HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-9-27, Page 88 TYUIpDAY, Sept. 27, 1806 THE SIGNAL : GOI)ERICH ONTARIO PERSONAL MENTION. I.4uur1 1'ar..Nn wise IP Torok* lhl, week. Mrs. K. U. Reynolds lar I.it a4g at 1.o onlu. 1'. Hervey tout returned for ,-a tidy to Tor auto. Arthur Rate. w:o. up fruit Stratford over Sunday. A. H. ML1>.lnald. of 14n1.401.. stn- t., town this week. las l'aupluu is home from Reliant for a short visit. Herb. Mclean b how. from New fork for ,a holiday vent. . Mr. and Mr,.. Ileo Toner are .11.01111 11111 a hest days in Toronto. Mown ('raw, of Barrie, 1. the gar„ 1.4,f 116•r 004411. Mi... Morn.. Mira It.ae Naflol returned lis her home i0 Toronto on Saturday. • Andrew Lynn left 011 Monday to take a pot then In Spokane. Ws.h. Mrs. Tromaohau.rr returned to her 6011,0 fn Port Huron on .Saturday. Mi... May Cornell and Mi.- Maggie Iw.,k were in Clinton over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Curry and Reiter Arth t were vl.ilur,, at Clinton um Sunday, Mew. J011.11 1.11 W400 left on Tuesday fo, L.• trait, where .he h,u, taken w po.it ion. Mew. F. Love, of (luring -1r%, waw pre.mul a' Ike wedding la,.t week at I4wrn Sound of hat1,1 You, will find j tt the Underwear you waet--eight nix and ngld weight m Stanfield's "Unshrinkable" Underwear Made in son to perkd y ht every man and to the nght weights or every Canadian climate from Halifax to the Kkeadyke. Guaranteed =shrinkable, too. Aak you. dear for STANF►E1D'S. Next door to Post Office Lusk argil! Miss Pearl talker, both of Owen Sound. Mrs. Pule. of Uunror. Colorado, I. the gust! of her iii -ter, MIs. A. M. I'ullu).. Nu1111 onset. %%'alter Huchanan b (1,g to Tuunlu 1110 week. ul order to b.' woe.• '.111 1.11) 101, 0011 for hie work. -- Mis,. Heat See Ho.ken left la.r Satunit,' for Toronto, where her bout.• will be for the future. I4 iasis Allen and,John 1 nx, of I itieag0. spent :, few flay. in town I In• pa•I N.rk leers•. in44 ul,l auyuainlanee.. Mr. and Mrs. (leo. Ib --ole .cpent Sunda' In t'11144on,.the guest. of 51i. and 51r..� 1). S. Cook, Princes., street. A. M. Tolle) and MIs- Retell Polley returned this week from n Brit sin: trip to several of for northern town.. 55'. 11 uMI.,I/h ha. rel ai teal from Ihr \T,•.I aid haw re-11tutall11f' feriae, 1lo+4Iloll N ith \\•. Aeh,•eu, t 7+011. J. C re Stewart left out 51 tar 'fur 4 7,4ra(0 to readmit. 111.mm...' 41 1 n,• 5t.'('or •k'I'heo- logiral Seminary. J111111 Whiteford. of Drools. N 110 Vent mod of the mu11uner hers. Ion 51ond,, 0411( 011 hi. lel my 1 it. M. klliutt has rent.1,..d home from Mab t v.,!. whole he ws- al'.•n, huq flu' Mei 110111.1 Dimes.' 4onfereme. ' U. U. Thomson. lino, on -i. of Ibis, Uot'ri,'h V144111.. 1'0., and Mr-' J1 ,1.ue.ou m,us.• a brief -1.i It to 44utfaluihi. N.•,y. k,•1.. Ja-. Hamilton and Itl'r. J,s,. 11.Iliotl are '111ent14u4 the theological evulrn•l44' at Knox • allege. Toronto. phi. ....M. U. M. Elliott reburied on \\'. i.. .i» slum .Montreal, %here he had leis attending the meeting of the Ueueral 4 on(ereur' of the 51. Wotid ehureh. 