HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-10-18, Page 2a Twv..Datf, Oct 18th, 1808
UIH►RN l'lh tNTAHIu.
IVDA\ATI'h:K t Ku8$Iatti
Terme of Subscription •
iLW per assent is AO V111144..
8121 wont hs, .b• ; three mow hs. 2.Ic.
Yebacetbera who tail to receive Tar vlu'A,
1efntarly by aunt will router a favor by a,••
toawitdrpy( u. of the 1.wl a1 a.• early a dale a.
NTeu a ,'lunar,' of whirr.. 4. dedreil, bol h the
old .1141 Ihr err address should, be gi. 4,u.
Ad.ert.e,nt Rales :
legal 1111,1 oilier • her advert, einem •. 111e
per Ile..' for lira iu.rrh,al a,.4 ac per line Nr
each .ub,a'r111.11l Iuvnawl. Mea.und by a
tonparril scale. 1 wets a Iiue. l01144 inch.
Hu+inn,,. cant. of •i 4 line. 111141 under, is rw•r
Advert i.rturnt. M taw!. Youud. Strayed. Sit •
nation. )'.1.84,1. Oil xa1iWe v)'aulyd. House, for
Sale or l0 Item. Vann. far trate or to Itrul,
Articles fur Sale, rte., not exceeding 144(14t
Mow, lei.• each ia.ert ion ;III for first 11•..:11•
for ea,'b sob...Nueva a,Wah. Larger .441/4.diw
went.. 111 pn.eort ill..
Auuulunwnlrnlw In onllnury nruling tyre /eta
twill. 14er line. No tuner Ir.. 1loun 'S:•.
Any special notice. (11e ub,lna of 41.41(4 i• the
pecuniary benrllt of any mill. bloat era.rui
alts,,, tub e11wi,ler.V1 up 11drertes./nod and
to be charged a,•r.nlingl .
Flat e+ fur dispb.l au.1 isint mei ail...rtis.
mews will be given on implication.
Add res. all coma ramal• 1,,
vaxarTlat & Hcuitat'.4o ,
.'lir S104*1.
I I,.,pr4h. 1111,,
OOD fIr H. "1111 esti 4V, IN T. Itch. nsx.
This slit 1io11x1 '1'11:11ilksgirillg pay
Mrd, Canadians r.murw'hal ,•
shamefaced d than is their wont. I1 is
not that croie. have failed, not that
industry has hl Igui.harl. 111.1 that do-
nationa1 (sac.' a if security are threat-
ened. Xu fw a: its sur Iswdrl•s,
NMI the sun mf p1.144 1'11y 111.1118 with
olJituiuishlrl warms tend .'herr. Rot•
the blessings vvmcbsa 1 by x lilt
Pnn'idence the at:know! guleuts of a
grateful people asreud a.. your.
But in the past we have 1 is
tomed l., hear arising front 4 pulpits
of the land Ih.nksgiinig%Yo•. eri-
dI•nrr4 of national uubilil y, sof .aa rlln
1(1141 healthy public life, of 11 'hand. 441
.1f 1• ',,mixt julep ily a little IN'tt
-did we not think in our hearts:
than that of our neighls,rs. This
'year. with sur newspapers reporting
tile 'oliljolt' delsuu•hety of one .4 our
cities, the disclosures of 1,,.,.e 111et11111.4
Its lea• a mild 1er111J in the manage -
mem of trust f (s and the e'mpl,.V.
merit hf men highin political and
couu11er•iad life of their special upfx1r-
tunities for toe feathering of their
owl! Heals, with little .4r n1. considera-
tion of the 'Irmo iety 1.r Noticed of
theirxclions - with these things then -1.
iug thrmwll'rr 11(x111 his attention the
Canadian's pride is 1 bled, and he
can hanUyHnJ consolation in the doubt-
ful reflection, "11 might bare bee"
worse." Certainly it is bad enough.
Yet all is not (loot., Everybody in
Canada k not absorlwtl in the effort
to get ahead of his neighbor. There
ore .till those who will not bribe and
carona, he bribed. Not all • leaders
in public life 14Ie "..tat for the stuff."
