HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-10-4, Page 7'1'Hll: 6.1(11NAi,: l:l►l)h.i;WI! (INT l:it, Tined AY, Oe,o:wr 4th, 190G 7 x+4,414. 4ii .`ntsi4+ 44**44 ('7'4 44;4, 414 ii++i ,sick � � The New s sof " the District. .44 34, 44, 4,4 ' ' ° 4 ' 444.** .45*****44 '4'' 4= 0*A.+ : 544 .r5 4'151' , ` DUNLOP. 'I'tlICHDAY, Ort. 2nd. 1111,14 Maggie McLeod. of Lueknow, who resided here several years ago, was down on a visit to relatives here nod Nt Sanford, Thursday of last week was a !olid at the w:ho)! and was .1 elvie holiday for everybody top go to (loderieh 141(11 .el. the lotrat Northwestern fair. All who went were -well pleased with WI11at they saw. • Quite a number of our residents were in UtNlerich this week attending Ow funeral of the late F. Y. Ilartrhlrt•, jr., who for some years' was eugage(L in the sawmilling L0INL11ess near here before going to Port Huron. Mich. LMESylLLE, Tt'itsu.t Y, Det. 24(41. Mites Marin, of S„afort11. fs 41.11 ing her sister, .Lea. L. 'lidded t, s Lulu Mulholland spent hast week with her sinter. Mts. 1'111', u (1). Seafurth. MAFEKINU. MINl1AY. Oct. lit. Mist+ Edith Edwards retuned from visit to Paisley on Thursday. Miss Amy lurid is vi.,iting at the 1 te of Stuart Finlay this week. Mr. and Mr.. Anson Finlay took in the WNlerich fair on Thutwlay (4r last week. Misr Luella'l'leleaven went to Lin -k- now last week and intends to learn IIIIIIIiie'ry, Quite a her Intend attending the (airy at Lucknow and Dung this week. Rev. A. E. Jones, of Auburn, book the work of the pastor on Ashfield ,ir•Ilit W1 Sunday. Seito t. Rios ott-r. The following report hit of S. M. Nu. D. Asbtieki, shows the stAndiug of pupils at the teat ex.4nli math *theme : V. (-.aura Fitzgerald, teorge l'r•Iravett. 1 V. *Bert 11i1ers, 7s pwr vent. ; Margaret (filen, 75: (':H- elen Steothers, 70; Prar1 Saundrr:. I1M;. •11'um. Alton. (114; F1 y Fitzgerald, th; Mary Soindrl•,, 117;'dory S,u1n- ilers, 117 ; Leila Blake, Ill ; 11',)1htee 'I'wantley, iai. 111. -Walter Alton, 11 ; •11. Saunders, 511; @:reed Hn11, 1H; Elbe Johnston. -I1. Eldin Twamlry, Jessie Stuthers, Tho... Girl. Mary .1 •s, Willie lilaziev, Agues Kral Edith Johnston. Part 11. Will PI/ z- grtaW, Lily Alton. Part I. John Olen, Rita Twamlry, Ultulys Rivers, renege Olen. W I NGNAM. MONDAY, Oct. lstt/ '1'IIF: F.al.l, 44How,--Thr 1Vinghiun fall fair, which closed on Friday, was one of the most 4uc4PNNfII ite the history of th.' Lown. The exhibition in borers:, rattle-, fruit, produce, fine „'1s and Indies' work was the finest and largo -sit ever seen here. The directors, 1N decided to' WIII1• N INIII a • /- t ltd 1 fess'o a n nal in 'vet s c 1 *nil it i • thought that ,this, with fthe increase in the et t of prizes given in the vorio 4(e classes, will have it lwnrtie•ial egret and result in placing the annual fall exhibition in a •h better stand- ing. The elireetense contemplate en- larging the building and making ex- tensive iulprovements 10 the fair grounds. KILLKI) ON H.tIM.N•.%v.--Janwit.l,hh, it 14(1m1ner, tvhu hoar been a resident of this section for •1 ier of years, was instantly killed )/y the t'. express at the ronin street civ ri(ag in this town, about eleven ee'IJoek on Finlay night. He had spent the day 1t the Kingham fair and was driv- ing h • alum in n buggy when the .accident or,rred. The engineer '4. W Ihr. rig on the track and blew the whistle, hat (mold not stop the train in time t, •avail the accident. (Coroner Kennelly Naas motitiel and 'thee viewing the remain. decided t, hold an inquest. which was adjourned until 1V«lnaw1ay; Jobb was about fortv.flve yearn' of age and was unmar- ried. NILE. Trieste 1Y, Oct, 21141.. Mr. 1411(1 Mill. 11. 