HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-11-1, Page 7THE stoNAIe : o(IC i.ItII;,1 ONTAI110 ,, Net mei • , I,,• I bur, 7 444++4,41,4,19+4 +44++ 44444ivin4 c11,�4Y'�4�°49+'4, 4�' i,4, 4,42'444444 ,4, 4,i,' _4 '414244,44* 4 The' News of the District. ,*•�� '441446644** 4'4' *4444344 4}444,4-41,46-46 464.4644 -46 46******46 *:4 f4.4, 45 PORTER'S HILL t4110110 by Mise. Aulu•hr,N,k, rillfi ,g,n. I3ru141el' pe.:plo are 10 1N' emigrIUI- GODERICH TOWNSHIP. Mosnay. Oct. Ult. Addresses wrty given by Rev. J. C. bUrd 4114 securing • 140 well fitted to '1'vr:.oa'• 4.4 It1111. MIN: Fanny Potter. Of Zion City, 'Rr4I1 1hr p,twlur, Itey, 1lt4110N,• lurks diseliarge the duties connected with miss AIIJie Ituvid.u(4 kis 11•»igut•/1 l'hirag11, is visiting fiends in this and Itmhrrfolvl, of rhulg• NIIII the."' rhlll'rh. her INlelll4111 as It.nrh11t ha the l'uiou vicinity. Ras. ti. N. !Noma find J. '1'.'\'but. .cheol, (1„derirh township. ,itt,•r, 11f (:INierleh, lit' Veiling'. pill•, Mew. Stirling McPhail, after visiting et•elings w.•r• ',rung t. tux Mos,. by x LEEDURN, ' Zit iscurium. Anniversary1441,servi0 14 hieu.N at KiPswn and 11thrr Phu e.. few' well-c11••w•n n•w,u•k» Ii the chltir. r 1 t•I.:I'ay. Oct. :Ir ll h. 4.x11.• held at anal N. 11.1/.111 Munch 1111 ha» returned to Hear»illy. anal, in "'Well he gave c11irt. to the Ala k, • Kiugmwv II yiieifel relNhves Sunday, ,,ay, G N. Ilamen pre:a•11ingin 14441t Friday afternooi, the Alines Nentimenl» 41 all present in thankingnear Ilitimie'il1.• l..st v.te,k IL1 .1t1•runon :uli ..• 44 .1.IN. M:Iliott in Ili". .t 1 g. ' 'I'bl•.' il,.. icl•ai narked Pickard, 41f the cut liar. Heel with x the ladies for the sumptuous rtla.Na l:Ila•w. Natal-, j1.., 11f Gimlet -hit, eu' 411.11 the • I11pN•ning 41f the rhu4yli atter se'' itceideut when driving down II? Ihul provided and also those who joy,.,J a seaman! visit here this week, it, renovati,e, or the interior. to the hill Their 11411ooethllw41' the e 1'..elu.ulm1ea1 . eke t,ikru p»tit in Ihr pt i tin for this K •g, +utd Ihr sin'i,a • of tIi' ua• After iC'furtnig ht's alwl•uce At,4. 14.hid' a Ih11r41ugh r Ne ,'1' painting and upset theist into a deep ditch. t' a! anthem. A INrgr yu1111li►y 11p Snow, elm •IN•+uLLifall and w1 •11 au1• and alli r:king has given a Vet neat 'Though lordly shaken up and bruised provision. IN•ing NIi11 uu haus.. ,s wN'il wired, has IY•IM• ted lis usu• Initial. and allraeliye ally uaul•e. Uu Muu- thrix injuries were not 11.1 s'I•. at first feared. e as was 111111411111//41 for Tuesday evening. • Thlrshingi Inst week were held at ,Sohn Linklitter's and It. h'ulfutd's. S:uut'tlay's weather gave ell hands a PORT ALBERT. holiday, so that they Nhuuld not be TV10411A Y. I NI. :SOM. I tired forthe kirk next der.A sacred convert will he held in the -- h:pis•npil, churl( hem on Tuesday. UUNGANNUN. November e( h. '1' h t• fflarkstonl• orchestra, 1.i' •1 1'a111on4. Harty \T(TFi1'h:. 'I'll h: 1.111. 1. :1(:KN('1' St.ird • (tlltl others, of 5o.l, 1•i/•h. will a in !Dullgaa11/11 for Thi• swum 1 • at 1110 Pem- take part. At the r /all of the 131,6.4' nook 111NI 11141 i111•,Y 11.,1•)'• x,Nl M1., \Irle;an will ill job ark. r• (u1, ..uh.crt baht• pl41g1a111 14'fl'PNII IIIa11lN will le nerved. 11Arrrl i.iuk awl jab wllfk, and as nap Wiriest to All are conlially int•itvl. A smell sir" reeell t, sox: , 144111 fur rhe adnlitsiuu fee will Ise charged. COLBORNE. TLKNUAv, Oct.:inth. Dien is Mullin/as. The sudden death of a fornlrt• resident of this township is recorded. J. D. Fisher, of %VI4at Liberty, Mich., while ousting as judggu at a horse show suddenly dropped dead un the track in view of two or three 11 Nand people. %It'. Fisher waw a retch with the big firm of M. N, h'iaher k Co. of Chicago, fur whom he purchased horses, and he wits well known as one of the r - petted judges of good horses in Iht. 'nited Skates. He wow stout flirty eight years of ,SKr and besides his wife 1,.