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The Signal, 1906-10-25, Page 6
6 THURSDAY, Oet. 251 11, 1!11 G 1'f : sl(:!'. All (:f ll►l: PIf'11 (,1'i'A i'It% Cures 'Rheumatism Too. Bu -Ju cures Rheamatillm, be- cause it cures the Kidneys. Every drop of blood in the body passes through the kidneys, to be filtered, 1f the kidneys art sick -tired- inflammed -they don't filter oat the pric acid. It is this {cid, deposited in the into -on th J" - d l��' that causes Rheumatism THE GENTLE KIDNEY CURE cleans, heals, strengthens the kidneys -sets that to working properly -clean the blood - etope' the ache -- and takes away every trace of Rheulua- tam and Sciatica. THE CLAFLIN CHEMICAL Oo., UNITED. WMiOQ*• Owy - - New YOWL. Never Be Without It. Muscular Cramps, Neuralgia; Mack Ache, Pales In Ade and Limbs are cured in -tautly by Hirst's Pain Exterminator The most powerful liniment made. 25c. at all dealers. Try lirat's Lillie Liver PING for sick headache and dizziness. Ask your dealer or send us 25c. direct. A handsome water color sketch free. THE F. F. DALLEY CO., Limited Hamilton, Ont ,es tl Fall and Winter SUITS AND OVE RCOATS Correct Materials Latest Styles Perfect Fit Best Satisfaction Lowest Prices DUNLOP THE TAILOR WEST ST., - GODERJC J -I-0 THE PUBLIC Ht+if or sii ish Emporrdropped dropedA 1,404.11ti nr tion . colounitionfly local sol down. 11.•• are now u q'1yinjt nil rel. at lower price.. while the quality is as KIif not tw•t ter, than vier. Mt' N'S MEAT M.% Ilk ET 111111411e. all kivds of meat-. poultry, etc., and, *Idle thanking the p1) Mir for their liberal patronage, we.-nlir•il n 4.0111 intuitive of the went•. McLEAN BROS. comer trarst sr. and Kamm, l nioderich. SYNOPSIS OF Canadian Northwest Homestead Regulations. Any even nuruh•'cd sort' of laminae Lands in Manitoba. Sa.knt 'Meta an Find Ath•rtn, except h,g n and a,. not 'coveted. may he hhnn•, et sol 1» nay perw,n who i. the sole head of n family. or any male o%er Is years of age, it the extent of one-quarter section of ' nem•, rerun• or Iron. Entry must he muse p•norudly at t h' hien! land °Mee for tlr' dial rirt in *blob the lapel Is it utile. The horns-t'nd'r is resilient Dr p•rforet the emetiUun.. ted th,•n'w11h nnd'r nor of the following plans: IU At lewd six th.' n'blenee neon and cultivation of the had hr each year for three years. 121 If the father tor Mother, If the father is de entood0 of the hou,l•.tewier resides upon a horn in the , trinity' of the land n ••,,ted far- the re bet foment. wr to rs•tldenee any 1e .a1 1.11,1 by such lemon nodding wish the father or mother. 1 131 If the .'iter hao hi. lermener a reseleme neon farming land ow nod fit him in the Hein Ity of hi, homr.leM, the requirements w. to realdenee may be owl lased by residence upon the said lend. Ble months' natter in writing should 1w•iven to ,h. •'ononitMnner of IMrninlnn hand. at Ottawa M intention to apply for portent. W. w•, \'Ott•. PensitY of the Mlnt.tpr of the interior, N. R--1'nauthorired pnhllrel ion of this ttd- ee tlsement w111 not he paid for. NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS • Copy of change of running advertlse- menta must be left at this office by Monday noon to ensure insertion In two of same week. PAPER BAG HOUSEKEEPING. %OOh a L1111.. 