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niteryNINTB T AR -No, $113
GO1�E111UH, ON11A1110.-.
without; advertlslngeeis : like wmk
Ing ill the dark. You know what
you are trying to do, bill no one
else does.
(' A N - 7 1� l ' � i�) �10B R 18t 1906 vANATT6R a H(IBKKTSON. I'viv Ntu.ms
---- ----- ------__ ---- -- ----- ---- -
Finaneial I �rloque et addr•ma oil "How to Keep Dominion Grain Commission. THS BYLAWS. over and (till tat the ri„•r IN•hlw. The-
----I LOCAL TOPICS. • eoivf." A little Iwfore slid A meeting elf the Dominion 1fr:Li11 twonsen wilo welt• theguutr', J.
1-r f
niKht. n MUIslptutoN (11111-11 wua Merced,
"tii11niM,itou, ANlluinlwl by ilia' 011,twiL
iN11er1 Rigs and Jackson Propositions
l':uup1N•11 :old I1. Lynn, went down
Injunction Continued.
used alw)ul 1'.::41 tbe'llalilly gathering
(Jovern11l(.lit to exanlille Intl) t -Audi-
to be Suetaitted at Once.
with it, while F oRii(.rr Emanuel
1' ke latae elf the (furl Ili k O.Nleri(•1)
hrtlkY up Il) the sUxljus of "111w1 H;n't'
ilii King."
liuum aKecli,l K the grain t•ful"
1110ai bout Calends, wits held in eJoale-
A . NN tat iuwtiu�gof lh.• tmN'll roue'
11edd;aftlyd, '. M 1 lose (hr cat' nt-
trading tu,he Ni ter•, fill \villi it. xnd
1'. IL comini up
1'11. eL It (ll
Burin ilii week ni l 1. mod.• IJ:dI I ht- ill-
Road Not Prc 1-1 Protected,
44 ir•h Ilse 9'ur441 t}'. 'Chi uu•lulwirl ill'
til wits, culled fur Mfxld't) im-ruinK ll)
))1-(I 1 b i gash un the left of
KY K Y t 1A• `+tK
unctiuu wx. eoitiulh•d lultil the triol.
1'hr cml,aeer'N jure ill runnrcli.al
fhr cu11nuimsiun rev : John 1lillrr, ill'
consider the b)l:aws t- Io w(.rr to go to
ilii vola' of the INNoldr ll) g,null lerlaiIs
Fits skull most.have struck a Rock fn
the'rivel• INd with hih hand. Hf• fell
llllllL41fm (lo 911 1111 Ileal 1111 ({til NU
Willi figs• death if \\ 111. Ivel.. to al
Irl/111!11 11f•tul, H:lyk., ('fl:ilt'7Aa11 : \\ • t••
McNair, KeyeK. Man. (144). E.
aid i4. the• (i1Nlerielt \\ heel Irl N 1'o„
"lent' 44 ilii Wpt4•klwl rugine, we that
veluher if INlsailol(/, Mull it cul ll) a to
ui,41 xt Huxlfurd in l)rc,•ullw-. Ik•
Ni1N, which ,rah lwrmrdrd.iu our L•a,l
of ;
lioldie. of Ayr, Out.; .1. It. Boyle.
the 141111ei'ich Carriai(r F,u•laa'y, tilt•
nppare•n1) lila injurira ruuld nut hxvn
feodaalh did nut a 1 h•.u', M -s if an\
immite, ruin h -led their w,)I'k 1111 'Ilam•
dray xnd t Ieic Iludio;[ i, ay Gdlm\e,:
Eduwulose, Ah.rrin, Mrt•lwtxe-y. AL.
liudel•ich (':tltllin►f Farltit'y lttlif till'
Jurk,eau 1luuifue•Uu•ira9 l'to. 'Chi
Iwru received to (rolling into eontart
luisnndrrdtxndin 4ariie•: ntay M was;
K 1 1
the ix
1`ilal \\'llll;llll 11'1.1', 1:I IIIN III 111: til•:/ill
Omhlie:areal Mr. Boyle were out here,
brit Me"I.., Miller allel M"NMIr were
1't- I't'I:i9(. fltl,'(I try xltd till• 1'11 tlnllg ill(•-
with il. Ilii death roust hxvn (Ileo al-
n10ht •111it$LIIt Alle0oll. Ifell•Volly ()Ill-
lto Iotatiol N ain ll) \'ill•' lit
R )
1111 1111• 111 (ill m( loll• ,111 1.f (le•I4.he•1,
is I., 01n11Nallll4! 11\' KI(I11.1't 1111111411'• ml
Imo')' /1111N rNIN wNlw, llll\\•r\'I.1•, total colt
111x11, ll( PYt•1'INIlrlll KII• Nisthr e(I the•
Walehlnskor,Jewellerarda clan,
Is.wr W YarrWfe l.irrn
,A Imsite 1,11 It, vonve,mmle I1, ImN'11,11' /
Ottawa, .1N Merr•Ilo•y. '1'114. ,-viden,. C
Illl flit• olllllivi l rl+•I-ti Ram. oil Ih(.
elf till• thea(. who
avert wittier died.
For 1111 Hos Ila(,
to l'mlh-srnr•, h) n lurid ..f luoubrr full•
Ing ilNol hills, :old Mor mpiuioa it- (bol
1f N'. 1.. Ilurluu, uuula9r•r, :uul l4, L,
r lkeell tit' lhUet 111lJai-1lo lea III•-
laulgeulrtel that Nill Iw mut•e Muti,-
N'a•Ir• ell) Irl 111'Pd.:Uul til ill ilxN ti war(•
) ]
Thr U:ut�htrrN of the hilllrc t'(. N/I't
1111 follmwillg donations (ill• 01'• lllaia-
..If till• 1'11:111 land beell 111 :l or,o lei l) 11'11-
l 1 I
1 it 1',e lfl,, I ItIN•rlllla tld(.li(, mf till• lildt••
Ia(.Yartol• •a� Trari-i1 l'u,, wrl,
fal•tor ' 141 :Lit fill• int re -04 4-/1"A." ole",
14a/•k. Caro dwit all-] I, I
f y 1l 71st• ttlrh! to
it-• aksfa 119:1111 hill It N•lll Iw t-1 ills
pllr41 : tell'lllr111119, tot' Irlalll froll)
lea'trd condition lilt• arridl-11T would
takes) x+ 111 "ulldltio)IS 111 tilt 91'x111
wit ,nN ll•It that h:►)iu9 alJ Ilia' ley-
auks hi•Gn'r fhr :•Ir in Milli a fur
)• P'
11 r,, Aliucc,.>F1'hicagm,$I:ii,INl;ride•
Ilei ti/'1•Illaed, ly', IIUIIIINN N',1M
trade hire, Mud Mu99r,liois N•wr
IaTWA \',.tell 1111 At the sralne folle w""itl
N'UI'k 1► NIII. (11111111111 IM 1st the (►1'1•all
b/lard (risen h'ut'uitulr• l'o., $=j.INI;
Ih(. rormaer ar"i •I h(• iml y .•'Irani'4lid' of
.e.kwl'n� to:uty ncliun fhAt wi Irl Iw
welt" n (Ii\ i.io11 u( inlNreal. Irtt
Hun,r. Thr a(trrnNln of fhr xccidrit
cue-lwl Uvn1 11tm. IiruUn4 $4k IR,; 14.•
lllt• 111111r\t' ill;[: J. 1l. i[ 011.1.1. If.ol.-
111.1 t1 I. \\•. I1. \\'l1,N la. Jmllll MrlA-all,
advi,N•d fur Ihr fro irlcruu•„t to�
file Wlwel l{IgM pr1IN„it,1ll field tilt•
Ja-k44"1 Maroo(artiringCo, tied Wl 1, 111
,( rmrloll/•I', 11
j t'9, wits N11lparlelled nod
Iaat r(.111Nnt trig l'rull•"l Brick
Co., Niveiis, ill.
A_11, I'ralLuul, J. It..11.•\,bl" %%- ".
ulelhlld, in Ihr h:uu ting ill' 9r:li"
I4. IN• dealt wiNi.
Ylt-Wed fhr INN!)- elf flit• 41end lltle% Anil
the foA
Alex $LINI;
$1J{.INf; Alrx.
