The Signal, 1906-11-8, Page 71 ,
The News of the District.
Your Doctor
`g"IT'*4 'V" "V"`1F' + 4,454 +4,44+4,444:454 6• ** *444, ,+ V'y'V l -'V•'sP:4' 'VSW
MATO ntl.. Y, Nov. 3rd.
'l'OWNNH le loLNc11.. l'01111ell met
ill WW1' today. all present. Minutes
of September ZJth apppt•uved, un
motion of Kickley tud Hunter. Ar-
rangements for the immediate survey-
ing of Disher's road were male.
Checks were issued as follows : T. Miss Sadie 1+'inlaylNn, spent a few
Sandy, 01 g ditch. S. H. 6, 7, ill : (lays here the past week,
Drennan, cuve•t•ing culvert. S. H.
ti 7, $1.50, t•epairu g culvert, S. R. ((33 J. Ferguson and Miss lila Putter, of
7, $2.70; J. Sennett, repairingenlverl, Amberley, spent Sunday here.
concession 10, $2.75 ; J. Cowan. re- Mrs. and Mimi Belle McWhinney
pairing culvert, S. H. 9. 11). $2.50 ; .1. are visiting at teluge 4 tlismi s.
McRae, gravel. 516e ; U. Cameron,Mjss Kae Bowler has returnedgravel. $2.ta4; B. Buckingham, timber, 1 house after an extended visit at 114611•
cock, Mich.
KINTAIL. as 11r. Begley has seemed it good
Mjs DAY, Ntrt•. 5th. pt.Na bon thele. %V/' extend UI 1 heal
Charles YouuK is visiting at the •ral wishes fur 1 heir future bappi-
Commercial.ial. nm
aliss Annie MrMhie spent Stair11l•NN.
11- NILE.
day iu lalehaiNh.
U. Mc.yurcbie and family have
nerved into (.o dericb.
repairing culverts and gravel, $34.26;
F. D. McLennan, spikes, $1.110; 10.
.1. hnatuu, gt•avel, S. H. 9, 10, $1 3 4111 ;
A. Stewart, inspecting, 66.25; A.
Towle, gravel and our day's work,
612.27 ; a Swann. gravelling N. B..
11r*; A. McLean, gravel, $15.211 ; W,
}tf4'hie, repairing culvert. IS. H. 3, 4,
6'2.75 ; J. Clarkson, repairing culverts
S. H. 3, 4, $2; .1. Straitens, gravel,
$4.32 ; T. Sandy, bridge N. H., *127 :
McLean, repairing culvert U. L.
*1.50; 1). Metiregor, inspecting S. 1t.
3, 4, $9; H. J. Durnin, culvert, S. R.
6. 7, and plank un bridge, 'oneess'
4, $5.541; J. holey. work on grader.
*2: A. Long, inspecting const scion tl,
$5.25; J. 13runett, repairing two
bridges, 62; J. Acott, repairingand
planking bridge, L. R., $3; A. Long.
tilling washout, 8. R. 6, 7, $2: .1.
McNee, cleaning ditch, concession 4,
and repairing 3 bridges, $5.4O ; Frank
Dalton. repairing bridge, L. H., 62.511;
.I. O'Laughlin. gravelling S. H. 0, 7,
and S. R. :i. 4, and rep,ut•ingg bridge,
concession 9, 616.07 ; J. Schuraih*ls,
'gravel, $10,01; 1'. J. Austin. spikes,
13.27 ; D. 4Iclirvgur, work at Cm. -
rick. a bridge and repairing culvert,
610.35; T. Dixon). refund of statute labor
tax (work dune), $4.511; J. Mmeltzer,
tile. $1; J. O'Laughlin. repairing 2
culvert., D. L., liaffOi R. MeWhinney.
repairing culvert, 1). 1.., $2.50; J.
l'uok, repairing approach, concession
dike ; T. Sandy, the and repairing
culvert, $15.35 ; H. Melesu, gravel.
$1.04 ; Ij. l'at.eritn, gravel, 4)4e ; 11.
McLean. repairing culvert, 1.. H.,
$1.50; Ed. Juhn4Lun, gravel, I). 1...
$24.21 ; A. Juhurton. fravellin , con-
ce5xion 9, $104.50; frank Johnston,
Jpart pay A. bung's hill, 624.144: A.
ohnston, cutting hill and filling, S. H.
:(, 4, $1416.25; %V. Johnston, filling cul-
vert. S. H. 6, 7. and planking culvert,
S. 13., $t91; Mrs. Mclean. supplies.
$1.*); A. Johnston, the and !coaling
1). 1... $6.111; A. Dishrr, plank and
work on bridge, S. H. 9, 14, 16311.411: 7'.
Sandy, tile and cement work. $110.3;.
Next meetini1(( December 15th. as per,
statute. THua. U. ALI.KN, Clerk.
MuNnA V, Nov. 5411.
Kt-UYitNINn SKHVI('g.. The ser-
viceM in connection with the re -open-
ing of Blake's Methodist church will
he held .n Sunday', Nuvrmla•r 11th.
when services will be held at 141::84
a. w., 2:30 p. m., and 7 p. m., at which
special thankufeering coutribut'
will be received. Mies Johnston. of
Lucknow, will a,,,,int in the musical
services. On Monday rt • g a grand
concert will be held, when the Mallow
ing talent will *exist : The 1Vr,,(field
Quartet le. .It•M.1'rtn's 1 h•ehestra.
