HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-10-11, Page 4Pia
4 Tnunot i4., Oot. 1155, 1906
A Good Exhibition, a Big Crowd, a
Fine Day, and Everybody Happy
Notes of the Displays The Even-
ing Concert List of Prizewin-
The tall shows this year have been
remarkably fortunate in the matter of
weather, and the Dungannon show,
with its proverhild good luck, just
managed to sueeze in hefure the end
of the long -continued ane-wsatber
ural. Although rain threatened
through a good portion of 'Friday, it
held off nicely and allowed the usual
big crowd to turn out fur the exhibi-
tion. And the crowd turned out, and
passers in their quarters atithe ticket
office. until Treasurer Roberts: coun-
7.he grim ims smile which in-
dicates that there is enough 'ruin on
hand ti pay expense« and it little bit
over. The gate and grand stand re-
ceipts were in the neighborhood of
11500 and in addition to this over $145
was taken in at the entertainment in
the evening
The exhibition averaged up to the
standard. some departments being 'x-
ceptionally good and others showing a
falling lack- Owiug to the poor
season for cattle the showing in thew
elaaxes was not good, but there was a
splendid exhibition of horeee - - the
tw'lt, said Thaw. McMillan, of Seaforth
(silo was one of the judged, that he
rrr•ulle•cted ever seeing at Dungannon.
The poultry clans also made it Focal
showing. In the inside exhibit, again.
a department that was- not up to the
standard -so far as tsar of exhib-
its was concet•ped -was that of vege•
rabies and roots ; hut immediately ad-
joining it was a fruit display that
made up for any deficiencies else-
where. The showing of apples was
the hest for some year*. in grains
there was a good showing, but as one
man remarked,' "Some of it sl Id
have been left in the barn until it had
a thorough cleaning." Outside, of
this defect the quality of the grain
was good. In the dairy department
there was some butter of very high
quality. Of one tub the judge te-
niarked that he bad never put a tester
in a better one. In the butter ex-
hibits the flavor was excellent, and
the samples peered the test for free-
dom from coloring matter. t'pstairs
the displays of fancy work and ani'
arta attracted the attention of the
ladies principally. A lady who ought
to know informed The Sigtaai's young
than that the work was "good in
quality and fair in quantity."
In the main building Win. Ander-
son, of Dungannon. bad a display of
some of the liners of stoves.. ranges,
etc.. in which he deals : Well. Sproul.
DungRannon's furniture man. had an
exhibit of fine, furniture ; Fret Bro-
pbey, of Goderich. had a very attrac-
tive photographic exhibit, end James
Row and T. G. Allen, of Dung, annon.
showed cream separator..
The ':Citd ragimeut hand supplied
the mimic, and very eiiloegiatie nom -
menta upon it« playing were heard.
Bandmaster Smith and him eounpany
of musicians gave n full program et
the grounds. and in the ev ' g
played on the main street. the latter`
performance being especially appreci-
ated by the merchants up town. The
band of the 33rd in ,'laking a splendid
reputation for itself since its estallimh-
ment in the county town, and the felt
directorate made no mistake in choos-
ing it se the musicaattraction l atction of the
It was agreat day for the politi-
cians. R. Holmes, of Clinton. and E.
N. Lewis. M. P., of Ge
uderich. we on
hand with their first smite•a ; Peter
McKenzie, M. P. for South Bruce,
was there, probably for the purpose
of looking after any of his rinstitu•
ents who might have strayed down to
the fair; Thos. MrMillwn, of Se forth,
and Rebt. Mclw'an and Rev. Joseph
Elliott, of Goderich, were alto to be
sten making themselves agreeable.
There was the usual h ig hung n7.
from the county town. The Uoderieh
people like to get out and see a peel,
lively crowd such as can always be
counted on at Dungannon.
A merry-go-rouna WAN on the
grounds and was well patronized
through the afternoon by children M
all ages.
Altogether the fair of lfisi was a
distinct credit to the Ashfield and
Wewanoeh district, and President
Bailie and the other officers of the Ag.
rirultursl Society are to be congratu-
lated upon having added one more to
their record of succensee.
The hell was filled to overflowing in
the evening before the program
started. The entertainment sons
given by George Ellis Fax. comedian,
of Toronto ; Mimes Aunbrook and
Tilt, of °(clench. and Mr. McGee, of
Auburn, vocalists : Miss Campaigns', of
Goderich, piano accompanist ; Misses
Howrie and Leonard, of Gdderich.
