The Signal, 1906-10-4, Page 44 THOYDAT, Oct. 4th, 1906
• /1 • i •
• L \• v v •
than two 'varier lees. Jn.. at',•w:net Est,
11. L. W'alaion ;, mine bouquet, no( IIsi
than 1 w.. varieties. Mali -ohm Me Kay,
• 4'. Wells : floral design, alit Tess than
two v*t'ielies. H. L. %Val.em. lieu. Stew-
art ; collection xinuia., out Inas than
two 4;u'ieties, Wiii. %'silt, (e. %Veils ;
Ira+sgeraniuuls, double. Jun.:Stewart
Est. ; phloxes. annual. F. E. Bing-
ham l'. Wells ; glauliolus• (l, %%ills ;
asters. S. pulse, l . Wills, 11. 1.. %V,tt-
will ; [..owes, 1'. %%'ells ; petunias.
single„ l% iII. Wart : coleus. C. Wells :
four iwgouias, rex. %V. T. %tut ley, W.
P. Clark • four geraniums, double, in
l,lts,wi, 11. L. 11 'ales111 ; two ltaugiu4
(tower Ir.ketn. 11. I.. 11:,Is..I ; 011e
h 11.plint; ftu•,vel' IR,•k.l, l'. %%'ells. 11.
1.. ', ,(tall ; eoll.•etion .d 1'xurie fern.,
not less than tour larietie., exhibited
in pi da, girt. Stewart, K. K. Bingham:
collection of woo ill Rev. M.
Turnbull. H. I.. 11 .[Lars • two 4.11 W-
iles id ,wpu11a411s, %\'. T. Alururc. If
1.. Watson ; rolled.„u ,41' '.lo, , .
single spike , 11., 1.. %1'.It sou • hie
I.•,,,, flo%ie,iul', ill iots, 11. L.
'\ its.m. F. E. Eineb1111: ,.IL•,•ti,,uf
.ail llowei•s, 4\111. %V.uan,. 4; ; six
4 lI 'ties d.lhli 1--. %Via. %V,uvo,'k ;
1:04.1 [.camel, %Vitt. %Varniiek, t'. .%.
Hnlnhcr ; 1,i1414• bouquet. %Vin,'
11,s•h : 14,11:1ge plaits. F. l' Miirtiey
doer t deli'. l.egouias: %1', T. Alul•-
net. %% tie \V.owick ; 1 ollecliou 'tit
snnfluwet., %Vol. % 4Itltiek ; e.11ee-
I ion 1 ''4 t, -e, I,•','.. %1'ul. Warnock..
ti.%ItI'EN V Ft.;E1'AHI.I:!i - l'anc'e -
' ion of ix tAriel irenfInd attiies,C,Wells,
S. Furs•. .I..1. Hood . peck -.•f early
Imitators ,111)' vatirty. S. Furse, 1'.
\fells: peck of potatoes one ia1er
%ariet v. 4. Flu... C. Wells : summer
..pi'.l), for table, l'. %Veil., J. tin)kt'id
A Son( hitblmuil .quash, for table.
Win. %Vat flock. 1'. Wells : whirr
or en1.1••a crlerv. .1nu. Steiyart
Kst. ; winter eabhage, named. .1. %1'.
Salki'hl. 1`. %Veils : savors' cabbage, 1'.
Wells : 1111.11.1 411. M1 leets, table, Me -
Neil Bros., I'. %'ells : 1:16.1141.-.4, .1. E.
'1'0111.1'. Wells; inImo ,ts, furinhle, F. 1'.
Bingham. A. lis Matheson4 parsnips.
for • (able, ('. Well., Ilea' \luruey :
ted iluions. weathet +field, 1'. %%'ells, J.
J. Hood ; % clluw onions. delivers. C.
W'vlls : cellos onions, any other
v:u iety.4'. %Veils : silver skin unions,
1'. %Veils :-Porn. Yoe table, any varlet y,
named, A. E. Matheson, 4'. Wells ;
egg plans. C. %\'ells : cauliflower. C.
%Veils : collection of ripe rapist
1'. %Veils . red or purple toul:ator.. 4
W'ell.. ; largest cucumbers, S. Furca,
C. '%'ells : collection garden herbs.
('. Wells ; collect' garden pr.sduee.
1'. %Veils.
HOME: MANL'FAl'Tl'FtES - Pal eh
quilt or log cabin quill, 1lrs. Howl ie.
MI's. tiro, Nott : embroide'ry quilt,
Mrs. Geo. Note Miss Symington:
knitted quilt, Miss Scminglun. Mrs:
Nott ; c,.i' het work quilt, .Its. How-
rie • two pairs wolien :socks, Mrs. 1ies0,
Nutt : two pairs woollen gloves. \11..
