HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-10-4, Page 8•
a Troaeoa,, Oct. 4th, 1900
Was the Great Northwestern Exhi
tion Everybody Pleased.
That the (teat Northwestern E
hihitiuu has entered upon a new e
of prosperity is the general belief
ter the great leicersa of last wee
Thr attendance was not the large
that the O. N. W. has seen --the ye:
of "Broncho John" and his Wild We
aggregation still holds the record
that re -insect -hut judging from 11
receipts more people attended la
week's fair than any preciuo
one with the one exception me
Limiest. The receipts et the gate an
the grand stand amounted to coni
thing over $1,t5)I) ;' and although
balance sheet has not yet been war
up it is contldently expected th
there will be a surpfas after expense
and prize money err paid. If the su
plus is large enough to. pay the pri
utuury withheld lour. years ago
touch the letter. At auy rate Pre.
dent ('bark and the directors and o
flcials of the Soviet have good r•easo
to congratulate themselves upon pu
ting the exhibition again on its few
After el crisis of several year' dura
tion ; and nett year there will 1
every encouragement to go on to eve
tetter things.
The weather wan was kind Is,
week and (loth on Thursday and Fr
day the weather was superb. The ex
hihits on the whole were in *dram
of thus. of recentrears, will a fr
exeeptiona, notably. 1 he twills•
classes, which ahowevl fa great fallin
off. The main building ails
more attractive than tumid,this twin
due in a great measure to th excellen
displays made by enterprisiu
ant+, in the list of the spec
plays published last week we
a'rrtently omitted mention of .
Kelly, jeweller, who had a display
souvenirarticlks and other goods i
his line. The 1'enetian tend and th
hand of the :1rd regiment made good
musical attract and the tithe
special features helped to keep thing
lively. Ort Friday the speeding test
were the great attraction.
The prize lint is published on page
4 of The Signal this week.
Notes of the Fruit Display.
As the fruit exhibit at the tireall
Northwestern is one of its chief fr:1
tures, some notes on the display by.
t oerver will be of interest
The exhibit this year was arknowI
edged toy All to be,
If not the large.►
at any rate 1 h heal ever shown herr.
The season hauleen very favorable
for the growth of the fruit. and it is
doubtful if the display herr eolith! Is•
surpasawt anywhere u, the Province
fur perfection and •i beauty of tope
The applets Were of course the most
numerous. In the tett-variety class
there were seven collections. 154 it...
desowrt and cooking denotes there were
right and seven respectively, with IIs
platen in the three tions. The
large windier of exhibitors in these
1 dis
Claws Made it is difficult lark to I for the maintenance •If its hand.
judge. and the winners or th.. red Murray. Bods„ it 1:*,i Me 5 thing woe i , i
tieketa may feel justly proud of their tangible to show its appreciation of
Thr ringlr plates of apples »ur-
lwrrd over :31ttl, and it clot be said that
there was scarcely one plate that was
below standar) fur calor, size and
bc,u t y. The duchess. kings, hald•
wills. spits and talliiw'atry were well
represented, and .nine individual
spCiuletls were as petfe''1 in size and
color 115 could poaaibl• Ila shown.
In the pear clans there were three
volley! tins of six. find six collrctiong
ofjthre.., and siuglr plus.-+ numbered
over seventy five. The loitletl
duchess, clairgeau and bower hw,•
were the most nnnler,us, with
samples that it wdttld be impossible to
several new seedlings, both i
apples .and pears, were shown »•hie
ale certainly well deserving o
The clunk tilled 0111 twelve plias
and owing to the lateness of the sea -
Son Weer not as well r•pres5.uted rat
the other fruits. Peaches tilled ten
plates. all go sod varieties. auu nts which
there were several exhibits of seed-
lings wtai,-h were very tine.
Grapes Hued seventy Ill:ites.
with nearly all the sections rn the
prize list filled. The hunches were
large and presented a vets tempting
t'aterme•Inns and muskmelons were
a tempting display and the citrons
were run'piruuus by their •iii and
number 44 entries.
