HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-11-1, Page 3THE siw'AL • (:I1I)1011C1I )r'VAN()
Tncltuaav, November let 1806 3
,fews of the Sistriet.
The people of N'inghatu expect to twenty-tlflh atuiverwtry of the wt•.tl•
Ise able to are their new isogonic.. in I ding of the host and hostess. .. Irgatit
the course of a few weeks. gifts were presented to the ctuplt� by
their relatives and neighbors.
The trurteer of the Leatdbury public
school have agreed to build a new
school house next rummer.
N. M. Sanders bar been appointed'1
I)IVllion Court clerk at Exeter in
place of Ernest Elliott, resigned.
W. Tory'Zy has disputa"! of his
Wa•gcretfarw on the 3rd cotcessio►t of
Norris, to Joel' H. Heller., the prier be-
ing $4.IKS.
Miall K. t'hidley, teacher in N. 14.
Nu. 7, Ilullrtt, hag tendered her t•esig-
nation, as rhe wishes to attend the
Normal College.
About seventy guests spenta pleas-
ant time at the bottle of Mr. 1 Mr..
Kolmer Gardiner, of Farquhar, of ?ri-
dgy evening, lt)th inst. it being the
Lem., Salt Rheum. Funnies. Hr -ao remedy
Isiah ,wore reticle'haa Mua Owetenl.
Mea teLevee mfemmanon, soothe. pais. causes
sew moue to weer i.e •101•CAL. and octans lite
aka to heakhy smoolMea..
eh, J. W ea, ,7) /A,e,rna.r .pr r, roewle,
.UO '11 0 a o.f.,/u/ , . / Y,elwblf•
H.- w
.1bo,•, Pi, "/ A,aA/y .naw enQN Mara
th,la.e.t J Atsewa
Mrs Tablets asd Blood Tonic help to a more
thorough cure. At chivvy. -04 from The
Chime' Co. el Caddo. Lammed. Haa.Ace-
Tomato. In.a on getting
�awa 4AAA 00c1
'ILC Underwear
That is Guaranteed
You gett,exaedy what you pay
for- or you get your moony
back --when you buy
Every dealer. handing
STANFIELD'S, is authorized
to refund the purchase once,
should any STANFiELD
garment shnnk from any
Safe Underwear
for you to buy.
isn't it ?
"Royal Crown"
Witch -Hazel
Toilet Soap
It's a toilet soap and a
medicated soap -- for the
price of ordinary soap.
Only roc. acake. 3cake3
for 25C.
At all Dra3Dttts Sed Des/era.
on Tuesday evening of Inst week,
Mr. and Mrs. Janus Millis, Kipla•n,
erlebrttttvl lisw flftit•th auttiv.rs;uy tl'
their marriage.
(leu. ..VIeatlt•y, or Natant. 134i
week ettperiencel it s.coutl stroke of
paralysis. which has rendered hint
pt•,urtitaily Helpless.
Abram 1. Walker, of l'tediton,
passed away on Sunday, 21st 1111..
atgel thirty )stator. The v g t,
had hl•ru at invalid for two years.
The deal)? cal' liearg0 Hl algwon, alt
aged resident of h:gumItd will., 11C-
curtrd crit Sunday, 1)itu1N•r Slant.
The deceased was 111 his st•wruty-ninth
Mrs. 'I'IIt)w. SINN1Nl•r, it ft reitt'i resi•
dent of Clint un, diel un Odolt•' 141 h
at the humw of her son near Alex-
ander, Jlat. She wax iighty•f
years of age.
\Vill M••l.t•ud• the will-kuuNu en-
tertainer of Seat wth. left last week of
it three months' trip to the \\'est• aw
far ate th1• e,wiil, HA manager fair at cute
Carl c cans'.
H. J. Itichardttln, of Stanley, has
averpted the lectur•rrship ill 1lanitAtot
Uolleg. which was recently offered It
1 ' and hats gone to Winnipeg 1.11 .•ts•
same his ditties.
Mr.. •las. liner. tf Kt.,
had lhate Sit., brisket Said w•:i, other-
wise injured :11 \\'itghiuu a few dales
ago, lira hots, Lr,tuing frightened,
and thrtwicg her out o1 the rig.