Framer, $LIN);'conf (Israel - 14t. liet)J-Kr'M
Audrrw•., Ilobrrt lirlh Ii..l. t'l:t\c•
IN•tN-Pell tilt' gruwt•r rued till luillel
IIne elf j o coulpl!(ia1M villielr h:1vr
The bylaw in runurcliun with ilii
the t w I ,lR tuurninR xt
the torose lull. A rrplww•nool
ward lI•=t HI ^ fix 'fi 1 1 1 $ Li •
turd., .I1,.. Il:url), 1'11.1-. I:Ilintf. Uan'i41
I • t f . . 1 f .. i 1
Ih4l hull Iwru hubwirtwl to Ihr multi•
tie• l'arrul t' FIlura/lr ('urn uanv
��.`�,r . ) r i : t .0 , •. , 1{I•idrl•suu :111.1 T. ll. \IrLl-.ul. N NII IINM IrYipt til ) 1N1 / l IIINIIe it iter to� Ihr III'ULNINed, 4,411, p;t, ) 11114 r(.( \\'hlo IILLYt• ti1P el)/IU N't fol Ihr
--------- - . - Sf. Andrew's warA, $4: ,'1. A te1w1-sal atteitiun ur Ihr eo11tlunM,1,.11 1, 111, 1-N. tsetse 4-hnn r, wads Ise' it. W1) lilt how-
Stirayets Lnimab I ulrrlin9 of Ihr D,u)RI)tP :s -if the Eu)- John Newcombe's Barn Burned. gm- l to shorta--vorrin • in IIvt11s. If ei•e••tion of ll t• brill e. rl•ivt41 the
GOOERICH MARKETS. Ilive will Iw held in lh.• law Wintry of nn•lalion, bot lu)th Mr. Pru:«Ins :end ever, Nrr4- mainly in uuuor detail.. evening of the lu•ciden lin 1 rtNk ed for
_ ____ __ -- - 01 Saturday ntor11loig Inst, almu11 Sona• of flit• ruuneillor, held sugK.'Y-
- r.he Court houm 4.n 1loradrav, Ihtu1N•r Ir. Holloll slMed Ihat Ilirlr held INh•11 use lel 1111l'11111Y111 to allow of his rfn11-
[�TRAI'HD FROM FAL1.N Rl: fuc.lsotr,ucud)rrlslh„ •F) ,141(1/'Iml•k,.l..hll N.'\ -lobe" h.u'11; at time, which Ihry thought should IN•
t7 SF,KVF.,dPvenlwlutieand aNhrp•a,Ar►,4I k-11 Nhwo, wr oil•o, new +a ill to 4 o til ••-Ild. !rt J p. w: his f,uw 1-.n 111,• Hur,.n I,cld. \va, rmw- vl•ry lino• cmrnphliul mu Ihnl ,cmrN ll) iurmr{Iut;Urd ill Ihr bvLlry :old it wnN l+:oty, wing represent w1 by voteni-I nt
with NwM week sad far en fsrlr. Anyone � Ra,,, e.IAJ.A lN•rhu.h. oe%. .. .I oil to i {wg' g gkt I t + rnunl•rli.ol with Ilie- hosinl-sM rat lbs• 1 IIs gn•i"g of 4-vulr11r(•. Au rlilJ'uurlt-
KP"o tree of Iksof will Ire arlably n�- ... Chan a in Bankin ours. 41ele )• 41.••11 ,\Nd In• lir,. I 1 \Y. C'a't•- fuuur a would bN neveSNxry 111 have a lilt•ell with Arrur(lin ly nlxdr till uN=t
1�� elt%atma her•, 111-• 114.11,111 slated K
w1-nlnl as rOrflnluaksllas wllh J. F. AN. Hunk l.hral.Iw•rb11.h .. ell to 4041 1-i leadlNlnIlo.-Aun.- thele the (Iay .ouft1u1r1 Noll 1st. Thuulsou (Ihr salulrhO•atl.1,11
1 Alt., leer 1111.11., two U J2 to u SL ! hr rrntUng u1- thv �orrrelgn Bank teat rinnl&%iot, lar the grueling of r'•- ►, ut NI o i•hN•k, when
I,NF.WI4, PMN., Ile, hl.h o rt to a 73 "("ices has, Iwru completed. and elm ITevium+ :trial Is of r,•-nol-•.1 tialurd�l�' I, lir, I4. t hr I:o•gei• Mhi gN•rM Jill ii,l geullt'"laall 11-•+Ilr•N('"ting the 1uro11uM- tlid. etaidelmr of tilt- witllemsem will iN•
_ _-_--_. _. - - _ "Arhfvy. ter RAW, .:,. u 41 w N 42 ML:aB ,u1- uu\r doi11 Ihr" work I„ \.,.,. • olmrulu9. '4114 h:pl n.' a II r 111111 f',.I t itionl need Ihr row utot`s wAhritor Adjuornment 41st
s,. la•r L,,, R ) hw111;eaZ Molt elle/i1Nlt•rirh AVVitieW.:is P' tlkeu. Alte•1• lh.•
.. 18.10•(0 11 IN, halNl.Aln"• rued 4 -mo i.ahoos 111aiter,. Ib(.,urk \rilrn the lir.•-1'uiNd. 11 n I Iwfmra' Ihr bylaw could Iw put in S,,Iltlrlay uux•nio Ihr illy vi:.it/d the•
snfuo Flour, tweiflY, Ioer.'NI . v) to - :i1- 1 all ,hipp,•r•,, hiK of• little. rid t4. p:+}' K 1
-- - Flour..Nl,•.ai, !N, to !w' TheH/lcrrl,i9nI31anki4.lxkiugn rruw- "'IPIN1,(41 to hove Imr•n tan»rd by n lh Mhupe.:oldthe\'Nrrenr"utvi11191)^N'lled s,•ruN of Ihr )vlrrk. tilt• l`nnxds
- , Mie chAr •e M MI•. if I -as
Hon. 1*1't.0 t"'1 -.'N. 0..... - M111k (Room flit 111 111'. the MtoatM too redo•• op tip' hams evenin .11141
ROY AUAI[H _.. IN w ll) la u� inrnt xlsliwi ut Ihr rnnuurrna field I • K t b nr;bt Il tit elevator r,.uo lull's ! K Foundry l',1. providing a conveyaner.
A. Ts►cwaa ser Pi,w, +hurt-.IN'rrau , /ue10lo ire in tl,X,,-".JR, rlllll ham uhradv u'urkrd +l1•ad Mn t.l .idle' Ih:U IhN wen Nfl(. L t'
1\LLN)'. )N•r lou I ,NII ("Nit t he council next uwrninK at It a1- it" hrvviswn iY, n"ulr 1'ut• ,loch rx-
O0(t _ 7 .,, to 7 1-,u .bould not Iw xlluwtYl til buv ,uul
I,rrceord ..... 6.10 to s ill up it ggm),l rlienta .• hero. A (•little; r K'nn9 alnwn T1, til:• a:Jdr uu,b•rnt•otth Irr,do on their own ;r•r..toi o'clock, a rmmwitlNr of Ihl- ruuncil ill ..Isane,•lio" with the holdin
S1ndbinBsskofklenttrlalJusrk. Hultrr.I.er111. tmL/ke,aa Ili, 11orMe-. w'I, orrahlelie ' .\tile"y tilt lo•antinve iN•in in,rrirf(d fee iN•us.,Y)o K
('hwMc. 7No to use In the hours tit 1114itiesy whtah -.wlU _._-.. Ihr pcolN/mN 1. uli'nl toned I„) Ihv iul• K u( ootrme•r', tntlursl M, Dr..Hsenter is
. n 1.: Yacl- rl1-n IL,•ir r:u41+ frmui, rhe• horn- , trill to llimll. till Nrrtatu r
Culuil"nd uMult ll) (hoar who h:nr sure tchich
-- --'--- r 1 t the roto u 1 old ilii uty 1`IIIImImtN of
40 1:, to t'uYa'ilent of r-sIldll i.,n, int -he• Ir.ldr
fit . N..,h, per dor a 1; to u 17 ill 11,u'n. 11 r. New"'wullw lust his t Jl r. �"huulsun had said ,•-solei Iw i • . � 'I
1%IItlal" Putaror. a ill ll) p, luinking to d•1- h;l. few n exile, n11ee K N/•re• Ilii in;w9nr.11i-sn mf n nwr(.Ihmy. the following: 11. 1\'. Hall lftirenunl,
('Attie, melon'), 1-o Ka.L im:sc I. :110 to 4 coal hereafter' the Sovereign Baulk will Iw ,ea,ul,'. 1'.,,It and all I li,• lead; and ilia- M,11isL•iirot•y frrr the proposed fa"tory.
---- mi h sy,tpio mf in, A•'•Iiou'under -slit- A. 11x11. Allan. 11(.0. IJIIN k, \\'ill.
