HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-10-25, Page 28 TUURSDAT, Oct. 25th, 1806 tso. 1 THE SIGNAL : (:ODERICI l ON'I'A R It ► UUbk:RICH, ONTARIO. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY IT IVANATTk4 B ROBKRTS(IN Telephone Call No. Si. ,Terme of Subscription Lal per annual 111 anal..., Six 111on1.., Sia- : three mouth., 2.1c.aubserlbers who fall to rectae THE SI.N•AI. regularly by Mall will confer a favor by al•• qualuting u+ of the fact at a. early a dale a. passible. When a change of address I+ desired, loth the old and the new addnmw should be given. Adeertlsing Nates: Legal and other +hllilnr Int serI.euneuls, 111 per tine for drat insertion and aa• per line for e ach .ub.egoent ln.ertion. Measured by a nonpareil ..:ale. l welt a line. to an Inch. Hustinu.. card+ of six liner and under. $. tier year. .Advertisements of feat, Found, dtlwyed, SIt- o.11011. Vacant, Situations Wanted. House. for Rob w to Rent. Farm. for gale or to tient. Artlele. for Sale, ete.. not uws eding eight hoer, Tse each is•a•rl lou ; {tires oral month, :111 tor each .ulwyuunt month. Larger :oh rninc- ment. in proportion. A.re alounleulentl in onlinwry reading IPP. 1111 rent.. per line. No notice level than 2... Any .p eial notice, the object of wi4e1 i. 11ir pecuniary benefit of any individual or as.ori igloo, to T•• considered an adver111'emrld and 1411 be charged .ocurdiaglyy•. Hate., for display and conlrnet whet-Ha • will be given on application. Addeo)* all awnlmnnicatie..s 10 VANArT*1t s RUHb:RTv11N, Tug Sae'AI, c--_= _-. --- 1/4...01.14.11. Uro. U411110111 H. 1'Hl'It'UAl'. IA' T. 'Gish. Pain. OUR GOOD FINANCIAL POSITION. Citizens as they pay their txx bills this year are ink many castes noticing with pleasure ' a relucttup in the amount they are called upon to hand over to the collector. The reduction In the rate frau 2. male, whom it stood for 'several years, to 242 111i11. is it welcome sign of the inli11vvld H11an cial coiditiuu of the town. It is'tthe that in 1a great tuan • cases the a14.e.s- • in• 1 it rn has been raiawl 1 m t stainers in a proportion ,uffleienl li balance the lowering a.( the rale : hum on,the whole there ham been areal and appreciable eduction ill the tax levy. This may be clearly Kern un refer- ence to the figure, .hnw'ing the total awreesment of the wall •and the total a nt 111 laxer levied for this year :as cohlpslreii with Last year. The levied this year is almost the ,nun• as laid year, the increase in a•sess• went being in almost the sang• pi 0 - purl i011 the induction in the este. This would niean'that the ratepayers were pitying tine .aloe taxes *his year Il lastif it were not Melte that the in ereiuwd a'ase+l'tnrnt of *hill 'year eludes the valine of a runsideral,ll• t of property that was not in existence last year: that is. that new buildings er•rlld sines• the asseasu.rul of 11115 are now bearing as portion of -the same tax levy aX that of last year. The owner of it pruterby is t hew -Toot ). -in most cases, at least -paying tele taxes upon this property than he did last year: and this. t...., in the fare of an increase in the value of the prop- erty, for during the past flew yeah there ham been an increase all around in the value of real estate in liidhri.h. It is staid, Dio, that the council in making up the estimate. for the pees: - ant year inadvertently oinitlld an iteral ill the receipts cul Iiiiit)Ilnt- ing tt over $5,01111 ; el that, in addition 1 P reduction in the tax rate, the t th Ixvl ict 14 1 la romcil of MI6 should have t11 its C credit at the end of the year it tidy little' surplus. THE ELECTION INVESTIGATION. Thr authorities at Toronto profess a desire to probe to the bottom in the matter of electoral crookedness in this Province. In this case they will hay.. to go hack W the year 18112, when the Conservative Government at Ottawa. fearful for its existence, sent