HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-9-27, Page 5THE SI(: N A 1.: GUI)IM 811,11 u t le ► - Them .AY, September 27, 1906 THE TOWN COUNCIL. MOT TIME OVER THE TRAFALGAR STREET WALK. Residents of the Street Worked Up Over the Old Question, Inside or Outside? -Tome for Tax Discounts Extended Other Business Betore the Town Fathers. 'rhe regular meeting of the town council was held un Friday evening hast, all the nieut'wl•e Iwing lreleet except 1101. l g. A letter from P. McFarlane, Britan- nia road, Asking it better sewerage rudd not he provided fur his locality, was discussed at some length in the endeavor W tinct A weans of covrt•Cotn- iug the difficulty et Lhir point. The ,natter finally was left with the public works committee, the street inspector and the engineer, with power to act. During the dhscureloo Councillor Blair sugggretxd that to solve the N-werege problem of the town the plan might he adopted of building a larger *ewer in place of the present one, starting from the outlet and working back a* far as Iwelrible each year. A petition of Trafalgar street prop- ertyowneru, with sixteen signatures, asked that the new cement sidewalk un both rider of that ttrret, from North etreet W Cambria road, be placed` between the trews and the fence 1 .e. The petitioners were of opinion at if the walks were placed outside tee line of trrrM it would make the reel tow narrow for the convenience if vehicles. Thr readin of thin petition we* the signal for a newel of the warfare between the " i' and the “muni' of which so much has been heard at council meetings, nd the tour of the speakers showed t • t the conflict on Trafalgar etreet mkt have been especially acute. 13. C. Munnings w Iced the walk uuttidr the tree'. Ire .ring to the Iwtition, he said it look • as if people would riga any petitio they were 'asked to. The larger peti • on before w.i in favor of having the alk out- side the tree.. William Blake said that W n the tint petition was submitted was not known that there was a wer drain on one side of the road. He was with the ••ins." A. M. Taxed, who contented him a newcomer on Trafalgar street, sal that at first he was about the only ,Ian who wanted the walk' inside the trees. He had been talked out of this by other residents of the street, and now these same people bad tururd around and wanted thewalk inside the trema. W. M. Knight spoke in favor of the walk on the inside and. in a very emphatic Woe of voice stated that eco ort es Mr. Tudd'e remark about having been convinced by his neigh. tun referred to hint it wise "a delib- erate untruth." Wn). Acheson and A. SVilliaml.on *Poke for the outside walk, and l'ouneillor Blair then made a speech sttnngly advocating the ride of the ••outs,' Mr. Blair believed that it the town heceme a city the problem with the strutst would he that of dust, and that it would be found necessary to build up the minim in some solid manlier ; end this would lie too great an expense if the whole width of the 'Merin bad to be paved. Placing the walk* outride the tow would reduce the space to tae paved. It was stated that. a considerable majority of the Trafalgar street people wanted the walks on the inside, but Councillor H'air's lion, sec- onded by Councillor SallOyes, 4t place then) outxlde the tree*, Wen carried without the taking of is vote. A lae•titken from tetide•nte of 41. David. ward *eked that it drain be constructed from the Bayfiekt ruin raaterly in the direction of Thlnnas street, near John Beac om's propos y, in crier to take off the surface w,atrt• which lirm on the et.reets and on the petitiunerai property. The Mayou the chairman of the public work. committee and the street inspector were given power Ila act in the matter. An. amount of F. B. Hulmee for it rar•g° of coal, a ting to $I,.,iai.il•L, wt, ordered to Iw paid as 1.111111 us 1 h esti is all delivered. l ie.rge Stewart appeared before t euuuiil too ask fur a 43 -foot walk o Bruce short, Instead of one only tot feet wide. His request writ. grant on runditinn that he emelire an egret mom, siAn'1 by the residents of tl street, Waiving any objection u. th asse.ament on areotmt of the chan in width. l'he qur.t.inn of the l catit.n of t walk then Carus 1111. ('nunelllor l'I held that a. all of the Iwtitionr with one exception. wanted the w Ik inside the trete it should Iw pia,eol there, l'ouneilllar