HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-11-1, Page 61
6 TBuaewAl, November let 1 90
,r.'ly Ix -_ff4.t ry}, , Fid
The Full Flavor
of the Beef
Solid Extract
of Beef
Ip.TTte 1e csexu•1
is w La
tY get rt •in A m urr u '
Solid Itatract which means that
you also get the natural strength
of the Beef. That's why it goes
lour times as far as most ether
Extracts and Fluid Be'(,es'manu-
'factured f.y adding salt and water.
Armuur''e Solid Extract is just
utast beef gravy cuneleuseel. True
eotence 0f prime beef.
"".lupi' wrinkles" tells whet Beef
rebate ss used fol, and hew lu toe
Solid &abort etw..a.ically. Mailed
t: ee uu request. se
SAe*0l14N IA[TORT-'7r IMONT 1TNtt1 1147)
All travellers, and those en -
`ed in outdoor work, should
al aye have a bottle of
1�irst's Pain
at hand. It is •the most
powerful li 'ment Manufac-
tured and giv s instant relief
iu cases of W cies, bilker
and Sprains. It also cures
Strains, Rheumatism, Neuralgia
and all kindred troubles. 2,"e .
at all dealers
Try prat's little lint rills
for indigestion and dyspe 'a.
Ask your dealer or send s
25c. direct. A handsom
souvenir card free.
TME F, F. DA11EY CO., L'.wited
Hamilton, Ont. ,.
Fall and Winter
Correct Materials
Latest Styles
Perfect Fit
Best Satisfaction
Lowest Prices
"414, IP'
The ice of beef r
'th r f e• f atth•tl rm ,
1 , o.!. lh
grit i.h 9;nyder hl.. dngq+yt ngie ae h er
1 w•u. and l'on..•gneut ly bent p1„
&nen. %Vt• en. clow'1.1, ,
7t 11013Dprice., while11Hie 11n.1i1n 1- ,
gond, If not tetter, then et el. M.
MP.%T :tea tK 111' Seven.- nil
khW. ,.0 ni,•nt+, poultry, -etc.. and.1111,
thanking the pnhie for their lite 11
�nweyn'. wr 141111.11n c0011,111:11,
me oiiu•.
corner Kee!!. ..,l e.,,,,v,'
Canadian Northwest
Homestead Regulations.
Any ei en numbered Merlin of Uull.ilu,m
binds 111 Manitou., "e+katehrwan turd %nn'rt.,,
excepting Rand :'ti, not reeerve4. may le•
enquire At nm ;let 4on w In. 1. t he-.Mi,end of
Welly. of any 111111.' 01 erg In year-, of age. 1" the
extent 01 one q.INrter MIA 1011 10001 art'. noire
Or Ir.s,
9:nlr)i� bond he mule peteminlly at the local
1en4 nice for the dist ricl in w high the land i•
It mite.
The h tendert., Freeland 0, perform th.
condition. vomitories" theme if I .
f 1 Slifer 1 1 rat ,t
the follow Ing
11, At Mao six moms h'. resident.. epee ,end
eultiv,tion of the land in each year for tMee
Ili If the Ether for mot her. if the father hi,Ir
reseed, of the homesteader resides nPpm 4'Rem
In the vicinity of the IN 1111 entered ter the r•
Warement.' 44 10 melden'•r MA 111. .rat 1.111.11
by such p'reon reeidine with the father or
mot tier.
Ce If the .l(t1l,r, he. hi. permanent n•.ld,nee
upon farwh:g lend °wised lay hurl in the viten
ly of hl. hmn,•-t,•nl, the neesi enwnl..w to
nddenr( fluty be whaled by reeid,ne, upon,
the Bald lend
Six months' notice In writing shorlld he given•
Os the fbmmI*4oner of )rtwnlnlon Lands et
Ottawa of intention to apply for potent.
W. W. ('nun'.
Beset, of the Minister of the Interior.
N. 11.- l'nanthorlaed pnbll.•4tion of this ad
veetteern*nt w111 not br pain for.