Mrs. Noll : two pairs atoolleu milts,
Miss Symington. Lena Hamilton :
Inane -made 1',tg milt. lama Hamilton.
1111... 'Sy 1►liilgte 111 ; htinle•-InNdr triad
mat. yarn, Mrs. Nott : gents: shirt.
linen front. hand•niaJ,, Lena Hamil-
ton ; genu fancy flannel shirt, hand-
made. %Its. lieu. Nott. _lA'tue H• %-
Inn ; set lady's underwear. fancy. Mrs.
lien. Nott t embroidery on linen ur
e•utt)n, 141111110ss. Mi..11uar1it-, Miss
4y ' gloat;enll,, uidr, y, Houii111. \lisi
Symington. %less dine'* i.' ; 1411111 aider)•
photo Ir , %Its. Morrie, V.
\hu•ney: embruidery centre piece',
linen, %Ii,s by ' '):ton. W. T. Mur-
raey; embroid.•I•y, doylies. linen. W.
T. \[,iron, Ales. Huwrir; sideboard
cover. Mrs. W'. H. I' Irv, F. 1'.
MI)rney; tray clout. Bello liniw •.
%lis. Symington;. lunch or -, •'.'lock
tea (dot 1,, airs. Howrie, Miss S3 ming -
ton : tea isey. Mrs. Nur 1. \I.•S. 4141w-rn•:
:I hawdkerx•Iliefs. linen. wish initials,
Mrs. Ilowrie; Miss Symington ;
embroider%, on silk or satin.. Bella
\lurnry, 11 iss Symington : 1111 bolting
cloth. bliss S)`ulin tut.. %Its. Geo.
Nutt ; lace stitch. Miss Symington :
rico... .inch. Mrs. lint, Noll. Miss
Symington ; eyelet. \ls. Ilnwrie,
\V. T. %blowy : sliailo)y, %V. 'r.
\lurn.•e. F. 1'. Attiretey : Danish
cul wank or hrdrl.L. %V. T. \ln•tu•v.
51rs. [town,: with jewels, 'Mrs. lien.
N..I1, %Ins. %V. 1'. %lurocy: hatxs:n(g••r.
Mts. Ht4wrie.2od; ribbon work. 14114..
1111,414 I.-, .V.'4'..ainnieS' : I -telling, Mrs.
Null, F. 1'..Mnrney : Lancs pin rush.
bin, Bella P4 1111ry, F. 14, Nlitrriey ;
.o4, cushion, rnlbrni,b•ry. silk, Bella
Mut nen, \lis. Symington : cuJanid-
ery, elIpenlla-.0cu of 110igariafl. \less
Symington : embroidery. V'enet1.111,
Mrs. tiro. Nott: emltnid.•ty. Ken-
sington, Bella Mtn 'ley. Mts. lieu.
Nott : whisk holder, W. T.' \lura.•)•.
Miss. Symington : slipper ease, %Ibis
!sr ' gtou, Mics. Nott ; vouching,
11','1'. A ng•noc•, %it-. Hon iit. : ,niental
needlework„ alts.. Note, %lies Sy ' •-
Iint : table twits, evicted. %Iis,4d'tip
itigtn0, H. 1. W'atson : handkerchief
ease, Mrs: N..t1, F. 1'. Marcie('; glove
-ease. Miss .Symington. 21•41 : ladies'
Taney work or. shopping hag. Bella
Mwnrt•, W'. T. \lurnry, I.'11'1' IM 4 rots
Mrs. Iluw•rie, I. ,•.. Bingham : lace,
'militia'., %firs44v ' {gtun. Mrs. Nott;
lace. INltteuIN-t'g, H. 1.. Watson. I'. 1'.
%litrner : ap lignc nn rick, Mts. 1 i.s.l.
Nott, 2,..l lady's Inner opron, H. L,
Watson. %V. T. \Bruce's; kitchen or
Itnns.•weaid's 11prnn. 'W'. T. Monier.
Lena Hamilton ; baby's dress, A. 1?.
\Iath•snn, Len { Hamilton: braiding
on silk or croon, \tri. W'. 11. (;nlldry,
Mrs. Oro. Nott ; pillow shuns,
Miss 4vluington• hits. '•Nntt: toilet
114x1., Miss Symington. Mrs. liwudry :
last 'collection lastest fancy work, W.
T. \Inrney, Bella P4111114')' : darnel
net, %I11.. Ileo. Nott ; Afghan, sofa,
%liss Symington : hemstitching, H. L.
