HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-11-15, Page 22 TettRIDAY, November Itfth 190G
awuklep'H, aNT.vuu,
Pt•Dt.IMti'EI) E: 'E Hl•• THURSDAY
1v AN .%TTF.N C IGpHM:1tT�1N
, C
Telephone loll No. XI.
•T.rms of Subscription
$1.11. per no,ou.1 in aav nor,•,
six moat h-, .-111• ; Ila,' h',, � r.
liuths•rther. %tel fail to ',welt 1 TIIK SIGNAL.
regularly by (nail %ill confer a flour b, 1*4.
1/110.11113111g Of the fact al 4'n early 41 dale 114
Whets a Change of addr1•4. 1• desired: Iiah the
Old and the new whites, 111• g4\ 4'u.
advertising Rat..:
twear1111d oilier .i,nl Ltr 1,1114114111?., •, 41N•
per 11,w for flew itou•rtion sod 14• per tine fur
each .ahw.plrm tuw•Mio. %le,a-111„1 by a
- 0ttenh•il settle. t %e11,• Iinl•, to 311 113111,
Ha.h1.•w. rants of .tat lbw. ,nal 1111,1(1, 11.1 per
Advertisement. of Los:. ►•o•Ind. strayed. Kil-
natiol.'ac4teil, '.it mw ion. \\'aut.,l, Huuw•. for
Nae or to 44.4111, 1.ttln- for %.11,• lir Ili hent.
Sri tele.. for S141r. err_ nal r'„+'llalg eight
lie,•.. Y".• e,0'4 in..•tioo :11 for lir.! 1114111111, 'ik•
fur w%•h .n1.sl.e-e11t 11,01111. larger ledtun i.1•-
1111.1.1'. 11, proportion.
A l ltlo,lleemell- III ordinary relining I)'I•u ?rt.
tent. per line. NO 1101 by M+. 111,11, 3:••.
Any •prim nun hr the 1,l it ,'. of .131,11is the
pecuniary Mau'al ni ,1,,y indivldna or a.ws•i
at l.ti. to hr .'onsldrrel ell advertisement told
to he eh.uged n1.1•11nti11gl v.
Rates for di.pla)' 0101 elmlrset ado -yoke
oleins will he given on appliavn'
Address all 4'011010011ml Imo4 10
v.'NArTEft & In"EI:Tse)N;
'1111. 51„N.41.
1 nit.
011niatIo H, THURSDAY, NI IV. 1:4 It. our.
Watch Goole' kit 141
It was pretty near') ottani 1111111..
1it111erjch 41':1111ts 111 see the 1, hrrn. Ko
The canning factory 111111 the ear:
•riagr factor)' I11Y1)osit11/11. Mon• next.
An optimist j' oar who call ser May
flnw.'r, at Ib.. other end of this 44'in-
trr, • __ — .-T
A dearth of l8111id:jtls for the
18t1y in this I'ro,ine' is reported.
And just whim sundry thjng'. Mai-
eate thnl w,' aro mote than es et' in
need of pr•Itrhrr..
The school hook .1111•stion i• being
investigated al 'Naito -Ito. 'rt. set 11.• I he
('141111111of rival ) li bIis l, how. would
it411rot. the riotl•rInent It. lake the
printing and pill lishiii) of .141..1
lo1k44 int.. its u* 11 hands ?
The 1\i1l•aldi ole• 141•%ire' points mil
that loth candidates in the welt
bye -election in Nor111111.• declativl
against the illeelw•d inde 111
m en11N•r+ of ISufi, mt. I1. 4:I'
therefor*' 1101 All issabr in 1he1•,11114st.
11 wo111.1 IN plait \ 1111.4 (.1 rl111Villre
any • 1t hu k s w hat 1,4141 been
going on in %fest 114111.11 dining the
last few reeks that the election ill -
Vest ig,tion al 1411101111 i'. b eillg 1'3r7'11.1!
all fol Ile punkt... of "put if. iig''
The ramp:tign cigar i. making an
40.:1 rl' *44(e1)4141nv at (1,,. 4 'it)• 11:111.
rut11nhl Star.
Tor11nt,. is slow'. The •raup4ign
cigar w':1.4' i11 el Me•111,' i11 (iliac,' ie)1
n1.ltttIts ago. 'rine boys 'are wonder
ing when the text distribution is t1
hake pl.....
It is said tole 111,' intention .4 the
(rntnii.. Government 11 introduce at
the next srs41jln of the Legislature a
flea'.ntl' 411.te1'. the PIovinre will
derive ll' ve%enue front mines. Such a,
pietism.. has leen 1111V111111 141 ), set-
e%erll Liberal pipet,. Th.. Sig.
ha11. 'rhe Mineral wealth of the I'leiv
ince belongs 10. 111111 should IN sparse)
ly the people.
The most obvious 44114141111age• 4.1 the
r 'ssion method of managing the
water and light depart eat+. f+ the
fort that i1 it ill reduce 1.y a very
great •'*I.'nt the work of the tli,,1l
(' •il. The 4. • and 11114111• in,'.}%e4
in 1110.11111i.4s of 14 ,lwmeillor keep some
. Melt of the• tight kind tit of the ronin•
cit, and with the prol11..e1 reduction
of the eoo tea's r•sponsjbilitie. 1111.41
mel will feel more fee,• to lake 9 pal t
in n.pnieipal 4411411•rpp11114
The 11Si1,'.l states lonahate had a
hail fright as a result of Inst week's
,'lee'11 ,
t1 n In New fork Slate tbrir
on was to Brush Ile,n'44t. Hearst was
tented, but the vote 111 his • fa ver
sh, vd the exi'l.•nvy of 41 very .t "tog
and( 14.11) 11.sl opgosit lot t11 the 1111.10
and 4'o menti in'., which have coli,.. 111
the condo/Mtn that it is high time
for them . Je mending their ways
and 444 11111i:. 1111e effort 111 conciliate'
the people. ne r''nit is a K1111.11I
immense• in IL wages 441 their en-.