Copy of change co running advertise -
mento must be 1.01 at -this office by
Monday noon to ensure insertion
in issue of some week.
Dominion 8tateetician Grapples With a
National Problein of Vital Import'.
ants -Country Not Alive to the As-
tuai Condition of Things -.Alarming
Exposure of Decaying Population -
What Census of 1901 Showa.
In the nildat of general sausfaotlon
over the prosperity of the Dominion as
i .whule, the revelations of the census
Indicate that all Is not well with us..10
one particular does It went that the
country is net alive to the actual 0un-
dltiun of things as shown In the peo-
ple's stock -taking. That particular Is
the forest asset of the eeunuy.
Thr census returns of 1801 ihuw that
the output of the forests of the four
original pruvinoer of the Deminlun---
Ontario, Quebec, Neva Houtla and New
Brunswiek-was: White pine. squared,
and other squared umber, 802,617 tons.
The census of 1901 rhuwa that the
sous' -d tintber got from the forests of
the r.,ur provinces was 148.254 tons.
This 1e a lalling uR of 654,383 tuns;
where the forests of the four provinces
y1tlJ,d in the comets year 1900-1901
one tun of squared t.nlher, they yielded
nearly 3 112 tufty 10.01y years betore-
Of logs, 'lite and nil usherr, the for-
est* of the four peovinees, 4n 1981
yielded 45,556.1134 crises lugs As the
census aiK 1881 gave the censee lug unr -
hall the contemns ut the- 200 tout stars
dard log In 0umm..n use. the output
'editor." to terms employed In the
trade was 22.270,417 standard lugs In
Bringing the cut rethe'ren-
ported In
sus of 1901 t0 the •tune standard we standard
have an output of 16.039.000.
logs fur the year 1900-01.
'l'hls Is a decrease of 6.219,417 stand -
and lugs In the run 0f the 20 years.
erg spam s.nd meats there were 191,-
078 e.:es got out In 1801, and '.9,768
pieces In 1901.
Of tan. bark 291.269 cords In
100.611 In 1901.
office weed, 55 cord
and 8,132,543 surds In 1901.
In every article of I1np urtan
from the forest, the 20 yearn, 1
show a serious deerew'e. •
There has, of ,•,.urs', been
crease In the article of pulp wood. for
'which there was no column In
Value of Forest Produc
1881, and
s In 1181•
w drawn
an ,In -
7 •
Ls ft possible to as.:ertain the value
of the forest priducta for purposes of
cothpar-lson?' •
Taking, the valuations fur export of
the Custurns Depa'tment the forest
products ut the census of 183) had "a
value of 8713,429.922 for the tout pro-
vinces. The returns of the census of
1901 embraced several articles nut In-
cluded In those of 1381. If 1,r these
We take the returns :,nd values 40.1891
we have a value of 801,JV.1.;37.
0Apply►ng the same scale of prices -
viz., the customs valuations for export
-of I9u1,-to the census returns of 1901.
we have a valuation 8f $51.600.000 for
the products of the forest in 1901.
Then, In the Provinces Of Ontario:
Quebec, Nov*, Scotia and New Bruns-
wick there was. scattered among the
bur' and capital engaged in lumber -
.In .g.eratlune ,e'er thirty million dol-
lars les money In the year 1,00-01
than 'n the year 1000-61.
'Mb; M a very serious matter. LI 1t
beteg n de up In any other way to
those pts neer" Have they develop-
ed\their : Itultural uperatiuns, their
mittens! we th. their fieherire and
their tnanufac ring?
It Is telling seriously in some
prvvtitces where he cu*tom' has been
to du a little fa ng In the summer
Brno. and to rely n the tabor re-
quired In the wood'', ring the winter
provide for the t ly. - An 411us-
trlin of the • evil t t has been
wro ht through the t-ec se destruc-
tion u the forests ii seen fthe three
cuuntl of Annapolis, H s and
Kings, c ring Jhe area of he far-
famed Ann II* Valley - urge of the
meet terille glens In the olUe pro-
1 had occasl.. to look Into t
question recently, rad I fuurgl that th
turfs' ouuntle* men- tined gut out. ac-
cording to the cern us of 1891, of
squared or ided tlm , 518,100 cubic
feet, and 'io 1901 only 111.780 cubic
Met. In ten year It 1 d- been re-
duced W nearly one -firth he quan-
Not Making Deficiency 1 .d,
Of pine and spruce and ottle logs
the three counties In 1890-1 got out
104.790.001Y feet, and In 1900-1 duly ,
020.000 fed - oonsid.oably lens tha
one -hal.
