HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-10-18, Page 44 TovesimT, pot. 18th, 1906
A Worker for the Good.. of Humanity.
A warm-hearted, earnest woman. serene, simple, eIut a and sympathetic,.
with a special talent fur human helpfulness erid_imspiration too higher Ilalug-flue
is Lady Aberdeen.
In "Guisachan " the romantic Scotch estate in 1nvernesehire, Lhbel, youngest
daughter of Si: Dudley Coutts Marjoribanks, later Lord Tweeduwuth, was burn
in 1857. A right royal welcome was given to (i.itore in this ht .p table home
in the Highlands. and from the bps of the prim imint statesmen that gathered
there little Ishbel teamed politica at an age when she ahulrid still Lave believed
in fairy tales. When she was eleven, a young nem u( titeuty cent who had ridden
. across the country. lust his way and unknowingly tre,paasedon the \larjuribaoks
estate. A chance interview with Sir !Judie). proved bun 10 he John Campbell
Cordon, son of Sir Dudley's good old Parliamentary friend. Earl of Aberdeen,
and he was invited to spend the night. The love at lint sight between the two
yours people led to their marriage in 1877.
Inl14386, Gladstone offered to his friend, young Lone Aberdeen, the post
of Viceroy of Ireland. It was a delicate, ddlieult,p.stien, strewn with pitfall.,
which taxed the watchfulness, tact and diplomacy' of the Viceroy to -avoid. There
was great distress in the country; the crp4aa and fisheries had faded, the people
grimly tolerated the occupants of Dublin hustle te-cadee protist was useless; but
soon the sunshine and glow of affection from Lord mud Lady Aberdeen melted
the stolid. sullen reserve, and love reigned where force had proven worse than
useless. Perhaps the lbuntese, herself a desteedant of the old Irish and. cutch
kings, struck some sympathetic chord that vibrated in kinship and unity. Her
practical nature realized that the people should lie helped to help themselves
through their own labor, nut p'zuprnzed by gifts. "he devoted herself with great
energy to reviving the domestic industries of 1 id --weaving. knitting, em-
broidery and lace -taking -and made the wearing Irish poplin an esscutial
to admission to official functions at the C'astl•.
In Canada, where Lori Aberdeen was Cover -nor eral from Pie3-8 they
endeared themselves to the people by their neatly acts (kindness. 'f he Cguu-
tela' tirit effort iu syndicating sunshine and ewee•tnr•ae her urgauization of
the "Onward and 1"pward Society" among the taunts, tics and the poor
on the Scottish estates. which has spread over the 'wort The Women's
Liberal Federation which she organized and led as Preaidratt'•I1ns over S0:0)1.1
members; but her club work and labors for humanity never for tp moment eclipse
her home, with her three children rernailling in her loving care.
aimed aa.o dry 4 w.1' el the r. 1•Yreot .d Lama% 1. ,kr year ler, 4.y w C kirk. at Me Or1+nr..wlet Answers
Motor Racing at New York.
The Vanderbilt Cup Contest -- Crowds Get Up
Early in the Morning and Recklessly Invade
the Course at the Peril of Their Lives -Sev-
eral Serious Mishaps A New Battleground to
Be Chosen,
' eliiI' correspondence of ,The tiignat.,
New York, Oct. Vt4- 'rhe greatest
event ever held in A 'erica was the
automobile race for the famous Van-
derbilt trophy, over the Long Island
course, on Saturday, October lith.
Nearly three hundred thousand people'
took the journey and braved the hard-
ships and the elements to ser this
thrilling eonteet. Once more the cup
waw won by a daring Frenchman, and
the first five drivers to finieh the race
were foreigner's.
