HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-9-27, Page 2a TIVINDAT, 11110. 27, 1,04
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, • •
ir7111•11141111D IVPaERY THURSDAY
YANATTIIM &Solieltreoe
le.lpitoos Call No. It
• •
;T•rwt• of Subscription
Lou tier.annuto In aavauce.
bus ; taros month,.
Subatlet Who fie:t to reeetir tot
regularly by mall will colifet a favor tyac•
owiltitiug to of 11. fact at aterly a dote .ts
When change tlf addre.... de.r.t. both the
old and the new addrore. Mould 1,1 given.
-- -
Advertising Rates
Legal mid other similar ad. ert We
per lane for and intertion 41141 k per litre
each •ohaamuout Itiaertion. Meniatined My •
nonpareil Wait% 1 WWI, e line. to an inch.
earde of I. Ruao and touter, SS twr
Ad vert 1.101111.. of Lowi Found. Strayed.' -
oat lama Vacant, Sit oat ione Tl' ant ed. for
Male or to Rent. Fame for Sale or to Kent.
Artielea for Sale. et. .. not exceeding eight
Hue«, 2.N. melt iimerUon ; SI for flrat month.
for each au baea tient 11,0111 h. Larger ad vert -
Imola la proportion.
AI..,00I,t1n,.utl 11, ontluary relialog 11 iwe len
cent. per Rile Nu notice le.s than tic.
Any apecial tattle«. the object of **bob th•
pecuniary benefit of auy Individual or reamer
&ion. to 1,, ounatatered an adi ertiaement ,,sd
to be charged aecordi .
Hal,... for dloplay and vont Mel ad. ertee•
anentwill be given on applicio 1111,.
Add re... all tuwn,utdeaft�ir. to
The very!' LA the pr....Went of the
l'anedian Manatee t urere Atisevciat leen
at Winnipeg indicates That the pro-
tected internee are looking confident-
ly for still further eonceseions. at the
next eteistion of the Dorn' • Parlia-
ment. %Veit ground they have foe
their confident... i% not diseernityle.
At the meetings of the tariff formai--
eion throughout the country it was
mads plainly evident that the f timers.
the greastayetstiming eine and at 11..
seine time the greatest priebieing class
In Canada. are not prepared to make
any further aecrificesi for the take of
the 111111111(111illee1., /0111 1100, 110 the
mutt miry, they desire the new tariff to
niark a art) further 01 Ili. welling
awn of the duties ivy meanie of whieh
Otte protected interest% heave had fill
unfAir advantage over other claw«t of
the con ty. Th w case fr the
.mattelpoint of tlw constinwr W AM [me
flay and squarely before the c
minion : the pleas of theme who wintelit
higher protection wen. Met and 14/111 -
hatted and logicelly destroyed.
Can it he, though, that in spite of
all this the Government has promised
to comfort the nianufactureie with in -
reprised powers of levying toll upon
the public ? In this ease the Govern-
ment would not only .how its con-
tempt for the rights end wishes of the
farming population -- it w eld part
company with the Liberal peaty.
whose platform on the tariff q teen
as laid down in 1810 and never keep
affirdgatea is the elimination of pro-
teatton from the flecal policy of th
eountry. This, indeed. is the tnath-
tional`policy of Liberalism in Canada,
and if inten yearned Liberal rule it hvas
not teem tarried into effect to en gYeall
• degree ie many Liberate expected
Itis hecatew these Liberate have had
confidence in 'their leaden end have
lawn unwilling to hurry thrill in the
developnient of the partyai program.
The revision of the tariff at the c
ing session it looked to am the occaeion
for 6soother instalment of tariff re-
form Which will redure still further
the burden's of legitimate industry
and bring more fully int., effect those
principle% of equality of opportunity
which are everywhere and always
bound up with Liberalism.
The true note is 'sounded by The
Globe in an article which we repub-
lish on this page and for which the
great. Liberal organ deserve% the
warm gratitude of the abide party.
Liberals have been too quirseent. too
apethetic, during recent year% in re-
gard to matters of Need pOliey. It is
time for then. to arouse thenevelvem
end to net themselves mine v igneous-
lae than ever twfore to the task of up -
ting special privilege and eetablimh-
1 that i I lid freetIont which
to aential to the twst end t mood
dere nwnt of 1 anomie.
