The Signal, 1906-10-18, Page 5Rheumatism.. is Uric Acid in the Wood. Uubeslthy kidneys are the cause of the acid beisig there. If the kidneys acta] as they abould they would strata the Uric Acid out of the system and damns - limn wouldn't octw. Khoo - pushup is a Kidney Dir+ Ease, D0atd•e Kidney Palle alive oade • great part of their rwrlitatioa curing 5theslmattsm. So get at the neer u( those fearful joules. 41 pains «1 stiff, achiat Then is but °os sure way— Dodd's Sidney PiUs The Most Important Household It m ( arras .a aaa.aa) not only supplies color anflavor to soups, sauces and gr vies -- but a quarter teaspoonfn in a cup of bot water mattes a . rac- ing cup to the 1 n v a 11• or convalescent. Armour's Extract of Bee is wore economical than others aux it goes four times as f Write for free Booklet -Colin Wrinkles' which tens bow to Armour's Solid Beef Extract. • ARMOUR LIMITED - Tomato u.*a*. •*(Tose rr 'weer •t•itet tear Eagraned Calling Cards 7 Tow nurse sngr.ved .n grace- ful Ityru Script on a Copper Plus will he furnished by am Ststionery Depattnient fou 01.00 The supply ing and plate prieauls of one hundred Calling Cards will be dons for an additional 51 00 q T s cud stock used .s made bestially * ow order and is of the rh,n '-moray sort that denotes *sa111y-elegance 41 Ow Catalogue contents spec.. mega of .rl4re...4 Wedding Invita- tion. Society Stationery, Etc O.y .. • postal reel ..l .v war r-tree/..e et/rA.rfe or. h..r..t:.. ..seed rd.lafw .//•+-rfry, .%.M.•.•,v, L...riar Goods. eh &OS SJIJ On s Month's' Tried 1 N, roofer returned . , u;. 1404 m 042(7 war. FOR INSTANT USE bn.nw tM "(',rho Me�gasic„ I s.o.iodise 4•••11..yl and hollow grouse 2.tl r own a.c°aur eat. With ordinal onto' us. it will hold Its edge for rear. with PM= forts 1416 D.aw O..... S21e Pr Wavy b. "•C-arbo-Magnede" Elas- tic t..hfoa gimps, 11.00. Ina bssklat "Nina to Shaven." I'nr .,J,• by CHAS. C. LEE, - Grater -10i Why pay for a name? You will he agreeable surprised if you just call and examine our Stoves and Ranges. Quality and price considered they can- not he beaten. The Celebrated PENN ESTHER lends manufactured by the Record Foundry Co., the largest manufacturers of ranges and furnaces in Canada. Over sixty years' experience. Come and see them at W. R. Pander's. Sok agent for Goderic h . PEN AND SCISSORS. l beard s voice at evening softly soy: "Bear not thy ye.tenlsr into tomorrow, Nor load this week 8151, L,.l week, load of Morrow' ; Lift all thy bunion, an they come, nor try . To weight the presrml a•il h the by teal by ; Uue MI•p. and then another. take thy wry Live day by day •" 4 Technical 1Vorld trite a story .l a you.g ratan who twruly-five years ago called upon u Targe Iuanufdrturer of vehicles and farm implements ;tad laid berme hie ,t 'whew.• for a c.u•• 'Mtge to he rust by a gasoline .+uulur. The young man 11.111 'dela veers upon his patent and he used his lest elo- quence to induce the ianllfa.t111er In Wit it on the market. 