The Signal, 1906-10-4, Page 6a Tmossosv, Oct 4th, i9CG
A Friend
Told Me About
almdreds 4 peoplewho have
cured red 4 Kidney Trouble
by til -Ju, were first induced
try data wonderful remedy
lrtends who had them -
ides been tared. The salee
of Ito- Ju sin daily increasing,
everyone who tales
Gr® r benefitted -and these
in taxa, tell others. Su the
good news is spread.
Hae es what a Peden man says
.amt stn -JCL
-"r have used Ho- ju with greet
anent to myself, sad cheerfully
swarms e,rd to all who. I think, are
oak sine from ILK/airy Trouble*
sed aheumawm
'4 thlek Rojo tbs. best remedy
Tours sincrrely,
Is bleb MILLS.
Wwasoa, Owe - - ere Yo..
We will pity the highest cash price;
for live old hens. also spring chickens!
ducks anal all kinds of p niilirv.. Mei)
tion (his paper.
PRODUCE CO.. Limited.
Stratford. - Ontario
KAYE YOM A BOSS ? or rr. you Inde.
pendent11 s Al are making money for *1414 one
else. quit aid mike ,nwwy 1.,r youreelf. 4:et ou1
ef *Lively aid he free. Wrier 4' M•asaatt. &
CO., I.otdon. They will *bow you the .ay .They
have slatted thousands on the road to freedom.
Raven dollars a day. every day ,n the year, Is he.
fag rade haadlisg their good.. Write now.
Time 4. money
Hunters' Excursions
At Single Fare
Going Oct. 9th to Nutemb.r OI.
1'".111 Isom• 111 Tcuutg.tIIIl un
I'. sed N. 0. Ry. Tu IM,iftts
dttaw,t to Port Arthur. To
'omit Ste. Marie and Port At. -
!Our via Northern Nliv. (:u. 'l'11
ieorgitu Bay and Lake Superior
points Via N. N. Co. '1'11 1141101.
in Quebec.
f'iitit Oct. 250 is Plsre■kr Wt.
To Penelang, Midlandl:.ketleld. rill
paint. rile' ern to Nottli flay. Argyle to
('obo(smk. I.Ind.a)• to Halibut ton. All
points Malawte-k„ to Depot Hart„r.
All point. on Muskoka Lakes, 1. Ike of
Ray.. M:gtnrts .al, Reel.
All Tickets good re-
turning until Dec. 8th.
For O.krl. Mud (1111 information 4,11 011
Town Agent.
141411.e hour. -6.3 1 4111. to 9 p. ❑,.
Ihq,It Ticket Ageet.
J. 11. Mclbn"Id. !Picric! I'll--. .l Kent.
The 4111e1, of beet ru11101h, u,lghont I ler•
Hrlllah Empire has dropped a notch or
Iwo, aril com•.quently !twat prier.• me
down. We ere now .lI co,.plylnx all cu
at lower prlet., while the quality is 1e.
, If not better, Than et er. ,
S's MEAT HA'HI(F:T Moult, N,llA,ll
kind/sof meth,, poultry, etc.. Madchile
thanking the lmblie for their liberal
patronage. we solicit a continuative of
1 he sante.
t'orner blast 81. end $gw,re, tislerieh.
'PHONE 15 OR 24
1Phen owant 1 and Yatd.) (soviet and'
OH'1' nl leech !Inner,
NAIL ('ad weighed on the market sal,.
where y011 Rot 2,401 lb... for it tun.
Order. left et C, t', I,EE'r, Hardware store
Rant side Hattan., pteuIp(ly attended to.
Canadian Northwest
Homestead Regulations.
M,v even numbered section of Demi,, inn
Lod. 4e* Manitoba°, the North-we.t I'tornier,
tarep tlne11 and 911, not rmaersed. nfn)• 4,' home,
Mewled by any person who Is the sole hosil of n
holly. Oe any male over Ie yuan of neo, 111 the
eateet of one-quarter section of PR nen••., moo.