W'att1,n, Mrs. Haw r'ie; rt,a'h't of
knitted skits for child. \irs. Howrie,
'2nd ; wills,ide•ry on 41.. •I, Miss Sym-
ington : hest colleet ion table linen, %V.
1'. Mm -rev :.' ,[lection crochet work,
A. E. Matheson. %h.. laundry:- net-
ting, %Ir.. numb y. Bella .1itrney :
te•neriffe or Brazilian print. Miss.M'ym-
iwglon, ('. 'Venn; Lmov knitted or
hand -mad.' lace, i1.' I.. Watson, F. E.
sofa ion \ tier).
;.f a 1 r•1'. h . (ie
'Sidi. .1. 1,Ak n • drawn work.
Mrs, Howrie, Miss 4rntingllon : toilet
set, %Its, • Nott. Mr's. Howrie ; shawl.
Mabel Newcombe, Miss Mywlingt.n ;
fasr•inxtor, %v. T. %Jm'ley : slippers.
A. E. \114 heron, .1. S. Hnw rie.
1'INJ': AH'l'4 I'rnf.•,ui.noI List,
Oils Originals' Landscape, Canadian
subject, (4. F. 1largil1. Mrs. Howrie;
marine. view, li. F. Har4itt 4 animals.
%Its. Howrie, 2nd : flowers i,r fruit. (3.
F. Hargilt, \It•s. Howrie: inanimate
objects 'not flowers, fruit or atliltlnlsl,
G. F. "Login. Mos. )inwrie,
Amateur, Oils (Originals or
Copied - flowers or fruit, Miss
Howrie ; innuiulntI. n1o}ect., tint.
f14.w'ers, ft nil or Animills. \ire Ilnwt'ie.
Profes,.ional List, Water I'0lorm,
'Originals) Ltuulw•ape, Canadian muh-
) rt., Envie math. O. F. 11ntgitt :
marine view. Ella Fraser. Facie
Smith; animals, Ella Fraser; flowers
or fruit, E11* Fraser, Mrs. Ilowrle ;
inanimate obievr1, not flowers, fruit
or animals, O. F. Hargitt, Ella
Fraser: mono.htmne, Erode Smith,
Ella Framer: pencil drawing, Ella
Fearer, \irs. Howrie; pen and ink
sketch figure, Ella Fr•nser.
Amateur List, %Caen• Colors. (Orig.!.
Ori i-
IIa1e 01 ('spies)-. lwnelr.rtape, I.. H.
Randle. Miss ilowt•i.; marine view,
Miss E. Hayden : Huron scenery,
original, D.. R. Bundle, MIs R.
List of Prize -winners at the Goderich
Show Last Week.
HORSEY -Roadster -444x111011, nye r
3 years old, in harness, Angus M.• -
Kinnon ; ftlly or gelding, 3 year. old,
154 hands and under, in harness, "gear
Salkeld; filly or gelding 2 years' old.
Ih'. Whitely, Wm. (glazier; filly or
gelding, yearling, T. Nxfte' & Sen,
rrewartha Bros. ; Mood ,,.are', 154
hands high and under, with her foal
by her side, U. Ptouse, Chas. Young :
foal of 191115, Chas. Young, 2nd ; pair of
rtlatcheal horses, in barurss, 154 hands
high and under, E. H. Swann., Rev.
J. C. Reid ; single horse, in harness,
151 hands high and under, Hnbt.
King, Oundry Bros.
Saddle -Mares or geldings
J. L Aitken, Oundry Brua.
Carriage - Stallion, any age large
considered), Fred Davis ; filly or
gelding. 3 yeah+ old, over 154 hands
high, shown in harness, .1. Salkeld &
Son ; filly or gelding, 2 veers old, A.
M. Pulley, Trewartha tiros. ; brood
mare, over,lbp hands high, with her
foal by her side, J. J. Hood. Alex.
Olen ; foal of lll(k5, J. J, Hood, Alex.
General Purpose Brood mare, with
her foal by her side. Sant Furse, Roht.
Olen ; filly or gelding, 2 years old, H.
Packwood, F. Youngblut ;yearling
filly or gelding, JOS. T. Salkeld. Alex.
Young ; foal of 190e, Sam Furse, Or..
Olen ; matched team, mates or geld-
ings, in (harness. Lena,Hamilton. 1'.
Naftel & Sun.
Agricultural - Brood mare, with
her foal by her side, JAR. Olen.
Fred Youugblut ; filly or gelding. _2
years old, T. Naftel & Son, J. NV.
Salkeld; filly or gelding, yearling.
