HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-11-15, Page 6• LARGE HOG HOUSE. MHdes war Maa(mam of sealliat alt iaelules ot orates. The Illinois experlweut shelties gives the tulluwlug drscrlptiuu of u Ia{ge bug bourn sublets Is lu successful up - 'ranee': daultatlou.-1u order to be sanitary a bog house aliuuld admit the direct rays of the sue to the door uf all �ae pews and exclude (cold dritftr lu la- ter, be dry, free from dust, well veu- tilatt•d uud exclude the but sun during the .utuwer. l'Ig. 1 shuw•s a bog bowie built with this pin -pore lu view. The building us a wbule Is thirty fret wide, with au ODDS AND ENDS, Tose. le rhe Fames Mork Use 9e11ah11 Foe Preseatn. A veritable aver ready friend In need 1s a reel for holding baby ribbon. R'heu completed It resembles a very large spool of cotton. Tho !taming volut Ir to cut two circler In curelboard one inch larger In dlametetr than the roll of baby ribbon. 'These are covered on both elites with tinyltua;terlal you bap - ;sen to hare that Is pretty and uppro• 110. L -',law OP PAN OP RO0 HOU.a eight feet alley ruuuiug lengthwise east and west with the: Wluduivs uu the south side. The Important factur to .consider !n this cuuue•tlun 1a the height of the windows represented at F. and L in cuuaection with the width and mauuer of etouMtrnctlun of the building. The wludow E 166 su placed that at Dove of the sburtest day of the year the ray of light which pusses through the tipper port will full mew the flour uu the south aide Iwu on the opposite aide Prow the window. This allow. the total awuuut of light &sew- ing through the window et tails Reason of the year mid this time of the day to fall upon the flour wItblu the peu. In the wurning and In the Linemen'. .when the suu Is nut • ut Its highest ',Mut, a part ur all of this brave of light will puss bey'uud the pro. t'uu- aequcutly during the later winter mouths there will be a tuaxlwuw amount of sunlight on the flour of the pen. The lower pert of the wludow I) lu the upper part of the building per- forms the segue functlutr fur the pen uu the north side of the alley as dews the window E for the peu un the south side. By this arraugemeut of wiuduw4 there 1s lussIble a waxiwuw amount of sunlight uu the dour 5.f the pro, is winter which will terve to warn the. Interior of the house uud especially tbb beds diirlug the latter wu11ttes of win- ter, thus waking It IkneslLte L. Lave pigs farruweel very early in the season. !twilight not only warms and dries the bulldiug, but de4truy-.s disease germs. thus waklug the building both wart., and aaultary. Saultatlon Is further augmented by the upper part of the Window U. which. when opeu. acts ui a ventilator. It Is supplied with weights so that It can be o(cuwl and closed at will by the ottendaut while standing on the flour of the alley. To have tbls arraugetueut of win - dews In the latitude 'Above tittd. It is nee to have the tun of the win ow F:, which throw's light Into the pen the south side. live fret- Mlx Weller the dour. The upper window. wb 'k throws light Into the pen on the port aide. 1. lunger. but a pulut iu this dew the same distaiwe stove the Iowe, end as the height of the wlu• •low E sl uld 1e• Line feet eight inches from the W. This t1e9•snitatea a fiat }roof fur the ,art of the ',inkling south of the alley, -bleb must msyss:sl'ily be made of a unterla: that will shed water at a slag Plteb. 'law well un the north side of he building is mode as high as that on he south side, but -_.• .