HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-11-8, Page 44 THURSDAY, Novembei 8th 1906 THE SIGNAL: (;OI)FRICHT ONTARIO MR KELLY'S REPORT lhr engineer 111 4e,,41;'1 : that 11� LOCM TOPICS. t'oI41.1'11,, t1we., 41114,tt L:Ir.tli. � 41''44 Iw•ensin Ie buil) 1/u the southeast j LOCAL(!{N1.4I11, It w+rm dw idrd 111 apply to . of \'6.6.66. street and Napier --_ the town council for electric light. J. W. Craigie Again the Lessee. The Skating and Curling Associa- tion hell meet nig. L►1t Saturday and 'M 1:/)' evenings to consider the neuters for the Ira,' 11f the rick for the 4,0111 11g season. 'I'w'o tenders taws• received for a lease for f1%, yeat s, J. W. l'r.tigie offering et the rate .f 16173:t year for the rink :end bowie and John 1 ulr 4:4441, and three le•ue)rrs %vete received for '.hr rink alone for the mea41111. D. TI prem .,MerinoK trio, Wiggin" & Hays $3..i :111/1 .1. ('raigi. 66127, len Saturday the* V11161 %VAS :t lir as between the yearly letter and the fly. -year lean*, 611 4111 Alon- day the 116:4e1.11y were in favor of the yearly lease. AS that left the prop- er( y more ul.de•r 'the ,111111•oI or the A...t•iatiu%. Mr. l'raigie" offer for the .rase„ Was therefore accepted. Address to Orangemen. L. 1). L. ' Ne, DU adopted a 1164' method 01 celebrating the Fifth of No% -cin 4.1' this • year. and1111 Alond,ay ll hag :(44611de•Victoria et reel Alethi4l'6st 1.11411.44 in 4 14,+d%' to listen t.. ;1/l ad441'l .. I.y the. 6.e.l or, 'try. \W. 11, 1. sham, on 1 114 .ul.1.-.-1 '•S tieing :\Inuit Cif irrnship. .% 1 iunlbe4' outside the onse•r were al.'' in at 11•nd- anrr. Alas'6c Was furnish...) 6y the choir of the church. AI'. lir:di m re - retied t,, the holding of 1 ' r14:•y e•e•Irbrtl ions as teal u:lrI 1. e'i%ralr•I 1111411, and, d.•"rlihinl( Ihr events .f there• I bred years .1gal 404 Ihe h'' 1111 u( 1114. .1541'11 411 I114.1'tV 54'1.1 144''1i1it Of yr: )', urged the mete- 4le+tl duty- upon him hearers 1/f using their influence at the pi,..ent time for the suppress' 11f i"ditir141 col - rupti.11, a •1, 141 di.honevl)• and religious intolerance. The Gas Company. The 11toumlrrs of the li,wlrrirh Has Company Ie44611 that the $1.7,1.541 of s14•k 15 hi' 11 the town Commit Ir.41111.44.1 (o 14. 4.4111.,3 ibell hi•:illy as a condition id thege4nliug of a fraltbier to the proposed company ha. 44.01 M'.nerd. and a Meet Mg o1' the tee 11 c ,il has 11reu.tallud'(or this evening 40 the details of the term• of the fr,ul- chise 11/ be granted by ,h.• 11154'11. %%1)11 1111' or 11111 any 11111111 work will Iw• 11.1111. Illi. year 711 the I,s lug of the 1113iln Will .1411441d upon 44 ), , t :11•ralge- Meld.l•:m 14. 54,4(14' with t4..• 1•15111luany who 4154'54 Ibr latents 4,1 the system ,411d who, will have the iu.talling 1/l' the plod here. The s: • t• patty has 14.•11 111d,11ling it system in (Melph and t u• member": of the 114.11 vow - pally [tip nun' will probably I 6.144 • a 111 I1/ 1 1 > I Iluelph 141,s401 the 1/11111. ____ _ ,l1 •let : that Bruer Ntl'rrl repot•). Ise I left in the hands of the chairman of Returned from the West. ON CHANGES NEEDED IN TOWN'S Ibe pull'6r wol'k4 cuuunittee ,old the 3 (i, 116inim.1 1,.65 r'•'nrl,,• 1 tr'111 LIGHTING SYSTEM. 1 street ins1 lector with power toot : lit it i,i1 11./111111111i4a1 l t 1, • "1 her ELECTRIC LIG that the Western 1'.111.1 4 F'loue Mills N',•.le•rn I'no iuees, 451.•„ h.• 1..... -- iCo. get the snubbing' p...al. lying 41 4w'n1 the'f4644 15511 11,1111 Its 111 the lir the 111'1.1"4" 94"111 have Ihr 44445546' 1,,,,...3 .1lhr 1hay Kugulr 1\.11'- 1'e. 712,200 Would Put the System inl , properly put in+H their own expen•,- H.• ha- 1,, ,t with rul,i lysyl.• ,11••''.••. Shape tor the Next Fifteen Years I The lejot•1 ens adu1Hrd. 11.1'lo-r.l-14ItII I or s• "f1' r 1 • I"'' • Mr. Kelly to Investigate Producer l'ounedllnr Elliott Mentioned that „1,,,1,,.,,1, !1,1, .,, 11 • r 1'"1 Gas Before New Boiler is Pur- 1the .u41,nlr1 hotel 58 6'l ,81115 1111.45 114rl'''1 hu -un -, in 1 he \fest, ,i 4 ,.IIn." Buil • chased Other Business Before the I'1;14u114rr thsoeugthhlat. It Ihrh,•1'einwwlh;o,tl41lcrd Al i erii u1a .e1iune•ul41i,b'1,'"8',.1dulnl,i 1, i4 in a 443'1'1.'3'' "n' Town Council. ' 1 Iw• atfeete I. It was decided In write the pro44t'iel..•• A Successful Effort. AI r. Elliott said also 11/• had 'welt 1t the 1'gul.u' un',un:; .,l Ihe 1"")'- 'l'he regular meeting of the town 4asked why Ihe• 10614.1 go"'I, 4.'i' 111e council %•Its held II et Friday night. 