HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-9-27, Page 3THF': SIGNAL: CH/D10111.:11 ONTARIO
Zurich is likely to have a lawn bowl.
lug club next year.
The O. T. R. freight shed at Wing -
'eon is being enlarged!. t
Mrs. Jobu Klutupp, of Crediton, is
dead At the age of seventy.uue years.
Mrs. Brownlee, Suwnlerliill, has diet-
pused of her business t, 'rhos. Biggin,
of Uullslrnr, who gets spout -moon
about the '.middle of October.
The city c(III4CU'of Ttrllnt a is par-
chewing A owlrrtlltn from the art col-
lection of J1i44 Uiar+t Mo41It(•4$t11•,
formerly of Chalton, to the value of
John clad J44111er 11. Kerr, dealers in;
dryg(kNJ . etc.. at \\'inghaul, have
dis•slivlld partnership. Mr. Jau1e4 11, 1
Kerr IN retiring And intends g g to
the Canadian West.
4teeve Bobber. of Exeter, has given
his solicitor In.trlctionN to e')It(ulrkcr
action for 1110,01MI dawag.N against all
concerned in pl,l)rcutiug him on the
floor L.d blood-wwk inured or di.e..ed Aia-
ornuu..yang' out of ender- *woad) c ;
you ass .oxine -with cold held. feet-
p.lpitams-.li air s breath -
i6•146 arrant
remadees mill ..es ea pee sleet -mala to woe
weber, leeebse dm foresee oe the Aio..+4.4.
to tbo root of the uoabfe .ad clewea4
h. blood. M.. Amass' sad M+r. Tideless,
SOL . boa. Mea Blood Toric, 31.00 .
boat.. At dA+gpt•-oe from The Chemise' Ce'.
.1 Canada. Lu.its . Hasilwo-Toeoslo.
packed at the
Oven's Mouth
Ws do things right at
the Mooney bakery.
Crackers are packed piping
hot from the overs. The
moisture -proof paper and
air -tight too rttain all the
freshness and crispness, no
CRt41 ,• s. Sod1
1"FICONIs h:1tI.ITAt:Nor
(Dater where or when
you buy them.
They come to your ta-
ble just as inviting and de-
licious as though you ate
them at the ovens in the
bakery. At all grocers in
air-ught packages.
Back to the old
TIREY are running bark and
it will always he- our en-
deavor to serve Imr (lestrllere
to the test of our iahility in any-
thing they nee(' in the line of
Heating and
Roofing and
Repair Work.
Prompt service and aat,sfa. hon
W.. .1('e• sgle agentt. toes
1,•.0 again for those celebrated
(food Cheer and
Penn -Esther
and Heaters.
Lraae ynmr al4 1er. VA i) n1111
uloid the rash.
Ph55e W. R. PINDER
s rn of thin count , a.d a circular hes
I�iu a cwlveutiun of
the postmestrrs of the county of
Huron, to a !r Ill 1e Galli twit
clualullrt•, towel hall, (Tilton, 1)u Tue-
Jay, the IRh of October, at I:`al p. 11)..
recent charge 1)t fraud in cornecli•m to c).usi(1er the questio m of the form --
with a shipulrul of hugs• of a county assxrialiou, and other
glaciations which way arise. and for
io01is al benefit and euneultaI ion. 1t
is expected that 1f. h'. Proctor, of
Aurora, the secretary of the Ontario
Arsociati , will be present.
herrn IeIUed -hug
Mews of the y 1 held
' 11
H(dd ens Bros., of (Miami and 0041e -
rich. have bought out the bankrupt
clothing and gents' furnishings stock
of W. L. liulbraith, Ulintuu. 'They
rue dispdring of it in Clinton.
Mae. Win. Allen, of Eg dville,
twelve(' wort( last week of the death
of her son. J111111 Allen, at his h in
'Winnipeg, as the result of an attack
of typhoid fever. Mr. Allen woes for-
merly A Iwlident of Egg' It ill...