N. Holton hire disposed of hi+ 11.1.
were fuel ill 'I'11.kerstlith tt hi,
bntthrr. Henry Horton. for at sutl in
the 'arigltt...ilia...I of 1146a1sr, Nle. awl
Mrs. Horton will retrive to Harper•
hey Iii t•.wid.•. •
.lobi, Nichol diel at her Is •
in T11rn1n•rry to 'I'uesliy of let week
aged thirty -now years. Sh.• tc a. ,1
daughter of \\'rtt.Johnston, elf Tami-
ls -1-o., and haul resided in IIle tuN•n-
-kip all her life.
Tho,. Higgins. Tate of l'ollwtrne. has
taken is.ss.•ssitn of the t illtgr More
a1 Sumtn.rhill, which lie recent It
'wrcIlat I. Mr. 111141. Ills. liriw•ItG•r
lave rd 1.. this %V ALlrt. f3E111 1111
Alar 7th concession of Hallett, whi.h
they liaise rented.
.1. K. Swart., .of 11'itghoiii, balsa•'.
let• has made ai titlildinl, rryotYI •fol
these parts. IA... thalt) Iwv. w'erk•
after the work on his large new lit ery
harm tui* rouuut•nt•el Ihr• britt work
wits eu,npletetl. The huildirg i, 11x-
I:lI feet and Contents I♦.i•ilsl Mirk,. t he
laying of the prick siring dour in nisi..
The death of John K l•. a former,
r.sidrnl of Hullett township and lt.r
of Sraf01t1, tw•cut'r•tt re. cot it. ad Bran-
don, laud., wheat. h. had liven living
Iter M1111• years. 11.1 WAS alwmt misty
year•. of age acid is sn•vivrd by his
wife and a gl'11w41-111. fantail V.
U. K.•toed'y, who N•itw aityimlant in
Ihr Seaford' I,t;utrh of Ihr Rank of
commerce for ityear Nod a half. ha.
hell transferred to Toronto, and his
',ral.feerth friends, prior to Iti'deist: l -
entertained hull at al -tipper at
the 1'e4.1uir ..cat bidet.
uncles and aunts. 'There she was war•
tied Ili John t'auovttn,, who Flrlvle-
ceatatd her to the grave.. She leaver
• slater, Mw. Catherine McCann. of
Sraturth, and three nuns to 1110111•tl ler
Body Identified and Reinterred.
'I'ht• restrain; of Jame., \\'. Knight.
formerly of l'ratbrok. who w•iw
eh•tlwueJ in 1410.1.11•1• 1111141111. on August
filth, were interred in 1 'anbrvoik
tl•lurltry on Monday of hist week. A
few dayN after the drowning the hNNty
was found lull 11utieil at parade' its
that of at unknown. Itt•.•idly it was
raised +.amt identified by his hrutitr.r
and stent to dri•t•tsed's old hath• for
Al lr•1'111t•11 t. M'. Knight hail spent the
past ten yeaut. in England and South
Arri1•it. IIs war thltt)'-live )'eaus of
An Educational Experiment.
'Ilia /Brussels Post says : A good
, with
'feature introduced in runnect11 a Wll
the teaching of hulas) in Brussels
echoed is a collection or apples by
which the pupils aro mule dell 'it
with the nastier and ch:u•artt;rlrtica of
the fruit. A nutther of the a;hulat•s
rue ale,til)• experts and no doubt the
information (unset will lie hath help•
fill and of great interest. 'Nothing
like lacing pritetical in the cslucntiou
int twiny. Nt•xl fall fair will alTutrl
oppti-ttutit)• of testing list• fruit. ques-
tltn. with, at few cults as. an additional
at utast i' t t the prize -vv'EN.
Old R:•::adeot of Teeswater Dead.
one of the very old residents of'I'ees-
w:.ter passel away on Mouthy night.