The task of judging the Loge 4y04411-
[ it y ti1 fruit was indeed a vet y difficult
one, for . • of the samples were so
near perfection that it was a task
that none hat an e•xp•rienr•.•.1 judge
would undertake to decide on their
comparative merits. The time oc-
cupied exfelldeS1 olrr Ira hon,. iit'
solid work and the task was net/ c -
pleted before thr.r•losc 11f the Hal day
the .how.
Musical Society Acknowledges Receipt
of Subscriptions from Citizens.
f I'.,JOFH,C1 HHAN(;o
its laud, which is uuay a gold 41445•. It not so nil -11 what
fret "trophy, J. II. 5'ulleeruc.
K.5'. Has., H. F:. Ilmi•ete.
H. .1. Achevrl. A. le. M.•t,.•au.
Dosu,ug ,L Mc1'icer, 1 H. Hawk/do.
M na. lane, ' li te. Reynolds,
I'..(, Nairn, 11. L. Hot too.
J. I. ul•aat,5. Farrow.
w. T. Mur,iey, N . F:. Fully.
Jana, Ilickson, 511n, Ti11.
W. saints, Mitchell A: '1'..1d.
W. 1. Eliot. H. H. Beckett,
li. »'.Thum -wt & Son, .1. Kadd.
H.15 winnow.. sovereign Kook,
W. A. McKim. H. W. Thilul-un.
huuee-Mchuo.h. Fled Prhlhuu,
S. E. Huck. K. N. lewd.
Mayo. Tilt. A. It. 'Thum. '
M. ll. 1 lulwm,, I '5434'. S5agrr.
J odge Hoyle. In. "tonics.
H. 1. Morrish. J. W. 5 rand..
Dr. Hullo*, Un 51 luteiy.
E. F. l+swrence. J.a- Cho k.
Ib llel)onnl.l. In, \trine.
Storni,/ Hank. ' N J. Morris-ey'.
.Iohnstont Morrow. I' T. DW,o.
John fuse.
get, as what you sate on pay •
day that determines your fu
• iure success. Therefore gut
the habit of saving as much
as possible every pay '
ave day, Iu
Sovereign Bank of Canada
$1.00 opens;t'.5 account, and
interest is paid 4 times a year.
On Pay Day ?
,-. Jordan Hh.•
The Rapti -t ('launch •eivices will be
held as ii.u'll in the public library
fret ul'r 1'.nan. Ilrxt Sands'. The ..,,5s.
j.'. t in the evening will lie "The
Prortai.eof 1.'134N -sit y."
Rev. 11. Clement was at l.uudun-on
Sunday preaching in the L'mlpiess
11 crone Met hik13.1 church, which has
rtteelllly rs•ell re.op•urd, Otter a 01111101
of i•rnap•aliuu. \!r. I'Ienient in one
of the Iwooer pastors of the Kmprtsn
lt111(55. ion, and 'Lev. I. 14,
1Vafwin in the presrut pastor.
The corner s • of the new St.
4'yprbau's church, Toronto, ief w bleb
Rey. (', .1. Stager, formerly of lloile-
'irh, is the 14.11.'1',w'as LI 14 Last Satur-
bay. The new .5ilrtnre will Iwallut
11'5feet by Jafeet, inside iliulrnsi.us,
with a seating capacity of 7555, and
will Iw,bnilt stn 111,41 .a gallery emu 10e
added Tater. 'rite cost will Is.' about
*111, taps
Rev, ,loon Polls, D. G., of Toronto,
the eloquent :old 5..lpnhu' general
seeieta.ry .415.4114,4114411 •e1 the Metho-
dist clwr.'h, will 5'rv.lru 111 ti I.is-
The Musical Society has much
pleasure til mrknuw•Irtlging donations
til 1411e dollar each t111111 the fnlluw•ing
citizens (1wn1113. 111e 111»111 t.'Hart(',• 41f
the land. This is 1,1111' a ,partial Ent.
