HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-9-27, Page 44' TIVIsooT, Sett. 47, I 9613
The Uncrowned t'zar of Newfoundland. -
Tbe largest laudowner iD the world, 4 short tune ago, was Robert O. ipteid,
the Csar of -Newfoundland% who owned one-setth a the island which is nearly us
largo as England, and held the welfare of the colony with its two hundred thousand
mts3,, in the hollow of his hand. A moat remarkably and romantic story is the
of this Luau of Monte Cristo dreams. Unparalleled. eunecssions. and u1011.
°polies came to him from a People who practically mortgaged their island for bis
ready money and help in hours of need. and In Creug111:1011 4.11 111.5 bib% ing the country
in its emergency they made him an uncrowned autscrat.
Born in Coupar, Angus, Scotland, sixty-three years ago, lit. stut ea.& young
man to Australia in the guld-feyer days, and while there built 44otne public worka
and acquired the foundatiuu of his knowledge of constructing and contracting
which led tci his great fortune. lu 1S:1 he came to .kinerica and made his first
hit in engineering work with his splendid bridge over the Niagara river. Then
Ile bridged the Rio Grande and won a tuitional reputation for a long string of other
engineering triumphs. Bold. audacions and resourceful. he performed impossible
work with a certainty and ease that were appalling. He went into railroad work
and whatever his hand touched blossomed into success. One of the most difficult
sections of the Canadian Pacific Railway was entrusted. to him. and the obstacles
that Nature had put in his way were brushed aside is if they were cobwebs.
in 1890 came the dawn of his greatest success.. Newfoundland was nearly
bankrupt. This colony with ambition wa.s struggling with political corruption
complicated, with chaotic chicanery and mismanagement. The government was
crying fur a railroad -steel tracks through the wilderness. They. made a proposi-
tion to Reid to build 200 miles; this he did and did it well. Three yeum later they
ogled on bun again for more building; they hitd little money hut they had land
privileges, conceations, franchises. rights and inonopolies-diese were ph0ced on
a silver platter which tbey implored Reid to accept. In later ernergincies\he
peatedly came to their rescue till the books of his wealth showed to his credit'7,1X.M.
Inuare miles of the most arable sections, forest areas. mineral belts. lakes and rivers,
railways of the colony, its telegraph system, 8.000 miles uf coast, ducks,med other
les too lengthy to catalogue.
did great things for the people and the country. but despite his enterprise
erueity, his kindly rule and him wise admiuistratiou. and that of his three
he was abseut, the grumbling of.the people swelled into retwIlion, and
ago his power wait greatly leaserad by the liond.
is La st weisseo credos wires nes by W. C. MK* Ibb bbbarbmbb airbakes•
sone sr
Big Crowd There, Show Not Quite
up to F Years,
Blyth had a successf. fall fair last
week. The attendance as perhaps.
not quite so large as th t of former
years, but the gate r/feripts were only
a few dollars less. The int dispktv
was not up to the standard, nit the
outside clasiws were as well led as
tistial except in sheep and hogs.
!led.In the 2:131 chess f'441. Hunt
The speed tests were not very ell
owned by Thom. Murdock. Itensal
took Hrst money mid Little Harty.
owned by Archibald & t.tieleelore, Sea.
forth. took second phice. In the ,2:441
first money wesit to John Galbraith,
Brussels, with Topsy ; second anonev
Texas ; third money to John Johns.
ton, Bluevale, with Teddy. and limo It
place to Jam. Heffron. with Lizzie 11.
MIA eoneert was given in Industry
Hall on both nights of the fair. J.
Cameron. of Toronto, humorist ; Miss
Merry, of Toronto, ehicutionist : Miss
Honiuth, of Wingham, soloist, and
Miss McLauehlin, of Brussels, /41111111 -
gave excellent Pat isfact i.m.
HORSES- Heavy dhaught Brood
mare, A. Knight, ItuddifIl; foal.
old gelding or filly, Rota. need, C. H.
