HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-10-25, Page 5In this
morning, and not Necessary if you use a " Happy
Thought." Simply turn on the dampers. Lo not'
ulna the grate (tor put o*1 coal until after breakfast.
An even baking oven is an advantage; the 'iHappyl'
Thought" has it.
A powerful waterfront is a desideratum.
particular the "Happy Thought." excells.
'lot water in the reservoir is a convenience;
"Happy Thought" always has it boiling:
A great convenience also is the TRANSPARENT
t ►\' EN DOOR, by which the process of cooking can
Ise 4th.;*'rve*t without I►pening the oven door. This is
yep% \•alnal,le i'1'ature,
The Best Tools
We offer to our customers what we believe
to be tlic best line of tools made—the
celebrated Keen hatter Tools, which( were
awarded the Grand Prue at the St. Louis
Exposition. The
trade mark overs a complete line of tools
and cutlery, even including some tools that
are not "cutters." Every Keen butter
Tool is guaranteed to be the 'best that
brains, money and skill can produce.
Tool Booklet free at our store.
Sole Agent, - (ioderich.
llil4a0At•, Outo,er :50, 1906 4I5
Only part of the wheat
berry is fit for food. Yet
much that isn't often gets
Into flour. You cannot see
it or taste it, but it's there.
It is simply a case of the
miller getting more Hour
trust his wllrat and your
getting less nourishment.
Royal Household
is so milled that nothing
goes into it except the part
of the wheat that is food.
You get just what you pay
fur—the best and purest
flour made. hives farther
because It is all flour. Your
grocer can supply you.
1UvIe near Mills G., LN.
"Don't Use Too Much"
Solid Extract
of Beef
(POTTIES 1' 141.64.1
Be careful not to use too
great a proportion of Armour's
lied Extractwhen matin
b lire(
1'e• Soups, or Gravies. Too
11111,11 does nut improve your
dishes. Just add one-quarter
the quantity you would of other
iixtracts and Fluid Beefs,
heehaw Armour's has four times
the strength of most of them.
write for Free Booklet "CULIN-
ARMOUit LIMITeD - Tetrads
011.1.• ••• rAc1Mr -7, rawly •(SLIT a.1111'
Coroner's Jury Fails to Discover Cause
of the Accident and Finds that
Proper Precaut,ons Were Taken to
Ensure Safety of Workers Notes
of the Evidence Taken.
ahhe Food
That Builds.
Maybe you think of
Mooney's Sodas only .s a
soothsome tidbit Don't
overlook thcr food v,aluec
Cream Sodas
ars made of finest Cana-
dian wheat flour, pure but-
ter and rich creast. There's
noting else of equal size
and cost that centeins w
much wholesome rtour-
An ideal food
All eneases ksv doss --fresh
X11e>r>gisl4') ap.
':If arkIIEiffi
Judge Holds He Fired the Sludlit And
Not With Intent. -
The case against Matthew Mc-
Creight, 111 c0nutctiop with the shoot-
ing at the charivari which taut p1 (1'
at the wedding of John Dalton near
Kingsbridge 1114.1 .1 •, 41 ' to trial
an \luilday, ala• g at I 1 o'clock. in
the mot. uulg acid judgment teeing
given just lefore•11 ((411ek. A large
4(IIIl11M•1' of W11114N14e% 5V1•IY• l'1a1111 i111•ll,
t Of 4(44)141' lames have all truly Iw-
e 111111141x1in ra(1urrl with 11'14
proceedings 111411 1444.. Men taken ill
the courts.
At the conclusion of the (ase for the
Crown, W. Proudfoot, K. C., who,
with G. F. Blair. was conducting the
defence. '551 for an cadre dismiss- I
111)4 the a41i4n, arguing that there was
11ti evidel(l 11) 4nv.ye c.4(14)lusIvely that
McCreight ha41 tired the shots which
did the wounding.
'rhe Crown attorney, in opposing ,
the 11111111111• x1')4111441 111:11 there• watt Ina
doubt what.•.vrr Thal the man Hus-
sey 111111 leen .hut. dial 1111• eyide11e•
proved that there were only w)'guns
111 the charivari party, and that the
other gun wits .luau 141 have 4e411
1(114)144 only 4.1414 («4wder. palet' 31111
1111111, N41 that the w' Iiug most have
been done by 51i•('rei14ht•s /11114. In
:uldili14(1 11) this. I11.•11• was the slate-
11a'nt'1 :'has. TiiyI'lI, • • 111 the w'it-
nesse's, 4bat 5141 rwight 1(1td said a few
s after the stead hug to hits and
others that a shot hlul been tired fru11
on. 114111441' :111,1 that lie hail returned
His. Honor Judge, DoyIe, Iwhrre
tvl the case With 1tiel, 11141(1 that
there ryas suffidrnt evidence to pray..