4 Ih•,•mrs hail not art i'ed. H, said he with all the miming' ' present with the ewe'. i0form,al 411114- ill g'"41' 55.11' exreptiOtl of l'u6Il4,' Intoe S:r11uw',4, who 1101 balk,' iiiii ing the , ha, of Ihe• V141,11 absent ft town., would resign. 'l'li.• matter Joseph Whitely 8• j1lainnd of over. 1, 4,4. rrtrrred to the Ih,• eam11,11 le'•, charge for water ueed in building the ' The drhn' .0 'he 44.664 "1 4 41' ' °°"'.41 brick veneer for the addition to J. H. • 55.114 ow ill('" nut I"'viug u,toi nlal34.11 \%'orbell's slur,. and the halter was 1e' ' 414 111 w48.n Ihr 1011 16-1 Ie1'6'I '' ferret' to the water and light 4. • . 1••'..4:11141 .41141.4, Thr'.umal 11141%g41t tee. The ),yup' askwl what ac''11111 , there .huuld 14• some ea.IIs aeee•ssibl' • eta" kepi of those who am. grlliog 1er14d kept. aId .11 1:111g1111111114 45 ill Water fur lalildiag p1lrposes and Ian• 1 n,. doubt Is• Ili de to 1661.• this in the (pwi41n mrru,ed to 14• (11.11 011 Vel4. I 1"1 'tut'. II 11111 strict oversight prevailed. l'uu0eillor 1 Thr 1r•I:rying 01 11 •1411.11 pier' o1 (l.ldth.11'pe. thought e5.'ry • all„ 1,•1114.111 .idey'141L 4145 11. It.0 sheet built should get water for l ailing I w,. 1.41 to Ihe'I.'1 to atlei,d 1.., and mileposts, free. the .'•,nn' -i1 adjoin-tied.Thr tax collector reported Did l' taxes collected 11/ the amount of i'=.'.- I THAT OCTOBER STORM. • 711.17, lresdisc Is of ste.s.1i. 'chi, was tiled and 110 I114oti46u of AI,•,s6 Blair and Elliott the eollr'lor 55'•1-' Scottish Paper Reports That Goderich asked to make a declaration on D,• uadd :ua Tornado crmy, 'p• lwr 13th of the taxes leIll1/i11iii,,'1 551• ha, Lorna •r.u ••olyslon11 Impel d at that dale. .•.r in the., 411. this yr:u „ „ earl 1/f f'he collector ale, rep,,rt,d that the• I'' 55.1174•11 55 ale w• all aar,•, 6111 l'elbwip disputed gl,tlolithic walks Isrv.- silentswith reference to the 1\'ate* - non' ,,t ". 1A.liz.•d what a ',sotto. old 11,46 street walk had not yet twee 1611- s41"111•, Jud 11414I*' nt 11 1.,ru1 '1 w1/. jested. dimwit it wits understood 111e 15114144 i„ ."u' 1e11., we *Ho on in 41h.s- ma" - proper; y-.wurl•s .uncrr•nld w e• r 1• fill hoe "t the Coq 111 it a pence (j4� of • 1,,e It had In -,•n 11.,51 clear' nut *tie*tier)' ii pay worn Were 1 141Iow' 1 of "iglu w. .b'an that U1' ,86'x6 111a•1 - The fur ....Mel.as it t .s wrrr toailwn el eel, i . Thr tart was left to the town clerk. I ung 556 didn't ,•1. n 1/..i'• Ihr 11,114"041 The engineer re4Nfl-'6,d Ihr ,n"t of ri1Ke,. 4'llri.nl•11 enough. new's,I III extending the water 111*111 411 the t wli 41i"11.1l0• 1.111.•. 4 I,i.mgle •' �,..II"I4'r new houses built by ('111. Young on 1,111,11,111.1 at :\I4•nlreu, Bruer sheet Its 31146111 766x7 and 411 ex- "'hi'4, g'"''" 4" .how 141,11 111• lenlrh tending (lir• sewer as abouttill,'. 't1" 11"1 ," •1"" .411.•6 411. .1 he is 1111• This brought up the , uest1ol of s,•w'•4 'I." v, .1- 1111.1 11, 111'' .\IN•Irll.'ll Kx- exte1mi1/,8s again. .t.. Blair thought 1're.. "f fl' 1"I.rt 131 I, : a new bylaw should be prepaid pm- 141.11/. 11418 IN A\IEItII'A. ling all future eXtensiuns of the sew.', uns:.5'I' tts'r1u;' I nes. lige symtelt' 411 the Ileal iIIIproveim•ul plan, while ('1/l. Y K tl gilt 0- New fork. Friday. o the original system had been put ill Oily •.I. Ihon Ise wt blizr.:14 ex1).ri- at the sole ,.xpeome of the tuts„ 11' �40p•w1 1111 m )hilly fume y.,,, hal swept only 11(14 eta)' w,‘„,r f„all rutin). .,ddi- ,ver 44e.• 1•: e -I.1 n ,Ind ''1,114' Western tions 11/154• put 111 the 5511411' 55:14.011 1x.:1/„1 K.ulbel•0 4,1 da, iwfli't- (noirElliott .111 17.1,1- mous n1au13 11 "n fruit :Ind thor of Me4et . 111 • , not m 1 K IbOrptit welts decided to grant 1lic ,,Ih 1 crops. In the Male or New water extensiun and to refer the y1/.•-. 1'o1'f�.attire..6'b:url. w'r'• ...tripped of tion of the sewer extension to Il'' • rimer\ 616181.6"+ on i„-'"Ilnt .lf 1 h water and light , ' tee. weight 0 Ihr 55.l. '1111 ''.4: .1/.w Al A letter front Engineer Kelly 55'616 I11,1T11. ,ill the 1.•11•gr.'ph, I,I1111 • referrhrr to the-llrersw1811 system :Jud electric train 444,•. 61,•11` thrown latents c t" the electr,liV,''4: t syste411,5-„ in tile • • In „ ,n,•r. causing Warr as of the town follows : .114.1141 Y.ill,lasl wort h or damage. the. Mayor :041 I'outwit. Z 11' hole' rive• •s of .4,,, 4e h'a's .tele ,; erieh. utterly Iu'6ne•.4mel, the work ..f 1/Kae:slnl4 I -A, r•0ut.1.441 1 11.14. 11134'• 311 .u...„1,. y,• er8 6.4..•1'411 rub 1/r.•. 111 estimate of the '.t of IIN•Ra-ing the elect r . light plant two /111,0 t now i-. -'1.:F111 light-. t" 11ii•Iowan I'M st.rul :u•ri1,11 1/u Ihr 1;0111lfht- eal"I.)t), as well as In-tanitelu 1/ret 1110.14 4,f l he ha wave. 11,1 in a few outfit fur -tree) lighting. whish a ter) nsr, huts 1h.. Ili%' •Irl• 11 11111111111 from Nr)', Uw hug IU 0111 present the. p11 being 4141•111g temperature t1, kat of - •r Inid- plrn•1) run. 1/'u. 11/ thb change a.