'The manufacturer shook his head. "You've hirer wasting y • tittle 4115 that Scheibe," he Iwid. "And if 1 went, into it I'd be wasting my nuttteV. Nu, sir -..yen if it worked, noledy'd ever care to ride in your explosion buRRY. " The young man was George R. N1Iden, and what this tuanuflu•tii er said %vas said by dozens of others. Today. Mays Technical World. there ate in mu. in the United States 11110111 711,000 "explosion buggies," and a1M.ut seventy per cent. of all gasoline autu- ulobilem in this c try or imported into it are licensed under the Hel(1ru patent the royalties (laid during the lust three years aulounting to 41411.- 1Ki. "It's drt•401'111 queer." said the house- wife,- that the potatoes you bring far should Ie wt 11 higgrr at the top of thesa.•k than they :oe at the hot- foot. - "Not at ail, Maid Ile 11.1lle.l (grater. ••11'14 jest this a-ww'.. I'ot,l lows is growln ..1 fast sow rh,•.l.y the time I Jig a sackful the last 11114.41 (14144iMr%..i w. mach bigger'n t114 tied 1 Ilea," 4 The Clinton Collegiate 'Institute foutllall tram hal for 1401114' peals, 1)4.14 11,4 Hough cup, its detente nreessilal- ing the keeping 1111 of * pretty genal lot of kirkwx. Re•vrltly The Clinton New Era staled that Inane ratepayers who were inteleeteMl in the soirees. of he school quest' ,.l the wisdom of laying w, lllu4h stress 'upon the Mold - in( of the trophy. thltir crnituntion being that studies are neglected in undue attention to foothill'. The :Slew Krw's remarks have hrnlght forth a vigorous letter from Mr. M••• Kinhou, a ntrmler of the 4lintuu 4'01- rgiat4. staff awd also one of tit« most g1e.Mivl memlwr, of the Collegiate et ball team. Mr, MsKin1141n says It "every educationist of 4411)• note world over admits that ex. -wise athletics form an important /Ain't le training in ,.'hals and col- " aid that "there is no game in ee• which rogues anywhere near tion football arta means of a11. levelopuwrit." With regard to Anon* at 4 "inion Mr. ..0 Kin - f, t th art( abf leg etas *algal round [he rut nun says : 11,.• boys who attend f,s.l _ ball practice most regularly ,are doing the hest work right through the school. Of the four bb,'-. will 1,r lk honors at the recent departmental examinations th1e0 Wrte Merulwrs e,f the H.11g11 1•14p teal)) and the other play.al both foot hall ictal basketball Only one Meuller of the team foiled at the examinations and his failure was certainly mit due to his 1001,a111 playing. The practices are held rot an hoar after our o'clock and it is 1101 likely that man boys are kept fr.`',, their 2Mr,ks at t1, t hour of the I;... • • • t)tlri the little We liar, held 1he,cup w'r halt sent out a KO, s1 many trained manly Bows with con mtitulions Ht to Ind t le it the world. Only this week 1 hat • had letl.'r.e from two ex -Hough cup 'layers and troth refer with gratitud t.. the training they v •cei%•e41 nn thfoothall field here." It ay be trema passing that the Clinton ('o1 inNtitlite trustees, who have reorganizing the mtaatT of the welt have retained Mr. McKimlI011 in h position. and Mo • people go Ina far as to .suggest that' one of his *strong rennin •ndationM is his ability in lite for Mall field. 4 A '•. rel I took her hand in .ine Evart It as we du In greeting frlemd• or Oran/ter-. When we Meet :and -hr Ta,k ruins in that L,1n.