HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-10-4, Page 5TNN: SIGNAL: (,OI)Eitll '11 t ►vI N 1' 11 ,
Tin ss at, Uc u:N•r lth, 1906 3
Report of the hydro -electric Power Commission of
Ontario on Water -powers of the Lake Iluron
and Oeorglan Bay District Lstimates of Cost
of Power Delivered at (loderlch and Other Points.
The report of the Uutalio hydro-
electric power committees' covering
the tyke Huron and Georgian Bay
district, to which et slight. reference
way, euede 111 hue week le name, 1s a
doauateut of no little iletere.t to die
wople of (hide rich and vlclulty, mad.
the Sauget -el River development. oI
various sixes are pessihle ter 'lave al
ready tweet made.
Ite regard to the Maitland River
the engineer stales : "%&lane• neer elates
mutt of Gothaiiti oil 11e• AI.IiUAud
River at the ox How a eta Outmode(
imuch ad the porus httiUrs of power dr- of righty led heed clue 1a• tealetined
dealt with in considerable (rind.
The inewlwr9 of the c iNNi air
Hun. Adam Heck. of Londou. chair-
man ; tiro. Pattinson, M. P. P. of
Preston, And JohnMiler, of !intuit-
ion. The greater portion of there -
port is the appendix, prepared by the
chief engineer of the conrniss'On,
Cecil H. Smith.
In the district covered by the re-
port, which includes thertowns north
of Stratford and Guelph, and as far
to the north aa Sudbury, the cowmis-
aiun reports that a total demand of
18,0(10 horsepower at present exists.
'Of this total a considerable prlpor.
lion can be eupplied locally, or ill al-
ready supplied locally. or by trans-
mission systems already constructed
as indicated in the engineer's appen-
dix. Again in awe small scattered
towns at a distance from weter-
powers there does nut appear to be
any opportunity to r -et the small
pruhahle demands. Aside from these,
however, the power market dealt
with in the engineer's report totals
eowr 12,1111.1.6. p., the hydraulic supply
for which is limited and could not
take care of large increment, either
industrial or for the operation of elec-
tric railway'..."
'The demand for electrical power
will, in slmost all cure, depend upon
the relative cwt of electricity as
compared with thatof steam, gas or
other local source of power. Thr cost
of electricity G dependent upon the
distance oyer which it is transmitted
and upon the quantity transmitted.
A. it is only feasible to transmit the
power in large quaint idea, trunk trans-
mission lines capable of carrying large
quantities must he constructed at the
uuteet; therefore the cost increases
with the distance, and a point in
eventually reached et such it distance
from the generating station that elec., stations, or in the emir of G,elrrirh at
trical can nu longer compete with the- town limit..
steam or other local power. "Thr neat of distribution fr the
"Again the exhaust steam and hest numiriped Ntlh-,iii ions tee ler den-
velopment on the Maitland Iver ere
by the (%1st l',itiun of It rather ex -
'weenier date. ti hire will protide steer -
:eke Nultlrirut - lie take rare id any
reet»p161r peak load within the limit
of the tempt wary overload rep:la•ity.
Yurveya and estimates have been
mettle ley engineer" on behalf of the
Maitland River Power ('onepany, and
the reports in connection therewith
have been exit ed by an engineer of
the couuriasien, along with studies at
the proposed development phot."
