HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-10-25, Page 7THE SIGNAL : (;ODERICII ONTARIO
' Tot Its AY, Oo'u',er 3!Sth, 1906 7
304++901,0149ticis *******criv+4491049+ciiiictrici4cistlicini444 449149 44 lig ***sic+ 494 4i',
'•/.. �' Your Do
News of the DistrLct..,. The�` Il,' no question about that, but
`4+45+45444644545464041545456#544546454544464.4t46454° 4 44'6* a 46+•••4'•4. 5°5 ,° -' 44464" te why go
ni all the tr ubie an
LEER uhN. and then of having hisprercrtption
burn. )revs J. I. Nuutll pi -rimmed 4..(l AL the recent il.ilr .d' the filled, when you can ropinto any
the t.erett uuy ,old Miss Mite Burnt Attrill farm stock Alex. ,,Vining • Tugs-m.1.
O••1. '•:3rd. drug store to Canada and obtain
played the welding ui,tiih. The bo.W�1fhl athoroughbred registered J.,11n l.'iuIish is room(o stun•• s bottle of SHILOH'S CURE
was whandsomelyat tiled and hitltnev fifty. It is a 11/11144witt' ani- fuu1,faliis under 1,1. hour this week. for a quarter.
was supll.rted by Miss D. Lawlor, sis- MAI and uulkrs quite an iuldrliur to
Mt r. 1' Ks• stable hr tune Mises Chisholm spentahank.giring Why pay two to five dollars
ter of ow gloom.
Thi. g1144111r111nn Unroll seeing brr outs). when a twenty-five cent
was Albert Brig' , of Holten. town- weather br
btu favored. the handling of Div lit Purr Hu"'eviller'. bottle of SHILOH will cure you
ship. The welding party and a %Irv. C. F. "'eviller'
few the apple crop. I''eking is 1(hltosl sr uickly?
invited guests partook of ,1 sumptuous finished, but the paekery bit" .4144111 Air. and M gest A.
nt14111, too, 14411111 Why not do as hundreds of
diluter, pet+sidwl over by Alt. ,out Mrs. two weeks' work )'el. thew y K thousands of Canadians have
McNeil. visitors ..sit Mti:llianl du,iug ') bankIt•
done for the past thirty-four
Igicitg time. years: let SHILOH beyourdoc-
PORT ALBERT. Dor popular laid well-kiow•i citizen for whenever a Cough or Cold
Feiss ss t Y. Oet. 191 le ' Jacob Mosta' in len Mg here Anita ly to peare.
Mr. and Mrs. .1. 11 t;rtnt.h, inten.t • rt•iide 1i) 1i...te•ich. For 111e8r past few SHILOH will cure you, and all
In leave shortly fel To i.inch. Pa. years 'Hi 1e.tr Teel, puriluming proper:fltltggista back up this statement
. \\'r are sorry t... ii•,:,iclt the death 1y 111 1iu•Ierirh and on several of the
with a positive guarantee.
'of 11 I.t
d, d.ulght,•c of Jur. and M114. 1.4,4 11441 1.1-.611.1 ell ui.'e brick ile.idenee,l. The next time you have &
Sets Pherson, w',ich took plan. on 11.. will likely sell his farm here,MICough or Cold Cure it with
t,itiirlity 114411. 4'11•' 14111r one wan Nhi1.11 he 11ts e•r•r11.41 aice 1tl•Iek ret.i-
ae•ve•aaeeyl mouths .t.1. I'M. funeral il•uce enc alp-lo-dl)la. f rut buildings.
;took' plisse to Pot t . tl,.•1.1 cemetery 1111 All'. ,Ind ,All's. 11. 11. 1111't11t of the
s bap, 'Rev. C. .d. 11' i,rrf.hd. (41 Q'Id' iu(littlerielt ion 'ra 'radio fte 1.14•11 or r indtll• tipy
Ituugauuou, ufllcl.oui,..
Mit* hts. 7.1r. Morton i of the lead -
TVIWDAY, (k•t. Vol.
Miss Mary Clark was h from
Westfield for Sunray.
Nev. Chapman, 1d Nt. Th as, at-
tended the marriage of her niece, Mins
aligner Margaret Clark and Mime
Rutherford were 11,0111e for 'Thanks-
Mrs. Salkeld, sr., of 0lwlrriih, %t-
ilnd her daughters, Mrs. Boldon and
Mra. Miller, est week. TI KauAv, lkt.:rird.
Misa )'raw left 111 Tuesday to visit Alton Kttuc s1lent Thant, Oet11g 1►.1 .I
her sister et Harrow, after spending at lfle pu•rnlul 1 y
over 1wa ruttnthit at the
Mimes Lillian ('lark and (amiss.,Mr. Bill, jr., ham wove) his 1►uuseuu
the 'rete wall newly built.
Miller, Donald ('lark and Gregor Mie Knl.rhinski, who spent it
Stuart were h from Utalerich for
Thanksgiving.. weeks with her aunt at Stratford, has
returned Moir.
