HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-10-11, Page 7I;w W r l+ fr THE SIGNAL : GOOIWt;H UN'I'A I; I( i 4 9i°X 44444 ° °++° °++++4 4 'f"44 ,40++****h The News of the District. 1;4444.4.44,44.44,464,44.4.444,4,4544+444,464,444,44+44,44,4******454,4444,x 00 0111111061 TOWNISM1P. Weaver, Oct. eth. Mrs eardoa. Meadeoha. Ie vidtin`` ben mother. Mrs. llavideon, Bay11eIJ road. Mn• R. Bell frosts visiting relatives ion n Windsor and Dett'olL Mrs. R. Devklwn, of Dungannon, le vieitisg her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jo& Mellluakey, Mies Peart Pratt returned on Sat- urday w Petrokw. scoowpenied byl her cousin, Mime Mantle will speed a fortnight here. c who Miss etoodfelbw. of Ujjadit, India, delivered • very appealing and iw- pyeerive addhese In the Union Ptrshy- iieerriiaw• ohureh last Sunday afternoon, g, Jordan has rented the Willie Currie farm. on the dth cooncesutiun, two bb mw -In-law, W. J. Currie, for a term of seven ye•+s, and takes pos- session next spring. His son-indaw will go weetr DIAYONn WltoDIMO.--A happy and an unusual event took place ou Fri- day, September 9Ith. at. the home of Mr. and Mrs. George O•ntektn, of the 7th concession. where a large owufer of relatives assembled to help the woHhy tenpin esislatatw the sixtieth anniversary of their wedding day. Mr. and Mre. Cant.elon are ioth naives of Tipperary, Ireland. Mut tams to Ontario when quite young, and their wedding took place in To- ronto township. Nine years burr they removed to Goderich township and to the lot when. they have ever since resided. Here by Industry and perseverance they toade for thew. selves and their family a comfortable Looe, end they are now in dude de- clining years enjoying • wen -earned ease. Mr. (!ante[oo la in bis eighty- seventh year. while Mrs. Caantelon is tuuneorr. They are both in excellent health for persona of their advanced elle. Six of their seven children were borne for the baps noc••ion : Mrs. Beatty Webster, Acid; Mrs. (Rev.) Die. Vale, Mkb.; William, Linda, ec r e and Adam. Mrs. Edwards, of @ tiffiT e, Men., wen unable to be pres- ent. Among the guests were : Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mellwain and Mrs. William Watson, Nile; Beatty Web. stn. Arbfleld : Mr. and Mrs. Peter C•nt,Iu') and their daughter Gladys, David and Harry (`anteloo. Mr. and D. It look, Mr. and Mrs. John Mul- holland. Mrs, George Cantelon and Miss A. O.ek. C latOst t Mr. and Mt.. 0. R. Hanley. London Road ; Jobn McCartney, Muses Minnie and Tillie McCartney, Mrs. Fletcher McCartney. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Nwano, Mr. and Mss. Wenn Cooper, Mr. and Mi,. Admit C•nntelon. Mr, and Mr. Peter Cele. sere. Rmmereon. sr.. Fred Em- mental. A. McCartney.Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Currie, Mr. and ee. Maes Ster- ling, of the Lowaehip: Mies Sophia Adie and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur (Imi- tation, (rder•Ich ; Harvie Hudie, Mc - Mop. It le worthy of rote that Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cantelon, of (lode - Web, who were present, are fifty-six years married and are bath hale and LUCKNOW. Tt• wain* Y. I kat . lith. T. Watson baa moved into his new lecher abate which will he one of the sw•llest trattoria! parking in this part of the «winttrsyy when Trent gets the Mtinp completed. Se.Ttel.t. ('nANOINtu HAMmt. - James Bryan. who for twenty-eight yrat has conducted The Sentinel, M Ag .old the Mw tsinrto W. J. Mr- Otegor, of 715ame isird. formerly of Loc tow and Ripley. The new pro- r rp,ston takes charge, of the paper on November let. We have not learned what