David C. McLean has I11111)se1 4,1 1,1e4
tlnr 341 -arra farm, adjoiuul; Koppel'.
t1111tuula4 Kyle, for the slim of $1 4. -
IMO. It is said to be nue to?. the Idst
farms iii the r ty. Mr. Kyle i. u
y K who ham spent several
years in the %Vest and has retinae(' l..
settle down in the neighborhood of
his birt haste. •
'H. W. Brown, a member of the l%cll-
IrgiNlr Institute stag at Seaforth, has
leen appointed to the puwitiu11 of
tamale'. training secretary in connec-
with the (1nlarm Sabbath S.•ho4,1 As•
Neiation. This position' w'as recently
vacated by E. A. Hirth% Who has
Iden made principal 1)t Atu411to11 Col-
lege. Toronto.
Oil Tueedi(y inter 1)l' last we•It,
at the residence of Me. and Alr•s: An•
gots Mel Ninald, Kincardine. their
daughter Kate w•AN merriel to Angus
MCDINIakl, a1s1, of Kincardine, but
fornierly 41f LW•kllow. It1'v. Ur. !der-
ma. was the officiating clergyman.
1.,y-wedJe) couple will reside
at i,naknuw•, when- \1r. McDnn1la has
1•ep11r'lu►4el the hotel formerly owned
by him.
On N'eln.•%IAy. September I9tIi. in
the Terse :tier Roman 1'4111.4k church,
Miss Margaret Al. McKinnon, third
daughter of Mr. and Nes. Angus Me -
K' r
int r.4iun Ki I1 I. 1,4. Waw
ularrie1 to \\'illiaw .I. .-'tun, .11
forth. late. of 1.irkn.w. 1'h'• knot
wad tied by Ilea'. Rather I.Inrendeau.
%Ire Allan
wSt. ireside at Senfr.rrh.l
lwhere Mr.
Alli,, has :1)u itgrieultuhd implement
Hensel! Nuptials.
A quirt wedding Ud.k 111"9' ,It the
\lelh.wfi.l p14I4.nu►ge, 114'114x11, on
'r41rslay of host week. w•h411 Harley
Sanders, 41f I';%Pte'. Norah. and Miss
Lillian K retie. (1f S1..1)11.41, were
11111(11 by Rev. S. i.. Toll. '1'h.• y g
couple will reside at Exeter North.
Acetylene Gu Explosion._
The *vet ylene gas machine it \V. A.
41,,rrimen's grocery store at. Kneen. -
dine exp(14811(1 as few tit)•s ago. tl g
c4,nsideraide dsuragl•. The i1A('hine
was uteri! for ligI(htini} Mr. Ilu•risan's
snit.- and the .1.1hn Hilee company's
store. and electric Tights have [attain
the place of the +uet)•Irne lighting in
both store,.
Death of Mrs. D. S. Faust, Zarich.
on Si 101., V morning 1)1 host week
Mrs. D. 1+. Eau.t, of Zurich. p ass...1
away at the age of sixty•fonr years.
after an illiies4 of (lent two hr.
Besides her husband, two 61114 111111
two &welder. survive her : Alfred
E., of Lewiston. Idaho : Si .1 k , at
horny ; Nr.. W. I''inkleine. of Mil-
(artnn. ,and Mrs. W. H. Hoffman. of
Death of Whitechurch Resident
Nr,. Patrick 'Prey, of \\'hite•
church. passed naive • on Thurolay,
lath inst., at the age of fifty-three
)•cora. 'fhr deceased, whose ul1i(Ien
1144111e WAN Johanna Flynn. was held
in high .•street by a Wigs. circle ..f
4rlrnds and her de.eth is a sht.rk to the
n••.. Ile of the vicinity. The bereaved
hu.land ,and daughter. hail- the (yln-
tsthy of the 1) i,,,ii,Ul,II y.
Drowsed in Oregon.
Drainage Dispute.
