HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-10-11, Page 3(ews 6f the 9istriet.
µ•w, Garbutt, an old resident of
Kinloss, is dead at the age of eighty
Mitchell's °Klatt rs.ident, Mrs. Jubn
Levy, is dead, at the age of ninety-
nine yearn.
Ufiuton has the promise of the G.
T • H, that a new . elation will be built
thele next spring.
Brussels tax rate is twenty-one
Everyone Run Down
ihpte,rd••-•with headaches. i.sllydt•oe, towhee.
um. task Iw oWt, awhile or whet rawer of
Asper. blood -eat Led speedy Marl an YI(a
mrd fade.
k thews out the poise born the blood sad
ore. up &each, hsw. twiny) ltd bowels.
pure, wile, palatable- awaits the --I
asses of curative herb* which ed le • iaterel
WOW os the ween. Pnce, $1 •-bods-61st
eS. M bur -taw -w Isla The amnia Co.
H Camas, Liaised. Hamtism-To.ssse.
J. rareM(d "A. few r..r-a bJ6r
The Mu Who Thinks
Be Most Pay Big Prices
m order to get satisfactory
Underwear. has never emoyed
the ease and comfort of
" U ashrinkable "
wills this .year, an Increase of one
will over lest year.
Ur. WiII Holloway, of Clinton, Is•w
gene W Peterbotio to ptactiee his pro-
trusion as a dentist.
A. H. Plummer and family are leav-
ing Blyth to reside in the West, in
the vicinity of Swan River.
Mr. and Mrs. limy. Trutt left Heti-
tall hart week for lirrkatrun. Seek.,
where they will make their house in
Rey. John Learuyd, whose death
occurred in u
tendon recently, wart
former lysate. of Luckiuw Methodist
The Clinton thud dropped 1175 un
the eugagewcut of Victor's Hoyer
Veuetian Band, which appeared in
Clinton on Satutlay,.the '!yth ult.
Rubs. Hudgins, a resident of the
township of Stephen for over fifty
years, parted away last n7rek iu his
sixty-ninth year. Death was due to
W. A. Roe.: bas mold his farm near
Winthrop tu't'hus. Brown. The firm
contains 150 .tares and the price at
which it changed hands was About
Miss Agnes May Waugh, daughter
of Mr. and alts, Robert E. Waugh, of
Stratford, formerly of Blyth, was
married on the lath ult. 1.. Pcreiv.d
Glenn Oroom, of %V:aterluo.
The family of Mr. and Mrs. %lees.
Baker, of Exeter. had a happy family
reunion sin Tuesday of last week, the
fiftieth anniversary I Mr. anM s. Baker's weddingy.
Mrs. Jas. linty, formerly Miss Mag-
gie Murray, of S.•afurth, died un the
:filth ult. at Elgin. \wan. The del -eased
was married five or six years ago and
removed with her. husband -tar the
A. Y. Keleher', former!). of Bruce -
field, Mall' lately removed from µ'in•
nipeg to Regina, where he has i,t.-
tamed the position of I►e•put y %hols-
ter of Agriculture, At Is salary id 1$2,-
7110a year.
Or. Ferguson. who wild tis ppt•arli4 C
dwelling un, Henault to Or. Mc -
den Iasi January and went' to
rgetown, has returned t.. IIKnsadl
toss pun•hasetl back his former
pre ty and prrclite.
A rt wax current that Alex.
MIISLu Hrucrtlrld, had 1011 saw lige
burned i the big flit• in the titaole).
swamp. it is nut the case, as Mr.
Mustard h all the lugs safe') in
his mill yrs *'dine the fire broke
h is made by Comtism -
fee Canadians- in sizes to fit al
figures - and weights to suit •al
Canadian climates.
And it does oM colt much.
Jus Ask year dealer b draw ysw
.hal wom'r dunk. Every
sanwer summand.