(leo. Olen, A. M. Polley ; foal of 1900.
A. Young, F. Yuungblut ; matched
team, mates or geldings, in harness,
Joe. T. Salkeld, Jas. Chisholm.
Heavy Draught, imported ur Cana-
dian bred -Stallion, three years old
and upwards, Fred Davis, Robt. Quaid;
brood mare. with her foal by her side,
J. W. Salkeld ; filly or gelding, two.
yearsold. J. W. Salkeld ; filly orgeld-
iug, yearling, J. W. Salkeld ; span.
mares or geldings, J. Chisholm :
foal of 1900, J. W. Salkeld.
S ial A. -Walking team, bronze
medal, Ryrie Brug.,McNeiI Bros.
Special B. -Drawing tram, silver
►uedal, Ryrie Brom., John Duff.
TESTS OF SPEED -Farmers' Trot
or Pace -Austin Church, U. Proust-.
Peter McDougall.
2:411 Trot or Pace -R. McI.rlland,
(Freed). F. C. Murney, W. 1.. McLean.
- Open Trot ur Pace -J. W. Smith
(Missouri Chief), R. McL.'llend (Fred),
Farr Bros. (Celia B.)
Running Race -Gundry Bros., J. L.
Aitken. Oundry Bros.
CATTLE -Shorthorn (Pura Bred l -
Bull, two years old and upwald,4.McNeil
Bros, ; bull, one -year-old, Rol.t. Olen,
T. Naftel & Son, Isaac Salkeld ; boil
calf, under one year. J. Chisholtn, J.
Salkeld & Son ; cow in ealf or giving
milk, J. Chi/Monti, J. S. ('lark. J. W.
Salkeld ; heifer, two years old, 1.
Chisholm, bit and 2nd, Jos. E.
Whitely : heifer, one year old, .1 .
Chisholm, let and 2nd, J.'1'. Salkeld
heifer calf, under one year, J. W.
Salkeld, J. Chisholm.
Polled AuguS or Aberdeen (Pure
Herd) -Bull, any age (age cunadrred
Robt. Quaid; cow. in calf 0r giving
milk, Robt. Quaid, is1- and 2101 ;
heifer, any age (age considered'. Holt.
Quaid, tat and 'grid,
Jersey (Purr Bred) - ('ow in calf ur
giving milk, John Knox, Matwl New-
combe ; heifer, under two years old,
F. E. Bingham.
Grade Cattle -Cow, giving milk, or
in r a 1 f, .1, Salkeld & Sou, 1st
and 2nd, 44. Furse ; heifer, two
years old, ,las. Olen, S. A n d-
rews, Jus. T. Salkeld ; heifer, one
year old, Jam. Glen„I, W' Salkeld ; heifer
calf, under one year, J. W. Salkeld,
Sam Furse ; two-year-old (steer, 3.
Chisholm, J. Salkeld k Son, 1. W.
Salkeld ; yearling steer, Jas. Chi'holtn,
1st and 2nd ; Rteer calf, J. 1V. Salkeld.
Fat Cattle (AnyBreed)---Fat. ax or
steer, J. W. Salked, lit and 2nd : fat
cow or heifer, JAS. Olen, W'. T. Mur•
SHEEP -(Lung Wooled) leicesters,
--Shearling ram, Jag. Snell, Hobert
Olen ; ram lamb, Jas. Snell, Rob,.
Olen ; ewe, 2 shears and over, Hobs.
Olen, 1st and god ; shearlirig ewe,
Jas. 'Snell, lit and 2nd : ewe IAlnh,
,las. Snell. Robt. Olen.
Shropshire Downm -- Ham. two -
Shears and over, Andrew Dunkin. 3.
Salkeld & Son ; Rhearling ram, An-
drew Dunkin, lit and 2nd ;ram lamb,
Andrew Dunkin 1st and 2nd ; ewe.
two shears and over, Andrew Dunkin,
Ora. Olen ; shearling rwr, Andrew
Dunkin, (leu. (glen ; ewe lamb, Cleo.
Olen, Andrew Dunkin.
Any Breed, named - Ham, two
Mears and over, J. Chisholm ; shear -
ling ram, .1. Chisholm : titan lamb,
Jai. Chisholm, let and 2nd ; etre,two
Meats and over, J. Chisholm, Iss and
2nd ; ihearlingg ewe, J. Chisholm :
ewe lamb, J. Chieholin.
Fat Sheep -Best fat sheep. ew'e or
wether,) JAR. Snell, J. Chisholm.
Pen of Sheep -Best pen of sheep,
consisting of one ram. one ewe, two
7.4114 or over, one ghee/ling ewe, one
ewe Iamb, Roht.. Olen.