• leaves ,a Nun fifteen years of age. The deceased was a mol 414 Mrs. Joseph Fisher, of hlenmiller, and haul many relatives in this vicinity. BENMILLER. Mornay. Oct. 2/1111. Mims A. Wright is visiting her min- ter, Mr's. Jas. Jewell. Mrs. (Rev.) J. (i. Yelland is spend- ing et few days in Clinton. Winter will wean Iw here now. for the wild gram. have gone smith to a warmer climate. Alis. Jenne Gledhill blas beer, cnu- flnel to her had again. Her many friends hope to see her about in it few days. The Sons of Temperance will meet in their hell .very Tumidity eve g during the winter month.. Meetings to cnnonenet) at lair o'clock. There will be no service here next Hawley, awing 4?, the quarterly se1- view awing held at Zion. Service at Bethel will he held in the et'enillg. The topic for Epworth league next Tlnu'wlay- everting will he "Faithful- ness," and will he taken by Mr. lied - 111r, the meeting twing let by Rr'..Mt. Yelland. DUNLOP. TtItauAY, OM. Atilt. '1'hre•shin m were held Id het•,• last week Threshing 's l'bai' M,Neil'N and M. J. Tohju'.r. Several of our ir.ideuts at- tended the funeral of the late R. Vol - ford in Roderick', 'Vethiewlay of last week. Frederick Hyndnlan, a sun of Ih.. late J. 1'. IIyndulao, 1.f Shlindside, .1yt•sttitr•, Scotland, who resided herr for about a year seine eighteen years ago and afterwiu,Is went to Trinity 'en re. ('ams . , California, Nis 1'041°111 1Y married to Mi-. Alyn( Perry iu that Slate. THE LATI•: Na,a. Tana. M,Hltlrll. 11'e I1711w• liven re.14111r1e11 to itrlrl 111' following from The ('14.1:11 1'11 y I Mena Courier, which refers is the late Mrs. Thos. 1lorr•is11. ahosee d..ath we Mentioned two weeks .ago in The Sign,. : "Un S lay night, the 7th IAS r l ) tilwl 441,..ttlV tft,nll ..'elite k. the death occurred of'lrs. Thos. \ I m h after an 11111.44. mf 1,1111 weeks' sugar- ing fn0n en att,u'k of typhoid fever. During the last ten days 11f her illness her rnndilion had IN, rel imus, .1 1111 Very 111111' 114.114• With 1.1114 •113111141 a." to ht•t• rrruvrt•y. (In SaturYd.ty morning last it WAS U ghl her wilful ings were at nn end, hilt she rallied' 411111 4.49'111.41 In 114• 4111111 /VIA. Towards Sut1Jiy night .h• gradually became worse anti suer hell In the aliw•,t.e. She one d.liria114 up to a 144w nlin- 111,w IN•fore her death, whets she he - rattle rnnw•illem long enough 1.. hid weed -bye 14, the faltlily, who Wl•1'l• gtthanvl at the bedside. The de= ceae.•,1 was Man at 11,14lrrirh in the year IWII and was a danghler 14 Mr. and 'l111. Jame, Jewell. She name 4 •' this distrira with her husband and h 'ly flute ml. TI , N I1., four yenta ago. Mrs. Alor•rish w'as of a very kind disposition, (Iw:ays hawing the interests 44 those near and ,Iaar 1(1 her at heu'l. anti her 'mise will he keenly 'felt by Lta,ily and friru,1.. Besides 1 her m1, •,1 s I r r , 1 wan hta 1 mud tic.• K 4-11114111.11 41111441'10 her. 'they me Al- bert. Het•Iwl•t. May, Violet and Wes- ley, all mf w'I14)11, reside at 1 Apr. Morrish and family have the deepest Nympllh,• of the retire r'olutuunity in this thew end bereavement. The funeral trxek !deep on T11eshay after - tenon, when It large cortege of sympa- thizing friends followed the I'aly 411 its last renting lhnee in the I'ryst(1 City l' 111et try." SHE- PPAROTON. MONDAY, DO. :5). Mrs. Ruler( Bennett and little son have retlnvet to (:hirago. Miss Lillian 1.. McLean spent Son - day with her/dieter in (hslcrirh. Misty L..ttie and Harry Bennett have gone to spend the winter with their brother in 5'),iraga. The weather being ) asafeeelhl1 Last. Sunday prevented lite a number front going to church. Miss Elsie Dougherty ha. Mon very sick with the meanies, but be a glad Io say she iN recovering, • Tremate. G,1, . 1. ANNIVI•:tt .