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Tut It AY,-S9pt•mber 27, 1906 5
#4949.9k +++++9ii 44* Cir Cjil419 v' It? i *'i'+'i'' 44 ii'iA'44+449 Ifs ' MAYFIELD.
1.'i' \\'b:INEwDAY, Sept. 311
- • • ' Mrs, MCK3y', ualther of Hugh Me-
!* The NewsDistrict.4,lof thef4.!hfew Weeks.
.!�. '!'herr i. joy at ttie Albiuti hutr�.
'du'1 ,L,�r, ,y�, ,�h,�*�,*' ��� ,1t.` ,�1�, �' A tuuug daughtrr•appr;u•el on the taH+ •'V"'V" 19"+ `9"`�r"V"-'V•'44*'*4*4*', ,5s4t„V`-:tt3�d++ 4"V'++ ''W V +4'II•'•'lTt++ +++'W't rcrnr'I'urrJay uinK.
TUICSDAY, Sept. 26th.
t'uuNi'lt. ME rriso. - (!oilllcil met
August 2,5t h ; all present. Minutes of
July ule•tinf( approved. on 'notion of
Ie 1lr,, MrKeuz'', and Stiles. Moved
by Mesirn. McKenzie and Kiekley
that the council accept the reai5ue-
t' It J. Baker, r, C. K. Carried.
Nor'•' by AI.'.RIs. McKenzie and
Stiles, that bylaw No. M, fixing the
various rater for 11410, iw now reald n
thits! time. l'arried. Moved by
seeds. McKenzie and Hunter, that
the clerk prepare a bylaw requiring
all taxer W be paid on or iwfole the
15th of De:cullwr in each year, failing
which 5 per cent. aha I 1w added.
‘'at: accounts Mainly
for r,'1418 and bridges to the amuuut
of $470,511 wee • iderel paid. Next
meeting Septrutlwr 211th. Tints. (i.
ALLEN, Clerk.
1'ultKutY,'Sept. 25th.
Mrs. Hurn is very ill again.
Angus Nicholson haw a brand-new
Wm. J. Todd left on Saturday for
the Soo.
Mies Minta Rutherford sprat Sun-
avat 1
Miss Craw has gone to (iIKlerirh rot -
ura .eek's visit.
'. 1. Miller left on Tuesday morn-
ing 11' 3 Kix weeks' trip to Alxuitllla.
Ru t. lrelnell has Kone 1.11 Algoma
to ales d the winter with his Woollier
1tune lura Anderson and Murray
Made a urine's trip to 1'l8lerieh nn
M hay.
Loads AV .'hothead el4in18 hr hale
the largest tort; • 1. (`all and
see them at hl utter,
Mrs. Alex. Iritih. of four'
'lieb.,•with her v. children. is visit-
ing her sister. N11- Robt Mclinir•.
McGuire k Nielk 1./14 hod the nein•
forulne to upset t1). newitalur when
Isteking'tilt of John mith's barn lint.
Tuesday. The nllie -tie was Nally
d:unagel, hitt they h •r pit whams! it
new' up-to-date •hint tell are again
ready to marl the deuualn of the
AN.rrHEg Pit/NICKS (io . The
death 'occurred o11 N'eIu.•NI 11 -
September , 114th,
Septemer,114th, of Mn. Jame,*
\ItUunald. 4.f the IttIi r •essior Mhe
w':1.• the last of it f ly of six. 11 of
whom ram.' to Canada in IM
the pariah of Kingua,ir, Interns,
5.-.41.4 nil. She married Mr. Mel/lona
in 15511. and that tkttled in Wawa
•n.w,h. Mrs'. McDonald Was nine(V
years old, 1 1 had a IIHIIIIYt 4 .hook..
twet v.• yeas two, 8itwe which t'
Shr had becn-ennflnel to the Warw
She lawn• her suIYrring with great
resignation ,toll Christian lot-titud.•.
she i. Marviv.d 114 her husband. four
sous and a daughter. Thr funeral to
1510ranhun cemetery on Thursday
was largely attended. -
\\'F nNtisD8v. Sept. 291 h.
Arnold Harri.i. of near Exeter. hill
been visiting at the home of Henry
Airs. Thorns Ander,u,n. of I.nek-
tow. is visiting relatives and ft iends
this vicinity.
W. \'analt.•t•. of ILale•irh, and
Har • Turner, of New York, were
guests 1 the hoot.' of 'Von. Bailie on
Anni'i try servirrl will iw held in
the Nile chi rh on Sunday. I/•lolwr
:t1). Rev. ('. Reid will preach
morning. aftornun,i and evening.
There will Iw no supper or enured
this year.
Inver ., t e : quarterly 1w•
all t the 1 it
t iew set•yieei in the eh x•0,11.'xt Sab-
bath. Re'. .1. C. Rei will hold a
.p,•cial nervier for the chi ran in the
morning. p*Wanly in the alit of AIr)
object lesson hosed on amine ie sug-
gested by one of the quarter + Argolis.