\ c111.• was takr•1 in, IWIi'njl last
fleck (tl 1 be linen) eking, 1:111111144:484411'
street. 4':1• f,4u,hj4e a Ilie De-
troit 1'nite.I Railway. The \ oh'
was Mot*. 1111111 Inco fo 114 against
Ih4• granting af
1 flmrl
n n
this '.4.444of 1he fart this the
railway laid ,1giee11 10 give I... 0.r
fares x1)11 11.114 Idle/111y '.1.11111
Ij,'kets 111 the rhe4pn•r rate.. The
(Iliel elms,' of the reject ion old he pill.
)11111111 wan the r.4fvieion of 1)e people
that the street railway should1ll 1N
owned by the city. 11 was Iher
distinct vi1•tory for the principle of
piddle ownership of )iolrlic 11(11111,'..
In an address to the Empire ('rub of
Toronto. Her. rattler llinehan advo-
cated the reform of floe system of ap-
pAintrnents to Ili,• civil aervire.
Surely, h.• slid, in a country 9liyd
with opportunities fon young men
there was no need for a mad *crumble
for every petty of11i'e. 11e believed
that party influence should cense to lie
the means of eecwring appointment to
the civil nervier, hat that appoint•
t,ipnta should he made on merit alone.
In his opinion politico in Canada was
too much the affair of the office -bolder
and the offla:,.seeker•, and the will of
the People was SOWethuea dented ex -
Iplcasion by "the official phalanx of the
pearly in )stove:'' Father Mi110.11,u1
i k,i1111a1 out that the system $4( lip -
is lint lneut 1111 merit was adt.ple)
many )eat'M ago in connection With
the civil service of (heat Britain.
‘Vit o tl t Mather Mla n 'N
44ie•ws ane Ott. proper ones, but neither
part y in t'a111111a appears to have the
courage to pal into practice the idea
of as thoroughly -partisan 1..)•ste•111
/11/1/04111 Men! 4.' 11111/li1' 1111110..
Ad,hx•ssiug tt toweling of lousiness
men at ('hil•ug4 the other day, J, •*4
J. HiU, the railway magnate, spoke
very stpongl)• on Ihr sulijtct of brad/•
l elut j1111s let %%yeti Canada 1114(1 the
1'11itea Slates. Hr told his hearers of
Ihr rulcaulr,-ulrn( w'11irh Canada hu”
been Making. and of the -importance
to the business men of the United
Stales of cultivating a .1411 i1 1,l friend-
ship bet aryell the (41410 a tries. 11e
10.1'1'4.41 that the mllIuMrhu•ing in•
trrr,ls uf. neither country meed be
afraid of ft•eer inteeunrne, any mute
than 0114' State (in lftr ('nion 4111,1111(1
wish protection ng:Bast 411e other
11341 e.. Ito unserved that ('.111141+1 was
hr.... .ing less and less inclined to souk
with t,t11• upon Ie.•Ipl'1s•ily with Ihr
('1111rd stale,. The ta1•i1f legislation
(of 11.' [hired States was resented in
t:11:nIa. and the disposition in this
ro111111, *'a'. 144 seek other channels of
1.1milla •I'4' rather than lis attempt. to
11011(- With a 4•l111try who.,' 4'011110.'•
lila attitude 1V:4. s1,111111,•1111(4' 2444 was
that u( the United .;I:1,.-•. Mr. Hill
helie%•el 1het 44 was jai the United
Slates at large body of public .4811 .11
in ftur of better i• •reja1 rrliltions
with 41'aliada : wh)i t, sea. 111441111 was
"iplrllig,•nt leadership. at strong
renter or ngilal• , .1 ellllll tV
powerful enough 40 111.1 Ise itself head
and felt." ,, - -
Lel air hal line my 444.• Irmo 1,•.41 to 11•..1,
wilt, forward fare anti 1111r,1ur1• 141?
\ /l hurrying 10. our to nine fa%Ne.yhe Inkd:
NO1 1110111111W for the' Mow- that disappear
tri 1114.4100 part. nor holding bark hi hsit-
From oh,.? the (itt,,'.,, ,&l :1,,,! Nit I,at, hole
And 11.4,1) heart, that lis)- kr lull
Tu )0104. aka age, 1111.1 1111111. 011 with Cheer.
5.114'1 110. 1e 4140 141444.1 1111
t M• 11111 a4' .Ino n,
' a err In,1g11 lir moo.' h. 11.• 1„111 ney *ill he 4.q•,
sn11..•eking %Ilan I rl•1141a Nhen brut n 1440 .
New frieltl.hip. high mitrnr.ah•, 01111 it ..1110 11.
4ly liearl will keep the i'ourage of 1114' .et.' -1,
And look. 1 be road'. 1,44 tort. a ill be lie 1,4•.?.
. —11.-1.11 \'.w DO►r.
\'il•tori,l. 11. *'„ ('oloni-t:
Theo. jn about as numb need for n
lhjrd part in Canadian plait Ws.
either I.,i';1,l of l'lderal, as there is flip
as horse to lane an education in
I lela.1•w.
Calling Down the Judge.
kee'.41d,ae 1:,•4441*. '
Some of the jurors at the assizes in
1\',1lketton were hate in attending *he
Court Joel .nudge Hidden 11.n•ked them
feces and mileage :41111 added that they
moi1(ht. be hank fill That they were not
indicted. ,lodge 'Riddell ought to
h:n',' leen Illui'r lenient in his judg-
ment. '19ir duty of exercising' Ili••
hnnchjs• is quit.. its ih ltrIrt111 as the
dot) et obeying as summons.
Hensall's Police Force.
11„,,„11 1b -4'n ,•r.