--.,mel P11). IL-OIIO17111D PLAN of 000 HOr'L the roof nn the north side and ulley is made steeper 90 as to have more air apace 911(1 good ventllutiou. In Fig. 2 is submitted the graund plan of the bog huure. It is 120 fret long by 311 feet wide and he provided with an alley which *11)14 leugthsi•Ise through the wlddle uf the building and Is eight feet wide. This permits of driving through the building et Ili a wagon, which'nllows the feed and bed- ding to be hauled In where It Is u.•'•ded , and the manure to be loudest on the wagon directly from the pen. 811.1 Moled to the field. The pens are ten feet wide and eleven feet deep. Each peu has a doorway leading to the outside which la opeeed by a door eliding upward. Shore Is also rda4r opening to the alley ow the Bashi. Prominent Manufacturer Speaks. in Vankleek Hill, Ont., no one is bet- ter known than (len. M. Watson. When he Gays "('atarrhoznne is n real cure." depend upon its teeing an. "My wife," he writes, "was subject, to had attacks of throat irritation and hronehit.is. Marry remedies w e r e tried but few proved at all useful. (latarrh(nnne w a s different.. 1 t PemKi to getright ►5the spots and brought relief quickly. We have found Catarrhtmme an absolute earn for bronchitis and catarrh. Nothing cures, tuotw quickly en get it todsy : two sizes, J.ic. and OA) bottles, at all deaket•P. print}', although linen on the OMelde and chino silk un the Wald.. are incest. Boles are plereed, through width the *eisaurs are slipped. The other cud holds a bodkin hi a eh -eller lump. The reel Ie au exreediugly eulup:u•t little trifle, and there 19' no hunting for the right shade of riblsru ur the 1ulplein.•uti to use with it. Pretty book revers. A pretty ewer fur a book or innga- slue Is always an a'•c.•ptable small gift and need never be up expensive Hew First get a 'tiff plece at canlloant and cut It the exact size of the front awl back of the }souk it is intruded for, not. of course. he ludiug tau• buck ple eP which 14,41114 the pages together. You must now :whet 'a material to rover the cardbuard with, and of t•uuree any work In the shape of em- broidery or painting must be dune 1e fury the stuff le stretched over the cardboard. You, have eudless loopier fur your decorative eapabilItie.. When llue•u 1s used a (ou9eutiuual desIgu worked lu 11,11 thread is Must effec- tive; silk and sutiu display cmbwlldery to prrfrt:thin; figured watcrials can have their --patterns outlined- In gold or silver thread.- und the covers de luxe eau be paluttsl with drllcate sprays of flowers ur small fruit. ('1(t the material nearly 1111 inch larger than 111.•' book- Wbeu 11 14 Olen and In cutting anew for the bac!: ple..' Now fold 1t over the cardboard covers and stick downwith glee or photograph paste and to -member to meet' the material at Intervals, as It Iles betti•r If (hie 1s doer, When the covers are quote dry take a parr! of silk or sarsenet end teen- it carefully' around the ted ,'s of the cover und where the cardboard ends at the back piers Pttt(•h the eareeuet right through very neatly to the outer 'material. Yuu must now• put a Mere of rlbtou to the top and bottom of the back piece Ito tie thrungb the mid- dle of the burl; ,overdo, a0d you can edge all orotund sIth oarruw silk cord If desired. - Plllow (-over. The pillow cover In the Ibluetratlon has a design of nasturtiums In nil their' exgnl.lte natural shading and no .4(0111.1 only be attempted by ',killed fingers. The material 14 deep cram heavy satin cloth, with a euuveutiolfol' border lu rILLOW eeveR. golden browns and greens. forming n Charming