The Signal, 1906-11-8, Page 59'N,Y_gl({NAl.:.�w(.!►11N'li�t►N�rnIrl(►
The Art of Panhandling.
C, Ws" Experiences with the Beggars of New
York City.
'Written for Ttw Signet
Not the Ieat interesting of thelahi i L' . hissed. you sat•ffu111N It, n
lunge characters one meets in the pliasl. h••Nrvare It,i111," said hr, iw-
,etropolisare its beggaya-"panhand- patie41,Iy : "caul you geef ulr ten
,r„.^ 441* they are vulgarly trailed. cents ?" He didn't get it, awl hr
'heir Mgr uiulo4 methods' to gel your slirunred in 141 cshoulders and dls-
ickel or dinar are amlusing to anyone 'firmed
year un old h1in11" rouplr
ho finds any intermit in this phase of flea forth 0,14111
11 Cwl•uty-third .Ii'I•rt
f4.• with a wheezy nee,,udion and :t Soy -
When the writer was a stranger in i uwwtaounathgi.s little white dogtlwith a
iew York he had a sy11lpathet.i( ear lift the I-131,11;01 M:vrry 1,41+4. 1 pa''rd I
•,r them. unfortunates. It is deaf, este w n 1(11*' Ih•op)ing a coin
ow, however. Experience has in the cup. A Imus with a couple of
sight 1 that overt Iwggl1•N are to legs shot away unighl (111(141. nu '.VIII
111;111 undeserving. Though cases of lathy, but this little whining, 4li'ver-
cn4s1 deserving want are r Ing pup could gel lullnut freely. \s 1
nougb, there is always .note way to chancel along 1111N evening it lady
"gain food and shelter from the llas*In4 by dropped a hun41kereloi.•f.
1Nrity ganivatiou41. Here alma (4.w
an11uln cases from among settees 4)t
%Vhilr getting my 'hors polishedsir lout clay a rough -hooking individ•
lit entreated we to give him flnaucial
,i.l. He was a uIe/tlwr of the paint-
uui01, he said, and was trying to
Ira to Harlem to get a Job. 1 gave
11111 a dime. He 4uughwl in such a
ous manner that 1 oinked 1' 1
lout if they faithfully try it they will
soon final that, It pays.
Metho7dist•Minister Formerly of Gode-.
rich Accused of Heresy.
.44M'k4llll. Mich., Oct. 3), 4p1t•o i:1►.'
Bev. J. T. Let.iettr stirred up several
, l his statist • 'rt by his 'Ne(' •
' The Tragedy of fella,..i4) which he
is allege' to have quid that the (lar
den of Eden was t fable and a myth
that there weer no molt persons as
A41a11 anti Eve ; and that the Old
TI.,oti11eut W/1•1made up 441 legends
and tyles.
' \\al4ou Smith. aged about furry.
who hats leen a FF)4I. inl•11t wi'rk.r 111
t1.• First \Ieth/441i.1. 11111111'11. 'wing*
la suit..•1. of the 11M1.61,1.
l 1 surd, IS 11,
11•34.11•V in Ih.• IN'u N/NI•.1 (Awl 111111i1114the 111.a11e1. 114111.•• 1'11,41111K I'lMcr l).
11, ti 1 in, 111 A1111011, 1111 1 11649 IN•fole
4111 1103rd 4,1 (11411444•'.. \I 1. Snlit 11 is
10.9,911t11.11l.v Wesles scoot-. sited aboutfifty. w•1,. .lugs i4) the 'h.1r, but who
happened t0 be absent ,Ind 4,1111 1114
111.11r110. serm on. \Il'. Sears says,
however, th:lt if Mr. 1.1.1bear "mole
41ur1 statements from 1lie plaid' he is
guilty' .1 heresy and.Iw,II,1,1'•.1141
1'hr 11 d Mao mule n sudden• The lint \Iot hndl,l .'04141 ,.' 4 ion is
worthy of au 1411141111, gained Ih.•. oar 1,1 the largest in the 41.,1.•. Hev.