An important case 111)44.1• the Ditches
:old "'atercoursee Art WW1 decided b)•
the county jute,• Iwcrutty. About
five )'ears ago the township of Hay
built what is known +ts the platers
Award thank fhr sigh the northern
olitel01'.1 the township. 'lite award
laid the duty on the .owners •,along its
c4,tlrw to 'maintain it in rept/ale, tut 111
10.1:4 complaints wart• mete thin the
14'aain was not kept i1) repair And the
engineer was brought o41. Notice was
given the owners liable x1)41 1444411
their failure to act the work was let
And the cost. c4,11ecIe1 (1,1111 thew As
tu;rs. The owners th.•,, surd nor
township for the return of the money,
.l*it,,hag irrwgul*riLies ,es to unbar,
engineer's prd•e•e(1ings. ele•. The e•vi-
arnc4' w'a, taken alt Z,ii irh 41111 1 he
erguneut of counsel heard at (llsir-
vit•h. Judgment was givru i1) laver of
Die tow'uship with rusts.
Terrible FaWitj near Loudesboro'.
SA 1 Appleb), of the 44th r .4.4.
444111 of Kellett. suet with a shucking
dead on Saturday evening. 15th
leiug killed and gram l to piece by a
oemst•urlion train 4,n the London,
H41rmi \ lirucl• Railway. He haul
leen iA 4'linton during the (lay. I
welt to Lomb-41A1ru by the evening
11'14111. 111' 16414 seen to get 1)H the
Dein x1141 41441.1 11111.1) the track south-
ward 11) his home. Nr foul apparent-
ly gal 11.14 the bridge anti stepped 1ff
the track to Avoid the train, 114 there
were footprints o11 one (14(14., but
evidently hr olid 114,1 get clear, 111141
way stinek by the el.ii,tru,tion train
going 11).4-14,. and literally cut . to
pares, the remains being found scat -
tenet ,along the track for seventy-five
yams. and the clothing r pletel •
stripped fr the body. It was out
one for 1 • to be away from
hoar over night, et) his absence did
not 1:141414 uneasiness. 1un11,ty '11•
ing \V. Lee 134 11111 66l l'. 14,.• D•nrk by
the flnioma barking ea his dugs. ar1(1
when be went over le• SIPthe 1•4114.44
he was horrified at the 'sight that met
his 448744.. It was 4e' NWeible III 41.1'.Ig-
uixe' the features, and the neighbors,
also had i1) the meantime ga'hereth
while thinking it WIa4 \t•. Appleby
could not le sure, and hid to
the wile of the dee-eased to identify
the remains, which she did only by'
Ihr clot hes. The watch el the deceased
had .,topped at 14414. shnw•ing this t1) be
the ' • at which the aarrident•hap-
4eue1. Coroner 11ihne .and 1'naer-
taker ('henna, of 114)•th., were slim-
ed, bol Mr. Jlilnr aid not deem all
i11(411rst Ilrr•r1w.try. The IY•111alle. were
Hirst taken to 4iivth to le prepared
for interment, and then to the grief-
stricken houlr of the deceased. Mr.
Appleby leaves a wife and three.
children to n hi'. very mitimely
death. He was only forty-one years
of age. The funeral to Clinton (1.111e -
ter). on J1onaav was largely at-
tended. anti was ler the joint 11114-
pice4 of the Orangemen and the Cana-
dian order of Fur•sle•r., n1 both of
whirh the (leceasrtl lelong,d.
K. 'Vane( one. barii-ter.of %Viol t1 n,
last week received the,..ad in1ene.,.•nc'•
,d' the drowning of his (,.,thee.
\Vette' Vanamio... al 11um mit on,
1 )argon. Part i,•ntar' as to how the
affair happened have not been 11'•
1.4.14 ell. \Ir. \'.utatime formerly re -
'bled i1) Wingh.uu. but went to the
\Vert %rule yens lag.l. Hr l)wv a.h,,,,t
thirty-eight year" of age, and was un-
Bush Fires.
The dl) weather has fnvnre) the
.preauling of bush files in Many parts
14 the '.•4,u nap and I1) *eine places coIl-
siderable among.. is being done. Ai.
the Nevaulpo in Hay township as large
tract of (lush and a quantity'(11 • Rrdsl
firewood have .been burned. Alex.
