HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-11-15, Page 7IH THURSDAY, November 1Sth IttlA VIM 4IGNAL: GODERIC11 ONTARIO T -- THE MARKETS Llvsrpsol Wheat Futures CION manor, Chigoe* Lowers -Live stock Mar. tste-The Latest Quotations. Yuudoy Evenlag, Nov. 12. Liverpool wheat 414 corn futures closed to - day higher thou Saturday. - At Chicago, brtrwts'r wheat closed 1.0 low,, than yesterday, 1lrer114brr guru , 140 lower, mud December oat, el,e lower. WINNIPEG OPTIONS. ♦t the WIuulpeg option market to -day the tollowlu4 were the closing quutlItona : Nov, 73%c LW, Dec. -71%c 1.14, May 1515.:WA THE VI,;IBLE SUPPLY. Nov. 12,'013 Nov. 11 ,..41. Wheat 80,747.4.u0 31,761.11101 Cora 3,IL4,UW 't: lutkau. Oats ........ lu,."s'fi.,uW 27,:1414e10 purlug the week wheat inerea.W 175,40 bualseD, corn decreos1J Z.4.01.1111111•10.1111. 11116 emir Increased 73().*ss) bu.1.rle. LEADING WHEAT MARKET•• Dec. Yet. July. New York ti', s.01 .... Detroit 774. 4.1... Toledo 75L. , 4u% •s4., lit. Louis 72 761. .... ifieuerputle 74% 77su.,,. Duluth 747t,70 7tl17 TORONTO GRAIN MARKET. Grain - Wheat„ spring, bush.., 60 *0 to 6,I 411 Wheat, fall, busts n 74 0 73 Wheat, red, bush 0 74 • ' Wheat. umrr burn a cal iu B•rley, bush. u .4' u 083 Oats, bush.. new o 40 u 41 Bye. bnO. 0 75 ...• Peas, buil. , 0 So Buckwheat. bush, u :.5 ,. CATTLE MARKETS. Cables 1aehuaed-4'sltle •ad Hass. Lower st Chicago. Loudon, Nov. 12. 4'romdlau cattle lu the Brunets markets are quoted at llc to 12ine per Ib.; refrigerator beef, iMac to huge per Ib. TORONTO JUNCTION LIVE STOCK. Toronto Junctlun, Nov. 12.-Rrcrh,ts Of lice stuck at the Union Stock Yards were 46 carloads, composed of 11614 rat. tie. 50 bug.. 105 sheep and 214 calves. Lirortera. Prices ranged from $4,. to j4 w1 per cwt., the Lulk selling at 54,:13 to 54.:0 Per cwt. Export bulls sold at 53.5o to i4.1.. pot cwt. Notehere. • Choir• picked lots sold at 54.4) to 84,•00 INC cwt,; fair fu medium at 53 113 t0 54.1.'; apmmon. mixed, at 63.50 to 6:1.15; coos, 12.10 to 68.75; canners. $1 to 52. remitters. Priem ragged from $3.25 to 54 per cwt.. tie prier belug paid cur good snurt- kr,gp rs. • Milk Cows The'market was strung for fresh mules sad, fdrwatd .prIug•rr at 542 to 562 each. Veal Calves. A few tial calves sold at 64.,84) to 50,.0 pot .wt, !brew amid I.aaaaa. Export ewes sold at trove 54.75 to 53 per cwt.; raw. and culls eit RI Iu 53,.0 per • t.; lambs at $:..73 to lel per awl. Bop. 11. P. Kennedy tepurts prices unca4155)1 at 53.06 fur select. and 58.40 far llama .gid feta, fed awl watered. MONTREAL LIVE STOCK. c utra•al, Nev. 12. Cable adtlees from rpool, all Canadian cattle were steaJy 514 to 120. while *1101.,',. were nreuer 1; Loudon ea1le• tep.Tted the .oar r Cartrdl.0 rattle new at 114,4 to 'Spurts for the week were ;COO ,•1F le market for hugs ws• rat. rdy .1a lair &muud and sa•.wrr .until.: [ sleeted Juts were wadyut {a to yrs cwt.. Relater., us ' tar • of, The uarorr war demoralised I4ls Goo. , ulnas( to the huusurlly lur..• num- • of raffle Mat 'were- ogerrJ, tog,•ncer hake g14wt Wilt -telly fur pedestrians :u ...eh Mr m1rke1. Ir.•rusr th.• .tt.•.'t gall• Kay erre weir 9111 Out of I.u.fn••.. •11 FJ10,1rilic-SIrcel. 404t11 of Por.yth ,Ir.•t, w that pa. wearers aers gulag to the es)! .-tot •tattolr had to walk nearly • 7)1. ould.r • blinding snowstorm driven by Her,. winds, o 11.h m•.!.