(•at Ue exlw/n /N•1- rwr ... 35.1 to 3-i" it-. ) idl-uu•nt<aod other til Urlry t1u41tN•eiw K t ,\\'hs•n the rmun"il nlrt 4.n 'I'urMlhly I'hillist, rim'. l4 -1411x111, Oavi11 Oreen,
h. F1ALE, LD.f9, D.D.H, yor lite wl ht- •) n oil Sanu'.Ix until � u'rh/rit ill (, r, 1-1 , Nliit(.d hY the Uot'1•ruulrnt. - l
IR t.•, cwt a 2) ll) n l.: 1 1
. S nlnr LIm1.1 . .. 4 111 to - the afteralo Ill. ased al,u 1'rwnl i ll) U ut 1 ht- 11,41 u. 1'ht• tic.• dor k wa. wn'141 uu1. Io morning. a .1 imr)a on 1'4.oe n\:uhlblr
rrulr, Ihf• h:uedling of n 1'. knight. 'I'. Srulrl l'. Rlnrksttour,
itel rase' 91loek H erp, per cwt . :i .ii ,i clock ma dsoatordAy evvnin r•x"elof 4.n.: p) need A . hl"►ell. 111. , Milep wile p a - A Iwflore it. ranging ill 14. 11. Elli-sI t, li. \1'. 7`hmra)Mon and
tll)to 1-1 ller 1rItNN'limrl Ilf flat• \\'.•,tern
Mr. Turnbull' old Nrand.l Hum. q•f Ib ...... . . _.. .. is to n Is K,. .. N"\t... - Ix( $Wits iu,nrailre loll I be K "r t t pl•iCP fPun $1.1NN1 ll) $:i.INN1, Mr. Blair
crop through l anndi.ul rhwlnrl,, Ihr Walter Naftel. The unfortunate
In IlAressnrlon N'fdnl!adsy dtrrn,wn+. Vron. pe Ill . .. . "' " 1.: to a A, G. M. S. At Home. ' lateral ;urs *1,INNt' 1111 III" coolentod in t bought the cmnlllarey shuold IN•. Bali,' „(.(•u/•trncr lin•, Iwru n
- - - --- Tallow, peril _... - 0 M o o y The Ntltluall. tit laterite of the (isle- til(• 1l,'Xdl„ 1 Afilual. lilt. I/IN.y i, inrrr•atsr or l'altadi;w shipping l,n)- grneirll topic of
1 n:l e. tvhilh line amt Ideen kre )ill (till with :a stxiifht lout 4.f $i11,INN1 .•mPvetwitton ,:hire fhr (.rent and the
Medical Hidood.ypeerrwt . eCuto 7tol rich Mlldel SchlNd waY hrW on tri- twirl' Ili. aulount mf Ihr in,nranm'•. g K Without It ft•rp At•. :1, this",vndd
Hhre r4kin.., .. la to a.; pate Willi the hi,ine.s offering. Ione wenth(.r uu SnnatNv uftrrn/wu
('hie Ph. day eypoinglast,a very enjoyable little IlipSepal Roor. Iwlouging t., 1l•. Col- wake vl Ire osition that would iw
o ll) to il In 111-. %filler in ronarrsation nuu(e ilii P brought a lite t. nunl)wt tali o Ile tl
1RS. F:MIMF,RHON A TURNBULL, wu(.fde warkrl< wi parr .ia loping spent in pruroeaadrs, ,iwrehem, tie, w.t. Ictally drNt'4.yl-d, wit11 nm til- alkalis readily cxtt'ie4l h\' Ihr (.IrrlurN. Ir' t
U 1•PCltatlow; and, instrumentNlY. A I•.•Ill:ll'1. tial lilt• 14atileri'h elevator Ilemelit. of the strrfdent. How tilt-
_- �_� __ ,ovall''e• All- 1-our.X' sugko-sted slaking the lural
A. T. Nrrttaaorr. N II. lar a woolver were ill attendance froisi is (asked m f evervvylAvre. Oil , 1 , young corn Whm weer injwtrJ crcnJred
g $.i:,INsI, t N• extrt $:,INNI IwioK to without broken lactates it- a myster its
\P. s Tenff((N•Lc, til. If. jt'br Sate McBride - Sallows. atul twit t it, nniyue rou,U'Isrlioa )a
mtllnr, HwdltosYraoN, 'I'harN. ort .-.�----._ [hr 111N1e1 tit 1'lint.•n, ai4u'ly fifty p"1-- and il, fhr om4.1 ywilirit r-scl-r Ihr eIl,l Ili a ,Ile, bot ju,l tit 1tw hri 111 mf rhe• ear from ilii water'
Jteeidenom I I o4. ate. -- FF u loch hr K
HITS \\'YANI►OTTE (`(X'K- "'+nscougin9 up fur thio.catri-sn, I4. \'.`4rrllWoo .4SAl 1I,•hmui"ii111il iwhexe.14-... pmt L,m.,ln..\'.•41 IIIN111, (1119 11111111/1 r. Thew'on;.odiliiroto- wasalaA11 .islyrift feet. The en-
,� [ilei y(orw10.-A 1 draln.froin arse pro.11 tnaprrchrs,'err 91\Nu byj ht u- 3111 .11r•.9'hmnlas4a11 \t';, .11g41ewm,eJ milh•r. coir neatens l•. .!,•.,I \cilb Ilii, Pau) , ,wilt Ilor cooler ill. :old in int nn41 fi11 1-,u un which it was
�IH. A. H. MACKLIN, Af. B. prll) Io k. Prie. trim gtJll to teat. /1. dealt, fl•orll berth srhonts, red xLlit•rsre4 I',u'Irt, ('t111Nlrr)r, Irl, the .ern,• of 4a11swer I4. .�oestion, fro ll the ruuu• K
puYHlt'IAN AND SI'- ..UN 1•k:NNlNItrON. WilhAa rtroet. 11 t•It-valot.:w they reitli! Ili st itI doing eltxtnted cur• ,alitame Complete wm-kN:
NNrrul bit4MUon to iyo. kat. Nos and - -_ N-t•rr'given clue by 11 r. Sh'anR. 111. runrh fraicity on Ill.• nrra ion mf Ibr rillm 11),141'. .ever puinl. much Mr. Me(Idafmnl's ("neral tool, Lace oil
Throat. OdoeudtesWrwr,aidHankof Moil- XOR SALE. \•UI-N(i S H O K T- I {' 9 it $bey aii ami Itabl" 1„ iilrrtrydimn
Field and 11(•. Tool. '!'h.• i'te' Ixul was wrorix rot' Ulrirdnue11tf•r•, lLuhh• E., rlrluwr Ilan ia•G,re, rind fbr,c bilvr
in Ihrir Iiaarc. 11)'llu' dr trirtimn 4.f Kllllllay' aflYl'INN111 ll) AhLiflan ce11u••'
real, opposite Pomladkv. llrst al., tioderoorb.' HORN buW.:I" Lincoln rain Wads Nnd as follows : Solo, Afi,s Brown ; "rad- [u J.,lar\'i, 1h•Hride. The dei•mrr(timnN tl lir rain ill trau,il by a Ihw ut Ihr• Reveal inrot•1Nee:t1A41 in the byluN' Whielg t•ry, Hrc. H. l'Irulrnl run(bectin til"
Telephone Na 1012 )'earl( Pwe's TM• lmgwd and hrNl�ical in Mims Bel,;l►er; in4roment4l, A.- were of Antonin leaves, rvrr leenA 1 K K
g• g 11- published in this imsnr,,atld rel-lainiy ..Nrvicea. 'rhe fmier i wits very
wit"' Nbuepdaan)•AM E. All VHolm. or.o•. rlrert tet'.
_ - - � _ _._-_ - _ ._ _ _ IM(r.neallonable. J,\MF:drHltlHul.M. [•ill- Key AdM111+; nnprongltn NI,N•r,•hrr• and INlrlwr'r•it•s.:utd rhe• happy, p:u•l)' 11 r. air\air, n IUrt11IN•1' mf IIII" -111"- t11Nkf• Ihr.prnlNlNitiun ural• which N'ill Iar9rly aft.•nd.rl.. 1'hr IaLll-Iwxt•rlrl
horneTow'n,ldp, lounlop 1',41. \fist Heys, Rill Taylor, AIi,Y 1l iners ; 11r)n1lwretl al -tit, severalV Kile't'. The' ,niter ,,. 111• lopet Willi flit• 1 o Irtoynl
i _ --- a ! ! N-ert- rtssts•iates Ili the decYaar•d in his
Inmtumrntal, .l. h:. Jordan : mdo, at r, pride weir x eloMUnot• 4.0 White .ilk uo„nun. n :1 nfe1111N•r 4.t ;e fl(nlily our - of 11he Nlecturm
lOH SALE. ['Alit BROWN SPAN• Suthrrlxnd; rradif lint d'1-: irsi41Nul ill I;.Nleiich atel Well koown work for the Foundry Co. Air, Mell-
oA HRON R KILLUKAN, HAM• �( 1-g, lei„ \\'alter ; IN JA'it, t1iniole'l N'irh vtbite On" ptliol I-Ai.ed Is \Ir. 1llair N•am
IF.1, itc ,tow uund h» old, cad oral• 1-,d here. H N',I- I Wel11y yral•, Sinve boo - dlIr111'll wAm:f i"Hive elf Oev(1ndsh11w And
1 R FZ, +oltdtarN.notaetua•Ke• Urate. )i{A4aT»kbitck Ironc.t -;811 well brax4. Al.0 N iatprnmptu spoevhr.• 41. Wighhnlu. Natoi IIad. riaif. glee btid"sleaid. that. while in the lir' r;l,t• Ili(• pill-
Harnd[optl.CA111ddeort.K.('. er.O1. KillItrw w•hitr N_r7red„"r mckerehland pullet:. Air. Hm•k. Mis: Chaff g.(v.• it v.•1-)• Ali•- Elhrl l'rai►tTt. wurN:t vNr)'prNtt�• had IwNo hire. rlud'er rNntainr•e} in leo"Al WAS that the I,I..Y(f Alannfa«. years gel Iiirt)'-rile tit year. entry
o 8AY U' IAYYHUN, R.c . J. 1. ILl4 Apply 11, H.TrI\\ NIF.N1o. t)oderkil. dee,-, 4.r pink. '\\'ill Sallow•, Immtllrr• t0Wl: yNYtd•141A)' ll) Mull up old frirtNlm' Iwin ('u., of Alinna•n Nldl., hI(lil(1 )Poem cog., ho (olulr to this rhunttY
. - --- • - _- _ -- - -- - -died Ihr ,hi1N the .1lWt' nIr1141N•rs wf tilt• leArty t with him brother -in -flew and land beell
to( til.• 1.e-ide. was 1N•si utan eml:tb isle a factory herr. Ihr been now
R(►U11F00'P, HAl H t HLAIR. I 1OR 9ALF, -A 1i110f) t,ON('URI) - o•ei)t oil -til Point Edw:url. Theronmlls- working file- flit. / ;ana,Pa Foondry Cc.