0, Eehlitl are vi 11- inK old friends at Nile. Mrs. W. C. Potter is under the dnrtor's rare at present. %Vt• hope• swim t, repxm•t her recovery. Don't miss the great fair at Irene' wltln'ln this week. Only tine weather ii needed'(, ensiles it great success. Epworth League told,. next Tues- day evening will be ••A Sttefn( Will : How 1, Ort It 'end Hob. 10 1'se 11 for Te,gwr •e," taken ley 1Vn.. Bailie. Anniversary *ervirosWill be IwId•at :tile church nn S lay, October Ilt h. ineileat' ,f the 7th as announced pawl week. Het.. Henry Irvine, of Calling• W,NNI. 14 former paat.r, will preach morning, afternoon and evening. Slat Nt. IttcrnRT. - Senior V. --Vera Terre, Eva McNee. Junior V. IA -mined Mellw•ain. Junior iV. 'L•JN•I \1'"hum, Gertrude Kirkp{».tttrick, Viola Vining. Senior 111. - Reginald Glen. Senior 16 -- 1Vorthy Ryan. Vidor Yon ng, Olive McNee. .1 11.--1lrokI 'f.Ilwain, Ernest Olen. Per 1 H. Vert 'rima. Lloyd 1'uung. Violet Me\Vhinney, Arnim. I. - Ma,- greerite filen. Junior 1. lowrs- 1' carr)•• 'la'i'n Ity,u,. I'ANN11•: S. GRAY, 'reacher. 1.rmarlet (1oNTK4r. The literary contest held at Nile l,sl week was a derided sme4r4414. The content w•4., (4'- 1w44n the Indies and gentlemen of the League. each side presenting a moo Krim of right be Is, ,oisisting oef re,uling*. recitations, 4444 4(1 and in- strumental nlnsir. The j' tIZes It'd considerable difficulty in reaching a decision, but after hnlf an hour's de- lflsa•ati,n 41nnuuneed that hev gave the award to the ladles by -ono- point. 11'0• think that more meet ing411f 1161. khul in the League would 114• Isle p1'utttable and • intelr141 intr. NOW 1S THE TIME. Summer is Best Season to Cure Ca- tarrh Hyomei Sold Under Guarantee. Slimmer is the lest time in the whole year for the tr'lItIlwnt of ea- t.atrhal trm,hl's, avid we 'erg. 'vet•y reader of The Signal to 41.e Ill• now and lee pernuumd lently 'r.• Unlike th' ordinary trent.m ent for catarrh, th,•t'e is no stomach dosing When using Hy,n,,1. The remedy is breathed flirt -nigh a neat pocket M- intier that ennie1 in every reul.tit, fuel its balsamle heading air penetrates to the motet remote ;meter of the none, throatand lunge, 'watches net and kill; the catarrh Kerma in all parte. of the respiratory organs, and soothes and beetle any irritation there may he in the mucous membrane. firm,' is not alone the only natural treatment for eatirrh, but it is the only one sold under an alnolute guarantee to refend the money toeless it give. nat.isfaction. it kills all alis 'ane ggerten and rPntntrn t(4e tn,rrplin mernbrane of the throat, now And hinge to perfectly healthy eondit.Mn. The complete Hyomei outfit costs Mit Sten, extra bottles alk. Por sate by all dealers. The R. T. 600t14 Co.. Hsilo, N. Y. Thunitas hurler, 441.11,7 I,1. 134• seriously i11 with pleurisy, is uuply ing slowly. %Ve are surly to livae 1 h.it- J. 1 Yl•u has not been enjoying the Zest health 11µ.4.1y Misty A 11111 Swann, w1, is attend- ing Model ,at lioderich, was 1 over 4411114114)•. Rev. Mr. Rhodes muse) away f our village thin Nark to his new par- ish at 'Tel• I'rvit.+4(.t Y, (111, '114(41. (leo, Maelieegur .p14'llt `luud,ly at his butt' here. Miss li•xy Ma••I,e:111 left fl n• I11•,utt• r four) on Monday. J1iss :1uni„ John:,l,n spell :1 eomple m of drays in (ildrrrh last week. e' Miss May Aldo -hell, of P,wans1e11, 11 visiting relatives in this neighbor - 1'. !moil. 1(lBectu' SIr1.41111, who went out %Pest on the h.u'vest excursion, t•e- tnrued hem' last Ttoo'sday. - LAURIER. • Mrs. Holdsworth. Mrs. W. I'ickar nnd F. I.run4uYl and wife, who went 4111 the recent Chicago eitenesi4111, are ,ex - petted ho,u' this week. AUI:UHN. Mloblot1', Oct. 1st. kuush: His La::, . %%liar wicking monis some 'Inv,. ago, 'I'houui* d (4lrauglue, fell and bi•u!4' one ,f his legs near the thigh. ' He is doing fairly well, but it will be mane weeks IN•fWr he 4111 g1( 14hmnt With ally freedom). ANNIy1:Its. It Y. -- A ST. HELENS. • Texan.% Y, Oct. 2nel. 141(1414 ('ret' has returned after a Wil -L's visit in lioderich. 