The most remarkable thing about
the race waw not the terrific. speed tit
"tV6ri • it reached a pond 1'plenel •
where we were elanditlg it had
gathered a '.peso of prulreiily sixty
miles an holo', '1 he driver could
selareely Ire diatiuguilhed. phis !I'4I141
wear matted (1(4114) nn his breast by the
ani et of the wind. his head w:1.:
thrust forward, with his great goggle•s
standing out tike• eyes from their.
sockets. The crowd, 111 then...eche;
meat, had filled in the road :it the end
of the enclosure, a few hundred feet
away, and gave way just a spare large
'gh for the Hying Frrnlehmanwhich these ouhinrs were driven, past
1nAthfbut the thrilling escapes_uf an unruly i1. tip, their t
mob that stretched itself amain(' the ing for No. 2, who was to follow one
minute later. There tylty another .u4.•
cession of artillery eleps, and another
l4elebing of tire :mad smoke, and Inn
shot rnrket No. 2 -11.•:11 h'. f'4uihatd,
* Wit hor'sep ower monster. The rruwd
fell back and -then swallowed hill 1(p,.
eager for the third. In Inrlt the
seventeen 1.:1114 dialled, lurid the 5.11411.
explueiuns, and the exritruy'nt w'a.
tense and nerve-ra''kilog, 7'11'. (•rood
slew• It, hnvlth 1141w', and gut nal
Brute-eau'ds and wailed impatiently
few the return of the racers after the
first lap.
The view herr was partly obstructed
and. wishing to .e4' !be ilint,•si from
g, and the crowds began to gather every point of view, our part j• luoved
l 1/ 1•
t w n 111 1(•-e
t ,11 e1' `
the t 1 nes
h d 1 t a J•
ay before, the
y f 1(e, anti kept nun'img 1(U K y
through Friday night. Your corers (1(cob' tt1•e• 4414' .1 five• n1il..A, by the
pondent Lound it Ie•ce0Rary' to get o1.:, way', and the road oras IdiiI with
of hid et 2 o'clock A. in., and atter the' where the whole did111 the and every -
(vont straggle 011 44'en.wded train 1(e where th..y .til (h in the it W1111111
wao fortunate. in getting a place on ing dearth, until the rry11 got within t
th.- bottom eters of a railway ear. • ample 41l hundred t still then heir
!)Arany people were unable to get even amity A•11 bark, tut still held their
a foothold on the trains. ground a'ithiu six 1.r right feet of the
We reached ll'eatlmry at hale -peel racers.
four. This quirt rmintry hamlet iInel There were ('4nII'V the otem .
been trtnefnrmed 1(Ito a noisy bsi,a,i '- Nomeaee! And it were never uum411nn41usf
All the stores were open. I"oo(l Arrlf as Aon as t feeler world In• ., wast re
refreshments were everywhom on rade as long 111 ten) e',I then we were
--and the hungry crowd needed them. sore to be tetvanlee with the stew-
ruffle and 1'a -half tie the grand stand tette of 1.141 1.r thaw saw
,11.. clove to-
crowded with automobiles, looter g'.cher, and totes w•1' i:rhi'.Ars lsed the
cycles, and pedestrians. It was a• 1'11 k narrow road. This feet : the
strange eight to nee this rr1141titld. emboldened
10 shrink loxrk A few' feet ;bot,
reneging along the e,ainlry road'. The Veal Lina thirdly
by the o seeming woe to
aro bile temps, gliding everywhere they'tetany ttNek 1(p positions h close t1.
In the gloom, were extremely y'. i.'' 1, the renfr,• of the (1/1111,'' /111.11 held then(.
Longg before the grand atauyd wise Had nut the gripe of the drivers been
reached the roa.l Is PAIne blocked Anal a,, true an steel there initial, have leen
it wain with difficulty that the course
Many !net +(•rid of l t, ,.was the
could he reached, Ant(,,,,, 11es were The !net incl( of circa w;11 the fop
hanked`nn broth aides for miles, The the
slight incline noire looks dawn
crown was in tteP-tops, till top of fele- Ihr menet and up another r hill At Ihr
graph pnlegr- Plerywhpr.4. '4 't. made other nide. I1ow'n Iln•v1 di ftt chi• dare•
devi s '
w w' 1 Ir 1a .
wide t I ,v1'"
detour a Id n
t1' t t often n.