That the shots which did the w'und-
ing had leen tied 44y 51.('reign(,
hal held that then. was no evidence
of intent' in She art. The indictment
wn. fur .hooting kith intent. 11) 411)
114441115' 11.1'111. but his Honor held that
the el.uk(44.44, of the night 111(41 the
a 1.04 ,• ,,f .a large bush 114.1 1 w'hir11
1,1 .4''. 44.4. .beI*('l' l did aw:l y with
the 141,'1 1h:11 Nleri.•iglt 141411); 11614.•
•,.n 111•.4ig.nr and fired with the in-
tent of 11(111i..g heal. 11bs .neo was
1 tiringa
. 4,-
Ih 111
reckless 111
1',t heel
lion of the 111.1 .101 wit hoot any idea
of striking. Ifuyon,•.
After ,1n• 11)n.n11al1o11 with his
1'11011 511'. 1'1''udlonl 1(11n.1nn,'ed i 1131
h.' 41111 not think hr wn1141 st lengthen
the defence ht' $411'111.0 evidence. as \Ice
1'r4ight :alma tett haying tired. His
11411.41' ar.'.,1111ngly delivered his sen-
tence, piefaeing i1 with 11 deliverance
against the praet lee of bottling .hari-
vari.. u1'111y. hr 4411111, was the
(oucdation of So, let) .11111 s' Id la•
ehcnm:Ig,'► instead of dis••oeragrd.
dud, while :111 ah:u'icrlli. Welt• illegal.
a rhnrjl':1i i1) the 1;.IMe '4.1 eung
'1)1(4.1.. 55.1, e-110.4.1:111%. 141 he eond,Illled
.11114441 441.1,.44•, and 110 intended !bat
.14 f:1)' :1. he 4. esI.1llr1lan•,1 tbete
should 1.• :l1) 111.1 pct 1' 11. If young
men w'a nt4ll t., 114144, fun in 1111111144• -
lion •5.1111 it welding they shoed I
rather get lip a storm •-•• part y :ant
e •11) the 11o11.r 11) 1(1.11 Ute young
people %%.•II 411'.14'6141 4,1 d14ing %•hat
wo11144 gi44' them unpleasantness.
Then he 1,141.' lon.uler the eller' o(1
Imbibe sentiment of b•ltc;: the pri--
uurr 411Y without puniest .nt. The
passibility 0f the reckless 111.... of lire -
Mies 44' 1'l 1., the .1)11111 Of 1144
ever trimming 44re4.41••10 in this coon
try •t be prev•1114•.I. The sentence
wear. 11(111 111 • prisoner Le' bngn•bs,m1'1
in 1(11' 00111111' 1.1i1 6,1 11,1(1• (1/,41111144 61
14'1,41 In11 01
The rot -otter's jury in .`,,ilial'( fun
With the death of the unfortunate
loan. Euca(1a•I 5leddafurd, who wets
killtd in the accident at 1111' C. 1'. It.
bridge 00 the 12th hist., met at the
town' hall on Saturday 'ting( last
at I01i,l.e'k, bol the foreman, 11. \V.
Hall. was unable to lir pres•rlt owing
to ind isp sit' and All adj •1111'(11
wad 'unlade till Lhr afternoon of 2
11'414.ck, when it. WKS 11011W41 511•. 'lull
would be able to attend. At that
time, however, Ie Was .)ill 111111111,' to
leave his 141114'11, :1111 those interested
being:maxious to get through the mal -
ter, the iuyue.( 4as held at 511'. Hall'N
.John A. Paterson, K. 1.. of Tor-
onto, nils pteM•(11 as counsel for flit
4'61116441 Follt111I %' C.o., and frown At-
lo1ury 1•14•1110.1' :also wall pl'ew,'nt. 1'ur-
otter Ur. H •l. weskits! and atatite a
llllnllwr of witnesw•s were examined,
*lt,• investigation continuing all after -
1100111 1111 11 4,4*, 1'k. The 1'v id.nee fetiled
teele *1tbli44h what was the real cause
the lecurrrnre'1 the itee• Il•nl 141)41
x155, failed 1'' show any Ilegligell('e
4111 the part of the Canada 1'00udry
l'o., and 1144 4erdirt that was brought
in h)• the tory was as follows:
• ('laal 1114• said Emanuel 5lyddaf'l,l
r (0 Ili- .1••1111 ,111 IM1,lel' 1211i,
about 11 .,. In. 1.) falling from the
1.1111)44)1.eiug runa111,1rd ley •t he 1'. 1''
It over the 51,iuland river at Coal• -
44,b, through 1114 live' turning of a
• .4n'.1e11.1in11 c,1 110111' which he 411•
.landing in 1tangs of a hen -,illy en-
gine 'tl.e said eul,at iii•ti. le ,.11' 4it11
Its bed .cud the hoisting e(1g11e
r :1(-k
from 11 (1
I a 1'l u l
111114'4111al 1
111)4 well
.411 the bridge* to the river 14.1,1W 1.