H. N. Dancy. of Tull.utu, spent 1►nring 1h.• 7'hanksgiving s• 1,011.
Thanksgiving at Mts. It. K. Miller's. F. Kurus hn i.ki called on friend, al
returning 11 on Malurllny, ,tic Mtlilfo111AIM lirrliu.
twilled by Mer. Dane). ltt•v. J. S. Manua celebrttel Thanks
Very successful an11ivenutry nervict•s giving Day itt Berlin, et the 1 • of
were held in Calvin church un'Mullday, his heather, Rev. (ie,. 1). 111
Rev.IA. C. Wisher', H. A., of Brussels,
conducting mervices both morning and DUNLOP.
evening. The choir sang special rlun-
Iwrs, aMy assisted by Miss Duuglss 1't k uev. Ott. 21t-.1.
and Mr. McGregor, of Luck1K'w'• Thinthings have Iwrn the go in the
\f,luniMf.- OU Thursday afternoon northern port of our burg for the pest
after the thanksgiving trrvice, a very srveril (lays.
pretty marriage was sllrm)tiz.vl its
Christ church. when Miss MAY Dr.e-yv.
granddaughter of list. Asquith.
was united in matrimony to Thiene,.
H. Taylor. Rev. (`.. W. Manders offlci•
steed. The bride. who wile given away
by her grandfather, tweet becomingly
gowned no eresul Bedford curl and a
1,-ratti %ilk heaver hat with (ostrich
plumes. The Church was prettily dr•••
°011e1 with fermi, foliage plants and
:option leaves. After the luncheon.
Mr. And Mrs. Taylor left for litdergeh.
`trattont And other piintM.
An we Mail our Midget we ht.ar that.
Rnlw•rt F'ulfur.l, 11f Otalcrieh, is dead.
The det.rt'd for a 1.er of years
(vas our post MASI er slid g.•neral,.tor.•:
keeper, coming herr in the fall or
Pei as the slrirh9ur of %h•. !leek.
Who 1rill4(ta11 from here to (i.Nletirh.
Since he gave up Ihr stone Mr. Fel
,Ford snit his ova.. have titan! in (Stile
rich, the former often meeting
of his old customers ar i !tonus~
ntorehr4i144, where hr was at i' •w em-
ployed in the nhi``Ilnrut of grainIli.
brother. Richard Fnlf0111, remade* in
Ito -sited too late fur test week.
MONDAY. Oct. 15th.
C. Blackman hes .Il his family
into James Word's hotter,. opposite
the blacksmith shop.
Miss leiretia Cambell returned
bone on Friday last after a plestast
visit to friends in Essex.
Robert McDowell returned h • .ti
Saturday from Mendota, where he
had been for the pas) six weeks.
Jams Redwood is in a vet}) poor
stele of health at pr•.•.wtt. He will
have to take a complete rest for ,,.nor.
Mrs. J. N. Campbell visite) he
mestere. Mrs. James F neelie and Mt
John nimbly', of Hutlett, the port
two weeks
The severe snowstorm which 41•:141
witnessed by the people of this part of
the country last week will long he
remembered. snow fell to the dreg It
of whitest ten inches, and caused a
great deal of damage to the orchards
all over the country, tome of theist
tieing "Monet completely destroyed.
Moen Y. l )et . 22nd.
Haynlond Ideal d, °f liltrvale.
was hone for the holidays.
Mess Helve ('lunllhell, of the
I . spent her holidays at brr bursts
fiords A\'Mit' man, of 4.'slet ich.
gent the holiday. n nen tu„ .II11
friendships bete.
Mrs, Jackson Wightran, of (bide -
rich. win ht.. been visiting 1.i.•11.1'
h,•n• for the post few week.. in quite
ill at the residence of her brother-in-
law, John Wighimata Ile• many
friends hope to see her DUI again very
Bev. Mr..1ones c !mewed a err i,e.
of pseud services at Ih,nnyMtook an
!Conley eve ' g. Set vies'. will he'
held every evening this week except
Saturday, and we expect for the next
few week., eo11ulPiecing at 7:11
Mn. Kyle and littlewon err visiting
Mts. Kyh: s uncle, At1'hie 1Glbi ent. at
present. Mrs. Kyle has re"itlel in the
Northwest for the past few )rets, bud
we urterstend her hutlsnd ban pur-
chased A tenet near Kippen and they
intend moving there in the spring.
ing druggists of 1hi• Queen tit and
LOTHIAN. haw met quite a mua1lier oB dormer
1'txan %v, Oct. 'S1id. Is *den for 41 h+audshitke :old chat.