That War a refreshing sign of a high
sense or h • which wag given by
Mr. Borden in his haste to disavow
any eonneet hot with the hood "deals"
the revelation 44 which has damaged
the reputat ion of some .4 his (olid ical
friends. last 411 hopes thxt the worst
has been dis4ova'rel and that the .lir-
ring up of all this nastiness will lead
to reformation. a turning to batter
and e 1 1 things. IA.1 111 144•
thankfill that there are 11111ny who
have nut 4444.11 the knee, to Baal. and
thankful that some of to, Wee not large
etluugh in the pudic syr to 1. "inv.,.
tigalel. ' /
Principal Field's remark, at t
meeting suldt•ovseol by Inxpectllr Till
here Incl week indicate an enlighten.
view of the problem of the wilt
eurrirul . There are enough 'u
jor•te already 1.0 the program of vitt
Ina without the antinion of "hoothold 'wiener,', Manual t' ' ' g, au
othei• things whit•h faddists are Irvin
to engraft in 1.111' system of public ell
cation. One of the greatest f►ilin
of our w'hooI, at the present tilt
judging from their prxhlcb., is n Inc
of due attention to the drh•elop114,'I
Of the qualities of thoroughness an
awcurlu'y the result, tra,'hcls say,1
the crowding of too many sob/oats i
the curve'. This condition would I
aggravated by the addition 44 the pr.
posted new studies, and 4411)4• silk.
tinniNtN 81)011111 deter ' Ili• resist I h
attempted inlovatitem ��'hile n'nd
ily admitting the benefits of (111404,,
In domestic n,•ienre and manual art, a
great many'wool lie far ft.esu being
runvi,,.ed that the 'nibble schools are
the proper place for an111 training. or
that it can b•.Hl.iently given i0 the
public Rebook, in whieh t,'r•nl we Mi-
riade for the present, high schools and
rnllegiate institutes. 11 would be
h better for the .tate entirely' 10
ignore these aubjeets Than to attempt
4./1 sublet ilnll' for the present. means
of obtaining in.trlctilm along these
Tines the smattering w'l4ieh I...11141 111.
in the schools+ along with 11),
present curriculum. if the state is to
take thin' department of training
be din
hand at all. it should be by
meant of sp•eial eu11rsen, either in
school* ort „part atoll especially
equipped for the purpose 1)r in the
present high Reboots AO collegiate
inetItute*, taking care that they
should not encroach upon the regular
work of the schools and that they
should not be considered in any sense
a substitute for any part of the. regu-
lar academic course of studies. Thin
would Rive opportunity for a training
stnnewhat worth while in the techni•
saI subjects, while it would not dna
tartare with the work of the. schools
as a. ptnt carried on.
Amt, *ay sonde people, is it not more
essential that 11111(11.441) s
THE SIGNAL: r:4>41:11'11 (.NTAH11I
trained along (hese "praelil•a1" (411es
thann that they should devote their
tittle to 11)01•tal and literary training T
1.1 141 their NI•luol panting not lie
aimed at giving them ..means of
making a living' %V.. say caliphati-
ea11y, No. If this is what our ".4,11.44)1,,
ore for, they are a 111u11s11.)111 mdx44.'
If the idea 111 cli 1.1.4 raining is to pro•
vide the Means 1.l -Making n living,"
better that the seined, should tam
abandoned at 44114'.' and the t•hildrru
tomtits! on the streets. Hut wu11.14'
thele is s •tiring re for rhi141re11
to hook forward to than their sere
subsistece, Sorel (11,',',' 44 44Il4I0IlIjlI(*
more in lite than the providing of
food wu1 raiment. Sorely there is
some noel fur r1111141,', loot Ihr illmig-
in:tion, for the .•njoy'nlrut i•f 1ilr.
after 111e 1ae.uI and Inner and the
clothes have been obtained. tf the
struggle fur 1x4".4,',,.'e is inevitable in
later years, Irl the rhild1•u's ''h.ral-
liolr tit least he left to them for the
I.•nruing .4 those things which will
citable 411.',,1, 0vial ill the Illid.t • th.'
%lauggle. to catch glimpses of better
and happier things meant for thein if
14,. •)' 1,411 11114 leach 1111'111,
1110.. It•.,,Polls. in one of ►ii
n'1i• 1141 Ill. Ie f..111 .Isle to (toll
•1.1/1•11 nue en. ' which in jug l..
the fount. The Late It'.