Two 1'1.6 1141 INllirrm.',l of lilslerich
have retained t heir O%1Tr'oas and re-
,`olyels•, •h to the eli41glret of the
e 11, who are making frantic ef-
forts to get them bark. Hrusall
.hesn't provide ant- )N•rpli.ife4 for r.•-
liring chiefs to 11eez.• on to. Herr is
0 matter- that may wt.!' engage the
,Utention of our 411 c fllhe•rs. .A new
.W0.111/31, 11.41111 :111,1 hilt. WOIr141 11.1111 an
air of majesty and dignity lis the
pr•se•t inrmmfell of 4hnl 111,'raliv,'
it".j 1i40,
Don't Leave School Too Soon.
y\ il.rltlr4 Trieslael-
Ilow often 111 the Int)•+ 1.1.11141 Off
f4' comfortable farm homes to a
hhsj111•.. College without h,arh•g • tirl-
ishesl Ihr pontic silo i411 studies. The
value of a thorough politic school ern•
ration el 4,4 1e overestimated.
After finishing pnbljc school the *pies•
t ion of rust C MI fill r11rls11el•a* io11.
'.'ills the f Is a1 disposal. 1h,•rgreat -
good for Opt 1114,V reasonably cost
i. Wanted. If Ihr intention is shat
calming will be the boy'..u,'npetiap,
a term at high ..hoot or college, fol-
lowed I.y n rnnt'se 111 3411 ngrieultoral
college, i• the ideal ,ne1Iosl'of fitting
o • '+ o
hila t 1 his work. Ifs other te• ,
I'1 11 V
1q .1'1 11 n 1 Ilse the course must
be selected 411 soilIli every case a
strong (mutilation in 0 1111.1(1 SC1111111 is
Our Trade Relations.
Ja•afnrl4, KX1sl.i1u,.
1fere I. something nut• the people of
t'.ul.Id,., and r disci 111)• the fariner,,.4o
think o'er. During the right cls
ending with Aligns!. according to
:lnerilmtfretnrn., 1' Les exports 11.
the United Slate. were 111tt,141i1,IM1(1
greater than II&\ were for the sante
Ieri111l in 111U. Out imports f the
lepnhlo' for eight months were $21.-
IMI1,1441,j(1 excess 111 !he 1 w'a years be-
fore. Ih•.pte, the IU1111N•ring effect
of a double holes of tariff 4alls, trail..
with •neatest unlike! 41,111' •s In
expand. N'ilh the obs(roletions re -
1 r.' ). . would 4'l
n 14 w1 v an ion 41 III • with h a
1 1
i)I44h. Now is i1 not the height o1' jrl•
wavily for Ilse pet ltle of Yamada to pay
1,f('' million. of .111,1. 1441. ns
thet are now doing, in subsidizing
s1.•vnslup. 14(141 paying agents 111 ate
•Hort to hnild up 11111,• with Fr:1n4e,
out It Af'ira, Aos(lvllim, 311)1411, Ah11
4. d.. 101 kn11w how many other
)•ann.l i1., and with very indifle•rmt
t'.'.Idl and all the same time d0 all wecan to limper and binder the trade
bonren'um•wlves and our nearest
ne•ighlsits, - which is ala1111ntely being
force) Upo(1 AIN?
Peel and Simcoe Counties Have Joined
the Movement Why Not Huron 1
A Toronto paper ma % s : Th.' Govern-
ment has nlg1'o,'.•d of feel ronnt4'
rono0.4111 plan for the improvement of
one hundred miles of road in the
r•(1nnty. Thr tubal cost will be 10110,4
OM, of which under the good roads
net the Goverment will ront'ihnlg frtgnently follows the UNe of cheap at Ilaleriche reprPw•nting the M,tt-
$50,IMM). The enmity of Sinlrre also ern salve. rind plasters. Thr safest land River Power Co.. had an in•
has adopted a gas! roads scheme and 1s the lest and that's "Put 1401104-, formal interview with the rao•n16eu'.
has already improved the Hnrontario which has a record of fifty years' ant- of the town council and 4eveonl of
road, which is one of the oldest mads /'eat. Redone srhat.it,tes for "Put. the business ale' of th,• town in
in Ontario. fart of Pkel rounty'd nam'(", which COCAS ln:. in every drug the 1'oamci) r oar on Friday PVIIl-
plan conlprieen the Nolthly'n end of store. ing het The object ,of the gentle-
A N't ter in 'rhe '1'urunni News disc received id their prosperity i11 the
ruse he curly emigration h the new bald, their relatives and neigh
r ties of Huron and Heine to 1111• bora w'uulil follow•. Thele is no rt-
N'estes11 States and 10 Manitulla 111141 Migration Wlrut like the prN,pevous
urkrN Nil r remarks lcfel
c4' settler, so It happened that there
111..1e0 that suggest continent, lir was a large colony foam those counties
says : i1, Manitoba before the Iu•st Ilf 01111111.1
Everybody knows ‚.41141111)11111)ie .of h,ul fairly awakened to 4ht. 1,14'1 that
v014,11+404 wen( out tram, the counties there N'414..114.11 la 4.11(1','. H' that is lint.
of Huron and Name, )'et with the ex- the true explanation Ilieu somebody
cept ion nl 11111o11, S(h111 1131%111/1, 14110 k1414''. ran give it.''
there i+rolNil'1y no evidence ot'this \Yi• would 41r11tme to say that the
011 the 1\'•,.1,'4'n naap. 'rile settlers 4'ril,•r .1 this )Nn'.lgraph w4J1111)
were not toil •d of their native .quickly )\jthdtaw nus tint sugg4.li1.11
r lies, leeauda• in 411r rally days i1 if h,' sl Id visit this d1.14141. wblrh
Wall ellwlulllat'\' 111 .ay th1,1tpl':a.ylu•)411)' well-ihf(rar4d n11..e('ve•r. ph." :aa011g
every lhntario ivat i1 .l ,t,iloba 4'1 • the very fittest portion, of Ilnll,1 io,
f our 1' 0 .n Use lith,',. 11,1 11111011 .1. 1111 agrillllhna1 county i.