1)iIolii•r IbLit. ill the ttrl•son of Mrs.
lima 1Ietitlel'stitt. IA•rrig far advautrtvl
ill )'rates deceased had been ill declin-
ing health 1'0' •t• than to year 1
ritentiv suffered at sU•aike cat paralysis.
ttIoich was the •ilialecatittecat her
doth. She diel un alit' rightikh nn-
nite•r,aryof her Intelh.lay. 'I'hirty-
litt• Year. ago' she laid herhusbatud
r.uti.• It l'nuaJa from Scotland. They
heed Its • tiulr, ill \Vawitnoshe
near 1Vhite•hurclt, thea in triple) and
in litrlcrich• •iug f' there Ill
're's:w:le'. leu year. Sgt.
The Late John Shobbrook, Mullett.
It is tindeestioal that Ur. Hush:utut.
id. Zurich. (an emia:•trs Teat tog that
place atm nit the Mat of the )seat. il.•
fluty got to iiet-lin tor '1'ortlrrtai. 'floe
[Italia has haul x 10111:311/1 wucci•sslnl
prufewsiottal eaters: in %urh•h. and his
departure will he ,tint•.•rely regretted
by the whole„ 'ty.
A quiet wedding took plata. at
the Presbyterian ntartse ill Sraftrth
on Wednesday of last week. when
Iniues McNichol, •.f they township.
:and Jliss KIizatr•lh Ann \I.•/'all . tf
-N.Killtp township, were manias' Id
Ilea. F. 11. Larkin. 'Ir. and 'Ales. \li'
Nicht! will reside ill Corey ttwtwhiii.
tlaldintand County Councillor tells
how Psychlne cured his
Lag Troubles
A lean of har•s1•s, u11t.1• weight de,.•s
not exceed 2,214 lbs.• belonging tet :/free rating. loss til' apps tits•,` gulping
Bert Watson. of \lorti-. Ie1•rutty drew up of undigested laird tot games nee
it load of hal/ host..•I...t Iione, kn
king 1101 ttalral, N11 -11 -N11 -11 -1N11 -11-113•h a wt tablets
11‘...110,1•-fnnt1hton•w,•igh1, fwut 11,1.11 1..1' te 11.W (lily. before meal. will
the Iftttlnlin line tt.trks to Ihr !fel- so s;r.•ngthl•ti the digestitt a outs
g . rayshot int for shit •nin
t. This that yCorn est anything you w cat
heavy load tt is in three wagons. itWhom foal. or distress cat• t•e•.nllittg
whicli weir helot together by oleate of sickness. . '•
chains. The directions for taking Mi -ii -mi
A Brussels Couple Wedded. emphasize the difference Isgw.r.11 Ili+
r311111y 31111 the ordinary nleli„dne
on Thursday of last weak .3. 1'. that is given for itidtgest• Ni-ai-na
Hames, of Hrinse•Is, and'hiss Fannie is to 1w; used liefor•t• meals. sU't•ugthen-
Itogterw, Of the want• 1twn. were ti itilyd log the digestive system for the flax!
in marriage• The event took plt.1. a1 twhick is 111 IN. eaten. %chile Use trlin-
t hr 1 • ,if the la ids '. int .i het. Mrs. ;ii -y remedy 1. taken nl'I,e•r meads. and
(surge Hookers, Het. \It I.tit;ftrd. simply digewls the ft..1 w'it1
tftletatink. Mr. and MI,. I) iitt•. will ,.t lentil betting the 1.l Ir.
rnnlinntottreiilli•ill Ill 11,....-1,. 1\'e ad,sthlely agree 11111 your
RunawayAccident at Leadbur
money will IN• •efundel should yuu
y' hu) a :A)-rcnhh.tx car Mi-t•tn PI
A Istel minas% ay ari•itett happenel tattle'tii 31111 Putt IN. satisfied with the
as IA•adbury on Friday, (lith tilt. The re,ult.. Mi-t-na is sold i, th•nggislw
Misses Driscoll and their br't1 11t'1- .Bohn everywhere. or will la• sent by Matil 1111
weir dl'it'ing wh.r1 their horse became receipt. of 'invents.
frightened and teat tawny. They,were %Veitt iittI ey fair a free sample pock•
all thrown out. ,and John had his rail- :age. and also give tis your- symptoms.
larlwtne broken, Miss Ida had her el- awl on.• of the hest knottn ,tt,nnarh,
how disltrated. niul Miss Susan ryas specialists will give yon• ease his Cau•1•-
e11t nlwatt the haul, fol and, personal atitoil inn w-ilht
Death of Wingham Citizen. change. Ill. It. 'I'. Horth C'ttit tri ,
Buffalo, N. Y.