\\llliuuls, at sue lime pastor ''1.441(14
reel. Methodist chnl.1whit,' (I'''l-
Ig in 1111. ('niled'.1 11••mei a young
ma 41111. wars going from 4.11+4 114/1.1'd
("sit •r4ity to bake a position in al rail•
win• o Ire in chi. l,,a, l l hi.
•Ik,krn vy 111. t\',tlrnu. riunarkerl,
-Yon did ..t i''''"1 I.. graduate f.111,
110 ward to a 11.411114 tor 1111 iv,rrk yu11'
are �(uing 'To du in Chicago... The
graduatr'.quick 4,l. •111 44 as: ••I)1/lowe
uul hiig I.. till' 1A11In NNl There
was uo114111g mune 1. lie said.
11'1 w'.add draw a radical distinc-
tion IN•t vee14 mom,• tidy mud the
other ,4411.ieet.4 wcuti..ne, . by /tlspev-
tur 'filler. If nature slit y 4',411 Is•
worked 111 along with the (lIPsr11t rur-
thiadum. giving av dearer t'nri,•ty in
the program of the schools. it might
he smolt. a %al11.ab4e means of (114..t4len-
ing the sympathies and quirkedi.
he tobte.rvatioll of the rhiklrrn. Hue
ave all thing. the Thiol' should
444'.1 trying to d1. .o many Things
that ,othing eon lie dime thoroughly
and w•
just a. well 1 , live 14:;111 along 111 a
1 1,1.• h r as no reside. leu years in
1 nnl1sim,l and then put ill-11fits•n
years in 14 reel.
R.v.Lrtiolls 4411 1411 I mils are ,show-
ing n 41ltmful want of ordiuo y, every•
day 1 .sty in i •1({144 and
(olith;/j life.
%%11111 a chartered. Iwnk eau lee
wrecked by the s(ler•utatiwis of our
.41.ia1. extended over a period of
several years, it 1,s.ks u4, if a 16,o•ge
neve needed in the method of super•
vision mfsu,hinsailuli„n •
That enlitieut patriot, Ililly HNIIIn•11,
Will ger to PalHeinen! heal 111
Will) a ch1steued y.i1 it. The Lateral
11lstmlwls will ie. doubt Kite hilt
alwndanl op(orfuoil1 to explain his
darlings in Wc•trru land.,
11 may as' tv,'ll IN• said that 11)1 feel-
ing against the seleml teachers' s:14:411
legi"hl(1..0 of last ...sal is not likely
Im ho 1411 Ive.1 114 ;1.IdleNses d.•lit','reel 411
al)di,vu'.'-• of te'arhrls 18111 le:WIWI', iu-
U•+lion!;, who of :.Il people are swot
11atlually in favor of the Legislation.
Inspector 'fill.•)' ought to get oat
the farmers i1 be omits Io
s s.•4,-, 11114,' 11 really interesting 1 .
It was .1 1'ottservatite (;over .tit
ha licrat flritain that Iwrmiltel the
Alaska IN 4111)' award stead, illlrl
now it is a Liberal Government that
snrriII.' ' N •'. fuuaJland's interests oil
the 141t:u' m( 1'nit..! States frir,ld.hip,
It seems to make m..lill...cc:tee, in this
res(w,•(, which party is iit power at
%rest sire. he 1.4114.1.11'. display a
lilwlal hand in giving away. ,•,douid
rights. ,, bile 111e 4'''11wrv1U i. es are
lent ,,a conserving the pwaae44 with
('11111 Sa41 at 1111 «spe s,. „t the
., of Toronto, who oc-
I of Not'th affect
w'44 k ago List eton-
the declaration
the Methodist
Lauren! last
N is
11 a
Rev, Ili•, Po
lel the, 4)1)
h.Nlist church
evening, repeat
4,h he bad nsldre •
end Conference at
Ili in refer .nee 11, the Lord'. I
(sassed a1 the 1:141 se.' ion of
!inion Parliament. 111•. Pott
pr•sid,'llt of Die Lord's y
•0 of (' Is, and is thereto' ' i
nen to know whereof he ape
the passing of the efaet111
it was dor largely, he Ntaer81,
il(rid 14)111101', and altar hint
Chas. Fitzpatrick and his 8
I. as 11ini"I,r 14 Justice, -
worth,w'h1 11gd411411 taken
illtel'esl 111 the. Ille4alll'r,
efforts of these men is due it
degree, declared Ur, Putts, t
that there is now nn the stall
s of 4'annd:a the best Len'd's 1)
exists -nee anywhere.Pelts' declaration should
tiled not Lady by those who 1
the prolerl4,.n of the Sabha,
those who wish to war ('at
1.f all raced.. and racial origi
1 loge4111•r in real '13". 1(al
•in pwoph• have not ret got 011.