Misses Johnston and Robertson in
duet and Miss Irene Mallnugh, 1.t
DR.tT 11 .4' '1 I< .N. I,F[LL t\. 'Mrs.
Murdoch \Iclw•Ilan died at her 1 •
in thin township 0n Sunday, October
:Nth. and tht. remains were interred in
Kincardine cemetery ton \\'gdnrslay.
The de•.'tsed was seventy-1•iglit years
itf age and before her see 1 marriage
was the wife 111 the late John Hoge -
land, Kincardine township. She
leaven three daughters(- Men. (cans. of
Shallow lecke ; Mrs. Mt4114111, 11 Iauu-
iota, Man., and Nits). Th'rhure. a
Ashfield ---and f • stn. Alexander.
of Kincardine township ; 11'i11i,iun.
John and Charles, of H:11niola. Men.
George ('ullilwn. our ps.11ula• black••
5140th, iN w'tal'i1144 ,t 511011', Ili% wife
having presented him with a young
Tr esu.( v, 'Nm•. (9 h.
Will Iiarliner 1411d \lis. life's
Webster were nMu'1'ied 0n Hallo e'ets.
Miss Sarni' Murray, daughter 44
Win. Murray, paugside, died very
suddenly after blue44 days' Nines. and
Was buried 011 Saturday.
Thos. Mc Keith, who was th••eatened
with Iossuf alp arm from 6144)41-poisol-
in44, has liven tinder 'treatment here
for 544 • time. It is expecte( that
the item will i' saved.
It is ruuuorsl Iluat. James 14wun44,
)• e
ru11111t/uulA1111, will ntfer •1' •
self as a candidate fur' the rerye's
chair, with it prospect ul' imantiling
county wader Tor 11407.
1,M•. Ham. wife of the Drawl Trunk
agent. has Iwe•rl called away by 1 he
rudders and serious illness .of her
mother at. Portland.• Main,•, tt hew
She had gone to visit her a:tughter.
Mrs. 1t. 44.•WeA. late 44 San Fr+tn-
ciM•u, who has la''11 visiting her
father, Th .,i. Iat%•renee. will. after
spending :t few days with relatives in
London and ('hicagu, go to meet her
I1IINlatnd in Regina, Assa., where it is
expected they w'ilI make their future
h -
Tresu.ty, Nov. 0th.
Miss Annie Itutlwr•fotd spent 11441-
1Iwe'en with Miss (:zeta Pritchard,' (4,
Hipley.. • -
Jas. 1V:tlke'r has R • to liorrir to
spend the winter mouths with his tam,
(I. %V., of that town.
\piss Lizzie Ruthe'futd, who is
teaching near Port Albert. spent the
week end with her parents here.
Mt'. and airs. Will HIND :old baby
Huth, of liorrir, are spending a fee'
days with Mr. and Mrs. Win. ('t'oshy.
(leo. Acton, who h,s'spe'nt the last
month with his grand thee, Mrs.
Jeremiah Alton, returned to %Vinds41'
last week.
Th/s. Henry has heated MrBlake's
farm 1141' liver, and is -jog his
laehinery. rte.. yrs -viral ury • 10 1.' -
siding there in the spring.
Thr sact•nmelt of the 14'411'14 Nudger
WW1 dispensed in Zion (-hatch on. Sun-
day. Ma•Illlwr. f1 Ha414444'S ap-
p44ointinett also were piesed.
%V.' regret to learn that .111h11 ale=
l'rlstle, brother of W. S. Mrt'rustie,
clerk of West \Vewa11u1414, is not im-
proving am f:u.t a. his 1111111Y (.'ietd14
W011111 wish.
The w'etthet Ulan blas torn hand-
ing out some stand weal her for the
past frw days, consequently the road.
ar•.in very pine ,onditi . Hope•, it
may 11111'
(ErnestShrt•weu s1 44:15 11.411 444'11
gaged ns Wencher in s•h,s,I 1144.11 1011
No. 13 for 19107, at an increase f sal-
ary. This speaks w,'11 (or \11. Slier
wood's teaching.
Ttusn.tY. Nov, 0th.
McHooi. RKP4)HT. The following is
the standing of the pupils in school
section Ni. 1, Ashfll•Id. The names
are in .r1Pr of merit : V. elass
Winnie 1'un ' ghaen. IV. 'las►-
Perey I111cti4'n, \Villin 4411,1114, Jur
Armstrong, Eddie Scho enhals, Sten -
ley Hayden. Tum Young: Senior III.
'Ina,, Otway Hayden, II.rhie Sr•hos•n-
haM, .lame. (inu44•v. Edith Fielder.
Junior 111. clams 1'irtor(:reen..41
Steventon, Winonn Mteveneon, Wal
lace Cunningham. Mnggie Mello t nhals,
Senna. 1 elaxe -
Bertha MclMcGee.I.
Evelyn (lessen„1414141.• Mcl:w•.