The estimated capital dost of de-
velopment on the Maitland !fiver
is 11t35,(11). f o r• 1.44111 h. p., ter
$'3C3.12 per h. p. The estimated a
meal charges on a fully -developed
generating plant at the Maitland ire
as follows :
Opt'nttiog expenses, including
At1111inistretioll $ 5,665
Maintenance and repair* , ''7a(
Replacement fund 2,755
Interest at 4 per cent. 13,(111
Total annitAl Charges $24.174
These charges are divided es follow at
liodrreh, 1)4(2 h. p.. low-tension power,
$0,303, or $13.44 per h. p. par
Clinton, Seaford' and 11 it.ihell, t40
h. p.. high-tension power. $14,)470. or
$15.(03 per h. p. per annum. s
The supply of power to (i,Ndet irk,
Clinton, Seafort le and Mitchell is re%
templet ed from the detelopuarul un
the Maitland River. Thr rust of 24-
hour power face h. p. per arc at
these pieces. including line And step
down transformer losses, would be as
follows :
Von load 1 Iuw& f hail
I.Wt '.Gill 7141
pderich ..... ...$16 44 S1S 7:5 $31 114
Clinton ...... .... 22 113 'SS (IM :tit Is
$eafortb 21 10 a. 1:3 :C3 lo
Mitchell .... .)41 47 :31 HI 44 (1(
These figures indicate the east of the
power delivered at the nuuliripal stab -
from the steam plant of 44 11111- tact 0111.14
in imed in the peewees of tuatudir•tierr,
and it could nut be i xps•t.d that
eleitririty would he adopted ley men-
ufar•tnrera of this clues for power only.
av their production of strewn and heat
for wunufarturinogg purpose,. apult
'rune power would increta rather
than diminish their ripener*: and in
meaty itestenees waste material is used
in the production of strain: such in-
du*tries have been excluded from the
cunaideration of the extent of the
.'%'heal premise, varies widelywith
ditier.•nt conditions And depends upon
the distances involved, the inaptitude
of the daumna+ of indit'idual den•
sutnrr, and I be grouping of these
cons roe, • • • Thr ordin-
ary icipalily has such titrinles
IIIWtn. 111 Ili, al ifyittg the rides for
fwutter, such is Iitnit+d-hour route
with motor %Hers, contorts Is is
et • 'mere of elertt•ir power. eh'..
that fair •rates email only 1.- este le.
limbed after a entered study- el the
market at present insight. The raga netnal rondit' after oneradieens
dal enlut of abandoning steam plants weer begun. Under average comb.
would also, in many canes, he can- I tions in a town dentandiug 1,11411 h, p.
sidsrable, end t he abillt y of small •.'rice'or over, it 1.111114 r.ww,,pally he ex.
of power t e bear this Voss must a1.
ways he it Sector in t he finding of a
The first eerie. of tables in the dt1-
ginev'r's report states the power condi-
tions in the various portions of the
district, For (,derirh 1 other
towns in this neighborhood od the fig-
Ilrea are:
MUstrlpallty Pop.
(loderlch 4,901)
Mitchell 2.2101
Sea fort h 2.511)
Clinton 2,8111
HnuNSPIa • 1.401
Winghatn 2,401
Exeter 1.44(11
Kincardine 7,110(
Port Elgin 1,54111
Southampton 1,010
Walkerton 3,1411)
Tire water 1.3f10
laleknnw 1.1441)
prtid that Ill -hour purr could be
.old at the leauae or even It lower rat.•,
if brawl on maximllul demand. than
that tit trgeel the tttuniripility for :'-
ho,rt• power lit the tiu.h "tat lit
other wee els, the rumlicipFality might
expect tee prnHt sufll•iently twat over-
lapping peaks. 21 -hour power (r
lighting, p ping. general motor
Total amount. Amount available for
power need. electric IndwlhUon.
11. P.
Sugresleil or lin•rnt
Vali e'1• of ouster.
Mail land River.
" (1ode I1
" Modell
Sit tweet. River
'• 411ara1)
Nine Mile River (local,
Table V. gives the uniform low
water flow, with the note that "in ell
rases enough I,a•NI'smdage can Ie• ob-
tained above the her dworkts 1,1 provide
Ger s considerably increased peek
rapacity." At PipFer'a, on the Mait-
land Hivrr neer fioNlrrlch, a head of
311 feet is report mi, with estimated low-
water Hew, 14) r. f. •., and miniu11nn
24-hoter "sewer. :bel h. p. At the
Black N.M.. en feet bead :
mated low•water flow. 141 c. I. +
minimum 24 boor power. 1,11211 h. p.