howl 1 a
7rt fa K
B 1'u(, and in speed of eight. y' miles an 1 • ur
the darkness worked cele waythnnlKlr stretch. The .light..et. risrimeinfth,1e
the autlnlgtl/iles and drown to the wire
netting" that marked the rm4rsp for 1,(l,,,dinoadwey Permed4te great bumping and
tiketo 411 e
tk',,tthe (ors
11th ofR
Here r we
r At the
lael 1 our pnldtions on the damp ground aid ha of gathered
n1 watch
until daylight camp,
r1i1119 crowd haul gii 4 (1 rd to watlel4
the daylight rwm'.th'. cobble, the machines bike n rows. Half of
and they overran the 'course•. The, them glowed 4, 141 ub41u' to skid 1(r
flit •- '
eon 1 nlllr
nlr 1'r gait, a
,1(A 1 and
tan K wen n
y IIPAw 1 skidding
r time K
• ArYIt
and the city enrw(' paid little atten- If !hey rpathi to e c ft• w
tion to them. They time doAin a feet 1(H the 01path in in Ihe centre
splendid wire tette.. told attest upon it, tory Keefe!,
1111 1 t18.' owviolets of dart
ft wee nee'.wary for Mr, Vanderbilt.' mot lona, Slif he snonQ held lane.
the referee of the rare, to threaten. t'. `x`'sitihe And left ante 1 narrow Innis
pall off the e,(', to fore'. them hack. llrt the foreign and 1) 1 w'e•nt AI t his
After a delay of Mane minutes thew w ramp fall till, and hit the 1. wl like
multitude was poshest bark to whet,. roar, with flitalen shooting, like mon-
prniPrtiltw. Around t.h,•v Hess. with .
the fence haus been and the first ear
was brought to the 'darting line. I.e.
(Ron, in a Il:e-horsepower Thome!,
was the driver. 'there was a buzz 1(r
excitement and a (IIWreeni(n) of report^
like a (}catling gun. The ear steel
trembling and Nnarting, spitting out '
great Rashes' of Are ,reel smoke. The
word was fr1y.n to go, smt, slur oil;
an Inxtant • delay in getting the "feel `
of the naafi, It shot forth H e a rocket..
entire collate and blem-ked the way of
the flying earn. That there were not a
hundred caenalties was due only to
the agility of the 1p ectat0rs in getting
out of the way. Probably the trolley -
dodging instinct in the average New
Yorker has nuule hint kern -sighted
and agile. The Brooklyn hridge rush
and the Wattling for a place on
ecuwded rare have developed a set of
men in wham daring and caution are
unusually well blended.
The nearest point to the course- he
Westbury, a quiet country villager
twenty-five miles out on the lane
ieland Railroad. The race was srhed-
(led t, start at H o'clock in the rnorn-
eter,. from an Inferno, :and in and out
among the village etreetee at a terrify.
ing pare. Some had Ilett els tunny
as half-s-dmen tires and were
forced to run on the hard pert of the
wheel until the nearest repair plant
was reached. One flew by 1(e with a
broken chain clanking a tatldo on his
bronze cylinder.
n rllir return toward the sterling I !
401.1(1 view• of the fh•.t chart. race's as
they,c • lei a (1111 stop. alrivers
were• r.lrered with llrlw ,irution And
14rind.. After their terrible ride, And
Niers. everywhere ar.•lainied by the
mutt itudobeyed
''!'he baud bey,'•Thr
Marea•iUaie" 111 holm,- of tlltgnl•r, IIle
„inner, and the crowds sent up a
Nu mole Plewa will be held on this
' •uur.e•. The sport is loo d:*ngeroue
where such a 1.ruwd galhrrs. $hep.
.4.11, 111 a 1s(horw•power IIoll hki..,.
struck a Ulan audJailled himiustt11tly.
The Midi' of the pour fellow was
thrown vioh•nt ly' aagaiu-t 'A' w'0111311,
0„1 km., -1, d her 111111)' feet ittu A
I'• .. wale un4q• win1(1' 44'•
at :a male a-minul..