Of lei ..
Entry 11,1, .1 be neat.. p•r.dnntly n1 eh'• lural
kind oMin for the dl,trict in whleh The fond 4.
It nate.
The hornnaeader I. required to perform. the
conditions ronr,rrtwl therewith node, one of
the* follow mg plans :
111 At IIw.1 .I1 111011th.. rr.dde1,er 111100 ,u,d
tom ir,Ulon of the land In oarh tear for Dhow
12, If the father for mother, If 1110 fat her i. d.• of the hotne.tesder m.ld'v 111144, n farr1,
in the I trinity of the land entered for oho re
n,lln•u,1•u1. 'w to rosidettoe 11144) 4M• ,1114 1141
hy sorb person residing with 1h.. a,tlwr or
13, If the .ell ler h*, hl. I>rrmanent r..lderree
upon farming land nwnrvl by him in the t k•Irt
It.y of hl. ho4ne t..nd. the rngnlnnnnnt., Os 10
wieblenne may be -'*11.11ed by reeklcn', mein
the wild land.
Pit month'. notice In writhig .honld Is, given
b the ( ofrnnis..bos of Dominion I.,t1ds et
Ottawa of intention to apply for potent.
!Mpnty of the Minister of thetlit Interior.
N. B.--Unaithemearl publication of this M
tertWlrant w111 not be pelf! for.
Copy of change of running advertise-
ments must be left at this oMce hy
Monday noon to ensure insertion
In issue of same week.
The milking wa,hiue Iden is 4ertaln
ly waklug rapid and favorable progrene
Ja the nelnda ofdairymen.
A writer to Hoard's I)alrymau de-
scribes a atilklug wa4htue exhibited ut
the New York state dairymen's cOMVPU-
tlOu, the Invention uta Mr. Klein of
Roanoke, Ya, Iu wavy tP pe •ts, he
says, It resembles the Burrell watt
1t consists of a pail. smallest at the
top, with a cover which lits closely,
Making It air tight. Ou the cover are
metal tubes tor the attacbuleut of the
rubber tors teethe,; to each of the
twocows that are riwultauronely wllk-
ed into toe oae pail. '!'here is also an
automatic arTangewtut on the Corer
called the pulsator. It Is by menus et
!bis that t13e lnterwltteet uctiou of the
machine Is made possible, As the
pulsator oscillates, whic6 It does at the
rate of about sixty oscillations per wiu-
ete, the vacuum Is alternately turued
on and off the teat cups, cau1inr• suc-
tion and Menne from auction at each
alternate stroke. This giver opportuni-
ty for the teat to WI after each act of
suction by the machine. The method
of wedding the pulsatur seems to be ,
!<ILLLYa 114CUIN4.
the elder point of- differeuce between
this machine anti the one preylously
described. liar. Klelu has u specially
coustructed apparatus, operated by
power, which consists of au exhaust
pump and a compressor, both coupled
to oue arbor. The exhaust produces
the ■uctluu and operates the pulsator
in one 'direction, while the compressor
operates the pulsator lu the opposite
At the convention the wilkilug of four
crows was witnessed by the writer, and
even with that *bort experivu(•e .the
('uws°actually seemed to enjoy the op-
eratlou. One cow made a"few demon-
foratloue not uufamitlar to a dairyman.'
but the cause seemed to be that the op-
erator was on the wrong tilde rather
than any real objection to the ma-
chine. It Is evldeut that with the pail
standing between the cows and two
cows milked at the same time nue of
them must be milked from the side op-
posite that which it man usually ap-
proaches when going to milk.
As everybody was saylug, the ma-
cblue milked the tun's all right, There
war a little stripping to be dune, though
nut much. Whether the cows decreased •
ler duo, of milk by the use of the
=chine cau hardly be stated pool-
tively, though It was claimed that the I
quantity was about as usual,
Re fur as the dairyman is concerned
with the varlotls luveutious In milking
macbines it would seem advisable to
observe awhile.