• 1t ellideutt to prrl.•,.t bt•lug blown Or •Idewalks. '1 her.. wee,• 23111/ cattle lensight to !lir 1.11111 cud soar- I tale. • larger number than rte: brought Ian un •uy day before. Fahr, were et c.l.augly slow •1 lower price. 1111 recoil afew prime beeves were 100.1 01 7 •4.• to 41%r per It.. Pretty meal eater, 8• to r,%e; the eunttwu. gtw.•k at 1%c to 21.r. and the leen cow., 11.e to 11... There w'e'• ::i) 0.44.4. lOws 011 the market. 1,1t 4o buyer. ..:we out In the early l mit of Ilse day. There were 31.11 calves nearly all grass.•,s on the market, steel priers of toe.. 1.111111. I from 2.' to 8l.. per IL. Sheep nal lain',• were rather scarce. The sheep sold et 4.• to 444e per Ib. nod the latah. at Seta to tic per 11., EAST BUFFALO CATTLE MARKET. East Buffalo, Nov. 12..-4'atl.e Iteelp'•, 63W heed; thence stud 30.' to 1:ec IllgUer; prime steers, 83.00 to 16.13; .ol5g3ylug, 54 711 to $5.50; butchers. 54.25 to 15.147; 1,1740.9 53.25 w SOW; rows. 53 to 64.4.; bullaJ to $4.23; •tuckers find feeders, 51.75 10 54.23; ■tu.k heifers, 52.5 0 to 53; lrrsh cow. and springers 52 lower. 1114 to 550 1'eals ke,•elpts, IgOu bead; duty and 240 bl err; $425'10 $4.9). l lugs- keeelpt.. 2211bead; .low and 10e to 15,, lower; heavy, avy, netted, porkers and pigs, $4*.20 to 5d W, mostly $6.53; roughs, 85.75 to 65.00: stags, 84.21 to 83; dairies, 80.23 -h.. 543.94. 140•rp and IAmI.s Receipts. Iii 4..0 *lead; .harp o.thve; 1rm1,. glow; Ranh., 5.1 to $7,25; yrrru•.gs, 56 to $0.23; wet Urr., 5.8.501 to $5.75; ewes. $5 25 to 8.1.:44: r1.r,'p 14.10- . ed, $3 to 15; 41111.dr Isob., 57 to 51,13. NEW YORK LIVE STOCK. New York, Noe 12 nerve. I/r•elpts, 4043; steer. In fair, demand u,,) PP. menet, es,'rpt few .umwos; tat bulls strung: um. 'era Meudy: •Unice fat ru140 lu.• to 1:.,• nig.. Pr; uth•r* .0.1; steers, 53,73 to 84i08; oaen 101.1 114.50. 54 to 54.73; bull., 51.70) to 54,15; cow.. $1.1', to 51.4144; heifers, 53wt, la- .porte tomorrow; ssa) glide and 42... your tern of beef. Calves Rowelling. 1X2!1• prime and Nonce veal. firm;"there steady; grl..rr. Sed westerns dull, ve.Ir, 54.3,, to in; gru.Me'a, 52 r0 to. 51.73; westerns, 54., Sheep and Lambs l44•el1.ls, 11%4240; 14,'4e* d1111; limbs, open, steady to week; .lo.rd easier; sheep. 53 1.. 55; fewchole, $:11.:.,; wether*, 55.662%; gull., 52 t,o 52 :4*; bulbs, 86 to 57.:.,; ehol.e,.5 8.'. to $7.:11,; runs, 54 to 53; Canada lando 57.0), kegs keeolpb, 111w11; market firm; state and Peuurylraula hogs, hello to Kw; Pigs, 56.65. CHICAGO LIVE STDCK. CWcago, NOT. 12. e'.tlle Iteeeipts,n bout • SOUP; for best steady, other. w,•ak 114te lows; remwun to prime steer. 54.34 to 57.3o; cowls, 52.65 to 57 73,, heifer., 31.44) to 86; 1.1,111, 51.4.1 to 54.':4r, este..., *2 lu ,5*; stockers stud feeder*, 51.40 to 54.:40, Ilugw.-. Iteeei4150, 41411,4) 2110,: ,:e to 10... lower; .hldee to ,rlur•, h.•.nv 541:)•, 1.11 56.4.1; mrdl to 1o,)0, 1.441 y, 511..41 I„ 66.30; Letcher.- weight., 50.33 to $6.43; good to •bolo. nl'.r.l. $0.1910 $6.23, pa, 4. n 56.85 to 56.111: pis.. 53 :4, to pi 2.1, Sheep and 'sutra k..•elps., ahem 28,• 000; slow; ah..,.p 83.23 to 53 h3: yerr11fg., 56.5u to 16.3u, Limbs, 53. :re to 3; .:0. CHEESE MARKETS, *'crib, Nor. 12. The lu.t rb.•e•e hong( of the season wars held to -day. Tier. were 1107 butes •er.•d e4 MI M.h sex. re 'r,. wlate •ad 317 eolured. 4'ri' • eRered IN 44 124.