Highland dancers, and Piper McKay,
of Lucknow. The program wax one
of the beet ever given in the hall, and
the audience manifested it« approval
throughout by hearty appbuw, espec-
ially at the humorous appearances 0f
Air. Fax, who made an excellent im-
pression. •
H tl.t y y DMA ttut1T -Brood mare, Jos.
Mallough ; two -yews -old filly. W. k J.
Jamieson, John McDiannid ; two.
year-old gelding, Jas. Hayden : one-
year -old gelding, M. Kerr ; foal of 19110,
Jos. Mallough; team in harms, It,.
Foster, 1st and 2nd ; hest fe Ie, Jos,
AORICULTtiRAL-Brood stere, EJ.
Jones. Wni. Mcrimge lir, John Mc-
Lean fill Ed
Iaewn . Ander-
3' y•
son 'Richard Reed • two-year-old
gelding, Rnbt. Glenn; one -year -odd
ally, W. k J. Jamieson, Gres. ((Tenn :
one -year-old gelding, ltd. Anderson ;
foal of 10110, F d. Jones, Cham. Taylor :
team in harness, Robt. McGuire, John
Melee' mid, John McLean ; lest
female, John McDiarniid,
GEItIRA I. PttereetR Brood mare.
Ruta. Glenn, ('has. Taylor, Jam. Bar-
bour; two-year-old filly, M. iwockhar.;
two-year-old gelding, Wesley Fisher
one -year-old filly, John McLean,
Robs. Glenn : one -year-old gelding,
M. Lockhart ; foal of 10(si. Wm.
fecrimgeour, Robt. Armstrong: team
in harness. Chas. Taylor, Thos, Hamil-
ton, R'eeley Fisher; best female, M.
Special for the hest spring colt In
classes 1. 2 and :3 -Rd. Jones.
Aweep take prize In any cls, any
ale, beet mare or gelding -Jae. Fneter.
Npeeial for beet Peri -berm spring
onits-Itnht. Armstrong, Wm. Scrim -
gentle. Jobe McLean.
Ito*D-Two-yaarold geldink, W.
E. lluruin, W. Glazier: '-year-old
gelding. Alex. Young: single horse in
haruess, Robt. King, W. l.. Mel e.tn
Lopair thatched burst's in harness,' 1.
tt, Vaud uhmons & 'Cwitchell; tux
of tisk, T. E, Duruiu, 'tole. Glenn
best female, Jaob Reed.
l'ARR1A011 - H/'ual urate, "Jacob
Reed, Chas. Taylor. W. E. Durtiln
two-year-old filly, W. & J. Jau,iesoht
M. Voods; one -year-old gelding. W
E.1)unuin ; single horse ill haarnesa,F'ilz
aito,nuns & Twitt•heIl,J use•pb Mathew"'
p{xauir matched burette in Liat'ur+s, Jolie
McCaughey, John McLean ; foal o
10114, Chas. Taylor, W. E. Dhrnin
beet gentleman's mutat, W. L. Ur
(freer, Jew. Harden; A ,honed l4a'i•
rtiea, Jar. Kiikeat,'ick, J.as. Alton: 4
nauue) varieties. Choc Taylor. Jos.
1 FALL APPLIW--Itiltslou pipyiu. Jar.
Kirkpatrick, Jas. Altou;
pippin, Aloe flan!, Jas, Alton ;
wealthy, Gro. Greer, H. Morris ;
snow• apple. 11. Mort•ii. Jas. Alton :
, Blenheim pippin, Jas. Maltuugh, C.
Tatylor; crab apple, Jas. Allow.
- Albert Alton; 4 named varieties, JDs.
1 PRAMS, Kae•. --3 twined varlet ire of
f {wars. Jaw.'hirkpnt•iek, Jae. Alton e 1
n:uoel variety of twee* John McUiur-
o yri4„j7.: Mellwain ; 1 named variety of
t {hunts, Mrs. Nott. '1'.K, I)uruin: volley -
dim grapes. Jas, Attun. la Sy ' gt,m;
plate quinces. Thee, 1)s.1i.r, R. Mell-
waiu : i•ullrcl' garden Huwevs, cut,
Andrew Kick, Jus. AIations+.
In yards all -wood cloth, Mn. C.
Nott ; 10 yvurls rill-w,od Helmet lam
Alton. Alps. 1i. Nott: lo yards union
flannel, Airs, C. N. It : pall' woollen
blankets, Jxs. Alton, Uroo. 7.J Nutt;
pair horse blankets. 1 made. Jas.