Wilkinson ; year-old gelding 4.r filly.
J. Forster, .1 110. Del1h01111 ; foolIC C0111.
I.% W. Hamilton, Rola- ligotrettboon,
Vitt ie.
` Agricultural -Brood mare. E. Ile-
Vittar C. /hidden ; foal. E. MeN'ittie.
General Ptirpose Brood „mare, 1V.
(!ollinson, A. Spier; foal. IV. Collin-
son, C, Raitidell; two-yea...1141 gelding
or filly, NI. Lockhart, Jos. Colelough :
year-old gelding oi• filly. 11'. !Moldier :
Carriage- Brutal mare. .1. NI. Arm -
old gelding or filly, .1. NI. Armstrong.
Reims Bros.; yt•ar-old gelding.or filly,
M. Lockhart.
Roadsters Brood mare. A. spier ;
yearsald gelding or filly, Ernest
Rosen, Hugh ; vear-4.1.1
gelding or filly. A. Spier. .1. Ni. Arm-
strong : single driver in .1.1iggt-. Hohl.
KIng, Lot & King; team, Isla & King.
.L W. Elliott ; saddle horse, .A. Spier.
J. B. Tierney ; sweepstakes, Hobt.
CATTLE 1111rinton
two-year-old heifer. .las. ; year -
heifer calf, T. M. Taylor : tlett'd
.1no. Barr hull calf, J. S. Scott, A.
W. Sloan : herd, Jim. Barr.
t'ollintion • heifer calf, A. Elliott.
hatter calf. bull. 2 yearA, E. Earn
Orsde-Milch cow, H. It. Lniillnw,
PAL two-year-old heifer. Jas. Coming,
law, J. B. Tierney ; steer calf. hot.
Joo. Barr ; fat ox or steer, JIM. Harr,
It. B. Barr. It. B. LAidlisw fAt row or
RHEEP Cotswold Aged ram, Jas.
Potter ; shearling ram, Joni Potter ;
aged PVIPR. Jas. 31114. HAFT :
ewe lambs. las. l'otter. Jno. Harr :
Phearling elves. Jas. Potter, E. I..
Leieeeter Shearling ram. ram
lamb. ahearling ewes, aged ewes, inn.
Pihropshiredown-Aged ram. James
Any other Breed Aged ram. Jas.
Chisholm ; shearling ram. Jas. Chis-
holm : ram Iamb. .lari Chialmln), R.
Corley ; shearling NAM., H. Corky ;
ewe lainhs. It. Corley : fat Sheep. Jriti
Barr, R. Colley.
PIGS - Yorkshire - :Cost boat, A.
Elliott. Jas. .Alton : brood sow, Jas.
Alton. A. Elliott : boar. sle Alton 1-2 :
Tailiwoith---Sow..las. Alton. 1-2.
Improved 13erkshire - Aged boar, J.
Harr; any docks, J. Alton ; orping-
S14.14). Th. sins. Vester Bell, .L Hag -
ill GK. best 4.011 heed Ilackard
E. IfeVitt NV. t imam. R. Hober-
ira.. Alton. Admire ;
r1114" Int.. INoillIres. P. 1
lows, .1 no. Haggitt comer.tiom pot,
; garden Yeti e.tYYDts,
WillrrWs, II Swede turnips,
witelzels, AV. IL Merrackett. 11. 11.
II. IlcUrio•ken. A 11 /1
pumpkin. J. Ilaggit 4. IV. II. Ale-
Frowlek ; white field beans. A.
Potter. D. AV. Hamilton ; t•itions,
ermelons, 11'. H. 114•Cracken.
Alton : eableige, I'. 1Villows, NV. II.
beater. NV. Phinket eroek butter.
IV. Plunkett. D. VV. Hamilton : hit -
ikon : Inct,.r in print,. 11'. Plunkett.
A. li. Carr: home-made bread.
maple syrup, NI. 1/ow4.11.
Petvell ; canned 1.1 111r.1.1A 141 frith, NV.