- for 1.131, hot all Tarr ,.old .uI.J,•el to Brockville boom prl"••s• knyel. ere M•11* were: I(ko'It, Welacter, Patten veal Mc1eIty, /ndut, No.', 12. -.Th. la.t r.rulter sal• ' of the !Sodomy t'h••1e guard as. hell rids maiming, when cheese sold at 120 etr.eltbl, each ra lh• following buyers a••tting a knot: Meaari. 1'ook,'ollieopte, gigue. and Brown. There were 517 M.ses- bu.rde•1 hr t•.,factoflee, Peek buyer getting ,m• r.'wrtil mob. • die .... • Fifty doses fora gum. ter ! 'I he best of nil tonic.. ;Hiller. (' pound Iron rill.. For sale byJai. Wilson. .11111,111111.111.4 • Toronto, Canada' .c\'' OCI'N1ITD s Toronto Canada. Money reater Chancy to Save IF ' YOU BUY BEFORE NOVEMBER 26th Herd's a wonderful money -saving opportunity for people outside the city -a reminder to those who do not visit this great store: In person, that we are giving such values as astonish the purchaser, because we give more than is expected. The price don't suggest the worth. We buy immense quantities from the first man who handles the goods in any part of the word, save middle expenses and you get a lower price. Some items are .o1fered at half the regular price. We've expert people who fill your orders carefully. , Have you our latest catalogue ? WE PREPAY FF,lEI3HT OR EXPRESS -(We reserve the right to ship the cheapest way) on all orders of $25.00 and over, going forward in one shipment to your nearest (Railway �tntion in Ontario,' Quebec. New E.runswick, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island, on all Hoods except Furniture. Springs. Mattresses, Refrigerators, Organs, Stoves. Baby Carriage;, Salt, Sugar, and Flour. To obtain advantages of this offer. your shipment must amount to $25.00 over and above the Exceptions named. Finest Furs at •Inviting Prices In Furs we shine. 1Ve buy right floni Ilse trapping companies, select our raw skins personally, and choose the beat. We look after the mak- ing so you're sure of receiving the best value here. We've made these prices special fora week only. Send your order right away. Women's Astrachan Jackets, 36 inches long, bright glossy even curl- ed skins. One of out best Astrachan Jackets, Idled with best black satin. Large leg-o'•mutton sleeve. Box • front. Tightfitting back, Regular 536.50. Special one week 31.50 utl l y Women's 4 -skin blended Alaska Sable Scarfs,' heavy full -furred skins, finished wjth 6 sable tails, chain fastener, about 5o inches long. Regular 57.50. Special one week only 5149 Very Special Offerizig in jewelry , Our 1Vatches are regulated to position and will keep extra goo;l time, besides you will observe the guarantee. Don't miss toe chance sou have for one week only, it means a big saving to you and much satisflctioa. ' • Ladles' Watches to'Cisar Ve1. loll hut,,).. on - designs. 14k. g„Id-1110d taws. 6 fete. with solid 6.441 L•.e oar•-, are ,.f the 2:.•year quality, tilted 141:1, the well•kn....n lash. .1..Veln •let. A useful and te- nable lifelong comprol n. Fully r.uarant.,.d 1•y us. At .. 4 my a limped quantity 1.144(04.' Solid 1411. 41.1.1 dings, with 5 atony setlig•, opals. rubble -a, bud grir- b nets. Your choler of: 3 opal. and 2 rubies, ur 3 rubies -bud 2 .,pal.. or 3 garnets and 7 opals. or 3 441141 2 garnets. At ... .... •).141 Truly u remarkable offering In .ueh quality. Lady'. Witte* l'Irutn. gold filled. medium sloe 1)1,41, pret- tily eledgn►d .nelr, s•an4ard 4)iuk `. 