11114. Henderson, of 1Haumilton, is vim - Ring her rutsiu, Airs. Clark. Threshing ing seems to lie the order of the day. 11t•el1411414(y is busy, ' H. N. Riney, of Torop1o, inLenels spending N few weeks at Mrs. H. K. Miller's. Miss 11tt1•)' I1,1111erf1'd lits returned home aaftl•I spending six weeks visit- ing friends in Jlil•hig.all. The sacrament of the 1:o•11's Stepper will be dispensed in ('al44iu church, St. HefeD4, Ilett Sabbath. Go -101.•1- 1.- JIr.' 111141 \11x. 11. Rutherford 4(t tended the w:ua-ibge III their nephew A. Houma' h• ill11'inghauulast 11'ednes day. A lovely toothy girl has at rived at th 01811,,. \t'r 4.x(4.11)1 ,sslro•otigr1(11141 lions to Rev. 11,-. tend 111., t raw. }i, • of our young peofdm• took u the 1 bede1•i,h fair 11'4re'y set viers Will be hilt) 4(t the Methodist rwel. nu 0Mt111wr 11th, when Rev. 11. L...ce •, of Ontario stte'I. church, 1'lilituo, will conduct he seeviees. '!'herr will be 4(i ,meed; Monday evening, Intl a f1.4•tvill offer• hut wilibe taken on Sunday. CREWII. . Tresu.444, ()et. 21741. Fall what is looking well nipun4l heir this fall: Fall p6lw1ng ii. rusl111g around 14,4.4' Nine' S1(t1I'(hay''Y 111111. did(11.,11.• a few from here took in the Illwlea•ieh show and say it was splen. 1Ii.4 'laud Pearce is visiting her sister. Airs. McKay, in the vircular The 1hrrthing nlarhin' hair; disap- peared frun4 our Midst for it couple of P weeks. AI1•...1,11111 Mennry les arrived !ohne i after a brief ,ley with ,,,hives 1It I1 (Ie4n•grDo,-, of goitig of apple- 1,aekrt•s are hast• r.r,mtll( here 11114V. rhey are 1111,1 111.1, MIN. (16.4.1.gt. 1'I:o•ke and family, of 1).•t•oit, Miele., our slaending n few tv,'.•ks win 4 the L•ady'4 parents, Mr, ,and Mrs, Metelvn,. COLBORNE. Trh:slat\, pct. 24(11. l'I.:v F:It HI'TTrat o%KEW. -The Vodstlwk Sentinel-K,•tiew ,f last tve•k has the bond, •ing ref. -relive li, l'44114et•ne t,w'n111ip paint( fatly. daughter of AudlrB' (1reeu, '11' 1, ,)1 "A very 4 •ndaide• re:dela* or 1Voo1'.h x k fair and • that ntlr+trt.ed cnnsidrrable attention un Friday afternoon tv.'. the ptr.4•nce of Miss A. 11'. lireer., toyer •'.t expert from the Guelph :1gt•ieultina)1 College. In :1 on -retell , telt 1 I t Y l fla r e Ilpurpose 1 1(1 muse Mis. tree; 841)4 un exhihit' I Id 111 le1 Iul1King. g,i ug through all the pre - -erases of nep:o'at ing, elute .r11g, is ash: Mg. working the butter and putting it into roomed roll. reads- for' the market.- It 1(a. 411 1,bjr.t lesson 1'f great valu,• andJliss lir',•ii was watched et it!) rh interest as she deftly handled the butter prosily -Mg utensils. while at the wirer time she (ddresred the lruwd of farmers wives and daughters who. hod gathered round to witness the in ter•sting proceedings. The milk had iwell pt•o'lIl.'d the eVening before. from J. (n8.4rnee', tine hell of .11•r- ,rys, Miss 1iow,' fully explained nisi illustltlh,l the pr14rs4 of making but- ter from .tart to finish :old wound up by producing a churning of nearly nine pounds of rich, attl•1(11ivr•bo4k• ing Cutter lit fir the 1.41(1,• 4,1 a kin 7'he 1Vo*lsto•k fyir nt4nngrtl'It nr'• to I/11 .Iugrattlat••d on seeming the W'M'iel'N ..f Ali., 1 i 1 cell. LEEBURN. Trf•st.t', 41,6. 2ud. 111•s. than. ('hishohn. ,f ltrnntfard, has I4een refining here. Kiss Jessie Linklater. on aeronnt ,f TI:Irlge,. mule 111 the ,Il101 art, has resigned her .,111"'1 at I'441441rt' in HUM... ening y, s, that she ruuld � eon. thine her studies a• a teacher. She left ,n Satotiday hast tor Hf 'Itnn to attend the Normal 1'oelleg, there. 1'4n -cutting hers were the go last week at the farm of John Link - later, H. A. Horton and A. H. Chil- ton. John Mullins did the rlmuiIlg of the machine and H. A. Ilnrtme Jul most of 111e feeding. Two silos were The ••tug•phi.' 'alY•get1inga1(1(1his tine_ at -nth e. .'1'Itrcropappears (4( boo 14 hair 4110. There .111• 14,11144 4+41111 1111)iat..11 grub.' d,•stoyi11g• them to quite 1a11 extent. BENMiLLER. 11'):oN1 I 1<:• 1 6 44-. (Irl. art. Iltvu:\' $'r411.1.:N, ;\ H. uwillel lieu Write, The Signal : '' :1 piece '4t' dar- ing wai•k w4., 11 • here tiunlay night. when live gentleul,u hail 114.