'II wits this the ,-a.4' Ilial it was ,4,,,(1d ill Wealth only 1,1 1lilldlr..01 of
the jocUlat•expression 111.11 1.111 should ,111 the counties in I1I•• P o%jmre of
Ik11 ask It 1111111 `11'1t,•rr .Int yon risme 1 /111:0'10, 1411.1 is abundantly 11614' to
11 111 :'
bol .‘VI .1 4.11 .1,41 ,',1wI• sIl t t I I .1,1/!'011
frt t. Huron or Ilan-,• i 1Jnr .1.1)'
the Writer address/it this g41esliup a.
1L jIl /• 10 Hun. ii iii lir•*Il*'Ia)-,
then 'rrmil•r of Ili. Ih•ot•iu4,•. 4lheh
to Ili surprise NIL•. tireen4'a)' took it
serious v 1,1111 ,11.1errd 'From IIur-
1111.' I 1*4sibl)' those who know the
lw44 ram ies well w ill be able to show'
that the r'1111e. of tan'hs, vi1111:I•v and
Ilaw11.1141, hare 1wrt1 1•r44•.4411i,'ed i1
Ihr ,',.111)14• s1, Laa•gel•' 'n111111411 ell b)'
Huron and 1 Luce Luca."
I'e•rho)s s1, 1• of the readers i,f '1'114.
Signal in the 11'4'.t Will be able to
throw N11111e igllt 111 the` Ilattet.
However. 'it *•1 114 out 1N :a all rr-
11arkihlr 11 few tames h•
and lienee were 111111 111111141 4111171111.
\\•,'succi country. A great many
plane names in 111 se 4' tie". 11344,'
1111 Ohl 4'ounty. trig 4, and naturally
there would not la. 4141 same desire to
re•pr.sloter them as 1 tl •y were a•
eXCInsiv,'I' identified w't(► the home
,• fes. •
'1114. News writer goes 1 to- swot -
late upon the a ulsr. tl' t , large enli•
goat ion front 1111run and 11r Ice :
•'\\'h • wee the rawly tiers of
Jflnilul'I drawn so largely •tin the
counties of Huron and 1irue'? Are
they male. 1,.•ky and less f -,'ti • than
other l►mtari1 rummies, and d11 the
people g, because population 114.1
the grieWtIt of wealth. just as S4'1 ch -
men haYhbeen 4i,.plliu•ly supposed to
be shovt-,I 0110 limn their barren la 4
t.rrun 111, I the *'null ? There may 1
',unwilling in that. but 11Lr writer,
never haying seen either rotllt4', can-
not say. llul, looking itt Ibe. Imap,
and remembering the process of art.
!ling the Western t Mira Stales, nor
is inclined 111 believe that prim, luily
and ,•las,' of travel had much to .111
Mil 11 it. Slealil41. 1911 from loth
I..*ke 11,11'111 Auld (ien•gnall. Bay ports
for t111111h lung benne lh.•('anaelia'
Pacific Hallway Was bhilt. N'aler
travel is vitriol) Ila l the tendency
Would le fat• adventurous spirits to
g1, a4. to have a look at the mew
•Untry. S4one Or (he'll wmlld be
sorted 1,l its a d%a111nges. and after the
Hest`,'.1re started, and Ie)ot.ts wet..
this roam!, atilt wlel that is com-
pleted it will give .1 line•, macadam
load 4 ' g from Lake l)ntatit. to
Lade Huron, about one I Jeal mile..
So far nr.'11)' 2,1041 miles of illprovel
minis 11:,tr INrn ca•tiel out ler' the
good roads act, which was OOP Of 1111•
I.ilwral Administration's nwasmr.•s,
'chi.. suggests the question : Why
does. not HUrun county take ni4•.ih•
tag,' of the 1411 and inamgurate u
Nuttily road impru%enent ,rhrnte ?
Filling Government Offices.
1 111110n New V.,
A short time ago the 11. hit nr4' (io4•-
erh(1Ilnt asked a 1►ivisi,111 . I.•rk, tat a
thousand miles front 4 'lihl on, to ten-
der his resignation. lir had filled the
enure Mit htnlly ,old efliei,'ntl• for
years : the'e Were no charges against
Iiiin : et•er)• hlxl)• Iliad absolute r•On-
tlde•hre in his integrity, but hr 4'x4.. as
Liberal. 111111 scone• than Ire snnl11atrj-
l• disnli+sol he resigned. Ili+ lint re
Was pairienlat'I4 sensitise : lie frit his
removal 0s la Ietle4ion o(1 lis honor.
and it indnred an illness %Ode11 i• said
to Amy.. Irl 10 hi. death. Ili. friend+
say he dies) of a broken heart. In the
meant' .•, 111 llll•le'.x111• ens lapt11 lj nits!.
but when he found the emoluments
were too .mall to just ay k,•,'ping the
ofHre o(N•n, he resigned. 'Then it le-
e/111wdilll,ull to ger anyone to take it.
It is not ilften11 go44er •nt 41fllreglws
logging, lint in this raw• it did. At
last a man was found willing to take
it, on th.• aa.ot•aulre that ..o1111e lit hrr
111rsi1ion 4011111 ars, Ile given him so
that the combined s larie+ would give
hila a living jar Hut isn't it a
pretty '.nada piece of 1,11sin011s when a
4l,4•,•rnmrnt has to resort. to this sort
of thing, 10 satisfy the craving of its
supporters for cake :'
No Nced of It When Hyomei is Used
to Cure Catarrh.
Physicians and 44(•1.•1111'.t. agree (lint
1•s.. l•, I' • 1 'V
Ili I 111 h Int .n4' ownllon. Ihr
bele•. It j+ jn keeping with this idem
that Ifvonei is 1 reu(111rl,'nd*'d by the
lending physicians throughout Ibis
and 14 her eatm•rhnl'ile'rt inns.