Masten -it., of S1n111a)•, heft 11 hno(1rell
IOW. 11 is said that the Nr' in the
big saarnp near %1rirll wilt not he
quenched entirely until suow• fella.
Seaforth Loses an Old Resident.
Robert Shea, 11n oto lrsid,•nl of this
. minty. died At Se1ln•tll 41n Ih.• 1'iIh
oust., M. the nice of eighty-one yens.
1'he deer11ard%vita a native of 1irlold.
hat had been in 1'1111x(111 since rmly
manhood. Fut' many years he reselel
In Stanley township and about tris
years Ago Ile retired from far g 111111
went to live i11 Seaforth. Hr halves It
widow and ' son, Alfnnse Shen,
who le a prl4petom4 mere! t in Mas-
k ,t,h,'wan.
Died at Toroato.
IT you owlet to tit
one et those RoJarS
without RISK or
yule part. apply
to we for
M C"�k -
Psis Is um
Weber C.
MNa C..ea..n se
Sem n turass
"Cacho -Magnet te Vast 1-
(\w.in%Inge, 01.00
Pram b.MM 'lista se Movers"
F IwTy
CHAS C. LEE, - (:nrtenrh
•��1•mi -a jeea••a,
• r01�10. Il •ass::: ii
1 pmeeIm��.tttttt1.
��'a„� '
- ' 1 L1e0i�
'�e M.e.•b...a1..W.a.Rnl•8R8y. T.-. to
is'.+sr..�w ...1......6........ •Y•lleyaar••
•IJ1.i li i_C3:1t4•!•SI_iii \ �s
Fof sale by J. NICHOLSON
Hrnnlplonyille. Qom., Sept. 24(4.--
tSperi41.i -There is no need to split
Qu,i.c.• to 1wnt up eyidenee of what
1):1.1.1'44 Kidney Pills are doing for
who are atflieted with Kidney
u...tiles, because there is 'never, 14,40
1)1 that ev'ith•nre herr on hand.
•'.4 bout three year. ago 1 was ek(1-
,enlv 44.174.41 with 4111 111u61-1: of lump
lags fact) which I soldered terrible
agony." %trades \1r..1. A. I.,ylierre, of
Hrnm(Itonvitle, 4n4.. "For neatly
three months I 1,144 bud kp And my
doctor could do little or nothing tor
me. At beet I we, advi-ed to try
1)ud'i a Kidney Pill,. so 1 purrba-rd N
liox x14(1 beg811 talking them. By the
time 1 hadfi,i-heel A box 1 felt my
strength returning And the rains dis-
appearing. I then decided t4,
(lune with 1/lwld's KItln••y fills and
too& five more 111,x.".; which complete-
ly crrel ole of lumbago.'
\\'urn wens recoil. Isl a1 Hlu..ynl.• all
Monday of beat 1,•e1, of the death of
\1'11). S,unleroe. et 'I'ornnto. Mr.
Hamlet -am h11d leen in bad health for
,t year and it few. week 4 x4411 his wife
lel 'k 11im to flu' greens' hospital in Tal -
onto for treatment. The 1i4.i e,
1)016 ewer, had pri.guesaed.4,"' far. Mr.
Snrwlers/n Wee Ler many year's 4 4h,d••
maker in Hlneydle. Ile lee yes besides
hia wife four daughters. NII of w•h
reside in Tornatu.
Death of Mrs. Chas. Steick, Hills Green.
45'- 1 ' of rhea. 4te'I,-k, near
Hills (Green, has harm cast int.) 111nmrn-
ing by the death, nn e'ri.oiy. 14th
inet., of Mrs. Slelek. The deceivetd
had reached the age of (444- Inir
rears, She was of :a very kindly dbr-
pxositjon and was mooch vesper' by
all Isiah Whom she r • in confect.
ll•'iJes 11erhn4ls1nd, she Ie4y,w tyro
wenn-- Hobert, F., 411 Eano,nMe, AI-
lerta.,11nd Aron, at home. 'rhe ee-
main- were interred on the Hayfield
A Hullett Wedding.