background for the pprey of flowers, pale yellow shading to deep orange. and the tender green of the eaves and stems. WHAT A GIRL LIKES. Gels am 1111114 For 1' onna Men Who May IIs 1'utmled. A fan. A muff. • A good p titre. rj . A luind8Onu belt. A pair of g1 're. One of (Luse ncely antlgne neek- laces, Olwrn glasses, If le Imen't any. Ilutirina: she can't 1 9'e too many. One of tbuio long be pine to fasten her sell. ((ne of those eurioua 1 tae oriental ch:lrtne for her clualn. .hick for her desk, or, m vise, the desk itself, If she hasn't one. A hook reek, a b okaheir, or a xtok• ease. neeording to the extent 'o her book 1.11114.4s. A little dog of blue 1)100(1 pedlgn' or nn Angora eat, If she like.; animals, A handeonle parasol; the sun will Rhine next mummer. A jewel hoz of one degree, from burnt wood up to eat gloat* and gold: neene nceotding to her (nate, Or jew- els if She 111 gny, or pretty (Men frivol- ities if she must economizes Ever Have Cramps? Kin.I, of fierce to he 51661 op in a knot at midnight ht with cramps. KeepNerviline handy. T.'n drops quiet crimps instantly. 1'ael oceneinnnlly, Nersilinc prevent(* thin trouble en- tirely. Pros' Stratford. tont., Wm. iiee w•filP": "Nothing 1 know of wl givea,irh quirk relief to .'rltmp4. en , or pain in the 9Mmnch, n' Net- t -Hine. If you feel equestnimh .or sick, juIt`ten dtnpe of Ners•iline in water and you're well nett minute." Think of the protection and comfort Con- tained in a;Mc. Indite of Nervlline and get it today. • 1 .h TIl l: hl(,,� A 1. .(1:4 i1:1111F RIUII ONTA It1(>! IN ARCTIC WILDS. Belleville Member el Northwest Mount- ed Police Tells Interesting Stdry of Wonders of the North Country. constable John Phillips of the North- West \IoUnted Police has teeently bm.l9 In Belleville. Out„ visiting hls parents. Sir, and Mrs. Norman Phillips. He has Just returned (null a two years' ex• peditIon to the aretle Ocean, whero the party visited Herschel Island and outer northern points. They unly,.;aaw OM. 9511110 resident during their aa.J,.uria lit the north -a Seutchu:aa nonmed Pirtle who tura been stationed at .'ort S1cl'herson for over 40 years as a Hud- son Buy agent. fort McPherson Is 100 miles south of the Aretie Owean' tint} the meet northerly dints"n jtay post. The agent, who Is :u:u'rl• 41 to an 1.:s4141l- 11%aux woman. has un Interesting f.un- Ily of 13 children, - Constable Phillipe says the Oevern- meut' sends In mall overland tr nn Dawson once a },,,r. one of their party received 3;9 letters in un,' mal'. Dogs Alone Used. That 4111)/ 11191(1111 of transportation In the far north Is by dogs. A horse Is unknown.' A go. k! dog Is 59011h '1130- 1`our dog. %%Iii drat- a maul and from three to four hundred pounds, :lomat any ilistaue.•. 'Traveling overland 1. hop except during the winter. lila party went In from 1?dnnton, a illslance'of _,u.,o 1.11164 front 1,111 point. Toe rou11?ry, h.• s:1ys. Is rich In .4,0a% c..I,prr. lead, gas, nib •1•t.•, (•.1110 .•1 h,4. n11m•ral5 are (194','•'•1 1111 the surfae.•, foal In ab.m41:u...ne- tL•.•1 aloes Ile 1..,61. ' .1. th,• 11 1.11„ , _: . Itivrr. ' • ref t • . n I , !..'c,. 4,.. ,t Ttnnlloe t •- , •r 1 ,.1, •\lark, u'...•Itil. r i n .I 11....I6a� ,•, - Ing skywards 1 , • at 11.1(1:. 1 the III l.,•: -:a1.1 is •.1 1,,.•11 burnhu; l'.•' / (91'' it Many t' .. - High and Low Temperature, The teinper:.tur•••dulim; the• wiser '.an as low as fl d.:pe.A, 1041.