• cru n-,.. • 1 one of present herna:.n'. for the .I err/ wink., Eight, ,,l fell 1/l 44 1,1 11118R 111111'1111111 leave •furs'd''. AIi.hig:ll: It is estimated 111:11 Ilan,_ The hdlow ing will he about the 1.11,1 01 the •1141114.' 10111 Irprw 1474 ,111 foundation of the 1511 1 v 1:1',1154•, tun,• 154.•11 (1v 17.x11 lance ell/01111.. 1111 I hr vines 111 ac ' -eel 1.411. of 1 he Uur I:.ubgllt tll4.nlat gulf gCll,lwtnf 111111 /''u 111 r•.. nI gn410114 ir. .d 11111•4 awit4•h bu'srd, in-trumrut•. are lights 11;4 4141 ,rgalalor for the are lame. for our finale of wet.' t"""''1 in I/Ilio, Thr• fl•uil (al uIns any'aiu {r. ►k:sn: gluerlo„r foatelatiao mid in tint .it '6o vie set Mimi 'Tippled. AI tett, loll : nwe110e u.fl. 41.1111)., 111111:1W.and (i1N'dl 6'4,. 14,6444144, /he autm rrarhwl tempting., ere,. SLIM: new I4,,Ier 10 I111.13.'' I h,• 1 t'on4 of It lurlutdo, cull lug NO. 1, brick work, etc.,. 1: new fondation, 1't o I"' rte.. for large .Bele.. 1:suw' 1!61: new ails pump, a 1,3111 11111 fret wide through the e n en+r etc.. Vein; making n lona u 1 . several I h mews. $12.2011. 554$12.2011. 1 hair no he•itatior, in r'e'mlllllll•Ildl'rg the :11111 ...ding 111:1111' others. Navig:•• :1 do of the dna three item-. but at pn'• 11014 1111 Ihr great lakes 11114 154•.11 111:11'11- :1 do nut feel "*4.' 111 I'•rromu,ending the 1,-I ,y41d. Seve•f n1 mill wrrr 11",Zen n. n ms mer a- w� n Ihr Ihdll ( K taking Owing pte > ! Ilr,lb:o 1'I«c,•luul, w'hrrrlhr leu•I4a taking the p4,u - of -Irani. The producer bras engine -houW Ire ih0, i. p1u•L'•1 in ice and Ihe• shipping i. ought) 0116'-tlguo'11/1 e, 4s you will we rw'L•,4 with ...lion. "Daily Expo.... the last three Pen.. ,1111011114 to t. ,.4l4, %kirk I. ILI ' 11'll` 111:,' 1hr 111-41.11111,• Lf Ihr would be useless expenditure in case the pro 1 I dncer Ras engine is sneers -fid and found Ir 1011,,,1 ing pvi.,gmolt in The Eepeesv is profitable invr-t mens. ••til '•41 I1 Exaggerated." which %mild 1,.,11 told that many 444,.'."..11111 nsfaelorle-, • etc., Are 118111${{K the M1NIII('rr baa- engine. with ., 41. lucre ,1i6.P, ,14 :1 mild crit „I,m 0f h,rge sat lug or y0(6'100140/13101o.1111 co -1 of 0140/13101o. 1111- rill n.rrlivaiy .1.py, a1 11.1.1 I would therelon• •1444(1-1 that a list of the 111. 114 1.w1r1'1rh 14 runrrl•Itrd. plates be 4401 al Wore 41141 the n,J ler Ike full) incestfgated. TAI. Incr.tiglaion nee 1101 414.4.1) Ihr pro- Huron Blood Will Tell. Posed change -so far a• Ibr dr,t three items are concerned. a- 1111. change should W made, All'. ',Ain.'" H \'hd.w-11, Ihe na•1.. in any case, ns it will III 1,o wayinterfere 40• . 14.1• 1 he smarm pro prim... m \\''nui N• 11.6 n the question of power. lei it I t chant p l n' f 1 44 darer gas or water power. - ,ll:ulitnn„sh' int'6ted 1s a large and Your. truly, Nut, I. 191.4,. J. H. Kr, la. intlurptial meeting of the citizens of W. 'peg to 14• it- nest Ila vow. Thr In explanal' of his'repot[ AI r• un•.•I'6ng %.s'ou'p""•41 ..' reprew'ula- Kelh' %aid the outlay meat' .1 Iii,•. from :ill the lei.iness and emu - should put the symbol' in gest-dims 111,•r'i:ll org.ulir.fern, of IIle ei1'. I1 condition rot the next fifteen year.. .,ply n•"'gneual that 1114. The 11111 till* light lamps and machine. ,.{ itiral pN•ri.Nl in the bidnty .t (he might. 154 d14{o.ed 111 by 104441g a ,city, 41111 the 5"l 14•-1 1ue'navailable traveller to/ look mit for a ('11.11,(-'' in are requited to pi1.,1 it .:,6•l' thn•ugh the lumber %INNIs 1/1' ' etch 411441'.', .4,, tre.lk.•r,.( pru•peri ls and rx4c1„- The „torr 1114alfi141rry plot,4lvwl 11/ 1,, ,ion, n1111 Ah'. :\.41.1,441 41 generally replaced could lie dispomed of. The 14'wvd u, the 154•.1 and 11)4111.1 1113111 1.r present shafting and pulley. were all 111.• Io.itio%. .lr...4.hdnw•n, oar may right but would not be strong a gh • is Ian 6411 11n1.oni44', having, rul11• for the load proposed to be put on it. „wed his fin -vines, rarer' in Ihi, Hy 'piing the em'I"med 111' lamps it count)', a. , Merchant in 111e village Wits figured there wtsild 14• a saving of of 1, 6 also 154• w'"rthy. a4o44. 89"14`1111) p40' )•e"'' in ,4 uu•n1i.n 114,44 the gentl,urnn who and a man'4 work in putting thein in. „,,,uin4le,l hi11, ,1 he, meting is also :1r. Kelly maid the 1lerlr'i1• light and Inranrr r1•.i41.a14 o1 4his l-..1nt 6. Io5e't'J1ltnl wt Berlin was run by pro- 'Phil w•,t4 111 .loam Aitet, ntnu1Krt' 6,f duvet gas, and .n motion .f 4'001161- the Hank or lgee, who for ..