11. -May Dickson. Sadie Armstrong,
Tont Dickstn, I':rs11rsaa Wilson, Adelia
Wagon. Part I1. --Melvin Schoen
hall, Tory Mluale. John Melride,
Part I. chins -A ' Wilson. (iladym
Fielder, May Fielder, T .1,'H1'i(14,
Albert /invite, Lena Willis. Gordon
Pearson. 0. HgsKY•, Teacher.
WetrersnAr, Nov. 7th.
MtarateNvut, CosteKRT. Those who
attended the ganiviert. given at the
Episcopal church prat evening heard a
good program. Hey. C. H. Dunne. 411
Clinton, presided, and,the other
eleryrymen present to take art in the
evening's proceedings were Itev. l'.
M. Rutherford. of Dungannon : Hey.
.1. 4'. Reid. of Nile, and Rev. 1'. W.
Sanders, of Lack who all wive
good addre,,M.. Rev. T. Hicks. in-
cumbent of this pat•ish, also spoke
briefly. The 'r'nlnindt•t• of the• pr'
gran) was given by (i,al,rir•1. 1:414.111.
including Misses Well' and %3IIuu011'1
Messt's. Sutherland. P41'Mln5 and
Sturdy. vocalists; Miese14 -Mona
Walters and Beatrice Pridham, elocu-
tionists, and the Blackstoneorrhestra.
MiaM•5 Saints and Well. were the
aceompnniste. Refreshments m11-4
served during nn intermission in the
Mosn4' , Nov. 5th.
Mrs. Mathew Mhaekl,t.n, sr., is ill
at present.
Mr. And Mr.. T. S. Herd vi,il.wd
('(ewe on Sunday.
(George 141)111 i n's gang .f apple -
packers sire working here nl present.
apule Troll 441414 la•'), 511nM'w'hat smaller
(ball 4444(1:ah • r
\V.tkl: 1'1' I 41:431 d 114, "re '4n•3'1
of .\uburu 0114 we Lhirsk hill 14011shuult1 11011111 1,41114 011 lh(' 11:11.1. of 11111
.'ilio"n, 40 111410. Ill' tVilhtgl• 414 al 1.11'
\1'ItuNlsuAV, Nov. i(L. Fite :41111 bnnit.•.141ik,• .1. p"•.11114''.
Hey. H. GI'lueul. of lilalerieh. I1, • Mu. M. uY t he .I I w' .. 1111 .iJ,•11.IIi,, .0 :•
C11111141 the pulpit 1µ•1"l• hast Mabhalpl in 'J....4 or 11 I. 14 'll ! thy• 11%.10
•14111; and evening.
vtnl'I1.111.11,1 1 1 n1- •,1. a...4,1.•4y,411,
%V4' are pleased 10 wpm.' that Sirs.
11'. L. Plater Is able 111 114 310111111I IIF: MI'llmul. .\, r. Innperl.r IG,bb
uguin rt'lrr hrenl ilblrss. Matt' bis 14114111.11'tlt 1,11 lust 144'4'1. 01111
mel aa. 11unlbcr .1' r:uegl Iyer. ut the
The line tc4e,r 11r1 r -1- 41nu-11144 lh' 1141144 N'huul b it''. 'I'll• le'11111 ' 111 Ihr Sind
week tuts leen 111114•11 appreciates{ by was the explaining of I In• S, .\11
furuM•ts fur 1414144. 1 n'. 1 he rout 414
1eg31'31ing saI." t 1,11,14'l111m•n1. ‘‘.14
1:114414(114 14':14414,• next'1'Me.11:ty 144•li'te• in tut•• main 1pn141• mew .. 1 is
evening will be -1'111 i -.i 'n Sorrows :old ,helpful both iv 1e:teller: and r at e.
!low 114' 13,11•e 'I'heiu,' atter by Mrs. payers in that 11 provide. better re
i:c111in,•mnienvit lull to the tea/• h1• I t\ itlll
t h
oyes bnr4ruing 1440 rntrpnyrl ,.
slop 514,11111 be taken. however, by 11.-
liuvei'i i, i,t 11, lewd:Bt. tie• s: hind
uoe:eswurnl .I tit, '.111.1ges. 111 all
section., 44111.1,• 11n•re- i. a'ci11.1 _,• .1s
Part .Y t hr sr: t ion. 1114' farm', - Inn l•
10 bear the leaden ..I the 1,15. I'hi.
might 11.11 to b,, :I, ti',• 411111'3111111 111 a
tillage ju1Pi1 i. 44itr111 /list as •h as
that '(41I."41ntry• pupil. and until 111'
4'411 is 14111141i141 1111• least the 44111444'
r:1tepayl•r+re1111411111 114 144 ,1%41 5441114'
4141 la, assist:al'' ill 1111114' 1 at 14
t43,4'114'1' 41.111 (;111441 gn1 1101'.11 ion ln:1)•
(s• t111t:1KrJ.
:..v, 4111t,
'row' \.dill' ('111'',l 11.. Tarr e 'it
11141 1111 (1-1.4.•1- '9.(t h. Members rs all
present: I3.•.•ve Itlili4 in the "hair.