THE SIGNAL: comorl('Ii (►NTA 1,1(►
sore well Trlot Beelpes That Arae
Saar. se Lae.
Ilow often dues It happen, even to
I:m be,t of bousekeeperx, that 011,4 14
n rid appears, u few minutes before
• lilnl•Idi Ill.•, with her bauds demurely
folded and un expressluu of bupcless•
tress e11 her l'o(lutl•uuLt'e a14 4411e aU-
I Maumee. "!'lease, ma'am. there's 1112
breed for luueh." Or prrbu4,s u sudden
'l IuiIus of cullers ou a cold alleruuuu
briugw a de -ire for a cup of lea -1'1111
its admitting biscuit -and the stere
closet reveals 1101WM: but 11111.1y holes
Ilere are saute mit on to tide over Matt
u (,441411:
!'lulu Gems.-41ift together oue plot
or sifted pastry dour, nue level tea-
. npuuutul of snit uud live level tea-
' sp.outuls of baking powder. l'our
over this our cupfuIyf milk, stir just
r`uyhgb to wake u wu00114 butter, uo
longer. lirop from the spoon lute gem
pans, said bake In a quick oveu from
Bfte'c•u to elghteeu ulluutes. Bread
dour way be used ih waking thew, but
une-third cupful more ut milk will be
Core Muttlus.--Oue cupful of corn-
meal tthe flue kind, not the grana•
Iat.s11; one cupful of dour, heir 11 cup -
11111 of sugar, nue teaspoonful of baking
powder, bait a teaspoonful of salt. In-
to these rub oue geueruue tablespoou-
tui of butter. elf you are iu a great
hurry, the butter may be rofteued near
the tire.) Add the yolks of two eggs
and a cupful of mlik--sour milk with
a little soda Is best --and last of all the
beaten whites. Stir It all up as quickly
• us p014sible and pour tutu gem pans.
Bake about tweuty minutes,
Wheat Puffs. Two cupfuls of milk,
two eggs, two cupfuls of flour. Beat
hard god very "'mouth and bake,
Lewou Tea Cakes. -('!'hese hardly
come under the heading "quick" as
compared with the otbera, but the
recipe Is so useful to bate In an emer-
gency that It Is added.) `One egg, one
cupful of sugar, three tablespoonfuls of
milk, Juice and rind of two small
lemons, one teaspoonful of baklug
powder, flour enough to roll out.-De-
Thenew to Be Popular. o
secret of getting along with
e(•erytiody and having a good time
wherever you go Is to like people and
to take au interest ler their lives. It
does not matter whether it is a pr)uces't
or a servlug maid, a statesman or s
farinor whom you are tbrown with for
a few minutes or a few boors, find out
the main interest of the life you have
met and talk about that and you will
interest yourself and your hearer too.
This human nature lover is • separate
nod dlitinct ludivldual from the man
who calls himself a student of human
nature. 1'61, student looks at his uei4h-
bors usually through a qulii1ng glass
and continually takes inventory of their
vices, detects uud weakuessee The
other person comer to his or her fel-
lows with love In (be heart and ler her
wiud the one thought, "We are b
ars and sisters, what eau I do fur you.
She cares only and lours duly for the
greud human w'ntlweut, In the heart
of each wan or.wowau shetueets, And
Momebuw she feuds them. ne the quan-
tity great or liltinitesitually sinall, she
stile it out. She has friends every
where. • People love her, believe and
entitle In bee. Why? Because she
uv111, believe' 111 and takes an Interest
o everybody.
Government Expodrtlon to Set Out
Thr Loafer sad'Merkel. la Cow Hide
sad Their peened•.
A circular frusta the Illinois experi-
ment station gives the record of two
'sows. Rose and Queen. hose was
bought us n four-year-old for 850., She
14 DOW past sixteen, and bre record
for the past ten years is stated as
Shortly With 6311,000.
The avarice of western Canadian
highwaymen, 1t there ave any lett sines.