• moth hall their boggy stolen,' - 4, 1 Iu1 to walk 141, it ItvelV,• utile, to their 1111110.. Jour, Ih1, is going .alingenter 1410 1'{11', :11411 1111• he,: Min;; rhP four 1,.y'1 w'11,, took 111 buggy . nn 1114 is to Stay 411 home• with their parents until they have learned how - to condoler themselves. The f.tit boys are known. ,and they are warned not t, let. such n thing as 1 hi : oro'nr 4441 41. Once F fen : once nee.. will he fun for t h • . a Lr' side." UUNGANNUN. ITOTICE.-'1'II 1:' Luc Al. A(. I•;Nl'1' ♦ • 441 Ilullg.tllll,nl I,,. T11.• i. .11 Irl•' 1.11+1 ,Mir,• lb,x'l lute)�`I.111,e,,•,,1 �t0re dud .th,. 41•ie•u, ,.444 4‘,4•4•14. for -Wase, 44144444., 141vi•r1:•114: muted, 11 ,u I:.:u,,14 _ .11111101i/ell Ill 1:44o ..vri(4.. our .,u„n n, Ic•,d fur- 4(4' ...Ivo.. I A. NM:11"1'0N. DEN I'IS'I', 1,1'1'x• i. s..) 4%. .41 al , 44(•4•1,•1 t' 114(1'•.0.4, 17,:4• 413)-. 441.6610111011 114411 Isom .4 (wank l„',.r llwu l' 4 ru41n and br,dac 6.1,14. elr. Alu.041l1l1w 41.41,• twit. Irr041k4.61ea. N. 14. Tull 4.411 461,4.44 .1.611• lour 8001 11111,11 IN•i.rr Juu' iu (h. .41.11(111 trace were time. 1,1 ler hlril,1 ors for &stir the nutk,Ai•m' root i311ab1e for the 11111,•114.: TJIIIE S'I'EHLINti 11ANK 0,? A 14.4. fir. l, literI. 4., '141)4,4)4.. .4dr4m4.. 1ra1• r. 1.I11u14•1.-• :It lune.: rot.... ''e1,, nut,•. r:wliedl or oollet'u'I 01( Li%onihle Nom. [lunar Jul„ -i1 and up•'anl, re ekve44 wood int,rr,.t I111i'1 1sr.„uyN+ui,Iu, four liter.. IS l ones 411(4,.0 hunt+, 1„ a.;.. 10 :t 4.111. ; 44,4110- ,i ,A., I'., 7 4.W. t49Vy.4(t. It. C. At 51 III 14 'r nuag 11111011 Hnun•h. 11 A.. AF(il'ST,NE Ul'Nti:1N NUN ('11044014 1111. Ih•.k- 4,. 110(11 u11a ford. .• liter :4.,d Fim• Hlar hour. hrau. no ;ti. and roar.' g. 11-. 1 h"ppi.•K pr(1u,4111' ;t 1, ;Aral to. (11111)1'14AN14.� 1(h' 11.4(1(4 (11,'(►1 apple. 4.114(1,•14 fin the 4.1 41101.1614.W. dl 1.1 -. ,o'(' ,, hag. '1'Ipl 1(. 1 LLF:\. '2 (1,1.1111, Eel. i(uhillsnll h.4. 111,41,41 into ti',.. 11:11'll's Meese. Miss Eolith RoIN•t'ts was a Visitor i (1, )4ll'I•I4•Il for a few 41:1)•. hod week. T. J. Anderson is 11111114 f • ('til ton for a few (1ay s owing to ill-hetltl Miss Ruby Rubinson spent Shit nolo and Sumtty with treends 111 (i,tl'rirl 11 )' 1, Mrs. Nicholson has rebelled 'ff.. Althorn after. visiting her (laughter, Mrs. Clark. Mester (.afayelt• West. has finished work Ivilh Mr. Elliott and has gone holo- to Kinglam.' T. (i, Allen las been getting in preut v (dapples al 1 he ee'alsn•nt,e and the 11111 staff of .workers is on lignin. Mrs. %eats, ,1 11'0444'04.k, has re turned home alter u- very ,plrla'tnl visit with her friend, 31i•... S. E. Sander,,;. 1V.. are pleasured to hear of the con• tinned improvement of Harvey Tre- leaven. He is ge1 it14 alnug nic'ly now•. '1'. 11'. Little has ret tinted' from Latrhfurd, New 4hltu•in, for the winter. Ile is heel in his praises of that ,riu,tev. lout h,• Thinks there :4,e worse place4 than Ihn,I'.ulnon: L41411t1N, Fitt 44 51.11 FssreI. F.%1 R. - With good weather 111, Dung: alulun fair this week should h- a great .',"- cess. The concert ,u Friday ev.iiI, g prvaui,l•s to be one ,f the iw•s1 4.41,1 hell in r,nmef Il,,l' w it4 Ihing:unn,n fair. and there h.tt4• tern 1,4rie gond ,ries. IA's ea•r4) 1 .1,ly torn out and 1w1)1 11'111aking 111.- s)..iw n 14114r,'1414, -ill:44TH 4(F Al It . 1V KHTHKI,OK. 111,1 .ynlpalhs i- 1'11 for th'in'g/, 1Vesttwook and I'.owl t' ill the death 14 11,,' wily :Ind toot licr.,1' the huule•. 444111'1, ,r•corcdl yest calla y. 'T h' funrl.d takes plan. on !1'111111(41 from the aesiobo ie of d.•,•'.ah-,l s daughter. 'les. frank (Henn. 141.-. 11',-.lbropk's maiden ro,nr 41 414 !tannish 11ari t Mte't4:11111 -,hr oil. (:nal in the town- ship of Loh., near 1u111,11, where she was married. 'l•. and Alt's. 11'est- nook came froth KO/fnuka to Ilnngaul• 1,11 a1Nn11 1114411 -gilt years ago and 4(11 11ve1 for the past three yr14114 1101' Kingham. Of a family of eight. five 1)r living, 11»•ge', et'h, 111.1.'1 1.