HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-11-8, Page 3THF SIGNAL • 'f:( DI':I.It'11 ONTAIIIO Tures A1', November 8th, 1906 3 Xews 6f the Sistriet. Mitchell is to have a new. up-to•date skating rink. 1)r. Thomism. McKay. of ('ranbr)k, it going into Iwt•tnreship with Hunt. of Clinton, in his hospital work and general practice. Chas. Tritest, who lean leen teach- ing in 8. 8. No. a, Stephen. hiss re- signed. to take effect at the end of the present year. Rohr. Maxwell and Frank J. 11i11, W inghaol. have formed a partnership and are opening out a merchant tailor- ing lousiness in that town. Mies Stella Gregory will assume the position of flat assistant teacher hi the Exeter high rchoul at the begin- ning of the new year. The marriage of Miss Lizzie Brown. eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Brown. 'Fotdwlch, to (fro. Elliott, of Hattie Greek, took place at the manse, IF YOU SUFFER hoar Led LiooJ--milk irrraied or dire.tad - serwu. syarm out of order acm.,h % y01 .n .seems -wish cold hand. self11 -- pale .also. - Morten. d Leu h— • ,.11116.r...r ,SAAR .lusrt.la nssdir writ ages sd yea ngl4-m•de to work corder. heals./ lite emceew as the lain, while pw. to the root of the trouble and cleansing de blood. Mira Owasso' and M,. Tablets, isle 50c. a boa. Mu. Blood Tore, $1.00 • ►oak. At &rads or hoes The Chesil!• Co. .1 Creed. Lolled. Hasdloa-Toforw YOU will fin.( lust Oa. l'i.drarrear you it ant tight air •1•i //Oil weight In Stanfield' "Unshrinkablc" Underwear Made In axes to perfedy fit every man and in the right wilier.; for every Canadian timate from Halifax to the KLodyke Guaranteed uo.hrmk•ble, too. Ask your dealer for STANFIELD'S For Baby's Bath you must bast • soap, purr enough to cicala the skin, and as de4'c*te so the petals of • rose Such a soap is "Royal Crown" Witch—Hazel Toilet Soap !l is ewo soaps in nue -- toilet and medicated-- f•er the pri•'e tf one. Only We. *cake.3for ?%r. 4.41 h rwitalwle MOTHER, SISTER AND BROTHER IIed of CoosanptIon,Mrt this Linden Indy used Psychine and Is strong and well " My mother, brother and sister died of consumption,- ass Ella M. Cove, of Lin- den, N.S., "and I myself suffered for two rears from a distressingcough and weak tongue 1 supports 1 inted • tendency In this direction r " But thank God 1 sad Psyching and it built me right up. My lungs are now sarong. 1 enjoy splendid health, and f owe 0 all to Psychkle." Consumption, whether hereditary or con- tracted, cannot stand before Paychine. Psychthe kills the germ, no matter bow It attache the lunge. Psyching builds up the hody and makes 1t strong •nd able to resist disease. Psyching is an aid to d•g..ton and • maker of pure, rich blood. Tb• greatest giver of general. health is PSYCHINE (1lsaamona llLs) 50c. Per Bottle ts.lpr lll\•a M sad dreagitlaes Sea t. A. UIV tissiaAe Tennis. Noidw'i,h, on Wednesday of lout week. Rev. A. H. Hobson officiated. M1. void '.1r... Elliott will reside at Battle ('reek. H. L. 'f•aylur and family, who have resided in litussels for a her of years, pimps*. removing tit L.tuuIon in the near future. , E. Phillips has disposed of his pro1i- rely in 1� hitp•:hurch. The black- smith shop goes to 71:un. Hutchirelu +old the resided•,• to Jas. Laidlaw. Mrs. John Wilbee and senor have removed f1' Brussels' l,1 (lull l'utrl. where MI'. ►Vitt.