out its machine through the ridings in which bye-electiowm were to be held, and lit- erally (ought up constituency after constituency. That was the year of the Patterson -Cameron election in %Vest Huron, and it would be decided- ly interesting, even at this late date. to have the eventF of that, campaign brought to the light. The . Literals should assist Mr. Iluvernet in hia task of exposing elec- toral corruption. TRUSTS AND FREE TRADE. The Toronto World In an article on "Trust. and Free Trule" makes two merions error'. One is in attributing to free traders' the tit/dement that trusts and combin,IC cannot exist under the trade sy.t•m which they advocate. The .Pcpnd error is in :1.- .uming that trusts and combinations are necessarily hurtful. In so far as balsan and combinations are created for the purpose of effect- ing economice in production, they :are w benefit rather than a menace to the pihlic. 11 is when they set mit to destroy competition and nib... prices that they are dangerous. Thie they can do only in countries with a pro- tective tariff. Where the tree mule system in in force the c petit. f foreign Hrme ie always a lector in keeping prices ata normal level. Frere traders do not claim that tenets and Combinations Ito not exist in (jreat. Britain. Their formation in that country ie a natural development of modern business methods, tending to the production of manufactured article. at the lowest possible cost. But s(1 long am (creat Britain main- tains its.yst.Pm of free imports. there is no reason for the people to fear the truatl. In the United Staters and Canada, however, the tempi. different. Here, combinations of the manuf are torrent in any article of commerce nosy be formed in either country, and with a protective tariff to keep ret foreign competition the combination, or tau* bas the public at its nmcr/'v. We know how this worked in Canada, for M814111..1•, in connection with the pl la•rs' supply trade. In the Uuite. Sates, where the tariff is h higher than in Canada, the trusts have a oorreepuudinKly greater opportunity to pinnarr the people, and they are ieconling a fearful men isle to the t''. The moat direct, remedy for the deslructilip 11f the trusts, or, rather, of their 'mower to injurr;i'wuuld be the adoption of 1111• tree U•1k10 polity. What it pito the original ilIstn�k- Wleckels lu this 1 Ir)' wens �1t similarly tiratrd ! Il 14 almost Io11J•tt' to begin now. • Liberal* may h.• excused for not taking the talk fof "tisk corruption" I • conservative ,' iIIIY'/•X with geoid grace. Considering wluat they had to put up with prior to isest, it is nut It tvunties', liiii,Ia1,1)' np,tk illg, that there has tweet an attempt 1111 I 11 11311 141 tit ug• I.ila'r.tlu. 101141y 11101'01 irs 14,1k ill Ihrir own ruin. ELECTIONS IN LONDON. .1 -ROM OUR CONTEMPORARIES. That the Literals of London ate not tainte11* to lake meekly the ,tsperli0rls wbir11 are (wing heaped upon Ilion by the Tory p1•1141 isevidenced by the spit - i1.41 protest of The London Advertiser' which recalls 1 • for y.aus prior Io ISM the Liberal pat I )' iu that city w•ao fon•Id to tight again,* the tyranny of the (tarty Then in (ower. The Alvel- tia'1' ways : "The Literals of this city, as ar body. are decent. upright ••itlxrl)4. who w ant purr elect and would rt her lose by fair means than Wm by foul 11a•ah, Litt lame lin desire to Coll - 411. 1•xlrnllatr 444314 s4n1•4K ' 1441 ill the 1111)1141 of 111• 1.i11rra1 mately. They. wish to see Iht'i1' pati) pulled of corruption. the ulicleati menthe's of their political household utterly cast 0110. 