rereupiny wits lwrfmlrued ba• I,,•v- .1. seells •d t4.lwdealing with an entil-ely
P bah+len• .00h Ikon, nemarie« public pit ' Pt err load %Norma N'Ith hyrh hack on situations vacant s,un lira, Nhwxdy held siltin at \\ m• evil• slllrf•, 11-1'. 111-,141 ilia lied 1171N 1-1 WIfY
!aMlu ttaeltarflflne co.it. rte, tl111,r, e'.AI •rte I w4rl, low wh".I-. -1mis and light pole, I'. I,. _ ._ - .-._ _ L, %IIINII. At 1•. Held ill,. ill •'111'Ide Irf( K, 111•w /''IIIlllall )' Ill,( )'e•t 4.I' llliy./•ll \Y 1111
Ilyn�u,•, nose da,r e. A. ♦Nlrs's rnNx.p. fort NA 'TY/N. 11 P,1 creel. ► 1EACHER \\'AN PEU tOR H. S' h}' for '.::A) p. ill. t•;eii t•1.u1 l:, Nlrl icll tillw•r :,1 ud :It Ibf• 1111(11II:I :IIII IAkY iNN't N, ga used family. in the /old ('uunt•y xnd
send i. now going Nest In l'hirngo. which Ihr old rungr;uly nu9hl have had elute• arrxngrugeserm Ito Ir•Ulrn t41
Irl. hltdr l0 bid M h.•aNt (frrr d (hfetrd. _.--� - No. L ('.,Ibd•nr hnrq.hip. F:x)ler G•nc.al - felt- it trip to Toronto, Montoi4il rend til lit• rnllneMllull. 1-\I 1'. '1'Iltolllw xl ,71111,
N, PRUI'UFOlIT, Fi. i'. It. ('. HAPS. U. F f 1\\'U Hl'bIOI E4, UNE Ct"I'TF K leacber with lint od ,,-,NNI ilia,• prof -e nal Biffait,. it 174r9e 111 oloo-r of fei rid., Ia•- 1)ulul h :Ind JlinnrAlNlli-, ,rend rafter• the IAnd bf his birth ll) bring them
dL,li t, I. 1ND A U/all/ LIUIIT WAUON. reren0)' .'.'rutle-ah•. N.II',ry goo. Iowa -to r,marnrr � N:ll,ik to file PariHe 1'onst. � however, that ilia- Lloyd Manofacter- ,,,,t to l'nntulal.
ing tit till• (4. 'I'. if 'sCau ten lm mea• I hrl++ in Co. wontd han•e 1-r c4. iti-Iiia in-
Iwmhrwdflau N. N". N"wAl flu wlr rhrap. gcrt lens. .\P; Ij 1,. F. L\'. Mr(N1N.117 N. 1-,.r K y( ---
MO. JOHNRTON, BARRIyTRR. Apply at 4'HAS. e. I,F.F.s haldwam -nom. if I IA' P. u, olif. Thr Irwin pn11r41 oral I-,111-1';tios, The Goderich breakwater. terest in flit• new e"Inparly which lend THE MARKET CLERK.
, aatk4ror, naary pQIublic•, con.ndwioner, - - NTtI). TO I,h'A It 'it rile helgle Mos•" by C;Ipt. V'rlr,oe. HAlirdlev nese i, tilt• 11(x1 day fan• re- hien furosrd to rnt•ry ,1ll bosinesr 111
err. Hoaey to Maas. I> am. e4wnrr )Laalllon -- p � \ THF: The Imus)• friends' of Ilia' 1'I ide io rril'in • IriidrrN fu- ilii row Ilrtiuu of (',uladu and N'unld Iw Ihr INarkla,nr of
aMBf.=w'astfe"d•laederick.Uol. To, 'lient U dra•th.einNs.• .1 It InH.•t',III'NL,III t' 1 .
PV OINI+•rfe11 x, Nell n, in ('oltmun,• town- it, Tulhe IAlil„ref T'he siyrnal.
- - •"err -,or tie W.. 4 . U1N, ; Heofforrl Ill -k. the (4oclet1c11 Irrakavall-t', nse41, nr.•o/d-
DIl'KINHON R OAKRO\\'. HAM• �l'KNISItEll IIOVSE TO RENT.-- iiamb•e,•I.. ,hill Wirh Ihr• ymung couple T nun' if)g to the MIN4•ilh•Ntion., the work ham ill nn,wer to lir. Hiair•, Dir. ,rhum- NIH, I ran first reflrain front waking
KISTIUW, attorneys• aoUcitnr•, etc.• F A trry dPdrahle furnl1r sed lion.• In meal ve;trs of 11r1A1I.-ved b:11-pillr„ io 'till- t4. iN• emit /leted within Six Inuntirm of Mono nsadr it quite c ear (lint this woolfl ,t few remarks np111 the artimn of the
nth. YN.0 toMrlltal 10altR W. 11. 1L IM Gw ru,rN. Ap)dya1- NAhTF:Itr. 18111 0111' \\'ANTRO. -TO MAKE IMP- 'eda[eal state. Ihr miKnin m Iw rnr only Lgrlot'y fur Ihr nuutuUw- Larva cougcif ill ilii wn they have
UIeICIYIfUN.I'H.1HLF:+(tA1(KuN',L1,.8.-HAWSSlow. Illf ) -•If enerilb• a-,d.al A,dl '.t THF K f tilt• rmil,:(rl. TIIe y
���� � eLO,- -
((,�\ARM 1'O KHNT. AN ACRE'", OR
• - ` ..--
f1- at- 2,10 And Ilenrrr.. Imdrnle, oglelittlef o,..
euderirh. 'r),c,ai. retme• 'od h,tildlnRa«1-r
j1/ R'. CRAililll, LIFR, tIKF:
in ,•x1r•ue•nt rowmiw. for rUher .la•k or Ren
fl allA cident iu«wance. Ara•nl for I"lz
•-ral farnlinK. Thr leAriv,.-tAble- and /N'i, ser.•.
lauyfc m«I nN ended, with w'mdouM.
mar.rrl .la•k rompanl1-••1. in.urulcr in ill
li N.•• r11'P rd un beet aNA rt lnwl•.I nla r-.
Krin,Icr :uNl 1,,,-} I••;1 p1) of %alcr. Apply to
1-.0 at Mer, /resew[ we.l Hl reel and )e•tnag,
1'111'\U 4L• K1114F1HT1SIIN litdll'{eh.
rc++ N'. 1'KAIUIF:, Ulderfrb. Unt•
Retrn•ing silly von,trw•I i.'to allows exit-
fnlr ,hoot 2
im4pirrs of f1w Oo.ta•rieh:A�),pr1 'Penn-
Kra)', dmrl.
A Aw'rllln Barn . or time 1Nvl 1-1
1?i r1 kefront;
M 1' K A N ' F: 4 • (1. -Fares and frdalyd
torn Vropert 1 orted, Yaloe of 1-(y In-
Fut S)t►:.-TN'n 1-«•w d..rlhuK- nn AnRle«ea
,almd 1-p toJan. ern, oter �1(Ivi. . 11111(rn
aid dllrsyars • -J, AIA.atn, pp"re �d. ; T. FratePr,
rMr • Mr. 1'h/Yt
Imet: one oil I'ietoo .Incl: UNn
bwllding I'N. m, EIKh. n, roue, F:w•x 4reel,
1'rdar,trrr•t Made -r
pprrtt,sL, ; Ja«. 1 IP. U. 1►a4,
Ir), J. N'aly Jac, KY 1 J.o. Retrieve, J. Kenn-
And ,1 --I.
w t'srrw A (e. "Jesse -hid bun.•. or roan,
eek, dirrrtors ; T. k, nye, Sca tits h,.a.e•ret an--
serar thr lake. to melt fa' i Ir• r"unlluer w 4msa.'
tmwtirrr' In,peet)re. -a-st Atm -tor to herr.
