HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-10-11, Page 61.110S5D AT, Oct. lath, Pat 6 SUNUGHT SOAP is better than other Soaps but is best when used in the Sunlight way. Follow directions. SUNLIGHT WAY OF SAnNINI FIRST lap the a.t.k to be washed to • tub of lukewarm water. draw it t w • ...aboard mod rib the swap Slldr oras it. be pouvolar not to rise soaping all over. THEN roll a in a tight roll. lay in tbe tub under the water. and gothe saute w y until all the pet., ave the soap rubbed on, and ere rolled up Tip *a away foe thirty amsotes be owe hour .ad let the "Son - best" Soap de he wart. NEXT.- After staking tbe fail tins rub the ckshes lately out on • wash board, awl tae dirt wi ties• eta; term the garment in. . Jc out to get at the woos, bat don't sae Sar more mop dost scald or boil a single piece. and deet wasp through two sods. If the water gets too dirty. p.m, a little u t and add frsh. M • sneak is hard IS wash, rob some mere sold on a, end throw the piece back into rho sods form few nlinole.. LASTLY COINS THY RINSINGw . b,.p to to Le done in lukewarm water, taking special pre to get J I .0* dirty suds away, then wnng out and bang up b' doyy roar ides(.ss wed rl.rs- wNs pre,. sed as follow. Shake the an,.les free loom doo f 01 a (ALAN of SUNLIGHT SOAP into shave ',g pour Into • gallon el b•w.., weer and whisk into • lather. When jilt lukewarm, ark articles in the lathe. without rob- bing. SSyy este arty ▪ un or t heisting • Mae me tbuwughly .fet..o relays of lukewarm water. Sowers out rate, wagged twisting and hang b, the 01100 un. RrT1e Moat delicate Wore way be wfefy waded N the Soe- Nebt'• wey. Illasos 3 mow.•. 3 z v+PL= $5,Q001KWARD{wile pall proven that 4uollgto ht Soap mon- h alos aoy tti•rlou• chemicals be soy foto d adulteration. B it And folbw 5C• dirsaion.. Sc. LrbTR BRUMES LIMRrD. TORONTO IMLO1OME1Y S "!R!ECTION , s Qda$' .314ET6IS:LIEbCaNDY CL '. S?FATr54D CANADA Prom the Ops to You Ws bridge Mance with ons moisture -proof dwt.proof packages. Hali- fax and Vancouver are brought to the ovens' doors. Farms and small towns are put on the same piane with the big cities. Mooney's Perfection Cream Sodas MINI packed in I 1, 3 6 air -tight pedaloes. Nib. atsp, del,aous-- sed leant you on rho time con- finl► no manor where you live AT ALL aaoct1• Hirst's Pain Exterminator quit kly relieves Iamt backs, strained shoulders. sprained skim, bad knees. braises. eats and barns. BAYFIELD'S SHOW. A BIG UAY IN THAT BURG WED- NESDAY OF LAST WELK. Another Successful Exheb.tion to thi Credit of the Directors of this Stan. ley Branch Agricultural Society -- Concert and Oauce in the Evening. Weather conditions Tuesday and Wednesday, of Ilii week the deb's of Hayfield's x1110(1141 tall fair. were stnq.Iy pet feet and a* usual the exhibition was. a big suCAYss.. 'l'he atteudanee Was folly rep to that of 11a:tura. years and most id the elase•es provided for in the prize list were well' 1116411 and the t'x hibite, good. Excellent ulusie the seetind day was provided by the :Gird regiment hand and is concert was held in the Gra a hall in the even- ing. followed by a darer.. Ill the tonin building J. H. 1\•ursell heal :111 exhibit of stoves and furnaces, all of which were wild and to be delivered it/ the vieiuily. Area:Amin; H,.thel•., pump tulu0IL►rtutv'r, of (loderit•h, had an exhibit of their product on the grounds. The priz.• list was AS fol- HOI4.y1:S- Hem -v Draft -Gelding Jrt filly, 1 Wo years old. Ed, Troyer, lieu. U01001ah; Striding us" fill', ,nor• year old, taiiult tiros., Geo. Coleman ; 0111111 of working horses, .1. Turner, A. Dun- kin. Agricultural Heise! 