*•. has been employed in t he cal Gage fa(•tury fur • lime. On 14 bay aft.ernoim of hist week the %Visltln cit of the World unveiled t • it emceed in the. Wingham cemetery to the me 'y of the Este J, J. Elliott. The 1ugt.es of Furelwich )abbe whirl have re-engaged (lrorge.4. Mc• (juibhan its principal for next year at IL salary 111 $.4Mlsoul Miss R.wulhuuse its assistant at $3114. A. E. S(rilish, who was manager of the (lruwtrls branch u r Ibe Metropolitan Bank for three years has beret promoted to the 11.,a11„g,•,. Mitt) of I he Guelph 61'4a.ch. The 41020th of Robert `ample. of Hrustr ls, occurred nnexp eetedly eau %Velneabay of hast week. lir had been iia failing health but aide to be non. }{r was ill his seventy -11th y.'or. Inst meek we recorded the death id Mem. Geo. Hende-s.,, of '1'.w• :ter, A few iia', later her partu'I p sett assay, in. his s•veidy-nmtl year 1141I hey were laid side by side in 1 'I'r.wtt:.ter c,nirtery. Ile. Hsu -bottom of Zurich. hats so141 his it.dieal Israel ire to 111', Janie. Wilson, of Atwo,el. Ito•. liurliateme has been pra.tisiug at %,,i ich for nearly thirty years and has been te- 'kally sinicessftih J. A. 3144 'Which 44114.1 \V..1. Telford, rmerly with the \l',e•sterit l•uundry 'u.. Willgh;uu, have purrh:tst•.1 11. 1.oIs.•y N founehry business: 1.1. Ingersoll and Willi 11111 it tinder the n: •,114 the Ingersoll Foundry Toms. Hanlon, fur the pn.1.1 seven ,years laggageu11ul :11 the 1,, T. It. salt' at Le/u41on, died recently as the remelt of ate attack of typhoid fever. fie WAS 14 1...11! I of Rey. Father Harlli,n, of Clinton. A quirt wedding was-olesisni,e.1 141 1 4ru111 un 31und,ay. October 'rood, when Miss Mabelle Edna Mcllw,in; d*itghter of Sana. Mellwai,, j1'„ of %%Ingham. I6 casette the wife of James Ilubl rd, of North Tonawanda, N. 11'. Mrs. sthariue• Miller, widow of the late Jan Miller. for many year's a resident el Clinton, died at the he of \Villiaitt Kmitli. 'U.elet•irh town- ship, on \\'e nesday of last w•,s•k-.:al the age eat sea 1t V-niIie years. H. 1'. floats. Y., of Zurich. has diapered of his riling in. I 114 sal. Inge to 1'h:u•Irr % Iper, for 411MM1. 11 is Illldetotieat that M and 311.,. Dram will 1.4y.' shortly for W' 'peg. where their 1 w11 slang ,.I's are resid- ing. \ Mr. and Mr.. Hetet y lytic•. ,.f 1linlon, eelrbrtts) the 'fi Seth -an- niversary of their welding( day un Sat rdi y. O.-t,.Iwr 'ale. A) their fame', w.1.• gathered around 11.111. inrlut 'ng their MOO Hem y from sooth- er!' Teia/a,, G Un \\' lewlay of last week the se mains u( tors lirigg• one of the early seltb .i of East \\'twnisse.h, were interest ,11 li.•Igrave. Mr. (lligg Bird on 14 la • at bastion, 1age,1 sev- enty-nine yeft. Hr leaves one ern and three aaight •1•s. The 1hetu•ie, street 31..1 legalist .'h11rcb. Clint 4111. it I111W out of dein. On Snicks. :Nth ul ,trolled' of 1`614 was 141414e/1 1'111' 111 w p' 0111 111.• 111 debtelnes*, tad 1s7511 wa" contributed. year ago the meow legalion 1.14le nn offering of 811441, and this Latest ef- fort speaks well (o.' their litAlly. Alex. Fortes(, a we•II-kum'is ,11111 highly esteemed resident 11f 1'r• 1s( liar of Morrie, passed away on ed• Healey of Inst week. aged sixty -41 111 years. Mr. F11rrest was as native 1f 4e•utland And rattle to ('441,44.111 in 11ici. .4 year later he moved into Morris. His wife and five children survive. A former well-kn.14411 resident of the the township of Grey departed this life on Sunday, 1h•t,,Iwr 2'0 II, in the 1(011411( of Wan. Iltbkirk, who diel at the home of hie•Il:nightl•r, Mrs.'I'ind- all. 4,1 Nt,prtwit, 31np. The deceased moved 'from Grey to the Were thir- teen years tgn. The death of Charge F:rmw1 Hill .s•rarr-r, nl Itegiia 111 the 211.1, 1111.. the result of an :.Hark elf lyphuid lever. 