•v - 111,a Elliott and 141,111. 71 4'168 derided In ,qa) rnr. "ern bird ,1 4' 'Irl' 441911' send the engineer to sees -44w tAalit :1 11.1 i,, S,ar,11111. \141'.• 11111. !limit hely int ire repot•t le the water and light commit • 111441 The• \1'innipeg I'rr'• foiii rr- tee. Mr. Blanc mentioned a AIr. Me- ,.44ing 4.„ ,.,„„igg h'inl Id Portagy,e Kenzie, ,t rel4lion of J. I.. Witt t, o1 1„ I'r:04e• "t num ,,,u11r11 Illi 11,611, (owe, who w•asexp4'rtwl to Ir in Iowa he .1,, „',1,1,g .f a constable who shortly and who hail had r,nsideril,I' ,1,'nt 4" .'v'• Ili, g'N,4I'. and 55111,11 wase rx)N'rirnre .Wil 11 gas engines, 1011 'hr"ui'k•,I In thew• ''111 4 at the thought he „light be asked for info, 111 Imo•, -itt•: 11 Ihr 4.111111144 It'i,d RI' •The 114.11 113,4 11141•urtell 40 Ilea,. will be some sensational evid- write and see when Apr. M,KeI•n. a was cure 6.to Ihr'v:u,ily of Ihe priwnu•r. likely to IN• here. Ih'. Ilu.sell. .r the Hamilton In.a116' Ur. Holmes. me.lirnl health 41fl11.1'1', a.ylum. un'' .f ell• 154•st-Lnmwn ex- re•px'rtwl 44(1)•-.ightc death. as remitted /„..,1. 41.1 I he c,,,,l 41, has IN en'suh• to him during the last twelt e loom h.. ps •nare1 by the de1,n., 41, rm111Iei n none of thea' being fr,nr'4,111, 1 fryer, ow r1 nl.nu e• .I Dr. W64,nng, of (he diphtheria 1/r lyphoi11. All ,vlw•s of M{,.Ik,r1 a.% lion. Iti, at the th.t trial 4vpl ' 1 reporl.d were. in peters 4.11.7''' test 1114,1 that (iroi,). wits tm'.'' Dr. the town water %vas not used, and any Itu4s,•II is .11'"1 her, 4,111 11umnile. ararlet fever. 14111hr1'ia "r ,!).1.11..i11 \\'hat would 111,...•new and growing r:15'M reported were build. Western 11,4.5 in, e•s 111 without. old The question of sanitary, arrange- HOr.niles 14, LN.k A41.1' the•it Mier - went, 111 rnn,8ection with 1)1e lent'' .slur? 44044' 'They' 4)in eq'er5' drp:ul- erty 411 Ute tear o1 the town 111411 55'11s m.nl of %solubles.: in, 1.11111.11 and rrtrrred to the public wiirk, r t• ‘t ate ; t.11llinertial ,toll ,i141.4n11u1,11 : tee'• modal and e.lnr:11141a1. Huron blood \\'m. Connell wrote 'oulpl/i(Ihlg „in .101 seefort1. Exposit..', that his p!ropwerly had 111•et1 41411 for taxes without being pro Wray ,' nd54 ti4r.1. The matter was referred to the IT WAS LASTING.. clerk t, look up' Elliston, Trinity 14,1%, NMI., Nov. 'The fltntnce 4 'ler.• t','1„- ;,Ih 04p...•int1. TileIN ellllla4ter here, Mendel! the 4Nt6nient of a 154.4 "f Mr. Alfred 'Crew, 11114 menet hang in• •wrcO11nte and advised that the 14pplic14- If•renling t6, 4115' 111.111 the 1,141 illg tion of the OtKIrrirh I.m%l r Co, rut K 14 .1 the enre. „„t.le )4)• ')Nod., reduction of taxation be referred t. Kidm. )'ill•. Ibr wril6.s; the court of revision. After the r I 4nffere.l 1„r a lung while with eiI m'e'ting the r1111t of revimiln Ip0'1 minis in illy (Nark and srhttien and 5 short meeting and derided on a re- Imuhag.. 1 find Ihe 4.•tvirrw .. 14 11',4• - late of R14. for a.111 ,.6,k II 11.111 nt nle.lirinl• 11141 The weG•r and light rnmluitlee rt„I 14741 IleNld'rr ommenderl as follow"' : That. the en• Kidney )'ills ,1 11t1 11111.6• taking !Inert. re4pxxact on the application',, loxes I Wag e• plr•lely ennui I1 Rev. 1)4. Mrlran and 11. W. Th""'" is new three ventago 4i11ee 1 4119 Imo for water : that the clerk wrier for cured by IM1,4',. Ki.hl.')• 4''611: 3111 I information with reference to 1 11 rr- ha',r 11,1,1 no 4ig11 64f (he' h•on her re - 1 PML' 1 o water m m Int[,. Is%wll • allowed t 1 al r turning. and light mommiantoner"' : tont an Arc ,-- IiEht placed at the junction 'f miner', Gli. I`nw•de•rs „mit.).' . -Bebe. street and Mt Vincent street. IM „air by ,lam. v‘411,„„1. lion ha wrrwngement,' can be made to do • that the clerk write for prices The man with nn welted opinion of on ty-f00t ceder 4)046.44, M in(-hrs .11 I ' self may le• n poor •jdge of human top nature. New fork Bernd. Tole report was adoptarl. Miller'', Kidney 111,1 141a41drr Pi1I4 The bile works committer terns• mire hr*1l0'Iw, indigestion, ,'he,n,,* nleoded es follows: That, the regime'. of Rev. Dr. MrLenn and H. W. Thorn- iest for -sewer ennnpvtlon lee referred IP h 1.1,1114 11 "t 111• \1"014 11. I11 -t i1''te 1 I1•..du17"11 11 .4, 1111Y11iIL.'w.ly 1':1,.I31 11,.11 .1 Il',11'11' 5 ",p of 11141111. 14• given to •111 wit,. donated aunt a,.i.lod in making the IL:4110ee'ru Tea -n'h :1 -nems., The 1141e4.44. of the e% ,ming .1011,811,1 1.. 161 W,,t'.. After ovine expenses the 11e•1u11er, finite 1.1 Move $Iu1 1.1.1.'1..1,• toward( the 11o.pilnl fond. M. F.. 1\144441.1, '1.'61.1.111 Tue.