There Will he 8perial ringing. d a
I trge attendance both of patent, '4n1I
,•hildren ie req lres'ed. No service Will
I, held in the afternoon.
TUEsutY. Sept. 25th.
Hunit: nts:It 'ruts. --The Moms of
Temperance of phi« plue purpsse
ing a grand r •art In 110 -Temperance
11811 on the eve • g tit Oetoloer 2nd.
I he program consist, tit eintru818,
recitation•, dialognesl eta. Uutridt•
speaker's rue expelled l0 15180 ludo
dta•ases.\ Don't fail 10 laky in thin
eoncerl, for i1 is to IK• '1,11• best ,,t 1 h
Neadial, Doors will hr. 0(1011 a. 7::41,
o'clock; program to 1.1l1 lnn.'mre 8l tl
11clock. Ad 1111NNhn1--3411111s, 1.1 4281.
children, I41 roan .
TUE1IIAY., Sept, 2.5111.
Mee, Tr'dgi•om, of the Hayfield toad,
ill visiting friends at Hamilton.
Mtn. John Blair, of the aril e •es
8111)1, is visiting r•rlativi•4 near Atwood.
Air. and Mrs. K. Davidson, 1.1 15411-
gan1on, 81sited relatives in this town•
ship the 'Mat Week.
Mrs. H. 11.•Il, of the :ird runeesminn,
left on Satw'day to vial relatives in
Windsor and Detroit.
Children's Day will 1e• observed in
the Union Ih,Mrbyte•ial 4•hurrh 4.11
Sunday, September 311th.
Tu/Cel/AY, Sept. '25th.
\\'r had guile afront Ii.•rl• nd Mun-
d:u- • ' 5.
31114. John Hunte•, who wan rick, i.
• eralvill,e•Ilt.
The Stewart 1110.. are doing nearly
a111 the LIr••.hi1 g 8ruan11 here. •
Jin.. John .!denary i, yi.iiitt it-
htivem lit 11 'hoe al present.
MTN. .14.111 /'antw.'II. of shepp8rd-
tun, is visiting her Ism - t Ali. i*tt11
Nils. Thu.. ('tt1)001.t, 81'.
John Nlvet-.. who built a nen- Iwt'll
last summer. hat. pal 1111:1 11.•ta• •,•Illellt
iliNe t111...•:t,1, which iutpruy08 fhr
look of his (arid.
Ited8•11 Duladn Inas :1 feteteams
hauling gr:.%el, as he i,trod8 In put
up a .e'ume11 folndlarion fora new
lawn to 1.•place the one that was
struck by lightning awl burned this
.0 wmler.
Tel (Lana Y, Sept . 'tit h.
Mr. and %I14. Robert Melhln:tld are
ocrr flrtm I )•prod on a visit.
Utu• ttereltanl, 11. A. Shields, and
1V10. (Hazier-, jr., were Birth visit urs
111 fhr fair held there lust week.
Friday of last week 11 re, James
A atg, of loyal, left for t'hieagn to
, 1).•r elan .I: , VI 114. i. our tit the
rug ieelson the steamer \1', 11. Ihr.
\1'hi thew she will '.r.• other rela-
tives - nd also. our 1' or1100' re,i•
dent, N -. 11, 1' - 5, Ile. friends
wish het • most pleasant viralion in
Uncle Sam domains.
1•44 el .1 dell, who w,,, kill.,!
the raliltt :n rack 11•:11, Clinton nn
the Ilurol. ;alio Bruce 'nut•..1)1 fhr
night of the 'Ill host .. was well
known herr in 1 ,• early years of hi.
utanhaal, havin live) herr for
tnue. After leaving 11-11' lit' 8,111)1-1 11)14'.
took a run tip 1., 'cru friends nrumnd
these Port., '1'111 hitt, ly SSW w•as a
Win ke•r and 1ike. at ' g. Ile
trays at widow :and the ,• rhildr.•u.
Itis f1111(1.•1 was large': attended.
Rev. Mr. ►.e sly. the ethlwlist
• -ter at lilndeslMaai emit' -wit the
+'tri. rr.
TI 1 -lo . Sept. 2ah:
Mike Hilwler i- indisposed. • •
Impala. .1. F:. 'Coli visited S. S.
No. a on Friday last.
! -
('onstablrs Phelan Ind (i try
visited our burl, on Monday.
Miss 1.ilian 311,-1,4,111. of Mhrp tti1-
tun. spent sMuntun .it her 1 • herr.
Iter'. K. Melha dd. of Kinudin %
formerly of Ashlie6l. ti•.ited triers.•
here. -
NIr, and Mrs. Alex. Campbell. of
4'alnnn•t. ,lieh., and \lies Rebecca
BELFAST. \tiamplwlh of jerk -on, Mich.. Visited
t Ir aunt. Mr's, ,I Mon Mrlir'got. o1.
TTESnAV, Sept. 2iith.
