The Signal, 1906-11-8, Page 2a7n
2 THURSDAY, November 8th 1906
HUGE: ilt'tl. oN'I'AH10.
Telephone fall No. S.
Terms of Subserlplioe
Slot per annual l4* of sios•e.
Alo 111001 hs, .'i ' ; three mouths. Z'te.
Subscriber: who fall to carne T,io S1014A4
regularly by 11141 will ruder it favor by re:
goainting us of the fact at as early u date as
%Ten a change of address 1s desired, bot h the
old and the new addnsu, should be e11 en.
Adrertising Rates :
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per line 'for first i149114044 and 4• per line for
each anise plant u.serllun. Met.urtt by a
nonpareil scale, twelve lines to at. inch.
Hasllle.m card. of six lint.. and under, $. per
Ad vert iseuients of Lod, Mound, Strayed, S11 -
nail 1011. "0.0111, Sit uallo,. Wanted. Hew•. for
Sale or to stent. Farms fur Sade or to hent,
Artich+M fur Sale. etc.. nut exceeding eight
lines, Lir each Insertion ; air for tint month. :sr
for each .ubeequrnl 1.54.+1 h. larger at s rrl le-
arnt. In proplrlial.
.%110umwuu•01m k4* ordinary reading t>prw ten
era. per line. No notice Ie.. than L7.•.
Any .IMrlal notice. the objet' of *hien 1. 1he
pecuniary benefit of any individual ur 104..00
►lion, to be'on.lder d an adlrr4Nrment and
W Ire chanted accordingly.
Rates for display and rontrart ads erli's'-
meta.. will be given on application.
Address alit comm antral ion. to
YANAr'KR & Hu11t:HTSe1N,
I'ug In,Al
1s ,erlela lint,
'rhe it rasilfn of the revision of the
tariff at the I.11m1illg Mrisi11n of Parlia-
ment give. the Government an °ppNlr-
t ' y 11f doing a magnificent service
t0 ('an(4da ,and at the 14411119 time of
raising the standard of the Liberal
party ty so that its adherents ►say rally
with an enthusiasm that 140s been
wanting dancing recent years. The
strength, the backbone. uf the 14(M'Ial
party Ito. sways !Nen with the ,al-
4'tN'ates of a low tariff ; opp.oit to
tertian has been the traditional.
th . historical, pt airy of the party ;
untie the standard id fiscal reforms
the Li rill of Canada have always
fought. t was not 10 be expe•Iel
that the aMession of the Liberal •al part%
to Jmower in - f would be the signal
for • dia• and drastic adop(t)s tl
of the principles arid by the Inset'' :
Mulch reforms 111111)1 gradual. ell as 111
disturb normal condi '01114 as little am
jamaible. For several y 111 niter ISM
there were instalments tariff ie -
form, in the :general irrvisl n of the
tariff and in the succetutive i •tease•s
of the preference to literal 'Br sin
but for four or fla-r years now t 1e
has iNetl lit t le 1.11' 440 1111‘4411.8M in 111:
direction. and it e t be denied that
in this time there has been Il distinct
decliiw in the spirit. the ale. "f
the patty. Lils•rals hat a tern nth Awe)
to forget why they were Literals
the y g 111911 growing up who
wendd naturally be in line with their
fathers have not had 141s•tnl ideals
placed before these by 1 h leaders of
the party in such a way am t0 indite..
the ardor and enthusiasm which •ryoung mel : in short, p.liticll affairs
in Canada have leen assuming very
much the appearance of a struggle be-
tween the 'Ins- and the "outs" -a
gain.' in which trite Liberalism has
little place. A e hleterlinel
effort on the part of the leaders to
reach the goal of Liberal ideals will
create afresh in theirfollowersthe
fighting spirit which has won .1111'
party's battles in the past,
Never before in the history of Can-
ada has its potential Wealt1, in fleld,•i11
mine, in stream, 111 forest been rel full'
recognized a. It IA IloW. Is this great
wealth 14) Iw fairly distributed x11111..4(
the workers of Canada, 45r is it to be,
as in the I'nitet) States,, the 14pe•1111
perquisite of fMet magnates. of e
binesters, 1.1 prl(1e'te1 interests i' Now
is the time fur the CI, cee•ntllrtlt to do
awdy as far aM 'possible with special'
privileges and class legislation. The
farmers of this country- are the great
pniliteing (.111,'.. They ask 111, special
favors. They ask only that they be
given a fair chance, that the: process of
-bleeding them for the benefit •.1 the
protected manufacturers be stopped.
that they he allowed the 111.1' 01 1114
wealth they ciente. There in r,4/144
for vast de''`als! '11t in nl,onlflulur-
'hlg in Canada. 11111 to math its Net
alleeeM1 nlanufaeturing ( not de-
pend 11(44114 the tale• foundattitin of
special privilege . it t have the
healthy growth of self-reli41ce.
It iA sincerely (44 he 1141ped1 t.11a11 1111•
Government will measure up 1,i" the
great opportunity which presents it-
self in the appronehing seemlier].