!it4f vt)l,N4rk R4/HRRT•ION'.
J, w, lien, Hdns,AvAIIP, scent for -W-1
fares 1)f 1.1.114., So f lint I i11' 1"'a''ret,,
11111,,11. PMiry haled - "ren pry aAressuaeitm
and set rbrer card" r-11aM at Mr. ('ow"-
- , "-- -- - -�,r-� ---' - --- - --`
Yeas x4tate for bale.'
Chr,t. ea. /w M MA~d K s' Palau I lolhllvK
c- ____.__:_ - - _ -
Btorw tioAertch•
1, lot
__�_..__ - _-_-_
else Brace .Imre. u1Nh•rirh, mirowd-
iR M)' vn+1 of th,• 4 cotnd •r h,ml. There are n
s'a•m" Lid Ne
nuns m -F of Iona frrr, oo Ihr for AnA )b1- Drop
- -
- -
ell), I+ con reir.11ly 1.«'Alt.i : would Dank. a
R. KHL1.Y',
iendid braildiner Jill. Apel) to MRH. M, A.
FIXIN, )lrlfn+), ant.
t UODF,Ri[ H. ONT.
Walehlnskor,Jewellerarda clan,
Is.wr W YarrWfe l.irrn
L`1OR YALF: -'THAT 1'0:1fMOhiOCS
P and Nrll dlnat,vl hoe -r knnwo a1- "fete
lir A,"o1. F:1,,tlin .1-noe In _Ilii Inxn of Uldr
Thr' ha. ",ere 1•-imridence tend l-
11 , AOR Ih+enMPM, UoderlMA, lmt.
rlt•h. pbwe
r-1«roball)' N".'If ler-amd (uI ,I tmMrdinir hone
- - __ __ -
- -
wd ).tit lorrre•nl dotnR a K1Mml WWIne,r in the,
- -----'-- -
Ifni. 1.,orc sol nod a nundmr of fti li tree-.
Anctiioneertn� L
14,+«M+don ,-no he Klvrn 1,1 January next.
1V�'h' tit n•ud,^ or M wla)1•to MItS.'F:.
T}MMAS (i t'NDRl', 1,1 \'R HT(X'
al''N)\\F:1-f,. "InRare ," lividerirh, l ant.
sed nen r heate ,wla "ad fresel
we know, lits ra,1 interest. in the town
Rfanllem�trr reit ml�rwn nn S(Inrh Pl 4.•t,t
H:11.K OR I'O RF NT.- - A
w hwrn hr rill tow Mead 111 till timet, when nM
Ilr.t ern.. sn:ar4. (Hera hdI\1'a•'1t 1\'awwno•h.
�rying walww, Tenn. rca.)nNtrle and al cry 1-f"
4 -Word ,Ool 27. N'Ith 1i.: aemr lel a g/mNl
on oA'•A to Rive yon Materh4rt NMI. '1'hnne al,
Int of -1111 Iolm ism, well f1-oscA, well %% at ereti.
alvetin;l, A ,ilvec rolleclim11 \t ill IN-
RNm nn•hanl. InrKr Iwu,k Iwa 1-n. KOoll 114.1.1.
V aurtinnn4, or, Halnlllon .1met. UulerF•h,
1,I ce, hew:k.ndth dNrp n+d+"oro At /•miner
do fnrn 'm%enienl In seh,ml -sed rhorch, 3f
P. e, Im1 Ion. All w1a will n.eirr .ps'Inl j
mll- fW` d 1 •. '. It. dntion at Anteurn. Tuner
atirin i,Nl. I will bay yeti d'" of
1-n.)•. r ItHI -. hocknow, a;3m
hnn+rhnlA Remml. Mr riwh, wrwl w'lll rill you l
-- - _ -----
.tv11-1, fnn.flarr, mn11..sarfrl. Aller-• elf.•
ch'.p. -'till w1N1 1-r whM we ar►n else fm' you in
„ m'ut 1-G. of \\' T.
t F. F h kIN
tb f
lin'•. O O U ) ' ' ' 1'nrlfa'1
k f 1 a
c1mv4n A ) TT. FAIL4
,' r rl. .I. F.I. 7T.
rddrnlr .4 1 n
r 1 3
Bh ser. ►oArril•A
11 If R
•+minding, of the height At N Bich Irl(.
,tun• . hands in Ilit"( rih,,how a varix-
IIRAn orvo•K
TmIN)r Tl/
A 1'T no AI7.R /•A
n rlT.tl.,
1 no Ira)
To firrom(wlnte flit, Fnrinrrm
we have hove openeol Rrancheet
in the rilbe tem mf
W0 Irnllcit the PAtronaf(p of the
mALK ?Wool a Ullr'OI'14TRD,
Pined by defo0ait. of $1.411
" interpret MCI% r0ngootend-
Pd quarterly.
A. 0. OAMOLL Moss r'
Al S.\LF..-sl) wVr. ll) \\ •-I 11-Nn•nnu:h,tN'n
Inflr. frr/rn Anbnrn.' .) a 1 I la1.a, aboot INi
a 1
,N•nM tinder cult l",A ..n
7 to Re Ad
liu,l/rr. A will and levo riMl+ elf water. A
new' Roti -1141.11fnR, le ,s elf INa►rl, table Ind
drlrintttf hd. Apply to )'411'X0 11: ROHERT
w)N I datterich
Filtrate and Inmuntnrr Agent,. 1 al e._
Inti for +011e ser to Irl 1'mVr Irr hand in
any' rl of Ihr Town Nnd ,bel 1)', FI4. v,nd
{wlrnr(nrr III
oni • to Its . rt
IItM In i )
\ ' .CYC4
'tYl N
k nn Ito fli•ftl met, .oath o/ Mr+. f 'A I.I t W
l y
ends', Lrop•rty. Apply to " t\'. Till) HIIN t
w 1-N.
- t f.
�,.,.-,r ..-v,. v -v r-.�-v'til
young lallMs and gentlemen
who nrr deminnu of making A
trmrd nre lraanted rat the
Clinton Business College
IAt111ianN1 with WinRMnt Hw+-
t w»1- CreileR".1
tlprepparefmr•A,m,kkeelle m,SlPn-
/oitrAphPrds And TieleFrapherds.
fh)ring .Italy Anal Augni t we
conld coyly AII (1IfK-TKYTIt of the
ImMiticana 1.lfered our Rrsflnntes.
llntokloR11r lire.
GHO. SPOTTON, - Isrincit►al.
g .. 11 ,
\ /ANTF D -AT ONCE. A 1-,0011
{� general,l•rrwnt. .1VVf) to 111th. H. H.
110 *K F: I'r, ,-.,torr \1 Unit and t'awbrin r,.,rl'
Tenders Wanted
1 will b' r1- --h rd b)) fbr un,ba -ag"ed '1 ,
t01k•lobrr :til for Ihr Icaide of Ili.• Indoi,•h
t'nrlingand Skating Kink for til,• - A. m of
rrri Ir ; alrn for rink #1 wellinrt arm( La %)I. for a
icrin of )'ra1M, S -did it >•' N'ill fee mgnilr•.i of tier
.ner-4ol toddl--rer. \Is. L, floftl'u N. Man-
aK'r - _. - - - h -
Notice to Credtore
c-:.------'----_ -,---'----
1\ rmHlon of lt't'Rnn•t `ar.aelvm. late. 1
the townrhlp of ( (koro'•. widow, At e ,
who die,l At ole towed of fl,oderirh nn PN1,
IV tenllser, Ilf10, will phot„• ren,l in AI one..
Ihrir ivecounl. to III.' llaolo ,ilmed. t Ili Nrco'Innr
ofthewidde-A-I•,1. JA1f F:sl A.ST1tk1'HAN,
F,r,4•u or. Ulderirh P./1.
Uld(ftig1v october :a h. 111111. 1211
_ _- Auction Saks ` _-
Tlol'fiF:HoLt/ FURNITI'llY.
Mr. Jacob Vvdwr will -11 by Pn'dir aorlinn
AI lot In, Luke Hhore, Howl, e,rltNmN•, 1 %y and
one half utile+ norl hof lounlop, o.. •
rointueocinl(at I Wvhwk p, an., .harp. 1 I....to
7 star nod, ill fad : I uwuw.:t )car. ulA. In total .
I,h'Ititogg umlrr 4 )'e tri otll, ill hod la H14ne)"
I drift filly, rl.lnl[ 2 year. ohs : 3 draft leNil. ; 1
,row, 7 year• oM, to ralte in Jannary ; 1 cue'.. 5
year, old to Ballo In Febrnary ; 2 cow,, x year•
old, to eal, r In Ma)' ' 2 cos'., :) yeAn old. -ill.
