HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-10-11, Page 5•• ..74t 11474, IfEIVtlf Ttl Yir SIGNAL : GODERIUH ONTARIO r., Ai',118$ ?nuke Mt, Octo:Jer 11th. 1300 (5. 14 Sturdy boys and .a41.% Bonnie Girls with lots of sound bone and muscle, full of animal life and pluck, are raised on wholesome, nutritious Bread. Tag aulliale that WM .f Broad with PURITY rcouR h is produced solely from the choicest Western Canada Hard Wheat, by the latest improved meth- ods in the most modern Mills in the world. Goes farther than any other -rich in nutriment sad wholesome. Sold Reorywhipro to Tlio Groot Dominion ci.a*u FUX111 Lae tO.. treiTtO 81111i• sit W In Mims, Oorlorloh•Ad Eirian•on "Don't Use Too Much" Armour's Solid Extract of Beef 'PVT'S* in saN••& Be careful not to use too rest a proportion of Armour's Reef Extract when making Beef Tea, Soups, or Gravies. Too much does not improve your dishes. Just add one-quarter the quantity you would of other Extracts and Fluid Elects, because Armour's has four tirnes the strength of most of them. Write for Tree Booklet "CULIN- ARY WRINELP$ •' ARMOUR UNITED - Toronto 44.11111•• PACT11.11• -17 1111.11, 111111(T Lady's $25:1° Watch SOLID GOLD It -r-HE 1 5 - jeweiled Rrie I Bros. Movement of this $25 watch may be had in either closed or open face 14k. gad CAW. It carries • full guarantee as to its accuracy in tune -keeping. Precisely the same excellent movement in 25 -year gold filled will be sene'postpaid for are SIS. •• . Offal rani aosii a...4 ye.. fee. 410 -haw Orr low Ill., p•••• diet lo,rw. A03 fklad Townto.Chit. ion -ne=.wtarawar. AK YOU 111A011111 $2,003.22 A YEAR ? Aping done with 'm irCoodik W plemant, permaneni and praillialdes f•raela rued in teary Imam ever, day No bans sad so need to crests the demon! Le111610:1 reparable Moaner Vora as Mart without • "fmrItal Write So Any 0 MAW.,a OW. Wkaletale Tem, mad Cofeers. LoWinn. NEN WANTED Omani Naar ri=nrew minas no Men ••••• Mama Mum mainamma "*.••• 1. ••••••• Ownwanwarow Weer "ol le arnaa=7"Alloilltare f4111.1 1=11r. ia• wialliadim ealI0/ =7.1i7N7IMIIIMIN &MN* da*sfa LUCKNOW PAIR. List et Prise -winners at Exhibition Hold Last Week. Following it the prize list of the Kinker Branch Agricultural Hociety exhibition, held at Lucknow, uct.olier 2nd and fird; NORKKil. •ik 4 Lady driver*, Chas. Ttytor. Jas. Harris, M. Matheson ; gent's turnout, Lott A King, 1st and find, Jaw. A. Kant.; special, teatu of goats, D. Brailloy. HICAVY DaatroIrr Hotwas-Span Iti flamers, J. Folder, R. McKenzie. J. Foster ; brood mare, H. J. POMO.. D. MeDairruld : foal. H. J. Pollock, W111. Smith, J. McDairmid; twleyear-old gekliug. J. Idalairtnid, S. Morrison : two-year-old filly. J. H. Davidson! %V. McQuillan. W. Jamieson ; one-year filly. R. J. Pollock. J. H. DavidNn oue-year gelding, F. Henry'; female, any age, Canadian bred, diploma, R. J. Pollock; brood mare, diploma. R. J. Pollock; best heavy draught, any age or sex, R. J. Pollock. AGRICULTURAL HGHAIRS MAI*, R. J. Pollock. W. Smith, J. Cranston ; foal, R. J. Pollock, E. McQuillan, W. Taylor; two-yeat -olditelding, W. It. Mullin, J. tierieor, W. ; one- year -old