'rhe• deceased was the s,, of George Hillof Eaft•tur. and was a rrsident of that. place nit. it three years Igo, when he went 1.. the \tial. The remains ;Were brought 111 Exele• for 1.ori44h iA haply ,oe Il ral balk placi tli.• hou11• of 31r•. 1 MIs. Peter (':anlelun: Spot i-ip luweiship, fall Wednesday eve - Mug, October'21th, when their daugh- ter, bliss Annie Marie, was mated. in marring*. lo Thos. Piers,, also of 31,11•• sir. 'rhe Vete 11,11ny tuns 15 111'rmed by Ite•v. (1. \V. Rivers, 11f I30•Igr,lv'. I torr on.• belittled prne1lr trete p'i'( K- eqt. One of the pioneers 14 '1'shortie Inwnshiil, John \V, 1114(5is, departs( this life nn Tue.shly• 211141 toll:, The deceased was born in I If.v11ns11i1'1'. F:ngltul. in 11412, 1111.('. • 111 1'nna,1a 3t the age of twenty-three• vein's. A teat Inlet Ile r.vllnvel In Kxrle•r, where he followed the occupation of w•agitmnmk.1' for twenty-f,lr years. He then c `need far ' g the township of Untangle,. t4'h.Yv he lend r•sidrd ever since. fpr leaves Iwo sons ,.tail a5,e 1101100114 '1. Boy Missing. On Manually afternoon. Itelol11`n 2/th. Thomas 1'. \Cil.on, a y..utle of nearly 11f1ern years. left the I • of his hint at .1 `otott'11 and his who r- aMa11s lo not known. His relatives are anxious t11 hear of I ' . Ile wore peak nap, Mirk mil and moleskin knee pants. Any info/aunt • will be thankfully leeeived by Miss Htek •r, .1, •'.town, or may he sent by tele- graph 1r telepl • to W. II. lien., of Runaway Accident at Dashwood. %liss Effie 1\'illaer'1 was badly in- jured ns the remelt of to collision on Ihr road ,at I Mshwood.- Several rigs were in thetuix-np, which ,a•rurrrd a• young people were returning frelnl a dance. One 1.1 1110 Masa,* ran an'1,1 and the (Moll *'111* of the rig jump1wsl, and 317.. Wilbert had h. -r peg (broken near the thigh. 11 .4'111 probably ley her up for the menet of the winter. Death of Egmondville Resident. One of the first residents of )g. nlondville p rree l *way ather h at the htirk yard. emit of Fguiondville, on Tuesday of loot week, loth,. person of Christina Sophia Stein, wife of clause Kruse. The deceased, who was seventy-seven years of life, was a native of Germany. tiler was Tied THE MARKETS. f torts -pool Wheat Futures Clop Un- changed, Clucago Higher -Live Stock Markets -Th, latest Quotations. Monday Kirulug, \..v. 3. Li, crown %heti tu:ure. chard 10 day lye•bruard to 44,1 hlghea thaw Saturday and ,.41111 tonnes unchanged. At Chicago. lir.. wheat claw.( tic luv.er 11 ban indurate); lie, vont S4' lower 411d 1'r. (atm 14e Maher. WINNIPEG OPTIONS. I At the w'lunlieg option market to line Ike following were the•losing uota'1•d,s' 74) Nur, 4c bid, Is, bid, Maly 714',.' bid. to her now here t huriu►ud nt ti1u1- 41ver, Ontario, and over fifty yeas ago they 4 • t0 Egn11mdville•, tieing g the first settlers in that vit. !age, where Mr. Kruse ercbt oI 41111' of the That Moores. Besides her husband Ilse deceased leaves a family of six IOWA, Richard. Chillies, %Valu11u llal II111it at !'tt•aful•lh, 31411 August told Henry fu the \Vest. Tuckersm,th Nuptials. The h • 411' \1'lllinlIl and Jule Martin, eat the 2.,11 concession of •1'ucker'wilh, Was Ile,• seen.. .d an in- teresting event on 'sVtoliteMtey even- ing of bast week, when Ihcir rioter Agnes Ie•eaule els, 11i1'e id John Aikenhelul, o1' the 1.01141,411 road, 'i'tuk- v5s0u(le. Itev. F. 11. 