Miss .Atha Miu•kenzie spot Thaukr- over old times, including the tall laird,
giving .to. her home. with wl hr. hail A very pleasant
Miss Sala McLean entertained some time un :Saturday last on the brach at
Kintiil friends this week. the felt of Butternut row.
l'ut•nt tt M.trn;ns. 111 ?ire Signal
Alts. A. Ititehie is hiving her house at last week 11.14 an It.•ut which
remodeled hy'I'. F. Henderson' N'aw taken f•oml 'I'be %toil ,tad
Aliss ALirgitiet Stud Fled me4.10nig )1r4 Mleg+dAnswl•r., Ihr inquirerlcing
tire visiting their grandmother, Airs. S.. J. \V.. who (Sk1 be had rontribulesl H
M:tc\aulxra. certain amount for improv rlli.•ntw to a
'1'. A. Ale Keith is itt pt•ew'"t in Luck- church. The r'felenee is 111 the I'res-
nuw 111- Ire.unle{t by I)t•. HI:.kr. bytetiitu ebur. h herr. J. .1. W.
\A'i' lime tor a speedyrcnve y. gave his house and gruun.is for an
enterininulent awl elan providel re-
SHEPPARDTON. feshments for it. the pticerds of the
,•nteltai nulrnt 14; go ti4W,tlllr 1110vi ng
'1',Ksu.ti, (11t:1.1. lock the chisel -11 and otherwise len-
( 11$'144,1 'I'K.t Mi .:r:r NO. -Next Kan- prt01ttg it. Atter the ritl'rttinmeta
day mud Monday, October :4(tli N11'1 was held J..1, \A% r4iuid the prtoceeds lu
2111-11, the Shrpltxtdlun church of tbi• nue or the .l,.i hofllrixis, hal the
Nile Aletl).whst circuit will hold its i„.„i„.„1„6614gn•d i11lproe111i•
t•ntl N•el't raid
11ulivershly. Rev: A. K. liirks, chair- nnide 4.wiit to the ruogrrgHl.ian'M uu•
umn of the district, will !wrack lit siert laki'4; 11' raise $azo to pry their
11131 ,1. m. .and at 7 it. 111. till Mtlu,luy• Mh:41,• lir 111, rust 4(f sterling Ihr '
lou 7.I lity eve ' g It hot supper will w:ut.e i11 (islet ii•h. Ill 14111 1,111 to
fw.rryel in the hull WIN ite the sbixl Ihr, the church here was papered and
adjacent to the r11111•cll r • 11 1" 14 paid for by 1a Mp•1'141 ...Alert ion. it is
rusk, after which ,a program ut epee: now the intention of the church mon-
ist ,'xrellence will Is• rendered. The a{;sers :111,1 the r.ulgtegit' to caret.
eh ' • 11r N,t3l sower 7Irt1tHli41 .4111 the inlpr4.yei•nt1 rrl'trri•e1 to I1v
church, `ittle•ich, •111.1 utht•ra will J. J. 7.V. and we have been 119plesltvl
furnish the music and Thee will 1.• a fn Mirk•• this rtittrin/'nt ,v "a. „hard,
good array of speakers. treasurer.
MiNt,.tt•, Oct. 22n41.Bierman %Lintel left on SalurL•ly
fur Detroit.
The fu•mrrs ere still bury picking
and packing apples.
Dave Gledhill, of Klnc.tdine, paid
a visit to old friends at lir 'Ile•.
John Helder, of Walkerton. spent
Thanksgiving Day under the parental
Mies 1. Walters, of Aiderirh town-
ship. 1,' spending a few days with herr
ctwrul. F.. \vapors.
The well -drillers are at A. Fisher's
sinking a well, end it is his intention
to erect a windmill.
13, IA mg and Pearl Fisher we -i•
h for Thanksgiving. They are
ioth attending H. ('. I.
Misr Pearl Wright. 'of 11.ilerich.
stern: ,a few days last week with herr
sister. Mrs. J4.4. Jewell, jr.
Miss Venetia has been spending a
few days in (1(wlrrirh. and while them
she had the pleasure of hearing 411.4
Bleck Knight lecture.
Owing to the rain lest Thursday
eve ' there wap no l.'i.gne Mei'v'ire.
The topic for this week IM ••\\'1111 are
(.w.lish and whit are wine," and will be
handled fly Miss H. Snyder. Next
Tbnrwlay evening, November 1st, will
he the 'monthly cunserratitn meeting.
W. would like all to attend thr.e
weekly meetings.
ultenetval too 1w1e for Ise week.i
WRnFRin.tY, Ort.. 17th.
A young child of John Neeglr di.t1
nn the Ilhh inst.
A nu11rlest of Italians rel noted 10
the village 114161 Muid,uy,
K'illiam Paterlur1, of this tills gr,
and Mrs. Patellae' i.r' visiting( frieldr
in Halt this week.
The anniversary service.' in the
Methodist church last Sabbath were•
well attended. Rev. W. E. Kerr. of
('Iintnn, preached.
William Peterson, of the I.tIIi cote -
evasion 01 HIdIPtt, and Jame'e Web-
ster sur have returned from au riotI
t'ialt to the Northwest.
The employees' of the (inelph k
(3oderich Itatilway are palsy this week
�ta(]ing the road to the new station.
The entrnni1• to the station is from
the twee lin...
Tela+n.tr. Ort. x3111.
limn* Prong 1s homy turning nal
iwarrels tl it the apple crop at 1111•+4-111.