A1t.;ti ; collection ,of tinware.
Anderson : collection of r;thin••I ware.
'V, Sproul ; collection lot lalote, 7'.
t l.ildb•.-
he it pumps,
•� • -Collect u (
Isles tall 7N
Atnistsung Hem., Goderich. .
('rachet in cotton. Mess Sy stilet{luh.
Alta. F: Alu,nry ; cns•Iirs 155 silk, Mis
My ;;tun; Alrxinw drawn work,
Mt s. Hutvrir, Miss :;y ' gten; 141.17.'41
Fa15cy wvN.l mitts. I.. Hamilton, A1rs.
1..Iohnaon : body's henry a peen,
A. ,I,.hn,tun, 1 Hamilton ; fancy aura
cushion, in crazy work, Alis Stntfing•
tun ; bonito,' hare. 7.11,. Syusington,
Mrs. Soft : point lace, Alis. Sy
tun. Urs. 140w•ti.-: Homan rmhroiJary
or Als S ' '
1 linen, . Is w y u.0 gtuo, Ins.
'Hoare-; e•sdd•ui'lery on tonlsliu. Mrs.
lluwrie, Uew. F. Marney : crochet
table mets in motion. Airs. A. John-
ston, Alis Syliaimston ; crazy quilt,
Mrs. Nutt ; pitch work quilt in
rotten. L. ttasnihou, Miss Symington :
pitch week quilt in woad, Mee. Mote,
1,. Hamiltuu; patch wink quilt in
silk, I.. 11 'Ituu ; two pen« woollen
mitts, hand made, Ali' , eyuliugtau.
Airs. Nott : embroidery in silk un
mottos. )I1 - Cowie., Alts. F. Attorney c
embroidery in silk nn linen, Moe. F.
7lurn.-s, Miss Sy. ' gton: tea cosy,
Mrs. F. Muruey, Alis. 'tomtit. : shawl.
erichet, Airs. Not 1, Mi.. 1y - gtos,
I'ately piu'cushinn. Mrs. F. Attorney;
Mrs; A. Johnston; table cover, Airs.
HoWrie, Aliso Synsiugem ; ave o'clock
trio cloth. Mrs. Howrir, Miss Syming-
ton ; lrtg cabin quilt. Abe. Howrir,
Mrs. Nott ; hendker,•hief 'engirt. Aloe.
Nott, Mrs. F. Abortive ; sofa wool
afghan, Miss Symington. Airs. Ilow-
rie; sofa pillow, Ali--rsSywingtun. AL's,
F. Maruey : linen shirt. machine Meade
4tonw;a•krdt, I. Hamilton ; linen shirt.
ha Id !mule (unwarhedl, I.. 11 'Itun ;
whisk holder, Aliso SymingtonMew.
Not t ; Villow .,harass, ,Hiss Symington.
MIN, Not : face hauulkerchief. Alts,
Hutvrir, Mrs. A. J,.huston ; imtlen
burg lace table clover, Ahs. F. Marney,
Mem. A. Johnston : laundry bag. Sloss
Symington, A1rs. ' How ie : Berlin
wood work. Hat. Miss Symington, Joos.
Mallough : f;in, y knitted Ince, hand-
made, Alts. Nutt, Miss Symington
moll.-ttion of burnt wisdwurk, Ales. A.
.Johusp.n, Mrs. Howrie: embroidery
oil ,tastin, ML•s. F. Attorney. Anise Sy-
gtun ; Caney head rest. 1. Ham -
Mon, Ales. Nest ; ribl«'u wink, Airs.
Howrir, Mra. A. Julnd.iu ; crochet
slippers. Mrs. A. Johtlslnn, 7.114.
Howler i rag lust, Mrs. A. .John -ton :
.lap:urrw yarn met. Ahs. Solt
crochet quilt, Ahs. How' it : tray
cloth, Miss en mington, ti,w. F.:lut•-
ney ; knitted slippers. 511.. A. Johns -
Goa ; knitted quilt, Airs. Nutt, Miss
Symington : Gable centre piece, Mrs:
F. Murney, Mrs. A. Johnsto! ; wash-
stand sol:idler, linen. Mrs. Howrir,
Miss Mymiugtm : cullectinti of ladies'
work. All.. F. Altorney, Miss Syming-
ton, 'Abe. Huwrie : painting on le -
skin. K: Mcllwani. Ale y. Ilowri,-:
Jautlling • 11011111g (.1.4b, AlPas MyItt.