Edison priniirws auto nlobiles at.$:t111
or $(441. If they are going to be 140
(summon as that. we'll not have
The Pleteh Government is extend-
ing the system of state ral(Iways in
that country. Public ownershiph is
not a hngnloln in France.
I'nivermity students at Tornnln are
complaining of the meals furnished at
the I'nivetsity difling hall. What
tall from the days when students we
latent with knowledge and n rnWd l!
Parliament is to meet on the• 22nd of
Novetniwr. The revision of the tariff
will be the great work of the NrMsiOn,
SW it in expected that the- mlela81tr
will he brought down at an early
stage of the Mtlsi(n_'
1t (m prlpi ed that A Dominion com-
mission be appointed to. prlh• Into
election rascality, to show up the cor-
ruption on the Conmervative .Me.
This might he fair enough, Mut isn't
the smell bad enough now ?
staid a few thing* the other night thlyt
will be 1'e1111•IIII,,'ii j for a wink',
M ' •ilwl ownetsiip iM having n
teat in Guelph, where the city three
years ago took ave• the street rail-
way. t'ode• private control it was a
faiht14•, g ' g behind year after )ear
to the extent of several thousand dol-
lars. Under u11uliripal management,
it has gained steadily, and this year
there has I.rn as profit of over *1,s 441,
Che .IIIV'entes of Canadian tariff
against Itriti.h Waal* argue that a
I:lel04)' 1n 4 'lylnt11:t 1., of 0. 11111911 \':11119
to the Empire as Ii Lu•lur'y' i11 Mag-
i/111th So ll is, if it earl gel along
without a 1.11.1011114 I,u'ifY which makes
the Canadian pr. tiny higher prices
for it. (oviducts ((1411 1het are worth.
Hut if the 1'uu:uli:ul facto' y has to he
)llal; llhal11e1 bt 1111•:1154 14 fused roll -
I from the Canadian people,
le'iel by Iowan. of the tariff, then he
1e4rlse of the tariff i(4l9lea(115 argil -
mem should be Lept in view : 1 fae-
to1 r i4* liugbaud is of as 1ou'h value
1'1 Ilie' F:ugliry as a 1491ory i11 ('.411:1,111
and i1 is sell•'•upp.Iting,
The 'Toronto Star the ill h1.1' 1140"
Celebrated the fourleenlli a1)11(aes11)'
of its birthday. '1'h.' Steal-ffas made a
place for itself i1; the jyuruulisw of
Toronto and the Province, atoll under
tla•.m,uulgement til' 441x. Atkinson its
record 1.1 growth in circulation and
audve•t(.ing patronage has •heal Olen.
nal. Ml', .vtltinso11. unlike s
other 'Ciro11,) journalia keeps his
individual pe•souality (o 1 h bark
ground -- -*at .• nothing lint saws
Wood" -1,111 d14 40 10'1111 110:4.1 prep it
little behind the serers know that he
is Wielding a great and n 8104 i111111-
eelle 111114,114(11 the 11sr1' of the
paper which hr .o ably controls. -
So111911Nty writes to The Star over
the 11411119 of "Fair Play" in .11111.1x(11
of certain nol•uah'r1 of Ihe town
.. •11, of The Signal, Mid of the
pallier. forme, and promise,. a eerie., 451'
at 00 junni/•ipoll 1latte.. Fair
Platy is a jewel. and 0119 night recall
liray'M Vl•rNrs,
"Full 111011)' N Ine11 of purr.' M)' ..01r410 -
The dark, u4*lel bathe) 4.4.','+ of e40040 hear, -
only^ there is a lingering suspicion
That Fair Play'. disposition 140 hide
1 ' :If f • the w'ur111 is lug not .o
'h 141 it fin• feeling 4.1 1111lesl9 5144
10 Ile 1•11W111.1110. desire til -•v4.' thing.
ittionyimmisly that he wtuld hot darty
to slay over his own proper' 'igndt 1119.
If Fair ('lay would only act. up 111 the
signification of Inv as eel mane,
1.111ur nut of his .bean x144.1, and may
aha he has iii sat like a 110111, Iris
11 •1h(atiuns • mtigllt demand 14'11114.
1111 1' ; as it is, they ,are not .esti
The . ber'Ith of East Huron on
Tuesela0', etu1N'r 11th; will hold
their amnia meeting. and will also
1•11„10. IL 1•111141i1 , 1e rot. 1ht' next elre-
t ion for the Hou of (' s, \Ye•
du not know who 1 ' yew toefor•
the c"ncenl(•I will I ' 111t the Fast
Iturtt Liberals have 1011 141!1•111( filen
in 111e•ir ranks 111141 a 0,11111j1 h• Will no
doubt be chosen who will IM• it matin
1.1 the party. Among those whose
names' may be 1lvnght forward 1 %V.
II. Kate', editor of The Hru.1.elM I'11.f,
and i1 'may not lie out o pbtee' for
fellow-) •nallst t1 cninal
raInd Mr.
Ken's M.•r%iees In the party during
nm)n • yeas to the rnnside•at ion of
his f.11ow•-I.(IN•ral, of the riding of
East Huron. Jar. Ket•r h,ts d,.t1• his
part in helping to elect other. to
K41'liament.0 )' position. and it would
1.' nal• titling that when a suitlIlPN
0,1'1/41/t1 411TerS he x41..0111 Ile giyrn 5411
111.11/01.1 unity t0 Ie1141 he -prowessiurl
I ' .elf.