4,a 11141 Q1 the people of iebee n
is," and that Ile pith! rd 1014,41
that 4'royincr have ..spirali.,
signs which could not Hnd fay.'
g 11)1. people of this Prolific
•is1, no duuht, 0111111'14iwent
IV IIIIiitolel'a41NNl 11) goodieale Canada's best (1.11•1111•4w1
to Kling the two I'ruvinr.
rlo')el�' I..gelher ill :1 hu
441.11141111g null sympathy.
pN •II(i,ill ream.b
,nr Sir WVilf,
•r is ".unledimes held 1145 la view
e i
I'1,t'in'r IIV onwho 114,,1.:1 111
1111111 of his rare laMI of hi
t its (':Inadi,,n affairs. On t
hand. it1 tln,'hee he is assails%
t111yca or his Inc. and religion,
• know that 11e has failed to
the hopes of smileof his flee.
4.1.111". of (Mole•,' who look at
attain. gal her t4, a tnieIwl•
• m national point of clew.
Y le'0nt evid,'m•e of INN ill Ihr
4440! by Henri 111,111844.11, 11, 1'•,
formersupport of the 1''imr
r /11141his nu•vena'el to )1(1111 8
)arty among the (lnebeegipoll-
Fo11Ini1t•41• theta. is not
:son 444 feat' Ihr/ 11r. Ht'ne-
altrat't many
of Sir Wilfrid's
•r, a. the Prentiel'',f
wooledwa steadily in A truly
1 direct ion t 11111 IIIN joril y of
ire of (jne(s•r, 1yr hrlieve, camraw•,, front the larger outlook
.motel' View's teprecenttel (y•
IA/WO.181. 11 is fort he people of
to east aside their ois(rust
policeand join heartily with
de of Quebec. and of all 11w
(evinces in the spirit of true•
II nationality.
.4st i
but 1
the id
and d.
Last i1
this P
as a lie
and wi
8111 isry
inn• -til
than f
There i
of his
lmlrh re
,a will
f llow'el
1111/1 beef
nal Mita
the peal
not be .1
to the 11
111. Ron
(holm in
and pre
the p•o4
other 4'
1 a
n y.
Thers one lathk gone to the bid.
but i1 isn't 1114 if there were not. plenty
Thal quiet 'now•fall last week did
more damage to the leve than a dozen
windstorms would no,
It should be noted that the New-
foundland giveaway '4rnrre')1 while
Hamar (ileenw'otxl. M. P., was away
from Downing al feet,
Cowie to think •'f It, 'vibes' it Is
The action of the I'uldie %Y'orks
IMp,U11n••nl in calling for t,•nd,.rd for
the romp/Mimi- of the mil...le bre lk-
o.ater at this p..il i. i.irtteol • with
satls(ae'l 1•y the people 01ti.44le-
rieli and of file ,I4-411.1. 1'uloceserti
events have delayed the rlI1'y'111g mn
of the w.0 L, 11u1 the lapse of lisle has
not les.e11141 the feeling that • liar;
Isar should lie lualle its safe and emit -
mistime: e: as modern "t41;i11.•rl iug .ki11.
can fin(k1 it. 'The bleak n1,4er will
not Ile rm111pleted IN•fue the lesa,,,p-
('1''4� of b,rinete. at the elevator x1l
this petting . f the C. I{ N. line will
Otiose great development in 110 lake
trade o li,Nlerieh. ,
Lilwrnl 1 no have been criticising
the ad ' ration of the liquor
license law 1)l ler the %l'hitney (iov-
ernmenl. but -1 nem u•k•ahlr thing
a1N,1,1 the 41.1'.(1•. til 411101441 b•:,w' Ia
that it is taken fl' ,,t '1'1w 11 It..,,
Spectator. ly rola, f'ootirr4'Uite
j.orn,4, which 111 few Lay's ago said
editorially :
"I' or his own salirfartio 1, and not
f Ar the purpose of 411e in miner. a
well-known citizen' 1ec.•ntly`41d11c,tl
Iwo leen 111 in vest igalr the. bars on
Sattnl Iv night. The ',oat '1.1's that
they laid no diftrnity in (;/•4,(nig
The. IL oaten papers are great
afros its it joas 11 ally hones .4 i...1.ten-
rim,. last al mything is go ml low
e val. The nth, day Tlio. Si1.11("•1111C
-fine of ilk. Wive art 1110111 -hops
in 1111, city tithe' tise jor a pit I tor
1 lit. handwriting the girl.