110%and Robertson. after giending a Lew day. at Mica•, ha. retmp..l to Hs og hire, ..b••,-.' he ha -a siwit ion .l'. t 1111ek,',•40-r' 41 11 11 ,1 x1111.1111.'11.4 •'una41U r.. Uw.,''1. Robinson, or Aims:.. .lanholr,. n•. rnnlwl to 10011 un M,md.,, Irum Int• 51rthod i -t .1rueral 4 Ooferele.1. 111 \1.11,10'.J. .01,1 left for 64. hum' tV..l,. dr> 0.114 14, W. Shah,,,,,,. of The Ftcuhg Time, 4la•hr.tcr. N. Y.. and Mr.. Shannon lett ear their [mor \Iu1Jay. at1.•, -pen d111c :, few Asq- uith 51r. ,o,,4 \In. Walter ..11ldib. . 55'ne. Harr. of HI)t h, 1i-ihd 114. -Iter. 511-. Kate Herr, of this {104anate a .Iafr, het week 414 fon' leavings. for Alberta. where to 4s to he ea gaged on 1 . 4'. K.. ou-trnafun work. Str. and Mr. H. W. Thoml:on were at 54it- 4hell ylsterda) n(eitinPg the weeding of 511. Tlouwm., A., t.1. Mi.. ',oleo Flint,,,-,' T1 .nn, lis 55. 5I. Martin. l4. 5.. of Regina. Sad,. Re, Fnth•r 51.11,.., of St. frier"s ehun•h. uul Kr.. lather Mel Orlufrk, Yf kingR.brkhre, Irl the. 44101114nK fur 4.,n.L.,, or attend a •nose terrora• of the . ierg., of the due •e.e, of 1.01111011. Ronal M.Uillit•toA,h.-on of Thome- %IAiilllf- ,'udd>, 41 'I .111111110. hu- Iain 41114111111.11 •1. .4da10 14114041 dire.( .o at the e,•ntral Y. M. 1 . .5. we content' oboe 4,411 un the appoint - mend. Mr. foal Mr.. Dunlop. and their .,le and daughter of Sarnia. after -4a'n111ng a te0 day. t MIIi1.K 51r., John I7uniu11. Iluron road. herr len fur a -burl t 111 4.. ‘14011111,4 Fall.. ,.iter which lln> N all return to l twirl •in Sarnia. Morgan Iloilo'', inland revenue oaten, left Monday rending fa 1,11..1i/ord. ki MI5., .5 1110 �>Isrrr there fora it. His Mumbler, 541-- \far•iarrt.len the same day for Toruma,. e. Abbey.. upon a C0ul".e of -t,d:r. .al Lomat.. Abbe).• Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McLaren. of Totontn, have here making a ri-il in town. 51 r. Mc- Laren 114 an oM bi derieh high-.•blwll boy and •h lettere-led N the drv.•lupinrnt o1 Die 1 „wfltoe I- 11410 a pre. -4.5r.01,- 011.111W. 1111111 of 5/wt./lawn City. 511.- Aller 11111r. of Kingdon. arrived in ,town 1,-t 141111 111-11.1V n,rh1 On a 1'4.41 4., her , or -ii.. 51ts. F..1. IMAha11 and Mr.. S. 4., !dirk. Sire wa., 140550100 0/0401 .1 b) 511.. Her* Pillar, of Lln•vin, \ebrwka, who. after ...pend- ing a Neck or so I,e^c. S ill It.t1• 114. her V.-t- eru h •. Clinton Newer 44r. ,old: 1. C, lai•ll w.dtr. of ,i,drn,'h. wit. In tumor on t.'1 id-er hod. He Nail engaged 4.. Wooing. r I...-.11 enterprise %idrh e only of a very iadirest belieI1 to h'ulwl4, bol he AM It with that thoron.hnes thn I .'harw•trreake of him(. Mr. l,aithwalle ha+ 1 •udablr 14111e1141 of nubile spirit: Mr. ,out Mr. Harr, SIe•rwool, of llr,nd RSapid-. Mich., were the guests of Mr. and Slr•. J..