Blair tie muneed at this view of the metier, and uo cooinn was arrived at. A report from the ('anadian Cas- ualty and Boiler Insurance C nu- pany's inrpectmr upon two toilet et the pow'rr•housr wetx teal. poi( , 2 holler wee found to Its in gaol rand Lion throughout, but. No. 1 was in nth condition that the Inspector ad ise•d that it either, he repaired er rte rep nerd 1)y a new twitter. Engineer Kelly inclined to th view that it wooly) be 1w'at 10 use the oiler for it while lunger and then get new and larger one in its plate. t had hem in use for eighteen yr:us. W. Sillib spike in regard crnnting at the north end of 'i i It k o the koala street, asking; that it be at thnorth side of Nattier street. Arr. Mil {hes re- quest was viewed 'eternality utl the matter wee left. with the 'Owe tor for arrangement with walk runt rnrlot. It Was decided to ask for t nJelt fur the other walks. that have twee de- rided upon, the tenders In be in by the 214h inst. and At it possible of the work done thin year. There ham been ROMP d cult), re- garding the :arrountm in connection with the suhmiseitn of t e Maitland Power Co. bylaw, and he finance eommiltpe r•eentnnl.ndet het the cnr- Poretion pay one-half of he total cost of the snhmi.sinn. This a. approved Ly the rnandl. The water and lig et committee Pommended that to lets he asked for excavating water nein" : that a water service he Inalied for Mem. Rliralwlh F:Iliult as Il.ked for ; that the petition of 11. J. slop and other. for a water-rnein on amen street tw granted, a proper Undertaking to be Med, and that the r•ehne.t of i hr I Engine Wnrk. (o. tt{ir standpipe con- nection he grant The report we. M t�►nscant of he dela in getting out the tax notit'�e., the time for pay- ment at 2 pee rents diareount was ex- t l0dM to Goober lath and at I per resat. dtsrotint to November ISth. bgeinsing Use question of the town �e1Rh scat.., fo)unctller tinhlthnrpe " tied that the chairman of the eoseslttee report an rM{mete et the out ef a new market built/inst. into•, - he .tdr- ('ouncillor Elliott again pressed for a light et the j :time of Coburg and Lighthouse streets, and thin tint1• hit importunity sucurded. l'uumicillor Blair thou spoke for a light on ht. 'intent street. which, in spite of the legal lights in 111e vicinity, is Bald to 1e our of the aarkrtit strreta Ili town. The electrician is to 'make. a report on the matter. The clerk wits instructed to corres- pond with A. W. Campbell, Provin- cial roads c 'whiner, to ser if hr can arrange a date for it visit to (iodericb next month. This concluded the business before the r II. THE SIDEWALKS QUESTION, An Interest:lig Letter from the Provincial Roads Commissioner. In connection with the.1iscusnitet tat the town r •il meeting uu Friday evening regal -cling the new sidewalk on Trafalgar street, Councillor Blair stated the result of hiscurrespuudrnee with a number of outride places to learn their expet•ienee and practice in the location of sidewalks. The replies received shuwrd rm11- siderahle variety In the ti)anuer of dealing with the question. In To- ronto the rule was to place the• walks next the private property in other words, inside the usesbut• it is n matter of choice, the uesjuIity of ratepayers on the street deciding the location, In Breit ford the walks are placed inside the line of tree.. In Ottawa the practice now is to plate the walks outside the tree line. In going through 4lret1.titi and 1-i.Wwel Mr. Bien. said I 1111 he 1uuud the walks in Sitat ford outside the line of trees almost wit' t. exception, while in Listowel they were inside the tree's. From A. W. ('aupheh, the Ptu- rinrial C t.. of Highways, the fulluwiug Inter wits reeeit•rd in reply to Councillor Hlair's inquiries : Toronto, Sept. •I It h. IWR, . Leek Stu,—t am in receipt of yours of Ilth inst., and on pleased to know that the questions of street improve- ment is .,i tove- enenti* one which ie ret ai•t It rl t• en- gaging the attention of your )nuni- cipal council :it the present time. The condition of the errs[e is a smatter which iuflaeuces very largely the progress of it low it. No work ran Its undertaken which will add as, to the appearence of a town as the proper improvement of the stl•e•Is. They are constantly before the ryes of all, and to design and t4enelruct them in a proper 'manner gos't very largely to making a town a desirable piece of residence. Thr location of sidewalks is, all lut- rtant detail in this work—not only itself. but through il. influence 1 other features. On lou.irlrss . throw 1. 