Ilaldimand County Councillor tells
how Psychine cured his
Lung Troubks
"I contracted • series of colds from the
changing weather," says Mr. Bryce Allen.
a well•known resident of Jarvis, Ont., and
a member of Haldimand County Council
for his district, "and gradually my lungs
became affected. I tried medicine and
doctors prescribed for me, but got I no
1 relief. Wiwi lungs and stomach diseased,
nervous, weak and wasted, I began to use
Psychiae. With two months' treatment I
regained my health. To -day I am as
sound as • bell, and give all the credit to
Ps chine."
There is a proof of what Psychin• does.
It not only cures Colds and kills the germs
of LaGrippe, Pneumonia and Consumption,
but it helps the stomach, makes pure, rich
blood and spreads general health all over
the body. You will never base Consump-
tion if you use
(tw.•e.rd sig)
50c. Per Bottle
*saute l.awr,•n , for manyyears a
resident of •11111 diel of Tueteliy
of hast week At his .it I4i' g
tun. sited fifty-Are)reales. Thr re-
mains nett intet'twl t t/rllde.ts.10'.
rhe deceased is sue •ivel by one
On Wednesday of blest
of Mr. and Mrs.
Fails, Exeter, Miss !Mats'
daughter of the late T1
tot Centralia, was married lar
Bind, of Landon. The young
111 reside at London.
. P. (i Iry. of Brantford. Lhos
1 engaged as pl incip*l and si'ienre
new r of t'liuton 1 'ollegiateltist at art•.
Miss \Vriterworth has been .roup-
p..ltltr. 1' •r. tit1 Nfa44'islisL• she be-
ing the d)' 1111 'oleo . I thmplese•lit .testi
who "lint 11'ur as pNnit tun.
On 11 iesdnv, St•p1etialwr Lewd.,
Ibr ensrria art )list' Bertha Jane
M.Kagur, 414 tighter of Itobe l Mc-
K.agtie, elf 'tort wiry, and Allirri ret
at d Holuuih. 411 the same tonosliIl..
took plater i.t the resident e of lir
Iaidrs porna% h.q. 1). Pet aie, til
W inglaanl, was tlw officiating (h•re) ,
On the lath ult.. in Christ Cloth b
Cathedral, Victoria, 11.1'.. Miss :Mali.
Corny u, daughter of µ'qt. 1'oru) u. of
1\'ingham, beeline. the bride .a .1.
Winchester l'aliiwNte, of Prosser,
1VAsbinglun. \Ir. 1'4dlie otlr is city
attorney of Prosser, and Sl Asa. 1'alli-
cotte was ft l• Neons1 years' rt. soiree -atilt
teacher in the µ 'wham pnldir
Mts..1: •s Gordon. who is leaving
idlrkneW to reside a1 1V peg. so as
I,. be near her child!, en, was Pr,.::. tiled
I,y the Ladies' Aid Society of the
Lucknuw Methelisl cburrh with an
addre•es And n huge picture of the
member,. of the Society. An 14(1.11,•.,,
fr the Wotuau's _MII Awns.)• 8ti•ietY
of the Methodist ehuyeh '114 1110
.ental to \Its. Frank Gordon.
La►mae wawa el and 02-al1 druggists,
9L T. A. SLOCUM, Limited, Toronto.
eek, al the
Abele Me -
11 11..
If you wish to test
ono of these Ramon
without RISK or
your most, imply
to us fes
d etslls I
Came tigs
P141. pis
lases. Cass
wale Camara tus
he arm •.sear
W arbn Mapi.etlr !:ladle
cement terms, $1.00
Pass Seethe -Mees r 9asws."
CHAS. C. LWrim - Gnderich
For ads by J. NICHOLSON
TNN: `If:�t�►I.: (il►11M:1; Itail (ivy 1:1‘t
Payee, of 'lorooto, are sisters ant
brother of the deceased.
Brussels Fair.
The Bast Huron tall fair. held at
Brussels of Thut•sd* r and Friday haat,
was without exception the bent and
luuat largely attended ever held there.
lar every department the exhibits
were ahead of everything ever Hhuwit
before, The her of Kitties was
also larger than ever before.' Hon.