IN)wVl 101 - Irr ,'IIII ; 8 rank .le•rr, ri-inR A )0.ii.
old : N heifer, rfdnr :1 )'eat, obs. In ralf ; 1
hearer, 1 year old : 4 ,tdrer+ 1 year old : 4 .l rfl,R
M bull 1 •Por old • 13 11,11 .t••1-
r , e : 1 rill e
til )
1-v wn ' 3 don• i . ' 1 w. oil ncarl
N'Cr Nlld 1 r Nt )
' c Ice CYI bit Uol � !Ie ' t
w' 1 "ICN U r. NI.
ser e Y
Nei .euwm • Por
Ra lt4 rood ouble done l IIA1d
entire , 1 double caltrr : 1 w•t rl0uldc harneA..
nrnrly new : 1 -et, rinalle har1NM,, n+lid .w•ry
title : 1 11Nr,ey Barri, It{nit a n. int : 1 new
Iverrinit mower. a ft, cute ; I Atmel rullivawr,
oni) worked :raowm, : 1 \1a.+ey Barri. dew• ; I
Front & \\UIMt ht-)' nake: I ,cl. of 4eiRh-, RrNd
A+n1-N. 1 -Ingle ot".,Itvoted blow, I aiinl,IN
fallming nifliand lmKircr. I %of avid harrow':. 1
ecu Mer. 1 new pulVer. I set 2,:sr)-Ib. /inner)'
,cal••. 1 tie%• ha) rwk. 1 wont IMck, I Imy fork.
ro/m• and pulley, ; 2 whtetbarrow.. 14 ReWe'
Jot hen., itnrkeyr, 1 rngar kettle. 1 kitchen
.tote. I ecall rant'. 1 Modern. 3 tNlde,. %'him,--
tree•. nork)'oke-. chalet, fork•, dmvelN and
ort flee.
other 1
Fn etyl hinK mart Ito, ser Mr. 11,>`cr i, RIIhIR
Tutor : .111 •wttn of Iota nad under. cA-h :
ca"er losses Nnlounl Iw,-he monlb-' rredlt N'lll
1 1 i-l.t' N. In, 'cd n 11 U e,
'IPn till f 11 1 K \ { t tl t
rte 1 1 I
A �iMY/11 111 of N. a Lrr rent. allnN'e for cn,h rn)
clydll atn,nudlr.
I -m irietor. Ihinlnp P. (1, Ant-nnncer,
A Ut"riON HALE a -
A far
There will M• 441 bI pnMt, mullion on tide
`, sn1» , Hnroo ItNad, in the TO\\'N IIF' (IOU-
F:R" 11, on
MONDAY. (K'T. LIMh, 11%MI,
tit I':It evelorki .harp, '411 AMM" of land
Iknowit n. the fnrrle I*-wrtl). There I, /,n
the phlml'w A avool brick hnn.e with learned,
In b,e,enu•ul; IarRn frad,e #" and ,lied,, Noodle
twarigp orr•hard Joel ,lent) of )DAM "'Ater.
A .plenAid chanee �or a »mAll 1 AIRY.
Al•onl thPre,nar linde and plw•r: I four year
oplfd hare, . 1 cap) roam, 12 mllch cow". 4 vo, t(
b a 1 1{Rht w'ARan, 1 half phAeton, 1 r,Anr//M
trtttl IrrMe s! a. now 1. )Nair Hertel b b .Iwi(1h,. 1
AMA fn� Ic Nnrta-, ANO A gnAntily n! milk
ran., wliN nthrr milh-Ir, ton nnndcvoor fonder,
ftHMS For fired F: tnlr. In l,er fent.
an Aa)' of .Ale AnA a .fim enfllrlent In fnakr
tine thlM of the pnmhaM mndry le area day.
t hereafter. The Writs may rery alre .m merit.
gar,• 14. the prot•••t-ty with Inlrrr.t. at .\ pe
,int. Ver annum. Fser.ta«h, rte.,:4,,.,,,M twe
Apprm l4l ,security ser 1 per rent. Allowed for
Nhon. TII.T, TItUt1, UUNLRY,
i1"kerfeteat. Auctioneer.
T'� Blac' Knight's Program'
•+minding, of the height At N Bich Irl(.
,tun• . hands in Ilit"( rih,,how a varix-
lure tar ilve4e goods ll) Iw novated in
Illtnadta and lhrtt ilii towaii
114441 tilt• Inti market clerk, U. Fergum-
hr(•n n /wridrnt o[
11, 111 I t, Nhl npI ,uN
lion elf frm,rl ele ven feet imdow• los•
f Ili I cul, in ruldiliora 1 ti 9
G�hx, f
1 Is early fifty yeaPu, hav-
h"r'• S"11dn)'. M.-nday Israel 7`urmlaty.
Melee as the lon-t. lief tie el,,,I.
Illy r 4111minV'N laands, building lull
ing Settled in the town ton Lhe IIKIL of
Oct-sIwr 214. Y_od Ani:.fid.lt"der the
Retrn•ing silly von,trw•I i.'to allows exit-
)1nnt, would rover All patent right,
February. Wis. Doring thrat time h(.
im4pirrs of f1w Oo.ta•rieh:A�),pr1 'Penn-
ing eribwork, it careful rx:awiAluion
Calf$ula held by tfie Lloyd saner-
lilts dont• a little towards the improve-
prr nee lwal,oe. %kill Addie -s a Ree e-
(oust IN- loade I v a v. it •Ieol diver
faetilling C". in the Stair, And al.,)
Talent of Ihr imwn, heaving built two
Iteranr fileeting 111 -the OIN•ra IfmA.re
;trial rant' I'/ere, 4.r Shatff•I/d ml' i4m,Wa
All feature I41teirtN flint Ale. Llllyd
weeml Inivie, hoo.em from which the
xt Y::pl p. r)1. Sunil a)'. Af L:I:e p. 111,
tiu,ls•r (Aunt. nlosl Iw )'eilloved r,ius
might take told. Mr. Thommoll Maid
town slow dl'r1Y1's Nano• Iwnefit in the
14111141:\)• 111' will addled. N 111:14, 1111.1.1•
fares 1)f 1.1.114., So f lint I i11' 1"'a''ret,,
It wits ii•oi")Mwl to rapltdtyr IIle Calaa•
way of tlateaton . be laas held the iN)hi-
ing of the tf•.trh.•rr, oMc(.1-N .1p41 schol
n1Ay Iw• startell oil n )pnMI And moored
(little vtonimm., sit. $'lai11,IMN1, but hr
tion of mrarkrt. clerk for the last
x1-, elf the voteiolis Sunday ,:•howls, in
foolvil slim o. Thr flour Illling in Ihr
1.9,11141 11411 ,ay jolter how 131114-1t1 paid-oll
twelv'es v{(.ar•N, h4vinK IN•en instnllaxl in
Ki mx 1'lllll-ell, :11X1 ret 1 p. 111. he w ill
elil" 11111,11 �Ihell IN• ,•:I,I.flllly levelbd
cititltal tilly would relutow- beftom Ca rill•
that arelore door Ih;- 'Seth of )t1- Itember.
preach Ile Novels ,11•vet Mvi llool(•f
IIP lai Ills• ele\•Ntmll lit wilmh illi• vl /ll.
1114 -living I love-$at,/11N. It welled tN• lit
hetet, and hiLs fltl Ml the• office dllringg
4.111114.11. O" aL.n,bly evening. ,-mi+•
,tl•nrtim" of Ihr coarr•te soldel• l •i1--
teu%I $I.-A0,INs1.
Uuat ti11m with N;tt,%rAetion to ell.
onenrhlg tit H .iehevk. hr Will deliver
lure will Ise started. After- the tops lo(
Asked nw ll) whether he woolll Ile
Hut in flit- fm•e of sill this a young
oho of hi. popular• let -tole'- ill North
cliffs Lar(. Iw(.Ik levelled, pine, ,priir(•
prrp:u'-1 to as,imt in hiliviuK Ihr aoc-
nuan fritter tile• country, will, so far um
.11•"e•t Meth.Nli.l a I11rrh, rind un Tor,-
or hea41.N'k plleN, 12'x1'! inches mlonre
rem, mf Ih.- hvbtw r asured 111-. Th000.
we know, lits ra,1 interest. in the town
this evening h,• will lr"l,n't• in \'Ir-
,Intl Ise'fWt long. mball lle4riverl/l/ome►{
m,+111•x (II'YNfN41 himme•!f NN feeling thin
whate Ver, roiliest land afferso live d(/t.
111/'Irl ltl 1'PYt rI111I'('b. At NII Irf ti/(.MI`
f11gl-1 illi• mil 1111 fal•1•, e f till' 1/1'1•al k-
:111 milt Xlder wAv ll:thlr its ire looked ,Irl
tars it vear tooro for tire tNMltion,
alvetin;l, A ,ilvec rolleclim11 \t ill IN-
Water, Thr piles are inlondt•d In
With murpi6011 rind that the Ino,(.
which lh.• t eel vo11ncil without hpai-
tAkell 111). AII'. liectAn• im Lo.1N'rf
mt,pogt11e n fill' eribm, tIl give sheltel'
1•f-"-tl\'1• work 1'mlllll lw don(. I jy- I(N',d
(Ation sireeptr and mato the• vet(1 none,
thrrl11gh1,nt the Enf(lish•4Ih•akinK
,unit) c-sn4t1•irt1,of]rtn(ItoIN•use,( a,
later)• Inst anything hr coild�Ill Iw
and old servantrulrift.
