HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-11-15, Page 51.18 r12=AS.•8+>> �eiC .CM 7a~.. =-aS3_3_•t?a: :r.?! - _illy ,:T3 - _ as-'_Sa t.; -'� _ a � .v_ '=saw: a4a2-=- Ala-�-,`3T= ag7�'e��•+a. .-�7=i-*.. ,aTa3t_ z=35 sad -2=311•' '�_ ■■ata �" '_ 3< .E,,..-..- la 'sex < -- _1=4'2' .,,4,,,a77•r?R-9•7tAaa r.T,.1. -_.z^S? .1 i_ s! 4=4t 11.,2 a_ -wr. _7 i= -'a -�V-s :7 thy' 7. `y2 r ai z 3'j= = mi%S'_ f ---- -t`7?�3 "'1,-`17 1. �gtgr�� o i ^+ c- 4.7 ;074- 3 ';.gi "p -a-:,e.;8!'^_ .Nei :i1'F55 • _l 1-5 3'� " ^a 3 = a �- i a - a- _ 3 n s ? 8 s 0 7e ii2. � 1;;.S-4 y7i_e 1..,� •:7't A4•%s- .=siA=�s�x = di '3_�} ix===';=1 r_-? _= 9"_. a=�=9 '1a t _ aas_iat-s -5 -9_Ct7 S _3 -_?x = i� n 7=t --5.•:_..„'"5:7-74.:.-=.r-_ . j --t...?.--T'''.!,,'t�'L,•..V Tat __aa -5=7 -v. -y LI._ ii n - •s= x 0 a .-x Via-_- S 7 sty.: =� ,-,..,......:7---. -'=_ X - ::: is a a = -• a� •aa1 t1-7.3 n_7^ 3 _ - t SS : - - "Jr': es?: •='t;43.1 :i . _?e..iT .s -- �-. .tom== _�.. • z=r t"c< :TSP8 i r.14.31 MI 110.i un 3a i 14-,7--14>�-y-_ ... v" - -• _� ..x _ x _ •e 3 :74 i:_ rA �S-_ _ t- t-_ - wp_Fes- .3== t III.J 110i 1111 r M i • .. -,ro, wueli open. acts its i ventilator. It le supplied with weights so that It cull be opened and Closed at will by the attendant while standing on the floor of the alley. To have this arru.ngemeut of win- dows In the latitude abut'e cited. It Is necessary to` have e whi- do which throws e jun of I light into the pen ou the south side. live feet six inches from the Hour. The upper window, which brows light Into the pea on the north side. Is longer, but a point in this window the saw,• distance above the lower -end as the height of the win- dow E should be nine feet eight mesa from the Boor. This ueeessitates a that roof for the part of the buikIlug south of the alley, which must necessarily Ice made otssome material that will shed water at a slight pitch. elle well on the north side of the building is made as high as that on the south side, but ; 180. 7T.-o10trlfD PLAN OP Hoo Horse, the root on the north side and alley Is made steeper so as to hut-c'mure air space and good ventilation. , In .Fig. 2 Is submitted .the ground plan of the hug house. It 14'120 feet long by 30 fret wide and Is provided with an alley which runs leugthwise through the middle of the building and Is eight feet wide. This permits of driving through the buildiug with a wagon, which allows the feed and bed- ding to be hauled in where it is needed and Use manure to be loaded on the wagon directly front the pets -and hauled to the field. The pens are ten feet wide and eleven feet deep. Each pea has doorway leading to the outside ich is opened by a door sliding upward. There Is also aldose opening fo the alley the Laid*. Prominent Manufaeturer Speaks. in Vankleek Intl, Ont., no one is 'bet- ter known t(leo. n, S. Watson. When he says • ('atarrhozone is a real cum," depend upon its being so. "My wile." he writes, "was subject to had attacks of throat irritat' and bronchitis. Marey remedies were tried but few proved at all useful. Catarrhozone w a s different. It seemed to get right at the sore spots and brought w ght relic f quickly. Wr haver found C for bronchitis and catarrh. Nothing cures. more quickly so get it today two sines, max. and 81.0') l.ottles, at all dealers. ..,..eras IOU rn U.L how 11111 a purer du In e,'m.