'Thuuahl 11 Could He Made u Sourer of 1 omfurl. \loch 1t raid ill critictsol of the tcud- eucy to live In paper hags so fur us food Ir cuucerued- Now, ou the other Ode It eau be clalwld Justly that pa per {lugs wake housekeeping pursibie where uoue could exist If food cuJlld uut be buugbt'lu swell guuntitier Crum day to day or eveu weal to weal. `pace l* so contractwl iu city hood that It Is ufteu wirer to let the Items of the dluuer rewaul lu the our►et and grocery until nearly tluie to use thew. Du) iug In await awuuuts 1e. not extravaguucr, for there is less trwpta• new to.wagte. By giving thought to It the houee- kepine that is limited to half and quarter pounds of supplies way yet yleqkl ,wurL i•uwturt. Mouotuuy uud iac'k of thuugbt are the et:m.01il data - ger. It gets to be easier to lire eel bread -add tea and calmed stuff than to Vuk-, but It need out be so, and these faults are nutleeable where there Is Jppurtunity fur a Lruader system of Iwu•rkeeping. "My husband has uo appetite and Is tired of writ Rud potatoes,',' Bald a wuluam with a large kitchen and outfit fur cooking. "Why duu't -y00 cook 4itu a couple of eggs lu tun uli... r w'ape wy reply,• explaining the Reclined of scoop - lug uut the seeds from the tomatoes, Jruppiug a raw egg in each, seasoning and baking them. '..Phis would .gh•e him the eIewe'tits In liuth meat and vegetables, and if acasoul•d tastily with salt old pepper Itis need appe- tizing." "Oh, but It would be such a Put 1)f work!" she exclaimed, shriukint: from dolug anything out of her usual rut, Rud wy advice was lust. Yet in what Is termed paper bag housekeep- ing another woman would have served the tuumto and eggs hot trout a chatiug dish or gag range lu halt an hour front. the time she bruugbi Thew In from n oc grery, while the trst housekeeper, with her pantry and cool tire, would Mud aluug la the same dull repetition ,f eoukery. Lai•k of help in the house has -also wade what is sometimes giv- 'u the name of Tight huusekeepiug a ue•ere:Hy, and In the present state of things It Is hard to see hew this surt of living can be eliminated or why it can• not be Blade a source of comfort.--Ex- :haiige. - HANGING CHINA CLOSET. Pref., One t'1) Its Made WIti Two Wooden Buse*. ,\ pretty haugiu:: chime closet that may be fiiste,lsl securely tit .the wall with books or made to rest'ori stron brackets way 1* mode uf.twu buses of intestinal sizes, as shown in the IIltittra lieu. Put shelves 11) one of the boxes and hang it endwise, 'rake the smaller bee and put in rods of wool supplied ZANQINO CnTNA RACK. with books, upon which cau be bung the cups. l'ilut the w'hulr white. A few books uuderueath the,raeL will rot carne atuirs. finished wit1, brass roils and silkaiine curtains, you have in attractive: additive to the diulug room. ?b. Wedded College Girt. "flow rowwou lit lead to be when U college girl married to hear people .xclnlw, 'What 11 pity they wasted a eolleg, educ•:itiott Du her •' n mar- ried college woman was 'saying the other day, "Hut 1 lun-,u't beard It lately 110 umeh, and tuuy't,e the idea k slowly Slyiug out. '..here was a time when ei•en the college graduate herself felt that her huwe offered tit- le ll•a1• oprr for Ler acquirements 11) chem- istry, ea•lulogy and s1) on. She k[IUWR bettor now. Resides, not a. few mar- ried rolleg.e ry '11 wake considerable tummy ne u result of their college train - ii 1 Many write, gams 1 ore 114rn engaged 1 's R {, prtfestlonnls 111 charity work, some l'at'h In school* rend colleges and oth- er.. ((midst their husbands in their pro- fessions. Itut the public' nod the col- lege graduates alike seeni to have waked tip to the fact that the du0ies- tie carni In Itself offers n wide scope both for study and action." A Child's Party. it doesn't pay to let the ages of the ,'bildren who are to be invited to n par- ty extend 'over teal wide n range of years unless the party Is u1) big that t.,1) can divide It up Into groups, Have t l'utt of favnrit fur the yuUngtt'r4 to take home with 111e111, As many differ- rnt kinds of snudw'i'Les ntol simple raker and sweets am )011 ran int'1'ut and have plenty of goal's ready to spring at n possible dull mnuu•nt, nod Own the party's bouud to be a 1411e- (•eas. Meakeb! R'Iten blankets hate b"ome titin and unsightly from long us' have them washed, put two or three together and rover them with pretty 'sateen to ninkr gni1M. Button down the quilts here and there, traitress fashion, to keep tiler, in proper shape•• and finish off with a Dice frill of sateen. Rheumatism Atrnost Killed Her. 