Cord wood, railway ties. masts and
spars, all showed great d.erreae,es.
Measured by quantity -the cut of the
winter of 1900-1, as given In the (ven-
ous returns. was considerably less titian
one-half that of the winter of 1890-1
same [here (eolalllP"s Were mut
Peeing any greater attention to earlier
linen .01 industry to take the place of
forest products as ountr-Ibut..ry to the
we: cis of labor, so far as the census
of 1901 1s an Indicator.
in manufactures the County of An-
napcllls'had an lnv.atmetht of 013.40 pat
Head of Its population: Kings had
819.07, and Hants 461.73 per head -the
average of the, whole yr.vtnce being
875.25 .per head.
The result of the decrea*e of three-
quarters of a 'million of dollars In the
amount 'formerly .derived from forest
products! 1* that the population of the
three counties has shown a constant
tendency to decrease, and a cumatant
tendency to increase the number of
aged persons. The population of the
three counties numbered 67,426 In
1881: 63,093 In 1491, and 60,835 In 1901.
The loos of population 1n not the moist
remarkable feature, There IR the
ohanife in ages. in 1901 there were
796 more pe ,pie over fifty years old
than In 1991. From 11, to 25 ;,'ears
there wen, 1.185 fewer persona In 1901
than In 1
)191, and 4>•twged2 ,
G wn l 60
years thole. were 584 feeler. Them the
youth l,f both *07en) eel?. cnneeilleuous
by their abeence and tl0ree c0 untie*
Which el,ould be the abode of active
energetic enterprieing voting vein tic are
becoming ; a kind of agent pe..pll e s re•
in 11101 then were in these three
c'ountlee" 1,000 children 111 hl,•r In years
of age, fewer than ther.• were tuun(t
le 1ttw . There were 1;151 blear' Se
1901 °f that 1,342 birth* 1 b 11181.
:Moved to the United States.
We oan,-see by an an slyakl of the
moven tent of population thlroughout the
Dome tion where they have, not gone • to.
in 1 001 the Nova Root Ian. born 11n
the pnovine. and distilbubel Nroughan.1
the d -her provinces of tl,, Daninloat
numbered 18,941. and In 1361 they num-
bered 18,476- So far as 'Ste Dominion
ie oolmerned, the moveme fit of popula-
tion 'during the period 1991-1901 just
• 11111 le more than mad, up for the
numb era that dl.A nr mint/wed to Nova
Bootle There wee, thea adore, but •
annul fnerase In the d'otrihutlnn ae
Neva Rentlerte ever the neer eters at..
the i )97114I0L The uaav, eld*AL' hist --
. t
roes 1p t loaf u/„ U) i f8ta:.. •l I PREPARING 1 .:R WINTER. MODES IN BABI LANI►
bur fdund Its 'way :.. the t'ule• d a:
It Is a great grief 04 me tweet,. stag- (seer 711,,, t> Plots l0 4:ewe she 1'n▪ . -
nation .lowly settling down. upon su
1114117 counties, a over til.• four pr••
vine.+ for the etll Is not c-oOIned ;s
411.10. ohne countle■ 1 have beenel,"•
eiaily 4tudytug,
'there are thirteen ceneue dbtrl"'1
in New.Brunawlck, and four uf 411.•4•'
showed a decrease• of population 1n
1901. la Nova S. tie thele ere 17
triets, and 10 of t::ear sh •t7 decrease'.