Mies Annie 1'ouptatid...1 \\'1.tfarl,
in visiting in this locality at pr•'•111.
The ,•vnpu•atir t. % ,•ry }any. A
large *imply of app).•- 4- .a. hand At
The rn111i•1•1 in the 1'1,••tn11•rt:ut
chtlrt•h Iasi N,•. k was .4 It11w14 i:4!
Rev. M r. McLean, of i11vitt, press( bed
in the Plesbyt•rie11 rbur•lt Inst. Sate
hat h, the Rev. .1. 1.. Mn10111 ieingvalnel
away, owing 1 n I hr de:Il l' of h14 runt.
Where are 1114 eintlwliatla of the
',minty pmpwrty 1 The bridge here
has Iowa to an unsafe eonditi011 all
sununir, and to 1,11 1pp ettraHITS will
remain s1 But s • ' • yet.
The station grounds ori being mot
in proper shape, and the n.1w etAt1,m
will Moon her. the roof on. The °lily
drawback is the entrence to the sta-
tion from the base line, quite a
rrwlndahnllt, way from the village.
N. L. Taube. of Te111w1 k Mon. iotan.1
torturing op tleiens And eyesight epec-
ialiste, of Toronto. will be et D. E.
Munni s store. Auburn, on Friday,
November tkh. If there ie anything
wrong with your eyesight, call and
mania hirn. All work ehooluteIy
eataren tee.).
1Frmn anther ,mreepnndenl 1
THURSDAY, 0.1. 25th.
Law teat _ WRATHRRAI. -- A very
Inter•elstIna event took place yesterday
arson, the 24th Inst_, at the residence
n/ Arthur Immediately
Ot4h orae town•
I111p, Theted !1 1s a Weathered
las „)tie W fbPrel
Tr'1•:sn.ty. (k•t., 3rd. AT0TI('E.- TIIF: I•,4N'A1. AGEN('Y
Airs. \\'. 11. Reid spent �TIIe11k.giv- 17. to Iroulren for Th.` Mitchell. i,I uh.' PrFI
Illg I)a)' with BIYe11111111 T4.ra111 a, ,lace Hook wad WwltunPt t' Stow. tad Mr,.
ttlrlw•'m will receive ureter. for soubseriplium.
'rhewrath.•r1,as IN'''" 1•kr"Plinnitlly.uNcrtisnlg:uldjob work. and i.authoriz.•dto
Mite. giving the Barton•, a gored 1•hitlli, KI t.- reetipl.tor amount- paid for the ..1111•.
fur handling their rum :old Supple' , A. NF:\\'TIIN. 1)INTIMT. Ll"1'K-
cl•upM. 1, N114'.. 411 •every dayeweii Thur.
MI•.. A. M. Treleaven aril •4511 1s111r Stu-. New 11•np'y(or e•xtrwellnlr nest halo
forint bettor than Ka-. frown and bridgework.
spent :1 few day. a1 the hunt# of the etc. AInutlmuu este- inon,breaknblet. .
ft,rnlrr's poseurs, %11'. and. Mrs. .111.. N. H. Voll tall 11N.1•hat 1•yollrwork 1111x11
better door 1n the d,•n1a1 edit -r more time,
IJ11lr. lit-Ilrr 1:11.1111 te.. fur doing the work, more runs
'I'11.11k.•g is' i 111( 141 s passed off't'rt'y forl..Mi for the patient.
gni. 111 ill tbi. hung. rx,•riil fur i,e r.•- rIlIIF: STERLING: HANK OF 1'AN-
pwuit of Ott• hunter's gun (wing heard .411.41.
in Ihr tro,Nl+. If*au uv,•a E. TIInoNT'i
.tdv,tnn. made to f.0 mer+ „1 lose., 1441•-.
A her of th.• horsed this neigh- rt.,,- nates noshed or it I on fermo.ble
isle ll.wwl are lottedny ing. having a turn tern.. Dollar del%• -it- and IIpN'wf.p, received
to the app(„- 144ki11 pm,. Nut •h wad inter -I 1160. al' e1r1.11,111+ltd roar time-. n
ll K yews ut"re hunt. In anus lu a peas ;Kat nr-
nf a holiday aiming 4(111' ier,•nt lt•illle•1'. day.. 140 1,.111. 141 1 e.ul.:uid - p.nt. too 411.
though. It. M:. MANNINIO: ..
g, \hln,urer Dung..unun III:uirh.
TUKSDAY. Oct. '2t.
THE IVRHei INQUEST. - There 1- a
feeling that this township wits 1041
fairly treated in the coroner's Moo, -1
regarding the death of William leers.
Inroad if being selected impartially
from rhe locality in which the fatality
.w1•urn'tl, nearly all of the jurors snail
to have been taken from West \\',t-
w.'liloh ,end the meigIbiothro)41 to
which the deceased man resided.