Ingtuu, Alts. 11. a-nie; culleetiun of
ail paintings. Alts. H.wei.. It. Mc-
IIw:1in : eitlecti..55 of wa-(err rnlurs.
Airs. Howrir : ,,•oris drawing. Mrs.
A. Joh15.ron, AL's. Huwrit' : ,'nllection
pro and ink sketches, Mrs. -A. ,bine.
ton : ri e•c•n of iwiulanship by Noy
lir girl ender fifteen years, lieu. Glenn,
T. Mb., twee, A • K irk :essIket1nn 0f
Hower* painted en glee,: R. Mellwain,
I1.1 anti 2nd (..11e'1kill of fruit
painted 1555 glee.. It, Alr Ilw',aan ;
Wed, n u( Is painted ten gIass.
Airs. Howl -h.; collect ion of mml,dlic
lustre meriting, It. Mille -idle Miss
Symington : cothee iun id nut limn
leaves, A. Kirk. Tessio Ilrrsny ; oil
painting. -animals. Altos, !fowrir, R.
Heavy ,hn_r•st•t--'1hos. .11eMillan,'
M,•rtfot t It. •
tight horsre- 1)r. Fowler, Clinton.
speeding events Johns Oir•kson.
AVadton : )'i R. Swart., 0.,tlerieh
John Thiels, Hola•rsal.
Cattle It. AI. Young, Carlow ;
It. Me Lean. ti,slcrtch, •
I'll;. 7I. I..a khan. A111111111.
Slice') i;en. 11', Mtul,ly', (;oalrrich
township ; Wel. Johnston, Blyth
'lona. (li;u, fort Albert. -
lend - J. 11. iVersel1, Aoderirh.
(iron .Ins. ,lohnshnt..lMenai. '
I0.lity prralur'ts Is. I.:. Minoru.
Auburn : 11'..1. 7.1uirew, (iolerirh.
U soli.• manufactures - Urs. J.
W. Hohins in, Dungannon : \Iso. "',
Warnsa•k, (.sNlrrirh ::Mr•s, 11, (erten,
'Vegetables and risits - las. Corwin.
1toilworn non.
Fruits and Mowers - 11'. Wat•nrs•k,
Ahtn,itisiittie. .1. AI. Kideeit. end
J, %Palk . Dungannon.
Implements.- H. Still hers, Grxle-
Ladies' work --Ah s. Crawford. Dun-
gannon : Miss Strang, liosleri,h.
Fine at -Mrs, J. Ai. Field, Code -
Farmer's fret lir' parr --1st, fiesta,
McMal , Dundalk ; 2nd, K. 1►. Mc
1.ennan, Laurier 31d, Austin Church
Guderieh 1owuship.
Open by all, trot or {sur -est, 1'. Farr
Goderich ; 2nd, T. C. Scott, 'Tiverton
3rd, Red Marney, (todt'iich.
2:40 trot or pace 1st, A. Milisots
Lueknow ; 2nd, K. King, Goderich
3rd, W. Maroon, Blyth.
DURHAM -Milch cow. T. Congo -ion,
Jas, Chisholm. 2nd And artl ; two
year-old heifer, Jas, Chishuhu, Is
and n one -year-old lrifrr J.a
('hishohn, bit and end ; heifer r,all',
under one year, Jas, Chisholm : hull
calf, under otl4. year. 'C. ('onKr6un, Jas.
Chisholm : aged bulb Ed. :ttuh•rsuu,
R. Glenn ; herd, Fal. Andre -eon.
JltintRy -Milch caw. Jus, Chisholm.
AA''. Thompson, Jas.
PoeeeteAeues---71ilrh row', Joseph
Mallough ; heifer calf of 11114, Josrplt
Gamut CATTLE -.- Milch row, R.
Glenn, Jas. Hayden, 2nd and 3rd :
two-year-old heifer. W. Midl,augh, It.
Glenn ; one-year-old'heifer, (i. (ileum
Jas. Hatys,•to : serer calf. ler one
year. Jas. Hatydrn : (.attest ox or,it•rr.
any htsert, Jas. Chishidm ; Ltttrd row
or heifer, any breed, W'. Alan..ugh
two-year-old steer. J i.. ('hisholns, Jas.
Hayden ; ,sine•y'4.:u• old steer, Jas.
Chisholm. Jas. Hayden.
Lr:lctaTRR-Aged ram. Geo. Greer;
shearlitg rant. R. Glenn, John Barr ;
aged ewe, lieu. Brenn, John Barr ;
shearling ewe. John Baur, R. Clean ;
ewe land.. R. Wenn. IL Gr•te•r: ram
lanlh. John' Baur. C. (freer.