•the tt." of rlbbou to the top and bottom of the lack piece Ito tie thrungh the mid. I 1,a�'' prompt Iv in ails.: I, die of the bout; coyeredl, and you can edge all around with narrow silk cord If desired. • Pillow cover. The pillow cover in the Illustration has a design of nasturtiums In all their exquisite natural shading and so sl 1.1 IF only be, attempted by skilled fingers. The material Is deep cream heavy satin cloth, with a conventional border in I= F i I'ILLow 'aceta.. golden n Ir a rens n and greens. forming g a charming i u 1 K sr k r.. n, I for the spray of flowers, pale yellow shading to deep orange, and the lender greet' of the le:lves and steins. WHAT A GIRL LIKES. it lariat ecu. Hints Yee Tonna Idea we. may las P1ts,IM, A fan. A muff. • A good picture. s,'1 a A ha ndsuuu• telt. A pair of gloves, One of those lovely antique neck- laces. opera glasses, If elle Mosul any. Hatpins; she can't have toss niny, time of those long bar pins to ten her Neil. One of those curious Iittte oriental charms fur her:ch:rin. , A cluck fur her desk, or, maybe, the desk itself, if she It net one. A look rack. swksleff. or a book- case, nt'cordi to the extent of her houkistines. • A Ilttl dug of blue blood pedigree, or au ligur:t cat. If slip likes mutuals. handsome la:trasol; the sun will Inc next summer. A jewel hoz of any degree, from burnt wood lip to cut glass and gold. Books according to her taste, or Jew- els if she Is gay, or pretty dress frivol- Itdes if she must economize. To New Subscribers ae a ill sen.) TllI: SIGNAL for the hihtnte e 115.1 free of "hasp.. - We want 1•oI' as a reader of THE Sl(INAI. during the conning year. Send 3'.,nr .ul.aeription to Vanatter & Robertson, - The Si"nal, Goderich, Ont. P. S. Be sure to read THE SIGNALS new serial stor IE "BE 1ERLY of GRAUSTARK:" Itisageed one.• y, deftly_ hit l..i:, '': 1!,-. t.q• : , 1 the _ whole is tlol.lyd dim tine r., ••Sus still, Our .ot.l. A wai.stbawl, us it were, Is put around t1,.• niter of the cttshiuu. Slit f:ashiumst•I lar,• and white dos kerluard sillis the gfalutest ma- terial to use, with the tap cushion of a barmuuiziug blue velvet. Ptelty New Opera nag. There is a Sew ilea At tin opera hag that Is net at all ditticult of'eonstrue• Ilion, null, if there are-auy handsome .or dainty bits of silk-, or ribbon on baud. It will coot next to nothing. The very best foul/dation would be the ! stiff rovers and kick of au old l.uuk- i Just remu''fug the leTees:.huts covers ■ud Lack un one sides should Ice heady convened with handsome ribbon or bro- cade. This is fur` the uuteiide. Inside the covers should ' ince a Macke[- on each. made full and shirred at the o►euiug. lute one goo's the handker- chief. The other serves as a vaulty bag. ford or ribbon handles are non - 4. I aewevl oh, when It Is ready for the op • era glasses, or, rather, the hag for ilIF 1 tli.•u,. teat a strip of cardboard the doathen The Clan Who Cares. new a, Aleve of ,:ilk all around !t, form I II e i about his personal appearance finds it nectsa v e' fly w •retic t6a.. a is t ,. n ... I t i fieri. T e,tv t t]ts:a & \Ib. a l it Aso l ..LLEe.L_ trauas ye -ung men and young women to take mints positions a -bac a eventually Iced to positions of responsibility and trust. The foundation is secure. Our students go up, not down. We are unable to supply the demand for our students. Why? Be- cause business men recognize the superior training they receia e. Write for our business and shorthand booklet ; it',, free. School term: September till June, in,:u..se. Forest City Business College 1 W WESTEP.vELT YMCA. Bldg., terra �• London. • . �wt\s• (MU S1ORTMAND •igt17 and width of theglasses. �N�N swsM wsNk �� NIN,� lair a Lig tw ! making a heading at th top, ru I . u I draw I rota• X trio •s t, m. al pull upi tfldl n - :u, on m r , a m an La ar 3 t, 1 r - .n a. il: Inn 11 I u !n - urs a Jt r. These Indians s alit coin : through the r.evagrs c"asun,r•1, Mr. 1'hil:itsn s.'