II. Mel 'racket. i grape wine. Mrs. IV.
Ilh-s Symington. I 1. NV. Hamilton :
piek les, NV Plunkett. 1V. II. Ile.
Cra. ken.
FRUIT. 'Winter apples. A. 11'.
filmin. dna. Mel hovel! vandal pippin.
ins. 'Natio, A. NV. M11,11.11: 111114114
It.o1.1.•11, IL It Igthilaw,
; mewl Itoshono. NI. Lockhart. Jae.
; seelt-no further, A. NV. Sloan.
It. II. Lnidlaw Mayon, Duncan Laid-
law ; Wagner. A. NV. Sloan, Jas.
ter liendavis, A. 1V. !Moan, Jim. Mc -
AV. t'ampliell; mammoth pippins, A.
Sloan, .lits. Alton ; Mann, A. IN'.
Sloan ; maiden bltish, .18.4. Alton. R.
G. McOnlvtlin.: snow. (leo. l'owell,
Mel hrteell ; Pewalikee. IR. G. Mc -
red, Jas. Potter. Jas. Alton : culverts,
A. W. Sloan, inn. McDowell. Ale: -
soder. Jas. Potter, Jno. McIinwell:
Aft -os. pippin. A. Sloan, deo.
Powell; any other variety, R. IL Mc
Gowan, .A. :4141d11.; .11411 tipples
Miss P. Nat. Gets Powell ; t•olle.•tio
tall hilt PHU11'. %V inter !ware,
11. 111 14'1144.144.11. F. Mortar:
collection of plums. Nletcalf. 11••
AleCtlecken ; tomatoes, 311,.. Hair. %V
ion boles, Ars. ilaiistur, W. Plunkett ;
art. Ilis. !tele; 1.01 1011 jullo'll 4111111
Cracket. wt.* k, Miss Nott.
Nles 1,1 : embroidery 1111 11111 11111e
Symington, t.. stewail ;
Sirs. Nlt, 1 1.111 1 it. 111111-
11"11. Initlield. Miss
Duffield : slippers, Miss Non.
Al • Didlield ; toilet set. Miss
Not 4. ; foot -stool and
applique, G. Ni. Stewart,
amis. Sy won ; knitted cot-
ton Ia.,. G. M. Stewart. Miss Nott.;
tatting. Ills. Bele, Miss Nott ; net•
ting. ND's. Hole Queen
A • dinning. Miss Symington. MCS.
Howrie. NI. NI. Stewart : tray cloth,
cosi% Mit.. Duffield. Mrs. llowrie
Menne throw. Ili,. Duffle:B. Nliss
Sy•mington ; Immo screen, Miss Sy.
R11..1.1oilog bag. t Nils. Duffield. Mrs.
t %It,. Duffield; sl her rolte, and
Symington ; pyrography. Mrs. J. G.
;loser ; braiding. M. M. Stew:lat. Miss
v row ; vouching, Nits, Duffield.,
s. 1 bait ie ;•colleetnat .of work, Miss
Lit 'inett Mrs. Hanson.
P. 11 lows ; wool flannel. Jas.. Alton.
Ming -ott tttt flannel. J. Alton,
Stewart ; union blankets, J. Alton ;
horse Hatt •et, .G. If. .Stewart, Jas.
Potter : ear let Mrs. Hanson, Miss
Nott ; rag in 1..111. 111. Stewart. Miss
Nott : Yarn en 4. ME1. 11311N4141. NN
SCHOOL 1•11 1 131:EN'S COMPET-
ITION - Writing -- Flos fie Brown,
FINK/VR.1'S- Om tient. and plaque
in oil, Ars. Hanson. Alm. Initheld :
burnt work, leather. M II ele, Mrs.
Duffield ; 44.1 wood. Mrs. a mum. Miss
11Irs. Hanson. NIES. Duffield painting
011 11011 1111{ OW 11. 111ts. 111111 111 Ill.
son ; 'dates, Mrs. Hanson, I. NI.