O-.r'uttu Dowse Aged rain, A. Cul-
bert aged ewe, A, Culbert, l..1 and
2nd ; sheau•Iing ewe, A. Culbert, 1st
and 21td ; ewe lamb. A.- Culbert, 1st
,and 2.d:'raun kiwi.. A..('ullau/t. la
NHKOPeiit lee- Aged rani. Jas. Alton.
Hahn Al.Dunald : sheeding ram. John
A1.4).414141. 1st and 2nd ; ager) ewe. ll.
Glenn, John McDonald ; shielding
ewe, (4. Glenn, .lain- 7.1elton:11d : ewe
lanai, (l, Glenn, .lobo Alrnygald : rail
lamb, G. Glenn, John AlrlhinnlJ.
Brat pen of shoe'i,, .loth Karr; fat
sheep, any Tired, JulieBarr, Jas.
BM:HKeiHIRE -Aged near, Jas. Alton
sow, haying raised {:gN in 11111, Jas.
Alton, Ist and 'Jud boyar, littered in
14114, Jas, Alton, 1st and and : sow,
littered in 1111, ,las, Alton. Gra.
Yoit csirno: -- Sow, imaving raised
pig,. in 1901, Jas. Alton, 1st and 2nd ;
(Near, littered in 14114, las. Alton, 1st
and 'led ; tuIW. lit I. i11 141114, Jas.
Alton, 1st and 2nJ,
TAit WouTtt - Aged bear. John W-
I/maid : NOW. having neared pigs in
1111Q ,law. Antoni, John AlcDonald :
Isar, littered in Ifni, John Mclhmasld :
sow, littered in 11114, John M,Dunakl,
,las. Alton.
Leghorn. white. Jas. Lyons. WON.
lei • Fisher ; leghoni, lruwn, Jas.
Lyons. 14. Feigner' Plymouth R1/ .k,
tare . Jses. Lyon N. H. Rogues ;
Plymouth Rock. white, 11. 13'.gure,
1st and 'Sud ; rod caps, 'Wesley Fisher,
.Jae, Lynne ; !Hoidens, H. Brogues, lel
and 20a.; Pulands,Jas. 1401 IS: Vyan•
Buttes, Wesley Fisher, 1st and 2nd
nrpin bins, Mi .. Ilnwrir• ; buuu:uus,
Ass's. Rewrite .115. Lyons barnyard
fowl, 'Wesley Fisher, 1st and 2n1 :
geese, Jam. Chisholm. lien. Greer
turkeys, Jae. Alton; pail. ducka, Jas,
Alton, Jas. t'hisholm,
Recommended Pair Be'fgiaut hares,
Leonard Slid [wain.
One bushel fall wheal, white, Chat.
'Peeler. .1ohn AL•Ibuald fall wheat.
sed, ('hits. Taylor-, John M,•Uiau' ' 1 :
grsnk' W11 1./d, Albert Alton. l'hns: Tay-
1ur ; six -row barley-. John Ale Diarmi t.
Chas. 'Taylor : two -row Isrley, ('has.
'1'ityylar ; oats, white, Chas, Taylor,
Albert. Alton : peas, srnall, 1'has.
Taylor : tilnol by steed, las, Alton.
John Melees ' I ; Hnx owed, John
Al.Uiarnlid, Jas. Alton : Iwut and
largest collection of grain grown by
exhibitor, in Ashfield, Colborne or
'Vawanumh, Albert Alton, Jas, Alton,
Chat, Taylor.
19 lbs. hotter. in voile, lane Hamil-
ton,, H. Molds. W. Uirnin ;
table butter, 1„ ilnmiltam, Henry
Morris, Maw. flat!; SI ' llw. packed
butter, 1.. Hauuilten. 'V. K. Uurniu,
Alts. Chuff ; chimer. (*rlot'y made.
Oscar Pr tidbove : 2 knives home -
merle Werail. J o Mel hermit!.
Lena Hamilton ; 5 lbs. honey in a h,
I,ss, Mallough : Jar of 1 'y, Tmrsir
Ih•raneyr Jia. Alron; maple syrup,
,las, Alton, Albert Alton : 111a1i1,•
sugar, Jim. Alton, Albert Alton ;
firkin of 50 lbs. 'naked butter. W. E.
l lnrnin ; collection of ho •-musks ple-
srrve, Andrew Kirk, Henry Mortis:
collection of 1 •-mads' baking, Lena
Hamilton. W. E. Unrnin.