1..u•kin, of Sea. forth, nod lt,v. E. 11. S.aav1•114, 01 Hrucell.•Id, performed 5 het. Vete u14111y in the inivisetive of it huge'r'oloprttly. 311. 3101 Maw. Aikellh.01 will live tt 11,.'K r oni'o home 1:'.11' Itrue•..Ile•Id. Old Resident of Clinton Dead. • 1 lilton has 141.i, one of its oldest residents in the pt•ro..0 44.1/4110 Nnlith, Who died on Kitimat', 2711. 011., at the age of Se%e'INy ci; 111 *near. The d.reasid was born ill l I.,;land anti ':15,14' III 1'a11a11a alarm Oft v- years ago, 111'• was '4 tailor by trade. The fun- eral Wats' per 1111. .014pica., of the 4 IIIIUlinn 1hlie• 114 F.111. •/ of whir' the d,,. -,-,•.I was it tievol.rl. 110. is Matti Veal o4. 1W" d,uughtrrs Sh's, H.lyar and Misr 'Lydia, of Clinton mei two wins lL•wis, of Detroit, and Sidney, at Hai 141 w1. Kincardine Wedding. 0,, I'I,•s,lav, 14aIs sill., Ihr mail jags. eat Ili-, Ethel 1111nald, dnnght .•r of 31r. :11111 Sts. 1 o'.-i,l I►.nl:ad. Kin'ar [line, to 1).11.11,1 .11:uh.•..,u..d"1'11r11nlv,, i1.1'Iti44ry for 1h.• .Imperial I.ite. 1..., .elk pl,.e ail the lona' 114 the 1.11de'. rents, Itt•V. Ile. Jlurray war Ias- .s n Ilsereel. • I.y !tel.Huth es11n, of 1'aIednn, and Rev. Fia- t 114,011, of Chatsworth. brother. 1'. N.111. 'elle ll ids (las line ell • 1.•'. peal(' 1 and 11pope. tubes. npu• tubes. 1; 1'l+ 1' 31,11 ley . of u,.• K i0a:a. lar young echurch Nuptials. 011 We,Iu.•a. ly, 41,1,I.v 2111,. the I •• of 11, 1 . llrudrrson, •\\'hiI,'- lh0rcll,w'asthem ,e of a very pleas/tit, event. when, 111 111 It•eat•111'e 114 about Iwent y -Ilse guests, ' is daughter .Iran was smiled in marriage to Dr•. Jeanie•- ron. of Whitechurch. 1U•', .t1.•, 1)1111- ..1141 p•rfor5,1441 1110 re,t•11e111). The bride f1' One id the t tequila s young ladies iia the rill,ege, ,and Ihr groom is 11 successful phy..i( i:w. ev A g the gifts rst•t•it'd !y the IIIi,1e a 44.1(5 the deet of one. 11111i.11 /..1 arses 111 hand fr her father. A Former Resident of Brussels. a Thr psq,l. 114 Ilruos.'I, mourn the 1 death of Andrew Cotisloy, which etc M ,nrre41 at Iihal.dul,••. Mall.. loll the 'Zit1. tilt, 'r14e41rceasd was tann,rrly IliyiK' • ('111451 clerk in liens•!., 114 H member lenlle•1' of. the M•t11nd 1.441.11. ,111 11f to Heist 114 the Methodist church. and, pa was active 111 '.1tir1' circles ill the town. \Ville Ileo hope of betteIltling: his health, he went' %Ve•st with hi- e (sanity, but the 'haul;.• was without 1• the desired resole. '1'h.• ro,,iaino Welt 4, Illtert•el 111 41ladsMnr. 311'. Omsk) • was in Lir fortieth year and is sea ci1e1 by hi+ wife. and !no childn•n. Death of Mrs. Samuel Walker, Brussels. THE V. -1BLE SUPPLY 11'41 a[ bor.:. ire. Noe. 4,'417 att172 u 11 1.14 mo -t o o t l'oru 3,7Sl,ua1 2.717 not VIII• 11.141111.01.1/ 27 ,;1144. ,,, a Inuring the week sheet lo•-r.•nad 1.401, bushels. earn 11.4•11aard 37 ole) bv.nela nut outs Inerl;Iard 23;,11484 bushels. LEADING WHEAT MARKETS. 144.'1 3814•44y la eats. New York s•' J s2X Detroit 1111.. 1111. , 7w� a_ 40. Louts 72% 77'4 '- 714, MI'rIeapIIs 744, 74') ,,.. lll.lut4 --.- 7541 Try, 791(1 TORONTO GRAIN MARKET. 