1 ,•1' four I)Irlt :4 A did,'
,i i.Phuft'e 'steeling ,!eat'
.114.• 11uu:.ulalgr+tblr, nod 111. 111.1
hale ziy!'Altrzevl 111111411(11 a ,•loved
'o'ow•iug INnh 111.15 el.owl Med i:411i. 41'
1,1 the .,i1 au.1 Whiling them 111.1 lied
.•I IL41te1. w:111, feel ahead.
Atte! the rare a drizzling rain be•
gait 11. 1 ill, mid 1111' y::ty rl'.'w'd .414111
Is+ e,1..• 1..411 1.440.•41. 1111' 14.7111.11 1/ .1:5
111 I h • 1114 of a ta•t ,11•111V. The
1"141. 'Alit• a r, n11i0n41oe Itl,,,L,de 111'
1111. 11141•.31141111411•411.111•. 11 IN
1u:11.•14 111:11 len 1 hu11.:mol 4111 onlobl.es
were gathered together.
ing In the fire limits and ,1140 fart41rlei
and (Aber iudual►•iel 1.r t' •rcial
Luildiggs outside the halite : also the
contents of each building. Thr Ase..
ri,ltion has l•uusidr►'rd the character
of the different pr. (bees and the like-
lihood of tile. and the amount to he
charged for insurance is then llpeciH-
cally .Ute). To halite extent it par-
takes of the nature of an arbitrary
aa5.wl.ulrut, fl' which there is 1111
appeal. 11. a few itailahem. the new
rates 1111':111 11 rl'dIIeti1111 111 the cost of
i11.411uwe. but in t he uuljority of Melee
thele. ie. 1111 ill('Iettee, 1111d 111 many
Ciliate a very pa'Ireptiblr tine. The
new ratings are 1101 adopted by the
tariff insurance cuulpau(es.
One of the Saddest Stories. r
•Fit's al %ea. a cold, ne•gleeted pf
euurse, and catarrh dm(eloped. No. 4).
1 ry4g was 11,11)4' (Ind consumption fol-
luwevl. Witt ell Ihe 11(11e role, keep it
fi griming h • tieing ••Catarrh°.
zone" \otlong silnple•rthan inhaling
the germ -killing valx - 1(l' chi. gnu)I
Coble tilde Anilcata 11) Her 41s Iw••
file lily. Krell' (lNee 'd throat and
bronchi:d I41uhlr yields i11111/edlUrl%.,
l'alakrh41zuu1 is wield Me :1141 absol-
utely guaranteed for pre%1•111111K and
raring rataw'h and kindl•d ill.. I'm)
t'. 11. ..iris, „:w. and $1.0n, at,elItleal'r..
Liaunty Postmasters' Convention.
\ .nr.•ulinn .4 Ileir.rfi county post -
ill the 1uw11 11.111 ;it
ITuhal 1.0 1'ue•s,lay, Orlulwr 111 h.
N.lille1 1111 wel'l(ng is as out largely
attended. Ihr 411-eu..111444 we•rt. ptr•lit-
aLlr, the iota',', well-111stainel 1111d
11444)3' Ileo- tit h;4.ini„ were da,,pustel
11. )1.1: nun in, . f Blyth, 'N••
4.4114., di the a11,1 \\ . T. I:n^lav 1.
f 1', rv!i141h I .,
a. ailed :is - rel.,tt.
.\ 11, 4 full di 'n :.son :ul,4 0. Lea ig eon -
..•.1e.1 that I lie L.••.4 ,•.,t, in of organ.
i• (11,..11 'A..iIl 4.e the 44111.11 1,414 of
4.4111111" +1•..4 111(1(14*, with lvprrnr•g1:1,-
11v1•s 1141111 46e.e t4) ;11 1..11.1 1 lie 1'1'.v-
inri.11 11....•(44.4. n w.4. 41,., 1,641 I,. In.r-
. ed to ..1 m.111111.0 1.,,,l, 4 Ihr n cul• of
I, 4'uun1y of Hut •u 4'''.1111.4 44 •' As -
i ,I IJ11. 'I'll•• 1.111.(1 1,11.! ,'411..•,. %%11r
,Jrrlrtl : 11, It. Mrh- .11, filial). pres-
ident : 1'. Itaidoi. /'••114,.11i.1, (i1'.••
ptrside•nt : %V. '1'. England. 1'rrelihnl
F:asl, se'erelary-heaseiree. '1'. Farrow.