The Valance of the Il4Jllt•5 will he pub-
lished ne•x( week. 1'. A. Nairn, the
treasurer of 1 h Society, will' Ia-
i'I. 'tsl to reeeiye eul1G•riptIona of tine
dollar for this laudable ubj.s•t from
any citizens wh he has not vet had
nn opportunity of st•eirig. The hand
r t he kept going males. all 41411
citizens show ,a literal disposition in
maintaining it . The town council
eontrihnles R;ast a year, all of which
g1W1. to the h1rldmpasti•r, and the eili-
%WIN Rhombi hal forget that the hand
Ii. 4)'(5 5115.5. 5115.11 services gratuitously for
the 10•x14,111 10 the benefit /mil enjoy-
ment of all. In the town of lash re-
t•ently the eit:ions subscribed Pon
and the town eounril el. noted $1,4511
Next door
Post Office
Our Selling -out Sale still
Next door
Post Office
NEXT FRIDAY, Oct. 5th, being
ing Dungannon
annual Fall Fair We are making ever)Pre ra ion
t,, h.ixe it the Banner Day of
and in order to accomplish thi. feat 115 MI11 Offer many
Special Lines .lt Clearing Prices.
When out at the Fair call and inspect our • Goods
Thanking .you for past favors,
i am your obedient servant,
N. B. -Look out for;hand
hills with list of Specials.
Fanning Mill, Pump and General
Water Supply.
Fanning Mill Department Pump and Water Supply
Thr 1.4110.1 Imp,v,'•4 seed 1 and
I4rain 1 Waning Mar'hine pill clean prey and
every kind of weds or groin ninon 1 n t hr man
nfnct 31.44. 011 h the +peed of Lilly fanning mill
of e'l.,,l+rev la,,[[ ca levity. ThN ho nr,',l4og
theta. report cleaning-
ng- for rnarkel one bn•h.•t
per retinae and 0f rr,
They will arp,arale tltnOthy send front any
kind of (min it 'nay he in. anti clean ,t while
cleaning the grain. without Wowing ann113.
f 1 he
rod away. It not only •letr, hot rr•se1•
when ,•11•aning then., It Is +ealit to '1.4411 torn
nth., clnrer, Any, err., 0(14144* to the 1'igh.prir•nt
A rnerlean I'llpt•er Seed ('leaner.
4 1- one of the test machines ,aa11ulalt tired
for cleaning nut wild oat., me-IaM 'end, wild
Aa.. (hese:mil tither «main.. grain 1113* .rrd-
fmrrl any grain they may he In.
To nova ox iwn'r to the farmer of hit} Ing a
«holo fannOrg ndll, Ih1- raw line as made to
hang in the .tor of Minos, any ordinary fan
nine milt. and wilt tic fitted in with no rat re
charge, without injuring the mill ordi.nrrw'It
ing It fur the no. of 1(5 own .let ,aa, and
teed to work as repteeenUl .4 no coil•.
ft inn be taken nit, of mill at Say IOnr moat -t
as gn,rkl) and so snarly we n thnr .•wohine•.t
seas e. Thr one machine cur. 1* 1..14 in mom
than one udlt if .,r,e..ary.
The prier of the machine enmplete with Af
teen .10t r. i. TW F:I,v F: I N 4.1.A Ifs, del l vent,
Pt tett In min and guaranteed.
'The „•unr ,npph- of Wadden Primps Ins
stork or hma.r well• n
ns• ri.trr.
A Iarge variety of t era floe Ism 1'nngs fnnei
leading Man ,tor• fur drelled or dna .tell•
or cistern. fur 1u01,I nr ,mN'1•r nae.
Th. ,rhamipion easy working dirt: well
P 1s uta. cry •I tong, well Houle and inn le
worked by notion" and l c it
rhe -n
well sore gt1'e0 large flow of water. Menafar
tiered In one as) two way .tyle. for drilled en
dug wells, for hand or poor..
Saki and Sink Pumps.
The long dram1gtht pumping mnrhtne.. nm
. pvieell) ..1Mpnd for den wing non.' f
well-, springs 1r eros k• -it Mot 113 n /1/4/1/3/1/4/1/3//1/4//1/4/1/3/1,r
rnl' hnndnd fret If nm•.•u,rs t from the
Libor rt here the p plug machine I. located.
The pumping Mine 3*m•- not wetter Mn1.'5.
,parr and ran be 1dansyl In Aorta•, .tall• ens
ynnl. Sot oieU tam'. this n.ar•hhrr 11-11,
water none the .1.03,1 like the ordinary pomp,
hot hs 31101 lour a slide the em31e of the wafer
• ,'hongel and .Pmt to any on her plum rrrptrad
hm,gh tripe. laid .ndrntrnei d or civet head.