At Wingh*ln 151111 at variunN JI ti I' ,oil
users, rte., to pay t
bu t ion:"
A table gives the
motor in'talls1ion
sinner. the flgarem
at 5 per rent. on
depreciation and remota, nil, rare and
operation. The figures vary- from
$8.20 per h. p. per annlnn for a flve•-
h. p. install*lion to $2:_4 pm h. p. p•r
annum for a 2110-h. p. installation.
This cost must he added to the dost et
distributed power to find the total
en.t of power to the cans met•.
he cost Of its dist' i
estimated'vost of
by the "it mer roti
including interest
the eNmital east.
II'nntinned from fetal' 4
ralleetion, Moe. Huwrie: painting nu
tufting (loth, Mrs. Howrii, C. A.
Humlber: painting on silk or satin or
plush, C. A. Humber, Mee. Howrie.
Penmanship - All the prizes' were
taken by pupils of S. S. No. 111,
Stanley. Map of Ontario, colored, .1.
Honey, Syrup and Sugar--
romh, (1, A. umber ; maple syrup. C.
A. Humber.
Preeeryes, Bread. Et r.---Aasnrtment
of homv-nurtd, pr .'crew, F. F. Bing-
ham, Mrs. Huwrie : peaches, A. .1.
noldthorpe. Lena Hamilton : straw'•
berriat, A. J. (Inleitnrfee, Mrs. Hnwri'• :
raapleerri,., Mt•*, time. Nott, D. "1'•
Hamilton ; plMrs. invris.
l'a'sh*; pears, D. WH
W. Remittable, C. A.
Humber; cherries, A. J. (iuldthnrpe,
Mn. (leo. Nott ; citron, Wm. War-
nock, len* Hamilton : (nine.', C. A.
iteimbp ; jellies, C. A. Fllnunher•, .1. K.
Wise; mixed Mildest. ('. %% ells. ,Mrs.
N('o. Notts layer rake, W. E. I(urni.i
A.. 1. (inldlhorpe; twelve tea biscuits,
W. E. Uurnln, Mabel New he ; col-
lection of pies, Mabel Newcombe, A.
E. Matheeon ; one denten fans ' tarts,
1) W Hamilton, F. E. Hingham : ane
dozen oat r kis, F. E. Ria' m
ha, MIK.
Huwrie : three Bates ho,iie-rt,,,de
Need, A..1, Goldthorpe. Mn. Plunk-
ett : three 'MVP* horn.'-msde bread,
Made with Halter's hop venal, Lena
Hamilton, A..1. Goldthorpe ; rollee-
tinn of sauces, (I. WPI'., l'. A 11 inn -
her ; rollectlon of haking, A1. Gold.
"'nil*. W. K. lhernin.
The Judges.
The belga* nt the various depart-
mental were as follows :
Light Horse* Dr. W..1. R. Fowler,
Hravy Horses- W. Hawden and D.
Donovan. Exeter,
Sip -Richard Penhade, Stanley.
Pigs _Stephen Andrews, (hderlch.
('+tt1e-Appleton Inroad, Verne.
t'rultry -RIck. Oke, of Oke fawn
P6+1t y Verde, London.
Fruit* --Frank Metri11L BIt•th.
(&rains -Win. Burrows, Gimlrrfrh.
Flower -John Ti,,, -ntt. liiwlprich.
Hoots and Vegetables- -Thos. Hewed.
Home Manofactutps and Dairy Pro-
deleP-- Mrs..lonathen Miller, ('arlow,
and Mrs. Wm. Hill, Hrnutiller,
Ladies Work - Mr.. E. A. Mneyd
and Mists Lizzie Hutson, liadrrich.
Fine Arta J. A. Fowler, C. F:..
Two -Year Term for Councils.
At the last seesion of the Ontario
i al e
irgislaUlrP the MnnleIp At was
amended by providing that, with the
emsent of a majority of the. electors of
any local municipality, the council or
ouch municipality mac piss a byline
making the term of office for mem-
here of the council two veers instead
of one. There is time to pews mach
byltws before the mnnie.ipll eltrtions
of 111)7. The people of • a muni-
cipality under the prevent system
have it in their power to make the.
term of their councillors Iwo years
simply by re-electing them after the
first year : while at the main(• time
they run eject an undesirable (aimed
if they wish to do sir et, t he end of any
year. It ie not likely, therefore, that
the two-year term will he fixed by
bylaw in many muniripmlitir'.. The
one-year term provide. n Wirt of
safety valve.