That there 4.1, 4141 evedema* to satisfy
us what was the 4.44114.. of 1 h
That We 4at1101 141y 11115' I,Lau4• 141
I lose i1) rh4/•gr. Inst, hal the contrary,
41' 4114.4•• ,else',+ (1415.1441.• plerltulb011
(114.1 been lak..0 to rtIsu14• the safely'
of the work,,) so far as possible i1)
-melt work. -
Clement 1. Alley, the 1,411•(11:111 111
414..140. ,4f 114,• 45'411k, said h,• could
nit 1141 t lar 1141• '1(',•i,l,•nt, The
N,►111e w•oi•k, that 'f m,•'.ing Ho-
gan. ry.
rgg 11111-. had been dont. ten 1 ones be.
fore, often in a higher wind 11..111 was
blowing on the stay 4.1 the .e,•idenl.
.The gantry was in the cent le of -the
track suspended about eighteen melte.
alai's the tails and his suggested
plitnat' of how the +lcrbde•nt ,e-
tarred wits that a sudden 011.1 411
11141111 .11+141 shock (10W1111 aid Ino 114.•
g Wry anal reti'..'l the ram 11','k. 4.1
the car ; huh lir did not .w•, either.
bow this ;written, 1,411141 hate hap-
pened. The gantry weighed dare
and 11 hail tons and the weight on Ifhe
1':11' 5',411111 14 111 11',-1 Mx 11)1)'., ;old 111
1/14111 n thole 4114. f11e• 44.1)4111 of the
M. 1 F:d, y. rot.in in ler 51r.
A)nry, said be was %calking along la -
lir,1111 Ili-• I.w.n,• of 1111. hoisting ap-
paratus at Lhr (111u•,11o,t%1('I' notic11. 1111*
ed the
and the gantry.
Kaffir) .wing out 1,, I he .•est. turned
t,4 Mel. 1 h 1.11(1444. 111141 ...w the 4 a1' lc,% -
jug the Intl,. The,'ndoae 41.1. to gess
nervily *gains* tb,• wind aIn•n ,.,i-1).0
the gantry, but wben they wee.• men
bag the gantry out :.long the 1. n 1.,
i1) (444» ,'4I'.4'. this ea- uu*4...ible.
F. W. Doty. of the Engi11•\1e•1I, ,
7iil not think the ;evident could hat .•
'been 'caused by the wind, but hail a
theory that if any undue weight had
beet) ..x,'liell 1)u ane %Me 4111 lic load
the 01441 thele Well. IWO 114141111,
One Ian earn 1.1111 of t lir car, 111,,44.3,1 4')
in 111r middle. might lie• nn es.
pl11natt4.n. 3% in such a 411,e. he• 11114in-
ytinwl, 411r 1..61111 44* ' 444)1" 41,144 la•
supporting the greater part of the
lead 11041 the leverage might cause the
car t'( upset. He had 1'1 441 U)e
n•terk, as III. as 5541'. 41'.44141,' after the
Or. 'Taylor was the drat witness
and dies.. ibett the WO 144 he f 1 nal
the (11441 M,'ddafutd in his polst-In,4r-
tem ex • (14141.
Frederick `4M,jar.lins, foreman of
the carpenter work. said he was w'111k-
bllg within the arch of the gantry
helping In steady it Iia it was 1uoved
0111, lull 11311 11.1111111; 111 add 1144 141 how
the ;written' 011.11111 11.