Miner and h1' nand were corralled
and stored awalp' for Ste lit New West-
minster prison will he Molded to the
exploding pulnt Oe the news of an ex-
pedition which is shortly to start from
Prince Albert, Sask., to pay treaty
mon.. to the Italians Y rat
as th
sot •otlrall
p Y
unknown wlldenn•se which Hee north
of the 64th parolled of latitude and
(bordering on the shores of the Groat
lave Lake, be Loeser Slave fake,
eke Athabasca, :old sh• Peace River.
The party whloh will represent the
Government of Canada with the pomp
and clrownsteatce adopted when the
Sens of the forest are to be asked to
1•Nlnqulsh their anerr'Ig�11nal rights to
he land for a cast cdhuMerftlon, will
eery beteesea 8200,000 sad 830e.O10 in
74e sand two -altar bulb si Deminlone
pap•e cwnancy and 141 hold-up .f the
legation by enterprtteing ineabooters,
t successful, would result in •p• of the
!chest basis ever made in the history
1 the bandit business.
This phase of the question has, how --
Wer, bees sonny. safely provided for, as
a small but heavily aimed c•.ntlngeut
of the Royal Northwest Mounted Pollee
will accompany the expedition, and a
close guard MI1 be kept on the treas-
ure night and day. The sum represents
the largest expenditure ever made at
one atm• by taw Cinadlan Government
in dealing with her Ludlam wards, and
its payment w411 accomelleh the retln-
qulahing of aborteip al *Itis to an Soda
of more that, 64.00/ samara mild. et
territory, principally In the new IN, -
ace of Saskatchewan, while a popu-
*Hon entiraased at ICON Indians will
receive cash la return. The chief a ev-
er, band which eoresent• 1,, . om• un-
der the proposed treaty sells g.r 830 •r
840 In brand new 4'anadlan hills, every
adult Indian will reteiv4 nth. and cover
other member of the iand of either ■•a
will reu•Ive 812.
Thereafter every member of the tribe
will receive an afnulte. of IN whllethsy
reside on the res•rvee -which will be
emarked by the Government, and
here the bands are requested to take
p residence. Instead of having roving
cense ail ever the province. There
III not be the decided pomp which
cenmpanied the signing of treaties
1th the reamea In the old days, but the
borigine's lore of dignity will be avail-
ed to a certain extent, and solemn
•selaves will be held with the chiefs
tore the tot..ens are affixed to the
epees. Rands of w•hlte traders will
°Lew the explydltien with gaudf
lankets, rifles and ammunition, ana •
rge part art the treaty m, ,.y 1111
mediately come back tato aMllsatlon
r the pure/ism of the trinket• 'fifth
whleh the altrewM [gentler %era) to
caJol• the fancier et the !deeper aser4.
The tleeernm•ne besuy. roominess
the poslttgru •4 °the &lids trf aalmgs
each one a aUr•r mega, sad a Srttleh
1444• a ed&al * 'Ades r to
set out fromMoine* ABbarl, Auk..
obo)t1y, will be 3i A. 1 sox.... of
Winnipeg, Indian deteninl*Isa.r, and
with tutu will be R.r L.-Msthr SW-
r•try of the Mount., }alma yet*, HIM
oonatables; Cb
kaee Mbar sad 11,111,1418
)lair .a secretary*!, and pr LIk
Y Abazu 14 to for .:)prk144 44 Mout
teen ntetrlr to co Also' acetal
1 1
Hatter fat, 1,140 pounds at tf, rent* aectee0 . I
Skim milk, 73,526 pounds at 1S rents
e• tau pounds 110.4
•'• rratr04 (4 heifers), at leastG000
'Total Income 81,120 29
Coat of keep, at 14a per year 401.40
3::0. _h c
The lucome for three more years
should be added to this In estimating
what the cyw ham doue as a life work.