Hrussel.' : P. Fisher, %%Ingham : E.
t'hlistie, Exeter, and A.. 11. Suther-
land,>Sr.1folAh, with the ohm-mit/tined
411114I•rs, romlilute the exemitive come
alit e1'. It was deei l:vl that the p:1y-
hre'lu of the itaw+her:•hip f •e of fhe
1'r.tiataal As,meial ion should entitle
Ila• 11.1 vertu metiih•(.hip i1. the vomi-
t y :1••41.'1,/i1•tl, it helm; •'xpeeled 41ta4t
a "mall I'M...m itage of these ter.. should
1441 11. IL, 4.1111111 a'. 111 111,•et here.,,;ll y
Local rip.', s':. The pie:-ideut abet 1).
Sproat wee.• n: el as delegates •11) the
next 4114.1111144 of the 1'11'.(1111'181 As-
sociation. H E Praetor, of Aurelia,
molal y '•f the l'r•'viuri ll. A.e.-(,•i 4-
1 ieec (vat. pie :1'114 :11151 g:l\'.• :tl 'list l no.
tire Addle.-, mak itig epee•a:ll referrn.e
to the advantages of organization.
In dismissing the present pru.pwl'ts of
the p'.elmllsters end the possibilities
of improvr11rent by inlelli4 int co-
.perltiou, the following re.olul1.11
wits mnulinminh' *theme! ; That '.v1',
the II1emheI.$ 1.i Heron ('.111nty
maslr(~r Assnriati011, d.•site 11. rept-
our admiration of 1(111 great ronfid.'i
in Mr. Ira Stratton 44111 ite his ail.
v.rr1/1'y of 0111' rawer, And hereby re•-
e0nnrlend the d'oetal Current to all
IN ret111rasleni. and '111141w'ttkr t0 41,1• all
4' nitu*tlre to aline 1s.• 11.- ritenl:l-
lio 1.' It was re.olvell that tale next
Ines ing he held at ('lintrol . liuli•
i1. ,111 ul:►ry n'rxl. ('431.
Cli On Man's Narrow Shave.
lundnn. Ile•t. l:i.-AlhN•et.
.on of 451', . Nelsen, n well-kn.nv1)
eitize'n of .(Tinton, unrriml'' escaped
death `,chola'.' evening 111 tine of the
.1 p.•re11ia1',1r('idr11ty 111:11 ever harp-,
period 111 till. 11:11 v. Nels4.11,''A1111 had
1,'.,'11 ,•1(l lloyell 111 operating a merry -
go -routed at most of the ball fairs,
went 11(1 on ?I:ltntd'(y afternoon to
visit hi- e1''I 3''1. 1th.,lice'on the
1,4(1111 11•.01 over La(V.41n':4 shes• .4 ,1'..
4111 1/111111.1. -1re41. 111'nlle11lp1i1114 U,
x141.. Ihe 14.1141) he fell against the
window sill "which ie but ten inr11es
higher tit:ul the dicer. In o-, • way
lir managed 1.1 g1( right 4 htemeli • the
whitlow. 1111.1 people on 1►u1Jda, street
were mei:reed to hear the crashing of
gta..1,ndehen s••1' a 11)114) 1.nnm 441111(8
timing!' the :lir, t1'h,•n be reelr•bwt
the ..bond -torp ' 111'. L,NIy .tritek
:twined :, lie.ivy telephone wire and
'woke 11. :and then fell h. Ihe 41'nv.
meal: 'rh41.,• t( Int oven• '44.11111•'4's tit
the:1.•e i'L 1(r inuuedinh•Ir rn.h1•d Hp,
exlnrti1, 1•. 11(1,1 a 41'.,,.1 Iran, hitt
('4'.,,• n•ftini•he,l to see the mon tip
and look :round tor a s1•rnnd and then
fall 111 a11 ((1(4(11-riealy 1.n1141011.11.