(. Runt,.,!) .and left on Monday en S. J. YOUNG Dungannon Next door to Post Office Our Selling -out Sale still continues. NEXT FRIDAY, Oct. 50,- being Dungannon's Atvival Fall Fair, we are making every preparation to have it the Banner Day of OUR SALE, and in order to a:complish this feat we will offer many Special Lines at Clearing Prices. • When out at the Fair call and inspect our Goods and CAREFULLY NOTE QUALITY and PRICE. Thanking you for psi favors, 1 am your ob • lent servant, N. B. -Look out for hand. bills with list of' Specials, J. YOUNG. BARGAINS IN BEDROOM SUITES AND ODD DRESSERS. For the next ten days, commencing Sept. 27th. to Oct. 6th, I fellse decided to offer these Special Bargains in Bedroom Suites for CASH. ONE ONLY Bedroom Smite in Olden Yolk flnish,2 draw$10.25 erdr•sser, lt4 x ill minx or, regular pride 1111 1.:41, fol ONE ONLY Ash Bedroom Suite, 3 -drawer dresser. 31 x 21 bevel mirror. large wash ottani! and heti. golden finish. $16.75 regular SHI,(W), for ONE ONLY Solid Oak Itwlrnnnt Suite, nicely .',rvasl 1'. J. . luuhin Atkin wa,h .tend, 3 -drawer dresser, sw.•II front... $2Q 75 1'1 x 21 British bevel Mirror. r•golar $:1),I*), for V ONE ONLY Dreamer and Stand, bileh, mahogany finish 513.75 18 x 311 N. bevel mirror, regular $141.4*), for ONE ONLY Prince% Prosser, imperial oak, 1H x :Int It.;ft13.50 bevel: mirror, regular $15.151, for . ............ ONS ONLY Imperial mahogany Drearier and Stand, 24 r 1'' .'oval B. bevel mirror.*well front drawers, beautifully 531.25 finished t.hrllghont., reg. *.'15.(W4, very *penial :it J L 4,0=4,11.,nr 41. M. and 1 sten . toad. 'Platt/. 1744 H. B. Beckett 'Phone 89 Undertaker and Embalmer NIGHT OR SUNDAY CALLS A'I' HER! DEN( .K fl♦ route fur Toronto ;old other paints beton: re t ending home. 'It nine wC. Nig the tutor In their autoluublb and on their return wen, re communed by %Ir. and 511.., Kwubll. who re turned to town Lea night, Victor I.aurbWu, of 4 1. .0.4411191 r few Mu. fn town 11,4. war k. Nr. Lauri. tun b oily editor of The l balloon Ilaity New., but toe del. 4,11x, 10 du a eo11.4drr,tblu um0unl of %riling 411 Wildil1011 to hi.6 newspaper work. Llai ll. mares 1. LaYWuling familiar lee tuuurr• 11011 wit b the ant hunl{y 0f ..hurt .10144'-. .ung• .11,,) 01 her ,•01144a1411011. He hw, she NI 11 ten 14 look but that n. another .our). 01 SLI. -h ..northing will lie heart later, The Loudon 5Avert H.r of Friday but .add of is leaner Uuderieh )sung 111141: \1/111.01111 M.,,ato11urd. )og'i- OL heft to1.,> fat •'raulnok, R. l'., where Ile Juin• a prul11111r14) 1.4% nr111. .\Ir..1a•dumald 11101 been CO •0.1 %1111 ale true of Fraser R Moore dmi1,g hl• .hurl real deuce W l.unJun. 1.1111 f• regarded 11. a >04111g 111.(1 of great 4l1vndr• in lis prolr..fon. Hi• friends po•dea that he will relight forge to the trout u, the 55 ad. Ile N.,. wee of 1110 111,+1 relive members of he Itae omian club, and .huwrd •brililant talent as a .4,.rke WW1 ;1.•bUre. Mn. 4'0li11 /,mlyb•ll attended the res0s ex- Itilitt 1011 of the \lagnra Hurl ieudl ural S.a'lety 141 $I. l'ath„rim. 111 Ihr 11111.1 0.1. of the \\'u - owe. hlsl itute. and the S1.1..11 1141 our. War Journal ,sty. lis . .11 1101 wh11 her work: "Thr refred 1111 1011111 w 4604444' 04 a row• 111111.e ul ladies N14n tell patronised and loot,.) 4 tot.. -t al 11 Act le r feature of Die ...how while Mr., 1...ill, 1'alllp4rl1, u( Uaat,•rwb, wa• kept bn.y erptl11iug to the lath., 1,0. the rnuwal mud pn•ser, trues- exhibited by the \\'uuwm'. Itot II tole ul tlularlo'werr out 1111, and 01 her nut 141- 1411411111W10 her mo,t. Abs. 4.0IIp1w1111.1..1 lea -41144 W'r.ounlil>' 1 mule lerv'If of Iasi of firm friend. >e-1vi4> *41450- noo14 an.l r, e4'ing,' 54,1 aoudad! 