` way, unthinkingly. Ther, I Bethought me what 1 held, ie, .oft. It was, and -lo . And pre*M.d it gently : J114 •mnulh 415 .rad A meswar to her, A., front friend to friend. Nu more than that And site Ale! well. If -be had . atee•red un' hand I ura1M n n tell A peciIi;n r e,1se has arisen ..I i'hiltdel- phi+a in whielr 11e (lisped' ion oft sum ,d $J4.2411 deiett& upon ea-Menet• lee t.. Which of two men, thiow'n out of t canoe and drowned, died) that. (111 Jule 31st of thio year Gr. William J. gran, n \1.(1$11 gr*,hr11e aorta pro- fessor of the \ rays at Victoria hu•os. Trot, \innt.Ie.l, and his mule. Dr. I William C. M', '(1. of Philadelphia. went on a r•anlwing ,old fishing . ex- pedition on theOftaawnriver. Shortly after rattle the news Ilial et deux Ri'leleil R 1.4111141. IMlttnlrl lip. had been found nn the shore, A few„d,lyN later ' the bodies of both .nen were recovered and taken to Philadelphia for inter- nlent, Or. Ncott had an estate valued at 41:19,15)0, and upon hie death his l.rnther, also of Philadelphia.. made all preparations' to take over the estate, he being next of kin. A few days ago, however, hitt arrangements were all upset by the appearance in Philadel- phia of Mi.. Mary Kram, of Chicago, a sister of Dr- Kram, and in 'her pom- w•aninn was n will in whri'h ib, Boole left everything to hi. nephew. I1,, Kram, of Montreal. \Ii.• hr:ul nal• orally claimed the estate. hot Mr. Meoti did nal Nee it in that light. Ile rnnsnitell his attorneys and the Iesielt wart that they arrived al ,a c)4nelnsion that the money IelongrII to hint, into - murk as (herr were teal.1144 for be- lieving that, though both men were thrown out of IhP canoe 411 the'.aIIIP time. Dr. grain died . minutes Is, fore him nnele. In allppp it of this it is pointed ant that the body of Dr. Kram WAS foi,n,I With the skull crumbed in as though it haul leen thrown upon n rock and the man kllhMt instantly. It is claimed by Mr. Maott that the bsly of him brother shows conclusively that lie died frau drowning *nine time afterwards. The body was (nand twelve mile. from the aeon. of the accident, and the Inn werefull of water. mowing that tNc 1)nctor had not been instantly killed, The fight for the the wi*nel. proon'.I.es to he an emceed, ingly longan/l interest- ' Mg one. THE SIGNAL : GO1)ER10ll ONTARIO THE MARKETS, 'elver/mei and Chicago Wheat Future Clop Lower—Live Stock Markets —The Latest Quotations. • Monday" Ere ulna. ucl. *4. - Liverpool wheat futures chord to day um• changed to 9aJ lower Wan Salta -du. .ud Kuru toruses uurbauged. �t Chlragu, b,,cwber wheat closed ne lower thou Saturday. Ururuber 0.411 5110 lows., •ud Uraw41ter °ate %c lower. WINNIPEG OPTIONS. At the Wlunlpt•g option warier to -441 the following were the clw))4g quotations : Ucl• 765sc Old, Nut. 75S, bid. Usk. 14460 bid. May 7Uisi: bid. THE Viol•LE suPPLY. u1•1. 15 ,06. Oct. 14, 4D. Wheat 344.141,2M 23,014,M0 4'ota 3,t;tx/,UW 4.433,oamt Wats m,tlae,laa* 42.444,400.1 Uurlug the week *11e41 Increased 1.04til,• la*► bushels, cur. derreaso,1 UMMA:e4 muruets, mud vats decreased ;Avis/ bouts/Is. LEADING WHEAT MARKETS. Dec 21*7 New York betrull u+a bl2 'n Toledo 7751 ei4*- At: Louis 13 II% luneeydls 731,6 ilei Duluth is gs•,s TORONTO GRAIN MARKET. Orata— Wneat, spring, butt..,5) UI to Wheat, fall, bath u 74!.1 Wheat, red. 1, wilt v 74 %%Leat, goose, bush U tat Harley. bean. u 1. Oats, l-u*O„ old u 40 .. Oats, bush„ new 4) 3e u 441 EY a. bush. u 70 to 1a Pl1iIas, bush. ... u ISO .... 