gelding. W. . Martin, W. Jamieson, W. H. Martin : span 111 banleS11, W. lianningw.iy, J. Me- Dairtuid, J. H. Davidson. GIDIRRAL PURYGOIR- Mare. W. R. Martin. J. Barbour, W. R. Martin : foal. W. R. Martin. J. Barbour, W. R. Mar- tin ; two-year-old gelding, W. Taylor; one -year-old gelding. Frank Henry span in harms's, C. Taylor, McGuire & Humphrey. J. McLean. CARRIAOR-Spiiii in harness, Lett King, J..loynt, J. U. Reid ; mare. 1. Taylor; fowl. Taylor ; two-year-old gelding. M. Woods, W. at J. Jaiiiiesih. Ittrap--Buggy litiree, W. Iletiter. J. Harris, Hanna; mate, P. Mc- Millan; foal. two-year-old gelding. J. Creator ; two-y..141,11J, W. R. Martin.; one -year-old, W. R. Martin. 14 and 2sid ; foul, W. H. Martin, 1st and 2nd. • CATFLE. Do,au.ast--Bitli. three years old, P. W anion ; hull, • year old, P. Tor- rance ; bull calf, 0. Moffatt ; heifer calf. P. Torrance, ha and 21iti. KuuReann - Bull. any Age. G. Webb ; bull calf, heifer call, female, any age, and herd. all prize.. IA, if. %Vebb. (Manx -Cow. 0. A. Greer, la and 2nd; heifer calf. (i. A. Greer ; owe- yeair-old steer. P. Torrance; dairy cow in village, J. Lyons; best three steers, Jno. McLeod. (IMAGE CATTLE FOR DIKALK/04 - Two-year-old heifer, A. Nicholson : t wo-year-old steer. H. Durniti, lst and 2nd : fatted cow. A. Nicholsn, be and 2nd ; herd three Klock steers, H. Durnin, led and 2nd. Janagv--Feusale, R. Muslin. SHEEP. Lgice.wrgit -Aged rani. O. A. Greer, Purvis Bros. ; ewe. 0. H. (freer. 1st and 2nd ; nhearling ram. Purvis 1st and 2nd : ewe Iamb, G. H. Greer. Purvis Bros. ; 11141 11411111. (3: H. Greer, J. K. McDonald shearling ewe, J. IL McDonald, 1st and 2nd ; iwn, G. 14. (freer. Ostrom) DOWNP4 -)'we, Jtu•. A. Me - Donald ; ewe Iamb, Jas, A. McDon- ald . With, Jas. A. McDonald. MkIROPHIIIRIC DOWNI4 - Age•I Alex. McDonald. Jas. Alton; ewe, Alex. Mel) Id, D. Illendereme-;- slwarling rani. A. Mel )(maid, let awl 2nd ; ewe lamb, A. McDonald, D. Henderson ; ram limn. U..Henderson, A. McDonald : she/win; ewe. 0. Hen- derson, A. McDonald ; pen, A. M.- Donaltl: fat ewe. (1. A. Omer ; I.t.t ram. any age 111. breed, A. McDonald PIGS. BERK rH I RE BOAr..lior. A11011 POW, Jaa. Alton. Irt and 2rel far- rowed in 19116. J. Alton : Nem far- rowed in 19011, J. Alton, 1st and 2nd. Youionting Boar. Jar. Alton ; vow, Jas. Alton ; boar. fartowed. 11. 111414. Alt.1111; mow, farrowed in 191111, Jos. Alton. TAM M Roar, Alex. McDon- ald ; sow. Jas. Alton. A. McDonald : mow, farrowed in 19110, A. MeDoriald. Int /Uhl 2riti ; boar. A. kleDonald. DAIRY. Special collectionVeitter. J. Lyons - P. Watson ; tub butter, J. Lyons: roll table butter, J. Lyons, P. Watson. H. McDonald; crock of butter. 0. 14, Robertson, J, [gone. H. MeDonald . Lyons, P. Watson bit -made breath J. Mc- Dairmid, T. Moore, A. Smith ; jar of honey, A. Smith. II. McDonald honey comb- in frame. H. McDonald, A. Smith ; eine quart itieple syrup, Albert Alton. J. Alton ; collection of baking, J. Lyons. T. Moore, P. itt- *iin ; loaf home-made liread, flour pur- chased from W. J. Taylor, John 1111e• Donald ; loaf hoine-made Mead made from Ogilvie's Royal brand, T. Moore. FRUIT. Aretitm-Alexandets. ItFarrish, J. Adams; -haldwinr. K. Comeron. .1. Bryan ; Ben Davis, K. Cameron. E. Jarvis; culverts, E. Jarvis. P. Tor- rance; Cayuga red rtreok, A. Smith : Canada red, .1. Alton, A. Alton : crabs. A. Alton, J. Alton; graven - steins. R. Fantail, D. Alton ; wealthy, (*.t. Greer, J. Alton : kings. K. ('am- eron, J. Alton ; fallowater. 