Alper an ilht•ss of several months,
Midi: it Arnlwtituig passed away at Enough is E'iio46h.
his b0 • in %Viughan' iiia Saturday, We like tt murk ;and we like to wt•.
etrtulw•r 21tI,. ni his '4%1Y -second year, others work, bat we joist arise to ri-
ntenth was due 10 i•ane•r., Neatly mark that when we }tet to 1s• wtrila
thin t year). :ego the dece.iittl It,t'ttled ;,, •h •y Its itht• tee klloit.
to Tot tilterry and fifteen yearn ago work wills tis will cease. ‘1'.• ...add
hared inln \\'itghnnt. 11,' I. stn•- ,tries disityer wary met sixty :and
vivid by his wife and fuer .tits stat set ent v years of age and sot 11. from
four ihttightttl•s. folly to • I Iced thousand dol -
Wedded at Brussels. tars should continue to toil fl. -arty
moil late and in all kinds of ivl•:etlug .
\t' a like 110 ser 1111'n pruritic• suneelhrtig
for their family alter they are gone,
but the average hay i- beltty off it hot
1141 Its. Smell primerty. Yon who
have Ialsire•d y • this..•s'ore years
h0•1111 stop work, trod ettjty lite the
reit'. shoot ye nes yuu hate left It re-
main it -illi ns. h:tihatit•.•.
John Shtibhronk, tf Ilullett. north
of Clinton, passed away on 'I'hut•sdav
et'.•titg, oci111N•r 1)1111, after a linger-
ing illnt•-.. The deceit -tit wt, ist•n
•ixty•,.nen ,yt•a.r., ;igri in 14"4111.11i1.4..-
I'It, 'I un1, .uta i'.tue 111 Ihi•t eiittltt•%' in
I.ti:t. A few . year. aft el. ail. lie
sal t led in III ull•tt. Where h.• remained
!Alit 11 his death. Ill' IN ..III. iv...l by Ire
Of, a daughter car lit" L/i.ltsrph.
%Volke•r, of INuule,h,a'i three MID,
3101 till. thulghtly : \Its. .I0101 (':cat
weight, cat Hallett Charles. of Ntilb
Ilaktet.t : \\'retest, of Clinton. :tint
Joseph, :1 ht ' and arta ,ulopllrl
.hutghtel. Rose \\'alker. Mr. Shtb
brook it., ,1 Methodist awl a itr-
Runaway Accident
'rhos. l-,,,, ,lied, retains lir•rrt, 1,
laid up .1- 111.• i i'.tl1 of a peculiar M. -
Ile was driving to Ilensall
fora haat of the when his burst•,. taut
away 111111 h. Nils ptldrd stet• Ibt•
dashlwnotl, ltd1mg 111.111..... 1111. langur.
\\'11111. in t11i. 1111,411011 1e• Na. re-
is•.tiedlc kicked by the hot -es tit their
ural plunging, Sind when t.. -cued it
was teal "I that hlis•skull ria. frac-
tured. Very fotimately thi. it.as nit
t .Save 1V111.11' 1.%11111i114..1 1,v 1111•
111N -t..1., \chi. h'o'rse. Tatler 111 .ii t i -,tot
111111. it Nit, 1„1111.1 Ihat hr wt- 0111)
lil;hllvcnl.el.,ut the hand, the sot -I
iujur) slistail •,1 Is•il g the dist...a tt n
of his shout 1,1.4.1e. ti hili will la)'
bin, np for : t nue•.
Some Good Advise to Readers of The
- Signal.
\ rte lie st nigh nd its r.'sldting
i11, :tie tate Mitur,t. With prop.).