1Drtua- Bheat, spring, Luab. ...50 (n to M') q) Wheat, fall, bush .... a 74 0 75 14'hwt, red. titian . 1) 74 Wheat, goose, bush . 0 70 -••- Parley, born v o :,4 Il 63 Oats, bush. s,w " 0 31) 0 44) Rye, bush Pratt, bush 0 434 ..•. 8urkwbest, bush ...... 1153 •';; NEW YORK DAI MARKET New lurk, Nov. 5. Hotter Il.w; r•.•rl,t., 117.'.5; sheet prier, ex ora creamery', *facial prices errowray, rlw(utou l,. ,•1111, 111, to 2r1e,• bold, ar.uuda to rill., 233 to 214.'; *tate diary, , uudwo. w 14l4'y, 18, to 25504e; renovated, 1• mut to eXtr:..: 1514.. to 21C; western helot y, „Iu11Wu to iso* a 1054. to 20e; ler4t• 1'u, Haifa/loll ltram,r.. Brats, 2to4e to CIuea.•, quirt; rr..•IVtm, 14113: slat.• full cr'e'am snail Sept. Miley. 1344e; 11.4, 4)4 • beat. i2;e1'; du., lair to Stead, 12e 10 1245••; do. large, Sept. law -y, 131,4c; do. aq to... 12%.-; du. fair to µ.•K1, Ile to 12,..; du., lilt slur, iD%e to Haat • stilled. 3c to 144!4.'. Foga � Firm; rr..elia., 44..1; sf4tr m11.1 Penl.s r yl wall. and nearby Mncy w'k•cl ••1 white. 86'; da, choice, Sae to f&c; do. toil .d Amu, 314 to 3,c; wrotern arra( 25. (otecial price Met; Serce.1, 24.• to line. CATTLE MARKETS. Cables Slightly ple•ler�'aU'r and Iloge 1414 l.o„ee at slateaa.., 14.1,00,. Nov. .3 Canadian cattle pl t B,Itfsh markets are quoted at 11.• to 1. per Ib.; refrigerator bred, 1u5<e 10 suss per Ib. Liverpool, Nov. 3 (C.A.P.) John oto,:. r. Liverpool. cable Canadian at.-tc. ' data. nnrb mtrrtH 11c. Edward Watwa, t eltrble of 4112u. port Willie rattle wane mud p, item. �. 1 1144.' to L24,.• per 11.., ran• her. artatdury aro slower at be to pest - per .1. TORONTO JUNCTION LIVE STOCK Toronto, Nov. 5.---ltecelpts Ot Ih'r t the Union Stuck Yards were 65 car tads, composed of 1382 cattle, 44 /beep, 2 calves and 2 hura.•s. Exporters. Pel•.'. ranged 011 the way from 44 1... T Nler. cwt., Ihr bulk selling from 81.;1u per cwt.; ,-,pull bulls at 180., Ss wine au old one or two at 14,2:,. r cwt. Bakker.. The quality of butch, -re rattle, with 11,.• aerpttun of nue or two tinder was c.au- aoliplacr Mug, selling as low pric.11: the eked lots auk! K1 it.5u to 44 n5, Crw t1.gIug 111.•x• p. Ir,a; Hamilton.1,111• (rue. art to 34; mammon at 12.75 to 13.23; ealo- eutt 81 to 82.121 per rot 'Perder■ and ate'Lers. Th• re sere mese/111 loud. of rattle rough a. ••rp.rlw's that were ...1d n• The Ieulh,.I' %les.14 •1 Walker. Brussela, ha re el a •h ii •acted resident (Pall !hot town. (1. \Vnik,•r hoe( not eij..yel **shoo 11..,:1 Is for many 711114, and her death. w Ili. I, 1..11•u, 11.11 011 l4n1/bn', 0'41,1 '.3. 11. 11 .1, 11111 11nrxpWI•41. She Ives 44111 in Ireland ejecta' %'v,•t'el yea', .q• • end 111111116 111 11140 -seven 1 y w i, h her patents when A y g girl. tom mg 1,, t .. • •'r •-2 1 bin t tnsbi a ,� p m I 1_. In tsar tannins! 31r. \Volker, who diel) w, v'u'4.ago. liming the (w►sI. ye:u rbc 11:01 lived with lit I. son 1)avid in 1is-su o'lo, %Irv. \\'ill. 1t:1111lr, of (trey ; Slow. John Walker. of '1'eeswale•, and \ Sal 11nsi.' 1 \ alk.', 4f Mortis, :u.• Ufa. of het rhildr.