1). Alton; mann. (1. A. Greer, J. Alton: fall pippina, E. Jarvis, D. Alton : 20 -ounce pippitia, D. Sttond. E. Jarvis : Blen- heim pippins, J. Alton. C. Taylor ; rihston pippins. .1. Alton, 1). Alton: Rhode Island greeningr, .1. Bryan, J. Alton ; Roxboro presets, E. Jarvis. J. Alton ; golden IllitAPIa, A. Smith. K. Cameron: snows, H. Mothers, ('. 1)4y- lor ; northern spy. P. Torrance. 14. Cameron ; wagners, I). Sttoild, A. McDonald ; fall, any other variety. A. Alton, R. Farrish ; winter, any other variety. K . Cameron, R. Farrish ; three fall varieties, K. Cameron, D. Alton ; three winter varieties, K. Cameron : hest variety named apples, K. Cameron, Peana, Err. Simone! pears, .1. Al- ton. A. Alton ; fall peots. A Alton, K. Cameron ; winter pears, A. MeDonald, D. Alton : canned fruit, A. M.14pmee, D. Roston. GRAMM - Concord, .1. Alton : Niagara. J. Alton. (MAIN. Fall wheat, C. Taylor, P. Watson. S. Morrison ; fall wheat. red, C• Taylor, .1. McDairmid ; oats. black. P. Watson; oats. white, long, W. %V. Smith, D. Alton, W. Hunter; oats, whit., short, T. Moore, .1. Alton. 2tVil and :1rd ; spats, J. Melhdrinitl, .1. Alton: fdx-rowed barley, T. Moore, C. Taylor. J. Methdrinkl; any other variety 'vitrify, P. Watson. 1'. Alton, 0. Taylor; peas, C. Taylor, 1'. Moore, W. Stnith; rye, A. Alton ; timothy, n . Alton. J. Alton. J. Lyons: eorn, yellow, T. Moore, .1. Alton : enrn, any other vii &V. J. McDairtnid, T. Moore: Rout, millers or agents, 1). Mallotigh oiatmeel. 11 Mallough : flax veer]. .1. McDairmid. .1. Alton : white Wane. A. Alton. 1' Watson largest and beet eollection of earn grain. K. McQiiillan, .1. M. Doirmitl. LA DINA' WORK. Ottotnak. Miss Toltoti, Mrs. NU A:r ,1 *art e.',Olgtgb., field ; Berlin wool, Hat, Mise Fisher, Miss Johnston ; batteulturg lace. Mrs. Duffield, Mien Fisher ; blankets. Jas. Alton, '1'. Moore ; crochet counter- pane. D. C. MeMorran, hlre. Duffield ; drawn work. Miss Burgess, 'Mrs. Duffield ; delph embroidery, Misit Firher ; art embroidery, Miss Fisher, Mrs. Duffield ; embroidery tin linen. J. Lyons, Miss isher : etching, Mies Fisher. T. Misere ; fancy knitting. cot- ton, Miss Fisher, T. Moore : fancy knitting. wool, Mies Fisliertj. Moore fancy path work, .1. Bryan, T. Moore; fancy slippers, Pliss Fisher. T. Moore ; gent's fancy Ila 1 shirt. Miss Fisher ; honiespon.yarti, P. Wet - son, T. Moore ; ideal imitate', Miss Duffield, /Col Fisle•r: knitted counter- pane, Mrs. Duffield, 'I'. A111010 log cabin quilt, Mia. Duffield ; laundry II*, Miss Fisher, Mrs. Duffield : mantle drape, Miss Fisher, Mts. Dur field p netting. Misr 'notion. Miss Fisher ; patch uisilt, WO'''. T. Moore. A. l'homperon ; maul' tinilt, eotton, W. Johnston. A. l'Itimnistiti ; patch 1.11 old pie'' (loth, Mies Tolton, T. Moore ; pawl, on old wick. T. Moore, Miss Talton ; pante. borne. made. Mrs. Duffield ; double mitts, T. Moore : knitted gloves, Miss Fisher, Hrs. Duffield ; knitted hose. 