In the same herd 1a a cue- called
Queen. This cow' has ubso,made u rec-
ord of 912 pounds of butter fat, or
1,1)11_ pouuds of butter In Mix years,
Thus while Rose gave nu average of
448 pounds of butter per year Queen
wade only 171 pounds, In her best
year Rose made 1117.:1 pounds of but-
ter, or wore than one, ton. From their
pictures the two cows neem to Ire of
about the sant(' aloe and would proba-
bly consume about the same quantity
of food. During the ten years of the
record Rose ulso pruduwedbtevea calves,
tour et them being belfry'. 1f these I
are anything 11►e their mother every
one of them should lin kept.
The %early laeome,
it will be !Well that Rote gave en
average years) income for butter fat
of 396, while Queen gore only 138. It
may be possible to feed a cow fur $:1,S
a year. The station puts the coat at
840. and if this Is a fair •figure Queen
loot 32 each year, whale hose galued
=:,41 fur ber owuer. 'Thus Professor
Fraser Is Justified 111 saying that one
cow k a great au('ees while tbe other
Is a cbarity boarder, nays the Rural
' New Yorker. Now, the questlou 1,.
Flow many deadbeat' lite this Queen
are there In your bent? Nearly every
nutested berd can show them. In
eighteen Illinois bird', c'ontalaing
rows, there were found 'eventy four,
or one In Ave, that'werwgq poor as or
poorer than Queen. There they a ere
eating their beads off and expeetiug 1 1!e*
their owners to getible pay out of their to
society and the manure.
"Mat Prefe.•or Fv ', flay..
it d, just as Professor_ F`ru,.er says:
"Quite,-(ed these (jnt'en.
have everywhere honey.vinbel dnir)
society, but they have no righttnl
standing to the Halls of'brMdwinnere
and should ire unteaskwl'by the Mc*Iee
*ad test end sent to the.,nnly de.tlnn-
tlen to wet(h they have no honied
tkcket, wtthnnt stop over or return -the
botcher's Moak Look out for these
Idle, spendthrift Qneene. They may
sot task much different dram worthy
tetra, bat they are daft:rent-vastly
t" tall
avers Cute rata late Nee Milk a
lNaulle Per Cent of Hotter Pel.
It might be sup)Mis..1 that the richer
the milk the greater 11, advantage as a
food for bibles tool chlklreu, especially
as it 41(14 lx, ser eusiiy reduced. But
those who uuderstaud the cbewlslry
of milk know that Its degree of digesti-
bility depends upon the size ut the fat
etrpt sclee it CWitlllns- -the ('111411INr the
Rile the more digestible. The milk of
the (luerurey anti Jersey breeds of
('00.14 Is unsuitable, even when modi-
fied for lufant teethes, br('atew It con-
tinue fat corpuscles of large size and
greater 1udI rstthitviba
that err ether
breed,, Aud even of the Wilk of the
other breeds that which Is adapted to
oue child may nay br to another, and
ler caller of illuess Tie faintly pbysiciau
Is culled epee to prepare for each of
his lafaut patients a separate formula
dependcut Upon the penwutuge of but-
ter fat in the milk to be used as a
special Clare,* of Milk.
These facts, together with the JItM-
e illy of obtaluitei printer milk fur
bibles, luduved tl •• proprlctor of a
fares ueur Bustin to uudertuke to
provide several classes 'of "percent-
age milk," u ap(a' d per ceut milk
for the use of (bit, invalids, eouvak's-
reuts uud fur the "milk cure," a 5
per ceut milk for General use (ht the
family, etc.), a 41 • per cent milk- for
children atter their secuud summer. a
4 p'r eeut and also a fat free(' intik for
babies. It to pOsoOle to guuruutee a
positive and praetl..,iiy uuvarylag per-
centage of fat ler coat or any of these
4lasse's by the selo Ilou and grouping
of cows according to the quality 411
their milk as ascertained by the Bale
cock test.