110 question in this le - Thr roadway should Its jetted, sidewalks should extent from ay t) the street line, lett on stn'ets, ort from the Lusi- the matter is different. re three possible situa- ewelk may be placed t'. or it may Its pleretl or it may Its given .sition. Thr proms give the sidewalk switioilw. ay the sidewalk esteems are y turd w•brn a tendency n the ofd the road 1•e•.Idelltia nes. Iter[ io Here three tions. Thr w close to the fen next to the curb en intermediate ent tendency is t nor of the two bate Thr old plan was to next the fence. Here chew to priv,ut• pprole such is the rase there ie foie propertyewnent to owl fences.. When the sidewalk it p rd im- mediately next the curb, ped tri,u,s Mer further away from the dao .ways and verandahs ,long the ..t reel. and the sidewalk 'twists' Ito fon g a c -h fur lite to/ulna y. avhil.• it is nisi) nu ♦• uniformly- lighted by gas or .•Ieetri lanp.. When the sidewalk is re - moist fr the fence, there is a tendency for citizens to teat away their fences. net that the I.tulevit'd ,i t to the ,idrwelk is, in effect, ;Weil to their lawn. Not only are many .n, Nightly fences removed, but ,ouch more carr is given to keeping the .ides of the atrevt clrxn 11111 Ole grass cut, by owners of prolwety Adjoining. Thr intermediate position, however. is unr which 1 have sttongly favored, ea it hes mono of the advantages 11f the sidewalk next the curb. and gives ti street ,a h hands.. •t• ..pp•pr- ante. Prdt•ttrim . are not .11 cluo' 111 hoer. standing et alar cnrh, soot lhry ,orae further twmua'1 fr the dont of papal v,•hiclt t. A ship ort wxl, two., three o • four fret wide, bet WWII the curb Ane the sidewalk sway- f • the fence line nil outside theism of hers, is, in 'tiro 'Ilittl). the ideal pn.itioe, 1/111 11 (or ap odour.., ,e1.1 and run• vrriiettt•r, % err •tre•et., are from mixt v -nix to cin ly- fret its width, as i. the Cast n O,nb•rirh. thele is every reason for r rrying out Ibis de- aign. making the melts aye. iwenty- eig'It or thirty f n •Im•twern suds., Hefeeing to your \.lousy an he terms 111.011 which 1 'Llai iuspeef pair streets. 1 ttuty soy Ibeet. is no rhm•ge foe Illy w•rvict•a in 1 is rrspret. NIL 1 vt', ' h tegn't•11al nv • is at present set 11111y mrrnpi i 111111 1 OM nnnhle lit suggest it date 'm the HMI' future. Should, however you desire ill tint',' nu• visit I;alrt•ir I will Iw please' 10 do so, and woo Id ,'ndenvetr 1411111111Y tin nppoinlnamC t a batet• dale. s. truly, A. Sl. ('%'.elegem., ('onrmi.r"ionrt• of Highways. Huron -Erie Canal. Thr lemdon Fre.' Pros. publishes the statement, thatwithin two weeks work will be .ntntneneed upon the .urvey of the propeweed Hums -Eris (anal. "This statement," i1 says. "was nettle by the civil engineer resid- ing in the city. who has twen - mis'ioned by Jos. Divot., the Sarnia capitalist.. to start work at (it'and Bend and operate in a line towards. lake Erie. so thst London will he taken in on the survey at any rust. For Iwrsontl reete nt the name of the engineer in gnotion cannot iwe di- vulged MI yet, but within two daye he will ht• able to mak e,, full announce- ment of hit .hare in the wheelie. For the present it is tuthci.'tit to state that Mesons. Fleck k Flock have been retained In look after his intruste in the matter." Thr estimated length of the propt.ed mina! it forty-two miles and the roast, in the neil(hlot•hawt nf, pitommiin. NngRli.h eapttel is slid to be behind the.aheme, N. M. ('entin's name is not mentioned in connection with 11, lout itseems to be the carry- ing on of the project he initiated some tirne ago. My daughter hall imprnw'l so tnurh t hetvon would seat rely know her -- Miller'. ('onlptind Iron fills did if. For aalr by .1... \S'ii.tn. An aged Scotch minister alone to merry for the fourth time was et- plaining him reawtn to an elder : '-"Ye see, 1 am .n Old n.nn now, .not I senna expert. to lie here vetra bingo When the lend conem tI wad like in heves some one to Home n1y revs.." The elder nodded end .aid : Meted, meeni.tmr, I have heel ow. wives, end halts of them opened mine!"—I.on- dolt News, Marine Notes. Sarldutky, , Sept. 21. The steamer H. B. 