@' a••ro. '4d 111 tae 1.nuun•'t 1t w'e11 or 114111 as 11. At foe... h1•I 1'l.e1.1 the summer .ettpetat tire Is .49'•.1( ar.uln.l 0') de - ;revs ab 19'8 a• r :.lain. s ton- Inuausl:: for six 04.1 s at a .trete'', suceeeded by the some duration '.f wall-dJrl:ne+s•, during which time the sun I,i not >is•n a, :6611. 'I'h.• mri•n•s :u,, 1:"iainl:11'x. uud . . 9! ::re cal'„I .,!r by cameos ousel, . a,u ru••' e• ., r-. : o tt7��e' us gu,.11 len ,� .t. Jo'�4 - 66'9'. :,i1 C 11 (tad se Int. t' ., r, , , . I The D,tcr Bit. 1.. Cal - a fete .. .9 1 1 , „-1't 1111 the 111_:. 9 PollA, Lan(- Us L40t4s n': , I i.9 t'1 1. of a huge pl'k, t. 1 1'. , 1, ot Fay 1'8(U•e, Chan '••'I t.. ,1, ,..,, 1,i UndSU:161 slgtit a: a. 4 . I • ., i;, I. boat up uu '11166 1 ` 1.-1 „I,., an-IPnthUsla411.• 14.11• I I. i.1.I, •'\111.1111,4 119.' k r.ulgu ph,•tloweuon In 14119 11w/1)1er: The big eagle s•.5• -9p„1 0.159'11 un the lnIirfa,e of the w:ter anti 1111eed lir talons deeply 'in the pickerel, 514i.1, Implanted to .199 so heavy toast 1.. eagle could not 1.1.:1: It up. but, on 1 .1 other. Maud. 0104 drawn Willer the .�. fare 91(44 .1. owned. Th,•'t,iek.•r, i pi, . ably died of Its 911J Ur1•d. and the II- 11 and bird wets- (5:.411•'41 Gebel, u few days la',•r. The 1.I,•ker.'1 s,a• a Is•:u:- ciul .pe.iurue ur ane time. U':1,, uml Mr, list .cues v. gold h.n•e na'lghed Cluxe to 11(1.•etl1' 11111,1s. Tilt ks AI', November 15th, .1906 5 Useful Christmas Gifts Keep Your Feet Made by Deft fingers Had Crean] Next Day. Thos Is a story that Is being told anent the ree.•nt ' 11S('lo.ureat' re local u41k supply. says The Tor•nto 11'orld. Avery mild wra.v11:1 clergytn.in hal for some lime been alsple.hie.l 0:ill 111. quality of the Mek sei4',1 h1441leogtlr he �'letermined to 1. 1, sIth his milkman for sU4';'.(.1 , weak stun. He t, '•.111: "I'9'.• heel 0 .-. , I garl 1.1 the L I. "P. >Ir 1.11 . ❑u-0cr, d th. d ' 9 rely n . ' 1 . -s." .• .ntioU. d th. 199 , I r.. milk I -.r �. .,,'y, and u,•, sesempassell 111: wowan who dopk'14de upon her own skillful fingers to meet the ('hrlklines denuutds that way be Wilde upon her will du well to copy some: of the very uttruc- til'e c•uahluur here de -itchiest First thorn _je the porcupine plmcuethlml,. which Is easily Made and generally :Winfred. The vaudy'ktd 'einem Is worked in tate pret- ty colors of single ]tor - 1118 wool or lilosclle on a pleee of rather lino o:uty:l. live Inches lung b-9' w•von Inches wide. A little bag is made of ordinary cotton mate- rial like u bolster and sttufftd with bran. This 1s ruverrd with the worked canvas, the iglu" Ik'lug hidden by aewing over it a piece. of narrow riblwal nue nod a half yards lung. Ends are tied together to form a hiauging loop, us shown lu' 11- Inntrntun, Little bows -ofribbon are sewed at each end of the bol- ster to maks. a neat (r . 1■ Thlu sot The avernge magazine le a literary swill barrel, and the Halal 9rhu cvndnet4 It eujoye no ncqualutauce with real literature or he would not Weems hie position. To know literature would dest• roy hoe taste ter trash, and trash Is what he has to purvey in order to retain his constituency. - Chicago Chronicle • t• E ttmntmmmmnr►tmnrnrnlnmtnmmtmmmm it►rt our Offer for 1907. 1 v '.• :1(c pleases] 1.. lit• able to :alnenll.'.- Il I9•. `1 `` new :d of fie Iwvi.11 lle .11 s141..41 il. :es of 'roti•: X.% 1, by whish I11.•y i,r,'ive Two Papers for the Price of One. Every snhs.ribes. who pays *LuIin ndv:uu)' Kill !week e '1'111: MI(:NA1. Ilnrou's Il•st 11110 •Ifrighl,'•t local Paper and TIFMONTItFAL WEEKLY HERALD the crnnnope.litun week- ly Which him 111:011' (411.•11 great strides in popular favor within the lastfew years. All suu need to do to ..c(•nre the I w4 papers for t h.