:\rchb,' Pickering. who was on Ili,•
(4115'1111 111111 411 161 1'11 111 charge 111'
the call,' controlling the boom on the
west side, said 1'1' felt the car rise.
heard a crash behind him, and left Ihr
car at the lust possible 1 111
'4:14,4' his lire. He was iliwltye1115
asgws were *11111 and rv(rytilin4 1111
Hugh McHmve'r,,, who also WAS on
the west aide of the cal' in (•h,tr)44' 1)t
• of ihe• rigging, said 111' , 14,11. a
j alt and the front truck sealed t1
sink and rim off the Ireiek and then
Male ice Print vide Ons 4 40 Ihr
bean] a crash and felt the 411• hutch
and then notice.) the gantry swing
out In the east.
Other w444)'Mses Were -Norman 514-
',I•.14L Fred W. Croft. John I'nm bell,
I'.'*•r SIe14.,nnld. K. Lynn, Thos.
Page and It. (Haley. Some of them
thought they heard the clash after
they saw the gantry swing
1(1 tof hods
not he positive, while
other witnesses who were rer,nded
(mode) not rl'l'alleet having heard any.
crash at aIle and n1 • (mall describe
just what the crash sounded like:
and er it.
tttt 1 of some-
thing bv*hi
king ntheie so i
ear which rook!
have been the ('4411444) ,1 the g11111ry'14
%wingging and 01 Ili,' neeidrnl, or the
(,4111141 1f the (at l,'41%inff the• tracks as
the result of the gantry 'swinging, will
revel be knuw'n----.-.--
Gold Cuff
Links, $5.9
Beginning at $4 Diamond
Hall has a vast array of solid
gold Cuff Links--- made by
the store's own skilled gold-
Notable value is found in
our $5.50 pair of 14k Gold,
dumb - bell shape. suitable
for monogram; anJ our Cat-
alogue pages show many
Articles are sent post free,
of course.
/lm sr0.0 card ••sA w•1' .!A
Mea ,w. w ol.;•. PTO on, large :I,.1'
4r•4rel rN•lor.r.
wino, O nt.
We will pay the highest 'ash prices
for lire old hens. also spring chickens,
clucks and all kinds of poiltry. Men•
Linn this paper.
PRODUCE CO.. Limited.
Stratford, - Ontario
A Convincing Reason Why
Finel:t lirralt is readily made, even by the inexperi-
enced housewife, 'from
LOt '
11 is manuf:icturcil entirely from the choicest %•Ytstern Can-
ada Iiard Wheat in the new,'<t and mist n1'' 1 modern trilling
;iYo 1,1:411*. in the, world.
"' 4,4
Full of Nutriment. Never
Disappoints in the Baking
•tE ' Sold every% here in the licca( I)unune,n.
wimp C•tx*DA VW. MILLS CO.. I.i.rler
w ''1e 1'1 j Bill.* i..)N, Cderiat •.1 lr..J..
After the shooting the:111111:11 Inert- lessee tot• tine y 1•.11. 1'1.1111 the .1.11.r 0t
ing of the 14•a)4O( 4 as held and the the Irate 1 1'111 the 1.%, (unlpd
fnllotying a 111c,•rs were elected : Ilon. the I,'..e,' t.. et tat *44 play rent. nod
prr.ieklit. Lt. Col. Young: pie'.idea:, lice• up to the tern'' .4f the 14•:4-,'
C. A. lion seen, .lotairet: vire•-press .5 els.- 'rte 'ill .peak. from the
dein. 11. stinker. 111.1*, : ,'4tela1v' death of the Ieaatm..1hal is, 11.4111 the
Irr:►sur,•r, tion. 4.-.,)h44.11*,. li,alerir11
loth of July', 11;1ki: 1)n Iha1 1111.1,•. by
1011114414111. 1 1,.. 1.•,'(1144 o1' Ile• will, 1111..':1111.' 11•
'I'le• 141.44* 1.4111 of •nl Win Iw held at '4114.1. of the band in fee simple. The
Anhuru 011 the 01111 i1 May. 14117. gre:t,•1' estate which he :i•,1ubr('d 1111 -
.ler 1lie Will ,n,111411%..41 1111 the info., v
.•.111.• 4'111111 Io• lad It 14 1.... 'Irl.
e44,'cu1 411.44 313.1 curry nal 1'11• pr0v1-
Les a
• %ill u11k
...i.....,..111•• 14111. '1'44 4
A Query from Dyngannon.