'They nue 1101 nv.ry 111 the fiercest light being (Immo* nisun the 1141 111' any 0101'0011 in 1111s cit)", ill' any methods prtielis NI I1)' professing Liberals. Although 11)41 present Is•. ktel inquiry is irregular and illegal, no attempt tits liven 1114,1,' to slop it on 1erhltra1 groat1dw 'rho highest in- (rre-ts of the I.il et•al pati)' in London and elsevhe•Ir will hr served by ml honest and thorelll;la 1•1((1lsum of wrongdoing. All I bat 4.crnl Literals lank -in dont invest ig:uion shall lie 1 •.i ;an11 sincere "'1 he legal ma4luu,'l 5 in this I'roy- inee is in 1111 hand, „I on'• party; lull Liberals feel anal I.cln•v1• that it *a. 10.0114 1113 11allatwl wa viewa tot11 nd' 0 that 'tarty. x •advantageuf b1 with no regard for the higher 111- lerests of puddle and 141111 teal 11143- 31;ly wlmirh 1..i1W1-3144 ,and Conserva- tives lives should cherish in ,•oulmon. It i, only too clear that the• party in power Uut Stratford Wants Higher Education. 1lsnitltln 4lar•htor. (Or:Word ha. just finished a hand- some 1 ••slur)' school bulhieg. If, it w•1'1e two•stogie. .it 441111111 lie '11 1e.t re: and safer. Getting Sack at Us. - 34.114,11 It i. 41ni11 (arsil.l•, however, that filuil l':nindi1ul /nmmrlq. 4111 Amrri- ran I.,nk'swindlers will Ix' leas sulw'I- riliun- thin in the pawl. A Startling Comparison. Toronto Wo11.1. Thew :oe Igen ill this lily who are paid for Inking 4'.41,' ole two horses 114:411 111aiy e1n1•Ite,l :anJ le- i Hied youulg Ito •n ate nail for look- iingafter the minds :tint Noels oft1irty or Tool V ehil4len. A Hint for Ottawa. N'u,on.r,1 b'rce 1'r••-•, 0111' 1'ri.•nJ, 111 (411,awa can Inky it from 11. 111..1 I h- \\'rat 114 prepares! to rl•m.011 Ial.•r.i1, :cul In 14'rt'1•11 ul(ae i.i*X'rsel than it now is. if it is given ,i char,.('. Nothing will do more In insure 1hi, than 3 ,'lean -rail Ino' lau"ilY volley r Thanksgiving and Turkey. \1.,141 real Star. 11 i. said That these 4114)35. 'I'Illllkli. 441401444. are not fair to Ow turkey. Il.'ca .1.11 11'1,3)' in 011114.„ andt•on- s'qurutly trams,' on fewer tabl•N be - 1 1-e' anti .1'11114 I poorer • o t the ri nl a i•:tllw r 1 sew N' 1ic1 be does ..'11' figure on tine-, hl 1 1 adorn. - 11 o 11 1K only lair to add ,that t1li'. -kirk" IX 1111* 1.1'gISIPns! by 111. Lordship 1111' Turkey, lint hy those who would fain bitv1. 1 i i ii . iu their- midst .n I h.- G•.1 i1 e INDIAN SUMMER. I have strayed risen silent places', Where the• Jays al,. 1113311101g al- 11461 (air. a • tiles a•dying. theles withered m her breast. 1 thit•r at. .all her Iw:uty, All her softness. all 114-1. sweetness: !11 her raw of golden aims!' 111111 tlrest. I w111 breathe a mist ,lwmt 1)141 Lest you e•1' my (4.e 1,41 dearly. level you follow 1111• to•1 boldly I will silence every song. Thr; the hat. and thee; the silence Yon will know drat 1 tun passing : When you break the spell that holds yon I am ►110*'. -Isabel E,l'lest • Mackay,'411sx1- st,wk. is prydiluting the ma ' ',tralion of justice by gratuitous attempts to blacken the reputation of 1111)11i-rnt men, because they are prnnunt'nt in the Literal 1nun1•i1s. The sweat -box and other 11141410s PX a fel' •l.r ,zi4K Wit - n00.e1 11 441 14444.0103. 1y employed, ,1111 th.'re has leen an nlliud1Ne contempt of the fowl, of law by attorneys who have virthally taken the Into into their town hands. '••This is not aan isolated Tawe' of in- jistie4 to the Liberals of London. but one pile) 11114.11 many. Tile dice have been !muteagainst them for thirty )years. During all that time they have bad to ce,st•11'mmly fight againat. fraud, bribery. iwrjut'y. elebatuchey and the whole brood 11f electnr31 wrongs, and a journalistic thnggi.ul without a palnllel in any lomwunity in this country. ' No methods bate been too devious and underhand, no weapon tau foul, for the de@t•uction of flu' Liberal raise inthis one -titer stronghold of 'Toryism. IN it any wundrl that Literals burn with a /11.14440 of resentment when they think Of the injurieslhey have hal to en- dure, of their Bing uphill fight ,against motet npnlou4 flies. and then are fared to listen 14, the phnris•141 FFlt'wllinl that all the etil is In Ie found in the Liberal ranks?" EDITORIAL