• 1 sol Ilya i.. t pay pr p(1)• 11) advance. To New Subscribers see- w' ill sen.] THE SI(4N.t1. for the hllnnce of nMai flee. of elm,ge N'e wan) Y111' as a reader of THE Sit:NAI, during the coining year. Send yeur.11l.i•riplion to Vanatter & Robertson, The Sie-nal, Goderich, Ont. P. S. Be sure to read THE SIGNAL'S new se -Bal "BE Ji' RLY OF GRAUSTARK.' It is a gcod one. lululuullbuuul�lli1u141iuu1u11uuuulluw►ululNlululu tnnr r' many I n I I e , 9 . use of such .9 . I h - I ill ahn.,•t . xtin••; through 11:,• t.l,.,.• of tnngtunlit I ,n. \1 r. I'hIUll•P ray`; the r•'.'lin I -.1.9' - late beyond 4.••,.:.:..: loll. two 1.1 a lo• • . %lona pyrle s.a ••' oat lay t1(• .hull .-1 Pnllre easing eel...* Ihroe,h flu• nee- nntnnP of their -.nrnun 11:1.'•• . ('nn4ta6L' 1'h:',I;•4 'Neal 1'1 "71:9'1 th„ Boer ranlpelen 1•i :'..nett .lei '•, and la a boy of whom all Hen ••..limns 1(r• proud. Newfoundland and Canada. Canndiana wit '. 4re to be pat11nt1, (and win der_ ry-1"1 can .111 no m'r•. patriot!, Ihing ' , .lays t',an 1" en'- t;vale +a knov 1 • of Newfoundland. The union of N•' foundlan.l and ,•an - n4:1 would b.• .+ .,41 thing for h •4 It. but ft must be a in;•.,, ba= -'I on matted under,tan.ling. 11 s'ana.11an•+ 59 1(U'') spend to .r.• of !1,'- i' holidays there they Would he 111s-1 <+',' ; hi 1419.-wrt: of reaching n goo.4 0o'ter.l.ln.liu.; on both Pld,.:, T161, Ir •• l9' 1-o•.11,1 no ttlth the gnr.tlon of 1:o; 9'5...1 9 „an11nI1111.:t- tlon. ('nnada Is I.; •el! ,,,I,t Newf0lytl- talltr4 ncarlst Ile ;rhb',r, old, lcllh g•••:1 11llway and si .1911=1:ip connr.•tlons. 0111 come Inde.' --'4 n.o', and tr. I, and In.reased .l ire f'r ..',r-- r 'ewfoun*Il end Is a, yet.a land -r ex- t etive Industrie'. and these al,.ng but few linea. The I s-111pmenl of menu - feet' Ing in the Alt:T.11On, Provinr',M. wall th s provide work for the flslu•r- men of Newfon„ Itaod In the-wlnier and twin_ ahon1 a el,ra.•r bond of un- ion than a •thine r • contd. In 111'4 eunn..tion e :"91. J•'l.Il ' 4N. afound - land) Herald n•:''.< of the piosp.''4' for the emnIng • i,,).•r In :1 way (9111,•4 shows how Imp. ':a:nit e'a aaJ.a mi..lit Apem 1(P to the ol'�ooluny, and w!I.It danger there Is of ' e treed w '1('k be - Ing nulitfled by the tluencr ..1 Ile. Eastern (tateq, It says 'eosins; t,1 th'e Pusp.•n4I,,n of some of ,• no: thein .nine, rind the Int•'ndPd peag•' of Rome of tho prin.'iIll saw -19 114 In the interior this fall, there 501 hundreds of men thrown e, f etn- Ttnmr 1(t Y s t h ,u h and thm Wormers g mine* will absinth a goodly number It IR dnuhtful If they will hI'P room for all whet are seeking work and the r t may have to migrate. to Sydney 0: the Eastern States for the winter, to pr,- cure lucrative occuratiln. it Is feared 4,114*.. OUR BANK FAILURES. List of Canadian Institutions That Have Gone ta the Wall. Sinee ('onfrd„ra1lon. there hall! nein no 1.•, than eighteen suspensions of chartered bank, In Canada, but only a few of them have berm at all 5y161,- 9pr'ad h' their .'nest., and !Wally all have p111d their depositors in full. 1.:4 - coot In the ea.:, of the St,rtanle•r thank, the 1(•.t.• -holder, wee.. paid in full. and the r,•or.1 of 111e p.•re••ntag,•r paid the ,l '''•it,r, 19 119 follows: 15)19-I'oim1,1.01al ]tank of Xew itrnlswlek. Depositors paid In full, - 1.;: --flank of Acadia, - 1.7_-31•tu.1,.ttart Itnnk of \hlntr.'a1. 1),'poeilorte pall In full. 1979--111••,hanb's' It:mk of Stuntreal. Th•pus!tor4 paid S; 1-9 per rent. 19;v (•ou oll.l.,1141 flank of S1nnt- r,;:al. 1'.-I.,.