Thompson .11111 %f.s111 Wei,' .,1-,I,',,•,I til
attend l0 4111.101 a 11. Smith's, mini 1. Oil 1u.1ion n1''l'hu11411.4111 and
%148111, the c' •11 b 1 1,1 11.1111 $f.IM1 r1111
til- .fur drain ?It' "ion Ii: but 1'+.
%loved b4 TI ps..0 and %Imrrty 1ht
if .1.11111 \hskl pay alle.sts of 1:144' slut
and take the ease out of court. and
bring 1111 I.w•nsllip engineer, this
council is willing to abide by result.
Carried. (hl nu,t1ou of Amlei/411 and
Murray a 'hey11.• was drawn for 625.
Is•itgg salary glue thy- 1:111 tlealmter.
61:• eluu'it y Was g111111 141 10 %Ins. 141160n -
sun 1111 1' of Th(nlpwoi and A11-
mdt'r.y11. 4'hwines wl,•n• issued to the
amount of :bomb $'=511, w•hirh will ,11, -
peer shortly in the Iluanrial state-
ment. Connell :ul•jrlurnel to meet on
Saturday , Nutelulsr 17th. :1t In
0i•Iurk. %V. S. Mcl'inorri1:, Clerk.
Ti'Ks»'Y, Nov.
W141111144 4 1141114 :11.1' ringing untie.
1111114' in 0111' midst.
1?d. Craig i. d ' g a gn.N1 business
Packing apples. Ed. is a hustler.
.john Fera.. •j1-., b:t, returned 1 •
after spending the fall 111 1110. West•
Nearly' :(l1 ti'' farmers :n1' taking up
th'ir turnips. and report a gINNI yield.
Hiss Irauti•ndenu has vomited again
after an extended visit to her sistt'r in
MU•at hl;uy.
Some of the - young folks fr•itni
around herr attended the hall 111 Dun-
gannon on M lay night.
%los0(t, Nov. 511,.
Miss Annie %Vigil, Wall 11.111411141
110111e 1:151, week atter' t kiting. friends
in (linio).
\11-,. W. I'. 4',unplsdl is spending it
couple Of weeks with his sister, %I1's.
John Ford. London. •
Thrt•shitlg is finished in these parts
for this season, and straw -cutting is
the older of the day.
The f:uuler,, rue ftkpng advant ag.'
o1 the tine weather 114 It:u'vesl their
turnips, which are a fair 1'14 1111, consid-
ering the ....artily ilf rain.
Sacrament was:ululinisterwl in the
Westi1et11 church on Sunday hest.
The spy, -iai stirs• 1''s 111e still continued
all 1 r Iuut brook and good work is
loving dolt.'.
%bins Bertha MherwrNsl. our 4.11
trrnull Music teacher and organist of
Hackett'. 4'141414.14. 1)1(14 almost fin-
ishes) her last gnat•trt' :Ind will take:4
rest (111' la few months.
William Crosby. our en'rgl•t i,•
"smithy," believes in 'otnfurl, having
put in a new 4•44t1 stove and a west
supply of Pal. 'There will he '•brad''
eliId days twint.' April shuwel•s''1114'
NOTII'E. 'x11 1: LOCAL .\G ENI'V
in Uunlouuual for The Sign:d i -all the rind
oftlee Hook and Stationery Store, and Mr..
1411111414 01 will r.'cei, c order, for subscript ion.
advert 4.111) and rots work, and Is slot horned to
give rlce44.l for :unoant.• laid for t sandy.
U, E. AU'lil'STiNE. IW NGAN-
1 Id
tl Itraler in hour r
NnN ('bo , •ins . ill
1.1411. Throe N/ar aryl Rnv star and Pnrit►.
flour : Danish slack and Poultry Rood. %'hop
ping promptly attended to.
1 A. NEWTON, DENTiST,15,1'('K-
T. XOW. At honer' every day except Thor -
day.. New-reined)for extracting wells trrloo-
fnru.. better that, gas. (•r0wu and hridg' spud.
etc. Aluminum plates Inon.bresiknbhrr.
N. H. --Von ran always ha, t. your work mach
better door In. the dental office more time,
better (meanie. for doing the work, more eons
• patient. .
nbl1• for Ilse patient.
Tt•t:Nl1Av. Nov. tit h.
I)i'k Wiliam. of Olslrrirh. was a
railer in uu• village on I'u/•aday.
Mina Daniels and Mims %Ir1te•r 11
spent. Sunday with friends at. Nile,
Mri, M. 11, \Velsh, of O,Nlrrich, has
been visiting friends in our village for
some days.
.1. Mountain and II. .1. Crawford
were visitors to Toned(' for n flew
days last week.
Miss Minnie Milchell, of Carlow,
was visiting her sister. Mist. Ed. Antiet-
am. Inst week.
Quite• Isar from here attendw1
the quarterly s•rt'i'P nt. 4'111w•e 114tdi5t church last Sunday.
'rhe creamery will ran for a few
weeks yet, as it is getting quite a
quantity of "-rand and pules 41' good
for butter.
Thomas Smylie left. last Friday for
Port. Arthur, where lie will rennin
for the wl0(,•r, assisting his 141111 Will,
who it in business then.
John, Parks las returned f1' 140
extended trip to %l attitobit and 1)akot to.