•: u Nle past 1weelve ',"ales in (1141:1.4":114t141"; 1" 11 too .4 Suer g... --The ,aliertain- Illeld •:it en last night ler the 0114- pi'•e, • f the Sons of Tellllwl'1411rr was 1 aen ills -tided and 14 splendid progr4411 Leona1Y1 •lt D11 h' 5 r .mei 41 nut 11.111 slleees.. Iles..1. 1:. 1''Ilvul 8.11. ellairmuill and di:. rFo mI, .4141., hut. dal lame 14t pre•seut : Mrs, thews. ,f Gun - annus, and Richard and Elmer. at ' Mrs. 1Vestlermok w41. a JLethe- list in religion. She 5ras tlfty•six oar. ''i age. ,•wugld his deities In an able and g I' 4'1( int slimmer. The program in- elud,.I vocal and instrumental no41o% and duets,' chorus/•s, dialogue. and y /1.0131i ttt 411 11( whichWere received e1ved with applause.. The audience listened with pleasure to 1'. '1. I(4zzu, of Bolide- - rich, whit dealt with the lempetanre question in ,a (leve9' and interesting ad,lt•e.s. The proceeds eeis (tf ills. evening 11 (amounted tee $115.:45. , • LANES. 1 '.1 Tr1•�s4I1.4Y. Oct. 2nd. • Our genial nt•r•Ilm,t and wife welt" I, in tun n 1111 Jinnda1 141.1.' Ian -know promises to Iueveu tine '1 Any' for the flair 4111 October:h,l. I4 (hit• 11 fmltat'r from this neighbor hotel al tended the Ripley fn(r 4(t 1 R elne'day of past week. Si man. Rs -theta%- Following is the tainting of 1111' pupils of I111ng.11tion uhlic .1-1)001 for the month of Sep' ember. N 1111,': are in older of Writ : t 41t.lwt DKI'AHT)LKNT, •4"ni1r Janie41'. •11nie Shalom..., .b.1111 1,111„ugh, 11,w;u•d ('ase. .coni,' 1'. lar .lour•., Alma Robinson, (.4hrt Beulah 11':alkmnl, 44lunrl .11.41 4(11711. chart.- Fowler. 11'.. -hr., !:tint (:Ira, oil:uly) JI.•t.enu, Edith 'rl•Irn 4''•4(. Maggie 1 bsher, .Irene -.;Melt i11e•1Henn. Vela Diernin. lac,: SI,.e1,11. ,I44'.t 1V.ggitls, Allan vers. Hoy Dredd, - 1','+vI McNally, wino• Yttttti'. Leslie Pentland. 111. cls. (;. o;}4•• ('4s,. 1:111 .AIall,ugh, .4'1111 1I,N.dly, 1L•tz,•h 1„-4 4111 (' 1(,J - Torn Allem, 3101i 1., k•gh•y, ('h.u,'nee Smiley. 1:nvr,a,. nlaey. 11 H. Loxia, 1";chi', .I I'smut 1)1.1•. tirt•4I1i,NT, -, Senior I i. - 'Iver, .14(1 ,1 Laura owlet., Howard IVet•e, step en Medd. • 11. 11er•truele 1te et•, Riley, '11401.41, lt.tlph 1)1.1ta' Mary Me- mel Huarh. 1• till Slathers, '(11511) Ifni' ,late is Allilernial. alloy pini 111' ell Ellington, low;rd Ander,,,, Clayton 444(1115, i,,th•Id Anderson. ,louder pari I I. 11 • S / ' t4 t Ihrr4 . 1 r u 1 Ice •s4. t : Myrtle Oliver. Lillian I emtl:uul, Victor 1•,e- ringloD. 1 are. (rniu11. Hazel A 4110.1in,•. i4,' 1J1e11n, Marion !fisher, 1', 1 Robinson, `!sat 11t• - Nally, Har IJ Sprami, Alex, Ander- son. Juni 1' 1 Ethel I(rowu. Fred 1•',wle.r, 'a nest Itatlfi.rd, Edith .Ati- (1e1y„n, Ivay 1';4(.1•, Ruth Fowler, Lavin: fIltchin., Frank Olenn,Ft•ank- Iineine, Edgar :u• (', r, ,1' ' • 4• i).rs, A phone.--Ge4rgie ('aldwrll, Et th (41711(14, Heaver) Auguain4', Len F th.1.t, Irene ('err, (ien•gie Henn, lbert. Brown. Alford Robinson, Warren Ire'., item• A. ItemiNs,N, A*414i•i0111, -- CARLOW. Tl'KanAv, Ili,, 2nd. ('4181341. AND, U,I*,, -- Mrs. At ch. 111 irtnn has been visiting at 1.114 11,111,• of leer• parents. Mr. and .11114. OMolten, 116 Ieeellllrtl S. Iautt.nslnt'er Is At- tel/ding Idle 3!.41/4 :4 at (irNlr'1'ir'1 a) inr of His Majesty's jurors 1.1..1'01. 1'arroe Ief, ,n Saturday me a trip to Toronto. A ('tot•:y1:m Voir 311 LADY. AV'. ,orl- gl,r:tttlate 11th.,, I,•na 1111.111111011 upon her vont inue41 1411tees4 As 011 expert blotter-n:tker. She has taken prizes this fall 4(1 London a11111 Uolerir•h. Mims Hamilton is not. afraid 1, can, pet,• wir11 the best butler -makers in 11'e -stern (but lrtr•i4', 1 Ihr 11-4,111. show that she hot(144 it plow,- in the front rank* Amines -r. ,1 few okay. :4.K, John )nhn)tnn ,e•1 trill, :t4( accident which ham laid hila off from work: 1Vhilo• 1l. 8,rk filling the silo he lust his hal once and 1'x11 from the ladder on which he W)4( )landing to the gr•nund, 1a deetnnce of ahont sixteen feet. Fot•ttnaiely no Ione) were broken, hot he get a pret.t y dere', shaking -4(p. He is progressing nicely under the attention of i/r. 11'etr and will Iw Ar7nd again In a few days. ('Ht7 gr te Norm; -- (children's 1)ay *Ail suceessfully nhserp(d at. Smith's Hill church on Sunday. There was a large attendance and everything Was tilled at ml'. I,iuklal,•r's. John if. 