Thi. timeline .not he plotted directly over well
,f dr+irP4. It Is well adapted fat 110110 nae. Imp
• nn be at tAr•hel 1 o power. If ran be work.•d
by wmm•n ni rb,ld len and 1.,. large ...anent ,
Anyperson mewling hl. :van 0.45.0 0111 lar erm'idernbM 5.55.3 01 rr 5,, 100,1111Y (hi/ kind of
alloed one dollar n.1 rote of machine. when work we have no hr.itiallnn In g,uaran•reing
mitering ...nrhine mention snake of /annnlg ayC♦ 3511 we will.nderteikr for we w111 30!,•r'
moll you want n1110510.5.33041 Into, ,t toe.lhl., t*FP 00,501. where ...mink the 1.01.4511.111.d
aloe width of .haw te?Ornldt• In suecessfner
l ly operate :5 ram. Thte
ousol3y of st moms nested and level, taken fav
Sieves and Screens for any Mill, 01 cherga for arswr.an employing u. to yon
*their work. If the •v.,Pm can tog otrrntel
Any quantity or .Ire of Ican*,M ns• hlwrk We ripply ell stork fm yah.
Iron Mpe emptied with all kind. of pipe At -
tinge A quantity of mooed ha d half Inch pipe
fnr „aN'.
commie. patten for ratting. 511111`r
and I,)'ine tap... A11 en'',tHe. thrnngh matt
w mpp'l Ir 'nto. Mall order,. e*r.fldly
INN Hot and r01d water system. for dwelling
11aewea. Water supply .. poen for stable. an
)easel• with all I ..'l..a, )' pipe.. hydrant,'. tank.
sect, stork Marna• rte, ml the asset Improved
le the old stand. near corner of Nilson and Victoria Streets. GODERICH.
1V Rinse', os v. Oct.
I Thr folluwirl; is the 1044441 hl' report
of S. K. Nie, 11. Stain v. for Septem.
her ( mune♦ are iu- filet' of inrl11 :
V. -- Etta .I:,rrolt, a -,a Iira'si, k. Nor-
man .,ones. IV, . 11. JI. I''islui
Attgir 4 irnuue ll, i lel herr .lune•.,
111. -John Kehl. Jas. I,.• •Il. March
Hattliwrll. Senior ll. Arthur 1 I 811.11111M11
Lola 1:lthwell, Alton 1'i -her, ,lunior
11 all Paper
1'1)-b1.454t5 designs in %Vali
5'.yer, 'rake advantage of 1114'
1'leaving Orale during the tors
,t septenller and 5.1c1(11er.
Prices range 1 is• to :Ilk• pet
School Supplies
lle'athu truce's tor School
nooks and Seined Hlupplies,
1�115111Pvt holm+: K 11.111. t(1 11
p.n ,
Tenn, :,toe 31 y Cash
Geo. Porter
Court House Square, (ioder,ch
Telephone No. 100
I, --Anna 11.waI, iil.t 1; I1Iibrll. I'.u•t
I1. -- Alice 11c3tm•chi,•. Wallie 3.1.- I C
stone Jl.Kay. An., Fisher. The I
lestspellers in the 1o0l111hly spelling
matches were : V., E.; .a .larrutt ; IV.
Murray Fisher ; 111_ John Kehl :
senior II., Arthur Joie •- : junior 11.,
Anna \1. Hood.
Reath. Pall 1. -Net -01 H.hwi orrugated Galvanized
mnrnin1 next in 1' 1.144111 sheet Meth. .--_
°dist church at 111"5.11 s'k and in NI birth
street Methodist chltreh' at i o'clock.
Hes, .buue's 1.i1'ingste.n, of t..mdi 'u.
will preaelt in North street chore!) in
the •untg amt al 44'1('loriia street
church in the Pr. -Ring. The oKrrtugs
al Intl II r)Mrrhrs asill fro in .lid of the
educational wink of Ihr Methlslist
TcFso 1 t', 11(•1, 2i1.1.
441. lis ltobinlatiip, Garrey
herr, was in town fur I few days,
Mrs. lir.l•ge Porte' tiel,1 is visiting
her .ister•iii-bas•. Mrs, .145, - Fer•guselrl,
.1. Elgin Tool. 1. P. '.. visited unr
cblu, h• school 4111 Monday anal 11•011114 favor -
In the absence of th,• pastor, Her, Innis.