H' thinks the Western country
is all right for young MI n.
On Monday evening a hall and snp-
;wl' waft held in the ARliruIturel IL,Il
Mrs. Thos. Khmer. who hes been ler dlie management of .1. eveisin14
%irk for Mone time. is grllin44 n. lilt le and .I. Oave•. \v4' 11'rml.and 141014
Melte'. n number atti•nded it..
Mr.. 1'. Me(ilynn and her grnmisnn II.SMI.lN PrevesaT'• 44111.1'. The
(3w,rge ate spending n (.'w wPPkn in sale of htne'hold furniture and pr11p-
Ohin visiting relatives. erty of the late !stow Hamlin wits
On Wednesday Orville and Orton held past Saturday. The property
Dur•nin returned their studies st the was sold for $-\III, (i,ssl p ,,
rier% are
Ooxier1eh l oIt.gtate InstihltP. obtained for real e.40(4' err now The enation 4.4' is almn,t,
HYMRyFAL, 1V ill nP441ry 141411 Hiss since there is prospect rd a railway Opted. b.'Iwd. Manyhave wondered why
Nellie Curran were united in the holy coming. Jr' the L. P. H. people Mitred the slntiml
honde of matrirnon h • the Her. J. ('. W RDntNO. 011 %Vednesday. (le• MI far isthe• village, hitt snrnly 140
Reid, n( Nile, on HIi110we'en. They tnher 81st, Will Begley and Miss man
mIs 1114141,4145 fl Is neat the
were assisted in the ceremony. by Nellie Curran, of Crewe, were united trnek.
John ( Arran, brother of the hrid., in marriage. In the alsenee of J. W. Apple parking is Animal eni,hpd
and Mie. tvlrclla M.'Whinney. We Hnhinson, Rev. .1. (:: Reid. of Nit". of rand the supply of rolls for 414. evapllr-
join in wt.hilg the young conple Hciated. Mr. and Mrs. 13/'gley irsfend 114(141' 1414% HlmrMt t'lln 1,111, Th.' M`alnn
Witch joy and happinesa. !yielding in Hamilton for the w•int't, has been fairly surle,,afd, though the
Tyesti.%v. Nov. '0th.
Miss A ' • Clark visited leer uttl•b•
at Kintail ltd week.
Miss Plew-y's, of 4)nk4i11.', visited her
cousin, \Ins. Craw. hast week.
Mra. Johnston arid sun. of Stanley.
visited at the 1 ' of Robinson
\V,11ds last week.
Ifern,an Phillips left on Friday dot•
4)11rn Sound, where he Intends t.,49ing,
a enur54 in business college,
Will Todd left for the north again
.n M:01irday after :1 leen weeks ill -
nes.. I1•• is,l,ing an extra g.sdl busi-
ness in ashes.
\Nall,,,,• \lill'r, Angie McDonald
and ,las. Jay vat remotest from the
%Vest last week. They are ALI/14114441
With ute•ir trip.
Mr. :Ind 511-. Ride. Mctiuire and
John Mel:nire Mttended the f 'Tal of
their emistn, Mies \1114.140'-. at letng-
side, past Saturday.
Nile. .\trx. Mtiiert •'4011 daugh-
ter, Anna, returned 111) %1 lay from
1 ion, where they had 644'11 visit -
e • n weeks.
•'rods fur 41 rou le f Ww k .
i fn
S.\'rl' Ito.\ V. Nov. :ird.
SI'uul•:s I)t•:5111. - 11 t'.'ry sudden
' .11 44':1' ti':l l 111' \11 s, .1111111 110011. 111
the .\I:ailhuul block, on \l'1Y1111•N11H)'
LI51. %Ins. 41,441 was out feeding Ii''
pig. when sen• dnlplwJ dead, heart
L.ilu.• being the cause. Mrs. 1,44441
belles her husb4n,l and six small
.-4411,1, 'n. She was :ts,,l 101ty-i1r'
.'.11,.441'age and was the daughter of
.\1,..u,. Mrs John 1,freli. .11 S:1,11
SI 4'. Phu•ie. 'I'h.• f1111441tl 11111k 4)1x1'4' 411
I:.111'5 "•n14'Ie1 \ tr.IrIlL4v.
T1114: 1'A1C\11\tl 1.:,4'1'.(T1.:. A sLlle-
110•111 or the and lia!alit i'•s in the
''.1a10 .f E. 1.. Farnh:u11, il..I44nt.
has been presented 111 the ,•1'ditul•s.
The Iia Lilil i4's ;41tlo11nt t.. $11,1441 tool
lit otts.•t this 111,4.8• is 14 farm r whirl it
i.' Said (till sell fur 15.I4.$1, Olal(els
w.rIt, t i,.l•ably 61.5041 :111(1 endorsed, Hallowe'en'pm•al 's wyr•• rather frw
note • 10 the amount of $2.1441. The, this yl'ar• as fail' its a e eat herrn. One
mortgaged for *2.7111 and .0 or two small gat were 11-• 'ed.
the effects ate two chattel mortgages I)ni Trig gat(' that -ant iftwgolten
1,, 4 b,t 1(1111111111 of **4l. but these it '1t4 -Pear after )'ell' W1 this %Poli• 1•e -
said the '-editors will endeavor lit •ed-fiy,th1. owner • self. so the
invalid:de.' W. Hrvdnne. Id' Clinton, lads had ,1 1h1t4g\walk this time for
is the assignee. and .I,h11 Riley Hud malting.