(OENI:R.IL.--We notice incubation
+411.1 brooder/ are tieing peddled
through thin hx•ality. These can be
procured fn1111 local dealer. on time
pity -merit without giving note's in pin"•
m1Pntuntil they have been tried awl
proved satisfactory. 'Why not pal-
l- I. home industries? -
PF.IMlNA1.. - Mrs. H. Browning. 11f
Listowel, rel, has returned after' visiting
her parenta. Mfr. and Mir. A. McAl-
lister \\'alter Hawkins, student
of Huron 4'ull.•ge, London, and a for-
mer 1*'lrher to A8li11-Id, railed 111
. friends R. 1 •'-
1 hale this week.... ...I. ! . .
enortie in attending Clinton Model-
O IT\RY.Annther pioneer.
theet•son of \Vol. Sherwood,11
'•n11e41 p esecfully inane 1111 Saturday
evening, the 151.1) lief. I/recase! had
paa8el Ihr fountain• year' and ten
and leaves to n11 who knew. hint the
Worthy example of a good life
Death hie ton., 'more clefted th.•lll
dlf Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Agar 'and this
time ham Laken nwav their youngest
1014 T., /ill the bet -rayed oars
we extend. tent, 'yug811hy. Ihrae•
emisolving wont., that the U•NI who
wounds run ain't hind up the broken
(From another *orre.p m loot.'
TNF i.ATI W M. SRI+•nwvsm.---add
that* was mortal of Willi D m Sher -
wits laid In rest in the I)Im):•11a"
nun cemetery nn Monday, septeud,rr
171 h. Mr. Sherwood haul l-ao•heil the
ripe age of NI ye•artl-and Noss am. mg
the pioneers of this country. He w.18
born in It -eland and there he miwnt his
early yearn. I11 early life hr enjoyed
the advantag" 11 a godly 1 ,
%there he •irquin ! those 111111(11)114
111111 Iiihlt1 that, fnrlllel the blain 11f a
rhaarter of ttnu.4md exe4110nrt•.
From theme 1,4)1,1 t.•8e•bitlgv In a'r'ms
never to have reenlist and Mt eon -
tinsel It faithful 4 t,rietFul. 1n
other respects hi8 rawly autvauhlg e's
were few, but with more 4hn/1 ut.din-
ary strength rind with a enurage herrn
of strung conviction and of faith in
U,xl which aIatainel him amidst
ft a In Wahl'. difflenit les he toiled
with diligence and his work was nut.
vain in the Lord. Nr was it true
ft lend, n considerate Iuwhand, n kind
father and it patient Rufferer, and in
dearth he NAR * 1-111rnphant, ile is stir-
'iverl by three Rona . \Villinm and
Samuel, 44 ANh6eld : and Patrick, of
Manitnha ; and four dinghtent : Moa,
Edward ('ninatun and Mrs- ('harlen
Ilernden, of Manitoba ; Mrs. iam.
Andrew'', of Durham, and Mrs. Wm.
Hut-hia'm, of
Whitechurch. The
funeral was largely attended, ,hnw-
in5 the high eat.lettt in which the aged
pioneer was held. (her k*. is his
\lir. •. Annie. Catherine and Isa-
belle v11r hate retarne1 40 1'hi-
r•ago. 1• None :tie ponied ae far
a, (iolerir by I'hal•les Taylor, A.
,IohnsUa, A. \l-\dur•chir, K. NW-
Uregnr and Miss NLn'v Mel:r.egol.
/)RITI'ARY.-On Sunday, S.pt.mlwf
Zink the noir of Bliss Elizabeth
Dixon pawed to the great beyond.
Ile• Venni ins were iIderrel o1. Toes.
day 3n Kintutil cemetery, Iwittg fol•
lowed thither by :1 Rival n bet 11f
sorrowing friends Who. e: •- to pay
Ih.•ir 14,1 IribW.• 111 Ile 11.11.0/1/0•11.
Mr. and 311'.. Dixon Iawe 1110. entire
sympathy o1 the 4.11utonmlily in the
I•s8 of tIi,•it daughter.
Nlo•u.ty.M.'pt. 211h.
.lam. Bryan, Of TIL' Merl'. iln•1, 1138 !P-
lumed (nun a trip III thr,%Vest.
The Liu -know fair will he held on
TiIt.wbly and N\ edne.day of next
Fol.11n•hml.e Mitchell Bas returned
/runt a t hpf:• mono h: t rip pnoap net 1115
in ells timbers of litili,h Columbia
and Varlrnnyrr 181:Ind.