Potatoes, Chas. Taylor ; cabbage,
Wm. Mtll,iigh ; blood leets, ,has.
Alton, Jam. Rose : improved sugar
t «
1Pet for frrelin r•
g. H. M Ilw•nin, John
McDiaruid : marigold wurtze1s, Thos.
1'ongrani, 'John `I,l►iarmid ; golden
tankard wurtze•Is, ,law. Kirkpatrick, '
,loth Mi l)isrndd : wurteel.. 1 11«1n-
111oth yellow intermeliste, Chs,. Tay-
lor..la«, Kirkpatrick,; Swede turnips.
John Mei)iermii, ,las. Kirkpntt-irk:
(ireystune turnip., A. Culbrt : Lang 1
ornnee relent«, rico. (Curren. John t
Mcl int ' 1 • white t Belgian (merits,
Ins. Kir twtrick, ,Ire. Alton ; rarrnt«,
intermetlintw white, ,paw. Kirkpatrick. 1
Albert Alcon; early horn carrots,
Geo. Culrmll, K. Mellwain : corn, Jas.
Alton, John Mci►iarnlid ; 1 Akin.
('has. Taylor: winner s,ueah, .iris.
Alton, J o h n Alt ' 1: wile' 1
onetime. John Mr Iinrnlid, Albert.
Alton ; nitrons, Albert Alton, Jen. 1
Albin : ttsi'�nipn, Albert Alton, Wm. 1
R (MTEa Ar'rtite Mpptett, A. Culbert,
Jas. Mallough ; Bwldwinn. A. (iiIlert,
Jas. Mallmigh : King of Tompkins
county, A. Culbert, .nae. Heyd�llen ; Tel- t
man sweet. Chas. Taylor, Delia Nem- t
ington ; Caned* red, Jas. Alton,
Albert Alton ; Ontario; Jke. Taylor, n
Thus. Dither • golden russet, Chas.
Taylor, Thos, it)i«her ;'raper. A. Cul.
pert, T. Congrat,m; lusaet, A. Cnitert,
Jas, Alton ; Rhode island screenings,
Jas. Hayden. T. Congram ; cranlerry
pippin, Jos. Mallough ; phoenix, Albert I
Alton, Jus. Alton ; mann apple. Geo.
' ('amplsllton'n, N. 11., (Mt. Mth. -
Mls''lhl.) Mr. W. H. Wallace, of
his tare i« , builder
I n i
and Nail •, i• o
l t a t r
n 11 'e t' • •'
r Ir 7.r wrllk o •.
n son 4.a r. • r
Hilt halon.
1 1
Ch1' (nets of his caw,', w 1.irh we print
slow, elem. I • epeeitily Dodo1's Kid -
hey Pills cure kidney tro,llrle.
-Monte time ago," Ale. Wallace
writes, "I vias engaged hl mnving x
very llrge family r•stdrnr,• n1 Ibal-
aie, a temente. id three. mile«,
nearly two utiles of whi.•h it. haul In
s• conveyed hy water. 1 hail for be
herr day end1 night end the von -
eminence was thkt 1 caught a very
seven' cold. This waled In my beck
- my kidneys and 1 Iwu'arne s,
had I could hardly mover A friend of
nine told the of textile' Kidney Pills
and gave me half w box just to give
hien it trial and after II bed taken
hem 1 telt very much better. 1 then
pursheried another hoz of Ihski'e Hid-
er Pille and after taking them the
{sin« had entirely left me and i ram
low quite cures," -
The pimples he VI' disappeared.
et's Comp nd iron Pills did It..
retie by Jas. Wilson.
Brevity Appreciated.
While Archbishop'I'reutls was Jean
of Westminster, he dele•galwl ('anuli
l'uretuu to preach at the abbey on a
certain saint's dry. On such days the
buys of '1'estruiuster st•hllol attended
reveler. and afterwalrls haul the relit of
the day as •t holiday. While lir.
Curettes un the tutirniug of the day he
was Ht officiate was looking liver his
s'ruums at the lee/tibiae table, his
oral asked. in is tuna vibitting with
k►l'xietyttol "Father, i. y 's a long
s'No..Jiwwy. not very."
"But how lung 1' Neese tell nue."
-Well, ltlktut lttenly` minutes, 1
All uId..ity. But why ar you sol mix
tok ?"