Mr. Bryan intends doing. KINWMNMAM INJUttsn. - on Thee - day of bast week Peter McIntneh. of the 4th concession of Kinloss, was found tying in a field, unconscious. He re - stained in this state until Friday Morning. when he tallied somewhat. Rumination revealed an injury at the side of the ann. and it is supported that he may have fallen. perhaps ham • wagon. and struck his head on • strop. He was evidently wnffeving hem eons wits of use blain and an operation was decided on, and this use tarried out yesterday by i)rs. Clanton. Blake and Spence. and was gelte sntrrsatul. The patient is now fist Ing along nicely. Tis FAL.. Snow.--Tbr annual ex- kMition of the Kinking Breneh Agri (*Iturallleiety waw held here Timi- d*? sal Wednesday of last week and wall areompani.d with gratifying sue - Meek The exhibits were gland and the Mteahnee was large. An attract' that esu not em the pirogrant of any of the big city shows wee seen herr - • ran of Hata bitched to a natty H u7epneumatic-tired rigs Thin un- itise turnout waw shown by D. Heel - ley and war a great attractutn for the uling folks. The Ilst of pried award.. bl1ahed elsewhere in The !Signal Ilia week. On Wednesday evening the fair concert wee given in the Opera House, which was crowded to the door,. The program waw given by Jame, Andersson, tenor. of Iffalo: Donald C. MeGreger, baritone, of To- roth ; Alfred R. --Harding. humorous entertainer, of Toronto, and McMor- lea's orchestra. Mrs. Neor1'ggtee Smith MIA ss areompanist. The per- formers were all well received and the menet was, one of the deet ever given her. WESTFIELD. FRIDAY. Oct. nth. ANt1YRRSARY HiRVICICs. - Ver y s iecees1ul ylolv.nnt y servlre were held in the Methodist church on Hun - day rant.. Three 'retiree were held. at wh1Ch Rev. W. A. Smith, of Anhflelel, preached, giving rlugnent sermon.. us Metday night an enterteinn.ent ***given In the chureb, at which an excellent protean' was rendered. Role were given by Norman Murch. M Hlytie and Mies inure Homiith. of winn/tghem • reeding* by Rev. J. L. Stdltll, of Auhiwa 11NIae Ansi. Joy*. elf Lnekanw, and Mite Lunt ilry , M (Aoderirh ; selections by the choli t1at1 the W e+tAeld galartet t., and nal - 'me•'s by Rev, O. W. Rivera, of Bel - we. Rev. T. Walker Malenim. k'•lle. The s on Sunday rad Moodap totalled Bialk211. ASHFIRLp. iawY. Oct. IRb. Meeh_ - sytupathy. in telt. with Mr. and Mrs. Melina' H.ogau, of the 12th 'con - erasion. who list our of their twin children yesterday by death. at eight soothe of *gr. 'Vhl's hi the third death in the family this year. LUCHALSH. \VKDsrarneY, ()et. 11th. W. H. Uadou and family have left for Rainy River district. Rev. A. Miller hot purchased Don- ald 4i *du l's flue bay driver. Dota.W J. MecUbariss bas taken a position with A. H. Flniaysou for the whiter. Mr. wed Mee Sol. Maclntyre and daughter have IcUn'nwl Ryna visiting friends in Kincardine. Mina Maggie Armstrong has re- turned to Milwaukee and alis Jean has gone to Owen Sound. With October has come wet and Mtlrmay weather. Tolay a soft :fleece of snow mottles Held and forest. KINTAIL. TugsuAY, Oct. 11th. J. T. Griffin is sinking an artesian well. Con. Keefe is at present under the doctor's care. Mrs. A. A. Boyd ham left for Duluth to juin her husband there. Quite s.uuwber from here took in the fair at Dungannon on Ftiday. Miss Tena (h it, of Owen Sound, v'isit•tl h1•r hider, Mrs. R. A. Carrick. Rev. K. McDonald, of Kincardine, is visiting friends herr and in Dungan- non. Mise t.illan Mrlxan, of Sheppard - ton. spent a Thaw days at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. M. .1. Dalton visited the fonurr ei aunt, lire. T. Styles, on Wednesday of lad week. EAST WAWANOSH, alio-way, Oct. Nth. K'xnuINr. An interesting event took place at noon on Wednesday. September 28th, at the residence of Mrs. Orrgor McGowan, East \\'awa- nreth, when her youngest daughter, Maria B.. was uuiteel in marriage to Win. T. Jenkins. i.nly son of Giles Jenkins. of the same township. The ceremony mss performed by Rev. Dr. Mclean in the IIarmetic.