511.1 \Inthesnn has taken a politinn
with the 1htyton Computing Scale
Company. and the .tore falsities., of
which he WW1 in rharge hen'. will be
T. 1'. Smith, 1\'innipeg, with lois
wife, son and little daughter, ha. been
ri*fling hos father-In,Iaw. .1 '1
Gurdon. NI r. smith on% at • time
in Intsinr., here,
John Trele•a'en, son old -tinge Ie.i•
dent of Lurknuw, hit for Wooly !,rata
n eit.izi n of l'ilnl. Alonnd, has with his
daughter, Mrs. E..1. Smith, e e In
attend the winter arming old friend•,
A. 1I1.;( hat len, the sucri•ssfnl raining
sp eetibitor, who died recently. leavingn
$111,1411 to irrtinen Unite, ail 8', wan a
Ir•d her of Mrs. .Iohn I'ot -hi-;, of I hi8
town. Mr. M,('bit-),s taught in
Lneknuty puhlie Pr lend in early days,
ArnetTong Bros,, of Tomnt.), hate
purchasell the .11.1,5 1111.41110.1 of the
late Harry Day. and take (.les•8eion
vet 11nee. The Inuin..v it It fait-
h/abed, enjoy,* rt splendid trade, and
the piling men, both experienced
druggists, will not dada maintain the
A lK'ol nplion two anent ban' teen
on foot in Burro to„"wain,. Prohibi-
tion already exist- throughoutt''
town*hip except in the village of 1'
ley. *here two Ii•"••tls"s win h-'
volved. J. .1. 'r,yI,r and
Sl.r11the11'' ore the csnta8*in5
tee on the lsan41,11y and i
stood that roach line is het
Willi canna/owl.
r under•
,l. ,.. TuKsitay. Sept. 25th.
Miss Perry, of Stralfotd, is visiting
at Jaulre 4'hirholul's.
Quite at unullwr 4.f our residrnte
Were al the 1)1881181e sale in lioderich
township o11 Friday tit lint work and
Nome of them pitt•chtd new delvers.
John M4Ne%in, of \\'itighuui,' and
bit sister, who with tier tinnily is up
1111 11 visit w1114 relatives in Floral
county, a ienl several days here as
guests of Mr. and Mrs. McGraw and
aorto visited \Ins. M.N.'vitil sr., at (lair -
braid. The % isit ver+ were •h
planted with the lake air 01 Moil
11111,111. '
In the doth of Mrs. ,lames Strach-
an at (4 NIl t -id, oo the pith inst. a fur -
titer well -1 uuw•n 11 ' ,q• of thi8 419-
ulet is removed, she and her late hus-
band living hew till IK"YI, when they
ret11011 (1.11111 active fano life. Their
Hest renilrn,.'here w.is 181 for at meet -
Mg house It(lrl• they had 'e1 into
the 1)1.11.,• they erected as a faultily
resident.... I1. this houses the Lee -
Indio 1'nion S lily -ehlwd used to
mint and vel 134111 s,rvirt•8 were held
1)y the Bible Christians and the 'Ptes-
byterials till in course of time Rey.
NW. Seit'iright had at kirk built war
thettitr.Iiug hoes.•, which was pulled
down in 1575. NL'. an.1 \Ins. Strau'hati
were always regular alteuda11ts at 11,e
kirk. 4.f which on. fornn•r wa8 nes
elder Auld Uwa,111.er. We rlsd utter
11. meet the vrna:ill, couple for it
-.eat 'hal alt. on • 11, • Seill 141111
un141 obey Ieft. tiara i1. 11-013. quite a
nuulle•r of reht ices and old neighs n -s
were in :it for funeral i1. Comb -licit ,n
\IlNIL(y, sept. 2416.
11. 1. Morrish :Intl wife, 01 l i,Mlerich.
paid It flying %I.it to friend. here la -r.
.lames At moor 11:1, sold his film
and intend, twit -nig to \1'iugh:un
she'd lt.
Silt-11110ug and apple -packing is the
,rde• ..f the day- al ptes•ut. 1':xeel,
lent !urn *Top, ore reported.
The Ikaulylro..k Epwr'rth 18•agne
were entertained 1)y. Ilse '.Ve-tlield
[wagon. 441 Friday evening hast. They
rept .1.1 :1.11 ext•rllenl I iItll1
Miss Lun•nia Campbell Is ton a
three Werk.' 115 1 visiting her etusi11-,
\Ir.. N. 6, :\in.lie. Tilbury, ;old Mus.
1Itpin.tal. of St. Thomas,
\Vestry M:u•rnw•, w•if,' -anti family
are 8tteialin^ the golden welding 1t1
511x. Fal1•1114'. 44the' 111111 Mother, Mr.
and Nlrs. ,loolli-'ton. of Hlyth.
Myth fair ants the atlFilet ion for it
50041y nllnllaq tr11111 11111.0. 1131 I. nn
1\'eln011414Y last, although it 11)i, not
so largely ail as in tot flier )•eves.
the weather (wing .o W111.111.