-miser. .. G. U. 1. Board. Th.• regidar monthly meets 1g.1f ow ('ollrLial' In.liulU• )i1.ar41 45.6. held 4,,., '141"r -'Ln.. There Were present AL•-.,.. .I „Id.,.,.Coll..noes Ah•Ir11zie, sh.•1i 11 'He%a"Ids ,1n1 .nudge 111/)'1•. Th.. t '11 "5 n,g .n'. "nasty war ordered VIM lir,,'g 101 err. $11: 411.1,e. 111•. ; Mail, 111. W. \'f'ung. $1.141: .1. 11. DO NOT BE A BURDEN. Some Good Advice to Readers of The Signal. • A weak •tom.,oh :Ind 64' r,•.ulliu4 111. 3418• 11111 11.11111-.1. %With proper e:41.• 111114 1 411 ''•, Irl' A1'6-., 11.1 ,I .11.14 1 :•61,1 w, the. 411•y worn( 6.14.54' 114 itiaige.- I "'Il 4r sluumcll 111/1161• 1.:111 1'.• 134111• !del l)' .,sheet. It is,l sin 4,1 deprive' "n,•.' If of .'I1joy011g41 in life :111,1 14•. r"11114 a bwlden through i''dig,•sl i.1/. 'I'la• le„k:4.'11es, l,rhd:a•hr.• Ii"l 1e.N after eatilg. 1,114 or appetite. gulping up ,.1' undigested 4,,111 31111 4446.,. 111•. 15,11 natural. :11i -o -n* stu15ua•h 11111et4' 11.rd 101 a few days before up•als will 11•11 .;r"1141hell the digestive, etg:111. that s•"1 eau eat anything yeti 4.1111 wit home 1,n'. of di.h,•,. .r ,,'.11114ng .'6r1 e•94. 1'11n,• lir,'rlions for baking 711 1 o-1111 emphasize Ihr'4itfetenee (*tweet' this remedy noel Ibr (.181inars• ulwlirior Ih.,, i. given for in,ligeaiou. ' Alias -n4' i• 1. 154• 114w1 1e.4.13• corals. 4lreugtheie 1' • ing the digr�•tivr ,).lel 11 G1 1111• (154,1 whirl is 1111,4' 1,41,11, while the ordin- ary lamied• i. 1:111•'' atm meal.. and ,in6p1)' 11ig,•sts 1 114 (IN,I Wit 114111t .4 rengl be • the st.ln141 11. \44'e ,II,u.I',tely' agree )hal yum' honey -will 111 rerundwl should you but' A 511-'.''t I. .x of Ali-. -nut stomach 1,11,1et. and 11,11 he satisfied with Ilse result's. 31 Mena i4 add by druggists everywhere. 111' 1111111• .0111 by 111311 1111 111•,.1,11 111' 501'1 111S. Writ I' tlNlas 1 11' 15 11141 s:ursph• paek- age. and :11." u y • it. yam. •4.11spt ;del 4•11.. or Ile• 6'•,t known stowed' 414.1.1111.1. 1) 11 I•iyr •na11 • reds.. 11/4 vale- 4111 are4111 111111 pec .n .1 allen'tinn without eh4rge. 'I'h.e It T. 14....44 4'nlnlwlnc. Itufl'.ti,,.'s. Y. Danger In Corn Salves. They usually 01111t4in 111'i.1s and 1„111, I In• 111.11. '1'11.• .n'• 41/111 1.111' i1 liquid ("1sn'i. I'utnmu, I'antles, 4'.1•n fee - 1 Pavlov. w Melo is petrel. 1 eget:oh16, 1' 11 one 11:1 V. •. . m' A 1141 mores Ir•• 1 enuw n 11n 1 11411'1 f.rg1.1 Ihr „our "I'111 113111... Enforced Extravagance. KI. -/•111111 "I1'. 4n awful Thing to dieli er joist :Is 11111 r111111.11 4111 plate r .4 ;11.4.111111 in rinnlrh that you are alt.,IIt,'ly %dhow: a penny'," Ne•w'il4 "res. bee. "use th1•n y1111 111111 h. drop in a 1ei.ke•I or a diene. 11.1.1'1 yon Y' • Alm�sl Ue'd of Bronchitis. Few I"".ide 13;6%,• .IIITei'ed 10014' 111111 .I1". 1'. Tay 101. 0f111c11en1 1', 11., Ont. •I'i41ay 1'e is w. 11 ,oil elites, '•I st ' 11''1 6' 4 lei '.0 how •h 1'.16:611 h r. n has 1) (wen t. in.'. I w'.,. .o bad with lo.111n- ,hili' .n •111,..•4 1 1h.nghl it 55omld wen, IN• 115 e1' 4'111, 111•. .44 ,4401 .( rh,lking 1% 111.1 1..4,14. 1111 1b,ll 11•1 111,• pu•o'te.Heil 41141 ,l •',L: Sitre 11.4ug 1',41:04.11,v.''n' I In,.• 11111 110 11'111141r ,11 1111. 11 N11.11;1,1 11111111.1 buy 111'.,1, .10114.1 16,• r,,1•11, gine 1111• hoe lee tillintt and .11.160yry cared." .Inst theu.u41 expetienre•. I'atu•rh,n..ne nom inldy 1.1113. 11 1111111.1' )4r„rl,hili4, 1.4 11111.1 '.r 611:1n11. TWO .izrv, y;,• and 1411.111, n1 1111 el,.Iets. A Handy Home Book. A lsnik ))ith 1111 ahmv, Iide hal joist I4•.•u i48%e11 by 1l'' 1'. 'ly- Herald and \\'eekly Sour, of !Henheal. . 11 rer- 114in1)• i4 'y1•II flamed. being an enr)'- elmpedi4, family d.. for and ,',,,,k book all in one. It ,64nl.11,14 the Ib4,ns:ul.l 3114 .n'• 16Hogs 15'4)'4,11.• imagines - lie Lime'. and %et flew people ,Is, know. 11 4711 mrt11'• arg 1114 on :urs' .object. 11 Will s:1%4' 111111111'61 1.111,, make if wt -y for the housewife who Want, t.. prepare 117'•'' meal.. It mold 14• .,ern l0 r1.1114,• what a 5';a111 - n11.• wurL it really iv. '1'h.• Funnily Herald offer• it 144 a (re•t• pr,•minnl on 11111lin ea -y runIlii knits .11141 ,•4'e•1•y per- son shoilld write rot 6431e, The Family Ilernld an11 YW.•,'kly Star 144d/ illy gi4,w 11 big d„Illr's worth in a ye 41•. Bachelor Friendships. "If yon 1111• really :ulxi'u4 111 learn how long n ..11414• has., !silt married all Von hate 1., 110 is 10 (,.11' whether his fl ien.. .r het, 1111 the h.n'e••" .1111.1 :1 w„Ilmlll 5511. ,1155:1%. ,n:lkeV g,NNI n.'