%Hv. The Meth,xlistrl+n- gregation at t hit place held their anniversary services hist Sunday. Rev. A. K. Birks, of Setfortll, chair - )Ilan of the (1l'derirh dish-ict, preached to good emigeegntion4 at 14~:11 in the morning,ld 7licllx•k in the evening. l)n Monday evening a hot sapper was held in the lull, followed b4 a r •ei in the church. There Ivan it fair al- Ia'ndance, although the incllnueut weather, first Hain, then snow, made the r(1nds slushy and, no doubt, de- terred many from routing Int. The 'upper ons exeellen., the good reputn- tinn of the ladies of Shrpparllt n in Ihr culinary ,art being well ao4bair4el. 4)n Thanksgiving Fier we wondered where all the turkeys were. They were a *rarer article of diet then, blit not- no herr on Minder night. It smut nearly half past eight ls'fore P,aator ,(rid took the chair and announced that the r'neert would ro11l/)etwe. The choir of North mlr•eet. Methodist rherl•h, oo lerirh, having been invited to give the mnnirel part of the pro- gram, Irene,' mealy I1.sp med.vl with a 1•mgr,41n of ,horoles, given by the nal choir, led by A. Hey Adonis, and N- 1 i E. .lthil'Si'INE. UUN(1AN- NuN chopping M111. 14411,',' in 110111.111141 f.•.•d. Three Star and rive Star abet Purity KINTAIL. „111 Uaui.h Stw•k and Malt Food. t'hop- "'KnNtwt1.4.4.. Gl'l. ::Irl, peg Promptly at tended l0. Mrs. Neil NI 'humid, who has Is -e„ ' •\. N E'1" rON, I►ENTIS'I', ailing Ihr 114,1 two weeks, i -i iuyn•„V- 11)1Now. AIw a'erue eserydayexe•pt Therm >.. Nenurll •tor rat racti11 trelh taught'. Ing. 1 !arum, beet ter than res. 1'roy'n ,mal bridge work J(1N. Alcl' ll, 11f "'we. ub11 x I 4.IuuOtuu, plan•, u'uu brt•aknble. 1 X.N. done i u' 111wden lu/cu your murk mush !lying task 311 • blll•g all 'I'lalll•wlay' I falter done in the dental office more time eve g, L,N 11x1.11, better facilities for doing the work, More cum fnettble fo1, the Iso i"n1.MrsF. D.'Nftenrlul, of visited at her formes, 11(1111.• herr theTrman.a,, Oct, :Mllh. µant work, • Avhlleld luwuship inenteil will Mee Jars. 11.-1..•,1,1, of Kinc:ardim,., ill. Nit''.- .1. %V. tender the Puberal of her nude. Rev..1. \V, ,, It ekn 41 agsislin Finlay 11(1..111111, herr, Krv111( 1?. Ilunte• ifs special ineeliu s :1fr,. It. .%. I'.u•riek has Irma.1.11 311 ill Stint ford this week. • L0ckniw for the winter t.. lite with 1'. Elliott left Inst \l lay r4,- 1,.tdanghtrI, Mrs. (il,mge 11niglas. 1Ldden '. tlley hunting ground. ). G. (tickle will nee patty hint fro ti . - • Toronto. \Ve wish 111e111 tucrl•ss. LOTHIAN. \1,-.. Biot. ,and daughter were vm: Trmau.ay. Ort. 30th. it111410 Luekn,w one duty this week T Mandy is hunting 111 1 Miss Jennie Andrews is 1111 a 4.'111it IIt) Heryie, friends at J. •.ttwn. Mr. arab 111...1. N. '1eK1•nr.i/• railed Miss Teary 1)1)•,,111. Of('iu'low, NIr}nt 11n 1.11him] friend' this wrrk. Sunday at her home herr. T. A.'lrKeith is steadily imprlv11iK .:tlessrs. Menu and Ntolhe•o nix under lir. libak..'s treatment. ' working :et '4l r. l llivet's honer, ln ild- "111- Miss ALu'y Mr1.,,nd. 41f (sty ox, is ing Ihr 11111.111 11 ,,•les. %% hen a visiting Mrs. S;tndy M.Keireie. filmed it will be ;t Ilio huilJiug. Mr. and Mrs. H1nl N1L••nd. Kinc:u-S. 1..'1'nnlN•, ,'('Tanis• & Sun, in direr, Were guests 111 All•s. AItKr,ixih Gtvluting uµli.-i:ul.:uuf eyesight - I1II. last week.lou iatias, ,'1 'Purool,1. will IN• al Alnl- J. Alitc'.4d:wl: h:'. 01 inlu �1. tat KIN.nrsulwr'•ih. if 1hr19' £i'4 any. Mm'r.y's house, formerly owned by thing wrong wish tour. .yl•sig"la .tall Jas. Afau•Kay. :old rons'll him. All work :11,., Iulrly A number of our y g 1'. Ik intend guarantee). taking in a Hallowe'en poly :11 the Acc►•:'TJ•:o .44 Itoto4.'.4.'.'. . t the lake Y''rJne•..hty evening. past meeting 14 the .1shlield 4. 4u4hip T. F. I 1 1e.1.• 1sm n is setting up a w1' rnuuril it uwti41m was passed :a1, pitting mill its J. \V. Murray's hush where he \1,- Oinhel's otfer of a free r ,:edw•:1• intend' working all winter. through his Lu•i,l. lot In. rune •.e' 4, LANES. Tr1.74111y, 011. 30.1i. Threshing in this 'i.;Mit ) is al sl ,.'1,r for t lues season. Alir4 lierih;t Baldwin I,11 on T11114 - day f4111 TmYnllo, 4.V111•r,• 4110 011110114 341 Ie11111111 1'111' 411111' 1 There will 111. mita-ening 1ervir.