'For years Mrs. S. Nlahlschnddt, of Ilunlw•ratone, Ont., was a martyr to nceunoe tism. •'I wns so etiff and lame 1 ro,lld *rarely walk," elm writes. "All check striking fret Iitnht, made walking ingp,ntibl'. Friends and doctor% give pn's,•rip- t' lint I only got, relief from Ferrnzone. 1 took twelve IW,xes•and gained from the fleet. , Today i ane', well, feel stronger, weigh heavier end hook the picture of he'slth." 1Vliether mupeular nr inflnntnwtory, rhrn nir nr ntherwitie, Fertsrtnne dew's rate rhea mutism and-selati'n. :Or. per box ret all dealers. THE F:_ A Gour.e of 'rrralo,eat That N 11er gull.. 10era'tl,.•. • The plutu girl was 'tired to th all belug mentioned its ',hut 101sT, oyer there" uud,k,uk'td luta; and it tluixlugly 1)t her figure nue day Ill glass After 1111s serutiulziug prom she deteriolutel to kill the fuullr "plaiu Mary Brow's." first Mt :ill began Rowe exercises for reuniting Ler figure.. The nue she nw'd,u fee ueut 1 V this: y was !Ruud erect, with the head easily, arms at the side. 'faking 1 full breath very slowly, lilt the• a shoulder high, 1)t the same tilut• rh Ou the toes. Now brad Ilk 1 slowly, keeping the body 111 11 5 poised position, tbeu rise eery silo; atilt ou the toes. Thee u sink hark position. This exercise abe found developed habit of wnik[Lg, ataudiug, sitliu; rising correctly, straightened the mho dere uud ruundeJ out the hullo Bending the kue•s did nw•ay with stiffness, and with that the awkwa Dees disappeared. Her face, :leek and arms she batt lu very but water every 'light, rub! 11) a good cold cream and rubinsl o everytuggt•stiuu of a line or Wriuk la the morning she washed her fa with Lot watts, slaking n lather soap ou her hands, not tou.11illg Muth to her skin. This mus follow by a good dashing of clear hot wat and that In tura by a vigorous spatti .vitt the flugers dipped lu euld ant says R oulat't Life. She practiced guiding to make t corners of Ler mouth turu rep, and so she found the forced smile had brawl a natural one; that 111e ,•Vlltt•ntd tip It within generated by the+ "multi' habit" was hegtuulug to show itself a happy expression, brightened ey and au utter routing of all the otri,litn that erstwhile worked Ler face - sae 1" of girl ern - the, of >'die out lost t•Id a e rfl 11) er yell t' 1-y, to uud uI• w t� the rd - red led 111 Ir'. re of 0 eel of fig e.1, ht fit is tr- ig to ea THE NURSERY. Cams et tie Room Devoted to Ow Erse of the Children. - Never sweep the bursters with nu or divary broom, us It raises tuo nlneb VIM. A soft Lair broom should it used or else a flannel Lag put 0('.•1 t6, regular broom. At least every other day the rugs should be, taken up and sbakeu outdoors and t1i fht.r wipe{ up with a damp cloth, adding :, i.•w drops of carbolic ucid or suave other mild disiutect, t to the water iu whist the cloth is damped. Neer under ails circmu+tauee. -use a feather duster hi the nursery. ,tib the furniture.. wemmittprk ' and pii-tiir.•. Should he dusted every day with a damp doth.'being careful to aur[ be hind the pictures us well at the other parts, Every ►r'i L or two dust dawa •the walls with u d.tuep (;loth tier! 00 to a broom. ('over the crib and beet with a large sheet **Lea the roam it swept and remove 011 the lighter p,.•, i•. 1)t furniture atter they hare been wiped off while the room is betting el. -ailed. - At least twice u flay. even to the coldest weather, the Mur -,,t- w'iudow• sbould fir opened bulli top.uud Irnfnw for fully half au li lar. uud the ro t,,, fairly goaded With fresh air and sum shine also if you can get it.