Chas. W. Rogerson. of Hallett, ane
the insp,'t111'5 of t1u' ental,•.
%l,s:. s :11 11.
4. may expert t8 inter 14.on. All
ti t NortliW,•d n•anderrls nt•P re-
The 1' • has arrived for 1he animal
t'isil. of the fix 'olle'tm•s. The 01.-
.' -
o ' ilwl s' o fathers triI iN•
' m f the 1 n htrill h u.
severely criticized.
1leror441' ilawson. who hail the eon -
tract 11f cutting the hill 44n the bound-
ary between Colborne and %Vest 1V1,•
w,utush. will rnntpl.•te the entitraet
this week.
The IL•11nilton 111.id444.('oulpaull• dor.
ing 11,,: hitter Part of tnsl week put
new mtrin441rs ,,t1 the Lt•idge and
(leered it stew. Thr new span needs
a. new time .11 t ns 10a111)' 14s IN.
Thr nen' 1:1114,44',^ station is put ling
nn 114' app4411•111e' of 11.11144 ready- for
business. lint to have to dt lye
unr mile dnwll 1hi''Iulse' litre anti :ti-
t :ml.thet• half -mile, up 1. thy
stitiu11 ,t, will 44.1 111 lily -111 at once
Can cure your lough or ('old,
no question about that, but
why go to all the trouble and
inconvenience of looking hint up•
and then of having hisprest•riptien
filled. when you can step into any
drug store in Canada and obtain
a bottle of SHILO13'S CURE
for quarter.
Why pay two to five dollars
when a twenty-five cunt
bottle of SHILOH will cure you
usquickly v
Why not do as hundreds of
thousands of Canadians have
done for the past thirty-four
years: let SHILOH be your doc-
tor whenever a Cough or Cold
up ars.
HILOH will cure you, and all
druggists back within statement
with a punitive guarantee.
The next time you have a
Cough or Cold cured with
111441 Il4.te4.1rw•el1 was threatened 85 41
legal i113.'esdirsgs • if he signet 1II
under for the payment elf the money.
While it is IN•Iil•vl•ll (11.11 1:00.''1411
I 1440511ii. I•:t. 1101 :1 'good legal Maim,
it is felt that this township is under
neral obligation to pity neer the
•y, :illi arrul'11iugly at the meet 1
)mg hast week the first and st'c.1nd
readings of a bylaw authorizing the
payment of blue 111 673 were
passed, :mil the ',44414Th Will give it
the third and linal reading :11 ti'' next
uu•eli1144 if n11formal objection 04•1114', 'd. '1'11.• w'xt 1111411 ing of the
.\outwit will 144. 111.111 s'-,t'1•r:.11(h.
Tut:scat, Not-, 61 II,
Jill' h Muse- amt 'rhos. l'ai't't have
gone t , Port Huron. Mich.
.101111 1.01k1/11 rt. is getting( 1111 his
sugar 110 tN, 14',uh' fur lhiPun•il lit till'
.141 Ndr1'll'11 ...1101011, t0 g14 10 ti'' beet
511ga1• fail( 'y at lirt-lirs:
Quite a 1 11111 .101. of young people of
the n1.ighbor 1551 had a pleasant Hal -
Silvia gathering. which was
got up by wet• Tal young ladies in the
section and pro sl an enjoyable affair
to :ill present.
M.\TI It11.%Y. Not;.,
St 'w 101. ltr:rmrl•r. The following 1.
MIINl'. V. N v. St.h.
.1. Newell 1111.1 f3111ily :t 41 Miss
Fraser. of liltdrl'ir•II, sp t•ut Su day at
Mr. lohring's.
Mr. and Mrs..4. long att.•ndw the
the Omolt•r repot t of N. M. NI , 3, Col- funeral of Mrs. longs :Strut. Mr. J.
borne. I.ws11 nn regnl:u weekly exnnr- Chas', 1114 1:11(13 y.
ilia! 1111'. 10 01111,1111•.• and 444'1141141 pro.. -h4' Epworth le•agu(' st•1 t ire, n4' t
liei•'ocv Thursday evening will take the horn
15. li 'I' I V. I"111rene' 1' g, Fler- 111 :a missinnat•y nlr1.tin44. 3t1•rtin44
Puce II.rnLt. Howard Robertson, EI- tt•i111• •lu•1• at 7:30 o'eltwk.
mer It.b•rts.n• :\ • • Levy. Howard
%I-I'hee, %1 ui,',t;, N11'19141'.14111.11- ,I'h' 5ewilIK eit'rl' in lnnrleet ion
P4'(11144. •lunint• IV. Hamm run.with the Epworth league are loldin44
nin44h:un. i'lorruw4 %I. Ph'4. .lnnim. thoir'aulmt quitting 1444' in 1114 Trng)-
111. 1.3111a leluh•n,Ln'rr, 114,•04'• Mr•- v11'1114. H•t11 nn N1"1.111111•I. 7111.