In venting() there are 89 dbetrIcts and 71
bf then. show dacreate.. hr 4.i/whew
there are 65 dletrlcts, and 18 chew' de-
ereadeill. In Prince Edwardrd
Inland there
are ave, and all live show de,rr.a'rs
Would it nut be well to enquire
'closely tato the causes? I have tried
my hand at three counties in the
Province of Nova Hcotla. where I have
been studying local cond8tlone for' the
past slit tnenths. I believe that i have
trae,d the yrlpral• cause to the destruc-
Bun ut the ferrate, cements such a
decrease oe winter employment ae to
compel the small farmers to abandon
the struggle and move off, largely to
the L'nited States. For the census tit
1901 eh.we that while the pupul:itlun
of the thea countlea decreased 3.056 of
all kinds and conditions. the ewner_4 of
land were 1,993 fewer, and of these 1.071
were owners of plots under ton sore.
Ought Out an attempt t0 be trade In
the Interest of these four provinces to
probe conditions and discover the
causes? No one rejuk•es `more than
I do over the development of the
Northwest. But 1 do net like tor•
look of the etagiatlon In utJ Car! iiia
--eanada east of Manitoba -the evi-
denee of which 1s that of the 189 41*-
trlets Into which the feu - original pro- !
sinew are divided. n.arh' one -half -
to be exact. 47 per cent. --have dor.ey.'.!
In population In the Inter-eeneal per:01 ,
ended In 1901.--eieurgr Johnson. eta -
Betides of the Dominion of ('4nade.
In 1573 Sir Francis Hlncks Was Con-
victed of Signing False Return.
It has probably been forgotten by 1
many, but In 1873 Sir French. Hln.lol,
ex-4)OVernur-eien.ral of C,.nada, ' was
trled and convicted under the criminal
code fur signing as president of the•
Consolidated flank of Muntreal a re-
turn by the batik that JIJ nut truly set
forth Its assets and liabilities.
Popular sympathy was elth the aged
knight. but the •court charged again-'
0,'a rrf'r.
tli•tule r. Sow coyer trop+, rye uud
buckwheat. uu ground that would telll-
erwise IK• bare duriug whiter. Lute
lit the 11101311 harvest .roots aid sturu
lu mu or rout cellar. I-'sulsh harvrst-
I iug nod storing n74les, peals mid
'grows, ia'u{M wily handy vegetables,
I reels us parsulp e. ,Ierusaliu urll-
j choker and honser:oh'11 in the 'field.
Three' ' way be dull as needed ttryugtt
the wiuter or fu curly .Gnus. fill cold
!frames with lettuce, r,1114h peel 013011
SOW WM for wiulrr use. ,W 4plIirvh for
1 'statue cutting. 'l'rauiel:int all flower's
fur hour. use before frust. 11lt: uud
4turt lu u dry pia... dahllur,, culi:ls,
1;011111011 and similar bulbs uud routs.
When the trwpt•rututeIgoe, 17100 :1)
Jegrvr4 at eight start a lire i11 the
`t;rtrulwurrr, Plaid lust Netting!, of
strawberries In pot4 (tarty Iu the
{ mouth, Celery wast have a final
earthing up. Asparagus and rhubarb
for forclug wast be dug anti ulluwad to
freeze before removal to the cellar.
Nov'Mula•r.-Float harvesting of rats.
bags. -celery, route, etc., and Oust
• pinstiug of splulo'h, Make cuttings
mesons of grapes. curraylr, goose -
berried host tree fruits, tie lu bundles
and. bury butt end upwa*J. Stratify
sleds of peaches, &Aimee and other
'tuwr fruits uud store where they w111
nut freeze- :Spread mulches ou bulb I
INds, around shrub», upon herbaceous
borders uud• wheu the ground is fruzeu
best, upset strawberry bed's- l'ruue
grrpevlues and other trees. 'Plow or
-lig heavy roll and heave lu ioote sem-
Jinou to freeze. Cover cold frames
with struw weld or shutters on cold
nights. 'tidy up the place for wiulrr.
