model nusly introduced an "a boy frost Ihr School 111 li(mlerich. Huron tract 111, we had lent awhile to the city 11f 'Minute)." i►r, 'ruru- How Errors Occur. hull made brief but heartfelt rt•terrnrr to his.11nneeti•m) with Huron 4.1)111143•, Au exlhsnge has this to say about a "the greate44t r ty in tle 1►11niintan difficulty which every newspaper has of Canada." Itis address was a brit- to contend wills. 'I'le staff of a news- liant and forcible presentation of W1)- 11141.1 1)14'01. 144111 e11e11('.a trouh1l• i1) HUM'S 4411 1,1 1 'Iri44tianily :ural 1 the attempt to dv.•ipher ria mIs•ript. 11) meet it. Ile tIrst sketched womai,'44 slant 11) lir• 0111.•1+ for publication. titian i1) heathen 1.1111. mete' PI.1'...11• carding (1)1 publican should 'Aloh:un4)u•dauisut Ihlddhisl.,. Shinto- Kee that pr"prr nitute44, part icul:111. 444111, ell'„ then 441N.ke of her life mauler 1)r• aliened ultl. Advertiser.., tau, will Judaism :4111 lastly ler Christ'. consult their awn interest.. 1)y- writing reign an earth. (lis treatment ion her plainly and' carefully pinlctuntin1 and His nl.•sw1ge to her 1)u ri.tn,f h• their ropy. Like all other publishers the gra r. , wl• ale v010111111 I)' 011110ye61 111141 s • All(lI'0 j4Vm1,. 11111sir With 1'e11d*').' 1 by tinges led into error by the eareIt$N4)es% the choir of Iletwelltld Presbyterian with which 4411111)111W,:tttons, a(1Ver 1111)11'111(1161 .1)10-: were cowl ibuted by lisrnu•ul nal 111:u1ri:1:)' notices are M1 -s. Anderson, 1)t (31NlrrIeh': Mis. 55411eu, \1'111) ordinary twiude 11111 Sha%v, 1•;gulaaltille, 01141 Mt+s Hicb,u'd• writing .t.1. s not Malier much, ars sou, of raaforll, All were highly 1)p- their, Weintly ('1411 1(11110.1 always be predated. 'rhe meeting clawed with established lay the surd' that precede the reading 1)t the annual report 111111 1.11111145' (111011, but proper names 1)secretary.y. thesecretary. Mrs. h•w'in, the anti Ilgu1es have, s1) to spea, no cow tendering of suitable cotes of thanks, text, and it is with thein that mitt - and the h.•uedii'titln by Rev. 1l•, take% most frequently get tail print. Leckie, 1)r L,mde,bum% If writers to 111' 411ean would. be more Next ye:m'. meeting will In. held at careful. printers and publishers would Klippen. *44.1.1%• at 60010 deo( of worry, :Ind 401101, W4111114 IN' fewer 111:04 they :(1e Representatives from Godench! Rev. Ur. 51•'le•:(11, Itet•..1. A. ,ander• NH! 1110 Hey, 14.1 I1:1nlill011. 111 (ilkierich, %vele present at 411'• un+etiug of Prettily te •y It. Ilrll.•.'ti.-I.I. Those who went 1 here tout tend the \P. ". M. S. meeting were Ale..dames Hamilton, \\'arn..'k, Anderson, Mc- Kay. 1' g. .1ohnMtun ((44Mlerie1) tow•nMhyo). and Ileudl•rou ,1'1411611), rind 'Aliases Ralph, Stasis, Dyke and Linklatcr Ilmchurnl, FORTY YEARS A MINISTER. • Blyth Presbyterian Congregation's Fare- well to Rev. Dr. McLean. S.1 , 1 S111411 1)l av 3 % .' alai 1 h -45.14.:( nu•ur, arable day 11))' the emigre_ation of til, Andrew's l'resI,vl.•riatt chnrr•h, Meth. Their beloved pa -I or, Kea, .\rll.iletlal Mlrle:ul, U. 1).. has ing tamale ?he re•• 1)1:(k1161e• record or a furl 5 t cur. pnaurate in n,11r rh.lr.