,4 pretty September wedding tens
that which took pleee on Wednesday,
September Illth, g'1 the residnlrr of Mr.
and Mr(. Youngblood %I*i(tand block,
Hullett, their (laughter ('hull being
united in kl4trimnniel bond,. to .1114)er
Mrfries, also (1f Mullett. The eere-
twinV Wail performed by Rev. .1. I..
Shaul in the pmsenr.' of A number of
friends. 1411111 bride and gr(4,tn are
popml4r ,among their sr(pI*int*l4e4
and they commence welded life with
the grew' wishes of 411 their friends.
Cavity Petal Association.
In view of the micreae which has fol-
lowed the organisation of the coo*.
dish pnatmastern into A IaM•iety for
111utllt benefit, i1, h.v' keen derided t,
form an rouurilatlln of the postmast-
Power of Curiosity.
A men WAN Very 44441 1er411er 1)14
wife had gone out of town on a visit.
which she would not shorten in spite
of his appeall+ to her to o • holm.
He finally Ilii upon a plan to induce
her to FM nom. 4r'Iwnl, herr a ropy of
each of the hs•.al titian,' with nor item
elipged ort, 1 when she wrote to
find out what it. was lilt,haul clipped
onl lie refnsl•.l to tell her.
The scheme worked ad ' •ably ! in
less than it week she o•„+\ hnua.• 11)
find art what it wee thin lied teem go-
ing nn,that her hn.barul di,h' l want
her 10 know nldoit.---Pit1.hurg 4((4444,
le Your Trouble Indigestion?
Then probably you knew til• evils
of oli'-t,'nton, fermentation and irrita-
tion that ercii11I'sly Iligeativl•1)1)11-
ides. Next iuIIMIel nt i* In know how
prnnpUy Nrryilin.• 1.11114. Qniek a.
wink it relieves bloating and feeling
of follows., pots the entire di44eative
apparatn,. in Iwrfrct older. make.. you
feel f1t and line all over. For interne'
pain Poison's Nerviline enrpueoes
rorty known remedy. Keep it in the
hn11-e *l4'a1V4, it'a a %11111'1'1• .,f 1' -
forl in the hnnr of emergency.
Ian44'' holt Ivo. for 35 rents at all
(len lel'..
Tin US Ay, September 27, 1906 3
The Ayrsleher appear to be fast wlu-
ulug popularity uud exteudlul their
rauge intq uew sections. They have
loug heed tavorltre to the (intro
Aluuntalu Siete, uud \'erwout. New
Yuri. uud Ohio buve flue pure bred
herds whits bar,• waiutalut•d them-
selves eek fur lu the fuer of the strou-
gest competition trues other dulry
breed*. There are quite a uuwber of
Ayrshire. and their grader lualutuined
In the Canadluu pruvluers, especially
where the early settlers were from
Ncot la 1)d.
Orlgluuting 111 the hlgblawds of Scot-
land, many people believe these cattle
to be direct mud but slightly varied
descendants of the urlglual wild cuttlr
of Creat Britulu. Heury E. Alvord, u
dairy expert. has said that the cud
sought In perfe•tiug the breed has been
a large yield of milk without extruva-
gaw'e of food.
Ayrshire. are of medium .Ise among
dairy cattle. The ball* attain u weight
of 1,400 to 1,8(40 puuu(1e at maturity,
sometimes bels: purger. The elms
weigh t100 to 1,100 pounds, averaging
probably 1,000 Iwutnda ID a well main -
tallied herd. They are short legged,
flue boned and very active. The gen-
eral form Is of the wedge shale, re-
garded as typical of cows of dairy ex-
cellence, and this shape I* not from
11'arm, Fleid and Fireside.)
any weakness forward, but rather be-
cause of un owmou development and
streugth of body and bind quarters.
Good speclmeus of the breed when In
mink- do not cum- a pound bf extra
The Ayrehlre Is of a blgbly nervous
temperament. The cow hue a super-
abuudauce of ut'rves and is willlug to
employ them upou Instaut dewuud i1)
self defense or lu self support. The
bulls if properly bundled are not frac.
An Ayrablre Estimate.