4,'1 :.1'41 a. Indo of err-er, 1.1 and rannwt (run- al the 'exhibit 100. Flume The Jrrkwn U44rh.1', 444zrn ens.. we illy 1 hu following whleh,will be of Intertest to mumy reader. of The Signal : "Thr nlao) friend• of k.s. J; T. I.Miear trill be pleased to Irani he,,• to return to Jack vo a• 110.1o: oft*, First M. F. ehur'h for -ter .14th year. '1'64. infor,,1.tio&, Na. reeel Oli Wil 11 great pleasure by the members of ter rhur•h wed ,,,gn•ga- li•m with ooh Mr. Irllrar la. worked very, uesys.*(ally for the a.t fit„ > r.. tft,•r 51r. l.eltiar ro'hrd 1 ,uIerr, to OA Ike r nftr- •nrr. 1411 •)•lariat 14.1114011 was per rrld 10 Mn-hlg,tfol ,'oufrn,u•'r by the I'a.. avenue M. h:. el,un•h. Detroit. a.kill1gg the • 51r. Iwlitwr he 1 rae..denrd 40 elle feel nit rordrreup, and assdKmd to the ('a.• at• -nue ,'bun -h. Mr. 141 Uvar d..•14nw1 the offer ,ll the Ib roil '•un44re station. preferring to latter another year in Jackson, hat ing been i4, rated to du so at the third yu*H'rly ronfen•n,r of this chun•h. 11i- reetaai4nmrnt to the First M. K. 1•h,,n•h here i. .,.rind. my officer. of the church." NEWS FROM OTTAWA. Ottawa, Septrmlwr 24. -lion. Frank Oliver. Minister of this Interior, has: returned flims his visit to Europe. A. a result of his trip 111114,4' changes Will likely be matte in 4onnw•tinn with the emigration propaganda earriell on DI Enrols. in Canada'. behalf. The inference drawn from remarks 111/141r by this Minister 10 that energetic efforts will be continued in the Hriti..h Isere In atti•Ik•t agriculturist. to Can- ada ; in France. Hr•Ig' , H(Iland and Scandinavia the campaign will he carried on with no relaxation ; but in liernlany and Au.ts'Hungary, vvhww glevious handicaps to emigration exist. either tht•omgh direct Govern- mental interfilenee or this opposition of the North Atlantic Steamship C(n- ference. the propaganda will her prac- tically abandoned for this present. In other wont*, there will lie a conven- t rat ion of effort in fields which promise the best results for the money expended. wits 1 a constant struggle to (were ohw4la,•Irs played in the way Ivy this national 1iovernmeet'. and jealous rival.. Liquor and Tobacco. The per capita runs ption in Can- ada of alcoholic liq '14 4411.1 faint", during the year ending .lour 341h. 4444444. W41. as follows :-Spirits, tgal- lunsl .1t.27 : leer. U1.Ig111: wine. ,1544: tobacco, tiNanul-1 2.991. Thi, is a de- crease ire opirila and an inerrase 1r1 Iter. wine :u.d tube*.•,'.• .•nwrlwre•,1 With prey' s years. Japanese Are Grateful. The• Japanese (/ripple evidently- ap- I pt'rrial',I Yamada s present of 5244.4**I worth of H • 111w'a0155 relieVing'the famine -stricken sufferers in a 'mo'tion 0f this Mikad,11' wnplie. A message conveying their thanks to the Cana- dian dian people, signet( by this heads of sixteen villages. has (leen forwarded to Ottawa through the British Am- bitmsador at Tokio. Canadian Attache at Washington. For a long lime it has leen felt that Canada. wit. at :1 disadvantage tp not having 41 du'e't representative at %\',anhinglon amts • perl•nt rrm;lr•k' of President Ho4l14e'vel4's have railed attention •e re t,' 4he delays and inconveniences l-,ulMed by this present 1•(11n41a114,111 met fuel of e • •441,',1) 1w1Wlen 4Wawa and Washington through the inerlid,n of the British Government. It. is ' ',t'i.p.ewei 4. appoint ,a Canadian ;Ntau•h.' t( 11115 British 4sllla14Ny at Washington who, shall have 4'm11uti4111 .Hail's directly in his charge. It has been Yarned that the British (lover .to will not place any (,,darer Irl the way. and Iwlm4• M114•11 141rfi y t1F exiw''led of din-. tans date. POLITICAL NOTES. NEWS OF DISTRICT. PORT ALBERT. Tinium , %Y. 4445p4. 271,1,. )1 r, and Mrs. 1lenn't4 are visiting their sols in Chicago. The Mill had to lie shut (lawn this week Om hack of wheal. 1)01.1 f,rgtthe harvest 4 hanks- g1c1ng cervi 4 4 n1 Sunday, i ‘Yult.•r ti. H kn• returns to Lon- don this week to resit 14' Isis studies tit Hltron College. There was quite a 1i11le .4 it' in 1 h village on 7',r4day .0 the sale. Auc- ti meet. liunilty sat + furl Attie, 1 1. the lis't•lirs1 place (rl earl h. 51r. Sh,14•nhalx shut, Its "lilylltoo ,111 'l'l14•,Nl:ly . 11 is ..1. 1.1. Miss Shor11- halz, who hail 1..•,•ti t 'siting hely fur smite 1111x,- 10 -turned N IIh 1 ' . ('.4444'1 (bitteriy's, \ .. :42. l'. O. F., will 10.•,•4 text '1'ur. i t). October 20,1. Dear Mother Your labs ones •. • • constant cue in Fall and Water weather. Th,,, wdl catch cold. Doyon know about Sh,loh'. Cousompbon Clio. the Lung -Ions, and what it has dose for to (nary J It i, tad to be the only retable remedy lot all diseases of the lair passages m children. It a ab.oh.tely ,analis., and plealaot to talc 11( guaranteed to cure at your money u returned. The pate is 25c. per bottle, sad all dealers in medicine sell list SHILOH Thr remedy should 4 e In every household, awesseminrs>a SOLITAIRES THREE -STONES gOLITAIRE and Three - Stone Diamond Rings are the most favored of all finger adornments -- especially as engagement tokens. In both styles Diamond Hall has particularly attract- ive values at ;,25.00, $50.00 and $100 00. These would cost you considerably m,vre were we not Canada's largest import- ing gem -dealer. /4,1 .4 4 N-• , "red .ad eN win va.i'.u!ere cess to .w lane L.0 r.rredcar,ri,rw. Corrugated Galvanized Iron Roofingsad Siding, SKYLIGHTS, HOT AIR FURNACES, FARMERS' FEED BOILERS. WHEELER & BAIN 179 Kang Street East, TORONTO Victoria Opera House GODERICH 11.1:,14,117' 28th Friday, Sept'r DUNCAN CLARK'S The Liberals 'of S,rrh Bruce at Extravaganza their 'nuvention at Tata on F'1i,1ay last tulnninlnusly and 1•nthusks, irdly lobteed John Tolinio, rx.M. P., of Kin- earline, in the Held as their candid,u, IOC the 11,111se of (' s in the bye- 1•lertion pending. The• prrtweet or for Liberal 'n(ce•s in this riding are bright. The 4'oni-I-v,liv' convention was held at Tara line 'I'gewlay of this week, when .land's Rushton, a pr est' former of Amalie!, was (+omen as theF,uulkIate. J1 r, Rushtrill, howev41', drl9inesl to a(repl th' 111nlimlti4,1 for personal 11014on-. 