1 .11Y• .old 1111• use tf I '-t-n. stomach
I:, idet •, alae tel')- Ntt•a'lw• 111 i111113(1..•
11011 01. similar -1i trouble can be r
pietely •har't . It is It sill to ,dilu'it•
oneself tf enjoyment in life and he -
o • it Inlyden through bid igt•sti0n.
The Iwu'kdrhs, hendarh.st di.tre•s..
M t'l't.r,t :ti i•'uit Nur gm twit. The.
Nave bier Mel'litr't is it striking
tla,u tN•t•. The leading article is a brit. ,'
Mart Challenge to the .tdwlt•alea t.1. I.
spelling •'rq'urue," 1.0 ttitg f1. oto
Iitts an authority than 1'tvlfrrwoe llugt
\l utist erberg. 11.trtvttvl'i toted lay-
clelhati'tt. Ill a ellitttittr w •lirtu'n,1
sat irict1 anal again full (if iutprestivr
gravity. he deliver sitt,tr sir the utast
erushiltg blows the spelling "reforsit".
uliyr111en1 (tt, had to meet. t'nrl
S.•1111eA's Alterie all Ieitti tt htt•rtmes spell
in this uun.hrt• kith Mr. Nchurz's Ilrst
impressions or the 1'n I Slates.
The lotu•lIt instalment cal' -The Story
Montana" tlt,el'IIN, 111Y rude of the
:Montana I,t•gisltt Irla• telling how oto•
man :t1.10r ntuUty i{ett doviit ill de-
Gvtt stud dishuttt- Ind palating iti11,
great dtallt•etti' ellen late wel'1n• 111
t'ltik'N iltx•liuu. LL rule Sultans re -
IMP. .1.111l y111 Judge LIno Isir )''s g
lath light against igntratl parents, te
t'r'uism police, and a curl opt ring.
Burton Heudl•iek r •hilar•, -The
Story of Lire-Insurasivt'•" sttttitiug up
in a free conchae :tad siguill'att pages
the condition's which he has Mtught
before the attention of the Atreritttt
public. '`The Hanging aif \hu•y
1)yt•r,' by Ibtstl King. a rruuu•k.tble
roman e' dc,tlittg with the lju,tkt'r itrt-
t.cluiou ill Aut•aie:1. is • of Mc.
1111td11 utast original depart Utes ill
Ili-titttl 31111 tht•re urn• stmt• ulht•t• stat
sUlrirw in t11411111111114•1'. IL in it i tt i i,•u'
I:u ly .1rong are number, t i tdt g
Cull page t•11l01. illustrations by now -
,rd Pyle, Alice Rather Stephens. and
Jessie \1'illcax Smith. The cover de-
sign is :a striking decorative drawing
Jty N. C. \Vyt•th ,
A Matter of Pune tuation.
A go sl story is it del in 1'. i'. It. cir-
cles of Sir 'fhttttas Shaughnessy.
president of that •great t•tt'turaNitn.
Some time ago a 1N•rs.t1 of 1.:1110'
seely appearance N.tt tarot tht•.1'. I'.
K. ofTlees cat one of t rill' wewe rut
slat color`. 31111 34k141 tri' t111111111311111011
l0 ..\Itttlre•ih cat tits );ruurltI that hat
wits It I444011g friend of sty Thomas.
Ht eloquently 41i.1 he tutke his pll•,e
that the Its -tel agent, t1 gh wu+pic-
ettrlu.1ed to win'�lo head-
quarters,statin•; Ihr vi' ova:owe.,
taut asking if lie',htuW i.sue t Ile-,
telegram it .l. laid before sus
Thomas, who at pure recognized the
t ns •he LA Mild
old .u•yuawnrr • a
Sather tray,• in the %Vest. Si. he in -
dieted a telegram which re:ul : ''Ihcti'1.