• 011 the AshHaW ein•uit next Sundays quarterly service (wing r,1ndactl,1 ;.I the Zion ni)Plintmr}It, It seems es though Abut he Inclined NI don her white et adlu earlier than wei.1. 'V,' hp• be moue tine weal tier 11411,• %•11111.1' sets in. al .1 baa gain anttt iv. N1,111) -id' the fat mei, h:1r n eul4id.r' KI 14111, 151:rulir. h' II 11 1 Ir Inn nn (1 0 1 1 f11' 1'k to 1,1 IN'n'• I f l( thea 1 .f 1. o , the pupil.. 111hn ' 1 l. I 1 winter .1,a.4.11. as n d,''ialion for S. 15. 1) and lis. '4('3444 :1140 ;v roa,1w':ty wa4 •• 11% 111141 thruligh the bush at this llaae, hill ter, deed ills see41i •,1 fur i1 :old t 1t. ("wit. ship council neglrele.! the i'4 .1 ex',•h 111 the exlrtit of :allowing . r. Ili -her to 1111 his Outten,. labor on i Of bale year. IIleee has IN•.,i et m441,4 .814, Irn'el over he 10141. and his .!ring \Ir. I►i.11e•r. thinking he hail main• tante.' 1 lir 1,....1 Doug tato( gh. :applied two !lief . it.•ith111 1:a a 111'er .n 341 .los. it I.. th'• )114041i-. '1'111 r(1nuell I181.41.4111..,1 lin Illy t..ass mel liercr:ul. which• V. it 11 tlie ,•Vp11n,1il ,,,..fa little .11(31ey .. ll he 11111 III fa. •lye gtNNI eon - di ion. The r(,11n•'il ha got the x41:a'd • ,It11w'ink is the of IAmKsuno: n f k month 41 (' •• Bible stntiy this week will b • held a1 the Ilona• 1.1' A1r.. Nixon 011 eve ' g. Slidyitig the life of I'll: i..l is least interesting 111 those who al - lend the n1.•bt41gs. They love beet, ca 411481 ':hely' ,111.1 w,• III IN' 4111•y - will r41nl 11111+' for the winter se:1.011. All are.nnlially 111%04.1 In .hare in x profit:tile .evening. Ill' Mewling ing 11114 w..•k will be emidertel by 'hiss i.icu- ettt 1'unni11gh:uu. enl•in4 at 7:1l p. 111. ASHFIELD. • 1'Ittnay, 11.•I. 2466, TEE LATE 1.t'r:4 'Alti'aexeJ u.. Tliet•.•(lied in Ashfield on I./Moller Inth .1,41111'» Ml•('tlnnellt at the ripe old sage mf severity -four y41114. The deg -eased was born in the tow.,shipof Landon and c: , In ANlli.•I.1 in 1x72. remain- ing here until his death. In 1h.• y'eu• Itti, he married Sarah ,Lan• ML•Irlin, whir Biel eleven years sago, Mr. Me- l' •11 1.11( ,a maul orf quiet and nnas- smitin man 1e ' , - Methodist I14 '. r 1 •1 .1 Ih it t )1 r4• - K 'o1 e a 'n ., li 1 1 and a l n •rcaliv11 in1/111i1 g e 'l'heugh an invalid for (Hwa Yeats, hr Will be greatly 1111s4el in taw hong• ,Ind the neighborhood. 'rhe relit:61ot ware intt•rvd in 1)11ngnnn0n cemetery on October filth. Thra11 1.11114 111111 11%1' ,Lufghle.s Aiii%ive: I). E. Mc('onnell, 4'aapa' Town. Smith Africa ; \1'illil+ill. of ('rive ; I1,1wtt., on the Itonlenllmtl : Mrs. l i 11 '11 I 11 .11, .111 ae' wl nlhlgh 1, 7 rill ,Innc- time : Mrs. 1. F. I)ornin and Mrs. 'I'a1... Dauphin, Nla n.: Mrs. I1. J. Blake, Crewe, (11)11 Mrs. S. Gilman. Lua•knnw•. 'rhe myngrathv (1f Ih windy. r '1y is esU•n'led lar th Gamily in their IN•rt•:larvate. BELFAST. Tt•g:sn.4.v. Oct. an h. Miss Nellie \Vhile eats taken rt pnlsi- tion in G1a1,•rich. \Ve were treater II emit he, snow- storm on Sunday.' MI's. Thus. Jaynt rntlel o friends herr en "'.4lnrwlny. Hulter•nut4 ore l'Xlrn plc liful this year. lief. Irony, boys! Miss Annie Sherwood, f Ln('know, spent S bay with her p rents here. Roger %V. -,ley has 0-timal f' New York ('ity and is a it .In Alton again. Ino. \Valker, of (1,. leric), is spend- ing a month with hi sister, Mr'. Wm. 4 'rmby, Mr. and Mtn. \ ill Bowles enter- tained it few fr nal, on MatnnLa4 evening. Mrs. and tri. Mullett entertained on Tlntrlalny of 'tnlsei and evening of Last week. Mrs. A. AI eAllister has returned f Palm.. tun. %there Mlle eluant Thankngiv1, Day with her daughter. Fnrtnet( 4141' been extra Mise sinee the recent 5,1lravatar111, geltitag 10044, ac.. pelt in place for winter. r4'nmtie, who in attending rh/ol in Clinton, spent the giving holidays with him par - `I4'. 114/.144 number of our people at - ed the anniveMelek( aervi,en held the Preebyterian church, Mi. lens, last Sunday and heard two lendid set lllotot by the itev. A. (:. ishert, of Hntasels. Certainly the pro1itoes, .back Model Thank entr A 1111 in H pnhl4.- ,'Ihnal for 11 I.,l..