Under these sir ionstanrew the verdict
condemning the (load. which is in
Colborne township, may not. he worth
Peantos.tL Nirrr:n. --Miss Tenn John-
ston, who ie attending-. the Normal
School at Lond1111. Was horn.• fur the
Thenkt.giving hulidayM Mr. and
Mrd. Jarvis McBrid.• have retmtned
from their welding trip. We wish
them) x long. happy and pro oaperous
journey tooget11.•, through life
Miss Wells, of Gotha ich, in visiting
Mrs. Jonathan %liner at the t'Arhiw
house We are glad to he able to
report that Mrs. Andrew Millian i?t
able to he
'n d i- new
improving covin and
)111111 H 1
('llL'ltt'H Nr:w' The pulpit of
Smith's Hill church wenn occupied on
sunray by Walter McLean, of Blyth,
Rev. .1. 1. Small having been celled
,away by the death of hit Ault at
Arthur. Mr. McLean iM a clever
young man and his seriton contained
h Goad for thought At it r.•cent
meeting of the congregation of
0 4.f
Smith's Hill church the gneest n
putting in A new heating systeill w,ts
deferred t( th. annual Meeting. On
the advice of Architect Fowler. of
0oderit•11, it was dccidel to repair the
abutment. and finndntion of the
church, and this, with • minor re-
pairs, will, Mr. Fowler stiles, place
the building in gmol eondi1' for
Iran)' years to c
TNR C. P. R. MT.'TInN. --The con-
crete foundation for the 1', P. R. sta-
tion at the dit'isiin lisle has been com-
pleted. , \\'P heir that the ('. P, H.
people have decided to rale it l'ullworlr
station. They might have picket a
worse name, but to our humble judg-
ment, there in still a letter \'hy
not call it Carlow • The station and
p*M10Mce would then have the same
n • and n great deal of confusion
would thus be ayuided. H.•side", there
10 a Colborne railway stetinn in On-
tario already. These ill P,mly two of
a her of r•A.4.nM which if brought
to the attention of President Mhangh
"welly would certainly, in our afore-
said h tole judgment, convince him
1het the new station ehnnld toe "Ole.
N. err-Tow sugar Iw.t Crop in
awaiting shipment. On .ter t of
the recent. fire in the rectory at Ber-
lin, *hipping instractinns have not. yet
been sent out. Owing to the dry
wsawon the crop is not. '4 heavy this 1100 Heward, 1100.
year es butt The plasterers are
working at Thom, florin' house thiw
learn Pthwl Ithere f,hat IPwraper w• Arcw,le.I Inseam,
wrnk, And the flue new rreid.nrr will 111111 s,•Irnr.• has been elle to tint. 111 nu Its
ptl,llahly 1* CiIIIIIIIPI Mi in ten 0r stores, and that I. 1'st.rrh. fled'. catarrh
weeks .Jonathan Miller hum 4' tare I. the only turner. ruin now• known to
three rho m41I sI fiwlcrnify. .'elwrrh, Irring w run n,ilywl to ('lintrrn. 1. or the
gaged W. Robertson Ire a.,istent et etltntlnnel dlsPa.P, rcgeitrr. a •an•utulfonwl stet year
the hotel. Mr. Robertson is not A tr•w,ment. Hell'- t'Mwrrh (•11141.I*ken intra and a half Mr. M"stant ham I,•er hook-
atrenger here end he will flip the hill Hall'*. ertlns dtrrl•tly ntmm 1.3.44 blrwwl and kI'Ptwr at. the swtvndll. Hm W44t also
Threwhingit alm0.11 over nnirnN. sarfwrns d the +y't.m, t.M'rrhy Aa- one of the I.itkeaidrM best. fsothail
all right tn(yfng the fmrnAnll�na of tMe Aleew,e, emu
Mr this year. fi.•gIiy. Brns., from el(Pi t the pettent 41rentth by h..Mtnp nil the players. 11,' will 1,' greatly nti,err•d in
UunRennnA, bare ,one most of the mnar111111an r14 swelstlwtt nwrore In rung Its the (oinn"nit y.
h 10011. Tho power. i r+ here an h fwlth In
threat I!g around here; they have an 1lseurwt11Ppn10.rs that they offer unr Hnn Mrs. Inr.) Atkinson and Masters
ift,-to-dett utre t_ (M sericitey after- died Moller, for any AAP that 11 fen. to corn, emery and ,leek left for Detroit on sett pwo YOU
noon the threshed fur Tyndwll Ar(ba. awnit ex Hot afle,Atnimalala. F ridty, amt on1 Wednwslay Mill 11at -
y n't this I AAdis. F. J. 1'HI:YRi' R 1'41.. Ttll«tn. u. ♦ aAYRE raEE.
LAM MlmhwM of grain.Bold ba elldr,'9,I.,ton. ter and Mi.tCls(iarnet and OtrneiIk
lid Il veelva cert mbar the Manitoba tee ase a3.',ram rl'IHeforoon.t1niIlen. Atkintw,n followed them. They had �.��.�e {,yip ChW..v1Wte,
and Manton! Leerier. Noll of Au- come pretty' SCOTT a 1 B vv ova., reersn ass
.1 ..1
1144.1 Ill their• h ' 1 • het ti
since Easter. 'rhe)• prefer tat e•dueate
1 heir IN,yr 111 ,1 l'anwd tan weitool.