• of over fifty invited guests, who. after congratula- tion.. repaired to the dining mom, which was tastily decorated with white asters anti evergreens. and where lunch s is /served. The bride was hererniingty attired in cream crepe de ehenr, with trimmings of braid, chiffon and riblets, and carried a bouquet of cream roses and lilies of the valley. The bridesmaid, Mist' Fraser of Edmonton. niers of the bride. was dres..d in cream Japanese silk. E. Wilford, Blyth, acted as groomsman, while Miss Marjorie lied - ley, of inmdon. was is very pleturewlue little nowergirl. Miss Shipley, of hal- kirk, niece of the bride. played the wedding march. Guests were prees- ent from Kwhnont es, Toronto. London, Gs.detich, l`linton and Brussels. The wedding paity strove to Blyth, where the young couple balk the 4 o'clock train for a 1 unman trip amid showers of rite. and gold wishes. They will remidr in East Wawanosh on their return. Many Children Sick. net their lest wets catch cold or "aMP5Land Ore aletbere ea aMfats with t0. Hest. 'hirer or Snarls oke IltUe one's sheet with Nor- • .I11 le the threat and giro ten water at bed -time. Next Ml ell i. well. Pro geld. ate tilde M51e haoeetl. if Polaris's Norvllloe them at 11111110%as1Sresell It iots geen lerggr Me. CARLOW. Tt' Ksn.t Y. Oct. 9th. Frank Melhmrgh, jr., bas gon • to Toronto to pursue his studies is. the L nive•sit y. Mita GoMlfrlluw, ret nrned Itlia'sion• try from Japan. gave an Itddreea in the church oil Tire -slay afternoon. The fanner. in this section are busy raising the sugar fleets atnd expect to ship them to Berlin next week. This time next year we hole to have at t;. P. R. station at Carlow, which will be a great es.nveniell a 10 shipper. The 1'. P. R. steam shovel is alewt through to Auburn, This week will seethe grading the shovel has leen doing completed trots Godrt•ich to Auburn. 'rhe 'aliening of this part of the road. w5• understand, im to he prx•swled with right away. On Thanksgiving Day them will i.. Rewire in the chilled at 2:HI) o'clock. A congregational meeting will he held immediately after the 'service to re- ceive reports from .1. A. Fowler, ('. E.. on the durability of the church, the probable cost of heating and the pmllwhle coed of a school room Meal feet at the rear of the church. ('APT. MITIHtcl.t. DiuiWNgi. The news of the drowning of l'upt. James Mitchell hast Settirday Ott -moon www teeeived here the following day and threw the whole neighborhood into glourl. ('apt. Mitchell had leen a resident of sur community for the peat twenty-five }ears and waw uni- versally tees acted. He was a hard- working indu.tr•ioua man and every sympathy from the entire neighbor - Went Is extended to the sorrowing ones in their 'sudden and irreparable lone. Capt. Mitchell was sailing the 'schooner Julia Iwreon, owned by Col. Young and 11. W. Thomson. of Gode- rieh, and left. Stukrs Bay with a cargo of 'under. lath and shingles, bound for Kincardine. in Saturday after• sexes r tam n1 he went, aloft to assist in reefing wane nail, when the vessel took a midden lurch and he lost his hose and fell into the water. There were two nt.her men on the l,oat who hale every effortto rescue him but without at nil. 7'he vessel arrived at Southampton hw•hlr on Saturday, the pla•r of the accident being about ten miles north of that place. Captain Mitchell wan a native of Scot- land and rame to this rnontry In his youth. settling in Fergus, where a 'sister survives. Besides his widow (formerly Min's Hamilton), he leave' a family of three girls and two boy. 11e was a Preahyterien in religion and and 1 ler o f the Workmen waw a mem / Orangemen. having !Moot inauranee in the former .society and $1,1011 in the latter. 