Peary WAS within 'JI t'1 tnih•. 111 the
used. pole. less than the disl14)44'
front Toronto t, Nnrih IRI y. Let ns
!top,. 1hatt the next effort will be 141t.-
r,•..fnl, 111411 Illus 1.14.110 1he uselessness
of this mud nitwits \y)4sle ..i eff..rl and
sa.•rille.• of life. 'meant., Olute,
'there,. IN 1'114111, 111 disagree very
widely is 011 The Globe's Iden that the
at lentil's 111 tea.O the north pale hate
heel' 1 '•*05,x1.' 111 e'ti,r't." Fr11111111.
Iltilit:l i;ul M1:u11p.(nt, 1,1 a se, port
1.11111101./11 1011 has 1111 cable ; 6121 1 ht•re•
9411• other Mlalnlli41ds by which to
j1)41ge. \Len WAN given 11o111inio11 liVeT
111,• e•nrlh. mail he will not be 14111i"tlel
until he has reached the fit sl limit
of Ii,i,nanl l•IltliIl•tlllre in bringing the
earth under-subjeetion. no. north-
ern explorers luau tern m.1 do wl
this spirit 114 rougn,wt 1.1 f le l'l1.11lells
Alir11•11 •. Mtr4114(ly 111,111 , jii the
average man, and sorely their mag-
nificent h.r11(M111, self-sarl'(flee and de-
ternuluU(nn 545,• 11111 Io he pit down
as wanton Wavle of energy-.
I'Ip•Toe onto News sitys there -wits n
deter el at lenlpl to mark.' the 1111141.
Linn "'4.1 the increased indemnity of
members . Ihe ellief (sue' do North
York, (n Nirth Rime and in queen's
Iunl Shelburne., "l) each .ase Girt
majority for the• honer fit e;tndi
dale WAS emphatic. At1fl in evil PRM,'
the outcry against the indemnity
`WNW!, ►o have 11,111 nn effect. This in a
big country, 1111(1 it is impossible 10
AhunIwde the r'1tIMtkite/1(1PS with +\
peanut issue." Let. us me', Was not
The News oppose) to the (love 'fit
candidate in each of ,hese-nmtests,
and did it not bring fi/fw'nnl )sautes
which in each ('Ale halve been em•
ph.Hieally 1lnow111 aside by the ttut-
jorily of the e•Ie•lorM? The peinde of
Canada have nm little use apparently
pharasaisnl AN for "pommel issues,'.
Hut 1414 n 111111('0 of feel in none of
thew• cotton could there he ,t
straight issue on the indemnity ques-
tion. Neither in North Bruce nor in
North fort w'A a .'andidste running
who had nee.'pted the inrtra'ed in.
Well, it wits worth while having the detnnity, and in the came of Mr. Field.
bylaws submitted to hear Mr. Uoyd's log the fact that he is a Humber of
speech nn Tuesday evening. Mr. the Cabinet, and a hardworking Min -
Lloyd disclaims any ptrtenee of ata- (*ter, made it Impnwe(hle to place him
tory. but in his epigt'atnmetic way he nn a plane with the ordinary *nem.
119Is who p111114ipate! in the salary
grub. -1f The .. will jt•.1 wait un-
til the grlt':al elections, when the
$2.5111 members; gip lial'k 10 11)01 1.1111 -
slit llrncies, it ' witness la slaugh-
ter that will convince it Dint 4.11134
lion to the grub is no "wenn( issue."
The Dreamers.
You 9045)4* 1 hem u. ,l4* Idle r1:1s-,
1.011ev11 !hetet 0/ the lesser eNcad,
\1'110' 1 loot mauling interest ->...�
Willi • 14511110 them hiui or hc'd.
11111 1114511111 , der ' • u. 111e) g0,
Thr) ale 111.' fir -1, the I •r.
The) .Lost 11.e rest. Ill t +Well wool grow
two 41,.. grimacer of 1 tie yearn.
They .41...1 lie -*II of earth W f.u•1,
•rhe dn•xw s father of the .11•I'
(1110, with gist hard
1..). kohl of .ubdaa- i%i11, it. u0ighl
.1 0e* 10a94. 1n•u.hhe•. !loutish the haul—
.'4 nett exalt./a spring• 10 light. •
lint hark 01,11 I be dr., •r dreams,
And 4.11.0 utility 11.0111 stotteht
Tlo•wgh all Ihr tide- uf thea' lint .114.111,1-
Frow sal I he drr.ureN, b4*-)> 1110110111.
The hu0.1,', Lund•. ll/, dreamer la> •
The 1110451 LaouLt ion of the da).,
The 415 ,ud +u•Inecrtucul. 0,( ILr 0.41...
The ,plr-I, of ,•111r111er•r, seal .5 ,d 11114' ;
Them • -.,s•'. t tut fulfi111iieml hem-.
The 0,.4501 el I ha 110' lieu ifribue
1 tun' k Ili, d ra0a•r 0111. lie •Ie'11.