'TI^KNDAY, lk•t. _".int.
T. Kisig and family were in (lode -
rich 4(n Sunday.
Alnstard k Smm made it ship cul or
I lea' this week.
Miss Hilda King has let ulned Blatt
at wi..'k's t•i,it at (1tsh•riih.
1'hester 'tippet ler) .on. 14 !ay for
11H11iill.in, where hr tuts secured a
good posit 1,141.
Richard (Corker) Elliott. has head a
c.uic+•r Taken 1 • his lower lip and
is doing nicely;
'I'hte• ``eoptil(t(• still 111(•1'1'eses. A
young daughter at lirurge Lindsay's
I, the 1111 1141 addition.
T. J. Marks has 1. 1.1, rel from it trip
to Colorado, whither he went to see
Isis so1), who Inas toren very ill.
4iralge• King arrieed 4 • Alundiiy
evening fr.4111 the 17. est. Ile 1.trkel as
if Western life aFi'1'Od ltith him.
Mrs. Juhi,uInn, It hu his 1)4•,•11 its the
%Vest for over a Sear. Iia,. Eelur11rd
And taken her hous,ruu 14)141,11 street
\\'e are sorry 1ti tenth Ihill
gellial ulerl•lutnt. F. A. Edw;uds 1. laid
up with:, .err hark. 1111 father also
is very poorly.
. 'I'ht. new evaporator nearly went ups
in .' ke on Saturday evening. Just
after li a i•Iux'k a blase was not iced i4-
Mn111g (tvnl 411,4 roof. Hatt it nut been
Keen ill t' • it w•uu111 : n.111 bav',• 111,11
I)4yur d ,cul dol.
('1r 411 NtITEM. The Presbyterian
y104101\.totem! bidding E. ue''ial iet the
near 1111 toe The work ort the net%
Alethadt-1 , burro, i. going on slowly.
It may be ready for worship by Ihr
(mil .d' the ,,year. %L•. Stuu'ktuati peas
1hli.hrd the cement work:... .Afoore
k liru,i11h:sf have the t•uutrart of re-
plairing 'IhI it)• church. • %Villia nt
Hent ba his gang at work shingling
the rt•etar)'.
N(eN I'hopping MITI. Ih weer in Amirante
WEDNESDAY. 1 1x1. '2JIh. feed. uI 4. Atm end Vitt star Ilam'. bout.
Alis. % elbiti dd, of 13russels, spent 31rNl ,utd •tsars.• grain.. I prontplb'
xl l.•INln) Id.
a few tLty. ler the parental roma %\'KUNr:sl141, 0vt.. 2(1 It.
thin %reek. - . T,oiip:e /'lark is able 10 be at work
Neil McKenzie. drove to Tiverton, again after his recent illness.
Thursday, to attend a meet leg. or the %hes. 511111. Hboach is .4.'tiding a few
d kldtrtlows. de y4 with her Mieter at Dunlop.
The sacrament of the lard's Sup- it, E. wink 4.1.41(.11 hi. 1 • at
per was dispensed in Ashfield (church Srafurth on Thanksgiving Day.
lest Sabbath. The Alisse!s Howell, .d 11ea Moines,
.11dm McLennan and Philip \1r- are g11es(r of airs. 11),'.l('i)ie• this sve•k.
%11111,11 spent. Friday at the formern AIisM Olive l'rnttfold and MIs). H.
1 • here on their way from Tiv,`1- 111rNnb visited Se•ahlrtll on Thanks -
Ion. - - giving Day.
Alit. Minnie Durnin, of Piing'''. Miss Minnie 1►urnin has returned
who is nttrnding tow London N1111,1111%91
1,,litliti, Normal Mtnewll after Mp•n
4tsitel in our nrighlwniuwwl 4.0 the hulid:OM at hums.
day 1 Friday. \Ve our pleased to hear that Harry•
Airs. Florence Hest and daughter. Traevrn is imptvwng (cry nicrl)
7Ii-,i. Trevorrelw•. of N,•gaunee, 51irh.. afle• his .evert i1111es3.
ate guests +of Mrs. John M(1)00,111, \V.itt. Thompson and son Franklin
the (ornlrr s sister. have been visiting Mr. Ti p'on's
Word haw teen received herr that
(laughter. Mr.. lira. Kitson, :I t. Mt.
Finlay McLennan, of (itwlrrich, l'holuNs.
formerly of Iwchalsh, diel on Tues- Th."15' )pitistor is 1full time
they •ting and will be buried of I g
Tharstlx), ata p. nn., in Kintail thin week and has plenty of apples
coaling in. Mr. Allen hiss sold one
Rips A1cLs•nnnn,'of Dashwood : Will carload to D. F. Hutmlink, (bidet -hit.