1100 Howard, StOO. TM rasder' ret this wiper w111 he ploased to kora that there Is at ksa4One dreaded diae,aaa that rimsst has helm able to rare In all it. Magee. and that M (•stent. Hall'. Catarrh esrr 1' (rk(,re oely podllve Rare new kaewn to the medlesl frsternit.y. catarrh. bring a con ,Utetfnaaal dowse rerelatergatea ormstltotltmal !Mamma. Hall'. 1'atsera cure M taken inter molly. stein directly span the blood and mtr+oaaa slimier at Ow em. thereby do .rnewyl nif the fss,aeatlose.the ti gess, ami Se ilea paalrwt.anaanatk Mlldl as ap tk.r etli and onal■flue ta wn to def,e Ms week, proprietor, have ea mash fMt¢ In ascii r ea pewees that klelY *Of Ona „an • deede t r+hvr an(1rasaaltlrt It tans b este. wVt.ae P. 1' co., co., Tarda 0. E iersessairafte. TO CORRESPONDENTS. As next Thursday will be Thanksgiving Day and • public holiday, The Signal will he printed on Wednesday, and we would ask our correspondents to semi in their news -letters as early as possible in the week --not later than Tuesday - so that we may get them in type. Attention to this request will be esteemed as a favor. wramammentransrat LEEBURN. TL't:.o.tY, Oct. Uth. Quite a number fr bele were at the Dungannon fair friday of hist week. Thieshinga are going sal in our burg this work. COLBORNE. \VEUNttsUAY, Oct. I5kt1. \Vin. Youngblood has been on the sick list. Mr. and Mie+. Hill, jr., have been visiting friends at Listowel. Thr heavy snowfall on Tuesday night has dune h duulage to the apple trees. Mr. Mugford has moved to (lode - rich. His nrighlews were sorry to are hint leave; however, they wish hiut success in hi: new home. \Ir. Brown, son -ie -Maw of Mr. Good. has procured a pxxaitiom at Gaxlerieh consequently he and hi. family- hue Isencrtorlh to reside at that town. Mr. Mew has moved into A. Fisher's house at the curter of the Maitland road. Mr. Hill, jr., i. Kiting to occupy the house in which Mr. Mew resided. John Schwartz and wife mourn the loss by death of their little infant daughter, Lilian. But they are cold - forted by the thieight that the little one is with the laird. . Rev. J . S. 1) and his sister have returned groin their parental home, where they attended the fiftieth Jin ni- vrrmary festival of the cungnehat . They report having had an excellent tint.. ST. HELENS. Me,N,1Y, Ort. Nth. Miss Marcie Miller. of Toronto, is visiting her aunt. Mrs. Miller. Gordon McDonald was 4 from Jamestown for {t few days last week. John Patterson, Lew \\'ratherheal and olbrir took in the Dungannon fair past Friday. f Plias Al. E. Salkeld, of (&tderieh, slant Saturday anti Sunday at her sister's. airs. GuishOis. ally. McAllister, of Pisalinch, and her daughter. airs. Hollinger, etre visiting friends in the vicinity. Mr. and air,, Geo. Asquith, .of Minnesota. are visiting at the for•nher's father's. It. 1s twenty-two years since air. Asquith waw herr before. Mir. Hocken and soon Edgar• left on Monday ul ,sting fur thrix 1 in Mak Lake 'City. atter it visit of flair months with the (ornler'a father. Gee.. Asquith. Anniv.