\Vin. Paterson, Minister of t'ostouos,
was present and formally opened the
fair and also the line new hall. A
Large assemblage gave his speech a
must radial hearing.
The Late Walter Visitant.
The remains of the late Walter
Vauslone, whew death Ly diowniug
a1 Il11itiogton, Oregon. on Sejiteullwt•
lith was recorded its those culuuml•i
ante weeks ' ago, were brought to
\Vinghatil last week ter interment.
They were ace It:Oiied by the de-
ceased's brother, Joho 1.. 1'atlstoue.
The particulars s of the dt•ow• g which
are new to band show that the de-
ceased lied been in t he water bathing
a1R1 took cramps uud drowurtt before
assistance could teach him.
Has Poor Opinion of West.
Mitybell Advocate : Mi E. Hour -
Mall. Who It•It a few weeks ago fur the
West to visit a slater, and who wear in
the Azilda wreck. returned to town
early la .t week, u taw du)s in Mani•
tuba having satisfied her. The lady
has a poor opinion of the euontry.
She says she would not rxrhangt• five
acre,; of Intel hereabouts for three
townships, Aid she. is at boss to un -
del sUtnd Jluw people can lease gout)
homes herr and go \Vest to spend
their lives in misery and discomforts.
Farms Change Hands.
Three first -class tarots ill the vicinity
of l'entl:ilia have changed hands,
Prank Colwill has bought of Alfred
Hudgins the property known as the
Hill farm, on the 21id con(4.'. of
Stephen. paying therefor neatly Si,.
MI. Mr. llislgins in turn has bought
Irons 6. 11. 11'indsti• the farm ell the
Std c,nrrtsiou of Stephen. paying $0,-
1.'iMl, while Mr. Windsor has purchased
the 1.I11•4ser• farm known as the
Hughes I?.tde,'un the :Ad cullers inn
of McGillivray, payiig ille.2,.". Full
fMlssemaion is to be ,given on the tat.ef
April. 11517, in each crew. •
Capt. Robson' Married.
captain Hobson, of Ildr roe". 0 try
clek of Middlesex. the, well-known
bleeder and iulput•ter of shorthorn
cattle, whs. has luau)' hired. ill 1111s
Unita y. 5V44 tuarri•d rrcel141y lo
of *sonnei', Lair d:ulghtera in the
p'er'son of Miss I.ila, yumlgest daugh•
ler of A. M.A5•uy,'minty treats re• o1
Middlesex. %V.. unde-stusd it ' \It.
Rnim..rt'N intent' to 'elite I •
far ' g :end stock -breeding after is
wile then 11111111 II. a)rtd to reside in 14114.
dots, devoting his a'l.ole time 1.. 1114
official INesitiun 311(1 the conducting o1
thoroughbred stock sales.
Golden Wedding Celebration.
,li. 111111 Mrs. Rob,. Johnston, of
III) i1,. relebrtled the fiftieth 11nti1%er-
'iu t o1. 11..'i,- weWJmg toll September
:It h. Itesil.•the children and graul.l-
.hildreo, i lett old friends were pre•s-
eif to l"''iril.ot• in 11.. remit the, 1d
1110 d:1v. It i. a amiable fact that
thole has not y.•t lie,•n a brenk,in the
family. told all 1 h ,hillerti kvrae litres,
'tit otwr "Its. H1:1,•kbrough having
.W111e all the way h,,irl Montana. The
(ahem ire N*tIi,lao1. of IUdt.•tt •
.su-ttpb, .11n.. 1V. J. larks. Ifobert.
Is. b'. Farrow, of East µ /Ma -
11... Claw. Armstrong, of shrl-
Ir.. Rutin 11, of M1/1'1•1,. 01111
of Myth. Th.. 1.0.1%.0..“1
The death of 'William l'olrmnn, of
rhe township of Hay, occurred on Sat-
urday. September l(lth. Mr. Cole-
man was iNorn in the township of
7ttanley in the year (tell. He married
Miss Salah .lane l'onsitt in PQM and
resided in 1 u k
• years they
n • wct•t
1 r t
afterwards ht'
'th g
el -smith,
IIAy. Mr. Coleman hail been an in-
valid for three year's. Besides his
,vidow lie leaves five sons nnrl •
Husband Follows Wife.