A Matter of Spelling.
A trolley collided with n milk wagon
and seta the milk splashing on the
pavement.. Moots it crowd get leered.
"(inndnees!" exclaimed * men.
"What an awful waste! A very
stout lady turned and glared at hint.
".fust mind your awn lusineen," oche
*napped. --October Lippineatl's.
The.. Days Behind.
"1 heard today that yew snn was
an undertaker. 1 thought you told
nee that, he sena s phynri*n."
"Not at all."
"•1 don't like to cont.r*dirt, lad I'm
positive yaw did say an."
"Yoe misunderatrwd tor. f said he
followed the me ilial p .4c ion."
Free Gifts of Toilet Soaps
The Coupons are the same as lash becatee they can be exchanged for Toilet Soaps
fur which you have to pay out money ev'e•ry week.
for nothing.
Read circular is every package, or write us for Premium List.
A gift is of little value if it consists of something you have no use for.
In exchange for Sunlight Soap Coupons you can get something yuu need and use
every day.
Lever Brothers Limited, Toronto, Canada
THE Mac"'
Liverpool and Chicago Wheat Future,
Close Higher -give Stocks, Mar-
kets -The Latest Quotation.
MouJay Evening. Clef. 4. •
Liverpool wheat futures eluaed to 1o) .01
to %d higher than Saturday, mild iow t1•
turas 4yd lower 10 4 it higher.
At 4 hlcagu lie. eater wheal river.' 44e
higher than Saturday, Inverwhrr euro tie
higher, and Leeeneher mute SIM bleier.
At the Winnipeg optiou market tansy
the fulluwiut were lir . lu.:ug 4iutattouo
Lit. 7540•, arc. 734,. hila. "tar 71-,ee Od.
N'hvot Oct.]. '00. Sept.:aa,•05,
IC(,3:;t.Uw 17,,:)1.1.1)
4,178.0.11) 5,774 &sou
oats /t... b,p33,lwiq 1D,bi0.uaa1
Luring the week wheat lutrea.ed
GUI' bmdiel'oru locretard 4:47,W1.4 bushels,
rad out. In.'eased bushel.••
New York Ott. lase. rain,
Detroit ... • 1444 tip.
78b b2'r
Toledo b24y 7741, ....
It. Louts 7b% 74',1 ....
Minneapolis 77l4, 74•, ....
Duluth 794.4
Oral. _
w'h'at, spring, bush... 10 00 to 19 00
Wheat, fall, bush. 0 74111 0 15
Wheat, red, bush
0 74
Wheat, geese, hush u 70 0 7uS
.barley, btrab 0 50 -0 S1
(Jan bush„ uld 0 40
Uaia,.buih„ iew u 27 u 38
,Lush. ....
(r.rits.h• 0 73
Moor lork, Oct, 1. -Butter- 1I(rong; re.
Street priers: Matra erraw-
w, to 2tle. OMlctal prior,. : CTerw
erg; eoomm to extra, lla 25c; here, eec-
ooi sit ertns, 21e to 25c; state dairy,
wooers k4Q.ry, Manana to taw? lee to
24c:.oeotod. Common to extra. Lease to
tae;•wteKeestla(ioey, cmmou to brat. IOC
to lkweet 'n tattanuu creamery, ante,
-a'hsr receipt., 14111; state, tun
swam. awn, fancy, l:i'nrc; do., fair to good,
12%c W 13%. do., large, Katy, litioc; dee.
hatreea..ese . tl%c to ]Se; do., lutrttOr,
:o.11 .a:'aklma, le to Ile.
tong; r.c ta, 41383' ata" rena-
trie4urarLy, fancy, aetectsd, write,
do,,.ettoter, ;*M tee 111c; do., tala-
e78.sstrra.t Zialae- weitaro Alsta. 25c 10254,e;
D:i'Ikt: tat 16c.; •7a, antvtUL
agrarm MARKiPMIL
IMtOaI • .,50arkets b'trtaer-Emu.