•twtry s•rvisrs will be held in the Presbyterian church on October 21st. Iter. Mr. Wishart, of Iirnasels, will ronduet the services bxdh •n Sag ilia! evening. John \Webster. and silt have re- turned from England. Mr. \Wrlstsr has brought some trice specimens of heather, which he is distributing anteing his friend. BENMILLER. MsNUAY, Oct.14t1. Ilerthatn Maedel is spending a few days in Golrrich. Mrs. W. M. Mohring, who has been sick, is able to be around again. A few fr herr took in the Dun- gannon fair last week. and report it ,plrudid. Miss Maggie \'anstoue, of (l dericb, is spending it few days with relatives and frrnda. Much sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. John SChwanz in the lois of their little ten -months -old girl. Mrs. Ed. Walters and sun Harold. are visiting Mrs. Waltersi pxuents, Mr. anti Mrs. Henry Fisher, at ('lin- ton. Thr fanners s in (bit vicinity lite busy picking and packing .apples, which !Weill to be a fairly goat crop this year. Mrs. Jerrie (:hdhill, who has been ill for some little time. is. the are shut to sty. slowly improving. We wish her a speedy recovery. Epworth ie•agne service will be held next Thorvda • evening. Uo•tilet• let h. at N o'clock. '111e topic, "Christ's Life: The l'omtuandnlrnts He Left Us : Vur Obedience," will les token by Miss blob - ring. A. E. Arlin, an old resident of Col- borne, hut lately of the West, Was; le newing old argnaintanres. Ile is a brother of Misses. Annie and Susie Allis. of (isaleriell. We are pleased to see hila lagain looking so well. Travellers Sandwiches. Nothing halt so Gutty and good as ('lark's Lunch Tongue spread he- tween two pieces of buttered bread. A Tug of War. The above is the title of one of the must pleasing pirtm•ea we have ever !earn. 1t is a Ieautifsll gravure. 22x29 inches. by the celebrated at•tist• Furth Morgan, and base been seleeted hy' the publishers o' The Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal as their pen iosn for auharri(ers this season. The pieturs {a vaatlr usIwrior to any- thing ever offered by that weekly. and that is saying a god demi. The Family Hrraid•s anhs•ription list is in- creasing rapidly. and no wonder, n when one e ronaiders the immense. tale the autrerrdwr deceives' for one dollar. That The Family Herald in going In have another big -year goes without saying. and it is a qiwstion if their big modern plant will he able to sus °Hate the rush of new soh. acriterw they ate store to have. Any of our restfen who want. a big dol- lar's lar's worth ahnnld not overlook The FamilyHerald and \Veekly Star this fall. very yearly athseriber receive') the picture, •'A Tug of War." Miller's Grip Pnwdets cure. For sale by Ju. Wilson. The Signal sod The Toronto Weekly Globe $o new sntuserih.,e for the bal- ance of the year for !t costa. it la a ergs DUNLOP. Tv :so.t V, Oct. 94 h. R. H. MCDJmikl tele returned to De- troit. Aline boat of the Exchange has por- ch/used a supply of Coal for the winter, town. --'\V. 11. now Golei•ich, vi.ateet our Our Jewell, burg Iasi Miss Nellie who has Igen up relatives in A.hlrld. in, aliss Nellie Voting, week. former of week. 'Hallic,os, of holidays her London seeing 1' ll:it&Yl 1•t11a• Loyal 1;tat 1551 at ST. AUUUSTINE. Oct. 15th. We are having extremely had weal her now. NY*. are ,leased t., .at that Joseph Flynn 1. able to wurL again. Mrs. ('has. 'I;tylur. of llinnrsutn, is reu.•tving old a gnaiut;slices at present. 1'. Kearney hits Isom oil Ibe .irk list for a few days past with a had cold. Nearly everylaxly in this vicinity took in the Danganiuu fait and all re- port it goat! tittle. Miss Betsy McAllister, of Golrtich, spent Saturday and Sunday at the h • of her parents. A• het• of th,• farinees have started w take up their in Mgr's, They report :a good crop. Fowl bourn are out sal the round. again. They are offering hared • priers far choice poultry. N'rarr sorry to form that a1r Wallace, who hits Teen very .irk fur s (Wilt. is nut iulpryt 5 sg •h. ISA3IFIELD. 