4s Inch lebgth. At ... ..... Kindly send sire of ring when ordering. Handbag Specials by Mail. ‘,Ve get these from the manufac- turers in unheard of quantities, which means a big niche in the regular price We hand them over to you in this special saie away down -yet ea- tra quality. Don't wait a moment, for we can't supply you when the week is up. ' Extra Large lure Ilond Rag• dhn.'n- ' stores (1 3-4 x 41.•11ra. 441.1.1.• ,.f ••.I1.1 leather. 111 a fine even 4),Iphin eleoma Inner purr. alt elle.' tr:un.•, s, r•n,g 1•.1- 1h.•r handle.. Regular price'. ) 54.7 5. Mpg, lel ... .. ... ..... Volition rut Steel bIa ti.• Boit, pool elastic. and Pluddh,g. Regular 1) 51 44o, rnr... ... ;.. .41e Bed Comforter, 11.75 11,-% ,.r. 11..1 4 ..n forte r., env. rr..1 with a sul.rrior ,,n:.11ty of lsnk- 11.11 .Ilkoline, as.,.rt.d designee nn.1 coloring., floe white- filling. Bowl' ',Myhre' 1'Itlteru4.. i.1trl sir.•, 12 x 7Y 11001•.. 1':urh, •pedal 1 price... .....r ... ... .1'1 IOc Roller Towelinzi. 8c Superior Quality of nonl.r.•4 I'ra.h Roller Tuwellr•g, made from fine flex, red border. firm even wrav,• 1; 1141*).•., 111d••. Loses than (.,-day's mill price. -Regular fur �$ )nal. Spelistl price . , . ... ... ' Not Forgetting the Furniture Just when you are Preparing for the siege of winter, we offer you .tome excellent values in Furniture. These are all made of the best material, bought direct front the tactories, and at a big disenlint. Don't let them pass. It's a chance we can't give you very often. Only a week. Morris Reclining Chair, which com- bines simplicity of construction with ease and comfort as no other chair docs, is what everyone is looking for. This chair is made of very select oak. and finished in a rich golden oak color, with a very smooth surface supplied with spring rest and back or reversible velour cush- ions. The ant,)nnatic attachment on each side of chair is'very simple by which the hack is raised or lowered in anv position ; works easy, and cannot get . out of order. Regular price 55.75. Special 4.90 One of the newest designs, made of very select oak, well seasoned and kill• dried, finished in a rich golden oak colter. highly polished. -Thoroughly well made and constructed. Large case, titted with two small and two large drawers, beautifully shaped standards, and mirror frame fitted with a large British bevel plate mirror, 30 x 24 inches, • Large combination washstand to match, with three drawers and cupboard. 'Two pieces. Regularly 531.00. Spe- cial 2.5.00' e'T. EATON 00,,;,,Tr. Toronto, Canada. You'll be Pleased We were fortunate in our se- lection of these goods. The prettiest designs you'll find, and such amazing values. 1. ikely just what you've been looking for to give the finish - in!, touch to your roue. for the" 1Vinter. Just one short week to buy them in. Better not de- lay. Japanese E1t11 Plano Drapes A w•.st charming told 41*))'.1 a'- sort:netlt of .14310sitc • di -signs. Adapted for the lute,t and In ,a up• to -gale ruralshinge. ' Slade. t9 In❑{I'll al.a.fi wly ron11. Ulf.{u.• r..l..rtogs. Holum' tint.; deep, brae knotted '11k fringe. It.gu. 1..111 ln.1) 81.15. 11.04. 12:23, for Pretty Muslin Ccarf,i F:ou y fluted frill uta; t.. ,nnteh. Nutt obi.. for bore au 91. washvta,id corers, colored t'anlbrlc Ilning:, p.rtt) 41.113Znl; floral 1001 plain d.:tted -muslin: [ritual .1 with 1131.3 libbuu. Regularly 614x, fur .44 Dreamlevid Dolls, 39c .t I)rouml:u,J- Hum 11.