AxSIVEh- tICY SEItV1eys, -- 1/11194
forget. the \\'estfleld aunite'wtt•v nn
Sunday and \lomat', Seglteul7wr :11th
and 4)111)1w) 1st . Iter. W. A. ' h,
tf Lin -know. i, expected 11.• preach
Ilne,• 111,1.', un S fay. 1)n ,\Irinlay
evening a sacred 111114.0.111 Wi11 Ile given,
when Ihr following talent are .'x•
petted to hake 1811•t : Bliss 11111111th,
soloist. - of \Vinghaul : Nl.s ,1o1nl,
eloesiti.,ni,l, of Luck 111414V : Mien
Hr. .11.0•,., 1401•111ionist, of (i,8lrrieh,
:Intl Norman Match, -of Meth. Ad -
will be delivered hl Ilev..1. 1
sn4 pll, ..\uburm : 1{.•14. W. A. 5 ' h,
4 -.Wield, and Her. (i, W. -Hivee, of
I telgr ate
VTOTII'K. --111•E LOCAL A(i1N('Y
111in 1lnngomunl for The Sigurd ...of rhe 1'o -t"
!Mee Hook and Stationery Stone. and 31r-,
81,1esln will reeds.- older. for ...leeriptinn-.
Item-Ing+1114 job work• and •r, AWN/tin-II In
le weeipt- for anu/unl- paid for Ihr sun*.
A. NK:\\'TON. i)KNTIST. L1-('K-
'lfw \n%, -.kabala. evert dav sx•ept Thur.
Irl-. Nen' tones,tyfor ,•xlraelingte•th,Seamnn-
1urnu. •t ter than gay. 1'mw 11 and bridge work.
etc. % tan llll pl.ur- more breakable,
N. It - u t..)1 Ass).- Mo a tour work nine..
Irene) dol in the dental rake •more 11p'r
5.'ncr (milit •- for doing the wort{, more • nlu
Mutable for :l patient.
411115 STER IN(' BANK t1F (7AN-
110.401 4100, TllRUxTo,
Advance- Bute 1t fanner, vet lowest rata.
S,dr note. ea -bed oto. Ilerted on f.rtui abbe
Iran-. Dollar dry. -it. . nd upward, reeisit d
and int1•n•st {arid or rata andel four limes
pear. tsar 1 11. a. . to :1 p.m.; Sat lir-
days. 200,111, In 1 pm. :and , .in. to 9 p.m.
R. I:. - .1NNIRI.
Manuel. Int 1 0* ), i'nw h.
Nd is chopping Mill. 11,1e
feed. Three Star ,1.01 Fina. +lar
ver 11.81111 eilar-e grain.. 1 hoepirg.
attended 10. .
it and
tr. broth
11111 01' SANDS 1 iF, HAUS 1)1'
1 npt'I' santrd for Ihr r• a(0.ratur, at
10 2.0. * Ivan. THI W. 11..\ 1.1.I: t;, •
1\'F7)NKML8Y, Sept. :Milt.
Mts. 9'. W. Little Ilion tow Ile .I flour
her i.it to 'rot•.,tit..
Airs, b. .1. l'r•aavfor.I visited ftie'nda
i1. M.nflirlb list wt•rk.
Sly. rind Mrs. Long wale visitoral at
lirnwillrr ewer Sunday.
Alis. Haley has rettn•nr.1 front her
Visit to 11rtroit and (4'1de rich.
T. I•:. 1)urnin was in Toronto Ia.l
week with It nl)ipinel1 of cattle,
Ahs. Alautning and Harold are visit-
ing friends In t Hilton this week.
it. 1:. Willis was a Visitor at his
htno• in Metforl1* for at few days hat
Mrs. brat's, of Woodstock. is the
guest of Nlts. S. 5. Sanderson this
week. I -
NIrs. Cook. of Clinton, is spending n
few days with her sister, Mrs. ('harlw
:Mrs. Hugh Stuart and children are
spending the week with Mow. Stuart'
Mod het al Port Allier,.
Mrs. Thomas Andler.111, of LI k -
non•, is visiting at the 1 • , her
son here for a few days.
\lies Della Y g has ret rne,f to
her Motor at Tnllrotn .pun 1,in after
visiting friends hrrr for a north.
4)n,T)1eslav evening a tail of mem-
bers of the Epworth 8'15)11', vi.ite1
Nile. lAvtgoe (t hent• t ed,hat.. They
were quite pleased t• flit heir e•ve•ning'',
entertainment r'- •011111• 11)1' 1111 inn,
as the derision am in favor of them
in the debate.
TitV Pty.!, .%ti., if Dungannon
has its nen genet pork in the way
of weather he fall e11/tw on Thursday
and Frith • of next week will doubt -
1..'. 1,.• 8ur1 4*1 of the record- tweak •
ins an sly. I-:vertthing is being ger
into !tel shale al the Kr11nnd., and
the rack will ie in fleet -claw. condl•
tin fat the sipped test., in which goo,!
0 tests are expected. The :tint regi-
lenthand, of thwie,- ch. will make its
Hest appearance in Dungannon. and
nit who like grand hand innate shunt,)
ke it a point to he here, Fot• the
concert 00 Friday evening nn Pxrel-
lent program has been arranged.