Review the season's practice and im-
prove plums for next tsar.
him and the Jury found hint guilty. A
few extracts from the charge of the
court may nut be devoid of Interest- '
His lordship instructed the jury that •
It was for them to determine whether
the return was tatse and sires-salve;
'but having done that. something else
remained behind. Assuming that It I
was false, they had to aseertaln whe-
ther It was' wilfully made. and 11 they
were of opinion • that the accused was
deceived. or mlei xl, that he had eon-,
sented to the return In good faith, and I
knew nothing of Its 1*1.1y, and in du -
Ing all this bad ex_rclxd the diligence I
which he should have exercised as a I
paid president, although the return ,
might be false, they would have to ac• :
quit him.
"It, on the other hand, taking into
consideration the fact that he waw a
paid president of (he bank, had access ,
to it, acrd should hates known ,wher"
he stood and was thus respunslble: if
they believed that he acted with gra+::
criminal negligence. their duty wo' I
plain IL an pruven. they should think
that Sir Francis had been rni+led . by
the usage et ether bank presiders:s, I
even If this was the ease, the return ,
was false and dec:-ptive, . . -
"It was most difficult to prove In
ouch a case ais that 0(4041st Sir Franco
that he knew all about It, but they must
consider that Mon his poeitlun ht'
should have known of these transits..-
Cone and they had at right to Infer
that he did know, and In that way they
could bring the knowledge home to the
Have You Bought Winnipeg Leta.
They are telling a story in Winni-
peg these days wh!eh, though It may
not be strictly *0. urate to detail, is
sufllclently pointed to be the end of a
mural. The st,ry run, that a fanner
In the prairie ,surrounding Winnipeg
gut tired of farming, and thought life
would appear more pleasant If he sat
in the chair of a vendor of real estate.
He conceived the idea of trading his
rm for city lots, and went Into Win-
n .•g for that purpose. The real es-
tat- agent that he met took' up the
Idea nthusleaticatly and jumping into
tits auwhirled the farmer out to see
the lots bleb he was willing to trade
for the f m. They rude on for surae
time and ally -the real estate man
pulled up th 4 flourish and said:
"There are th lots nuw, where Is your
faun"" "Oh," Id the fanner, "we
passed the farm , ren miles back"
Too Mee Cut.
T Edmonton New. has these cut-
ting marks cuncernin Inelegant ex -
preside a In use there: ' es," Bald a
e s the qe , they
1. who 1n
"spending e summer at hla one In
Edmonton, ' )ad go!) the Idea that t
was cutting too much, and -u he
cut In and thre tented to cut doe my
allovviffice unless took a brace. I !t
all cut up at Arra, but 'I didn't wa
my allowance cut o or cut Into, just
for a little tunny Duni . s, and ,.o I cu:
It out:' And the Ilat Ing foreigner
remarked: "What d1d th young man
Various Kind..
"That," said the hostess, "is tb eels
brated Inventor."
."which sort of an Inventor Is h
* eked Miss Cayenne, "ono who uses
laboratory or one who devotes him
* elf to newspaper arUcles?"
From Grain to Bread In Three Hours,
A record lime for concerting grlwn
into bread hap tn•.-n eeta.hIL,he,1 by a
Canadian fanner. wheat a 111'11 was In
the ew•af .1 3 ,•,•lurk lu, the aft.•rthese
was trade Into or,nr* before 6 .i.lurk.
When .04,•r,.tt'ns I,.•a:n. n wa7•.n +'o .1
barn batom', o
1n the 1 w'It h half a 13;111 11
grain In the 'heat Re,kle It ea, a1
thrushes, 1'om...test with this tin+ :1
ia+o11ne en Oilr, Tn. engine eras -r, rt•
ed, Me- Rheas -et were 0e1 Into the
shntther and the grain -was deperIted In
a bin. The teeter was then transferred
1, the Opener, and the work ,f rhnn:-
Ing the new n' -thrashed w hen Int•. dour
woe gtilekly enrried the .ugh. The reel
of rhe tank wag easy.- -London 711*Il .
A Case in West Arichat.