111:4•*', wilt, foal, M. Westlake, .1. Alban:: foal. .1. Allan. M. \\'estlako:' gelding or nl13. two peals ,old, A. :\ndersiin, 14. Enn II.'rsun : gelding or filly, unr vrot ,IJ, S. Cleave, A. Sent Aintree : span of working horses,' .1. Spill EMU. 1). Schnell. lieu.•ral 1'nttrl.e• Brood mare. arss etttatponied by tool. A. .lndet•son, I. A.Wworl h : 111a1, 14. ('assay/. A. Scotclt- utrrd.: gelding us" bliv. one year old. Elliott. tin,.., L. Aldwoitit : span of working lams.'+:. H. W. 1h•Igilty, 11,a11ee ern- -B,t td Marv, aur ponied ley foal. 1'. v:1.''s•ilt. T. It. 131na 111.•4': heal, '1'. Mherrirt, 1'. Il. 1*,ow.Ieo; gelding 4.r fill'. twit years ,Id„lode \\•t•ot.nn, T. K'iitg: gelding n' 41Fly, 0119 year ,-.Id. 1. 1:1.'oal a span of r,adsters, J. AV. Elliott. .1. Spar- row. 1 ',tillage -tirodw) more, gree ponied by foal, A. El11tl. I1. ..•1.0,41: foal, ('.'fire ell, A. I':proal : g. !ting or 1111y, 1 eauyetis old, .irh:w... Ifs.,.. Ucu „h•n1:Ut : gelding ns" 1111•, nue year „ 1.1. D. v'•h.el! : .titn, 111 hands or .,scrJ. \C,•Ik,•d, oJohn Mai 'aughey: single Huringe. 11Ill. Huiha0..11. S. 1'*ylilt : Lily hives. Aliso 'I't'.. o' Jen- kins, Miss Burhaunlun. Judges -P. M el i tvg .r, lh'n•clleld O. Johnston, ('limbo: H. Mel.t•ait 4;4)&1.i0h. - - 4'ATJ'L,E - (it:rar Cattle' - dileti emirs, E. 11. Wise, 1.1 anal 21111: heifer. two year. ell, Elfiott Bros., John field : heifer, ,w• ye144' Old, Elliott Brom., John lien! : lu•if.ei• calf, John Heid, E. I1. 11 nor ; steer rotas, 4.. ktacit, John Heid : steer, two years old. A. H. Wise. Elliott tiros. : steer, one )•roto Old, Joint Heid. LII and 2m1 : fat cow, heifer of steer, (1. 11.,Ifewson, EI Iiott Urns. Durham -Mitch row, John Reid, A. H. Wise : heifer. t ss a yel,I ,Id, A. If. !Vise. Int and land : 'heifer, one year ,Id. H. Crich, Beattie Bros.: heifer Klf, 1Irrlert ('rich, John Reid ; bufl •a1f,-J. Allan, Herbert Crich. Judges -tie.). Statilmry and Wm. A11111111, Stanley. )1111•:ha' Long wool Item, two .brats *11 over. AVM. (ileo, C. II. Middleton. ; ram latish, ewe1, Middleton, K. H. 1V ise ; pair (having raised Iambs in 18181. two .Metes nn) Over. 1'. H. liddiet0,rn, %Vim Glen : pair shrarling ewes, 4'. 1f. \liddielMI. E. Il. 1\'ise: pair ewe lamb., Middleton, E. H. `1'i*i•; Nil- fat sheepp any breed, Geo. Peibale, C. H. Middleton. Fitts ward A: Dunkin look all the priuw in this class. 4 Juri ,III -- id.ilg wo•illWI .brie) --(r. Prnhalr look KB Ike prize/till tIlkOOPS. Judges John Walters. SKltfo,i : 11. 0'. Beaeo111, 4 'U1111111. I'I1i1 F.lock.nI1r li na six thism , A. Cooper : *trey, 01.11 'ltud. n,trth11 s 1 tinder, Thies. King, 1st and fork*hies Aged boar, A. h:vats*. Judges- John 1Vahirs and H. C. Bea DAIRY I'ROI►I'('E -25 11w. salt butter, H. W. Delgatty, K. Penhal,:i 111 IMi, lartter, wlfllcie(1tI ' salted ha- table rtable use, H. W. lelgatly. Jaui. filer - ling ; i) Ilei. Mater. sufficiently salted for table use, R. W. I)elgatty, A. E. Matheson; 2 lottlem 1 •-motile wine, .1. K. Wise, It. 1V. Deigatty; honey in e h, H. Ih•,wn, O. A. 1 'roper ; honey in jar, lit A. Cooper, It Brown: collection of h,tiey, H. airmen, G. A. Cooper ; loaf 1 ••souls 4tet•ling. John ('nmpleIl : loaf baker's lawn). Thus. King; 1 quartmaple syrup. M. 1V,•llake, S. ('leave. Judges ,las. ('oto,lly, (ind,',•irh township ; Win. Scott, Brurefleld. ((RAIN AND S1:ELDS Two handle's white winter wheat, M. H,•th,ur, J. K. 11'isr; two bushels 1-011 winter wheat, M. Brethour. it. W. Ielgntly two bushels spring wheat, M. Illvt lour. .1. K. !Vise ; two bushels Virg!. erhite FFpeas, M. Hrelho., .1. K. N ise : two In ,• umbels small white ens. J. K. AViso. M. Hrethour; two bushels rix -toyed bailey, J. K. Wise. M. Hrethnur ; two Itll*helm two -rowed barley, 3. K. Wise, M. IJmtho.r ;'9nv, ho.brlg white oats, J. K. 11'i0e, 11. Brrthnur,: twobushels black (Kgs. M. Hrethour. 