NOTES. • • Perhaps i1 is not too late to remark that I flier reason Mr thanksgiving is that we 1)4.11,11 140 Ont:trio Hank mock. Twat. a little late in the s1v)Mon, but they say Iiia fireworks display at the Toronto exhibit inn grounds lastweak WW1 Ih.'best ever. Wigton gets 1 h fish hatchery, brit this does not mean that the town on the 1114)• w'il1 helve it potas a fink story lualrhwry. Manitoba want. its boundaries ex- tended, he 141l•sl'nt limits not afford. inK sofCienl 11111111 for 1 he working of Hon. "Hob" Roger.' jaw. Now. if the bylnw provided that "Billy:" .lockout' and him .nail,' err, 111 be located in (4.141rirh along will' the clothing fart ory, it would gn lhrongh with a rush. Pritchett we. dnhlKsl "44 .1lf-oon• visaed liar" by the judge's who r - poem] the \Vest. Elgin election e11n- 1111141' . 11e appeals' to la' trying to live up to his mentation. The Saturday Review rail. at Mir Wilfrid Laurier for speaking in favor of h • rule for Ireland. Hut having lived for e1 ninny years in the same country es The Toronto TelegrAnl, *lir Wilfrid iN hardened to the jour- nelintic scold. r�rass�s1 0.3..1...1 011 Still (here will 1e plena)' if Nnvrnl*Net• days when we 1.11n lie thankful over as juicy turkey and it vim 111 tire, but at hen out -of-loor44 11"olikl not 11'1• I1. MA joyo1141y 111 gratitude iu the mere pleasure of liv- ing. Thew e l t us a who- t1 K. . • . i •s should 1 p lees. all cur s • 1 of contentment into one day 1e•1 its take Ihr holiday at lien there is not 0.10 '•h turkey f..' dinner to foe bid X111.1 ire 1.103•434" 11,('1' the "I.rown Ilc- (ober Holds." nal then Ira lis take the turkey ulnas11.there a not No 1111101 in- ducement 141 take the exercise ' 1 irately after dinner. True Liberal Sentiment. Wood.la'k sentinellteview, llnt even if it con 1,' +town that the O'ons•rVa*44es 1411 ate deep in the 1 am the Liberals sue in the wire, that will lw 4111 Px1'1)41 for tele Liberals. I.iI NM•:i 1s in the past hate I man prom(' of their traditions, proud of their ac- runlpli.hnm•nt,, ea Iona of their honer. They cannot ,111111 14, lx• Irks (11'111161 or 1114. j,'alnum delay. How to Keep a Good Job. I .awre.iee, hall., world. Hive 4141 n good jolt? Don't inrket. that a Int of 1 grv-l'yr11 indivi3Onite art- .1.ul.ling 10.41111141 waiting more or Zeas pnli,ntly In drop int.' it whenever you gel a 1,4-1 ter one it when you get "fired." The way to keep a 44114141 Joh is to to. as, good as the jut : Lhe wily to get a tel ler Joh is to be het tel' than the prsl•nl jot; the wily In get 4111 Ihr tolo3gnn 1s !Cr gat i1 iglu your heed that you are indispensable Io the deice(' and to begin acting inlep•ndent and "IMIMsy." As a Matter of Principle. 1'11it.delphto Noah .1nteri'•nn. Meeting 'a nrw•lloy mhos' tare was sinned with scratches and hokel like :t 111X(1 of X111114' great 'affront! center, a reporter asked the ynmfg.ter what he matter was. -Feller spoke .1lsrespeuI1,11 of my sister : said he Lel .he W1111 crone -eye,, and 1 mailed in." "Is your sister cross•eyel?" asked the f'.' 'tier. •'113011'1 got no si,ler," war the reply. "I1 woe the ierinr•ille of the Thing WW1 1 441)1 licked for. Time To Revise the Standards. Toronto Weekly Sun. School, pm•st, and pulpit have 'for years 1114•14 plil•nrhing 111e gospel of s, .4,..44. I'npohft 1141411111 1.(41 g0ge3e1 the attaimie•nt of Success, For Sur• cess there has leen one dear defini- tion in the (1nhlir mind money and the po441') !hat gr1'N with the p nsea- 1ion of wealth. The means If tettoii- m.