Among 1 11- applicants Was ie young
Mi., of sixteen, who 11.
4'.• .1, or the collegiate course, 1iil ill
•i it 4.'441..0 applieat ion of lialf .n
lines thew N-rle too less than ir
siample wools that %Vele Veiled .1111,4 -
Awl The 'fitnes 'takes it op in Doi
pet (erred, titre git
mature .1m1 editiolli.a
41.41 jes 111j,11•0•11 Of the 1111/11•4t 1
1.1111// ttttttt •ht Etiglimh Iliad, in bola -
hog I heir to sr, 41 11) Let
11., a 4,6.1 over•cenottionsness; it has
Made Many 41 1111111 tiffiellimb.."
'11101 the snowfall in I hoderieli waa
so advertised in Die eity news-
papers to be eteilitell 110 1,11
the impoi•faiwe the 111•Wii am to the
the daily palter!. having t wetly
made 41 4114.1 set ion the early snow-
storm for 11 •41,1•1•1111 111.1411111e11. 1111
11.111)11ton paper we Mel editorial
refetenee t.' it, with the further in-
formatiou that “iti snow fell in
H1111111 4111 1111.111111.1. 15, 111141 Wililer het
in before November." a matter of
fact the little bit of winter last lia.ek
(alio al least. In the Niagara deo.
triet thtnevinik of fv• telt trees were
broken by the heti% y snowfall. In
New York Slate it seems It. have 'tern
colder than in this pal 1 of ()gamic..
It wam loot A false alarm aft et all, and
we have mint... heel, 11114111g 111
...Ohm. The outside world
lol know that Inalerleli iv nt ill in
the 'anode belt.
He Arriven at Last.
Sant 111o. ta.eonverte41 evatt-
"1 believe ill religion Of the 41111-
("I ell kind. New fangled ereeds
and bizarr.. fait ha repel ale. There in
safety the 01'1 :lit after all.
"Thus I know A cemetery where
all the imicript ion", tieing eon vett
t. al, remain intact. Hut tttt a
with and made
"The tomb has on It. at the top :
•lielen wife of Harold Vance.
I await vow' Thorn twneath is
ea r vest, ' II mails! Vo4 nee. I ann. %ere
"At the Nike 44 the inswript ion
someone has written :
"'He took him time.' " - Atlanta
Thanksg.ving Hymn.
reran rhy royal !ann.. Lurd,
'out rolled In menus •,elelidtAir
Thu -dust awake i he slualtmaiiiitt laud,
tvii. green to gola unfolding
11.Y breath Its loonlainic
We hesr through all creation
111 41he and ador..111111.
Thine alleiela 1/1) tttt Ise ow/ er
The 1.111. with .lo4 are rinsing.
Tbe alleys rustling I hick it I. corn •
114.e Joao sadao•11 .4114(11111.
LOOK. llllllll er and 0111).
Sri tide. of houi.i. llua log.
:4111 111)•11eP111111.11/ -.41144111041 life
Settled in its swill. -eriSse..
Sant made the far, of eves 4 twill
StIONer clown TIO cells
'Y1.04. alio Au.t Kik o. 111e 11111bhr
41141111 llar /heel . let nal :
llong Into Tio limner, Lord,
Al Ile, 111 lwavesib
Beyond the blight et Amen.
011 ! Toot Did You Forget Us
Toronto S.iv ardity Night,
The editor of S 11 make Night
week -reeeived the present .4 a
rl of Wars from is sulosenher, Mr.