Simon Hartman. one of the pion -
,et of Hay tnwiahip, passed away on
Sunday, Stptenihc,' .5llh, at the age of
.e%enly•six years. His wife diel fuer
days blefore, at the age of .corms
lour. A h her of soma And daugh-
ters survive.
Segar Beets.
\\'. Graham, of Clinton. in'per?tlir
for the Berlin sugar beet factory. ex-
pects to Lanes &"1 carloads of hest•
from this distort this fall. Shipping
roiinlenced last week and will Iw ton-
tinuedat the rate of tbit)y•five car-
Ioardaa Werk until they are sill int.
The crop on the whole 1110V not he as
heavy as last year. ist is testing
higher in sugar.
Offered a Lerturership.
most.: y
but t .. :
th. tea on the 1115.11 011 the old h nue-
111.11W frau which Ilfly yr::r.
ago Mr. and \11•e. Johnston partook 1.1
1le 4r Se.Iditig br•aklast. The. aged
.-. uplr Well* pl.esr11led by the children
with plows of gold :end by the gritnll-
childsen With arturlaiis:.
A Peculiar Case. -
An extrmua•1linary tale of :an Alleged
attempt by n young look 4.1erk in
Exeter to get ise,.eselion of 411.151) or
hi. ndupl.•.I grantlfothat's muni'• was
told by Mayor.ludd, of I..nd,.t., aide'
l.y a train affidavits :u1.I papers, iN•-
lor• Justice T..•tzel •t Toronto, the
other div. Be°t'ge• Washes tun idol
«'ell, of '1tii lfonl, 1.altsliton a 11•, i.
the •plaints[. \1rs. Fenny Powell,
w•10 has Jwen separated fur mime
from her husband, hays been Id, house-
keeper. And is his adopted daughter.
Her son. (ieorge Holwell Powell. is a
clerk in the Soverrlgn hulk nl Esp.
tent Holwell. the plaintiff. is seventy-
one year. old. 1e alleges that Ihr
bank clerk and hi, fisher. .1. H. 1'ow-
.•II. ...low to him L,s1 .Iuly, and in-
duced Linn to take his $1.1041 int of
the Sovereign flank brani•h at Tied•
foI-d.;end pal it in the Exeter hranrh.
'rho. clerk told hila hr 'bald get n
higher rale of intete.t for it. HI .lite
latter sal
• h • l eh. The old nrntl made
ern (leek. ul I the
IhPrhrrklothl } n
halter deposited rhe •y in his own
name in the Exeter Batik. \Vh•:i
Hnlw'rll heard of this he was sero
wroth. and demanded the return of
the mines. The young h•Ilew world
not give it hark atoll t. hoed In tyre.•'*
draft which IIolw.•il drew on Ilius.
"11 41144 n gift to me." Was the r•L•tinl art
the adopted gl•nittlslii. Thr old mail
consulted Mn pile Judd and the 14,110r
•brought snit. Temporary injunrtinn
was granted. restraining the hank
frotu paing ..vet the •y to either
of the 'Powells. An Agreement has
since• !Well arrived at by which Powell
gives up the money_
,ITh.) *winnow' and l•LuuKlal 11X1 1C41'.1
The businear of the Sterling Hank at
the thud of their first quarter 131.1
Julylshows lis returns totiuvoe •nt
a very' satisfactory rumditiuti of
affairs. Their deposits rd 't..
tii7N,nM).:rl► while their bilis in e•ircula-
ttou teal Ilt J<'SO4,IC1/. This is a
very wledit alike statement after only
three tiloilha business, and would in-
dirate that the sowers. w'hiili has Iaru
predicted for this weIl•i:uuel hank
Is likely to tie aeon/4.d. It is •an in-
dication as well .11 lir inospe•rity of
the country, Ail especially of the
Province of Oto io.