•r, hated an the ('wkly lex 1 i,. 1.. N: •4 are in mall' of merit : Senior Ih•lat•lrin•nt. Senior V. I11a11 NIA Sough. -Howatt 1'11..•, Innis Shit hett..1111111H' V. 11!•111.111 WAIL 'lav .I11urs, Strewn( Mnllough, Kml.ilrv(n. Ethel 4', se. 1'hat•Irs F.ow•ler. Senior I V. ha he (Ilan). (ilady-s Nie- levuh Edo b'1'r1•I. when, Veraa Ihlrni,. It,v 'I.',1d. 13e.1 \Viggius, .\lelvill. 4il..nn. ' Irene 1 liver, Clara Sproul, ALaggie !fisher. 'earl Mc\nlh'. :Alin Imes. Ie•s11.• 1'. tl 141111. Ie.rnt' Young. 31.• ' 111. 1 •o. Case. ('mea AIL•u,, 'pen'lnllongh, Most vn-S:uld., \'erns AlrNall.c, Al 11 ha Begley, (.'Lama. smiley, 11.,, •I tuhnstnn, Ietwrenr•e Smiley, 11. 1. 1,4 1341. t ,ulleilltl. .1 Mika. 1 4011,11 11114411. .luniat• 111. '41Vrtle A 1.n. I.u11:1 Fowler, Steph- en •Medal Howard (errs. Senior II. 161... I1r:olfonl. lie•rt•ude Hrg- ley, len'. Smith, Italph (lithe•. Abut'• A 1,4 ' 'uii t, 1•:41 1 t h Slot hers, :Vitbur 'toads. Ahtrimn 1►urni11, 181- %14 At 1111.4,111. Junior 11. clay. .1• ton Nds Linli •I,1 t / •'r ' 1 . . o t n 1 to :1'41 t Ildrl•.an. Senior Pat' t II. Itay tethers. I'.0 1 I'e17:, \I a 1 t Ic (Rive , Lillian) Pentland, \'i.'i..r I:1, rang on, Raze' 'arr. Junior 1'.14 i I I. AI trim) 111.1(11', Ilaze! :111•,,,.: ins, 111 '1 (Henn, Alexa Anderson, 1'. H. It. ancon, Start! McNally, IbI'(111 S total. Seiiot• I. Fred Fowler, 1•th.•1 i-r0w•n, .1in11)ie !reeves, Edith ndrr'son, Levine 111110hint, Ituth owlet. I',ty Carr, h'rar,klin Th./11111- 51111, Frank (tient,, Edgar ('(u•1,. Jun- ior 1.- George ('aldwell, Edith Sands, ieew Elliott. Irene (':11.1•, Georgie GIe'nrn, Alfred Itolettmon. Huns- A. Rmmss.IN. Assistant. itAYFIELD. .IoNn.4.V-, Oct. 2at1. .141111 Fideone• took ill hast 4.ci ck end is still laid up. Ben Spencer returned hast week from Ki111u•ney. Manilnhn. \Vitt. Nle 1),1al returned fr1111) the \''eht. Inst week and is now laid up. ,iohn Darrow, of Hens/i11, is visiting his bent her at the Conu)eY•ial herr, ,' Miss Mallet IA•iteh, of (lrsleril•h, is home on 11. vied, to her father. D. 1.0 itch. Miss AC • • Vet), who hits been clerking 1'. Ir John Eraser, lin. I11ft and gone "'est. Don't fot•get the nax•in1 in NI. Andrew's chnrelr on Friday evening. A good 1' • is expected. The Orangemen nee eelebrnling fin' Fawkes 1)n',' with Ito "ymtel• supper and an At, Iloine in the 1h•ange Hnl1- The River 111111'1 el.lw' l ton '4'4',ln x day. Geo• (1rren'ln.r im giving nip 1 he 11114111141111111411114111and . retires M (o I1,, \'tuns ley', hnuw• 011 the front atnpt. Mts. KIWil III 1•:IIi011, .1,f the Alhfoll. and 'lism Renters h'ow•lie went In (1eur•galow•n t0 attend 1111• funeral of Mrs. Sperling, the former', sinter, and flier of Harry Npnrling, formerly of thin place. One day last week Itivhntd Snaith and Miss Maggie Lindsay, both of this village, took the train front Hrme Heht"far Metal* and !Mutated 111414, nm,1 wife. The eitixelis wish the nee dy married tempi.. snt•rt'as. 'I hey will ncrnpy Wm. IIiggin's house on the Anx Menhir. finy e•%aoltimg a survrssful .11(4.11414,t- iit,'Iit '.4.41144 454 Vat 1 .,%-fowl supper Was served ill thesch11a1 114111Se. au1,) when eyerV1NNh• had liven huts than satis- fied with the good things bountifully provided by the ladies, a program was co)I'mewed iu the .-hutch, the pastor, Rev. \V. H. (4'al.ur,, presiding. 4,'hutusaN wire given by the choir; recital bets by AIiss I':dna Straiton and 'hiss Etta 1),t', S 1)1. elf lit. krrit•h; solos by Miss I)N.visun and Miss Vida Beeth of Gotha -kit, and Alish Hick :all instt'u- nlent4l selection by Mrs. lirahem, 31111 •al.ln•es/'N 1.', '''. II. Robertson. 113 The Signal, an11'1'owuthi11 1'tttttt 14.1• 11.- 1.. Nnikeld. 111 spite of the very unpleasant weather. the shawl( With Illlel, and the a lit erini 11rtx•ut w•aai 1101111 enjoyed. HOLMESVILLE. F)tin.4.V•, Oct. 311th. 'rum Lyn: Alus. 1'H(N-tai. - aVe 1aa4.•e this week to re•canl 1In' death of an old and lI$p ertel resident of this locality. in 1111 ps•t•.mn lif Elix-41N•th A. F. Tetanal, Is•lo', ,1 wife of Joseph I'n,•t..i, whirl* sad event t.xtk pial. on Thursday aftern,e..1i elf fast week. I►.