•h, tt.1. Ie:n tug 141 slw1)1 the remainder of his days i1) well-earned 11.,t. - I►r. llelann w:l-. ind,cted into the charge. of HI%I4. 'o0.",.•1;.414.11) 611) November lith, I" 1'o1 ten Veal, :tries)' thio (444.!, .% •• N. .- a454141111r1 with Illyth. null Ihr• 1,111ue-r el:arg.' then became s.•II•-•...rliuiug and the congregation- set.. .ell5I:ted. No Letter inal.'x o1 1.othfldo..s 6111 the part of the pastor lull ..i' rh1,14111, genera us anal helpful 1 -u -n p.a'3I leu on the part of the 4o11grega4io0 i., 11• - (paired than the fart 401' the I - .ug. happy 111)41 successful annul 1.e1 ..en them. Today the %:u lou d.•part- ntent0. .,f the a'h,11i h .rte 1. t.%•• and full of zeal. indie•atit.• if bounding life. On U1)• that ' g of 1111• farewell Sab- bath I►r. ,I.l..•:nl pre:wil d from the 11414 h rhapl.•I ,1f N let•., %.•1-v'. and This i- the text from which 141• pr•:u•h...l hi. 141.1 sermon in Illyth (., tv 44.111.4 ago, 1111 1 he .'s.' ' • .rr- %lee lir. 31)'11an t.'..k for his lex( the w'urds fr Philippi tun 1727: Only 1.•t your conversation l.1.• as it hes cometh the gospel of 1'hl•ist; that whether I COMP. 111111 sr you, 1)1. eke le illhsrnt, 1 may hear 1)r your affairs, that ye stand hast in 01),• spirit. with one mind. striving together for the faith of the gospel." After dealing with the text he reviewed( hi+ (orty yews 4.1 work in Illy lb. To the sixty- eight menthes s a prising the ....11- oration when hr 1411nc 11) Myth. 1;4.a haul 'teen added during the subsequent Years. 11)411 -enc n ;fraud total of i -.I. fret uw•iII' hi deaths anal r1- ;d• the present nn•nlf ership was :441;, the fourth lihl,e•st in the Huron 1's.,•, hytery. During the (.illy year, 1).• Kul 4.81. 414th nl.:e:12 ba44isinn 14111 Till marriage.: there had b.s•n '30 1114.1111+ and 32o birth" in the 1on'tr•gation, (In M I:tv afternoon Ihr tewenln•rs .d the Woman's Fuseign \lis.i0u:ny S.K•tety mel and presented their -late president. Mrs. (Bev.) Mc1,.• n,, tvitlt an 1)ddl•ss, ace mimed h•, ,. l 14'' taro and 14544 rhntls, v At Ominous, ti o'clock in the e5ening n ,o.•ta1 was held in the church. Simper was former President Paton. of I'rince- set•vrtl 4n the schoolroom. those *tinged tau 1'ni%e1;:ity', rteently delivered a al Oh,• first table Ming the (n.11or 3111 s.•rmini at Filth .144.1)(1e l'nllrgI:tr his Gamily, the 5itiling ulini1ter. nal vhnr.b. his Mnljeet. bring -Faith." the oldest members of the euugrr•ga- Hr spoke of Ilii blind 1414111 of the lion, some of whom were there when client '451)o puts hiue..•If at the mercy 1)r. Melee:4n , first ratite to Iilyth, of a lawyer in preparing an net ion for Afterwards an adjournment wan math' trial, :mil of the con(ider)er of the sick hr -t hr anllil..t•tnu., Where 311 11111.'1•,..1• 11111.11511118 t 1i,•111%e•IV,'% 10 he p11ysiria11, ing program was pre.entwl, inetuding "A (•41414' Of blind faith," said the s(lrechrs by %overall of the clergymen clergyman : doom. write, ...it :a fan" s.r•mmding places, who joined pre•s.rildion. Oftener Hum not. con in bearing testiulon% to the high es. ration( Lead it : you don't know' W11,11 114•)., int which lit•• 51111411(1 wits held. 41. is, H.