The i ole has -itt, titled i he eall. and
if he I ler% do their ditty the next
seettion of rilainent will wittiest. an.
ophee great tri ph of Canadian
'Litter sm.
Are not th raft wreeks be-
coming it little (risque ?
To an outsider it teaks as sigh the
Liberate of alma Igin were liming
mighty poor jutigireeet in heir
It is fl 1(f it ol 1110Ve11171 st he round
has Made itt enity•at 1 ring t. t secure et
viril from the Protatwial hghw.1ye.
c •ssioner. Though we pry e
wive% upon our good .1 feet a. We 1111%i.
reached at itt Which it isl(r)
desirable that we should 11/1,VP 11(IV .1.
from en expet•t itt meet ing Ni; lllll • itt
the problem, now arising.
The experience. of tither
the matter .,f the loco ef side
walks is in no rase definite that it
can Nerve The ltTl alleoltite Pit/Mil:1rd for
Goderich to follow. NV.. get out
experience AA other towns are get 1 ing
theirs, hy experimenting. and differ
Ing eonditione oli different ..I reels
MOM always taken into Aeconnt.
Neither should the opinion.. And
wishes of the majority of interested
ratepayers on any street tw overruled
without good reason.
The pimple of the mother country
are not at all eleceivea hy the Main.
gentmum efforts of the Canadian Manu-
facturersArawiciation to make it
ranwea.r that they are anxious to en•
counter interimperial trete. Refer-
ring tea t he speech of the prealdent of
the Manufacturene Aemeiation et
'Peg all English paper says :
"We cannot gel our -
Helena, tarter*. to have the sat isfaet ion
of looking over the wall and reflect-
ing that foreign competitors (arena
even do that:" industrial Canute.
the organ of t he Mill11114e1 ears s'
Aiumciation, is not even Allawed to
receive British advorteling. for Tear
that it might help the !tele of British
goods in Canada.
- -
To the ayhject iou t lett he is too rinse-
ly assoeiated with llllllllllll reason
of his positi llll as tsetse...I for the Hell
Telephone talatilvaity. Mr. A. AvIes-
worth t•eplint that -he had eh:tiered
his i.lients 1 The. is met a iued-
t• to tale. It is a vat eight cl; by
this politician that he i- prepered to
edvecale anything tor w tih,it he is
pent lail and Empire.
Well. supposing it is as The Mail
says. ..'rhe trouble Wit b it great many
tvf the te.litielans is that when they go
itt latt•liatuent tlwy the etnything but
serve the isiterests id tile 1/etkple lettuce
relate...toady-es they 1111. 81111 whose
money they take as ti for the
services they tire •1111110Sell III render,
If Mr. Aylieworth has ••ehettiged his
thei.ie'. and is doing as toyed sera 141'
for Canada 114 tie did for those. Wliorie
briefs he towelled during his brilliant
legal career. it is a very good hargein
for the country.
Mr. Bryan --el it itt %Aid in certein
quarters- lee. inethi himself an tutup.
bilit y /01 the I leueuerat it e.111ilit1/111.0
for the .Cilifsel states. Presidency in
hy his utterenees • regArding
ounership. Another pr lllll hi -
en! Democrat Whet might lettere ise
lee mailable is hopelessly handi-
cappd, ral the W ones Say. by his
name. Hoke Smith. It is 1114 NlItTl•
ciently dignified. they say. and
‚itt. .1 her mem. with it llll ire high -
...Hinting eogn lllll en. .1 he looked
tau . l'he object ion 1.. the n: a how-
ever. appears ty tvrerivelk the
eimeiderat • hat the Smith vote is A
Very lat•ge and importent :tied
that Smiths might le- swung
feint the Republican camp into the
Denioeratie anther title,. to Keellle 311%
11. .1.. elect ion. On t he allele.
though, it still !mike like
'The Seaforth Exposiew is another
newspaper that think% the Ceneet-vm-
tive% are giving theinselves neeilleste
trouble in tryllyg dieey er is new
leader fin the Layered party id On-
tet.it). The Liberals will procaine both
it leader end • policy in good time.'
says The Expositor.
