HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-10-11, Page 1YOU READ
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the special offers to oew subscribers
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p7F'rf•StNTH TLA -Na 3112
without: advertising:as lke:wink
lug in the dark. You know what
you are trying to do, but no one
else does.
By opening an account with THE STANDARD LOAN CUM-
PANY you will rale -neer.. that happy feeling which 'comes to
there who know that their poeeoesiine are fife, Ilea savings aeeount
with this Company is just ao secure am an iuvtetment to Govern-
[Dent Betide and yields a higher rate of in .
Goderich Office, - Corner North It. and Square.
SCRVRoboes Iambs and •sheep marked
with blue on meek Gad lar on face. Anyone
getting trees of thea► will be eaten, tv
warded On oammeak+.Uns with J. F. AN
Taacaa* ore Plano
Studio In Bank of Montreal Block.
C E. SALE, L.D.B.. D.D.M.
McLean's Block
IIh. Turnbull'. old atone.1
Is Dueganno0 Wedne.Aay afternoon..
A. T.yrawwem. M. D.
W. S.Tvaptct.t.. M. H.
Meow'. Hamilton Street. 'Phone 1111
Realdeace 'plass 121.
71R. A. H. MACKLIN. M. B.
Spedal 01(.0tlon to Eye, Yat Note and
Threat. Olice end k of Mon.
nal: opposite Pogo/ace,Woid d
Went ,,t.. Uodencb.
TsMpbane No. 1M.
TOW nst*rte.., etc. Uf0ee,
Hamm �Bsumro. KIL-
Umt. 1to°j, Off.' C. C. J. L Y1L-
WRAN._ _ .._--
b•rriateeti lora, nowt." poblte pet •-
1[�ssrrt* t1 .Meceart, etc frac.. tart .•kts
eee•n. next door l'. A. alrn's groes,. Pot
vote find. to lend *t It wed rate., of MWreat.
W. P1to UDR O K. C. It t'. HAYS. U. V
1LAl It
Tenders Wanted
wnl he noels ed by the ilnder.igeetl up
W October Veit for the Wean of the Ouderlcl,
curling and Skating kink for Me .•awn of
maw :.Wo fur rink dweUena.and owns for a
term of year.. Seeurity win be ntttutred of the
runes stud tenders. W. L IIORToN. Man-
ager. Yl
. •olieltor..slary public. eommettioler.
eta Mosey to,
baa. Waco oornerOnnriltoS
and 81. Aeeddt.w t Meseta
RISTERS, attorneys, eoludtora, etc..
Uderteh. Memel to lend .t bwewl ramp. lis
Insurance. Loans. etc.
rand aedd.nt Ineuranoe. Agent for leading
mutual bad dock cawpY t1'.. Ineur•nle M ell
Mee effected on beet plane and at lowest rate..
as .1 was., ooruer V. no Stmt and Syu•re,
or address .1. W. CHA1U1K, Uodseach, that.
fele .home 91
NO to Creators
creditor. of Margaret Strachan. late of
the township of 1.. lborite, widow. deccaoed.
'leo died at the toe n of Goderich w+ lath
Soptoniber, 1110. will please rend le at once
I heir account. te the ooden. ned. the exw•ator
of the end deemed. J AMES A. MTR A( AN,
Executor. (laden, I. P. U.
Iloderich, llrtober -eh. nig 12-21
The Black Knight Coming
The Otalerirh Gomel Temperance
League have made arrant ement. for
lite appearance of Rev. J. II. Ureter
here 011 14 lay luul \limey, Ootobtr
2101 MIld 2Lbsd. Mr. Hector will he ac -
c panitd by' Mrs. Hrelor and Mile.
lirlaldine Hector, the litter it trained
vocalist, Further 1,:00ie111:1111 will le'
annuunetd next week.
Remember the Date. '
The recital annuunred in last week'.
edition of this plg{wr to le liven un
t)etolwr'Gith by I'rid. H. 1L Jordan
and Mimi Fowler, lit London. 1 • imes
to be a ical err :f out of the
ordinary for Gedevich. Prof. Jordan
.rid Miss Fuwlrr beer engage) to ape
pear in a great number of places in
Canada. The recital will he given in
Knox church and. as J. E. Jordan. the
lo•aI manager. promised, the,ulluiesion
will be small. 15c only will be asked.
To Milverton by Oct. 15th.
Guelph: IC is expected that by
October 15th the G. b G. track wilt I0'
ro11ipleted and in M tit ion for traffic
as far 0111 )1ilvert'u. This exhession
(11111* Elwira to Milverton i. 1S miles
in length making the tet*l length
of treat laid than Guelph 34
Mike. and .**rets f • new teatime',
viz., \Vallenstein, Linwood, Millbank
and Milvertyu. Ther, with Elmira
and \Veiwenburg. k1' %ix total little o11
the way to the hike shore that have
now leen inter til.
Auction Sales
Jamieson Raid will .011 by public auction on
ruwueeneing at one o'dork .here, M. residence
on Pleton .Crest. nw.r the ('011eg1a0.. bide ute.
Thee property im•Inde.. utcout oust in excel
lent retell• with good teller. bard and sott
water, and 1.. centrally located. Property wnl
be rad subject to a moires bid. Term. made
known un day of .ale.
JAM1EstiN Rl:rh, THI,$.lil'NDItY.
Proprietor.- Auctioneer.
SURA. (' a co. -Fares and Iao1aed
Wen property insured. Value of property In -
lowed up to Jan. leek over o3,IW,10). Darer»
and directors' --J. B. McLean. plea ; T. Fraser.
Ow we ; Jaw. Connolly, U. Dale. Mr. l'be-.
net. J. W.U. J.c. k:van.. J. U. Urleve... Beane.
weld, director. ; T. E. Hey.. eleatoetA secrete"•
tre..unr - Inpectetrnearest director to lute..