'Miss Fisher, T. Moore knitted wicks, '1' Moore, Miss Fisher ; knitted sod.* fr 1 pen yarn. 1. Watson. T. Moore ; mitts from 1 1 yarn, P. Watson, T. Moore ; ladies' hose, 1'. Moore, ; uul I.utv rill*11114,, Miser Fisiser. Miss Hutson ; parlor sereen,Mra. Duffield. Miss Fisher ; rag mat, T. M,1,111t ttttt ler- wear. Miss Fisher, Miss Hutson fancy floor mat, ti. S. Robertson ; she'll. knitted. Mi,. Duffield, !Hiss Hutson shawl, eroehettsl, Mrs. Duffield, 111 i es Fisher; crocheted halite omits, Miss Fisher, NI i as Itittson ; tattle doylies. Miss Bar- gees. Mrs. Duffield ; !Aria etishion, Mrs. 'L/11/field, 14. Geddes ;" tidy. Minn Fielier. Mts. Duffield : table renter - piece, Miss Fisher, '1'. Lawrence,: t ray• cloth, Miss Fisher, Mrs. Duffield ; tat- ting. :qrs. Duffield. hiss Hutson ; woven ISI11111r• pane, T. Moore :shadow embroidery, Mrs. Duffield ; convert - ti 1 embroidery, Miss Fisher, Mts. ; Norwegian emluoidery, Mrs. Duffield ; hardatiger, kits,. Fisher. ra; I ; embriadered tiliirt waist: J. 'Amis. Miss Fisher ; em lasiidered Sall cushion, Mrs. Duffield ; post card sofa cushion. T. Le wrence, Miss Hutson : tate-het liabys bon- ne., T. Moore, Mli.s Fisher : tenet itft'. Mrs. Duffield, .111iss Fisher ; Irish Output..., kits. Ibiffli.1,1, Miss Fisher ; I rimli point. MIs. 1.111/11011 ; col- lection of leather post carder P. Mc- Millan. Miss 'eollection of ladies' work, Mims Fisher. MITI, 1)111I• 1.111,111 speeilll, 1111t,1111 ; collec- tion line needlework, Slims Helmet. CHINA PAINTINtr 41111 SillIVPr, 1/11114.1111. " A. M. Spence ; mare merit, Mrs. Duffield. PVKIN11011•111( 011 1VINId - 1:11t111P. Mitt'. H111141.0. T. Lawr•etice : bort. Mr.. Duffield, Miss Hutson : phiettite. Lawrence : tabourette. T„. Lawrence ; on leather, T. Lewt•eitee. Mrs. Duf- field ; carving on wood, hiss Hutson. ARTS. (hes Marie,.- vit-w. Miss Tolima, U. Melienzie ; figure, Mt•Kerizie. Miss Totem' ; animals, I). kleKerizie. Miss Telt ; Caniulian landscape. E. Mc- 1.1,1well. Minn litthrral : siirgle painting. MeKrozie, Potton ; ;painting on silk or satin, kits. Tolton, Mrs. Duffield.. IVATen CotAusis• -*aim view, D. MeKenzie. Miss Tiara): figure. Miss Talton, Mrs. Duffield ; flowers, Miss Tolton : landscape. U. kleKenzie. Miss Tolton : painting on silk. Miss Tilton : -rayon thawing, D. McKenzie. Miss Tolton. FIA.AVEKS. Largest assortment, .1. Adams. D. Boston assortment house plants in pots, D. klallough : bouquet (towers. 1. Smith. P. McMillan cub. flower•s, knelt Burgess, P. Me.ilillan ; autumn leaves. I). C. kleMor•ran. FOW I.. Hed caps, J. Lyons ; black min - °maw, A. McDonald, ti. II*. Irwin ; brat , Iiglut., (1. VV. Irwin. 1st and god ; eucliiii. buff, 11. W. Irwin ; leg - horn, white, J. Lyons, D. C. Me- Morran ; brown. 1. Lyons, 1). 0. Meklorran ; Plymouth Hoek., J. Lyons. li. A. Greer : Plymouth Rocks, W.litr. G. VV. Irwin ; orpington. buff. ti. 'W. Irwin : dorkings, G. W. Irwin, bit and 2nd Homburg. black and white. (i. II*. Irwin. 1st and 2nri lilionlitirg„ spangled. G. II'. Irwin wyritelottes. silver. 