PiGS - Tautworths -- Boar, over
one year old, McNeil Bros.
Orades-Sow, littered in 14310, A.
E. Matheson ; pen of two bacon pigs.
harrows or vows, any grade or of one
breed, weighing from 1(14) to 209
pound., T. W. Belt.
POULTRY -Leghorn., brown, rove
comb, Mrs. Howrve ; leghorne, white,
single comb, Durst & Fisher: Ply-
mouth rocks, white, Jai. Handy ;
wyandottes, white, 0. Pennington, C.
A. Reid : minnrca.', Mack, 144414. How.
rie; game. bantams, any other sari•
et .1. 3. Head ; bantams, black
Affricene, .tae. Hardy, 3. J. Hood ;
bantams, any other variety. Mims
Howrie ; awl cape, Durst at 4isher ;
turkeys, bronze. leaae 4nlkeld, Mc-
Neil Bro. ; •geese, touions.•, 3. ('him -
holm ; grew., any other variety,
,los. T. Salkeld ; ducks, any other
variety, .1. Salkeld & Son': bestpair
white wyandotte, 0. Pennington.
Spring Binds -- l.egho.ns, brown,
single comb, Mrs. Hewrb' ; legpthurns,
brown, .ler comb, Mrs. Howrie;
Ieghorns, whit e, single comp,
Durst & Fisher; wyendottem, white,
Hurst & Fisher, 0. Pennington ;
huff orpingtons, Mrs. Howrie ; minor-
e.aa, black, Mrs. Howrie ; red caps,
Durst & Fisher, let and 2nd ; turkeys,
hrnnse, 1.aa. Salkeld ; 4re*e, any
other variety, J. Ralkeld & Son, Isaac
Seibold ; ducks. pekin, J. W. Salkeld
ducks, any other variety, .1. Salkeld k
Son, F. E Bingham.
Breeding Pen.-Wyandnttem, Durst
k Fisher. Jas. Hardy ; 'angels/atm
Mrs. Howrie ; minstras. any variety,
Mrs. Howrie ; pl mouth reeks, any
variety. Jas. Hai
Miscellaneous--Onllection 1 fish in
aquarium, C. Wella, Wm, '.1.arnock ;
collect' of rabbits. Durst & Fisher ;
collection of pigeons, J. J. Howl.
Ali RICA' 1,1'L'RA1, entiou("rS
Field (4r,tius, Etc. Michigan amber
wheat, J. K, Wise, 'Prewar, ha How. :
Dawson's gulden eh Of fall wheat, J.
K. Wise ; ,any oilier variety fall
wheat.whits, uaulell, J. K. %Vise,
4,1111 Fur.. ; any other vat•i,'ty fall
wheat, red or aulls•r,•naulrl, S;uu
Fur.r, 1 and 2. .1. K. Wise ; spring
wheat, tiny variety, 4. F'ursr'2,.d; .ix•
11./11Id kit ley, J. K. Wise, 44, Furse ;
large peas, J. K. Wise, S. Furse:
small peas. J. K. W'i.r, S. Fury. Tr( -
wartha Bras.; white loats, J. K. Wise,
D. Proust., Tree lot hit liras, ; black
coats, J. K. %Vise; flax weed. .I. K.
%fisc; timothy .red, 1. K. Wise;
clover raced, S, Furse: white INvul.. J.
K. Wise. S. ratite. F. E. Bingham.
F'it'ld Hoots. Vegetables. Etc.--Ittd
ni.11lgold wurtinls, Jas.. Kirkpatrick,
Thos. %V. Hell glide tu,ingoll wins.
"els. Jas. Kirkpatrick. J. J. H.ssl:
iu 1 l•ruled i,at e- ming, MI Wort zels, .14(8.
Kirkpatrick. T. W'. Bell; Swede fur -
nips, 4. Ferse, J. J. Hood; white carrots,
Jas. Kirkpatrick, 1.43e Salkeld : nine
ears corn, dent, J. W'. Salkeld. Isaac
Mslkeld ; nine ears corn, field, ,III other
variety, S. Furse. 1'..W. Bell : largest
pumpkin. Duna & 4i.hrr, C. Wells :
largest squash, u. 11 -elk. .[..Salkeld ;
six largest turnips. 4. Furse, J. 1.
Hood ; twelve lalge.t and lest .(talks
Held guns, J. 4odkeld S Sun, Ilu14.
Quaid : six sugar beets for sugar pur-
poses. McNeil Bros., J..I. Hoist.