1Vene so 5 5', Oct. bllh. 5,1111. Sturgeon returned from the West Ink Saturday night, Thr evaporator ator shut down on %Vrd- neaday for it few days. No apples wets the valises. Trinity church will holt its an- nual thanksgiving service, on l►c- totM•r'2lst at 11 o'clock. Kenneth Mrs,rehs 5 .. of Laindon, paid a flying visit to his parental home last ws•ek and while herr took a day'. shooting. Rev. Jul 11 S1rNr11 has arrived Il fr a sample of the' holiaday-s in tuna Milli lid. Hr lucky refreshed after hi test. He i, a hard-wurLisig now a1 11 devotes a (gent deal of time and energy to his church work. John Pollock mel with a loss on Thursday of last week. Some buys left the gate of the Liddy proFFtarty ;Iwo and his row ggiit inside and fell through the,, old platform of the well and w11.. dead bettor, .hr could be taken out. During the stetrul 5 Monday night the luau of Charles alr41tegnr. neat' here, was struck by lightning. The spark caught lira and ..sin his entire buildings were in tane.. His hiss will be heavy, as the liths wi'h all its contents was burn',!, including the season's crop. The insurance war only 7)1,55(1, in the Hay Mutual. DUNGANNON. N'uYrII'E. '1'111: LOCAL AGENCY in 1lungaanma for The Signal 5e afthe 1'a.t odlca• 14,uk and 5cwtinnery Store, and M1 i,. McLean will meet,, oder• for eu b.•rlpt ion., advert1.111g and fob work, tad 1. amt hnniasl to ai,o receipt. fur awunnt• paid tor the .1111e. s A. N EW'1'ON, DENTIST. LUCK - 111. Ntlw. At homer, cry day swept Thar. day.. New remeelyfura•IntractingteethfSouuul - fornu.lintter th:m ,t, 1 .awn and bridge work, etc tl s s ural ;Ante. nano -breakable. N. H. -You can alwny• have your work much bear,f done in the dental nines- re time. better Iarlllt le. far doing t he work. more COM. hatable for the patient. tilIlE STERLING HANK OF CAN - 1 ADA. HEAD Itsrnl:. Tome. rid. Advances made to !amen. at lowes.t nate.. Salt notes cashad or collected on favorable term, Dollar de5al.ife and samants osvIv.t and intere.t laid or rumpoundod four time. a veer. um, hour. 511 a.m. to :1 pan. ; Sat ar- dar•t In a.m. to 1 Wren. And ; p.m. tow4 .111. R. K. MANNI`I, Manager Dungannon Branch. 11 E. AUGOS'I'INE - Ut'NGAN NON 'hopping 11111. Dealer In (torr mud fed. Three Star sod !•I,r Star Maur. haul. aware and vsuss. trema.. I hopping prurnptl)• III tended to. J. Walkout and Allen spent Huntley in Golerich. Miss Daniels is visiting friends in Golerirh this wee•L. Miss Iso Nivi•ns was a visitor to Gialerich on Sunday. Mrh..Man g and Harold have re- turned boob from Clinton. Miss Laura Hrydges, of (iolerish, is u visitor at Thus. Pent boas. 13..1. Crawford was a visitor tit Tor onto ou Sat utehty and Sunday. Eddie Durnip, .son of T. E. Dst•nin, has gone to attend the 1'nitersity at / T ' 1 AI amt . Alis! Ande.n, of Dietetic/1. iv the guest of her friend. 51 ies ('ora Roberts, for it few days. Miss Edith Augustine,•of Gsdet•ich, is spending is few days at the !untie of Alex. Pentland. airs `and Mus. Lott, of Winghaui, were the guests of Mise Sturdy for a few days host week. Chas. Robinson, of Kalamazoo, Mich.. is visiting his b•otliet, and father of this plines% Miss Mary McChie and Sister, of Ooderieh, were renewing acquain• tancea here on fair day. Ben+on ('ase. Ross Rutherford ani Jack Roberts vele hotue from the Collegiate for the fair fart Friday, Miss Bowman, of Hrseets, and Miss Carrie Milligan