-19,,rs paid In full, 1971' Keit: or Liverpool, N. S. 1'5;9 SI:id.,..o, Hank of 'l,Juehee. 1)";. -'Iter+ paid In full, 1979.--l:xrh:leg'• 1Iink of ('anadn. Be. psnor•. pa 141 661-5 per rent. IS 79 \I:'rlthne blank, ftt, ,Bohn, N. 11, I)•p'•sltors (4:11.1 106-111 per emit. ass; IMel,,.4 Hank, N. K. Depositors 111,1 un full. Is'; -If London, London, tint, 1' -'.•••hots 'alit In full, 1999-I')d."sal 'tank. 1)'positers pal 1 in frill. 1499-Tlank of Prince Rdward 1 119--4'.'nlrner•ci.al (tank of \Innitol,,,. 1'• po.•It.r. paid In full. • 19)•, ILoom.. 4111 People. Tlepnr'II'n'9 pal 1 1-( i,e•r ren'., 19914 Itnnqu.• 1'iitr-', tnrlm, Thq'.'9jtor4 pa' pent, t0 dat.•. .. 19id0. i"-]taernkr4f Yarm .nth, '1n Ilgnl• dath n. 9'.r ) n •,ran Rank. in Ile nNinUon. I Imp„shoes In the ('entre? I(ank 1.(,t a fraction of a fury rent. amounting nb- tot.l to ',UT, (ea thous,n,l dollars, het .•von z1114 10966 might hoc.' been averted If le„ expensive litigation had '-1' lIr• reel. The Federal flank eln.ai lip Ila nm• coltnts with open doors, elthnn(h this %lin n 1(l R P n Only m d p a661Mr through the *mien of the other hanks, who took ever the :meets at a liberal reduetien. The pn9ttlon in whleh the Ontarin Bank finds Itself ba in many rmepe•'t' a similar one to that of the Federal Sank In 1SSS. IIANGINO PIN- heads protrudin •Dale l'ashloa. Very quaint .Bud ---undo, le the Dutch p1ucushiou, cupl.sl exactly from one used ha the laud of dikes :ld w•Indwillt, This pretty nrtiel, st:auls about els Inches high, although It may to made of any size. The (nine -work formed of right pieces of cardboard, coverts: with slid and neatly newel together lit licentiates shape. Another xeetiou ,pf silk covered cardboard 14 Rew',d at 111, bottom, 111111 the tare 11 111150 with bran or cotton batting tight- ly packed. A bran stuffed cushion la 11 , Dry and Warm I :\t this season of the year you should have something on your feet to l.e'p then] dry and warm. \% a hate a large assortment of good enable ' felt and - felt -lined Shoes and can supply the wants. • of everyone in these' hues at tho lowest- possible price - RUBBERS RUBBERS and OVERSHOES IllRubbers and (),..hoes vee aro 'irepare(1 to 'give's'ldti the best fitting and the best wearing goods that can be procured front the loading manufacturers. agents fat• -- - 1;;erlin, 1lerchants, anal . Canadian Rubbers. Repairing. Downing & MacVicar nubile Ping are stuck T H E. 1n ut ec•.'ry point ut the 1•audykes, the g ingot haulf uu ouch. FIRST SIGN OF A COLD 1 `4(191,1 I,•uui,, i 1.111 1b,91 Ile 14,1 1• • tit ('11)1)- 1111.11•e t.1biuc is a1 111.• beginning. LACK CH.CRR%' COUGH BALSAM WILL CURE YOUR COUGH. eel ler hake a l td.• 11t the euutln.•neenwitt. 't\'.• :,arante.• 11 :and ',fund the emetics 1,4 ally. n.• 444 Natirlli•.I, 25ce a Bottle. DUNLOP, THE DRUGGIST. BEDFORD I:LOCK, GODERiCH. XI 4 4 11 .8nl; 'I'll V. e., (.111 II1:. .1•--� • 11 'UTCU PINCUNHtUN. deftly fitted into the top, and the , whole la tlulshed down the lk•taur w•Itla flue curd. A Waistband. us 1t Iver.', 114 put around the ....liter of the enshiou. (11d f:!shiuu.•,1 blit.• nod white checkerboard silk is the 111194latest Ma- terial to ase, with the to' cllrh(uu of a hurulullziug blue velvet. 11 • Pretty New Opera Inti. T1lelre is u 11,55- Idea In au pera bug that I4_uot at ull difficult of uustrue- tluu, and, 1f there ore. any ha .home or dafuty bits of silt: ur rill u on band, it will fort next to not lug. The very hest fouudatiu)1 wunld ler be stiff covers und bark of en - ..1.1 hook Int reuuviug the leans. Both .sive and back on ,'119. nide sLould be 'Wall,', eim.r d with baud,. • r4hbu' or bro- cade. This is for the uul.id.'