Kingsmill w,> railed :,rel had the
lint hent a4 4nr.• token to Vie! ,,Tao hos•
Oat in the eunhuhuue. 1'p sin ex (11)-
111116.m it was fn111u1 that the left leg
hod been fr'.ltired het wee') the knee
ane; the Ankle and that Ihree 111,5 had
brut, broken. Nelson's esea4w• from
death w'as nnthieg short of nlir(le,e.
I 1 .til. I •
I 1a1 11(• adv •, r•
h 1 kr
t h wire.
%%li ef> broke his fall, he would hnye
IN•,n.4.1.ked nil 101,1 1111'paVenu'nt a
dead nun1. .\t a 1,114' 1("111. 1,1.t (;0111
Nel.nn 11 hl I4rncr, ,' 4 r, .h,rinn.tr•.v
111)41 I>..:• u.• entetl.lined fat hi. ie -
r41, cry, - --_-- ----�- • '
' Trustee )Mould Be Liable.
From 'ren• ..1f111 un l M:mpile - Lr, ,I
.I. .1. t1'.. Otwlrrirh. t f ,. , h .•4
eevem yenta ago 1 emuntibnle,l :1 .11(11
of tenu1Py to be e•xlx•nd''d in making
"I '>' '' illlp('n4.1•Inl•11t. 111 A r'hllrtli.
T his in,ney Inv* ne•( 1.1' been exp(n41..d
for the purpose f111' (whish It. Was (•1111-
trihutell : ail nil events. the inlptx,ve'•
meat'. 18;11.4' arty NW', 'mole. A111 4
entitled to hnv,• Ihe m..ury r•p:dd to
tar :•
Ahs. • If the Net., are '.►earth ns
you have rt ale'.) them y011 (11nhold
the people to w) yon gave Ihr
titulary :l. "trustee" thelrnf, and ran
41h11,and payment of th.:moonlit which
1''.111 1.41111 eibn11.1l, pll'e''1.1ed 111e ti111r
all bin 1a'hi.'4, he bottom .1nrnts were
141 be mead,' has 4.1.11r .1.11. If there is
'written'••a by • �'
1 111411411
1 hat",, , -
ing tin' object for w'ha. le the •y
(taia .tltwei4M•d 411 ).40:14.1, 111/11 w•111
gna•ern, or if there 1114. Ally (written
relating I hew s1( ,
(, 1 -
seriptinne, they may !Meet and hula. -
met the "liability" of the p:1111114 to
whom the Money tens pai,1' ff, 'rut he
other' harm. ,herr was a trete verbal
arrangement hl talkvl n( 1,
. 'mother
of people ft time to time•, ah an in-
formal kind eip W , yee may have
great 44iflIeulty in holding any person
However, you hate a right to
demon) the amount and Attalla do s1(,
MAI cyan sae for it if not ('.paid (to yon,
Change in Insurance Method,
The 4',(411(4an Fire 1'nderwrifen'
A h,,(P4a4404) IIA,, adopted A 1(,•w ey'lt..m
of ineurenee•, which went info effert.
at the fit -et of this tit. inMred of
there being a general rate applleehle'
to all building/ of a certain class, 1(r'
the contents thereof, each Referee
building rimes under a specific retina,
and the eontente es well. For in.
tame, for Oo dcrieh a e,ttalegnr has
point we were so fortunate aa to get a
been prepared describing every huild-
11'inghnm Times ; 31r. A1. IV.
Ileiwell, representin►gQ• the I'atner (lame
title Lighting t'o., 111,s been in town
fur some &aye den:ie.-11.,1in( the
Merits of his cu11,l,.u,1 lighting
*yst(•1111. He has had Inti lights -murk•
ing itt Mr. E. 11. tt'a11, '. drug sauce.
The 1311114 certainly gat 1•':1 VPI•y bright
light and ill 1. said to he ,cheaper than
elect 1 i lighting.
2 - Monster Bargain Days - 2
SATURDAY and MONDAY, 210th and 22nd of this Month, OCTOBER
Reduetion> will be made in nearly everything in the store.