J. W. ha, en Holume tee, .gent for Weed
Huron. Policy holder. can pay .eeawmente
and get their card. r.0Mpted at Mr. Caw'.
sClinton. or at Mclean trine.' Palace 1 to hang \I
Louie Linemen --
Watchmaker, Jeweller and Optl.lan.
!mum of Marriage Licene".
For Sale
IF pupal Mur mouth. old. lied ole rod
bltah. trained -all well bred: Also a
few wklte W dist cockerel. and pullet..
Apply �B. TOWNSEND. Uoderich.
i' aging road wagon with high back dl
stet, low wheel., Mian and light pole. P. L.
WALTON, Woe greet.
. AWE licenses (h0d.rfch. Ont.
11 AND A WO» 1.1UHT WAUON reernH7
smueaard freer at. W. Howell for ed. chi
Apply at CHAN. ('. LEEN hardware gore, t t
To Sent
rea44,11 trill, elle Mould give woo that jl KILLED AT NILE.
waw genie.; cold weather anti she
I Inut hnv nue feyberwelf
The Weather.
The weather num evidently believes
that •'v,tl'ii•tV is lir spice of life.- A
year age he wvto 'serving out a •r
weitInt at this time 1.1 year, with the
mei cloy at Ott 14r 1/:.' itt the shade, so
Nauta WW1 keep etie4t is of that a1*'t of
thing may, but the' al...Alter the hast
cunpe of days ham kept potpie busy
trying 1,1 revolt whru .tach a thing
hap)0•nel before'1'11 hove ti shovel
one pathway yesterday morning was
regarded as •wi, .0 uf a joke, but
when a repetition til tit.•, Irt•rf.trntnnrr
woe required this meriting it seemed a
• riel'hill. Mat 11.1. The lien y
snuw(ilfct•rtitinly has Mem a serious
'matte• for nlrh+u•di.t.. white tI ' •e
fruit dere in many 13.v'M have heat
broken dnw•tt by the weight of, snow,
and shade trees idiom town have also
*utterer ruindile•ahiv. (Me lir two
vt1hieli+011111 runner, made their rip-
yisterdny :uMl this .ting.
blit this afternoon the sun has c
not again and the snow un the
traveller portion of the routs i4 r:lp-
idly diorpp enrblg, while trees whiter
by.gho mel III the7titldle lit •wider
.,tricots owing to the weight ill the
snow lire beginning to straighten up
W. C. T. U. County Convention.
• The ninth annual •1nvention of the•
'Hurn county W. i'. '1'. U. met in
Howell oil Morula y and Tuesday of
this week. The presence of the. Prov-
incial president, \Ir.. 1feK.w, of
H:u•rie, who is in lista •If at ittol, Ie
the conventropeeially interesting
and helpful. The delegates were en-
couraged by the feet that the supet'in-
tendentM of departments are reporting
their work u►ore 0ur(estiful than ever
htfor•. Ofifcerw for the corning year
are ns follows : President, Mrs. E. 1'.
Pxulile, (iaerich: vice-president. Miss
Murray. Hewett : ctul pxnuling lee-
retal•y, ll iso Ella Jimmie. (h.lerich :
recording eeccretxry, Mrs. Hooper.
Exeter; treasurer, Mrs. Holland.
Goileri.-h, Th1' decision ,1. to the•
next ',Luer of meeting was left with
the executive, I As to the plan of
work it wear rer,,nun,•nded that tem-
perance in Sunday schools be made a
specialty : that the eminty Union
pledge its tneutlxers to loyally support
the nllsoionary fim.I and further the
intrust in the weo.k among lumber-
men, and tivat 0-111.3 J;•nion adopt the
dollar fee. therehy putting the official
orgiln. " \Vhite RlhiMm Tidings," on a
snlietahtial iasis.
To Go to Industrial .Homy. •
Young Will Rich:Gds, who was
found guilty of petty thieving and
was handed over tet the Children). Aid
Mociety and by them placed in a foster
'ionic near (ik-ncre, ran away from
tar terrier he was living with and re-
turned to town last week. He haat
hrudly near• than returned here when
he repwatd his old performance, aton-
ing $1(1 from n atone in town. in
court on Tue•atday he shat admitted
a small theft prone the hoose he was
living at to bring him home. He will
he taken to the 1nd0Nt•ial Home et
N' '41.
Married at Winnipeg.
On \Vednewlny. October all, at
Holy Trinity church. IVinnipwg, was
.0detnniz.d tar welding lit Mills
Martha E. Andrews, oldest daughter
of Mr. and Mrs, Win. Andrew..., of
Utderich, and Philip N. Lenrr,nt. of
the staff of The Winnipeg Telegram.
formerly of Lindsay, Ont. The cetre-
mony was preformed by the Rev.
Archdeacon Fortin. The briar• wars
given away by bee uncle. .1. R. Fair-
bairn. and was attired in a Iwautiful
gown of champagne eolientie live•
taffeta silk, with trimnliage of ene-
Aroideted t•hifnn, and hot to match.•
After the ,**lemony the young couple
went to their home. 5111 Agnes stilet,
where a dainty luncheon was served.
Death of Mrs. Morrish.
Nen'. W1104 received un Tne.d:ty by
\Vut..l.wrll of the death from fever
of Li. ,iot•r, Mrs. Phos. *weigh. at'
1'ry .1 a1 Pity, Man. AD•00, Morrish Was
a r'•=ident of this district for many
4'1'411-, having uu,ved t, Dakota with
her husband about twelve or fifteen
years ago. Fore .hnt•t tial:• past,they
'tail been living at l'rS•ntal Gity, where
a lye of four, thive boys and a girl.
survive. Mrs: Morrish wars bion in
1 ..ltwrne township about fort v -six
VPlrs ago and was married thee.
Three bmthero and five sistere sur-
vive:'rhos„ near Dunlop; William, of
town: James. near Ih•Inraine, Maan.:
Mrs. John Allen. Mrs. Will. Allen and
Jars. Ifich. Allen, near Herimiller;
Mrs. Win. Walters. of Salt ford, and
)Urs. Geo. Culbert, of town.