T11111,1. Ifliek41.01), 11/ li•k1.-riela. Editors
Pilo vim..., who frequently nix ort
t he of tokens of goodwill from
subscribers. will nii longer he able to
barrel, or I 11 rot the crop on
the Diva. The latter plan
les. 1 hall 10111111iIIK ill Apples, HMI ill
ostielialf what his hint is realli• moll),
if it were 1111.4ipetr1)' 11/4114.114•41.
rile Veltletly foe (Ilia state of affairs.
, lite fruit may be accomplished.
land what is going to put the apple
the groWeito iti /Stet) apple -growing
section to tinile and form a eo-opera•
live association through which the
grading, parking and marketing of
ifor this purposelinvol4 vs the selection
in varioini puts of the Province aii
Dee pi•ices obtained lov /4 • Of Diet
for last year's topples loave ini‘de I It
1411twerb entlitisiaatic over tine emotes
of handling the crop:
01 all 1 •st, wide-awake bossiness
Manager, 1411141 the erection 4,Ir a central
'Backing and storage I l so, at the
niost coati ...Mem punk for shipment.
Through sotto All organizathon, boxes
a 1141 barrels e,111 Ile pirehased Wilide
4./411 lie lila: l i ttt •411 by single individual h
sale to twofer illIValltage than (1144.
the groWer call derote his Whole al
14.1111ml to gathet•ing the crop iit the
pe..per ..eason and delivering it tit
ttttt it ion al the central packing
goose : the 314S0V113111111 relieves him .4
111,1!,!k•aiiirie,/itid retsponsibility hi grading,
Acheson & Son
12N Yards Tapestry Carpet at 55c
The price is cut to this figure so that the clearing of this
lot shall he quick and sure.
Heavy English 27 incised wide Tapestry Carpet. Excellent patterns and „'
sigue duitabh. for any room, hall or stair, regular tlae,7.s. end Ole 'twilit
heavy deep pile. Coloring's Browne. Reds. Green!, Trrras, ete. G..; 55c
1000 yards Flannelette at 5c
Pink mid fancy stripe flasionelettis, Pinks, Mors, theys, etc. Light and
dark fine. sOrl hettliy sloth 34 44) :MI Mellen Wide, regiitar %Aar he e _
at per yard
Dress Tweeds
: Saturday and Monday ROI yards 42 to 44 inch Ibises Tweeds, heavy
table at per yard
Weight ; alSo W001 tiVella pinkie pricey, wens 3.1i., :me, 4iie mid aii.., tttt • 25c
We Pace tin iirweial rale ber of special new linen ; soft, warn, dm.
able tine WOO1 mix and beautifully made and thiiiiheti.
each garment 2.1e, 3.1e isold ...
Lailies"rourist Coats 'mule in a tine ntnge of plaid and fancy MIX goods
(1411 stylish vitt, hatidmome/y trimmed and with velvet air ....... -
collar Wall coifs! raugiug Amid' $1 to 118
Inspection Invited.
g, and marketing: allil With
ES. this work in lhos !until. of expert
packers. the grade of flint call be
14114414. m0111'111, 141111 the parking ean
be done pioperly. whieh„ in lime, in-
spires confidence in the powcioasing
this public short, the co-operative
titie 14)'stetil id handbill; the top de et
Chnada Has Been There.
Mo areal wasps..
in their gnarled, and we agree with\
the Donlon piper 4.11.11 h11 V/ 01141 lo•re
est. being sacrificed to tbe valise 14
United States gissl will. We have
smarted ler the same sort of thing
too .4ten not to letie keen 8ynipatity
Advice. for °Wawa.
ean hope (41 rapt ate Wally 'jamas la
OiltAri0 AO* held /1V C•iipsorvatives
turn to the tariff poli.•v 'ild: i21"A
so riling :ediwtion Die to imial ex-
penditure and (1. solo•11
lolevalro/s as Will pill 311. lord 10 406111-
411/418 similar to (14'141 whiiM wore refit-
tim 1.4.1
The Shoe on the Other Foot.
itt Tory talk Akita tint crook
ness in the Elgin. his ntinled .
In th
swatosl for con option. and mile o
Het I), Malcolm M1111111. A. IL Ingrain,
and t he 1.41.eral. It. 11eNish. The El -
gins are 11.14 good vomit it iteneies
present foe purpose. of tiviin by
way .41 gloritleatiou of Tory purity.
A suggestion has in id, Or con-
duct the pre•-ent campaign in N4Irth
Bruce %Moan any politic meetings.