•n of the d,,eased. Wilson vs. Brewer. An interesting rase, the parties t1 which are residents 4J 11Hrlo. was tried at the fall assizes ,at Sarnia. The pltinlitT, 114 %Ir. \Vilson, r•sfdrd for j.u!ny years on a farm an the lake tun' rico!. a few miles -111 11f 11 old 13,•nd. The defendant, Joseph R1'i tnel•, it t1... well-known hotel - keel tat 4irand Heald. The plaintiff was r n good many years also al 1' 'lis' figure around Ileo hotel at 4irtul I 1141. In part t1.,• plaintiff went 111 vsr with 1 11 a,•ferula,Ill 1'U MN 11011 ,1, 1 ule•t• n vt'rlu,i'.g,eernent Ihdt the Itt •r was to keep him f.., the rest of leis ays, and 1111 the plain 4 itT r llu•nth wn. 1.. hill,. Ills properly. including the f, •nn, The. arrange. meat continued un i1 31,,3, 11411, avl'm, Gm defendant Iran him hotel. The plaintiff hail he• 1181 mad,• 11 will in the def,n.,n1-+ to* or. In Isley 1111' plaint i11had given 111, d, e11d,u11 11:,1114. ,as 14 111111 he said, 1.141 11 • Ilefet 11.1111 .11111.'11.101 that it. w:1+ 111 p1l •rlttlee 114 the.,agtve11lent, Then Ile• a fend:nit pu1 in a shim for ,1001•ll, .•In41 's. and 111 het 111i1gM 141Ipp6,01 dulin41lip Irt•rn 711110. '1'111. plainlilt l•pninn•d :1 Inst Ibis for Isis work of ganlening, Hite a1 int( 1,441 and either services : and n milted Ibat he hail Ieeeiviil SI 101' g. to tilp old count 1•7', [thin paid to on.. of bis Sens, ,x14 111131 paid lust till. lint he tlsoebsin,ed for 1.'.r finals, s • hives of bee! and tit her things [vhirh 1 h 11r- rrndanl. refused to gia'l• up. Judg- ment was in favor of 1114. plaintiff fen 11.244', the balance of the 7644* not rt - paid ,rod for 11,1' return of t1.^ to.ls, PI r, '1'11e ,h3nrl•11ot• II gilt Ihat the Inv titres ,aid 11h.• hoard, 4.11•.. q 11111.1 314,111 Imlanee. "Call of the Farm." "One morning I awakened will, a ...tiling,. 114.W joy ill Illy soul. 11 lame 1n me at that moment will' indrserile- able poignancy. the 111111g111 of walk- ing Ip,erefoot in .•.1111, Ire,), plow' fur= row's as 1 had 11.1111• .e w'Mel .1 Isty, No vividly the memory cattle In me Ihr high. „icy world as it was ,at that !molten!. and 1h.• 1..y I w'a., atv11141 free in 1 h furrows that. Ihr weak tears lilts(( my ryes, the Iles* 1 had shed 111 111„IIy years. 'then 1 !Menthe of Kitting in quirt t,1 kers he old 1.0,, reamers, the w,.a1 IK•himl o, rising still, rood, mysterious. and Ihr fielder fn front, slretehingaway in illimilhblP pleasantness. 1 Ihtngltt of the good cell of cow's al milking von 1111 not know, if you 010 not know ! 11h"nght of Ihesights nod sounds, the heal ,owl sweat 111 the lu,vfield•. r Ihollght of 1 vett .ilt brook I k.{telr tchen:a hoc that 1lasr..I 'Inoug 4I/1el'. and wild parsnips. .v , . h n I waded 1 with 1'a 11 • } three. pr f,wl '1 1 rod for trent. 1 II ght. of all these things ,a1' et roam thinks of his firol love. Oh, 1 craved the soil. 1 hungered and 1hined for the earth. 1 waw gilsoly for growing thing.," -- American Magayfne. There ate people who never give a Iheiight to the hereafter except whin they have 1a•c,a.f 11/ p**a * grave- yard after dark. -Chicago News. 1 *bon 1.,1'`, feeders to go hark to tin• noun- tr7, rot 53.:31 to i4:1.1 4, and one eh..are land at 54.73; distillery terriers .0141 at Lime to $8.7., for steers, ■ud hu'1e ,t' 32 241 1. 12 47 per cwt. *Orb Ceara. . There was • lot of the brat cows reel, en ft�or market this boow,n, w•hlrb V01«ld to 1St each. Areal Calves. Priem ranged from 84 to 36.50 per cwt. Sheep and Lembo. iin.port "beep «ld at itsm U1 14.30; lambs, 1.411 at Et.740 to 5tl.15 per cwt. liege. H. P. Kennedy quotes 15.115 for %Ace's, sad 5.40 fur lights and fats. MONTREAL LIVE STOCK. Montreal, Ne'' Caine ad. 'Ices tram Us.rpi,wl 01) rattle e.,,,..• 0170.1_. er tries, for CaSadlrna 1.111.6 a,..