Let Jim walk. A week litter. to hi•
:asttni,hnu•tt, the per•sonaiyt• J
Walked into hi, other', itt11.lhtutking
1 ' fat• Ihr u•au.portalion. proceeded
to "snake a touch.- The great 1.311
111311 malt. put 1hi' Iw•.t fare tt tit'
Im1 tt•r hr (anto. and biasing gotten
rite of his u,tiwv'leaune visitor, pru-
ceedrd lit make :cat il.vewligiet• as Its
wh)• 111, expose., olds'. had Iwet.el
thecal. 11 hen tis.• telegram was,,
hunted up it was ballad that it. was
11l d•t.• lu punt 'ballon. for it read :
••Utn'i It -t Jim tt.tk.'. 'rte;enlliSatur-
d:ly Night.
"I contracted a series of colds from the
changing weather," says Mr. Bryce Allen,
a well-known resident of Jarvis, Ont., and
a member of Haldimand County Council
for his district, "and gradually my lungs
became affected. 1 tried medicine and
doctor prescribed for me, butgot 1 no
relief. With lungs and stomach diseased,
nervous, weak and wasted, 1 began to use
Psychine. With two months' treatment i
regained my health. Today 1 am as
sound as a hell, cad give all tie credit to
Ther u a proof of what Psychine does.
it not only cure* Colds and kills the germs
o(LaGrippe, Pneumonia and Consumption,
but it helps the stomach, makes pure, rich
blood and spreads general health all over
the body. You will never have Consump-
tion if you use
(Paem.oesat bra)
60c. Per Bottle
s+•tar astana SR amid al -all Corea;MM.
OIL T. L OM SK Limited, Tarwlb
On \V1.
week Anil''
)vimg t,u•utrr
Fannie, young
Mts. It. Sample.
of 1hat,tt•Iw, tree• t
Rt 1111• Itrtts•It cat n.t•, Itct. A. l'•
\1l•hal1 1N•rftln,nti, the alerti:tg.
i•rritumy. 'Ili, ttnn• rooph• eclat le -
wide on int gt 1w.1t , ho to Writ, t y.
neslay aftcrmonl ..f last
w' 1ltllgl,s, as wl•II-1111111
if Torn w•t•i3, and Mi'w
tdaughter ofMr. and
veil known resident,
lilted in in it i •
Di'd in Huron Tow
Black Haul:. H. H. I►i.... out., Oct.
I►tt:dd McKinnon, nn 11111, Id high- :Rola. ISperi:.1.1 .1 !ere fa the ,tti y of
It respected resident ..f Iloilotown- It 111.• 11111.. tight•ytnr slit dstghlrr
hip, passed xw al otter al shoe 'noes -
Mrs. IIs IA'1wI, tor this idare, was11n Tnrslxy. Ih•te,ls•r bit h. I►ec usosl cured tf !bight's disease by 1)INIA's
waw tint. Of 11111• IIIsi 10.111..1, of 'ill- Kidney 1111,4.111 111, wits in I).centlier, Px11, that the
cambia, •Utwnship, and morel
Ilurtn township with his sons st child was first Laken wick. She was
1011t11.1•11c.,t's Sgt, and settled to at
tai weealk she hall t.. Ill. C313'1011 311111
finis sotto. three miles wiser ..i Luc- like ,tt ear,. If she wanted forte
where he t •-ided until his ittg round she would icy aloe lw•ran'e
she Was wt weak she timid not torn
herself. She was all skin ,cull Ione
with brown parches all over tier Iwtdv.
11er legs were MO inntrt.ite) that she
„told not stand op, batt wnnitl creep
arnnnd tin Thi' late like• at baby. The
seventy-eighth year of her age. Mrs. d&smite sada she wens n111lrtel with
1'anttatn wens Iain in In•Innd nml Ht•ight's disease And „mild not be
emu*, to this (.tatttry ,t young aortia. int•1r1. PF0111 the day- slue st,trt,il tt
awe 1)tsld'w Kidney ('ills, she gained
right ,along. She if, naw quite etrd.
,and 1)Nld's Kidney Pill. have savor)
lt: r lite.
Most .lrstpl. are At r place
that they're deadly 'doll even when
y they err inmineeie. What would they
Mts. ('xn,tven settle,) in the ttiwnwhip he if they told the tnith'-iron "The
of Ad jila. where she had several balance of power."