1. K. Wiste : tree bushel timothy seed, M. Brett J. K, Wise.: two bushels spells, M. Ihvthont, .1. K. Wise :.gid ea ra yel- low corn. .4. Hymns, 1.. Aldworth six pars brut 1.n111, Mn,wd,11 Ih•,::., ohn (:amphell : six yeas sweet corn, M. Nrcth,ur, A. E. Matheson : six ea , any other variety, (i. 11. Hew, non, nowdon H,ps. Jit ps--.1. A. 11'illinms, Zurich ; Jas, h myon, fttvffeld. FEUI \\ Mix hunches grates, A, .'4cotchrnetk 0. H. Hew -won : volley tion of grapes, G. H. !lenient ;enl- lertionl)tapples, live of each anrioty. N. A. Cooper. Snowdon Bra*.. ; fn11 apple., lour varieties, flee of rash variety, G. A. ('mope.', J. W. 'Fong!' ; winter applew,„, four varieties, five of rash variety, G. A. Cooper, M. 13.•th- our ; rnllection of pears, fixe of each variety, Minn 1', Nott ; plate fall peals, I3IIi,tf H,.1., A. Nrolehnrre ; piste winter pears. A. Meotehme•re ; plate twelve peaches, O. H. Hf•wp/n, R. Pentode ; plate plums or prunes, Mew, Mmh1rugn11. G. II. Hewstl : Plate 1*tldwin apple., T. H. Hrownlee, E. M,u',hall : plate northern spies, John SVeston, Mrs. McDougall ; pints' yel- low crab apples, A. E. Matheson, Snowden Bros. ; date red crab apples, E. Marshall, Miss p. Non: plate kingnf Tompkins, T. l(, Hrownlee. A. 'Evans ; rtp+tat9 screenings, G. A. ('roper. Mrs. McDougall : plate swarms pippin., A. I:vans : platis twenty -cane, pippins. M. nr•ot ir ; plate wagners, A. Scotnh esgG, G. A. Otsnpsr. .TnfirgP!w - D. French, Clinton : An- drew Mltbenholt, Hay. VEGETABLES Half bushel early TH6 HIONAL : GiODERICH .ONTARIO pottttot'w, A. P{"'nn, Th'u:. King: halt bushel late po..ntors, It. Turner. K. Brown ; rix mangolda, yellow globe, ti. A. Cooper ; six intermediate L utn- gold+, Jo., Uamplwll : rix livid carrots, G. It. Ilewwal, S. ('leave; six table 'adore, Si. ('heave. Jas. ('umplwll: six table nests, Si, t'Iratve, A. Scotch 11191'9 : 1 here heads eahlwge. Snowdon H,.0., (i. H. Hrwsoo; two iime.k melons; /i. Il. Ilrw'suu ; two water- melon... Jno. Tough. ll. H. hiewoon : six pare:IIiPO, S. (Trace, M. Hrethour (Kest two 1 pkins, 1. Aldwurth, (i, A. ('toper; Iargeat. squeal), S. ('Heave, Snowdon Bros. ; six turnips, Jar. Campbell, S. ('leave; three heat( white celery, Ur. 1Voadfs, ti. If. flew sun : three hf•tuds tell celery, ti. H. ifewson, John'nugh : six beads win ter r'Idioli, Snowdon Brow. ; twu 61- ron., H. Penbale; perk small Imams. G. A. (?,11. ser. It. Pt'nh:tle ; peck tugs. .•a I,ns, 4, Melt 1.. Ahlw.n-Ih : peek potato uuiou IA14,0 I:u,;li..h, M. D. 1Vestlllke•. H. Pe(1had•: l'o,•k pota- to onions", Canadian. R. Pehhale, A, Ev.ins; peek onions. grown' from Motel wets, B. \1'. Delwin )', Snowdon Br.' : pante small real ►,Illaloe'. Ili. H. Hewwro,. tinuwduii tiros.: plate large evil 1.11,110,.0. S11ow'dutl BOIS., John 1' unptwll : p1.U„ loris 1 ellow toulnt.0• .luho fou,th. Mn .00030) 444',0.: plat.. sous((. yellow t .: nat/,al, lis IL 1•ie\e'sioti, M,oWtion finis. ; six „ole salsify, Snowdon Bra... J. 1V. Todgh. Judges -Jan. Connolly and 1). French, 1,.;,1)11.14' WORK-Pillu,v shams. John Held, Aliwe P. Nutt; toilet slat., Alias H. '43 is.