Strung me l:hlc•.go,
Iapdou net. 1 Clrpduaa, rattle do the
B engt, Moritinteoweiquaned ag-1ec s0 Allko
penia,.; rerr,gerawrbear.f1fipatue_444 pre
T"rvntu-Junction, Oct 1.--Reoelpta
of Ilve stock at the Upton Stock .Yards
were 72 carloads, consisting of 3101
cadle, 142 sheep and lambs, 2 calves
and 1 bursa
Pdtes e>mged trove 414.25 (0 $4.73, the
bnik,aolflag et,N.3u to $4.50; .'apart 0111111
at $at eto $4.25 per cwt.
l'rime pitted tote of butchery sold • et
44 40 to 54. nu; loads of good. 414.;» W
14 35: medium, $3.75 to 414,111; comwuu, $3
to 43,06; aewr, 412.4u to 41.12,; cruisen,.41
cos• •per twt.
Mitch Vows.
Oboist s dozen oaten cows sold at$$Si 4111
4176 rest.
veal (lakes.
_frres veal calves sold at .0 per$twtw Or
ir 1o410 each.
'keep and Luba.
Labs ewe st 511 to 50,124; ,per (wet.
Qpsat ewes, 54.Z to (4.5U.
Selects were quoted by 11. I'.4 K i ti nt-
e t 41460.per cwt., and light fate rt 41s1.3a
per cwt.
keutreaL Oct, 1.--lYblea from IA ...roe tri
on Canadian cattle were ,rover at IOc it0
10%c, and randier. at eco wear L011(111 11
adv10.s were uorhanged for 11W a,Oeus 41
10c,so,Lykc. *Res of 1au04)40 cattle Wert •
made to Glamor to -day at 110 .a.nt Ca -
est week were 481) cattle, 1?14 ahrrp,
eats for September were :tl,,itt ,.nt-•
tit, 1408 sheep, and for seatiou to ,late
94.188 cattle sod 7544) sheep. Receipt.. I0
day wars 12011-dtne 271') sheep' mud Iambs,
100 cetseaund 7W k 1,1.. 'the 1.01111 nor
bore weerteady ander it good demand at
812 76,14. .6.110 per 100 lbs., weighed uta
The butchers were present lie full Torre
sad trate was brisk, *1111 the prices Nbuut
the lame -as oli last week's markets, eerily
prime eenlr'bemg •rire,. hod Wgutly msn-
er. Thr bast cattle add at 11/4c to 4441. per
10.; pretty good ailmaia, ;4r to 4c, mud
mon 1111
eemsled at 24 'to he. Mlleb cows
mold et W. to Alan mien. There were so
good carom on the mark•t; the peepers
cold e1 244e.to 3',.e per Ib. Mbespesdd at
3441e to 4c, and the Iambs at 6c to 5tte
Per Ib.
Ah a0M0 feeling pre14am, l* the ocean
freight market. and rates are :.s lower,
With .pe -e to LiverpoolLondon and in,,
goes offering offering at 3Ss; Alin:heater ut :tis aid
to 40s.
Diet Buffatn, Vet. 1. -Cattle-- Receipts,
6230 bead; slow; choice steady; n(hrrs 10c
to 15, tower; prier street, 415.115 40 86.29; I
shipping, $3 to 85.77'.; butchers'. $4 to
heifers. 8:4.2. to $4 x5; mewl 43 to•
414.15; bulls. $2 '=t to 14.10; noekers and
feeders, $2.75 to $4; stork heifer., 42 50 to,
413; feral cows ■ id springers stem*, $:n,'
to 8.50.
!lugs, Receipt., 15,710 be:r1;.falrly artier,,
etroug to 5c higher; heavy and meted.