-Mr. W'hitney. with all his burden
.it difficulties, may itt' able to stand
the storm for this Legislature term
and he may ale, oivtain a sufficient
support to give him a sinall majority
in the following Legislative. But
king before that term is 'eltmed the
Liberal party will'have both a leader
.itrul a peaky and hoth will ultimately
prove er) ace -emitter tit the people- 104 to
re •*. the [arty once more from the
told shades itt oppomition and place
theft' basking in the sunshine of popu-
lar (.4401 11-. in the palmy days itt Sit•
Oliver aloe at. Mail and its col
leagues will then whistle a different
tune from that with which they are
now 'trying to hearten their sup-
porter., All things renes 10 those
who can witit. The Ontario Retort"'
party estri\;•ffeerel to wait wit)
injuring an a
---. -
Talking of electric power, it appears
that the transilaieSi Of eleeteieill
energy to places et a distanee from
the point of preelisetion is *till in the
experbewntal stage. Tile cit y of Syra-
cuse. N. V., is often spnken of as
shoe ing what ran lie Anne in this way,
but lament. otaarreneee in that city
tend to show that Ow problem has by
no meals been solved. A Rocheeter
paper eays :
."The people led 14yracilw) had be-
come fairly reeonciled te) the fact that
the -current was not reliable during
conditions itt at mompherie electric dis-
turbances, and last Sunday they reel-
ized that it could not lw depended up-
on even in fair Weather. As several
time. leant ed out in thew rolonnes.
the Wier!, it elect t•irit y in Syracuse :tie
being made the subteets• of tt 1101314 NI
experiment. At, electric (Intent has
not. as yrt, beim sitectembilly trans.
mit tell tinder f ronditilins a
061 on, of 1 70. miles in thy- climate of
Western New 't'ot-Ii. Its tranquil's-
Mon ter et diettanee of approx•
tinsels- t went y-elght has ma
hippo oo 4111 to 1.. •iiplilatit steam appliances
ler erell local electric. generating
Of cheese itt Grelerich we do not
need to lemek en far as Niemen'. We
"have the Maitland river right at hand
and the repeat of the Ontario, power
f siien just published (trews at-
tention again in that direction.
Whether the potential energy of the
tiVet will Is. made available for buttes -
trial purpy ere muter ptesent condi-
t ion'. depend% upon the XlIreelti. Of the
Maitland River Power Co. in pn t-
ing their scheme, to which the bowl'
itt tioderich has pledged its araintence.
- • -
, Recollections,
he lilt li.i% N. hereon 1 .an,
111111111 for nue
Illa not heard In other day.
The rho of the
Tho littl lopemy feel s,cond.
With it ere entiteni
flat' 1 not an I on hill, that rise
Aho,.' the .iitt,t cloud rent.
Th. Intl. life loan I teed,
its .1.11111e. 1 woltld bit..
Itail 1 no dim rementoranee of
,t ...sea world than Wife!
• New Orleans TImeicligM0ertit.
Should, Be MI es Ow Day.
seem., Ihtformer.
We hove no hi...Ration in saying
thee ell the bye elections should have
been held iipett itt. same dare. There
may he PloInc milftieient moons why
they sh..111.1 not bt. not they have not
been "Ma 141 1,, the imblie as yet.
Another Lesson from New Zealand.
Nee' Zeithilid Legislature is vetting
eartsvo to the wiileyw of the tete print,
From The Tweet° ett:rac sale. '1.
Can the Liberals of Canada afford to
join hands with the Couservat lees and
accept high tariff protection as A flied
and resiential principle in their party's.
creed? That question cannot itt'
blinked or put by.' It has been raised
in influential quarters, and it will be
pressed determinedly to an answer.
The protectionist wing of the Mann-
fm•ttirers' Awociation have set them-
selves deliberately to induce the
Liberals *11 forewent. the print Iple.• of
historic Liberelism and to adopt high
protect' for Canadian manufacturre
est he ()Nit nizitig,iden /if 1 heir part y•N
it.w-aI nudity. It i for the Liberals to
say whet Iwt• they are ready to Nur-
render the priori
eralimin beta stood A
Win 111 Y. mild. And
man or a part y is
l'here can lw nn shtui tw of doubt as
tO the purities* and Oar t of the cam-
petign now being carri on by the
protect it mist neutufact 11 Vi -a. They
desire supremely to we the tariff
lilleilti011 taken out of pa y
They ask the leaders of Li ralism in
Parliament and on the p to ac-
cept tariff for preening' as a overn.