- New fork Mail. LAUNDRY LINES. Soaking haudkerelmiefs all night in strong salt water will greatly reeilitats- their w•asbiug- A little salt placed in the starch will prevent 1t from blowing out of • the clothes on a windy slay - If books and eye' have rusted white goods put the garnlellt Into water which has been disaroh'ed a Ilttle.creau of tartar and bull for a few minutes. In washing the flannels Weald be at- tended to first, then nusllus :m,1 tier pieces, while towelt, dusters gull rougher things should Ite left until the last. The value of wringiug clothes well cauuut be oterestiunitrsl. A ;rood bm- dress squeezes out the last 4..111 01 spy water and again rinses the von. meat well after she has thoroughly rinsed It. It you are doubtful whether n 1111104 - lin or print dreg's will wash we'II pref- nee the washing b,.- soaking it for tea minutes In a -'pail of tepid water, into Which a teaspoonful of turyientine has leen 'stirred The Important Kltehea, In furnirlliug a huwe or 4110'slmg s eat much thongl,t and cure Merida be expended upon the kitchen. 1i'tr I. the crux of the family !tepidness, tin source of health mei good • pirits. toc often Its beauty and euuvenienee ere matter's of little forethought all airy. bright, well Seutilut1.1 kitchen, with shelves,. drawers, tables anti *tutee la positions which are the triumph of p•'r fecilun as fur as ,.Mveulence nut time eat•iug are coneerued. There IM no rya, son why n 1.1iVh4•11 S11ulrld not 1w' s pleasant Riser, yet It IM usually the Junk Amp for all the old, broken down furniture. Rud utensils In the -house Dingy, dirty brown wails. tI'ir ttu And .granite dish.' en the walls and behind the inure dirt and annpnr.s make t happy hunting ground fur Iws•tI,s and bugs. This 14 the horror of neat house- wives ousewives with sanitay ambitious, Crumbed Velvet. The toilowine way of restoring the pile of velvet ie said to lie ('51,•1I'ut 1t It Is only !lightly e•rnehtrl treat It In the !line way crape k treated by 'steaming it on the right nide nnt11 heated through. 1f tiry• much crushed wet It on the underside, let tame one bold n hot {r. it broom side Itpwnrd and pass the wet tale of the velvet *lowly over the Het tnrfnce. N'hen the tt'am'steps thickly through the right side It will raise the pile with it 1'ry ndilut t handling. Lyin' Is Wuss. "James. Ing• rein," %lid a moan who was nixing milk and water. "ye *.'t. (..'hist I'm a -doing Y' '•1',', fel her," replied .1Atne4, '•vn':e a -paring nutter into the milk." \•Nie : I'm net, James. lift n-ponr- Ing milk into the water. If Anyone axes ;.out if f Int n•111r1 into the milk, Toll Sell 'e111 ret, Allies *lick to the truth, ,Junes. 1'heetltl' i* burl ennngh, hitt lyin' i* worm." BUM©t 1 - THE MARKETS. Liverpool Wheat Futures Class Un• Changed, Ch,ugu Lower -Lev. Stock Markets -The Lates: Quotations. A Disease That Is t''c Hans of the ' Poultryman's Lite -The Cure. lulnhl.tl,ot a ileaicete mostly 10 fowls thal are fat, and 11) heavy earls Ties Is attributed lo RIAs to Jumping from high roosting pl u'e,s, but a writer I1 b\'cistern Poultry Journal has known very bad eases bei break out In Hocks which were accustomed to roosting on Hat surfaces and 1i' here all conditions were seemingly p.'ITcct, although pn- dnnbtedly the trouble arises from bruises of the fent either by stones In scratching or from Jumping. Cases have been known where the corn forms ed on the underside of the foot, cover- ing a surface nlrasl)riue thi-equarters of an inch and when forcibly remove -d Dulled with it a hard white pus of the same length. Treat nicer, If taken In ime, is simple And effective, and eon. sts In keeping the bottom of the foot at either by placing the- fowl on