'else. Sterling Bank has • niwaivl
iuu1lw'r of branches in plospeisitis dss-
trkLs in Ontario which hitherto pus -
messed no proper banking farilitii.-.
and in •Ibis way hate brought :a colt
aldrr'able .1111111111 '.1 u'uney into te.•
?hear"! hc1•Wi.r would have been I)
1114; idle. \V.' tiM1,1 Admire their ,
policy .rl aVuitlim4 1.. mo great art Asx- ,
teal the opposition of older and well
e.Uthlisheil banks. but we have do
doubt the cowi11f; year will nee then
will established In :111 the important
..Mees o1 the 1)onli11ito11 of C:uuulu.
This is A y000g w try. Intl a glow•
ing nue, and we have only to turn to
the facts to mer wli hats been dune in
the past ten yuan•, :end .vha4 the
prospts of uthi new banks are. Al
the end of 1896 the day .sits in l sun•
than banks . . d 10 $dllS,laS►, i rl.
At the rid of 1155) they , ted to
f$.5t1;,KNk7SN. 'thus 111 1x11 years there
has Immo 1111 iut•te.t.r of $:kt5,77th,0I3.
What tyi1! the 'beta ten yeast.: show
uu drptosit du the I. inks. and van we
reasonably expert t h . t t hey will :again
°lore than double 1leoe e•lyt•N?
F11011110iY, Ootobar 11th. 1906 3
Botts a Toilet Soap
and Complexion Soap
C. P. R. Construction Notes.
The management of the Guelph A
O,Nlrrirh Itnilwav for . • renwrn eat
other, :Alys'1'hr I11llye1onSllti, iue 111rt
.0 :osriuus for 11/.• 1•11114olelion of 1Ile
1°41,1 at an early date as they 'rte
moue• wet•Ls ago, hal this is not deta•r-
ring them from eat rying uu the work
as Let as they possibly can. 'Ther
latils aur now laid r than half way uer.ieia11, 'had some trouble in play
hetwee•n \lilVertou uud Munktors, lug it. Marded.'•, before he tel
while the ,rued has been double -tied right, wrote n "l' Ii•n0iutn of
1411(1 ha11.1stet nearly as wan as the versa! History 1b'itgt ti a•-5 t t
EItia1 'laity. The art 1 lift lois the learnt' down '1° Ile• pre't•n
been ovule nearly at; far west as Mill- century." Hartley at ....vela mote
bank and work is going ton at a rapid lam; and absti low *'.'.-t) nil the "Na
pace under the 11uuu%gemeiat of 11 r•. hire of inn." !item' at nine 1111 lie
t at work ill, phihisollhy. Milton n
the coutt•ul•1 esti Ler a. the Jlaatland
River fridge at iitbirri'h this fa1i. ' It µVaguer. V.dtails% '1'e•ryiysoti. Pt
is expected that the road will he in :ted Fc t'ewgw•r were dreams,
utw•rat' as fair .Is Milverton b)• stupid in their childhood."
Thanksgiving Uay', a hid' Lalls.on the
For toe. a cske,
3 cakes fur asc.
lion get two soaps in one -
at the price of
•`-� one -tit
"Royal Crown"
HThWi ch -Hazel
r Toilet Soap
it's an 1.`eat touet snip. Its rich, creamy lather
penetrates the orty --feeds ,the skin -leaves that
delightful It:I;it1 art cootricss and cleanliness that only
the F?'•cast and 6n .t of soaps can.
And there is ch.. 'Deitch' Flltel-=-soothing healing
Witch -1 I cl--to tale au_ay redness and roughness,
allav sknt irritation, and 1:;ke the complexion beautiful.
KOC. it It -•-'..e• tis 25 to every nian or woman
who valut ealthtul, cls n skin. •
bstats. tial year' I:rt'p; lit Saves yea 1Reyal trews" IWIIM-SneL
are always
reliable ....
11"e find satiatagtion in dealing out
pmt, fresh !goods to' our .customers.
The ,tock is specially well assorted for
1111' summer Hanle, and the snort
particular wants of 1)11r patrons will
have prompt service.