nig principle, not as a tempee ry ex-
pedient. Were they to Slier eel itt
their efforts it ought not to 1,,. (111 cult
for the protectionist manufacture e to
iirtiteeliiiiiist Pilltilleitent to
raise the tariff walls alretinst impala eel
goods to the deeired point of abseil*
prohibit ion. •
Are the Liberals of Canada pre-
pared to make the ehange ? They
are not It would lw at -e politi-
cal suicide and ti 11014y/1111f Liberal
pi.ineiples.- Fr the loweet 'point not
practical polities it would lie supreme
folly for the Lilwral party to shift
gnemd. s The patiy now stately. r. -
milted to the fisted expedient of 41
tariff for public revenue tvhich gives
ineidentaal protect' 111 certain lines
of imbed' y. and the exigencie% of the
country's trade, due in part to the
high-proteetion policy of the Con-
servative Government. reconciled the
party to the continuance under
the. Liberal Administration of a tariff
which gives at least itiodeirde ['reflec-
tion to Canedien itt (mint -ere. The
.theral leader. who have had 'noel to
ele with tat-itt ler. hold tip the
principle of freedom in trade as being
minima lea the industrial rim-
'ditinn• errand both in Caustda and in
the United State.' by th- expeient of
1 high protection tariff led them to
continue to Canadian mantifecturers
in a s• tn.ntet ate and a more stable
form a considerehle me paste of pro -
teethe' beyond the revenue require-
ments of I be country. Rut t hat does
not 'toren t hat the Liberal leaders or
the Liberal peety'heve accepted high
protection a. the fixed and ideal
policy for Canada. They have not
done thee' They will not do that.
To dr) that would he to (homage the
tariff as it tee...tin...producing expedi-
ent and I.) alienate those hirer cheeses
of the people --the large majority of
the people of Canada - whoee work
cannot itt' protected by 1it-itt !patriot -
don. and to wh the ewe. -of living
1. for winch Lib-
raill stands the
about whit•It a
eiheral in name
iiiiiiistet, alt. Sedelen, if e died poor
1111111 after tWelity-seVeti yettry itt
politics and iliteen yeare of power.
NeW %eateni politicians ere eectised
of being soeialitits. They are evi-
dently I lllll est men.
A Poser for the Montreal Organ.'
Hennes Time..
The Montreal Gazette., in an article
entitled.' "Why Protection Petra-
0/111e$4411r• to •IloW thill Oermati y and
her workingmen have trite.h the
better of Great Within in their trade
with one another. ' But will The
Gazette kindly explain to ne how it is
that liritish workingmen emn higher
wages then do,t he teritiana, and how
it is that three highly protected Ger-
inems have to esti dttg and horse ;neat
to avoid 4141 vat ion :'
The Flag Question,
wise -not acetinsi Review.
It ia heceamit.y. e.eirree, that the
ling should be respected, even treated
Wit Iv antitething like veneration : hut
it, 411.1 11 quasaien itt Des,. way to
inspire devot to the flag IM tO
elle111W11 it kV Milking it 1110 e1/1111lion.
And after -ell, ererhaps the beet way
for Canitelhois to ten+ strangers to
honor the flag is to met t lie example of
hon.eting it themselves by remaining
true te) itt.' treilitions rind the ideals
for which it stands. The spectacle of
ji bunch of grafting polit elan. --there
is no refetenee tee any politicians in
platelike hanging out •11 tag and
veiling i.n t h.• primly to honor it., ire
not necessmily ealeulated ti) increeser
respect few either the petit ieien or the
Hats Off to the Farmer Boys.
iteueo o.tEn.igh.
We melee given to boosting. hitt
We are [trend of the fernier boys of
this vieinity. They Are With rare ex•
centime. a healthy. intelligent and
happy claw yeeing mem tVifeel
like taking our het clear off when we
meet them upon (me parcels,- And no
chafss i% more welcome to our office.
Too 'veiny her. heave t he farts' where
they would have nettle !"1111.4tantial and
mini citizen., and go to the rite.