•- janterd Walt in her axty-1.i..41•11111 year .11141 WAN a 1)4li1.' /.f - 4nglxnd,.IN•iug a daughter of the lode Ihe. '1'rbbial*. who die) while She was yet a little .1141(1. Snitsegtatuily she, with her mother and the other children. 1' • 41111 111 this 1 try, ,old iu 111144. alit. bream*. Ihr wife of Mr. Prt'LIr, :old they lived continuously on the farm on the rut line until aIntit f • V1'111,4 •tgn, (1 114111 they retire) to the village. 311.s. Pr./fill'. With fur several year( :11) he vapid, and in hars.Het•ings hhe exhib- ited the p4(1Ia'nl. endurance horn of thl• ('bri.ti t,, spirit. Those 1.•f1 111 mourn Iter loss are the 114•'1111•.111 husband; 1w•0 sults (lea 1, :11111(4,g*', ;and s:x d:oigI.ttr.s - 1\Its. 11. Oak,.:I, Mrs. H. McCartney, Mts.. J. 1L Lowery. :tnd Mises Clara. Emily and Minie at h. '1 : also 1111e reinitiating brother. Fred. 'I',hbnit. The f arid 111tlk l1,L:u•.• 1111 Saturday /111(.131/111(.13111/111(.13111141111,l Al;tit- :unl'+4•n,rtrt•y, and was hu•ge•l)' at1end- t.,1 The 1lrvices were mm.111 1,91 ley Rev. Ale.sr(. 11Inale% and Sw,auu, 111141 1 hr N111.1w 1l1'rr( were h' 1t. 1 IX 1 hl'4.VN/ ( .• 1 1 h deer: sr, a 1 11.-o•bbt l ' •1 T 1 1..1. �, mbi 1 A. 'rrlhuti. L. reblaiIt, \''. Jervis and .1. Jervis., Dear Mother Your hale ones are a con/ant care is Fall and Waller weather. They) wd) catch colo. Do you know about Sh.Ioh', (.unwmptoon Cure, the Luny lona, and what 1t has dome fur w many ? 1t as woad to be the only tellable remedy lot' all diseases of the air passages m chikLen. It as absolutely harmless and pleasant to take. It u guaranteed to clue o, your money as returned. 1 he peas is 25c. per bottle, and all dealers m needs ase sell l.i SHILOH This tweedy should be as eve). kslnakold. CURRENT LITERATURE. 'rnr: ('.tN.44111.444 Man t'INK, t 'rhe oswnll"wrrch:art, and the "84111(11 man" generally, is feeling the keen r.mlpeti- tinn of the larger ins) nation. ltd uu phew• of the world's hishlry has c - petition leen keener. This situation is the itatsis of 11story in the Mei/ember (', 11:,.! 111 A1114azile, entitled '•The Last 'Turn of the Screws." The writer gives :a 'name of a sun11 grocer struggling against it huge cuncet•u whish manxfaetures, wholesales and retail groceries, having fa,tories and retails store :l1 .over the country. It is it dramatic pitU11e, with a ul11 ,I which he who tuns may t.•aul. Thu Nnvcmis't• number iM full of g.xxl things, including IILINte•atel article. 1111 Athens Aneieit end N1014le411 : 4111 Fort \Villiluu the port. of %Venter!' l'auotda : ou the ope. ' g of the th'sl 1111114x' 11..1 %11411 (:alnuha and Mon- treal ; and a 'splendidly illustrated star' for 4 iilfirn, enlithot''A Visit to Flattirhtg7}'' Thr Canadian Maga- zine is shm4.4.•ing steady progress in :all its features. The fitourassa Victory. Noel real 55. it nes., The Conservative press is julupiu4; with dlight at the defeat of the Laur- ier candidate at Quela•r by the 1311ur- awa1. 4111e. Mr. H Iowa's appeal is to rare feelings• whi,11, as is well known in polities, outdo all 'ether fade.), even gratitude be. IwutQtctiuus healed upon Quebec. It is a tr• ph for sep:u•atint -end Nt1t-1111pn(1'1x!1111 mentintcnts over national ones. tint. anything to beat Laurier ! Let Mane son be '.1,,'111 •If his power, no matter by 4.41 , aullwictoty will he easy. The rimiest let went Mir \\'ilfrid Laur- ier and Mt. flourlsst c 'need over the I31wt- war. The latter took 'the grown' (bat the force s1 Id 11111 hnv.'IN4'n8ru1 will tx Volt eu(Yarliaa- melte Parliament wpm not in *triebin when it went. His real object' . as lie loudly 1I- tI8iulel. wits lis its: being sent at all. , It implied that Canada should take part in Imperial wars when the Empire is assailed, and that was shucking to 'l.' (1.'1100411. 