handkerchief, then quickly Iesuu,wl J. '1'.114•tient' 14114)1 here .iv 11•341 ago
his set and his wheezy old t and has 1..•.•n very 41144pu1 o do lunch
One ease in (articular decide•° me s4) tlml 4.4 •eptr441),-1 Ihr• ..111144. ,11.
not 144 give y 141 street beggars. 1411.11 Ioutid unatiuin,o illy n.1ne•41441
'Phis Was Illy last M'ontt' . 11 1s it tJ'•.,•1.ner1111,• 4. *4.414111 I ' . \II',
wIinter'4 night. soul 1 was returning !a•(lem. ha, 111(•1 horn sess.,tmoial i4)
1 to Brooklyn tlu•0u It 111,• Pity his .1rulou. ,441.1 4)r .ass is. (nil n1 i4)•
ih►lI Park. The clamor of l'Irk -How 41.4, 4 4i •I 1.,•ing ; u 111 this 14(411', (1141
w•4)'. 1114hw1 (or the .t. y. Tdn••nl.l 1'111• dues nut appear :.4 311 worried- over
l4. intended to get a drink with Ihr Hall looked ghost Iv 1i.iig through the obit -et ions to it
❑onry, He anrwenal, with it hluua- the snowstorm. :1', I lass n4u.iug un Hr gay. that he b:1 held similar
los twinkle in his eye, "Kay, hoes, 1 III the piltur•%puettes of the .vent. fur views for y'1•nr>, :un11 claims that the
tom 111 get 4)04., anyway." As the 144 ••eeno•d .0 w1444.1)' hn'htsl a Orientals all used poets' imm14411y :old
mltld w1 hr hill up hin index tall tissue.. of an 11141 111:111 came from a • 1hait 4h.• original writ 1.1, of the scrip -
Inger. He was such a light -hear ter) by-1will. "11e was shivering with the 4,,,,...,,4,,,,...,,did nut. inl.gld to I,,.• I lkrn
4agm114)111 that I had to laugh. too. cul . ".ming man. ' he 1. g(n, his lite. dry.
On my way to businese onruwrning V1111•. Ireutbliug, yet. as 4 Ieuenll4•rwI' I'ur.i he ..4).l that much of nip
on Clinton street, Brooklyn. a buxom after. his bre14t1 was skilfully kept w•ruwu l4) yur.ti4411 w:,• I•:(sel un nrti-
lid lady stopped tae. She had the from 4441• ; "young Mau, can you 11.4p a 11,•4 whish :114 Lipp..,,,,tug i4) Mrlhodi'.t
•amr.t (ace cultivated Ill a w[iener.� io111.111d man l4) gel m night's It1144- 111.•1:1141.'. •
With sighs anti gestures she interest ung 1 slopped to hear his talc. tun young 1wuple :111• 11:(1111144
to Urrro lnt.
Ihr WAS'pp11 i
1 cul her. •' h I hive it "o4) Who looks like you.
•the Hast 14) do a half•day's wash, and he wlil. putting his hand in a fatherly
would I be no kind as to give her the way 1111 Ins• 11144u1,,•r. "Ah. you ,,u•.•
ear (are? She got it, and 1 felt Nome 1141W on the threshold of life." A
hole.ulufnrt in being the Meant+ of slight choking rano• til my dotal.
hllpinK a poor old soul. A tit Lull" 1 wets already feeling in my' Imakel
same and in the sae locality. my (dd for the money. "I was s•:w adder•„ ••I has•,• Io•ru in Jackson, 11111g
friend again hove in night. "Could' loan in the lay ..f Scranton, hitt Wall enough for people to know fur and
se tell nu- the way to Grernp pint f' 141teet r ' et' m.•. Beware 411 sleet; t• judge 41*uu•rrity :4).d e:u•n.%t�u•�
•hr whines! •'1 hen. d your story he- 1iuu4•" and° so nn. ‘‘.11t,11 many bless aaN n pnxtor, 411111 1 4(111 williug to 14'
310111 41)1'. line." 11.13111. •'4,11,1 if they
al's. Iso he taught by lsacloud'u1a the
minister has :t , y' hu toward$
-Don't you : think that stela11 nt
141u41r i. :rpt 10 . ndaugt•t• your (s.