straw nr •softening the 'swollen foot by tho apt {cation of timeline or some earbol- le at tlseptic. Proper treatment eonstsls In flr t washing the affected foot, re-. mortal 01) exa Ilki•l - t, an lneisl syringe 11 one part, hug on It ells any foreign substance, and it Nation the foot soigne soft and contain pus open by making n with a short; knife and wound with the antlseptlr', id water. fifty parts, bind - an ointment one part anti eptIrand forty parts vase thine An ex •Ilent rereeely also e•on• RIMS In bindln'- on the diseased tent• a small piece of alt pork. which will soften It In two or shire days, when the coal may be r moved 1)1111 the pork :11 rep the wound, defot will pane g of the fowl at again applied to Unless treated hen upward through the reefed and lead to sw. ling, great sore• 1 nems rend gangrene 01 •ibsce'sses. The; trouble yields readily t the above I treatment and will, if tre'Ited 1n mac! save the fowl. Pure Alr For Pewit There are a number of ids ventilation of poultry house are very desirable, but most are exprnsiee to put Into ' ope The multi benefit to be. obtained ventilation is dryness of atrium') which of itself cleans the clrc of pure air. In any plan of ventilat the air from mit of .doors should ken In from near the bottom of tl. hi>use and follow the ventilator until It reaches the top or nearly so before It 1 allowed to escape Into the room. 101%11101%11louu•stead thinks the plan of ventlla ion Indicated hi the Illustra- tion ty ne of the best known,. The foundatl• for a comfortable dry house la I id in the floor, which is of cr,ite,ete k( t thickly' e-.n•ered with Iraw•. The aft Is nun in an angle, entering the h oke at 11e• point Indicat- r,fby the arr'o at the !oakum left and escaping Into th rnnni at the pointisrhe shaft indicate by the upper ar- Inw•, which open{ 1- 'reseed with wire netting. At the point Il an open- ing is curt Into the sha , through which the foul air escapes In the shaft and nit at the point of the ventilator on the outath• of the house \ damper 1i prodded 1letter De, to that he current of alt ran be cuatI011e•I int event of a windy' day. The detailed dra,wing at the bottom t.f the cut shows hew this damper Is opersJed- Thr who! plan Is simple, vastly put In operation and w•111 be found very effeettve. Shavings As Scratching Litter. A reader aSks'If shavings would make good seratrhing litter, and as the answer was out fiery' positive In Its favor I will veuture,to speak (rofromsev- eral years' experience ant say that 1, have always used thew with the best of success and meter good, clean shay. Ings to an) other Material, says L. E. H111111011H111111011In American Poultry' Advo - O este. They will not pack down 04) as straw, and as most shavings are -from dry lumber they will absorb more. moisture than other material, They Will also last longer. With six to ten lnchet of shavings 011-11 good floor you may depend on your fowls getting proper exer,ctse. The Useful Douglas Mixture. Douglas mixture 1a made as follow': Sulphate of iroironteommon toppers$), eight ounces; sulphuric acid, one-half fluid ounce; one gallon of water. To prepare this tonic, place the gallon of water in a Jug or crock and add the copperas. When the latter Is dissolved drop In the sulphuric acid, and when the compound clear,' it is ready for Ilse. A .less quantity may be made In a small bottle In the same proportions. The mixture le a Unite, which may be given to fowls In drinking water at the rate of a gill to twenty-five head every dlher day, for the whim them atlon. from sip ere. ala on Dairy Jottings. Study each row. Strive to feed her economically, but amply. Salt the Herd every day. Weigh out the grain ration for the herd. Feed silage after milking, Keep silage and ear obit of stable