%'Iter, .Iran 1'0111444, Clifford McPhee.
Elmer Lailtenslay.•r, I,illi,an 1V:►faun,
Illiye Vnung, Willie \lel'hw•, lii,rlorl
%lel'h4''. ,Innis 11. Ella ltots•rt5nl.
Elwin Itntledge. Alla Shields. Evelyn
Von1 1 bpi tt i Lillian autens1a)er,
Mary Pfpdd. Lily Mel'he•e, Willie
Voting. Part 1. - Harry PVatson,
RevtIa Levy-, Kro"s %IvPlu•e•.
1. I' ItNEST Itoitglrl•si vs, TPaeher.
TI'r:4l,.t Y, Nov. MIL
Mrxlen•.ti, (.45011).4 res. -TIt'r• is Watch and chain, a Present from her
Iwginni1144 t.1 he talk of the municipal husband. The pt4'ttrltnt gathering liid
elections in .January. N11w• that the not break 11p until' the small hmirs.
Itt•1.41' will Is' to member of the vomit
eeiu'neil. l here will la; 104)11' inW11e41 in
Om election In that Position, Mand if
current rumor goes for anything there
will be no 11'arth of enndid,t,'s. At
the nominations last year. Alex.
1- 44 :ulnonneed his intention of.
re-entering the Inani'ipaI field in 111117.
lbelieving that. it ' ele'ted Iteeve .f
Colh.rn' he would have a 141/1/11 chance
for the w':11denship of the ruunty.
\V4' understand that Mr. l'umn44'still
140111s lit this intention. and as he is
we11 known nm a man of rxperietwe iu
municipal :tlTair•s be still be a strung
e;.nlida,. But he will not have -it
all his own way. Ifichard Jewell, the
111'e•1141l 1(14'4,', n ill .i,,p,11t11•ss itv
:wain. and he has many fr•i'nds. It.
.1.:\. %Irl5w':411. who has trade n gold
e111111eillir sitter he went ill 48.11 Years
al v thinking f .tr.kil 0 1
I (II 1 flu 1
tion to the 1(e,'ves,i 1 :4 t 1'14 r' 1'
i 1 I nl nn Ills
M,;\lanns is credited with similar in-
tention-. ,laeob 44•:1, 1o,k441
upon 1,.:1 likely eli1,iidate, hut as he
is riming fron1 the township he is
probably .tit of the held. \V4' have
not heard .1' :sty'�lwt ealdi(b:Ites for
-nun, illitr. hot they will dnoIAlras
apnea- in gooNl I0114.
1 '4)1'NCI 1, %It:F;TINI4. Action wens
(:Iketl at the last meeting 1 K of he toten-
Any enunril r'44:n11inK nhr Inog•slaud•
11)44 dispute. Is'twel'n 1711. townahlPs of
('Idlsln'111' :111,11 (:,sll•1•M'll over the 44rnnt
tl)'44',tl',l$ 1111' 14,419 at the 1lnlme•.sville
bridge. 11 was derided by the e •il
of this township some Illlle tags 10 1414
$75, 85hid, the emmeil of Ursle•i,'11
township hail :weed 111 :114414 111 lieu
of the original grant of 61111. But
.f the people of this township
objected Io any payment. el: ' ' g
that 11e• work for which the grant
was voted had not been properly d ,
A 111111IIN•l' Int y111111g Illell 111141 boys
Well. 41111 bast. \l'edne•sbay evening
rather lie, in fact our s two married
men Were out 4(454). '1'11,' fart that, it
was Il:tllnw•e" 4'u, we• think, accounts for
it. •.
Mrs. Alex. aaudel entertained a few
44 her friends' to a birthday party fast
Friday .4','ti1)44. The- evening was
spent 111 11111511' a11(1 games. . Mrs.
%aaedeI received at beautiful gold
1Vbao 41 11055 ti'' W111•Id ham r • to.
Trade .''In1/iItP14, nlnopoli',, 11110k
nuu1a44e•s, 1n5u1111M•1• 0fl1(-ials. 414ll
One of t h e• 44 1,' It 1 4'ana11ia11
clot•c1M•' (appeals 11'111 14tad'mlent,
11141111, at 4111. nomad 111441 1144 hl 44115'1
1114 41 in the dune Plass over four hun-
dred and seventy Itemsand antlers
Hent trithimt proper serenity ; likl•ly-
4111it411in44 th.•tirnbl•• nl' Du. taentm,
lint who protltet by ttu• tabatis gained ?
44011111,11011,91' rnrle.l•orldl•It.4
Mmn.(V, Nue. 54 h.
I). E. M inrn.ham installed a number
of g4snline lights in his stale'. They
stake an excellent light.
The bridge is being re floored:
Thin no doubtis in the interest of the
'nnrlrsunity. as many have 4ss!n inenn-
vPnieneed (luring the pest. year owing
to the poor ronfllt' of the flooring.
Trlan.ty. Nov. (t h.
Mi.,. Minnie You left last %trek for
the State of \Vambington. whee herr
sister resides.