\Ve always cut deep into prices on BARGAIN DAYS.
('one if you can in the forenoon and avoid the afternoon rush.
20th and 22nd.
Rare chance to get seasonable goods cheap.
Corner Hamilton Street and Square
IF your flour doesn't act
right whom do you
• blame i' The grocer? He
didn't make it. The tra-
velling salesman told -him
it was good and somebody
else told the salesman.
When you buy
Royal Househod Flour
your protection coniesfrom
us. We make it, know its
goodness and guarantee it
to both you and the grocer.
•It is -always sold under our
name and trademark, so
you cannot go wrong.
Ask your grocer for Royal
Household Flour. It's the
key to better living.
Ogilvie Floor Mills Co., LN.
"Ogilvie's Rook for a Cook," con-
tains 130 pages of excellent recipes,
SOMA never published before, your
grocer can tell you hew toget it Pft$$
"Noy 'Maple Leaf n•,bh*r11 If v'.: wain a r.. at, smart, &Ceara, 5I"Wlrsler from
"the old woman who I1 ed an a shoe .'
Light and pliablo, because no wear•destrpying adulterants are
mixed with the finest Pana gum.
Conform to the shape of the '.hoc-giye•a glove -lice, accurate,
stylish fit. Stay in shape. W e:sr lung.
is only soothe way of saying 11 Ambition. " We
ambitious -we . 11 meant to reach the all are
t0 but i( the first
fewP. t
rungs x (
k ladder a1' (p
success tce4s
hard to get a foothold, isn't it ? are missing, it's pretty
Begin right att2iattend the FORRST CITY flt7itNx54 &
SHORTHAND ('OLreee. Nothinge
in husinc.,r life. The itaught thatwhen not needed
�'(ingxsare all in ore ladder, and w
you graduate you stand :thane On a firm fotrndatiotl.
B114ines, and Shorthalid work our specialty.
Write for our catalogue ; it'slree, '
Schad term : September till June, inclusive. ' (• ''
Forest City Business College
J W. WPSTPRVFI T. rra,rlF.1
Y. M. O. A. vale„ Lsredww.
Stoddart & McKillllon
beg to announce that they have
taken the contract for
the handling of
Massey -Harris
and extra parts and extend an
invitation to all Massey -Harris
patrons and friends to visit the
them in their showrooms.
By close application to busi-
ness and by carefully looking
after the requirements of custo-
mers they hope to merit the sup-
port and confidence of the whole
farming community.
1 desire tat announce to the public
that I have bought out the harness
business heretofore conducted by A.
1. i'Actit I ,.F:, and am prepared to
fill all orders in my line. I will have
constantly in stock a full line of
Robes, W hips, Trunks, Valises
and everything usually found in a first-
class harness shop, at right prices.
.1 share
of the
P patronage 1air
Iibl• ) 1'y
118 a 19
Successor to A. .1. PALTRiDI;F, I (atnilton St., Goderich
Fanning Mill, Pump and General
Water Supp/v.
Fanning Mill Department
The late.? Iwprote.A sired ('leaning nal
Groin ('honing Machine will clean any noel
rt cry tiled of e.t.d. or grain known to the mon•
(,snorer, tvllh the awed of any fanning 111111
of equal sieving ea{yw1,welt . Those who are using
theta report cleaning for market one hu•8e4
per minute and over.
They w111 .epnrnte timothy .red from any
kind of grain it maybe tn, and thou. It while
Cleaning the grain. without Mowing an) of 1h•
+PPA away. It not only *levee but a1•rrvn. wed+
when cleaning k•wnln
R thrl n. If le
sold to clean Ira 1 tna
fhl, cloven flak, rte., lea to the high priced
AmAPMSeed nn t'llplrr leaner.
11 J. one of the br.t marhlnl•v manufactured
for cleaning m11 wild amt., mr,twrd + wL wild
Rax rhe.,1(A
at other noIto n+
rain and R +Ped•
frau nn colo 1
t Rher nu1 - limy he in.
n err.