'Hemmed., father, the boys way they
will thrash rue awlsJly if you ate
555054. than half 1111 hour."•-- Weeklc
it Rbeum.tti,ui 01 die back.
The cause is Uric Acid
in the blood. 1f the kid-
neys did tbcir work there
would be no Uric Acid and
no Lumbago. Make the
kidneys du their work. The
sure, positive and only
cure for Lumbago is
ecialties for October
'fhe following list of Specialties are worth your consideration if you are in
need of any of the articles named :
Ladies' Suitings
Five pieces. I:i to If verds inn piece, all wool.
fit to 36 inches wide, $1.311 a yank regular, your
,hake for only kM vents. U.xxl colorings and cor-
eect weight for fell and winter, a job lot that
come 15(11' way.•
Rain Coats
A lot Ixtlrght ata special price 75 cents til $1.23
less than regular prices, just six left, now for a
.Waistingl 4.4;
In new plaids and fancy checks and stripes, all
\PINI 1to 1
I {I ,7.t 1 Ptl I Y It Another ant. Ano h r lot at Yl
.'cute.. Plaid Wrapiletwltrop 124 to 15 cents. These
:ire choice color plaids fot• wi Ism priced goods.
Ladies' Coats
The McKinnon Coat is the luake we handle,
tailor made, made specially for us last month, s'
v00 can ser they Are the very latest styles and
faith cloth and fit are guaranteed. Primer. Stint
to 51.5.110. No better Coot wade in the market
than the McKinnon, none really so goad for the
priers we ask for theta.
Ladies' Vests and Drawers
We have Just receival s big lot of thea' goods
at lees than i,,akerw' prices. They are fully 20 to
25 per cent. less than regular prices. They will 7.s•
here for Saturday from 15 cents up.
Another chance to get goods cheap. Two Monster Bargain Days will be
given at this store on Saturday and Monday, 2oth and 22nd of this month,
October. Sweeping reductions will be made in nearly all things in the store. We
always cut deep into prices on bargai 1 days. Come If you can in the forenoon
and void the afternoon rush -20th nd 22nd.
;• Rare chance to get seasonable goods cheap.
Corner Hamilton Street and Square
The Knowing How
to make well -tailored garments is
a question every careful buyer
should consider. It means so much
- I N -- -
We Know How!
Hardware Supplies for Fall
Nails, locks, hinges, barudoor hangers,
etc., etc. A full line of builders'
hardware, ,
Shovels, spades, and all kinds of farm
sill garden tools. \\
Paints, oils, vafniiles, white lead,
brushes, etc.
See our Pocket Cutl--keen goods
at keen price's.
611:11.1, sx «44. 3!• s
Robertson's Ready -mixed dints an fir Bead
We are agents for Goderich
The Hardware Store, • West Street.
andora Ra
x114, I desire to announce to the public
that I have bought out the harness
business heretofore conducted by A.
,I. PALTitiol:F:, and am prepared to
fill all orders in my line. I will have
constantly in stock a full line of
Robes, Whips, Trunks, Valises
and everything usually found in a first-
class harness shop, at right prices.
A share of the public patronage is
solicit* d.
Managed Ike an Engine.
One-third of a housekeeper's life is spent in her kitchen..
One -ball the Tabor of housekeeping is at the cook stove.
Your range can double or halve the cooking slavery of housekeeping.
A poor range adds worry as well as work, and worry multiplies the
housekerper'a care.
Get a range that reduces the work and eliminates the worry.
The Pandora Range is as easily and accurately managed as an
engine -it responds.to the touch ps quickly and certainly as the huge
engine obeys the hand of the engineer.
The Pandora Range saves worry, and because worry kills, it prolongs
life. Sold by enterprising dealers everywhere. Write for booklet.
London, Toronto, M.etreal, Winnipeg, Vane , St. John, M.B.
The Difference
All depends on the tuition you receive in a college
whether you will make a success of business life. If your
teacher allows you to depend on other students and
look in the hack of the hook for answers, your course
will he a failure. There are no answers given in OUR
ixooks we teach you to stand alone. You need no sup-
port, so that when you start lite in earnest
you have that confidence in yourself No
essential to a business man. We have the
reputation of giving a thorough and effi-
cient training in both our Business and
Shorthand departments.