visited at the hone of Miss Milligan's father over Snntlay. We had quite a fall of anew this morning. but it is rather early for winter and it has all disappeared again. Mita ()retie Planning's, of (iolerieh, ani Miss Olive Goldthorpe, of Self - fold, were visiting Mies Pearl HAed- ford over Sunday. flume Stet ETV MEtrrttu. The Bible M iei.t.y mt•eting was held in the r rpt a r o, 'e• M th lit church n Wednesday lrsolnv even big by Rev. W. E. Hansard, B. A., H. 1)., Held eestetary. who gave a tory inteetesting illnstratrd lecture. Tit evKIM !VIM; IMV Mrprgh. A hot !nipper is G/ les held in the Agrirul- lot•nl Hall on the evening of Thank*. giving Day, tinder the auapieea of the Episcopal church. Supper will be served downstairs. A fine program is being prepared. - _-- I Geed Het, of Oveliflnp. 1f posing duck, are given proper teed toad not allowed ton much range there 11 very seldom any sickness In the Sock. Always endeavor to Had est the mime of any trouble and remove 11. Afedletas will he of an ayell sates* tis tame et the dtsssss r *tet let ltd (lt. it iso);' Your Doctor Can cure your Cough or ('old, no qut .tiom about that, but why go to all the trouble and inconvenience of looking him up, and then of having his prescript ion filled, when you can step into any drug store in Canada and obtain a bottle of SHII,OH'S CURE for a quarter. Why pay two to five dollars when a twenty-five cent bottle of SHILOH will cure you as quickly'! Why not do as hundreds of thousands of Canadians have done fur tl)e past thirty-four years : let SHILOH be your doc- tor whenevera Cough or Cold appears. SHILOH will etre you, and all druggists back up this statement with a positive guarantee. The next time you have a Cough or Cold cure it with SHILOH 1 Dairy Wisdom a if the pastures begin to get abort keep the tows in the stable away trues the diem and hot sum and give thew plenty of cut greet) feed, says the Farm Journal. This should have been pro% Wed for. 'Tru Girth out iu good creno pastures at night. 1r allowed to tihriuk In utak ut the first shortage In pasture no amount of after feeding will bring cows up to their former profitable production until they come fresh ugalu. To wake a profit In the dairy there must be au evru flow of milk during the whole Of the milking period. The nett must be uniform. Good manageweut eau easily wake this pus - Frequent .cbauees of pasture and plenty of aolltu;; erupt are within the easy reach of every intelligent dairy- man. A fresh bite will stimulate the appe- tite. The wore a cow eats with relish the uwrae She will produce. Some dairytueu try to see bow little they eau keep their rows alive on. No wonder that they are always. In "hard tuck." lluu't allow the tiles to eat up the calves'. Remember that their akin is thin and delicate and that tiles raw sap more blood than the calves cat make. Give the calves a drink of pure, clean water every dry, nu matter if they urs getting milk. Always have a chunk of ruck salt In every posture, also In the cow yard. . Did you know that it dues make a difference whetter or not a cow stnudn It her own stall at milking time? Just look lulu this a little. You will see that nut nue cow out of a duzeu will act or feel at home In a stall where she Is not in the habit of going. 'Till.' moon that her sled will be ou something cls•. It may be she is having a tussle over the partition with another row. Any- way, her milk will whom a lark In quantity uWi aural• in quality fArreseade t al.5net. A cabinet for the keepimr; of house- hold hooks. accounts, etc., tl in irut5. a boon to all w'ho lure a tidy nod swell appolnttd house. 