4iom ii t1,.,c11treelt
" 1 1
hue. old lady." 1 rept; '•(4,441 1)14.44.1 41444'. 111. 11.111. my 'dieting al. started it it, that W„).-
she answered, and hustle! off. 1 for Park thaw. where he said he (4411141 (po• of t 1.• sI 1ru111inr114 uwln-
leasing w bail of old rye un the morn- get some 8144441 late (,3441. 1 foilloww
ing him. H. went int.. the first saloon,
In the theatre crowd on Union and 1 stood outside and watched hint
Whine.. a 1a11. handsome Frenchman l Nput down a long drink of hot whiskey.
once accosted ate. He wan wash' Brooklyn, N. 1.. • l'., H.
"1'111 art -wed, and +st.Inppeld me very I October 'LLlid, lies:.
--- limn McLeod pat nap a good {(tine.
r wsits. might
Clinton Wins an Isluestan( Game by 11'Id Irish been nn lh
tbs Score d i too. Ila`' little 1 different. It
The (1. 11: 1. footfall town j,au•neywl ray, to Clinton on Katurday to give the
Collegiate institute team of that town win
the game of its life anti incidentally to
lift the Hough cup ; hut all ealclb► Karl
beans were owe., as the Clinton tenni
won rather easily by the wore of 1 to Ihe
m. Quite a number went down from
hero to help the toys carry home the ,) ,
trophy, but on the way dowu it was
derided that it would le just *s 4.4.11
not to bring it home as it might `311
hers of the official l Io a d says he le.,
lily'•'. that 1114h/11g 44111' rrsulf from
1114. 1.1(44.114.4. 1i'.t41ew1.1414(1111441 •Il -
1y by the clergy Man. Ile says the ;
ta'.tor is •1 bigger than those
m1Ji44 ' 44 11011.
Presiding Elder Stands by Mr. LeGear.
:\Ibiun• "4111., Orl: ':4t. I'IY•Nllhllg
Elder it It. \Iletin says : ••I do nut
Think anything will Is• dime in the
e been a 1 i 1,1414. of Iter. 'fir. I,.•(tear. 1111• taelss•41
Ito'. Was right in hie glory. pastor. I 410 1111 (.•,144•%1• 11u1t the 1
,'Kinn,'n played ;t G•w trick.. his statement. be mail.• would be con-
trite h•ing the wild Indian yell. • , si11e-e1 beryl it when taken in their
nler•4on woos greatly missed nn the :ettieig in his %retina. (Me 4: t I
g, although Illonin put up a 4(444441 take his wnr.l. alone ;part from the .
le, roldex4. The lima,k crwlit••d to hila
\Vhich is w11,•11:'" 4)t• "Wino are that there' w.1. 'nu Aral band fall'
4.y :•" wan, the question asked by .the wnu1.1 41,11 is. in hot with the
ntiin forwards. teneliiti44s of the .1.1h4441i4t chureh.
lot on. of thrum has anything 141 bol 1 IelieY, 111:141,11 Vi4W$. if under- 1
Ihrwsw,. \ 'stood as he iul.notel, would be
Amami is next. 14111 :111 (book the. o,th,slux.'
'tilt ks Al, Noveutler lith, 1906 •
Best Bread in the World
anal too grog for the ;an
who needs daily vim and vi or.
is the most he:lith-giving, vitalizin ; dread Flour ever
produced by modern milling methods from selected
Western Canada 1 -lard 1Vheat. Besides, it is
Absolutely Dependable hi the Roland
14111. at
The (treat Dominion wlnnlpeoa. Codetich and Brandon
All II'im11111Nn aretinted n 41•nllem,am
o4) 113• sit 1.1.1. 131N 4111144;111• w 4th n 1.• -
quest for the lisle•. '1'11,• 44.•ullruuu4.
sl,spsrtiu0 that rat w'i•h1'.I 1,1 41untrh
his ss .11/b, gave 1' re -:tinging rap 1441
the' muse. %villi the reo,nrk. "Il 11,1'.