Asher/. only • in a thousand sue -
coeds in life's battle. There ere
formers who fairly drive 1 heir lova
Away. Then. is my eXelloe for this.
The fernier Im by is entitled to his tion, to Revere' relaxation.., his tisilti
to the city, good hooks, magaPinets
and him hone. paper. To the otraerv-
ing one it is plain to he 'well that the
old farm i* the hest piece in the world
few the 'teenage yo,ing man, and 'never
fells to tiring a happicr and more thee.
fill life than the rely. .
- -
Candidates for Advisory Mundt.
At the lest session of the Ontario
Legislature an art was passed ereatin
an Advisory Council to confer wit
the Minister of Faineetion on ques-
tions relating to educational effAirs
To this Council the public school I
teachers of Ontario holding pe.rman- arm
is increased by every per tent, of tax
placed on the goods they buy.' Politi-
cally it would be suicidal for the
Liberal pat-ty tee *halide's' the rights
and interest* of those great natural
industries, such it, egeictiltine and
lumbering and fisherits and mining,
whose. output utast filid itte way te the
inarkete tat the trot.let and ter which
the proteetion otTared by is Canaelime
tariff is lett a make-believe where it
1114 11 burden. Thew natural indus-
tries which supply Ed1V Milt mild To
the ltd v erieS 11111e as Vet such Mem-
tialire of resone .• iui Centel.' that they
mew submit to sortie' favori heing
given to the mautifectiarers if girt.it itt
livid,' al. „Dot 1 hity Will 110t -id •
to the unjust Written% which a high
prelleetion peliey would hived te. The
Liberal petty mute compete with
the Conservativcs in bidding and Imo. -
l i ll ing for 1 te: ea.% eV high prefec-
t ionists, and were they be aalet• the
game I hey sena,' tou•riliee the et lir
'Wenn,- of the great eltswe that have
! made Libetalisin 11meregth Canada.
Iltit worsp then the pelitical felly
11141blved in 'Wiping Mai wearer
W4111141 be RA itt, , disaster to Liberal-
, Liiterals i,i Ili itaill :11111 ill 41110
(1* hold to the mitiyiple .4 freed lllll in
. trade not by iteident or as at. mere
. Forty expedient. That principle is of
the efteetice of Liberalism. The roet-
. idea of historic aiheralisin is freed lllll
if oppentimity andequality of lights
to all citizens before the law. That is
1 why Libersda by the very necessity of
their politieal principles etre opposed
to clams privileges of MI sorts. alluvial
favors to any aline+ ''or to any race,
or to ally CIAXS, ,I it to any iniluetry.
te. a contraventihn of Liberal ideate.
teyrated in Caned as in England.
ich favors may ai\liittes have to be
lei spirit of Libereliem works for
the' lllll val. itt Canada the Lilwral
part) found itself and cense ‘11
itt 1h tight for civil and religialis
lilwrty 'against Tory trattations and
' the pre melons of the Fainly Com-
' pact. \
a neW
01411111e light is now io under
n. tine iodustry taints
special fait's before the law hieh
are not giv and in the natutit of
things eanrip be given, to other
dustries. So of those favors it
continued and • Liberal rulebut not
tweetiew the prin .tpie of tavepritirern 14
appioved, but It, .411W of e
which snout tw :Oily changed or
pletely coml..] I. fn. Liberals
will not sacrifice t e rightful and
reasonable interests t the minutia,
'wing class whi. It hat- been favored
by the tariff, but nrit 4'r will they
stand for an intl....tee in he litit•dens
which high protection few the mann-
feet ureers pets on all other nelustries
and on all the e1111•11 lll i ll g asters in
the country.
The tentf cennot be taken ut of
politime so long to. high protect iy• .for
one class is the policy of any po 'er-
fill and aggressive party. Liles itt
would he untrue to themselves, to t
prineiples and traditions which the
inherit, and to the great intereete of
Canada were they in ignorance ler in
weakness to surrender the eseential
hist orie positions of Liberadism. Their
facer must be set steadfastly towards
a regular attendant et the -meetings of
the Otitario Edescat' 1 Asemelett Iota
end hag tear,' an active iutereet in all
itt proceedings., In HIM, he was
honored by being ititAnimottely elected
pi esident of the public ;aimed wetioti
of the Associetiou. He has a wide
knowledge Of 111114111011S of it more,
gy tiered II/Attire, and itt quite cumpetent
to express las vit•ws in A clear,' cote
viseing analitter, either in committee
or on the plet form. His tempera.