l'lu• Mail awl Empire had the f 1=
(,.wing Ind M.e111141:q , 111 Ile• lrga mere'I111.41114...1"
*1.li,if1Iiii••1' the 11111,911'1 W1,41 nlll
.• 111111.11TO
rllunury :
H. ,4., Ilnngitnn'n. tjn. A made n est4rotu pay :111 1(11' 11,14 ...of the 1..111
lease .,f * hundred ail1, mf land to 1'4,'4111' 1•xer.11 or. 4)11111,41 rrfu.4' 11 (44-
14 101' 1111• years (rim'1tic I'•1 ,4f Apl bl, ,•,'4111' a CO1M1. .11.1 of the 1x1141 11) 11
1011. '1'111. lease is 111 4 tiling. . I1(1 the I if It II/4111111d, it. +P411!rash*Ira• .is 114-
3r,1 of Iles -ends -I% 111111..5 1)1au .. a will I.nrblti by lar %till, 'rhe• e,4Ve(16nt in
by.11'hiell hr Ile%is*•d the said 'm' 1 - !it nn Ii'- p;1.1 t,4 pay tent was r.444
tired :'•le'. of land to 111e lesser He erlled on the 11111i of :tidy. 41415. And
died ,4n the Int 11 mf .Indy. 1141:,. Thr 1111 the label 4uve111111l4 whirl 41.1'1•
14111 utak(. *10 reference to the leas,•, binding upon H are similarly yaw
Are 111r eX,'onl,4r44 144 1 111 give a yelled and pal an end to. '
elrel .4f the proper( y to the lesser !
Wheat Lhr rs1311• is woi111i1,rtp, 411' hare I There is toil 1111111 a11't which nl,'relc
they a right In 1laiul rent frim the hold. the ' Till. 1411 1' 11.111. 1'n••k.
S4' ores Made at Huron Rile League
Shoot on Thanksgivtag Day.
tidy (our full 1,•ams eomIM•ted
i 11 • Huron -Ride Lea •111' tournament
It \%ingla m on 'I'hanksgivil4 Day.
I'h'-.,• reprl•5e•nt wl flat yids as.41rbn-
tion, of (i.leleri'h. (i,Mlrri4h tnlyn.hip,
1\'inglan nod Antonio. Ifreid...lh,'sr
1111.11. Wet•.- Coir men from the 1ih•t h
A'4.,a•iati, at. '('11e \1' ingbaul team
made the high 44'111e, and the league
trophy 1ae•curllingly- gees 10 Mat town.
team sores were as fullmvs :
?1i, z b.:u• Os. Tol.el.
A. Ft.x 111 17 ' :at
,I. Spading... 13 JI :C4
A. NI. 1'111w'fo11l. Li 21 :e;
1\'. K. Mouth -'-' :,'I la
11. 1 i. Irel•IM.rn 21 21 45
11..1. Hutton 111 111 :IK
H,('44111114 :k) 31 411
I:. Nicholson 111 311 ail
Johnston .. 111 la :1'2,
1•;Ilintt . . ttttIf1 24- 42
IM!) 1977 :411
.\1'141'KN. • ,
21.134-.:r111d-. Tol,l
111 Y.' I*)
'21 . ll :17
114 24) :e)
11 111 ,n
Meant to Say 0450.
There has leen a good) deal 1f mar
plaint aboutthe smallness mf teachers'
salaries, hal, we really did not think
the case was (tittle so Hall ns is indic-
ated by a little item published
by The 15ingha1I Times, t1 55(1:
1\'..1. Perrin has re engaged with
berry', for tan at a 5 61af•y kofl$*,:,4nrn-
Stop Limping, Cure the Corn.
Qniekly (lone by Pillnnm's Pointe.4
Corn Extractor. Arta in one day,
4)6114455 no pain. retnlve5 every triter of
ears of
ft is Or hest. Refuse
stand iteite44.
Remember the (late of Twills. k
Men's the yo((toilet
iin 4' ate, and do not.
eye." bother y
fall to ronatalt then, at H. C. Unnlop's
drug stare on Monday. Tueed*y.5th, eth and
7th. come nu may require
7th. come early. 1614 y
a anemia examination.
::f 411
17 :17
II :In
Is :0)
11 a)
PI art
17.1 :ski
2411 yd-. :(11 1'11-. '('411 1?.
E. H. Watson n a 24 I:1
tole l'hiahulw01 1' :114
W. 1'llishollu 2°1 al 12
\1'..1.lirah:uu 22 1M 411
W. Anders' 17 12 24
W. Sy la 114 I8 :43
John Neweombe1!4 10' :Ri
John 11 'd 1S 1*) :i7.
F'ol. uvek ... .... Is - la :Ci
H. l'raigie 111 15 :11
1144 171 :1141
(4111441114- 11 'rlw Malin'.