-11. fate, photographed from life, finished ml sateen, nicely dressed, Eve ry ch11.1 take. to It a1 0,Ie... -Rperlal Ij() . ,. Dress Goods Price Down In dress goods we're always on top \Ve go right to the mills and factories and see that they give us good qualify material. Then we show theta our immense orders and down comes the price to us. But you get the benefit in astonishing values in this mail order spec- ial. Snap them up this week or you'll be tun late. Slack Chiffon Velveteen, 23-2410. vide, deep x1.11 WI,. lustrous c..rr..'1 %%eight for dr•'%•4 nod 33 co.11.' tip. viol, 1 • r 14.1.1 Groped. atm*, floret quality silk and w;...1 goodslu color.•. ..nh. cn sen.. and et Atte boleti sl; • rich .ho.r,i-ring iabrl.s. valtah10 *..r street. or 1 V0II*.l.( tur, 47. 1111 hr+ nide. ti*.i.Tilar :14.0.el111 1trlll,auiti,•. Lustre. floe sl quality 0, all the best shah s. 1011 )', LTB. u, 1.1'00•11,' 4 ream. I Ich very thimble quality. 46 Inch.'. .,11 141.1.• It. gator y:,.. 4i1n White Waisting., ")I.nd1,1 q+•,•r;- '.�, u. to ill the 10. 11.st 14 ea'res ..t honey:.ea 1t. bask. 4, etc., rigli 'pity 11.4.11 u,.•r,.11ted in the yin 11. 445,1,41 l.r:311' 11 Hoof o0r.:11y r. 14,lnahle no mat 1. r how often laulldl l -,1 N. at putteris In dots. *lrll..., .n.1 tlgur.d effects:' The 1...m.4.1 4. i4ht, 1..r fall and Winter wear. 314..n•' at! 14.r*Iawalde shirt unfelt .1q hb.u•. '... Per y;.rd " The Boot You Need " At this season of the 'year it is very important that every lady should be well shod. Anticipating your requirements months ago, before the advance in leather, we placed a large order for this ex- cellent boot we are ,introducing to you to -day at a sacrifice, with this gnat antens.that after examining same if they are not exactly as represented, return them at our expense.. lto.1.1 800, 1.114 .' g•uulne diamond Mack Kid Lace Boot. w'I.h Mc- . - K Sri& n 111014;1o11 1414. t .,1.-, un,1 put, bt Igo t her Ise ea p. melt um round loo rod sensible- heel, (*13,4 with a pair of 40,• per- rubber, don't - slip heel.., ,,,.,k.. Itr.4 r.t fest cry-. )n -t Ilk •- walking 4111 1'.11.1. The material' 11. a sur* glu•.) Ila -k, n.:,l 141.1. .. Ire;• 4 ,nth 1.11.• end sore to - near with ordinary r,,rr. t* is fhr tame grade and quality u.ually put into $3.00 1..sv, Thy- book bell. fit well, and w.ar well. Nloe, •) j• 21.2 to 7. ttur prig••, while th.y Ira J.all) A Millinery Opportunity 111-350. Stylish Velvet Hat, a unique style and right up -to -date; -of silk panne velvet over hnckrani frame; around high grown is a folded band of silk ribbon in n two color; ending in ribbon bows at right side with a black coque feather mount; all around bind covered with silk ribbon and bows ,at back. We recom- mend this hat to those who want some- thing exceptionally smart. Colors solid black, or brown, navy, moss, myrtle, or garnet, with upper fold; around crua'I1' and upper bows• of pale blue. Other c dors in suitable combinations '11 Special price 3.25 Walking Suit Bargain, While They Last, For, $5.95 The regular prier rens 57.75. in black. only/ No. 643W -This handsome Walking Suit is a wonder at the price. We obtained the material unusually low and pass it on to you at a bargain. It is made of genu- ine English viconla cloth in the newest design. The Coat adjusts itself nicely in the back, is double-breasted, the front trimmed with two rows of self -covered buttons. scants in back and front covered with strapping•neatly stitched, turn-ha,ck stitched cuffs, velvet collar, lined throughout with mercerette, a very neatly fitting coat and a very popular style. S•9S , The Skirt is made with nine gores, double sewn, bound -seams large side pleats. . The regular price was 57.73, but while they last we will sell for • •' S8�7�r we bought Ih •.