\vol'l11 elm Ihr. Rhack iknl9lit, illlel 1.
IIII rllf/1.Y 1--11' 1111• INllflllll ll:ll't /1r Illi'
wooed IN' pleas d ill dl/. ' A (IIII ill•
1 IIIIM t'NN1N•/'t(II II y,
ronmidered by Inane to IN• 0111• elf the•
voirrele. TIf• INwlion Cron) the fell,
fol-eting was soggesiwl to ,lircumr
fewgglr•At nen til,• N(.girl rare loss yet
of the A•ri1M to flow wafer level is Il,
(he bylsaw.
(ioderich, tort, 1•i, ifs N{,
PrNl1lrrd.. Lle will IN• gireto"lJ%1f;ie I
ehilrist. mf f1Ur•r rows aif convene in
\\'ilia 1(.frrpur(. 1.1 Ula' Jaek,on
- _-_ .
by his wife and'basghter. ilii !+alter at
irlgy r0nminK Irngthevime lof flit' hre•ak
I')'ol-glllmll It W s, decilleol ret rim "Ideet
(vililied find acmmnlpli.hetl v'N•ali,t.
water Ithe oilier rows ft feet Imig sold
i4eg ilia Alnndsly that one of Ihr vor)n-
a -----
and lila- three• will join in chal-act•'1'-
the ernUr row b fret loog), with the
fillers shnnld get to (Tinton And infer•
A carload reveired of tht• beat
(,til• r•n.leoinl:, 4.f. p1:nlLui'm ,sings-
sprue,- left. iNatavern these conrrrte
view• All'. 3:4ckmon, and aIt•. (told-
graulem of p,0eot noon'. \Pill ex -
:and olel-mlies. \\'hen Mr. lienor ails
INIgs to I", fillwl Willi hrokrn -it'I (.not
Ilwrlw• ncrol,lingh• called ren hills,
chrulge fin• whent, for which 1 will
herr I„t \Piol,•r Ihr rimed Itnr s4.
hu:ger tutu) n "whir foot will 1111- in
lir, alnrksun ,title 1 th$It whnl hl-
allow n r(.nl alrinr rnae-ket price ter
greet 16;11 111:11)v were n"al,le I4. get
la-rmtirN. lilh•d with Atnnllrt' Mone.
WAntpll ens' frrr ;Mown area[ Mutt At
tilt taken out in trade• Also ontneal,
Withio hl-nri11Q, don't cmn,mllll•11tty
steel rods l; inchek in diameter Ari• Io
pr•s4-nf Iwo hr1l,Nymmea would IN'
Me. Highest rash pr•ive• paid for gill
Were d i,aplN,inlc.l. Tier ro-agile, i"
IN• placed At every filter• feet. lova fool
•itllrienl.. 'illi. tile- rmonril thought
verealm. A..1, Cooi•F:n.
m -Illi 1" aI-,,Nl it repet It lt,Il of te11rll rill
,11"V,' low Wit Ier. ext en dhi iters/.,' (Ise
e'illild iN• had fumed IIII• orstnto factory.
'roll tI11111N711111 N•4.I11.� \V rlllt•11 ill Idly
.144.111'1'1•1lev. Num Nevol,ed Isle 141.91'.1
ou(IIfterinuw ,evnifilhle, nrterti1e11•m. it
%vork 111114 sevor•rd ,will, not% 711111
wnAhe•/•N tit IN rt i) Yr)(Ir 'eor)nler:•lrtlk in
hilt Wirt-% totrati,00it. I lis• Il,ile-ex evoold
haave ll) im• of 't 1 b I'm Warn. A
1 I Y G
/dNlM lit the(iceile1' ich lbs' S
/gain torr..
W"Illd IN• AdviM,allo' fmr tiny \yho rnr
oak fenderh which ser,' Il, ba' )laced 1.n
rasolion ,•at- finally pnsteed, nn "notion
Another hi,j( INat•grtin dnv on HnUn•-
da y, dlkh lh•hdrrr At this l-hrep Rale
anx111A•1 til -eriwe It Neap 1'1 IN' 111 tilt'
lot nn•• tina;( 1•nil. nm numy
both hfll•Imir street take ,1111' .trial 1t- 411
alt Alemoor.N. Ellioti $total (iold U1flrfle,
a Joh ilot (/f INNI(4 rind ,hoem and the
plhe(. twill
"onvefrmnLu•an'I,nr'u' ll) hear4h'i,
ends filled info IY imrl chann,•Is,
Titeloak thulN•rs are 111 IdeN%iI', in-
that Lill- Iuw1I grotilt ilia Jaackmon
11fin11(n:Uoing ('o. A1,INN1, Ih(. WPIL
mtork to( cl-sths and urrrrlN will he ot-
wooloerf11i (rill.
che%, Tit,• sit rslnmt re reloall hr m(
living (lull. this amount would vovet-
ferwl tit half -"rive. Colite rand rab
1.11 1
til t. \\ . Itm11F: 1'
tat K
tlibl i W
e �C el Ork.
1117 4.M 1-•m r 1• e
t o r t the Ncr 1-u A
f 111 N 4.4 4.
1 I f
m r ) � . 1 •r
11 !1 / (1. InPI t o 'O 1
It 1 ( (N 1 MA If
t r t 1 send
the c lm 1
1 t 1 f \\' 1-1 11 1• t' r f 1 ,111
1 t .. w l tl 11
K. 1 �'
f o t hf• tl •e • -s
N I r l NOI 11• 'l'oll's n
1 1111
t 3
'( '
N rill l'F' '1-f) ) ' w
1 F.r)lr) )
N 1 1-..i f
Th• 'I'pI«•t• 11annda Hihh• HIN•iely
(mol' 4.f hrnkrn ltMnP, and Ihr eait•e n(
Pt'tehahly nun•" Nalirritctor}' il•rue9,,•
Torr boll Iw M o m '
1 g t n Ufy three :111 (nit -
bas cel•l:Nnl. o a n fortonate in its
,rnr Pnrt mf ceroent to tht-e 1.f !:and
nlrnlr could ft-• milli fur supplying
Lruulin1� nCCf)Illll. ""lilt IN• Paid Io Mr. ,
rhoi,'r of Y, li.•Id srrrrinry t-s•mmree(t
:Illll mix of broken Nt m11p \\'tt 11 I:11'gN
r rrlrir ,oN/ t for naludstrial no rndsP,.
t 1 1 t
1. .I:um by the 7th ity Ot Deetyn-
IN Afler
`e I 1st.• vo,4.opoi It. /O1r tl),It. 1N,mlt,/ll.
h Ihr\". I t. llalLAlt, 1111• Yrs/PI'-
foie-opill Stories spotefd ret levo Aix rel-
A^ I,1 Ilio- carlrllllg fartll•)• 11)•11 rfl.rll
1' 111•x1. that Ilate alll ear -
/Teel l!, \vllhmlll 1• 1'1-
% ptl-stl WIII IN•
Able agent of t1te Hoviety, pa .,fel froll,
rI1+•.. 1111 Ihr harhmr aide Uf the•
lervakwater, cmnrrrtr lit feat
A Iles\ Jlrl1-`N rvilion was oind1• ell
day by elm K(.lit.leutul who halt flown
(err1��,1I by If•9n1 prtere•Nm.
active m•rt'ile . feat. Ill• mte Age" Kt•Y•
-1t'l1I', 1 flet t111Pk and 2+1►'fret Ion ere
II"rP tl')'lll lm IIIIA't'1•Yt. NN9lt 1-a lihtl 111
IAa e( (i(Nlerieh. Oa:tolX'r 17th• it41Nl,
\\'. h:. 11:1'•Nlllyd :/m rhompo tl nlleePed
Its Ira• placed, 111 whi"ll Nix Caagt•il'Iln
the se-brilr(, that lite t1own whoodd lend
.-- _-.._-._-�..-._ 13-'tt,
hien And 1 b0se wife) heard hien during
nlfN,i iey, Posted nrr t4. Iw fixed, The
hits $1'S,(4N1,' lhr prrurilNal r•epayallf'
hey Visit I,1 Go,le irh tills week, over•
I;lkl' Ida' elf Ili• ,litN•1•,t r oct re Ir til
111 ye'ar'ly Ir) Ntlatl toentX lit 1112,IMMI, cool
9n•en 11'r'.h nrld .rt•0bg ifn Pl'rANi-sn, of
file u, N Ntilll•.Y 1 11 1
I n un to f Ilii
Ao1N• hack N•ard rimmn the Eike, start-
mincing rifler five yenrm, til(• levan W
F'Nln.,t• (yctolter Jim h. Auetion ,nor of fare,,
iI, r n 1-c o
1111 1101. / r o'
i t iNd I\
v i)
m dol n ilei t o • •/• •r
h f thtl h t iN1 •
K -d \ e I4.\\
he .