• of her bright brown eye.. "At f11. -t a mol invites all hi. )4a(•he- Ior clime'. to the 11„11.4,, mitten the impression, wbirh is invariably wrong, thl41 Ihe. will like his wife ,and she will like them. \\'hntryer the ra'.n, 1 41'.1111'11 111111 thrix has- 141nd's 'ha,belo4 fr41•nd4 11r'•,adfnlh' dull, 'Thele may 14• a pretense 64f liking them 311 the start hue that ("reed eutlm.ia'n, oozes out and tsar gybe greet the visitrr with cold han11ahakes. \\'hen n it an seems as lowed as tha1, even a voting hna- band Ienliz,s it will be a kindness to Ind. „111 chutes not to n,.k them •Inr.1nd any 1not'•. 1'rrhn 1. in tai. hes', he knows they are dull, loo, and that'll what drove 1 ' in10 near' N.•w• ,'1111 flees.. Miller's Conn d Iron Pelle, only Li emit. for :s) doses. Felt "'111 by Jas. silence A dial ree . l well ra4he•r4810 t will often 111sw•e•r the mope* 4' ns well a, a lie. I Ilio Magazine, Ment Al protium.] 1'711.1. For and physical by Miller's wale by .1414. a. to A 1' lady one day, small change, the cook, and have you any rappers titan end 1111 adh54enl04 (-*1146141 by I "Yee, mum : I've two, taut. you effected kidneys end ld*,Idet. F'or11 drive', mann. they're both the e111114 - gale Ily .taw. \\'lI. n. ioa !" was the unexpected reply. Activity pound \Wilson, being in .riled (I'Wnntlira inquired. "MAt•y, down there?" Are Iron 116.481 of if Send-off to Former Goder.ch Boy. The C\'11..1st.ek Sent inc1-111•vi.'W 1194 111,4, following meld off to Fled- eri,k 'T. Keener, who ti.. Irlt that cit?• to take ,1 position in Ilrantford : •'Fretlerirk '1'. Egenor,' o)rgnni141 and. choir director for 4'halm''+ chrlr'4, durilig.rhe last three mom 11., left 11,.• city tliis,lnnniing for 141' 1111 font. 1,1 the neighboring sty hr las twill 11 pto'inled nrg:misl of 7.i"n church :o •I';l l' iur4eawl 111.,6.. \In ene • i5 1 l .'• . c . •= 1 a l 6oahn 1.1 16 and wh 11 4111 wl I.r ,I" l5' 1 1 .1 r1 1 11/ 1141 e'h.14rn 11111(14431111. and th.lugli very y c 111111 goes ,t lige w, 411 With all Ihr e.11fl,1.•11''1. 411,1 Ind -del. 01,4.s-ult. of 1144111 1,•n'.'•Li lot ing. Hie 41 In•rri• •11)' a' Moire 111 111.111' ip0l,il ing Oil 111°P .1110 .rte..' .r I hf• pi:ul., and ham the 4411'• 1'.•ulty .41 11.11111111111,•:Iting his own .•111 l,11'i.19,11 I0 his pupil-. In hi.• 1r•111a4a1 V .45 1. ••1 1 .Ie ' . t 1 11 1 .l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 ,f 1114.111 :111 I 41u'l 1.1144'1 -t 1 ere 11 Ig 11 \ here 41•' 11:1, \Y.,I many ("heed. 1, 6"-e 1.1•.1 11 7.41••, for ram ',must ,ne, .•-• 4.11ow hila 4. !leant - (urd,'' A New Invention. A new lelegealh Il n-Inllter w'hic'h will Krell') ,ilnplify Ihe -ending .f 1„es.1gos by wire ha, keen in„nl'11 uul pa 64.111,11 by .1, P. 4'.a1%' Iamdon, a former type-r.,n1.'. I'•1' ' l' Ili.'Slag iff The 5I'naI. Its 111 • u '• 31r. I'onway''s lust,''1(0•1)1, 4:64..:1 Lan- don 111/tk•1', ":1115.11,' 11'11'11.111 1I1,•r,err• :1 typewriter eau .end :1 I'•14•.4'a1,h 1114.443gr. The inaeli ie i. leen ...me - what after the .1% le of a 1541444111.1 keyboard. and by .11iking •Ili. b.1- ters a r wale. Ir.111,u4i13,', de- liver. the 11e''1•.S:Il'V 1141. 311.1 ,I 6.11,•.. Thiv inrt • '• 11 w ill 1'4.1,41111 i1.1117..• Ili• business of (1•I.gr,phitig, it' round to work a. repro•„•„I ed. 4. 111111• ;n,• .11 many way. in 44hi'l it ran lie n1itir 1.11.a1 4)11411138,4 141,. ,aid 10 4,-• :'•1, ,.1e11 in 1ht. 1110111144..,, 01,1 1,11.1..11.1 and no don11 mow 15111 1541 h.•1r111 n1' (111 new tFvinsr1111 1e'1' al .111 early Il.11e'. \\'e .11.'1111 Im• glad t. e1r Nt•, 1'01115 15 Make v thing out of his i.14, 1t on which he ha. %.eked for 11 numl4•r 'of years. PERSONAL MENTION. Big Drive in hosiery We secured the complete sample outfit of Ilosiery of a Ilosiery Mill ,fit a big reduction. They are all perfect goods and all wool and you can buy them 25 to :10 per cent. less than regular prices. Sizes 9, 9% and 10 inch, ribbed. There area flew ( )verbose among them, NY and 10 sizes. A good rare chance to get good Stockings cheap, ,just a few Tess than 100 pairs in the lot. Don't miss this Hosiery Bargain. Skirts A few tweed:4ml cloth skirts to sell at just half- price. UNDERSKIRTS A good black sateen Underskirt l,, sell al $1.2.i. gnat:int evil fast black. \ hued black e14114am 413irt, just the thing for roll' weather, well 11114110, with duel frill attached. AsemwmennallelleSISIWila Coats A few light and dark grey tweed coati, at a price to clear, tailor Maar, nrntly trimmed, 44114x4 cloth. The, are the popular loose hack styles au 11 Joked for just now. LACE CURTAINS Uur r Mlle 1.1.4•k 414 lace ,curtains Will he put on sale on 5atu4d*y, all At marked down price'. J. H. COLBORNE Corner Hamilton Street and Square emit (i00ERICli. Hard on the bride. A 'c4111111111 ' ',ter 54'1.111 to the 1'niteil States for ,i she(4 holiday, which i''audr,l his wedding journey. Dining his 1111w11rr Ibe• T1/11111111 man 6.'31164 n serulon w'bich (15ve11 111 the fut'y of Ihe evil doer, ,nal which im- pressed 1 ' 4n deeply that he deter- ' d to gibe a .i»c.urw• 1• ow e4 • 61'x1. 