Firth vegetables and fruits 11
Phone 91 or call.
The Square, Goderich.
Billson, the runt-aeltot, win is
Assidli.11. i11 his e11. itt- lot i•
Wel ve wrote I Wo eplra. 1)n the althea
h:onl, (1.etlor, Steele. 1)1. John.or
frith tof Newel'.. So far as the rad• •- --.,
bed orr
ai is rnt-ned 1 hr load is ready for We
(raffle now, but the 'hovelnurent in-
spector• will nal pis. upon Ihr work
111114 pltlfortun have 'Wen erected at
the tortious stations, switch,'• laid and
the propel' ;WV 1)111. in that are
Tsil lt•l11• tote (.Oe• safety of the mobile.
he switches verton, however,
are in the emirs.. of ceristr,r•lio11 and
rau•prtis errs Ata' eX 11,11141 10 11111 11 Plat-
forni:uontid 1hr.tatlLon shortly.
R. J. Richardson, of Stanley, has
been offrrel the Ieetltr't•shi1' in phil-
Nwipphy in klenitolat University. Mr.
Rirhatd,on is a graduate of Toronto
University and has also mtildied in
Korot*. Ills health failing. he re-
turned to the old Ii,,n'esteall and has
hes engaged in farming. He is
thinking merit -wooly of .accepting the
position in Mnnitolet.
Death of George Ballard. Clinton.
George 13a11ned, of Clinton, died on
solidity. September:rlth, in his thirty•
third year. after an illness of three
weeks. The deemasl•d hail Minn en-
gAgat in the gmeery business in ('lin-
ton for a year And a half. having
formerly lived At Listowel. The 'to -
meals were taken In Limt°wel for in-
terment Mn. HAllnti1, who murvivem,
is a dnighter of Hrv. 11, H. McRae,
of 1'ranbrook.
Death of Min Rebecca Payne.
Mien Reb*era Payne diel on \Ved-
n.laday, ditth tilt., at the residence 01
her mister. Mrs Samuel Phillipe, Bel•
residentof odech hitt latterly
lived at Luckfhtl. Mhe was a danger.
ter of the Tate Janes* Payne, of (304,
lack. of Goderich :
Mt•s. Phillips, of Elias gBelfast, end Jobn
iehoul Act Test Case.
'rlw• case 1.1 1.ist•o1e1 High Below'
Ik..url '.s. 11. founts of Heroin meas
*lied by.lnd>Ye 1k6rron art the lyici"iuu
1.1,,11-1 at I.isniavel iece.11y, and is of
general 1714 erasII 5'4114 al. 11, )..l1* lar
hetes ulinr the rutre..t 1111.1111w1 of lieu:r-
ing I hr autumn. to he paid by a .• 1)
for pupils whin, thiat. a y nlle11diu4
a high ecle.0I in nn ail jawenc r t y.
Thr rose 11.1, au V' '"1 al lenglb as n
1 e.1 541..1. Ito inlet 111111he tieh.s•I Aet,
no cow of for kind laving been .le-
ridrrl Hefts... 'I'hn 1110114ml It(.me'toun1-
in¢ of 1Ito I.islowr' 1N1111 was NO. -
Mill juihruu•ul kit'rti it. lull for
tile rl: . •1'11,• way to Ilx the•
aminal pa) is giy.•n b)• Ibr j,ldge
ars folium s : 1.1 - Find - 1 It.' ayert41-
Ve:n1y rust o1 the r11.v ul
Huron 'snotty pupils ; :Sod 1'nl down
the 1 of Ile' liut•e•u.uel,t. ),1•ant
n, pruportoned to such pupils: :b11 -
'IYse11 n.bl tt 111 NMI •luer,'haled Milli
the fres luteable by such pupils : h.h
Then dehl.t the maim total of these
last tiso+.oles "III 11,.• Iirs1 un'nliin.rd
sant : then or the I•atlnnrl• left. t 1,••
1.111nly of it,n'.n pal's •-ixlt'•tiye per
..••:,:at. 1.1 the ht. -tone!! high minedl
II'/1. .. _ _ .