This. no doubt, would be agreeable 1111
(110., whO are eXpeeted to go. out alid
peak at the different seino."1 h.onse.
d who get 1 • at an early hour ill
t mottling. We question, however.
if it. is in the best interest of the rid- ,
ing. .A campaign slimilil he' one a
.4.11 hunting. mud the
•Uint 111 114•411' the respect.,
candidates. A 1' intlidate who e111111,••
ilk riding e• yid sorrv' figure 114
the House of t pinions.
Herbert Spencer Ruled Out.
tinder proper managellient, assiirem
realizes lib 1110 grower a greater profit.
Those Clinton Girls.
Have you heard the story of the
Clinton girl who refused to inatt.ry a
most devoted lover until he ilwol
ilanitamell $111.11110% After Nome expos-
tulatiou. PO the tale goeS. he aveepte41
his fate 111111 set ill WM* 1.1 save' the
...... ey. About three months after.
i le y or lady, meeting her hover,
gel 'tity along ?" -Oh, very well in.
deed... replied Charlie quite cheerfully,
blushed and hooked diown at the toes
.4 her boots', and stabbed Die inottos.
sive eartk with her ioarasol. "I
Donk." site said faintly "I think.
t 'nal lie, t hat's about near enotigh.•'
A Good Steamer Route.
Sarnia business lila has Otis to say •
There is homey to be vide 'lest year
and every year With goold freight
l'entral boat rims only part id the
season ; the Llke Al ielligan loss.' g110(1
11111)1411•4•4 ill11 1'11114 A11 neanoll. NIL she
earrien.freight only. A boat running
.... ' gets aml freight vo mild make moll
lin- Year. New Ontatio is "moo tog fast.
ine and it is time for So ma taisiness .
to step in and get .1 sli lie of the did -
slew.. Reformer.
Th.. dean of 1Vetit 'ter has re-
fused to allow a Memorial tablet to
Iferbert Siwn.•er to Ise put tip in, 1 1,4.
upon Spelleer t IOW Otani the
to the breadth of his ptinlecerwor
Canon Farrar. Who gare willing
misetit to the but hi! Of Darti in within
he walls .4 1S'est 'Poster and helped
to heal' the pall. Itean Farrar wir
de% mt. man and 41 heliever in revealed
;tong but 11.• Wag broad riving') to
may I the Malloy WAN Wog
more th 11 al that it WWI the
111 I ing 14, II t heroes or England.
It is motor mate th it his plata. iv to
The 1111141.411.11 1)1 t111 4.4 Of
the tit IPA( .4 ern lirrentionm,
and gives; to the trio 'eller a handy
Of keeping hi lll in the
of his friends. while at s.
suggest Mg t.11 1111.111 /11,1111.
Where he hi. 11 i• floWer 14 Ming in
the arid at pliers. of the 11 il bag.
1Vheit prisons of lewd ;Muds s. 'I this
flower and hring the postal rdm
which are the 1110141 14444114HW th
whi..11 represent -some ottrIc or art
into dist-quill' by the itideeent a w mug
festive raid, 1411. giiilt v .411.4.1
',45(.0731.08n1.1:11":•44:1'se.pletirt-4. Anything
'I y which has
that discourages the love the
twatitifill is a blow at culture and a
should discriminate Willi e.111.1. 1Ie•
inmectite with the lit most rigor iti,k,e
who thrust lllll the Mews .,f
chasers earda the former category.
114 Pmf. II. I. Mitt. tint/silo Airrlealtural rel•
cotilltiercial rhariling, the bird.
Tlemit end 14 11).• prii..i•prii.e. thin of
marketing be rim) to the best till% nil •
(age, la Yee I only in imporCince to
that of pliallieitig frIlit Of I lie best
If is in 4 his part icolar hat theta. is
the geewleat nerd r.w improvement tit
the iirevent time. 'Mere are bombe&
of applwgrouers who can grow MA -
chow fruit to ever) OM: Who ea 11 plarr
it on the llial Let When and Where il
Will bring the best price. 'rm. grower,
who make the st 1111t of their apple'.
ate thrive who keep in fotieh with the
best markets al 1 • and *biased.