'Its. -t. 1'. Frrgn4.m, n well-known
Pape• Hn•Lnner, hue mired aetIhnpI by
'•l'ntnrrh.tsone." Her ritwtemPnt Ip
ronvtncing : "Although I wits
treublel for yens. it WMR mile recently
tried ('ntn)rhnr;ntle, %h.'i son 111-
tnek Martell'I got net my itthaler and
ins,aridbly got (mirk te•Ilet. Feeling
@trees] ('*Uart•hca,.tne world COM, 1
enntfnnel the Ireel ment fill ,moi,
boltle was flnh,hed. i didn't um more,
tiresome 1 was cured and the asthma
fins never returned." Cararrho*emp ie
-mire dOMIII in asthma Ant) hmnchltis.
1'17 it lend he ronvineef1. Two Nape,
• and SLAV, at all dnahaw.
Its Yat .' n• a (etre. crop Foe Bromide
and Ceeea llaaere.
At the Kansas experiment elution
184t yearu very good cropof rape t
grown iu wheat stubble by simply
'.e ding with a disk' drill dire•tly be-
hind the binder as the wheut was be-
teg harvested.
nape they be grown In the90m--
fields, being seeded at the time of the
last .ultivatiou fir ufterw•ard, , but It
113ad hot been so successful when grown
thio way. us the corn tukeM the mois-
ture needed try the rape. -
I'tvfreefir Burnett of Nebraska ree-
uwweuds suet:fug 'rupe Ila the spring
with some grniu trop. such its wheat or
o:t+, u11uw•iu4 the rap( to' take pu9tlrs-
:uu of the field when the gladly crap Is
Ile states thee "iu .Miuur4utu and
the Lukutaa with it good Maud of rape
13 the 'stubble .perit eau be tarred in
a',401 111 ee w(eles utter. cutting the
r:ruiu. Stu -h u' field will support ten fir
tifle•n .be.pier acct• and keep them
.ro7i0*1 *IX li d•rek8. '
Professor Hitchcock 'says that "each
year find. the area iu whir t rape is
cr0w•n extruded until it new includes
muchof the spriuy; wheat regh,u of the
northwest, where it t* grown chiefly a*
a catch crop!'
• The above experiments Indicate that
rale can be made .a profitable catch
crop la Saimaa. especially fur the
farmer who 114 1'111*61M 114*.rp and hugs.
As a green mounting crop rape, ow-
ing to its containing a large amount of
water. does out produce 'a very large
irmuuut of vegetsbie matter, but what
there is decays readily wheu plowed
under, and wheu the crop Is p*4tured
their Is generally a coeideruble
amount trampled down. which when
torsed under adds materially to the
productiveness of the soil'
Blallrlleltr - le the Keyairte of tk.t
ararlrat 04arwra4• - Matei,ele MO'
of tar viewer 44ea111r-'l'rluiealage
of Lace sod Delete naiad Work.
Nothing le too r1tn'u lve povadays
for "their majesties Hutu Rabyluusl,"
and the dandiest clothes that skilled
df 1 rr eau cuutrlve are scarcely fins
�y 1
enough for their wear.
At the most ezcludve places where'
a errclalty 1s made of layettes for
those babies "boru with a .liver 4pton"
-slure no other can pay the Griew
asked -- tine 1s Impressed with the
dainty sluiplldty that rules lu snake
and garniture. /Materials are of the
/nest quality -wen cut and put to
A 11aw ('AP.
genies. with with the delutle,t of baud work
-but very little trlluwiug 14 'ecu, unit
whnt is employed b4 lu tiny b*1,7*4h
designs wrought as delicately a4 frurt-
ovrk on a w'iuduw pour.Jrll-
e'utr stltehery I4 what *mike* the little
gurwruts so Costly, and the woman
clever with her needle can fashion
equally pretty wear for only the cost
of the material.