• half c, at Maher, at 11511.- to 12c and r,il••he,1, 12.' to lc, at 11. W 11 ,c. Louduu nines item Orin at 114.' to Ile fa- Cunedlau., 1111.1 Ol•gow- 4.004111 Wrm at lues to 11.1,', with prorlw,•ts good for choler. stook. '1'h•• ocean freight market Is stronger under ■ good demand and +(see to 1,1 rrpwl hes bean let •t 408 and to London at ;Cee Ahuit 15,010 mores have la•rl, Int to America, shippers from St. Jab. N.K., ■ ld fort land to I.Iorrpwl mud L,ildou ■t stout aa: exports for the part week w'.•re 5241 cattle and for Oldd.er 17,214 cert(.• 1001 Mlrep. Total for the season 111:172 .slur, 8:101 • rep. Receipts today were 11141 cattle V) snitch cow* 144, abet" and lan.ha, 4.51 calve* 14,041 bugs. A feature of the bog 'Stratton Ams 11P1•11 the Estuary eon', In prices of four to eight shilling. In the bead - 1.,g foret, n Markets tut 1'anmdtan ba,onl dcrwg the peat week and now they are 2.. to 7s lower rt.ate n year aro !it lemdon glut I)rpat..I'flan L.•nrW, feet,.r. I,,.,ver,t, had hitt 111111. 11,11 url,,r eau Ihr bug m.rkel tl.ls lsoru11/g. If I,i lea Ir•.•u .11 r•.nmlyd, but pa,kers_,tate that 11 �rrlria for hs.•,. -1 go a417 lower hogs wilt air. 1154e 10 ovale down. The supply 1.1111 m,1llling allot 'nor amt pales .1 sebr'te.1 lots Were made at 3,1 lO Sts20 tier cwt., welghtl off ,•err, TI, •r• Vitro. watt. •n larµ,• 11u1n1 .r of northwcsl rattle nllwllg t1..• Off,•rh,gr, urn rly all of which were of pretty easel 4111011y% 8''1.91 he.pwd f Io.i.er the ports,• of the, kind of otea•k. I'rinfe 100.1es 1,11.1 Sr Iron( 4.• to 454e ►w14 Ib.: 'wetly gone( 14411,•- of :h' to 4e •nd the emotion at.n•k 2.• to near :t. per 1b., while Ile.• halt, old .mita .o.l.) at 154, per 41. 7'here were sous am Larµ.. mpeh 4.1/1114 o04•r•.1. whtrh .041 nt 1421 to 548 each. There was n Mrs,.anthrrIng rs.. fp.'of acanes. some of them pretty. ,ant lo .flesh; they 40111 nt from Yr to 31,40 I''1' • goer! real.. odd nt Iron 4e 1.. ler TM re ens n11 ndvmme In the puree ,,f lel. critter.; rhlpI,en Veld 4404.' per 54.. .IN Hi Int µe .hexa tool 1h,• IIImI,. 00I.1 ,11 �• S4a to 51 per Ib. EAST \$U l:nrFFALO CATTLE Mntt, -.- t offal°, No,'. 11 -t',nu,• Iron Ism, 41101. .toady.. •unllI,OI .,w: prime, Ate,• tits) to Mk ,.hlppini, 81.75 to $0 411; ta,I' roti , I1.M to Li :,71; fetter.. 171.20 to 51.70; cow., Ma to 14.20; bulk, 13 to $1.:Z; stuck 141' .1,41 feeders, .8:0' b. 14 lo; .t4 'k brlfi• , 12.25 to 33; resh (-.wy and sp,h,aer,, .t1' dy; casemate. $2 lower, 82)1.'441. 4'...1, 4It,r•.•Ipr•. 1 ,tw,ly, 144:111 to 31.7_5. 1s.,g. Iter+-Ipts, ' Mr, 11s• to 21R• 1..1'.7: M,6He Hr $11:11 1; york.•rie, • to leapt; plus. Miro; ',ash. 1:,.41 4,. 1:, I. • .Inge, 4450 I t° 34.75; 4nlrle., $0 to M1.23. St,., and tenth. Rr,riet., tan) teed: Weep, mettle; b.udn slow':' In:.-• 37.25: m fell. 37.11: yearnings, 141 0 ton..::;; w,lbrr., 15.75 to tel: ewes 37.�y I 1.0 7t0; MaMl.rp to mised.p. 13 to 15.1111; ('mnsda nib* s bead; accuse nod owlet; fa fig). a1'. ' sty :Ind u.fx••d. Two Mors Heads Off. London, Nov. Two morn Ora.ol Trunk e"nductor■ were taken 0,11 I1 the .ervlce on Saturday. The Close Season. Somewhere br eat her, year., riga, I rend n liltiastory which I remember ns a jewel or 0nr"n•,iyn' 1 Two, Southern 1 fir',•-I•„to . 