'rheI-mn1er, of1(41. 41(•inily nee DIL- Harked•, of Dunlop, ith his co110'111. ing :1.yaninge of the line we in 1 ter ret coral ha' l:uneill,r 114141am1441 h:IrceStir,g (heir r11rt) 111141 1441:,I,... dewing the 11(4k. \I1ns Emma nnd Alis. 'tour,(,;,John- S (tn Smalley .nextlioolfet,w, a 46,11••, ,f (ioll•1'h•II, were (Ile 4',,'.t•. of 'I r. and 'Ira. MIDonlulgh 1,u Salmi- • flay am/ Sunday of Least week, returned wisrsi(u:ny front .1,41411, who has NMI) wm•ting there for soma. time under the auspices of the 14Vo- men's F'o•eign \Iisslo414ry S.Niety of the Presbyterian '.bomb in l',aada, will give at address in the Presbyter- ian church here 111 . K service. For some years there has beim it hraneh of 111' 141'onlru's F44rt'igrl Mis- sionary Soriely herr whirl, hold.: reg. ether monthly meetings and Ilanrs worked very surges+fully in the nlis- sion111'1 I)1:MTII ,F .4 F',u 441raa R,:st n►ar. The sail news of the unlooked-for death of F. X. lineehler, Jr, let Port Huron, was received herr with deep regret, 444 he was well k 'n in this vicinity, having r• -ideal here for 4 C • Whim herr he Was in the saw - Milling hoidens and 11se1 too purrhame front the farmer's 111141 111(41. his tiIl11 unarhinrry f( th.• spot and rut 4(p the timber into 1andel. 111• wens nm4(•ried to Annie. Ne1•,nd (111 tighter of the pate Hugh 1'hi4holm, ,and leaves her a widow with live chil,lren. Sinn their removal from he,-. the family often visited ta•hativwt hero and •h regret is felt fur the monthly rutting c'IT oef the bright and useful life of a good business Imus and kind hnslnlnd and father. On Monday moaning a huge number of nor residents., together with relatives, attended the f 'rn1 in (i4wlerich, the remains (wing hrought over from fort. !Imam to the residence rip the 41„1'1I1,441'ee brother, Joseph. From there. the f 'x141 took Once to St. Peters church, where mass was said by ((eV. FnN.er 141rltae.•atter which the soul firt'o•san11 wtt4dl41 its tvay to the Itomntl Catholic cemetery in 4,,It14 roe, where the remains weir lowered to th,•ir last testing place by dye lot .41 leers and n $,'other -in-law 'Jacob Moser, of this place) of the ele- ceasel. Mr. HAe'hler s death wan due to blond-lamsoning. Doubled Up With' Cramps: Stomach feels like an infernal ma- chine and you 8 111 relief mighty quirk. Nothingnon'does the work bad( so soon 1414a Neivlline. 1Vhy, it. kills the pain instantly. If your hottle is .empty get Another today. Nervhline keeps the do'tor hill 44m111 1scatiee they cure little ills before they ggmw big. Nothing forlike i tion, heart.Mtrn and cramp son's Nervlline. iarge IN.tt.lea for 2:w, Subscribe for The Signal Thr pulpit ''1 Ila,•k,tl's chn4rlron I' Sabbath last w'4., /xrnyie't 1'4' ((' 1 A, 1 F:. ,1etMe4, of Auburn, in the 111,.ence of tIle pastor. I'rs. 11. A. 4411)/11,. Who runducted :,4111 er•w1 y servir,s on the f4 Auburn ehrrnit. seamen. Rio.otrr. The following is 1, hos s44 1; r 11, I4 1111 ( xnnlino. ', . 1 D 11,111in 44 44 No. 111, :lshllel.l, )1nringthe month of September: Sr. IV, class 11111 Shee- wood. 1111. fr. 1f'.class Viola (Maker, :CI: Hae Jamieson, _1L': 1'ilfrid Flitl'l'4It, 17:1. Sr. 11 I. 1.1114444-- :1111 v 1'41111.:411: Irene Mineltz,•r, '4411 • Eddie .I 1)w)-rI, 211 ; 1 in11 Mheriv,14N1, 1441. Jr. 1I1. elas4 lieu lie Suleltzrr, 4('*4 J11unieO'Laughlin, 11(1: Allan 14els,,, 153 Sr. I1. rlevs44' Rachel Alton, 242: Johnny Scat t, 211; 1!harlir(4hrt•wood, 1 (1; 11'i1foal fireman's, 11(1; Leslie Alton, 1111. .1e. II, etas, Freddie Johnston, 1744: Annie Drennan, i ('i; Rollie 1'1inel, I:ti; Iteetiellr (l'langh- lin, 127. Sc, Pt. 11. 