• tells y"1) to take it, 'Yours A plcA:mt feat nil. of the,prveedingn is tool to mason why, yours int to do was *11.', (Il')'(44'Il* '111011 1.o the retiring and die.'" Whether 1)t• not I1)•. I'al- pastelr of'Ntl address ss aund a chenille for on 4)0401)I il, th.'ly wens a dts1411.1 $3(0 f • ' the Myth ...owrcvation 011.1 ripple throughout the congregation. an address from the eon(regnlion at lhelgras1' • A Brief Biography. w 1)e ht ' 441 ., the h r vat to 1 t r%-. 1 ),•. 11 Ie K of day in .5,'gvl•shire. Scotland. being soli of len eh1ldren in the Ironic of Donal.( 11cIe•nn, Thr Gamily c: • to Yamada in the 7,6,34. 1850 and located in Ulf tmvnaii i I Or \I but. Elginin rotlnty. After 3 .1)c/,'M4f111 college course and considerable ex(et•ience 111 supply work, Ihr. Mr1,•ti,, who wale 1mg1(t atm. by •1 stronger charge, aec'ptell Hlclh i1) 144444, mei fur forty years he ministered to his •.ngregal- tion in word and deed. Hr was blessed with splendid health and in his long pastorate was off work only three Sabbaths thrnml41 illness. In April, 1a4:, the reverend gentleman was honored with the title l)net0)• of Divinity. For thirty-seven years 111' has efficiently performed the duties of clerk (11' 11yrnn 4'resbytery, which ofticr,hc will retain at the request. of his ministerial twighrrn. In forty years he hits seen inane changes in his congregation. and shared mane sur• 'VOWS nn well as joys, 1111.1 leaven I3lyllt, after it long, happy and snecesM11d tenure, enjoying the good fellowship and bed wishes of not only his own flock Fol the r•onn1)unity at Inrge. His mance will live for many n day in the locality '414 +mhl.nit44' 111 strict integrity. high ideals, mid desire14 to )lmmote the hest interests of his fellowmen in everything that tends to the moral uplift. 1)r.'A1r1A•an proved hitnself to be a good ,reacher. a faith- ful pastor, it wise al1lninietrltn• and counsellor. and splendid Muere44s at- tended the congregation under hi,i ministry. Mrs. Mclenu, as queen of the manse, has also always been inter - rated in the promotion of every good rause. She had *good training in her girlhood, (wing a daughter of the late MI. KF:X%IF.. In Aehflsld m. Monday. X11 worthy Rev, Walter Inglis. who for • vrmMir ,N1). Allen y' rt etc Kensh•, aged "" Severn years was an as. anon worker rear, and Y month... in the miewinn field in South Afries, H')LLAX. -In tebneM, on 1'rfda,, Novelty Winne Mrs. McLean was torn. The her bid. Mies. Hato; Do1Mm, aged Se rase, 1' Shoe Prices are Higher. The 1.1lst cear has tu:u!,r.1 a new 1110e11 111 Ile 441)0 • bu.iness. 11 1111s 10.4.11 pl•rsislrutly 111141116,1 by sh.a• 1)1a,pGt1•t1)re•rs th:rl the ,'oa of their Tent her and ,1thrr Materials that enter into the lurking 1)t' 11 sI...' h:is leen Ktrndil. advllneing for 4i.%•erel SC./44011s pa.), 11)1 11•04401:1y tllf•,.' 7111\':Ila•.••, they .a r, bac,. Swell 4111s..1 1...1'113. ('4 iwprl.v.•d f;1) iIili.•s Gor:on1 roi4s.wlu'nt - re•"mou.ti•, in shh'•In:lking.:uu1 partly toy 4.haninv their legit il oto prolits i1) Ihr 11011e 111111 the :611531).,.4 prir•f•n ser.• only- Willior:lry. In this way the eon. •r did anal 1.•, 1 the all•:umv, 404 the v I . 1-1 1" 5111. 