How to Keep Fit Though Faddy.
A rather :.nosing addition to the
:Ili-iulp,utam question of hew to loop
fit though t:otdy is runt:tined in ow
L•ilow'ing pal:1, lapis• 'ilei we lake
h the \'Senna eindentdatt :
'•1 ail tibiae my . o.NI health entirely
to my tu•Nle ..1' lit Ow. I get ma at 11
11. 111. and take 41 cold hath." sail the
first so I iteliv dlaal.
"Heaven-!" replied the `et. 1
,uun.l indi%idtial. "is ro1.1 both ! It
makes n1,• ..binder 1,, think of 11,"
8 stir ': a I,:.
Fir t . 1.: '1.•.44 . bolt ars
111 a:.
o. . the t 1 will ran : ben
cold an Io r
Tight breakfast' of milk :nod 1..ast :
,h. n M liyr•-inilr walk in ligh1.41.11hitg.
�, .. °%'cell Y.1• : nit 1 1.'11 in 11 itllei'.
1ltnchron 11 snarl 1111 lel : tlion
more' walking ht the comics a
small... heed. .old to bed :•I 111 p. -In.
neither i nook., nor drink."
Meeond S. 1. : "Very well, i do
exactly Hie upfwNili. 1 mlwq. t. long
ns I can o50ry morning. Then I dee.e
in a within. nem. eaLas largo Its. kfast,
and go to hnsim'ss. for 1 never tike
walk'. lir any, oI her exer,ii,•. I take A
weed Innate' a and on the way Lithe
from business I rat a dinner of six
roir.r'm. I stunk,. ten tigers 4day,
and drink all I ran get."
First S. I. : '•N*,W. /':ill yowl till 111•'
why both are s 1110d rind W1r mg
second 14. I. (lighting anothet
cigar): "1 sl1Ppw„e It IN lieest line we 4,,
es the like. and de not. 1 what
Whet env an do."
(i*ua't le.
When Bryan Lost His Dignity.
How to Get the Better of This Cause
of Misery.
A scientific '•titer upon st itch
troubles Mays : 'elf you 'have ever suf-
fered from indigestion,- and who has
not? -your imagination his probably
pi.ttrel a ferocious little imp dancing
in ,the pit of y at •h,. causing
that organ to neglect. all 'its d,tips,
with a Louth that. it is not only pain-
ful, hot 1111, you with misery from day
to day."
This writer retainly had
suffered with indigestion, for there im
no more disagreeable, nerve-racking
and .irk -all -oyer disease than Judi
A great many people who have been
treated for years for disensem of the
heart, liver or kidneys, when they
tisr441 .11i -nn -n 51orloAt'Ir tablets not
only did Mi•o-nes cure the .t ash dim•
order. but it made them well all over
nail the other troubles were allsn
If y.11 stiffer with nervinlsne44s, ,Ir•rp-
l•e+ness. iidig.eet ion. mirk or nervoltm
headache, ;mine In the hawk or Aides,
get. a :ale•, ios of Illi-o-na and take one
of the little tablet' before each meal.
1t will 40 you M world of good And you
will .non he well and free from Indi•
gestion, and its sympt
A t»n*prns young lieutenant. par•
&ding in full uniform, And *pprnne•h.
Ing a sentry. wits challenged : "11&It
µ'Ito goes throe?" "Am.!" wits the
contempt omit reply. ' Ad%*nee, ,wt,
and give the countersign."
\Vel. J. Bryan relstes"with glee,ntl
incident that, befell hits in Japan. He
went to one of the ti•ogdes in Tokio 101
we the mht'itu•s of nom. 111 .Inpnn'm
tl••pnrt.d Ntntesinen, . It was the Hod
Ja wit*PNP temple that Mr. Bryan had
('44 7'!' 44 isil til Ile wee accompanied by
,e•'Pral dignitaries of the irlpnlil)
of Tokio, who had Mow to net am an
escort of honor.