68cltwheat, bush • u 55 .... -NEW YORK DAI:. ' MARKET. New York, Uet, 15.'An.Hu ter -e 11w; re rots. 4x31. Street prExtra rreaw- wry. isic U to 27c. Q1clr prices : Amin toy, c0wlau11 to extra, Ilk to 2054c; 11014• secunda to extra, 31c l0 Latc; state dairy, common to fancy, lac t0 22141; rruuvaleu. aw41Wv4 to 'stria 1559.• tv 'Ac. Cheese-aiteady; receipts. 1364; state; fall cream, .wall• frucy, 135sc; do.. fair to good, L•'lic to 1244c; do. large, fancy, 13'10; du.. fair to good, 12c to. 230; 4o., luferlor.. 10%0 to Illlse; Mime, 3e to 11c. , 44• '3Uvog; , receipt*, 10,102; state. Pe1nsylvatl4 ant until*, tarry, selected, white, 33. lar 33c; do.. choler. :.k• to .11c; du., wised. die to Arc; western firsts. Xs' to lye; ,dl.lxl »than. ;:fisc to 2Sc; ..c01da, 24c t0 240. ti0 W CATTLE MARKETS. Cables leader tar Canadian Cattle -- 1.1. Markets Steady. London, Oct. 15. 4•.uudlau cattle 10 los BrtUaI Markets are quoted ut to*c to 11 tier per 11,,; refrigerator bort, miss to 45411 per pound. TORONTO JUNCTION LIVE STOCK. Toronto , J unetl.n, Oct. 15.--Reteip1s of live stuck rt the Union Stuck Yards were s2 Caridad., ruminated of 1.623 cat- tle. 334 sheep and lambs, 3e hugs, 13 calves and ti horses. Exporters. Nivea fur •hlpyu,41 cattle ranged from 51.2:. 1. 54.7:., the hulk reallug at 54.3.. to *4.00 p4r cwt. k;x{.url Wills. *3.05 to per cwt. •atckere. llutcbers' cattle or good quanty were S.wrce and higher lar price. truly d serf few good to prI.ue rattle erre offered, and thew ern` picked up rally lar cur .mutants. Euro 'PAM cattle were ueviled to supply the demand. and everything lar toe 1,ulch- ere' bye *did in good time. Picked Iola of 1x41. sold for 54.161 to *4.75; loads "4 good. 54.35 to *4 lb; WrdluW, 53.75 to f4.2.,; 1•040- Ou11. wised loads. 53.4) to 43.5u; cows. tr.3.50 to 54 owl• e%eeders and stackers. 'There were several buyer* of 'stocker* and feeder, .n• 111e Market, am.I.gst wltuw were harry Murby, Jess, Ulu It, t.uuuess k Halligan, 'Il. 11114nlsett and *ragman Bros, P11.'.. ranged as follows Suers Weltblug fres, lou* to 12W 144. .111.11, *:1.50 to 54,141: steers.' 7W to earl 41... rur4, lit 53.11.1 to lit 441 per cwt. !hire .cetera would 1Mvr found r eddy sale. ■rich Cows, About a duzeu milkers Mod forward p!alS(s mad at 941 to PIO each. Veal 4,11.1vew. Prices tor veal calves were arm at *5.00 to SU.:u per cwt. Sheep and leas►s, It.'.'rlpt' ..1 lawns and •beep, ';34 whlco 101,1 as follow. : ,beep, *4.35 t. 54.210 Per cu I.; lUo2* at 45,75 to $0.75 per cwt. Hans. *1. P. heousd, reports prices as follows : Selects, $6.w; .gnu toad rata at *0.41) per cwt, • MONTREAL LIVE STOCK. Montreal Oct 15. 4 abler front pool ul' u front 1- uadeau kettle w.:re weaker and Lad lower, at entad t.. Ivtid, and touchers .J to '111, et abed to '.4,J. sura of l'auad:ru crttte at Mat cheater were made at 104; the d,waud for 01rd1 fre,44l1 spice Is slow and eteruubtls ageuts ate hiving sow.