For ceremonious wear when baby Is
on parade the rube. Illustrated Is an re-
celleut etattiple- of the bout baby
modes. Of ,.herr linen, with real va-
leucieunes let bud the material and
dainty touches of embroidery at lu-
tenist+ to help out the desige,'nothing
could le• more eharwlpg. The buttow
le witted with :l frill tit the salvo
(ir111*.' .turnwuuteel by the fusertiuu.
aid lame tit 'soft ribbon ornament the
The tirst baby c8ps are very pretty.
midi' of tine hau'll;.rebief linen daintily
ere breeidertdawl el .de ith lave. These
are wall over a little silk lining, wad-.
d.d or plaiu. ac,'urdwg to the tempera-
ture, and Call be readily fashioned front
fine French handkerchiefs if our Joe.
not 'eare to buy theui outright. 'l'be cap
Illustrated is a very ue{y d.'7Ign and
Reete►Iag Prairie sell.
All who 114).' 111keu tip prairie farms
will re•04t117a' the truth uf the follow-
iug ttutrmrul of 1'r0fe4w,r Ten Eyck i
Of Kansas in retard to them:
Meet the wild prairie Is tirst broken
the sill le mellow, moist cud rich, pro
ducing abuudant crops. After a few
years of eoutlntonr grain crupper,. :.1
rultiyati011 the phy4lcal condition of
the soil ehsugeM the 4011 grain* be•
cense fluter. We soli becomes mune com-
pact end heavier to handle, it dries out
gWekrr than It used to and often turns
over in hard elude tend' limps schen
Mowed. 'rhe perfect filth and (r.e'dum
from clod,', 411 ehuraeterlstle of virgin
polls. is always more or les. templets-
ly restored whenever land bap been
laid down to grass for a sntileleut
length of time,
Aa Rgre
floe ova ow Jock.
The wagon Jack herewith 'shown M
reproduce) front Farm Progress. .It is
ninaph' in cou8tru(tion and 'rffe•tivs In
flee. .11 le of on
14 2 11)' 4 1)7 14 1
lu mei lever 1r I
oho end being one too
Pepin y Itself.
by 4 by 33 Inches,
hr*, le 12 Invitee To keep woolen bund bonnie In good
with nand or
144(404414i ifesow
CM be had In arvrrul different ma-
teri:lle -iu bandkembief Meru, made
over pale blue or pink china silk, the
teller repeated in the. feather stitching
au/i piping tiat edge the front. The
same idea Is ehuwn In cape built of
white silk of haud*uwe quality. About
the face there IR u full bilgerle I'Urbr.
and the strings of siert satin ribbon are
adjn*ted by faetenlug4 ler tiny
ruiw'ttee, so that they eau be ea7lly re,
moved fYl f0[ renewal orI 11 le
loft 1 'fug pnr-
'111.• little nnde•rclothee are built upon
the most hygleillc pines. There lutist
be no undue pree8ure anywhere, no
tight bands. nus everything Inapt lane
from the shoulder* or be attache) to a
tiny "dolly,' which Ie supported by
broad ■traps. Theist' clut4e's are made
of the finest nnlnuook and trimmed
with hand Lucke of the Shiest dewlap -
Bon and narrow valeudemnw Ince.
Prat a
with salver
Kitchen Wrinkle*,
smell plow.. of enulphor awry
not In use, It will prevent
5 feet 11117, toe collllition. 'semi, thein
The drawing stilt Irisfend of w,ap.
To "revive &Menne sent by port
plunge the 1144114 11100 11ot water and
let them remain int11 the wafer le cold
then out the end* ut/tbe atone Slid lett
the dowerk dowerInto ire,.h roll venter.
Jlntch mark* on the kltehen wnll
*Mel! brave been enu•ed by .'nrell'iely
inking mnf(he* on them, will Menlo-
rr If ruhle'11 first with the rni sur-
fne of a lemon. then with a rlenn
cloth "dipped 111 whiting. .(fterwnrd
wadi e• enrfn a with warm water
and gimp. ntI then quickly whs., ycith
a clean Out wrane 011* of eii'nr water.
\e•t`tnmu Ilelq should take Miller's
1.111+ 1\ Ilson
i*.implieit• iteelf. 11111r the rheet.*nd
throat' well with Neeviline, nee ft R4 t
g'rgIe sold take POMP 111 lint w'Rh','
before retiring *long wish ' of 1►r.
lfnnlilton', Pills. Nett morning lied*
mei refreshed. free from sold and
Icight n4 n dn11Nr. Thew• hum'ehnld
r•nleliee nt0 wfinderfmlh• ettereesfnl.