'"The Ayrshire cow will show more
net profit every year from bur begin-
ning to her ending lu old age. tnkiug
into consideration the amount. the kind
and the cost of food committed. her
easy keeping tendencies and the
amount and quality of milk produced,
than the cow of any other dairy
breed. Her general appearauce is strik-
ing, befog alert and full of lite and
reserved energy, handsome and at-
tractive, 1,000 to 1,100 pounds In
weight, usually white and red. spotted,
but varying In their colors from nearly
all white to nearly all red.'So rams
the Ayrshire breeders' score book.
The MIgk Test Not the OsIy Titles.
Dalrymeu, and eepeclally creamery
patrons, are often curried away with
the idea of a high test, and not lutre-
gteutly they class the highest testlug
cow as the hest 11) the herd. It.sboul(1
be borne iu mtud that the test is ouly
one factor lte the element of profit.
Frequently more depends upon the
pounds of milk than upon the test
The experieuce of the Kansas experi-
ment station, together with that of
dairymen who have kept Individual
records, leads to the conclualou that it
1. not alWays the highest nor the low•-
eMt testlug cows teat give the must
profit. The medlutn teetiug cow that
gives a large flow of milk may be
classed amuug the most profitable.
The Eleventh Commandment.
Seere•talry \('ikon ones not Agee•
with thus.. who 411)• the ,•Irventh rom-
InanJnlenl in "I/o not get found
nit." A .1,1y er two ngn he had
ocens1/1n all tea intend n rubel-din-
lite who in ennverss1ion with n
friend let slip 4411111' information
w•111e•h wens of as r'onfiaentiml tin
lur•. "Never 4.rget the eleventh
rn1unandtm'nl again." Neel the s,'ree-
tary, „ 1 in rase pm do not know
what a is I shall write it nal 11 elite of
aper for yon," The mibmeit
bilked at the slip, nn which AIr. Wit -
son hail written : "Keep pone month
Regained Nerve and Vital Energy.
Fran \Valtnn, P. 0., Qnee., Cnnlea
the following from Mr. Nezaire. Ile•
gin "If anyone had told one any
remr4iy ('(1111(1 build 1141 lily nervous
system so well, 1 would not have he
'Weed them. Before wing Perro241ne
I wvii run down in nerve And vital
energy. and in 4(ry weak health. i
didn'tget rnnugp(h soap al night, felt
poorly in the day time. Pern,2one
hen filled me with energy and vile, in
et -visaed nay weight alta made n new
man .1 tar." H beds tell the mane
atory weak 11nil dispirited. every•
t11j,R going wrong. unable to 4.1trh
They took F.rrn4mr and all Iraq
c ngc44
to health and serenity.
Moo. prelatic at all dealers.
For the Drea.afaker.
To strengthen shirt buttonholes stitch
them around with cotton after they are
finished. They will then last much
longi -r and will not tear away from the
In sewing a piece of material on the
Wax to a straight piece the former Is
apt to beeowe .tretebed. To avoid this
the bias should Is. placed uuderoeatb,
nut It will then ire sewn In evenly.
It Is often dl®enit to prevent the pile
of velvet Prow being crumbed 11) stitch -
Ing it, and a good plan Is to place a
pleee of the same material fare down-
ward on it. The fingers, resting . on
this, will not flatten the pile.
`When altering a blouse It Is a min
faith to move the shoulder seam to the
front. A letter plan is to let it drop
backward lustend of forward.
Baking the Best Bread '
is more than a science and more than an art. But it can be
done quickly and surely by using
It is milled from the finest'Ve,.tern Canada Ilard Wheat,
is thoroughly clean and hygienic, and rich in every nutrient
eroiii, quality.
Sold Everywhere In
The Great Dominion
Mille Ili w,nnlp.a, Ood.rlch and Brandon
are always
reliable ....
\V.. find Andirftu•t' in dealing out
pure, fresh ;goods to our customers.
stock is specially well assorted for
tike sluuule lrtule, and the. nest
particular maul* of our patrons will
have prompt Nervier.
FIe(10 vegetable's and fruits in
Phone 91 or call.