A very de4rabds fernMhed house to resit
qAatl.ret.. Amer at WALTER ('. PHID
1Llt •
1 ' aM:Wand PO acres+morale, one utile frau
(ioderlck. The .041, fenny. and building...re
In excellent condition for rather dock in Kon
end farming. The barn.. stable. and pee-
Ialand on modern plane. with ••'
winderwinder and ample supplyd water. Apply to
YUUNU t It,IOOFar4oN. Uwierich,
Keay. .treed.
A dwelling iturnlehed or nut i. near Like front;
modem son' e•ntenor,
30a'AI,L-Taro new d.ening- on Angle -en
..ere.. ; one dwelling use Pietum .IoM ; also
building Ids on Elgin es emir, k -sox .Cruel.
Cedar greet and fine street.
W*areo. - A few hmti-hed home. or ronmla
near :be lake, 1010111 Mr the -monger +smarm
lattl YOU Nti K ItI,HERTS4•1.
and general *uctl00eer, bee removed from
HalnUton Street to new shone ort South Street,
crying d ti
re be vete be fento all Mom when not
samosteble and ever
ort t ed weirs yyoou satisfaction 'Phone Y50ef
�Jt auttl000er. WM H.mlltop at reef Uoderlch.
P.O. box sat All sale. win rn,el%e .peelal
attention. I will buy your entire .tock of
hoewhold gond. for ea..h. and • will will Yon
.Wye.. furniture, [Danders., tering'•, ear.,
**ap. tell and see what we can An for you In
mkt line (MORUF: BE KI'rl'. tnrlo.ity
shoo, Ooderich,
Beal !"estate for bale.
1' lot on Bruce greet, Uoderieh, J d•
*oily emit of the Central .shod. There are a
number of fruit tree. on the lot and the prop
erty M conseniently located; would notice m
spteaslld building lot. Apply to MRS. M. A.
1 and well -dueled hoe, known n 'Lake-
nlrw,'on KIKIn avenue in the lean uf (lode
rich. The place hoe every oonvenienee and ie
e -pedally selhlastsd fur a boarding house
and Mat present dolour • mood bu.ane'- In t hl.
line. Large lot and a windier of fruit toe..
Poreeelon can be gfvrn l -t Janner( next.
App 1,tof yored .. lir to nail to Mktg. K.
W ilOW ELI. "Laker lee." Uodrreh.1m1.
r firs chute le 1►a/ete farm miser 1 Wewnto-li.
conre..ion 3, Ice 27. with 1:J acrew inn good
tete of cultivation, well frond, well entered,
gond orchard. Igrrggee bank torn, good house.
Po.oaco, blaekmwilb.bol' mod .tore wt uorner
of fern,. buvenlent 10.•houl rind rhur•h, 31
tulles from t'. P. Ft. .ta en at Auburn. Term
owl'. W. A. BARKI/01N, Lucknow. o33n,
11 )Irttenia toad, nod of W. T. tp4gsrneyo
residence AltPle to U. M. KLLIO T: last
SALK. -WO nem In Nest Wawnoeh. two
mile. from Auhmrn ; eon a rl*y fads, about 1411
acre. under cultivation and 71 to 411 sere.
timber. A well ■rid two FFringe of water. a
tie* frame dwelling • Q lid barn, gable and
riving fled. Apply to `I(ll'NO t• ROHI:HT•
!!(y,N Uoderich
1 Estate and Donnie, Agent.. Real
tete ttw, handled apeaheon ndnunty ireand
life tn.urdeTo. money to loan. etc.
1' on Hayfield road, south of Mn. Wept.) (1104
eon'- (molten T. Apply to G. W. Tie WWI k
SUN. 111-tf.
Hasp Orson • Toonecro
AVrwoatsaa CaPVTAI.
• $Llls0sm
To accomodate the Farmers
we have have opened Branches
in the villages of
We solicit the Patronage of the
FA Mega.
NALR NoTS 1 ntat1)I/41104.
opened by deposit of IIILM
Interest at 3% e.ompsnlnd-
ad quarterly.
A. 0. nAMPLIt. Manager.
Young 1ad1.s and gentle
who are desirous of making
wooed are wanted at the
Clinton BusincYs College
(Affiliated with ''Ingham 5n•
neem College
te p
eogtrapl,rrs and T legrk k ajerasten-
(hiring July and Aign.t we
could only fill otOtt TYN Hofthe
ntfered our go
0atslogue free.
0E0. SPOTTON, - Principal.
Ivers. of West Wawanosh,
Death in the Storm.
A sad fatality look piece on M 1ay
night last in the oOiled y of. Nil1',
William hers, a resident of the 5t
.oiue-.sio. if West \Vawaniah, 1 wit
toiler e.t.a, of Iluuge11ntI, being the
.1r. weds left,ti,aiet•ich early Mon-
day evening with a load .t J her for
a low barn he Iry. huilafiug, 11.• 001111
up the ••R•lli 111.41(1" 110113 t • le Will,
/toil the .0•ciders{ h,tppcuwl it short
1101411ce We -t of Nile psatofilee. IL
11111141 11:4111' been 1 010111 p n CIOCk i11 tar
**Veiling. 11 was stormy night, and
itis nelpMM1wrd that in the darkness a
wheel of the wagon may have gone
over the edge of a culvert, overturn-
ing the load. No one saw the acci-
dent and the unfortunate man was
pinioned beneath the Imulwr and lite
life crushed out, of hint. Eat•ly Tues-
day wing, George Herne, of Uun-
g,uutOil, f 1 lvrix team. with the
front wheels lir Ihc_ wagon, 1t Nile,
and M • dist •t• nest. in front of
14aa1 Iletht'tilglort'11 place, he
covlevd the body ill the uuf WWII/Me
11uu1 half htu•iel Iwnewt h the 1 Isar.