% Al. Hrethogt ; eroehet told, mats. N. Ilucslou, A. E. Mnlhe.on: i'na•Ieel work in wool, J. G. Forest. Mrs. C. !'arsons ; .ruche wink in r..ttnn, 3434Ds 1'. Noll, Miss 11. Wise : e,.ehrt or knit „lip_ pets. A. E, .iallien..1. 14. 11'i -e: rr,r•IlW .slit, Jars. J. Ilowrie, Airs. l'. I':n • en*" : ot.. pillow. 114'.+, Mc- Dougall. S. !Weston; he:1001414-biog. 311':. t'. I'.osoris, Mrs. ,I,'S. Iluwrir: eunapidn silk, sattiu ns" vrlve!'. !i. Helbr-1,orry, .\peOst Vcxo,;fa11; t'3•a•Iot cut hrui.lrrv. All,. (', l'.11-e,,n'.; es104'11a otlroillee-v ill 'Colt Intl, wool or silk, .. oing, 314'4, .1. N. Huw'rle; *l11- ltrini 4'y !Obis. Stys, .1. S. Howrie, A1. Brett '' rail a.itiesy 1:,hlecover• 111 s. J. -Si. Howrie. Miss H. \\'i49: 1 ,net' erl.i-k holder, S. Ilorslun. U. 04,. 0I oui ; fancy Limp shade. Jolt/ To Sigh; f.sny pill e11s1ti1.11, J. K. Wise. Mies 1'. \ort : knitting in wool, .alis P. Nott..1. li. 11'i• •• : knitting in eottbn, sliw 1' „Non. Alis. 0, 74. H,rse•• Auitle,'pail'. sib. P. \..'i, J. K. Wise ; ta'iing• Mi,... 1'. Knott, Joliet I`'ut:h : 0.•.t 4'r,.' , 714.• I'. 13'n..1,. 114'.. .1. S. Nloneie: nppli. ii' work, Mts. .flet ,rutin((, 14. Nur+t..u:.pot lest doy- lies. E. Matheson. .Sohn Tough ; -etehin ,n cotton o silk, Nisi: P. Nod 1. J. 3V. Reid : 'lain hytrd Kewinlr, Alison. Vi• •; kitr•hbat aproo. Mrs. C. 1.;,1,o,..,, lbs. J. ti. 31'.wrie ; launat 9 bag. A1. Breed , Mrs., .4... llowri.: Mexie.uo drawn woe::. 344,0. J, N. Huw- tie: ha,danger, Mrs. 11. %1'ise, Miss P. Nutt : floral tinted 11-11(repnere, S. Ilnr•sto,n, .J. (i. I"..•.( : 'olid t•u,b„i,l ery "eentrepiere. Miss P. Nott, Mr.. How',": 10010..11 sol ,rock, 11,,.. J. e:, plower• : eros' patch. Ali.. 1'. Nutt : 41101-hed quilt, cotton. Mrs. lf. 141•iw, 11. ISr,•thour: Paleb...I ynilt. cloth. Alis, 1'. Nott, '4. h:. Alai hrw.u: Moat -11 quilt, bund made, J. K. %Vise, Missal. Wise; ifrtoh point tare. N. IWeston, Mr.. Alst►..ngall: honiton or point bur, Mrs. ('. Parsons. S. H1ir.tou: 314itun,nrlliek. Alm. J. 14. Howrie; seer ladies' underwear, Mi..s H. %Vise•. Miss P. 7peit ; hest c,ib0.•Iion l+ulir•: work, Miss 1'. Ni11, I. W. Reid: rag teal. l ikcd, .1 isr. II. 11-lse,' M. Meth -our hour o stir w•edl'n ,luekings, h,11o• motor•. .11... P. No1., Jas, !Merlin(;; l 1''«.0. toll sllekin¢s, hta119' mule. Nis:. 11. Wise. Mies 1'. Noll; pair ...atoll ,o.x, h • mauls, Mie. H. 34Vise, .I*.. Sterling : pair w„I glue'rs, h .nails, Ili:.* P. N•.tL: pair (0.0.1 snit• ten, hum.• 111. :,i '. Miss H. Wise. Jas. Sterling. Inilgts.--314',- .3ddie JOhnstun. Zu • lel': sirs, .lana Connolly, (i.slrri,h township; Mrs. 11. 14...0, Hayfield. PLANTS AND FLOAVIIRs - Boo - quo ,f t1 n.,4'., i:urge•, It. H. Hewson. A 'don I4r„s.: lo11gnet of Hower, small. G. 11. Ile•,•:sin• J. O. Marta : dahlia-, 44. 10. Il•wsou, 1t. 11'. !►eel- ga,t y 1 pate.. .• , I i. 11. Hews/a.: ger• • . U • •v . 11. Ih•sv m Mts. Par- sons; Insrhia-, 01. H. Hew'wm : foliage p.Iant,. (i. H. ilewson. .I,hn 'Tough : se II:.nl•t. Ili. II, Hen 81011 : asters. (4. 11. 1(0w+tIn. .1. 1:. haves: ; gl,xaulpa. (i. H. Hew soon, ,Inhn 'I'a.nah. .111,I;;c - M1•,•. Stanhurv, Hayfield. FINE .1141'5- Pencil drawing, .1. O. Purest. Mrs, Ilowr•ie1 crayon dr':►wing, Mts. 341r1)ougnll. .1. 11. V.11 es, : wafter calor pointing. Mrs. Howrie, Mi+. Alc- D0I1gall : oil painting. Allo, Ii'rie, J. G. Forret: kenlingt,n tmintin.t, J. 4I. Forest : lustie painting. .1. G. I''nr. est, Miss P. Non : painting ,n .ilk• s;ttin fir velvet, M. Iineaton• 4. 0;. For, eg. ; drawing' by children. .Sohn 'fought 31u.lar,l eL Hon 1 iea•n( (000,4. Mrs. Howrie, S. Itupi.ton. Sud:.- - Airs, S(oInlut•y, P4 d'1,11:1" Pair ply u'outh ,k-ks, Alt,. .1. 