-::1,,• r.•:-1 .n I -a ,1, late b'-v.un1 .i..rr -.-loin. to" ,..f : t-ious party sea- ,out by th.• Police going era-.• l not i. ny of their sarroun�li r n Let.,• haat„ •s. t tet 'u. h,th 8.i.r �mJne'•t;n in ': • ,tit .tf:'i ,• mot a h .y of whom • Ile!! •t !Minns ar proud. . I" of ,77 -16-UR BANK FAILURES. St Of Canadian Institutions That Have 'Gores to the Wall. Since (`•.,f••dret:Len there hat•etiecit no' I."s than ergbben Xuslw•nsl„ns ut the :n•.- Mia! -t, -r, -,l batiks iii i':,na,la. but only a fete of them hair been at all wi. - ui •• spread In chide .•u:+t•t., and renes' all Is , have paid their .lepO»Iters in full. Rx- .rept In the ease Of the Met•hanIss Itartk, the moa.•=holders weer,• paid in New undland and Canada, ('an, an' ah.i d's!re to be pattlotic (an nit., ,lois, 11-.1 .•1 call /14I 1141 MMA', ria thing ti'.,e •lay -s than t•'cu'- ,vate a kaonI'6•.• of xewr.uml!:tn,l. The union of X,•r.foundlatot and i ad:a avid) b•• a �.•oJ thing for Win. - but it mast bon un;•,n to -. Lon mutual l ander landing.• If a .uta Ilan•: ...11!,1 Hh'nd more of th•dr h.dadays th:.n• they I would Le as -i 011.1 in the work of rea.htng a good umLaajn•ti'ig on bout ':;Ides. This Is ,•; s,•Iv b•,Und up with the question ..f I;npa'..ve.l. ..•nununlea- lion. t'attad:t is b al! o,l,ta Newfuuml- land's 'mares( in l,-ltbor. and, with go •+1 :ailw'ay nod st--a:nship cotlneetions. will tome increased travel and trade and Increased ,le-ir,• for .lrs.•r union. Newfoundland 1.s as yet a land ••f ex- tractive industries, ;tad the, • atone but few lino.. The development of 11,..tu- t.teturing In the Maritime pr..cinc.-s will thus provide- work for the Msher- a••n of Newfoundland In the winter nal brine ahnut 'a closer il,nd of un - than ant -Poing eke could. In this armee on The Si. John's I Xewi..mtd- landl Herald speaks of the prosi.ects for the t lag %' iat.•r In a stay which shows how Innen t ant Canada. might become to the old colony ascii what !anger there is of the good stark nuliid-d by -the influence ,f the stern States. It says: •biting to the sp••n,lon of Some ut the north,-rn nes and Jhe Intendwl'stopp,age of Inc of the .principal saw -mills in the etor this falt, there will be soane hundreds .. of men thrown n out ofem- ployment. In - lo P mvnt Y and lb „ a mines will absorb a ghodlyenumberrit is doubtful if they will have room for n all who are seeking work and the rest may have to migrate to Sydney nI the Eastern States for the winter, to pt'.- a cure lgeratia'e occupatian. It is feared a 1, Ever Have Cramps? I Kind of Herm to I,,. tied up in n knot at midnight with cramps, Keep Nerviline handy. 'leen drops quiet a cramps instantly. I'svl occasionally. ung Nerviline prevents this ttoublie en- su tires-. From Strti,tford. out., Wu1. mi Dee writes: "Nothing I know of� ttu wilegive such quiet relief to cram • int colic, or pain it, the stomach, us Net- t•' nim e. Ifyou feel fust ten dict ole ater and you're well next enlinute."n Think of the protection and enulfort con- tained in a 22c. bottle of Nerviline and get it today. C rr o sC op lam Ch et. C4 0 Iv O C et fit ull. and the record or the pere.•ntag paid the depositors I•, as folhew's: Is64--,'uutnterri:d Bank of Ne itrunsttirk. lh'lu,sit•.rs paid in full, te:_ -Hank of Acadia. Is:-' -\lett„pelican Sank of Ifontreal. It,•p„<it..rs paid in full. l‘7:0 "Iw•hani,-o Bank of- Montreal.' II•I e.it,.rs paid .:; 1-2 per cent. 14:y-.'ul.,ulbl+d,•d Hank ''f Munt- r, al. Deposi:'ors paid In full. 11:8 --stank of Liverpo,d. N: ft. • 14:8 Stadae•,tt t !tank of ' aluebec. Depositors paid in full. Is;ii--F:xeh+u.g.