'I'bis euterprlse, uceordiog to a writ"
er who makes .the furegolug state-
ments ler !'arm, Field and Fireside, 1s
the first and only one known to the
writer to take advautage of the fact
that every cow puts tutu her milk a
detiulte per cent of butter fat, a per
cent peculiar to herself, which varies
but slightly except for a short time at
the beginning and .udlug of each lac-
tation, uud that Ito known methods of
feediug can more 'low temporarily In-
flueuce this fat couteut-
O*eia1 Teat. la ladlaaa.
The dairy department of Purdue ex-
periment station has established n sys-
tem of official tests ter the dairy herds
of Its state. The plan ism to scud out
represeutativea from the station to
conduct these test, fur any breeders
who desire them. 14'uetlts Which have
been derived ler other ,tate. where this
plan baa been tried amply Justify the
effort. The first 0411,41 p1 test bus been
completed. T. 11. Juck1uu of South
heed, led., submitted six of his well
known, Holsteins to a seven days' milk
mud butter fat test. 011e of his cows,
aged two years and four months, gave
a seven day yield of 3111.6 puuuds of
inilk. Another made a record of 408
pouuds. Application, hare been diade
from several breeders of jerseys, but
these tests have l,,t been completed.
51r. Ilunzlker, head of the dairy de-
''rtmeut, says pedigrees are much like
tl ea. Pules,' they ere backed up by
the performance of the Individuals
bolds ; them as well as by the per-
fornia e of their ancestors they are
of little •aim.. Official tests are made
for the p lose of deterwluiug and re-
cording tbe crfurmance of each indi-
Dawdling Value et Phi= 1111k.
A correspondent of the Dalry Itecords
has carried ou extensive experimental
work for a number of years from
which he concludes that skim milk has
a value of 20.4 cents a hundred pounds
-that 1s to say, when hugs are bought
and sold at the same price and corn he
worth 25 'Vont. a' bushel and oilmeal
is worth 31..'sl per hnudredwelgbt ,him
mil • 1 t
k I. worth .1.4 cans per h ndreJ-
wet t. e. -
Rh The f eJs were fed 1e* the fol
i ,wing proportions: One part of oll-
lueal, six partaof shelled corn of fairly
mewl quality and twenty parts of warm
skim milk.
Dairy Twlk of Today
Never mix cold cream and warm
cream together. After the cream 1e
cleated to the temperature of well wa-
ter, say 51) degrees, then the two can
be millet. Emptying warm cream Into
cold cream nearly always develops bad
flavors. If the cream Is kept cowl un-
til delivered at the Metier' or to the
cream hauler it ought to reach the lac.
tory In eplentlid condition.
Put the cow that in 10 calve during
tie•:e hot days In the etnble and give
her'hay. Keep her out of the hot sun.
A good. clean, thick betiding in the
.table 1, goo.I for the cows and good
for the milkers.
You enjoy a variety of food. 14o tines
the 41)14-. It cn11 be produced by BOW -
Ing mixed pasture grass.
Its a long list of experiments It has
been proved that It cost, 83.'.0 to
make n calf gain n hundred pounds the
first year, ;7.10 the second and 811 the
A writer to Kimball's Dairy• Fanner
ea": "At no time In the memory of the
writer has there been each necessity
for the adoption of the silo, nod the
memory of the writer dates beck to
the time when the Nle was first pinee(1
on dairy farms in the United States,
lie tins continually need there nn his
own firms to ,tore f4'(s1 In not only for
dairy cattle, hot for hogs nod horses
as well, and In 110 MAI' has he ever
found lack of profit in the feeling. He
Ie the tint non in the (0)nntry to have
fad tillage to hog, with dote nW1 to re.
stilt, and the first mon to have ndvo-
ented silage to the gruernl farmer. To -
tiny there ere many finch former•, to
give fnvnrnhle te'atlmony to the rattle
of silly.% both In the pen and feed lot"
l et the Stomach Alone.