Mi llregot., of St. Hielens ; Miss M. I. 'hubs, of Toole k Som, nutnn-
iennieJuhnstun,Ololerirh;Mtssi•illian fti il.irigoptiriansxnd rpestght sppp,v-
Alclw•an, Mhepp;trlGu, +toil slim M„• ialixtn, d' ror4.lslo, %viol IN• xt. Alnl-
Is•nmin, of (ilolerich, mp.'" Thanks- tough's hotel; I►ung,"v" , 111 Thur..
• I)4•' N 1 rl'r 1. Nlly•
. Any, u l th. If h
• •s •c iter 1
dot .
e'•i1 p t
•' 1 at th n
it n
't 'all e• 'rNl 111 call
' e wrong' with r
• fox
t 1111
K 3 3
g i large
tt)llerror killed an ester KAnd con•tull hint. All work Nhwo(nlely
the first Morning he wits home.
\ 'rite fowl supper held on the evening'
\ K1NTA1L. of Thanksgiving Doty in the Agt•irul-
\ M(.sip', ',(1.1.'2111,1. tura' hall. 'littler the lue4pii•cs of
Mi". est, of Negation., Mich„ Mt. P:uilmchurch, war n decided sur•
visited at Vm..lohnstnm; , crew 111 ever) w•rty. A fine piogr11n
Airs. Hower , of New York, paid n was given by the Blackstone orches-
flin visit tohvr hon). here. 1r•,,, of O,'1eri,I ; A. 1'(uk, of C1111( on ;
Kw o eicknow• ' Miss
YMaunslu r 1
.1. McClure , of Toronto, visited his M..na \Miters, of eltrinw•. And ot111'Is.
aunt, Mrs. 1►. Micl\lntrhie. on Thlulks- Tl. pro.•eedsamountel to $7:i.
giving. -
Miss Annie 13(tyd, of Lucknow, BAYFIELD.
spent a few days the+- past week visit- -
ing (Sends here.
enun.,t tiro bur for last week.
Airs. Rohl, McKay, f Kincardine,
\Vl':DNKsnaV, (►.1. 17th.
spent a fele day,. •It. the 'tn.. of het- Siunuel Moore was in Owen Sound
mother, Mr•...1..1o331ego list week 1111 business.
Mins Jan. Me Donald ha W•tnrnel 111 114. 11. Little spent Sat utility and
1)1)1114 from the Mandl, where she had Monday with her Gather at Forest
been visiting her hritltet• (lir conte Hone. •
Week.. AI ism \\'ymom Ferguson ham returned
%its. Neil McI)oidd, who huts been home fr a soups of (hi. visit
ailing for the pest week, in not
m-- et and ar 1 lirlgrave.
hproving very' fest, but we hope noon o T. A. St insult, merchant, 11:4+ Ie.
leat•Irf he•1'reel(ve'Y• boated (freta a trip ti) the \Vest.lwhere,
Duncan Del 1.1m11.11 is ili'sing back' he wean travelling for a jewelry firm.
he' e. Ile 1144, put•^1hHme1 the I)alsr'1n Alien. Lizzie Robert non has returned
home. and w.• mnderelend he rrtltnds t.er h,•r gr:uldnluth4r'M, Mr,. \\',lnls-
gning into the butchering burintss ley . nfl,•r ,1 e.nlpls ,rt 114' visit
Again. to h, • father et Cmnti191i..
Miss Jessie McMnrlltie, who trent 1.. ( 1.. No. 23, Hayfield, Will hold a
to EI Plow ;Oman two 'mail 'Is Ago 10 ilia cal At•(•11 meeting in their hall n05
train tot n nurse, has ('onus husk to Monday evening, October ,„1th, and
New fork t1 finish her dile'• At. an oyster *upper on Nive'mlwr bah.
Sinai Hospital.
The imblie. mato.' *1.11.1 -. n11•t on
'rhos. Stylet hoe rt•turnel home s\'*.dnrtalny .tuning old re-engaged
After epcnding • month,' in the T. A. Brownlee ae principal and Mi.*
%Vest. Mr. Styles int mule going brick F. M. Mlenhwrtt AS emnistent, 9'h.
again in the sprit*. as he has taken wtl:u ie. of both have been inele,tsed.
lip n 1 .stead there. Th. meeting of the Bible 'Soviet y,
- - held in St. Andrew's .hilr.h, 11 n
largely allendel. The lantern slide.
were glow!, while the s,•rt1.tary'.,id-
dres, wilt. very interesting and in-
structive. t
Thornton Montan' And family have
th at brussels.
13rns1th.t, Oct. girl. -Mrs. IL It.
I311•w•,'t• diel very suddetlly at her
house last etre g. She h,Sd telt wit11
the family at the Iso:(I 1 , an(
went up to her riot about 9 ,i cl
and wits taken i11 sh rely After nil
diel in less than 11 tern n'• toes.
i)eath was slur to it Int f Moat
.at(ecting the hr:lrt.
,MORE 't 'OM
Toronto; Uut. ct.Npteciall-
-The remark de eate'-14 M l'rane,
Whirl) We Itlt. Iwllty, is an thee of
the twat proofs daily 'midis ted in
the lie , papers of the wonde•rfn pow-
ers 1 IJtsld's Kidney Pills in et ring
tl . dreitdfnd disease, rhea' ti tom.