11•wri,•.Jinn, Camptr,ll : pair white locks. .1. 4)unnlds,n, lot grid :'red : pair bl-ernes li•ghn,lse Mr, J, Hnwrie. 1st and 2nd ; p.irandalnoifns, 144 rJ. Hl(earl': pail' 1111n„'aLge Mrs. 1. How, ie. E. il. Wive; . tear flown ducks, R. W. Wise, 1,. Aldworth; pair nn•kr•y's, .J, hn 3".ngrtell. 14. Ald- worth : font, '.Ira .1. Howrie. dodge -Om. Swallow. Holn,P:.vill'. 31.1NL PA("ll'HKS --- Pair woollen h4ariknts, 4,rine-ei„dr, Miss H. 3%'iar, 341iss 1'. Noll: wetsingle light harness. .1. 11'. Tippett : skein woollen yarn, ten knots neater, .1. O. !Vise, Miss P, Nott ; ten yards hmene-mndr ratet. Moss 1'. Nott, Miss 11. %Vise : eol'Irc- tion flannel., Miss H. Wise. .fudge•. •Thos. Johnston, Zurich; 11111. Will t, lint. eflrld, - S1'E('L1L PRIZES -- R. Penhalp, for volts siert Ire hie stallion, '1'14.4.•, Mehl," S. ('hese r, Al. West- lake. A, Kadeliuu•re. - H. ITar1'nw, for lest roadster in harness, style and.nndnems eon. pidered, second prize oty the Society, .1. Sparrow, P. 31. Chesney. Silver medal by the Canadian Hank of Commerce, (ioderieh, for tent gentleman'* single driving outfit, J. yarrow, Sirv,r finals! by ('anndian Bank of ('omnt,tre, Monfort h, for lest lemon In hotness, exr'Inding rondslrr and car- riage tisane% John Turner. iii prise hT the St'.rling (lank. Hay- field, for the LPst t.wu•''r:u--,hl gel) - Ing or filly, open to all classes, Ed. Troyer. 4 It Does Cure Womanly Ills. "•1 Heel it rel)- ditty,"' writes Airs, M. !(end, of Fraservill,•, Ont., "to Irt you know that tunnel tine.. neviona to the rhea a of lits 1 suR•'reI re than 1 could( tell. Neighbor.. told me 0h11t Feretnrnne was the only remedy and their ndvior wits good. Permeate pota atop to my pain and .Irkneon, bred a direct action ,n my trnnhios that relieved front the .taut. 1 safely petard the torn. and now enjoy per- fect health and met. Nn womanly medicine ran he better than Ferro - Pone." !natant relief is found in For- ename for female weakness of every kind. (,44, per ioi at all dealers. THE MARKETS. Liverpool Wheat Futures Close Lower, Chieepo Milh.r-Liv Stock Mar- k•ta-The Latcs: Quotations, 10554,1 Ev,•ting, Vct. x. Liverpool wheat tutw,• r oo*.1 to -dee 0(4 lower tb.0 Saturday, ■uJ •uru futures '04 to !sol lower. .tt eiti, veto Der. *beat 0 used 1sc 01411 •r 46.11 arturdayOro aero; y. higher. anti Ut•lu4ar 001. {(,r • 8lgier, WINNIP[(i OPTIONS, At 1100 telauiteac optbpp markt t to -day lbs tullutvlug w. Ile clwlur 4aNetNua. Uet. 74%c 014, Nor. 71144 but Dec. 41100 Mot Hay laic bid. THE VI„IBLE SUPPLY. Wheat Uro. 8,•116 OH. 7;05. ..•••. .... 34 62,4W 20,74,00 Vona 4 34.•,I0) 41C1,0410 oat. ...... ..;IU,WO 20,721,0u0 bef;ng the week ••. ti . , Wort 1,3),. a.. btNiel ,ro I:,, .•.I 11C,4*10 bushels, and tate drete,sed I. ,•'. LEADINp WHEAT MARKETS. May Dec. New York84% 84 Ix trait 77 Tt k 08°1:4., 7714 11:11. 140do M ,, 77 7':10 illi" rt LulutID T %i , TORONTO GRAIN MARKET. orator- .WL.itt, .prag, bulb ...10 00 to 1) 00 wh.ap 4111, bush U 74 0 75 W Gest. M, buil b 7 4 Wheal, arose, baso U 114 • • Barley, bush .. 0 .','_ U • W Oats, bola, old 0 aft , .. . Oats. bosh, aew . U W yr, bush U 70 0 7'3 Pr.*. WebU tl0 B0•cxwM.t, Susi 600(1/ 66 LIVERPOOL GRAIN AND PRODUCE: Liverpool, Oe•t. 8. wheat --spot, arm; No 2 red western who, r, 1k; futures, easy ; Ore., M 41,d: Marcia. lis 4%d. Pore, spot ray: Amorlean mixed, 4. 10d; futures, quiet: Oct. 0.1/.01; I)ee., 4a 51(,4; lea., 41 1104. *area, Couarrlaad rut. strong, 540 abotat era, .tams•, aria :bel Ed. 1.ard, prints ws tiro, steady, 461 04; 111rprutlue spirits. steady, tis s4. NEW YORK DAIRY MARKET. '(yew York, Oct. S.