11114 h,• lil.1 Similar after his return 1. I'"r"nl. th,' t11gnliers of his congteg:aiou. nl".t 11f whom were ;engaged 11/ srrulinaziug the 14•idr',. femme. and 14111 ors. W111• sal 1111,4 111111491 111 11111' Ihr bl'idrlpro111 say : "1 ask yule'. stunt' 1. the latter part of the 4*'. .141 v-Iii'sI verse .'I' 1 111 twenty-31\th'11/pteraff F',r,l 11,1,101 'Helena, 111.0eplayed 141.• r".,I, and 11,4',' el, l'J .•x''.•e• ingly. "atutd.'. Night. II The flan Who C""res about his'persohal appearance finds it necessary to have his clothes Made to order. Any, tailor can make clothes for you -but, WE give you smart, stylish, well finished gar- ments, that the others can't even imitate. FRANK H. MARTIN. II THE TAILOR. I I HEARTS DISEASE is a symptom of Kidney Disease. A well-known doctor has said, " 1 never yet made a putt-mortemex- aminationina caseot death from Heart Disease with- out finding the kidneys were at fault." The Kidney meJfcine which Was Rut on the market; must success- ful for Heart Disease and all Kidneyr ubl T u ee, and most widely imitated is Dodd's Kidney Pills Mr.. and Miss Dora I's ire have 1. aur n,d from 1 heir 11 it" abroad. Miss Al„wish left In.4 we,•L tot ' Kelown 1, uk,ul.lg 111 Valley. 14 4', 3Iiss • E \ 611.•rr4, or Si. Thome., i.4 visit nig friend. in town, Ales. I'.t'm.re is visiting in town and is the guest of her •i'h'r, \I1 Aehe•son. Fred Davis left last week to join a Toronto pally net a trip to lint .HO.. koka hutnting grounds. Airs, Alex. Ht1/del,m41 aNIdangh64•r. tes.ie, . f S,lt(ord. left for I4. 11oit \\'e,1114".41:ay of last week. It i4 1i1.•1y they will spend the, winter there. Waite'. Shannon, won has beet' in ow KI 1i44e fur ,.'y.•r41 years, ar- rival hunt. last Weld.. Ile q ill spend the winter here (mil w ill retie 1, to II,n5'snn l'it v'i11 ALurh. Alt's. \1'illi:u„ Stratton ,1nd n.•ph"y, (ie•nl'ge, have 144•111' 1. Stratford, Where 11)• will '..side 1n 11,1111,'. l'on1111r1 or Moate.. left 4.n,e• 111,0 - ago, icing o there by the ti. '1' it. Mr, and .Aar-, John t'nnepl'rii I. 11 014D HENS 1.111 week fur Io1o111., Wher'• 11,, , Willi resile. %Ir. Campbell 4,,, 11'11 e6,llle•4•t rd With the Olw).rirh 1',•n14 „I 14ri.k N:Rhin.. Co. /Mil tint hell 1 .• -i- 1lenve in town hr and Mr., 1' 11,r116'•II 1111111rr 1111111Y It•h•nds" 11'440 110g1' I 11,,',,- l1'11641 V /a 1), 1 :ue))•lun mei his son \\'i1I. left last week 4'o: 1li'IiI b 1'.l' 1'hey will t 7.11 Aar, 1'.111161011 , hrnth,•r- in John 1), Mwans.u, at Kam- loops. and \\'ill, will go 1111 1,1 roarer to enter a Ink office. %Vi1t is a rl46er and ,ulhil1,1114 )'64,11444 111:411 1)1111 In,4nv friend. wish 1 ' 41110•,'.4 1, leis VIII 191.11 111'1t1.4411111, -thcy are all 111114'. Each biscuit as light as if made by tarry hands. Raked to a golden russet brown. Su fresh, and crisp, and tempting, that just opening the hoz is teasing the appetite. And you find a new delight in every cam you eat. Yon get perfection when you get How's This ) \yr offer art' 1111ndnd dotter. rew':m+l fur may ro.,'ofc•m-urr,tl, 1 1 t c. nmol he cu1e1 byIlnll's 11,1.1e11. 1 me. I.. .1. 1'1(4:54:4.' R ('1),, Tnl.ln, 11. 11'e, the under.igned, 44.41.' know'., t'. J, 1 Aro'', for the last It y ars, and l4•leve 4Bn 'norm 'tit hmrnrat,le in all kindness 4 rnnseet Inns and finnnelnlly able In reser net any nhlyra.. t foils mALL L tC 4 1V •� S ()F COAL s,1 b5 hi. firm. V1 A1.1.1'.14. 44,191'. a \f 1111'1 , 11'hn11•1RIP 111111111(4.?., 01181,,. 11, Hall'. catarrh( nye Is taken 'torment'. Ref our dlreelly 04400 Ihe Wood and vole els sur face. of the system. Trstlninnlals sen foe, 1'r1ro ;., vents net bed tie. Road by all dritgiriata. Take 41.111'• Finely 11111. for conntlpatinn, Mooney's Perfection Cream Sodas YO WANTED a � \Yr• will pun• Ihe highestrash price for live .Id belt.. J•.. spring rhiekena, ducks and all kin'). of poultry. Men- ( .11 1 f114 44µ44N•1•, THE CANADA POULTRY AND PRODUCE CO., Limited. !flmtfrwd, lhlt•,ril 'PHONE 15 OR 24 warehmnr 1 Cr. W,d- w'hnn von want (a0d Ynnl. ) Carrel amt ) TH4:l11", ,I 1oI'k egnnre C AL Reed our new story (Il MSc 6. ALWAYS ON HAND AAli (`one welshed on Hie market rates, where you set 3.61444 Its., for a tem. WM. LEE. orders left at 4'. 