1 • 11,0•11...1 . I'he .11,11• ul:unefnlUn•rr's row' 111t1'111 )l, 1e:0110.1 a I1•inl where it wit. 10 longer p,,..ihl,• t.. • I1:w,' 1111 p;01i1: ally closl•r i( I.i• ‘4.'1'' In holm' to escape. bankruptc•, ::ung he *van (•1111- 11.0111.41 wit 4, the a11e•rn,ll ive of "skin- ning":old eh••:y1•ning hi- dr.i•. or in- ere:t.i1)g hi • Iq tee-. A 11•11'rr01.e• I1) lc, anal i11- ve,14;;1dlam of the 1411'. in the yaw' hear nut :d! 111,11 the ncumGletun•rs 11145.' eliinn•.I. '1'111' itabli.•, herefore, +t In. pre- pared 10 pa, bights. prIee4 fur then' 4.11,%•s this fall and winter. 'eller,• i, 1)o .•sragiing il. And they :11e and the less higher inlets! when ,i eh '.aper totality whish looks the ...lin, i, sab- stituted at theold price for 1lie stand- 1, 11151 von have heel' buying. ,imp( y to 111•.1151• you, 1I+ Is being dare Iry Nnllle of the less reputable. Innemfiu•tuI•r+. 11 in better to pin v • faith to those mond t(1 eis:cul retailer -1 who. 1 est I3 state. the true condition., and t.•11 you that to get the .I111)e• quality you must pan :1 higher price•. For11)nitely, the adv:lnees, though 5:4:11 to the 10111101.1.•1 111.4•1 and retatile•r, res. a 041; possible difference between .11.•- ss I I. CHAMOIS VESTS. 'I'hik is the Sea- 4..•,- 141441 possible bankruptcy, ore but M Sea - small 10 the con • •1 atviagin44 .111 1 Bents per pair, tar lesAnd 1h.• pnb- lie will pay this slight advance with :all the holm.grace r.•uu•u1lN•rinit (hal n 110 cwmldlit5' they kava• been buying ha. been Or i. now11111,1. 11 giving No 11111 (1)1' thi•ir money as shoes, Itlt' Best Food for Children is pure, wholesome Bread,- makes 'em strong, active and happy You con Bake that kind of Bread from PU FIOUR Produced by the most modern milling from the very finest Western Canada Hard Wheat. Yields most nutriment at least cost Absolutely dependable in Baking Sold Everywhere in The Great Dominion WC8TERN CANADA FLOUR MILLS CO., Limited Mills at Winnipeg, Coder ch and Brandon, Om a-� ® -v ecera els tttt gimme a ®me We are holding a Special Sale of two very seasonable lines for the next ten days. Rubber hot hater bottles, fount:un and 1 enema syringes; combination hot. water bottles and \' • Srltl}5rt'S,These goods W. .ire reducing 1-4 in 4.t, if �•.)u need sloe, come and see our shack, all :,roods _ . guaranteed fiat' One Vela'. . . 1 lou nett) one. \1't• 445111 sell \'.au :1 (l1) vest for $2.30, will 1:111. for )wars. Any tent: withh (veal: tante'; will find one aluabl.•. 1 Whit a Jubilee Is,1 Some p.m • ago, before (lateen Pic 41 - - traria', .•14dhot1),. ow 111 • and ti/ /t111.11i1 J' 3 7 ` 7 t$1 Pell IWO- 0111 SCI It 011W .11 was o '`�-Olt® S 1)ru , Stor:'. overheard one day nn :t slteet ....Etter • 111 IepHl,1n: •a alum ametaa®ant meadow1.yalRS0 t.2/CaasrllliMEINIIIMale "Can y',' tell 111.', W11111111 an, what is 4t they''1(11 a j.11liler?" •'\\'.•I1, it's this; said her nvi;hbor:. "%\'hen folk has been married i •111 y -fit•,' years, that's a silver wild- : and when Whey 111151' Isvn mar- ded! tilt 5 year,, Hail's a'giddet. w4)d- 110i'. It'll if the man's dead. Then it's tutu bile..." llarper's \\•wkly-.. • The Things Worth While. 111 E grown to believe that the ime thing worth ' ' '4 at 114 sim- plicity 11f heart, anal lit'.