• Hank of ('anada, n•• positors Ir, 1,1 661-2 per ,. -vent. 1s:i-.Maritime Hank. St, John. N, B, U.pslton, paid- lab -la . r cent, Isco-pletuu Bank, N. s. Depositors pai,! in full,, lsst-Bunk ,•f London. L;nndnn, (int, n,. 1 hors palA In roti. )sss-I',sl•ral !tank. Depositors pa/•1 In full. - Isss-Bank of Prtnee F:,Iw'ard !eland rIs"t--r'omrnerr•lal Bank of Manitoba ilsposltors paid In full. Isit'-11.,uque do People. Jt,cpo•dlor. •nal :.: 1-4 per cent. • C141•1/.. rt'.• bag is then set into the co era, the cardboard Irving firmly glued down to the back of the Ir.k. where the leaves were. Altogether it is the most ,onveufent article of its kind that Las Iseu seen and Is as dainty as possible. Soft ranee pink and silver bro- cade or a pretty piece of pompadour ribbon (or the outside and a bit of soft, glossy silk for the Inmkets and bag cer- tainly suggest a thing of t.eattly. Haaglag PI.c..Moa, A clever woman has contrived a pin- cushion front the effective brass orna- ,•s' meats that often adorn cart horses' I martingales and are polished and kept w bright with so mach pride by the ry t have to It his clothes le th - cs made to order. r. Any tailor make clothes for %"ou--but, r can Isv8-_Itanitue Ville Marie. Depositors pad Li per vent, to dt,•. .0,1 -Bunk o[ .S';tntn•uth. In llqul- da t iwn, • arlo Rank. in liquidation. 1i'•p^sitors in thy Io.ntial Hank lost a fraction of a per vent. amounting aL- bold to some few thous., n, I dollars but It•.•n this loss naught have h..•n averted If less expensive litigation had ....cur - rad. The Fi• ,• dr: d Hawk t1k clo XP. 1 u its P acs cu un is a its open n d w. r, although this was only made possible through the aclbin of the other franks, who took ver the assets at a liberal reduction. The n In rin Bank finds nitself Iss Inc many h the eapu't% similar one to that of the poets !lank in 1881 E ederal • es- 'a•' Good Cheer PORCUPINE rlNcrswus. _ e r • WE 'even imitate. give you smart, stylish, well finished gar- ments, that the others can't - - even imitate. II FRANK H. MARTIN. II i OR. THE TAILOR. m ►tlttfttttTttrt!t4“ 1►fr!mtmttn►ftmetttn► [GOOD CHEER Nothing just as good as those celebrated -004 teamster. This uruLntiaat faslcns to a Sail in the wall, and from !t de1X•nds RANGES AND HEATERS a trio of small sack shaped cushions, each of a eoutrasting , lar, with ruin. �.. Isms to match, These initis are stud- ! For baking, cooking, heating, looks and dish ri•slpins. ely with black, white and economy in fuel. Every stove warrant- Celored pins.• - ed a perfect worker . A full line Resien from the Worry Club. of t hose splendid • Life i- rusk lint use ...MI' all get worry can't ht•lp it how:nisi* helves are sillalitv is burnt tip alio Let, Ferroa.me help Non. IC,: a most :Zs - :strengthening. nutritive limb.. rills F._ 1.4 11141141 With 4'1111. suppiies building I MY. t 11.• silet. of vitality that snakes ...._ yoll W: at to ill) thing,. Nu suedieine Inure helpful foe men. us .ti (.11. 1 111) W1/11 tired strength aunt stay- . bult,ttt till dealers. AND Radiant Home Heaters „i noijj Sdd1N„ cn a2IO.LS AS118 DM SJAWIN' Penn Esther Ranges _.... W. R. PINDER 1 _. Colborne St. Near Bank of Commerce • Phone 155 -.• 4441iiiiiiiiii4Usiiioi 64444 “444444“ 0414411 Call alcl see us. -41111 • elt :14 g11gJ loyu, III to P .57 (0 SLINOVf oc Art eg Ivo 44111 IX tasont ziusat 3 III en .01410