1t Is of simple con struction-an old box serves the pur pose admirably. A Ault should be In. /wiled ns Rbott•n, nod a hiu:rd doss Wight be affixed. .5,1 the top• Which I. Poiutetl, a hole should hr Isomil for the n•rrptiou of n attow; nail wherewith to hang tip the ealdt,•t. A Timely Hist. One honsekrs•per hets won n nun. for herself by c:ru11iug pineapple :rend Sweet apples to,:ititer. The pineapples were cannel early in the se:iS Is noel added to a very rich sirup with halves or gsisrtens of sweet apples eookeel tender. They are a great improvement over aWnces and sweet apples. Ce CoId anO flnoter The season's first cold may be slight -may yield to early treatment, but the next cold will hang on longer ; it will be more troublesome, too. U n - necessary to take chances on that second one. Scott's Emulsion is a preventive as well as a cure. Take Scan's EJIIULSIOI When colds abound ,and you'll have no cold. Take it when the cold is contracted and it checks inflamma- tion, heals the membranes of the throat and lungs and drives the cold out. Send for free sa ntple. SCOTT • NINE. Omahas Tomlin Ort IIA GIM Ma - • . Y areMMs rift ha AY, Oc'o:rer 11th, 110d Fall and Winter Underwear A full Stock in this week. Both in combination and separate trarments, 't light and heavy weights, British and Canadian stakes. Headquarters for the Celebrated Stanfield Un - shrinkable Underwear. U.0 Is the Best. Prices the Lowest. MCLEAN BROS. Art Tailors, Furnishers, Clothiers, Hatters. North side Omit !louse Square, (roderich. • Look at these Leaders: Pandora Ranges, Famous Base Burners, International Stock Food, Page Wire Fence, i IParoid Roofing, E. P. Paulin Store 57. FINE TAILORING. Hardware, Stoves, Plumbing, etc. 'Phones 45 House 177. 1 EVERYTHING IN MEN'S FALL WEAR. REG. BLACK Plastic Form Parlors A nice line sit Men's silk -lined Mocha Gloves just arrived. fall and sae our assortment. 1f you Are in nerd of a NEW FALL SUiT Call and see OM and we will try to pleas. you. Everything in Men's Smart Wear. `° °` D. MILLAR CO. -•_„° Fall Dress Materials All that is new in Dress Materials is to be found at tau' store. All the new weaves and new similes, and many of the better lines being confined to its makes it impossible for them to become common. Among the moderately -priced materials we would give special mention to our Targe range of ... SCOTCH CLAN TARTANS .. . Amongst which the most popular plaids are to be found. 50e and 75c a yard. A large range of sitmrt dressy Tweed. in all the newest effects at INC. a yard. Holter line. in Tweeds alt T:e, $1.151, $1.9's mod *l..111 a yard. Lubes HItOAI)('LOTH auxl VENETI ANS in al I mil curs., Tile, $1.551, 111.ldr and $1?.,551 n yard. Ladies' and Children's Flannelette Wear. (hu .tock rel" 1•'liuno• •GIs• )'sane i5 very r plate for lotdieri and 'Chil- dmn's ' \\'5 nr. We Ifer•w•it h merit ion only a few of t he bawling lines!: LADIES' NIGHTDRESSES Ladies' Flannelette Nightdresses eaten hens - mode of n weal l,nalilr of striped in white, pink, blueandgray,hens- flanneb•t1e, with frill at neck ,tad stilrhiml at neck and sleeves. Thin is a mist roomy anent and sleeve, extra large size, u movement 'special, each 60c sMmld ptynve a Mg rreller, CHILDREN'S FLANNELETTE NIGHTDRESSES in pink only, male of extra quality and to 60c 'mita!' ;wee, Ingee, freed rill B. & C. CORSETS, the mod. comfort -aid.. (-tweet on the market; all the latest models are in Mork in all sixes. A Special Lino of Ladies' Flannelette Wrnppertf, One Dollar. Ladies' Fbauotietts Drawers, in white, pink and grey, at sec, dee, ysc. Perrin's Gloves Afrrin's Gldbes PHONE Millar's Scotch Store PHr