• : t hat oM" N rebid on" with others shook! IN• dtreet atltal not ,1ip11..ua:tic : that intWet• 111.1.1111 It 11)1-1l 1,14.1P ill 111.4 ,o ugh• last l 1 11111;1 11 - and 1):)111n1's, maid roolnero, are unfotgivnhle sins; that valeenlion. ably in the mother of all dreariness ; that plea5111e exists. 11(11 in v1rtne of material conditions. hat in a joyful heart : that the world is at vrry in- teresting and benntiftil plue: that congenial labor is the waist' of- hatppi- nens ; and lmany other things, which Nr1•111, /144 i write them down, to be dull and trite plitees, but are for me the bright jewels 5vhic1) I have fol1)1,1 IN•51,14 the wily, A. 1', Henson, A lot 0f poor children were 441 It,n•kefeller', stock farad near Cleve- land. 11e gave ea u1) of t 110011 M milk to drink. the proln1t of a $2,11414) (prize cow. "Ilow do you like it?" le asked when they had finished. "(ice, it'ta fine!" respontle. one little feline', who added after a thoughtful pantie: "I w•isht our milkman kepi a row 4" Domestic Felic;ies, Hit - 11• is r markable whatgreat fools marry the most beautiful women. She -Oh ! you fi:ttten•r ! Auction Sales Ml04nw. November dl --- At 2 o'clock M Colborne hotel. Gorier -telt ; hone's. cattle, her. nese, One new roM-pull sr, rte. (*mill. 011 for nb•h)ng Np4rored Joint onus. 131:1. HMV, 1:1"r, nava lnne'r DIED. It Lest a Clean Record. l.:.iln,h.mail I regret 10 fell you. sir. I hall One of your shirt. is Ions, I'11st.11uer 11(11 herr I 1111ye .Inst paid yo0 el‘ t• rents for doing it up. (.much villas Quite 1 tgbt. sir ; wv' 1; ler.il it before we lost i4. 3.liller's I;rip I'.wilets ('111'1'. For sale by .its. 11'iINon. 'Mt. gra,' is mighty, and 011 to1111.- 44(nae. it'% mighty- sc:.r.e, New York Sunlight Soap is better than other soaps, bat is best when used to the 8uhlight way, Buy Sunlight loop and follow direction. '•4)o'von think that tousle is of any p111.1 teal 11110 11 •'55''11." replied 11.,•4.51)11•. “,judging from the photo- graphs or 0'?) 41 ,•111 cinlini.ts it 1111,4 h "- 4 k.•ep Ihr 1)nir Holo ,cut ar:' falling 1 1.`.s gO F t�i � lY - armors 1.314 ARE • YOU MARINO j2,003.22 A YEAR? n ;_ •leing .Irene with 0111 g1)•%1, w'or1 i+ pl'..anl, permanent and 4Iolitahle, l;..ds u.e.l in every hoax, every day. No fake, and no nerd to create the demand. Legitimate. ten. h ta le business v1). t .can *tart without a cent 04 capital. 544,4).!,, (lay, r, 51114111AII.11/4(e,, Wholesale Tea,. and Coffer l.,ndon. tint. $5 °0 Brooch Does it strike you as' almost too good to be true'? it is only one instance of the price- attractivene•s of Diamond liars stock - backed by its half - century reputation for quality. This Brooch (Catalogue No. 3168 3) consists of a 1 ; 4 inch crescent of solid 14k. gold, supporting a lily -of -valley spray set rah 16 pearls. It it sent post free in dainty satin lined caae. Ire reN•,,14 /..r of,h..'e err /tr.:, illra1•nfrl ral•(rCrr, W.2 wast al your roaltry, n;i•.1. cr .1. •z, :1, 1)a *nil pay the Ill:ra:.'.T 1'F1C14; f.' ;•, Your Poultry may be delivered at, 1n 1det•Wanted) 1-1 1 ( 'Isle oN 1 T .. .. layer, .l. A. h1)r1 HLVTu, .. Itny't'. 