W . H. l iraha14, at Sp•u•ba. the nlorw-
ing ,erciee at 1. ictnri:a street 3J.-lbn-
dist church INI Slltralill• was conducted
by Mrs, 1ir,ahanr. who deli%rtel :411
t•xeellen1 .eg'n141. JI rs, 41reh:1/n
conies n411Orally by her pulpit :al,ility,
as her father is Rev. T. 11. l'.uuplwll,
x forimu• pastor 111' Nitta 11 Of Wet
chu1Y'll, ,t'id her mother nn Mori.
thfin 1115*' 11•ca1sion eg•r•npird Ihr pulpit
in her 541.1141,,1a ale.enee anti gave
diaeotrae' which Were marked by
• 111(511 ordinary ability.
Me.. Doe and Mn Wailer ?rare returned to
Mn. Kidd. Sallow. 5. -pending a few dais In
Luck now.
41Ntle, Hulme, of w',nithuo, was in town
ul0r Snuda3. .
Mn. H. .I, Hortim, on Sudt Ste. Marie. 5.
.l.iting in town, •
W. 1'r,.dfnot jr 1- taking a course at Trinit y
1'oll.igr. Toronto.
Harold Ta vlor Ira on M,mdar for Toronto to
n•+ • 1.5. .1.1•11..:
1:4, Domini le it this week t , attend the
1-nlvenii y of Toronto,
Mr, John Mo -sly and \I5•' .Ethel Mosley left
on 3ka11aJwy for 'I mono.
N. H. 4'an.el.•n. M. 1', P.. left Imlay 111111 trip
/.e .11untrrnl Arps Inland,
Miss 1.1IIMn M.•ittmald heaves Ili• afternoon
for fortnight.- . isit in Toronto.
Will les Male left on Monday to take a
1,11 -ins--, °urge roars.. at Toronto.
MI+. Helen Leckie. of Kinc4Mlne, 5. the
attest of her hraln•r, T. T. Leckie,
Leo Rhos tenoned to iondon on Mem.4y
after-.p•Ialing hi- leellidays in tow1,
\Ir. and Mr-. W. I. Horton left on Tnewley
on » trip to Toru+.t a And Port Unmet,
V. N. 'Elliot' and 11, F. HMO (rave - chi+ after.
no0, fur 1 ht.Mg.i on a boon,- c1 rand.
Arnold l owan has 'returned to Toronto to
rr,an4• hi- work: at the 5k•utnt l allege.;
:Methuen McDowell left la., week to attend
the 1 nit+u-,o 1411.in,•-- rOleg.• al ik•Ilts elle,
.1. T. Ilartand hi taken w
A• 1,nitn
en with
Il10br-ire 5110�rsrellerin'51 p A
lt5-' ('Sara .1. Hi. -acct. of New York r ;tr. i.
pwndmg n few 1101'115,'+,.t het home, postult)re
build inK.
111-- .smell a Marton,. of elintrm, h.. tern
tp Pending a week In n
town, the ¢e.t of kir. endAh•. ole..rge Harland.
Mr-. N. W. Nati` left F-ridnr morntngR,� for
Lakenrkl to be with her -1.4•r, w hone ho -band
a-1- killed hT a n+naw•wetenne.
John n. Carrie arrived,50nu, front Mnnitub.,
10.1 Nenk 3114 h•/,m noonday 10 IP+nm. ),
•nodi, - w w'yr1iR,• �r'ollege: Toronto.
W. A. SHWA, til iirnvs'r., rat., wee, 14'11h
friend- in too n over+411„day;,Ind left on Mon-
dav t0' i•ir Tro.'yatcr, hi. f0r1Hrr home,
4s•. Man,r•r Nortel left nnSArordnr for
Censtldr, n, rakes po.ltion a' }pram tenons
for Ur. Irmo,,. who be, gone wee am n 4ip.