4)4441.: T,rdtn 1.1111', I:11l, Jr, I't. II. class Liz Ihrnnan, 16:1: .1inunie Little, .tor Bowler, 12.1 LIKrh:TT.4 (Ts 41.43, Teaelier. • YOU CAN'T STOP 1 . Pott Felix/ Ii,yniN,ri n.. N. S., Det. 1st (Special.) - 7' following letter is another ittslat a elf the ,-x• '.'II i,t work 1►old's K ll'y fills are rout inouklly doing a el how friends, reboil, es lord neigh) Ito rec •1111141 then, 111 .411'11 111 hl' 'Ir. ,Io4'p1, 1114 .il writ,'.: ••:11)(1111 f • yarn ago i 15.114 r(mpletely reed of kidney ttem,hle by Uold'. t(idne' fills, 144ent fora supply of Ihablen Kidney l'ills (or 444 friend ,f mine who sns suffering from kidury trouble and I tun p1earssl to say they proved just 114 ,111 ren,fi,l as In my own ease, %Iy wife had been troubled with her kidneys for a to/11g title and 111,,1 fill went into a hospital where she was Ir•etel by Ili• 1111.1111.4 f,r .,n,• 1' 11111 they failed to elo her any good. Since she returned 114(1e she hots 1 ntenred taking 1).nld's Kidney P111s mid is )1'riving great benefit from then, right, along." - 'lili'e's Drink ('err is safe, 4tYeetual and ran he readily tnki'n. For mile by .les. 11'i1mo,. hslilkt leap 1s bettor elan ntxan ssap4 bet la Leat 'low nand In 11ma Sunlight war. Say $ulilkt leap a.4 aglow iirsatlrla Dear Mother Your link ones are • cot:want can is Fall and Wooer weather. They will catch Loa Do you know about S(ulok's Consumption Cute, the Lucy 1'oelc, and what at has done for so many T It is mud to be the only gamble remedy for all ehmaames of the air 'Amit 1$ 111 children. h u at.olutcly hamlets and pleasant to take. hill guatantead !azure or your money is returned. The price is 25c. per honk, and all dealers a medico.- sell 314 S'HILOH This Heady should be a ewes hoessiwkl. candurt'd in exeelll11, style. The order 4l' service Keay/ilea' by the lieneral A'ss•mbly was followed. The diploma (11' the 1a'neral .k t,'i0111y fur 4•epw•:t1111(4 the Shutter 14411eellmlla was presented l0 1 h following chit - ellen 1. JI' ' 1111 Illus., Gladys Let y, Bessie 141,'P1,.. and bimetal) Voting :Intl au`pws•ititrneh•ut 14111114(4 prest'ut4•41 each of tlh•ti, will' 41. baud', Oxfi 41 Ribl'. 11', Fingl:eulgave 1)14 address lehirh 'V:ts In11•h appreciated, and Jliltau 'I yseoloill assisted in the pru- gbent wit :1 sole. '('he- reports given by the teacha•s of the various , 111Hs•14 shuw'd the 0111111 Uo IN• ill a verb slit isftetory sunlit ion. :!dere 141•.. carer one htua •,1 4(,t. s (111 the roll. 'Viva Joh' ton, who has been for sinew lime t 't•llei'ot organist and choir -leader 1 the Smiths 11411 church, huts resign. till' position and Jli.s 141 1144llly 11:11 been Milli dined Organist. A new le der has not yet been .'11,se,,, Jimmies. 11',0, McPhee is laud off f • w•ot'k ,with ,a sore hand. 1f it does not at,11 get will the .4N'ial gnlht'rings ill this neielitso'ho,wl will all hate to he railed ,,T 4''.r to holt .-anN•1• 11, wit ho, hilly and ibis 1edit. 1 folio- Ilow i., In lint, 04( inter- esting eVela1 in the (rear ),1(1(1.'. .1/1/re ttmall 'I'Ile 1',11111131 ion 1114 the 1'. 1'. It. s14111,11 is finished. 'Talkij1Ig of 14 mune for (lie station, ,1.1' hu►(Ihlr opinion is that it ought to 1w ,et lel• (',Ilsane ,.r (:u'I11w•• The hal •r 54,11111 1146 It vl•r)' 11111/11/111'1311. brill 11'0 expert to see the Ir•ark•14yimi, g.ing 1hr.iu::11 here in a fess. week'.. W. h:1() n 1;''141 rain 444( (4:atu1'- d,,y, wbit•h 1V:4; IIiiu•h 4(.•1414,1. The ft 1111.1, will he 4(11.' 