10.15 tO $7: yorkers, 4191/ to $7; pig`, ett.Ill
to (6,75; rough*. 43 :it/ to 41:. 141; nags, 41.20
to $4.75; daatles 802:. to 41n :at
Sheep and Iambs Receipt., 131*' head; I
active; sheep steady; lambs We miner:
lambs, 45.25 to $N; a few, $8.110; yearling*.
$0 to $4.23; webers, 05.7:. to 41,; etre*, :
114.75 to $5; sheep. lulled. 41 to $5,45.; Cas- 1
add lambs, 417.94, to 418,
76ew Yurko Ort, 1.-Ifeyes - Rrrrtptt, `I
WW2; prime and choice steer* Win 10 toej1
higher; medium sod ioun slow to d
S hade tower; buns repenyv lower; medium
and gruel cows steady; otters *low nt Ise.
R; steers. 4830 to 5:.110; 7AAly 412.2:. to
(3.30: cow*. .1 to it 70. It:ports to mar
row. O00 cattle and 40111 quarter, of beet.
Calves Receipt*, .11,O; •rola steady.
greeters reeler; westerns lower; tents, i:•,e1
to $8.41); cull* 44.4) to 80; grainier* not
fed calve., $3.25 to $4; we (er.,, 4;1.50 too
43 75.
Sheep and *00)1,.- Rscaflpt1. 414:4): good
to choice loathe steady to strong; .uritnla
and common slow; strap ,an.hanpd: seem).
}41..7.10 to E cit): collo 412.,1 to 8:1; 'smuts.
$6II. t0 p1.21; cella $2.70 to $:4; I*tnoN,
$a 75 to 421; cella, :5 to $5:50: no 4•an*da
nogg- ftermlpts, 18686; market firm; state
alit Pennsylvania hogs tM $7 to $7.10.
Mango Oet, 1. --Carl le Receipt@ to -0,y
shout '1'1600; steady to strong; common to
VIM! *feint, 14.15 a 41 dr; rows, 111711 to
84.75; bittern. STAG IV, 0.33; haus. 8.4 40
to $4.5n; calvest1 to 4111.ip; ■teeters and
t re. 412. tin in 14.410.
is(ya-- erNpt.. 1.,441; Oteady; ebnlre to
prime, 5.•147. 80 414 b. $0.77ty, 0)•6100) In
ease. Mrs_ .e . 1e .116.0). bstetYw-
weiau.t, am.aa 10 V., •.r,l ge0n to Cate,
laced, PS.50 to =111+1; packleg• $4.20 tO
46 2u: pigs. 41.7.76 to 40.50.
1 Sheep rod Lau..lie 540Npts, 40,111.111;
. steady for elides Mi sod &keep; others
steady to 10e lower; sharp, 44.75 t0 0540;
yearlings, 415.70 to 41,;, I twee, 416 to $12.'40.
lece.....I in the I.t..t -old wrest atp-
prntrsl metier t t'. I . •% v0,111111e•, with
(;ngll•. all terttplel,•, 11.. Imll ol• eveliat
slackened, dismounted. lord said to a
atltall, grnhbc urchin •'1 sat'. my
1.01. cru I 1.4.4:111 for the %,NIP" Thr
1111). gasfesl 111 ,ii .1 t tnttr it sight, and
11 ,ht it luta.) 14. . ' nett' a ' :11
1'111 1 11 ¢ard,•n.. ”You 'nay be all
ri.•111 i1 they Irate I1 spare dngr, hr
N lid. %% hen lie monad find his tongue,
Lot you'd 11:1 .stood a 4.,' leder
ch:utcr of you'd a tail 4" •111- tt ars.
lingers long after the price is forgotten. The
bet is the cheapest. This has been proven by
the thoupands of users of ,,.,i
Happy Thought Ranges.
It • a range made of pure pig -iron and made
by skill d mechanics, not apprentices. It's deep
and narr, w firebox makes it the most economical
range on he market. Space will not permit us
to tell you f all the good qualities of the Happy
Thought, b t call at the Store and we will give
you the nam s of over 500 users of the Happy
'Thought who will tell you of all its good quali-
ties. The Ra 'ant Home Heater still leads the
market. It wil sheat more space with less fuel
than any other heater made,
In General Hardware we have the biggest
and most complete stock you will find west of
In Plumbing, Heating and Tinsmithing we
`% have a large and competent staff and can give
you prompt attention and `guarantee you a
years, when visiting the Fair make our place
thorough and up-to-date job. As in former
;your headquarters for leaving your parcels, etc.