• ulfficult) lu mlllug vesalehl. sue( 411 them ulllug short of their regular nuW- r t•udwl »L,. -e 1,•a been let fur nearby I.weut at ',s. but for future :fits Is the to ell Paha, except 01argues, %bleb Is ::. Exports last wee k wrrr 4)570 eat - 11e, ' *keep. Receipts to -day were. '31.10.1 r attic. 'lit witch rows, Lest .11,14 3°11 Mad.00 . - - huge Mud 1calve* Tit,. 6,1,1. era' were dot 141 large numbers and there ads all artfee drwnnd for the best rale. but the ,'0111I111211 stuck were sow of sale At pre11) lel ae 1,•. Mr,d u large Iuwbe•r a. r• riot sold. r. J. Kl*harJ paid MAX* p•, rout for three •boder (tetra; a Humber of prams beev.11 w Ivughl by ship- p.rr at 44,4 per I1,, pretty g''ud cattle sold at from :k- to 44. and* the w,nunua stork at 3e to :k', while the caune•r* sold 1t ll4r to 14..•; six talk . s• suid 4,4 5:440 to 5311 ra.•b, Most vl t V`valve, were gra seers, which sold a, 2c 10 til per t•ud "Iola sold at 42.10 to 14. Shipper 1141 4r." per Ib. fug good 1a a •ne..1,; the 0th, r• were bought by the otelrra et :tip 10 41.... per b. (loud has o a111hs su141 ul 5:%i, per Ib.; a test . 2ntre, on at tic *uppllilil' of huge were *matte•' for whit the to 1,101111 an. good ■rd ptb e. ,al.•d rirn,. sale* of sele,ted lots were Wade al *':7f, to 54:.1*. per r1t weighed off - rile emrM. 4'a I,I'•r 4111 Sali day on Canadian 1.41.014, WI. rneier, with nnsldr fah,. Nth to Ian sh111,1 1541 lower than a Werk „4e, hitt they Ire els to ss higher than the corresponding Week Mat year. EAST •UPFALO CATTLE MAIRK E1 1:111 Buffalo,. Oct. 13,—Cattle Receipts, um, head; Billie; steady to strung 011 100'1; .IoW and 10.: to lea' lower o11 1''1111 stun; print.. steers, *5.75 to WIG; 0.111•4il, E. to 45.75; butchers, $4,40 1.' *7,-:a1; heir ors, 33.35 to *5; ....ma. 53 to *4.511; bull*, is to 114.2S; *tuckers Burl le*dere,52. 7:. to 94.4o; stork heifers. *2. 10.93; treat" rows sou springers steady to 54 higher, CM to Nat, nog, Receipt., .B.e1.) beard; steads; ewe aro 119111 wetgbty; fairly 'eche on ..they*; krtvy 1)11,1 wiled. 51440 to $e; yorkor., :ao3 to 50.140; pig*, 541.:41 l0 50.1)4; rnnghs, �:.n *0 5f1; tarots. 54.1:. to M.75; Vries, *u.3a. to $6.:5. Sheep and Iambs -Receipts, 7..,4eb helot: sheep active and steady; Iamb* slow- and 2:r ru Su' lower; 1*4111*, 5...2.1 to *•. e4; yaarllugs54,15 to *44.00; *ethers. *•...:. to 56.40; ries, *5.25 to 55.5u; *beep. tibiae 53 to 55.50; 4.uadl'Iambi, 57.1.. to p. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. rake nu. Oct. 15. Cattle Receipts. hoot 21/,100; steady to strong; fancy *torr , *rt,lo to 57.;111; common to goon Iles *4 US 56 7-, a.. *3, $14 t.. *4. 65,4:he1 - i, 11:.11) to *21.83; 1,11111, 52.44, to 54.50. *14es *14 to 5*. *tuckers NW feeders, 32 l to 54,41. 