1;1 plow now . %Vhile ill T. .runt() lrr'ntl)' 'Thus. 11 11,n pur0h:seel a bunds , toad wagon, which maker quite a fine ap- pear 1, Tont has to keep 1111 with the tiniest. He gut first prize at the (4,derieh fair last week with his leans. Apply-pa,k1154 is Suing 141 1111'1'- 111y. John Levy and Nathan 11)1411. :ire both it it, in 1h' interests of Hubs, Elliott, the (14dericln dealer On lo'',unt of the u•regolarity in 111 by- law for the granting of a bonus In the 1'. P. It., whirl' was notice=d in a re- cent Is.,' 4 The Signitl, it linty' be 41.4•es-:ary t, r'-s,hnlit the b)•IaW 1, the 4(1 I 11:,}44.1, of the I,tv'ttalip. WIRED GLASS WINDOWS HOLLOW SHEET METAL SASH b FRAME METALLIC ROOFING C° TORONTO 6 WIN !PEG FOR BOTH One disease of thinness in children in scrofula; in adults, consumption. Both th /have poor bl(iod ; both need, more fat. These 'diseases thrive on lean- (leHa. Fat is the best means of overcoming them; 'cod liver oil makes the best and healthiest fat and SCOTT'S EMULSION. is the easiest and most effective form of cod liver oil. Here's a natural order of things that shows why Scott's Emulsion in of so much value in all cases of scrofula and consumption. More fat, more weight, more nourish- ment, that's why. Send fur free sample. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists Toronto, ova. ilk. mrd $1.00 u n is M All down*. v Gra4dnl l'o 'The Skin f$ A woman 1 Wal r ! revel ! c tete h silky •rrl,!hncis -the luxurious warm((, -'4 5taniieid's "Truro Knit" Underwear it is made of a specially selected wool - that is gratef111 to the most delicate skin. The right weights for .()Wort. The right size to ht all figures. Every s TRURO KNiT s Rarment is g:laranleed nnahrilk- aitle. Ask ' YOUI' Sarre' to ahnw eoils ' i retro Knit' •, �� gir Fall and Winter Underwear -A full Stock in this week. Both in combination and separate garment, Tight and heavy weights, British and Canadian makes. 66 s Headquarters for the Celebrated Stanfield Un - shrinkable Underwear, Goods the Pest. - Prices the Lowest. MCLEAN BROS. Art Tailors, Furnishers, Clothiers, Hatters. North side Court !louse Square, Goderich. Look at these Leaders: Pandora Ranges, Famous Base Burners, International Stock Food, Page Wire Fence, IParoid Roofing, E., P. Paulin Hardware, Stoves, Plumbing, etc. 'Phones Store 57. House 177. Don't Forget This ! V A BiG • Slaughterof ashes Commencing Monday,' Sept. 2 (you TWO 14VEEKs 0Nl,1'.) The E (4TO('K CONM►ti'1'M OI' Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, Toilet Sets, China, • Glassware and Common Stoneware. All these goods will he sold away below cost, as I need space for other goods. All goods at bargain prices must , he Spot Cash. Produce taken same as cash. ('all and see them. P. T. DEAN, --- The Grocer l'llpN F: 1 10 The Square - (ODERIC1-I PNUN • D 56 'PHONE 6 . MILLAR CO 5 • Fall Dress Materials All that is new in Dress Materials is to be found at our store. All the new weaves and new shades, and many of the better lines being confined to ns makes it impossible for then: to become common. Among the moderately -priced materials we would give special mention to our large range of ' .. SCOTCH CLAN TARTANS , , uonl;st which the most popular plaids are to be found, 50c and 75c a yard. A large range of smart dressy Tweeds in all the Lowest effects at W. a yard. Hotter 71' litaew in Tweel14 4(t 7 , $1.1411, Ill 1.25 and $1.311 a yard. hlallhli H A1/l'LI)TH and VENETIANS in almost all colors, 714•, 111.1(1, *1.11 avid *2.(11 it yard. Ladies' and Children's Flannelette Wear. Ihr• stork ,f Fladu,elette \Veal) 444 very complete for 1141(14444' and :(111i1- 1111 11 s 1Ve 4.r, We herewith mention only a few ..f the lending pine) : LADIES' NIGHTDRESSES Ladies'Flannelette Nightdresses mode of n Bowl misfit if stripedin white, pink, 171,1,• 1111(1 gray, hen- Hnnm•letle. with frill 11( neck ;ani 1tit.hell at neck 01111 sleeves. This '.I9%,•, extrlt large 14izr, Q� is 4.o nno.L r14nu� Karn,rnt x4(41 MINY 11h, each... WC should 141114'*' A hug welder, 75c 4pH4•i111 i CHILDREN'S FLANNELETTE NIGHTDRESSES in pink only, made 4extra (reality and to Q(>,C m( �V��JJ seilall ages, from 8. & C. CORSETS, the most comfort alik enc et on the mnrket: all the latest model's are in stock in all 41x,•14. A Special Line of Ladies' 1' lannelette Wrappers, l one Dollar, Ladies' Flanbelette Drawers, ilrwhite, pink and grey, at soc, sloe, jsc. Penin's Gloves Perrin's Globes "197" Millar's Scotch Store PH(5)e"