1)AIHI' PRODUCTS 'cable butter,
salted for use, W'. F:. Uut•nin, Lena
Hamilton, Petry Stewart; table hot•
ter, in crock, saltrl for prsent use, W.
E. Durkin, lana Hamilton, Percy
Stewart : tub or crock of butter, 15'
E. IAu'nie, Lena Hamilt00, U. W
Hamilton; tub or rats•: of butter, I)
51'. Hamilton,. %110. I Jt pirtt1, A. J•
HENT -Apples --'ren varieties, font.
suu/tuer or tall :and -six winter, 1110.
Bichitn, Knot. Andrews, J. W. Salk -
ell : six varietites, cooking, two sum-
mer or fall and Yom' winter. 1,,.. T.
Salkeld, J. %V. Salkeld, W'u1. Hichan
six varieties, dessert, 441,41111 ruler or
fall and four winter, .1. W. Salkeld,
Wm. Bichan, I'3p1V. Bell : duchess of
Oldenburg, it. '1'I,•Itwain, lu T.
S,J"k�"eald,s44. Furse: Alcxandrr, .1. J.
/Mesa.: St, 1,+awrenre. F. E. Bingham,
Jtu,, Stewart estate; geavenslrin, ,1.
J. Hood, ,Ino. Stewart estate: :ble-
Into.h red. J Stewart estate; Cay-
uga red streak, :a'4Ir4 apple, J.N.. T.
Salkeld, %Vlu. 134.1,40 ; fall pippin,
Jam. Kirkwall ick, J. J: Hood ;
pippin or a4a.hra. J. 1.. - Aitken, L.
R. R.•undle, Jos. T. Salkel i. snow, Wm.
Warnock, - RobI. Quaid ; wealthy.
51'11.. /lichen, S. Furse; ribstuu pip-
pin., Hobt. Andrews,'(rewartha Bros.,
J. 1. Hiss) ; ("rinses: golden, Holt.
Andrews. 1110, Hirh,tu; king, of
T {{ kilts c t)•, W1o. %Vairtnx'k', T.
1V. Bell. Jas, Kirkp,ttri, k ; cranberry
pippin, Holl. Audmw.., 'l'rewartha
Bios:. %Vol. Bicl,,an : 1ewuukce, G.
11'. Andrews, %1'.n. Ifich,ul ; wabgner,
.1. T. Salkeld: (: W. Andrews; Hub.
h,u'tlson's stud', Jos. 'I'. Salkeld
W estfield's seek no farther. .1, W.
Salkeld, Stephen Andrews ; Rhode
island greening. G. 11'. Andrews. l'.
%V1•II., %Vila. Warnock : IMlldwin, 'I'le-
w'artha Bros., .1. %V, Salkeld, home
Salkeld_; T,'s sweet, Kohl. Aud-
rrw., Trew,u•Ihit 141.1.s. ; Anleric:ui
golden russet, I). Pi'ouw', .1,_ W.
Salkeld. T. \V. IA•II ; Canada. rel.
'rrewartl.a Hr,s„ 1.. K. Rlmdle; (114111-
watel', 4. Andrews. J. %V. Salkeld ;
plawnix, Robt,. Andrews.',.1. W'. Salk -
rid ; Stott's russet. S. F'ui•w•, 1).
Proust. ; oJutu'iu, 11'10. Hichan ;
vwarze 110 • wise, John Stewart
estate, O. W. Andrews; northern spy,
.1. '5', M.,Ik1•Id, W'm, Bi.han, Isaac
Salkeld ; Mann, T. W. Bell, J. 51'.
Salkeld ; seed lisig. .Ino. Stewart estate.
C. Wills:; ,011' other variety, J. W'.
Salkeld, Hbt. Andrews. W'n,.
Bichui . plate of 'crab, Rohr. Quaid,
Stephen Andrews ; five quinces, Holt.
Andrews, 3. Salkeld & Suu.
Pears Six %atietie•s, Jno. Stewart
Est., F. E. Bingham. .I,as. Kirkpat-
rick ; tinter varieties. J. E. Tom, S.
FAr'm., Wo,. W-anit s•k; Bartlett, C.
Wells, S. Furse, .1. E. T ; Uurhr•ss
U'Anguuleme, .Inti. Ste•war•t. Est.,
Wm. Warnock, F. E. Bingham;
P,ehident Urouard, J. J. Hood : Belle
Lucrative, ,inn, Stewart Est. ; Lentis
Benne• 1ue .lerseyi 11'1n. Warnock,
Isaac Salkeld ; B.•ur're D'Anjou, J. E.
Toru, S. Form. : Brurre Superfine, N.