•111 have Iwen n 111/014.1. of 1111 1.01140•- 1.1111•1111.; Ilk 1)1141 c /10141't•aio11 wens nl• lnimnent,- Thl. natual result has followed. ie•gi.11atnts have used the trust re- posed in them to gather in, with the help of railway corporations looking for legislative favor., thnmulnd, of dollars al the extreme- of the people. Trusted °MMoen% of friendly aoeiet1r'. have applied the (nein entrusted to them for their own PmIrhmrnt in land .peculation,. Money invested with Life in4ulwnce companies as m They never have any hank failures f/t.'visiun for widows and orphans hart over in (Shin*. Some generations Fern utilized by captains of'manta in hack the official, 04 a hank that failed gambling in the stock nlar•ket, And now A hist of 'hsrehnkl41rM in a Frank, had their heard. cut off. and the gentle to whorl their share* represent the hint has been ,mMcient to this day, one means by which the wolf can his Imamommommimaimommimmanommommimmisommr kept from the .sole, find their hulJ- I11ga dissipated by gambling which, ill this (•ase, did 14441 prove successful. la 1l not About time ler a, re%'iaion of our ,lantlalda? - What British Girls .Read, 'Toronto 1lurl41. Some luno ego 111e League of the Empire), ' in n Iambi hle effort to ascertain what porton were t in favor with Iiritiah girls. drew up a set 11f qur$tiuu. 4'114111 were sent all over the Empire. Mhlly gnawers were ntieivlvl anal,a attttt111ariy of them bus just been issued, It .lover ex- tremely inlereatiig retelin aid the result is highly creditable to the liter- ary taste of British girlhood. Hy tlo' tray, tial, the a ' al'y 11141y111es the Howls 'of drawing ;1 1 441.181111 in this instance not ala IJIons betwe•u the girls of the 11101 1.4.1 hind and • their slates of 1 he outer Ih ilains, ' Among the u,, .'li•Is the lit•at plgre in the alfeetinns of our girls is Wail. by Andrew Melon Nit -triune'', wInow 14111111 411(1)111 1111)11' frlalurutl)' I 1131 that if tiny other of Ilia (marl. An• (bony Hope is often otentionel, but rather on ace of his earlier than his later novelle, and 11 is a little 141u• - prising to flout that \I:arie Corelli holds a dim, inert. 1.'). l.worahle po44i• lion 111 that which from the genal Vogue of her Ida/k, 4.1114 u4,d,,t'ally 1s• 1(11i.ipalld. Stanley Weyman is exceedingly popular and auut1her mild surprise is intuitliel in the frequent . m'l.'lll•rt'lil'r .11 t111• nape if Il11Iwe,' Lytton, and tint iI•,'r.pvti'e olocal- ity. 1 ,l- ity. 01 Hlat•kmorr's novel., only. gena 1110ne" - 4•n111111:4111*1 'h 114104•0, Another Isok '11111111411'. ap- lwaring'in 111,' Hilts i+ 1114• ever delight- ful "Vicar of Wakefield." Among girls 111fifteen oa'six1.431 the 1'3011 ill. 1.1014 au•. 1111,44.' of 1.. T. Meade, E. E. Iireen. Rosa N twit.. Carey, 1411,1 Kthet 'ILrote-. while ••\Irm.'P..iptg,." al - el is very popular with girls of that 1 Tennyson head, the ports. the Lavurites, a ttion 4 lis p,s•nls being "The Idylls of the Ding," "In \I.uloriaul," "'The Princess" and s,'0'1'111 4.f' 114.4 110111w pieces. such as •`I'h. Lady of Shaloll." llccasiou,lly I e aJ 111 g Tennyson it Ihr list,' 1.111 w urlru . etli:ately after hilt, rotors Shakes - prate, and English ti i. also display n 1 marked preference for Mils i 'I 1 1 •oN' 1- 1 iiig. Sir Waller &oot t and Long- fellow 1111• ttrnrrlly laked. ;and \liltou is not forgotten. Rental' girls, too, are - I. in*er1•.te. in Alaith.w Arnold, 11(111ug and "lhuar Kliny- yitlll" a l'll•1'Ulll4l1lll.'e IW(Ilkr g 1i market levelnp •il of intellectuality and ullxde•rlisnl. It. F:iglt.h literal t' classics. John Buuyaol, l'harlr, Lamb and John Ruskin are. next to Shikr.- wwore, most flequenlly mentioned. English girl. have apparently Inst s • of their intro•: in "Alice i11 1V Ireland," which often appears in the lists f the H. it:a1,1" beyond the 14('14.. It is )(ratif)'ing 1'o be told that ex l...i y4• magazine reading, cum• pl:tined of in s • putt ter1, eon scarcely be laid to the charge of heft• i4h girls. 