Upton t6r'0o:11iug rim of thing.,
(4u1 it r• 4hlveurh hi. dream !hal cera..
The 11 ' ghl from a1,ir11 the deep t1p-
He deals i4* hooey... pliant clay.
Ile dn•.uu.llie dark fie - Imo day.
Hr dream., 510.1 0u•o v.001.1111 1hr fire!
119 dreams...n.1 down 1 be emote- of Nue
'I'4. hersuter 14'111; world- a -pin•,
Tu higher Inv. 1141151511.,'Ii,.11..
Ile dnvuu•, ,0451 •t.htmg of 111. hope. ri
Spur light 11,,41 )lash,•. (rain 104
'Door. 1145. 000 rugae'. hence oar.
1411. 1S,' '4o: hl !milder. build afar.
Thr:drr n d'n:un11g faith oaken (.i•* ;
*bei are Ihe Lt • hem of tile art
--1401 tnu,re 5111.
Don't Get Any Closer, John.
a 4 les eland 1'i. .. .
.101111 1). H.oketeller say's he ' is
atilt i11Il• to get in flinch with the pub -
lie. And alter the wily 1(4s 1 •heti
i1 all Ihee years. -
Wise Alter the Event.
\Ln ace:a mi.!.
It was •a 11u'tical 11118111 k on the
40111 til the Conservatives, f •_ a
tarty point of %ire•, 10 upp4w• NIT.
Fielding in yesterday's election.
Following a Bad' Example.
\\'ell, why'sh0u1,1n'f a 41,041rserlth of an
voter sell his fr;iehis4 for gni, wh.'rr•
he has the example of leading 1mr11m-
Ia•s ..t Parliament selling their honor
for 411,1111,111/11 ?
That Parjisaa Investigation.
01" ,061.os•k sena tact -het )sere,
If the London investigation is to
have any effect III -working a reforma-
tion in pllilirl,lllS uud i4* 1111111 ien1
methods, it most he complete. It
must not 1.• /confined to the evils .11
The Land for the Settler.
Toronto sat nada) Night.
rlmnt %,1 9st 1,11* whas115ve the ire adenlhtl
r ever
figure) •ant what i1 (N We 11.1• 41111/4(
Will' IIOrt )matrass her(tag. of 1gt•i-
v111111110land ? Are )v.• not allowing
114.15 111 'flake rortunl'N buying laud
Ihey do 1101 10:1111 and ,elling it to
toilers who most hove it ?
How It Looks in the West.
w iosNe4 rice 1'n•ss, .
The North Hi•Ilt.. .Insult will nn-
ihnifitedly IN• 1 great e•Im'/.11191g.•rlle'I14
to (tuns A. 1t, Aylesw,rth, whom eir-
eu1n'15um•es have made the reap 1,'a ler
o the Ontario '1 • • .
f h ntnrl Liberals. s
1 I . 1e r. AO,
wort is young at the bIl1iness but he
showed 10+111n'..(o 1 n•NM Stud ('uncaps
in NOD!. Bruer: an,I his work' Ihr?'.•
et..nor:we, the hope that the 4)ntn•i.i
i.ilre•al, hare at h1.1 fonoll a political
head. They have 1.44'11 in lived of lone
for a lam I (ales
Our Great Need.
Montreal 0% lime....
11'11111 we require. 1011,4* w'• I
11:1 01., if we are 111 Lipp pace with Ihe
world i.•bers who will ''give
thentsel•es to leaching' 0s ulen 11141
women give thenre•les to any of the
11th.',- proto..sion., with intent and
Inrl•prs.• to exploit its value 141 the 111-
1110.51. A life 111•%111.,1 In this w•I•%ir.•
is Its own best reward, hal III. WINO,
1'r (s w•ort11y of his hire„ and 1s the
world is at present mils/ (toted with-
out his Lair hire he l)Ilnol. be 111-
1 •s1.
Pink Tea for Threshers.
.\1.4rrat h 1.011or 1 11 I'I err.
'l'Iu' wife"( n noene• to this district
lead 1 skier e.t • front ('hi,agn to
Mai. a visit. fine ,I l9 last week 111e
! ule, nlei 11.• 4(11..1. ia1Mi"led
4111 11'1(1)4( Ike work :,1„111• 41111 sent he•
Mister 11V110 t„ r. -.l. When !Went y' -
too en Ihte.du•r1 filial into 001111191' Ihail
night they found a m:41lelw• 01 tied with
1(141111,. one •hirken 1•1•111110.1 le, one'
rheew• 145111 1 he .4, ' of 11 marble. (illy
Flaps that book.,) like they were in-
tended !1-, ).'..•puri',. for ,1 lead pencil,
1prettily ndorl'('1 menu carts sunt a
011 'unbolt. bouquet a1 .4.,•h plate.
How to Banish Corruption.
To.onto Star.