\\'hen 1hi. treat Meta 114 nswl jn
catarrhal tl•oulller, IIlrrei' iso stomach
dosing, for the m411jeine j44 taken jn
with 1 h air you breathe, and goes
rj4111 10 the .pot where the catarrhal
geom.:Ire• present, healing the in-
n. 'd 1111,1 irritsl.•il •ons neem
bran.•, killing the di.eas• germs x111
entering the blood with the oz)•ge,n,
dli%ingall,'atnrrhal tie. f' the
1►n not try to run• cnlarrh of the
v�w11I by potting nuslicinr 1(110 your
'lnlamh, this is neither n s.•i.4ntillc
nor Cn11111011 *41•'44.• 1 ret nen1sheathe
the healing balsams of Hy •i and in
1a few days you will notice relief, and
its vont' 1 4'1 1 se +11' -
1 1. 1 1 1 4111 i Int i1, 11
plrle and lasting carr.
The • plete 1f y11nei (milli VOA.
1114 $1.141: ext'n. Iolttle., if needed, :AI
rents. \\.' do not want anyone's
money unless ply •j gives relief and
cure, and we ab,aanlrl' ogre.. 11not
money will In. 1•efnnd,'d unless the
remedy gives mat i44fmct'
.% II druggists 41ho111,1 411. nbl,' to
motility 4•(111 with ifynmei or we will
s•n,l 11 by tuna on receipt of price.
and .•very package is sad with the
djstinol 11tldet•standing that it ,'list,,
nothing nodes. it rues. \Crile 110 to-
day for a syulpl plank. which wt.
n•114 send you free, logethet' with
1 tr•nfise on eahlrl•h and how to cure 11.
\When you f1)) in and return to 1144 the
444•mpt blank. our consulting ph)•sj Maitland Rover Power Co.Has Pr
elan will give your caai• the best rare op•
and attention, and write you a letter osition for That Town.
.4 ad Viet' Wit 11,41111 Charge, The It. Thr S,:forlht F;1 .041hm 111111x4 week
T. I1,mth 1' puny. Itnlrak). 1.1.1. had the following :
I1Ik.1' ,+ 111111' 1 ,11'44,'1' IN1)
1h:o1 it contains, ltr41r,' es mot in
quite 11w s: • rank, bol its soul here
townships limye very much 4111• .:
character as that 1,l' Onion. The
urlNae INopuI:Minn 111 the two countie
has never been vet y Targe, :1111 it may.
IN that the lark ,4 opcnili4s in the
t4Wn+ for the y g men. Irl them ltd'
leave these moonlit.. in larger
lel''. (hall AVIV. the 1'a..• With 11111Se
,•uun1i1".. whic11 runtaine,l large at lraa +a t11ird tluu the roil of
tow tis and cities. (hie reason for the. :
slow 11e•vPlopm1..11t ohe 10.41 (1f Ntrlau11N)1v1•r. 'l'hjsislhejnduremi*'nl.
111.4)1111111»la ill these f rotma41.".11114t t4),' L'hrup p4I N'4'I', Thr )N1r14' lotto 441
tart that, situated as They aur :thug- Kiye li.1de•i111 :a lira uua*gage• On
side I_Ikr 111114,11. their natural Com- their 1•ml ire pl+unt lis sw 11x• that Lewin
1111111i1.31 1011 is with the 1'niteil Slates for jt. goaranle•. 'rhe)' 1114,11/lse t1
lake INlrt., but. front these thew are Kiva S.•:tnrth as a.•,'trity far IIgua'-
l•tll id 6\` the Lahti' 1.1%\'N ((. both
ante.- p11•f1.rellee 't.s•k (01114' llltli110
euulftrie•. Novo that Ihr N*'s
4,1 tjfy llions:mildollars, the mwult
of the 4111•:tutrr. 4,r 14111,11 is (amlaa-
n4411114 to a ...maul •(gage. \1'hen
the bonds tow 11i.po.rd o1' f1(14 thou.-,
and dollars of 'he no,,,, procured js
ICI lie d,'Nls,(. l in 11 01.11'1rtp1111311k
to the ('relit of the ,'l,11lpnuly and 1114'
(own, :11.1 to IN dra'vt1 thrrefrum,
oply on Ilie cheque o1 the'onlpatly
:1 1,1 1111• mayor' of the town, :11111 to
the extent 1,l' lift)' per 1'.•n( of the
work dour :old the 11131 1•11/11 411uvidrd
1,N re•liflel to b)• the engineer .elcru.l
,t he town tor 'that put pose. until
thewbelle work is eoittpl•1w1. and
!hell. 1 eo•a4re•, the bal:,11.•e-of the
11144111.1 11 j11 be paid oyer. .� bylaw
:ultimo ;zing the goarantle of 644101,
W'ou,hd •have• la 1k• 1'111,-11 nn :01,1 )NI.sed
by the people the sa • apt any other
thinly' bylaw'. If the rouyk1nc cae-
ries out •the scheme 'u,'r,s.r,11' ,11141
.for the ahwont. estimated the l4'. Nin•
'.iflility ol'the 411,4411 would co -41;w. line,
if the company' failed to pay any purl
of their Imndwl 411.111 N'1011) Ihr tow li
tore have dole enough• Ly 111j+ guarantee.: the t..1%nl Would 141• in Inc
�v II". ojnri 1.11 013,1 in?''o'st 4 . 'h
u I 1
1 111 the peopling II
1 11 4+ Ill(
1 1 K
a. the row o.1,,\' t.lil. 1,l. .Its a .4'l -1,(i
11:11„4:1 Ihf• Imyr yel i
drvutel Illrlllw•144,•., to 1, iagni11sl 1114. the *4.411 wou11) 141,41'.' it.
rough dr%'rl.1p •ni of the 111 cun,l Mort gage against ,Ihel pubs,
the two comities than has 111111jng (j%0. 4.,•r '•efit. 11,1.',1•.1. The
tempted. They are two N1'11em•,j.'1,1614 """:""1:"! njn11"" 1'1 41
i4'., and Ther' is (p(mt•- hof- Ihr re ono• 1:11111 111,••11•.4on.4-
,111I1 and e4.wll.nt 111.1.• l,jlities:1111 risks to lie aN.unlyd 6)• the
of IN n4.gle•l''.1 1(N'I, are 411.1'% rl.11'4441:11,1,' i11.d+re11.