Neighb r% wen• called to ;want in sw-
ing the 1 ler and the ►n was
found te IN. dead,
Mt. Ives was in his forty-third) year
and leaves a widow and Nut Andrei),
nye boys and one girl. the eldest about
teen yearn of age. A brother.
Wilson Ivens, lives in (ittde•ieh town -
dud thele are four ,late t : Mem.
H. J. Horton and Mies Lizzie leen., of
Sault Ste. Marie: and \Ln. Smith and
Miss Ivens, of 1'outiatc. Mich.
On 'rue'alay Coron.r llulutes and
Urowu Attorney Seager visited the
scene of the accident and decided that
an inquest should tw held, which waw
iurortingly started the following day
at Dungannon. J. M. Roberts being
choseen as foreman of the jury. After
the viewing of the laxly the inquest
was adjourned until next Tuesday.
when it will 1e restuued et 2 o'clock
p. M. at the residence of J. Voodoo'.
:Vitt .
7'he funeral will take plate tonlor-
n,w floridity) afternoon, at 2 o'clock.
from the raidellee of the deua.el,
lot 17, c •etsion 3, WWII WAN/0100h.
1111110 .11110/11 cemetery.
Capt. Mitchell Orowned.
On Huntley news WAS Veeeivid by
('ol. Young, who with 11. W. Thom-
retest trw•IIM the sCipent •r Julia La•►rs.n,
thAt the captain, J, Mitchell, of
Culle,rttp, had lie f his life in the
storm the previoas afternoon. lin
Sunday afternoon the Colonel left for',
14. int hIl.t*pt .tn to Investigate and do
anything that could be (I. to re.
cover the laxly and on Tuesday after-
noon returned to town, having left
instructions for 14 10 1041rol the
laky shore. the hope being the js ''
itoly might wash ashore. The Julia
Larson had un 41 1.0141 of 1 ler, Lath
and shingles and wan Is 1 trots
Stokes Hay to Kinear ittt. The acci-
dent oceurtrd alarm a licit pek to Sat-
urday alit -mune) about right miles out
filen shote to the northwest. of South-..
newton. The M1, 0' 'trebles •the cap-
tain cun..istd of Alex. \I.'K ay. if
Oole•ieh, and .luw•ph Rutherford, of
Stokes H.v. The rnptain was nn the
deckest before the areident and,
though) no rine saw• hien fall hen the
water, him ciutp aninni noticed hitt' in
the water just atter and threw a 11110'
to him and al -e• threw .nude lumber
out in the hope that he might be able
to saver himself, 7'h.• vetst•1 was run-
ning lwfure the wind torte rapidly 111
allow ref anything else being door for
the unfortunate man. The vessel ar
river) in wifely at. South:mint nit.
)'apt. Mitchell was well known in Col-
borne township ,and ih aqui .flay
i.irlt.with his widow and f ly of
three girls and 1%Ve1 INlyw.
Appropriates a Coat. J '
Detroit, lh•ttlwr 111.--Hoea11•r mite
nearly froze whenever she Went ont-
door%en Weln.alay, Miss Mabel Me -
Leo', ol, aged eighteen. of (iolrrieb.
Ontario, stole a teat valuer) at gill and
sass arr•itel 001 Port Huron \\'rdnes-
day. Alias Melielel has leen em-
ployed as a mufti,. and went to
work Wednesday intoning in a thin
dress that offered but little peel ection
fr the rola. raw wind. She saw
the 0.011(1111 runt belonging to Miss
Angie Drain, another waitrae, :end
thinking of her thin clothes she
yielded to tempt-4114in and in a 'no
meet 'M weakness t,,ok it. She did nut
get hist slew blocks when the theft
was detected and she was iutestel.
At the stat' Mie. Melee NI adutitt•d
co•t and the til•
that she tarok Cho' .r to S
T1,1tr00.01. ti toter Ilth.
Fall stoat. ler bush, new Vet td 7 0 70
Spring *beet, per bush. tics .. d rat to 10 '(n
Rye per beth n 1.5 to 11 65
u lo 0 41
Buckwheat. per bush 4112 to 071
(bV. per
Met,1.0 - - new ... . 0 7! to 0 7:t
Pea., ler both
Barley per Mash .. 0 ea ti; m 11
18410to 18 1p
2 .0 to sliest
Screening.Per los
Flour, family, per eat ...
Flour, patent., (wrote* ...
Bran, per toil
;short., per toll
Hay, `ler ton 7 A to
11'troel. per coni ....... ... S e t to
Butter, per Ih... 31 to
her. per Ib o ... 0 13 to
fl 17 to
lis 1111 10 IA 111
... 01111 to LW rill
im t
e is
tiea11. froth, per dos
Potato..... ._. , ... .. . 11111 to
tattle. ordln'y to gon, per cwt3 en to 4 nil
I'tittle export,per cwt 3 N0' to 3 NI
Hog••, lire weight, per cwta 4i to 11 2i
•p{iing lamb. 4 In to S 01
Mimeo, per owl 3 ,o t0 3 Ne
liana per Ibu 111 10 n111
Heron, per Ib 0 1.1 to, 0 15'
lewd. per Ib 13 to 13
Tallow, per Ib . .. 0 te to n 14
Hide., per cwt ...' .. a Nt to 7 M
Sheeppltkirte 43 to K,
thicken... .. n l0 10 0 111
Illub.ide marke•1. 011 Lhgr :Al
0 17
Lost or ?ound
and IN. Angn.lne em Illi coneet.ion
vNpt RtfWwno.h Monday, bre 3rd notify 10 ,SX. rey A M 4:114 iif. Oo�deerieh. r w be poetaMemo l mit
Situations Vacant
trnattw and quarterly official hoards NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. -OCT. 11,
of Trinity \trthediet church, Bet•luo, eaug
High f• T h 1'a •w-IGllou Uwhrcrr
an important die tissiou took place
grade . r.tiu dg y
Yielding with the (ilium policy of )h1' College. Toronto r A
It 1 itr•alrr Alomtroal viutaly monad.. 7
bard regal ding the holding of enter -
tai nutenls in the church at which ad- I Ilud'• rain Exterminator -V 1'. Dailey la,
lilies' fees would he charged. It a
was titian' ly decided, that no ur-
K,uliz*tiuu its connection with the
church will hr permitted to charge .td-
mis ' in sell tickets for any entrt•-
taiutuent. lecture or reit' hold in the
church. 'rhe: Isogr1 1110'. not purpose
discouraging holding legitimate el-
tertalnutrtlte,. but it 15 u11aniltluul in
its up' ' that they should not he
held with a view to making nutney for
chutrh purfa)ers_
('has. Ostrow was In Toronto the) week.