Mt -orates .f compulsory coling
talk of a etas. of mea who will not
take the trouble In vote 11niest they
are paid. '1'.. v011110 such 11101 to
0,11,' will 11111 .'hang.' their character,
alai nide.," that (. vitanyed their bal-
lots will 1e of 1111 y11iitr value than the
toss 01 a ••.pier. 01hi,'. de 11111 91411.
because thew k nothing in the char -
atter 114 the eandillltes or of the
TN111(1s to arouse their enthusiasm.
hr bath lies with the parties. They
shook! slake themselves \v,rthy of en-
lh,si,ail, by their ,telhernrr ptin•
riplrs. their 1)11v.M•ar9 of good .'ruse.,
and their i.•111 for the p,hlie service.
1\ lo.n they 4141 1111'. 1 1110 will 11111 rind
it. 110000M,1•y ft, trout+. Ihet4s•hes
1(1Nalt the •'e41r'r11414 fringe." or In ask
for law. to drive indifferent voter. to
the pills. They obtain. and always
will obtain, all the popular support
they deserve.
Tie "Dumping" Argument Disposed oI.
w'im,lp'41 FN.,' 1'4.•...
The Montreal Gazette, as the Item.
nil•.M'nte of high prof e•Iinniin In all
Its works and ways, speaks thus in re-
gard' to et • recent et lecke upon the ,
Dingley tariff : "Much is swing heard
of the allegation tint ttnitel States
manufacturers sell their product
aliened more cheaply than they do fit
home. The statement is made that
(17 per cent. of the product of the
manufacturer, of the t'mt.el States
is sold at home, and that nit of the
trmaln(ng 3 per cent. not more than
1per cent. IA unld for less than it
Ming% at home. Menem eat (n thim
way the *base, as it is I.'lmed, he.
comes so 'insignificant its t1 1e un-
worthy of cuu.iderati Which
would appear to dispute pretty _ of.
feet lally of the "dumping.' arg 'tit
that;The Gazette and oche' 4'ongl',''
native papers have been working MI
hind in support of their de d for a
higher tariff for this country, •
We Must Mend Our Ways.
11rlllhl Packet.
There is a lrlwll'l fur Canasta in the
spirited protest entered by Japan
against the d(s/•ri11in1ti4111 11(a411st
Japanese children i1) he htli.ods of
San Francisco, Mi111 in the ap t.l.get(r
,altitude which the 4,'uited States li11y•
rrinurnt Was os iiii)ellel to WO. • (11
(void nn ugly iuleeuutiunal qu:11lwl.
Now that lir 11AI1oiis.'f (IIs Fast are
armed in mlale•rn (Million, they will
sot (lung submit to have their people
treaded with eollletllpt 1181111 iufrrlur
rave. I4* *few cedes l'hin:t will lo• as
well able as Japan l41 t eselt t1.'
ignominies now heaped up11 her sub-
ject. in Amerii.a, ('an,rda will 1e in
11.1 1)4114(1(4111 I., dere hese Patine ioe'an
neigh1slrs. 1 he prestige :and friend•
ship of Great Britain will 1e our NN•i1-
eipa) defence ,against atf arrogant al -
1 kink and abject 1 lint• . Hut it
en11ll it 1e ex(011,d dual the tIi',
ciu1t'y will iillarrel with the Eastern
fitment in • behalf, in defence of
meati41r4M which appear imlefelrslble
111111 n:u•1rlw-oliudrd to the rostllgN,1.
(tall John Hull. II is well that our
people, a11(1 e.pevially the labor um -
lolls, should earl' realize the need for
mistrial' 5111d discretion in 11111'
I real luetlt of lh. y ruse• rave..
Commission Management.
fulling..unl Runlet in.
A number of towns have adopted
OW system lir placing Ihe Iu,lU,lgr-
went of their waterworks and electric
light systems in the hand's of it r •
mission. The ' 440) statutes
authorize .any municipality awning
either of tint• furtichisr,4 10 talk.' the
Management of them from the
cipal r •il and hand it to ,t r -
mission, such e11111ni8Mi1111 to he elected
1,t' popular vole. 1Ye believe that
wher,''e•r this system has been tried it
11144 given very sat )'Tansey- t ,sons.
(Jnr reason for this is that it lakes it
out of ' 1pal politics, which (M one
1.1 he great weaknesses ' of that
Weibull of u45ulllg.init41. It ,appears
abated impossible to get sat isfau'(ory
results whet. w 1 poi it iciatts
heelers have the run of any boldness.
This 1. not 11 W:1!te• for sprpri.r.
Thr 11mtlagi111; oMri:l1 are usually
appointed just after an election where
probably the r chlor has haul all he
could J0 In gain o1• retain his seat.
and required whatever assistant.. he.
could seem*. from his friends. It is
not likely that limier these vireulrl
stances he can disregard the ,'I, ' s of
those seeking a► jab who stood by 1 '
11' 1011k favorably upon the applies -
lion of one whose .opt)4a•t he wits not
Ante 01,. *111 gh the la!