11144 '.un.'k 99110!" • Ire 131.1".1.41••. rr-
lurt,si I'at. •'I'u1 glad 1-(11414'1 as yes
an hour 44444'."
u• I n
,lylor 1114.1011 •w.. (I, it*" nout• of A Reminder.
•bu•iu»s.what hethought. ' •
Two Tuh''�c14e going 11owm tin•
The tesla i1 stronger titan lust year K
(ark.. 1 he 'tractive. •14..1 When Ih.•y ,,.ls.ed a wan weau-
'It.11d'" w',Is there wit 11 hells 111. 1:::.1 K14•e11 -,•.1 ,11141 N I• lIi'. r 11:11.
Ine of 1)th 4lwdrrm 14:141 his .•hri4ty "14.14 .1.1 the tme. "Just see what
that 411 u, 1: -porting.
.1(4.11, w'4. 11111'1. know, bas's
••y.• said the•ulher. "lhil.rrmiud.
m.•. I %1' 1;4,4 1., buy 14(1441' quinine•..
pros• n hindranee to the work 441 T
'.rh,s•l : hence the wore. I4'
The K: • minuted shout 4 p. 'm hat
with as porn er•Iwd sa could well
turn out f11ou the 111.11144 ('W11 in 4.%i i
Ienrr. 144114e'. were .011111uw1 free of : pn'
harge• and hosts of fifteen and under
Were free over the
('141,14'❑ ether t1 tuck 910411,lb, 11,1.1 r
1whi.•h lly the way might (s• inupro%rd
ronsi41 rably,) ant *darted MT with
rush and soon had IA•:.u. in g, nal for. 'II`
Uuderich. guessing. Hoye.• relieved,
and the visitors' got in wane nice ,11111- T
bin,tion work, whirh. however. 1i%
proven of little loop. its the defence of ha
the home tram was very 4Reeti%4' wi
and proved a veritable stone wall 14.14
:ignited the. visitors. Taylor took the' c44l
bs11 ,and went down the Held, but cwt 1.
it just near the stoat McKinnon r•. 1.11
414.%11444 nicely. The latter was not f,.
111.14.11 in evidence. except i1 some tle•N
very questionable plays. Mcleod look- 4.a
tug after hint moat of the time. (On- lot
can do this. too. for he has the weight '
behind him. and also the nerve. This- Th
teen minutes after play- Was started yr
Clinton 'scored its first goal, after a tw
vier hit of combination work by the n
forwards. Hight after the 644.4. of t1
O.derieh took the ba11 to the Clinton IN
gond and Mnthewwm just misw'l the ,•N
goal•pohut in a pretty shot fruu , the th
nide. Clinton then got hump and after ,,nine
nine minutes of play %cored its second h
1•rote--n4. ! 'dJ 5 4111„. 'kaolin AN
• •'Ih..%.l09..,b:,t remind you?"
"O11. just t h.• bad taste." November
I,ippyincot t's. '-
Read ..4)r n1%c .101) ..n paged.
be time of 11e year has mow 314 �.-
.1 when most ,,1 our insect foes -- -
r e...4s•d their active work moll au..
Ih91rNw'n from M seta:itionl and con-
urnll most ;people e • to the
11111.19119 that the «•1l4otl's (144ht is
4.r and that nothing new) at prem -
t 1e done. Hut this is very far
an being the rase. There NW many 1
1414.11..' inserts th41. 4'311 1N• 111441•
oily dealt with now than at any
her t' of the year.