1411, y1*44, .vel 4411.. Teasel
John New be, Jr. 114 111 • :ri
Zt 1', :Is
22 21 ail
1'2 12 24
17 Ili
7 `' 31
1I :4*
17 :t'
111 :144
1) L"1
C. Proust.
'W. Whitely....
0. flint'
H. lamprey
T. Salkeld .,,,..... 1:r
t.,l'ohnston......., 241
R. H IIs 21
1'. 1111144114) 111
11. I.nillw lite 11.4
lett l.,l :Cti
111.44 TII.
.ln 0.4..51111 yds. Taal
n. Stalker 21 2t 17
.1. Dingwall 1*) 12 :it
F. Wrath 111 lx :17
N. Taylor 1.7 la :1'l
Iii FM( 117
The prizes for individual shoot it;g
were W1111.111.1 follows :
Tyros A. Fos, 11•inghani.:*; 1st,
$:1,1111: J. Sperling. \%Ingham, :(t
2nd. *2.))) ; N'. Anderson. U..lrrirh,
4411 :ird, $I,TN)t
dM) yard'. It. (1. I"reelworn, Wing -
ham, 24 10, $4.l*) ; 4'. I'11onse, (1041.,•
rich township. Zr Yid, $2.441 : 1V. K.
smith, %Ingham, 22 :lid, $L14t.
ail)) yards 0. 1' Olin. Auburn,
.23 —1st, $1.1444 ; M. Elliott. Win4ham.
24 -2nd, $'tsps) ; 1V. K. Smith, Whig -
ham. 24, and E. H. 1Vatw,n, Underfelt,
24. divider' :114 money, $LQ).
silver meta'- D. Stalker, Hlyth, 47.
Shape -
The "Plastic
Form" fit and
cut, which
strikes a man the
minute he
notices a
"Plastic Form"
Suit, is as en-
during as it is
The snug fit
of the collar and
shoulders is built
right into the
coat— it's there
to Stay, no matter how Strenuous the day's work.
The sleeves and knees don't get haggy - the
coat -skirts have always the Straight, clean cut and
the pockets adhere to the original horizontal.
No matter how particular a man may be, he is
certain to find the material, the cut, fit and work-
manship that will suit him, in the "Plastic Form"
Suppose youldrop in to see some of our
Autumnimodels. 12
Plastic Form Parlors, ioderich
Rea. Black, Sole Agent
ao I •
1(1 nothing i. :t woman's ta►4le
..m dirlinrtly Iubit,a'y' 11114 i0
1101 'ling 11114,1' Wt. lw,'ll 551 4ut•reeu.-
1'111 1114 in our lice .hawing. We
have the fiI'.S'I'. \V1' Maki. It
'.1644 ill fralul•• of trimmed netts.
at popular priers, with new
.tyles r g our way all the
Don't forget 4,•411.. th1"1"'' l.•
for Jackets. The largest clock
we e4rr had. Style :Ind pair..
1'141114)4. 1.
A detaile1 description aonld
1 --
and FURS.
Gal .l1) give any idea of 0111 new
Ntwk of neck furs and *T..
It saw 311 the mlu•kN of careful
selection representing the very
latest ',hies nt 111' fash'
centres -Black 'l'hibel, Grey
squirrel, Sable, FOX etc.. in all
the new styles and at the lowest
Von 4':4111 :1)t l)vercoltt so due,
your boy, to save a d«'tor's hill.
Overcoats at our iuva•iµbl • low
``prices for superior materials amt
latest sl ylr4. - Men's dark grey
Raincoats $7.511.• they aaw new.
w1' 'ueVer hell :111y l*fole.
These are certainly big value,
The "Happy r Thou ht" Ranges
Radiant Home ;Heaters
,:. • 'moi:
Hardware Supplies for Pall 11
Nails, locks. hinges, Iru'ndnor hank''*
etc., etc. i'nlI line of I►uihlel•
Shovels, spadeF, and all kinds of farm
and garden tools.
Paints, oils, \'arni•he. white lead,
brushes, etc.
See our Pocket Cutlery keen goods
.at keen i►1'ices.
Robertson's Rradymixed l'Ainfs are the Rest
We .are agents for G(dertch
The tlaraware Store, - West Street.
One or Two Advantages
It. is not pleasant to kindle the kitchen fire on a colli
Ileating, 1:avc-'troughing,
Ali, 141,,1 I,1.In41 a*yrk
'Phones Store 22
fully Illy guaranteed.
- House