1'K 1 e ro, sedi flat. and goatee rat hi). ate tilted lea, in front of the town hetet. One. of them is reeding n doily paper. Th, following dialogue enema : Colonel (looking 0p from hi+ napes --Majah Major lies. colonel P ('.,Inn'l 1 OPP that thrall has leen intrn01m'el in the legiolarhsh :► 1,111 110 pr,hileitthe killin' 114 niggRahs. Major- In w'hnt nI, 'dbl.? -Ororge Ade, in MUMPS/4 Mag'sinp. Gregg Shorthand Touch Tjewrjting aro two .ystem4 which you cannot afford to omit from your buslucra education. In those da)., when everything must be done accurately and rapidly, the .yatete used must be the best and quickest Oregg Shorthand la may to learn, easy to write. and way to read after k 1. written. our catalogue will tell you all about the system, and to free fur the irking. School term) September till June. inclusive. Forest City Business College 1 R GREGG, T Y. C. A. Building. Founder Gregg System LONDON. M pe Lcaf Rubbers ''( "ant you l,1 .r,- 1„ ill,•' 51. el,1 L•af' ries tee ..mit pair n( ru:.1-' •r tun 1.14 -- Wirr'1•r prom " the oke wamau 10101 11 red la a slims." :Buy a pair and you'll bo so pleao- tint.ly surprised you'll tell the gooti Il47W4 to your friemis, Shute of finest grade of Para guns, Which makes the toughest, most waterproof rubbers in existence. Truly astonishing wear- • re. -rite' :•a. :kir I yet -n light :111) neat. w •.l .i , the • MANE LEAF �--" - Ilrtlnd _..a.. �_...., . Gray's Syrup Red Sp,ice Gum For Coughs and Colds. "Plastic Form" Dress Suits —correct in every curve. From the selection of the cloth to the finishing of the hilt buttonhole, good taste distinguishes every detail. Fit, cut, workmanship) perfect. A man can select this important part of his wardrobe, in the "Plastic Form" Parlors, with the assurance that he is getting a style as exclusive, a cut as particular, as he would obtain from the establishments of the best London Tailors. —With the added satisfaction of moderate prices. 111 Plastic Form Parlors,Goderich Rea. Bleck, Sole Agent Sturdy's Groceries are always reliable ... . \V,' 111111 wttitfo'tion in dealing out WW1•. (lest( [(114.115 to • rued •1.14. Thr stock is specially well assorted for the "5,lpuIer 1nuts', ,sail the uluet particular wants of our patrons will have prompt service. Fresh vegetables and (suits in 6ear1111. Phone 91 or call. STURDY & CO. Ilse "quaI,. Loden. h r -- - I J. BROPHY & SON 1111: LEADING Funeral Directors and Embalmers Orden carnally El/El/Wan-it-itoato •t ■11 hour,. 1,1444 or day THE BON -TON Livery and Back Stables EAST STREET FINEST SERVICE IN TOWN. EVERYTHING UP-TO-DATE. The finest turnouts in town are supplied 11t these well-known staples. Carriages for every re- quirement and good horses furnished at reas- onable. rates of h i re. Careful drivers furnished when required. .411 ral1', promptly attended to. Walker & Augustine. 'Phone 5t. East street Livery NEW LIVERY KNOX BROS. have opened a livery stable in the stared on Newgate at rept op- posite the Consuls*. Hotel and Itiave fitted it Witt' New and Up-to-date Rigs, New Harness, and Good, Reliable Horses. All pat 111110 :ue assured the hest of service. Vont patronage is 1lirflel, Knox Bros. Opposite Colborne House NEWGATE STREET Telephone 173 (>l U I) It I BROS. Livery, flack A N U 'Bus Stabies 14.,11.11 / )o int ed !tackle and 3111. .I.Ii dfisrt•K fn herµ.• of the Iht*e's, n h.. h will meet 1111 I rain s 111111 %t,.:, ,n L,, 114,, ALL ('At,I V ATTENDED TO PROMPTLY FROM R(YCRLN ANI) PRIVATE HOUSES GUNDRY BROS. ROS (7711 41TI4RRT P110YR P'IRY 6