0e* ean't cure catarrh by "loving
the !4,4111:11 11. The ,1i.,•n•d• i, in lite
thtont, 1,,.e and bronrhlnl (Owe,
Inhale 4':1(art'hozon,. to the spot.
where the ,i.eare' trolly is - it. elean,
twat. foal Meeretion., !tops discharge,
it once, purities mild heels the rms.
.ons es, literati yy annlhiIAtaet every• trace
of ent.wrrh. Nothing else i. Mn eertiin
end direet as '•(:nl,t.t•rhozone." Re-
OnlllRnaranteed, Two oixes,'Lic. and
$I.ep, at all dealet's.
A roan teel.lnm realizes whet an
unprincipled ,t'oundn•I he iM until he
tun, for omce. Chicago News.
Quaint, Long, Genuine Old Log House
In Which the Science of Living
TSJems to 111 Perfect.
One knows and hears and reads
somewhat ut lite In au Eugb.h err
Se,tch country house, but a Nn1lnr
butldsy •spent 1e* a Canadian reentry
house is little knuwn or expertetweJ,
hough the summer months Ily In a
must happy fashion with those who are
tottulate enough to pursers such a
home, rays a writer In The Toronto
'blob', cin a st l.1ng of grass,
n.ugh andunkempt is part,-thulrgh a,-
su In part rich and luxurious, Hands
a quaint, long, g, mine old lug hoes-,
to which the addition ut a second slur-
,) end wide verandahs tuund then
rules give a charming air of' plctures-
L oeness. The lawn declines to a randy
narrow beach wliereun laps the water
of old Luke Hlnicoe; to the right is a
belt of magnificent willows, beautiful
In their grey -green foliage, and beneath
their boughs runs a wide creek fringed
with the rich red roots of the trees.
Up behind the times -wore holism err the
bank of the lake whirls a tall rad wind-
mill sending a supply of water to the
big tank on top of the mudern stables.
and directly beneath the bank le a
bubbling spring, Its cristal-olear water
strongly Impregnated with sulphur, be-
ttered by the folks about to have vast
heating qualities. There, too, came men
and maidens In canoe and boat to have
a chat.
Inside the house, past the bilge front
door with the long panes of glass om
each side, so nlversal In the early days
or pioneer 4' nada, a tiny hall opens
un either side to two barge ruoms, quite
Itnposing In e, and with great win•
dews 'opening In, over broad sills; In
each room are normous fireplaces with
tall, narrow m, and big dog Irons,
en which ever repoie logs ready for
lighting should . .- evenings turn chilly.
Basket chairs, b 1ght cushions, fioweis
from the garde and ferns from the
woods, with on•r or two comfortable
rugs on the bar floor, with flowered
muslin curtains u the Quaint windows
made up a delight ul sitting room, the
dining room been restricted to table
and necessary ch n, and one huge
refs In the corner. The bedrooms are
upstairs, except th quaint btrchelor'■
&Piedmont opening • ut. of the sttting-
room, from whose c 'sent the happy
oceupant escapee to Is dip In the lake
a few yards away.
Breakfast (none too mild over, the
Candsonee chestnut h-rse A. D. C."
comes up to the veran•ah In company
with "Ellen:" the c.w, eaeh mousing
about until the dally bums oteu at are
elven, A. 1). C, later , n1ak1 an
Incursion of his own on O toe veraa-
'lah, and thence Into th big pantry,
t) here he evidently looked on the alhk
In the 11ght of a manger! 0 the flown.
dmfs Is a large hamm ,ck, w . erten each
member of the family, d• n to the
baby of three years, snoozes away the
hot hours, while the locust Inge the
strain of "heat, heat, heat.' charm.
leg motor hunch Is near by, • y to
take who wish It to th - 'pretty
town oppOslte, wit.- re tobacco, •avers,
stamp:, and g:orerie, are proc rable.
Thr sailboat has Its devotees, an , like
a white bird, darts over the w•a r at
all time., w'h'I.• those who prefer _
lag find th.-Ir way up the 'Sr) er'.
('reek" under the shade.