other times. • ' The Hog House. Farrowing pens 'should be anpplled with the fenders which prevent the sows crushing the pigs and should be built so that the attendant may lend na$lstltnce if necessary both with con- v'uince and safety. By having all the hogs under one roof handling be- comes simpler and 1n case of Dad weather much more convenient. Deep Plowing. Land shout.] he broken from eight to twelve inches- inch as ham not been well broken should be broken ev- ery year oner o two Inches deeper un- til you .get to the maximum, which I consider to be twehe Inches, with 'riches beyond as subsoll.•-D. Dickln- von in Eollthern Cultivator. Removing Stumps. in burning oat stumps dig a large P' hole nt and under the windward side in of the stump And 1111 the hole with dry $.1 to wool, *thaw and chips. Set on fire and Rlr.s rover with molls and soil, leaving a nl,ndy small opening close to the. stump as a ht fur, chimney. Know What Your Hens Are Doing, CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. . C K. 2'7(ht,-*go. Ort. 22 - Cattle Reeelpts, shout . hn,t, steady-: 010.1,, Jus and wra2, •,-nmu.,•n 10 prime slew, 14 to 17.:p; retry j: 7t' to 475: heifer,, $2,6I (n 153:,; balls; $2. 1'e. 10 $4 Fee r'nhen 1:t to 58; shocker, Ilog.- - Re, 84.40 t0 14-4. . - Mhe r. D nl,nat 2s,fxsl; Dentin tone: weak: choler to prime heavy, 116.30 to i rets medium to good henvT 5q.40 to ' bnt.•h,•, weight,, 8945 to coal h•p mla.d. 19 a5 to 88.45$!14p.11; -king te.:n; 14tn• $6.5° l0 8940. mesa touchy I:teeing. O. layer:ool w•hvut futures •lured aweLrugud from nu1111duy uud eal'u Std higher 10 tyd lower: At (lilt -ago, 11o.•. wheal rios el % then Saturday; 10.. .vru, %se lone out. Ile lower. ( WINNIPEG OPTIONS. .t today utare. e luw.•r r; Dee. 14 Al the %lumen option war►et birder rolio.. 1 w u a were for dialog quotation*: 174%..74%.. bid, Oct. 74d, Nov.N. 7Jr hid, Doe. e. Tl•li,c W(I. May 753ye. THE VISIBLE SUPPLY. &'alWl Oc51, Wheat ...... 8T,11►SOnt.' ,O 27t,18a,'65l$O 1'e,Yll ... , a, 7:ea..e, :1 711111 U Oats Delbet A it 35.370 telt Dt rlpg for weal; vi4,•a1 lie reeved '4W,uu baebrN, curt luer.•s,o t Slt,.t*i bushels, rad oats lucreaael 4141,us0 bushel*, 1'ulyLEADING WHEAT MARKETS. - lie•. May. July. New York 61 gait. U.Irult 7tb5 *I% du - M. Luu11, ..,, •'Ila 75 ... alluteapolls .... r 7:i, 0'4,y% Lulutb 73% 77% • 77% 7 • g' TORONTO GRAIN MARKET. Urals-. , Wheat, spring, tomb .,80 W to $0'00 B Twat, fan, bush 0 741s 0 75 'L..at, red. Lush 0 74 Wheat, gowns, bush 0 611 0-70. Miley, bush0:4 Oats, Lush, new.. 0 :a1 040 r K e, bust 70 Peas, bush 0 '' 0 72 B But kwtsit. ' bosh h 063 NEW YORK DA1: r MARKET. New York, O.•t. 22. -Rutter, steady; rw ''•'PA, 523e; Street price extra ,moiler!. 27e: °festal priers creta bra. run.Wuu to extra, 19e to 21144*; held, 1011100411 to •♦ ..a.dn. 214: to 7(S10.; state daft), ruWmun to Sauey, ltle 10 25012o; r.•h., u te41. ,w ..• awn to extra, free• to •; sweaters' faetury. ...um au to firma, Me to 13.0e: wrrtera ilul- Iulluu, ere'amery, arae, ale to 21e. cheese- Pine; receipts, 13104: state. full CI 10, Sept. .0.811 fau.y, 1)',e; Jo. , fair to gamed, 125 .• to 12%e; du, Or tole, hew, ; large, mteet. times, 1:L•,•; fair to g'• •1, 12t,. to 12ty.-: do., luferlor, line to 1l's,': skins, :S.• to lle. - F-t,ge Steady lei-"lpin, 4:t84; slate 1'. to eyt,'aWa and I..•irt•y fanet '.•l,'- tr, PLllr, 3Ce to 33'; do. choler. 3.se to 31e; ,.lied extra, .'b+r 1 .• to •: western Brats, 33. wftle.al tete. 24i.,,• to _.c,; a,uub, CATTLE MARKETS 11r111.h tlnr4rt tluutatloa. 1 a. ehaumed-11"a. 1.os,,t' wt Hulrw1.., Lomb.. .1_ _ t'an ae,an attn. I,, ,I,r Manta m'n •1)►o4 in quoted at 10.' 1., i 1 rev Ise Ib ; r. -tri,. rater It;•ef, tr•• to to, o -•r ..TORONTO JUNCTION LIVE STOCK. T,•no11••. mot. :' -Receipts of live st,eks at the Union Stuck Yards 1t'ere. tug car loads, composed of :31)7 cattle. 