Booklet free. School term : Sept. till June,
incIna;ve. Students maj' enter at any time.
forest City Business College
1. W. Mtstttltglt, V. Y. o. A. sire.,
Nasion"... IAMDOM.111.1110 1130511.4111%101.0. 11.888/08 WOW. "Ileika WOO. %Igo,
Successor to A. J. PA1.rRILOGE Hamilton St., Goderich
Fanning Mill, Pump and General
Water Supply. r
Fanaiag /ill Dt;partment
The Israel Improved 'teed (leaning and
urnin Cleaning Machine will clean any and
every kind of Bred. or grain known to the man-
ufartarer" with the speed of any fanning mill
of equal dewing capacity. Those who are using
them report cleaning for market one bu.hol
per minute and over.
They will sepwmte timothy owed from any
kind of gnln It may be In, and clean it while
cleaning the grain, without Mowing wnY of fin
send away. It not only Nieves hutwrneen.e.rde
when cleaning them. 1t M meld to clown tim-
rilppsoer, MMeaind ('tearer. high orient
It Is one M the rwr machine. manufactured
for clewildaning waning nal.. me.tard "4.M. wildMx, rhea asI other noxlna" grain
and Weds
from any grain they may lee In.
To rave aspens,' to the farmer of haying a
Whale fanning mill, Ill.. machine 1. nulde to
hang In the "hop of almost any ordinary fan
nine full,, and will he fitted in with no extra
charge, wlthonl Injnring the mill ordlwrrwng
Ing It for the a"e of it. own sneers ,,n,5 attar..
teed to work at reprrmentM or no ."ale
It can be taken out of mill at any Untie alm,wt
at gnlrkl and se 'welly as w three rolened
-1eap. Them
one machine can 11e used in more
than one nplll If ,nwv"wary.
The prier M the maehlne romplet• with it
then surer+ I- TWELVE DOLL Ht, delivered,
fitted In ,'pili and ggunaranteed.
Gln, peran .endln` hi. own order will be
alkawwd one dollar off price of machine. When
oMering marbine mention make of fanning
mill you want machine fitted Into. If prwAhle,
a don width of shoe Inside.
Sieves and Screens for any Mill.
Any quantity orsOMof galvanl►wt M blank
Imo plm snpplled with all kinds of pips pt•
Ling..l quantity M w',omat hand halftneb pipe
for "wlw, i onlrwrte taken for rutting, suing
and laying Mow. 41te pry
All tngnlrl.. tong
promptly replied to, Mall ardent carefully
attended ardent to.
Pump aad Water Supply
The uncal supply of Wooden Ponies for
stork or house wells or cisterns.
A large variety of very Ilse Iron thumps from
Inading manatee, ammo for drilled or dug wells
or atter-no for hand or power nee.
The a'hampton easy working doom sr. II
Primp' are very strong, wee nude and ran 1'e
worked by women and rhtldrmn- Tho stork
wag size irises Iaree flow of wafer. Manure,
tined hi one and two way .lylss for drilled or
dug well", for harm) 4.n power.
Sinks and Sink Pumps.
r earhln
" arc
The Inn drwn hf pumping a
g D D
,per 1all Y+AsoM 4.A for drawing
well",w ring",- creek. mita/Lind at a distance
teevenal hundred feet If narrraryl from *M'
elar'e where the pumping maehine la kwated.
TM' pumping machine Mrs not occuppyy mnrb
.111We• and Mn he plated In home.. ,table or
yard. Not only dopes this machine d.lrer
water from the spout. like the ordlrrtry pomR
but hy moving a .1Ma lM enures of the water
1a ehwngwi and sent to any M her place required
through pl{w sail underground or ne erhna4.
TTI" machine ran be planed dlmeetly goer well
If dreamt. It Is well adapted for karts nee, boa
ran he attached to power. It can he worked
hy woven or nhlklren ons has large rwlecitY-
HYORAULIO RAMS. Ha, ing hart
condAerwhlo a. w'Mnnea In pWIng thi' kind n4.
work we have no be.lullon in gnaraaleelns
anyy Joh we will nrulertekea,, for we will untie!
1wk. no )oh where w„ think the enedi,lona hoe
favorable to ..-m..f Lily operate a ram. The
rapacity ref .trmam, tented and level. taken free
of charge for any prawn employing ■• ,g Det•
en their work If t'vm
he.fenon he e,erarad.
W. supply all etunk Mr Jnh.
NYPfptoN P M, RVPHON 1' 315
eto. et_ onto war., 'vetoey systesna rfsea�ar dwell
rants with
wh all De41ater wrr NMst hydraet . tuRitlY
taps. seek basks, eta. 7.m (M meet hoprevm
in the els tmd, as., eerpr K Ndese tied Vielrtb WNW 110611108.