Mi.- Minn Leckie left on Monday morning
for I'rnrghkeep-le. •shere a has a position
of Deal, ,nr+m. she had been vl+lty,g her
brother. T. '1'. Lecke,
It.ahtinnd Molten'W, -on of 4. Mrihmnld,
ngi•I ear of the Ili(h ('onrr. left On Sat unMy
for Klryh,t.n. to take n emirs, in engineering. at
(ams, t'nirer.ity. -
'I. -r- 1111vr Tot ma'am' Jean (•antrinn and'
airs Irs.te• f.lnklaler. of Donlop, left nn Sotnr
day to taken emo•5 at the *1017(3in Nnnunl
rWiesen HA0IH1,n.
Win. 51.175 .,h mid,n trip to Toronto nn
Malarial and on sondem' returned honer
bringing will hien w'.• .1. An• 'real h_ Nho ha+
been in St. 111, hetet.. bonneted for the past
\Ir., Waiter Hera and dn,.tbler. ,of F:Ihn.
3111e, ',1r. 311001g the former'. parent.. Mr. and
\In: eco. 'I'h»nl.on. North street. Mr. Horn
w,.•. here over (4,111 3)'.
Mr. and Mr . F.. It.- 11'in-law nvd rhlld, of
Ware, \)a'-+.. who had wbeen vi•aling fur a few
week- al the 1 ,., • III its. 5V111 -10W.•1 parents,
Itr. ,d Mr. ,huhu F. bale- 1,1urnrd lamme.
Werk. ,
Mr, and SI,.. A. St tattoo and their gn04.
Iba oghtrr, \la•. Norma whitely. h,11-f,n•nlrned
after le three weyk 11.af watt lir. and Mr..
Sl minal. danphn•r. Mrs. Luther Robbins,
Hm'h1'-ter, N. 1.
A. Wumdrv- refrot-ft1.,•t work from w(1n1
da•g, 01101'3 IIP alb•NIe,1 the monied meeting of
1 he Amodio l Ilanoot, toner.' A.:m•i:01m.
Mr. % nndr•r. has again leen Appointed to the
vxr-'ulirr rmerm•d of the .t+weaathm.
.l. H. tin w'kin.1.01 on Al fay 1''44... me the
Nv1111 In «111.13 be wee. engaged Iwlllre soar
mro.'lllg betant.., in 3iralerlot,. A,• travelling
sole -tom l for A 1W-be.le.' gen.. Ii, ha, (forting
nhd New Hrnn.wlek n. ht. territory.
The vetcrnn li. T. 1t. ro11d3,etwr, Wellington
N' bo par leen it
1 at h{+
Resat -
for .nine lime, .1 AS h HagH•rk•h on TrM.
41. and hi- many Mend. OM ghd 10 -IP that
hr i• n bell improved in Audi
COO Reward, 11100.
The render of train prowl well lee pleased to
10 0111113? there. 1. of l•a., one dreaded dl.ease
that w fence has liven nide In rune In All Its
-?Ages, wni clot 1. f •al,rr h. 11a11'. Catarrh
(new l- lite (may pr.11ite 11101' naw known 30
Nie me15.01 fraternity. r'ntmTh. hying n inn,
011111km11 dlni1.ae, nvpl,fr• a enrolIt uuolal
11,•',t mem. 11 .11.1'ntnrHl /'nee I. taken inter I
oath. net dna direct ll 3,p.0n thy blond n'd,
ulln'on- . er/n,r, of rho •.y -teen. I hrn•by de.
-1 rot ing thy lowed ft inn- of the ethe5,.,., and I
!Eh tog the pal level .11.1(75. b3 tmatt5lly ether,
ward WO ion and d.•l.l 1110 11343 01' fn ohm HA I
work. The pmprh,lnn ha, a .0 nmrh tank In 1
11.011011315. p,w,'r. that Ih.y elm's 1Pm. Hum
dont Ihdlan tot Any raw• 111.af It (Alts 344 roue.
Send for R.1 of 1,•.1{n11atA1.. i
Address F. L cifENF:1' R rn., Tnleln,
Sold byy all droggl-te, •5s••,
Take Hall's Family 1'111s for constipation.
Von remake no mi,Inke if you p,1r-
('130)11' n light-rminh,g Eldnslge 1s•
Vimdex sewing machine. .1. w'.
The Signal and The Toronto 1Veekly
Mollie to new atilsicrilsers leer the bel.