D. F. Hamliuk was In Hensen this week.
MI.. J. Y. McDonald is tiering in Turemo.
)'has. !limited+ left the. week for Thesseion.
Jack Lewrenea i+spending holiday. in Tor;
gra. Westhead was up flout StretfuiI over
Frederick T. Kgener, of Wuoliatork. wow in
sown on Tuesday.
Mrs. Hagen r.islted fiends Ilk Loudon for ..
few day. this Week.
Mies Irene Arhs.mt 1. visiting her mister
Mrs. Hulliuroke, at Hamilton.
AIM. Della Home, of Kamer. M visiting he,
friend. \lis. Annie Laween.
l'. O. Newt.). left this morning for Toronto
to attend the funeral uta brother'. child.
Hru.•el. Poet : Percy Steinke, of Uateri. h.
here on s holiday' %lett with Id. parent..
Mime Bruce returned to \V►.hingtoo, 11.4'
Met week. after ,ponding the,uuuaur in toe .'.
tiro. 1. Allan has accepted a piedtium we t.
the W. S. Piper Hard ems, ('u, uf Fon ell
Haut. '
Mee. Marsh returned on Saturday to her
honkie lu Tokio atter a eh -tit of several weeks t.
Al atm !tolnee,. and Mir. Jrnkhn., of Clinton.
were the gue.ts.tMao Nellie Harriet during
the week.
Mr.. J. 1. Turnbull and e•hildreo and Mi..
Ibbon has egone to "Burnside Ferwt." New
ton, fur it few o, eke
Mits (1*11. Hlesett left on Tureday for Corn
wall to 'mend a few day. before returning to
her ogee In New York.
James Bartle. of Thorold, wee In )nee
yesterday and owe he Loper to M+ beck to
toutplete the breakwater.
Friday morning with a rifle) of 1,1181
tons of coal for F. H. Hulloes.
It looks as if we were going to lube'
our sleighing. -
The (1. 17, 1. l.itenst•r Weiety held t1
meeting leaf Friday night.
The who maw Azov an ivel In {sort
vestenlay morning, light, bound for
Little Current, and is still in port.
The annual ,at 1 • given by the
.tudentarof the Goderich Model clary
to the studente of the Clinton chum t
trejll be held tomorrow (Friday) even -
'i'he town council on Tu.alay night
awarded the contract for supphyinpl
A pion io
work, neer t
which the O. T, H. steam %hovel wits
digging. low ro11'Linred, uwitg to the
(:rand Trunk opwtatiotits,
A special hueiniwa meeting of the
nu•riller% of lioder•italt lei tioft of the
W tit's Institute 1
the h • of Mrs. J. J.
Square. Friday, lactate
p, tie.
Legal Notes.
The following farm the Oagoolte
Hall reports refers to a Mane which
WAS tried here :
1{,dwrt Bell F:ngine and Thresher
Co. v•, Andel.ydt E. 1.. 1liekina«in,
nole,irh. for plaintiffs, apiwalt d loon
judgment of County (' •t of Ilur.n
tilalliOa tag action on al pr
note Land fur the pt•ite of uuu•hin.iiy
supplied to._ the defendant. The t e•-
r t• defence 1 ,
fend/Olt wet ill 1 t l11 the that
tract' 'f ebte and boiler supplied fly
the plaintiffs Were nit ,e they Were
tepri..tnted to Is. and were of no sse•
fur the purpose required). H. E. Rose,
for defendant, .pptustol molten'. Ape
pen' Allowed and roots referred It:Lek
to county jedge to dame's.. if same
upem evidence mire:uty taken. ('nye.
of thin appeal ttii to ps.rats in cruise to
the w iece4afl11 party. Plaintiffs un-
dertake that should they mover
indgnItnt rape!". ion will not i0.rn-
ocel until (Irfendant has )01 oppor-
tunity of realizing upon mnlhtner)•
in nrsl inn.
Thtr following, with reference to the
dispute between the 1'. P. It. and O.
T. K., also, appearorl in the Osgood..
reports bed. week : Guelph It
Goderich Katilw»y v. O. T. IL. Co. - A.
H, M,•INon,hl, K. l'., and Shirley Den-
ison, Gtr plaint itis, moved to runtime.
injunction greeted by lisal judge at.
Oe01tr•irh restraining defendants, their
seta -mem end agent% from tris ta+uting
11 1)401 Ihr land in the town of (lole-
rieh 114'*"ti %el in an order of the ikuuni
of Hallway (' '..loners dated .duly
IS. heli, tet(:., and from set working on
the *rune or the Innis adjoinieg 1M to
reuse damage to the lianas or the
trout le of the plaintiff% upon the name.
M. K. Cowan. K. C„ for defendants,
contra. 1nllnn•tinn rout •11 anti)
the trial. Costs in the mese unless
the trial Jaded• otherwise onleta.
D drag business. Apply to H. t. DI'NLOP,
.nrc.or to W'. t, timely, Bedford Mock.
Utrderlch. _
gemseNN tsssfak Apph qt. THE
ANTED -AT ONCE, A (0(14)1)
AUssnerwl eervaUL A qty te M RS. H. R.