. Beside the to%.•re 9hmukl have ..11 pocket un each, wadi' full and shirred at the opening. Int., one ,g'N'(4 the 14atl'dk,r- chlef. Tb, tier eere4 as a vanity hag. ('brd r ribbon handles are LOW Mewed on, hen it 14 ready for the op- era glasses, or, rather, the bug for tlnu1. tilt a strip of c;H'dlk'ard the length and width of the glasses, thee Raw a p1e•e•uf silk all aronud it, form- ing a hug and tucking a heading at the top, rent 11rdraw strings and pull up to close. The hag le then set into the em% - en., the cardboard being firmly glued duwu to the back of the hook, whim(' the haves 111•1(•. Altogether It be the most eonvoulmnt ertiel, of its kind that has. been seen and 1s as dainty 114 powµlbl,, Safe rose pink and silver bro- mide or at pretty pier! of pompadour rihhien for the outside and a hit of 'oft, glOMsy silk for the pa•k,1M end hag ecs- talnly suggest a thing of Is•uuty, 1lanalaa Plnt'ashlna. A clever wouwn ban einitri'ed n pin• cushion from the effective brass ornn- menta, that often adorn cart horses' martingale' and are polished and kept bright with so, nlnrh• pride by the 1i'ORCUPINR PIN('VnllION. teamster. Thio ornament festoons ha n nail in the wall, and from It lhpendl a trio of small book gimped ln4hinnr, r•u h of a contrasting Odor, with rib- bons to match. 71as! seeks arm stud- ded rempx'.•tivety with black, white and colored plus. must Pf necessity be lasting in order to eucee.o.fully weather the storms of business life. The 1o1/1.aT (Try St -soiree & Swat oast:. C'Otl,F(;g Irains y.+ung melt and young' women t. 'take Minor 1x0%1114(119 which reenI1 ..lay IcaeI to po.i:ion4 of resk'.'itsiily and trust, T110 'foundation i9 secure. -Blur students go up, not down. We are unable 161 snig9ly the demand for our students. • \t'hy? Be- . cail.c IUi,ine%9 ellen recn4nile 1h..' superior training they r.•c.•IS e. Write for our business and 46,reh:uwl booklet ; i1' 1 face. S. -I I term: Septcmhcr till jnn , in, 1. W WESTERVELT Penal+1. T C 4. Bldg London. Resign from the Worry Cluh. Life i.:1 r(lsh, but we ran'I :all get • (here 1''r.'th1•r. 111 eonseipti 1(r.. wW worry 66.11 help ilk Iw•,ali.e III se. ars' 0.•;11, 5ilnlll) 1. Mn 1(t 1111 11171' 111.7.1'., 1(,a slcyinyc pPrwrr left. 1'111 '.1(t tan• wort•% plot. :7111 1.1,911 1(p• tart. Eerrozitte. help you. 11'...a merit .Ieen.rthettitig. nutritive 111111e. hihs the 1,11,1111 with 11'1/ti, .applies hlli1 lillg 11111 i t W11 9e1' worn -tint ar ens K.• r •t. ales the .ort of c'itelity 111ntnmkes 1.1111 want 1r1 do tieing-. NO mediritie • helpf,d for amen, es-gro 'n rale) 0111111 1•11 Who 111.1.11 strength end stay- I ing fPrw'er. Try Fen -ozone, :OS.. oxer, tats at all dealers. Wif The plan Who Cares about Ila p,'r.s nlal appearance finds it necessary to have his clothes matter to order. Any tailor can make cloth N. for you hut, , N. 14/1 give you si tart, styli:,h, well finished gar- rnetits that the others can't N'CI1 imitate. FRANK H. MARTIN. -I•IIE 'I'AIi.OR. tet'tt►tt►!hetet►tlltl►tltltttllnRttntt ttttttttttnrtttntlttlt►tt/l GOOD° CHEER Nothing just as good as those celebrated Good Cheer RANGES AND HEATERS 1 1 For baking;-, cooking, heating, looks and economy in fuel. Every stove warrant- ed a perfect worker. A full line of those splendid • -e - Pe nn Esther C Ranges alway , on hand. - - CaII aad see us. W. R. PIIvDER Colborne St. Nest Bank of Commerce Phone tee. 3 71111111111111/11111111111///1111uu11uu11111u111/U1u111u1111111/ul`