On the hl het hand• if the r11idp.o11y
uud the scheme , pro%,'' :a .mince•.., Ube
ad%,rlengl•. I., lite town Would IN Yell..
material. ''-1"', •lly in '. iew' of • 11r -
Prince Rupert's S. did Harbor anddi-
.111. and neee..jly 1,a.014104011/t11111 •
Ce 0111.•.. \\-44.'?4.•, ai not it lwnel,1
Other Adv tages, pay the t..wn ,., ..-s1, l.• the tll•1•e.pa1'
Virus. f0. l'ulu11i.t,.sa ul0.r,. I,.k ted Ie-pen-il,ility in %leer of the
1'. JI. Ihu••tl, of Iteg'nal. 1)olaljnjolp I1r4.spe4•6%t• x.41:ut.4ges at phi. earl'
Iin'e•r • it inspector•.1 ay;.•ne•ie•s and Stag1. 1,f- 11•.'1111 .11 .1"%"1.1.1.•n1, sea.
foreign cul '.44, acromp.l lied 1)' Jnr+. 1.•.ta• the roun.il and II," people (o
Hledt, 4111 ivel in Viet,:,. ',Y.t.rela41• 4111111' for 1Ilen.rl41c-
ofl(ratending the \.•w N' .t moister
ba ton• fall of I I.t yrat• 1 •. Hr•dl
"i•otlal the 4ua.1 for the I'111e11 ,.I' Ills The bjggl•s1 do%I:r'0 %%urNt in Inn•
114.31111, impaired b) too.•los• a ,lira- lacw'4pilIN•r fine toluy i. 'rhe F',uully
t- 4o Ihr ardn•ne dufjea of h`s 1,f• llerahl and \\'Pekl Star of•JIonlreat.
41,•4', and le Ili.. hrn11ynarto•, • in 1)1herIotg.•ells' w'ee•klies,hak1' fr.•).1-
\'irloriia. Thr
limn); rlinutr of 1 i. it h•mpl. Lis .follow ' big 1lonte,,l
island had its cost try effect .,1n) 1 we•kly, hal incl 1111 far .h,lti • 111 it.
'1'h.• Family Il•I.l.l 1,1,11 \\','ekl% Star
spate. n'i expense to gj414• 14, readers
meet folio ll4olerich was to ley
before the council and the Masilrsa
num of the town a prllpulsititn for the
furnishing of Seafort h with ('leet•ieal
power for 11uurlflaclam'img and other
dnr•pus•+. 'Chis collapauy propose to
evelop electrical power on the A1riL-
land River, near liaolrrich, 11114 l0
,. ,.
erect wl 1 k for that a purpose. 1,'
s t u The
estimot41 emit of these works is 18:110,•
44141), The t,Wil of ulxlel•iell has
pawned a (lyl+-w' guaranteeing the
Isaias of the company to the
of $a:111,144). The company now ask
the towns of Seafol•t1 and Clinton to
pass 11 similar bylaw. 44111t•lalteeiug
Illy r patty's bonds to the a11n,t11
111 $:a11,1aa1 0.111.11, and the 1• patty is
suppose.) to 1)1Y)444,1,' the ha 1a11'1' of the
Money 4b cal•1y/ lint the work, The
reports of se•%'4.rt11 1•Inllll•Ilt etighle•Isl
hart• heel, procured, showing that the
work is feasible : !haat the required
IIpow'.(• rale be IleVelolle1 (111111 the
\laitla1,1 1ti%er, even at the lowest
water t' •, and that the cost will be
Ise staled, Thr report ,11'4' the (Joverm-
1,11•111 1'111l11*ljlO,1m1 nh11W, that power
can hr developed and delivered 111 Sea-
hui'th cur $2:} per 1,.11+11' pow.•.• per
r ,.1114-foor 11oo1'w servie'. To 'hi.
has to he added the 1,1144 of local dire
4,'ihntion, *li,'h is estimated t from
two In four dollars per horse power.
Even at the last named figure the
cost 1,l' Ismer delivered here would he
t 1
(penin;; 1111 111411111). 1111• ,'ohrnecei11
p'ninon of (14.1erich and other Lake
1{oroon )",rte is c(rr.s4koldimgly Mi-
ta °veil,
li1-pn,veil, with manifest aulylroage to
the whole district, Jut even this dove
not make 1111 (o4' the lack of trade with
the l Intel States ports.
lint possibly the greatest factor in
the t':a.•ie is the eharllcter (f the pet par
4'1111 largely settled tiles,. counties.
They had the instinct. of the pi •t•.
the disposition to velum...lafa4' was i1,
t11.' 1111kd1, and their children it. seek-
ing lien' hones for theta..•1y, , i1. the
Wert Welt. hal .lsviig the colonizing
tendency. inherited I'rIt .ihrir
fathers. As Thr New. Writer points
Oat, they had .•'eeptional facilities for
tlit'tI to the N'esl, and in this way
mossi ly the)' g(1 the -4:04 of the
tile of 411 her se.•l ion. of Ontario.