'flet. (text divergence between AI r. lilnu'at'• s:a,uul the Liberals 4.VA% when the at- tempt waw 1101111' to force w•pat7atl' •chaoss on the new ' Provinces, Thr late, " a' at first fro el, would have cut oK the Pr114.iuci:l liewe•r cut. f4,.111 :(11 c4lt11 t4,l over education, and put the H.nnul Catholics absolutely into the handsel their clergy. This Local Option in Huron, wean done by malting the liovernment. acorea tnwn.hip 111 this "'mu!' grants for eduratio •ou.litionally 1'il! Vote on e 1,x:11 ,Iplinn NI Nrw•' divisible in pngort• to 1', 111 •111. 1.11.11•'•. In St11d..' :11141 I'sbnrnr a Thr law was a4u.44,1, . s. as t(1 4e- a gnirr Human 1' i 1 titin 1, boobs. x1, c.'1.. i- n••urel. rbrrl• is nn14.- our Well as l' ,teNtnnt ones, to have 11,1:.'1 in 1'-111r)r. that, at 'V/o:1h : le:u•hrt•s of surI, rt:uldalr,1. • h:1•r thew are two. in Stanle•v, one at ''ar- n:1 awl Ih.• iii her at Kipper. lis ')or- ris .1 petition for the submitting of a Meal option le la tv was preaentr.I t,) the 111%11411ip council blit Naar not gr:rUr41, its It did 114,1 ha 'v twenty- and progressive provision AL•. Roma.. 114.'e per rent. of the names in the sit voted against, favoring ig 7alism, "IP"' liar. I'hrr.. 'in' Iwo hotel8 in which he hated, udder the in pidee of A(1•' Ins :r it 1 I Kt•:vr 3".1 \ thou. Peak ions are 'wing .'irmilated in Turk- a'l'.n 401111114111. which he hived.4:1It e ersmilh looking to a vote on the lines- rNm' seeing phow' N',' SNI' th l) :((,Mlle w1,1'11,1 1 • N ' ut re,' 1,f/I..b Hon. .t 1 r n. out I the ,• ,. • , •j C I m wr,un a people a r 11 I f 1 i 1 „mint,. sunt• 4 . 'rhe I bit 1 ltinu•11 n which 1 (iretownship' 1.11. 4. . also ►I are 'ing. H1nna4.:a voted :against the Laurier 'Rcier :u'1, already four "cold w•ate r' (j,,,.,.). 'ill wnr wh.•n Sir \Vilf•i,1 t,1wnmhipm in Homo. .Hallett and Laurie!. defend... 'Mr, Siftnl'scareer. R:tet. \Y:aw:nl,1ib err 11ndrr lo. -a1 ml'- V1'. n'itlass1t spoke I vote) against tion. and no licenses nie issI4d in A1r. Siftart. 'There lvar nn 'r.•liion:,1- \'',•sl 11 awe: 1,h and 6.itleri'h town- 15111 111 1511» cute. The fourth ship. p. 1 of tiivergetwe was the Monday 13i11. %Ve all know how Mr. IhairaMsa de •ed Mow gown• Are Created, (hitt bill :as 11)411intt•n.ared a,1 an in - "How is your gown created? i vn'ion or th.. rights :11111 /11410014 of might as well ask au empire maker his 1111.•, 11. s.•1n1r, 1hell. that All'. bow lie crates an empire or a poet how where mR,1tar41' 4 1111/4.:n eve critical point, he makes a poem. There are a thou - of ectiun.lisnl 4 41m au the heart scud ways. Let me note down bests a Ili t11eggtae1t' taken the .e4c1i •dist wide againstthe harinimixing efforts htsterle incident. It occurred uuly a of Mir Wilfrid. and in the strength of few months ago, but It can never be that seeti,nulitut his follower, Mr. omitted In any history of our art. R,litaill.•, halm ween the t'ietory- in Que. The Countess de Greffuhl wauted a 11ee a Iv. Stash 111)t''arls 1(1 Me" - gown to wear at her daughter's wed- tkanali8ul an. inevitable so loug'xs ding. She went to Callot Soeurs, they will .vin VI tes• I'1111 011 who wish "'it must bre something,' she eat., t0 Mee (',1111 nation will1 ggg, people 1•v1•lop into ,. 'something -not a mere gown -some- early deprecate them. thing that Is a mother's '\ a gi Yl• Mr. H.111ra/sNat Cedit for being pride and led in his (1111111111 try M1rorg c0nvirthut; glory and as well her angulsb at part- for, though it tiny give 1' int lugwith its a beloved 114 t.tl g even daughterto utelir e r •11 ' M I Itlllle r • ' 1 1 It 'r 1 1 11:1111 t,1,.. . the best f 1 c u u 4 it must be saws- (shut suture it opels up to him. thing'-- "She hing'-"She walked the floor. A snap for 1(1w• s0hs•rila•r. Thr "The artist's eye was upon her. Signal nip 'I'114. Toronto 1Ve'kly (Hobe There was something somber, tragic, for Ili,. I'alanee of the year, only 'Li awful, 1n this great lady as she went et.n14. to and fro In an agony of doubt, of Only the positively ugly women apprehension, of Indecision. It re- frown on Hitting.