6. IV. Irwin ; wvandlatee, any other variety. 0. C. Mt•klorran. G. W. Irwin ; buff rock, C. 11'. Irwin : langehans. 6. W. It•wiii, J. Lyons: limulane. D. C. Me - Mort 311, 0. WV !Mill game, G. W. Ir•witi ; game: pyle, (1. W. Irwin bantams. G. NV. Irwin. 1st u, mi 2nd geese, G. A. Greet.; P. Torrance; direks, Pekin..I. Lyons, G. 14% Irwin : ducks, any kind, W. It•w in, D. klallough ; turkeys, Jas. Alt1111: can- ery IujtuIs. .1. Atlanta, ist and 2ei1. l'111CliKNS tibul Nlinoreas, Alex. Mel/mold buff. (1. 44'. Irwin : leghorn, white, U. kleMorran, lat and 2ntl ; legborti. Mown, .1. Lyons : Plymonth Hock, (r. A. (river. 0. Alton; Ply 111 Hoek, white, tr. W.• Irwin. ; doi 1.1 tug'., (1, kk', Irwin ; llaunluuu,g, G. W. It -wit, Hamburg, springled, H. IV. Irwin; wyandottes, silver. G. W. Irwin ; wyandottes, any other variety. D. C., AlcMorran, 1V. Eagleson ; langobans. O. IV. Irwiti..1. Lyons; homilins, P. Torrance. D. C. aleMort•an : bantams, G. IV. Irwin ; ducks. Pekin, .1. Lyons, 1st and 210 dtieke. any kind, J. Alton, O. W. Irwin : turkeys, Jas. Alton ; black Java, (i. %V. Irwin : buff rocks, O. W. Irwin. ISC E LL A N EOU S. • Crime stuffed Mills, Conadian, J. Lyons, J. Adams ; case stuffed birds. for•eign., .1. Lyons :unman, d i ph m114, W. • sewing maehine. dipl a, IV. Altai holies' fine shoes, VI. .1. Little : roatse shoe!, W. J. Little ; pair fine shoes. W. J. Little; eollection mistral instruments, W. Suiten. CometroTness - - ('olleetion of noxious weeds, Mat. Wilson ; drawing, D. C. MeMorritn ; drawing. cosintv of Brucept, Geddes, W. Wilmot, McMorran. It Actually Destroys the Cause. Thera why catarrh 1. invariably cures! by inhaling •Vistrirrn hozoe. The healing vapor sends to every pat t of the breathing organs. (ierno• in- fert ing t he t issue,. of the nose, 4 firma, and lunge etre killed. Nothing is left to ell1111111 inflaminelion. Spots that are wire are healed. Diacharge Is cleared away nod catarrh lesuimes siefiething of the past. req' "Catarrh - ozone" And your retuivery is guaran- teed. Two sizes, 211c. mid 1111.01), at all defilers. - 4 k A man nowt- either el • iuu t, womnn's itleal, ir her %teal corn,. down to him. New Yoe k Thsies. My wife is having the best of health Miller's Compound Iron Pills did it For sale hy James Re Imre end look into lb° merits ,,f the light -running Eldrrslge & Vindes sesrim machines before buying. J. W. waAtwanA The Elacholor's soliloquy. To and or not to red. Thal u. Ilia qUirra loth WMG :0.w '. 1., ter • retitete Merle • dietraitaut .4 few weireiLk 'W'S till.. Or marry, • resnepolut wet ; ",•1"1 IrOr Ilret-LIppriterit 4401 All kill pet alnor and hi ttt t obit 01)1. Afternoou recently had ie.* nettle his bow and war about to begin when ti cat. waked ill 4111141 Ma, oil 1 Ile slow.. 4%1111 quick wit he said. irevt•relV• get oat : this ttttt logite. not a eatalogue,' was mix - wetly voted u he best hit of Ilia eilIel • Lai lit. 1111. %%mug 111141 mane., fluidly over the tt I tt g her first; "Claiseiee," she said. "let's . tttttt her Mnrigold "Noar4.41ver.0 the y husband ;mil tither. "IV,. 