1'. 4.EK'S Hardware Mere F.1101. 0111111 *mare. promptly attended 10. OWN,HURON RANGES Carlow. Sept. 3, IlrlR Alr ‘Wo,- ell. 1 IwIr • • Sir. Hog to *drier y(es that the frown Huron Rang.' 11urrin�w•il Prow )'1/u has given good satisfaction. 1 And it a II14t-clew. I e'. er, h48a e1 Ind cooker wit hen easy 'en.. 4)ti', of fuel. Consider the Crown Hutru, the mould nonce. I 411n. Yours truly, ALEX. V(It'ti(i. i HAVE all the latest improvements, large ovens, moderate fire boxes, never cause trouble, always give satisfaction. MODERATE IN PRICE. WORSELLS' IIaril ware and Stove Store Hamilton St. (;odericll. Fanning Mill, Pump and General Water Supply. honing till Department The Intel Improved Seal t'4'nning and Urnin l limning Machine w111 1.1111111 any and e1ery kind of seed. or grate known to the man Wartnrer. with the speed of any fanning mill of equal sieving cap{Na1rr•ity. Those who are using them report .Ironing for nlnrk,•t one hiehei per minute and 04 re 'they will .rparate timothy -ee, from any kind of groin it may be In. and .lean It while ' leaning the grain. wit Mont hlowing any of the ,ee4 own). 11 not only -Icers but screens seeds when cleaning them, 1t M .Aid In etean tim- othY. Hover, flax. etc., equal In the high taleed American flipper Seed l'leaner. It 4.0110 Of the hest ,,'*chin,, nlamdM•t tared for cleaning out wild out.. In1.t,M seed, wild flea, rhe.. and other noxious groin and seeds hone any Rrwin they Inn4. b4 In. To 4aye es,wnw• ro I hr former of using a whole fanning mill, this machine is made In hens in the shoe of almost any ordinary' fan- n ing milk mal will he fitted In with no extra change. without injuring the mill ordlwotang• i ng It for the rise of 114 own .Imes, and goaran- teeel to work as represented Or no wile. It run he token ono n1 mill at any tines almost n. quickly 45441 114 oa.'lly as a Ihre,' rnn,Mnelt - Irl r. The one nIM'hlne "ar: be mal In more than one mill If l,arr+eran, . 'I'br prbr• of the machine complete wllh of teen sieves In TV.'t:1.4.' 84 lu)I.I.A KR, delivfered, fitted In 1,1111 and guaranteed. Any person sending hi. own order '*111 Ile nilowed one donor off price n1 machine. When nrlerlug u,achine 11.ention make rd fanning ndll 7011 want Machine fitted into. If onerrible, also width of shoe Inside. Sieves and Screens for any Mill. Any quantity or stet. 04 gwkt anlxed or black iron pipe, .npplisf with all Wind. of pipe fit tinges A quantity of ...caul' hand half Inch t'lpr fur sale, 1'ant earls raked for mitring. Sitting end lay/11R tapes, A11a nquiries thmugh mall 4N111np11 y plied 1n, Mall nlers carefully k%ende.l re(balers 141 Pump and Mater Supply The lomat omply of %Woolen )hump` for Mork or house wells or cisterns. A large variety of very fine Iron I'nn,p• bolo leading tnanufarlurer' for drilled or 4111R 1 err cisterns for hood or pesvet ms• - The f'hampion ew.y.workin4 deep e,•II Pena,. are very strong, well made and ran worked by women and ehlldren. The .ern k well size give. large flow" of water. M,tn16.' tared in one and two way .tyles for drilled 4 r deg wells, for hand or power. Sinks and Sink Pumps. The long draught pu11p11'R info h,ne- .prrially .rrtnpted for drawing water from wells. springs or creek. situated at a df.ra.s' Isrceral hundred feet If n•rr,e.aryr front the pence whore the pumping mmrhlne Is located. The tramping machine does not (weepy much 44404..' and ranM• Awed In hour, .table of ynrl. 501 only doe. this naehlne A•Il'e' water from the spoof like the ordinary 'mime Mit by nuc iwR *,tide the eoer"e of the venter ls changed knot 'cent to any other glare re,1,oirod through pep... Iakt ,,nd.rgrn'wl or oArvid. Thi. marking• ran he pinned Atrer'llryer w.If desired. 11 Is well adapted for hand 11'e. too ran be at Ached to power. 11 ran he .40rkr by merten or 6h1Mren and hoe lane( eetes'il, • HYDRAULIC RAMS. Haling local erelsld,rahle expertenrr In plowing 1111• kind of work we have no hesitation in gmaranteeinC any {Oh we w111 undertake for we will mnder re take n}O h where we think the eondit Ions not favorable to sn•mee1Mlly operate a rant. The evpwrlly M.t roams tested and levels taken free of energy for Any person e,npinyins ns to (4111 in their work, If the system din he operated We supply all stork for job. 11'110IN RYSTRMN, RYI'Hu' etc. Hot and eeM water *Totem' Mr dwelling house". Wafer supply systems far stables and yams with 111 neee+.,wry pipes. hydrants, tanks, terve, stork /wino ,rte., 6411 Ihe TOO improved plan. ARMSTRONG BROS. In the old stand. near corner of Nelsen and Victoria Streets. GODIRICII'