At the temple door the Japanese
gentlemen began to retnoVI. their
Nile Mem, awarding to unalternhle rus-
t Mr. Bryan took oto his oxfords
nnd4sa, horrified to find t newt of
the great the and part of the second;
toe of one tat' Ilin feet. were prntrudbng
boldly fton' him '1M'k. These wen• tin
help for it : the great. .1no'riran
statesman with his Rnnrl of 1
had to patter over the 11ri174' 1414irm of
the Armes at Mhiltw with two toes
exported .
Never halve 1 felt the lark of dig-
nity so much an on that orrasion,:'
mayor Mr. Bevan.
Great Mens Childhood.
"Many greet torn." maid a !Ay.' }wk.
out, "gase..i41w of greatness even in
their childhood. Mozart, et the age
of 11ve, r Itomel a piece of Me tin/
difficult that his father, a professional
Good Corn Sheller for 26c.
A iuu•vrl of efficacy xud pr pl•
nes, a remedy that tit w•s rule corns
and '•sets. Its nater is Pututtu's
Corn lixtau•tor. Contains no Acids,
never 'mins. gives ,lasting satisfaction.
Insist of "Putnam's" only. It's the
best. ----
Capitain-- •'µ'hat 1.,1 strategy in
War?' Sergeant "We•1l, strategy is
when you don't lot the enemy dis-
euvet'that you are nut of run itulait ion,
but keep right on firing."
11113 LP-ADING---
e Funeral Directors
and Embalmers
°edea wr►ully atteus.A to at all
roar., •sight se day
and d
Livery aCk
Stables i
The finest turnouts in
town are supplied at
these well-known stables.
Carriages for every re-
quirement and good
houses furnished at reas-
onable rates of h i re.
('arltful drivers furnished
\vhl'11 I'141ui1'ed.
All callm promptly attended to.
Walker & Augustine.
'Phone 51. East street Livery.
"Plastic Form"
Dress Suits
-correct in every curve.
From the selection of the cloth to the finishing of the lr}
last buttonhole, good taste distinguishes every detail.
Fit, cut, workmanship perfect.
Aman can select this important part of his wardrobe,
in the "Plastic Form" Parlors, with the assurance that he is
getting a style as exclusive, a cut as particular, as he would
obtain from the establishments of the best London Tailors. ti
-With the added satisfaction of moderate prices.
Plastic Forge Parlors, ttioderich
RE/1. i la: k. `soft' A'icnt
'X'45112. a ilr
" Grand Peninsular"
Is an Ornament to the Home.
Popular" taste no longer
clings to deeply carved, highly
ornamental ranges.
People nut want richt yet
simple, elegance.
That is the way I make.my
new Grand Peninsular Range.
The " Grand Peninsular "
is easy to keep clean, because
there ire no deep carwings to
collect the dust and dirt. The
design is himplc hut very effective. No fuss or frills.
Ju:i.t smooth surfaces which take a beautiful bright polish.
I'he nickelled' castings are detachable, and can be lifted
off without loosening a bolt, when the range is to be
or cleaned.
Then there is the All . -STEEL OVEN -the THERMOMF.TF.R
on the oven deter • extra Iarf� GRATE BARS -and a dozen other timr
snd-Ichor-savinrs omvenienees--that ate exclusive teeh my (,RAND
!EN!NSULAR. Have your dealer show you all these points. 42
have opened it livery astable in
the stand nn Newgate street op-
posite the ('olliotttm Hotel acid
have fitted it. with
New and Up-to-date Rigs, New
Harness, and Good,
Reliable Horses.
111 patrons are tuu.11red the hest
..f service. fear patronage is
Knox Bros.
Opposite Colborne House
Telephone t73
Livery, Hack
'Bus Stables
--RA "q; 8 ---
Melte and tell-
able drivers. In
eharge oft the
'1311..., which win
meet all train s
and steamboats
4 "� id � •, a„. y F sa.tA ..',A,t.`. . c. y^, :•.�a tT-ft'mri, sy1 .. - *.° y}i