'l'uttle;, which sprung a Irak oh' Cedar Point on Saturday night. :old was Ir'•ached near Marblehead, but patched ,old towed to this port 1111 'rtlnrsday, broke in (wu at the stern early Ludayy and went to the lott of Sxndutky Bay. The captain ,snot crew Were :asleep, but the wnu111 of rushing waters awakened • of the latter, who auuud.'d the abu•111. All got ashore III lilel. itt.. 'rill• fell 51.• In now ,a total wreck. She loaded et ('level 1 with curl for Martin. Superior, Wis.. Sept. 21. The Ihi- tiall strainer Turret ('town was lined 41,1151 yesterday for infraction of the marine regulatione. The 'du vet (Town arrived light front a foreign tun 1, and berme being inspected be- got loading ti clout til' grail, which is co itrary to the law. Capt. Cavan- augh put up x bowl foe the xud entered it plea of out guilt)•, rhtitning that while he was after cleu•attre pa pet'. the e•l.•Vator cnu,- pp+uty Iwgau loading will t his ku,owledge. Fairy Tales of Science. A Col his srirnnisi was praising the other day the esti hell and Hirt ary work of Percival Lowell, says The New lurk Glebe. '•Use• day just before an 'willow of the sun," said the metro! i.t, "Mr, Lowell told hn. dark y, (1. orge, that if hr would watch the chickens the fol- lowing -fling 11hout eleven •i rl.M•k- hr W011141 per throe all gla lu roost, •Hi, Iii,' laughed(leoi•;e. 'Hi, hi : ynowl joke_' "When o11 the following morning the .1111 d,u•kruevL and the t•hiekens went to their smelts, Ila mrt(e etas ,u11az .t 111111 hurriherl: Ile found Mr. bowel! its neon ,ui hr mould. and said : "'How long. sial, did you kn 'bout these ehirk,'i,t "'Ob. ,t lung 1iutr.' „'rid you know it last year fids time i'' ••'yes : neon• than a year ager,' " •Well, (Mt brats all; staid the astounded dark y, eyeing Sli% Lowell with awe, ' Dem chickens %cuzdl hatched a year ago.'"—Exchange. A gentleman who was lance stopped by an old man begging replied : "Irm11a you know, my mai). :hot f(11 inn.' k1101•ks once. at every mail's demo.'?'' "Yes,- said the old wan, "hr kn.s•keyl at my 'door onrr, but 1 tea", out, and ever ..Inc.. [hen he has went his daughter," "111.. daughter ?" te- pliel the gentleman, "What do yon meati?' ••Who•, Mise Fortune, MENWANTED txu..0 Imo. s.r l.r..itt .4 .. 1.1sr taetiobs shun tio .J C.a.dW tt err, sow.* ,,ae.• a ltd r ,.L,•.a• . Phu...ea n,wu.ewnau awl do,,,,dind ar•.Lary eOM. Oath .nit ..le 5• • eq ".MAY ufk to t to rad ...11.1.1. a ler out tcur ,jt be you no IMr,rnr. n, ••Ir.l ...Ile for,vl4uly. 8ALU8 MEDICINAL CU, London, Untaria, Canada T() THE PUBLIC i I hr tn-:: r „1 I... 1, ,i116.1 lawnshunt l L, British Fannin• 1.m. 'drn,{,d a 1,01,0 ur 1 NO. and run..towel l) loyal prier- .4 .lawn, w.• are nun -applying all rui- •.I lower prier., wh11e the quatira I- ,, t mot, if not tones•., tlin, .tet. M. I.F.AN•S MEAT MAiik ET Icm,lli•- ..11 ki-ad. of meal., {molt rl. Hr.. NMI- it 6,1, t banking the public. for tot. it lilo•...1 patronage, wr .ulh•l a ro1du1 sans. e1 11,e saltie. McLEAN BROS., rro.r •F:a.r et. and `.peon•, liedcri,hset" More than one best ? When you ask your grocer to send you the best flour, Ile sends you -- his hest. When you know the best flour and order -by the name, the choice is not left to the grocer. 111anvr•rocers handle Royal Household Flour as th( it leader. They have found it the satt•:.t,flour to recommend because its re.;ults arc sure and' its purity is unquestioned. I! your grocer's best is not loyal household, insist on his getting it for you. The benefit will be mutual. OgRvk Flour Mots Co., Ltd. MOYI'RLAL 1, A SI11,•.rt,lw•rot 'rletil'"•'I 'OLD HENS WANTED METALLI'C CROSSES �` F�NiA,�S. METALLIC RIOOFING,C?. i.Mfr TORONTO & I NNl pE temmeasemeamem I We will pay the highest rash prices for live old hens. also spring chicken., ducks and all kinds of poultry. Sten• t inn this paper, THE CANADA POULTRY AND PRODUCE CO.,. Limited. 1N1 i tt (,led, - - Ontario • Parnell's Bread 1.04-s.14,1 by machinery no sweaty I. anJ, 411,, It it in man.dattur- ,;, is b.k,J in p -rt.— tly .smeary surroundings. I at means most than most i• -.,pie think. I• ,.,std no more than the iess ekaaly kind. Try, it. . T DhIA N 11118 POPULAR GROCER, AGENT WORSELLS' he People Who Sell the Best Stoves and Ranges et x. •n ;eM. t� 1 .s- 0t • .. � � �lr�'' to 111� 1 N ''�,, t'or t n Huron steel Range for hru1\coal, soft coal or wood. A sae; I range, of unquestionable superiority, beautiful 'n design and ornamentation 'end perfcet in i'onstrnction. We have dozens oft se ranges in tile.