Winter Quarters et Fowls aaauld M
Prepared ,Per OeeUMser• -
It to nut too sour to bi'giu prtparu•
nous for next wiuter, says F'arui Jour-
nal. Too soon to du the work is not
to be eousidered unless there is nothing
to do. It 1s surprisiug how much oue
will have to do wlieu winter twines on
and he Is uaprepared.
The poultry house may require over-
hauling in various ways or a new one
may be built. It will be found that a
new house will be less dump If built
soon enough to allow the wood to sea-
son before winter: Earth doors. that
have been saturated with the dropf
pings of the fowls wbould be removed
to the depth of six inches and frisk
material used, and the roof should be
carefully examined while made light
on the old house.
Auother point Is that 1t Is ouly after
one has built a poultry house and used
It a year that he knows what hiswants.
No man ever built a poultry house 111:at
be could not see tlomethiug to improve
about it, and it la this experience that
is assisting to get more eggs In winter.'
Then there are the roosts and metals.
Those who have spent (ours per-
forming the work of cleaning out the
poultry houses will appreciate any la-
bor saving contrivance., and the time
to adopt thein is before the whiter be-
it�e suggested that the house have
pleat of wluduww, x11 as to 3ecutr
attune and warmth. Nothing is so
repugnant to fowls as darkness daring
the day. and they will free1eettty re -4
main in a storm outside. rather than
kart) w'Itllin the walla or it 11:11•k house.
Itt'gitt the full right and prepare for
the winter earl • so us to have the hens
and pullets la lag before the cold
weather stens In.
Rye For Paature'sad aolllas.
Rye la not half appreciated by the
American farmer. it la very .hardy,
will grow on the poorettt-tn'm?;-mlkes
good winter and Spring. posture -rand
If sown early enough wakes good full
pasture. it is a good early spring soil
ing crop. It makes u fair quality of
bay if cut in bloom or before, and It
always sells at good prices and makes
the beat of bedding for cattle and
horses. It la also an excellent green
manure crop for turning uuder In early
spring. While It does not add nitrogen.
na Ihr clot,'r, do. 11 makes a great
deal of humus, and thus Improves the
trxturr of wurnout soils. it will
grow In tiny e'eUou •that can grow
nay of the small grains. Where corn
or putatucs or cowpcan are growu after
corn. rye may be sown in the corn at
ogle time of "laying by" or may be
sown on the stubble after the corn Is
rut and rte plowed under In the spring
for any of the crops mentioned. -W. J.
CHALK dust is fine and
white, but it won't
stake good bread. Fine,
white flour is all right as
far as it goes, gut if it
lacks nutrition its• other
qualities amount to nothing
as far as baking is con-
Roya; 79usehold Flour
is not only the finest and
purest of flours but also
the most nutritious. It is
trilled by a process which
gives you all of the nutri-
tious properties of the
wheat in the best furan for
'your use. You can get it
from your grocer.
Ogilvie Flour Mills Co., lid.
lair's Tes.k for a Cook," con-
tains t,o pages of excellent recipes,
wore tooter published before. Your
grocer cat, tell yuu Luc tuget it FILEN.
A Thrilling Experience :tet ailed.
on Thntrodxy, Ilrltbe•r 1St II. \Is-,.
Anti 1'Is ttaitanima old ,11111 tt•spi'rut•It resi-
dent of Senfti-i h.delwll'1Irl 1 him theist the
When .r•iwsing the keds elle had
thriihng 1•xIN•t1it,rt•.The ls.mt 11t1
which she was it `passenger. when neat
the coast of APwttlllllllaptl. was
broken to piers by icebergs. She and
c.rx1 pamnengerw t•rawleil ran to the
,cebetg-i, where they remained for
three lav,. till the• were teM•ned,
Selena to the Cera /Seek.
If whin cutting corn you will place
In one of your largest shocks about a
dozen of your choicest watermelons, et
('hristmas, when the snow Is on the
ground and the frost Is on the pane.
yon can mit by the roaring lire and eat
one of your melons, which bait kept all
that time in the sock of corn. -Form
'The z-
"Ther, oto IA•af ante
lento at :.II Stare and shapes of
men a. it -i ata'• anal children'■
at.oee •' Ironer trout vt Ironetroua the oat
woman who Used in a 'boo ..