Furse ; Believe Diel, A. .1. Quldthur'[e:
Brurre Hose, Jas. Stewart, 1st and
2nd ; Sheldon, 1. E. Toru, Isaac Salk•
std ; B,'urle l'lair•geon. W'ru." War.
'lock, C. Wills; 11084.11, Jno. St,•w'art
Est. : vr'kel, Jas. Kirkpatrick: Law-
rence, W'm,. Warnock, J. E. Tutu ;
liewphin.' DcMalines, F. E. Bingham
Liffey. Jnn. Stewart Est, 11'01. Wm. -
nock ; seedling, .11111, Stewart Est.
Plums - %Vashiugton, Mrs. Oro.
Nott; Pond's seedling, 44. W. TI -
son, 1Vm. Warnock: Victoria. S.
Furse : yellow egg. W'm. Warnock :
lonbard, lis W', 1'honuuu,,, C. A. Hun.
her : Coe gulden Mop, 3. E. '1' ;
(termer' prune, Win. Watnoek, Rev,
\I. 1'urut.nl1.
Peaches --Fitzgerald, Malvolnt M. -
Kay. W'nr. Warnock : early Craw -
fon'. ll'. F. Clark, (4. W. Thomson k
Sou ; yellow' St. John, 1'. Wills ;
Crosby. F. E. Bingham : any tither
var•iely, F'. F'. Bingham ; seedling. C.
A. Hun,l•er, 3. E. Tom.
Grapes, Melons, rte.- Twelve varie-
ties, grown in open` air, W'm. Wee -
nock : eight varieties, open air, 55'ni.
%%ar tick, font varieties, et me
open air, 55 111. Warnock, 1'. Wells ;
Delaware, 1'. A. Humber, %%-m. W'n -
I I 1 r
reek : Concord. Win. 1VartnN'k
Hartford, Win. W'arncck ; lout, F'. E.
Bingham ; Moyer. '1'nt, Wurneck :
Moore's Diamond, Wm. 1Varn.ek,
C. Wills: Eaton, W111. Warnock.
Wells; earl' Victor, Win. Warm ;
Vir•gennes, 111s. Warnock : Clinton,
'Vnr. W'arno k, IR1a.u' Salkeld ; ('amp -
1r11'.. early. W',,,, Warnock ; Miss -
smolt. Hodlgeri Nu 3, Wm. Warnock ;
Wilder, Rodgers' No. 4, Wm. %Var-
Week ; Lindley, I(o.lgers' No. 9, Wm.
Warnock ; Agaw,uu, H.NIRer•s' No. 15,
\I'm, Warnock. Met•inier, Melte-roe
No. 19, Wm. %Narnck ; Herbert.,
Rodgers' No. -14, %Vnr, Warnock ;
Niagara, A. K. %IathrNm: Warden,
Win. Warnock, Joseph Salkeld ;
\%,woe's early, C. A. Humber : Bright-
right.on, Wm. Warnock; Winehel,
Warnock,; Wyoming, red, Wm. War-
nock ; northern light, Wm. War-
nock : any tither variety, Wtn. War-
nock, ince Salkeld ; Mills, 1Vn,. %Ver.
nock ; two water melons, Durst k
Fisher, C. W ells ; two musk melons,
C. Wells, Rev. M. Turnbull ; two cit -
room, S. Fitt -me, .1. E. Tom.
FLOWERS - Cut Flowers, H. 1,.
Wati.nn, C. Wells ; dahlias,, one bloom
of each. C. Wells ; verbenas, Wm.
Wet t, 4'. Wells ; hand bouquet, not less
Hayden ; animals, ,\I i.s 11oWrict 2tati ;
flowers or fruit, Miss Ilowtie, Miss
Hayden : inanimate objects. nut
flowers. fruit or tatiiinNIII. ktiral k.
Ilaydri; original. ,any subject,
'inutile. Miss E. Hayden ; mums.
rlus •, Miss E. IlAydru : Iwo Nod Ink
drawing. bliss E. H.1y,len.
4'role,.ioual ur Amateur China
[sainting. bent collection. F. C. Mur-
nry, Mrs. Huw1ia; burnt w• [work
4 u..clugeei u" tut✓., 5.1
A woman's ..'productive
organs are'in the. most in-
tense and cunt nuous sym-
pathy with her kidneys.
The slightest d4sorderinthe
kidneys brings about 11
corresponding disease in
the reproduct,tc organs.
Dodd's Kidner Pills, by re-
storing the kidneysto their
perfect condition, prevent
end cure those fearful dis-
orders peculiar to women.