--Butt*r, arae; 'r' Neta 7278; Mrert prism extra creamery, aft• to Ut.n,c; *Hided prices , remarry,00101011 to extra, lea• to 1100; b,''4', snored. to extra, 21t•flo lac; state dart,), lomm00 to fancy. the 10 25e; re00T1t 10.01.00,10 to 90100, 1uc to 211•; 'tete fat tory, twmuaru to Orris, 16c to 1 .•; western l.011.lue creamery, Grate. 2U'. Cbeem--atglly• receipts, 2144: state, full zero 0m, *matt, Macy. 1314••: Jofair to rood. 124.e to 12.)1•; do., -large fain, ,13%.'; do. Mar to good. 12%c to 43t•; do., Iudrrtur, prey. lu 1l%e; skim., 3c to tic Eggs -Easy; 05901(101 12,448; Nate. Prnntey!veula •ad nes; by feat., selaa•td, w Lltr, :G4• to 33c, du., there, 30r to Ole; da. n -lord fancy, 11t.'; we.turo firsts, 25'; iv tidal priers. 2034e to =et; second, :2c 'to 24c, CATTLE MARKIETaa ('.kl.. /hour Ste5dy-Massa and /'rlllr l.occer o1 ('►Ieamo. Loudon, 1t,•4. 8. -1'., nadlao rettle In .Ise Itrit'•4 uinrket. *re ...toted at rue to .;114e per this; refrigerator bred, $14e to glue per pound. TORONTO JUNCTION LIVE STOCK. Toronto Junction, tact. 5.-Reeelpta of lave stuck at the ('(10.40 Stock'Yarde, Torvnt, Junction, eros 36 car 0.I1s, °unspuwrd of 714 tattle, 7$ bogs, 202 *beep and lambs. Baporlera. Prices ranged tri o., 45.45 to 94110 per cwt., the bulk selltig at 54.30 to.94.41, Le -r cwt. (lulls sold flow 41[.50 W 5040 per cwt. BStebe es. The auallty'ot bnt,-0. 4's' cattle. with the esu ptluu of two ear loads, w•* 1101 and thaw two loads rind •t $4.50 It 84.7u per cwt. reipl6Ure1y, sod the roost of the n.-rlui'e gold ut ,:: ;., to 84.11, per cwt. Bider cattle are warted. 'readers sad Stockers, lasses Guianese 4 Halligan moo 14. Hen. nbr•tt ware 011 the market buying feeders Prose* reams. from *:LW to *11./U per rvr1. for steers weighing Hem to 1150 lbs. rack, awl bulla, 1100 to 1 4 u lbs., at 12 to 5L.:*) 1'w seat. Mitch Cows, Four mllr•b cow• sold at 466 each. sleep amid Lambs. W. E. Le,:e k tnstght .11 the sheep rod babe at 56.23 per cw0. for lamts, sad 11.3,9 per cwt, for the sheep. Map. H. P. Kennedy quote•0 e'leet hog" .t 1tper cwt fur selects auol *4640 for Eats - MONTREAL LIVE STOCK. Montreal, (.1ct. E.-04pev;a1.) Cable sa- t/fell tram Liverpool on Canadian ratt'e raise steady at 10d to )0(4'1, *kat rancher@ wero firmer at 80(6 to 9ikd; males 0f Calla - Man cattle at Glasgow were made at rl4 Ga to s perhead. Calver.t that the market for calves calves wans twiner, but wtak•r for mediau and loaf-OnIpl,.d Cottle. The ocean freig\t market is weak. et mod rate* are Ge ;ower, with Liverpool Londe" and Manchester apace offering 41 3Ua and Glasgow at 35s. lixprt- f r the peat week were 3970 cattle, 1(0 sheep. ",e.. ccipts to -day were 1000 cattle, 50 with eow1, 1500 sheep and mobs 1.200 bogs, :10 r.tres. There was no 'bang* 111 the condition Of the bug market; mnppliem wiry only fair, forwhite toe demand was goad fnd salve 0, selected Iota were made ut *6.,3 to *e. 90 per cwt., wetrked off toe tarn. rattle adrlrn, on 4'ana4lan baton. ear re steady and pram, showed nu Hangs loom • week aro. The huh -tiers were out *trent and trade• wee good, bat the prices Of cattle bed n downward tendency. Mr. Joe. pal Richards ',aorta elgt.t prim. Mnol- tohn *leers at *4.35 per cwt.: Pertly root emit* sold at 3,• to M, and the romrnoa stook 2c to 3s", while lean cow, and bulb .,Id ret lure per 1b. There was the heat lot of mike cows on tie market today that heti been here Oda *recon. Mr. lobs CI 'robe!! of Puna Kt. elusion had 211 mr- p.'r;or vows, white be was••elang at front Eon is AGO each. Co.r.0o cows add nt 140 N 5415 *sell; Ras -fed calves gold ret 214c to Elie per pound; choice Teal,, 5e to ►,1.,s". bleep sold at 74)4e to 4)Lc, and tie bombe at 534.' to 0c per Ib. EAaT BUFFALO CATTLE MARKET. 