Rnd eert,inly won't. fail In your 'nM'
Fir sale at rill dealer". "th,,, '?
tie soleal Weed 85111
A cherub. 147(..11 killer has o de.
teI(1 Y 1
1 r t 1" 1 ' ( * MI *
U 11{ t4 1111
1 et -
in 1
* t' e
M 1 1 IS aft nglhl to III
*I1d tnu*tn rd. cl 'klebur, yellow d of.
MC. The ineoil1nr t ng !deigned for this
poison Is that w1n'11 * rayed on n grow-
ing grain crop Infe'llted 7 %meek It k111•
the wewdu without Injtt .' to the elfin.
vaned Crop. The *ulut1.11 rd enn7Iee
of 100 pounds of iron en 1 me dig -
?solved to fifty-four gallon* u water,
w bh h ntnuunt will eery as sere
When That Cold Comes.'
flow is it hl IN-.'nr,*I? This method
1' IN f Il -,n Pill*, For tole M'
It the mn.'xpwrte hilt Always hap•
ps•n7, except when n m I makes a fool
of himself. New fork tiles,
Jliller'* Kidd11Pt 1410,1 illMldel 1'Ins
ere expr's.•iv for weak kidneys.
Medder, pain in the hark, etc. For
sale by Jam 1V II.Uti.
L1M1 TE (0
The price of half a pound of Red Rose Tea i5
suiall-very small, but it will show you huw
much tea value, tea quality and aavor is con-
tained in this "Good Tea"
"is good tea"
Prices -25, 30, 95, 40, 50 and 60 cts. per lb. in lead packets
T. M. ESTABROOKS, ST. JOHN, N, B. Wu '.tp.a.
TORONTO. , watueerow ar, S.
Gregg Shorthand
Touch Twriting
aro two entities whleh yon ran*ot afford to omit from
your businew edn.auuu. In there days, when everything
Moet be done arcuretelr end rapidly, the •ystem used
toren be the beet and qua.keat
Grseg Short bend L easy to learn. ow to write,•ad
sexy to read after It Is wrl t.u.
(lar catalogue will tell you all about the system, mid
Is free for the asking.
&bout term: September till June, ioclua/ra
Forrest City Business Cones's
1 n GREGG,
Founder Crop System
Y. K C. A. Aamry.
The Pandora Thermometer
The thermometer on
the Pandora range oven
means precisely in ac
curacy to the cook what
the square and compass
mean to the draftsman.
'1 W'ithout'the square and
j compass the draftsman
would have to work en-
tirely by guess, just as
you do without an ac-
curate and reliable thermometer on your oven,
The Pandora thermometer reduces cooking to
an exact science. You know precisely' how much
heat you have and what it will! do in a given time.
It is one of the small thing's which makes the
Pandora so inuch different and better than common
MCIay1 Pandora
W r
a oA
cues. and Tacto'fee
London, Toronto', Montreal.
Winnipeg. Vsakco
St. John, Pi.B., :tfstasilton
Grand Peninsular"
Is an Ornament to the Ho. me.
w•. ( .
Popular taste !no longer'
clin s to deeply ca,n'ed, highly �'
ornamental ranges.
People now wanq rich, yet 5
sirnple, elegance.
'flint is the way 1 a take my
new Grand Peninsular Range. '
'Me " Grand Penis isular 1
is easy to keep clean, 1 Because
-'. there are no deep carvi ngs to
collect the dust and diri
PENINSULAR. Have your dealer show you all there rxlinte- . The
design is simple but veryeffecti've. No fuss lx frills.
fust smooth surfaces which take a beautiful bright I 'olish•
The nit kelled castings are detachable, and can be lifted
of}' without loosening a boli, when the range is Ito be
brushed (,r cleaned.
Then there is the ALL -STEEL OVEN the T}IERMOMR TERil
on the oven door --extra large GRATIS BARS and a dozen ter: time-
and-lahar-savings conveniences --that are exclusive with my GRA ND