The Square, Gotten(h
do cut
Gout bills.
Twenty Hales Fy tee Ideal Homo.
First. -A contented mind.
Reeoud.-Neither poverty nor riches -
just enough.
Third. Lack of pretentlou , .bow
and sham.
Fourth.-Slmpllelty of life.
Fifth.-lionenty of purpose In all
things. even the smallest.
Sixth. -Father. and mother co -rulers
In the household.
Seventh.- Father and mother equal
guardians of the children before the
Eighth. -One code of morals for man
and wows..
Ninth. -Political and industrial as
well as social equality for man and
Tenth. -Much charity.
Eleventh. --food dotuestic service. 11
posit cannot get It Iudlvldttally you can
get It eo-operatively.
Twelfth. --Some good sentiment and
no oentlwpntallty.
TLlrteeuth.-A goad seal of common
Pourteentb.-Qnlck d.yi,lima.
Flfteeuth.-Putletaallty, particularly
at Mealtimes.
Sixteenth. -Standard. put In gree-
ner, not in preaching.
Seventeenth A knowledge -of house-
ourskeeping ua a trade
F.I gig ter nth. -System.
Twentleth.-The saving grade of !m-
lir • people Ate too busy being
glddl to be kind.
Riche" have winos but. moat of us
never get a chance to ily with then'.
1111. 1.EAuln4.1
Funeral Directors
and Embalmers
(rder• .arlully attaalod to .t •11
boors, Melt or day
Livery and 1
'fake the Cast iron Combustion
Chamber, or instance:.
1 make' it heavily corrugated (or
fluted). "I'bi's Imost doubi$s the hearing
surface -- cnab s practically twice as
much air to be Bated with the same
amount of coal or Wood.
As the combustio chamber is really
a continuation of the -box, I make it
of extra heavy iron, corrugated to allow
for the contraction and '_13'tnsion. and to
ensure greater durability. .
Then my FUSED JOINTS make the
t"Hecla" dust -tight, smokc-tight, gas-tight.
Write for catalo cue -oi "I It (la" Furnaces and
Peninsular S:o\es and Raui;t ;, `-e_nd inc a rough
sketch of the house, : nd I will send you an
estimate of the cost of 1u'.tiIlliiIg a "I-iecla" in
your home. A11 free. Address the "Ilecla
Furnace Builder," care•of
Shape -
The "Plastic
Form" fit and
cut, which
strikes a ratan the
minute he
notices a
"Plastic Form"
Suit, is as en-
during as it is
The snug fit
of the collar and
shoulders is built
right into the
coat -it's there
to stay, no matter how Strenuous the day's work.
The sleeves and knees don't flet baggy --the
coat -skirts have always the straight, clean cut and
the pockets adhere to the original horizontal.
No matter how particular a man may be, he is
certain to find the material, the cut, fit and work-
manship ,that will suit him, in the "Plagtic Form"
Suppose, ,you jdrop in to see some of our
► .
The finest turnouts in
town are supplied at
these well-known stables.
Carriages for every re-
quirement and good
lurrses furnished atareas-
unable rates of h i re.
C'aref'ul (11.1 -ers furnished
When required.
All calls promptly attended to,
Walter & Augustine.
'Phone 51. East street Lavery.
Plastic Form Parlors, Goderich
Reg. Black, Sole Agent
hnyr (131.1111 A livery stable in
t hr stand on Newgate street op-
iso4ite the Colborne Hotel and
han•r (Offal it. with
New and Up-to-date Rigs, New
Harness, and Good,
Reliable Horses.
.\ 11 pal Ions are assured the beat
of service. You: patronage is
'. rrite,l.
Knox Bros.
Opposite Colborne House
Telephone 173
•• MO
GUN 111tY 13ROS.
Livery, hack
'Bus Stables
3001) HORSKS,
- -RTC. AT--
- -ItA1'l:S-
1'Well appointed
Hack,. ,and reli-
ahie drivers in
charge ofttheHIINP,., whirh will
nrr•el all tinting
and rot e•nlobo af4
5410TH 4TRg4T .P ONE YIrr%