(ilsnrge Ellis Fox. of Tot•onto, in one of
the nnl*t Vet -made fond Mirth provok
jog comedians in Canada, and with
•lith ciipuMr artuta as the Mhers Tilt
and Ansrlrlw'k, 11f 41•K1e•i -h ; Ni, Ale -
Gee, of Atuhuru, and -Mira ('am pai5or,
tit 111klerteh, with the tither tidrnl
1113) is 10 lake part, the convert will
he ale of the le.r ever glvrn in the
hall. See the 1..11. and proglaul- for
other part ie Lu- tit' the show and t•on•
cert. 'Those) desiring prize hat, ulay
s,r111'0 thell' flown H. Mcllwain, .rrtr•
Nary, Nile P. 11. The lint has been re-
iaet and intim.% e1 :incl theta. .huuld
br ititerrattillg 1.01111101 Ilion. ill the
V:u'iuur 1.141041.s.Heweutlwr 1 hr dales
Thursday and friday of next week.,•
Liverpool and C', ca6o Wheat Future•
Cl... H•9he, --L,ec Stock Mar-
kets -The Latest Quotations.
Mu„e.., t.:1 ening, s''l:, 24.
Liverpool wheat futures ,'k *•d t.• day
%d to %d 'ditties Iha. Saturday, .lel ,urs
futures 11d blgher.
At•Cblcago. Kpt. wheat closed 1i," Inch •r
than Saturday; sept core 11,e lower w14
Sept. uate Ur lower.
At the Wfu41'p'c optwu ' Market 10 day
the following were the closing quitatl•ell8:
so Pl. 74'4e bid„ u, t. 'Wee, Ire. 72',4,
Mee • C.
Kept. 94,06. helot. 23,00.
32.114,0a0 11:251.0.
;1,74 tsps) -5.$Y{.da)l
.4.378.0104. •'173714.4),
wee1. w pleat Iaere:oed *1218,.
.•n',..4 *4410*, bushels, aid
L•,.1,.0 bushels.
% heat .. ,
cern .,
Lot rlug tlt
burhrl. euro
01.11, 111.Teaaed
Sept. lire. May
to, .2i. -p',
New Y k-
3, -In it .. .. -- 7s' JI •,
111.14, e44
Mt. Luras. 71,, 7:44. ;74,
Miticeupull» -els 74% -
Ic,uth .... ;,4., 77. -
11 -4 - t fowled.
WI tut, fell, bl
111•ut, red: bur:, 7
IVtoet, goose, bush 0' UK u 7 '
Barley, tomb 11 514
oats, hush., old a ilr
vats, new, lush u 110
Rye, bush
Moe huts
Live tool, Sept. 24.- Wheat, spot, .11
Nu. 2 d western winter, 3t. 181; fano-
steady; 'rpt.. Its :01; Dec., 0s 4%.1. Corn
+lest, flrtu Awerlcau 0118.41, 5s ,,d, futon s
8,1. d)'; 8t.'nou,lnal: bey., 4* 0%d; .1101..
4r 1181. ams, short cut arm. :Ms 1. 4
H r, t1.. tie. belly.. dry', Mat 1d. Pop*
8t Loudon i0*ctn.- coapt, 1966 crop,
At Iia 10 f5 5
New York, 24. ---Rutter Stoutly to
attic, re, Mins. 473 Street prier extra
area n, y, 2w• to . 4e; ufadal poi .".
rnbnu re, wlmmin. , extra. etc 10 :- '.
▪ dairy, 100114101 10 fancy, 181• 1.1 718:
1•1100 1110.4, caalmun to exar4, 10
w eta.111 18-lory, ,am111) to lions. 11.1' t„
la' ; Western 1103111V,, ereutuery. .•tlrY-.
21+4,0 to 22e; amt.. t115e u ••'•'yr.
e ht.--e-tlr•u; recap.., 4115; slat.', 'till
cream, result fumy. 13.; do. tad' to *oo'I
12.• to 12%e; do., large• fa •y. 1:k•: .l1..
fair to good, 124,. to 12%0; u.. inferior,
1.•'•,c to 11 'Sr; .kine+ Y1kr
I1CC* Str og; r. ceijaa, 71471; a ate. Pr ver
.1. t1.nla :1.,d nen N,y feu. ' select d w'bt'r,
;1M• to Mk; do., tibula.•, 1k• to M; do"
11111.4 extra, 2W' res 27-; western Urals.
22'yr t0 Sol•. UNI 1,1 price western, Casts,
22','• to :Ale; ate c- - -11e to 21e.
1 to to on
Toronto Junction, Sept. 24. -Receipts
of live stuck at the Union Stuck Yards
were 41 car loads, cuulpured of 1247
cattle, 14 sheep end Iambs wJth t
P, la s rungs' .11 the way frau $4 25 to
;183. *be hull, tallier( from 114.3a to *4.5.,
pcf cwt. Expa,i1 bulls, 43. IL to 84.25 per
The Isle bw' hens 011 sale, and there wrrr
few of thew sued, sold :at 44.25 t0 44.30
Per .wt.; medium, 49.1) to 43..13; .-onlmou
mated with :ors 42.73 to 1!.511 per set.