During the shipping 'season t hese men
wntch the market reports daily and
nrices are satisfactory they
hold their fruit until good pt.icem pre.
veil. The great majority. however,
of threw who have dpples to sell wait
livr some buyer to lllll r along and sell
for whatevet• he cineveto to offer.
usually from fifty rent* to a dollar
going DLitt c ening. kick. -Philailel-
phi Record.
, Miller's milk I Iron Pills have
them. For sale loy Jan,
The 1111411 who jililips ill 1. .11011S11111,
is apt to meet with a siteia iv. when
Sunlight Sosp is better then other soaps,
bnt beet when used in the Sunlight way.
Bsy Sunlight Soap and fellow diracticnik
The Leading Connner..ial School
the be 1 1'4111 lllll .1,411,41100k ill .41114,
the appli.,1 Woe II revel e. term
we rowel/ ea spplieat ions from tiro,. in
etraihatetown. E. I. oo the Krt.:.
Osr 11•111114111.11 1110411. twleh tor Mil
graduate.. %V ritt. for our rata -logo,
tligh•Orade Training Pays
sled Om Is the kind I he Isiwors
welSkese• nuil est school 11 Ow beet el
Ns Mei la taerda. moral h i. 'oleo
(WI tine, ill 1•111e€4. All graduates get
prwit joie. The del/moil I Ilelirly twenty
limes the s41",ite In day for
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal.
...ore an efItteation 1 hat will roost
oi 114 mut sorely 111 Yott for 1 he PM, -
lien thole+ 04 lire I. offered to this
olde.1 nol i• 111•We4 111111 One of
Write kw 41.1" free bode,/
Business College
T. M. WATSON, rincipal
It is not the price you pay for a range which makes it
cheap or expansive, but Duo bast it coteiumeis after you get it
If you buy a raoge which posts 16 to S7 lame then •
"Pandora" and it burns • tou, or only half • tou of coal nivrs
in a year, what do your gaiuf Nottling, but you actual!)
lose money, besides puttiug up with all this incoovisomuces
trouble' and extra work which art. • certainty with a poor rang.
The "Pandora" is equipped with many tuel-saring features
which ar• not found on any other range. Hot ••ir tow ars con.
structad so that all the heat from the bria-box travels
directly under every pot -hole and arenod the one Ulnae -
every atom of beat ia used, and ouly the smoke gone up the
Sold by all entirrpriaity dealers. Booklet hee.
Vaseesver. St. J011111. 11 111.
• In order to make em move along a little faster,
and to give you the a :antage of reduced prices al
the time of housecleaning, when you will be wanting
them, I have decided to l\ffer these Bargains for
the balance of this month for Cash.
ONE OreNgiLLS*1.111.t.trfil,..rgoltien oak 11n04114, 11 x 24 nen For. $9 00
finished wit h IliatimiVe turned pillage, lg. laft Brit- $20 50
ONE ONLY Sideboard, inqwrial oak fi 14 i 241)10.75
mirriir, 2 drawers, regular 112.1111, for
ONE ONLY Sideboard, NOlill oak, :i drawers' (1 lined), beamibilliv
ish bevel mirror, regular MOO, for . .
ONE ONLY Sideboard, solid quarter oak, 3 drawers II lini-ili, ,i -i
Jar Waist, for •
pentine front. RI x T2 British bevel mirror, tegii• $30 00
ONE ONLY C bination Sideboard and China Cabinet. ,-.4..?
quartered oak, 1 long linen drawer, I short drawer, lead.st
glom do..r in front, glass door and end in cabi-
$34 50
net part, V/ py top, ergot or for
H. B. Beckett 'Phone
Undertaker and Embalmer
ne.idener, roe
'Phone IN
Berlin Business College
It's very. necessary to have one of these Coats for
fall wear. They look so comfortable and protect the
health. We have them at any price from
$8.00 to 520.00
We Do Want a Chance
to show you our Overcoats for Fall and Winter.
The splendid values we are offering entitle us to a
"look from you. Don't part with your money
until you have seen our $8.00 all -wool black frieze
and our $t2.00 fine black beaver Overcoats. These
Coats are going to be trade -winners. Call and see
them, whether you are ready to buy or not.
r two weeks we offer this liberal discount on all
Waterp fs. We have too many and want to clear
them quickly. Come early and get the best choice.
The nett elaer for trien's And boys' MINA. and Fornisitivirg