Fit neatly, snugly and
orate!), ), too.
Leave no openings for
th t water to sneak in at
the . ides.
Get a pair
and keep Your
feet dry.
aple Leaf
..4tl.i bber&i.
are always
reliable ....
\Vi find satisfaction in dealing out
pure, fresh ;goods to our eustouters.
The stack is specially well assorted for
the summer orotate, tend the moat
particular wants of our patrons win
have prompt service.
ARE YOU MCI $2,003.22 A
YEAR? it i• 1,en,w dale w,tl ,r
Vt-i1. is plen.wnt, prrunaneut sad pi.,to.tl.le•
anis 11.e,1 in every ht.u.e, every day. Ieu rate.
amino ne'd tet aerate the demand. Legitimate.
rt mashie bu.inea.. You ,an start wit h.,ut a cent
of capital. WI lr t.Ndits . M111,1111
Wholesale 7",-, ..:ti.• C,,,Irr-, Coutts,, vat.
H 0,ruu.1,•,,.1 1n trd Alwin* and lwawa. to
w.h ..d• 1, n,e up shun t
41.0..... I. nee A, 14.4...- .int h.;•uuu• PIN. ,., dm
{ ,bulls• •r.,n1i n y..rtw.n„ au'
.l unan,e,locar inner
Mn • month and relies•.. P••,w,1., ,ttru,n t rmpluy
,our W Nord r. -11•1‘1..l.. •' n,...1..)
) mil sorb for
poll :• .....,....r......,....r.r .. 1 11t4•for partrularn i
SALU8 MED,11INAI CO , I"ndon, Ontario, Canada i
WANTED e:h;;
aseep testes. 1
Sheep require a clean place to est
and must have it or eine their health
will be Impaired and food wasted.
Regularity Is perhaps more important
in feeding sheep than Is the tense with
"other animals, for whtcp are naturally
regular In their hehitw.
While n small bnn.h of sheep can ire
kept on any form to grtod ndvantnge,
they' serve a double purpose, as they
enrich the farm and bring a cash M-
S s at the same Um.
The Best in Current Literature
$2.50 Pr it YEA, . 25 cls. A ,,.OPY
F,'ih vegetables anti fruits In
Particularly Correct is
the "Plastic Form"
Better none than a Frock -Coat with wrong lines.
The man who realises the importance of
having those difficult lines -that cut which makes
or mars the garment - appreciates the perfect style
of the Frock -Coats
he finds in the
"Plastic Form"
The curve at the
shoulder -the snug- -
fitting collar the
hang of the coat -
skirt -are all that can
be desired. And
,there is just enough
indentation at the
waist -line nothing
exaggerated the
whole marked by
good taste and em-
bodying the 1)est
London style.
These Frock -Coats
are, indeed, triumphs
of tailorship.
And prices are
Plastic Form Parlors, Goderich
REQ. Block, Sole Agent
Phone 91 or Call.
The Square, Godench
1111: LE MONO
t'uneral Directors
and Embalmers
0riert .arlull) •tteueed to •t all
hour, alight or day
Livery and stack
The finest turnouts in
town are supplied at
these well -kilo wu stables.
Carriages for every re-
quirement a n d good
horses furnished at real•
unable rates of h i re.
Careful drivers furnished
when required.
11 calls promptly attended to.
Walker & Augustine.
'Phone si East street Livery.
have opened ie livery wGehle in
the stand " on a'ewgate street ott-
posil,: the Co cm. Hotel and
have fitted it wi h
New and Up- to Rigs, New
Harness, and Good.
Reliable Horses.
All patrons are meowed the hest
aif service. Your patronage is
Knox Bros.
Opposite Colborne House
Telephone 173
Livery, hack
'Bus Stables
I.uol) it11HSF:S
1' II A I:'1'ONti
AT ---
• Ft h: N -
\\'ell -appointed
11 wk. anti it 11-
,1n11• IIr1vel'w in
charge• of the
'Roves, whitih will
meet. all train it
and wttamhtars
",111 1II 4 ritis -i 1'Hn'M'. FIi'T\mil