Mitch Cows.
310.11 rows and springers wild from 435
tr 4:12 es.b, .
Vent Calves.
• Veal colts- -.,'d at 5.' t,. SC7:0 per cwt
S heep sad Iambs.
E'frrt »heel, sold at 44 to 44.40; lambs,
It 43 to 43•'x1 per ewl.
forces mn her re•1 at ;6.10 for Retests ad
40.11 for lights and feta.
M, utreal, Sept. 24. --(Special. )-Cables
from Liverpool 01. 1,14401,,, cattle were
, nor at les, and those. num 1.uuduu were
'ye to le lower, at 10e to 3l . trio^h
1ultle to Ids-rpool were 4c lower. at rt4c
to 18'. Shlpmeuta last week were :CMI fet-
tle: 41e.lpe, today were 1818) •rattle, :5
mush sows 12.941 sheep ..nod Iambs, 401)
styes. lout hugs. Ilrcelpaa of bogs were
foul: large, the re being 14110 oti the mar
tel • but utt of thls number one leading
pselltg ermrru had t,mtrartrd for len*,
In the west. Cousequeutly the supply for
sate war very Mulled. for whle•l. 'Ise •1r-
00001 war Yuen! 1101 114- lvnplyd with
label ruble* o1. 1'anad4u 11eum from /1,)n•
' Liverpool and Itrlst.l, rr.-dl
ger feeling herr 101 buys »n
e rd Li.• to ' per cwt..
i !814
to •r cwt.. w'rl
i6 w a
the ufferluga were putube•r .f
west •artflr, whir sold at 4148
pretty nue cattle sold t
V K d r
the coon , sttwk, 2'yr to
cows I' at PM to •:I4
t1) alto
t4.R the
YI ;b
.1 11,e l,er.
1e 4lit per
:Ilse to 4c a
:1. per 1b.
:•r11 'rhr ,'alto curly add 1rnawrs.
mid suule of then,e h
1. :1t that 'Thea.•
sold at 2, to :1',' it 1b; road, at • to
-., per 114 1,11)"•11. sold at 31•te to"4e
per Ib.4u11i1a, at 5e, 0 14* per Ib.
New lark. Sel•t 24.- - evert R•rdra,
:•4', choice deers, steady; tel W 4u'Ime,
.pude lower; Other. We to - • off; lent
1 all:., Pi to; 138 off. Medius and I.0't1
1w4, ftp 16 •27e. lower; - steady;
.. re, ;
W 1 `
0ten 11
10 5:I
to V. 181; otw ear chub
n ap. 4xa1a to 44.15; but
Wows. 11.15 to 4:t.:b. 1-:x•
! 1alt1e :111. :Pomo q.iirte
Ices-Rowse*pnw, 1416: 1-0x1*. 2ae to
t.; grassers ■od westerns. :Ale hlghsr.
't.:•1-. * to 49:2: cons, 44 to to 40; Knees
el.. CI:n to 74: wevferns 84.7n.
Sheep nod Lions. Recelpta, 8104: elle*p,,
0,1117; rated sod prime Iambs. 13e l0 1-.e
blither; oat. *lark steady: *beep, $:1.6) to
45.:40: culls 42 no,
to 4n: Ia,abs on to
culls, 44 to 43.49; Caned., 4ml...
111.x. Iter. Ipts. 1013D: market. 6rmt•r:
Mate rind Pennsylvania huge, P619) to 47/111.
t•htesen, Sept. 24, --Cattle Receipts
ala ut :1,,1.*, best steady; others lOe 10w
.•r; 0011110,11 1e prim., sneer, s': T. I., 411.97;
row., 42.70 to 14 73; heifers..
*1 no '0 tient;
boots, 42 e, tyy 44 a); nlvea n:; to 48; 14.001*
er* and fe„fere, 42.'I) to 54.740
!lox. nevelpta, n100nt:',.t.,4,; 7 • to Ion
; rho.. 1e prime leery, 411.66 1,-,
$fO,7, 4p„dlnm to glean heavy, 411.71 to SI 45;
be u•M•r+' w.4144t,' 1ete11 to 4•; 70; good t„
*ho'ee 101x141. 4n.M11 to Niro; pn••klwg, 43 75
to 4.140: pigs. Ir. *1 t,, 44.18).
Sheep H penes abort 3,-,04*,: heat
1).04: other., that and horror. .ne,n z1.7u
to 44 7514,; yearllop, 46.75 *0 4o 13; lamb..
YI `•w lff M
London. Sept. M. (1Padtan cattle 1,, t1)•
Rrltl+h arket* ■r* quNw1 vet 1,# to 1114,,
Isr 16 ; refrigerator beef. 95c to 917er ler
p onnd.