K EiT, rornsr NrIMw .d C•mbrio rwvt
No. R, Went. Wee-anted)for tie, year 1110;
�mopep.ha+•.a Norman p'(rhnnl L-nlngilf.0net*17'
Rap, Teem..nl' omerl1y P. u., 1(1)01, Ifett
• 4 ..
lits of woad to lite munici
to Mitten Elliott at $11.7, a
of the C. P. R. tr•tsltle-
• elevator, alongside of
111 Int 111.111 at
wand, on the
12th. ,it 11
iinware' Excursion F. F, l.awrwtse
The Knowing Hue - F. H. Martin
A Topper - \Y. ('. Pridbaw
The Welk -over Shue for Men -Downing &
Mac V her 7
A (Mod Chance - BriU.b Anter(oari Bu/dnew
College,. Toronto
Solid Ell reel of Beef -Armour t ('o....
More Silk. ata Bargain Hoslgeu. Hro•
Anuoumminnt-P. T. Dean
Hey Wanted -H. t'. Dealer.
I(uy. Welded -The Slenal
Notice to Creditor. Jane. A. St twchaa
Header - The kneeling Balk .
Notice - Electric. Light Iepartment 1
Mbeep and Lembo, Strayed -J. F. AndroWeI
Auetien Meir -ileo. Beckett `I
Property for Sale -Mesa M. A. Mullin. B.ltaat 1
Tender* Wanted --W. 1. Horton l
Anuonucensent-J. W. Broderick 1
Mia. Huldah Whitely. of Brooklyn. who 0...
been .pending holiday. at Clinton. was eel.
eclat i vr. in town over Sunday.
Clinton N,•we•llecord : Aire. A. 0.11041, 1-
unoi in this week to Uodorieh with the lute..
tion 00 ,,*akMg her home there.
Mn. \IcK of Hardie. proddent of the I'ro-
nin.lal tr. (0. t,. .pen( Sunday in town• the
guo.t of Mee, rite Ach.+.on.
Mrs. Thomas Hetherington left lest week on
her return to North Dakote after a visit to
friend:. nd relative. la Uoderich and ('olborie.
Zurich Herald : Milton A. Huehenan, 1'h.
D.. left last week ter Toronto, tohwmm11enoe
hl. dote. am . lecturer 0. the Unlrerdty of
Toronto Setunlay 1hthl:--sex Anderson,
117 .avenue road, ha., reel! her honer and le
going abroad. Mesa Kai of Uoderlab. will
.Usssnpany her.
11r.. S. W. Alexander rete owl to her home
In Hottentot', Montana, oil T y het. hay-
ing tpCrat the suuuner with herr parent., Mr.
And Mrs. W in. Jones,
311,.• (lease (:ornwetl of Detroit, gave a
throttle tarty w•edmeeday evening of Iaat week
tit honor of her two n1r'e., Mb.. Jean lawson.
of lioderblo. and Mi.. Ida Cornwell, of Hum
Mon. •
I(itgh H. Polley. late of Prpuetoot. Hay• &
'flair. ogee. ha. gone to Winnipeg. where Le
ha. a position with the Pil ner Lighting til.
We wl.h Retia abund,ua ,uceeMS ba Ids new
►error inn,
Mew. Wellwood, of Winghaut, na.. In town
over Sunday with her se)t 1'r. Mn. J. 11. 'nitro.
M 1.s Wellwou,l hettow in a few seek. for
I'Atnq raw at mdrdoruary of the Methodist
Woman'. Missionary Society.
Rev.''. K. Ibweent. It A. It. D., and Mr..
ibeeitret of Toronto. are tiro gue.tt. of Me..11»wtnlie uncle.
Thema. Ilam.. Nelsen .t rest.
Mr. Il,w.ard (.Ihe new held secretary of the
Upper ('en*4a Bible Society, and 1. oemdlnlg
..nue tlmtc lu tar .11.trict in the inters: t. of the
Rev. le E. Beckett, It A., n former 10.0(4. -Id
tow nettle I,uy, who leis been for «Olin time
»..1.1x111 pastor of Knox rhureh, w'Inn)peg,
h». rrclt wt » rill from the l'r•.byterh,o
J. W. \'atiattot•, of Tile all rattle i.. )"ogirgxl iunufia.rbrrry. M..n. Wet have araC
K le•nn,w) sabot Wer ,lt r. )leckrU ham auvrt.nrt rho
in )web w
1 ,t of • Invely merit of rel len or not.
and white hrnLhrt• from .loin Writ- The 11ngn 1511111.1 New., referring to At
4t•1•, ill Fur19c4, who Wit11 his mit tl hal. return Moue of theme Robinette ,tftet• hie r Mit
letlll•IIr11 f1' N vpist 1.h the
Advertisers are requested to send it1-
tloeir copy for change.' for next week
0100 rawly 11.11 tet..ihh• un Monday.
'1'hltnkegiving Day being a holiday.
The Signal wilt b• printed :t day
earlier titan usual.
The lung-rttahlishel Hrno of Ann-
ie tiros. err Still tieing hlt-ilte.4:tt
their old stand on Nelson ,hx••t. A
reference to their stdvertiw•su•nt tut
'mmgt• t elf Iii+ issue will gite• oour
1, ceder» an idea of how well thrix
winos can be Mltpplioti in 1 psi rnnh,
tanning mill attachments. ear.
)Ill to U..lrrirl. and Montreal. Key. : The Snndsy
wilted rally In the \ler hudMt ('hurctl on Sun
day het q*• very interning. The .mperin
leldrut. Mr. Rohoteel. having jus ret eeriest
Dunn the Emil, the .chod ro.• en mase and
�tMt r bin the 1•hat.tuqu. .ahtle withaheraldl-
nes•• whe h .hewed he wow mutt heartily 0'.I
inyt rl back. Mr. Robinson gave as ,•xeetirnt
outdoes. of weltro.ur In 011."