meta, teellefe Of fairness and itterlieg
Itiviiestt• would not permit hien to he
extreme, • to wont' whet Le
Tito Siyal i
tos 1 equested to dimehe
deemed to be dist et or unpile,
latetitiyeat eif teitellielS in 1 hie dilitrii't
61,o lit OH; culdidiiey of su.s,Htteewt
.1..dued oil. or T.n...idit, who has heevi
tamed in n lllll ihat ' (itt- the Alla bee y
4 %anvil ltv I be tVonten 1'e:whets
a -social iy mi. of that ell y. It is point eel
out that as tv .11 forest e large lea -
jot it y 1/1 the 1 embersa ti llllll Province
it would itt- mily fair that they ti Id
have at least nue of thenowlves as
their 1 eprt•sentativi. cm the l' .'ii.
We Are assured that Miss. Johnston
has always taken the keenest intel.est
in all Murat tined n ffiti••, and hal. held
pasitiotir of honor in the local educe:
t iimal asseaiat ions of Tommie", haying
twee' president it f the Toronto
Teaelteie' Association severe! tittles
HMI presialt•Itt of the %V 'II Teal hent'
Association is-peattelly. She, is said
ty• be a W,0111-11 Of great tact and jutig-
meet and beside, hexing excellent
ideas is able tet express t hem intelli-
gibly and foreibly.
The vacattry in I he 140e/t1 LegiS-
1/11111e /Tented by theataignat ion of E.
A. Little, inemlwr tel Cardwell. has
been filled by the eleetion of Alex.
Me•gusain, Conservative. Mr. Fergu-
son WAN unopposed, Cardwell swing
a hopelessly Cy mservat ive t•ieling. '
T 1-1
Berlin Business College
W. D. EULER, • Principal.
tent certifleates And engaged in teach-
ing are entitled to trend four repre-
sentatives. The first election will be
held, the latter pat•I Octotwr, and
the voting papers must be returned to
the Department not rater than the
first -Wednesday in November. From
The Wingham Advance we learn that
A. H. Musgrove, principal of the
Wingham public school, has con-
sented to tw it candidate for the Conn-
ed. The Advance says :
••We are quite 'sure that Mr. Mus-
grove would peeve an able and effi-
(ient representative Of the public
school teachete Onterio. Having
taught for a ber of years III floral
schools, he is fully /mare of their
needs and tequireinents. In addition
to thin, his fifteen years' experience. as
pi incited of Winghain pithily school
(where he has oiccesedully conducted
entranee, having and continuation
clement) eminently qualiflee him tei
represent those engageel itt
t,he Name work. In addition to theme
qualificar s, Mr. Mategrove has been
A Famous Schoo
TIO- tdIlttlt tee.sotio,i to he 0141 i
lbe he -t 'onitnereial School- 111 111i.
Province: . glue emar..t are thortme1i
' and loam 4t., We gas e a practical
training an our graduate- to
good po4ition . It e itiame..hle for it •
ta.ati..fy the 4,ittan,b made on le for
°dice help. T intent -.ted in Owl;
owa welfare lit write for our fru,
tin ....cured lt, i of sting
our ti illi toilioli,
Which °fret- 11,,- new •-t and ono- ,-it,-c .
)ite eour.- and 1. the tenet MM. ist
In "emit mit. melt ion•. 11f1r itt, a
and method. artof the ltQst.
t lll I l .nt. Mai 101er with •-i ads' i
e at any t.A111.. Vinte for our eat
ritish American
iness College
. 1.A Huilailn_g. tonge and
Sta.. Toronto
WATSON. Principal
.11•1=110 1.10//•=0
11001. IN
During July Ne 11/1/1 fifty
Man). ..,111, for °Mee help a' Ise
gradlinti., going out. and dn..' Atm
114 Me had ..j0). time. II. main TM -
the that eon -4 not 11 • ,Ino
ahead' and not --tainting -111 or
"backlog iip.' W.Ite hor hem, itt
catalogue. Now 1. the tot nter.