Phones Store, 22 ; House, 1I2.
,;oily t11 ,l,, ii ll Iiis a:cc ht• I(rgent's
Volk 1•1511,1 I In• 7.'e11, 4.111,6,10y ho•
Abke on the farm and in the
I ewe) ease Cale Ryrie alnclea CORK
nearer to bang necessities than
reliable line ranges in prise from
50c to $2 50.
FIELD GLASSES Our h'gh-power
" Ryne Special." %vit:, 1 _ Lenses
in Aiummtm,Metrnmg. st•i!I Ice
dehvc,ed to you for 412 50,
charg-s prepaid.
BAROMETERS -The_.• may be had
at from $5 00 to 410 00 Our
L/ISaremeir.r iBook is your, for the
KET CoMr;'t ES Tested
ores -$1 1.0 to $ 3 50.
b..r ve card rr/ rlr r:'!
V iWtd-
li.eii:4•.y, .brit.
Correct Materials
Latest Styles
Perfect Fit
Best Satisfaction
Lowest Prices
Harris Homespun
1)o,yt)u Lads% of anything as good for it Lady's
Suit? We have them in the very newest light and dark
collars in individual suits; no ...Alter in town like the one
you select.
Tweed Suiting 50c
A very tine 1 Iligi• of the uew-
,'.t. '1'Wio'aI Int %titres /1( (ii -eta,
Hoot le.. Blues mud Greens .at
per %aril 511•. .-tool Itt, sfw,•i 11
.11 75e.
Worsted Piaid
In :III the newest'clot Ingsneel
sl s lir Mid 1'1111• en.'..1144 of :1
1111611411111‘ &.loin 1/1,11K.110 hegira
to tell yon of it. All we can say is
it 'a the hest al. ever tail and we
weir • you, if truly to se,•.
Bear -skin Coats
\1•r lace not forgotten the
little tees, %Ve have lovely
Coats for teem tit -prides f -
$I.511 up 141111 1111111114 to nrate•h.
Down Quilts
We are prepared to give you a bargain in these
.'Vers now before the cold weatfier is 00 \'\re made '1
mistake and b night too many good ones. Come and
see the wav mistakes are•etlrrected at
The People Who Sell the Best Stoves and Ranges
Steel Ranges
We. have the largest and .best stock of these
goods in Gollerich and guarantee every one we sell.
Have a look at our big No. 9, six -hole
Steel Range, special priced at - - $29.99
Save Fuel,
Save Money,
Save Work.
Our Base Burners' will hold fire 36 hours with
very little attc91,6011, are Itowet•ful 4It1nh10 heaters, and
are very easy On fuel.
co t
We sell the Best Heating Stove made.
A complete Hardware and Stove
Store, such as ours, is a revelation
to careful buyers.
sTO v Lb
Stoddart & McKinnon
, beg to announce that they have
taken the contract for
the handling of
Massey -Harris
. and extra parts and extend an
invitation to all Massey -Harris
patrons and friends to visit the
them in their showrooms.
By close application to busi-
ness and by carefully looking
after the requirements of custo-
mers they hope to merit the sup-
port and confidence of the whole
farming community.
The People Who Sell the Best Stoves and Ranges
Steel Ranges
We. have the largest and .best stock of these
goods in Gollerich and guarantee every one we sell.
Have a look at our big No. 9, six -hole
Steel Range, special priced at - - $29.99
Save Fuel,
Save Money,
Save Work.
Our Base Burners' will hold fire 36 hours with
very little attc91,6011, are Itowet•ful 4It1nh10 heaters, and
are very easy On fuel.
co t
We sell the Best Heating Stove made.
A complete Hardware and Stove
Store, such as ours, is a revelation
to careful buyers.
sTO v Lb