1.1141 the ('on'erva- tivea wall hold , thee eon5'ntiun on 1 WI(Iws• 2n41. 1)own in Quebe'e a Liberal nonitna- I ion is regarded as Imch it sure thing 1 hat in l{n't.•r r 1). w haul. 4 hole is n vae;uu•y in t hr Grouse or ('onl- mons representation. no fewer than four Liberal candidates 11.• in Ihr 16.1,1. The Libelist party fermiers, are beginning 10 fear I!sat if' many re candidates sof the 14. • strip a 11111IIP to i1,e front a C4n,erval.is'.' may snake his appearance and 4Nls1ihly he ell•r- trd wetter' otherwise he would toot have a gh4P1 of a shop,. Student -Teachers Aided. An important announ'enlent has been made by t his I'4hucat ion 1)'I1at•t- metal 41 regard to 14' • Irnr•hetw ex- 1mina! '1um. A4 premien 4. ' 4hes' are divided into tau'' parts, with a total of 1 er4.1ye nubjeets. Pllhhr• erlorm.I teachers' with 44e•111)n,1-wits', (pet Meat es steres pass then, while they lite te,eehing, 114•ra10C they W041l11 mewl to go to is high 1„hlul fo prepare. In order 1', t'emr,v' Illi, difficulty a, far .14!1 t)1Mi hal•, x14)11 t11 1•111'41111'age ,11(11 vu• 44•x14 to prepare fora I11ghrr gt•ade et titivate, and in Pottier. 10 1110140 who wet to make puddle 111'111 104 teni'hing th.i life work, it h,04 been derided sal divid the work into tw•o parts, and to, art'ang that candidates who obtained junior Waving standing met litter than MP may 14uh1tllule n rout'el' of Ens: lirh literature for list in. This 1. (4 ,• 11eea11144' POMP tescher, did not. take Latin when qualifying, it not being obligatory, and others who did and have been teaching for the last five years will have fnrgotbm nIO..L of their Latin. The change has been derided upon In accoidenee with the request of representative demi tat inn frnln Ib,• public school Peetion of the Ontat,,, Educational Association. Company. The Hest Vaudeville Co. 'Travelling. 2 Boars of Solid Fun and Aur1i,P- menl. A Show, thatwill ple ale. the heat of them. Ont• that you will not weary of while K. melte. Something Diving all 44,.' Tillie. Pretty Girls. Funny (' editors. 4'Iran• Bright. and 14niertlining. Prices, 35 and 5Ic. • • thildreo 3c. Honk firm WATCH REPAIRIN6 Is GUI{. SI'E('IAL'I'1 11.1• fully guarantee our work H. PARK Jeweler and Optician South side Squat The Power o1 Mosey Saved. The systematic saving of something each week -even 112. or 1111.** ill, in a kw years enable you to take a course at college, buy a hutne, take a trip abroad Or 4;rt almost anything else you may wish fur. Commence to save to -day. 61.00 opens an account. lute, r,t paid 4 times a year in The Sovereign Bank of Canada GODERIC,l BRANCH ANDREW PORTER, Manager. Jordan Block. READY FOR FALI, N' all ,Paper Up-to-date designs in 1'ads•r. Take :Mian sage (r ('Iv :ring Sale during the muall1414 of September and October. Prite14 range fovea :N• to .111e per roll. School Supplies 1leadqu tilers our School Ib,uk, and Seined Supplies. 1111,010,s 110111.: K :1.111. 10 11 Terms Strictly Cash. Geo. Porter Court House Square, Unclench Telephone No. 100 , TELEGRAPHY Is.t hr 11,1 -top to,t .uvl• 1.x441014. IatyinK fr,n, 6.1.11111. ) $...,o•, 4e•r annular 411 rnilwal' •.51•11,.