32 sheep, 21) calves and 100 mules, 'I'he mules as re In transit 11) Huulh Afiea; being fed and watered and not for sale. {Exporters. .,•. rouged from 44 _S to *4,Mu the brat-rllp,h at ft 2: to Sava.;t sport hulls, 11t 1.1.1;, to 11..35 p. -r (•w-(. Butchers. The bulk of the 'butch. rt' ..alte were of poor quality, t'.v'y (•-w' stood to rhul• a 11111• nal. being ua•rrrd. 1.1,►ed I.ut.ler.' soma at a4 4t 1. 11.01: loads of goo 1, 84 to 14.40. a.rdl, w. 73Alu to 5e. 145: w s 12.5, b' C;.11.1. coals r,, 81 :u to s_ per . wt. Feed•rra sad atoekera. Thins was a fairly Marg.• (lade to .tok- er and feeders trans.,'tr,l as urarly all the Largest buyers and feeders were tolerat- ing, tis 11 Marty, I1. Ilenhlxtt, Iain- ms. a Ilalllgan and Duns Rrta, es wait se 'Iteral farmer.. Trade 11) this Ilea was ,.4.t1,.• mid price. ...led ae futlowr Bort nbort-km p.a Ilul to 12t10 lbseach, et 51 lo 14.2,0 best feeders. t.:A/ to lulu Mg, ret R ;1;It to $:Lin,; tart feed. r. ,mon Io :OO Om a. 1:123 to $3.11); lost 't..•k.r' 1844 to ski Ms. se 51 to R1.2'': .•„tuuut tiurkcn 5.. to bele !Ls , at $11 1' , to 52 Ur. Millets Vows. .41ont a down n,ll.b cows and forward .pr'nger• sire s'dd at *0,1 to Ela .'eoh More g• od ,-ow, wJuld have found ready utr. Veal (-ahs■ The totality ,.t tb' veal eats., offered wa+ 1101 first rt>l.'., and price. were quoted at 13.710 per r•wt. for Moth cm sale. limo' gratify valve. 'ire Ill demand and wuul.l er'wand 15,,01 to 57 per cwt. Sleep and Lamb,, Trade In .Lerp and limb. le Ant ens.. e) brisk In pry a, par 1 ht wltb Buffalo 11131 ked, whore prl•-rs are quoted rnerb low or nevi: they hate leen. Land.. sold ar 14.73 10 511 per cwt,. hind etport ewe. at 54.:11 ler cwt. Hoge, 11. 1'. Se1111od7 1'1r041% vire, onny at 8O 33 1 er cwt. for selee•t.. and 1111 for light fats: MONTREAL LIVE STOCK. aluIIt rear, Ort. _ t L!•w from Liver. 1*'•t and Inudon ne Canadian oartle ,•our sll..r;g,•r and 1,1-. •how u.. adtau.v of arc mut per pound with sale+ in I.lerpool at 11114e to 11e. and In Iw,u.lou, rel lo'y,• to 11 Sic. (Itrsguw 1'011141 were Orin •r re l 311.. Io 0e• and reported the pre retro, to ln'- proving. t/rmaud for u,e.a, frrlgIt Las been very quiet and rats ere rat'or with Id ''irpw.l uff,•rlug rt 27-. 011, Rud 1. u don , �ni t nu.1 11 hng,.,n•,iili t to till' ibe ". �, I:agouti.. pant work were 3b67 rail le, 119 eb..,p; receipts to -day Wen. i10) 1•attl. :0, 11411. It rate. 2V1 coir... „ j5.9 !three ami hie Ls Ia 1 111, h T Trn l , e fairly active and In vett!,hi,I ,rl••rs 1 rel , r 1 d 1 .teall♦ t I to r DuI r h r Irt•,-,.s were soarer. {..holee s'Iat 4',• 11) 4',': good. 3%, -to 31..• to Reye; room%e to 3e.: •efwirer, 2.• to 214e per Ib. allleh cows met with e nllr rule at 120 to era/ eu•h. An iones Ire, 1r wan n rn 111,• 11) r sn e• . nn, I I rano,. n arm at rlr rm. 1 M• D h h,mh., r, I' sold a( 31tr^ la 1,(e.: entre. R "r to 5mo Pet Ih, 1/.•; and 11 Wink gond mot ,d look •:IA sr R• to 5%c, ams common ret 214e to 31'..• per petted. ('.hien front Lirerpw,l, Condon rend Bristol on Rnterdar wore "ael.•r for rnrnellan baron and moose showed a .1.•. elite. of 1* whirl) wren redly ...reefed he the tend. here, owing to Inerenaerl ncpidles from other ...marl... Beretta. of how tr.,;ay ware email, there befog only 1101 rr•relrerl, of which an were ptirrbnvd In I'�nr;tig • w,-.t 0411i 411 lendlnu to 1. *14 peing lhe markr1f, Thio small nun wn• no 4000 dee le the 'hr rp deollne la prig,. at the tatter end f In.t week. A ?ilrty all, • trade w•n• done bet prI.•es o'er.