*ace of the year for JS rents. 11 is a
Th. light -tanning Eldredge sewing
machine is gtisrantetwi for ten vrar•s ;
nearly all other, for five. .1, W.
'WPC .aTHICN.a Ln,
Hey. Ur. Davidson, ,.f Varna, well -
pied St. Andrew's pulpit lest. Sunday
Percy liiggart is still quite I • as a
result of his being rut over by It cow
oil Sunday evening. •
and Mrs. Hiattr 11'ainsley, of
Toronto are visili... their Mather,
Mrs, .1. 1Vam.ley, of 5..4411:
Mrs. 'Thornton 3114.tanl has: re-
tau•nerl 1 after :1 111's 'licit
with her p►renla at I'Iinlom,
John Po111h'k and' 11Mrdes•h Ross left
on'rhur.11ay morning for Port Frank,
when erhey will engage in tishing.
-Mrs. H,uu•he and Miss Ethel Hivacke,
of Port Huron, are ai.itiug at .1. W.
Tippet's. The lot moor. though over
eighty years of age, i. quite .mart..
1Vord was trcris',sl 1111f'day 11141111•
lug 44, the B(015. rat Miss Luella The Fall Samples of a BigNiOufacturer
H11u,ut, of London, youngest d:ulp;hrer
of Robert 'tomtit, formerly h.u,lw•are
tnerehant of town. Ikeecane•d was
only in her toinetemith year and runs
»'ell k vn here, flet many friends
Tom' r
.l I.lfO1' S-
Ii.NO�'f«2 /,�0 ,d �l�
1JIr »ew fall styles of Queen (duality Shoes
exhibit special filatures throughout. N 'w designs,
new heels, now edge effects have been added and the
assortment now presents an unusually complete raugl'
of style, from which to snake a selection. Patent
leather' fur' dress and semi -dress, Gun metal and kjll
for general wear, are all represented in Blucher and
Lace designs. Perfect in tit, luxuriously comfortable
and economically priced.
$3.75 and $4.00
Downing€ MacVicar
iron Roofing andSiding,r
Rs• ,\
179 Krog Street East,
�. rhe ❑rt t, p iuw ants 1•e -it i,a.. 1..' '' 311,1,,
n gn,.ul Ir•r annum iu ,3411*,1,
1 • n 11. -'fame w 443,13 "Perrino'. in.i,
1,d, (31 '1'111: 1r•,r Dail 1'.'Jr':re.n.7 e
Fla -1. Tumnto, 110• :50,'.3 ilu.,l
• w rile fur port ,''ul1r.,
1,esident. Prime
H. C. DUNLOP lays 10 nunolulrt• to the p,•ople of Ii11/lerir 11
and bilk Iiug 1'11onUy' That he has purcba+esl the Drug
Itusine,•• of 1V. t', it HIDE, 114•d1'nrd Block,
• 1\-s• hale the formulae in use in 11,. past at this store
can supply auy tit :111•. 1iolhle'. Special Preparations,
a 41,341.1 FI-rs• LIN 1, IIF
Drugs, Patent cMedicines and Sundries
WILL .ALWAYS' I1M, (•.554541514.
Led 11" try to were 31111 for your Ding Slurs 1Vautls,
11. C. DUNLOP, Phm. B.
Chemist - - - Redlbrd Block.
/�'� Court Ho1zv
47-75 No, I/1-B
1O ens Al os. Sauare,
a an'
of Underwear and Waists ., . . . .
express their heart telt .}•utpalhy,
rhe remains w'ere brought to Hayfield
cemetery, where they were ititerre .
The foiir 5545 a splendid .neer...
The wrathy!' 11111 days aya5 ideal :and
the aatlendsuo'e• W414 Targe, The, :51r1I
regiment 1,1 i.l furnished splendid
music (hiring 51ae da),, In the e•a•e-n-
ing to concert was given in the town
hall, roe• which the talent avJIM • Will
AleLe wl, comedian, of Se•af,rth ; Muss
Maude Tilt, SI1111.111.11, 111011.1 54 1) : Misses.,
Howl ie- ( 11.1 Leonard. Highland
lancet.. oisleriel : Miss Laura Iticl,
arlsnn, 5(1511:1 io, and Dr. Snlilll :es•.
lnnlpanist. The prize 11.1 will 5.,'
puhlishel in the next i,.ne of '1'54('
Signal. .