_'t 1411)' rate, they ha .• arid 4jth
4.n Ural '.Ilrewdp,'sa Ilac% have prm1.-
picked lint s • of 1111• ls•s( 4.))414'.
in 111• West as their 4,1%11. 11111'I11
\Vest, 1
at Ila
• 111
Vet l'N•11 al
grand conn
1 '1Y f..4' V%
4111111 41h44u11
G. T. P.4trRMINUS.
A Newspaper Bargain,
111 few weeks 111r. Ih•.•dr w':Is sutlicieni
)y recovered to oak,• ulnuy rxem'-
11 almllt 411e ;,1:11141 Liking 111/(0.r of
its 1.111111itio11s and 341%anlage.1 /1114
g other fnucti,.ns Ju• at 'elided
the ('»*,1.111411 4'4'%101,0 i
:\g19r11II111 ,11 xhj1,on
nt Dain.':urs. *•10.11• hr,Illwl :e 11114• of
the judge., afterward. taking a"• I
trip 11p the west 041:41 its flan 11. 4'orl
'•,\ly upilion of Victoria and its .111 -
t•on11(1jngs," salt 114'. i3rwll, +i, snf-
ricientl4 expressed 1)' the ha't that 1
11x11,' taken he earnest (1p))4)rtnnjty of
/•Illlljll4 bark again to •p*•1111 111\' >I.111
mer holiday with con and that 111.11,•
Aso/ brought 111'.: Bleat, hasten.• to
share 111y enjoymem . I 11.1 .• IIlls
yea1. repeated 44,4 wl•.4 road (1j11.'flit.
time extending 11 as tau as Sk4gw.n.
It it certainly Ili,• most Ilirtmres,p+e
country ane Com1.1 inuu4jlIP. N'r• were
114llglIIAvl and snt'prise.l at itt4 gn.u11
t•Ur, it 44 1448,' .o','.',',,I Norw'n)•$
woulle,fol pannratirt. Amtmg 111,,11
olhet• change. for the better that 1
noticed was that of the improved 1.011.
di( bill of 4rae4. The britt in Which
We mottle (111' trip was 1.0 1..
and cotnl'ortable, luxuriously lilted
With lhr 1110.•.1 improl'•nn•nls, 144111
the a1111ilianaal lecoanmend:atjopl of
gf4141 1.11441111• 141111 : 1) 1,•llll:llle,', al good
sen boat. a genial' commander. and
pleasant and capable11Me1.1'4. \\'e en
•j.yed the trip in11mensel4 and *e).•
furl114114te 4. I ental ) t
have s •
K u .1 fellow
1Nassen et' President Ila •s
K % fHu•Grand
Fronk 1'11 •411..1{:ljlnn)•: 'of
111111 thn.
the•,'ham',• 411 vi.it PI•it1PP 11 1111191 In
111)' Ipjuion i1. 141 4111 Weld 11/eilt 11111 for the
terminus and the hurter is unser.
NI..•.I 1111 the .monist. At. 111.1•:1'111. 1111•
ydrngrapht,' survey is .till jn, -
pletl• and mariners enter fur the fir'st
time with natural caution, lint mice
luting nl:ole the eitraite,' they say
that, they would have no fear about
,entering al 11114' (11,1,'. \1'IIj(P we were
there the weather 414:(5 441•ly "111111.1 //r/
with a 11:t1' sea running outside. hl-
sj11r, hon.evr•r. it was pet•feell• calls),
11)4' 1i* loti being well protected ft•nnl
the prevailiug winds.
•'('erhlinl','' rout' •.I 114'. .1111..11,
" here is n there tor, g, eat cot*
nnI! 4)igly iso:uud 41411)114.11111,481•:1.l ide•;ll
Nllhtrll lit• .11111I1n•I• resort. 4'O1MtllItn1-
14aljon would have to hr by fell\.
think though h n• .'41'
Illig passage 1.
'miaow mill the distance shore : not
gr•:t.t• than between North V:1111,111
V1.1. apt VII111•m11yer City, if as fm : it
would be practically it pant of the
"There is plemv of 11111%114'111Pvj.
11,•1,",' int Prince Rupert. ; houses for
the engineers are being rapidly con-
structed and gangs of nen are hull•
1•let'itlg bald for the-lownshilt -Al
re/Illy there is it very servieettldi•
wharf which they intend to extend
immediately and everclhing seems to
point to quirk development."
he Ltading Clain:r:ial S:booI
ale• Ir -I I .00 ''t. 1.14 ,1•11111/1- al .V/tor
fell lmlv.' as .boot by
I he u1.1414.•I0 toil.. '1 h•r.•iv.•-. Thi. tette,
'41,• ereel41111 nppl -atiml, groin /inn- in
•ix hale• .11n11ea, rili,' 11101 MnN fat
Ityrre 1,1111• 0111''111 • id I *soda lnrbld
(nK '4,8-k41l0mi. 1"a.k. to the 1%.'-1 nod
1 h:arinttt•lAn, 11. 1'. t.. 1. ,In 11,,' V.I.,.
stat iY•p,,,.tti.n, forme. 1141,1, for .•,11
gr.l'lll:d,•- w rile for Nat '.44,11,11 r.
1•' ,111/''d 1., 1..• ,1114 of
I'ru1. 11..11 .
tligh•(iradc 'framing' Phys
and flim i- the Liao the famous
Fatal Blood Poisoning
.(r. M. If. 1'atnrrnn, JL P. P.,
for Nest 11nn1n, and Mr. Rob.
'rt.. engineer for the 1'. 1'. 14.
Jaadj 61{.(/
11 ..1,1,1. Ir I,, , 1,l .I11d.vl
.,1. 11 1'.t-111 ll- ill ...LOW. from.