t(Gnit flight be notch s11(101ior 145 tM/SP
of 111e other for the place. The con-
sequence is it often happens, in fact it
is the usual occurrence, that the offi•
is appointed, not spun his 'eapn-
bilily ur etwalitl.atiuts for the pill,
but the tit pull he earl (cunt'
101111 and his shrewdness in gelling
upon the right side ,'le'ft' d0v. or
the influent -es pie and his friends can
assistance they
bring I•. 119 I- 'upon the 4.tttt hues
they hays twilled 145 elect or by w'Pose
only hop• 1.. retain
their seats at the next election;
Again, the goal a illus is
nal usually elee•Ird, • is he judged
by the electors on his return for re-
elect 1011, rpm I he Bluest lull as 10l •:1
h•:ulrhi.e had been nulnlged, 10111 a
great number of issue. ,u•ist% 11ften
side 4.W. ..r thaw• 41f :i po•Is111ul
lure. wbi.h luwr very little r4* •••.
lion with the general affairs 1.f Ute
unlnici ldity. 'elle ward gI4I(lI 't• and
the fellow 111/king for s., -• eorpt' •a -
tion job, these lire 1119 sources to
whietl he must look for Supp)4411 rat her
than to his hlsiuess recon 4,1. his
honest zeal in the interests of the
In iIla tiagenll•nt 1.y.11 e ' inn
elected by the people the it4Hnt•ni•,•'
alt.'.' alhaded 1.r would 1111? be alto-
gether 'fiscal, but !heir weight
would 1)111 he fell I4* Anything like the
!m111M ..stent. The eln411L.aon w0Il1.1
consist o1 three ire fl%1.tuenllbes who
would. be elected for two year. and
Witte, electi11n or re-election w'onl l in '
the nature 111 t.11lllg' .ep•INI largely
all their management .11!Iol' franchise.
Thur w, 011.1 in their 1.14.1' he no •pre
Issue Stud if would le ru•,••••saI 0 (.'
their own 1111. eels 111:(1 Ow ..H(e)at.
(pp141nt•,1 h)• Item were noes i•upahle
of perfnr11ung their 1e.peeti%t• dot(('4,
olid if an un,1esiraJle'1 it++e;arable pet,
son ahu0d by any ulls.hauc,• Ib•
appointed 145 an office his r,•n/uv,1I
W..11141 1101 1e• a1 i11lnissill(li4,' as i1
pally nearly is in .lire.-: municipal
commission nlatn:,ge11e111 would
doubtless ha%a• the advaiitaa4fe that
IN tare men 4,111111 1..• .4,4110 ,1 flit- it
111'111 are ahvaly1 :,'.:.Usable for lb,'
rotulil. N11.1111044 ship in 111.11 10,410
iivake' M111'11 ,1r1141n1-- 01.00 Ihe 110.111.
!WIN' Lisle that eit:11,) inside.. 11.11
raalllot, a1Hnt•.1 t', give it, but ,4 P41111.
II)INMi1•LI,•t•sb(p w0111.I IN. :a touch
lighter task :end they (night lie in-
duced to make the sm.slbe• smeiifi.e.
liewides, they w1i111 not 1M• subject to
the.uI111MP !hal 'l111111111,1•' often polo,'
to ruder• 5,1111 *too, fr,•gn.nrly keeps
liusiu91414 11m•n out of. ttttt !pietist! 'edit i, -s'
unless their lure 101' the business
Make.. then, tl inning t.. fare the storm.
1%'null it not be well if our town
council would lake this question 11p
and give it a. trial ? 11,' feel assure.'
the change would be highly beneficial.
Bye -election Results.
Hon. W. S. Fielding's Majority in
llneel'8:(n,l Nh,•Ihl1r111• is oflieinlly 41l-
n"un,evl se 1,11111,
The (Bi1•ial Vet 111.11s in the North
Hrnr,• hl..e(e, I (oil give 'Tota). n 11e-,
jnrily of 171. ,
Growing Old Before Your Time.
Hrokete in spirit, weak in hely,
'tenon. and di.,•mmagl'l., S •1 hing
Ie w1'ntlg, .111,1 .•:1.•I, 1111% see. you fail-
ing alw/ll, ,I11.t'Me l'ling lu110 lhlild
up. To do this, Ilse Ferrllyetne•.
What n ti1ii.• it i. ! Appel ite, why it
makes vnl 1.111 1 r•eln•IIdlelsl'. Iligest.
Ir111esl yn1, will. Rich, 1.191 blood will
''Arley 'tourist ''04 to every eorner of
the 'NMI)', tins) organs take on new
life; color, spirit end 11t11dti1n are
restored. f'e'rret 111AIIh(N11I Anil
abounding health is the unfolding
1ro4101 of F'errnrnne try it, :Inc per
xnx every ethere.
!tend one new story on page 11,
"Von r.n'I. leas, Ihe Irishman for
wit," AavM Hnlert. &lemon, -and he
takes advantage of his native pr.-l'iv-
itr in all his hmmineum enterprtmem.
While walking in one '11 the llnminels
thoringhfat•9m of P(LMhurg last yrxr
my attention was arrested by a dis-
play of mhlrtm in a habetda.her's win-
dow, which for variety of .,n.rt
colAr. far exee41.d a Tuner landscape
when the son is red and Mw, and
there in the window in glaring green
type a large.* read : 'iristAn.'"
W. Acheson & Son
Special Fur Values
henry Y g, who Ir '141114 'of the
masa progr•ssivr as well as one of the
t hasty farmers i1 the county, is
'providing for future .' fort by 1n -
stalling a New Idea furnace in his
1 It is a w leer that mull•
tau med+ e10 not follow his excellent
'I't' !sat.\ Y, Nov. Ihh.