11 gh the great majority of thrum read the daily papers, and Many the weekly papers. of greater ilupr- tante is the fact that the inter•14t taken in these is :na a roar of a fairly intelligent character. A srr'liou, nor Oen• lids, 11.4400•0l•, t'a•.t 1 i' -t themselves to the sporting, page, nett. *151114. royalty aunt ,•11•iety .11111 the like, but very many 14•311 literary criticisms, l'veryt1111144 relating to ,11'1 and 1111msi1, often the gar.1 ' g chat. An inlieatiltn of the euuuat'tpalion of the rising generation of women is also given in the large proportion 1,4110 rnnfeam to reading .11o11 Ihr elect i01114 And the ,ii 11114 1114'Il(liI')' debates. After all this fund of information re- garding the girls of the Empire there will he no diffieulty in r11neur1 kw with the league when i1 diseretly re nitwits that "we may. on the whole. lake heart 1'f glare in Respect to the general r0hure of 11111' girl.." Newspaper Changes. • e• • •m last week an- nounced 111- 111• Exeter 1 1' I T I •I 14 ' i• 1. 'fa 1 1111 ,• 1 1"11.111g.. lar 1 11 l 1 111 n nrr .t 1 I I• 1110 bi.inems leaving 1143.11 a0411i1-.•.I hy •a chartered e4.111pal11y peas! of lural 111131. '1'111. 013 11:11j1.1116.111 will nut he changed. and an independent 44(11.• tale in political matters is pr 'sed. The Tinges h,. always 11..11 a growl local paper, 111,1 we 41x(14 1 t t,. set• it kill) 1111 RN aan41,u•d lender the new proprietorship, The Tivwrtun \Vatclrn''4 his change] hands, (', l.',un.rou 1,.' ., g sold it to J. S. timid. of Kincrdine. The Cause.: Mr. I.ittl,mst : "Doctor, what did you tell ole was your 4prebtl 11..4 1111.111 Toll• Mi(N•I11..4114ss NI 0114'0 : ••11'e strike at the enure or 1111 origin of the trouble " \I r. Littlrrra : "Yon don't way re). Well, yon will find the baby in the_ other room. Only don'thit him too hard." NI'w I1fr rm. a quarter. 4I'1er. Miller's 1! pound Iron ('i11.. Sem sale Ily LI\Vilsom - - - no around Values 111 *Ghee. Ashes are commogly valued by farm- ers for the potash which they are sup- posed to contain. According to recent experiments In Europe, It appears that the phoepborlr acid In the ashes iN also more vaipabie than Its quantity would indicate, since even that part which does not dissolve In water Is n evertheless eaelly taken up hy plants. Th. lime in a511o4 Is Alan of value, more so than generally supposed. when used on land Inclined to be sour. Feeding Hogs. if you 'do not keep your feeding troughs clean, If you have a filthy swill barrel, If you permit the feed to be - corn.. sour every now and then, don't bM eurpriaed If the pigs scour. Keep the feed sweet, keep the barrels and troughs clean, don't feed more et any one time than the pigs will clean up, dip once a month and disinfect the pone and sleeping quarters. If you do theme things run will ,nett have much bother with digestive troubles. Feeding the Hog. setter not try to do much for the hog that Is sick except to lake away the feed the a day or two. When you start In again he sure that yon are glv- ing the right kind of feed. Top mach le sometimes worse than not enough. For Workers, he it mental or rllallllal work. O'lark'. Pork and than.. im a food full of energy. Tasty and ready to cal. :Ne. and Ific. tins. wise �haed that knows its own tombstone 1)- the epitaph. S •t S/•1. Miller'. Khlney and Bladder l'illN ere odd at 2.i cents per lox. Pot MAIM by lA.. Wilson. We condemn faults in others 'that We find too expensive to imitnte,- Ohio Magezine. A man could do a lot of work with half the energy he MOP trying to get mit of it. -New York Press, DRESS HINTS. 