•• ry.,ds n4 the mills per.nnllly''ehrtlrgg the quality: a 111.' ell; •tens made lit the onllnnry Prier. i.-. /note we uanbd so much, which accounts for till. 115*ra- ordinm y bargain. our own factory' whore 4e slake these gam Ms Is n moth.'of cleanliness- and regularity --good Olr, good It'th*- .parl,nts workroom.. anti firef-Class mn- 4•hlnr.s of the newt .t pattern. enabling our expert tn11ors to turn out the finest wnrk. rtiteIl1RenI fltlrnpenple' fee that your order Is ,m.crud v filled and shipped without delay. This stilt Is mail • in sixes 32. 34. 311, 14, 40, 42, with length. of skirl 39, 4'1, 41. 42, and 43 inches. The Aust mea.ur.. 23 lochs. for 12 bust, 24 fur 34, 3s. 24 for 40, and 2'1 for 42. 25 for 36. 28 for Coaxing Prices Many customers know the value -of our suits Know that we import our own cloths anti get them at a low price. Then we guarantee the making, be- cause we have it under our own control. We ; expect you'll not wait a 1,monlen1 on these bar- gains. You only have a w eek. 314.11'14 Rult., In strong, a11- wu,l dour -mile tweed., In colors of dark grey. with neat u1'rrldald, 1.1110 t.r,wn with • grey i,Ii,•rhr,ked patlrtn. rut 1111 latest single - Ir. aided style. with ext,•nded shoulder* and deep cent. 11*..d with strong llallub clt.th, good Internn- I logs, ovell 1.111.'red. and per- . lrcl fitting Mixes 31 1n 41 10 guar $s.i0..' $ .'rlul 6.811 aleIrs Winter ttvorfratf. truth ImporQ•d clb•vlots L, uttord 41t•y and black Ilse 14)4)aot)1 f!rilshed .arterial (411 111 the lwpuIaC lung ''errs 1.1 Bela sty's. a•rth .scud-flt- ting hock, rat•tided shoulder.. Velvet collar need deep vent to comer •ram. Hurd with pal- lia cloth:, carefully taller..1 Id .regularly at 4144.00. Ap.;i•lul cloy.'.• Three-pl4ee Sults: meal:• fr.-1.1 un all-ouol hing- 11..:1 twe.d, black' gr.a..d. 3.1141 1...11 :r• y and red pin cheek .11.. t, regular fan and wlnlcr 1.,i *It, cut 1n d,.uble-breast- ..1 rock Lyle. t•4*5* bro.ld h.i.rl...r,1. vebt In back r -vin. herd 1.11!1 strong hallos .loth. kn.r pants, Itegutarly �j.rO 8,1.1 for 38 On, Sp e.lal in Clothing Leather Suit Case int •41,- I4...11 Lea,h'.r butt Ci.o. 1,1..1 • • n u str'1g 110,1 11,4111.•. for1•3' .,..••n 111114. 11 11 11 ) .,•krl and In.1dr �tt:'1.11 t u,• brl;.. cothbinallonlocks h1.,1 1 -its 1•,..,aro ,'.,d looker, at.d r .39 l,l _ .,. I Nice Writing Material ;,Dull ,,,•talc. 1':..1.: pure •4'hit, uls•r, rul••'l , r plum. 4U .harts to 141.1, 1,1ote, r .4 ..i ..ver. I.,r 74. ,I•arfn. for ,.. ..... 1'. 1 o.f N.•te Paper, cuntalnlifg one q,dr. of -paper .,nil ore package 4.7 •It%0. •';. pure atilt.. IIn0n•flpl.hrd paper. Id•gular Price 251. 19 1 me r'f lrnd,,r fur 1fu;, largo 3- png« galenlar, h gnkrl I'r{re .1.) 73.'. Clearing for ... ... t only rat calendars/111 all Toothsome Candy We can satisfy the sweetest desire of 'anyone. We -Kaye nearly a ton of these ready for your order. 