Stewart ; oil paint ings, M. k1. fitt earl:
water 1411111", NI. Street...1. Ars.
; figure in Mis. 141011 el,'
Mrs. Howrie; figure ite water role) .
M. Livingston, Ills. How -tie ; animals
in oil, ales. Hanson, NI 11.• ;
figure in Wo1,141. 1...101:, M. Livingstone,
Mrs. Ilowrie ; animals in oil, Mrs.
11a11444.11, Mrs. 11..wrie; animals in
water 4:014.r. NI. Lii•ingstoile. Mrs.
Hos lie : landscape in oil, Ale.
colots. Mts. Initlield. Mrs. Host-
ile : petwil drawing. M. Lis ingsrtme,
Mrs. Duffield ; sketches RINI china
painting. NI. la vingstour. lien -
son : painting on ..111. rt. plush. NI. LIC.
ingstoth Nits. Duffield ; glass in oil,
Mrs. Duffield, Mrs. Howrie.
ing ..a• -setNletcalf display or
plants. Feitwick : table bouquet.
'Mrs. 11'. Campbell : band bouquet. I .
11 II. Ilet7racken.
NIclit 11, 1 10.1111,11. Light horse,
C. tire nene. thetlerirle. Cattle,
7.111 hit. foots ino. Stafford. \Val -
NI. L. themtub ov. hoot --A. As -
Gene. Ilrossels [ditties' w1.11 Mrs.
Myth. F'ine arts /1 1141 1111114M -Miss
Mel Ripley. nary O. Swab
1.1w, 11..1141eNV ilk. 1 s Levi Trick.
Clinton. SINK.iling 1-11.1111t.1144111,
, nig fishing un tittleerday evening.
u Atter shoving Heck Wait out they
were eilgaged for a minute' on Ow
131111 WI itshing t. ickle: rue
eaught the boat and 1.1.sw it out t
their reach. t 'hat held decided 1.,
swim for it. aud stripped oft. taking
ther %tali hien. When about fifteen
• rothe out he +tank 41111 did Hut come tip
. again. The body wt.. recovered on
solidity mur • g. Death was due to
s. Mart L4111111%
ow for the New Fall Merchandise
'The Pith and Point of this BusineSs is to sell goods, but the. Selling must
right..,‘ Every article must bear the stamp of honest value. Every dollar spent
' this store,,gjvcs you' the fullest dollar s worth to -be had anywhere.
IIOne of the TIo%t dange. -
tuts and repulsive fennel
Kidney 1,)ise.i.s. is
for which DodTs Kidney
Pills are the only certain
sure, In Dropsy the Kid-
neys are actually dammed
bp, and the m der, which
should be expe:led in the
torm of urine, Oasis back
....4 ledges in the cells of
the flesh and tears, out the
skin. Remo. the filth
which plaint up the drain.
itestore the 'Kidneys to
1.ealth. There is,only one
Kidney Medi, .•te
Clan Tartaas
All wool Clan tat tans. full plaid widths. points.
Thos.. are in ;peal drenand for skirts, waists
and 1.111 etiits. •
Dress Silks
‘114.1114,1..4 'if so cent Shot dress silks. 15 yards
dtess. 1 Pal /111.1 1:1 111
Dress Goods
( /III • k I...ger and heater than INVPI. 111111
1 1 1.1 1.1 from ire yenta in many speei.11
Fall and Winter Coats
bought them late In the bear.. ni ouo to
have the very latest design' and styles of inutt.t.
ials. You ean depend on Our prices being right.
Rain Coats
A lot Is night at siatcial price 75 rents to 81. 2.".
less than regular pricete, Mat six left, now for a
Cashmere Hose
Sizes Di, all 25 vents, this if/ ft lot picked
up at reduced pries., they are worth morr money
hat. we ask for t hem.
Corner I lamilton Street and Square (10DERICH.