T w a enw• lot r
{ i farmer of buying
whole funning '4(144. 1111s anchone i. made to •rhe pumping maehlne dere. nal occupy mach
Dant In Ih..Mn.• of minima any nnlinnry frtn•extra
spoor and can he laced In honor. o4whle (/r
Dint( 11.411.(41111 will)IN• Ailed In with no extra yaM. New Mdy 400. chi. mnrhllro d•Ilrer
lug II fo's (ho,aIut lnf'I1. ow the mill o,dlwa anon• wafer from th' .'pont 11ke the o.dlnwry pawn•
K own stet ••.•
. and omen
MA h r Water
movin a w e1' th
Y Mkt. IhP rocas
1 workR
PPA n ka
1'P nv.PhtM 1(r
no aIP
to changed ughp) and •,Pal to ,'r of her place requlml
It inn Ire taken not of mill al any thus almlr'f through, pipe- laid nndergroond or °yellow',
w«.Inirkly and AN easily no n Ihr.v .vrtnb)nwt TM. machine can be placed directly over well
•leve. The one machine ear: he 1('M h, mon• If de•lnv1. 11 i+ w ell alwptevi for hand one. M'1
than one 11,11) If ntve,..wry. ran IM attached to power. it Mw 11a marked
The prloeof the machine complete with AI by women 01' children and ho. large rallwrit)•
Pump and Water Supply
The n..4a) wnppiy M M
1/brn Pooh. 1'm
stork or Armeear wt or eastern..
A large variety of very Ane Iron Pumps frau,
leading mannfnet urer', for drilled or dug well.
or rlaterno for hand or ['ower
The ('hatuplon easy working deep well
Pimps are trry .trona, well made aril ran 4.0
worked by women and children. 'rho etre k
wall 4Ire Race+ large flow of wafer. Mina.(
til drilled t.1
cwt In oar and w w � e. or drill
Iwo a at 1 /
y /
doe well*, for hand or 'tower.
Sink. arid Sink Pumps.
The long draught pnmping mnrhlnr. arc
4p,rl'lly ,ulnMed for drawingwater frons
w^n". eta„
!f +1'1 1(r r a 1'}I
n faekv v ne .Pet rt
R• 1
.P p the
1 t real M 1 from and,..' feet n n >*,'hln
Ince where Ihr pumping machine Is located,
tern drv,w 4a T W ICI V R 1101.1.A HR, delivered,
lilted In mtNatml guaranteed. NVOIRAUiJO /RAMS. !lasing h:"
An •parson we/ldh.g Alo own order will b1' .•on.lderahl, nvperlenee In piecing.1l' kind of
wlbwed oar Aollar oR pMrr /of tnwrhln. When work wo Mro no h.sltwl.Mn In RuwrwnteelnW
machine mention make Of fanning w1( )1(h we will nnAwrtake Mr *w .111 node,
ordering m y
mill yon want machine Ailed Into, If pandble, take no Joh where we think the condition. not
also *14th of .bar In.lde, r•'•'•'••tn117 operate Thr
Sieves and Screens for any Mill.
A 1(r quantity nr stre of gen entree or Meek
Iron MPn. •11(1441) 14 with all kind. of pipe AI NYPBIY RYt'p'Y,Ms. ,YPRo1 Pt'MI's
tinge. A quantity of *mond hand half Inch nine rte, of and 451 *acm, .y.fwm. Mt dwalling
mewls. ('nntrarta taken for rutting. fitting houwe.e.. We4.r.apply.ydwrnw((w�ryatabbe steel
aM la Ing Hoes All '.noodle. through mall yant• with all n...ary plpre. (*A mole. tank.
praw 17 r++n11r'.1 to. Malt order. carefully taP. +tort bw.fol. Mr_, e! t1" ,oast Improve'
Pt aammlled In plan.
favorable In a, w ram.
cayrrlt Y M at ream. tested and le, rho taken fav
Of charge for any person employing .e. In P11
in (hair work If the ordeal Mn be np.Yatee
Wrangel, all Work 40r Joh,
in the old stand, near center of Nelsen and Victoria Sheets.