• You 4001 Is.eouw a good 0(a•n4tur in six month - If,m -Indy in The Central Telegraphy School. 3 Grrreld-4. E*.,-'runaau The 4111r.1 .drool 111 4 .,rm,lt. write fur tort u•u1141., W. N. GNAW. T J. JOHNSTON, 1'rc-idrut. 1'1 11111144 T iia ll'X!S . S/IOL' irt& jr/'1/ Tho new fall styles of Queen Quality Shops exhibit special features throughout. New designs, new heels, now (.idge effects have Leen added and the assortment now presents an unusually complete range of styles from which to make a selection. Patent leather fi)r dress and semi -dress, Gun Imetal and kid for geiwral wear, aro all represented in Blucher and Lace designs. Perfect in fit, luxuriously comfortable and ('conomically priced. r $3.75 and $4.00 Downing & MacVicar Don't Forget This! A BIG Slaughter of Dishes Commencing Monday, Sept. 24th. IFY)K TWO WEEKS ONLY.) TILE STOCK ('ONSISTS ()F - Dinner Sets; Tea Sets, Toilet Sets, China, Glassware and Common Stoneware. All these goods will , l le sold away below cost, as I need the ` space for other goods. All got>ds at bargain prices must - be Spot ('ash. Produce taken saute as cash. ('all and see. then(. P. T. DEAN., -- The Grocer The Square 'Nom.: (ell (iODERIC11 Phone No. 25 Coats that have 4 tine tyle T111.: 4. oats we show have.. h'ara• er and style that speak to 'people that like to be w 11. dressed. They are cut in the latest,styles for Fall an are •rrect in every detail that goes' make a stylish arm nt. Tailor made .ind faultless in fit; stylish, yet od- ate in price. Nothing skimpy about the .sort' ent either. We' have a stock lig enough to give ou wide varier and choice, while of no individua stye are there enough to become common. The popular style is the "Tourist, materials tweeds in checks and paid kersey a stronif second. - 200 Garments to select from' popular w h black $5.00 to $25.00 At each price downright good valae. Come and see the new garments. The best stn and greatest variety within your reach is here, and yot ,, are welco*e to look it over. No need to feel obliged to buy unless you wish. New Plaids There is a bigger demand for Plaids than for many a season. is verb' full, and complete. A lig shipment of Tartans just opened The following are now in stock : MURRAY SUTHERLAND McP11EF (GORDON KING EDWARD PRINCE CHARLIE FORTY-SECOND ROYAL STEWART FORBES FRASER LINDSAY WALLACE PRINCE OF WALES 50c. and 75c. the yard. S'radow Plaids Our stock this week. Very ctic4tive for suits or separateaskirts. Dark rich colorings, combina- ations of green, garnet, navy and brown. Good assortment, but short lengths of atiy pattern. .- - - - - $1.40 and $1.50 tee•+- �-r - r-- s� .. - -�`Y`- Four -Fifty for a Rain Coat p Four dollars ani: a half i1n't n111rh tel ay for a raineoal, esp.rially for the kind we are melting this week. They are 1 he la,t ones anti twee of POMP of our hatter lines. We want then, one of the way to make morn for our Ing 14talrk of Fall Jacket., and are willing to take This little prlre for thein. In Ladies' 14aine/rate, fawn and grey 14hel4tee. made from all -wool English shower- $450 proof cloth, regular $7.(1) to $8.60, choice of the lot E