0.N Buffalo, Oct. 6.-Cattle-Bertlpta, 4090 bead; active and 15e to 5s" hit/boor; prime steers, 25.05 to $6.26; shipD(nt 85 to 55.70.: bobber.', 54.:ti to 15.40; helfero 53.25 to 55; cows. 34 to $4.23; bulb, 42.50 to 94.26; ;dockers end feeders 511.73 to 34.26; stork betters, 12.50 to SEM: fresh Howe and apring*rs, steady. 1'.10 In $.'41, Hogs --Receipt . 20600 bead: fairly ac- tive ■cd about steely: heavy and mixed, -VON to 5T; a few 57.10: ysrkrrs, SO 110 to 57; pars, 56.6.: roughs, 5G 60 to 11.fW; step' $.2. to 54 75; dAlrlea, 941010 to sax w). Rbeep .114 Lambs Receipts, 15,010 hen 1; arllre; sheep, steady; Inmb., strong, l:M higher; Iambs, 11.'25 to 87.1*'; 0 R'w 011; ye,•us 6 20phr:N6 ewes,r11545:735toto 554.•'..25;; weshepe,.. max 5 •d'.75, 53to to; 53 26; Canada lamb!, $7.90 to $9. NEW YORK LIVE STOCK. New York, Ot•t. /.--eeeees-nreelpfa, NW; rood and rbol •e heavy stems. snafu: otbfrs, slow boot steady; bulls, tine to Ice filcher; row., slow; • eers. 12.51 to *H 10: bola, *2.152 to 82.0); rows 53.007 to 43.7.1. Exports tomorrow, *1) .4tlle. rod ;170t1 Y of bee Calvees--Reeelf.ptt, 231st: prime rind minae • TNM, steed,; others, ,sow: rrnew•re to al westerns, easter; Trus 56 to 911; Ihrtwoue, $44 to 54.60; rreener., $3 to 53.2.1: we+t"nn, 54.0440; indlau. and Keutmky du„ 54 to 55. .beep and t/sans-Rerelp Ok2ri: she •p, *tends.; prime Find e110100 Imbibe. firm to 2:.r Maher: *bro.'s. 5.1.741 In LS:'i0, rntla, ff In 84: lamb.. 4,1 to 914•_1): colla, $5 l0 3531g t:auw4a Iamb, $6 to $8.20. Por n11 kidneyy acid bladder troubles try- 3liller's 13itlneypeand Hlf)rh•r !'ills. For sale by ,Ins. 1Vil*on. Ilenj.000 in nod Annie In ed: To the • boob they tonna-sly flitted. When l we. over hack they rot ed, Annie mated, Kenny titled. - Roston Trnnwerip . PIRENDoORS RCDUCE YOUR green METALLIC ROONG C° TORONTO &WINNIPEG T a "is good tea" Just notice the color -a rich amber, which is always a token of quality. Sold by the best grocers in Canada T. H. ESTAlf.ROOKS, Or. JOHN. N. B. WINNIPEG. TORONTO. a waivasesa Pastil''. Brad Tee sae ger it fresh at your dos. every 4y. le hewed by as erbrn• or. from the tigers grade Masitob• Soot madam pees* Mat Y.d• by the be meet makers In O.nod.. P. T Dh:AN Vullt PO4121.ak Uk4)Ct:R, AUI:NT FALL FYI ILLI1i ER Y MISS CAMERON begs to announce to the Ladies of Goderich and vicinity that she is now ready to show Fall and Winter Styles in Millinery. All the Latest Ideas in Shaping and Tramming. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF TRIMMED AND UN- TRIMMED HATS. MISS CAMERON, - Hamilton St., Goderich. A GREAT BARGAIN New subscribers may have Jhe signal and the Bo a Weelctqdobe for the balance of the year for only The two papers to January 1st, 1908, for $I.75 THE SIGNAL and THE MONTREAL FAMILY HERALD and WEEKLY STAR to January Ist, I907, only 40 cents. THE SIGNAL and THE TORONTO WEEKLY MAIL AND EMPIRE to January Ist, I907, only 25 cents. THE SIGNAL and THE TORONTO WEEKLY LTi J to January Ist, 1907, only 4o cents. SUBSCRIBE AT ONCE Any of the above offers good for any ad- dress in Canada, the iUnited States or Great Britain. Send your order at once, so as to get the whole benefit of the offer. Address Vanatter & Robertson THE SIQNAL, QODERICH, ONT. Fall aid Winter SUITS AND OVERCOATS Correct Materials Latest Styles Perfect Fit Best Satisfaction Lowest Prices