11"11i11nn &1'o. FLAVF.LLES, Limited, 1.11\ 'PION. I/XT. GRAND TRUNK SYS EM Near by Health a Resorts e 00 Oar .A few days 1)l the mineral springs of St, i'nthmrine., Mt. Clemens and Preston has ls•nefite. the 11,111111 of hundreds. Nisi ling In *quad I" the treatment. Iles! 1)l hotel nee modal i0ti al mod- erate rites- • TRY iT. , All situated on (1.T.1t, eat. thaw). aunt hall lnfnrtnntlo,, call on F. F. LAWRENCE, 'I'nwn •144.11?. e11B.r holm. Q:H a.m. to it pens.. J. STRAITONi Depot Ticket Agwrit. J. It. Nctlomdd. 10istried 11....., Agent, -e. 1' 'PHONE NO 30 Tilt us:.At. Ni.'.'.- 4.•r 151b, 1906 7 oll111•1•1 W. A. McKIM JACKETS GODERICH, ONT. ' We have Sq all left. The prices start at $1.35 anti up to $15.00, The weather will .not let you put oft' longer buying the jacket you want for yourself or child and you can't afford to pass this stock at the price. Silk Skirts 'rhe kind that will not cut, for $11.l '. Cloth Shirts 1:14(1-11 value 14 1-1. I, to $7.510. Child sWhite Bear Coats Not 444:043 Icl't, lint at 20 pi•, cent. or one-lifth off they will 4411)14) go, Cardinal Blanket (loth, S:N. Furs 55.1 make a i.peei:tlt y of reek Furs. Prices 81,25 to $2.1,IM1. Values guala H.•eli. Overcoats - (')iir ►terk•is not badly broken, 10 y0asarie+(lretty 4441),' 4t y0111' size, :21 to I1, and pr•iv et+ tat-lus4)al at, right. I1 w'on't dela you notch 11) see if w.. tell the truth when we 44,14 coals At, 1113 g/.111% 411 I4.'- :Ire het/PI'-Yalu' tutu al ale , 'i bre prices, Millinery \\"r haw.• sun' bargains in our new willinrry department, \1'1. never early lusts over and wall ,141.1) 11 large Klnek the only tray is to rut the pt1ceM. 440,11.' sperinlly nice new fats 41)1(1 4.t y1e•s just hl hauul McKIM'S BIG BUSY STORE 1 The "Happy Thought" - Ranges AND Radiant dome Heaters s 1 :•"' 4 ikl (\• '� ' a .? RR S`•vNh . sr jl!+;;;0,a"4' One or Two Advantages It is, not pleasant to kindle the kitchen fire on a cold morning, and flat necessary if, you use a " Happy Thought." Simply turn on the hampers. 1)o not tarn the grate Icor put on coal until after breakfast. An, even baking oven is an a(lvantage; the 'Happy Thought" has it. - A powerful waterfront is a desideratum. In this particular the "Happy Thought" excolls. . Hot water in the reservoir is a convenience; the "Happy 'i'hought" always has it boiling.' A great convenience also is the TRANSPARENT OVEN DOOR, by,whichtlto process of cooking can be observe(( without opt niug the oven floor. 'i1'Ihis is a very valuable feature, and peculiar to this Range. .A sr- •1-.4'.1_*', tl! ', - r- : , to cur costo.~lura :,?!at \•,•c' 1 .'i;coc i:. t11C b4. 4t 1.1!c Y i t0013 " 1.'•r',1441 I:ecta hatter Tools, \:111.111 v-cr.: 'v tr.1.11 the Crrand Prize at the t• Louis f ::'aoaition. The Lia1,11141 il t+a t:'a 11. raark corers a complete line of tools e.u1 cutlery, even including some tools twat r.re not '(cutters.'' Every Keen I:utter 'itool i3 guaranteed• to be the best that Brains, money and skill can produce. Tool Booklet free at our &tore. 4• � '• h�L� -• *4 • s Liar• 1-,t,;,Zt-':7 r .es►-v.--,aa.- Y� Plumbing, Heating, Lave -Troughing, Roofing, hrilnll•II.i,Ittcntiet1 10 alhl work fully gu.lrantceal. CHAS. C. LEE ,Phones Store 22 - - - - House 112, •