11111(111 nuuI to make her manifest il•-stiiry 011rhilIN. Leen Call tip, Tribune. Sii• Wightman held offlee in the oil Court of glierti's Bench fay Iwy 1 HMI preiretitsil time. and' al last lie took ri yowl of farewell of his In -other Pekes. fliiiv,•it•i. he turned. tip smiling again at W,isi tithe/1mi • 11411 '•1,Viiv. Brother mid Sir Alex miler '..•! Immo, you told its Ilea you intended to send in yteir r•esigirationkr' .••Sti 1 did." said Sir ••Iiiii it. lien I went borne and told my wife she '.,hl •%Vity. Willis's). what on ea' th il.. you think that 40 with you itit•ssing 44) PRON.: NO w. A. McKIM GODRI NT.ECH, O th:* krit-• Overcoat Selling rl Many housewives think it cheaper to buy than to bake. That is because their baking isn't successful every time. Their failures run the cost up. Get Royal Household Flour - and follow directions. The result %%rill be light, whole- some bread or pastry every time. Vou pay a few cents more for Royal Household, but those fewcents buy certainty and purity'. Your grocer can supply you. Ogilvie Flour Mills Co., lid. 155 Montreal. THE MEMORY OF QUALITY lingers long after the price is forgotten. The best is the cheapest. This has been proven by the thousands of users of ',, 7, , , Happy Thought Ranges1:. ''',;. L It is a range made of pure pig -iron and made by skilled mechanics, not apprentices. It's deep and narrow firebox makes it the most economical range on the market. Space will not permit us Ito tell you of all the good qualities of the Happy Thought, but call at the Store and we will give you the names of over 500 users of the Happy Thought who will tell you of all its good quali- ties. The Radiant Home Heater still leads the market. . It'will heat more space with less fuel than any other heater made. In General Hardware we have the biggest and most complete stock you will find west of Toronto. . In Plumbing, Heating and Tinsmithing we have a large and competent staff and can give you prompt attention and guarantee you a thorough and up-to-date job. As in former years, when visiting the Fair make our place your headquarters for leaving your parcels, etc. 1 CHAS. C. LEE 'Phones Store, 22 ; House, 112. about the Mawr all day ?' 14o, you see, 1 was.ohliged t•• come down to court again. ' No Sleep For The Kidneys. Old people are especially liable to Kidney and Bladder Irrita- tion. The organs are weakened by age. This starts up artisan mation-blood is not properly purified as it goes to the kidneys- and the btadikr is unable to retain the urine properly. There is a constant desire to urinate day and night -and sound, restful sleep is unknowa. THE GENTLE KIDNEY CURE gives the vigor and strength of youth to kidneys and blad- der. It soothes and heals the irritated so rf aces --tones op the organs enables them to do their work easily and naturally - and, ures alt kidney troubles. Cares Rheumatism Too. THE CLArLIN CHEMICAL CO , LIMITED, Woroson o•ri. • - Haw YOWL. Why pay for a name? Non will he agreeabty ...in -prised if you Just cal and examine our Stoves and Ranges. Quality and price considered they can- not be beaten. The Celebrated PENN ESTHER leads manufactured hy the Record Foundry Co., the largest manufacturers of ranges and furnaces. in Canada. 