First and Gwent...1 the pea wr4.411-
e hon.•. from this insect hose leen
4.Y ninth leimene ' during the last It takes nl o f t than
o seasons in Ontario, hat this it...
modern machinery to pro -
o1 mean that We have got rid of the
-nolle. The insect is still with us, duce good tlour. It is the
It (wing in grently reduced numbers care used in selecting the
n the more enmity be lrnit with. If
P4P In the least nllaplrpNl 1f the sires-' wheat before it is ground
net- of the tiny 'teeth. in the newly
and the searching tests' of
mr1este•ll peon, they 1.1 I in soli' '"s''
'expert chemists afterwards
as intended for sed. should be at
nee treated with (1i'.tilphide of ear- I that give •
which will kill every'illlm' that is
Royal Household 1
amiliar enough : }mut' the peas in nli '
goal. This end the wiring in this , pe
WI of the game and just before half -'1
time Taylor burnt the hall by trying hin who 1
to knock down the Clinton goal - 'exposed to its tum... Th. method is'
tender • :f
The second half was much faster
than the flrat, anti for name time the
Onderieh" rooters held out 'some hope
that the U. C. 1. boys might overcome
the lend of the home tram. hal (Tinton 4
took another spurt and after W • P
K/MMI work, 114 the (:olderieh defence 0
'4.0trd the third and last goal. (lode- it
rich tried hard after this, but it I
seemed of no avail, As the h*'k divi-
sion of the home team MAP impre44-
nahle, and the game ended with the
smote three to nothing in favor of
Clinton. s
For Clinton ('app on the hick di -i• Iw
%ion played a fast Kaffir'. and • 1 1111
forwards McKenzie and Jtnnming
Were the pick. For No.trrich, if
won be Ilan! to piek out a yrs
. (vel n in game, wt 1'11 •• be similarly Kot
weehttnnn, Fingluo41 *1111 11141 1
err' most ennnpiC)I0%1s on the dr• rid of. This will destroy 4,ny weevils
fence, and McLerwl, M4thew•'ou nnil that have already come out 441.1 are
Taylor were the piek of the forwards. hiding nw4y for the winter. I1 will
Dean played a /odd game in goal, pay to do this whether the insect is
stopping never' hot ones, and being known to be present or not.
espor•ially Atrmng on cornet' kirks, or This brings its to the next impor-
scrimmages near the goal. Stratton tant matter, namely. clean farming
for some unaccountable 44a41n was and gardening. All '.ort'. of inserts
not. lmenent, being in Stratford, whirl' find their winter quarters in refuse.
weakens,' the (,Nlerich leant'..4nsidei- Many that infest grain take refuge in
Able. Kilpatrick replaced hint. and I the stubble, othwrl nee sheltered by
played a very creditable game. for one i prise rnhhi'h, others 144nil1 hide In
who had not 'wen expecting :1 place tnflr 11 Kr*as; *song 1111• Weeds in
on the team. Meyer, for the visitors fetwe eorn(•rh. under hark, wherever
and Johnston for 111e home team Ore" in fort there is Mhelter of any kind.
the goal umpire., nn,l J. Wilson, of Now is the time to turn then, out nn*
\Vin ham• wns referee. lite officials ,•x4441wt thyro 40 the frost and wet.
all did their work well. and there was ('Team (1p awl hnr(r wee11' of "Pr).
no kirk from anyone exeept McKim kind, this will destroy Many- seeds nn
non, who thought it was quit.(• imp 141' well as insects. (rave no heaps of
sihle that he entrli do anything that rubbish anywhere. Gather up qnd
was to he questioned•, Mr. Wilson is add to the manure pile the leaves and
to h• enng1•atulnted on the wny he sulks of roots. ts. po/tato es, etc. Plough
handled the teams, potting a damper op old past lorer that me infr'tpl with
on any rough work an elan n'. it ens white grahn or the larvae of mop
"darted beetles. Mcrnpe the rough hark off
The trema : the tnlnks and limbs of fruit -trees,
((Menet. Clinton. (1111. this may he done later on in the
4) n I Ilwllopnr winter. Ry keeping 1 he farm, the
u. Darse i "f all
tiflMor r mks
orchard and the ppardrn Herm. rely*•
11 n� 1 tMeKensle iwlR of inw•ete will be prevented from
\y'. InfLnA 1 half hacks McKinnon finding on the pr•mi'en the shelter
1:. Iwhtwan 1iii, Mannino Ihey need rotting the winter and will
to. hnrnln Mr 1Nannlna rinh or go nnlllew here Plnr for
A. Meteor, I MkIne Il either pw
w'•Tatter hxe-MPA. . Rw"..11 A hiding place, and thousands more
w. ilwthew,rl,. 1 ( McLean that are in the egg or chrysalis '.tage
y\'. ne.trlet II^""Mk will he destroyed. Many, no doubt,
W. Meyer*. Wilk. referee
ter* awl n lnhnem,. rim nmr4r,-- will think all this too ninrh trouble,
Toilet Ware
-r0ILETf WARE in artistic
abundance ,s pictured an the
pages of our Catalogue. Whether
your 13ste turns t0 S,Iver. Ebony or
Ivory. it v ,II find ample variety from
which to choose.