Int trtet tit r
4 •r r ,t •nil a
{N tit. r I
da•k I4. r e
1 4. tit Nnd hoar o d
P h l faro 1 1-
ro •t 1 II -
r n( •H •
ARLk / '
K .It.
Hxs,nrd pt•'•+mha''1 in t1n-sx 1-h n'a•I,
1• f•' h 1-1 I)1- t4. n ,• •
lAt 1 1-1 !7 N K 1 ail o f
v (Irl' 1
{ irlX OI
T w 11,1 d, n •1-a • w'
) N \ nth
p pr y r
Ike F .once+.
1' ton e
(%afnrlrh lnwr rhlh• T. UCVUIt�', Aurt iunarr.
Snnel;l\' road , •Nnd in N4.rlh,lrv•1•l
rlf•ern fort nlNovr !-s\c Nnt•r near
the r••nt re of ilii width of Ihr
the 11YW1 fur r,►iming cnpitAl by Nuh-
mrript ion. HoN•rvrr, 1-a nun,• drOnit+•
4 1 1 1 1
T at u. tvM•r 'aa h. Acrel ion +AIN of
\ e 1 '»
II I tllll IIII IIII• rt•rning Il old
. 1 III N 1 '1'
IIt'f•Rk N:11 rt'. 1I•llitlel 1IIIX ihrl•/• 1-m
Ill'lotN)mlt 1'111 ,'III 11(1 timllhl. be l:l sal IN•-
A.n'rr•, caner; arnc,r send bit gie. aI Fn1-r"«
fool 1-1 al I::F1 0�r1 k. THIrS, NI X111{\',
mime addressed -oloe of the SaMmilt
to IN• :I a.helterrd ,N,iN'nik, there fort
f„re• the censer it later, in rinse N1r til(.
mri choN in (he af(err1omm. fir) Afond.1)'
at'la[m :Idld Ill l'1•r l -rt IN•I111Y the ,Illll1"if
FAIIIllllyleille ter rt bylaw Nt tilt• .lalllonry
'rl'•.NTlt 1'. IA't r _n. Allrlinn 'rel« or
rvrnin ll)• tic(. +ill st41dn Ym, illIsdrPlr.
h}' Frlllle ,el'/'nly vir•wX fail ctall�t•Am. ill
.4.P rhe •.nlrersl store, ,'hile Ihree feel
he lm aN1it• le et Ilr (.11'' f.m.twAlk, Ile•
elect ifi+N•
esionvilN he dlllt ieoti'I1g4 as1Y,1 ret
can le 4114 lin prol«•rt of I(eNFaIT
I'1•I'\tiF;TTr N'Awa elrb. ?'IVIS. tlt'NU/t Y,
\milli mtltrt MrthiNliNl lchnlrhi AI r•
I1NN.ard m wnkm 1•IINl11rtTLly Jesse]\
top 4.f the IntlNlr Nide of Ihr Inrak-
•11Tit#N g ft-•-
\\'curr'.dsnlo. (A•tnt ').-\arlinn .Ili tit
IhIs.in.lirA�l\, used him manner lot rt•
1{'711,'1' \t'ti N• h•a'rl• at n lipielllt f.r five
feeft.lh, else Iv \vaIre-, stt1.l lhi»i4.
f'al'l' they g,ll (fit• two iYhaw" 111 ,IIs N•
need finally change41 the Nnionnt I4. �N•
+tolA. p olorll)- m of,IKt1 Res.+, lot I.i,
'•'In'r`4011 :1, n, Ieri.'1, o,n4 ip. T. (RUN.
(lit ft lrth 1111•;111.1, of the Billtl' Hr., '.
Ly, f I.4Iing of ,nnle,,f the tl
(Int• 111 Ir111 INMIr 1\'111 IN• IIB/'1.11.
�( 1
1'rl s' /1-1 toy Il)I• Jall'k Nrll hyiN 11' I4. $'S,INNI,
IIRY, Anenoncer.
Tio-mmo(I, Ih•lolm-r t.Nl (d -0,n ,air of
to-,Is11 sot
work in Imam : id floretrn fields, and
Tlull 1:,1 S of the loll Ir•nrt•Pir so1N'P-
nY Ihr huger Niel• might IN• r•ryuirwl.
(,Iran 4wit, huplrmew- nn, s on.rhold retrial
-elf dew rihi ng the ,nv iIl ,111.11 it i4.
,11.11 IIu'.• mtill'rl•nuiinin9 line In In. 1-r.
tit •1-41 Nnd 4.ntil- use of to Ilorr)l -d
Thr hylnw. nrr pnhliahrd ill thin
issnt• lot 'rhe Hilzuitl: '1-h(. c01in litkrte
tom at ht- PI, t 4kr Shorn ft d. eo1M)rnr at
I Welvield, .I .\, IIB Mos F;lt, V neuter. VI (IK
III N111ty,'
rachingIlnl to,I-XI 14tileflit"'n Mter
the thilifidel f -s nation. Allti trilm'N in all
1 ai, ,mond Illy ri'i6moik.
;", l.ee "n Miltl'Irlav, N.,% •loll«•I• 111111,
. 0
. .1 NAI Ik•1. 'illi. •dale f hon.Phold
(Inserters, or Ih,' earth• cannot lent wbe
kil'Nd dot the C. P. R. Bridge.
a•I'411 til n rnttPr and her nnlrlPm,
pnn.,.. M of 1. HAItR18,
- - - - -__ ' - � --
InNn fr•mh rrri uilm In Ula' .#.I vied,
Y wT
the%oriety. AI Ihe-m+•eling tell hl n-
tin i'1'III/{ fr)lorrllllg INN( (III' ftt'XI
fillnl afridenl al IhiY #.off lof Ihr liar in
lll'llrgl•. 111 11. IN,eillo/1 fl)1' III/IM(1111(
Lha- first
. gree im•t.
r,Nllorlerlclng AI 1 rvlork P. 1. THOS.
41UNIIRi', NiselloWNr,
day evening Ihr tollowheg lose trod
ronnowtion Ni111 Ihr ron,latowlimn tlf
gi)rler elf the Nixlh
•fnrn• send rad it nNnlowe in til(. Im,tei•
- -----
w(.re AP(rnintefl for (he local lin 1-h :
Prl-mldpnr, .1. H. Millimn : cicP-prr�i-
Ihf• (4u1•Iph k (1,mleri, h 'Itstilway or
ra)rred, rrmuUinRR in Ihl' deaet11 F:to-
limn whrl•l' il. R•as to Iw fll.ten•r) wtivil
\\ RWHT. U the home or the 1•n-1 of the
drntr,'thp lrdsidtnt miAimt•ry of the
Annel P. 11e(Idnftlyd. sena[ in Ihr injlIsry
it Awong mot tit, tile, Nnd of the INam ed
of the luoidst n liflh• i4.lhr r,l.t. Tfvu
(ktpti•t church. IMI Thurallay. ,Aerobe 11th,
Ihr wl/e of Itr1. H, ,'. N'rlRht. f n
town ; Xerretrlry, O. F. RINir ; trends-
of Ihr•+•e reflect rllr" \who eel,• %a'(' ing
aif the oven engaged on fhr work were
rarer, W. it. Hmforrt.NOn : a-xpr"Iive
4.n Ilse 4'. 1' R. 1,14491- -drrte., the,
nn the gltllrry ,it the liner Anti fiY it
committee. \\', Wilrnm•k. it Park,
1\'. E. Edlltrl f. .f. E, 1/•R'ttt And .1• 11,
Alnilbm41. 1'Ie hoi%ling eli ine which
i1MA lw+•o lo "•filling 4111 ill(• 11'111g1• I'NIR$-
mwim not the • were aibli rd to "lin
R ) R ef
11) It. And ill,- N'1'iKht air til,• limiders
li,odsKLY PARMONS.-At Torouto, on
tnhPr Ash, IN11t hr the R,,v% Allan 'flellasseet•
H. F:.
Rolwrtann, in Additleen tai the other
ot�d(!-ell named, I.Lmt
inR the lighter reen-tions of the bridge,
And men, Aided• it. me ile, by n Rllnt
11,11'1 1'NMn., of Detroit• In John
Mo«ely,1'oroWit. for eserly of Uoderich.
yetir're cOR/v'tnrds
rrMX ties, rte., wAa (.ngagr•d wt Ihr
of wind, CNllmed Ihl• whole thing, the
wrap nNIllp"I"d t) Act. in the AAmP
1-aPP1aa ty this year. Monday evenlnK m
time in cnr'ryinst not a Kantr7•, (one air
the gnllowm-like ti1u1N•rw N'I)I,•h
engine stead the Ilse rnr 1.0 which it
KNF:FHI(AN'.-In 0oderleh. eo Nnmlay. (k
cnll(+rUon amonntted to $-8,17,
. air
luded in hnisting them ltirdorrot of the
Irma 1/101111tY1, a.s well NN the formation of
the hoimt the
fote•t' MIT, Rintie front, -Illy dAn1[Ater of
Regov l .wept.
and $entry, to topple
NRe,I l yRAladr � A NAn�hAw.