11..41 Iloretpre, .bunt :!:,,u • •o• to are bleier; loud to prime. heavy, ..1 to *x.114; Medium 141 good. heap,55 to WWI; Iatrher.' ..eights, 51.744 t *12.14.; good to choke. nasal, $41.31) to 1.111; lag•, }o. to ra 811.411; 'larking. *0,25 0 suitor Sheep and iambs a. •matt ah.nit 44.'114; Strang to lire higher: 0414'. i4.:u to IIP lo; yearllug6. i:.:u 10 *n; Iliad,*. JP to *4 ra. Warton Land, Ihb'Fish •'Hatt hery, It 24 announce,* trout. the Ihininion finvernrnent has definitely decided to locate 14 fish -breeding station at \1'iar- 1on. Thp n Echo maker. the antlounce- "Th , fish hatchery will lie loca itrl 1Pnt. t. s : • ted in Wiarton and stork pion the con- atr,ction will be begun very arson. It wif! be remembered that when it was yen not that the 1Mnlinion fiuvern• Trent. intended f" establi*h * doh hatchery in theme partes, nr nn t1,. Georgian Ray, a number of towns Ise. gen to take rap the natter: hopifig thereby to secure the plum. no 1e• rich went after it : Mayer notches, of Noutbampton, shout promised evert. thing except the building of it should it come to Southampton ; Owen fiwlnd, thatwant% everything, did not let the grass grow ,.,,der its fret : Mea• fold, ('ullingwoi d 1411(1 f':u'rl• Sound all joined in the race, lint '01'ipt'tun has laude' the big t1.h. The town deser'nd it, the spawn ate Nt'4 tltv'l here and the water herr is certainly he best for the dr4'4.14,pneent of the spawn. 'Theo. too, 11'airlock was got bashful 111 1lts4I'l lug its ,I41114,4. ,Clan' two, occasions delegates were eMnl to Ottxww, and when the tinkers of the 1)ep 11.2 mt•nt were here t Ii "' superior ad111,1ages of this fowl, were pointed out, Inst spring wham the delega- tion flout the t2w11, lw.•r41111 p:tuied l,y luhti'1'uhllie. w•t•nt'to 1►ttaw•a, itwas fell sure are would get the hatchery. belt it is only a few iniostlis ago sin',' it has been derided upon b)' 41,, Depart rt 'tient." , 'rhe Evil.. says 1111• r.ttst,',,, 121 M of the station wilt (sad at least 4112,1141, aU11 it will rust 11b,h1 41 i,I1111 11 real• to "petal.. il. "tiesid,s 4.11 t111s, it Sill Le a thing of interest that %siII !attract tourists this way, and will help to advert is.. our town." Struck by Lightning . Neatly describes the celerity of 1'ul- natu's ('urn J?xtt'acttir. /loots Morro: out in short under. ('.4lip4M 150 pain, leaver tall scar, and KI 1' VM' Iel•f,rt on.1- iehn•t14141. Hecht' rater there, iM (1,41Y tine "beet.. that's I'ltt gm's -filly years 111 11.11•, Clark's Veal Loaf. More wholesome and bast)' t halt pini', veld. It has ,all the de•iiei flavor of flue weal a1,la'tiLi11Kly sr;t*unrd. ARE?YOU MAKIMO $2,003.22 A YEAR EAR 11 i. being J„ue alar our gouda '.1'..,k ,s pl.vnaul, p1,maneul and p. otiWl.le; 4;,Ns1s used ,n every house. eve: y day. No lak.. Uel nu nerd lu•c, rale the demand. Legitimate ',Potable Monne'.. Nutt can start without a cent of capital. Wide today 4; Megan., 1. !t Co., W*ule,ale Teas. and Coffees. Loudon. Out. rThe " e /Ranges Happy Thought"Ranges ANI) WOO 1 Radiant dome beaters TNl RA .4Y, Octotaer 18t11, I r 1'HUNI- NU 30 W. A. Mc K I M GODERICH, ONT. Overcoat Selling 1)o you know ,the difference between clothing •s? There is a difference, and r new clothing room we will It.. Overcoats for leen and boys mean; money in your pocket. A luu►d, the kind you like to wear and 1)11 like to x);11'. prices and drygoods i►ri if you will call tit t demonstrate it to at ttrygood4.1 i'ic 11111 new tlick at the prices illinery i:a a M 1131!V trill, IIS: SYN. 0041.' and styles etery Week. 411)41 more stylish, and You will I sin naked at the littleness rbc ,• pl ire. Fancy Silk Waists \\'bile :old 11.11.. Idle, -1... r.l u co.l, llta.:,ll. Skirts at about the cow of t1,,• 411.1• tet'ia1, 411. Iii to 417.:41. Women's and Girls' Croats tit Best esmsidet•ation, total ity the 441.