From our own factory comes the
richly chased Pompadour Pattern in
heavy. Sterling Silver. A sin p,ecr
Set consisting of Clot), Velv'et•and
Haar Brushes, with Mirror and Comb
- is w.rrecedenled value at 830.
Pieces are sold singly if desired.
so that h set may be added to, year
5y year.
1).wp Nr poste/ ran1 n'.i ter wi!"
/ li i t�TJ gl.c s
NAVE YOU A BOSS? •t ate 11.114.
p,•ade11l' 1t you .11, u, ul"nr)• 4•4 ,-••:14. our
.4.4., quit and .,,.,kr ,coney lot yuunel1. 4 Let out
of .1:14.4 y and Le lyre Write t:. 11w"'11a1,t. 14
Cu ,.l,undnn. They wig "how you the wa)'. '4 4.ry
have x4401411 thousands., the 1.. id m. freed
Seven dollars a day, rvrty day in the year. i. I.e.
,n4. made 1lundliug their xou'Ip. Write now.
I Time i.
'1 Near=by Health
. Resorts .
A few- days at 1 he
1prin44s of 4C ('at harines,
'.'•\ Clemens and, I'restl11
h'benefited the health of
Idreads. N1411im4d Is e11114(1
to the 111S•1111 1111.11t. KW( of
• hotel alrum mtalatio11atmm44d-
.•1ale 171te41.
All situated on (*.'I'.It.
hin 0. krl-.aid (1,11 Information ..all 411
'r., . 11 .y K,•nl .
1 Mitre 11011r. *1.:44;1.)44. to9113.,
•Ik•pol Ticket :Vein.
J. I). 41.'4lonntd. Ui.Utet ('a.-. Agent,
�11Sh1��t�t11�111�t1ttf �It11n111i11ttlttt�t1�111f N111//��1N/il�mm�
( hin just as good as those celebrated
Nothing da
airtight cask or hin, *1111 I01HI
1111 1 ' ulphnde to rt 4•t y 1 w. ,
over lip tightly And leave dor forty- purityand its uniform good-
ness. hours. Then open up either Int- g
f-(4(441rn or where there is it thorough)
(14.11, ltd its preparation
raft of stir : dal not *line any flre n4. , . no process tending to !m-
ight to come near it, as Ihe c*poi is prove its quality is omitted
-pry infiauttuahl, anal espinsive ; every l•
weevil or other insect K the peas' or slighted. Tell. your
will hp dead and non infested elIg
,11;11 1*' n-nil*hi. for nest year. Thi racer that \'vu want Royal
woe treatment should be used for the I ouseholdti
because the
wan -weevil which is n•serious pest in
pen pan on tap of them one ounce of
p )is IMI itw.
, f
tan la 111141,441 weighs shoot sixty Ilm.l, I its nutritious qualities, its
Imp ports of the 1'41-14)f('• makers guarantee it.