DUNLOP THE TAILOR WEST ST., - GODERICH LJPPI N COTT'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE A FAMILY LIBRARY The Bat in Current Unto 12 Cow♦ Novcu YEARLY MANY SHOR a STORIES AND PAPERS ON "n MELY TOPICS *2.80 PER Y EA O' : 25 c», a co n NO CONTINUED STORIES. assay NUM•CR COMPLETE IN Into atter GRAND TRUNK SYSTE„ Siegle Fare for floaters isle Oct. tib to Non" akr Mb. To all points in Temagnmi, pulnta Mattawa to Port Arthur, to Sault Stn. Marie and Port At their via Northern N** Co., t.. Georgian Hwy and Lake Superior point• via N. N. Co. (to points on N. N. lb., extra charge will be ,made for meals and berths returning!, to (-retain Quebec points, Osiag Oct. ISN to November Mn. To Penotang, 44.400004, L.k.6eld. ell point. )lever, to North Har,_Argyle to l'obaroo Lina wHalibut Madawni tdo to Repot Harbor. Muskoka Ickes. lake of le). and Magsetawan 'thee points. Ictars u■it, k emkr 8, NO Sloth Fare for Tiaatstgivi.g Day Going Oct 17th and tate Returning until Monday. Oct. 2nd Between all stations in Can- ada, also, to Detroit and Port Haran, Mirh., M,alep►i,n Bridge and Buffalo, N. 1". F. Uc4N• mrd full nuhwm•tlo, 4010 a F. F. LAWRENCE, Town Arent. I M ee boors -A30 a.m.. to to p. n. J. STRAITON, Isepot Ticket Agent. D. 1l•Uonaldsri peas.. Agent. .onto. IMO TO THE PUBLIC TMDel t4' ttfbeef oanlsthroughout iM Hrltash Empire Nis dropped • noaOr tan, and ".b,egnently Tonal prlrg., ars. down. We are now supplying all r••ue .t lower otiose, while Ihr wool!) i. r fr If not trotter, than ever. Mr t y MEAT MARKET handle. all kind. of nitrate, poultry, etc.. ao 1, while thanking tt.e public for their liberal 56)100ure, we wrllrl1 a contingence of the cause, McLEAN BROS., I ornar Fiat Mt. and `4,nar, li dertrh. 'PHONE 15 OR 24 war.\Ou.. Car, Wert (and Yard) 3ereet •1 .t nock ag10r• Wham jou want THE IlN'I'1' COAL ALL KINDS OF COAL ALWAYS ON HAND WAR Coal weighed on the marketseal'% when you gal SOW )W. for . ton. WM. LEE. Orders left at C. C. MUCH Hardware aura • (rant ads Sw,Mrs, promptly 01tetdid pea -4611tees SYNOPSIS OF Canadian Northwest Homestead Regulations. Any even numbered aritlon of i1051t1nion Londe In Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Aare.. .zeepIan,r 1 .rd got, not r*served. may M hem.. etewded pry .ns" Vurwon who 1. the.a1a had d a Molly. or.ny matrover Ig I ofth of ago. to Um: 1110.4 of ors* a,uaMar . W ton of t4'►' seer', mora us" Isle. Rntrl] must be m*de permon.11y at the Wel land onla' for the dlatrlct. In which the lad is ltbat0. The homrwta0Aer 1e repulsed t0 perform the eOodIUon. mn0ruvmd 4.51110(10 order rens 01 o tollowtnq plods (1) At 4ws4 Ix mont.M' r 4dencw spm+ and ciltlTatlon of the land In each year for alms yewra. IN If the father for mother. If the bother I.de omaaedl d tha homesteader Rookies upon A farm In the vicinity of the land Antererl for the re- M.Irwnentw sat to nwldence may he e.tieArd by such prison nodding with the Mther nr mnt .t. Lt) If th...Riles h*. 05. perm0nent nwld*nre upset farming land owned by him In the rk•ic' I1 of h4 komrra,a4, tha reeelrrtllMnle se ro re*Menee mala n. Aal.hl4.d by .g44'l 00 U(*) the M.0 land. Ms menthe' notice In *Ming ,hnold berim to the Uommia loner of Ilepslnien to . et Ottawa M Intwntlnm 10 apply for patent. vert1Mmepi twt8y fam/. heM M104.1.4MtMWM, . efW111tOiRYar. k• N. 11 Iaittewieml IwNl*OUna of th5 d• NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS Ospy of change of running edwrti4 meets most he lett at this •fore* h1• Monday neon to ensure Iniertl•n M leave of game creek. "•i... aJlf..,913 i