WInettevter, 11n1. ,.rpt. *14 At' s mart
Int of t1),• ,hrrr.• twwrd /1014 herr *0tda'11
331 eoLorM and :411 white were rewleterod.
A few have. 064* met the board at Cn4„
and 13 :4 tar; Matinee probably sold on cert.
Three hover. present
Subscribe for The Signal
Fitz tlemliuharl and Sa1111 Moore
have the ronhvet of repairing the
(uludation of Trinity church.
lira King has tinl8hed the control
of iu,plalviig the (iV;w. cottage. It
now presents a neat appeal•anee.
Jao. •Pollrx•k. why has been-Ituuut5t'r
of a !billing gang o1. le',ke \YinnittegR
during the stammer, has tag urinal
7.11110' for the winter. This i shat
flftrrn seasone for him.
Ibgl'I forget the 55orld'8 Fair in
It:tytiold 0111 1\'1•dnr.dtty, 1►clolwt• awl.
1'hr3trtt regiment bund, of (i,wlerich,
trill Iwo in .0 tendanee and a cunvrrt
will I8• given in the evening.
The futlelal of the late Rdiuon l
Perk was largely -attended.' Ile was a
popular young, 111.111 of twenty-seven
y't'iut., and he will be greatly mittsrd.
Ile auceum11481 W Ihr fatal diems..
h11N•1w1111.Mla of the brain.
Sir Itnlw•rt Bald, after a Irct•111•.• un
'•Sou-Spot5 'end ,Solar 1'hrwirUl,•
1aet it young lady who 1•X lllenN4l '1'
regret at hating missed fhr Irci11utr•.
\Nell, 3111 Nee," be said, "1 du0
know that it would have interested
you particull•ly, its it Was shutout sun-
Gool and
Everything you need in the shape of summer
wear to make you feel 'cool and comfortable.
Art Tailors, Furnishers, Clothiers, Hatters.
North bide 4'tlurt Iluust' Square, l:(tderich.
Some men have their wishbone where their
backbone ought to be.
If your backbone is where it ought to be, you
will not be wishing you had one of our Pandora
Ranges but would actually have one.
A look into the firebox is usually enough to
Vince the most skeptical.
bars in the grate.
► cementing of castings spring and fall.
Can, be changed in less than one minute from
coal to wood or wood to coal linings.
The grate is made so as to force the draft
through firepot, securing quick and equal com-
There are many other excellent points which
we will explain when you call.
Just one word about our heating and plumb-
ing, We have the best mechanic that money can
procure. Quality is what we guarantee. If we
cannot please you in this department would gladly
refund your money. We cannot skimp the job in
order to give you a cut price.
Once a customer, always a customer, is our motto. When
in at the Fair, make use of our store to leave
your parcels.
poll,' ''\S'hy,'' she t/•pliel, oil
88,111(1 ha%e interested 11.1• extremely.
for I have been a t r t, flweklee
all any 1141•."
Sunlight Soap 1s Trotter than ot'ber soaps,
but is beat when used .n the Sunlight way.
Buy Sunlight Soap and follow directions.
Throat Coughs
A tickling in the throat;
hoarseness at times; adeep
breath irritates it; -these
re features of a throat
c. ugh. They're very de -
cep, ve and a cough mix-
ture on't cure them.
You wa something that
will hea the inflamed
membranes, enrich the
blood and to up the
system , . .
Stott',' Emu on
is just such a remed
it has wonderful healing
and nourishing power.
Removes the cause of
the cough and the whole
system is given new
strength and vigor .•. . .
and for I.e. oomple
SCOTT & BOWNE, Cb,arma
T.rat., oat.
,}at. sad jean. 4/1 emery
°°e°` D. MILLAR CO. '°r°
Mantles and Jackets
For Ladies, Misses and Children.
Ladies' Black Kersey Coat. t is made with self-
str.lhlain�r :end st 'ill buttons. This is one of the
bit 1- .11'Illt'I1Is 111 r stock, prit --- - -- $I0.50
Ladies' Smart Tweed oat, with b t at back, patch
eeves, spec) i value $5.25
Coats, in a ice useful dark
4 to 18 yea special $4.00
of Childre 's School
Dths, all marked at
Rock bottom' Pries',
•irietv of styles, and
t from, an the
ltal:kt•ts and the neY\
A Leader in Misses' Twee
tweed, to fit plisses from
We have at extra Targe a rang
Jackets in tweeds and plain
Infants' Lambskin Coutts in •a great
the largest sto(.`k in town to sel
price start at
New Rain Coats to halon this week. A
some of the nattiest styles we have
stock. Prices from -
ong them a
e er put into
the time t his paper mesa to in es. we will have reroofing! our first
delivery of
As we did n1it carry
Orel Any Pura from last sensor When taut Hely on getting the
Our.. ick of Staples is very large and ladies will find our
ssortnlent and prices all that can he desired.
Perri Gloves Perrin's Globes
is Scotch Store 'PH ONF