1 11011111 10 $11/4 per %ear. h Ir a
.r,ll•kMN. last 41x4 vitt school Is the Yr.r .1
ih kIM 1. Goa. 'I'bi• uwnl h l' a :oleo
.1,1 Moe to ruder. .1(I gruall11nl•'• 41.1
40.1111,11.- The ,1,'noual I.11,111y 1 01.1,1 y
'me+ 11.1• .apply. 11.1 Ile 11111.s tar
oho:111111rrnl eamtlllger,
W. J. ELLIOTT. Principal.
1'0r, Yun41 amt .411,'x.intler 441
1.. •1 :111 ,'d,11;:11in11 111:11 %III 1...
irkl> and -ntrly 411 1011 for 1hr pl:e
11.11 11111 ie. of life 1. offered 1y the
•,'hoNll. fader 11.'w' Nlanng,•menl, 414 011
Iuglrol wl '” Nipulrnl :old maw 0. Mit
1dd.•-t-1•11e1101 i. 1111' nl•w,'-1 and .1I
the be -I.
\\ tit., tar catalogue and free hndg••I
British American
Business College
1'. 41.1 \. Inlildil,g \nage all.!
Algin .11 4t.., '10101. 0
T. M. WATSON, Principal
1' 11 I?
Berlin Business College
11'. D. ELLER, Principal.
W. Acheson & Son
Sale of Skirts
:Moldy '1*411es'Separate Skirts of tweed, light and (lark .'.•1111,
teal grey fancy effects, many handsomely trimmed and pleat e.! I*. y;
111141.$1.10, f11.a11and $.i,lsl. On sale Satmrht)' and MonthO, at
1•:11'11 $2.95
14:,.4' fine {lure avoid, white Scot" Blankets, largo size, wi11.
handsome pick lir lire borders. special al fu-, /y�
at )e4' (Nair ) $4•W, $5,00,
$5 5()
411 pair.. 'white or grey alou)le Nal sire Cotton Blankets, pink
Or blur bonder, rtg11lia' value $1.11). at per pair, Suturlty' and
Match,' .75
t111 1.(tl. Fr,ro1'h pl•Iritwl w0411 1),'IaaineN, 41,11.41) and other
designs, regular:Ilk• quality, sel1(144 al per 41x4414 •35
A big .t...Is .1•.11, •Ill,, .111,1 r1.1th. fat• slliling. and dre..1 -
op,'fd in .tack this week.
AI only ladies' and tot..14' tweed ettat•, length. box back and
..•11i-Iltting slyll•. regular 4'9 and *1' It,$700
domed to Vol
11,.1 $9.50
he lest to he had and the result i.
411eir sabs•ripthal lists pre glowing
larger *'very year. The beautiful
ince• lictllr• given t11141 year with
1 he I"a1114ly He':dd anal Weekly Star
is entitled "A 'I'ng or \\ ai" and is cel•
thinly a wan. It 10 • of I1111.,' pia -
1tires you se in :1'11 art r.11,1w Willi a
price of grn.ralh 1 w•1, lir• titter dollars
1141 it.
The Family Ileral11 and \1'.'448))'
Star 44, se•11er t h*' first Ware in ew•4'1
in Canada and combined with
,14111' own I01m1 p:wer, jt js 81.1414 al4
vtut rerquire. If you i(re 11411 a reader
of the big Montreal weekly try it foe
114(7 and you will nevl•1• regret it:
MVP mol 11111 alma In the )NNIr 4\1(11
grudging.- 1'hyorlid.•..
MEN WANTED "4';;A"� In.a
1. 181.111,
ahruu/huu( 1'00410
.,.4'o....,.. ,0.w. i•uu-'kv/wwp shut card.
r arcs, Lane 1.rW/o• maul ell .e rl.r.sJ..
t ,tial/ un•11 ad..row.. m Ile. 4 um.,..loft or mho,
a•.t . rounll. .n.I.11..4'm. .. . d., .14'..1, 4'm lis,
W /..111 rr11.1.1.• r -n . n N. lay t your /rock I
No .rretws n ".l„1 N Cllr for pull. Wars
TALUS MEDIC/NAI CU., Lontlun, Ueta,iu, ('ana4,
We •have on the floor the llu'gest. Variety lit
('ouche's'41%'4 have ever shown. Nt less than seven-
teen Conches to chaos° from. Icon could not fail to
Jlutke a gl►url choice from thein. 'I'hle\' range in price
from $4,:,1I to s:i:,.Uutuul consist of Velours in t't'ntrt'
patterns; ('becks and Floral designs.
\'pronas in ititier('lit shades and patterns.
Verona lugs and the hest /'i'a11e Of II'.lthers
In style they are right 1p -to (late. •
1)on't fail to call : Intl see them. no tl'(1111114'
diose j,(hlMIs,
I:,••43,4' .
‘.•1 -ml -1. and
1 s ahris
'PLuu.• I: •
H. B. Beckett
Undertaker and Embalmer
1 1 1 11 I I 4: '- 1 N. I I \ \ ('.41.1.14 A 'l' R I•:' I I) I•: N ( I;
cleauell and ti'” '
TIIC hest 'that
can be got for the money.
WEAR is the best.
Re -
111od ellells
Everything in Men's Smart Wear.
Black Melton Overcoats
Made to Order $15.00
This Is Ili • biggest snap for a real good
overroltnffe sal to the people of 4.nder-
n qtr You 1
K �N 1 t folk about 111e
advanced price ot,terxlletis 10)11 wages --one
would never Ieli,1;'.4 it when such 4.14)84.4t1
nn thele are ofterell. Black Melt ,.ns are
the most fashionaltie and 1x'441 wearing
goods yep can Luc, h;xi mse our saying
an, but we think you very tetanal] if you
Liu notinvestigate the offer we nte mak-
ing it's n good one. The goods are good.
the trimmings are goil, the work is
gl1Nl,nnd it's all gaol, except the price.
(lar sales of this cloth )at VP leen large
and are bound to 1e larger, twosome th.•
value is there.
Black Mellon Overcoat t.. Q 0 i 50
order sD loll
The proper place to buy Men's Clot king
a11■Imrell11111.1r1/ 11111011111111,