• Read what one of our customers says : MR. .1. 11. S1'(1RME\le Clothe ich. 1.rtleri,h, tIp, , Aligned _".Iib, 111118, ORntt yin : -Refer. g to Huron Steel Renee leered in my hone.., I beg to state if has given mit ire sahshtrtion, both in h:aki and {n the tory may t•on.uugdiob of fuel, and is a tory powerful hoot-w•atet heat "r,, Slight rotate that I have t' r.,'r•oi, and a hot-snots•r front on this Range :and I heat oily twttlo1 with hoot water generated from 11.1. Range. This 11m,an SI (tet Range n•4are, aniithet range of mttelrt•n make•, but mumbler the Ileron to he the (west made talay. Wishing the 1(utnn Steel Range every snrt•te... Yours truly. CHAS. 11. NY MO\'IPi, Ranter. flodeiich. (hit. Lite sure Ind see these Ranges ;t: the Great Northwestern Exhibition, Worsells' Cheap Hardware and Stove Store, Ilamilton street HARDWARE RSE I_I4S Il,kl>,va. PHONE NO, We A. McKIM ao v Y Our New Millinery GODERICH, ONT. And Mantle Room is now com- plete and is a credit to any store. Large and Bright and is replete with new Paris and New York MILLINERY. All the Very Latest, and as usual our prices are the prices you like to pay. Jackets, From Germany, England and Canada, are models of style, beauty and value. Fork and "Toronto Waists and Skirts, are all •ou can wish for and no fancy prices. NEW FURS JUST TO HAND, We want yob to call at THE ENLARGED Vii' e McK M'S BUSY STORE FALL\\MYIILLIAERY MISS CAMERd 4 begs to announce to the Ladies of Gods ich and vicinity that she is now ready to ' ow Fall and Winter Styles in 1 illinery. All the Latest Ideas in Sha • ng and Trimming. RIMMED AND UN• - A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF TRIMMED HA MISS CAMERON, - Hamilto St., Goderich. THE MEMORY OF QUALITY lingers long after the price is forgotten. The best is the cheapest. This has been proven by the thousands of users of Happy Thought `Ranges. It is a range made of pure pig -iron and made by skilled mechanics, not apprentices. It's deep and narrow firebox makes it the most economical range on the market. Space will not permit us to tell you of all the goo(' qualities of -the Happy Thought, but call at the Store and we will give you the names of over 500 users of the Happy Thought who will tell you of all its good quali- ties. The Radiant Home Heater still leads the market. It will heat more space with less fuel than any other heater made. In General Hardware we have the biggest and most complete stock you will find west of Toronto. In Plumbing, Heating and Tinsmithing we have a large and competent staff and can give you prompt attention and guarantee you a thorough and up-to-date job. As in former years, when visiting the Fair make our place your headquarters for leaving your parcels, etc. CHAS. C. LEE Phones Store, 22 ; House, 1I2. MESSRS. Stoddart & McKinnon, beg to announce that they have taken the contract for the handling of Massey -Harris Implements and extra parts and extend an invitation to all Massey -Harris patrons and friends to visit the them in their showrooms. 1* By close application to busi- ness and by carefully looking after the requirements of custo- mers they hope to merit the sup- port and confidence of the whole farming community. I' THE MEMORY OF QUALITY lingers long after the price is forgotten. The best is the cheapest. This has been proven by the thousands of users of Happy Thought `Ranges. It is a range made of pure pig -iron and made by skilled mechanics, not apprentices. It's deep and narrow firebox makes it the most economical range on the market. Space will not permit us to tell you of all the goo(' qualities of -the Happy Thought, but call at the Store and we will give you the names of over 500 users of the Happy Thought who will tell you of all its good quali- ties. The Radiant Home Heater still leads the market. It will heat more space with less fuel than any other heater made. In General Hardware we have the biggest and most complete stock you will find west of Toronto. In Plumbing, Heating and Tinsmithing we have a large and competent staff and can give you prompt attention and guarantee you a thorough and up-to-date job. As in former years, when visiting the Fair make our place your headquarters for leaving your parcels, etc. CHAS. C. LEE Phones Store, 22 ; House, 1I2.