W. J. ELLIOTT. Principe
I or. Votare mut Alt•••• ler :;1•.
September Bargains
Saturday, 29th, and
Monday, Oct. ist.
You ha-Ve our wad for it that every item in this, list is
a bargain equal to the bestye have ever offered. Our selections
are unquestionably the largest in Gbderich, 'and in this list
we mention a few of our Specials and Clearing Lines
which we offer our customers.
Died Goods
Priestly's heavy all wool Drew
or Suiting storges, us inwide,
in garnet. eartlinal. myrtles,
canon and navy regular g5c
value Mc.. At per yard ....
30 piece, Orem Goods,
wool fancy plaids, cheviot'. and
merges, ati 411 inches wide --
a epecially attractive lot, 25c
regular 35 to he., et per yd,
Prints and Wrapperettes
umov.rd. or
Prints and Ainet.icitio Wrap-
perettes. in light 1 dark '
colors, wan -anted fastreg. ca.,
titer value I2S.... at per yn
e' OHL
Met yank extra heavy union
revereible l'arteet in a range
of colorings, regular Vic., le
• et per yard llllll tsfalc
700 yards Tapeetry l'arpre,reg are
Ilia, at 15.1yaul lllll ,Jeec
12 pa it'd large full size Tapestry
tairtaium. neatly in Meet
diadem And Brown., he es ay
fringed top atel bottom, ery
114111110411101 r11111 1411itilide for
1111011. 111111 1111ehW444N. 1110114e
/t1111 111.11111.
itt per pair
Seined/iv and Mlay si 90
Litifiele *11 Wool Rose.
full fashioned, and double heels and melee,
plain ot• rib, PiiZe•4 and ea regular lrep„...
ale., at twr pair llllll . ll %left,
Ladies' Coats
-Special Sale of 40 new Fall and Winter Man-
ufacturer's Sample Coats. The garments
are of latest style in ery detail and of beau-
tiful materials, th is no two exactly alike,
t h ree-q u rter ad seven -eighth lengths and
well lined. l• ricesi'from 57.50 to 520.00.
Selli at one-third off regular stock price.
W. Acheson & Son
We have .decided to dispense with the usua
formal opening and to announce that our large and
attractive stock ;is now ready. We will be pleased
to have our many customers call and select from
our new and fashionable designs.
South Side of the Square GODERICH
Millinery Opening.
Miss Do wit will hold the Fall Millinery Opening at ht'r
showrooms, hing4toh1 street, on
SETEMBER 28th and 29th.
Please call andinspect the display.
MISS DONOGH, Milliner.
We Claim Your Fall Trade
II It le,Titt nn iulI-p.t vatting sense id sat Went inn in fAult
fitted Dorothy Dodd Shoe. And the (+Arm of it is, it h.' inex-
pensive. lm may have. Alines In plenty withered being extent -
agent. leer every oreesion or season, for street, Nem. or evening
weer, our gt-ent newer, hien, lined., 11»' 1.1,trput ,.tyle,
tay. imprecedent eel is the de lllll we are having for DOROTHY
DODD Shoes, and so phenomenal the inerense in etit !thew Inisinessa,
that they most foreibly nitro the nide entages .114 choice from our
• superb line. And the. teem. of your itemeetionam most earnestly
Wm. Sharman
wetweeemewee anew
on the ground of G , Stylish, Well -fitting
thing, at" extra good 'alue. It's it bum-
' ss proposition we want you t consider, wc
ca give you better clothing at btter prices "than
any ne else, then it's for you to vestigate.
We invi you to look we won't as 'oil to buy.
Take for 1 tance our 510.00 and 51100 Suits:
Our *io. Tweed
Suits. we're pro of them.
The patterns ar copied
from cloths the ailors
charge $22 for, cut the
latest style, well t m-
med a,ud properly tailor
You must see thes
suits at 510.00
' $12 Fancy Worsted
Suits, type cannot 'convey
to you the excellen 7. of
these all wool fa cy'
Worsted Suits. W%c
e a
positive if people would',
see and examine these
goods it would he hard
or us to supply the de -
and. Believe us when
say they arc really extra
looking suits and
Hy good value at
. 512.00.
Watch for our Overcoat ad. n t week.
The rrght place fne men and hove' C7rothing end Furn4shinv
4 4P,