John Fraser is away to the HINT 4.4.
Ninish Myrtle Stinson is ,•Inking i4*
1' ra ser s 111, 1 1 •.
Nix 11'ill(al4s, of Seafurlb, Wits the
guest of \Ir.. Little last week.
The council is putting down an ex-
tra supply of gravel this year.
.1. •. .11 Osumi i. I • f • Bort
Huron, lir is laid up with typhoid
H'ral'0l: Ol'T. - -A IItmher of the boys
Who were i11 111e evaporator ato1' Went on
strike Sat ,tftern,1410 !because
they did not gel a 11.1iduy 1,0 go shoot-
ing. lel their lel loot i4* the evening
they were all (eleven in number) paid
on 51,.1 111110' e110 cit11.•1' gt. shuul(rlg or
Mit snl.lking 011 Ill.' ralPne•s 11( the
street, That is one lesmin for thrill.
(it'Y ' F'.\w'4KS DAY. The oyster
.upper in the orange Hall 1111 Nnveur
be,. Stn 9,5454 a deeiJel .seed, After
the slipper W,IM ,iter :t .114541 program
was tendered, consisting of speeches,
m11.i1', et.., intl•I'l1wesed with gtauw-
phuu.• selections, Hey. Mr. Hinds
was the elder s k.'r :old T. H.
Hr. balder. INm11p1ieele,1the chair. After
the programa Ier of the 011(111(491'
(4'.pi.' rented the town hall. Where .1
401'1:11 hop was given. ('has. Tippett
furnished the music,
Ht'114)4,1;Rgi'.1HT. The following is
the rept lt of the 1.e• ' • 141011 in Hay-
field pu11(r school for the month of
11e1,1e1, 11148.41 1111 attendance, de-
meallor and lap•ne'nl !1roth'irney : V.
rias ('1:11:1 (inlpi n, Harry ('1111er0l11.
I\'. claw Font. King. Hilda Fang.
Hurn' 1\'..118, Senior 111. Whitlow
McNeil, John McNeil, Laura l'In'rie.
Junior 111. Edna McGee, Pearl
Leitch.- Flo Jnp,na11n, Senior 11.
Evelyn Pollock. N.•llie• Townsend,
JI: • I',u.,ns. Number on roll, in;
it verage• attend/Mee, :14. T. H.
Iiauwot.F:i•:. 'rancher.
Junior room. -Se•nior 1I. . Russel
Erwin. tl.001,1 H111111.rn, A11111
\Yo.11,. .1111i01' I1. I.IlIIl King, Flo
Edwards. Annie Elliott. Senior part
II.. A 't• McNeil, Dorothy. Fowlie,
Agnes JlrllonaW, Part II. - Ernest
M,9ier, 18,1191 \1',Nxls, Kenny Smith.J ' , tart II. -)hemi.' Elliott. Katie
Little, Kenny Currie. Senior Inst I.
4411• Brandon, Interne Wa delay,
Alex. 110.av11. Junior pat 1. -Frank
Kittg, Alvin Townsend. Lillian ('at•
ling'.\. ' Somber 111) roll. 51 ; average
ape, FlnlKF,LI,.\ M. STAN-
Overtaken by Nausea. '
You don't know whether it's going
to stay down of 1• • 11(/, Y1111 feel
like thirty cents and look even worse.
It one thing ix gnirker than another.
(Ys "Nein (line." 'ren 111•ups in sweet-
ened water gives. relief instantly. Al -
1110.1 like ,agie is the ellang4 ,441(1 ex-
perience. 'rhe ('31151' If the nni.N:l dM
r•uoltve•,1. evict .y:opt f v ' rag
.411,1 ildigest1'a0 i14 .11.1.11 within leen
1llinIles. ' 11'h,•n Polvon'14 14.'1'\'11111)4 IM
111 ifll.(y' .111,1 ec011111111, al, as INd de at
Inane wouldn't 1,,"11111is1. Large ones
All' IL 1111alle' ,at 4.11 111•311 r..
A 111111 has to holler pretty hard to
get lulyl1e Li) tato..l,M'k i4* his virtues.
New York 1're..,
Til: L:adirg Contem;ial S.bwI
Thi- 11,411 i- Ire ngraa.,I In 14• ' of
the 1M•-11 „lutes •I. .1 sched• in Anger,
1,11. )'u, 'nn •.! II ;,saga• a 'had 10
II,•:411;40.006 llll • it r ,ri.e-. 111t. tern
4.r reerh 1•d opt 11 at /roll' arae. 1,
-111 large .1 merit -am ail im .11141 front far
Wan.. and cities of 4 ,o,,oht i nelti 1
iva S:,.k.1la.n'. Sa.k. on 1 h %'..? and
1 h.arintl,towie. 1'. IL I. on !h,'
our n•pltal loll ?fiscal!. 0.nch for 11)15
gnuhann•s \fears• for our catalogue.
l'ri 4.9 i l.d-.