0‘er sixty years' experience. Come and see them at W. R. Pinder's. Sole agent for Goderich. t4 $0211a- ,T1.•••••"' ; „ • .• ot '`Is• Do you know the difference between clbthing prices and drygoods prices? There is a difference, and if you will call at our new clothing room we will demonstrate it to you. Overcoats for mon and boys at drygoods prices 11104111:4 money in your pocket. A full, new stock to hand, the kind you like to wear and at the'prices you like to pay. 15. millinery v•rf.owt 1,1 14 !peel/411)r With Int. New piods and styles every week, none stylish, end year will Ile burp -hied' at the littleness of the price. Fancy. Silk Waists iv hit.- and pale blue. imecial at coelt, 8:1.511. Skirts • ,r • at about the Cant 111 1111. 11 1- 11.1'1141, SIAM In $7.:111. Women's and Girls' Coats Style first consideration, nual- it y the seeond, moderate prices third. Can't have a better - bination. Furs We alwaye have a new stock of Neck Faint - -never carry any IVPI., ta) they intuit he new. Our guarantee -your money hack if you want it --goes with all these g‘lotls at McKIM'S BUSY STORE WORSELLS', The People 14, ho Sell the Best Stoves and Ranges 5-. 45* 044 1.110 Steel Ranges fir ra, ARE THE COMING STOVES. • ; We have the largest and lip4 stock of these goods in Goderich and guarantee every one we sell. Have a look at our big No. 9, six -hole Steel Range, special priced at - * :.1-istirivriAk4 Save Fuel -$29.99 Save Monev 9 Save Work A lit .'tale Our Base Burners will hold fire :Pi hours with very little attention, are powerful double heaters, and are eery easy on fuel. ; \41A,Ut URE AS • 1 • fit", ' .,,ausrocd""-• Zage,4•41C, !Sow We sell the Best Heating Stove made. , A complete Hardware and Stove Store, such as ours, is a revelation to careful buyers. .5TOVF.5 WORSELLS' RANGES . ffiaillninirdnrra,,,ec......- • , , . MESSRS. Stoddart & McKinnon beg to announce that hey have taken the contract for Q. ,.. the handling of , - . \ Massey -Harris - implements and extra parts and extend an invitation to all Massey -Harris patrons and friends to visit the them in their showrooms. , ._ ' , -: f '1,, * , -.. , By close application to busi- ness and by carefully looking after the requirements of custo- mers they hope to merit the sup- port and confidence of the whole farming community. 11 WORSELLS', The People 14, ho Sell the Best Stoves and Ranges 5-. 45* 044 1.110 Steel Ranges fir ra, ARE THE COMING STOVES. • ; We have the largest and lip4 stock of these goods in Goderich and guarantee every one we sell. Have a look at our big No. 9, six -hole Steel Range, special priced at - * :.1-istirivriAk4 Save Fuel -$29.99 Save Monev 9 Save Work A lit .'tale Our Base Burners will hold fire :Pi hours with very little attention, are powerful double heaters, and are eery easy on fuel. ; \41A,Ut URE AS • 1 • fit", ' .,,ausrocd""-• Zage,4•41C, !Sow We sell the Best Heating Stove made. , A complete Hardware and Stove Store, such as ours, is a revelation to careful buyers. .5TOVF.5 WORSELLS' RANGES . ffiaillninirdnrra,,,ec......- •