•101141, moderate urines thiel. ('an't have a better corn- binll ion. Furs' We always have a new stock of Neck Firs never carry any over, so they at lie new. Our guarantee. your at, hark it you want it goes with all these goods at McKIM'S BUSY STORE a.sat .._.. I.fE r 1 1 One or Two Advantages Itis not pleasant to kindle the kitchen fire on a cold morning, and not necessary if you use a " Happy Thought." Simply turn on the dampers. 1)o not turn the grate nor put on coal until after breakfast. An even baking oven is an advantage; the ''Happy Thought" has it. A powerful waterfront is a desideratum. particular the "Happy Thought" excells. Hot water in the reservoir is a eolivtnienee; "Happy Thought" always has it boiling. A great convenience also is the TRANSPARENT O}'EN DOOR, by which the process of cooking be observed without opening the oven floor. This very valuable feature, and peculiar to this Range, 111 tali. the • The Best Tools We ofic: to oar customers *hat we believe to be the best line of toc1:, made --the celebrated T:ecn Kutt'- r Tools, which were award: d tits Grand Prize at. the St. Louis Exposition. The KEEN KU?fER trade mark covers a complete line of tools and cutlery, eves i;lcluding some tools that are not "eutt:rr." Every Keen Kutter 'Fool is guar.iilted to be the 'best that brain ;, money Lad skill can produce. Tool 13-c!_? ::2'-_-1 2L our store. ChAS. C. LEE Sole Agent, - (ioderich. 1 ..r r 01111 is a Plumbing, Heating, Eave-Troughing, Roofing,, promptly attended to and work fully guaranteed. I'Phones Store 2: CHAS. C. 'LEE 411111111111111311. ' House 111ENSIEE• 112. 11 FINE TAIL( EVERYTHING IN MEN'S FALL WEAR. REG. BLACK Plastic Form Parlors \ .\ niece ,line of Men's silk -lined Mocha Gloves just arrived. 4'all and see our :tasortnient. If you are 111 111•c411 of :t NEW FALL SUIT ('all and eh' us and we will try to please you. it Ever) tI'ing' in Men's Smart Wear. Hardware Supplies for Pall t Nails, locks, hinges, barndaor hangers, etc., etc. A full -line of builders' hardware. Shovels, spadem, and alt kinds of farm and garden tools. Paints, oils, varnithes, white lead. brushed, etc. See our Pocket Odle r\ —keen goods at keen prices. Robertson's Ready mixed Paints ate the Rest We apt agents for Goderich J. NICHOLSON The llaraware Store, West Street. Give a man comfort at home and 1•)411 illefell.l• 1114 earn- ing power. A Iran can't 1e cheerful. and at slim last, in 41 cheerless home. A wife 41(1'4. tw• Pxlwctrd fro be always good natured in rt ht1(114. with 1a poorly act- ing, work -making .toy., a. WI'. SAY ANi) PROVE THAT Huron Stoves and Ranges are the best itnkers.. 5',M.kera, fleeter., and fill 1)4tv4•l,'1, *11 .f, whirh tend-. to make happy homPM, ' We 11►W able agents. WORSELLS' Hardware and Stove Store Hamilton St. (roderich. e 1 0, I