In addition to this treatment to the; tl�llvk Flour Mills CO., Lid.
pens Ihrmwlvrs, the iwa rimer and r Montreal.
rnhhish nhonld be cleated tip and .S7
Id i k fh best, an
11 pl • R g 1 t R, y burnt anti all ramie where I l*s'ly nK
hits been done should
Good Cheer
For baking, cooking, heating, looks and
economy in fuel. Every stove warrant-
ed a perfect worker. A full line
of those splendid
Penn Esther Ranges
always on hand. - Call and pec us. 3
Colborne St. Near Bank of Commerce - Thane
Overcoats, Furs,
Jackets, Millinery
adl%'ad c -al l‘
Just. now you want these and ,just now we are
prepared to give you l'\1•t'ptional value in 111, because
we have bought ilr:tv'ily and well. In every line the
goods are correct and 'm'it'e, are easy. You can't
afford to pass this I)i„ well -assorted, well -bought stock.
Hod bhuak,'t . I ,t h• double• wihlh. purr weoi, per SM,
yard O
\t. n
''. b131 k skirls, well 1"311'$1 A QC7 f„ $7 0
Alla 1144 ly t4.'V s . ... F.l
Grey skirls 'better 1I )41411 .b.• -maker nn
11,411(4.1 1Ind east you mn1411 fes.. ...• ... $? 00 191 $6.00
Mill's 1111,111 ink.Ible pule W0111111991Jer1 WPM' :11 I,.• -t
%,•44' M pri14.. • .11111 y 110 k11.1%91; 1114. 41111,41111' Q 5
1,1 IWire of W'011... C7
I)o\\'N t9t11I:I'4 111 duel, I31 11f fancy silken eoverin4. at ;4 1s0
rednrlioon in prit'1•'.- 11 will pay you to owe thee, They :oo. a
necessary luxury, ,•u'.lin44liltl.• al _
C :old $1.00
Hardware Supplies for Fall 11
Nails, locks. hin;;te.,, bartidoor hangers,
etc., etc. fall line (1f• builders'.
11:11'11 will•(',
e "Happy
A ati' U
Radiant ,home beaters
w•wni� 14!1
-me sr
jA r,i..E
14.4,S,, 4-,4f iwJ:rl
One or Two Advantages
It is not pleasant to kindle the kitchen tire on a colli
morning, and not necessary if you use a " Happy
Thought." Simply turn 'on. the Clampers. 1)o not
turn the grate nor put on coal until after breakfast, -
, An even baking oven is an advantage; the "Happy
Thought" has; it. ' •
:A powerful \vat('rfmnt is a desideratum. In this
particular the "Happy Thought" excells•
Hot water in the reservoir is• a Convenience; the
"Happy Thought" always has it boiling.
A. great eonvene3ncc also 1s the TRANSPAR1? (T
OVEN DOOR, by which the process of cooking ca
In' observed without opening the oven door. t) ;This is a'
n'ry valuable feature, and peculiar to this Range. -
p' ,., -�1'1
e Best Tools h.,
We offer to our customers what we believe
to be the best line' of tools made -the
celebrated Keen Kutter Tools, which were
awarded the Grand Prize at the St. Louis
Exposition. The
Farmers' Poultry
Shovels, spades, and all kinds of farm
11111 garden tools.
1'8114ts, (411s, Vainisli4-, w111I• I.',i.l
brushes, etc.
trade mark covers :t complete line of toois
and Cutlery, even including sonic tools that
are not "cutters." Every Keen Kutter
Tool is guaranteed .to be the best that
brains, money and skill can produce.
Tool Booklet free at our store.
See onr Pocket ('ntiel•y keen goods
at keen prices.
Sole Agent, _ 6oderich.
We want all your Poultry, alive
or dressed. sad will pay IIs
Your Poultry may be delivered at,
(inn) 41111, Moyer \Van1w1.
('Ltrrov November 11;11•
Buyer. .1. A. Pimp.
lit.vrn, . NoVemlwr Pith,
Bove'-, McMtr.l..yv k Cu.
Roberfsort's Ready -mixed 'Paints nee the Pest
We aro ltyenls'ffor Godeefch
The llaraware Store, West Street.
Plumbing, Heating, Lave -Troughing, Roofing,
111.•nll0t1 .Itl,11414.41 1,3.11111 \\i1rk tlvett
Store 22
- 1 },)11`.' I I 2.