The I04111 trw1'ipts of the excite.6M
(runt this tomtit t.) the Guelph Agri-
cultural College in Jose last, raider
the auMpieem of the Farmers list Hulett
of he county, wet+• 51341.30. Of this
am,,.int. $:211.25 is elivided a11uog the
three tiding Imititutes, Tickets were
sold for 7714 adults and 506 children.
A well-known citizen w'hn has been
making a count of the new hotter* in
course of erection i•eportm ties en In Mt.
Andrew's wart, nine in Mt. (ierrgt M
ward, sixteen in St. David'., wand and
tlunl5h he ane not made a count in
St, Patrick', weld he thinks there are
enough In bring the total to close ort
Uo4t+rieh had a brief %left the part week
from t u former re .ideate, Arthur I*. 1tude. of
torero, 1111,. end 1'r.vch IL ordr, of Few
Hrun.wit , who lied not been here fur lash Y•
10,1. year, The N
rer+. Olde enmu
dhrlk, who lived many year. ago at
Ihr wed end.\Tb'i had not been back la
(xterich.In.s- ten.' Om here In their youth,
,Ind not nr»II)1 they waked) groat theme.. in
the town. They found some 110,0 grnmmer
shod .ou,rehe- diol bene. Mrludlnsi 00.',»!
Reynold.,., K. Halt end 1:. N. levet., M. 1'.
Emile lik 'I'. keener. ferment, of Umlerirh.
now ermined of ('Telmeky' church, Wo,d'to•k.
hA.tern tormented or nets( Ind rhMrtn,u.Uer
31 Z0011 Pre-byterinn rhumb Brantford. being
oleo ell 11141 4, .don• of app rant.t, The (too
tom i- worth 77110 n year and r. Itereeler 1. to
to rongral mated on hi. close..., 111. 001/10,
gat inn of Meitner.' rhtrch are' sorry to part
will) Mr. 'genet and offered to 4,s, r,'aJ• hl+
[Diary, Mel he doweled the ptr.ltlo,t ate Brent
funl offered larger $eopo for hie abilities; He
will aaeutne his new pweition on November 1-1.
said will then have •hnree of a new three
nutnaad organ rrrnntly Installed at a heel. of
._.- --- ---- --
A Magazine for Women.
The New Iden \V(rtllall'n Magazine
keep. up to its name. 1t is a woman's
magazine and a good one, iL tells
'Limpet. Owhitins, needlework. cookery.
household affairs, etc. it. contains
ninny bright moaner; and clever dew-
rriptive artiriest. The 'prier of the
New Iden %Vnmot i, Magazine is :so
verde a year. Mutweribets to The Sig.
nal may secure it for :Li cent. by mend-
ing their orders to this office.
The Hrusee•le Post say* of a former
r•mident of that town who has bre
a citizen of (ederich : "Jnn. 1h Id•
eon, who sold out his hal teas .hop in
lirusmelr to George Mte•mn, bus pur-
chased the hn.inesw of A. J. 1'aitridgt,
Ooericb, slid hitt., taken pewee..' ,
110 is it fitst'clnst mechanic and en-
loyel n. large mule in the ten yenta
he spent. ho'oe. 7'he many friends of
Mr. and Mr.. Donaldson herr will 1e
glad to kuuw they have lt•NI WI No.
,,rnvrnientlyp� t' their std Menu• 111
H•ielele. We wish Mr. Iktiikls,m
success. Ile was a insula'( til the
tali it conttcil while acne,-'
It. It. 'aline.' ehnw window 1• tawny. nn
ohjert of Intent to theeeperhy.- there 0.
.omething .o article and lifelike In ale per
trait Work. .\ Melt to hl. *mho for a .01110g
steer. romlt* In etl.f,totton.
iomrtIme. the weather owing. .o-mrprite,
no, for exx,nplo, the pmvent bode of winter.
Mo patron. of )'ridham the tailor '+ are con-
tinually being .urprl o4 rat the .pendia etyle.
fit and drams of hi. fine tellers, work.
Let Wilmer Smith ,p.Mt yen to make the
hone. comfortable end mem t for the Indoor
ee.cmn. He.dgmarten for art mei ergo *011
Irtore framing. lounge. anti ell Port+ of np-
hol,teres work. Hare your raid fltrnitnlo
re-covered with the latest m*terlal,.
The harbor sawmill le again nut
The steamer Havana arrived last
The proprietors of The Signal
received a few days ago a very
kindly letter front Dr. C. J. Hama -
ton, of Cornwall, a former resident
of Godench, who is sell well
known h e r e. Our Godench
readers will be pleased to know 01
the Doctor's sentiments tow
the old town, and we therefore
the liberty of publishing the I
in full.
Messrs. Vanatter & Robertson,
The Signal,
Godench, Ont.
Gentlemen :
Enclosed please find $2.00, which
wall renew my subscription for The
Signal up to January 18th, 3908.
I may say that 1 look forward to
receiving your paper with great
pleasure, and by its contents I (eel
that I am almost as well ,n touch
with the affairs of my old town as
if 1 were liytng there. You cer-
tainly appear to be taking a lead-
ing position and I sincerely trust
that the old town, which has been
one of the most beautifully situated
of health -giving places, in my
mind. shall continue to progress.
1 sometimes think that the citi-
• pens do not thoroughly appreciate
its beauty, and the many advant-
ages at has (or the comforts of its
people, and were 1 differently situ-
ated nothing would give me more
pleasure than to return to the old
town of my birth that I might end
my days there. 1 am,
Yours very truly,
Whets you havegood potatoes, butter
and freak eggs t0 all' in•ing them to
MAN the grocer and get the highest
cloth ot• trade price.
Re, wire and look Into the merits of
the light -running Eldredge & Vindex
Iwwing machines before buying. J.