"I1 is div.• years ego Last spt• g
sines I first began to be troubled Wi h
rhrminntism, , says \V. 11. Trane, (
1413 (ilndstoneavtnue•, Turluto. 11ut.
tried t'%1'I ytIsing I would think "f Itt
get cored, tut without .44irtt$.
Every spring, aM sure as 111,' seilwun
en1111'round, 15.4.111(1 Ile trnul1Pi with
the )ism ,and HE 111st I got ,'o hail
that. 1 wits kid 11p 11. bed for dye
this. At hast I heard of Dodd',.
Kidney fills and resolved to give
thrid it trial. I cannot• say how
pleased i Was With the result. '1'he•y
gave due relief ,almost from the th•st
and in the end • pletely rune.) uu•..
Fall and Winter
A full Stock in this week.
Both in combination and separate garments,
flight and heavy \1s ghts,
British and Canadian makes.
Headquart.'rs for the Celebrated Stanfield Un -
shrinkable Underwear.
Hoods the Best.
Prices the Lowest.
Art Tailors, 'Furnishers, Clothiers, Hatters.
North sidle Court House Square, Goderich.
Solite people say there is nothing in a name.
l low about a check signed 1►y .I. 1). ltocke-
fella•r? The check is Valuable because there
is something flack of the name.
The name Pandora has become famous be-
cause of the marvellous ;access the Pando
Range is having.
The name Sunshine is becom g a household
word b('canse• thi: Sunshine urnace has re-
duced the-annoyiulc,. of i 'idling a hot ail'
furnace to a minimum, r 1 aced the coal bill
and Drought stn . line to the home.
. Paulin
ardware, Plumbing
and Heating.
Store 57. House 177.
E have a long range of styles 'and prices in•
Women's Fall Shoes. The material and
workmanship put into these shoes is the best.
The College and Blucher cuts are again popu-
lar and we have the Newest styles in the best Can-
dian makes.
S. 1.. Tauhe, of Teethe k Mon, 1141
Lecturing o lti.ians :laid eye -night spec-
ialists, of 'T'oronto, will Ile Itt 1I. C.
Dunlop's drug store, mi Mond y.
'1'uPslhy and Wednesday, Novelette.'
h, Lith and 7t11. If there is anything
wrung with ynln• eyesight c;dl and
,on.ult hila. All work alatluely
'1'.' sell et it fair price is quite ns
iuiptntau( itt In pnwluce the hest, No
farmer 1.1411 sell 10 atIventage Indent. he
in posted on market c lit ions,
There iwn n better !SWAMI
to whish a
farmer can lac posted on these
conditions than by r,•lpula,-ly reading
The Weekly Suis, which is pre enin-
ently the farmer's business paper.
The Better
The tissues of the throat are
inflamed and irritated ; you
cough, and there is more irrita-
tion -more coughing. You take
s cough mixture and it eases the
irritation -for a while. You take
and it cures Mt (old. That's
what is necessary. It soothes the
throat because it reduces the
irritation ; cures the cold because
it drives out the inflammation;
builds up the weakened tissues
because it nourishes them back.
to their natural strength. That's
how Scott's Emulsion deals with
a sore throat, a cough, a cold,
or bronchitis.
Come early and select your Fall Footwear. The .•
prices are :
'2.00, $2.50, 52.75, $3.00 and 53.50.
Oen 411111•
------FUH--- _--2---
NOW is the best time to get iti your stock of Warmer Un-
derwear and' be prepared for th(� cold weather, and no stone
111 towil oflel's a letter selection than ours.
For Ladies
WW1 00 mut natnrnl
\'est,. ail 1haw ,1-41 31
pet garment 25c
The Iwmt vnhie p,MMilrle•.
Heavy w,erl fleeced
Shie1,4 and itreats's in
white mill natural. per
For Gents
Heavy wool fte•erd
Shinn and Petits 11) /diem
:1 til 11, 4IN•('1t1, per
garment ......... 50c
AII•wool Scotch knit.
Vests and Pants, very
.pseud value, per gat -
Diehl $1.00
For Children
Ihir i:nlwe of l'hil-
dr•n'st'nde•rwearwill be
f 1 very complete
and inchnles all makes
n Pottoti And wool, alb
lid and fleece -lined in
hie,' at all prices.
Better lines including Penman's "I'en An " Underwear
for ladies and gentlemen, and every garment represents the
1,est value for the price asked.
Our range of ladies' and children's Flannelette Under-
wear is all that coylel he desired as regards quality and price.
011e .heck (t( Ilositr)' Bot• the Pnlll ing Reason 1n very 1Y,IltpIPte, including k
full range of the Maple 1.esf brand from the feet ory of the (k 1.'iich Knitting (i*
A very special line in LADIES' GOLF JACKETS in while, red. nett'
and block. A t.aender $1.50 each.
A large range of Knitted Mhiwit, (') Is and Fascinators in all colors.
PHONE Millar's Scotch Store .P S°°Nfi