8lmpllcity of taste lu dress Is good tante. In basting the skirt baud to the skirt hold the skirt toward you and take care to match the ceuter of the skirt to -the center of the belt. Plush goods and all articles dyed with aulllue colors which have faded from extoaure to the light will look as bright as new after sponging with chloroform. A mixture of alcohol, one part, and water, three parts, wonderfully fresh• sus black dressem 11111 sults. They should be sponged all over on the right side, theu pressed un the wrong side, while *till dawp. It way mew eula'rtluoua to mention s0 simple a matter, yet not all dress- -.makers or professional seamstresses appreciate the importance ut putting patches on with the twill or nap of the goods going the .awe way in patch and goods patched, Tb. Right Klad .t a Girl. Let a girl be ever so graceful in the deuce, let her be ever so elegant of walk across a drawing mow, ever so right In conversation, she must pot, seas some other qualities to convince the great average run of young men that, she eau be a manager of his home. Frugality, wowau lustlucts of love for home, au eye to the best in- terests of her husband and the care- ful training of her children-- these are the traits which wake the good wife of belay anti which youug ;lieu look for to the girls they meet, says Wo- man's Life. 'Men way sometimes give the lwpr•.siou that they do out Bane for commix' crus' In their sw(wthearts, but there Is nuthiug they so unfailing- ly demand of tbeir W11'04. The Salamander. Some housewives may not know what the salamander used In conking Is. It 1s a circular Iron plate, to which 1a attecb.,d a long handle. Wheu any article of toobrowned the is tobe ro n t, salamander Is matte red hot le the fire and then held over the article. An.or- •dluary tire shovel may be used Instead of a salamander, but It Is not especial- ly good for the shovel to are heated 110 Intensely. A Profitable Grade Dairy. Numerous items have been printed of late sbowiug that dairying. when well directed, is profitable. It is doubtful! if auy dairy can wake a better a(• counting than that of C. S. Morrill at Portlandville. While the price paid to Mr. Morris Is low, yet the record Is ex eeld4-nt. From March 1, 1t1)5, to Martb 1, lately twenty coir. gave 155.517 pounds of milk, au average of 9,27d per row. The milk sold uu the aver- age for $1.08 1-3 per hundred pounds, maklug the, total receipts $2,01&.!141. an average of $100.5-4 per cow. 'Three two-year-old heifers were Included lu the dairy, The 'owes are all grade Mt - steins. To be uceurate, 'tt Melilla be stated that Mr, Morris fed to the dairy about ,Hall worth of grain during the pear. -Otsego .N. Y.i Farmer. Are your glasses right ? Vision changes as till *hinge Jo. Se. Tamle & Son at Dunlop;s drag stole on Mon- day-. Tuesday and Wednesday. No- vember :ah. 61h and 7th. Sunlight Soap is totter than other soaps, bat is best when used in the aanhgbt way. Say Sunlight Soap and tallow direction The Leading Commercial School CENTRAL tiadd STRATFORD. ONT. 'll,. 4..t 1- 0.4•0101170.4•010110.4•010117.04110 he 11111' of the 1. -, 1'mono-rein! School. in Anter tcn. Von eon safely judge a shoot by the application. It receive.. This tern, we rece*v eft application. from Hon. in .04 large A ,used,,.,, Tit 14" and from far more low.. ;and rl t ie. of 4 'anwha incl ad ing Saskatoon. Salt. 01. a the Weal nd 1'hnrloltetow',. 1'. F. L on the Kant. 11414. repot -.sato, mean. mark for out graduate. write for our eatalogne. ELLIOTT & McLACHLAN, Trina pea l -. Iligh•tirade Training Pays and that I. the kind the famous % J ELLIOTT ,/Ili TORONTO, ONT. Katnv- to 11-11.414.13.4. Recent 1.44(•1,1. hove u(krn position. at "dories (11ma LP per mon14, 108100 r year. N a r•n•kwwe ISA OMs wheel le IM M Myl Ns Shod b Cama. Thi. Month i' n splen did t' • to enter. All grndaale, gel pwltton'. The demand i •• nearly t went %' 111ms' 1111 •applyp. 44lite to day for gnlaeent catalogue. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. ('or. Vnnge and Alec,mder St.. A GOOD CHANCE to -1,111• :',v1111,1110v1111v1111,111011oIhN 01 wi110-1 quickly and omen- Ill you (nt the pra- nce* dol ie. of life i+ offend by 1hi. .shad. Mader new management. with improved 4.41113 'nn. t nP ,-none., oar oldest school i, the new,' -I anal one of the h'st write for er •alng(• nand free bodge! of •'Hn.lne.- Writing," British American Business College L 5 U , 5 IIs ,1.1.141.ng•n \I, 1;111 al.