Interrsling se•rvicew were held in the
Methodist ehurchto of town on Sun-
day. when Itev. fir. Putt,., of Tolmto,
and Rev. ,L ,s Livingston, of Lan-
don, p1•s•nlel the 1.1aim, of the e1117
rational intelemta Of the church in
powerful addressee.. tergr cosset elm -
times attender the services at boil(
The annual meeting of the Bible
Society will be held in North street
Metb,ditt rherrh on Monday ,'vetting
rat K o'clock. Hcv. W. K. Hnl•rwnl, the
new field) ,sM•retnt•y for the S(wiety,
will deliver an Illnstrnte(1 ler-titre on
the work of the /society. Special col-
lections and nnh.rtfptiona will betaken.
Mr. Haaari will alien preach on Sun-
day morning In Knott church and in
the evening In North street Methodist
A carload ret•eived of the beat
grades of patent dour. Will ex-
change for whett, for which 1 will
allow a cent above market price for
till taken out in trade, Alla oatmeal.
ctc. Highest cash price laid for all
cereal.. A. J. ewer's..
1f�HO AtNs . At the 1 i
oderich bargain
.tore. Just increased our .tock of
(shots, masher goods, etc.. and have
also a attlal lot of ready-made cloth-
ing. All to go at cracking good bar.
lemma J. W. HtwnsRic K.
Next Thursday, October pith,
Thanksgiving Day, the Lieber' Aid of
Vi.3nria street Methodist church will
serve a New England dinner frutu 6:111)
1st M p. 111., followed by a first-class pro-
gram of vocal and instrumental music.
,r'ritttione and ,speeches. Adtnission
Dr. Voider, of Stratford, specialist
in eye, ear, nose and throat, will be
rat the Hotel Bedford, (loderich, on
Monday. October 15th, from IO2Oa, tn.
to FAO p. tn. for temonitatiin. 1)r_
Foster has recently returned frown
nearly t.wt. yeah study in his speci-
alty ahrtxul.
Norma:. The (mown' who oer Tues-
day afternoon picked up a wire
etre(cher,with strep attached, belong-
ing to the town electric light depart-
ment, while• the linesman was up a
John Acheson's, will please return it
pole, on ('tonieria gond, near re.
Agricultural Meter,.
in the early month. of 1922 what
proved to be the first Burressfnl' gat)
hue agricultural motor appeared, con-
testing at nearly all of the greet agri-
cultural, competitions' of the .eaion In
England and carrying off the gold
Medals from the horse in every con-
Plowthg proved to be the first phase
se fano labor to rrl(1oh the agricultur-
al motor Iva% introduced and at which,
toter year" ago It made Cts leftist repo
Cason. Tor it 1410141ng test among
bombe. steam power and the gasolln0
motor two and three-quarter err.•% of
very heavy Nay soil were seleeted. It
was a condition that Cha ferrates Were
to hp new' Osolt.a wide and eta Mehra
dom. in daisy the work nine horses,
three to a plowe elfin threw drivers and
three boyo, 41d the work at a tMal coat
or telt, or et the *ate of $2 1R ver
acre icy steam power the total ogee
d pinwleg the same area amounted to
a total sof 19 n7, or $402 per acre, and
with pm aa•011se motor the can. to
Wed 74 N. or at 51.97 per erre For
plowing purposes s titre.) furrnwed
pirrw is berarlahly meet except In
heavy clay ansa. wharf a temple of
At is recent joint meeting SI ILe farrwprevi suffielent.-Tedllnlcal
W.tld wi Mapaipe,
to the ;market bettor ineurringfort bet -
trouble. This picking up of town
tats must be stopped. By order.
lotyegoar.1a•toh•rahh.-Aneflonmeteof home.
hole furniture at the ore-tdmsa of AI(THl'K
WILSON 'McKinnonrti rayl. We.l .tteek rat
2 o'clock. 11E0. H3. k 11't -y, nrtloneet.
Motorise, I letott er I:41.0. Auction ..le of term
.took and Impleme.Y, prolm'rty M THOMA
5130(111 Mnitlan4 rnncee.lom, i'olloo'rne. TM
GI'NDR'Y, e►rtloneer.
Tiv.Wy, I.etober lath. - Amnion min of
farm dock. Inlplonlonte. rte.. property of JAS.
tHM(ol'R, Mt 11t, eon•rswlon 1. F:*rl Wwa-
w..et. T. ail NI)H1', snrtlone•r.
WY.utoashsY,October *7th. Auction sal.. .r
fano +tusk and Inlplemeet., pr,gert y of J11H\
W'ILy1S Int S. ,om•..04101 1, W, 1t.. Ashield
r.111. NMI". surtioneer.
1'Jtmit. I0•toher loth. Auction sale of terra
tol'k. implement. end holieehok3 furniture.
mpprerty 011 PIA HLF' 1'I�551'5, nnnee+.lo. 7, tiaferlrh townddp. T. lil'NIMt C. enet keen.
T(gen AV. Octnter M. Aiu•tion 'tike of
rattle 0111 home.. property of ROBERT
)'LUNK1:7T, Wawwnmth. TMMC. OI'Ni1RY,
.,sol loner.
WLruHMsAI. nlrlolar 21. -tui tinn .ale of
tents , plwp.rly� of Hngi. Roe., lot Ia.
Wit 7, Oodeft , town -hap. T. 01:04t.Da , tiwetlonner.
E V ERiTT. In Ua0.Nrh, on Tteeec0y (tetober
*h. Andrew Everitt. Infinite son of Mr. and
Mr.. Andrew Everitt. FJ,aott+erret.
!VERS. - Killed *L Nile. a1' Monday1. ctoher
me, 0'1111*m leen, of Wast aw.neah,
a.w1 IX rem, a month,. ends der..
THOMPNn1_In 11emlg4rlrh. nn W.Anwelar.
(0I,.be`` 11%h. 11031 Hod.. only daughter of
tits ae+A 54.. evilli*m Tlhomptn, mertl y
•tont he and 1 day,