1Vhy it's yotlr op- portunity to prepare for Christ- mas even. But you'll have to hurry, for there is only a week. 1,51144 lbs. rine A..orted. t hoc.. nam -Not*, pad 4'remn 4',,•n- mPl.. Itegnlar 21,'. Pp. clal .16 pr141., Pl'r 14)... . ... . , . . . 5,II44n Ihs, Oam 1)rnp., reguhir the th. Special I -rig., p""1tr Ih .. Buckeye Oil Heaters s:lll Irrn n told room Into r.rnfur4a01. 4n'• In a few to nut's, All Flamm -el steel, r •nn)vul,' • teFerl'. Ir, cep telly 4Mnit. 4 quart., 1np aluminum finish;-I.•gs. buss. and cylinder black 11 ileh, 1,1111 *.all Icn,,I1• making 1t eon., nL tit to •j.111 curry. F:air., • , u,l.. ' (IEND YOUR CRoER4 BEFORE MONDAY 20T11 TO ENSURE FILLINC. 4t EA I ON Oo• 3.1MIT40 Lemonade Sets, 69c /...111.41, ilia Sr)", , uias(h,g of large Jug told 6 glasses to match. with floru1 dee-orations, In cry'atul green, and blue, also with pink. blue, greet. and crystal band 69 derpratIon, roe ... ... .. . Something_ in Collars a n d Handkerchiefs For women we always keep the best and most sure to' please. 1Ve study their wants and keep our stock up-to-date ---just what is wanted for the season. You'll -look after these bargains when you read them. You have only a week. Women's Extra Fine 4Handker• chiefs, made up of pure Irish linen and finished 141th 1-5, 1-4, 1-2. and 3 -4 -Inch hems They are cut In 'popular often, the 1 -6 -Inch hem br- ing the largrat .Ire. A very durable hu01k.'rchl04, and 1'.111 .tend the Ia ineiry well. 1' 1ery thread guaran- teed to be pure crisp linen. Regu- lar value ifs- each; fur. 4 for .4`),�1 Women's Stock Collars, made up of Itullenberg braid, Huge. and 0,r,ad, I' In three styles only. Two linen are made up with ung Jabot„ In instil; contest In genal pat- terns. 1.41111,• very np•'n, others more close, and made of very fine Ilett-, tenberg braid, with rings, Also a line with a three -tab Jabot In a very de.lrabls pattern. These are a g,..1 .ubetantlal collar, and stand the Laundering. Regular price �') 33.. Rprelal, for mall, •seh You've only a week.) Corsets, Ladies' Wear Ladies' ('Or.etet, made Of Jean, gored hip, ofeel-f1114.d, Paris clasp, lnwllunt bu.t, lung hip, la.,' and H bb.ro trimmed. hose supporters attached front and tilde, colors 44 lite and drab, alarm 18 to 1 21, trduc.d prier .... ... . I.ndled )1lannetHt• t Own., trlu,le of goal glwllty?tighflanenktt4, Mother Hubbard, yoke trimmed with four mm's of torehon lux in- sernon, collo:, down front, awl around skeves, flnl.bed wI*h h•m- sHtehe,d frill of n•tursl eowi r, wMt•, Irntrth.' 66, 4.8, mud 60, re. .69ducal p$e.' ,., ,.. Imdlrs' Vents, natural wool, high neck, long 8101.4P1, button front. ✓ eally trimmed, all .11.1, re- .o' i) duced price ....... ... ... Toronto, Canada. TWO PAPERS FOR ONE DOLLAR. ellIMISIIIEssommamms THE SIGNAL and THE MONTREAL WEEKLY HERALD will be sent for one year on receipt of ONE 'DOLLAR TIIE SIGNAL gives all the local news. If you are interested in the affairs of Huron County you cannot afford to be without it. THE MONTREAL WEEKLY IIERALI) is a splendid city weekly, c:ontaining the news of the world, Farm and Louie De[partments, and a greatamount of general reading. Both papers will be sent for $1.00 paid in advance. TO NEW SUBSCRIBERRS we otter The Signal tree for the balance of this vear. SUBSI'RiBE NOW. :Address all communications to TRE SIGNAL, Goderich, Ont, 4