-. •lrnlo T. M. WATSON. Principal :se" •f 11 is Berlin Business College WRITE FOR CATALOGUE OF THE SCAOOL THAT PLACES MORE STUDENTS iN POSITIONS THAN ANY SIMILAR SCHOOL iN WEST- ERN ONTARIO. ALL GRAD- UATES GET POSITIONS. ENTER AT ANY TIME. N. 1. EllLER. - Principal. W. Acheson & Son NEW COATINGS Received in stock this week a very handsome showing ill English- Coatings suitable for ladies and misses long cant,. Patterns are very stylish and new in light and lnellitlul colorings in broken and invisible checks and ova r checks of heavy beautiful materials, price per yard $1.25 to $2.25 LADIES FUR COATS • \\'c ar'' showing our complete new wtwk ul Astrakan lamb, I.nn111111161 NMI' Seal Coals for Ladies. The styles are good and the skin., loll, deep imam, equal to the best we have $25.00 t„ 5 revel' Keen. We. invite inspection, pl'II't•N ranging full and of $ 5,00 BLANKETS :SI pita English pure wool Saxony Blankets doubleansize mon 11, $6.50shrilkah and whipped singly, epeeist at tier $550 pair �/ t/ 411 pairs largest 4ize double Cotton Blankets White or (fray with Gut color. loaders Pink or Hine. Regular price SLIM, Saturday roll $1. 00 Monday on wale at each pair 1111 WHITE QUILTS 48 only American 4 ply White Crochet Colton Quilty, ;full double -rod size and very handsome pattens. Regular value 81.22') Ssturdey rand 95 Monday C Wish Have you arrived at the fork in the road of life? Are you puzzled because you do not know which path leads to success? No doubt you have looked through the office window of some great concern and have seen the manager in his chair -looked comfortable, didn't he? Yon have wished tg fill the same position -some day. That's where a Business College education comes in. But in selecting acollege, first see that you are right -then go ahead. Our free booklet telt as about plans, eyeless, cbk►dgell, positions after graduating, ate. Write foe it. School term: September till June, kodu.iva. FOREST CITY BUSINESS MESE J. W. WESTfRV(IT, YM-C•A. �$S Principal eKi SIDEBOARD SPECIALS In order to make them move Along a little faster, I giveti at youthe advantage e of reduced ace. and tot K P the time of housecleaning, when you will be wanting them, 1 have decided to offer these Bargains for the balance of this month for Cash. ONE ONLY Sideboard, golden (ink finish, 11 x 2.1 mirror, $9 00 regular VOW), for sass J Vel ONE ONLY Sid,'loan,, Imperial oak finish, li x 24 $1�l0 7Cw mirror, 2 drawers, regi ar =12.(1(1, for ONE ONLY Sideboard, solid oak, 3 drawers (1 lined). beautifully finished with utaseive turned pillars, 18 x 35 Brit- $20•0 ish bevel mirror, regular $23.00, for a! ONE ONLY Sideboard, solid quarter oak, 3 drawer@ (1 lineal, ace pentiner, 1.15 f4rontr lV1vV, 18 x 32 British bevel mirror, regu- .M la$11', fo ONE ONLY Combination Sideboard and China Cabinet, 40114 quartered oak, 1 long linen drawer, 1 .hurt drawer, 111u1e1 glans do..r in front, gloss door and 'end in coin - $34 A 50 net part, canopy top, regal lar $.37.101. for J`i Re+idcnee. coo. Nelson .1. ael 1'nielhriw rood. '}'hone 474 H. B. Beckett P89hone Undertaker and Embalmer NI(iIfT it N1'N1)A\' 1'ALLS AT RES' 11F:N( 1'. �} .�,CENT- oath . 1TTK1 OVERCOATS No one would desire a more stylish or well made garment than the loth Century Brand are turn- ing out this season. We are proud of them, and s11 Would you be if you wore one of them. Black Beaver, and Meltons will he worn by the hest dressers. W(' have them in zoth Century Brand at $ts.00and $18.00, full of style, wear well and always retain their shape. No use paying big prices for clothes which look nal better. 2oth Century is made by specialists in every part and therefore you get the highest excellence ill tailoring craft. IN UNDERWEAR Buy Stanflelds all 141101 Unshrinkable-it is the best. WALTER C. PRIDHAM The right place far men's end boys' G7othing and fwewLhhM'' . _.....1:....gat_ ._.