A liege garden furnishes red r
berries In u6°andance, with a huge
of pink and white ,tucks, grown wit
and f„rests of poppies and sunflower
fur th- house. Vegetables galore also,.
art picked, and nearby a chicken rub
Rive delicious eggs. Picnics are organ -
numberless pretty Wlnts,. delves
..n the excellent country roads, and
bridge claims Its devotees In the even-
ing The moonlight is wonderful to the
long evening., and from the verandah
hammock one of the party repeats with
declamatory t.rr.• long stanzas of
poetry, grave and gay. and there 1e per-
haps the lilt of a song, with ,tome. of
Camp and travel. These, with the white.
guttering radiant.- on the lake. and
long ■hadoe t, east from the gabled
house, make a lovely picture for the
'merry' gr .up to remember for many u
day: The dally swims In the soft lake
waters, the walk. In the gluriony w.,.'.
surrounding .the pence, and, above all.
the sleeping, t -':)y and night, In the pun
air. for,n
tiltrandst .•
R tont* for
and aid. eh ,tographing L much In-
dulged la, and many a pretty or ludlc-
rous group reminds one of the delight.
Cul day.- spent In the old -dela Cana
dlan home.
Dalai> She - et Limiest. Few Ch.
Swart earl'. Wardrobe,
One of the IM'w empire designs 111
nightdresses is shown in the Illn14tra-
tiu. it is 111:141. With n 4wa11 square
yoke. both front niiil beck, which is
arranged to fneten over on the lett side
of the front, into this the material is
set In gathers of locks, while a touch
of weeny Is given 111 the pretty empire
bolero which surmounts it.
The corset cover I. an extremely pret-
ty model, fullness oTer the bunt being
lrlOfTDREs' AND coulter COTRR,
allowed for by deadens of lucks taken
In, 1n the shape of darts. These also
shape the curer at the w'al.t line. Tiny
tucks at the top are separated by abort
pieces -ot Insertion, lore beading fin -
lobes the neck And slew('..
An exquisite met of underwear made
for a summer bride was of the 1heerest,
finest crena colored silk trimmed with
duchess lute -11 ruy111 sot of lingerie,
to be .ore, butt nothing too good for nn
American princess.
The Baseball Craze.
14'haneellor .lame.. It, 1)ay. of Myra
coon 1.ti iversily, in rt discussion of the
1'I8z4 for athletic, that ,runetitae,
becomes taw rampant in the nniver-
tittlea of America, .aid :
"Why, i know a young clergyman
he had been on exeelletlt first base-
man at college in hie times -who, after
reading a portion of the Scripture.,
'aid solemnly** he chlsfd the Bible
one Sunday molding in the baseball
1Naalwl :
" 'Here etlldeth tbe mood Innings.”'
The average family in
pounds of tea per year.
used entirely, not more
be required. You save
use Red Bose Tea.
Canada Maes abort 25
If Red Rose Tea were
than 20 pounds would
real moue? when Toa
Te a
"is good tea"
T. N. [STABftOOKS. Sr. doom. M, S, rlflmal►a6,,. ..a.
Parnell's Breed
'Dory .s. who has toed
it will have .0 other.
Hua • marry, palatable.
whole . h. a t flavor
that is picaharly 14
Oar came r labelled uw
.Tory last.
It le the Same Pelee es
the Inferior Kind.
MISS CAMERON begs to announce to
the Ladies of Goderich and vicinity that
she is now ready to show Fall and Winter
Styles in Millinery.
All the Latest Ideas to Shaping and Trimming
Hamilton St
Goderic .
New subscribers may have
Jhe signal and the
Weelclq Mabe
for the balance of the year for only
25 cents
The two papers to January Ist, 1908, for
to January Ist, I907, only 40 cents.
to January Ist, I907, only 25 cents.
to January Ist, 1907, only 40 cents.
Any of the above offers good for any ad-
dress in Canada, the united States or (}rt'at
Send your order at once, so as to get the
whole benefit of the offer, Address
Vanatter & Robertson