.•1 N111.100:41. clasped you in his
aims alum the onto.. upset
quite the opposite.- "Quite the
tt hen he elamiwil Me in his arms."
Hardware Supplies for Fall
I desire to announce .to the public
that I have bought out the harness
business heretofore ,conductetl- by' A.
till all orders in my line, .1 will have
constantly in stock a full line of
Robes, 14hips, Trunks. Valises
and everything usually fount) in a first-
class harness shop, at right prices.
A share of the public patronage is
Nails, locks. hinges, barialoor
etc., etc. A full line of build
Shovels, spades, and all kinds of farm
and garden tools.
Paints, oils, varnishes, white lead,
brushes, etc.
See our Pocket Cutlery - keen goods
at keen prices.
Robertson's Reedy -mixed 'Paints are the Re
We Alt Agents for Goderich
Successor to .A..1. Psuritits;F:
Hamilton St., Gotlerich
The Hardware Store, • West Street.
' 'Deanery of Pltiron.
The. half -yearly meeting of t • Ang-
lican dt•finery of the county 1.1 r.111
ton. 1 Pratt. Thet
nits it good att....dame ot the eirrICY
and lay delegates, and the program
of hut -MO. was 11111 of important. sub-
jects, After releleation of the holy
communion in St. Thomas' church,
the moiniug Fes ion teas held in the
for discussion iwing introduced by the.
Hee. '. Dunne 111 .•leyer and prac-
tical address. The subject was "Liter-
ary '1.11111,,- 11114.111:14.8
the Ein;lish longtime., and lllll nom
Nil 111.4 in public speaking. I'm fill
hints On [Iron ttttt ..at ion
diffitailt 11;111111.P. and north. 011 Whiell
the dietionarY did not rogrpr.• Two
important. 14111.A1 1011111 were piesented
for the deanery's cliK.4111.11111 loy the
111. Ilf the illovese, which will ...1111Y
III.X1 year. and a cheered, emisins. ft is
intended that the diocese :raise ;00,-
00 m4 a jubilee thank -offering, and
paper wan given by Rev. D. W. Col-
lin*. the new rector of the Trivial
Mt ttttt trial church. Essfter, on the intb
Jett, "The Itenniewance." Diseteislon
followed on various matters of Im-
portance to the chum)). It was de-
cided to hold the nest meeting in
Drowning At Kinlosa
Rinloom, Sept. In. At Waddell',
Lake, Benj. Chatfield,
aged fifty -sic single and a strange.
here, travelling organ -repairer, and •
oct two soaps in one -
at the price of
that's what you can say of our Clothes,
and then GOOD VALUE sticks out of them
so plainly that good dressers can pick them
out from all the rest. That's the vital test.
It's ideal toilet soap. Its rich, creamy lather
penetrates he poks-teeds the skin=leaves that
delightful fe of coolness and cleanliness that only
the purest an finest of soaps can.'
And there t rbc Witch•llaiel-soothing healing
Witch-fiazel-ro ake away redness and roughness,
Illay skin irritation, a d make the complexion beautiful.
loc. sa cake -w Mil: Se. to' every man or woman
who values a healthful, can skin.
New Fal I Goods
..unprising the latest pattern...
losve your order now.
The very latest in NECK ‘VEA
all the new Wino. m1114.14.4.
Scotch Cloth Shirts . $1.00
IEverything in Men's Smart Wear.
Coal ! Coal .
Gregg Slorthand
Touch Typewriting
are two aromas which mil reennot afford en emit renin
4.0.111n1rIneNo.KrIvorootIon. In flea,. day.. when everything
must De Mine weenrmely and rapidly, Ihe eyetem need
must be the hest mid quickest.
Orem Short hstal is misty to lessen, miry to write, and
easy to reed after it is written.
Our esislogrie will tell son s11 abnilb the system, and
is free for the asking.
When! term: september till Jane Isomer&
Forest City Business College
ttttt r Mlles SWAM.
Y N. C.
Very Low Prices
for Coal for
Next Year's Supply