Itl•v. W. P. Kerney, of Pet:Dv:ma
Renfrew enmity. has 1/('4'14 ,appointed
Inn lent Of the Anglican parish
consisting of the churches at Jlulml'S-
vi11', S •chill and %liddl'tnn. H4'
is 1111 P41, A., about thirty yews of age,
'and rust i1'd. It is 'expected that M.
will take charge at an early trot,.
Fowl. Nernst. I.. 0. 1.. N. .1440
e'lebrateil the anniversary of th,'11un-
ttyNlwlfl•1' Plot Ivy having then. animal
fowl supper at the home of
('urry. nn tau• evening o1' N11velllbcr
The ,•'.,')ling Wag all that r-r,uld
1 Slipper N 44'151 1-•d for. 14 ,
tw1, / •c 1
1 I
from 0 un1E1 about !1 and 'y4'rt on4'
seemed well sat ill,'ll. After Nlglplrl•
the er0w'd, which was very large,
wr11t to the l)r:nge Ilnll, where a
gots! program was -even. (1'11. Han-
ley :tidy tilled 1he.'hair and tuldtesS's
were 44it,'u by the lief'. ale. Swann
and It's. Mr. Steadman. Solos Wort'
given by M,sst•s. St 'adntui 411411
Sturdy and Miss 1.. Sturdy. Instru-
m nt l music 44aN
f1nn'ft wI b
1'4111.4'. which was heartily 'n,'uted
a tending by Miss Lily 1'r,..ilt' 'mil ad-
dresses by %IPsst•s. iVnl1i1 and Con-
nolly Wer' ut11c11 •appr'cial'd The
program lasted until .after ill 1„IIN•k,
when :mother .f L. 0. 1.. No. 144)'s
sn'li'sshli fowl suppers 441x5 brought
ton rise. PVh'n they do it they do
it welt,
1 Addit innnl 111.1riet Neta. oh owe 'h,
111.341 0111' 1.8' story on mgt. 11.
Most people know that if they have
been sick they need Scott's Emul-
sion to bring back health and strength.
But the strongest point about Scotts
Emulsion is that you don't have to be
sick to get results from it.
it keeps up the athlete's sttength, puts fat
on thin people, makes a fretful baby happy,
brings color to a pale girl's cheeks, and pre-
vents coughs, colds and consumption.
Food in concentrated form for sick and
well, young and old, rich and poor.
And it contains no drugs and no akohol.
Tito s AV, Novemter 13th, 1806 7
Fall and Winter
A full Stock in this week.
Both in combination and separate garments,
"light and heavy weights,
6 < British and Canadian. makes.
Headquarters for the Celebrated Stanfield Un -
shrinkable Underwear.
G ootll tilt' Iicst,
i'rices the Lowest.
Art Tailors, Furnishers, Clothiers, Hatters.
N441 414 "1111' ('11111'1 1 11 41151' Square, ( (.)(lerl(•ll.
I [ow about that heating proposition
It will be economy to let us figure on it.
X1'1 ilo not pretend to be the only peb-
bly, on the M'at'h, but we can tell you a
thing or two about heating., Hot air, ,
hot water and steam.
We have a large stock of base bur -
titers that can be bought for cash at re-
duced prices.
I4aro;d Rooting, International Stock
Food, 'fill and Granite Ware, Aluminum
Ware, t't('.
E. P. Paulin
Hardware, Plumbing
and Heating.
Store 57.
House 177.
01111. • INI•
E have a long range of styles and prices in
Women's Fall- Shoes. The material and
workmanship put into these shoes is the best.
"i'he College and Blucher cuts are again popu-
lar and we have the Newest -t vies in the best Can-
adian makes.
• Come early and select your Fall Fa,ot\\'ear. The al
prices are : -
$2.00, $2.51), $2.75, $3.00 and $3.50.
. . . Elegant Showing . - .
have this \Neck opined up a shipment of elegant •
White Silk Waists, which are the fittest %%C have ever had -
the pleasure of showing. X111 are guaranteed "Tail4 r, Made'.
and perfect fittinti,
i,+oli's 1l'hit' Silk 1Vaisls mad,'
(1(1),4lest glfnlity ln11in Silk With
six I:1144,' 1le11141i11•111 111eks and
double pleat in front, large full
sleety with gradual ing 1nwks.
SpN•rinl 1'ri'r.. .. ....... $3.25
Ladies %Vhil' Silk ,Waists with r
four Large two inch treks with one1
in'h of solid stitching on each, Owi
sleeves 411'1' similar to the other
with hem4titeh.d riffs. This is a
most. ef).,live watist shown this
1.4a0.1. Special Price 14.30
The a1Nlyi• with haler '111, 1' limes we call 1l, 111111 it1 black,
\V4' are g ' 44 to make Saturday a •'1(1.1 1,'tter'.' Illy in our children's
1111)1. Children's School Coats in alp sizes, to snit all ages, and nitro snit the
porn'. 1nfltnt5 leanly -Skin ('oats with Hood to nut.'h, the largest tssurhnent
n tnw•n to 114.1115, from. Prove it by a visit.
new assort mem of Ladies ,leong 'tweed ('oat. x1111 Rainproof ('oats
t. 11111(1 this week.
Everything in Ladies Smart Wear.
PHS,,NI. Millar's Scotch ✓`o a P'srL.