Farmers' Poultry
We want all your Poultry, alive
or dressed, and will pay the
Your Poultry may be delivered at
/inhSRn'H. \ IHuyrr Wilofi'Fll•
CLINTON, Rupe,-, .1. A. Fnt i t1 .
,1711 •
to he sold, commencing Saturday. Oct. 6th, at prices one-quarter
and one-third less than regular. A splendid opportunity to buy
New Fall Garments at Bargain Prices.
Afelt' weeks ago we closed a deal for the fall samples of one of the bast manu-
facturers of Ladies' Flannelette Underwear, Waists, etc., in Canada This
maker makes good goods only. Every garment is well made, lull size,, an right
in,,tock. The lot is made up of
Ladies' Flinn
Children's Flannelette Underwear . •
The House 1)r,',,. is imonas and \1' fistsare espa'.-ially fine garments. Mann
of them h;tt('r and titter than we could keep in stock in the regular way. 'i'hc
underwear is all made from good flannelettes in plain colors or stripes, and the
colors are fast. Every garment is this fall's style and is as.good as if you paid the
regular price for it. .all will o on sale commencing Saturday at
One-quarter to One-third Less than Regular Price.
We want to emphasize the fact that this is nut ;w ordinary job lot of mussed
and soiled samples, but the range of a maker of high-class waists and underwear
.for isonlen. Every garment was sent to the pressing room and re -pressed before
they were shipped to us. It is a good chance and one that it would pay to take
advantage of. Come and see them anyway, whether you think you want to buy
or Ilot...
Why pay
for a name
You will be agreeably
surprised if you just cajl
and examine our Stoles
and Ranges. Quality and
price considered they can-
not he beaten.
The Celebrated
Inanufacttired Irl' the
Record Foundry Co,, the
largest manufacturers of
ranges and furnaces• in
Canada. Over sixty years'
experience. Come and
see them at
W. R. Pinder's.
Sole agent for Goderich.
THE Right Coats
Are Here . . .
This has keen demonstrated beyond question the past
couple of weeks. Coat business does not corse to any store
the way it has been coming here without good reason. The
reason is found in the completeness of our assortments, the
great variety, the style and character of the garments and
the downright good value of every coat we show. The fac-
tories of five of the leading Canadian and German makers
have contributed their hest styles to our stock, and the collec-
tion we show today is without an equal anywhere near here.
Tweed Coats $5.00 to 20.00 Black Coats $6.50 to $25.00
All Natty and Stylish Garments. A collection worthy of a city store.
Three Specials in the Tweeds.
At $8.00
Lathe.. anti Misses'
p oplrlal' IIIt,R 11/1'.1• style, with or
wit hoot velvet collar., w'el1 made
from light tweed,. In grey, and
fawn shades. 1inr141Pntn [hats
have at 3 le to them and wool.' 'nal
1w• nal of 11,.• xvev rt *Tit. .1
dors tit• c dirtier- .DCpla nal
en* styles,yourcl ' •1• C7 l)V
At $1o.00
At $Io•oo
Idulirs' h,nd'o TweISI
('oats, The popular ta/urint
style, hanging straightfr the
nhoulder, full skirt, velvet, rg,llar.
A 4101,4511 1,r nnlreant-terns in
fancy t.wewls. !pine- 1 o M
int calve tit r•nr11 ,loll
At $15.00
Ilnndso,ne garments, man•
tailored 1 hi ouiK{hunt. anti mm1e
front extra is,ility tweeds. very
fn11 1511(1 11HM(e, not marl' t.luu,
45(51) gnrtnents elf tiny tine .Icb.
very nnlibp and �y
1tlessy, 1.151') 1
Two Specials in the Black Coats.
At $15.00
Wien' ('oat* made from good Anality Nark! ellen' (:nota made from gond Anality black
hearer, velvet collar, elnuhle breaetell, f111) kersey, man -tailored, lined with gnarl quality
length, Iona. hark, all sixes e Roman satin, very full loose hack, correct length.
each $10.(� � a dressy and comfortahle garment, $15.00
all sizes. eachW