„ 'there are no tend - minded ham -the artist told me of lively ugly miles. Pitt,lrlll'g ('hr11n- iele-'l'elegram. • schools of such Nt.a111I,ti,I, and hl'iiig their pupils t.t much strular,1 :01 the 1 Pnldjncial (hover n11lent would pre- ' w:rilpe as it condition If teeeiving tin government grant. 7 his reasonable Rome great empire thronged round with fiery foes. And he cried aloud, 'Byzancer "Not for a moment dl,1 the countess think he was mad. She saw the light of genius in hie eyes. She compre- hended. "He had created the Byzantine gown. "And yet did tie create It? At all events, she collaborated. And so gowns are made." -Woman's Home (1ompanlon. It is not whatyou eat, hub what assimilates, that •kites. MiIIen•'N Compound Iron Pills cure faulty nm- similatinu. For stile by ,Ixm \Vjlum, H,•ixing her hy the hllunl(er he shook her roughly to and ft'n. "Maymr," he Fried, "weak,. up! The hu u.lee is 1111 tire. Viet s1'r the baby ,•• "Hal," wailed the woman dolorously, y"Don't"the motorccle " "Don't worry!' h.''.h.ute, : ' "I retried that out lung ago." New Orleans Times - Democrat. 0000000.0043004)..0000000. A Boston schoolboy was tall, weak and sickly. His arms were soft and flabby. He didn't have a strong muscle in his entire body. The physician who had attended the family for thirty years prescribed Scott'.,' Etrnul.rlon. NOW : To feel that boy's arm you would think he was apprenticed to a blacksmith. ALL DRUGGISTS: 50o. AND •t.00. Fall and Winter Underwear A full Stock in this week. Both in co,ml)inatia)l) and separate L'arnlents. Tight and heavy weights, British and Canadian makes. • Headquarters for the Celebrated Stanfield Un - shrinkable Underwear. 5.;ooals IIIc Best. tl, Ihr 1..1 t% MCL EA N BR OS Art Tailors, Furnishers, Clothiers, Hatters. \urt11 "j•ls' Court blouse Square, Godericll. PANDORA Sone' people, say there is notht g in a name. How about a check signed by f. L. Rocke- feller The check is valuable 1 cause there • is something hack of the le. The name Pandora has become fa nous be- cause of the marvellous success the'andora Range is having. SUNSt'I NE The name Sunshine is becoming a householi worth because tit,: Sunshine Furnace has re- duc('d the amlovancl• of handling a hot air furnace to a minimum, reduced the coal bill and Drought sunshine to the home. P. Paulin ardware, Plumbing and Heating. 'Phones Store 57. House 177. i • MD 411111•1111111111 OW • POPULA 1 P E I C D SHOES FOR WOMEN i E have a long range •e o styles and prices in • � Women's hall Shoes. The material and' workmanship put into these sho's is the best. The College anal Blucher cu s are again popu- lar and we have the Newest styles in the best Can- adian makes. Come early and select your Fall 1' ,'(wear, The prices are : $2.00, $2.50, $2.75, $3.00 and 3.50. , W M. SIIARM N 1 'PHONE 56 • • • D. MILLAR CO. Elegant Showing . . . 0/ . WHITE SILK WAISTS PHONE 5 • We have this week opened up a shipment of elegant White Silk Waists', which are the finest we have ever had the pleasure of showing. An are guaranteed "'Tailor Made" and perfect fitting. Ieuliem \''hill' Silk \\'abets inside (14 the Iw't quality India milk with six barge Renew kilted tm•ke and ,lonblt• pleatit• tenth, beteg.. full sleeve with gredunting Inks. Special Price.. .. ....... _$3.25 Ladies White Silk Waists with font- Liege two inch treks with one in.11 (14 solid stitching on .'itch, the lrrVe•s all. si11lilar le the other one with hems( it 'be( miffs. Phis is ,1 t '(Teens,• Waist shown this 44'11111411. Special Price $4.30 The above wit Ii loan% other lines we eau) do also in Mark. ChiLbRENS AND MISSES SCHOOL COATS \Ve err going 111 maks Sat n•d41% a "Red Ie•ttei' flay in our ehildr.n'a deli t.. ('hildren'm N11h,sd 1'(1,,1m in all nixes, to suit all ages, and Alen snit the purse. Infants 1411111,.ykin Coats with I1.'.,,I 10 watch, the largemt assortnte•nl in town to ch. NAP fr•a,n. I'nr'e il. h)' n vied. A new assortment of Lnlies Long Tweed ('oats and Rainproof (hats to hand this week, - Everything in Ladies Smart Wear. P" Ne Mi11ar's Scotch Store PHONE. 56