Iligh'(iradc Training Pays
and that is Ole kind the Nam
gat•- tot- -1 ud -,:I-. ►Imran sl lidera,
hoe 1,d.•nn, it - ;II +Marie. (sola
MJ, per matt, to $1110' 1..r year. It N a
wNIkaawa Ism Met sr ocher la fie sat el
11. Hee 11 Gasses. Thim month i. a -plcn-
did time In enter. All grl(4blates gel
position.. Thr demount 1. uettly l wanly
Iinn, the -apply. %'rllr today for
iagfnlfi,Pld entaloglu•.
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal.
1'or. Ytngr and .l lncandrr
14. se'tiM nn education that will most
quickly and ..t els fit you for the pear
tient ditties of life is offered by thin
soloed. t'Ider new nlan,4.relment, with
'mono ed equipment .fid rnnrl.'M, our
oldest school 1. the 1110,104 and +m,' of
the hem,.
write far entalogne rind Mr hndget
of "Business writing.'
British American
Business College
1'. JL.'. A. BOiMIn�Rt, t'mlgeand
)1e41110 11.,, Toronto
T. M. WATSON, Principal
Berlin Business College
W. D. EULER, • Principal.
The largest showing of better class Furs we
have ever had. Every garment selected and
perfect Every price offers you positively best
Ladies' Astrachan Coats
Deep full furred skins and glossy, firmly tined wait Lo tom e
satin, splendid fitting routs Mild in lengths 'al to 34, at $42•
each 1i: 4 $it 9 k5, $411 and 00
Ladies' New Seal Coats
Sable trimmed or plain, at each 940, 946, $9011
Finest Isalwlla fox scarfs, of Stoles, or Baas, at
special 916.11,, MN) and T
�8, UiU
Blur, white or grey Thlhet scarfs. 110.111, $7,Is1 r,
I.adil•'i Persian Lauth Gauntlet 11(14.0, liWeW $1 2 I0Stony Martin and Sable Scarfs b • 19p,
Muffs t0 match all fills.
Two Special Underwear Purchases
:, dozen ladies fleece lined vests and drawers, heti%t
weight and finely finished, all sizes at per garment, special.. 50(
20 dozen ladies' heavy, fine, natural wool vests and draw.,
sixes, Penman'. make, regular $1.25, telling Saturday and $� .00
M lav at each �N
Kid Gloves
Ladies' tan kid gloves, heavy silk lined. 2 dome tu,t,•,,,.,,
gusseted fingers and warrantee quality, sixes fl to 7. regu-
lar $1.50 at
Men's fur coats, 1'ly>n, wombat, calf, hear
$18:st $�
and dog, ranging 1r.ul
Inspection Invited.
Ihr Wolff Hopper, Ihr actor, i. not Sunlight asap is Uttar than sew mop,
averse to telling a joke on himself. He bat is "81 *1111 used 111 10. {u1ilkt HOF
Seep and follow o
00/119 1
7 Sunlight p tummies.
/ 1firl e I V1.L
lay railing duan n speaking
yule t1 the janitor of his apart meta in
Nett' fork oar day recently, and, lie-
ing unsb'. to get the information h.• I U
EN finally••H
nally blurted mit, av, is
la,rwI.wa 1 carr
there I1 blithering idiot at the end of
this tide?" The reply cauls back
with 4tartlini( promptnitw(, -Not at
this end, sir,' •
a era. Mar.. 1,1•1•.• sad alt ron.64 eo"• ,,1.., W
1,1b611.4 ,0.11.6.«1161.. ...I4 ,.ee„•., .m.7r
W • ,••••11( w ...4.N • 1•. • 6e1, sw
or, me*r1 (6 foes .•1010
. 114 Mr 4.1 l4,•,
POs. 111 .este. 10•'.6 wane W,,ur.•a kr
111118 MEDICINAL. a•4* . lose., uncal„, 91/1)1
We have on the . floor the largest variety of
('orches we have ever shown. No less than seven-
teen (;ouches to choose frons. Y041' could not fail to
make a good choice from then'. They range in price
from $4.50 to $5.00 and consist of Velours in centre
patterns, ('hocks and Floral designs.
Veronas in different shades and patterns.
Verona Rugs and the best grade of leaathler.
In style they are fight up-to•date.
Don't fail to call and see thein, no trouble to
show );sods.
Residence. 1).r.
Nelsons 1, and,
1 'alllbria roar.
'Pt 1:.
H. B. Beckett 'Phone
Undertaker and Embalmer
\ 11. If I' 11 If SI NI, .1 1
1 .\ I. 1.). :1'I' It•:`I 111.\, I.
cleaned and dyed.
MUFFLERS.—The best that
cant be got for the money.
WEAR is the best.
Everything in Men's Smart Wear.
We all know what itfeels like to
be hot, to be cold or to be tired, and
it's just as truethat we 'know what
it feels like to be well dressed. It
feels good, and it's good to feel good.
You can never be well dressed if your
clothes are not made by the right
maker. Get to know
and you will learn what a pleasure
and satisfaction it is to be well dress-
ed. They are right full of style and
character and the prices are,not too
high. Suits and Overcoats $12 to $20.
Tile proper place 116 9q tile'% Ci111111i, sod P ,_LIMP•