Pale young girls, worn-out
mothers, Buttering wives
and women enteringupon
the Change of Lif, your
best friend is
Now for the New all Merchandise
The Pith and Point of this Business is to sell goods, but the Selling must
be right. Every article must hear the stamp of honest value. Every dollar spent
in this store gives 'Oil the fullest dollar's. worth to be had anywhere.
Clan Tartal;s
A11 wool Clan tartans, full plaid widths. so cents.
These gosh!. are in great I1'i,i , .,4 for skirls, waists
and (till suits.
Dress Silks
Another lot of 5o cent Shut dress silks, 15 yards
to a die... no two alike, real slaps and 1: lu
Dress Goods
Om: stock is larger and better than ever and
ranges in prices from SS cents in eluuly hieci,d
maker and culot'iug..
Fall and Winter Coats
We iought thein late in the etecam,n 110 am to
have the very latest designs and styles or Inxter-
iali. %'1111 eau depend on our price• lacing right.
Rain Coats
A lot bought ata special price 75 cents to $1 45
less Ihau regular priers, just six left, nolo tor a
Cashmere Hose
Size•. t4, 444, 9, 94, all 'Lei cents, this is a lot picked
up at reduced price, they are worth more money
than we task for them.
Corner Hamilton Street and Square (JODEilICI-1.
WANTED ax11 t.l.r ...
11,....r.-., ..�..,.. i ... . e. ss4* ,a ce-. 10 IM
...Li up .m...w
as lr.w, ha w,.rW4n al, I ., .L4.0....
Y o
,.0nosh.,...r.ra.-u,, 4, 11010. 0wsaW
•v, • , • ..,,I „1.11..,4, •o • a.n
s...., , Wor
mom to rood reliable hen M. 1., out 'tour 1. We
pm .m
rr.Wr.wnI..4.m M.. tar 1arlN.Ws
TALUS ecotc,a.c co . r'n,M., Unt.,,e, Ctrs...
I diesire to announce to the public
that 1 have bought . ant the harness
busing•., heretofore conducted by A.
J. 1'v:11i14)644, and and prepared to
fill all orders in my line. 1 will have
"const'ultly in stock a full line of
Rohes, Whips, Trunks, Valises
and everything usually found in a first-
class harness Atop, at right prices.
A share of the public patronage is
solicit, .1. -
Successor to A. •I. 1'Al:rRn)l 44 1i;tll1i10di St., Goticrich
The Pandora Thermometer
The thermometer on
the Pandora range oven
means precisely in ac-
curacy to the cook what
the square and compass
mean to the draftsman.
Without the square and
compass the draftsman
would have to work en-
tirely by guess, just as
you do without an ac-
curate and reliable thermometer on your oven.
The Pandora t!:-'rmometer reduces cooking to
an exact science. 'You know precisely how much
heat you have and what it will do in a given time.
It is one of the small -things which makes the
Pandora so much different and better than common
MCCIarys Pandora
an�e and Factories
London. Toronto, Montreal,
Winnipeg, Va
St. John. N.B., Hamilton
must of neces•.Ity be lasting in
order to suc,{rssfully weather
the storms of business life.
& Sins rll440 Cou,aoR train•
young men and young women
to take minor positions which
eventually lead to povilinnf
of responsibility and trust.'rhe
foundation i• secure. (1Nr
students go tip, not down. WA
are tumble to supply the demand
for our students. W'hy? Rr-
cauv Moines• men recognize"
the superior training they
Write he our hu•incs• and
shorthand booklet ; it'• free.
School term c September '1111
June, inrhisive.
Forest City
Business College
1 w w'FSTERV(IT 1'14 e A RIAo ,
erinono Innenn
' II
Hardware Supplies for Fall
Nails, locks, hinges, harndoor hangers,
etc., etc. A full line of builders'
Shovels, spades, and all kinds of farm
and garden tools.
Paints, oils, varnishes,
brushes, etc.
See our Pocket Cutlery
at keen prices.
white lead,
keen goods
Robertson's Ready -mired dints are the Rest
We are agents for Goderich
The llaraware Store, - West Street.
FALL 1906.
FALL 1906.
that's what you can say of our Clothes,
and then GOOD VALUE sticks out of them
so plainly that good dressers can pick them
out from all the rest. ( That's the vital test.
1,, FALL 7936. FALL 7906.
Plastic Form parlors
A nice line of Men's silk -lined
Mocha Gloves just arrived.
('a11 and are our wort went.
If you are in need of a
Call and see um and we will
try to pIraee you.
Everything in Men's Smart Wear.
Coal ! Coal !
Very Low Prices
for Coal for
Next Year's Supply
For Cash
'Phone 70