- upelmnneed at HMS 10 lti.rn per ewt , weighed off the oars for ?elected lots, A careful aernnnt of Income and ex- penditures Is One nj the first steps to s,leeeaa(10 poultry culture. Tp know what one'. fowls ars doing is of vital Importance. • A beautiful fi'rni•tn peasant girl tiisr•nilru•k,d alt Neto York the other day. Mlle wilts tall tend strong IGr,•Iptt .t out a2..Ut ahaep, Iambi weak to Ills lower; she •p, ' 8C 7 -:'yearling*• 56 to $0.35; lambs CHEESE MARKETS, f.lndsal, Oct, :12. --The price of 1244. for cheese at the *ole of the Ilrtnrin county Cheese Board Ihls morning '1111 nen nntlorr the naleemen and the im,flnl 111.1 not nett. „rl0e, wSir• Brown opened op net npeene led wlthy 12,, and air. (il nesple raised it to I2•l,e, am1 Mr. Genes buyer fur Flat -elle, to 12%.5. wrung of me to take this fowl," to 1 rtnnp, As he reached for t h1• the window, ••hal," he nettled 1'1.11• "I've had repeated in- fo'• it front the -department of prior, and 1 shell now deliver pia,' "11's %lid 111 pie 171 'In' 1 yid and yellnw••hnired. Hh., wanted kr. know at rime if there were uiiltri's any letters .for her. The !p,stnutate•r the ""ret the pier, after getting her name I the go. PAM. by wnr of n lake - (n it, n humi- n.•*. or a love letter Ih:it you expert ?' 1 The girl falterer, ",4 hn:t{nesa letter - "\\•ell, there's nothing heir," said t nom. after bathing over the ,1.,•, mens. '1'h' girl hesitated. Th.-, hl,n.11in MI re,1 you mind Ju.t looking an a roue, rehe loin] "'Would Pale people ehnnld hike Slillrl's I the love letters, new, sir? Compound Iron Pills. For ante by I (' { h Jam. o 11Mpn it ourrm s t e *. pion of virtue. rehle rrnn- virtue.-!'ren the French. CORRUGATEb None' ton no.. , METALLsIC'wRTc nOOFI NG C9 „,. IA OO Nnon NI Do you know buy Red you can Hose Tea at the same price as other teas?' Then, why not? Te a "is good tea" Price 25, 30..35. 40, 50 and 6o cts. per Ib. in lead packets T. H. £STABROOKIS. ST, JOHN. 54, B. WtNNtpsa • ToAONTO, • Wets, lar a 11 The Knowing How to make well -tailored garments is a question every careful buyer should consider. It means so much IN PRICE, WORKMANSHIP, FIT and FINISH. We Know How! FRANK H. MARTIN. ffIL Parnell's Broad at....by.gbiNn.y.rabirs the meagre homer . se ha.wo superior as/ mon wbelmese brad• with- out .ay of the trouble sag worry bolo.ing day omit- Ward ccssiaawd h.. swath. 12111 teats less TMs to Soh. P . T .131.;.A YOUR POPULAR OROCEl, AUNNj Cooks oed Bakes perfectly at the Noe thee There is not an- other range built in which the heat may be regulated so that you can bake in the oven and cook on the top at the same time without spoiling one or the other. But you can do both equally well at the same time on the Pandora, because its heat is not wasted and is at all times under the simplest, most positive control. if you do the cooking of your household you can appreciate exactly what this means• WCIa!y Pandora Range w aN5 .usN aa! Wa.ewsiwa 1 London, Toronto, Montreal. TI InnIpepg, Vancouver, at. John, N.E.. trillion e E. P. PAULI N, SOLE AGENT GODERICH Grand Peninsular " Is an Ornament to the Home. Popular taste no Ions clings to deeply carved, highly ornamental ranges. People now want rich, yet simple, elegance. That is the way I make my new Grand Peninsular Range. 'I -he "Grand Peninsular " is easy to keep clean, because there are no deep carvings to collthe dd dirt. The. design is simple but ver effectiectve. Nusto fuss or frills Just smooth surfaces which take a beautiful hri htlish. The nickelled castings are detachable, and can be lifted off without loosening a holt, when the range is to be brushed or cleaned. "Ellen there is the ALLSTF.F.f. OVEN --the T}UFRMOMRTF.R nn the men door r ern 1.age GRAT'F. RARS-and a doyen ..ether tine - and -labor savings .onveTlieeMes--4)rt are eldest/et with my GRAND PENINSULAR. Yate your dealer show you s11 these pniwts CLARE BROW. & CO., LIMITED - - PRESTON, Oto. 000ERICH AGENT : O. J. HARPER